HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800052 Correspondence WPO VSMP 2018-08-24 Brian E. Midock
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From:Jonney Otto [mailto:iotto@albemarle.org]
Sent: Friday,August 24, 2018 10:20 AM
To:Carlin Campbell<Carlin.campbell@PWCampbell.com>; Brian Midock<brian.midock@PWCampbell.com>
Cc:Carla Harris-CDD<CHARRIS@albemarle.org>;Ana Kilmer<akilmer@albemarle.org>; Mark Hopkins
<mhopkins@albemarle.org>; Frank Pohl<fpohl@albemarle.org>; Matthew Wentland<mwentland@albemarle.org>;
Saunders, Lorna L<lorna.saunders@uvacreditunion.org>;Jason Straley<Jason.Straley(a)PWCampbell.com>; David
Turner(David.turner.2009@gmail.com)<David.turner.2009@gmaii.com>;O'Neil, Keith C
<keith.oneil@uvacreditunion.org>;Joel Kauppila<joel.kauppila@vdot.virginia.gov>
Subject: Preconstruction meeting for Birchwood UVA Federal Credit Union WP02018-00052
NOTICE: This message originated from outside the network. Please use caution.
Good afternoon Mr.Campbell,
I have received the preconstruction request form; please confirmed that all fees have been addressed. Brian, I will
have to arrange a time and date with you that a VDOT rep will also be available,so if you have a preferred day that you
want to have the preconstruction meeting please let me know. I will also need this VSMP contact box filled out with your
site's information.
VSMP/VESCP Contact Information
Project Name: Birchwood-UVA Federal Credit
Union Project/WPO Number: WP02018-00052
Tax Map/Parcel 056A2-01-00-03000 DEQ Permit Number(if
applicable): VAR
Owner/contact Site Operator/phone
Qualified Principle
Personnel/phone contact/phone
Contact E-Mail: RLD name&number Brian Midock—(412)977-
contact info 3138/RLD05971
Inspector: Mark Hopkins-434-996-0810-
5154 Nutrients Credits
Disturbed Acreage: .78
John Yerby
From: Jonney Otto
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2018 3:33 PM
To: John Yerby
Subject: FW: Preconstruction meeting for Birchwood UVA Federal Credit Union WP02018-00052
Attachments: Brian E Midock.vcf
Contact info
From: Brian Midock<brian.midock@PWCamPbell.com>
Sent: Friday,August 24, 2018 10:49 AM
To:Jonney Otto<jotto@albemarle.org>; Carlin Campbell<carlin.campbell@PWCamPbell.com>
Cc:Carla Harris-CDD<CHARRIS@albemarle.org>; Ana Kilmer<akilmer@albemarle.org>; Mark Hopkins
<mhopkins@albemarle.org>; Frank Pohl<fpohl@albemarle.org>; Matthew Wentland <mwentland@albemarle.org>;
Saunders, Lorna L<Lorna.saunders@uvacreditunion.org>;Jason Straley<Jason.Straley@PWCampbell.com>; David
Turner(David.turner.2009@gmail.com)<David.turner.2009@gmail.com>;O'Neil, Keith C
<keith.oneil@uvacreditunion.org>;Joel Kauppila <joel.kauppila@vdot.virginia.gov>; DeTuncq,Alison D
<alison.detuncq@uvacreditunion.org>; Chuck Hoogenboom<Chuck.Hoogenboom@PWCampbell.com>
Subject: RE: Preconstruction meeting for Birchwood UVA Federal Credit Union WPO2018-00052
Please find the requested information below. I'd like to schedule this meeting for Monday 8/27 if possible. I am
unavailable on Tuesday and Wednesday.
VSMP/VESCP Contact Information
Birchwood-UVA Federal Credit Project/WPO
Project Name: Union Number:
DEQ Permit Number
Tax Map/Parcel 056A2-01-00-03000 (if applicable):
UVA Community Credit Union-
Land Owner/contactSite Operator/phone
Alison DeTuncq
Chuck Hoogenboom-412-463- Principle
Qualified Personnel/phone 9343 contact/phone
RLD name&number
Contact E-Mail: brian.midock@pwcampbell.corn contact info