HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201700014 Study WPO VSMP 2017-09-15 (2) WOOLLEY ENGINEERING APPROVED May 5,2017 by the County Community DevelopAlbemarlement Department Date 9/4- MEMORANDUM File '70i 000 of To: Mr. Bobby Jocz, EIT County of Albemarle,Virginia From: Mr. Eric Woolley, PE Woolley Engineering Regarding: SDP 2016-051—UVA Research Park: Town Center 4 Major Site Plan Amendment Adequate Channel Analysis This memo shall address the conditions of the downstream storm water conveyance system that currently supports Town Centers One, Three and Four of the UVA Research Park. The approved Site Development Plan(SDP) for Town Centers Three and Four was engineered with phasing of the development in mind. Town Center Three is substantially complete, and has been in use for approximately 9 years. The vision for Town Center Four has changed since the original site planning phase and is currently under review for a Major Site Plan amendment. The first phase of the original plan implementation required that the storm drainage piping and outfall for the two buildings would need to be installed with the Town Center Three project. That storm drainage piping reach and outfall is currently in place. The current Major Site Plan Amendment for Town Center Four proposes to utilize the existing outlet,the first leg of existing storm piping and the next storm structure located just upstream from the existing outfall. A new piping system is proposed to carry the overland surface flow through the existing outfall point. The fully developed Town Center District improvements are incrementally brought on-line with each successive building phase. The revised new storm drainage routing plan will introduce more surface flow area than the previous site plan illustrated; however, the piping system was overdesigned with the initial development in anticipation of the proposed future development illustrated on the Park's Master Plan. Storm drainage calculations provided with the WPO submission have shown that the existing pipe to be repurposed would be adequately sized. Due to the fact that more flow volume is anticipated with this submission, we will illustrate on the following pages that the downstream accepting channel can easily absorb the increased flows of the 2-year storm without topping its banks. Attached to this memo are three cross-section analyses of the downstream channel. The existing channel was designed and enhanced with the first phase of construction for the Research Park. The channel is a direct contributing conveyor of storm water to the Park's existing regional stormwater management facility. WOOLLEY ENGINEERING 220 East High Street (434) 973-0045 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 - / v TOWN CENTER 4, / a 11 yi 1.1: I 1 _ 6..LF. • 4,----- \‘‘,,,,,:,,,, . .0 \/- , 4111.11.1111) 1,,, , s Existing Parking \ ' � \/:7-", --77":7:"''' k'l'11:(111:11r.\‘f*: Existing Piping \ \\ \ \0 \��,`�* ) Outfall (Beginning `\ I �' :\;-% ''' '% j\ ', ' \ A of ex. Channel) ; • �' '; '��\ I/ Top of Bank (From \\ \ topographic survey, O dated August 2016) �\ \� r Proposed new T\,\ \\ q �, hand-placed \i \ \ Proposed Storm class I rip-rap ; ' Drainage Piping I ) i / Temporary O / // / Sediment Basin Cross-section (typical) li I i ri i\/r /.\\ O // Ex. Sanitary i Sewer Ex. Storm Piping —w • • - - . Existing SWM Pond #1 ` .,. • W/E 452.49 I • Edge of Water (Observed • June 2016) . ( /1 f • \ _A WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Channel Cross-Section Location Exhibit Consulting Civil Engineers 0 220 East High Street May 5,2017 Charlottesville •Virginia 22902 Scale: 1"=100' (434)973.0045 www.woolley-eng.com - � WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Cross Section #1 M if•x`� { :i ...t. ^ g„ L AJI - 1 t !. a per_. P •, a��:4`'°�. -" - �y.. +�, View of Western Top of Bank }c. ;4 e . ,�- • 1,7: ,.4 1• s r ?j,0' .. , S- `/ • 'pp .1-‘,. ',171,4';')'.'''':44fAt ,, :, .;:.'-' i-,-11.1,%-..,‹It.' .4'4.. Ls:- .el - ,. : � ���g :Vi 4'�'�,4., �^ � `fid -S:• '''� -.0 t`: 4, . . ... . ._ ,.. .., a- . , . .... . ..._........, . . View of the Center of Channel 4 . 1 iD' s i .i kt, , 1 £ 1: :::::; il' ^Q d 'S 4.Y eU y r °Z J t ' _ View of the Eastern Top of Bank 3 WA Research Park: Town Center Four WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Cross Section #1 490 485 M=Top of bank Infamo0on taken from 2-YEAS STORM EEVAIION tapogropfic field Army by 1st Hughes 480 / 8 Assodafec doped August,2016 f! Channel lbw depth far fhb CMOS mdlon 475 as observed m ApR 25 2017 row 1 S i470 465 460 455 450 -40 -35 -30 -25 -23 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Channel WIdlh(feel Cross Section Calculations: Q = C * i *A Drainage Area- 1 LAND USE AREA(ac.) C C x A Wei s hted Runoff Coefficient Industrial 10.24 0.9 9.22 0.63 Woods 8.13 0.3 2.44 2-Year Rainfall Intensity 18.37 11.66 i= 3.24 in/hr tc = 17.30 mins Q1 = 37.73 ft3/s (drainage area peak discharge) 1.486 V / = * R2/3 * S1/2 n / Existing conditions: n=0.035 (Manning's roughness coefficient) R= 0.12 (hydraulic radius) S=0.07 (channel slope) V1 = 2.77 ft/s (cross-sectional average velocity) Q = 2.13 ft3/s (cross-sectional flow rate) Fr= 1.03 (Froude number) 2-Year Storm (Peak Discharge): Q1 = 37.73 ft3/s n= 0.035 R= 0.57 S = 0.07 V1(2_yr) = 7.85 ft/s Maximum water elevation for 2-year storm: 8.28" Cross Section Characteristics: The channel bed contains large and medium cobble as well as fine gravel. There is some pooling in this area with a depth of 6"that can be seen in the image view of the center of channel on the following page. The channel flow depth observed on April 25, 2017 was 1.5" for this section. There are a few small trees located along the side slopes near cross section 1 as well as one large tree. 4 Ira WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Cross Section #2 t k•' vim'• 1 >.' . T . G� f J`' h,'''''''''t.'. d'F1•• x .1' - View of the Center of Channel , sI _, `•.:. .., _. '. . ., • .., ,.!, .t5:- ,-- . „:, ,,:0,:to:,.- '=, _ ,'; I *" st. .. fi W 4 w.:.. II ♦ b„^ t f M R y E ,o-4} M:= . A +F. . >. 1\:4:1 ' , View of Western Top of Bank View of the Eastern Top of Bank 5 UVA Research Park: Town Center Four WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Cross Section#2 490 485 18=Top of hank InformHon Iden from $opopropNc field anew by 6k Hughes 480 &Associates dated August,7016 Channel flow depth for his crows section 1 475 ce observed on Apel 25.1017 was 10' 470 2-YEAR STORM ELEVATION 465 460 455 450 -40 35 -SO -25 20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 70 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Charnel Width(feet) Cross Section Calculations: Q = C * i *A Drainage Area-2 LAND USE AREA(ac.) C C x A Weighted Runoff Coefficient Industrial 10.50 0.9 9.45 0.60 Woods 10.48 0.3 3.14 2-Year Rainfall Intensity 20.98 12.60 i= 3.24 in/hr tc = 17.34 mins Q2 = 40.77 ft3/s (peak flow) H._1.486) V = * R2/3 * S1/2 Existing conditions: n=0.035 (Manning's roughness coefficient) R=0.08 (hydraulic radius) S= 0.07 (channel slope) V2 = 2.11 ft/s (cross-sectional average velocity) Q = 0.55 ft3/s (cross-sectional flow rate) Fr= 1.32 (Froude number) 2-Year Storm (Peak Discharge): Q2 = 40.77 ft3/s n=0.035 R=0.71 S =0.07 V2(2_yr) = 9.04 ft/s Maximum water elevation for 2-year storm: 13.08" Cross Section Characteristics: The channel bed contains medium cobble as well as medium and fine gravel. The channel flow depth observed on April 25, 2017 was 1.0" for this section. Side slopes for this area contains ferns, grasses, and small vegetation. There are a few small trees located on the banks along the channel on the East and West side. 6 rill WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Cross Section #3 Ill , , 14911pit, - IMP- --', ,... ,...r , ' .---- ., --. ... .. ti tilik+�+�^ _ z �`` a •iy. !mai.'i '£ -..,--w, ,, 4,,o �*c}olt.,- a&�'tg a '' t�'tL t .,� -- Jv ?' «'fie {'R` a ` ""( . .. + a '.-At. - yt -44' 'c 4, l it View of the Center of Channel Looking Downstream to the point of termination at an existing 54"RCP culvert ate' `.,t - a -,t-A, '4y .g 'y ... .` r t.i A' .. /ilk* `V Rye.. ` ..t X ., # .+! � ,, i t — `:r %" ` .It s a ,.., s RL#' \ i ` ..a044 te { ,„„, View of the Center of Channel Looking Upstream WA Research Park: Town Center Four WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Cross Section #3 490 405 lB=Top of bank kdormatlon taken from topographic Reid suvey by Oct Hughes 4110 i AssodOMs doted August,7016 Channel flowdepth for Pis aver s.dton 475 as observed on AO 25.2017 was 1S 2-TEAR STORM ELEVATION465 I' 460 455 450 -40 -35 -00 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 40 Charnel Width(Met) Cross Section Calculations: Q = C * i *A Drainage Area-3 LAND USE AREA(ac.) C C x A Wei_hted Runoff Coefficient Industrial 10.68 0.9 9.62 0.58 Woods 12.58 0.3 3.78 2-Year Rainfall Intensity 23.27 13.39 i= 3.24 in/hr t, = 17.36 mins Q3 = 43.34 ft3/s (peak discharge) /1.486 V = I 1 * R2/3 Si/z \ n Existing conditions: n= 0.035 (Manning's roughness coefficient) R= 0.12 (hydraulic radius) S=0.06 (channel slope) V3 = 2.56 ft/s (cross-sectional average velocity) Q = 1.00 ft3/s (cross-sectional flow rate) Fr= 1.36 (Froude number) 2-Year Storm (Peak Discharge): Q3 = 43.34 ft3/s n= 0.035 R= 0.76 S = 0.06 V3(2_yr) = 8.94 ft/s Maximum water elevation for 2-year storm: 13.8" Cross Section Characteristics: The channel bed for cross section 3 contains medium to small cobble as well as fine gravel. The channel flow depth observed on April 25, 2017 was 1.5" for this section. Side slopes for this area contains relatively dense areas of ferns, grasses, and small vegetation. There are a few small trees located on both channel banks. 8 WOOLLEY ENGINEERING Existing Outfall from Storm Drainage Piping at Town Center Four „-/ is 1,,,,,7,, . SI ,,,,,iiii , .. 1 i 1< ♦11. o!t' ,^4, �- w - j� k ..if arm £ 7 �. ti- _ k` `, View of the ex. Precast End-Wall \ ( 1 ' , .1 ' /: k \ '4-i'jt X ,.. t , .. ,',t;.-. � `'� "�..... View of the ex. Outfall Condition f View of existing channel at the confluence of storm drainage 13. piping outlet protection Fy Additional Rip-rap outlet protection is proposed on the -H�.. _ ,, , current site plan to be hand placed .' �_ + • in this location. a .w , , #, $y ,R1 A X. k; s'}t 47.: n io h , , 9 UVA Research Park: Town Center Four WOOLLEY ENGINEERING On April 25, 2017, we walked along the drainage channel and observed the flow path and existing conditions of the channel. We were joined by Vinny Pero (US Army Corps of Engineers,) Frank Pohl (Albemarle County Engineer) and Bobby Jocz (Albemarle County Engineering Department.) All photographs utilized in this memo were taken the day of this site visit. At the request of the property owners,the channel was inspected in April 2016 by Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI.) Their evaluation of the current conditions suggested that the channel should be considered waters of the U.S. (WOTUS.) On August 9, 2016, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers accepted WSSI's Jurisdictional Determination of the channel's condition. Upon meeting with Mr. Pero on-site, the Corps' position was that the channel is in excellent condition and should not be disturbed by machinery. They also concurred that only hand-placed riprap armament should be considered for channel enhancement. The Corps agreed that the proposed new riprap would likely satisfy the restrictions of Nationwide Permit 18. As directed by Mr. Pero, no other documentation shall be required by the Corps. Based upon the data provided with each cross-section worksheet, and visual observation of the channel, it is our opinion that the concentrated runoff from the improved site will be discharged into an adequate channel. The additional proposed riprap outfall protection will reduce velocity and protect the channel from erosion. The existing channel is well-defined and the banks are capable of conveying the 2-year storm. Furthermore, the subject channel ultimately outfalls directly into the Park's regional stormwater management facility. The facility was engineered and constructed to contain the 2, 10 and 100-year storm with a fully developed condition for the entire Research Park. Current build-out of the Research Park does not yet approach 25% of the full potential of the allowable development. It is acknowledged that the UVA Research Park has been Master Planned for additional future development of the contributing drainage area of the subject channel. Thus, the applicant reserves the right to further enhance the channel in the future in accord with the standards of engineering practice and design. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Eric Woolley, PE Cc: Chris Schooley, UVA Foundation Nat Perkins, UVA Foundation 10 UVA Research Park: Town Center Four