HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800059 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2018-09-27County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville, VA, 22902
Phone 434-296-5832
To: Scott Collins
From: Paty Saternye, Senior Planner
Division: Planning
Date: September 27, 2018
Subject: SDP201800059 Belvedere Phase IVA — Final Site Plan
Fax 434-972-4126
The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the
following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been
identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.):
[Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless
otherwise specified.]
Initial Site Plan Comments (from conditional approval letter dated 5/4/18):
2. A site plan meeting all the requirements of section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed.
3. ZMA2004-7] Split zoning. Staff strongly recommends against creating split zoned lots. It's recommended that the final
plat and final site plan be modified to develop single zoned lots. However, Lots 236 — 244 and Lot 229 are sufficient as
proposed being the split zoning does not appear to impact the proposed buildings. Please assure the proposed buildings
are outside of the NMD area.
Note that lots 209 and 228, which are not part of this site plan, could be greatly impacted by the split zoning. Although
those split zoned lots will be counted towards the NMD unit counts the plan and plat will have to demonstrate the
proposed uses, setbacks, and code of development standards can be met in each district for the lots created. With the
submission that will include lots 209 and 228 the zoning, proposed use, and density on the cover page will have to be
updated to provide this information.
FINAL: Comment addressed. See Zoning comments.
[32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(i)] General Information. Access to Mr. Jacob Levenson's property (TMP 62-2A) shall be maintained
throughout the entire project. Provide the access easement that replaces the portion of the driveway and access
easement that is being vacated.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. The location of the Levenson access easement and driveway appears to
be in flux. There was an exhibit that was shown at the 9/14/18 meeting between the applicant and County Staff
(planning & zoning). That exhibit showed a different driveway/access alignment for the Levenson property
than is shown on this submission of the Final Site Plan. This comment will remain until the location of the
access easement/driveway has been finalized. Until then address the following:
a) E911 reviewers were not at the 9/14/18 meeting, but the general location of the alternative Levenson access
easement/driveway that the planning reviewer remembered from the exhibit the applicant's consultant
showed at the meeting has been discussed with the E911 reviewer. It is planning's understanding that
E911's comment on the road naming (see E911 comments) MAY be withdrawn as long as VDOT and
Engineering can agreed to the alternative of the access easement/driveway. Please submit an exhibit, prior
to the next submission, which shows the alternate access easement/driveway alignment to planning and the
E911 reviewer so that they can review what is proposed.
b) Ensure that if this alternative alignment of the access easement/driveway for the Levenson's property
moves forward that any parking spaces lost along Fowler Street in Phase IVA-1, because of this change in
the driveway location, are shown as proposed street parking spaces in Phase IVA-2 (or IVB depending on
naming) of the development.
[32.8.2] Infrastructure improvement plans. All infrastructure required to construct phase 4A shall be review, approved,
and built or bonded before the final plat and/or final site plan can be approved. This includes all offsite improvements
required to serve the development, including road plans, WPO plan, water and sewer connections which are part of
phase 2B.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a) All infrastructure required to construct phase 4A shall be reviewed, approved, and built or bonded before
the final plat and/or final site plan can be approved. This includes all offsite improvements required to serve
the development, including road plans, WPO plan, water and sewer connections which are part of phase 2B.
b) There are some storm water management, stormwater drainage, and stormwater access easements that do
not appear to have been shown on either of the plats currently under review (211 & IVA). Ensure that these
easements are either included in the other plats or submit an easement plat that contains them. The site
plan cannot be approved until all easement, including these, are reviewed, approved, recorded and built or
[SP2007-54 condition of approval #6, 32.5.2(b),] Soccer field parking. The applicant shall demonstrate as a condition
of final site plan approval that the on -site parking provided for the use, including on -site on -street parking, is adequate
for the proposed use. The project limits do not include the area proposed for the soccer field as approved in SP2007-
54; however, the on street parking along Belvedere Boulevard and Fowler Street are required parking for the use.
Revise parking calculations to designate and account for the on street parking provided to the soccer field use. Either
provide on street parking along both sides of Fowler Street, for its full length, or provide a parking plan that shows how
the SOCA parking requirements will be met through a combination of on -site and on -street parking without adversely
impacting the parking of the residential development. It is important to note that all SOCA required parking that
cannot be met by on -street parking, without adversely impacting the parking within the Belvedere neighborhood (both
within and outside of the NMD area) will be required to be met within the SOCA site/parcel itself.
UPDATE: Comment still valid. Address comment above. Additional information was provided on 4/26/18 and will
be evaluated either prior to or with the final site plan. Additional on street parking on Fowler Street may still be
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Shown in the plan views of the site plan parking on the 2"d side (north
side) of Fowler Street for the portion of the street that is to the west of Belvedere Blvd. The sections for that
portion of the road shown parking on both sides, but the plan views do not show the parking. Ensure the road
sections and the plan views of the road match the Road Plan once it is approved.
[32.5.2(b), 32.5.2(n), 4.12.6] Parking. Provide the required parking for the site plan. See above about the SOCA
parking requirements. Also, address the parking within the individual parking. It appears that many of the driveways
do not have sufficient area to hold two vehicles, but the parking calculations state that two vehicles will be parked in
each lot. Ensure there is sufficient parking for the site plan and that the calculations accurately represent what parking
is available.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Parking within the individual lots has been shown on Sheet 3 and is
sufficient. However, address the following:
a) In reference to the parking on the street address the comment above.
b) The street parking along the 2"d side of Fowler Street is not included in the "Parking:" site data on the
cover sheet. Only 15 spaces are specified, which is the count of the parking spaces on the south side of the
road only. Revise the data to include the spaces on the second side of west portion Fowler Street.
[32.5.1(c)(1) & 32.6.1(e)(1)] The NMD zoning division line does not appear to be shown correctly in the site plan in
the vicinity of the dividing line with Block 10 of Belvedere. It is also not shown in the same place as it was in an
exhibit for a recent variation request (for open space). Address the following:
a) Ensure that the NMD line is correctly shown.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. See combined comment under "e)" below.
b) Ensure that there are no split zoned parcels.
FINAL: Comment addressed.
UPDATE: Clarification on comment. In order to avoid complication with zoning and building setbacks avoid
split zoned parcels if possible.
c) Know that split zoned parcels will necessitate the residential unit being counted toward the Belvedere maximum
residential units per block.
FINAL: Comment addressed.
d) Note that some of the area which may incorrectly be shown as part of the R-4 area was shown in the ZMA
application plan as required open space.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. See combined comment under "e)" below.
e) Please note that zoning is currently evaluating the NMD line and hopes to have more information to you soon.
UPDATE: Comment still valid. Address bulleted items specified above. Please note the following_
i.Additional information was provided on 4/26/18 but was not sufficient to clarify the NMD line location issue.
This is still under review by zoning.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. See combined comment at bottom "e)".
ii.The issue with the NMD line will be finalized before or during the final site plan process and the final site plan
will not be approved until it meets all requirements and codes based on that finalized NMD line location.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. See combined comment at bottom "e)".
iii. Since the analysis of the interpretation of the zoning line is in process zoning would like to meet to eo over that
FINAL: Comment addressed.
iv.Be aware that the density, parcels and number of units shown in this Initial Site Plan may not be possible once
the correct location of the NMD line is delineated.
FINAL: Comment addressed.
v.Cluster developments in an R-4 zone cannot utilize opens space in a different zone. Therefore, if the NMD line
shifts in such a way that the R-4 zoned open space is decreases additional area of open space, within the R-4
zone will need to be provided to meet the same density shown.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. See the zoning comment in reference to the NMD conservation area to
the west of Block 10 that includes section of Conservation Open Space in TMP 62-2B. The NMD line in this site
plan has not vet been update in this area (TMP 62-2B). This must be shown in order to ensure that no NMD
area is being utilized for this R-4 Cluster Development open space.
[15.4] Bonus Factors & Environmental standards. It appears insufficient area of preserved wooded areas is shown on
the site plan. Address the following:
a) 10% percent of the "site" is required, which would be 0.84 acres. Revise the plan to include sufficient area of
existing woods to be maintained.
FINAL: Comment no longer required. Bonus factors are no longer being utilized.
b) A conservation plan is required as specified in 15.4.1. Provide all of the requirements of the conservation plan in
the site plan.
FINAL: Comment no longer required. Bonus factors are no longer being utilized.
c) Clearly delineate the area of preserved trees and ensure that the meet the proper criteria for being utilized for the
Bonus Factors environmental standards.
FINAL: Comment no longer required. Bonus factors are no lonuer being utilized.
UPDATE: Comment still valid. Address bulleted items specified above. In addition be aware of the following_
d) If insufficient preserved wooded area is not proved and/or not conserved as required the bonus density may not be
FINAL: Comment no lonuer required. Bonus factors are no lonuer beinu utilized.
e) Once the NMD line is finalized (see above,) that may pact the area that has been shown for the preserved
wooded areas and the bonus factor.
FINAL: Comment no longer required. Bonus factors are no longer being utilized.
10. [Comment] The Rivanna Trail head and portions of the trail are currently located on the subject property. On the site
plan depict its current location and where the trail head will be relocated. Is there an easement for the existing trail? Per
discussions with the property owner there is a written agreement with the Rivanna Trail which allows the trail to be
located on the property until the property owner no longer allows it to be on the property. Provide this documentation
for review/verification prior to approval of the final site plan/final plat.
FINAL: Comment addressed. It appears that no easement was created for the trail or trail head.
11. [32.5.2(a)] General Information. To clearly distinguish the project limits for phase 4A remove lot designations/labels
from all lots in phase 2B and label phase 2B "to be approved under separate cover" throughout the plans.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a) Ensure there is no confusion between Phase IVA, IVA-1, IV-2, & IVB. At the SRC meeting for SUB2018-
117 Belvedere Phase IVA it was stated that Phase IV-2 is actually Phase IVB. Please ensure all of the
phasing and sub -phases are clearly and consistently labeled, not only in this site plan but for the subdivision
plat for the same areas.
b) Although the "Phase IVA-2 Future Open Space' is hatched and included in the calculations on the
coversheet it is not clearly marked or labeled as part of Phase IVA-2 (or IVB) on Sheets 2 or 4, and is shown
as outside of the "proiect limits" on sheets 4 and 7. Clearly label and include this portion of the proiect on
all sheets.
c) The future property lines for the open space that is part of TMP 62-2B must be correctly dimensioned.
Include the full plan view of the boundary on at least one of the proposed sheets and show the proposed
bearings and distances for the proposed property lines on the proposed sheets.
12. [32.5.2(a)] Vicinity map. The subdivision is a phased subdivision, revise the vicinity map to depict all other phases of
the subdivision for which a final plat has been approved, in detail adequate to describe the location of the property
without field review. Also, label and depict phase 2B as it is required to be approved prior to the approval of phase 4A.
Also, provide existing property lines in phase 4A.
FINAL: Comment addressed.
13. [32.5.2(c)] Phasing lines. Provide a note specifying that the phasing and timing of the development is after the
development of Phase IIB. Clearly delineate what improvements are proposed with this site plan and what is to be
approved with other phases and submissions, such as Belvedere Phase IIB.
UPDATE: Comment still valid. Address the comment above. Also, add a note that specifically state what phase(s)
must be built prior to this site plan being built since it depends upon the previous approved plan or plat for
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a) Ensure that all of the stormwater management, drainage, and access easement are being proposed in a plat.
There are easements shown on this site plan that do not appear to have been submitted on the Phase 2B or
the Phase IVA plats.
b) The "Residue Development Lot (Future Development Lots 247-249)" must not be included in the Phase
IVA-1 portion of the proiect. If those lots are to be developed in Phase IVA-1 as all of the data on the cover
sheet states all information on the lots, including buildings, driveways, etc. would have to be included in this
site plan. However, such a layout would show that the proposed SFA building is meant to be spilt by the
NMD line (based on previous discussions with the applicant). At this time no townhomes are allowed within
Block 10 of Belvedere, which is on the other side of the zoning district line. A variation or zoning map
amendment for Belvedere must be approved allowing townhome units in Block 10 before a site plan
showing such a configuration can be approved. Therefore, unless the applicant wishes to wait on such a
variation or zoning map amendment, revise the site plan to do the following:
i. Either move the "Residue Development Lot (Future Development Lots 247-249)" to be part of Phase
IVA-2 (or IVB depending on naming) or remove the "Residue Development Lot (Future Development
Lots 247-249)" from the proiect.
ii. Revise the "Proposed Use:", "Density:", "Open Space:" and "Parking:" calculations on the coversheet
to correctly represent that change in the "Future 3 SFA Units".
c) The "Proiect Limits" should include both phases. Therefore, when the "Project Limits" label is pointing to
the outside edge of TMP 61-160, and not including TMP 62-2B, as it does on Sheet 3 this is incorrect.
Ensure that that the "Project Limits" are shown correctly for the whole project on all sheets and that the
Phasing of the proiect is clearly delimited in some other way or with some other labeling.
14. [Comment] The street sections provided in the final site plan shall match those in the approved road plans (once
submitted, reviewed, and approved). Ensure street sections are sufficient for all required parking. See comment above
on parking for SOCA SP. Also, see comments from Fire Rescue and Kevin McDermott.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. See comment # 42 below.
15. [32.5.1, 32.5.2(a), 4.19] Yards. On sheet ensure the full description for the setbacks is provided. The descriptions for
setbacks when sidewalks are outside of the right of way has been truncated on the site plan.
Minimum - 5 feet from the right-of-way or the exterior edge of the sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of the right-of-
Maximum — 25 feet
Minimum - Front loading garage: 18 feet from the right-of-way or the exterior edge of the sidewalk if the sidewalk is
outside of the right-of-way
Side loading garage: 5 feet from the right-of-way or the exterior edge of the sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of the
Maximum - None
Minimum - None; see Non-Infill Building Separation
Maximum — None
Non-Infill Building Separation
Minimum - 10 feet
Maximum — None
Minimum — 20 feet
Maximum — None
UPDATE: Comment still valid. Address the comment above as well as the following:
a) Revise the setbacks graphically shown on the site plan to match the required setbacks. There are many setback
lines, on the fronts, sides and rear of both the SFD and SFA lots that do not appear to meet the minimum setback
requirements. Please revise the setbacks shown or discuss the setbacks with the planning reviewer.
b) There is no side setback. However it appears that the site plan shows a setback on the single family detached
units. Revise the side setbacks or discuss the setback with the planning reviewer. If it is meant to represent the
minimum building separation label it as such instead of as "setback".
c) If the hatched area within each lot is not meant to be setback but is instead meant to be "buildable area" then label
it as such and provide that information in the legend specified in another comment.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a) Show and label the rear setback line for lots 231-244 (please note that the lot label for lot
244 is wrong on Sheets 3 & 7)
b) Label the second front setback line for corner lots 230 & 235.
c) Label the front minimum and maximum setback lines on lots 231-235.
d) Revise the label between lots 239 & 240 to be a "building separation" and not a "building
e) There appears to be two different "building setback" lines on lots 229 & 231 where they
border with the Belvedere NMD area. No label is provide to specify what these lines are
for. Neither of the two lines appear to be correct distance for the "building separation"
lines shown elsewhere. Revise, label, and/or remove these lines so that the site plan is
16. [32.5.2(b), 32.5.2(n), 32.5.1(c)] Dimensions. On the plan depict and dimension all proposed improvements, including
buildings, driveways, and garages. This includes the single family detached lots. Since they have been included in this
site plan the level of detail and information provided must be at the same level as the single family attached lots shown
on the plan.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Provide the building envelopes and garages for the residential units
proposed in this phase of the project. Since the single family detached units have been included in this site plan
the level of detail and information provided must be at the same level as the single family attached lots shown on
the plan.
17. [32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(i)] Alleys. Where alleys are authorized, driveways shall be provided only from the alley. On the plan
depict, label, and dimension the driveways for each lot. Ensure all driveways, off of alley and off of streets, are
capable of holding 2 cars. At this time it appears a significant number of the driveways are below 18' wide and could
not hold 2 vehicles. If the driveways are not widened address the reduced number of on lot parking spaces in the
parking calculation.
FINAL: Comment addressed.
18. [32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(i)] Alleys. On the plan provide a note that states no public agency, including VDOT, and the County
of Albemarle will be responsible for maintaining the alleys. Provide information on whether the alleys in phase IV -A
will be maintained by the Belvedere HOA or by a separate HOA. Please work with Planning, Engineering, and
Fire/Rescue to establish approvable alley widths. See the County Attorney's office comments on whether the existing
HOA agreement is sufficient for ownership and maintenance of the alleys that are not in the NMD area.
FINAL: Comment addressed for this phase only. It is IMPORTANT to note that all alleys and open spaces that
will be owned and maintained in the FIRST phase of this proiect (Phase IVA-1) reside within either TMP 61-
160 or TMP 62A3-100. Therefore, based on the County Attorney's comments on the initial site plan, no
supplemental agreement is required for this Phase IVA-1 as it is currently shown. However, with Phase IVA-2
(or IVB depending on naming) a supplemental agreement will be required for the HOA to take over ownership
and maintenance for any portion of the proiect that is not in those two Tax Map Parcels, such as in TMP 62-2B.
19. [32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(b), 32.5.2(i)] Information regarding the proposed use. Provide the acreages for the residue of each
parcel. The residue acreage shall also be provided in a chart on the cover sheet.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Provide labels specifying the residual acreage of TMP 62-2B once the
Phase IVA-2 (or Phase IVB) open space is created.
20. [32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(i)] General Information. Revise the labeling of Fowler Street to "proposed" public street, as this road
is not existing.
FINAL: Comment addressed.
21. [32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(i)] Existing or platted streets. Label all streets and alleys as either existing or proposed. Provide
directional arrows on each alley to signify one way or two way traffic.
FINAL: Comment addressed.
22. [32.5.2(k)] Private & public easements. Provide the location and dimension of all existing and proposed private and
public easements. Show the existing easements on the adjoining property that are, or will be, connecting to the onsite
existing and proposed easements. Note that in addition to other possible easement there appears to be the need for
offsite easements, access easements, construction and grading easements, landscaping easements and sidewalk
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a) All required private and public easements for Phase IVA-1 of this project must be reviewed, approved and
recorded prior to final site plan approval.
b) PLEASE NOTE: It appears that the subdivision plats that have been submitted for review do not include
all of easements that are required for this proiect, such as the stormwater management, stormwater access,
and stormwater drainage easements that are outside of the right of way.
c) If any changes are made to the access to the Levenson property must be included in an approved and
recorded plat prior to approval of this site plan. However, please see other comments in reference to the
access road to this property, E911 comments, and an exhibit provided in a meeting on 9/14/18 but not vet
23. [32.5.2(a)] Zoning. Revise the zoning to include Airport Impact Area (AIA).
FINAL: Comment addressed.
24. [32.5.2(b)] Dedication of open space. Provide the following note: "Open Space is hereby dedicated to the HOA. "
Provide information on whether the open space in phase 4A will be maintained by the Belvedere HOA or by a separate
HOA. See County Attorney office's comments in reference to the use of the existing Belvedere HOA agreement and
the need for supplemental agreements. Ensure that the open space will be owned and maintained by an HOA.
FINAL: Comment addressed.
25. [, 32.5.2(k)] Easements for stormwater management facilities. Depict, label, and dimension access easement to
the stormwater management facility.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a) Dimension the width of the stormwater access road and easement.
b) Show the stormwater drainage and stormwater access easements in the landscape plan to ensure there are
not conflicts with the street tree planting. It appears there may be a tree places where the stormwater
access road will join with Fowler Street. Ensure there is no conflict.
26. [32.5.20)] Drainage Easements. On the plan depict, dimension, and label all drainage easements as either public or
FINAL: Comment addressed.
27. [32.5.2(n)] Existing and proposed improvements. Revise the existing vegetation note on sheet 1 to accurately reflect
the existing vegetation onsite. Also, on the existing conditions sheet depict the existing treeline and label the type of
trees (evergreen, deciduous, or a mix of both). Also, show areas where existing vegetation will be removed.
FINAL: Comment addressed.
28. [32.6.20)] Landscape plan. A landscape plan that complies with section 32.7.9 is required with the final site plan.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a) Revise the canopy calculation and provide sufficient landscaping in order to meet the minimum canopy
requirements. It appears that the area of open space has been removed from the area being calculated for the
canopy requirements. However, the trees in the open space area has then been utilized to meet the canopy
requirement. Either include the area of the open space in the calculation or do not utilize the canopy area of trees
in the open space in order to meet the requirement.
b) Provided the calculation for the required and provided street trees on the landscape plan. Ensure the minimum
street tree requirements are met.
c) Include landscape planting details in the site plan.
29. [] Existing trees may be preserved in lieu of planting new plant materials in order to satisfy the landscaping
and screening requirements of section 32.7.9, subject to the agent's approval. If you intend to use existing trees to
satisfy any of the landscape plan requirements, please include the following:
1. Areas and other features shown on landscape plan. The landscape plan shall show the trees to be preserved,
the limits of clearing, the location and type of protective fencing, grade changes requiring tree wells or walls,
and trenching or tunneling proposed beyond the limits of clearing.
2. Conservation checklist. The applicant shall sign a conservation checklist approved by the agent to ensure that
the specified trees will be protected during construction. Except as otherwise expressly approved by the agent
in a particular case, the checklist shall conform to the specifications in the Virginia Erosion and Sediment
Control Handbook, pages III-393 through III-413, and as hereafter amended.
FINAL: Comment addressed.
30. [Comment] An instrument assuring the perpetual maintenance of the alleys, the stormwater management facility, the
open space areas, and any other improvements that are to be maintained by the HOA in perpetuity. County Attorney
approval is required.
UPDATE: Comment still valid. Address the comment above. This also applies to the improvements to the cul-de-sac
that are outside of the proposed public right of way. All road improvements, sidewalks, and landscaping must be
shown to be maintained in perpetuity. County Attorney approval is required prior to final plat approval.
FINAL: Comment addressed for this phase only. It is IMPORTANT to note that all alleys, stormwater
management facilities, open spaces and any other improvements that will be owned and maintained by the
Belvedere HOA in the FIRST phase of this proiect (Phase IVA-1) reside within either TMP 61-160 or TMP
62A3-100. Therefore, based upon the County Attorney's office comment on the initial site plan no supplemental
agreement is required for this Phase IVA-1 as it is currently shown. However, with Phase IVA-2 (or IVB
depending on naming) a supplemental agreement will be required for the HOA to take over ownership and
maintenance for any portion of the proiect that is not in those two Tax Map Parcels, such as in TMP 62-213.
31. [Comment] See the other SRC reviewer comments attached. All SRC reviewer comments must be sufficiently address
prior to final site plan approval.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. See the other SRC reviewer comments attached. All SRC reviewer
comments must be sufficiently address prior to final site plan approval.
32. FUPDATE: NEW Comment F4.1611 Provide the required recreational area. Since this development is over 30 units,
and also it is not a "conventional development", recreational areas are required. Ensure all recreational areas are
accessible to pedestrians and service vehicles.
FINAL: Comment sufficiently addressed for this submission (Phase IVA-1) only. Recreational facilities and
areas will be required on Phase IVA-2 (or Phase IVB depending on naming). Also, please note that the
tonoL,ranhv of the oven space areas. and the siLynificant area of preserved trees. may not allow for a tot lot area
that would meet all the requirements.
33. FUPDATE: NEW Comment] Ensure all retaining walls are no more than 6' in height and provide a label specifying the
maximum wall height on all proposed walls.
FINAL: Comment addressed.
34. FUPDATE: NEW Comment] Revise the existing conditions sheet so that the information is clear and correct. Address
the following:
a) Do not show proposed property lines on the Existing Conditions Sheet.
FINAL: Comment not addressed. The future boundary of the oven space in TMP 62-213 is still being shown
on the existing conditions sheet. However, it appears it is being shown in order to delineate the "Project
Boundary". If this is the case then add labels to these two lines specifying them as "Project Boundary" lines
so that is clear they are not the existing parcel boundaries.
b) Correctly show existing parcel lines for the subject parcel and the adjoining parcels. There are two places where
the boundary lines of the parcel do not agree with the approved SUB2017-173 boundary line adjustment (BLA).
One is in the upper left hand corner of the project area, where a property line is not shown. The other is near the
bottom middle of the page where a property line is shown but was vacated in the previously approved BLA.
FINAL: Comment addressed.
c) Because the "Limits of Phase IIB" and proposed property lines are shown in the existing conditions sheet the
existing parcel cannot be distinguished. Either find a way to more clearly show the "Limits of Phase IIB" on the
existing conditions sheet or move it to a different sheet of the site plan.
FINAL: Comment addressed
d) Show the TMP # for TMP 62-213 in the portion that is to be residue and clearly delineate where new property lines
are being proposed (in a different sheet).
FINAL: Comment modified. The TMP #, data and full acreage of TMP 62-213 should be provided in this
35. FUPDATE: NEW Comment] If any improvements are proposed on TMP 62A3-1 include it in the project and site date
with all required information.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Since easements are being proposed outside of the project area, and in
TMP 62A3-1 easement plats will be required within that parcel. All easement plats must be approved and
recorded prior to final site plan approval.
36. FUPDATE: NEW Comment] Remove any reference to "Approved with Phase IIB" on the site plan or add "To Be" to
the label ("To Be Approved with Phase IIB"). Also, address the following:
a) Note that Phase IIB has not been approved, it has only gone through the preliminary subdivision plat process, the
road plan has not been approved and a final site plan has not been submitted.
FINAL: Comment sufficiently addressed.
b) There are water line and sanitary lines, near the intersection of Fowler Street and Farrow Drive that state
"Approved with Phase IIB". Clarify on which plan these are proposed and do not specify them as "approved".
FINAL: Comment sufficiently addressed in other project submissions.
37. FUPDATE: NEW Comment] Provide the same level of detail about the lots and the proposed building for the Single
Family Detached (SFD) lot as is required on the Single Family Attached (SFA) lots. When incorporated in a site plan
the SFD lots must show the same level and type of detail.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Address specific comments in #16 above.
38. FUPDATE: NEW Comment] Provide a legend for the hatched area and ensure that not only it is clearly labeled as to
what the hatch represents but also that the same hatch is not utilized for different things. The open space area appears
to have the same hatch pattern as many other types of area on the site plan.
FINAL: Comment addressed.
39. FUPDATE: NEW Comment] Ensure that all proposed uses and improvements meet the managed and preserved slope
FINAL: Comment addressed for this phase (IVA-1).
40. FUPDATE: NEW Comment [14-302(A)12, 30.7.4(b)(h)ll Slopes less than 25% based on new topographic
information. Any use or structure allowed by right or by special use permit in the underlying district, provided that the
owner submits new topographic information that is based on more accurate or better technical data demonstrating, to
the satisfaction of the county engineer, that the slopes are less than twenty-five (25) percent. Disturbance of preserved
slopes is prohibited. County Engineer sign -off on this topographic information is required prior to final site plan
FINAL: Comment addressed.
41. FUPDATE: NEW Comment 14 jE Provide a calculation on the site plan that specifies what percentage of the
provided open space includes flood plain, preserved slopes, and land devoted to stormwater management facilities.
When open space is required not more than 80% of the minimum open space can consist of those, and other, uses.
Stormwater facilities are one of those uses unless it can be shown that it is incorporate into a permanent pond, lake or
other water feature deemed by the agent to constitute a desirable open space amenity.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. The comment response letter said that a note providing this information
was provided on the site plan. However, the information does not appear to be included. Either specify where
on the site plan this information is provided or add it. Ensure that the open space meets this requirement.
42. FUPDATE: NEW Comment] Provide street sections for all streets and alleys proposed with this site plan. Ensure those
street and alley section meet all requirements. Work with VDOT, Fire Rescue, engineering and planning to provide
street sections that meet all requirements.
FINAL: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following:
a) The street sections must match the street sections of the road plan once it is approved. This site plan will
not be approved until the Phase IIB Road Plans are approved.
b) The typical section for the alleys should not include "Wynn Alley" since it is not part of this site plan.
Remove references to Wynn Alley from the street section on sheet 5.
c) As specified in the road plan comments (9/12/18):
i. On the street section (Sheet 5) for the west portion of Fowler Street revise the label on the parking
area to not include "informal". The label should read 118' Onstreet Parking" on both sides of the
ii. In all plan views of the west side of Fowler Street show parking spaces on both sides of the road.
iii. In all plan views of the west side of Fowler Street show the center line of the road in the correct
location for having parking on both sides of the road.
iv. Ensure the transition from the east to the west side of Fowler Street is carefully engineered through
the intersection with Belvedere Blvd, since the road sections are changing from one side to the other.
d) Ensure that the entrance to the Levenson Property is considered. It is likely that at least one parking space
on the north side of Fowler Street will have to be phased and provided in Phase IVA-2 (or Phase IIB
depending on naming) once the Levenson driveway is relocated to the cul-de-sac. See comment #4 above.
Additional comments for Final Site Plan:
43. [32.6.1(e)(1)] Revise the existing boundary lines to ensure all existing boundaries are fully dimensioned. One of the
existing property line between TMP 61 -160 and TMP 62A3-1 does not have any bearing and distance dimensions.
44. [COMMENT] Revise the label for Lot 244 on sheets 3 & 7. It is labeled incorrectly.
45. [COMMENT] Revise the label on the cover sheet for the "Phase IVA-1 Proposed Townhouse Development" in the
area of the stormwater pond. There is a typographical error, specifying only 14 SFA units instead of 19.
46. [COMMENT] Please note that if TMP 62-213, which is being utilized to meet the Phase IVA-2 (or Phase IVB
depending on naming) cluster open space requirements, cannot be utilized in the future for this project the number of
units shown and calculated for the project as a whole may no longer be allowed. It has been stated by the developer
that they cannot legally do anything on that parcel at this time because it is owned by Belvedere Land Holdings.
47. [COMMENT] Revise the labels on the west side of Fowler Street to specify the correct road width based upon the
section that shows parking on both sides of the street.
48. [COMMENT] Remove the "Belvedere Development On -Street Parking Analysis:" tally at the bottom middle of the
cover sheet from that sheet and the site plan. As has been discussed and commented on with the other projects, this
calculation is no longer needed if the parking spaces on the north side of Fowler Street, to the west of the Blvd., are
provided as the road sections show and correctly represented in the plan views. Also, the data in the tally does not
appear to be correct.
Staff has provided references to provisions of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle. The Code is
kept up to date by the County Attorney's office. The Code may be found on the County Attorney's website which
may be found under "Departments" at Albemarle.org.
In accord with the provisions of Section of Chapter 18 of the Code if the developer fails to submit a
revised final site plan to address all of the requirements within six (6) months after the date of this letter the
application shall be deemed to have been voluntarily withdrawn by the developer.
Please contact Paty Saternye in the Planning Division by using psaternye(a1albemarle.ora or 434-296-5832 ext.
3250 for further information.
Review Comments for SDP201800059 Final Plat 1-1
Project Name: Belvedere Phase IV -A- Final
Date Completed: Monday, August 27, 2018 DepartmenVDiuisiorVAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Francis MacGall CDD Zoning - Requested Changes
Zoning line looks to he in the location that was discussed in the areas between Block 10 and the developmet lots zoned R-4_
Additional clarification is needed regarding the zoning line at the bottom right corner of the plan shown as open space and
appaeards to be an mmrlap of the zoning line_
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Review Comments for SDP201800059 Final Plat 1-1
Project Name: Belvedere Phase IV -A- Final
Date Completed: Wednesday, September 26 2U18 DepartmenVDiuisiorVAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Kevin McDermott
CIJIJ Plannina - See Reoommendations
The plan for Fowler Street does not appear to be shown correctly. The street widths are labeled incorrectly, there is no parking
shown an the northeast side of the street west of Belvedere which was previously agreed to, and the parking count does not
acknowledge those spaces as existing_ Recommend correcting these issues in a new submittal.
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Review Comments for SDP201800059 Final Plat 1-1
Project Name: Belvedere Phase IV -A- Final
Date Completed: Thursday, August 23, 2U18 Department/DivisiordAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: David James
CDD Enaineerina - Requested Changes El
Engineering comments (David James):
1. Recommend to change title to `Belvedere Phase IVA; Block 1'
2. Shaw the lots that are proposed with this Phase IVA-1 development. I count 22 lots shown in bald, but you indicate less
(refer to callout on Sheet 1).
3. It's unclear what streets sections are proposed with this block development. Label proposed improvements (i.e. entrances,
curb&gutter, etc_) and show VDOT designations.
4. All Sheets — Can you shade or mask out everything not included in this phase (Phase IVA-1) of construction? We have the
plans for Phase IVA and IIB and don't need to see those items. Any improvements & grading outside of Phase IVA-1 should be
shown in an easement and/or with a plan amendment /LOR to an approved plan.
5. The road plan and WPO plan have to be approved before the FSP.
6. Sheet 3 —
a. The scale is off, Should be 1A=30'.
b. Shaw count of vehicle parking spaces along road.
c. Show stationing for the streets.
7. Sheet 4 —
a. The grading & improvements shown in parcel 062A3000000100 should be shown in an easement if they are outside of your
b. Stormwater management related items shown on this sheet may change and should be updated following WPO plan
t3. Street trees are normally located outside of the path of drainage easements. VDOT to approve of street tree locations in
ROW (see Sheet 4 & 7).
Nate: All infrastructure associated with Belvedere Phase I I shall be approved and built; or bonded before final plat & FSP can
be approved_
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Review Comments for SDP201800059 Final Plat 0
Project Name: Belvedere Phase IV -A- Final
Date Completed: Monday, August 20, 2018 DepartmenVDiuisionlAgency: Review Status:
Andrew Walker � CDD E911 Requested Changes
per site plan dated 719l18 Belvedere Blvd on the site plan is the existing Belvedere Dr Either the site plans need to be udpated r
to Beiedere Dr or the developer needs to work the the homeowner of 1581 Belvedere Dr to see if they are willing to change
their address_
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Review Comments for SDP201800059 Final Plat 1-1
Project Name: Belvedere Phase IV -A- Final
Date Completed: Saturday, August 11, 2018 aepartmenVIDivisiorVAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Shawn Maddox 0 Fire Rescue - Requested Changes
Hydrant spacing in this section exceeds the 250'. Is there a hydrant in an existing phase that serves lots 240-244? 1f not please r
add one with this phase or show the existing on the plan.
Fire Rescue has no other objections_ SNM
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Review Comments for SDP201800059 Final Plat 1-1
Project Name: Belvedere Phase IV -A- Final
Date Completed: Wednesday, September 26 2U18 DepartmenVDivisiorVAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Richard Nelson
F] ACSA 1-1
Requested Changes El
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Review Comments for SDP201800059 Final Plat 1-1
Project Name: Belvedere Phase IV -A- Final
Date Completed: Thursday, August 09, 201 DepartmenVDiuisionlAgency: Review Status:
Victoria Fort RWSA - Requested Changes
RWSA has reviewed the Final Site Plan for Belvedere Phase IVA and finds no impacts to RWSA facilities. As stated in my
email dated 4/18/2018. our only comment is that a flow capacity certification will be required prior to final site plan approval.
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Stephen C. Brich, P.E.
1601 Orange Road
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
September 13, 2018
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Paty Saternye
Re: Belvedere Phase IVA — Final Site Plan
SDP-20 l 8-00059
Review #1
Dear Ms. Saternye:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Collins Engineering, dated 9
July 2018, and finds it to be generally acceptable. If further information is desired, please contact
Justin Dee] at 434-422-9894.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right -of -way. -The
owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process.
uft�- qatt---
Adam J. Moore, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency
Review Comments for SDP2O18OOO59 Final Plat 1-1
Project Name: Belvedere Phase IV -A- Final
Date Completed: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 DepartmenVDivisionlAgency: Review Status:
Reviewer: Michael Dellinger - CDD Inspections - No Objection El
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