HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201600006 Application Special Use Permit 2016-12-16 (It Albemarle C‘eunty Community Development Departmet **S491 McIntire Road Charlottesville,V4 22902-4596 ••iiie - Voice (4341296-5632 Fax i414r 972.4126 -- * Planning.Application [PARCEL I OWNER INFORMATION IMP 06200-00-00-025CD Owner(s): BROADUS MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH Application# SP201600006 1PROPERTY INFORMATION Legal Description ACrtEACE PARCEL X A _ Magist*nal Cli5t, Rivanna [] Land Use Primary Semi-public Current AFD Not in A/F District tj Current Zoning Primary Rural Areas EI ..... ,.. APPLICATION INFORMATION street Address 1525 STONY POINT RD CHARLOTTESVILLE,22911 Entered Sy antelle Roth APPlicatIon TYPe Special Use Permit w , I 2,'17!2016 Project Generations Montessori School Received Date 02/16/16 Received Date Fina' II Submittal Date 02/16/16 Total Fees Closing File Date Submittal Date Final J Total Paid Revision Number IIIIIIIIIIMIIII — , Comments TAX INFORMATION POT AVAILABE FOR THIS PARCEL ONLINE A, • Legal Ad 1 , ...... ' .. ISOB APPLICATIONSs) Type .S,4bA0Plicatio Comment New Special Use Permit 02/16/16 i i APPLICANT /CONTACT INFORMATION Contacfr .- Marne Address , Cl Stabs Zi. Phone PhoneCelf i •BROADUS MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH '15:5 STONY POINT ROAD 'CHARLOTTESV1LL .22911 - P,ITA C PACE :1975 FRANK1IN DRIVE 'CHARLOTTESVILL 22911 '4349623814 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date See..-;stas*v...s4..:ra E-e,e:es.-2, s.:,,--Cc.,:,?s; County of AibernarftIlie ,4100i :l'a,sv.,:es,-se VA Parcel Property Information 4:' 'Mc/rt.•,*Fz09:',22.'4.22-45ii- , . TMP 06200-00-00-025C0Legal ACREAGE PARCEL X , Description ' Parent TMP - - - Ta K Map 06200 Section GO Block 00 Parcel 025C0 GPM 499131903264 Major Subdiv. Acreage Total Acres 5.00 TMP Inactive?' ACTIVE , E-911 STREET ADDRESS INFORMATION House Num Street Name ...,, 4. #.4.. Ile.•" ' ll 1111111111111WrallIMMIETIN 1 ' 1525 'STONY POINT RD :CHARLOTTESVILLE - 22911 • • , i OWNER'INFORMATION -1 BROADLIS MEMORIAL BAPTIST CIHOR.CH • 'i 1525 STONY POStIhrl'elT RAddiOADess sCHARLOCiTTEISSt1:34LeLE VA i'22911 [ADDITIONAL PROPEkTY INFORMATION Agricultural Forest District Not in A/F District V High School Districtmonticejlo Traffic ZoneMiddle School District; Burley I" ; iv_ Voter Precinct Free Brittoe . Elem.School District; Stony Point .[ ...„.../ Magisterial District; Rivenne Metro Planning Areal" Census Block Groupi 2 CATSArea? Census Tracti 105 Public Water Sewer i Water&Sewer Water Supply Protection Area? NO Other Rural Land? NO Watershed; Uooer Rivqnna River Development Area? vss [Historical Significance World Heritage Site National Historic Landmark Virginia Landmark Register National Register of Historic Places Parcel Has Proffers 1 Parcel Has Easements A ,Current Land Use Number of Structures Number of Owellino Units Pr'm4rY'' Semi-OODlic I 2 Secondary Oben w 2 2 Knor Forest 0 ' 2 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Area: Nelohborhood 3- Pantooq ,....._ PrimarY' Greensbaoe other2: Unassioried -3-1 ..,---I Secondary; Urban Density Residential 1.7j Other3l Unassioned .1 ---J t'.1nor", Nelohborhood Densitv Residential *go, , 1....1 0 ther4" Unessionect tv Otherl Unessioned . Other5i unessiorjed [2.0j Zoning i Current Zongno coning Adaptor'1211580 Zortalp Pnor fp 12/19,90' Prirnary. Rural Areas w Rural Areasw Acricuttural Secondary= Unassioned . scenic Hiohwav Overlayc Sceni Hionwav Overlay .r . Knor Unassioned a Planned Industrial Park w Unassroned [I j Other Unassigned Natural Resource Extraction Overlay Flood Hazard Overlay Airport Impact Area Entrance Corridor Overlay Scenic Stream Overlas . , [-ACTIVITY INFORMATION Ait„ANWZNG ACTIVITIES suiLorNG ACTIVITIES - 1,2?,0i cilOINtarkb,,,T,j,_, CartIt44StAt,US, I ,,„„,SpecialCceditions .*- .1.t.icationNiumb 'w CurrentPearitSt ' .,..41Conditions __I .. sP.20160$iF6 .Undr Reuter i IAA INFORMATION NOT :---: B20100164SOM Voided j no inspections 2-3-14 SP99700001 Approved An i B19990180941 CO Issued SP1S800066 Approved B19970-0151.41 CO Issued rr , SPI98900063 approvert 6199.601871A! CO Issued 'SC4199700°04 Approved B199501399S CO ts si.te d .` - : i SE,•1991000SS Approved B199200714MOT 'CO issued PratedOn. [Wednesday,February 17.2016 Fee Amount$ Date Paid/ By who? Rt# Ck# By: • ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION Application for 44,of A.t.474,1, Special Use Permit : ,e;- t try►s• IMPORTANT: Your application will be considered INCOMPLETE until all of the required attachments listed on page 2 have been submitted. Also,please see the list on page 3 for the appropriate fee(s)related to your application. Staff will assist you with these items. PROJECT NAME: (how should we refer to this application?) Generations Montessori School PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Preschool ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION(S): 10.2.2 EXISTING COMP PLAN LAND USE/DENSITY: 6-34 units per acre LOCATION/ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT: 1 525 Stony Point Road TAX MAP PARCEL(s): Tax Map 62 Parcel 25C ZONING DISTRICT: RA #OF ACRES TO BE COVERED BY SPECIAL USE PERMIT(if a portion,it must be delineated on a plat): q.ac04 Is this an amendment to an existing Special Use Permit?If Yes provide that SP Number.SP- ❑YES 8 NO Are you submitting a preliminary site plan with this application? ❑YES ❑NO Contact Person(Who should we call/write concerning this project?): Rita C Pace Address 1975 Franklin Drive City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22911 Daytime Phone( ) 962-3814 Fax#( ) E-mail rita_pace@comcast.net owner of Record Broadus Memorial Baptist Church Address 1525 Stony Point Road City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22911 Daytime Phone( ) 977-7381 Fax#( ) 977-0855 E-mail broadusbaptist@embarqmail.com Applicant(Who is the Contact person representing?): Rita& Christina Pace Address Same As Contact City State Zip Daytime Phone( ) Fax#( ) E-mail Does the owner of this property own(or have any ownership interest in)any abutting property? If yes,please list those tax map and parcel numbers: 06200-00-00-025C 1 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY History: U Special Use Permits: Concurrent review of Site Development Plan? Q YES 0 NO County of Albemarle Department of Community Development d1►1 Mrintiro Mnad(`harinttoevilla V A 7.70117.Vnipa• fd idl 1041/6-GRA?.Fav (AIM 4177_d176 OFFICIALLY SUBMITTL, El One(1)completed&signed copy of the Checklist for a Special Use Permit. El One(1)copy of the Pre-application Comment Form received from county staff El One(1)copy of any special studies or documentation as specified in the Pre-application Comment Form, 0 Seventeen (17)folded copies of a Conceptual Plan. ® Seventeen(17)copies of a written narrative with section TITLES as follows: • PROJECT PROPOSAL The project proposal, including o its public need or benefit; o how the special use will not be a substantial detriment to adjacent lots, o how the character of the zoning district will not be changed by the proposed special use,and o how the special use will be in harmony with the following; • the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance, • the uses permitted by right in the zoning district, • the regulations provided in Section 5 of the Zoning Ordinance as applicable,and • the public health,safety and general welfare. (be as descriptive as possible, including details such as but not limited to the number of persons involved in the use,operating hours,and any unique features of the use) • CONSISTENCY WITH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan, including the land use plan and the master plan for the applicable development area; • IMPACTS ON PUBLIC FACILITIES&PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE The proposed project's impacts on public facilities and public infrastructure. • IMPACTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES The proposed project's impacts on environmental features. O One(1)copy of the most recent recorded plat,that shows the Deed Book/Page Number, of the parcel(s) composing the proposed project, or a boundary survey if a portion of one or more parcels compose the proposed project,both of which shall include a metes and bounds description of the boundaries. • One(1)copy of ownership information(if applicant is not also the owner). If ownership of the property is in the name of any type of legal entity or organization including,but not limited to, the name of a corporation,partnership or association,or in the name of a trust,or in a fictitious name,a document acceptable to the County must be submitted certifying that the person signing below has the authority to do so. If the applicant is a contract purchaser,a document acceptable to the County must be submitted containing the owner's written consent to the application. If the applicant is the agent of the owner,a document acceptable to the County must be submitted that is evidence of the existence and scope of the agency. Please attach the owner's written consent. See Attachment A in the Land Use Law Handbook for more information. El As the owner/agent I certify that any delinquent real estate taxes,nuisance charges, stormwater management utility fees,and any other charges that constitute a lien on the subject property,which are owed to the County of Albemarle and have been properly assessed against the subject property,have been paid. PLEASE CONSULT THE LIST OF ITEMS WHICH WILL BE REVIEWED BY STAFF FROM THE LINK BELOW: STAFF ANALYSIS OF ZMA&SP REQUESTS I hereby certify that I own thject property,or have the legal power to In behalf of the owner in filing this application. I also certify that the information provided on this application and accompa ing information is accurate,true,and correct to the best of my knowledge. By signing this application I am consenting to written comments,letters and or notifications regarding this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email. This consent does not preclude such written communication from also being sent via first class mail. R 2074 I*IC/2 iild 9 ht.-i-c-z(, 2/As1/,‘ Sign e f Owner/Agent or Contract Purchaser Date 4 ide-‹ GI./ /1/00ie 917 z —,f /f Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory Required FEES to be pai4 grace thf oRkiication is deemed complete: An email will be sent to the application contact once the submittal Is deemed complete. What type of Special Use Permit are you applying for? ❑ New Special Use Permit $2,150 Additional lots under section 10.52.1 $1,075 ❑ Public utilities $1,075 ❑ Day care center $1,075 ❑ Home Occupation Class B $1,075 ❑ To amend existing special use permit $1,075 0 To extend existing special use permit $1,075 ❑ Farmer's markets without an existing commercial entrance approved by the VDOT or without existing and adequate parking $527 Q Farmer's markets with an existing commercial entrance approved by the VDOT and with existing and adequate parking $118 ❑ Signs under section 4.15.5 and 4.15.5A(filed for review by the Board of Zoning Appeals under the Variance Schedule) $538 To be paid aftcy fitaff rpIew fpr public notice: Most applications for a Special Use Permit require at least one public hearing by the Planning Commission and one public hearing by the Board of Supervisors. Virginia State Code requires that notice for public hearings be made by publishing a legal advertisement in the newspaper and by mailing letters to adjacent property owners. Therefore,at least two fees for public notice are required before a Special Use Permit may be heard by the Board of Supervisors. Applications reviewed by the Board of Zoning Appeals,however,only require one public hearing and therefore require just one fee for public notice. The total fee for public notice will be provided to the applicant after the final cost is determined and must be paid before the application is heard by a public body. Staff estimates,the total cost of legal advertisement and adjacent owner .. notification to be between$400 and$450 per hearing. This estimate reflects the average cost of public notice fees for Special Use Permit applications,but the cost of certain applications may be higher. A Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty(50)notices $215 +actual cost of first-class postage > Preparing and mailing or delivering each notice after fifty(50) $1.08 for each additional notice+actual cost of first-class postage A Legal advertisement(published twice in the newspaper for each public hearing) Actual est$ (averages between$150 and$250) A Special Exception—provide written justification with application-$457 Other FEES that may apply: A Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request $194 Resubmittal fees for original Special Use Permit fee of$2,150 A First resubmission FREE A Each additional resubmission(To BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) $1,075 Resubmittal fees for original Special Use Permit fee of$1,075 A First resubmission FREE A Each additional resubmission(To BE PAID WHEN TilE REiiUEMJSSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) S538 The full list of fees can be found in Stacticm fqf the Alhfrniirlf coil 'irq jipg Qrflinpjce, I hereby certify that I own theject property,or have the legal power to in behalf of the owner in filing this application. I also certify that the information provided on this application and aceompng information is accurate,true,and correct to the best of my knowledge. By signing this application JIM consenting to written comments, letters and or notifications regarding this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email. This consent does not preclude-such written communication from also being sent via first class mail. Signature of Owner/Agent or Contract Pur haser, Date £ J1 5. Mc-ye/ 41,5A-C_ 2.94— 4- t Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory Required FEES to be nalcl opcp tJ a application is deemed complete: An email will be sent to the application contact once the submittal is deemed complete. What type of Special Use Permit are you applying for? O New Special Use Permit $2,150 O Additional lots under section 10.52.1 $1,075 O Public utilities $1,075 ❑ Day care center $1,075 C] Home Occupation Class B $1,075 O To amend existing special use permit $1,075 O To extend existing special use permit $1,075 C] Farmer's markets without an existing commercial entrance approved by the VDOT or without existing and adequate parking $527 Q Farmer's markets with an existing commercial entrance approved by the VDOT and with existing and adequate parking. $118 CI Signs under section 4.15.5 and 4.15.5A(filed for review by the Board of Zoning Appeals under the Variance Schedule) $538 To be Haid firteI sof Tljw for public notice: Most applications for a Special Use Permit require at least one public hearing by the Planning Commission and one public hearing by the Board of Supervisors. Virginia State Code requires that notice for public hearings be made by publishing a legal advertisement in the newspaper and by mailing letters to adjacent property owners. Therefore,at least two fees for public notice are required before a Special Use Permit may be heard by the Board of Supervisors. Applications reviewed by the Board of Zoning Appeals,however,only require one public hearing and therefore require just one fee for public notice. The total fee for public notice will be provided to the applicant after the final cost is determined and must be paid before the application is heard by a public body. Staff estimates the total cost of legal advertisement and adjacent owner notification to be between$400 and$450 per hearing. This ritimate reflects the average cost of public notice fees for Special Use Permit applications,but the cost of certain applications may be hitcher. > Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty(50)notices $215+actual cost of first-class postage > Preparing and mailing or delivering each notice after fifty(50) $1.08 for each first-classaddottag+actual cost of postage > Legal advertisement(published twice in the newspaper for each public hearing) Actual cost (averages between$150 and$250) A Special Exception—provide written justification with application-$457 Other FEES that may apply: > Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request $194 Resubmittal fees for original Special Use Permit fee of$2,150 > First resubmission FREE > Each additional resubmission(To BE PAID WREN THE U$UBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) $1,075 Resubmittal fees for original Special Use Permit fee of$1,075 > First resubmission FREE > Each additional resubmission(TO BE PAID WREN TUB RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) $538 The full list of fees can be found in Rf l AJ(ici}wrJt ctnintx?atm chlimpice, I hereby certify that I own theject property,or have the legal power to n behalf of the owner in filing this application. I also certify that the information provided on this application and accompaning information is accurate,true,and correct to the best of my knowledge. By signing this application I am consenting to written comments,letters and or notifications regarding this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email. This consent does not preclude such - eco is 16:tion from also being sent via first class mail. Signature ofp ,er/Ageft or ceptract Purchaser Date frt/ , y./,�a/tvc WY f2! 7/z Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory Required FEES to be pai0 p}}cc tin application is deemed complete: An email will be sent to the application contact once the submittal is deemed complete. What type of Special Use Permit are you applying for? LI New Special Use Permit $2,150 ❑ Additional lots under section 10.52.1 $1,075 ❑ Public utilities $1,075 ❑ Day care center $1,075 ❑ Home Occupation Class B $1,075 ❑ To amend existing special use permit $1,075 ❑ To extend existing special use permit $1,075 ❑ Farmer's markets without an existing commercial entrance approved by the VDOT or without existing and adequate parking $527 Q Farmer's markets with an existing commercial entrance approved by the VDOT and with existing and adequate parking. $118 ❑ Signs under section 4.15.5 and 4.15.5A(filed for review by the Board of Zoning Appeals under the Variance Schedule) $538 To be raid OvItail review foT public notice: Most applications for a Special Use Permit require at least one public hearing by the Planning Commission and one public hearing by the Board of Supervisors. Virginia State Code requires that notice for public hearings be made by publishing a legal advertisement in the newspaper and by mailing letters to adjacent property owners. Therefore,at least two fees for public notice are required before a Special Use Permit may be heard by the Board of Supervisors. Applications reviewed by the Board of Zoning Appeals,however,only require one public hearing and therefore require just one fee for public notice. The total fee for public notice will be provided to the applicant after the final cost is determined and must be paid before the application is heard by a public body. Staff egtpratee the total cost of legal advertisement and adjacent owner notification to be between$400 and$450 per hearing. This estimate reflects the average cost of public notice fees for Special Use Permit applications,but the cost of certain applications may be his!hher. > Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty(50)notices $215+actual cost of first-class postage > Preparing and mailing or delivering each notice after fifty(50) $1.08 for each additionalrs- lassnotices +actual cost of first-class postage Legal advertisement(published twice in the newspaper for each public hearing) Actual cost (averages between$150 and$250) > Special Exception—provide written justification with application-$457 Other FEES that may apply: > Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request $194 Resubmittal fees for original Special Use Permit fee of$2,150 ➢ First resubmission FREE • Each additional resubmission(TO BE PAD)WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) $1,075 Resubmittal fees for original Special Use Permit fee of$1,075 > First resubmission FREE > Each additional resubmission(TO BE PAID WHEN THIP$E$1J M SSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) $538 The full list of fees can be found in ecttgi, .,1 o f thp AJle uarlt cQmatz plpfqg Qrdl l}eez I hereby certify that I own they,ject property,or have the legal power to EL behalf of the owner in filing this application. I also certify that the informatiN provided on this application and accompaing information is accurate,true,and correct to the best of my knowledge. By signing this application I am consenting to written comments, letters and or notifications regarding this application being provided to me or my designated contact via fax and or email. This consent does not preclude such written communication from also being sent via first class mail. ignature of Own /Agent or Contract Purchaser Date Aa E 1 cg sAxi w o o) 'f.54--X 91 - 73R 7 Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory Required FEES to be paid once tjie application is deemed complete: An email will be sent to the application contact once the submittal is deemed complete. What type of Special Use Permit are you applying for? ❑ New Special Use Permit $2,150 ❑ Additional lots under section 10.52.1 $1,075 ❑ Public utilities $1,075 ❑ Day care center $1,075 ❑ Home Occupation Class B $1,075 ❑ To amend existing special use permit $1,075 ❑ To extend existing special use permit $1,075 ❑ Farmer's markets without an existing commercial entrance approved by the VDOT or without existing and adequate parking $527 Farmer's markets with an existing commercial entrance approved by the VDOT and with existing and adequate parking. $118 ❑ Signs under section 4.15.5 and 4.15.5A(filed for review by the Board of Zoning Appeals under the Variance Schedule) $538 To be r atatr}'cvjew for public notice: Most applications for a Special Use Permit require at least one public hearing by the Planning Commission and one public hearing by the Board of Supervisors. Virginia State Code requires that notice for public hearings be made by publishing a legal advertisement in the newspaper and by mailing letters to adjacent property owners. Therefore,at least two fees for public notice are required before a Special Use Permit may be heard by the Board of Supervisors. Applications reviewed by the Board of Zoning Appeals,however,only require one public hearing and therefore require just one fee for public notice. The total fee for public notice will be provided to the applicant after the final cost is determined and must be paid before the application is heard by a public body. Staff esj nates the total cost of legal advertisement and adjacent owner notification to be between$400 and$450 per hearing. This estimate reflects the average cost of public notice fees for Special Use Permit applications,but the cost of certain applications may be hitcher. A Preparing and mailing or delivering up to fifty(50)notices $215+actual cost of first-class postage > Preparing and mailing or delivering each notice after fifty(50) $1.08 for each first-classaddag+actual cost of postage > Legal advertisement(published twice in the newspaper for each public hearing) Actual cost (averages between$150 and$250) > Special Exception—provide written justification with application-$457 Other FEES that may apply: > Deferral of scheduled public hearing at applicant's request $194 Resubmittal fees for original Special Use Permit fee of$2,150 > First resubmission FREE > Each additional resubmission(To BE PAID WHEN THE RESUBMISSION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) $1,075 Resubmittal tees for original Special Use Permit fee of$1,075 > First resubmission FREE > Each additional resubmission(TO BE PAID wUBN TUE I 5TJfW5SION IS MADE TO INTAKE STAFF) $538 The full list of fees can be found in ! 1 ± ' ; ; ! • t! i a . t s = ! t : 1 e, Nitre 'fame Quarterly Meeting January 31,2016 Moderator called the body to order,stating a quorum was present.Moderator read scripture and led in prayer. A motion was made to adopt the agenda.It passed. the moderator made some remarks concerning parliamentary procedure. We conduct business in the spirit of Robert's Rules of Order,since we lack a parliamentarian.Questions about procedures are in order as we go along,so that everyone understands the option on each point of business. Minutes were distributed from the last regular quarterly meeting.They were accepted as presented. REPORTS AND UPDATES The Associate Pastor reported that Rita Pace would like to have Tuesday and Wednesday use of the building for a one-year-old class.She proposed using 2 rooms upstairs or down,starting in the fall.The concerns were costs,insurance,and zoning.Gary Haney did a study on sq.footage cost to operate,and she agreed to the monthly fee.The church's insurance covers potential problems,but Rita has her own insurance to cover the children and other hazards.As for zoning,Rita will take responsibility and pay all fees.This will be voted on by the church in the new business section. Treasurer's Report—Pam Smith The report and balance sheet was presented.The big difference is that the mortgage is gone.The report was accepted as presented. Personnel Report A permanent pianist and or organist is still being sought.The pastor search is gaining momentum.A special called business meeting on Feb.7 will present a pastor search committee for the church to approve. Missions Report—Deana Kirby The Eddie Freeman Fund has received additional funds from the trust of Mary Lee Sturgis.There was a loss in interest last year.We now help support 3 missionaries. Old Business—none New Business Church Clerk A recommendation to grant a letter of transfer for Betty Fortner. Missions—Lore O'Hanlon Freeman Fund may preserve capital for projects approved by,but not necessarily sponsored by Broadus. Donations are not spendable,only income from the donations. A new point:Available funds not spendt can go forward.They don't have to become principle. The funds are invested by the Va.Baptist Foundation. The new guidelines for the Fund were approved. Stewardship Committee—Esther Cash The budget for 2016 was presented and approved unanimously. Acting Pastor-Margarete Gillette The motion was made to allow Rita Pace to use the facilities for day care.It was seconded. The vote yes was unanimous. A motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Respectfully submitted Sharon Lloyd,Church Clerk FFICERS AND COMMITTEE vfEMBERS 2016 CHURCH OFFICERS DEACONS Frank Rice(Moderator) Tom Gillette (17) Sharon Lloyd(Clerk) Jeff Cranford (16) Marshall Thompson(Treasurer) Bob Wheeler (17) Esther Cash/Pam Smith(Assistant Treasurers) Deanna Kirby (18) Bonnie Greenwood(Financial Secretary) Bonnie Greenwood (17) Ron Kirby (18) STAFF Nancy Mimms (16) Scott Morris(Part-time Custodian) Dan Rinald* (17) Lade Ulery(Administrative Assistant) Lore O'Hanlon (16) Lindsay Hawn(Music Director) Sharon Lloyd (16) Margarete Gillette(Associate Pastor) Steve McVey (18) Edie Wheeler (18) CHURCH COUNCIL(AT-LARGE MEMBER) TRUSTEES Marshall Thompson(Chair) (17) Bill Downer* (17) Tom Gillette(Vice-Chair) (16) Bonnie Greenwood (16) Cal Morris(Secretary) (18) Gene McVey (16) Denny Milby (16) Jim Moore (17) STANDING COMMITTEES FOR 2016 CHRISTIAN ARTS DECORATING STEWARDSHIP Sonita Brown (17) Marilyn Hantske (16) Greg Leffler (17) Penny Chernauskas (18) Eunice Hamlett (18) Bill Downer (18) Marshall Thompson (16) Carol Hood (17) Bonnie Greenwood (18) Leah Leffler (17) Janice McCann (18) Cal Morris (18) Virginia Thompson* (18) Lexie McVey (18) Esther Cash* (17) Jane Ramsdell (16) FACILITIES FELLOWSHIP TRANSPORTATION Tom Gillette (18) Marge Taylor (18) Ron Kirby* (18) Gary Haney* (18) Dan Rinald* (17) Greg McDuffie (16) Sharon Lloyd (16) Bonnie Greenwood (17) Bruce Woodzell (16) Greg McDuffie (18) Phyllis Tignor (18) Mike Powell (16) Kevin O'Hanlon (17) Karen Morris (16) Marshall Thompson (16) Greg Leffler (17) HISTORICAL LANDSCAPE&GROUNDS IT Randy Clark (17) John Williams (17) Bill Childress* (17) Sandy Clark* (17) Jennifer McDuffie (16) Ray Dowdy (17) Trish Rinald (16) Debbie McVey (17) Kevin O'Hanlon (17) Kathy Beale (18) Karen Morris (18) Kevin 0 Hanlon* (17) MISSIONS NOMINATING Lee Perry (18) Bonnie Greenwood (18) Robin Grimes (18) Jennifer McDuffie* (17) Lore O'Hanlon (16) Reba Woodzell (16) Brenda Powell (16) Cal Morris (18) Debbie McVey (18) Debbie McVey (17) PERSONNEL PUBLIC RELATIONS Bobbi Jacobs (17) Deanna Kirby (18) Bob Wheeler (18) Nancy Mimms (16) Kerri White (17) Suzanne Cranford (17) Bruce Woodzell* (16) Frank Rice (17) Tim Aylor (18) Matthew O'Hanlon (18) `rr' `r✓ E-Mail Addresses Chairmen Virginia Thompson-Christian Arts vrt60@aol.com Dan Rinald-Deacons danieLj.rinald.civ@mail.mil Carol Hood-Decorating grams6@comcast.net Gary Haney-Facilities garhanpdi@ntelos.net Dan Rinald-Fellowship dantrish65@yahoo.com Sandy Clark-Historical sandyclark515@gmail.com Bill Childress-IT hwc1302@yahoo.com Kevin O'Hanlon-Landscape kevin.t.ohanlon@gmail.com Lore O'Hanlon-Missions ecolore@aoLcom Jennifer McDuffie—Nominating jenniferuva@aol.com Bruce Woodzell-Personnel bwoodzell@embargmaiLcom Bob Brown-Public Relations rcbrown38@aol.com Esther Cash-Stewardship esthercash@gmail.com Ron Kirby-Transportation deakir@embargmail.com Church Officers Frank Rice(Moderator) far135@aol.com Sharon Lloyd(Clerk) atp51sl@gmail.com Marshall Thompson(Treasurer) cmt058@gmail.com Pam Smith(Assistant Treasurer) mtnkeep@embarqmail.com Esther Cash(Assistant Treasurer) esthercash@gmail.com Bonnie Greenwood(Financial Secretary) bpgreenwood@gmail.com Lorie Ulery(Administrative Assistant) broadusbaptist@embargmail.com Margarete Gillette(Associate Pastor) mrg1155@aol.com Church Council Marshall Thompson(Chair) cmt058@gmail.com Tom Gillette(Vice-Chair) tlgillette5@aol.com Cal Morris(Secretary) cal_mor@msn.com Trustees Deacons Denny Milby dtmilby@aol.com Tom Gillette tlgillette5@aol.com Jim Moore jimanddorism@aol.com Sharon Lloyd atp51s1@gmail.com Bill Downer bill@downerandassociates.com Nancy Mimms nancymimms@gmail.com Gene McVey nanandpaw@aoLcom Jeff Cranford Jeff.Cranford@vbmb.org Bonnie Greenwood bpgreenwood@gmail.com Deanna Kirby deakir@embargmaiLcom Ron Kirby deakir@embargmail.com Bob Wheeler xminister@embargmail.com Bonnie Greenwood bpgreenwood@gmail.com Lore O'Hanlon ecolore@aoLcom Dan Rinald dantrish65@yahoo.com Steve McVey smcvey6220@gmail.com Edie Wheeler xteacher@embargmail.com ftrol **IS COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,North Wing Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126 Memorandum To: Rita Pace Christina Pace From: Rachel Falkenstein Date: 2/3/16 Subject: TMP 62-25C,Generations Montessori School Pre-Application Meeting Date:2/1/2016 The following are County staff comments regarding the above noted pre-application meeting.This meeting may satisfy the requirements for the mandatory pre-application.The purpose of for the meeting is summarized below: The purposes for a pre-application meeting are to:(i)provide the applicant and the county a common understanding of the proposed project;(ii)inform the applicant about the proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan, other relevant policies, and county regulations;(iii)broadly identify the planning,zoning and other issues raised by the application that need to be addressed by the applicant;(iv)inform the applicant about the applicable procedure;and(v)allow the director to identify the information the applicant must submit with the application, including the supplemental information delineated in subsection (c). Receiving the relevant supplemental information will allow the application to be comprehensively and efficiently reviewed (i)Common understanding of the proposed project • Background info: The subject property is zoned Rural Areas. It was developed as and is used for a church per Special Use Permit 89-63. From 1997 to 1999, it was also used for Frost Montessori School (SP 97-01). This special use permit was granted for no more than 18 children expiring on June 30, 1999. • The applicant is proposing a private school,to include summer school offerings,for up to 50 students in the existing Broadus Memorial Baptist Church facility. • Proposed school hours would be 9am-5pm with occasional after hours events. • The applicant anticipates minor changes to the outdoor play area, but otherwise no site changes are proposed. (ii)Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan • This parcel is designated Urban Density Residential in the Pantops Master Plan which calls for residential uses at a density of 6-34 units per acre as well as institutional uses such as places of worship,public and private schools,and early childhood education centers including day care centers and preschools. • Parts of this parcel are also designated as Greenspace,which includes stream buffers,flood plain,steep slopes and other environmental features.Typically only passive recreation will occur in these areas or greenway trails. • The proposed private school is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan;staff recommends that the greenspace areas shown on comp plan,including the existing tree canopy and landscaping on the site not be disturbed for the proposed use. 1 Sloe **4004 (iii)Broadly identify the planning,zoning or other issues raised by the application that need to be addressed by the applicant. Important items for consideration with your special use permit application are as follows: • Staff strongly recommends the applicant work with the Health Department to review the well and septic on site that to ensure facilities are adequate for proposed use. Health Department staff will be reviewing the special use permit application and their approval will be required prior to commencement of the use. For questions about Health Department requirements contact Josh Kirtley at the Thomas Jefferson Health District: Josh Kirtley Office(434)972-6288 Email:Joshua.Kirtlev(avdh.virginia.gov • As mentioned in the preapplication meeting for your information,this property falls within a buffer of a leading underground storage tank. This property is also designated to be allowed to connect to public water and sewer. • VDOT is requesting traffic generation information regarding a left turn lane warrant.They have also asked that adequate site distance be verified as part of your application submittal. For questions on this process please contact Troy Austin at VDOT: Troy Austin, P.E. Phone: (434)422-9782 Email: Nathran.Austin a vdot.virginia.gov • We recommend that you contact Jay Schlothauer, Building Official,for him to do a building inspection. While a similar use previously occurred here,a current inspection can allow him to provide written comments as to the adequacy of the building for the proposed use. Contact Jay at 296-5832 x3228. • Required parking for use—Section 4.12 of the Zoning Ordinance suggests using a parking study for a school use. The existing parking lot appears to be more than adequate for the number of required parking spaces. While this isn't a day care center, it can be used as a guideline. A day care center use requires 1 parking space per 10 children and 1 per employee. • Building setbacks/build to lines—No new or expanded building proposed. Any new outdoor play area will be located:a)outside of the Water Protection Ordinance buffer and b)will be in compliance with the conditions of SP 89-63(attached). The specific conditions relevant conditions are#4: Maintenance of existing major vegetation other than scrub;#5: Development in a manner so as to minimize visual impact from Rt. 20;and#6: Outdoor night lighting is limited to security lighting. (iv)Applicable procedures • SP Application and associated information: o The proposed use requires the submittal of an SP application and additional information(see below). • Community Meeting: o The applicant is required by ordinance to undertake a community meeting process as part of the review of the SP request. o You have the option of working with the Pantops Community Advisory Council to use their monthly meeting as the Community Meeting for this project,or you can hold your own meeting at the church. o Please keep staff informed of the community meeting location and time.Staff will attend the meeting to answer questions,but the applicant is responsible for facilitating the discussion. o A list of property owners within 34 mile of the church parcel is attached.The applicant is responsible for sending notifications to these property owners as well as Board and Planning Commissioner members(via email)for the Rivanna District. 2 laro "IS o If you have contact information for HOA presidents within Hyland Ridge, Franklin and Fontana subdivisions,you can work with them to provide notice (via email,etc.)to their residents, rather than sending individual letters to each property owner. (v)Identify the information the applicant must submit with the application,including the supplemental information. • An SP application along with the application fee of$2150, plus the cost of public notice requirements when the application is being processed (staff will provide this fee amount,once calculated). • The application should include the appropriate signature of the owner,the owner's agent,or a contract purchaser. If either the owner's agent or a contract purchaser signs the application then include the owner's written consent that the agent or contract purchaser may file the application on their behalf.See attachment for applicable signature requirements for ownership not in the name on an individual person or persons. • Please note that all real estate taxes, nuisance charges,stormwater management utility fees,and any other charges that constitute a lien on the subject property,which are owed to the County of Albemarle must be paid prior to accepting the application. • Include the attached SP checklist with your application submittal. It will need to be the copy of the checklist that has been completed by staff and filled out by you indicating you have provided the necessary items. • Provide additional items(as listed in the SP checklist), including: o A concept Plan is needed_ Include as much detail as possible applicable to the proposed use; please provide general information as to the location of the proposed new outdoor play area. (A scaled printout of your site from GIS or Google can be utilized as a basis for your concept plan since no major changes to the site are being proposed.) o A written description of the use,similar to what was submitted for the preapplication conference. Please clearly identify maximum number of children requested and typical hours of operation. o The latest recorded plat(s). Sii�n��cerelly,Pdel; ) ILP Rachel Falkenstein Senior Planner Enc: Authorized signatures information SP checklist Community meeting guidelines Community meeting notification address list and map Community meeting letter template 3 Special Use Permit Application Narrative Generations Montessori School A narrative of the project proposal, including its public need or benefit: We hope to establish a licensed Montessori School at the existing Broadus Memorial Church site beginning in the 2016- 2017 school year. In the first year, the school will serve children from 2-20 months old. There is not a current Montessori School in town that serves this population. In the second year, we hope to offer an additional class for toddlers, and the following year we would like to add a class for children between 3 and 6 years old. In the first year, we will accept no more than 15 students. During the second year, we hope to add 12 children in the toddler class. By the third year, the school would be considered full with 45-50 students between the three classes. We plan to operate on the typical school year calendar, with children arriving at 9:00AM and leaving no later than 5:30 PM. Throughout the year, there may be a few after hour events for parents. Outside of the school calendar, we would also like to offer clubs, enrichment days, and summer camps. We plan to offer a cooking club once a month for children between the ages of 3 and 12 years old. Enrichment days would be offered during the school year, on scheduled school holidays. This would provide an alternative social and academic environment for children with working parents. During the summer, we hope to offer day camps. We plan to provide offerings for children to cook, do music, and explore the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Again, students would arrive at 9:00AM and leave the site by 5:30 PM. With the scope of the new and current housing developments in the 20 North and Pantops areas, we believe that this project will serve the community well. A narrative of the proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan; including the land use plan and the master plan for the applicable development area: This parcel is designated Urban Density Residential in the Pantops Master Plan which calls for residential uses at a density of 6-34 units per acre as well as institutional uses such as places of worship, public and private schools, and early childhood education centers including day care centers and preschools. As a proposed private school, we believe that our project fits well within these guidelines. • Parts of this parcel are also designated as Greenspace, which includes stream buffers, floodplain, steep slopes and other environmental features. Typically only passive recreation will occur in these areas or greenway trails. • The proposed private school is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; staff recommends that the greenspace areas shown on comp plan, including the existing tree canopy and landscaping on the site not be disturbed for the proposed use. A narrative on the proposed project's impacts on public facilities and public infrastructure: Water & Sewer: We are currently in contact with the Health Department to confirm that the existing water and sewer system can accommodate the additional use. Traffic: We have commissioned an engineer to conduct a Left Turn Warrant. They should confirm that a left turn lane is not necessary and the existing entrance is the required 470 ft from the entrance to Cascadia. Building & Grounds: We are not planning to do any site upgrades to the building. Outside, there is a small fenced in area with an existing play structure suitable for older children. We hope to add a small, age-appropriate, play structure for the younger children in this same fenced in area. Parking: 50 children x 1 parking space/1 0 children = 5 parking spaces 15 instructors x 1 parking space/1 instructor = 15 parking spaces Total: 20 parking spaces There are 3 tiers of parking at Broadus Memorial Church. Between the three lots, there are 64 general use parking spaces. At maximum capacity, the school would only require 20 parking spaces. The current parking is more than adequate. A narrative on the proposed project's impact on environmental features: We understand that there is a stream buffer that runs through the property. We plan to respect this boundary as well as all Greenspace around the church. We will gladly adhere to the staff recommendation to not disrupt the tree canopy or any existing landscaping. SPECIAL UPERMIT CHECKLIST foe' �pF AL Generations Montessori/TMP 62-25C r—® tzi ice Project Name/Tax Map Parcel Number ,�, After the mandatory pre-application meeting,county staff will mark this checklist appropriately so �IRGIN�A that it is clear to the applicant the information from Section 33.4(c)that must be submitted with RF the official application Name or initials of staff filling out form Required for Provided with application? application (County Staff) (Applicant) SECTION 33.4(c) X X YES NO © ❑ ❑ A narrative of the project proposal,including its public need or benefit; A narrative of the proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan, © including the land use plan and the master plan for the applicable development area; A narrative of the proposed project's impacts on public facilities and public © 11 infrastructure. © ❑ ❑ A narrative of the proposed project's impacts on environmental features. 1-1 A narrative of the proffers proposed to address impacts from the proposed project. One or more maps showing the proposed project's regional context and existing natural © ❑ and manmade physical conditions; © I I ❑ A conceptual plan showing,as applicable: ❑ El ❑ 11)the street network,including circulation within the project and connections to existing and proposed or planned streets within and outside of the project; 2)typical cross-sections to show proportions,scale and streetscape/cross- © sections/circulation; ❑ © ❑ 3)the general location of pedestrian and bicycle facilities; © 1-1 ❑ 4)building envelopes; © 5)parking envelopes; ❑ © ❑ 6)public spaces and amenities; © [] ❑ 7)areas to be designated as conservation and/or preservation areas; SPECIAL USE PERMIT CHECKLIST 04/2013 Page 1 of 2 E © ❑ 8)co.ptual stormwater detention facility loc s; ❑ © ❑ 9)conceptual grading; Other special studies or documentation,if applicable,and any other information identified as necessary by the county on the pre-application comment form. I ^ I ❑ ❑ left turn lane warrants for site entrance on Route 20 Please note: There are additional submittal requirements outlined on the official application for a Special Use Permit. Read and Sign I hereby state that,to the best of my knowledge,the official application submitted contains all information marked on this checklist as required for application. � y 1 a ec_ a\ l ` i Co Signature of person completing this checklist Date 40.1 a�� (43�( — a - 3 g Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory SPECIAL USE PERMIT CHECKLIST 04/2013 Page 2 of 2 �'l�r1lA .1111tig County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Rachel Falkenstein, Senior Planner From: Amelia McCulley, Zoning Administrator Division: Zoning Date: February 2, 2016 Subject: Mandatory Preapplication Meeting Comments for Montessori Private School at Broadus Memorial Church (TM 62, Parcel 25C) Appropriate signature of the owner, the owner's agent, or a contract purchaser are required on the Special Use Permit Application. If either the owner's agent or a contract purchaser signs the application then include the owner's written consent that the agent or contract purchaser may file the application on their behalf. See below for applicable signature requirements for ownership not in the name on an individual person or persons. Stock corporations Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are: (1) the board of directors; (2) any person in the corporation expressly authorized by the board of directors to complete prescribed acts on behalf of the corporation (Virginia Code § 13.1-673); (3) a committee of the board of directors (Virginia Code§ 13.1-689); or(4) a corporate officer as provided in the by-laws or in a resolution of the board of directors (Virginia Code § 13.1-694). Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is: (1) for a board of directors, the articles of incorporation or a shareholders agreement may limit the board's statutory authority(Virginia Code§ 13.1-673); (2)for a person expressly authorized by the board of directors, written evidence of that authorization, such as a board resolution or board minutes; (3) for a committee, an action of the board of directors authorizing the committee to act; the articles of incorporation or the by-laws may limit the statutory authority (Virginia Code § 13.1-689); (4) for a corporate officer, the by-laws or the delegating resolution of the board of directors (Virginia Code§ 13.1-694). Nonstock corporations Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are: (1) the board of directors; (2) any person in the corporation expressly authorized by the board of directors to complete prescribed acts on behalf of the corporation (Virginia Code § 13.1-853); (3) a committee of the board of directors (Virginia Code§ 13.1-869); or(4) a corporate officer as provided in the by-laws or in a resolution of the board of directors (Virginia Code§ 13.1-872). Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is: (1) for a board of directors, the articles of incorporation and the by-laws, the latter of which may include a member or director agreement, may limit the board's statutory authority (Virginia Code§§ 13.1-852.1, 13.1-853); (2) for a person expressly authorized by the board of directors, written evidence of that authorization such as a board resolution or board minutes; (3)for a committee, an action of the board of directors authorizing the committee to act; the articles of incorporation or the by-laws may limit the statutory authority (Virginia Code § 13.1-869); (4)for a corporate officer, the by-laws or the delegating resolution of the board of directors (Virginia Code§ 13.1-872). Limited liability companies ("LLCs") Authorized signatories:The authorized signatories are: (1) if the LLC is not a manager- managed LLC, any member; (2) if the LLC is a manager-managed LLC, the manager or any member unless the articles of organization limit the members'authority(Virginia Code § 13.1-1021.1(A)); or (3) unless otherwise provided in the articles of organization or an operating agreement, the members have the power and authority to delegate to one or more other persons, including agents, officers and employees of a member or manager of the LLC, members' rights and powers to manage and control the business affairs of the LLC, and to delegate by a management agreement or other agreement with, or otherwise to, other persons (Virginia Code§ 13.1-1022(D)). Supporting documentation:The supporting documentation is the articles of organization (Virginia Code§ 13.1-1021.1(A) and when the power is delegated to someone other than a manager or a member, also the operating agreement and, if applicable, any other agreement (Virginia Code§ 13.1-1022(D)). Partnerships Authorized signatories:The authorized signatories are: (1) if the land is held in the name of the partnership, by any partner; (2) if the land is held in the name of a partner, but the instrument transferring to the partner indicates the partner's capacity as a partner or the existence of a partnership, but without identifying the partnership, by the partner in whose name the property is held; (3) if the land is held in the name of a person, who is a partner, but the instrument transferring to the person does not indicate the person's capacity as a partner or the existence of a partnership, by the person in whose name the property is held (Virginia Code§50-73.92). Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is the statement of partnership authority, which may limit the authority of one or more partners (Virginia Code§50-73.93). gym'' '•••04 Limited partnerships Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are any general partner (Virginia Code§50-73.29). Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is the partnership agreement, or amendments thereto, which may limit the authority of one or more general partners (Virginia Code§50-73.29). Unincorporated churches and other religious bodies Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are: (1) all trustees who hold title to the property (Virginia Code §§ 57- 8 and 57-15(A)); (2) the authorized signatory of a corporation created pursuant to Virginia Code § 57-16.1 to hold, administer and manage its real or personal property (Virginia Code § 57-15(B)(0); or (3) a bishop, minister or ecclesiastical officer(Virginia Code§57-16). Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is: (1) for trustees, an authorizing court order(Virginia Code§57-15(A)); (2)for the corporation holding title, the appropriate corporate documents(see, e.g., section 3, above)or; (3)for a bishop, minister or ecclesiastical officer, the laws, rules or ecclesiastical polity of the entity that authorizes the person to hold, improve, mortgage, sell and convey the property (Virginia Code§57-16). Comment The terms describing the various types of entities (churches, religious congregations, and religious societies) are not defined by statute. The Virginia Supreme Court has said that Virginia Code §§ 57-7.1 through 57-17 encompass property held for the benefit of a local congregation, as opposed to property held by a larger hierarchical body. Norfolk Presbytery v. Bollinger, 214 Va. 500 (1974). Incorporated churches and other religious bodies Authorized signatories:The authorized signatories are: (1) all trustees who hold title to the property (Virginia Code §§ 57- 8 and 57-15(A)); (2) the authorized signatory of a corporation created pursuant to Virginia Code § 57-16.1 to hold, administer and manage its real or personal property (Virginia Code § 57-15(B)(ii)); or (3) a bishop, minister or ecclesiastical officer(Virginia Code § 57-16). Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is: (1) for trustees, an authorizing court order(Virginia Code § 57-15(A)); (2)for the corporation holding title, the appropriate corporate documents(see, e.g., section 3, above) or; (3)for a bishop, minister or ecclesiastical officer, the laws, rules or ecclesiastical polity of the entity that authorizes the person to hold, improve, mortgage, sell and convey the property (Virginia Code § 57-16). Comment In 2005, Virginia Code § 57-15 was amended to allow religious organizations to incorporate.Virginia Code§57-15(B)(i)authorizes trustees, as an alternative to holding, administering and managing property in the name of the trustees, to incorporate the church or religious body and to transfer the title of the real and personal property held by them to the incorporated church or religious body. Land trusts Authorized signatory: The authorized signatories are all trustees who hold title to the property (Virginia Code § 55-17.1); provided (1) if a co-trustee is unavailable to perform duties because of absence, illness, disqualification under other law, or other temporary incapacity, and prompt action is necessary to achieve the purposes of the trust or to avoid injury to the trust property, the remaining co-trustee or a majority of the remaining co- trustees may act for the trust(Virginia Code§64.2-756(D)); and(2)a trustee may delegate to a co-trustee the performance of any function other than a function that the terms of the trust expressly require to be performed by the trustees jointly (Virginia Code§ 64.2-756(E)). Supporting documentation: The supporting documentation is the deed of conveyance to the trustees and the trust instrument (Virginia Code§55-17.1). Land held under the Virginia Uniform Transfers to Minors Act Authorized signatory: The authorized signatory is the custodian (Virginia Code§64.2-1912). Supporting documentation:The supporting documentation is the instrument evidencing the transfer to the custodian under the Virginia Uniform Transfers to Minors Act (Virginia Code§64.2-1909). Unincorporated bodies or societies who acquire land for charitable purposes Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are all trustees who hold title to the property (Virginia Code §57-18, which incorporates Virginia Code §§ 57-8 and 57-15 by reference). Supporting documentation:The supporting documentation is the authorizing court order (Virginia Code§57-18). Benevolent associations (such as armed forces veterans associations, Freemasons, Odd Fellows and other fraternal organizations) Authorized signatories: The authorized signatories are all trustees who hold title to the property (Virginia Code§57-19, which incorporates Virginia Code §§ 57-8 and 57-15 by reference). Supporting documentation:The supporting documentation is the authorizing court order (Virginia Code§57-19).