HomeMy WebLinkAboutFDP201800015 Hydrologic/Hydraulic Calculations 2018-09-21TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. PROPOSED CROSSING OF MOORES CREEK AT WOOLEN MILLS ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA METHODS OF ANALYSIS NARRATIVE J U LY 271 2018 REVISED SEPTEMBER 21, 2018 SUBMITTED ON BEHALF OF BR MANAGEMENT P.O. Box 1099 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 PREPARED BY: TIMMONS GROUP APPROVED 1001 BOULDERS PARKWAY, SUITE 300 RICHMOND, VA 23225 TG PROJECT NUMBER: 37032 09/24/2018 FDP201800015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT SUMMARY..................................................................................................................3 2.0 HYDROLOGIC SUMMARY..........................................................................................................3 3.1 DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE MODEL......................................................................................................4 3.2 CORRECTED EFFECTIVE MODEL.....................................................................................................4 3.3 EXISTING CONDITIONS MODEL......................................................................................................7 3.4 PROPOSED CONDITIONS MODEL...................................................................................................8 4.0 RESULTS..................................................................................................................................11 5.0 CONCLUSIONS.........................................................................................................................12 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX1......................................................................................................... Effective FIRM (Annotated) APPENDIX2...................................................................................................................................Work Map APPENDIX3..............................................................................................................Effective Model (HEC 2) APPENDIX 4............................................................. Duplicate Effective Model Results (HEC-RAS 5.0.3) APPENDIX 5....................................................................Corrected Effective Model Results (HEC-RAS 5.0.3) APPENDIX 6.................................................................... Existing Conditions Model Results (HEC-RAS 5.0.3) APPENDIX 7................................................................. Proposed Conditions Model Results (HEC-RAS 5.0.3) APPENDIX8................................................................................................................................. Files on Disk ae.No. �l G NCSRF.,S049765 Woolen Mills Floodplain Study Page ii Albemarle County, VA September 21, 2018 1.0 Project Summary A hydraulic analysis has been completed on a reach of Moores Creek located within Albemarle County, Virginia to determine the impacts, if any, on the regulated floodplain associated with the construction of site improvements and grading associated with the Redevelopment plan at Woolen Mills. Refer to the construction drawings supporting the project entitled "Woolen Mills Redevelopment, Final Site Plan SDP 2017-76" dated July 27, 2018 (submitted separately for review) (submitted separately for review) for detailed information regarding site layout and proposed site geometry/grading. Moores Creek is a FEMA regulated stream, which has been studied in detail (zone AE with floodway) from its confluence with the Rivanna River to a point located just downstream of Poorhouse Road in Albemarle County. The effective study for this stream was found in the FIS for Albemarle County, Virginia and Incorporated Areas (51003CV000C), revised May 16, 2016. The stream is reflected in the current Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panel 289 (map number 51003CO289D, effective February 4, 2005) and revised with a Letter of Map Revision dated 2/7/2017, see Appendix 1. The proposed site improvements will be constructed within the FEMA-delineated 100-year (1% annual chance) floodplain and 500-year (0.2% annual chance) floodplain of Moores Creek, see the Work Map in Appendix 2. This flood study supporting the proposed redevelopment project evaluates the impacts of the proposed site grading, and includes an update to the current model to reflect current site data shown on the site survey map. An airborne survey for the project was completed on 12/25/2013 and additional topographic information was completed and integrated with the site data on 2/13/2018. This study is intended to evaluate changes, if any, to the 100-year (1% annual chance) floodplain that result from the implementation of floodplain grading, and provide this information to the community for incorporation into their floodplain management program. The hydraulic analysis was performed using HEC-RAS (v.5.0.3). 2.0 Hydrologic Summary The discharges associated with the proposed study were not changed from those utilized in the Effective model as provided by FEMA. The summary of discharges for Moores Creek provided in Table 2-1 of the Effective FIS (revised 5/16/2016) has only one flow rate, whereas the provided HEC-2 data has an additional flow change location along the watercourse. The 100-year flow rate at the subject site, however, was consistent between the two data references. Tables 2-1 and 2-2 below provide a summary of the discharges presented in the Effective FIS and the HEC-2 model input data. TABLE 2-1 Summary of Moores Creek Discharges as Published in the Effective FIS (Revised May 16, 2016) SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES (CFS)1 LOCATION DRAINAGE AREA (SQUARE MILES) 10-YEAR 50-YEAR 100-YEAR 500-YEAR At mouth 30.9 4,840 9,450 12,200 21,300 1 Effective discharges and location descriptions taken from Table 3 in the effective FIS for Albemarle County (FIS Number 51003CV000C, Revised 5/16/2016, published by FEMA). Woolen Mills Floodplain Study Page 3 Albemarle County, VA September 21, 2018 TABLE 2-2 Summary of Moores Creek Discharges Utilized in the HEC-2 Model RIVER STATION 10-YEAR 50-YEAR 100-YEAR 500-YEAR 4.0 (D) 4,650 9,150 11,650 20,250 2.0 (13) 4,840 9,450 12,200 21,300 3.0 Hydraulic Summary This section details the various model progressions completed as part of this study. In compliance with the FEMA Guidance Documents, the following model progressions have been completed as part of this study: Duplicate, Corrected, Existing Conditions and Proposed Conditions. 3.1 Duplicate Effective Model FEMA provided the effective model for Moores Creeks as a scanned microfiche hardcopy of the original HEC-2 input data, see Appendix 3. The HEC-2 model input data is dated August 1977 and assumed to be in the NGVD29 vertical datum. The flow file utilized in the HEC-2/Duplicate Effective Model applied a normal depth (s=0.001 ft/ft) based on the scaled channel slope of the Rivanna River downstream of FEMA Section A on Moores Creek. Table 3-1 provides a comparison of the HEC-2 scanned data output and the published FIS regulatory water surface elevations. Note that a vertical datum adjustment has been applied for a comparison of these elevations in the summary table. The HEC-2 model was completed in the NGVD29 vertical datum, whereas the published FIS data table utilizes the NAVD88 vertical datum. The conversion from NGVD29 to NAVD88 is achieved by subtracting 0.74-foot (Section 3.3, page 20 of the FIS). As demonstrated in Table 3-1, the computed water surface elevations in the duplicate effective model created from the HEC-2 input match those elevations provided in the effective FIS. Detailed model output from the Duplicate Effective model can be found in Appendix 4. TABLE 3-1 HEC-2 vs. FIS Published 100-yr Water Surface Elevations (Unencroached) Base Flood Water Surface Elevation FIS River Station HEC-2 Section FIS Regulatory (feet, NAVD88) FIS Without Floodway (ft, NAVD88)1 FIS Without Floodway (ft, NGVD29)1 HEC-2 WSE (ft, NGVD29)1 Duplicate Model (ft, NGVD)1 A (1175) 1.0 324.0 313.3 314.0 314.0 319.3 B (3225) 2.0 324.0 321.1 321.8 321.8 322.4 C (4500) 3.0 324.0 322.7 323.4 323.4 323.8 D (6075) 4.0 326.2 326.2 326.9 326.9 326.9 1 The project site is located within an area impacted by the backwater from the Rivanna River. The water surface elevations noted in the Floodway Data Table are computed without consideration of backwater from Rivanna River. The effective HEC-2 data included a floodway data summary table with encroachment stations. It was found that the effective floodway widths in the effective HEC-2 model match those in the FIS Floodway Data table, with the exception of Section D/RS 4.00. Table 3-2 provides a summary of the effective published floodway widths from the FIS as compared to the HEC2 floodway widths. Woolen Mills Floodplain Study Page 4 Albemarle County, VA September 21, 2018 TABLE 3-2 HEC-2 vs. FIS Published Floodway Widths FIS River Station HEC-2 Section FIS Floodway Width (ft) HEC-2 Floodway Width (ft) A (1175) 1.0 110 110 B (3225) 2.0 140 140 C (4500) 3.0 774 774 D (6075) 4.0 200 114 It is noted that the encroachment stations applied in the HEC-2 model resulted in surcharges greater than 1.0 foot within the HEC-2 output. When the duplicate model is calculated in HEC-RAS, these stations result in encroached water surface elevations greater than 1-foot above the un-encroached elevations. No corrections were made to the encroachment stations within the Duplicate Model. Table 3-3 compares the HEC-2 output encroached water surface elevations with the encroached water surface elevations published in the FIS. TABLE 3-3 HEC-2 vs. FIS Published 100-yr Water Surface Elevations (Encroached) FIS River Station HEC-2 Section FIS With Floodway Base Flood WSE (ft, NAVD88) HEC-2 DE Encroached WSE (ft, NAVD88) A (1175) 1.0 313.8 321.1 B (3225) 2.0 321.9 324.1 C (4500) 3.0 323.4 325.0 D (6075) 4.0 326.5 326.9 3.2 Corrected Effective Model Corrected Effective models are typically created when errors in the Duplicate Effective Model have been identified. These errors typically include inappropriate expansion and contraction coefficients, datum adjustments, bridge or culvert modeling errors, man-made changes prior to the Effective Model, and negative surcharges and surcharges over 1.00-foot. As noted, the HEC-2 model data was developed in August 1977 and references the NGVD29 vertical datum. The current regulatory elevations reference the NAVD88 datum. The Corrected Effective model applies a vertical elevation change to all geometry components to reference NAVD88. Cross section spatial location was determined based on the mapped location of section 1.0 (FEMA Mapped Section A) and reach lengths provided in the model. A correction was made to the reach lengths for section 1.3 to allow for the Moores Creek Lane to spatially align with the actual crossing location. The encroachment stations provided in the HEC-2 model input data result in rises greater than a foot, and at most sections, greater than two feet. An iterative process was completed for the Corrected Effective model where encroachment stations were iterated until a satisfactory floodway run was achieved. A comparison of Floodway widths between the Duplicate and Corrected Model is presented in Table 3-4. Woolen Mills Floodplain Study Page 5 Albemarle County, VA September 21, 2018 TABLE 3-4 Comparison of Floodway Widths in the Duplicate and Corrected Models HIS River Station HEC-2 Section Duplicate Effective Model Floodway Width Corrected Effective Model Floodway Width A (1175) 1.0 110 189 B (3225) 2.0 140 155 C (4500) 3.0 774 679 D (6075) 4.0 114 146 A summary of revisions made to the Duplicate Effective Model to create the Corrected model is provided in Table 3-4. TABLE 3-5 Summary of Model Revisions for the Existing Conditions Model HEC-RAS RIVER STATION EDIT # SUMMARY OF EDITS All 1 Vertical datum conversion from NGVD29 to NAVD88. Sections 2 Revise encroachment stations 1.3 1 Corrected reach lengths to align Moores Creek Lane spatially with actual conditions. The effect of correcting the reach length for section 1.3 resulted in minor changes to the Base Flood Elevation for the studied reach. A comparison between the Corrected Effective model and the Duplicate Effective model predicted water surface elevations is presented in Table 3-6. Detailed model output from the Corrected Effective model can be found in Appendix 5. TABLE 3-6 Comparison of Corrected Effective and Duplicate Effective Models Duplicate Model Duplicate Model Corrected Model Comparison Cross Section Profile W.S. Elevl W.S. Elevl W.S. Elevl z� WSE (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) NGVD 29 NAVD 88 NAVD 88 4.0 100yr 326.94 326.20 326.2 0.00 3.9 100yr 325.85 325.11 325.12 0.01 3.8 100yr 324.66 323.92 323.94 0.02 3.7 100yr 323.15 322.41 322.48 0.07 3.0 100yr 323.81 323.07 323.13 0.06 2.0 100yr 322.42 321.68 321.77 0.09 1.7 100yr 321.88 321.14 321.24 0.10 1.6 100yr 321.86 321.12 321.23 0.11 1.5 Moores Creek Lane Woolen Mills Floodplain Study Page 6 Albemarle County, VA September 21, 2018 Duplicate Model Duplicate Model Corrected Model Comparison Cross Section Profile W.S. Elev1 W.S. Elev1 W.S. Elev1 z� WSE (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) NGVD 29 1 NAVD 88 NAVD 88 1.4 100yr 321.84 321.10 321.21 0.11 1.3 100yr 321.2 320.46 320.59 0.13 1.0 100yr 319.31 318.57 318.57 0.00 1 The project site is located within an area impacted by the backwater from the Rivanna River. The water surface elevations noted in Table 3-6 are computed without consideration of backwater from Rivanna River. 3.3 Existing Conditions Model The Corrected Effective Model served as the basis for the development of the Existing Conditions Model. Six (6) cross sections (sections 1669.52, 1617.52, 1570.82, 1491.63, 1337.95, 930.24) were inserted into the model along Moores Creek in the vicinity of the planned site improvements. The new stream sections were developed using a surface comprised of field survey. Channel and floodplain Manning's n values for the new sections were selected based on field conditions and with deference to the values used along the reach within the Duplicate Effective Model. All floodplain cross sections in the model were renamed based on river station. GIS cut line data was added to the model for all sections, however, the geometry data for the corrected effective sections remained unchanged except as indicated in Table 3-6. Table 3-6 summarizes edits made to the Corrected Effective model to create the Existing Conditions model. TABLE 3-6 Summary of Model Revisions for the Existing Conditions Model HEC-RAS RIVER STATION EDIT # SUMMARY OF EDITS All Sections 1 2 Provided GIS cut line data based on spatial location. (Geometry supporting the cross sections was not edited.) Renamed sections based on river stations. 2897.3 (Section 1.3) 1 Revised reach length to account for new downstream section. 1669.52 1 Added Section 1617.52 1 Added Section 1570.82 1 Added Section 1491.63 1 Added Section 1337.95 1 Added Section 1175 (Section 1.0) 1 2 Station -Elevation data updated based on surveyed topography. Revised reach length to account for new downstream section. 930.24 1 Added Section Refer to Table 3-7 for a comparison of predicted water surface elevations. The addition of the six (6) cross sections and geometry update for section 1175 resulted in lower base flood water surface elevations within the studied reach. The changes in predicted water surface elevations can be Woolen Mills Floodplain Study Page 7 Albemarle County, VA September 21, 2018 attributed to increased flow area due to the geometry data update at section 1175 and new sections added and changes in overall slope associated with the additional cross sections. Detailed output from the Existing Conditions Model can be found in Appendix 6. TABLE 3-7 Comparison of Existing Conditions and Corrected Effective Models Cross Section River Station Profile Corrected Model Existing Model Comparsion W.S. Elev W.S. Elev WSE (ft), NAVD88 (ft), NAVD88 (ft) 4.0 6105.59 100yr 326.20 326.19 -0.01 3.9 5880.59 100yr 325.12 325.09 -0.03 3.8 5655.59 100yr 323.94 323.88 -0.06 3.7 5430.59 100yr 322.48 322.26 -0.22 3.0 4605.21 100yr 323.13 322.93 -0.20 2.0 3330.57 100yr 321.77 321.49 -0.28 1.7 3013.03 100yr 321.24 320.91 -0.33 1.6 2963.24 100yr 321.23 320.90 -0.33 1.5 2955 100yr Moores Creek Lane 1.4 2947.03 100yr 321.21 320.87 -0.34 1.3 2897.3 100yr 320.59 320.19 -0.40 -- 1669.52 100yr -- 315.92 -- -- 1617.52 100yr -- 315.86 -- -- 1570.82 100yr -- 315.90 -- -- 1491.63 100yr -- 315.80 -- -- 1337.95 100yr -- 315.54 -- 1.0 1175 100yr 318.57 1 315.16 1 -3.41 -- 930.24 100yr -- 1 315.04 1 -- 1 The project site is located within an area impacted by the backwater from the Rivanna River. The water surface elevations noted in Table 3-6 are computed without consideration of backwater from Rivanna River. The existing conditions floodway model utilized the same encroachment stations specified in the Corrected Effective Model, including the adjustments made at river. Encroachment stations for the sections added to the model were measured off the effective mapping and iterated as required to achieve a satisfactory floodway computation. Table 3-8 provides a comparison of floodway widths between the Corrected and Existing Models. Table 3-9 provides a comparison of encroached water surface elevations for the Corrected and Existing Models. Woolen Mills Floodplain Study Page 8 Albemarle County, VA September 21, 2018 TABLE 3-8 Comparison of Floodway Widths for Corrected and Existing Models HEC-2 Section HEC-RAS River Station Floodway Widths Corrected Model Existing Model 4.0 6105.59 146 146 3.9 5880.59 146 146 3.8 5655.59 146 146 3.7 5430.59 148 148 3.0 4605.21 679 679 2.0 3330.57 155 155 1.7 3013.03 124 124 1.6 2963.24 320 320 1.5 2955 0 0 1.4 2947.03 320 320 HEC-2 Section HEC-RAS River Station Floodway Widths Corrected Model Existing Model 1.3 2897.3 121 121 -- 1669.52 -- 91 -- 1617.52 -- 93 -- 1570.82 -- 95 -- 1491.63 - 118 -- 1337.95 -- 125.65 1.0 1175 189 102 -- 930.24 -- 115.33 TABLE 3-9 Comparison of Encroached Water Surface Elevations for Corrected and Existing Models Section River Station Profile Encroached WSEs Comparison (ft) Corrected Model Existing Model 4.0 6105.59 100yr FW 326.91 326.86 -0.05 3.9 5880.59 100yr FW 325.78 325.7 -0.08 3.8 5655.59 100yr FW 324.57 324.44 -0.13 3.7 5430.59 100yr FW 323.34 323.07 -0.27 3.0 4605.21 100yr FW 323.97 323.7 -0.27 2.0 3330.57 100yr FW 322.73 322.37 -0.36 1.7 3013.03 100yr FW 322.08 321.67 -0.41 1.6 2963.24 100yr FW 322.1 321.69 -0.41 1.5 V955 BR L 100yr FW 322.1 321.69 -0.41 2955 BR I 100yr FW 322.08 321.67 -0.41 1.4 2947.03 100yr FW 322.08 321.67 -0.41 1.3 2897.3 100yr FW 321.17 320.69 -0.48 -- 1669.52 100yr FW -- 316.55 -- -- 1617.52 100yr FW -- 316.4 -- -- 1570.82 100yr FW -- 316.37 -- -- 1491.63 100yr FW -- 316.28 -- -- 1337.95 100yr FW -- 316.02 -- 1.0 1175 100yr FW 319.17 315.33 -3.84 -- 930.24 100yr FW I -- 315.42 -- Woolen Mills Floodplain Study Page 9 Albemarle County, VA September 21, 2018 3.4 Proposed Conditions Model The Existing Conditions Model served as the basis for the Proposed Conditions Model. A digital terrain surface was made using the proposed site grading. Cross section geometry was updated for all sections that intersected the proposed site improvements. Encroachment stations applied in the existing conditions floodway model were retained for the proposed conditions floodway model. Table-10 provides a summary of all edits to the Proposed Conditions Model. Refer to Tables 3-11 and 3- 12 for a comparison of Existing Conditions and Proposed Conditions predicted water surface elevations for both unencroached and encroached conditions. Detailed model results for the Proposed Conditions Model can be found in Appendix 7. TABLE 3-10 Summary of Model Revisions for the Proposed Conditions Model HEC-RAS RIVER STATION EDIT# SUMMARY OF EDITS 1669.52 1 Station -Elevation data updated based on proposed grading surface. 1617.52 1 Station -Elevation data updated based on proposed grading surface. 1570.82 1 Station -Elevation data updated based on proposed grading surface. 1491.63 1 Station -Elevation data updated based on proposed grading surface. 2 Ineffective Flow area defined. 1337.95 1 Station -Elevation data updated based on proposed grading surface. 2 Ineffective flow area defined. 1175 1 Station -Elevation data updated based on proposed grading surface. Woolen Mills Floodplain Study Page 10 Albemarle County, VA September 21, 2018 TABLE 3-11 Comparison of Proposed Conditions and Existing Conditions 100-year Models (Unencroached) HEC-2 Cross Section River Station FIS Regulatory BFE Existing Model Proposed Model Comparison (w/o Floodway) W.S. Elev W.S. Elev WSE (ft), NAVD88 (ft), NAVD88 (ft), NAVD88 (ft) 4.0 6105.59 326.2 326.19 326.19 0.00 3.9 5880.59 325.09 325.09 0.00 3.8 5655.59 323.88 323.88 0.00 3.7 5430.59 322.26 322.26 0.00 3.0 4605.21 324.0 322.93 322.93 0.00 2.0 3330.57 324.0 321.49 321.49 0.00 1.7 3013.03 320.91 320.91 0.00 1.6 2963.24 320.90 320.89 -0.01 1.5 2955 0.00 1.4 2947.03 320.87 320.87 0.00 1.3 2897.3 320.19 320.19 0.00 -- 1669.52 315.92 315.92 0.00 -- 1617.52 315.86 315.86 0.00 -- 1570.82 315.90 315.96 0.06 -- 1491.63 315.80 315.77 -0.03 -- 1337.95 315.54 315.54 0.00 1.0 1175 324.0 1 315.16 315.16 0.00 -- 930.24 1 315.04 315.04 0.00 1 The project site is located within an area impacted by the backwater from the Rivanna River. The water surface elevations noted in Table 3-6 are computed without consideration of backwater from Rivanna River. TABLE 3-12 Comparison of Proposed Conditions and Existing Conditions 100-year Models (Encroached) HEC-2 Cross Section River Station Existing Model Proposed Model Comparison W.S. Elev (ENCROACHED) W.S. Elev (ENCROACHED) WSE (ft), NAVD88 (ft), NAVD88 (ft) 4.0 6105.59 326.86 326.86 0.00 3.9 5880.59 325.7 325.7 0.00 3.8 1 5655.59 324.44 324.44 0.00 3.7 5430.59 323.07 323.07 0.00 3.0 4605.21 323.7 323.7 0.00 2.0 3330.57 322.37 322.37 0.00 1.7 3013.03 321.67 321.67 0.00 Woolen Mills Floodplain Study Page 11 Albemarle County, VA September 21, 2018 HEC-2 Cross Section River Station Existing Model Proposed Model Comparison W.S. Elev (ENCROACHED) W.S. Elev (ENCROACHED) WSE (ft), NAVD88 (ft), NAVD88 (ft) 1.6 2963.24 321.69 321.69 0.00 1.5 2955 BR U 321.69 321.69 0.00 1.4 2955 BR D 321.67 321.67 0.00 1.3 2947.03 321.67 321.67 0.00 -- 2897.3 320.69 320.69 0.00 -- 1669.52 316.55 316.55 0.00 -- 1617.52 316.4 316.4 0.00 -- 1570.82 316.37 316.37 0.00 -- 1491.63 316.28 316.28 0.00 -- 1337.95 316.02 316.02 0.00 1.0 1175 315.33 315.33 0.00 -- 930.24 1 315.42 1 315.42 1 0.00 1 The project site is located within an area impacted by the backwater from the Rivanna River. The water surface elevations noted in Table 3-6 are computed without consideration of backwater from Rivanna River. 4.0 Results The Proposed Conditions model indicates that a minor increase to the 100-year water surface elevation occurs along Moores Creek at one section as a result of the proposed improvements. However, it is noted that this increase occurs without consideration of the influence of the backwater condition of the Rivanna River. When the influence of the backwater condition of the Rivanna River is considered, there is no rise in the water surface elevation in this location because the water surface elevation of the Rivanna River is greater than the predicted water surface elevation along Moores Creek. Therefore, the water surface elevation of the Rivanna River is the controlling water surface elevation and the regulatory Base Flood Elevations will not change as a result of the proposed improvements. Based on these results, the study does not require a map change from FEMA prior to construction of the project and meets the criteria for a no -rise finding. 5.0 Conclusions Based on the prepared modeling, the proposed improvements associated with construction of site improvements will not increase the base flood elevations, floodway elevations or impact the floodway widths, on Moores Creek at published cross -sections in the Flood Insurance Study for Albemarle County (Community Number 510006), effective date May 16, 2016 and will not increase the base flood elevations, floodway elevations or impact the floodway widths at unpublished cross -sections in the area of the proposed development. The findings of this hydraulic analysis have been made on the basis of the site information made available to us, as well as the field inspections made by qualified personnel. The 100-year annual chance floodplain elevations reflected in this report have been determined in accordance with standard hydrologic and hydraulic techniques. While this study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted hydrologic and hydraulic modeling practices, there is always the potential that future conditions may cause or contribute to flooding not represented in this report. This study accurately and Woolen Mills Floodplain Study Page 12 Albemarle County, VA September 21, 2018 reasonably represents the Flood Hazard Areas associated with Moores Creek for the modeled storm events. Woolen Mills Floodplain Study Page 13 Albemarle County, VA September 21, 2018 APPENDIX 1 EFFECTIVE FIRM Page 1 of 6 Issue Date: September 26, 2016 Effective Date: February 6, 2017 Case No.: 16-03-1207P LOMR-APP r Federal Emergency Management Agency o,v7j,,�4_ Washington, D.C. 20472 ll n LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT COMMUNITY AND REVISION INFORMATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION BASIS OF REQUEST Albemarle County NO PROJECT FLOODWAY Virginia HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS HYDROLOGIC ANALYSIS Areas (Unincorporated ) UPDATED TOPOGRAPHIC DATA COMMUNITY COMMUNITY NO.: 510006 Woolen Mills APPROXIMATE LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE: 37.998,-78.396 IDENTIFIER SOURCE: Precision Mapping Streets DATUM: NAD 83 ANNOTATED MAPPING ENCLOSURES ANNOTATED STUDY ENCLOSURES TYPE: FIRM* NO.: 51003CO287D DATE: February 4, 2005 DATE OF EFFECTIVE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY: May 16, 2016 TYPE: FIRM* NO.: 51003CO288D DATE: February 4, 2005 PROFILES: 47P, 67P, 68P, 69P, 70P, 71P, 72P, 73P, 74P, 75P, 76P, 77P, TYPE: FIRM* NO.: 51003CO289D DATE: February 4, 2005 78P, 79P, AND 90P TYPE: FIRM* NO.: 51003CO295D DATE: February 4, 2005 FLOODWAY DATA TABLE: 5 TYPE: FIRM* NO.: 51003CO450D DATE: February 4, 2005 SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES TABLE: 3 TYPE: FIRM* NO.: 51003CO475D DATE: February 4, 2005 Enclosures reflect changes to flooding sources affected by this revision. * FIRM - Flood Insurance Rate Map FLOODING SOURCE AND REVISED REACH See Page 2 for Additional Flooding Sources Rivanna River —from approximately 8,050 feet downstream of the confluence of Buck Island Creek tojust downstream of Richmond Road/U.S. Route 250 SUMMARY OF REVISIONS Flooding Source Effective Flooding Revised Flooding Increases Decreases Rivanna River Zone AE Zone AE YES YES Zone X (shaded) Zone X (shaded) YES YES BFEs* BFEs NONE YES Floodway Floodway YES YES * BFEs - Base Flood Elevations DETERMINATION This document provides the determination from the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding a request for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for the area described above. Using the information submitted, we have determined that a revision to the flood hazards depicted in the Flood Insurance Study (FlIS) report and/or National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map is warranted. This document revises the effective NFIP map, as indicated in the attached documentation. Please use the enclosed annotated map panels revised by this LOMR for floodplain management purposes and for all flood insurance policies and renewals in your community. This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304-4605. Additional information about the NFIP is available on our website at hftp://www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program- Patrick "Rick" F. Scott, P.E., Branch Chief Engineering Services Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 16-03-1207P 102-1-A-C Page 2 of 6 Issue Date: September 26, 2016 Effective Date: February 6, 2017 Case No.: 16-03-1207P LOMR-APP Federal Emergency Management Agency r=�}r or Washington, D.C. 20472 LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) OTHER FLOODING SOURCES AFFECTED BY THIS REVISION FLOODING SOURCES AND REVISED REACHES Moores Creek —from the confluence with the Rivanna River to approximately 1,670 feet upstream of Monticello Avenue/State Route 20 Meadow Branch — from the confluence with the Rivanna River to approximately 2,070 feet upstream of the confluence with the Rivanna River Indian Branch - from the confluence with the Rivanna River to approximately 1,520 feet upstream of the confluence with the Rivanna River SUMMARY OF REVISIONS Flooding Source Effective Flooding Revised Flooding Increases Decreases Moores Creek Zone AE Zone AE YES YES BFEs* BFEs NONE YES Zone X (shaded) Zone X (shaded) YES YES Meadow Branch Zone AE Zone AE YES YES BFEs BFEs NONE YES Zone X (shaded) Zone X (shaded) YES YES Zone AE Zone A NONE YES Indian Branch Zone AE Zone AE YES YES BFEs BFEs NONE YES Zone X (shaded) Zone X (shaded) YES YES Zone AE Zone A NONE YES * BFEs - Base Flood Elevations This determination is based on the flood data presently available The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304-4605. Additional information about the NFIP is available on our website at hftp://www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program. Patrick "Rick" F. Sacbibit, P.E., Branch Chief Engineering Services Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 16-03-1207P 102-1-A-C Page 3 of 6 Issue Date: September 26, 2016 Effective Date: February 6, 2017 Case No.: 16-03-1207P LOMR-APP \ H' =��= Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) OTHER COMMUNITIES AFFECTED BY THIS REVISION CID Number: 510033 Name: City of Charlottesville, Virginia AFFECTED MAP PANELS AFFECTED PORTIONS OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY REPORT TYPE: FIRM* NO.: 51003CO287D DATE. February 4, 2005 DATE OF EFFECTIVE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY: May 16, 2016 TYPE: FIRM* NO.: 51003CO288D DATE February 4, 2005 PROFILES: 47P, 75P, 76P, 77P, 78P, AND 79P TYPE: FIRM* NO.: 51003CO289D DATE- February 4, 2005 FLOODWAY DATA TABLE: 5 SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES TABLE: 3 This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304-4605 Additional information about the NFIP is available on our website at hftp://www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program. Patrick "Rick" F. Sacbibit, P.E., Branch Chief Engineering Services Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 16-03-1207P 102-I-A-C Page 4 of 6 Issue Date: September 26, 2016 Effective Date: February 6, 2017 Case No.: 16-03-1207P LOMR-APP O�'rA��Fy Federal Emergency Management Agency _ Washington, D.C. 20472 ND LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION APPLICABLE NFiP REGULATIONS/COMMUNITY OBLIGATION We have made this determination pursuant to Section 206 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) and in accordance with the National Flood insurance Act of 1968, as amended (Title XIiI of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, P.L. 90-448), 42 U.S.C. 4001-4128, and 44 CFR Part 65. Pursuant to Section 1361 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended, communities participating in the NFiP are required to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations that meet or exceed NFiP criteria. These criteria, including adoption of the FIS report and FIRM, and the modifications made by this LOMR, are the minimum requirements for continued NFIP participation and do not supersede more stringent State/Commonwealth or local requirements to which the regulations apply. We provide the floodway designation to your community as a tool to regulate floodplain development. Therefore, the floodway revision we have described in this letter, while acceptable to us, must also be acceptable to your community and adopted by appropriate community action, as specified in Paragraph 60.3(d) of the NFIP regulations. COMMUNITY REMINDERS We based this determination on the 1-percent-annual-chance discharges computed in the submitted hydrologic model. Future development of projects upstream could cause increased discharges, which could cause increased flood hazards. A comprehensive restudy of your community's flood hazards would consider the cumulative effects of development on discharges and could, therefore, indicate that greater flood hazards exist in this area. Your community must regulate all proposed floodplain development and ensure that permits required by Federal and/or State/Commonwealth law have been obtained. State/Commonwealth or community officials, based on knowledge of local conditions and in the interest of safety, may set higher standards for construction or may limit development in floodplain areas. If your State/Commonwealth or community has adopted more restrictive or comprehensive floodplain management criteria, those criteria take precedence over the minimum NFIP requirements. We will not print and distribute this LOMR to primary users, such as local insurance agents or mortgage lenders; instead, the community will serve as a repository for the new data. We encourage you to disseminate the information in this LOMR by preparing a news release for publication in your community's newspaper that describes the revision and explains how your community will provide the data and help interpret the NFiP maps. In that way, interested persons, such as property owners, insurance agents, and mortgage lenders, can benefit from the information. This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304-4605. Additional information about the NFIP is available on our website at http://www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program. Patrick "Rick" F. Sacbibit, P.E., Branch Chief Engineering Services Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 16-03-1207P 102-1-A-C Page 5 of 6 I Issue Date: September 26, 2016 I Effective Date: February 6, 2017 1 Case No.: 16-03-1207P _ I LOMR-APP °^ Federal Emergency Management Agency x Washington, D.C. 20472 LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) We have designated a Consultation Coordination Officer (CCO) to assist your community. The CCO will be the primary liaison between your community and FEMA. For information regarding your CCO, please contact: Mr. Eugene K. Gruber Director, Mitigation Division Federal Emergency Management Agency, Region III One Independence Mall, Sixth Floor 615 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106-4404 (215)931-5512 STATUS OF THE COMMUNITY NFIP MAPS We will not physically revise and republish the FIRM and FIS report for your community to reflect the modifications made by this LOMR at this time. When changes to the previously cited FIRM panels and FIS reportwarrant physical revision and republication in the future, we will incorporate the modifications made by this LOMR at that time. This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304-4605. Additional information about the NFIP is available on our website at hftp://www.fema.gov/national-flood-insuranr-e-program. Patrick "Rick" F. Sacbibit, P.E., Branch Chief Engineering Services Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 16-03-1207P 102-1-A-C Page 6 of 6 Issue Date: September 26, 2016 Effective Date: February 6, 2017 Case No.: 16-03-1207P LOMR-APP hit 9ST I .;, Federal Emergency Management Agency !T1 �r Washington, D.C. 20472 aNn S` LETTER OF MAP REVISION DETERMINATION DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF REVISION A notice of changes will be published in the Federal Register. This information also will be published in your local newspaper on or about the dates listed below, and through FEMA's Flood Hazard Mapping website at https://www.floodmaps.fema.gov/flimibfe—statusibfe_main.asp. LOCAL NEWSPAPER Name: The Daily Progress Dates: September 30, 2016 and October 7, 2016 Within 90 days of the second publication in the local newspaper, any interested party may request that we reconsider this determination. Any request for reconsideration must be based on scientific or technical data. Therefore, this letter will be effective only after the 90-day appeal period has elapsed and we have resolved any appeals that we receive during this appeal period. Until this LOMR is effective, the revised flood hazard determination presented in this LOMR may be changed. This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange toll free at 1-877-336-2627 (1-877-FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the LOMC Clearinghouse, 847 South Pickett Street, Alexandria, VA 22304-4605. Additional information about the NFIP is available on our website at hftp://www.fema.gov/national-flood-insurance-program. Patrick "Rick" F. Sacbibit, P.E., Branch Chief Engineering Services Branch Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration 16-03-1207P 102-1-A-C TABLE 3 - SUMMARY OF DISCHARGES - continued FLOODING SOURCE DRAINAGE AREA PEAK DISCHARGES (cfs) AND LOCATION (sq. miles) 10-YEAR 50-YEAR 100-YEAR 500-YEAR NORTH FORK MEADOW CREEK At confluence with Meadow Creek 0.9 450 800 1,100 1,700 NORTH FORK RIVANNA RIVER At confluence with Rivanna River 178 17,700 31,900 39,700 62,700 At mouth 176 14,300 29,900 36,000 73,400 Upstream of Preddy Creek 122 14,100 24,700 30,000 47,200 POWELL CREEK At mouth 3.8 1,070 1,880 2,340 3,740 POWELLS CREEK At confluence with Lickinghole Creek 3.88 920 1,480 1,630 2,300 Upstream study limits 3.08 740 1,170 1,350 1,980 RIVANNA RIVER Downstream study limits 576 35,164 64,781 81,194 130,741 Upstream of Buck Island Creek 513 32,388 59,826 75,045 1249021 REVISED Upstream of Moores Creek 462 30,052 55,646 69,852 112,802 DATA ROCK CREEK At confluence with Moores Creek 1.9 1,200 2,000 2,600 4,100 At confluence of 5`h Street Creek 0.9 650 1,100 1,500 2,200 SLABTOWN BRANCH At confluence with Lickinghole Creek 1.21 600 1,060 1,240 1,820 Upstream study limits 0.11 70 120 150 210 SOUTH FORK RIVANNA RIVER At mouth 268 19,700 42,200 53,400 106,000 REVISED TO REFLECT LOMR 15 EFFECTIVE: February 6, 2017 FLOODING SOURCE FLOODWAY BASE FLOOD WATER -SURFACE ELEVATION (FEET NAVD) SECTION MEAN CROSS SECTION DISTANCE' WIDTH AREA VELOCITY REGULATORY WITHOUT WITH INCREASE (FEET) (SQUARE (FEET PER FLOODWAY FLOODWAY FEET) SECOND Moores Creek A 1,175 110 1,132 10.8 324.0 313.32 313.8 0.5 B 3,225 140 2,119 5.8 324.0 321.12 321.9 0.8 C 4,500 774 6,427 1.8 324.0 322.72 323.4 0.7 D 6,075 200 1,107 10.5 326.2 326.2 1 326.5 0.3 E 7,590 222 1,777 6.4 332.5 332.5 333.0 0.5 F 8,550 426 3,146 3.6 337.0 337.0 337.4 0.4 G 9.750 128 1,145 9.9 338.7 338.7 339.0 0.3 H 10,775 118 1,007 11.2 346.3 346.3 346.7 0.4 1 11,400 170 1,719 6.3 351.4 351.4 351.5 0.1 J 12,550 194 2,085 5.2 353.7 353.7 354.0 0.3 K 12,950 110 1,246 8.7 354.5 354.5 354.7 0.2 L 14,640 254 2,431 4.4 359.2 359.2 359.5 0.3 M 16,475 165 841 12.7 364.0 364.0 364.0 0.0 N 17,500 125 1,516 6.9 370.5 370.5 370.5 0.0 0 18,840 171 1,516 6.9 373.4 373.4 373.6 0.2 P 20,600 163 1,929 5.4 377.0 377.0 377.4 0.4 Q 21,900 132 1,586 6.4 378.7 378.7 379.1 0.4 R 23,775 640 4,939 1.5 385.6 385.6 385.7 0.1 S 25,250 200 1,182 5.8 385.9 385.9 386.0 0.1 T 27,300 304 2,096 3.3 389.9 i 389.9 390.4 0.5 U 27.800 318 2,136 2.9 393.9 393.9 394.0 0.1 REVISED i DATA 'Feet above confluence with Rivanna River 2Elevation computed without consideration of backwater from Rivanna River FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY n ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VA AND INCORPORATED AREAS M AND THE INDEPENDENT CITY cn OF CHARLOTTESVILLE REVISED TO REFLECT LOMR EFFECTIVE: February 6, 2017 FLOODWAY DATA MOORES CREEK 01 2 G ?oo w p z p w N ri `"m ¢o � — w z U' rj N o o l Z,. �V Q OC Qoa „wG _ U a_ LL% o > u LL o _ WBJT Wd 83ueansul pool) IBuolIBN � O O .-I 12 v N4 Eo �E 0 m o U LLI -j �3 0 o W V) a Z APPENDIX 2 WORK MAP s 0 Y io >, N 0 N r` N r; C 0 0 0 a 3 a Q 2 Y w O z a a 0 O O CO a) 0 9 0 9 0 NI (n _ 2I C Q O N M 0 M N 0 N J \ / - - - - - �� ' / / . 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' - W/BASEM-ENT_ - ' - _.0- '�9r9 _ ( � • � / $„ �j' %j AFPROX. \, \ � / l / I � � 111 / /\^ r - - � �_ 0 325.7 322.5 ' � - / LOCADoN OF l \ / / - - /\� � _ W �/ I / �B2" ' _ _ f�� C 26. 25 - ' - 1 - 320.00 • I / / / 30" / ' BEDROCK \ + / / l 6 / // I/ / \ \ - / , / - / /% - - - > W / /\ x� - - \ / 316. / 1 / '/ '/ / \ \ , III / /xz �'/- - - - -- - W 3 1.90 / / / 3 2.7 / BFE = 3 %-4 �� ' p -� / • I , / // TREE ��/ / // 9^ & ", / , _ - �32 .8 / 321. - - 3141J /� SYC // / / / I I / /// \/// / _ 2 Q d / / / - / / /// / _ _ _ 1 / - / / 12" 9„ / / / / / / U 0 32� / / J I / / / a // -(�- _ \ _ / - - - - / O M I / YC / / / / / , , Q - - - TREE a I / T / 11 /''' / / / - / Q \ 6 / / / /\ I / i! / - 5� - i 1 / ° 18" / / ON - / � \ t(� / / / / °' �2' ` / / , / / _ _ - - - / z \ 3�6.25 / , - - ' O - - -314.2 / O I SYCA OR / / / / / - / - � 6" \ / S/1 C M X / t / 1-1 /, , / / _// _ O / I I / _ - ' - - - - - ♦- / I I % / E / / / � / / i j/�_ =� \ PARADISE ° 12" \, +/) I %/ / // 8„ , l / / / ' % / /i _ �� \ `l / 320.3 \ _ - -_ _ _ - DATE l� / ��\, I / - - - - Q - - - ' (n� ��13. \� / /� / / ' i�-- i � - � - -a ARADISE \ / / ' / Albl �„ / / h I I / // /- / / i - i ( A f \ p/ ' 4> 8 / " ,/ / /�'/- �/ - ' / i ���� � � - J / / C� l y 1 I / // / / _- --- i // OJT/27/Y 8 / / 100 YR FLOODPLAIN � 1 � - - .R / / / , 6" / � //j vvv�� ��a T �� � rSY A/i, // ' /l v I I ' // � /i / 0 / / THE / / / DRAWN BY \ \ I 1 � / EXISTING CONDITIONS \ I I �\0 /° / % %�''/'// \ �\\\\, \ _ _ / , \ \ \ \ \ \ ) I I ' _ ' p ° TR�E ° r1 ° /� / / / / i/X / \ \\ \\\ \\\ \ - - ' - /' l l l /\ \�) l / / I / l / / /�� \ I NO BACKWATER MAPPED I � % �// ' ,'/''/,/ �,° E / // \ I I I /� \ \\\\ / 3170 I / 1ep • / / / / /i�ii// \ \ \\\\\� / //-� -' ( 11 \ / 11 ' 1 /// / / // i o/ / \ \\\ \ / / / \ / / S. REEVES \ \ I /%, / /i \ \\\ \ rREE - / / / / l l l \ \ \ \ \ I I I STORY RI 31 1 p 0314.� / / / //' \ \N: \ 13" T�° _ - 1) / / / / / / / / // / / // \ - / / / / DESIGNED BY \ •.\ SEAT WALL / / �// / // / \\\ / S C R \ _ _ - / / / /// / / / 11 I I 315.1 • / //i/i/ \ \\ �\\\ \\ \\ / F - / / / / / 26.00 W = 325.90 / / 8 O / //, / - - \ \\ \ / / - - / / / / / / / / \\ \ / '� BJILDI G I /9 / / �/ - _ � \\ \\ / / / / , // / / , l / ke 7.ao I I I '� C 316.50 • / , / // / / / /ij/// - �' \ \ \ N , \ \ ire E / / / ' / /, / //// / / C. SHIFFLETT \ \\ J 336.18 1 1/l//BASEI�iIENfT / , \ p "� , / ,, / / / - ` � \\ \ _ _ _ - ' /' / / �\ / ' p • // FLOODWAY / ��/ I- \ \ \\ \ , �\ \ / ,- / / , / //'� // / / I II CHECKED BY 17 FF - 3 6.25 / 40/ l / (MODEL) /�/ / \ \ \ \ \ , / /. / / , / / // / / 11 /I �p p • , / / // \ \\ \ / i / // Z ll \ \\\ \ \ ` I 314. / / // / / //, / / \ ` \ \\ \ ` / /, / / / / // / p�0 I II TC \ \ \\ �_ ' , LA�ITER 1 1 �./ / / / 3 .1 E / / / - �/ /, / ' \ ` \ 325.9 \ \ - v s J FF / 4. 0 Q O �" / • / / // /� / / I I \ \ \ 324. 5 �S 325. 0 327.50 \ \ \ \ \\\ \ / \ --- // / // �/ , /,/, / /, / I II 1 I \ / / \\\ \\ \ \ / -� // / �/ / / i �/ / / e' I I I J I / • C. KOTARSKI I I\ \\\\ za.a ago I / / p \ a R� °// o /j�/ / ' \ \ `� \ \ \\ \\�\N / \ `�� /////�//l l l////i/////'/// ° //�l��Ill/llll d ' . 322.4 / d l l / / / //// / ' ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ��� / // % / / / / / / /- -,�, /� / • • SCALE -' I \\\ 2 23.9 ' J�TR39FQF p/ / / / / / //j,/' \ I \ \ \\\\ / / // // /� j l % l / l/l� //, / �// / - //1111 I \I \' 100YRFLOODPLAIN l �l 914.4 / , //\< i��,//// �- \ I I \ \ \��\\ ` / / - / /, / //�//7 �l /I/�' /, i�/ter /i I 1"-30' I \ 3 4 J BS•323.90• /� �c� / / / //// \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \� // /� // / / / / / / / / /// /// / /f/ /� ( I'll I I • - PROPOSED CONDITIONS / / // , / \ /�i/ ' � _ � , � \ \ \ \ \ N \ \ C' /i �/ / / � / / // / / / / l 11 111 II • I / ' / \ iri,// / / -- -_ I \ \ \ \ \ \\ 'A / / /�' //// //. / � / // / /// I TC325.22 \ �3 .65 (NO BACKWATER MAPPED) - /„ / / / , /�i,,/ \ \ \ \ \ \\ �` -i / / ./ / / // / / �/ / I \ 1 to / \ \ \\ / \ / / / / // / / I �. BW 32$!31 p l 376'l0 � / / \ // // / � \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ � � P / / l / l / I \ \ \ \ / -��/ 7/ / / / / tS / / ' / // I I l ,-, 1 / / /Cb \ / / // / - _ \ \ \� / / / / / / / / / 1 / / / / 15 / / / / /// - \ /ice = / // � / / / / / / 1 / / / // / / _FEMA \ \ \ \ // _ / / / / / /, / x/ , / / / / / I \ o° I \ `� ,< / �/ �, _�/ / '/ / MODEL \ , \ / , / / UJ \ , 322 / / ° • ,'ri// \ \ //i /////�i/ / / // ( ) \\ \\ FLOODWAY I \\ -,N �_ _ - /�//i/ --- // / / P //%/ 'j /�%' / j/ \ \ \ \ 3f8.50\ I // / 24�CL PIPE \ / / �/ , / , �-� \ / \ \ \ � � - - - - - - -J / / / , - / / 1 I I ( / /- / / / 1 10, \ • / IK1V. UT = 304.38 \' / //� / / - ' \\ \ / / \ \ - - - -i_ _-_ -/ / / - / / / / / / \ \ I o //1�,�' / / /�/ /� / / s \ \ (EFFECTIVE) \ _ / , _ _ - - // // / _---- // I I I I // % ( / %/ z I -_ , � 317.54 • / 18� Qw / / / // / � / / Cp - - - - - - \ \ \ '�\ - - - _ - / / I I / / ' I / ,- ' \ \ T 2.Sa / • /�k �// ` // /, / / / / ' / / d \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ ^� - -" / // , / 11 I I I / / 1 // / 00 1 I \ \ � I,/ G / // /// ' / /ss------- ► \ t \ \\ _ Tier :=- J / /// �// �I� Ill , / / // /�/� Q - \ //// / / / / / /'//'/ /1\ / '/ / / / '/ / /U S / \ \ \ \ \ \ / T 1 \ I \ \ I I I °-" J TS 316.48 . • \ { / // // \ \ / / / A / - - - _ - - - - _ \ \ \ 1-1 v \ - _ / / - - - - - ---- _�/ / - / # / / / / / L // / - �_ �_\ \ _/ / / / // / /CL \ 11 I / Ts3lsso /i,� I \ I / , //d/// /- - - - - \\ �\ \ \ \\ --\ - �� _ //�_- - --- - - - _ - / /,�/� -_/ p� ///�/�%/// ///,// /////// �/ W \ I I / pI 1 B 318.90 ° f /9° // \" / //// / \ \ / / - ' - _ _ - - - - - _ � \ ` - - _ _ _ - - - _\ _� �/ - - / / / _ - d / // / \, / / / / / / I 1 / / / 1 \ > / //d/ // .1 - \\ \\ \ \ �__ -:�, _� - / / // / / //// j/, // / // ////, j// // / 0- / / / I / / / / \ \ \ ___- / 11 / \ / /\ O /n�\ry 321 J 3I,6 BW /// / / / / //� / / I / / / /' , '� - r d , I 0 -OI -q q _ - \ \ \ \ \ \ \ •�•------�/ 1r - - - - - - - - - - - / / / �/ '/ /� / j / / , / / /// / / � / / ` ' / 14 , / /, / / / / / / / / / / / -_ � - q O \ \ \ \ \ \ -, \ IN \ \ \ • • p� / ' - - _ - - - - - / / O I 6 / // // / / //'/ / / // / / / / \ / / 33 // , / / // / / /--0\-�- -- �/ q q _ \_ \ / 01 a /,/j/�/ - / / / /// / '//// / T ITS 315.0 J / / , � / / / / / / \ O% \ , \ \ \ \ \ / - / _\ /% -/ / / , / - /-// \ / J TS 1.18 'J / ° // \ // / / / / �/ / , 6 O- __=�pOr\\\\\\\ \-_ \, _ �� �O\ / i'//��///, i J// / l/ll//, /, / w 1 / %/ / / , , f�, // _ _� _ ___ \ q \ \ - 100 YR FLOODPLAIN - _ _ - / /// --_-_ / / / // / / / _ / / / / / / / '01/ (P - \ - 318.54 // / / / / d' / i \ O \ \ i / / i i / /l l / �� a \ EXISTING/PROPOSED MODEL - - - - - - / // - ' 'i% // / - - % / / // / I / / / / / ,0 / / _' \ \\ \ \ _ /' / / / / \ \ \ \O/- � // i / / ,-,/ l l / / / / / / / / - _ _ Cry - - _ \ \ °T , \ NO BACKWATER MAPPED of -` / ' /// / / _ _ - . �/ / / /- 323 89 / // / / / / - I \ \ O i� / / / / / _ r/�' / / ' / / \ f O / l l I 316.18 / // / / / / / / / // // j / '� \ \ \ \ ( ) a Oi / - / / / / / / l l 11 // - - / // /// / / / �i NN \�' /' // / o / / / I s3 / / / / / // / / , �/ / /// - - _ m 'n \ T \ - - - ` _ / \/ a / // /' / J ll�lll /// i _ ///�/// / / // / / / 7// // / / V, \ i / / / / / / / ^ / / / / o �_� __ / / / / / / / l / / / / / / / / / / / - \ \ p / / O / / / �� I� - - d / �/ Q// / I I TW315.50 „//// / ,/ // / / / / / / �/ 6' /- // / / --_ �c,9A C7 - - \ \ 3 q - - - / /d ° i // - / / // / / / / j /// 111 / I//� _ _ f� // �// Z ad / / Q / ^ BW31350 / /, / / / , �// //� / / - _ V' - ��_ -N \\ \ _ / - .11 / / / / // / � // SK22.34 , `I /a // /� / / / /�// /�/gyp/ /, / / / /- - _--_� ��� �_ \ \ \ /- / d (� -, , / / / // / / // // , // / // / / '� / 315.40 / / / / / / / / _ _ / / / / \ i gaol / / / / - / // / ^ /623.60 / / / / _ / / / / Lu - / / // I ° !// i/ / / // ✓ d ///' / I // / --- � �-___ �\ '\ \ \ - _ - �_ W - / / // %/-/- / //� ///// `�- /L G � \ / // , // /✓ / / // / // / � / / // / // - /- / / / / / /// / // - / _ _ _ _ / / / / / / / / / / / / / _ z \ _ \ ///� / - -/ / / / DI I \ ///// / // / / / // d/ / // // / // - - / - - - _ - - \ \ - _ \ \ \ ,\ _ _ - _ i / N - / / / / // / - -- - // / / / /L /)< / / / / . W FEMA 100YR _ / - ; - // // /// //�, / _ O p I \ 6 /U / // / / / // // , ///, / / \ \ \ \ - \\ \ \ � / - / O I I �\ \ //7 EE // ' / / �1 / / / e*1 j///y / / // / / ' ,,- - - - / � - \� -fl \ \ \ - "_ = i - �-i -' - - _ -i - / // � \ l / / / / / / 1--- / --- \ \ _ _ \ \ \ \ i - �/ / i // -ii -/ � / i \ \ \ \ \ \ / / // '/ / / 47/// / ///6/� / / .O , / / - _ _ \ \ - �\ _ \ \ _ - _ - _ � �- �/ /i i // -i O SYCAMO \ 8\ l //// / / / / //�// �/�/ / // / / // /-------_ \ \ -- -- \ \ \ -- - -_ - / //- / /' / i \ Q / \ \�� \ \ �- / - - / - / - \ c 330.00 /r5`L p \ / /l/jddEE / / /� / / / / /// // // / / / / / / i_ - / /' - _ _ ` \ N \ - _ - _ - -\ � �- _ _ _ _ _ - /// / -::�_' //�- -/ -- /j � - \ \ / ,/ /l /,� / / / ///7p// ///_ / / /i/ / '�'// /- ------ __ m - \ _ %'//// /%%- (A w o I \ / / 11 l l /�-- / / / / / / / / W /, / ///d/� // ' /// / // '/ ' - ' ' \ (� _ - - - _ _ - _ _ - - ' / jj /i/��� � jam ' m f _ // / / J / / I TREEI \ // /ll / ///// / / ' / / //•/ / /, //v / , // /, � �/ // , / / - - ___ - - - - - - _ \ 7 \ \ \ \ _ - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - / / % / j - \ \ \ (^ Q / / / / , / , / /// //%/'I'�////// / / \ O \ %� \/' jam/ i /TRIPLE . / // // // ' / / /// 4, // / 1/ / // / ,- LEGEND / \ - -- ''%;s�ii\; -Z - O / REE / // / / / / / / / // /, / // / \ 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '- ' % % \ � � _ - - -- \��-- 0 0/ �„ TREE \ j -�/ / / l�/, l / / / / // / /�//� / /�//\ /� , //// // i�� EXISTING100-YR \ \ � � �� %'�''-- \ \ \ \ \ - - � _ 11 � -4 � - TREE/ -J \ / f��/ ///// � / //�/' y 1 //, /�/////�/// '/ / / / o0000 \_ _-_ - i - _-_ - _ �o� - / / ° // /l / / / / / // // / ///a �� // /i/ / / //// // /�/ / FLOODPLAIN LIMITS - _ \ NOTES: - - \ _� / \ . \ / // / / / ///// / / / / // / // / /j//// V/ /// / / / / / / \ - - - / / / I ft // / / / /, /� L // / / / / / / / - 1. TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY DATUM: NAVD88. ` - , 12" \ 9 9" / / /// // / // // 7 / / / // // / � / / \ \ - - - - ; _ _ TREE REE / // / / �" l / / / / / / / / I /i S // /� /i / / / - - - - - EXISTING CONTOUR \ / / DOUBLE \ / / / /l// l / / '/i�'/ ` // / �, / / // ///' / / \ _ _ _ _ _ 2. AN AIRBORNE SURVEY FOR THE PROJECT WAS COMPLETED ON 12 25 2013 AND ADDITIONAL - - _ \ \ TREE \ ° 8„ / / // / / / / / l / // l/ / / , / / / / 'U / /// � O / / /, / , / / / 10 OF / _ , / - - \ TREE /- `/// // / O �/ // / l / / / / /r/,/ j / / /0 ////, //� . //, / , // / / / / / / \ - - - - - - - - TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION WAS COMPLETED AND INTEGRATED WITH TEH SITE DAT ON 2/13/2018. ; \ , \ z i 18 _ 1' l / / l / // - ' /// �/i // / /i / / /I / ' / / / / ' • • • • PROPOSED 100-YR _ _ _ _ _ _ \ \ NCB I i / s' / , / , / p / , / , , / �- 3. EFFECTIVE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP #51003CO289D, PANEL 289, FEBRUARY 4, 2005. PROJECT ; ; i� TEE lll/ / // l/ / '/ / l / //11 �////� / , / // / / / - \\ \\ \ / I - / / 91, / tR�L / /,/ / // / / / / / 6 /j , ,� ,� / / , // FLOODPLAIN LIMITS - \ -;�%�' LOCATED IN ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. - `/ \ j / / / - / I ! / r+TRE • ° �l� /l / //// / / / / / /�,/ j o /A // /j, /� /j / /// /, /i // / '/ �, FLOODPLAIN - - - _ -- - - 4. LIMITS OF EFFECTIVE FLOODWAY AND EFFECTIVE FLOODPLAIN SHOWN ON THIS MAP AREA AS - J \ \ / / ,� - - I \ / 1 / / ,/ / / / / ,/ / //, / /' / " I j / / / ,/ / / / / PROPOSED CONTOUR - , \ � - ' • \ / - _ I < \ y I I / , / // /�, /// /// / / / / / / / / _ _ _ -, - PROVIDED IN BY FEMA IN RESPONSE TO A DATA REQUEST. \ \ - \ // i i!•' \ \\ • 6' l /// / l //// / /d // " // / , /, // / / / / / / _ - - - - % \ \ - \ \ 8" rR� I I I / l /// /,/ / / / ,7 , / / / / _ - o 5. THE EXISTING AND PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN LIMITS ALONG MOORES CREEK HAVE BEEN MAPPED O I I I 1 / / / / I / (5 / / // // / / /// // / / / / / / � � FLOODWAY MODEL - , ' \ \\ rR I I I / // /, / I /, / /, 6 / / // / / / / , / / / _ �, _ - , _ - WITHOUT CONSIDERATION OF THE BACKWATER FROM THE RIVANNA RIVER. THE EFFECTIVE \ li / II I I /a, / / /� / // / / / / , -; \ \ \ \ 1 1 \\ I \ 44f I I I J /I / /// // / / // ///// / / / /// �// / // / / / / / / / %, / -; - - \ \ FLOODPLAIN ALONG MOORES CREEK IS MAPPED WITH CONSIDERATION OF THE BACKWATER \ \ \ \0 \\ `�/ I I /II �l,ll// / / / /�/lI l/%//i,�/i%�/i/i �S� //, //,// //////, //'/ FLOODPLAIN -- - -_\ \\ \\ \ / / I��q� II l// / v/// J //� // ,////, / / // /i 4 ' / / / / / / / CROSS SECTION i \ \ / / - -\ CREATED BY THE RIVANNA RIVER. I III l// ll/ / / // 11 v r////i�/ // �///'j/'// /� / // /, // / / / / / / 3: 11 \ \ I I I / // / / ,/ 9 / // / // // / / �/ /, // / / / / \ ABBREVIATIONS: \ / / / / // // / / / // / / - / / EFFECTIVE 100-YR \ \ \ I 1 / //// // / / / , / //�/ � / // / // // // // /// - / / / / I 0 d a 0 - _ \ IRS = RIVER STATION ' \ \ \ I 1 I f ' / /' '' / /'/ ' / ,,%'/ / // / ' / FLOODPLAIN LIMITS \ \ \ \ / \ is nl'i III / 111// 111 / / / / / '�, '/C�i // �'�/ /// /j // // i / / - - / / \ \ \ \ \ 711 // WSE = WATER SURFACE ELEVATION \ \ \ \ I I l 11// ll/ / / / / / / /,///� / //,, V //, /i, / /i�, / / '/ / // / ' \ \ / / // // - / /�\\ \ I f // // j// //O.//��/// , 99 /,/ / , // / / ,- / / /// _ \ BFE =BASE FLOOD ELEVATION �, \ \ \ .� - - / /// / / / / / /// /// /i, / /, ' /� / / / / / / / _ _ _ EFFECTIVE sl( a RE l lll/ 111 l / / / i/ //� ' / //i /// S // // / /' /' /3� / / ' / /' / _ _ ` - - 100-YR FLOODPLAIN = 1 %ANNUAL CHANCE RAINFALL EVENT FLOODPLAIN 00 \ \ 11 � / / j/1 i'// ' / / /'i, '/ '// /� �// / / / / //� ,- FLOODWAY LIMITS \ \ \ \ - / // /// / �/ // / / // /, / / , / / / / , / _ _ FIS = FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY Q \ // / / //// // // / ''/ /'// '/ / // '//'/ /' / i' / \ \ \ z \ \ \ �� / / / / / / / / / '/ // '/ / / ' / / / - - PROPOSED \ \ 11 / / // / /-- JOB NO. / /// //// ( �/ /�/ // ///// //I //'/ / /// //i/,'�/, // /'/ // / ' / / i'//� / / / _ - - \ I M 0 M • FLOODPLAIN \ 1-1 l/ / /,/ //// /, /// /,/ // /j/ / // /, / // / '/ BACKWATER \ SCALE 1"=30' 37032 //// /// / �/ / / / /// �// / // /�/ / // / / / ' / / / / ,��• 0 \\ / l/, / / I // �/ ////// / / // / // / / / / / . j-*, "0 \ \ _ _ CONSIDERED \ // I 11 // // // , / / //, / / / / / / \ // I I / ///r/y /// // / // /// / // /, // / / / /// / / / \ \ \ SHEET NO. / / /// / / / /// / // ////// ///, // / / / / / / \ , ,l////// l /�I l///�� ill/////ll/l / l//// //// /'/, //// //, /, � / //,'/ / / z// / \ _ - _ � 0 30 60 \ / /Abl I1/1./]!/ I l I'll,I///, l ///, //// ///.%//,/// // / // -',// �, / / \ - \ \ EX 1 0 7 -0 N 0 C > 0 0 0 co s 0 0 0 2- , 0- > C 2 O 0 am 0 Q 0 C m 0 C cc V_ Cu 0- 0 N O 3 C -0a 50 -0 f]f o O 2 Z DO �� 0 >. 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P-50 $27 67 0,40 27 7 463 10 fM I 10 00 150.75 175,15 .21000O 410-000 1:00 q 00 OR' .7 750 53,11 4 53 243 0.14 13 1.97" 00 • 2 0 S OD -29.5 :23 9, 00 5 �s O'bo. ;,tBs Do '7 75 4130, On 07 0 0 2U50 .125i­ 4 27A, 130*00 .67 T,760 5 'S 4 , 43 253190 18.A3 Ps 197.0(451.609 237 s5b I 7�v 5 091 278SO30!197" ,rt , 34 7. 536 12 .0 hi UJI0. .7too p P10 .5 A0, 'RI '100 5-3.6 ;3 7 0 a5 308- 6 4' 136 "k)o on 9 V T d 80.1 . 4 1.3 0, 0 (1 . . 3 :16 o 7.190 '536 IRY' 0 35Z,35 7 V,4$ 01 197 .00 ? o 1�0, C! ziQ0 4 513 6 6 3 -.08 8 '1 SQ 60 13 0" 0 0 1.97,00 203 '00 R57,00 00 1.27,00 D: 314 P95 '17 w -0 ; 00 00 of Aq 141 33 T20 A9.4 .60 9 55 00: 160.,, LI. s. 'r .i Ll r i } C115EL C)IF4;8P .. (1l1:.` -8TA T EhCI STChL STCHR 3TEKCR N08T . ti E f fi 9,J00 Q,� 2�4.1b 1US 2N 0 __,�;.;,_ +: r .....;�45:00-�r347-,pC. G f 339..27 1:,g3a�1S. �Oc�9 171:24 c'Sx'�l)i) �51 st�U 29'q" 60 -14 �1l? v �!' ?,19,,56 0. 295o•J. 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SFt. 3;C3U RC.F1.1 En 2 ED'?r<2AL3'ATTEMP'iE TO 0A.1.AIiCs" ,u :' '...It 41,1�'-I.1y1,i•__--�EGi��__---1t,J.QU_.__.r"�OF�:IISE�:_1 .-.•....+. - CAt)Tlpv SEG'+U" k t){1 PROFILE-: �I .. .. . ----.__._.------._....._..-----------_-._-•_-• --•------•---- .. . . �. ,.. ,_ ROFILE- I �IN1 NUH 5PECIFIC 1,dEitt:'! ,o CAUTini; 3E'!a'.'0z 4,ouo' PROFILE'= 2 CRITICAL nFPTH A-SSl1M,E0 _...CALJJT.j W: L ...SE:cuu... _ ._ .4 "Mo-r.._....P..t.IF1Lf-:.2. .MI;sI t;uN ..9,'Er IE_Ii....EwEilGy l� 4,3'30 p(iIIFILE:-:.i NYVR6ULIC Jt`�P 0-.8 .-L41J.LYt3tP�IIO.___ _.4.c5aQ.. PRDf:XI.E'.;._2.,...Fi,YI?i�•l;l.C-:.J.U>;_A B _.. _:.... __ _ fir. ''.:-CEIIJ $L`C4�ti:2 . - 1i_3nt)•. 'pl$(] 7LEt 1 ;;L'R7rTiL':�i •t� t1TN �r?!1'311M€i1.:: r. 1 ���le _4 Mm" MUM 1,49 i4 0'" I CAUT 10%, 'HcNaz 5.46,0 00orTLEP. vi CRITICAL DEPTH. ASWEDC' -ft ilk tkUY 1.11t4 StCNOZ 5,40 PROF ILE 2 1 M p4l m u ti ;PEV,,f 1C t8FRGY IL '�f.ClFlc� ENERGY T J M I t� MLit4 I EC t404 PROVI 'Ia. 1:. _HvbHAULlC--.-JU,tP D,bt ....... C A U I I Q Ur.'lDX S 41 b 0 0 e. GIF..- A lqo XJ'F r424%1 p9q)Ft1,tx 20 T41AL9'ATTFMPTLl)'TU BAIANCE Wirl. A- 4. A55ii-nE.0 9 I N I HUH BPECIFIC "Ep(ly ICAU1104 Mrii0l 9 t� PR�n I L.C. I ;1,010t. E 2 c"ll ItAk, TI1 'EPT)i C A tj T t Q 4 $c C N�ll 1is isillikii qnF ILL 0 R", 'tV t ', :% 3 P Lt I F I C L!l F, H A, PAUTTLIN lifit:r09- YoW !OR OKI 1, t I CRITICAL DEPTJ ASSUME, t A U 14 W1404. 9 516, pRUFIL'v , 4jmUm.BFLCjF.lC ENk:RGV I 1! A 8 L F. 0101110M PACIFIC ENLROV Vj T 10 .4 r. Pi'l ILE T.; �oALANC a E I- C A b T 1 Q c h 0 P4QFILkx I a6 T41A43 ATM4PTEC L ASSUMED 9.5zoi I'll-nFIL0 CqjTjC9L OEPTH A33 CAUT p 52D_ P 14 E PRO8 Ad LE r"lNIJ'lWL a lCIFIC er4ef?.sy aD T41JA1.3 WF07tt) TO 13ALANU WUL !45[t, aSSutjEo vkaefl Q., C A OT VU 3kc N112 9,514c, 0.r!if.14kx 1 20 TNtAL6 ATTEHOUD 70 04ANCE WOU (IN kl%N 0-1 CA Ul I wi atulon 40"0 PNOFILfs 2 oSEL ABSIJM�*P AASO R of TL 1, 4 a. : It VIM Xr �A i. .1 i lf,,ZA W .1 L 31 wX; in 41W Ali - _0 6i -M IN __l.L0auAAT_ATkt, MURES_C.RkEK_ .1-00 .,YEAR-;,hA­ . ...... . .. ........... .. f.�-_­#RONLE NN A 8 T A 7 1 UN WIDTH SECI ION MEAN Z WITOUT DIFPERENCE (FT) ARrh VELOCITY ;'FLOOOwk7 FL00DV*Y 4`4 rib qf. !- - boo 16113 SO 0 0 18020 6o5' 32149 3210 .42.4 ....... ...... . 000 1 Q 14' 32q li 1 323 jA 30700 054 1014., jigs. c,M e 4 104 W :.3040 3 213,1 S... 3 tilt, 109a.l. 10:1 3 a6 'I 32 Ca 093. 101, 1107105 32712 3e669 03i X 5100U0 ,g,5!: .5.0 i 00 s It-4 .4 .2934, 33alo f scapo 3 l3i4 .9 C,6 5:; 1. 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T': WWII T 7 SEC N 0 CNBEL H L OLU83 T 0 P ID ULU$ 9 c H 287' 6j ..0;j.o4j 10.10: 00 78 _40 5v It 3, t 004 10'.7 6 407 sal'i 09- ­-0., 4 rh 3. j(3 2 6 1) � 9,% 27 0S., • 7IP40 296.91 b2P,64 16q4,01 SO_ ha44.39 I53 o 9-h I A?640 0 04 1 014, bq 1047IA9 0,04 2 a P ?50 Z6' 0.03 297,93 G1S 73 uIPAA,03 t 4 1 549,69 36, 0 9p 91 34 d P. 5,a1 1120960. su1.93 01637 '7•7 5 0 534tso 6 141) 0 0 Or. 234p96 J OR* 93 3650.1a 0 1., 4p 7,750 ej:55 I b 1, ?60 533 u S h7 Po.4 63 605,61 e62.8 1 u 1 952 2?3,54 11413466 014 SA4,43 I If i 1) 4 3 1 -6 R 0 141y'41 5S 5 3 17 400 P56144 P 4 3 4 64 A 3 1 4 110 6 6 6 f4 6 1, 4 5 S 47 0 P? 41 a T41 740 "13 9 IS 1) 31 1?0439252OA7 7 1 ho 5 3 b I a P43,56 5? 1 7 140 A 1 0 258,56 P 4L 9 1 c"'.. 35h r 141 ij .3 , j 'A b q 20" 19 1 0�5 IMS, 15 267,45 4 4 (1I PSI) no l5I9,41 a mow--W. "Maio ip.zaiii I t, 4,u5 U.9P 31.41 1 Nf 9#7 9. oi I (i '1 111 1% 9.?b (11) 130'.17 Q I p 12.4 t 111 0 3 1 sr 9,y11: s 3 -i' 41 I19S.S'(1 Pti% 14 99? 'gh )It 1 OP 4 Irs nb P;Iji I ip rip I P1,111i AA i51 'f?§4 TA p 11,1021 5 0 A Its A 8 9dw it• gi tj 'i 4 37 gqpvhb 5, to sk 44 1 hA4*5a h Aligs 3A 141i's lei R. 40 (if SOU h 1411 b Q 58 in I r) 55 6#1 .6640oh 61402tl r1-' tau 1%1 �4 Is 4A 17.14,,91 .,so 110,1034 Q 0 1 Ise .11 P'142 h I q fj() al ',ail'. �AiII`tls;r4 tl�C►tU� 7•`.i4d 2M[1t:alkC a GHItTrA.1r f3E1'YN �!16+1►t�11 _,::F. �:: i. DWI. 'N CNW. yfq.;- 0;0`� Rog, Ltx, A W04 ',iMlNl y t , RG C AAf 24000.., p 4.0 un; . o R 10 A LWN CE- ATTEMPTEL re`UTION -8ECN0-- Hf9R'AllLlC::JLWP. Of;i 8'0 777:7r� ri,. z T'l 0 N Coozi, 19 900. 7. PROF I L E4 r V ...... ..... .. ... O'K0 T !,ON _SECOr: 9 ---------- c ul-lo!q ;Fcwa= 2.'00500 PROFILE= 4 "CRITIrm. A)EPTij k8SUIAED CAUT'ILIN -5 E.Clo- U mm 20.5no PROF ItEm 4 M1?JIfiQM ENIERG Y kill I UN 'C &er, 14 ow.i 4:6,4 0 0. P 4.0 F,.� I�E 2 u 7 HYDRA LIG-jump - 0 �5. A'UTI ON Eec0'-; 1, 11.0 0. PXQfXLE=;'3 WYORA �JC- :j U 14-P 8, -,C AjJl 11ON SFCQ0c_ - P-140FTLIF=_4 _8YOR UL-M {fU A 1) C t 1, t SECN0z 2 4 14 00 PR 0 2 cuticAl. DEPTH A33tit ED -C A U-T-1 t}-N - _4JECIN Oz. 2 4-, 40 O- - - PROF ltlu_ 2 - 1414I.MWt. SPEC.I_FlC_-ViEK-GY.­ . ........ _6 tAUMN SECINOZ; 24* 400 PROFILE; 3 CRITICAL -DEPTH"ASMmEo. CAUTION $EcrvOu a4,400 PRor-ups. 3 HINIfiUM: SPECIFIC ENEOGY.,� 6.,'UT 10,4 10. 8 E C �l IQ ? 4 61310 PRO F -11. 4 Y D R A li L I C J U P.O.S. 1 Chul luj beclqo= ?4.600 PRDFIL�c 2 HYTiR'A0Lj.0 JUMP D,S,,. _k%clW 7" 1--CA-pTION ._,3Z_GN0= PRqlF4j.E-- 3 - Hfl)RAU�-lc .... Jim ' P_o , s -- ---- a r. .24.600 PROFILE= 3 HINIMUO-SPEdIFiC EfIM4Y CAUIIts N -SECU PRnFloi-C 4 HWAULIC 'JUMP •D.Ws, C A U T 10; SECNO= I OW) PR')J=ILE= I CRITICAC, UPEPTH-ASSUMED th U T 10 '14 SFC!40� 1,000 "RqF I L Ez I FR08AHLE 6NIMUH SPECIFIC ENERGY -C ALIT I ON - Z CC N 0 l.000 -AIR-OF It-gz I ao -T TED - TO 8ALkk(:E C 1, u I I o 14 6 N o lirjOO PROFhtz'2 CNITI�%'(. -OEPTH ASSUMED 46. -CA'0711 N SP.CNDA :I , ri 09. PROF 1.1,E PR[140LE -MINIMU14 3PECI IC ENER6 t-Ez-- 2. - 20 TRY&L-5, AT-TEKP,TE0- _TO,-0,ALANCE...lAsEL._. L CAIJT tol'i SECA10= Ji,,000 PRLIFILf�- I CAITICAl. -0�,PTH A3vrJMLD C A 0 1 tl -N C N.U:z .5 , 00 a - PR V SPECIFIC. EmERGY rAUTIUy -'r 0= 3 00v. P40FIt�E= 1 ' 20 TRM5 ATTE!lPtED 'TRACANCE qSEL. CAUTIQ,4 S. E C-i 0 = 3,ogo PROFILE= 2 CRITICAL MPTH A.SSUHEO c A JT I u .4. 7o _sr?_CNoZ ..39000 PIKO F I L, E = 2 PROBABLE MLh.ImUH -'SPECIFIC. ENERGY..... . cAvT4.0r SErf4tim 3 , 0D D F R Df- I LEri 2 R0 TRIALS hTTFMPTED TO. OALANICE w,,E!. CAUTION S8CN0z 3,000 FRIF ME= 3 Ckl!TtAL`PEPTvf ASSUMED -CA0lV4 . .SFX N13=. 3,000 ..... . f4RilF.ljE=.- 3 P ii 011 -A 8 L L lf.l!.l'1Uh_SV.ECIElC. EP-LEGY C A Ll T 10 N StX'4042- 3,000 P R rJ F I I. E Q 3 20 TA14L,") AT%mpru,. Yll 8ALANCE W81:L CAUTI-ON.- _SECr�O;k_: _14,000, _PRORII.Em I CRITlXCAL..0EP.TH_.A35Ur4E0_ CAUT I 1,i 3f.r NO= 4000 PRUF I i,lo I 1IN140M. SPECIFIC ENERGY C A U T I U;v $ k C N 9 a 4 . 0 GO 9PUF%fr 2 CRIJ ICAL M11H ASSOMED .(:.A WT I ON SEC., 4 4000 119PEC IF I CAllT:I nm scr.w)x 14,000- PQ0FILE-- 3 CRITICAL DEPTH AS,5u8EV C A6 Tl 6m dECNU;' .46000 I -IN' OF t L C c 3 441NI110 SPFCIFIC ENERGY 'CIA sec-NoX... a."000 _RRUF ILE= 'I CRITICAL.'DEPTH:'AM,�MEU. CAUTIW4 SM40z 4,00.0 viZQFTLE= a MlNrllW,l SPECIFIC ENERGY CAUTIUk -3FV40Z 4,580 PROF.Lm HYDRAU1,1C JU.' C A'u T I b q 8ECmU- 4,560 PslcFXiE= 4 yDR4bt.1C JUMP 9.So CA-ul 14114. -SEC-4au­ AIRGF.41,Ec>,t) CAUT101-i 3ECNUu 5,000 PROFILE= PNOFILE.2 A P9di3A8j,E "INI 'mUM SPECIFTC FNFRGY. M5. C A IJ t $ECNO; 5 o 00 0 20 TRIALS ATTF.MPTEri TO 6ALANCE %SUL C Aii-T-1 oN. 3 EC N 0 9 -C fl X 7 1 C A L 1) EP I ..A 8 $LlMfW- CAU T I U N SECA.140m. 51*0110 PRIIFJCE= rP 8 t- E m I N 111, U h $ 0 Et";I F IC E. N L K G I CAIJT t ON SECNOA 000 P 9 0 F 1 2 PQ T.111ALS, ATTEMPTED : TO BALANCE ;ASEL :2 60TION Ph 11T T mJ SECNP'. s V r g.4 5,300 s; -x a n PROF Il Ez kril: T1 F 4 11 CRITICAL. ;DEPTH 'AS-'5UfjiF_n T ?4 lk 11 _* Z 14 M %PFr?FTr F-'NF;?Gy' .11l:'�" ., I.•. - I .1!�� .. - __�` _ - .{:'•ti. -.Y' - - .. - - __ - --_ '; .. ..�- p85MED: '� -• ' ..: -.wMi,vY.w.wrr.�..�1N11'r,•:.a.3i...r - _ CAL�T:Ja��1 SEcwds S 4ar 1 RDF'�,IL.E>=` j 6ir=iC' r�E.R,,Y " CAPI-J N 9ECN..0 54400 P1#C•F`IL,E=-"2 _X C:<-IT.ft"A'L REOTH. ASSWO:Li µ: CAU,TION sf.c"40= 5,40o PR0F,;LE= 2. ;"f{1NIMU(A .8PEC-1F IC F"IdERuY , . CALIT.L11N 3ECNQ= 5.is01f, PRO XLEz 3 ''CRITICA.L DEPTH ASSWIEO ---GA111=�L�+�- ---& sG•t•IU--- ----a•:4�f;•-•-1'FiCF••1-I�Es;•,J.. _ �it-es.X�liy•�SPI^Gl'�jC--�I':E.R1;Y •--- ..._....__.. _.._.._ _ •. ` CA[(1 pu st Gwgc 5,400 utif? 5 :'- ' PHDFII.Eg• PRfi F u c�llricAL,' t',TH: nss:llhtED # `?II"I UIr 3PECZFIC ENEF?GY t+ . 1, ... . _t. CAUTION SEC Nb= SObCIO P4'OfI4:.E; 1 HY%FtAIII.IC Jf.11tP D"1. _.... '� CAtITit?%� 5E(;'�f1= S,Fa�JU PFti!F„ll.t= 2 'tYUi+A{ll:r.c U,y, I,f Crt_UTW)r4-,--6fCA40= CA UT; ON SSECM0= 5,600 PF1,7F1LF 4 Wt."RAldIIC;JU'�F� C It. IIT1rim 5fCji, b,00 to .. i PF'�'ILE=: t .. CRITI'GAL.,DEPI'H- A'SSUME'D• G11uTI ! _�,?•0 h,(1C,0 P,f1iFTLE= J MINT�IIJIa SPECIFIC ENERGY , ,•.._..CAU1It!v SEC,,�f1- ...... 7.UtY--.Pki1F-ILE.= r ....CRITICAL- DIFF14'r-ASSUMED .._... ....._... r.A1iTILI-t 8FC:��,. ; �;_?U Pk7FIL1, 2 -MINI!'0111 SPECIFIC E,ifRGY --.- s� �- C�tf►Y.1:n�:... 5l C!v lc..._...'.�..�.2i17:..F�t;r:IF.II.F- .2 .w$EL-. A-SSUMEVr P.ASEr 0 4 - MIN..r!-I-FF=-- . CAtlTIDL4 SEw 0W. i.?Ui, PR OFI1.F:a 2 20 TkTALS ATTEMPTEP TO RAI.ANCE •�Skl.- �� CALIT Iro4 SECNU= 1.246 PR:1FILE 4 :IYba.AIILIC .aWMF D,5, 0, . 'fl0' SFCtiu= 9,00!1 P1-11F.,1.LE= I CRITIC'A1, GE.P?,H ASSUMED - CAV110N' SEGNUF 99000 PRclFIL:F,= x PRIJIIAV{�e MIAIIhtIlr1 SPECIFIC ENERGY !. Gro11=----_9g 001.Ar ENPT. p-.:Th Fi4LAN"Ct;-.+rSl:l CAUT20N SECNO=" 9,004.: PRUPTLE:! 2 C':1TICAL DEPTH. ASSUMED CAUT,1UN $EG1#u- 9 ,0(1�''., � +,..UFI,i.c•= ? u, p�08ANL.E rl.�Ir�itat SPECIFIC Et;F, C'r �• PRUFILE-:;2 _ 20 TRIALS AT FAZH•R:TEV.. TI,I � RAI.ANCE. r:Sk:l. . •'`: ;CAUTIU^j 6FCN11= 9,000 F`RLIFIL:E ';:3 C ITTCAI. DEPTH AtSStlMEo CAUTION SErNUZ 9 000 PRIIFILE= 3 P1?L►i3fit$L ►!IA=Zlslfrl SPECIFXG ENERGY • x -- :_ CA1J1'-Iu-N ..SFCNO=-... .::y.,�(JC► ...pR(.IE.1LE» 3 ?0 .TkIA1,S AITEMPTED TG-.fiA[. ArlCE. t;•`„. CA111ID-v 6ECNn;; 9006 PROFILE:: a CRIt iCA:., nf.PTH a;I;l0wt U CAIITI`ar� SEC)!rl= 9 000 PR('',FILF•; a PR0BAOLE SPECIFIC Et•:CKCY • CA1JT10,, 8ECNO=.. 9,04l PROFILE= 4 ?li 1RtALS i1imtwTEO .TC?'.BALA'4h w3EL A to C4I1TIliry 3EC•lII- 9.510 ,c nrcifLf,= 3 CkITICAJ. PEP tH A95tINED • 4,5AD Ps0Fl1-E= A ;'iNIt4U"' Sf'F_C1FIG F.,EIaCf . !. CAUTIft:,' SECWlz 9,51(I MIFIL E= U CNTI r1,AL.. 11FP7H AS:i(WF.!1 CA117Ii.1N u►rr:l�: ra�ilfl ►;ufIFILE; 4 ;?C►:1.�t". :3PfC1fIr tNF.'ttGr • .. <r CAUTIU: SFC!,(j 9.K (, F'RI1FII.F= 1. CRITICAL, DEPTH A&SWALD cA1-IT r13x sECl:il= 9,52r, HR;.IFILFc i Pair 6AOLE rIN1I 1. M, SPt r,IF IC L!IE. (,Y •„ 9,:5P, ► 101'ILF= 1 '21,1 TRI AL4 ATTF, FTFI) .TO JUI Af,,"L >�.4f I_ CAl!yI[l+: SEi'4CJ= ��,S?() P►tI1FILI:= 2 Ch)1TIC-11. r1EPT'i A:3Si'.'tEt: ! C41)T1u? sECIq,)= 9,520 P(tIiFII.F.= 2 PRrlxp ir_H V1Ni!'iul, 5PECIFIC r.:A:EKc;r is .....C-.uT1(}:d. 3EC0 9,,13 7 20 TIl1t.I,;s....%;'fTFr;i�iF:f: 711 lidl.At.Ck. ,:;;EL - CAIJTI(:1'4 SF.CNj1= 9.52() PP#,I .1:LE= 3 Ck3TIG4'L,'q PTH A55I. si C �: '-' C4IJTJf.iv SF.CNijt..; 40520 PR`JFILE= 3 PROHA► i C .!)IlF I(: EfJEf?Cy cAuT_I.C.A 5ECNd= 4:9,42().. V R 0 F 11;• 'i 20rr{IALS�; k1TE►tNTF,ri. Tf; $al.xNr,k .;;sFI� CA trllllr. 3FC1duc 9.J21:i PRl1F1I.E .= 4 ikiTYGkI. DEPTH ASS,I^El? CAUTf11N '.AECVO= 9.52(1 RkI'FILE= d PP0HItNLF NI!!I�„J'+ :;('Ef:IFIG t. •E►tr,r e F,AUf-IG,.._..6EC"IQX .. ti,52c,...f�.t1JJF:r4:c u ?0 fkIA1.3 A1TE:�i'sk�: fnlatqr;E.. ,Sf:t. CAI)T 10 Sk(: �j0.Z 905un i1RUF I_= I PK;3APLE(I�JIJf; 'iNFC.IF'IC Etakl,f,Y 1 .;9F=:.- A:1311;40 flABLI" 01•1 MIN .0IFF.. CAt!T10N 9Fra11;- 9.540 PRPP t ?O TRIALS ATTEMPTED TO bALAI:CC �,,BLL C A In iwo 9FCN0= 9,541) Vk?9FT1_(- ? P140844LF NTh11+1-' yPFCIFIC l:!+fc�GY •!� CAUTItj.: .5F,C(lU- -904(.'•+'RUFJ_c:= A35!It1E{1 tiNSf!j l!, :4114 D,FF .a can't 1ON bec)qu= 9 * 590 PR(;F11,F'» 2 20 TRIAI:S AT rLMH'JEL TO dAL.AI4CE rl`+E.L C'AUTIUr•1 SE/,NVK .:I 9,540 PP.,, Mit P.RIJFTl.i~i..3 3 +SE ASSIlt`E 13ASF.0 (lrt rtlN t�jf,F 2rJ Tk1A1..y a1TEKRTE0 TC1 HA(:-AAICF- GAUTI0N CAUTION SfeCN(.lr r 9,540 VAOFILEP L wS1:1. AS91JIMEG BASF[, Q'I MIN OIFF Y,Fr,,NI?» 9.540 t'IHOF ILEZ 0 PC, Tk1 ALS ATTFMP-TFU Tre IIAI. AIiCF NSVI �: AAA A.XA IkA Itt kjLV.* *.A.* *-J.* A R a N A A WF,�EASE DATE',, ... ..... ...... .. ----------- 71 -mE.C2 D D AUU19-17 TRP U.J ?I 2i T T-3 70,51),)(110, 5 P;I Yk R. RIIPM�s its'. 0 P S T Vj I I Nil; H V 1. q� ­6 V L I'P L o r RF' VS h F. C A t- L DC •w 1 412! f t. *lk*4 Ik'k *I i. jEC T I i','- E `t.q ti od IA*Ibqi& 4A,041014 40401#4 AD* ob*&(4O A 4040 1*0104*4444 A A 40% A** a VR 000D AOIV :1-6 UK' Slln AIJU1417 4 A x .0 4 it a 0 A 6 t k a 6 b k,., 4 4 a A 0 It* a 14 YA 0 V SI,t.1S I c iiv 114,111 Q . If' v 1a Al L 0 C 19 1 CNN I H ITa�CE i .:i� lip, J . ir JiIAXS 'toll zm"MJRhff. X III. P r A UG I A 4 a A -4 4 Tt 'SLL Fq IN 4 Oil P 1. 11,1 R10 4s Y. 5 C v *C11 ALLUC Tltti. r"MAP"i ITAA,Cf, ij At 1 IN 3 NO #1 IN 4t 4k IN -44 A A 4 *.4 aj 41 A OkA it A to A It A 4 A k T y x c v I !"S ';'�w ; .� ?. �•� ly '� ; � r ; ►� 1. � ; r �' H r 1 • `s t!, ii f S • •Y < :� � l: N F s: � 1, l.'> G � t; �.; ' �, C +�'.�'�; h i T � A C E •`�:1 , '', . • . 41b • j go I. L7, ........ RWAA. -jjA?Pq --01Y -?b UPDATE'.; AIMMI jk 0!) 4 P.7 c I 10 3 ZI 1-h 1 5 3 a For `71 h G P' , A 1: 3 h 5 3 A 0% L V1 'W' k RSIN 'i L I I 0 v op elf iwUL pj A rk) I t.t 'I 6 A I j , 1 ,CA 1 r. AOT 161. C A IT I ;.;-i 3 k j �.r r N; dig "if L A E c Y431 e. V 0 1P, h E. r ; '):t CAIII iW bf 01.1# u P a 1* 1G.I,;- x u L H I I 11-. A -:F. P I it A h 1 :JI u,'-1 L U i'.1CIF '"PIPYLE t I CAfTIVAL J)FPT14 VEX It Ic K, jq:-Mt i'-4-;r li.E-4 a I I j 1. !. ri F P Y m k .4 3 6 r'R J b I L -;' z 4 PRNMJLIc. !!11 1IiUi1. -MY P;P� It, L %1 14 2 (1 '1 R I A I.. A r T E-1 11 V a i L A 1: F. 4S f; L p imr. I I. La 3 Jum) o'so JOY 6,11.1 akklf ILE9 4 CRI 0CAL r)LPT14 j�.115u"U) C .1 IT t j� (Ir if. F, % 4 1 Fw I C Jt I c A: i 1S u AJL I: AqT I "r. 3;.,.r FiU* "k 0 F 11, P. 91 111 ;IPJL N' -14'"'. ho r r. L.41Tt L -7ff"Tt1 Asslj:�tv S P, i I V4 T 1 9 E 13 'A r Ii T I A L A;t.:'.. SED il,(14 If, k -- A :-I !u i lot. C I r. 11, Li Y, m cz 4 9'ri, Ij .4 o c r P i r. r Oh !..IF CA jI I !-I if �k u a qI -A-*L I A L OEP 10, A 1$9' �SA x A 111NIMILIM SPUtrM LNERGY (;A L f TO 11ALA!4U �--AVL P90 ILFm 2 ' CRt T jrht. P-PT8 A .4 5 U! 1 I SE-C, Jr. C, 1;N I L L r. ?,. FIR U ij A U L E "11110J.! $PECIFIC f NV r T f 0 (I 04 PiciF (t, T U I A(, 3 A f T k ;!I 6 1, L A NE P. F CitjT 10-i 0. 11711,6Z 1 CRTTI� _rEp TH c ii I L. SF i-:)l 1) IF PRIFIF 1L � 2 - I -th,'IMU�i OPECIFIC F.AiF,46V C A,) I I I--) C ;)P 1 eO W-1141.3 AIIE'IM,11 TO e41-1-;iLk o3hl. X Ail T I LI ,�V. u Mkt, r)EI'7 4 -A 3SUMEU, C: 111 if �4 C 1," a I L F -- 8 PR(�))AOL E mj-!j1m1.1f1 6PEr.jr.-IC LrftHO;. c , UckJIN (j, PROF jLf a Z PO T #11.4 1, 3 A T I E':P T K 0. 0 18 A L A NC E 'A. 8 EL tdif mw- P9!1F-14Ex-. -1. 1, t tC A(. PI.H -j" '401 JI'lel SEr,:10a 0 pRt)f tL f st 3 f14(.IUABI.E t41141,mlj-.� OPECIPIC, ENE RGY WPM .4190. -q1W1e111vt1;11v -;�D Mr c 7 N V R Y A IN I Of -PEPIFIC71 6,;T I L1 4ECNoa M% PA& TCE R' URIT16AL!�6.ff'PTH: AS�UK�q x� 1w A C i V.6 om a E f" �� 0-c 0, P K nP ; I . L Z. 2 M I ;,,' 114. d (4 SPEC IF J.0 1E r4 15 R A, Y L c i (JT I o 3EC NUZ PROMEP 1,I CIRITUAL DEP-TH A 41 J�L1m-.-3PEc-J-F I G.- ipcl;&R F c 0 cRIT J.:'DERTS. VIM. E 0 Ij �Ppm ;4-J. -I m I '$PF "IFICINCIRGY r. tr sm. o T I U, �4 (iEc -4u- k)�, I C PROF 111m 1 HYURkIL VC JIlt',11 0: KAI L 1 L Dz I F I C FNERGV N MI: c N P R OFA 1. E M U SPE is 2 0 I'R IAL 3 CA i-IT-INN -',irt ATTh-1`1P,-rE(J- 10 -13ALANCE-.- ASE-1,-- -T.1 C 4L I:Piti 4, 8') o M ED V I, tj F 11. E ul I fit IE G 1.1)'= P,4 DO it a F ► 1 1 if LIN S P f C 'L F IC FriERC. • 4;;F P- fs- r4l AL;S-.- Al T(-:.'-1j? T F(% E -t) At. A NC. "i j'. L 4 1. - i O'N U Itj,4, ov I i Ig Ca L r) F P7 H. A 5 &'UMED 41� . .... ... --,j--, L Al, U-P T H Al. Sot. f! AL�;: I Ot. 7- E tAl. E P T 4'� A 3 S; W.F.0 R 0 F j i�'C c k 1'r J T C;v 01 VN SPFCJF lc F �j J)o R I 4 .Pj0:--ASSki- CU 3 i� .1 A SPF c. IC w 7 r A L CA -'F0FTt--F= 4 ..i� 1; Y -Gh L.i T 10 �-i fit U. T.Ir P I F T L Z'C 6 j, E C 0 R Q; F I t f F. f, P P OF I L 1 1; 1 1j, SPETIFIC FrTRGY 3 Z3 V4 lr I Li I I IC -11 I P p P N b jps'ClFlf: �3 4 SE.I. rm I F C UT I ii :jEcrq,^ V P I f, 14T 0 Pi Ai 1 j I 1,ri P .0 L I R,Si t' -1 j') i+ p: j r All'( UN f. UI P k oF I L,. E. I j" U I A I;.!- A 1 '4 P T El.! 's c, b A 1, A vC i 1: L I H 01 93 I V-r c tj cr jrv-�- t4 j L fz.= Ch� A- f% L E NIK1110, V! F.1 L. ?,,I - T I U H A L A N r: S F L Li t I -J; A T I -SF C 1, it j�,;: I t_ t`. C!4 'I T L 1 rl A S 6 0 0�1 il V. F4 �i R-.� F -1, L V. CA:R I A 1,5 A T 7 E P1,F Q C, T113 HAIANCF e) 3 E t. CAbliQ T I Q. A.L, 0 F P T., Ml A 9 1. f!* I k HN Or Pig---F Jj.FV 416 S A 11 F. T E 1, 1 8 A L i. C E FL, V, JF I L 3 C 1{ I I I C fi L: •t#') E.P-T H A 3311:4ED 3 I N 07�-, 'T 0 M-INip,0114 1J11EC1FJC-- ENERGY s, PRO OF F- c ...t; t C 41. �PIH ASSOMED P-tr EUF-Rrs.y .... .. !cl:N I t-o'-m -apt. T ib R 1) A-1, 4 QRTTV:�� DE .'TH 111ED C A ful. 1. C 0 F U.9 7 PIN' — 7t 7 :pROF .pRCRITICAL IFTLm 2. DEP74 ASSLMM ' FRbiAEINI-tLM,:SF5CIPIC F'NfGV ;Sr ..6E I . nolTT0;%St , 1,6 po ��FILE= Z A TTEMPTill BAL.ANCE 6iSFL 2.0 TRIAI-5 TO C A� U � 1014 SE c N Ila, ol PROF XLE2 3 A E0 CITILhL Y)FPIH A,SUY1 IT i mg C N Dcl T 0 -'R 0 T. R YfE HIP T E tALANCE YrSEL 'o ffl CRITICAL A3E.Fil-li ASUIPIED UR ,C A.QT1 ON al CV09 r, 11 ROF I L Z 4 2D T41AJ,S AlrEMPTLU Tl? BALANCE WSEL -1 PPOF 03t� ABqMED SASEU Mi4 r4lu i3i.FF ALS. 4TTEAP1'r-Cj TO L tIALANCE; 2 R Q.0 ilAHi,E htNjMWl-:3PF- CIF1 kr3v. C EN E o -4 Vid .01 YOFJA-'krt P �iSFI- ASSUMED. RAM", ON -lil,4 DIFF CAUT 1UN i-IFC0A, - a riir,FJL�-= 2ri TRIALS ATTEMPTEill rO 14AL.0,Cf. 14Sk L • C-AAJ T' SE-P4M. -ji.43 C A IJ T I U 4FC,-4CJZ -060 3. RI) IRIA�S %AlTk':lPTF-v TU BALANCE 1, ('L CAUT10 . S) RUC NO= li �PRUFYIlhi-j 4 WSEL A11,610MED DASED ON ml,,q RIFF - 40 =:4 A AT TD- RALApir-f— W.MFL. ., . . ..... — ly. s F0101) iNSLtRA`"CE 2JINE D►ZTA FOA I0;4(1010 ;, t tiOfYEAR NR ,y �. i•I.l1Qi1' �iA�cA�I1. F4CTIig Vrj9.`'ENTIFE. RE ACF! OalNC, S1;T1,7N5 ts%r-i'-Y44.1.5::.__...._._�}�, t'..ti6r-i•P�(•1 :. 7,�t'{'t' i[.!�I�€. ,. .. _-„ _.... .._. - - _ - - ... t N!U:•ilit;,01STt NC6 C1i r.F.F.r: ier,Sr (°t.U,lf) rti!r4lq � {ri) .... _ Cr , 1�.3[7t)- IFi17, rStt+4 w1,;,H 3.97 `�'• 1.uDc inha. »brio -t.7t1 ��,�'ci ,tt 1■600.. ... 7fia3 '� .'-F�11' -1,7k 4i26 fi ,i..000 .. ...3.3a.R�.. ..wi-�7o +.i,At �;700 r41' 4 -?,7h -1 ,P`9 --.Si40f!......... ....:4606-i :...... _4 3.1. 5•1 ' - 4,001, 41hP5 -4ISA _i,US 3=115 ' S„il;tili ^.iItC., •,4,b4 -1 ♦43 :i,rsN — 89fit ,. j33 3,? ,1 i=-------'-5.a��c,.. 'r1�)4,--- --n,-1n - -�1.3� - �:•hp ' (I")3o 73oo -5.55 -1.79 5,C7 7,i'!:!;' ''yf1;1, •2,61? 9!, 345b ': � b.!i9C' t;ii`3f►. +■ti.13 w}.4u a.�3y . � .9,US?t, It 9e, -1.59 }.1-36.0, r*4.9.1 w1 ,5a ;,RS tl,PQr) J141", .da}}% i,SS +' ,5.:15 ^r: 1�3,OOts l t rflr), _4,7l7 +J ,hh 57, 02 . 12 � f►!lp 15;? 5 -3. t~ -2. 16 3.30 t '•' Ip�t,.!r. q r5;; :. -5.t t -t,F•'! 41.QR 1!�rf!l%e ?t�h5��• -J,/�(J •1Li 4f-10 fit' J ' 1C+.11ci V7(12. -`+.1%'1 -l.hh 4 3a ` • Ir,.1 JCr ?'-k:�9. -i..ss�r -2,�`� �i.�?:' • -.-l6,i.,I r!ii!5'a, ",!7.Ui. ..}r'tf, !i,;,:j 16,5(11) P.5• •41r Sb w},rS _. i1,"39 . sr b00 ._. 22174, KZ Or h1.7r? U.Hfi ' it Ih, 357, -5.9Y i,. li 000. i99 F, Fhrr54, w3,.IP, wl,+}9 2,67 191900 2h`i25. -`i,1i7 sl ,S7 1.66 2r„pt)G - tilt aIt0, "511.11s 2o,Itq{r f6:365, 7 -1,35 ..wl._�1'9 3��K........:..:......_......._.._..._..._.._...._...._..._...___....._-_................_.._......._.. �.-�.: -- - - _. `. > _ .p1:Ann:.. :2Q11TAv- -.traa.. ._f. 11 ..,_, cr.:no... .. _ 23 R4 6DO AS6 15 09voy 0 '4,,9 9 0,67 It 7 a U 'A 30 641ar_ i Kb.;1 4 T. 0#72 .. ............ "Al 1) ?o 1�.25G 361$86 66 "?.Ts 01,044 -2*01 (1m,57 3 , 3!j Pt 4 fs 3b a5 (100 31h!io' 05.94 •w? , is 4- 902, 0 a '2fI is , -4,66 C., 63 6 A '59 -5 -.2910 1 b,35 Iz 4-1425, "P091 -1 '04 2 h3 il'? 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P.9 9 050, 1006, 400. 310,15 3151-34 .-5.11 -16,11 010 too, !10 0.0 -500 �3:1 0 4 a- J,b, T3 - P. 5 '1 ..-os 0- 600' 11,001 -316011 :otis '30- 0. 0 IV 1i 4 6 A 9 7 0,0 600 �0-4 04w 9 9 0 0', 311,79 317'jP6 5 47 -m!5 25 055; 1000 110 :1060, 312,12 .317.64 -iS 52 -5428 '055 .100, 1.100. 3 ta.9 45--n- -.3 1 a 0 -1 - - 0 7-';7 AROD 13, � ............... ,I-X-3 0--Ai-tal i1A-'8--------16JJ',o .7 4. 15 1500, 31-3 19. 56 79 -5,141 055 100 UY *5 t906 -19,85 .9.44 059. . 16r) 7. A-0b 643:-,. 4 Or- 1:7-00 .4;6 q9.: SEC. I K100, 3? 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AEC 22174 2 22- 0 0 V 9 A 2' .1611,10 056 83. a2223,- SEC, 1�,700 0-50. ...... -tB co 16,900 t k­- ifix'sz,zovulen 2:2 --mislezraxMICZ8912114ev --,Zz V= m xx t cut an c A=-- ==A== a4 v cza Up NGF— T I aw.- EA F. ��... ._.._.__. �_.... .._.. _ .,. rti. r .. .- .. ��_.., _ ....'�`...... _ ;+ �. - V- f V, VC t� ii A.S E F L Q 0 U A MD o, ? r FHf GHTE QR-R.4 04 k 1 o6k 4 VA 2 T FQq' kE'AC8 W 650 '­'TH. 8 3,'( OF T+E REACH i,; T I H jN.. FEET j. F '?HEikCH A 10 �rzc --1 iga;;Iez v mm c== a 6- an ------------ 224 2?400, Si s 0,9 2 3 .16 5 6 q r5,45. 4 5 (155 1tlR, 50 6, 0- 7- 3 E c 11,000. 226.. 3()() .13 186;3 4 A 0130 ... ....... ... ..... . .......... .. .. ... ........ ..... 8 2 2ROU, 3$2.33 3eb.37 -4.,04 -4.52 045 GO 8.79 2 214 D'O', 34.2 V-SP 06.39 -4.D1 -11 # (14 045 1004 1 4 -2-3000 . ........ 34 2 c4 4 8 b 4 -."3 97 --4 .37. 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Alk1 a !l 97 473 213.00' 39-0004 44-086..r 4,� lip' -Fl; 9? 97 _0490 39 641 ..3940 4.'69. r.3.�93 1'44C1 1 err' I :' i�� V16, IF 3. 9 -9 T r7 216bk), 3-10 55 3 9 'Qx4p 3 .45 Q40 976 ?77 27700, 340'/2 lqstot 4,y; F -$6 ,9 0 si an. ,A.0u .39.0 U.93) , :t 3' .96 05. 395,01) ti/l, 04 23() 1) 391 �P? 1950 i96 2.41 2ajo(1' -391.34­'_3gs"-11i. .--3.-7.7 n3,96 2o.50a Pk. 3951?7 -3.45 -q '95 UOr 2p48R 0 24soo, 19a, _h a 14,1 8 19 4" 3 t) 4 2454u, SEC.r. 2 d 6 a6bgQ, 395, Yf 399.1d N3,75 •3.95 97, 28A. 24hO,(), 39b:5b 4 0.tW. 2 t -3 65 4i394 040, ..-97, q 7 ol-l" 400,79 3,63 3 9 -,4: 640 97 ....... .... �=Q.i 9.3 -:07. 291 29 V�lo S.98,21 40WO -3'�q .3 v 43 o�un_ 292 29200q -3�36R?6 40?,32 - 3 , ,6 -3,9? 046 974 r'30F fib 403'; 138 i3l5p, 04.6. 97,' 2945$1 ..AEC e L R 100, 295 P9500, u00 52 403,83 -3,31 "3.90 :o4o 97 SEC 210000. a-q-bao'.: .4f 4 1 acl. 0.4 3.�) AE3 .19 "1'89-- ... ..... :SEC 297 29760, 40 1 '-'% 5 A'04 93 8 -3.88 040 '91 _29 8_ 29h.010 O.J. A o �T3 Be Al, �99 299UO J402 , a 1 405'$O l-3, ?9 1 BT 040 971 3--.-0 30 (32 .A Y 405p77 .-.5"30 -s '86 040 97, s 1 301 3 a .1 Q .4 04 t TA .40.6. 03... 3 2.9 .... . .. 8's 9.7 .302 19200,.' 40301 404,i30 .-13 29 0 n 0. 97 ­01 303 '30300 a03,28 -Dg 0 .364--- . ADA 0.0 4 03.5k:_V 0 b. 3. 3. P-9. _53. 6 I_ 305 305100. 407 10 -.3 29 -!3 .8 3 04 97, 3 0 t, 36&00. 404,08 407 137 -3 P-9 04() 91. v U0, .40 '040 308 30!100, 1404,6,1 Llol 90 3.29 r3oH1 96, 30.9 .33900, 464 Rdlf, 408,17 :3. 29 -3,1813 ie 041 "3,40 _OA 311 31100, 4 5 41 408,7.1 -3,79 040 CJ6 1 4.05,68 406,97 -3.29 -3 78. .16 3.144 0 5 F 9-5 Ir. P it �d I' -3.:7 8 ....... . 111.4 314 oo. 406. 2 2 1~09'i51 "14 29 -3.77 (140 96 5 '31500 406,48- 09 'Th p 3 li 7 7 h4n. 110 a -406-,,4.5L_44.jO.. rift._ 3 -9.- PK ... . ... 311 3) 7 GO,' 3 '107.02 r447.2b 410,31. (41 3' a 9 Aq3:76 040 97, .318 -t -.i 0 0 58 0.1 3 0 r3,75 (1140 97. .5rc P.3 '.0.00 319 38D 3190,11, ?01 00 40%69 406 410?98 '4 -3 29 1.97 , 32 ti'. 6 1 ,3 29 4 3.2 OIL- _A.jg'j.'4 143 5 - _91, ------- - . .... .. 322 32200, 409.7.7 413,06 -3 29 -w3 '7 3 035 ..97 323 32300. 410.44 413478 t-3.29 K3..73 035 97. 327:' IR700, 40,38 416967 -3a29.. 3$� �at♦ob, ata:yl ptT•sv •3.x� jA9 349.00. 414,83 a1 A,12 ..!.; ?l3l04• a1b,26 4!�•56' 3340.0s 417900 u2A•Y9 :'-3124 334 33400, 4,1H,u5 421,13 -3,28 I 335' 3'151)(.1, 41907 4R,2.45 -3.29 bl3r ;Slb�)f), 41 G��iU 4 3, 14 4"s a 3?ll 3s7r)0, r),y,0,k,ti. '� �'�:3,94 -.3•�9 4^ 331g4, 336' 33!)1)0, 4210n Ae4•60 0300 l3v 33900 wi?1,Ht1 4ixI-25 -1.37 fi 34n 3utiUU. 47.P.rle (4001,44 "1.47 342 l48U04 42.1,44 4?7,14 343 345N), ak4•U:1 42701N ,.:l,aa.... 44400* 1104,07 u21ti.41 ;,r;4. .. !45 :44fSUp, 4P5 i)h09 f►3.90 3w7 34700, 446,08 r+29.R7 •�J.79, 34A 3utlb;l, t:?!,,!1fi 4IG4Pq. -3,13 ..,344 'a4clt), 407,06 430.10 u0, W .94 431, t 2 -3, ab i51 S91 (10 4P6,02 ri 41 03 -3.51 S92 V•:1 'ju, ud&.*!)1 44104a -A.144 3411)(14 4zy,t< f ll.Ar'03h -3,36 1'Sq 1401,00 -3 ab 3�,3r, 4:Ih[,r,, usU•7l u.S16,hd ,�4,U3 197 :45700, u.52,40. 434A57: .-6 61 3yb 35400# 4:34sb(l 1141,"14 ' 311) 4SWID, 734•53 1441.,;3 ` 3b1 b'b100 ux1<,t,t) r,41,�57 -b,97 • Sfyr? Shta00, IA JA 442,97 sb3 3bSUCi, 435,"l?i 364 364S1 4V5sB3 443.35 365. , .36500 J35,911 44.3 37. 0704-1 36b 3bbg4, 43b,1113 41[3,40 -1.35 361 !Ib1n0. 436,16 4413042 -ld6 '_36q.... .46bill 0 a36.�tb - ;l1,tly7 • i6fi 3d3ciA, 43t1',31 443,r14 "• 3b917., 3'/0 31UUf), cs5w4t3 r;u3,r,1) -�,?U '371e4, ! 3'72 37?00 43711t, 4114,E}0 w7.72. 47300-1.. 437,95.....4il.gr3q ...._.,,37.... .. . ... ••l .l ..A .. / A '.'1 !, Lli itr h 7.1 Q3f3 9T. �3,70 A35 9.7 • w 3 6'+ 03`3 97.r �,3.6p u3y 96, w3,hL7 n35 9b, _,.fib• .. ._._ -3.67 U It . 24,000 „3b7 [� 3 h -rr....._.. 9;i -3,b7 035 9.1j4l -3067 0A5 .83,67... ... 0,35 -:341bl ;}•3r5 7r.1 w,;,67 ns�a 97, -3.67 035 97.,, -1,66 035 $7„ w3.bb yLC . 2r1, 3Qp yb, SEf;, 2tj,hQf) SEG, 24,70p •5,69 0.46-- -3.7? D35 9b. a ,14 Q35 96, ,.311b. 9tC. 1),240 3E.C, r),e�.ar1 3EC. o,27U -368i1 040 958 w;fRt�6 clan 9�, q40 g5, ,w3,gJ w s,f)rl grin 95, 4;3,96 040 y5, -0r540 ::... -u.On 94, 01JO f%U, 64. 6EC. 0,5T0 •ll,05 f?uU 9�►r . W•P -Y '7:t 'I 3 7 71 371001 4A Q1 10 441109. q 4 1 13 040 1.4 317.34. SFC,U,740 : 374.00. 44 05 446a7Z -6,07 4 15 040 93, 4 1 v696.0 '16 047- 92 m SEC 6'770-,. 4 91 381 3aJ000 442,43 , -6 P'o r) �0 3 B 36200 443,25 449,53 w1b . 26 04821 �4p. 91, 05 '.9.3 384 3RA00' 441,140 449 4 b. -5.56 P453 90 sh-S SEC DDQ` A- .3 4.5 .449,42, 5 i2ri Oak 366 36600 «44,89 449477 -A 11 0401 % 900 V •187 341.00* 445o'll 1450*51 -4.60 -4624 040" vmo.,- 4u6,93 ­4f,32 1)40 389 381400, 447,45 451•99 v-4`04 4.'24 040 Iti ri 34000, 14 it 8 9 7 #13. -5.16 040 -449g94.:';"453447. -3,44- 4 9 392 39200, 451,02 '454 , R1 -1 , 19 o%4 i rl it P, 0 (A0 9 393 19300' wi ? -?.91 on 394 39406, 41153106 4155. 69 -e't's 0 '395 399LIDO 453 oil A50: 30. -to .3s (jilt) 45k,60 --tva-.641 .4, 1,9 -bO Ij 347 A970U, 04,56. 457,29 -P,73 ftil, I p 4 P 90, 59AID0, 4154,95 1451, ?9 4r�14 -4,18 04D w4'A 7 .01 .901, .... .. ... 400 11DOUQ It 5 7 4 058,78 -.40011 -4,16 04c) 04, m 2 w3.23 1 4 k) 403U0 , 4156:43 460.26 -3,33 -4 . IS 040 89, 4 14 !) 416 j 457 *33 4 tw 1) v 7 6 Ws, 4-0,14 4 n 89. 5 7.,.7 a MbI 25 "3.53 "4114 040 405661 SEC, 2,5 3 0 0 . loa. I 1 461 Ole -4,61 '14 0 A 0 99. eo P.3 b SEC, 2r.5140 X SEC, . 2#560 4, a4n60 f6hi 30,- -if ,16 4 U 7 1 U SEC Z15741- - -5 '-14 If' 89, cat!{) 14 9 d 0• 4160 Ad 4659?3 5 :'39 4,16 (M) -466:, po' UAn' -8 A 000, it h P. 6 464,6h -4 16 0 (1 V 89. V the 4 '0b 4o v-4 Ubl 64 -13*67 -4.0 16. 041) -89, vejf 14 0 0 4b4486 468*11 -3.23 -4,15 040 410 0AV SEC 31000 41S. r)b lab 01) 051 w4 $141 0 a () 84, 1 41 r?M • 4b 7,9 36 IJ 70, J3 -?'97 -4 114; 040 A I d 14.1 h0f) P.: Gha b'' 1111 •L.6 -3,00 040. 88 " 419 if % 940 , 4bb 1196 471 •096 -3,02 040 ado 47P.81 -3605 -40? 040 A #b4 4 ... . ..... -A Ic 1. 3 11 - I . . .. 422 411,36 474t4h -3.10 ­4 0 1 0 4 9 3,30(1 .... ... ...... (623 4230U, 41.2,14 47.5,21 0!5 13 "4 16 04 0 SEC, 3,400 Sur. , N 4141 A.14000 u Yak. SEC 0 11) Q 7 Vo 11 r It 51, 1 . - 01, et Ala' 290dj `--47 1 9 71: 0 0 as, w .07 040 4 - ------ ------ 4 Ole 40 OPP_ L; 34 is .4 355 5 3Y .4 4 Da- ",01) .040 aq1, 4A6" 42. 244`01 2 4.0 14 '4 8 p-50 Re -ia 69 4., 0 R 040 SEC V ry 22 c, eff ) 5 '44 5 E hh 443 .3 Q 0 .486 c9b. .040 ri, Ouo SEC 4 3 S 5 1.IM4 -f.,q .9 71. .19 8: m .......... "! f! 54 4 411ta\�&� 9737 W4 800 1; 0 , 88" 419 449004 9 5 8 a 9 8 -4,00 040 *06 0 2. 5 ­4 00- -.13.5600 49T 'buo . - . - I - OR '3. 99 sot: `86 -.4,50 8b, ,3 5 at 4.19 5 0 6#35.' r2q16 3 7 0 - "I.0U0 . .. 455 06 5 0 5 - 8 1,' 5 0-ri - a 4 -.1098 MID 58 ugb __4$640 457 SEC 3"'94' ........... Si I I b 51 10 -3 c.9.4- 600 i2 .14 �14 _19 4 A 4 -3 46100. 1:4 .462006 51,58.60 519.1-81 -4 27 b .5 11 32. b '6 8- .522' 0- ­t3 26 500. 518 01. ..4h -0-7, 41 116700, 520,190 !.2, 5.9 -3 1'93, 040 .77 924.82 468 9680.1). 52V, 96 -44R6 ml 13 77 w ­522. 68, 'Sao;` 66 98 9,2. 87. 3' 9 JI -34 0 2 T,v 49 , , N 8 it 7 210 IW i SEC 7 220 478L G. R4 0 a'idb e. 4 8.7. 1.6 3 o (w 7 3. 87 040. JfJ 0i. ' 900 -549 6. -1-3 '62 "040 460 4411.00.o, S36"4-8 532.37 85 17. v -3 pc "�o J7 Vo d. 4 v SEC 7,760 q S':'c 7.780 4600f), 534,r9 .5.3 fj 39 6W, zi. S F ....... kall WPM" 535 ll',5 536,77 6P. 531 .42 7.1 -3 6 48 4 -k�6 0 a 5 7 840 A 7- -.544 $2.-, 43 + 'll 000, 4 3 a Y A.: 'm 3: 7 f, j8.3 4 -4 1 i-j'(19 .5�7 .83 413 tL' 92 49i :114,36o 518,91) 541 22 6 '63 83. 4 4 0 ID'.'o ol -?2 36 -3.72 035 83, 49-34) D G'w s or 0 -45 4-a 7 6 - -t3- 71 -.03-5 - - fs 406, .4 m6o 4 --;3 -.7.1 0 3 5 5 4 1 6A. 5 7 Q a 4.9 -4- Q. 4 43 po. a !499- 49400, 54202 '545 9? -3.70 F)39 5010 5 (1 k� V) ID ft 3,58 3(46 bl 3'� L) 3 -3.70 •.Gl 5 81, ..Src 50 1. 5 (11 '4 p 0,61) 1 -3 10 '035 -1 .. . v . - ' P. sa 035 .61 -A i "S 0 4 S0400 549,09 551.46 -2�37 -1,69 .42, 4,510 5 ()jQ'q 5" 3 E C p-1 .035 82, 5 05 a 0 550,83 5!i3 1; 0- 511� 9 '5 4.0 let; ol, 550 F FEEvAT ON L)IFF'ERENICE ...... . .. .. RE-'• NA E F N -6ASE-FLOOD AND.- oo a i WEIGHTC0.-AY4,11P.9 �CH hF LAF 09 4 q im--.- (IF'. THE -REACH I.vlT-Hllt- 1, 0: FEET-� . ... ..... F-A-C H 2 4.14-34. -.A.Tj .. . . ... ...... .2.0-10F Filk TiiK REA'tH :1 A I o A a APPENDIX 4 DUPLICATE EFFECTIVE MODEL RESULTS HEC-RAS Plan: Duplicate River: MooresCreek Reach: MooresCreek Profile: 100yr FW Reach River Sta Profile Top Wdth Act Area Vel Total W.S. Elev Base WS Prof Delta WS (ft) (sq ft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (ft) MooresCreek 4.0 100yr FW 107.64 1153.67 10.10 327.68 326.94 0.74 MooresCreek 3.9 100yr FW 107.90 1165.84 9.99 326.79 325.85 0.94 MooresCreek 3.8 100yrFW 108.26 1182.64 9.85 325.94 324.66 1.28 MooresCreek 3.7 100yr FW 108.74 1205.25 9.67 325.15 323.15 2.00 MooresCreek 3.0 100yrFW 774.00 7744.10 1.50 325.78 323.81 1.98 MooresCreek 2.0 100yr FW 140.00 2421.62 5.04 324.80 322.42 2.38 MooresCreek 1.7 100yrFW 129.00 2199.32 5.55 324.36 321.88 2.48 MooresCreek 1.6 100yrFW 163.00 2482.80 4.91 324.38 321.86 2.51 MooresCreek 1.5 BR U 100yrFW 163.00 2482.79 4.91 324.38 321.86 2.52 MooresCreek 1.5 BRID 100yrFW 163.00 2481.01 4.92 324.36 321.84 2.52 MooresCreek 1.4 100yrFW 163.00 2480.89 4.92 324.36 321.84 2.52 MooresCreek 1.3 100yr FW 123.00 2041.92 5.97 323.67 321.20 2.47 MooresCreek 1.0 100yrFW 110.00 1983.37 6.15 321.86 319.31 2.56 HEC-RAS Plan: Duplicate River: MooresCreek Reach: MooresCreek Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Val Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/s) (sq ft) (ft) MooresCreek 4.0 100yr 11650 312.90 326.94 328.58 0.004583 10.63 1296.92 187.12 0.57 MooresCreek 4.0 100yr FW 11650 312.90 327.68 329.37 0.004114 10.52 1153.67 107.64 0.55 MooresCreek 3.9 100yr 11650 311.90 325.85 327.52 0.004730 10.74 1280.13 185.581 0.58 MooresCreek 3.9 100yr FW 11650 311.90 326.79 328.45 0.003981 10.42 1165.84 107.90 0.54 MooresCreek 3.8 100yr 11650 310.90 324.66 326.42 0.005052 10.97 1245.87 182.38 0.60 MooresCreek 3.8 100yr FW 11650 310.90 325.94 327.56 0.003807 10.28 1182.64 108.26 0.53 MooresCreek 3.7 100yr 11650 309.90 323.15 325.14 0.006089 11.65 1154.56 173.571 0.65 MooresCreek 3.7 100yr FW 11650 309.90 325.15 326.71 0.003589 10.10 1205.25 108.74 0.51 MooresCreek 3.0 100yr 11650 305.70 323.81 323.87 0.000320 3.13 7162.69 987.81 0.15 MooresCreek 3.0 100yr FW 11650 305.70 325.78 325.83 0.000196 2.69 7744.10 774.00 0.12 MooresCreek 2.0 100yr 12200 301.20 322.42 323.11 0.001087 7.66 2225.85 177.371 0.31 MooresCreek 2.0 100yr FW 12200 301.20 324.80 325.34 0.000725 6.77 2421.62 140.00 0.26 MooresCreek 1.7 100yr 12200 301.00 321.88 322.68 0.001650 9.76 2093.11 173.94 0.39 MooresCreek 1.7 100yr FW 12200 301.00 324.36 325.04 0.001157 8.84 2199.32 129.00 0.33 MooresCreek 1.6 100yr 12200 301.20 321.86 313.78 322.40 0.001138 5.89 2072.86 173.881 0.29 MooresCreek 1.6 100yr FW 12200 301.20 324.38 313.77 324.75 0.000674 4.91 2482.80 163.00 0.22 MooresCreek 1.5 Bridge MooresCreek 1.4 100yr 12200 301.20 321.84 313.78 322.38 0.001144 5.90 2069.35 173.80 0.29 MooresCreek 1.4 100yr FW 12200 301.20 324.36 313.77 324.74 0.000676 4.92 2480.89 163.001 0.22 MooresCreek 1.3 100yr 12200 301.20 321.20 322.10 0.001916 10.26 1985.81 170.06 0.41 MooresCreek 1.3 100yr FW 12200 301.20 323.67 324.45 0.001352 9.34 2041.92 123.00 0.35 MooresCreek 1.0 100yr 12200 293.70 319.31 309.85 319.79 0.001000 6.24 2633.92 246.68 0.26 MooresCreek 1.0 100yr FW 12200 293.70 321.86 309.89 322.55 0.001000 6.82 1983.37 110.00 0.26 w 0 0 w w 0 0 w MooresCreek Plan: Duplicate Effective-NGVD29 5/8/2018 IRS = 4.0 �'- .07 .045 +07 Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr ■ Ground w Bank Sta c 0 Encroachment > m w 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Duplicate Effective-NGVD29 5/8/2018 IRS = 3.8 .07 �� .045.07� Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr Ground 5 Bank Sta c 0 Encroachment > m w 31 310 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) 315 310 MooresCreek Plan: Duplicate Effective-NGVD29 5/8/2018 IRS = 3.9 .07 �� .045 +07 Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Duplicate Effective-NGVD29 5/8/2018 IRS = 3.7 .07 —�- .045 4.07 Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr ■ Ground • Bank Sta Encroachment 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) c 0 CO m w c 0 m w 31 31 MooresCreek Plan: Duplicate Effective-NGVD29 5/8/2018 IRS = 3.0 07 0 Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr ■ Ground Bank Sta c 0 Encroachment > d w 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Duplicate Effective-NGVD29 5/8/2018 IRS = 1.7 �.07� �.07 ) O 4 Legend 5 • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr 2w t Ground Bank StaL7 c 0 Encroachment > Y 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) 2 MooresCreek Plan: Duplicate Effective-NGVD29 5/8/2018 IRS = 2.0 Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr ■ Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Duplicate Effective-NGVD29 5/8/2018 IRS = 1.6 Copy of Sta 1.4 .07 �� .045 "� .07 Legend • WS 100yr FW J WS 100yr t Ground Ineff • Bank Sta J Encroachment 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) w c 0 m w w 31 MooresCreek Plan: Duplicate Effective-NGVD29 5/8/2018 IRS = 1.5 BR Moores Creek Lane Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr 0 Ground Ineff o • Bank Sta > _m Encroachment w 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Duplicate Effective-NGVD29 5/8/2018 IRS = 1.4 D .07 �� .045 + 07 Legend • WS 100yr FW D WS 100yr Ground D • Ineff Bank Sta > D 2 Encroachment w 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) 3 MooresCreek Plan: Duplicate Effective-NGVD29 5/8/2018 IRS = 1.5 BR Moores Creek Lane Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr ■ Ground Ineff • Bank Sta Encroachment 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Duplicate Effective-NGVD29 5/8/2018 IRS = 1.3 D �.07� O -.07� 4 Legend 5 • WS 100yr FW D WS 100yr Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 1 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Duplicate Effective-NGVD29 5/8/2018 IRS = 1.0 350 �071.045 4� .07 Legend • 340 WS 100yr FW WS 100yr 330 Ground c Bank Sta 320 > Encroachment d w 310 300 290 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Station (ft) APPENDIX 5 CORRECTED EFFECTIVE MODEL RESULTS HEC-RAS Plan: Corrected Effective River: MooresCreek Reach: MooresCreek Reach River Sta Profile Top Wdth Act Area Vel Total W.S. Elev Base WS Prof Delta WS (ft) (sq ft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (ft) MooresCreek 4.0 100yr 187.20 1297.72 8.98 326.20 326.20 MooresCreek 4.0 100yr FW 97.58 1085.62 10.73 326.91 326.20 0.70 MooresCreek 3.9 100yr 185.74 1281.87 9.09 325.12 325.12 MooresCreek 3.9 100yr FW 97.29 1073.37 10.85 325.78 325.12 0.66 MooresCreek 3.8 100yr 182.74 1249.72 9.32 323.94 323.94 MooresCreek 3.8 100yrFW 96.80 1053.10 11.06 324.57 323.94 0.63 MooresCreek 3.7 100yr 174.80 1167.02 9.98 322.48 322.48 MooresCreek 3.7 100yr FW 98.28 1043.47 11.16 323.34 322.48 0.86 MooresCreek 3.0 100yr 988.61 7227.81 1.61 323.13 323.13 MooresCreek 3.0 100yr FW 679.00 6182.30 1.88 323.97 323.13 0.84 MooresCreek 2.0 100yr 177.74 2242.22 5.44 321.77 321.77 MooresCreek 2.0 100yr FW 155.00 2339.25 5.22 322.73 321.77 0.95 MooresCreek 1.7 100yr 174.37 2111.70 5.78 321.24 321.24 MooresCreek 1.7 100yrFW 124.00 1963.10 6.21 322.08 321.24 0.83 MooresCreek 1.6 100yr 163.00 2106.76 5.84 321.23 321.23 MooresCreek 1.6 100yr FW 163.00 2259.79 5.47 322.10 321.23 0.87 MooresCreek 1.5 BR U 100yr 163.00 2090.33 5.84 321.23 321.23 MooresCreek 1.5 BR U 100yr FW 163.00 2232.03 5.47 322.10 321.23 0.87 MooresCreek 1.5 BRID 100yr 163.00 2087.13 5.85 321.21 321.21 MooresCreek 1.5 BRID 100yr FW 163.00 2229.49 5.47 322.08 321.21 0.87 MooresCreek 1.4 100yr 163.00 2103.10 5.85 321.21 321.21 MooresCreek 1.4 100yr FW 163.00 2256.82 5.47 322.08 321.21 0.87 MooresCreek 1.3 100yr 170.47 2007.65 6.08 320.59 320.59 MooresCreek 1.3 100yrFW 121.00 1823.94 6.69 321.17 320.59 0.58 HEC-RAS Plan: Corrected Effective River: MooresCreek Reach: MooresCreek (Continued) Reach River Sta Profile Top Wdth Act Area Vel Total W.S. Elev Base WS Prof Delta WS (ft) (sq ft) (fus) (ft) (ft) (ft) MooresCreek 1.0 100yr 246.68 2633.93 4.63 318.57 318.57 MooresCreek 1.0 100yr FW 189.00 2462.67 4.95 319.17 318.57 0.60 HEC-RAS Plan: Corrected Effective River: MooresCreek Reach: MooresCreek Profile: 100yr Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (fuft) (fus) (sq ft) (ft) MooresCreek 4.0 100yr 11650 312.16 326.20 327.84 0.004576 10.62 1297.72 187.20 0.57 MooresCreek 3.9 100yr 11650 311.16 325.12 326.79 0.004714 10.73 1281.87 185.74 0.58 MooresCreek 3.8 100yr 11650 310.16 323.94 325.69 0.005014 10.94 1249.72 182.74 0.59 MooresCreek 3.7 100yr 11650 309.16 322.48 324.44 0.0059301 11.55 1167.02 174.80 0.64 MooresCreek 3.0 100yr 11650 304.96 323.13 323.19 0.0003111 3.10 7227.81 988.61 0.15 MooresCreek 2.0 100yr 12200 300.46 321.77 322.45 0.0010651 7.61 2242.22 177.74 0.31 MooresCreek 1.7 100yr 12200 300.26 321.24 322.03 0.0016101 9.68 2111.70 174.37 0.38 MooresCreek 1.6 100yr 12200 300.46 321.23 313.05 321.76 0.001106 5.84 2090.35 174.31 0.29 MooresCreek 1.5 Bridge MooresCreek 1.4 100yr 12200 300.46 321.21 313.05 321.74 0.001112 5.85 2086.93 174.23 0.29 MooresCreek 1.3 100yr 12200 300.46 320.59 321.46 0.001859 10.15 2007.65 170.47 0.41 MooresCreek 1.0 100yr 12200 292.96 318.57 309.11 319.05 0.001000 6.24 2633.93 246.68 0.26 w 0 0 w w 0 0 w MooresCreek Plan: Corrected Effective- NAVD 88 5/8/2018 IRS = 4.0 FEMA Section C .07 �� .045 +07 Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr ■ Ground w I Bank Sta c 0 Encroachment w 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Corrected Effective- NAVD 88 5/8/2018 IRS = 3.8 .07 )1( .045 4.07 Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr Ground Bank Sta c 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) 0 Encroachment w MooresCreek Plan: Corrected Effective- NAVD 88 5/8/2018 IRS = 3.9 07 �� .045 +07 Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr Ground Bank Ste Encroachment 315] 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Corrected Effective- NAVD 88 5/8/2018 IRS = 3.7 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr ■ Ground • Bank Sta Encroachment w 0 0 w 31 w 0 0 w MooresCreek Plan: Corrected Effective- NAVD 88 5/8/2018 IRS = 3.0 07 0 �.07� 7 Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr ■ Ground w Bank Sta c 0 Encroachment > m w 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Corrected Effective- NAVD 88 5/8/2018 IRS = 1.7 Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr Ground Bank Sta c 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) 0 Encroachment w 2 MooresCreek Plan: Corrected Effective- NAVD 88 5/8/2018 IRS = 2.0 FEMA Section B Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr Ground j Bank Sta Encroachment 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Corrected Effective- NAVD 88 5/8/2018 IRS = 1.6 Copy of Sta 1.4 .07 )IE .045 )IE — .07 Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr Ground • Ineff Bank Sta 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) w c 0 m w w MooresCreek Plan: Corrected Effective- NAVD 88 5/8/2018 IRS = 1.5 BR Moores Creek Lane �.07� .045.07� Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr Ground • Ineff c � o Bank Sta > m w 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Corrected Effective- NAVD 88 5/8/2018 IRS = 1.4 .07 30L .045 1 .07 d Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr Ground • Ineff c o Bank Sta > aD w 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) 3 MooresCreek Plan: Corrected Effective- NAVD 88 5/8/2018 IRS = 1.5 BR Moores Creek Lane �.07�.045.07� Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr ■ Ground Ineff Bank Sta 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Corrected Effective- NAVD 88 5/8/2018 RS = 1.3 reach length corrected based on Moores CK Lane crossing �—.07--� . L.07� Legend • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr ■ Ground • Bank Sta Encroachment 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: Corrected Effective- NAVD 88 5/8/2018 IRS = 1.0 FEMA Section A �.071.045 +- .07 350 Legend 340 • WS 100yr FW WS 100yr 330 Ground c Bank Sta 320 CO Encroachment w 310 300 290 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Station (ft) APPENDIX 6 EXISTING CONDITIONS MODEL RESULTS HEC-RAS Plan: EXISTING River: MooresCreek Reach: MooresCreek Profile: 100yr FW Reach River Sta Profile Top Wdth Act Area Vel Total W.S. Elev Base WS Prof Delta WS (ft) (sq ft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (ft) MooresCreek 6105.59 100yr FW 97.47 1080.88 10.78 326.86 326.19 0.67 MooresCreek 5880.59 100yr FW 97.11 1065.82 10.93 325.70 325.09 0.61 MooresCreek 5655.59 100yrFW 96.49 1039.78 11.20 324.44 323.88 0.56 MooresCreek 5430.59 100yr FW 97.65 1016.93 11.46 323.07 322.26 0.81 MooresCreek 4605.21 100yr FW 679.00 5999.62 1.94 323.70 322.93 0.77 MooresCreek 3330.57 100yr FW 155.00 2284.31 5.34 322.37 321.49 0.88 MooresCreek 3013.03 100yrFW 124.00 1913.06 6.38 321.67 320.91 0.76 MooresCreek 2963.24 100yr FW 163.00 2188.12 5.63 321.69 320.90 0.80 MooresCreek 2955 BR U 100yr FW 163.00 2166.02 5.63 321.69 320.89 0.80 MooresCreek 2955 BR D 100yr FW 163.00 2163.15 5.64 321.67 320.87 0.80 MooresCreek 2947.03 100yr FW 163.00 2184.82 5.64 321.67 320.87 0.80 MooresCreek 2897.3 100yr FW 121.00 1765.54 6.91 320.69 320.19 0.50 MooresCreek 1669.52 100yr FW 91.00 1196.49 10.20 316.55 315.92 0.63 MooresCreek 1617.52 100yr FW 93.00 1209.05 10.09 316.40 315.86 0.55 MooresCreek 1570.82 100yr FW 95.00 1277.90 9.55 316.37 315.90 0.47 MooresCreek 1491.63 100yr FW 118.00 1472.08 8.29 316.28 315.80 0.49 MooresCreek 1337.95 100yr FW 125.65 1560.69 7.82 316.02 315.54 0.49 MooresCreek 1175 100yr FW 102.00 1358.77 8.98 315.33 315.16 0.18 MooresCreek 930.24 100yr FW 115.33 1859.33 6.56 315.42 315.04 0.39 HEC-RAS Plan: EXISTING River: MooresCreek Reach: MooresCreek Profile: 100vr Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Val Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chi (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) IWO (fus) (sq ft) (ft) MooresCreek 6105.59 100yr 11650 312.16 326.19 327.83 0.004603 10.64 1294.57 186.91 0.57 MooresCreek 5880.59 100yr 11650 311.16 325.09 326.77 0.004762 10.76 1276.58 185.25 0.58 MooresCreek 5655.59 100yr 11650 310.16 323.88 325.65 0.005133 11.02 1237.85 181.62 0.60 MooresCreek 5430.59 100yr 11650 309.16 322.26 324.33 0.006412 11.86 1129.07 171.01 0.66 MooresCreek 4605.21 100yr 11650 304.96 322.93 322.99 0.000338 3.20 7029.24 986.15 0.16 MooresCreek 3330.57 100yr 12200 300.46 321.49 322.20 0.001133 7.76 2191.87 176.61 0.32 MooresCreek 3013.03 100yr 12200 300.26 320.91 321.75 0.001737 9.94 2054.24 173.05 0.39 MooresCreek 2963.24 100yr 12200 300.46 320.90 313.05 321.45 0.001207 5.99 2036.12 172.99 0.30 MooresCreek 2955 Bridge MooresCreek 2947.03 100yr 12200 300.46 320.87 313.05 321.43 0.001215 6.00 2032.29 172.89 0.30 MooresCreek 2897.3 100yr 12200 300.46 320.19 321.13 0.002045 10.50 1939.42 169.18 0.43 MooresCreek 1669.52 100yr 12200 299.92 315.92 317.72 0.003742 11.09 1235.15 121.72 0.53 MooresCreek 1617.52 100yr 12200 299.88 315.86 317.48 0.003547 10.51 1298.11 129.01 0.51 MooresCreek 1570.82 100yr 12200 299.84 315.90 317.25 0.002814 9.78 1473.11 146.24 0.46 MooresCreek 1491.63 100yr 12200 299.78 315.80 317.00 0.002421 9.70 1707.44 220.24 0.44 MooresCreek 1337.95 100yr 12200 298.00 315.54 316.62 0.002032 9.09 1818.75 233.88 0.39 MooresCreek 1175 100yr 12200 298.00 315.16 316.25 0.002591 9.09 1722.45 186.98 0.40 MooresCreek 930.24 100yr 12200 296.00 315.04 305.37 315.77 0.001000 7.21 1964.31 144.45 0.30 w c 0 w c 0 w MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 6105.59 FEMA Section C 4.0 Spatially located using reach lengths .07 �� .045 +07 31 310 WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 5655.59 3.8 Spatially located using reach lengths .07 )1E .045 4.07 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 50yr o • — WS 10yr Ground w • Bank Sta Encroachment MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 5880.59 3.9 Spatially located using reach lengths .07 �� .045 +07 315�310 Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr ■ Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 5430.59 3.7 Spatially located using reach lengths 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 50yr • WS 10yr t Ground • Bank Sta Encroachment w c 0 w w MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 4605.21 (3.0) Spatially located using reach lengths 07 0 .07 550] 31 WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 3013.03 (1.7) Spatially located using reach lengths �—.07--� . 4.07� 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) Legend WS 500yr ■ %Aic 4AM- MAI w c 0 w WS 50yr o • — WS 10yr � Ground w • Bank Sta Encroachment 2 MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 3330.57 FEMA Section B (2.0) Spatially located using reach lengths Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr ■ Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 2963.24 (1.6) Spatially located using reach lengths .07 ),I( .045 )1E — .07 -- Legend WS 500yr ■ XAic I(' \rl . MAI 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) WS 50yr WS 10yr t Ground A Ineff • Bank Sta w MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 2955 BR Moores Creek Lane .07 �� .045 �� .07 350 Legend WS 500yr 340 ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr 330 �— WS 50yr o WS 10yr 320 ■ °' Ground w Ineff 310 • Bank Sta 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 2947.03 (1.4) Spatially located using reach lengths .07 >4 .045 )IE -.07 Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr o - WS 10yr > Ground w Ineff • Bank Sta 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) 3 MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 2955 BR Moores Creek Lane •07 �� .045 �� .07 350 Legend WS 500yr 340 ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr 330 �— WS 50yr • WS 10yr 320 ■ Ground A Ineff 310 • Bank Sta 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 2897.3 (1.3) reach length corrected based on Moores CK Lane crossing �—.07--� . 1.07� 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 100vr FW 1—Y1 WS 50yr • WS 10yr t Ground • Bank Sta Encroachment w c 0 a>i w MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 1669.52 New Section WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 1570.82 New Section Legend WS 500yr ■ w c 0 a>i w WS 50yr o • - WS 10yr Ground w • Bank Sta Encroachment 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 Station (ft) 4 MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 1617.52 New Section Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr ■ Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 1491.63 New Section 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 50yr • WS 10yr t Ground • Bank Sta Encroachment w c 0 w w c 0 w MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 RS = 1337.95 New Section WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 930.24 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) Legend WS 500yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr t Ground • Bank Sta Encroachment 5 MooresCreek Plan: EXISTING CONDITIONS NAVD88 5/23/2018 IRS = 1175 FEMA Section A (1.0) - GEOMETRY UPDATED USING EG SURFACE 370 07.045 .07 Legend 360 WS 05 0 ry 350 ■ WS 100yr FW 340 WS 100yr WS 50yr 330 • WS 10yr 320 Ground 310 Bank Sta ... Encroachment 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) APPENDIX 7 PROPOSED CONDITIONS MODEL RESULTS HEC-RAS Plan: PROPOSED_2018-07 River: MooresCreek Reach: MooresCreek Profile: 100yr FW Reach River Sta Profile Top Wdth Act Area Vel Total W.S. Elev Base WS Prof Delta WS (ft) (sq ft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (ft) MooresCreek 6105.59 100yr FW 97.47 1080.88 10.78 326.86 326.19 0.67 MooresCreek 5880.59 100yr FW 97.11 1065.82 10.93 325.70 325.09 0.61 MooresCreek 5655.59 100yrFW 96.49 1039.78 11.20 324.44 323.88 0.56 MooresCreek 5430.59 100yr FW 97.65 1016.93 11.46 323.07 322.26 0.81 MooresCreek 4605.21 100yr FW 679.00 5999.62 1.94 323.70 322.93 0.77 MooresCreek 3330.57 100yr FW 155.00 2284.31 5.34 322.37 321.49 0.88 MooresCreek 3013.03 100yrFW 124.00 1913.06 6.38 321.67 320.91 0.76 MooresCreek 2963.24 100yr FW 163.00 2188.12 5.63 321.69 320.89 0.80 MooresCreek 2955 BR U 100yr FW 163.00 2166.02 5.63 321.69 320.89 0.80 MooresCreek 2955 BR D 100yr FW 163.00 2163.15 5.64 321.67 320.87 0.80 MooresCreek 2947.03 100yr FW 163.00 2184.82 5.64 321.67 320.87 0.80 MooresCreek 2897.3 100yr FW 121.00 1765.54 6.91 320.69 320.19 0.50 MooresCreek 1669.52 100yrFW 91.00 1196.49 10.20 316.55 315.92 0.64 MooresCreek 1617.52 100yr FW 93.00 1209.05 10.09 316.40 315.86 0.54 MooresCreek 1570.82 100yr FW 95.00 1277.90 9.55 316.37 315.96 0.41 MooresCreek 1491.63 100yr FW 118.00 1472.08 8.29 316.28 315.77 0.51 MooresCreek 1337.95 100yr FW 125.65 1560.69 7.82 316.02 315.54 0.48 MooresCreek 1175 100yr FW 102.00 1358.77 8.98 315.33 315.16 0.18 MooresCreek 930.24 100yr FW 115.33 1859.33 6.56 315.42 315.04 0.39 HEC-RAS Plan: PROPOSED_2018-07 River: MooresCreek Reach: MooresCreek Profile: 100yr Reach River Sta Profile Q Total Min Ch El W.S. Elev Crit W.S. E.G. Elev E.G. Slope Vel Chnl Flow Area Top Width Froude # Chl (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (fuft) (fus) (sq ft) (ft) MooresCreek 6105.59 100yr 11650.00 312.16 326.19 327.83 0.004603 10.64 1294.56 186.91 0.57 MooresCreek 5880.59 100yr 11650.00 311.16 325.09 326.77 0.004762 10.76 1276.57 185.25 0.58 MooresCreek 5655.59 100yr 11650.00 310.16 323.88 325.65 0.005133 11.03 1237.84 181.62 0.60 MooresCreek 5430.59 100yr 11650.00 309.16 322.26 324.33 0.0064131 11.86 1129.03 171.00 0.66 MooresCreek 4605.21 100yr 11650.00 304.96 322.93 322.99 0.0003381 3.20 7029.00 986.15 0.16 MooresCreek 3330.57 100yr 12200.00 300.46 321.49 322.20 0.0011331 7.76 2191.80 176.61 0.32 MooresCreek 3013.03 100yr 12200.00 300.26 320.91 321.75 0.0017371 9.94 2054.16 173.05 0.39 MooresCreek 2963.24 100yr 12200.00 300.46 320.89 313.05 321.45 0.001208 5.99 2036.04 172.99 0.30 MooresCreek 2955 Bridge MooresCreek 2947.03 100yr 12200.00 300.46 320.87 313.05 321.43 0.001215 6.00 2032.22 172.89 0.30 MooresCreek 2897.3 100yr 12200.00 300.46 320.19 321.13 0.002045 10.50 1939.33 169.18 0.43 MooresCreek 1669.52 100yr 12200.00 299.92 315.92 317.72 0.003745 11.09 1235.03 128.03 0.53 MooresCreek 1617.52 100yr 12200.00 299.88 315.86 317.47 0.003534 10.50 1314.42 153.83 0.51 MooresCreek 1570.82 100yr 12200.00 299.84 315.96 317.23 0.002672 9.56 1585.17 191.14 0.45 MooresCreek 1491.63 100yr 12200.00 299.78 315.77 317.02 0.002480 9.81 1636.89 174.90 0.44 MooresCreek 1337.95 100yr 12200.00 298.00 315.54 316.62 0.002018 9.06 1841.31 243.12 0.39 MooresCreek 1175 100yr 12200.00 298.00 315.16 316.25 0.002591 9.09 1722.45 186.98 0.40 MooresCreek 930.24 100yr 12200.00 296.00 315.04 305.37 315.77 0.001000 7.21 1964.31 144.45 0.30 w c 0 w c 0 w 31 310 MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 IRS = 6105.59 FEMA Section C 4.0 Spatially located using reach lengths —.07 �� .045 +07 WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 IRS = 5655.59 3.8 Spatially located using reach lengths .07 )IE .045 4.07 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 50yr o • — WS 10yr Ground w • Bank Sta Encroachment MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 IRS = 5880.59 3.9 Spatially located using reach lengths .07 �� .045 +07 315�310 Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr ■ Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 IRS = 5430.59 3.7 Spatially located using reach lengths 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Station (ft) Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 50yr • WS 10yr t Ground • Bank Sta Encroachment w c 0 w 31 w C 0 w MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 IRS = 4605.21 (3.0) Spatially located using reach lengths WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 IRS = 3013.03 (1.7) Spatially located using reach lengths �--.07--� . 4.07� 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) Legend WS 500yr ■ wo, 1 nnvr FW w c 0 w WS 50yr o • — WS 10yr � Ground w • Bank Sta Encroachment MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 IRS = 3330.57 FEMA Section B (2.0) Spatially located using reach lengths 360- 07 41,.045 � .07 Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr ■ Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 IRS = 2963.24 (1.6) Spatially located using reach lengths .07 ),I( .045 )IE — .07 -- Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 1nnvr FW 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) VVJ IUUYI WS 50yr WS 10yr t Ground A Ineff • Bank Sta w c 0 m w w MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 IRS = 2955 BR Moores Creek Lane .07 �I( .045 )IE . .07 -- Legend X WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr o • — WS 10yr Ground w Ineff • Bank Sta 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 IRS = 2947.03 (1.4) Spatially located using reach lengths �.07�1 .045)IE —.07--� Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr o WS 10yr Ground w Ineff • Bank Sta 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 IRS = 2955 BR Moores Creek Lane .07 �14 .045 )IE .07 Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr Ground Ineff • Bank Sta 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 IRS = 2897.3 (1.3) reach length corrected based on Moores CK Lane crossing �—.07--� . 1.07� 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Station (ft) Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 1C&r FW vvYI WS 50yr • WS 10yr t Ground • Bank Sta Encroachment w c 0 a>i w c 0 m w MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 RS = 1669.52 FG SURFACE WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 RS = 1570.82 FG SURFACE Legend WS 500yr ■ w c 0 a>i w WS 50yr o • - WS 10yr Ground w • Bank Sta Encroachment 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 RS = 1617.52 FG SURFACE 350-�., 07 �� .045 -+— .07 Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr ■ Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 4700 4800 4900 5000 5100 5200 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 RS = 1491.63 FG SURFACE 0 100 200 300 400 500 Station (ft) Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 50yr • WS 10yr t Ground • Bank Sta Encroachment w c 0 w w c 0 w MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 RS = 1337.95 FG SURFACE WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr Ground Bank Sta Encroachment 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 RS = 930.24 FG SURFACE 0 100 200 300 400 Station (ft) Legend WS 500yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr t Ground • Bank Sta Encroachment w c 0 w MooresCreek Plan: 1) PROPOSED 7/23/2018 RS = 1175 FEMA Section A (1.0) - FG I _ I I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Station (ft) Legend WS 500yr ■ WS 100yr FW WS 100yr WS 50yr • WS 10yr ■ Ground Bank Sta Encroachment