HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201700014 Plan - VSMP WPO VSMP 2017-09-151. Owner/Developer: University of Virginia Foundation Post Office Box 400218 Charlottesville, VA 22904 Tel: 434.982.3777 Fax: 434.982.4852 2. Engineer: Woolley Engineering 220 East High Street Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Tel: 434.973.0045 i • s • 0 wx� Universit 0 ir inia Research Pc:irl< Woo LLL, Y ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Builcling Four Street eet Charlottesville l Virginia 2 2902 (434} 973 ^0045Town Centor www.Woolley-Eng.com 3. Source of Information: County Research and/or Owner provided. 4. Source of Survey: Kirk Hughes & Associates (Topographic Field Survey), August, 2016 5. Parcel Information: TMP 32-6A, 460.60 acres Proposed lease area: 6.848 acres Site is located within the UVA Research Park Current Use: Commercial Office Deed Book 2712, p325; DB 3792, p 292 Plat; DB 1684, p 225 Plat; DB 4957, p 6912 Zoning: PD -IP, This Property lies within the Airport Impact Area (AIA) Proffers: As listed in the proffer statement by University of Virginia Real Estate Foundation, March 21, 1996 (Ref. ZMA-95-04, ZMA-98-27 & ZMA200500003.) Waiver: Ground cover for 3:1 or steeper slopes shall be maintained by Owner Watershed: Rivanna River 6. Adjacent Parcels: See Existing Conditions Exhibit Sheets C2.0-2.3 Current Use: Research Park Water Protection Orclinance Plan WP0201700014 7. Proposed Building Statistics C1.0 Cover Approved Proposed Use: General Office Space Project Name Year Acreage Number of Floors: 4 Constructed (sf) Microaire (1641 Edlich Dr) 1995 Gross Building Square Footage: 108,568 sf 46,889 46,445 Motion Control (4040 Lewis & Clark Dr) Floor Area Ratio: 0.36 4.0 30,462 30,450 Maximum Building Height: 65' 1998 6.0 80,000 Proposed Building Height: 61' Town Center One 2000 4.7* Lot Coverage: (Proposed) 70,974 Biotage (1725 Discovery Dr) 2002 Building Footprint: ± 27,683 sf (10%) 50,656 ETC (1670 Discovery Dr) Parking and Driveways: ± 131,987 sf (46`70) 42,388 41,778 Landscaped Areas: ± 77,537 sf (27`x) 4.3 83,666 Maximum Impervious Area: ± 206,474 sf (73%) 2008 4.7 8. Parking Statistics 85,392 Town Center Four 2016 A. Required Parking Spaces: 108,568 El Total Commercial Office: One Space per 200 sf of Net Floor Space 601,687 488,151 Gross SF 80% Gross Spaces Req'd Spaces Provided TDM Reduction Town Center 1 70,563 56,450.4 282.3 2414 13.6% Town Center 4 108,568 86,854.4 434.3 323 25.6`74 Combined: 717 5617 20.9% B. Traffic Demand Managment Reductions: ES2.1 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Phase 2 High Occupancy Vehicle Spaces: (2) Spaces per HOV Space Erosion and Sediment Control Details Bicycle Racks: (36) Spaces provided on Racks Erosion and Sediment Control Details Cont. Scooter/Motorcycle Rack: (1) spaces per 32 sf Surface area HOV Shuttle/Bus Bike Racks Total R&ducfion Spaces req'd Town Center 1 20 25 36 81 spaces 202 Town Center 4 28 41 0 69 spades 365 Combined: 48 66 36 150 567 C. Provided Parking Spaces: On Site: Regular HOV Space Motorcycle Space Handicapped Total Spaces Town Center 1 214 10 13 7 244 Town Center 4 301 14 0 8 323 Combined: 515 24 13 15 567 D. Loading Spaces: Requirement: One (1) space for the first eight thousand (8,000) square feet of office space plus one (1) space for each additional twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of office space. Required Loading Spaces for Town Center 1: 1 + (70,563-8,000 / 20,000) = 4 spaces Existing Loading Spaces Provided for Town Center 1: 4 spaces Required Loading Spaces for Town Center 4:1 + (108,568-8,000 / 20,000) = 6 spaces Proposed Loading Spaces Provided for Town Center 4: 2 spaces provided with this site plan amendment (Waiver previously approved from SDP 2006-00113) 9. Standards and Specifications: A. Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Road and Bridge Specifications, 1993,1994. B. Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Soil and Water Conservation, Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, 3rd Edition, 1992. C. Albemarle County Service Authority, General Water and Sewer Construction Specifications, January 15, 1998, D. The University of Virginia Foundation, North Fork Design Code, May 28,19M. 10. General Construction Notes: A. The abbreviation V.D.O.T. made hereafter refers to the Virginia Department of Transportation. The term County refers to the County of Albemarle, Virginia. B. Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permpt shall govern. C. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. D. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided in accordance wuth the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. E. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. F. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal:verticai). Where reasonablyr obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. G. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. H. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. I. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe - Class III. J. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). copyright 9 2016 by Woolley Engineering THE COUNTY" OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIA RI VANN.A MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 11. General Water and Sewer Conditions (1) Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) inspectors. The Contractor will be responsible for notifying the proper Service Authority officials at the start of the work. (2) The location of existing utiliities across the line of the proposed work are not necessarily shown on the plans, and where shown, are only approximately correct. The Contractor shall, on his own initiative, locate all underground lines and structures as necessary. (3) All materials and constructiion shall comply with the current edition of the General Water & Sewer Construction Specifications, as adopted) by the Albemarle County Service Authority. (4) Datum for all elevations shown in National Geodetic Survey. (5) The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying Miss Utility (dial 811 or 1-800-552-7001). (6) All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of cover measured from the top of pipe over the centerline of pipe. This includes all fire hydrant lines, service laterals, and water lines, etc. (7) All water and sewer appurtenances are to be located outside of roadside ditches. (8) Valves on dead-end lines shall be rodded to provide adequate restraint for the valve during a future extension of the line. 12. Stormwater Management A. The site will primarily drain via surface flow and existing stormwater piping to an existing stormwater management basin located east of the project area. The existing basin was designed and constructed with full build -out of the subject sub -area of the Research Park incorporated. B. The site does not lie within a reservoir watershed. The stormwater from the site flows northeastward to the North Fork of the Rivanna River. 13. Research Park Total Buildout Statistics (approved building areas from previously approved site development plans) * Revised with this site plan amendment Acerage Approved GSF Dev. GSF Capacity 307.0 3,700,000 3,700,000 Developed/Sold 45.2 601,687 488,151 Total Remaining 261.8 3,098,313 3,21 1,849 14. Setbacks: Per the approved application plan for development (ZMA-98-27,) setbacks are: 10' Building Setback from internal public road right-of-way 50' Buffer from adjacenit residential parcels 80' Building Setback frorm adjacent residential parcels 15. Note: Hazardous Materials: No hiazardous materials, including medical wastes, shall be disposed of within the project. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS SDP200600113 October 1, 2007: Initial site plan for the development of Town Center District buildings Three and Four. SDP200700159 October 1, 2007: Erosion and Sediment Control Amendment. The plan revision provided direction on the subsequent phasing of Town Centers Three and Four for mass grading activities and soil stockpiling plans. SDP200800043 January 4, 2008: Minor Site Plan Amendment. Initial submission on December 21, 2007 for the amendment to the proposed) Town Center Three building footprint and ultimate square footage. SDP200800138 August 4, 2008: Mi nor Site Plan Amendment. Submissions on February 19, 2008 and May 13, 2008 to accommodate whole site changes initiated by Architect and Owner adjustments to the Town Center building placement and footprint. The revision includes adjustments for amending the site to meet subsequent LEED certification. SDP200800161 October 23, 2008: Minor Site Plan Amendment. Town Center Three building's eastern entrance was amended to allow for more siidewalk. Two parking spaces were removed. The decorative site lighting was also amended to a different fixture. SDP200900035 October 23, 2008: Minor Site Plan Amendment. Update the planting boundaries which surround the courtyard for Town Center Three and to provide temporary vegetation which will be removed when future buildings within the Town Center District are developed. Phasing Narrative: This amendment is for the development of Town Center Four. The previously approved site plan was for the construction of Town Center Three and Town Center Four. Town Center Three has been constructed and built improvements have been included in this narrative. See sheet C1.1 for limits and locations of all previous amendments to this site plan. Phase Three: Town Center Three 1. Phase three work from previous plan amendments have been completed and were generally limited to improvements within the lease area for Town Center Three. 2. The previously approved access drive along the eastern boundary was constructed and connects to the Town Center Three parking lot and Lewis & Clark Drive, 3. Curbing, pavement, sidewalk: and landscape improvements from the approved site plan located within the Town Center Three lease line have (been completed. 4. Research Park Blvd. was extended during the construction of Phase Three. The work included a traffic circle which is proposed to be removed with this amendment. 5. The scope of Phase Three included a stormwater conveyance system outside of the Town Center Three lease line. The storm piping conveys surface runoff from Research Park Boulevard inro the dounstream conveyance channel. This amendment includes the removal and relocation of select storm structures which are currently in use and conflict with this plan. Phase Four: Town Center Four 1. Work related to Phase Four shall be generally limited improvements that are located within the Town Center Four lease line. See sheet C2.4 for proposed pease line location. Limited site improvements are proposed outside of the new lease line. 2. This amendment proposes removing the existing traffic circle. An additional access drive to the parking area for Town Center Four from Lewis & Clark Blvd. will be constructed with this amendment. 3. Site improvements included in this amendment are illustrated on this plan. SHEET INDEX Ell C1.0 Cover Approved Total Building Project Name Year Acreage Buildings (sf) Constructed (sf) Microaire (1641 Edlich Dr) 1995 4.9 46,889 46,445 Motion Control (4040 Lewis & Clark Dr) 1996 4.0 30,462 30,450 PRA (4105 Lewis & Clark Dr) 1998 6.0 80,000 80,388 Town Center One 2000 4.7* 69,900 70,974 Biotage (1725 Discovery Dr) 2002 7.1 50,000 50,656 ETC (1670 Discovery Dr) 2002 2.6 42,388 41,778 Town Center Two 2006 4.3 83,666 82,068 Town Center Three 2008 4.7 89,814 85,392 Town Center Four 2016 6.8 108,568 El Total General Details APPROVED by the Albemarle bounty 45.2 601,687 488,151 * Revised with this site plan amendment Acerage Approved GSF Dev. GSF Capacity 307.0 3,700,000 3,700,000 Developed/Sold 45.2 601,687 488,151 Total Remaining 261.8 3,098,313 3,21 1,849 14. Setbacks: Per the approved application plan for development (ZMA-98-27,) setbacks are: 10' Building Setback from internal public road right-of-way 50' Buffer from adjacenit residential parcels 80' Building Setback frorm adjacent residential parcels 15. Note: Hazardous Materials: No hiazardous materials, including medical wastes, shall be disposed of within the project. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS SDP200600113 October 1, 2007: Initial site plan for the development of Town Center District buildings Three and Four. SDP200700159 October 1, 2007: Erosion and Sediment Control Amendment. The plan revision provided direction on the subsequent phasing of Town Centers Three and Four for mass grading activities and soil stockpiling plans. SDP200800043 January 4, 2008: Minor Site Plan Amendment. Initial submission on December 21, 2007 for the amendment to the proposed) Town Center Three building footprint and ultimate square footage. SDP200800138 August 4, 2008: Mi nor Site Plan Amendment. Submissions on February 19, 2008 and May 13, 2008 to accommodate whole site changes initiated by Architect and Owner adjustments to the Town Center building placement and footprint. The revision includes adjustments for amending the site to meet subsequent LEED certification. SDP200800161 October 23, 2008: Minor Site Plan Amendment. Town Center Three building's eastern entrance was amended to allow for more siidewalk. Two parking spaces were removed. The decorative site lighting was also amended to a different fixture. SDP200900035 October 23, 2008: Minor Site Plan Amendment. Update the planting boundaries which surround the courtyard for Town Center Three and to provide temporary vegetation which will be removed when future buildings within the Town Center District are developed. Phasing Narrative: This amendment is for the development of Town Center Four. The previously approved site plan was for the construction of Town Center Three and Town Center Four. Town Center Three has been constructed and built improvements have been included in this narrative. See sheet C1.1 for limits and locations of all previous amendments to this site plan. Phase Three: Town Center Three 1. Phase three work from previous plan amendments have been completed and were generally limited to improvements within the lease area for Town Center Three. 2. The previously approved access drive along the eastern boundary was constructed and connects to the Town Center Three parking lot and Lewis & Clark Drive, 3. Curbing, pavement, sidewalk: and landscape improvements from the approved site plan located within the Town Center Three lease line have (been completed. 4. Research Park Blvd. was extended during the construction of Phase Three. The work included a traffic circle which is proposed to be removed with this amendment. 5. The scope of Phase Three included a stormwater conveyance system outside of the Town Center Three lease line. The storm piping conveys surface runoff from Research Park Boulevard inro the dounstream conveyance channel. This amendment includes the removal and relocation of select storm structures which are currently in use and conflict with this plan. Phase Four: Town Center Four 1. Work related to Phase Four shall be generally limited improvements that are located within the Town Center Four lease line. See sheet C2.4 for proposed pease line location. Limited site improvements are proposed outside of the new lease line. 2. This amendment proposes removing the existing traffic circle. An additional access drive to the parking area for Town Center Four from Lewis & Clark Blvd. will be constructed with this amendment. 3. Site improvements included in this amendment are illustrated on this plan. SHEET INDEX Ell C1.0 Cover ❑ C1.1 Major Amendment Exhibit ❑ C2.0 Existing Conditions Exhibit ❑ C2.1 Existing Conditions Exhibit Cont. ❑ C2.2 Existing Conditions Exhibit Cont. ❑ C2.3 Boundary Exhibit ❑ C2.4 Site Boundary Exhibit ❑ C3,0 Critical Slopes Exhibit ❑ C4.0 Layout Plan ❑ C4.1 Rood Plan and Profile ❑ C4.2 Sight Distance Profile IM C5.0 Grading Plan C6.0 Utilities Plan ❑ C6.1 Waterline Plan and Profile ❑ C6.2 Waterline Plan and Profile Cont. > C6.3 Storm Drainage Profiles C6.4 Storm Drainage Profiles Cont. ❑ C7.0 General Details El C7.1 General Details APPROVED by the Albemarle bounty L1.0 Landscape Pian Community Development Department ❑ L2.0 Landscape Details Date g115117 ❑ SL1.0 Site Lighting Plan File -W ❑ SL2.0 Site Lighting Details IM ES1.0 Erosion and Sediment Control Narrative ES2.0 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Phase 1 101 ES2.1 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Phase 2 ES3.0 Erosion and Sediment Control Details ES3.1 Erosion and Sediment Control Details Cont. Filled Box Indicates Drawing Included in Set SIGNATURE PANEL Albemarle Co. Dept. of Community Development - Planning Division Date Albemarle Co. Dept. of Community Development - Zoning Division Date Albemarle Co. Dept. of Community Development - Engineering Division Date Albemarle Co. Dept. of Community Development - Building Inspections Date Albemarle County Department of Fire and Rescue Date Albemarle County Service Authority Date Virginia Department of Transportation Date Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT 3 SHEET Job Number: 1640 MOM ERIC- V. WoolaE, LIC. NO. 37088 � A7 Date: February 3, 2017 Revision: April 14, 2017 September 12, 2017 Scale: As Noted Sheet No.: C1 ou I Of 281 U -J U-3 -.... U -J r J > IL >O O -..` Z) O > 17 3 SHEET Job Number: 1640 MOM ERIC- V. WoolaE, LIC. NO. 37088 � A7 Date: February 3, 2017 Revision: April 14, 2017 September 12, 2017 Scale: As Noted Sheet No.: C1 ou I Of 281 ma D.A. 99 0.09 Ac. r- - n Or") D.A. 104 0,22 Ac, D.A. 107 n ')A A— I I— VL I WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers D.A. 90 220 East High Street 0.22 Ac. Charlottesville -Virginia 22902 C 0.75 (434) 973 -0045 tc 5 min www.WooHey-Eng.com Owner KCD.A. 88 0.18 Ac. 0,75 etc = 5 min copyright (5 2016 by Woolley Engineering Univ, of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLA AMENDMENT IMA TVA GRADING PLAN Job Number: 1640 ,,VIA OP 'ERIC W. WOOLLEY LIC. NO. 3708V-,, O9-12-2017 13V , �4�1,59to N A L Date: August 22, 2016 z ry Qe, < February 3, 2017 LU April 14, 2017 > LU M, (11110 Q� __j < LU Scale: 1" = 50' 01 Uj i= cc _j < U_ 150 1 C5 ou 0 Z LIJ :D GRADING PLAN Job Number: 1640 ,,VIA OP 'ERIC W. WOOLLEY LIC. NO. 3708V-,, O9-12-2017 13V , �4�1,59to N A L NEW; Date: August 22, 2016 Revision: January 17, 2017 January 20, 2017 February 3, 2017 April 14, 2017 April 28, 2017 September 12, 2017 Lj CD Of V) Scale: 1" = 50' Sheet No.: cc C=) 150 1 C5 ou NEW; copyright (P2Ol6byWoolley Engineering C) C) 49+00 cl� q E (.10 It C) C) CN II li r-, C,4 CN Storm Drain 545 C) (D — n. LO C) C) C) C) (Xi > 0 Q) EL IL CN LOCD LU vXpe 525 o> 0 530 Oil @ C� U11 LT- c" C) [I LU O 00 II -0 q. E 0 L6 + > (D FD )'(Y CD C,4 Q 7) LO ERIC WOOLLEY 0 Q 11 11 LLI 510 LIC. NO. 37084/" 525 > C) E 520 CO 11 C) 11 + 525 0 0 + ... -V) i2 LOQ it > > LLI � 540 cc I[ LLJ Ld E Q) CO[ LU Co Co E Co E '0_4 '5 -1ONAL co V) 505 V) C 6" PVC Elec. II 500 Storm Drainage Notes: 495 II 490 1. Contractor shall confirm that ex. structure 73B can 12" DIP of 15" HDPE IIII accept proposed new pipe elevations. Pipe 9 - 41' of 15" Existing Grade (Typ,) @ 2.66% CD 0 0 C) CD CD CD CD 485 Contractor shall adjust safety slabs (as necessary.) Revision: 535 LO LO LO Engineer shall be notified of any conflicts prior to installation. qLO � 10 Qvo 515 2. All storm structures shall have IS-] inlet shaping. LrI LO 515 January 20, 2017 3. All storm structures 12' or taller shall have safety 480 CD --J 0 q Q) April 28, 2017 slabs. �2 P_ LO 11 510 530 CD (D CD 01 Q) - 0 CD CD Q 510 a Scale: LO il U-) LO LO 11 11 11 LO 11 LO LO LO 11 11 11 Co 0, C) — Cc 0, C> — 1"=40' 0 q (D 0 10 C) 0_ (D Q) CN �0- 505 L0 6- a- 0- 505 (14 ,'5 Ln 01 0 500 C) 0, II + > Proposed Grade C', (Typ.) 525 51+00 52+00 co 0 CD CD 54+00 LO C) (1) Q) (0 Co E 10 00 11 't LO II C) CN 11 + CY) > V—) C > > + >Q) C14 LU LO M -,t Q) 11 Di- Q) aj "It Q) LU Co E M 11 C) 00 E II CSE CN 11 co 0 E 520 Lo Q) 12" DIP E WL LU v) LU 6" PVC Elec. Conduit 515 @ 407- 4 o Pipe 7 - 51' of 18" 1peB-1 ?,Ipe 7' 0, 7' 1- DPE @ 1.99% 0 C 510 c c -2U LO Lr. Pipe, 4 - 62" 0 20" Pipe of HDPE @ 2,9 4% CD C14 M co 01 ct� C� 10 Year Hydraulic (D (I Piped -44' Pipe 3 - 48'of 20" C) 7 NL10 C) Q Lo Gicide Line (Typ.) a C: E E i of 20" HDPE HDPE @ 2.11 % 00C)00 II II 505 @ 3.2�� _(D C) L0 L0 1`�, 00 CD (1) 0) L0 10 _ . .F0 0 CD C) CD LO 0 Q) Q) E_ C) C) CD L0 �N Cn L0 LO 500 Cq CD 0)6 c6 C)45+00 a n LO C5 LU CD + CD > 495 5 p E � -ET2 0 V) 490 5� J ± � - - / --- ------ Pipe � , ?D yl 485 CD CD C) q 0 q Lq q CD 01 1`_1 — — CN Co_C>__ Q1_ Fill Grading (Typ, LO LO LO II Ex. 8" NM 10 PVC SS CY) (D 480 (To be replaced with DIP) 40+00--.- 41+00 42+00 43+00 44+00 copyright @ 2016 by Woolley Engineering oge Profiles 0 C) LO\ CN 04 + > E E PVC _ E I ­ec \ _V) iY Conduit 12" DIP WL O Pipe 12 - 67' of 15 HDPE 9 1,94% pPE @ 1.91% Cq o, V) - LO > 0,LU 1`11 E B5 of 16, F , 1pe I HDFE @ C) C) C) C) 49+00 cl� q E (.10 It C) C) CN II li r-, C,4 CN LO L0 C) (D — n. Cq o, V) - LO > 0,LU 1`11 E B5 of 16, F , 1pe I HDFE @ C) C) 49+00 E L6 L6 Job Number: II II C) LDC: LO C) C) C) C) (Xi > 0 Q) EL IL CN LOCD LU vXpe 525 o> 0 530 Oil @ C� U11 LT- c" C) [I LU O 00 II -0 q. E 0 L6 + > (D FD )'(Y CD C,4 Q 7) LO ERIC WOOLLEY 0 Q 11 11 LLI 510 47+00 545 540 535 530 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville -Virginia 22902 (434) 973 90045 www.WooUey-Eng.com Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 F: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN 11dTlINJEWT MA STORM & S; JA -1 NJ T A R y 1/_1 PROFILES 48+00 49+00 E 51+00 Job Number: C) LLJ LO C) C) C) C) (Xi 0 5 1 CN LOCD Profiles vXpe 525 0 530 Oil @ C� + > 00 c" C) [I LU O 00 II q. E 0 L6 + > (D FD )'(Y CD C,4 Q 7) LO ERIC WOOLLEY Q 11 11 LLI 510 LIC. NO. 37084/" 525 > C) E 520 CO 11 C) 11 + 525 0 0 + ... -V) i2 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville -Virginia 22902 (434) 973 90045 www.WooUey-Eng.com Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 F: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN 11dTlINJEWT MA STORM & S; JA -1 NJ T A R y 1/_1 PROFILES 48+00 49+00 E 51+00 Job Number: LLJ V) C) C) C) C) (Xi . 3N 5 1 _1`_� Profiles vXpe 530 0 530 OP 'Vil @ Q 0 CD C,4 Q CD (D C� ERIC WOOLLEY CD Lo LO a Cl? 510 LIC. NO. 37084/" 525 C) ]1 4 CO 11 C) 11 + 525 0 4-28-2017 1:� LOQ it > > LLI � cc I[ LLJ Ld E Q) CO[ LU Co Co E Co E '0_4 '5 -1ONAL co V) 505 V) C 6" PVC Elec. II 500 II 495 II 490 Date: August 22, 2016 12" DIP of 15" HDPE IIII Pipe 9 - 41' of 15" WL @ 2.66% CD 0 0 C) CD CD CD CD 485 HDPE @ 2.45% Revision: ,I- LO LO LO qLO � 10 Qvo 515 LrI LO 515 January 20, 2017 480 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville -Virginia 22902 (434) 973 90045 www.WooUey-Eng.com Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 F: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN 11dTlINJEWT MA STORM & S; JA -1 NJ T A R y 1/_1 PROFILES 48+00 49+00 50+00 51+00 Job Number: F1640 Storm Drainage Profiles 530 530 OP 'Vil 0 CD C,4 Q CD (D C� ERIC WOOLLEY CD Lo LO a Cl? C) C14 CN Lf) LO LIC. NO. 37084/" 525 C) ]1 4 CO 11 C) 11 + 525 0 4-28-2017 1:� LOQ it > > LLI � cc I[ LLJ Ld E Q) CO[ LU Co Co E Co E '0_4 '5 -1ONAL co V) E V) C 6" PVC Elec. Conduit 520 Pipe 10 - 31' 520 Date: August 22, 2016 12" DIP of 15" HDPE Pipe 9 - 41' of 15" WL @ 2.66% HDPE @ 2.45% Revision: qLO � January 17, 2017 I 515 LrI LO 515 January 20, 2017 April 12, 2017 CD --J 0 q Q) April 28, 2017 �2 P_ LO 11 510 CD C? CD (D CD 01 Q) - 0 CD CD Q 510 a Scale: LO il U-) LO LO 11 11 11 LO 11 LO LO LO 11 11 11 Co 0, C) — Cc 0, C> — 1"=40' (D 0 C) 0_ (D Q) 505 6- a- 0- 505 Sheet No.: C6*�Jl 1 500 500 51+00 52+00 53+00 54+00 copyright ©2016 9+00 70+00 71+00 72+00 73+00 74+00 D OOLLEY ENGINEERING CD Q Consulting Civil Engineers N 04 220 East High Street Charlottesville > Virginia 22902 (434) 973 0045 www.WooUey-Eng.corn CD - Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-377710 0 LU LU E2 MAJOR LU I E PLAN AMENDMENT 04 01 10 01-00 DO Lr CL y..l�Pip 000LO LO CN 0- a a a J LU LL <C UJ > iL � 41 0 0 1 z C6 LO LO TOP DRAINAGE E PI FILE Job Number: 1640 OP ®- f' f. 'ERIC W. WOOLLEY �3 LIC`. NO. 37080 %' O� 46-28-2017 �4� 0 NA Date: August 22, 2016 Revision: 22 January 17, 2017 January 20, 2017 April 12, 2017 April 28, 2017 Scale: 1"=40' Sheet No.: 6 A U 535 535 �� .oNn � II + O Existing Grade (yp.) CID � � � / °'• � 530 530 �, rl N ® / � ,n � `+° `n I\ r- \ � _N �? Q = �o .o ill O N II w �j > � N u? N \ O II w O N Co N � II Lu O II �u N co `n o� `'`� o '� ,Q `o � � p �= 525 525 "' � � -� J M II w Proposed Grade T O II w M II L—/) •- © II M II w yr Q II oil ® oil w o it w ofp153HDPE' 52Q � W ' (2) Ex. Fiber -Optic F E 520 @ ] .84% � -- - 8" DIP - - - Pipe 30 - 33, € - b" PVC Elec. / g� DIP Pipe 29 - 72' of € € / 8" DIP � WL 15" HDPE @ 1.97% of 15" HDPE Conduit J WL Wf. � @ 2.14% E ' Pipe 27 - 37' Pipe 28 - 57' of Ex. 8" � 18" HDPE @ 1.94% — o €� € � b" PVC SS of 18" HDPE � € € PVC SS �n 51 Jr. 515 - @ 1.36% II ��� Ex. 8" aoo � o 1 i — i of24'HDP @1.87% oo ��� PVC SS � ��� ���u, �� € t � �+Pe 2-123' o rMi� ��ua � ��� � O!° A ON N LO LO MO.O MCTO d} NNMN 5111 510 € � '?�• Q O NNM NNM @ M � N N f 2� - _._--•- —� � II II N N � a. � +- i 1 5 o II II o � o= o= � �- 6 - CN X X -� € t N � t € P1pe17 000o II II n I NN o aa= '.'."" O f ,-- ��n`a� Ni U-) o o �! ni=p o�®� a c 505 1b -168` of24'ND _ ���,a W 505 I I _ ��no cll N N N ""r"r' ���� Pipe 25-2b'ofl8'" II II II € I o r.0 HDPE @ 1.92% 500 � � 500 QQ� — o- � - -- Pi e 26 - 18' of 18" - - --- ---- ---- HDPE @ 2.27%- 7— I .27% €€ it € € 10 -Year Hydraulic 495 � Grade Lin (Typ.) 495 II II II €€ 490 490 € € Storm Drainage Notes: 1. Contractor shall confirm that ex. structure 73B can I.:r� accept proposed new pipe elevations. 0 0 0 o Contractor shall adjust safety slabs (as necessardq WL LO Lr. LO y.) 485 435 aaoa r. N .- N Engineer shall be notified of any conflicts prior to � � � � installation. 2. All storm structures shall have IS -1 inlet shaping. 3. All storm structures 12' or taller shall have safety .Q.Q slabs. 430 480 54+00 55+00 56+00 57+00 58+00 59'+00 b0+00 b1+00 b2+00 b3+00 b4+00 N N II '� II 535 � � o• II LL' o It 535 530 a _ � o_ �, 530 �N o� o0N �cN•' 8"DI O� a l l `+t 11 + I I ,a v \ ,o � ,o o � v 0 u, ,. Pipe 24 - 28' f 15" Mii'-''' \ �nliw ••oil"-� rllW oll -'� HDPE@1.09% 525 °' � .� `,.. °_' �_ �_ �w 525 of 15' NDP N \ P1pe 23 _ �, v, �' I I 520 520 }pe p]pe 1 - b4' of 1 __ � HD� @1.57% ,.. as � of 15' HDP °- °- @�-.- 515 144' 0 15" NDP @ 1.4�% o \ 0 515 19 - _ - -- - -- - �o � 0 o sc� �o \ I � � Ex. 8" II II ON N \ Q PVC SS 510 510 -- - �-� Q 9- U_ - � aQo 0000 �i II it o. o. o o \ cv M � } �ujp.�+�j NNN U O�?o� _ (N N N 505 -� 0 505 Is o7 N o` +I C U iLo..o_� >o � 500 500 --------- --- -- _� � �- ----- -- -- UO 495 Cl17 of 28 - v z° 495 64+00 65+00 66+00 67+00 68+00 6 by Woolley Engineering LANDSCAPE LEGEND SYMBOL KEY I QTY BOTAPyICAL { r F CY) {✓ 16,912 SQ. FT. 0 Ac 74 co RED MAPLE 1 441 15' 77 SQ. FT. f Fp 28 ✓`r ; fK✓ B&B, 1 1/2" Cal 52,671 SQ. FT. (1.21 ACRES) �9) �` r Gd 8 GYMI`,JOCLADUS DIOICUS ,,: f ` si tS 9 !` r✓ rA✓ ✓ F .✓'f ✓F �` ! f+,t,,1� '� F'j O — / i� :�<f_3z i l t .+` ,r'f .✓ 1`f {.✓.:rf.: LANDSCAPE LEGEND { { { TREE CANOPY CALCULATIONS (@ 10 YRS) SPECIES SYMBOL KEY I QTY BOTAPyICAL COMMON SIZE NOTES 16,912 SQ. FT. 0 Ac 74 ACER RUBRUM RED MAPLE B&B, 1 1/2" Cal. LAGERSTROEMIA INDICA 15' 77 SQ. FT. i Fp 28 FRAXIPUUS PENNSYLVANICA 'SUMMIT' SUMMIT ASH B&B, 1 1/2" Cal 52,671 SQ. FT. (1.21 ACRES) W LU 0 Gd 8 GYMI`,JOCLADUS DIOICUS KENTUCKY COFFEETREE B&B, 1 1/2" Cal. (CROSSWICK MALE) TOTAL AREA COVERED 1.21 ACRES (± 17.7% OF SITE) Cs 48 COTONEASTER SALICIFOLIUS "REPANDENS" WILLOWLEAF COTONEASTER 15"-18" 4'- 0" O.C. U_ 10 Li 5 LAGERSTROEMIA INDICA"NATCHEZ" "NATCHEZ" CRAPEMYRTLE #10, 5-6 V PI 38 PRUNUS LAUROCERASUS "OTTO LUYKEN" "OTTO LUYKEN" LAUREL 18"-24" 4'- 0" O.C. X Ss 3 LB, SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM LITTLE-BLUESTEM SEED 3: Rf 1 LB. RUDBECKIA FULGIDA 'GOLDSTURM' BLACK-EYED SUSAN SEED O 0 a Mf 1 LB. MONARDA FISTULOSA WILD BERGAMOT SEED LuQ Sc 1 LB. SOLIDAGO CAESIA BLUE -STEM GOLDENROD SEED { { { TREE CANOPY CALCULATIONS (@ 10 YRS) SPECIES HEIGHT AREA/PLANT AREA/SPECIES ACER RUBRUM 30' 397 SQ. FT. 29,378 SQ. FT. FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA 37' 604 SQ. FT. 16,912 SQ. FT. GYMNOCLADUS DiOICUS 35' 570 SQ. FT. 4,560 SQ. FT. COTONEASTER SALICIFOLIUS 18" 22 SQ. FT. 1,056 SQ. FT. LAGERSTROEMIA INDICA 15' 77 SQ. FT. 385 SQ. FT. PRUNUS LAUROCERASUS 4' 10 SQ. FT. 380 SQ. FT. 1.91 TOTAL PROPOSED CANOPY 52,671 SQ. FT. (1.21 ACRES) EXISTING CANOPY 0.00 ACRES coo PROPOSED SITE ACREAGE 6.85 ACRES MINIMUM TREE CANOPY ACREAGE REQUIRED 0.685 ACRES (10% OF SITE) TOTAL AREA COVERED 1.21 ACRES (± 17.7% OF SITE) r v f , {✓ f f f f ..' ::>:: : f-. , _.�,_ ___ � ,� LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS -t✓. r .Qi . 1st � _ _ �- _-, ..:::::, .� �,,, ........ _..1 ati—�,.. �.t �.'` ��-,... .... ..:::::. >.::.:: < ..:. < "-,,:. ,: <::k» J f t< ,. _ � rA i t i� 1 r se tS LA PARKING SPACES (TCI) 244 PARKING SPACES (TC4) 323 TOTAL PARKING SPACES 567 TREES REQ'D PER SPACE 1/10 TREES REQUIRED 57 TREES PROVIDED (TC] &TC4) 120 cJZff t' tf 0 f f 5f` { � r is '� f ,''1 J "Lv" ( J� 11 t r'ff { ' „l { ✓ l x I "J Ar > ,. __..., :` >� <::..::. f:. ✓° � INTERIOR LANDSCAPE AREA CALCULATIONS i 3 g i { s { 3 j t I 7 t F Y 1, t 1 y r 2 t , q ti VOL ,... is _... x ._..: _.: ,.<; . ,: r : "-` � .. F✓' TYPE AREA Ac NOTES PARKING/ROADS 3.22 REQUIRED INTERIOR LS 0.16 PARKING LOT LANDSCAPE 0.75 23.3% PARKING CIRCU LATION F .. t � f f f W " f ✓ /.f5't: :. ' r� : ... ....... . ....: � Ar :: i. f: •)� rS f ../ E IMPERVIOUSSURFACE CALCULATIONS . ,.. .. (( , -- - ------- , , , , f<.. ... ... / , ..,. .... ...: ...:� .,.✓' .:::: ::::. ..... :.. e�.( -.-. 4 % � :.:./' >�\S\`_T—`^/`F�"`�`�� --. ���:. :<::.(... < ,:.::::1_, s £.�...-..-a----.-4 .... �.�.... / r.::::.,.- / i ) .. :�'-.:'':' � L <,,�71f�� � + :� :� � �� _ /F' F r e : � ,� ./l\ �-'l TYPE AREA (Ac) PERCENT OF TOTAL NOTES TOTAL 6.85 100.0% BUILDING FOOTPRINT 0.64 9.3% PARKING/ROADS 3.22 47.0% SIDEWALK/HARDSCAPE 1.08 15.8% OPEN SPACE 1.91 27.9% General Notes: 1. All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or property owners' association and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan. 2. No tree shall be located within 10' from center of tree trunk to centerline of water and sanitary sewer lines. copyright 0 2016 by Woolley Engineering L1J O z ', Q i Existing Treeline Proposed Treeline OOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville -Virginia 22902 (434) 973 °0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner Univ, of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT LANDSCAPE PLAN Job Number: 1640 `14 o ? 'ERIC W. WOOLLEY3 LIC. NO. 3708th: 0 9-12-2817 �yW SSI O NA L��, Date: August 22, 2016 Revision: January 17, 2017 January 20, 2017 April 12, 2017 April 28, 2017 September 12, 2017 Scale: 1"=40' Sheet No.. L 1 o 0 of 28 C) > coo Lim U_ LANDSCAPE PLAN Job Number: 1640 `14 o ? 'ERIC W. WOOLLEY3 LIC. NO. 3708th: 0 9-12-2817 �yW SSI O NA L��, Date: August 22, 2016 Revision: January 17, 2017 January 20, 2017 April 12, 2017 April 28, 2017 September 12, 2017 Scale: 1"=40' Sheet No.. L 1 o 0 of 28 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE University of Virginia Research Park Town Center four Erosion and Sediment Control The County of Albemarle, Virginia PROJECT DESCRIPTION The scope of this E&S narrative and plan is for the purpose of developing soil in preparation for the construction of Town Center Four. A total of approximately 12.5 acres will be disturbed during construction. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS The topographic and built improvements existing on the subject property are depicted on the accompanying E&S plan, utility plan & profiles, and the general notes sheet. ADJACENT AREAS The UVA Research Park is located in northern Albemarle County, adjacent to U.S. Route 29. The Park consists of approximately 565 acres and is zoned Planned Development - Industrial Park, to allow for mixed use office, research and development and light industrial use. The Park consists of several "Districts." The subject project is located within the Town Center District. The site is bound to the north by Town Centers One and Two, and to the east by Town Center Three and is located adjacent to Lewis and Clark Drive. The remainder of the adjacent areas are reserved for future phases of the Town Center and are currently undeveloped. These areas are subject to mass grading in preparation of the future development as outlined on the approved Master Plan. OFF-SITE AREAS All land disturbing activities shall occur on-site and within the limits of project shown on the plans. At this point, no off-site borrow, waste or grading activity will occur. This development also includes the construction of a proposed new extension/connection of the existing trail network. Significant land disturbance is not anticipated with the new trail work, if necessary the contractor shall apply erosion control measures as directed by the erosion & sediment control inspector. SOILS This site is located in a geologic area referred to as the Piedmont Physiographic Province. c The soils in n this geologic area are weathered from the underlying metamorphic bedrock. The naturally occurring soils at this site were found to be moderately to highly plastic silts weathered from the Catoctin formation which consists of basic lava flows, schist, and gneiss composed of chlorite, plagioclase, amphiobole, and epidote. The soils observed here appear to be weathered from metamorphosed sedimentary soils such as phyllite and schist. The map units on the detailed soil map depicted on the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, represent the soils in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the soil maps, can be used to determine the suitability and potential of a soil for specific uses, and, precautionary erosion and sedimentation control measures which must be adhered to. They also can be used to plan for the management needed for those uses. The profile of the soil classifications follows: Hayesville Loam (3613): This deep, gently sloping (2-7 %), well -drained soil is on broad, convex ridge top. Typically, the surface layer is brown and strong brown loam about seven (7) inches thick The subsoil' is red clay and red clay loam about fifty-one (51) inches thick. The substratum is mostly multicolored sandy clay loam derived from strongly weathered granite gneiss. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Shrink -swell potential is low. Runoff is moderate, and the hazard of erosion is moderate. Bedrock is generally at a depth of five (5) feet or more. Hayesville Loam (36C): This deep, strongly sloping (7-15 %), well -drained soil is on narrow, convex ridge tops and on side slopes. Typically, the surface layer is brown and strong brown loam about seven (7) inches thick. The subsoil is red clay and red clay loam about fifty-one (51) inches thick. The substratum is mostly multicolored sandy clay loam. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Shrink -swell potential is low. Runoff is rapid, and the hazard of erosion is severe. Bedrock is generally at a depth of five (5)i feet or more. Hayesville Clay Loam (37D3): This deep, moderately steep sloping (15-25 %), well -drained soil is on side slopes that border small drainage ways. Typically, the surface layer is yellowish red loam about four (4) inches thick. The subsoil is red clay and red clay loam about forty-seven (47) inches thick. The substratum is mostly multicolored sandy clay loam derived from weathered granite gneiss. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Shrink -swell potential is low. Runoff is rapid, and the hazard of erosion is severe. Bedrock is generally at a depth of five (5) feet or more. CRITICAL AREAS There are several critical areas on the site. These include three utility stream crossings and several areas of steep slopes greater than 4:1. The steep slopes on the site have been defined by The County as either preserved or managed areas and are illustrated on sheet C3.0. Steep slopes within the site were impacted minimally and only for instances when it could not be avoided. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES The contractor shall provide, construct and maintain erosion and sediment control measures on the site, in accordance with the Virginia Department of Transportation and the County of Albemarle erosion and sediment control measures (refer to the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan sheet). All vegetative and structural erosion and sediment control practices shall be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook. Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas within seven (7) days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site. Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven (7) days to denuded areas that may not be at final grade but will remain dormant (undisturbed) for longer than 30 days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left dormant for more than one year. Soil stabilization refers to measures that protect soil from the erosive forces of raindrop impact and flowing water. Applicable practices include vegetative establishment, mulching, and the early application of gravel base on areas to be stone. Soil stabilization measures should be selected to be appropriate for the time of the year, site conditions, and estimated duration of use. Temporary sediment filters and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers and other measures intended to retain sediment shall be constructed as a first step in any land -disturbing activity and be made functional before up slope land disturbance takes place. Stabilization measures shall be applied to earthen structures such as darns, dikes and diversions immediately after installation. The following structural practices will be implemented according to the requirements set forth by the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control. Safety Fence (3.01) A protective barrier consisting of polyethylene web secured to a conventional metal post driven into the ground a minimum of 18 inches. Posts should be spaced at 6 -foot centers. Used to prevent undesirable use of an erosion control measure by the public. To prevent access to an erosion control measure. Specific Application: Safety fence will be used at areas where existing Town Center employees and visitors may come into contact with the planned work area. Contractor may substitute temporary chain-link fencing where deemed appropriate. Contractor shall coordinate with project manager regarding substitutions. Temporary Stone Construction Entrance (3.02) A seventy (70) foot stone section shall be installed at the point of vehicular ingress and egress on the construction site. This stone area shall be used for washing sediment from vehicles exiting the site. VNhere sediment is transported onto a public road surface, the road shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. This provision shall apply to individual subdivision lots as well as larger land disturbing activities. Specific Application: A construction entrance shall be placed adjacent to Lewis and Clark Drive at the southeastern parking lot entrance and additional gravel shall be applied if the Erosion Control Inspector deems it necessary. If deemed necessary by The County inspector the temporary stone construction entrance shall be converted into a temporary paved construction entrance. copyright O 201 b by Woolley Engineering Silt Fence (3.05) A temporary sediment barrier consisting of synthetic filter fabric stretched across and attached to supporting posts and entrenched. Used to prevent sediment from leaving the site. To decrease the velocity of sheet flows. Specific Application: Silt fence will be used at the foot of the cut/ fill slopes and as shown on the plan. Inlet Protection (3.07) A temporary sediment filter around a storm inlet or curb inlet, in order to prevent sediment from entering storm drainage systems prior to permanent stabilization of the disturbed area. Specific Application: Inlet protection will be used around all storm drainage inlets and curb inlets existing within the project area and as shown on the plan. Temporary Diversion Dike A temporary ridge of compacted soil constructed at the top or base of a sloping disturbed area. Used to divert sediment -laden runoff from a disturbed area to a stabilized outlet. Specific Application: Diversion Dikes will be used to divert runoff away from the disturbed areas of construction as shown on the plan. Fill Diversion (see 3.09) A temporary ridge of compacted soil constructed at the top or base of a sloping disturbed area. Used to divert sediment -laden runoff from a disturbed area to a stabilized outlet. Specific Application: Diversion Dikes will be used to divert runoff away from the disturbed areas of construction. 2L Diversion (3.12) A channel constructed across a slope with a supporting earthen ridge on the lower side. Used to reduce they slope length and to intercept and divert stormwater runoff to stabilized outlets at non-erosive velocities. Specific Application: Diversions will be used on the high side (above construction) of slopes to direct "clean" water into the slope drains to outfall below the disturbed areas. Temporary Sediment Trap (3.13) A temporary ponding area formed by constructing an earthen embankment with a stone outlet. It is used to detain sediment -laden runoff from drainage areas less than three acres for enough time to allow most of the sediment solids to settle out. It can be constructed only y whe e there is sufficient space and appropriate topography. Maximum effective life is 18 months. Specific Application: Sediment traps will be used to detain runoff on the site and will be situated as shown on the plan. Temporary Sediment Basin (3.14) II stormwater release structure that is formed b constructing an A temporary barrier or dam with controlled sto y g embankment of compacted soil across a drainage way. It is used to detain sediment -laden runoff from drainage areas three acres or greater for enough time to allow most of the sediment solids to settle out. it can be constructed only where there is sufficient space and appropriate topography. Maximum effective life is 18 months unless designed as a permanent pond by a qualified professional. Specific Application: An existing sediment basin located southwest of the site will be dug out and restored to it's original size and will be used to detain and treat runoff The location of the sediment basin is shown on the site plan. jZ Temporary Slope Drains (3.15) A flexible tubing or conduit extending from the top to the bottom of a cut or fill slope. The drains will temporarily conduct concentrated runoff safely down the face of a cut or fill slope without causing erosion on or below the slope. Specific Application: The drains shall be used to divert "clean" water from the high side of slopes affected by the installation of the utilities. Outlet protection shall be applied at the bottom of the drain. See detail sheet ES3.1 for conduit sizing. k). Outlet Protection (3.18) Structurally lined aprons or other acceptable energy dissipating devices placed at the outlets of pipes or paved channel sections. To prevent scour at stormwater outlets and minimize downstream erosion. Specific Application: This form of protection shall be utilized on all stormwater outlets by using riprap. D. Surface Roughening (3.29) This erosion and sedimentation control measure involves creating horizontal depressions on slopes or leaving slopes in a roughened condition by not fine -grading them. This is done to aid in the establishment of vegetative cover or seed, to reduce runoff velocity and increase infiltration, and to reduce erosion and provide for sediment trapping. Specific Application: This form of protection shall be performed on all slopes 3:1 or greater as shown on the accompanying E&S Plan. Slopes less steep than 3:1 should have the soil lightly roughened and loose to a depth of 2-4" prior to seeding. m). Temporary Seeding (3.31) The establishment of a temporary vegetative cover on disturbed areas by seeding with appropriate rapidly growing annual plants. This protects slopes exposed during construction until permanent vegetative cover can be established. Temporary seeding will apply to all areas on the site that will not be brought to final grade for periods of thirty (30) days to one year. Selection of the appropriate seed mixture depends upon the time of year it is to be applied (See schedule on E&S details sheet.) Specific r!pplication: Temporary seeding shall be applied to all denuded areas prior to permanent stabilization in the form of either hardscape or permanent seeding. Temporary seeding shall be used on all fill slopes and diversions. Permanent Seeding (3.32) Establishment of perennial vegetative cover by planting seed on rough -graded areas that will not be brought to final grade for a year or more or where permanent, long-lived vegetative cover is needed on fine -graded areas. Specific Application: Permanent seeding will be applied to all portions of disturbed area. 91. Soil Stabilization Blankets & Matting (3.36) Stabilizing disturbed areas of a steep slope, channel, or a shoreline by applying protective covering on a prepared area. The matting will protect the young vegetation and promote its establishment while increasing the permissible velocity of turf grass stands. Specific Application: Soil Stabilization blankets & matting will be utilized as shown on the plan. p). Tree Preservation and Protection (3.38) Protection of desirable trees from mechanical and other injury during land disturbing and construction activity. Specific Application: Tree protection shall be applied to select vegetation on the site as illustrated on the plan. q). Dust Control (3.39) Reducing surface air movement of dust during land disturbances, demolition or construction activities in areas subject to dust problems in order to prevent soil loss and reduce the presence of potentially harmful airborne substance. Specific Application: Dust control shall be applied as necessary. PERMANENT STABILIZATION All areas disturbed by construction will be stabilized with permanent seeding immediately following finish grading. All seeds will be approved by the "Virginia Crop improvement Association, " Blacksburg Virginia. Seeding will be done with the following: Two (2) parts Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis), by weight; minimum 98 % purity and 90% germination; maximum I% weed seed. Three (3) parts perennial Ryegrass (Labium perrene) by weight; minimum 85 % purity and 90% germination; maximum I% weed seed. Fifteen (15) parts Falcon Fescue; minimum 98 % purity and 90% germination; maximum 1 % weed seed. Permanently seeded areas shall be protected during establishment. Mulch shall consist of oat or wheat straw, free from weeds, foreign matter detrimental to plant life, and dry. Hay or chopped cornstalks will not be permitted. Mulch and/or lime shall be applied at a rate of two (2) tons per acre. Specifications for fertilizer are FS 0-F-241 C, Type 1, solid form; Grade A or B; recommended for grass, with one hundred (100) percent of the elements derived from organic sources of the following properties: a) Nitrogen 12,0% b) Phosphoric Acid 8.0% c) Soluble Potash 8.0% With at least fifty (50) percent of the nitrogen from a non -water soluble organic source. The following measures shall be incorporated during fertilization: Apply fertilizer at a rate of 1000 lbs./acre. Apply after smooth raking of topsoil. Do not apply fertilizer at same time or with same machine as will be used to apply seed. Till fertilizer into upper two (2) inches of topsoil. Lightly water dry topsoil to depth of six (6) inches at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to seeding to obtain a loose friable seed bed and to aid in the dissipation of fertilizer. The following rates and practices will be adhered to for all seeding that occurs on-site: Apply seed a rate of 6-lbs./1000 sq. ft. evenly at right angles with a spreader or seeding machine. Rake in lightly, covering seed to depth of 1/8 inch. Do not seed area in excess of that which can be mulched on same day. Do not sow immediately following rain, when ground is too dry, or during windy periods. Roll seeded area with roller not exceeding 112 lbs. Immediately following seeding and compacting apply mulch to a thickness of one (1) inch. Maintain clear of shrubs and trees. Apply water with a fine spray immediately after each area has been mulched. Saturate to six (6) inches of soil. MAINTENANCE All erosion and sediment control measures must be maintained and repaired immediately to insure continued performance of their intended functions as stated in the Virginia Erosion & Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition 1992. In general, all erosion and sediment control measures will be checked weekly and after each runoff -producing rainfall event. All seeded and sodded areas will be checked regularly to ensure that a good stand is maintained. Areas will be fertilized, reseeded and resodded as needed. DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY MEASURES All temporary erosion and sediment control measures, including the temporary sediment basins, shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, unless otherwise authorized by the local program administrator. Trapped sediment and other disturbed soil areas resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT The Town Center Four site will primarily drain via surface runoff into an existing sediment basin. The Town Center Four site lies within the Town Center District which is part of a larger existing watershed and was included within the previously approved stormwater master plan for the UVA Research Park. Master planning for the Research Park assumes a full build -out to the region and the Town Center District was included in the design to be captured and treated in a wet pond located southwest from the site and close to the Center for Applied Biomechanics building. The pond was constructed and designed to "bank" allowable impervious areas as they each phase of the Park developed. Excerpts from the approved storm water management study were copied and are included within the stormwater management calculations booklet. No other treatment is proposed with this development. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES UVA Research Park: Town Center Four Major Site Plan Amendment: Erosion & Sediment Control Plan The County of Albemarle, Virginia ES -1 The Albemarle County Department of Community Development must be notified one week prior to the pre - construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. ES -2 All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. ES -3 All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. ES -4 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. ES -5 Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off-site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. ES -6 The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. ES -7 All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization is achieved. ES -8 During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device. ES -9 The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately. ES -10 All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area. ES -11 All waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. ES -12 Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. ES -13 All inert materials shall be transported in compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. ES -14 Borrow, fill or waste activity involving industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm. ES -15 Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to any public street because o slides, sinking, or collapse. ES -16 The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwater management facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit, building or other portion of the property. ES -18 Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the Ryegrass months of September to February to consist a 50150 mix of Annual and Cereal Winter Rye, y , or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. ES -18 Permanent stabilization shall be lime and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 90lbs/1000sf, incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000lbs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied at 180lbs/acre and consist of 95 % Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0-5 % Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 80lbs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved by the County erosion control inspector. ES -19 Maintenance: All measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or clogging to 0 structural measures is to be repair immediately. Silt traps are to be cleaned when 50 /o of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. ES -20 All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. SOIL MAP KEY 36B HAYESVILLE LOAM 36C HAYESVILLE LOAM 37D3 HAYESVILLE CLAY LOAM 7Y OOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville - Virginia 22902 (434) 973-0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 Job Number: 1640 111 op 7 >,, EMC W. WOOLLEYr , s LIC. NO. 3708W, �0 2-3-2017 ` �G Date: February 3, 2017 Revision: I Scale: As Noted Sheet No.: ES1 ou 24 Of 28 Q Z � 10, Z Q � � Q � Q Z Z � �LU Z ZD0 LU U Z Job Number: 1640 111 op 7 >,, EMC W. WOOLLEYr , s LIC. NO. 3708W, �0 2-3-2017 ` �G Date: February 3, 2017 Revision: I Scale: As Noted Sheet No.: ES1 ou 24 Of 28 oFFar' =r 7. + J},A x X -x /s !' : _a„er.• ! , a S f 3 ' „aR1J Y Q_ ✓B y _ > ?. ,t `' rs 11 / / /- '2 ? i} / i,.i / :.♦ r > /� r,r, F ! r, i tt t { 3":f f `h. �. l „g/AQ /{ ; ."f 3Jr.4x f'. s `, t : t i t .. ,`' i g . _; SrA.s f � .. £f / \ '.t :_ ,i?, i E e f !` ."r„_... D' C) I- 1�� - I /, -, /r /a f 4 :r dstc x .sns r rt. ...i, ; { s>,x t :�"�.'t>'�,t 5`'i 2 t o°;f` % Q' 11 % _ +:: I ,Y , " # 1 C.' LCI I. 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I 'i I { �:F �� IP .s: l` � Y f, t { t: .. ~�, "L. e r w ° f �: I l �'2X r+' >` n t:t � � \ �r` .1i �s r f YHJ I J , 3 f �' ;' D Emergency Spillway Crest: 481.0 X \ t" 1 fi, r_ g Y p Y , ' a ,, , 1. w o; i t E i �'', x33A i ,>x . f ' _ `gip 'f a Width of Spillway: 8 :: r:. , p Y N ENTER 3 d x �; i s i, TC?W C If A: f ,b �.'y` „;;mem .% .{, i, �> q: k f,, FP >� is +: '.. y �. , , _ S' o .. r t.. r` „ice•" ::<� _ EXISTING FFE 520.41 Z `,,, � x3S ,, : r. JJA6 ' Top of Trash Rack: 480.0 ,r 7 e; - i' o- f6 Xmas w.w"'. >z f,:J f ri 'F A , :j , c ; - : ; , , SMQ ,jy, zPTAJ t 1 ::r f 1 r is ; B f - - . x SHA MJ„ `Ju 3(A5 l Size o rashrack: dia. - 48" ht. - 16 f ni F.-... i i a ,'f., ,r. r` I x ' i` /' X a �. I i " f 2 :" f ° f` ) AS• ��; JhV x 2 Riser Diameter F: _ se 7 f �`t�t M g r s / (, it < , , <; t . 'x //'' f 3 , ;',f r Orifice Elevation: 477.2 ¢y .f i :> ' F: ., ; D , r / y V ' /� \ x \' ^...\ � 1> \ JIRB f 'f f i ` f f , , r : .. „ , dM, { i iometer: 5" :. h l . . r, I . ? ; S/A/x ,:. Orifice ce D 1 '� 7 R t '+ / ; Jt :. ; .; ( .ifRJ ,,.J •r f 9]x, ._.� ..,y./+'+.v>"v X C `t£ ...,,,,f.°x „f f, , .: : s J i>W i N r <, + , l /, .....':i . f f' K r';^ r r Y 11 / �.11 _ 3 sad, T W TF F @ J � <. kf .., . , ( /.,. ;' fv C.E.N.�R 4 S itWIi. e e Elevation: 471.5 P i `� Barrel I r" r :# F: . t , , :? w FF.E:522.25 „ x `," .; f l., $ ..`3 .. STST IP 3. 7� i f r '"r F : f , q J J,,-. ? 1' xuQ . diameter: 21 cm Barrel length: 78 ` Darrel ;. w 1 TA PA E 4 « f ; z ..:-'., t ,~ :.._':�:..,. ;..,.,.' . as JM_ `L '^ <.«.�, i, i -.�r`, ' ,r... _... �e' J03., Anti -seep Collar Dimension: 4.5' x 4.5' :, / :{ <a. £ 1 ! ,', a 4 .11 :. v X 5419 ..... a x \ /, x f r .. .. f : ' , , ,.,. _ r ; , .._.. ...i` ? C sx3 / ^%rte. P, ;;': SH3 a , ; M. :E -out Sediment at Elevation. 475.0 : f .. _ :. f X .: x ; } : : < ,G : T Y,n,:,'!r•,r rER Op'I t .1 . �.. .' ii -.... . � ; F : e < } :J xro ::%:'` cm"° xS7A] .� .'4`^,wv<,e_ L- . .. 7 ..... ~ ti: a9:r� r✓- f) x-...2:: , gggg x Sid slo e of Embankment: 2:1 8 i , /' # j y � ,r Maximum e p r f, . ,.. y. ., 1" 1 .. *�,. .. , ,.!' / .. S :.1: 31)A `I P � t: :t C, 5 ,,... - ,., :,6 h f. f Refer to Virginia Erosion 8� Sediment Control Handbook f ? 13 ' -:: < .. : , ):r ' f ].:; .,_., .... _.. ..... { r,f 'T. y i{ � s M„ / I _ )1 specifications. ,- for s < .�.... a __.._.._ ... r .. acs. }j 4 r . r R ,1 fi mpreviouslyr ve f: " ... J,,, JQSB Ex. basins specifications taken from approved d u „. „'.2 w :i p pp r ,. f ....... .. .... .. ..:... ... . ag, me ii l / i b - .. .... . . .. ::: --, ...3rd, I AA rr S ; :( l D 3: .. r.....,.- x ; ,;,ih'.0l'r :Ja,.6 f: \ Contractor shall le vers i /'` J!]d`♦ li Ian. Contr t h II f Id f _... p le y 11 .f "§ .. Y i JPl.J ..,...._.t. r r r: -.._. ... ..... .. ♦ \\ Y f,f ri�n:. �- t . , \ ;r . i X EE Y• r :.. 1 : . i , f .) ( x .> s, .- . - .. _ ._ % ✓' " \ ">\.,. -'rte t f �' : , f ' fr' , r .. ;,..,,,.,,. k i:i .. r.... i . _ i ........._ . }} :i , .. .. : ! . J / r <e>`b ;l . .. l : ;.. '... Y x SIQI f✓.i M ` x .: .. .._°. _ ..W<` : .. x Ake I m,/�" %�'' SAF 10 % x x l y u_- t w- ;,, tl: '. , .l °,. �'+. _-..w °oo J1iJ ,lr f., ...;.f , .i ,::: -I: if'. ', ::, (,. ': ..{ f.'...,.. ..� rF' t , , 1 , \ a,? , - ?�- �"°.' �.. S°°::'2y5^`'r>_, f.$ �A i r\. `,"#,°mro,..- .. , _o*° ., :< r' copyright © 2016 by Woolley Engineering W WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville . Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation On Boar's One oa s H ead Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR AMENDMENTSITE PLAN I E&SC PLA PHAS 7 Job Number: 1640 � ,�H o V / j , : Ifte�I/s.w„{Ir '_EW.WOOLLEY t� LIQ`. NO. 3708!%'Q� `�-14-201`7 �� 4` S � ZONAL � Date: February 3, 2017 Revision: April 14, 2017 Scale: 1"-50' Sheet No.: ES2*U 25 of 28 i t t � � 11 s I a I 1 E&SC PLA PHAS 7 Job Number: 1640 � ,�H o V / j , : Ifte�I/s.w„{Ir '_EW.WOOLLEY t� LIQ`. NO. 3708!%'Q� `�-14-201`7 �� 4` S � ZONAL � Date: February 3, 2017 Revision: April 14, 2017 Scale: 1"-50' Sheet No.: ES2*U 25 of 28 copyright © 2016 by Woolley Engineering TP TREE PROTECTION D c:> 0 . oo0 moo 0 �o 0 0 Now DOZER TREADS o �� CREATE GROOVES PERPENDICULAR TO opo o a�oo THE SLOPE e SNOV �0 G TRACKING " A A 'IPE OUTLET TO FLAT \REA WITH NO DEFINED �HANNEL L a d SECTION A -A FILTER CLOTH KEY IN 6"-9"; RECOMMENDED FOR ENTIRE PERIMETER NOTES: 1. APRON LINING MAY BE RIPRAP, GROUTED RIPRAP, GABION BASKET, OR CONCRETE. 2. La IS THE LENGTH OF THE RIPRAP APRON AS CALCULATED USING PLATES 3.18-3 AND 3.18-4. 3. d = 1.5 TIMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER, BUT NOT LESS THAN 6 INCHES. TS TEMPORARY SEEDING ACCEPTABLE TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS PLANTING DATES SPECIES RATE (lbs./acre SEPT. 1 - FEB. 15 50/50 MIX OF ANNUAL RYEGRASS (Lolium multiflorum) & 50-100 CEREAL (WINTER) RYE (Secale cereale) FEB. 16 -APR. 30 ANNUAL RYEGRASS 60- 100 (Lolium multiflorum) MAY 1 - AUG. 31 GERMAN MILLET 50 (Setaria italica) DEBRIS FROM SLOPE ABOVE IS CAUGHT BY STEPS DID TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE CEj DRAINAGE SWALE DIRECTS FLOW TO SEDIMENT BASIN 3" SM -2A ASPHALT TOP COURSE 70' MIN. A- 2%�-2% 6 g' 0 . 6# A MIN. FILTER CLOTH SIDE ELEVATION EXISTING GROUND EXISTING PAVEMENT 6 " 21A AGGREGATE BASE EX. CURB OR EDGE OF PAV'T 70' MIN. ASPHALT PAVED A WASHRACK cRs '°E2q 2% . �►- - 12' MIN. i ay EXISTING SEE AN PL PAVEMENT POS. DRAINAGE �,�) A TO SEDIMENT TRAP j * MUST EXTEND FULL WIDTH OF INGRESS AND EGRESS <` OPERATION 2'x2 x2' SEDIMENT TRAP 1 'x0.5' OUTLET #3 STONE P/ Q A/ �//�1/I/ (SEE TYP. SED. TRAP FOR DETAIL) 12' MIN. SECTION A -A NOTE: A MINIMUM WATER TRAP OF 1 " IS REQUIRED WITH A MINIMUM WASH HOSE DIAMETER OF 1.5" SAF/SF SAFETY FENCE/SILT FENCE COMBO II=I I1=1I I l I1=1I = "' "`"' SAFETY FENCE 111-111—I I=1 11=1I �I i I STAKE �/ DRAINAGE I1=11 II I 2-3' (DEPENDING ON 111 I) I MATERIAL) COMPACTED SOIL cl- 7_ 1 --III 18" MIN. EXTEND SILT FENCE FLOW S� N11N• FILTER FABRIC INTO GREATER THAN VERTICAL ,1 TRENCH € } EEj jj € j � Ij-11111 CUT STEPS WITH DRAINAGE 111111 TO THE BACK. AVOID LOW I 4.5' MIN. I _- 11 ? E IIIII_I€.w E._FE€ Ir SPOTS. iT ....... ...t ....... 411 BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE EXCAVATED SOIL. STAIR STEPPING CUT SLOPES ®� TYPICAL TRAPEZOIDAL DIVERSION K _ n GROOVE BY CUTTING FURROWS ALONG THE CONTOUR. IRREGULARITIES IN THE SOIL SURFACE CATCH RAINWATER AND RETAIN LIME, FERTILIZER AND SEED. GROOVING SLOPES copyright ©2016 by Woolley Engineering SAFETY FENCE 0 {i C X {_. , r �f {:)�.; ti ?> F"E3 '?�'{: €�i t",r fs x£13 u7 {' .t✓ {�� _s �`' 'b A C' ;' { cif e� €a c� _` n �; ` f: . t A ol < f c z a l x. 75 I €7.7 ....... I ..mm:.: ....... .... . SILT FENCE FILTER FABRIC POINTS A SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT B. I P� BLOCK & GRAVEL CURB INLET SEDIMENT FILTER \_ CURB INLET (D � t .. WIRE SCREEN -� -- `J� CONCRETE BLOCK GRAVEL FILTER `— RUNOFF WATER WITH OVERFLOW SEDIMENT FILTERED WATER SEDIMENT CURB INLET WIRE SCREEN 2" X 4" WOOD STUD SPECIAL APPLICATION THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE AT CURB INLETS WHERE AN OVERFLOW CAPABILITY IS NECESSARY TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE PONDING IN FRONT OF THE STRUCTURE. SF SILT FENCE EXTEND FILTER FABRIC STAKE INTO TRENCH{ / 1 � I j... A BACKFIILL AND COMPACT THE EXCAVATED SOIL. A POINTS A SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT B. GENERAL NOTES - SILT FENCE �A 1) The height of a silt fence will be a minimum of 16 inches and a maximum of 34 inches above ground elevation. 2) Extra strength filter fabric shall be a continuous roll. When joints are unavoidable, a splice Imay be made at a support post with a 6" overlap, 3) The excavated trench shall be 4 inches wide and 4 inches deep on the upslope side of "the proposed location. 4) Support posts shall be a maximum of 10 feet apart where wire support is used, and no (more than 6 feet apart where wire is not used. When placing silt fence across a ditch or swale, the posts are to be set at a maximum 3` interval. 5) The trench shall be backfilled and the soil compacted over the filter fabric, 6) Silt fences shall be removed when the upslope area has been permanently stablized. SAF TEMPORARY SAFETY FENCE CONVENTIONAL METAL (T) OR (U) POSTS POLYETHYLENE FABRIC (ATTACH TO POSTS WITH METAL WIRES) ` 5'-0" MIN 18" MIN 6-0" MAX —I � NOTE. CONTRACTOR MAY SUBSTITUTE TEMPORARY CHAIN-LINK FENCE WHERE APPROPRIATE. GATES AND OPENINGS SHALL BE FULLY COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. r --i OOLLEY ENGLNEEPJNG Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville -Virginia 22902 (434) 973.0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT Job Number: 1640 rT11 op ERIC W. WOOLLEY LIG'. NO. 3708 ' -`" -Ilk 0 2-3-2017 AW I O NA L Date: February 3, 2017 Revision: Scale: As Noted Sheet No.: mrAw Egg B'M BLANKET MATTING ST TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP S B 2" TYPICAL TREATMENT - 1 (SOIL STABILIZATION BLANKET) INSTALLATION CRITERIA ORIGINAL GROUND ELEV. JUNCTION SLOT CHECK SLOT TERMINAL FOLD LAP JOINT 2" MIN. (JUTE MESH ONLY) TAMP FIRMLY ANCHOR SLOT -0 6" TO 12" TAMP FIRMLY CHECK SLOT 6" TO 12" JUNCTION SLOT TAMP FIRMLY 2" 12" MAX. 4:1 OR FLATTER _ 6" MAX. STEEPER THAN 4:1 EDGE AND END JOINTS TO BE SNUGLY ABUTTED I (JUTE MESH WILL HAVE I I I STAPLED LAP JOINT IN LIEU OF EDGE JOINT) I I I I I I I I III I I 5' MAX. 4:1 OR FLATTER I I I 3' MAX. STEEPER THAN 4:1 I I I I I I I I I I I I i t I II I II I II I I * CHECK SLOT I I I I I I I I I I I I 1" TO 2"' _r VAR. VAR. ` PLAN VIEW 6" TO 8" MI STAPLING DIAGRAM STAPLE FORMED FROM NO. 11 STEEL WIRE. * CHECK SLOTS AT MIN. 8" STAPLE MIN. LENGTH FOR SANDY SOIL. 50' C -C INTERVALS; 6" STAPLE MIN. LENGTH FOR OTHER SOIL. NOT REQ.'D WITH ALL "COMBINATION" BLANKETS TERMINAL FOLD - AR Am rIWHEY uw•a�O7 ■ 9311 SLOPE DRAINSTAKED TO EARTHEN DIKE SLOPE AT EACH JOINT OR 18' (COMPACTED) MINIMUM PROVIDE OUTLET PROTECTION STANDARD FLARED END SECTION <_l "D" SECTION VIEW SECTION A -A copyright ©2016 by Woolley Engineering PROVIDE INLET PROTECTION (IF NEEDED) SLOPE DUMBER (INCHEAIN D ES) S) 1 12 NOTES 18 3 18 �`. ANCHOR SLOT o'%�` APPROXIMATELY 200 STAPLES REQUIRED 1.70 2.70 «' PER 100 SQ. YDS. OF MATERIAL ROLL. �� ANCHOR SLOTS, JUNCTIION SLOTS & SEE TABLE BELOW CHECK SLOTS TO BE BURIED 6" TO 12". Y. i t JUNCTION SLOT CHECK SLOT TERMINAL FOLD LAP JOINT 2" MIN. (JUTE MESH ONLY) TAMP FIRMLY ANCHOR SLOT -0 6" TO 12" TAMP FIRMLY CHECK SLOT 6" TO 12" JUNCTION SLOT TAMP FIRMLY 2" 12" MAX. 4:1 OR FLATTER _ 6" MAX. STEEPER THAN 4:1 EDGE AND END JOINTS TO BE SNUGLY ABUTTED I (JUTE MESH WILL HAVE I I I STAPLED LAP JOINT IN LIEU OF EDGE JOINT) I I I I I I I I III I I 5' MAX. 4:1 OR FLATTER I I I 3' MAX. STEEPER THAN 4:1 I I I I I I I I I I I I i t I II I II I II I I * CHECK SLOT I I I I I I I I I I I I 1" TO 2"' _r VAR. VAR. ` PLAN VIEW 6" TO 8" MI STAPLING DIAGRAM STAPLE FORMED FROM NO. 11 STEEL WIRE. * CHECK SLOTS AT MIN. 8" STAPLE MIN. LENGTH FOR SANDY SOIL. 50' C -C INTERVALS; 6" STAPLE MIN. LENGTH FOR OTHER SOIL. NOT REQ.'D WITH ALL "COMBINATION" BLANKETS TERMINAL FOLD - AR Am rIWHEY uw•a�O7 ■ 9311 SLOPE DRAINSTAKED TO EARTHEN DIKE SLOPE AT EACH JOINT OR 18' (COMPACTED) MINIMUM PROVIDE OUTLET PROTECTION STANDARD FLARED END SECTION <_l "D" SECTION VIEW SECTION A -A copyright ©2016 by Woolley Engineering PROVIDE INLET PROTECTION (IF NEEDED) SLOPE DUMBER (INCHEAIN D ES) S) 1 12 2 18 3 18 STANDARD FLARED END SECTION VARIABLE r VARIABLE r Y N 67 CU. YD. /ACRE �� ' �� VARIABLE 67 CU. YD. / ACRE (EXCAVATED) �. FILTER CLOTH 4' MAX.* CLASS I RIPRAP Cross -Section COARSE AGGREGATE CLASS I RIPRAP Length (in feet) = / 6 x Drainage Area (in ac.) DIVERSION DIKE M u 7 COARSE AGGREGATE EXCAVATED -- FILTER CLOTH AREA **COARSE AGGREGATE SHALL BE VDOT #3, #357 OR #5 Outlet (Perspective View) MINIMUM TOP WIDTH (W) REQUIRED FOR SEDIMENT TRAP EMBANKMENTS ACCORDING TO HEIGHT OF EMBANKMENT (FEET) CIV/ F,7 EXACAVTED AREA I i I I. ORIGINAL (SEE CHART) I I.� I i GROUND ELEV. The maximum allowable drainage area is 3 acres. Sediment should be removed from the basin when the volume is reduced by one—half. TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP DATA STRUCTURE DRAINAGE (ACRES) D EXCAVATED STORAGE (C.FT.) EXCAVATED EXCAVATED REQUIRED DESIGN (BOTTOM) FEET) DRY' STORAGE (C.FT.) REQUIRED DESIGN LENGTH (FEET) WEIR BERM HEIGHT HEIGHT (FEET) (FEET) 1 2.98 5,391 6,289 1,073 3.30 5,391 5,645 18 1.70 2.70 i CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE AND PROPERLY REMOVE SEDIMENT FROM EXISTING BASIN TO ENSURE 2:1 SIDE SLOPES TACKWELD ALL AROUI� #6 X 12" SPACER BA, (TYPICAL) CREST OF EMERGENCY i SPILLWAY ANTI- VORTEX DEVICE DESIGN PRESSURE RELIEF DLES 1/2" DIA. A PLAN VIEW !, D _I RIJLR V]l IVIL1LR SECTION A -A TACK WELD ISOMETRIC TOP STIFFENER (IF REQUIRED) IS ANGLE WELDED TO TOP AND ORIENTED PER- PENDICULAR TO CORRUGATIONS. TOP IS SUITABLE GAGE CORRUGATED METAL OR 1/8" STEEL PLATE. PRESSURE RELIEF HOLES MAY BE OMMITTED, IF ENDS OF CORRUGATIONS ARE LEFT FULLY OPEN WHEN THE TOP IS ATTACHED. CYLINDER IS SUITABLE GAGE CORRUGATED METAL PIPE OR FABRICATED FROM 1/8" STEEL PLATE. NOTES: 1. THE CYLINDER MUST BE FIRMLY FASTENED TO THE TOP OF THE RISER. 2. SUPPORT BARS ARE WELDED TO THE TOP OF THE RISER OR ATTACHED BY STRAPS BOLTED TO TOP OF RISER. RECOMMENDED DEWATERING SYSTEM FOR SEDIMENT BASINS PROVIDE ADEQUATE STRAPPING POLYETHYLENE CAP 7AY __71 OOLLEY ENGINEERING Consulting Civil Engineers 220 East High Street Charlottesville o Virginia 22902 (434) 973-0045 www.Woolley-Eng.com Owner Univ. of Virginia Foundation One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 P: (434) 982-3777 MAJOR SITE PLAN AMENDMENT Job Number: 1640 ,T11 OP DEPTH�''e VARIES AS VC W. woom"Y i— -- REQUIRED Li1C. NO. 3700,"-`� PERFORATED POLYETHYLENE DRAINAGE TUBING, DIAMETER FOR "DRY" STORAGE ,4_14._2017 VARIES (SEE CALCULATIONS IN STORAGE I \\ APPENDIX 3.14-A) 0 1 WET - " FERNCO-STYLE " COUPLING STORAGE DEWATERING ORIFICE, SCHEDULE 40 STEEL STUB 1 -FOOT MINIMUM, CORRUGATED METAL RISER DIAMETER VARIES (SEE CALCULATIONS IN APPENDIX 3.14-A) NOTE: WITH CONCRETE RISER, USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 STUB FOR DEWATERING ORIFICE *DRAINAGE TUBING SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM F667 AND AASHTO M294 Date: February 3, 2017 Revision: April 14, 2017 Scale: As Noted Sheet No.: ES3.1 i i t a Job Number: 1640 ,T11 OP DEPTH�''e VARIES AS VC W. woom"Y i— -- REQUIRED Li1C. NO. 3700,"-`� PERFORATED POLYETHYLENE DRAINAGE TUBING, DIAMETER FOR "DRY" STORAGE ,4_14._2017 VARIES (SEE CALCULATIONS IN STORAGE I \\ APPENDIX 3.14-A) 0 1 WET - " FERNCO-STYLE " COUPLING STORAGE DEWATERING ORIFICE, SCHEDULE 40 STEEL STUB 1 -FOOT MINIMUM, CORRUGATED METAL RISER DIAMETER VARIES (SEE CALCULATIONS IN APPENDIX 3.14-A) NOTE: WITH CONCRETE RISER, USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 STUB FOR DEWATERING ORIFICE *DRAINAGE TUBING SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM F667 AND AASHTO M294 Date: February 3, 2017 Revision: April 14, 2017 Scale: As Noted Sheet No.: ES3.1