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SP201600007 Correspondence Special Use Permit 2016-08-01
COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE A.OVA-Lkt„ Department Community Development 8 Planning Services Division xis ; 401 McIntire Road North Wing•Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone: (434)296-5823 • Fax: (434)972-4035 Transmittal From: JT Newberry Date: 08/24/16 To: Engineering 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JOB #/FILE NAME:SP-2016-0007 Chapman Grove Baptist Church and SDP201600021 Chapman Grove Baptist Church (Major) We are sending you the following items: N Attached or n Under separate cover n Copy of Letter ❑ Prints ® Plans n Plats ❑ Specifications ❑ Other # of Date Description Copies 1 6/20/16 Sheets SP1 (Site Plan), A-1 (Phasing Plan) 1 8/1/16 Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment These are transmitted as checked below: N For review and comments ® For approval ❑ Other Remarks: Please see the enclosed correspondence from the applicant. John Anderson required the Tier 3 report as part of his review of the Major Amendment for this site (SDP201600021). Please let me know if Engineering requests any changes to the concept plan/amendment plan as a result of the information shown in the Tier 3 report. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the special use permit to the Board of Supervisors with Condition#4 being that "No building permit shall be approved without approval from the Virginia Department of Health." Finally, please return these materials to me after your review. This is the only copy I have. Thanks. Comments are due in City View or email by: 9/16/16 Signature: JT Newberry `.rd Johnathan Newberry From: Stephen von Storch <svonstorch@s-vs.com> Sent: Tuesday,August 23, 2016 10:45 AM To: Johnathan Newberry Cc: Gale Brown Subject: FW:tier 3 chapman groves Attachments: Chapman Groves Baptist Church Tier 3 assessment v 8 1 16.pdf JT It has been hectic here and I want to be sure I had forwarded this to you. As Gooch predicted we are OK for Phase One with work needed for Phase Two. Steve From: olddomeng@ntelos.net [mailto:olddomeng@ntelos.net] Sent: Monday, August 01, 2016 8:42 AM To: Stephen von Storch Subject: RE: tier 3 chapman groves Stephen, Attached is Tier 3 Report. Just a couple notes for you: Unless they want to do a daycare or school they should not be classified as a "public water system". With that being said the well is in a horrible place (without a lot of good options for a new well). We are recommending some testing be done on the well to make sure the water quality is good and that the water quantity is verified before phase 2. Doesn't look like septic needs to be changed till phase 2. It will be an engineered system with time dosing for sure for phase 2. I tried to write the tier 3 so it would be applicable for both phase 1 and phase 2. We might have to write an update memo. Best, Mike On Fri, 29 Jul 2016 20:13:22 +0000, Stephen von Storch<svonstorch@s-vs.com>wrote: i Nitro' '4,ad Sounds good. Have a good weekend. Original Message From: olddomeng@ntelos.net [mailto:olddomeng@ntelos.net] Sent: Friday, July 29, 2016 4:04 PM To: Stephen von Storch Subject: tier 3 chapman groves Stephen, We are in the process of proofreading the tier 3 for Chapman groves. It will go out to you on Monday. Typically we send pdfs to the agent who then submits it to the engineering department. After engineering review and revision we print out hard copies for all parties. Is this OK? Best, Mike Craun Old Dominion Engineering 2 Johnathan Newberry From: Sharon Taylor Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 6:15 PM To: Stephanie Mallory Cc: Planning Commission; Elaine Echols; Doug Walker;Travis Morris; David Benish;John Blair; Bill Fritz;Johnathan Newberry; Christopher Perez Subject: FINAL PC ACTION MEMO 8-9-2016 Attachments: FINAL_PC_08_09_2016_action_memo.pdf Stephanie, Attached please find the FINAL PC 08-09-2016 action memo for distribution and the action letters. The action memo has been posted on the web. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sharon C.Taylor, CMC Clerk to Planning Commission & Planning Boards 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22901-4596 (434)296-5832 Ext. 3437 Fax: (434) 972-4126 stavlor@albemarle.org 1 Johnathan Newberry From: Travis Morris Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 2:40 PM To: Johnathan Newberry; Stephanie Mallory Subject: RE: PC and BOS scheduling.xlsx No problem J.T. Since Stephanie already has it scheduled for November 9,that's just as good as definite. But yes is the answer that I believe you're looking for. Thanks, Travis O. Morris, CMC Acting Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434)296-5843 ext. 3406 tmorris2( albemarle.orq "Life's not how it's suppose to be...The way you cope with it,Is what makes the difference!!" "When you do your BEST,people will notice!" "Never accept from a person,what you wouldn't be willing to give!" From:Johnathan Newberry Sent:Wednesday,August 10, 2016 2:37 PM To:Travis Morris<tmorris2@albemarle.org>; Stephanie Mallory<smallory@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: PC and BOS scheduling.xlsx Got it.That background is definitely helpful. Just to make sure I understand: In this case, the applicant has a tentative BOS date of November 9`h. However, we won't have confirmation on the final agenda until the second week of October. So, I should just tell them to pencil in 11/9 on their calendars, but wait to hear from me around 10/14 for confirmation. Is that correct? I just want to confirm because I think they'll want further explanation from me. From:Travis Morris Sent:Wednesday,August 10, 2016 1:35 PM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org>;Stephanie Mallory<smallory@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: PC and BOS scheduling.xlsx Hey J.T., September's agendas have already been finalized with the Clerk, County Executive, Chair and Vice-Chair. Nothing else can be added. Just as an fyi—CDD leadership, the Clerk, Deputy County Executive and the County Attorney meet on the first Monday of each month to schedule items for the ensuing month. Once that happens there is an agenda planning meeting with senior executive staff to include the deputy county executives, assistant county executive, county attorney and clerk to 1 set an agenda. From there the clerk meets with the county executive, chair and vice-chair of the board to finalize the agendas. With all of the being said the agenda is normally finalized by the second week of each month. Thanks, Travis O. Morris, CMC Acting Clerk, Albemarle County Board of Supervisors County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 (434)296-5843 ext. 3406 tmorris2(c�albemarle.orq "Life's not how it's suppose to be...The way you cope with it,Is what makes the difference!!" "When you do your BEST,people will notice!" "Never accept from a person,what you wouldn't be willing to give!" From:Johnathan Newberry Sent:Wednesday,August 10, 2016 1:20 PM To:Stephanie Mallory<smallory@albemarle.org> Cc:Travis Morris<tmorris2@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: PC and BOS scheduling.xlsx I did see that October was very full. I was actually eyeing the September 7th date because the spreadsheet from Friday shows just two public hearing items scheduled and the total time of my presentation, PC discussion, public input and vote was five minutes and four seconds. Chapman Grove has paid all of their fees and is ready to go, if that's possible. From:Stephanie Mallory Sent:Wednesday,August 10, 2016 12:43 PM To:Johnathan Newberry<inewberry@albemarle.org> Cc:Travis Morris<tmorris2Palbemarle.org> Subject: RE: PC and BOS scheduling.xlsx JT, October is fill up to the max. We don't even have room for a Special Exception. Unless something comes off, I don't see this happening. O These dates are set ahead of time because the schedules are filling up and QUICKILY. Stephanie Collier Community Development Assistant 11 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville VA 22902 Phone: (434)296-5832 X:3255 Fax: (434)972-4126 smallory@albemarle.orq From:Johnathan Newberry Sent:Wednesday,August 10, 2016 12:29 PM To:Stephanie Mallory<smallory@albemarle.org> 2 Cc:Travis Morris<tmorris2@albemarle.org> Subject: FW: PC and BOS scheduling.xlsx Hey Stephanie, The PC unanimously recommended approval last night on Chapman Grove Baptist Church (SP201600007).The PC members didn't have any questions and no members of the public came to speak. Right now, this is tentatively scheduled for November 9th, but given there were no issues with the PC or public, is there any way it could be moved-up to an earlier date? J.T. From:Stephanie Mallory Sent: Friday,August 05, 2016 9:43 AM To: Brent Nelson<bnelson@albemarle.org>; Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>; David Benish <DBENISH@albemarle.org>; David Hannah<dhannah@albemarle.org>; Elaine Echols<EECHOLS@albemarle.org>; Johnathan Newberry<inewberry@albemarle.org>; Kevin McDermott<kmcdermott@albemarle.org>; Margaret Maliszewski<MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Megan Yaniglos<myaniglos@albemarle.org>; Patricia Saternye <psaternye@albemarle.org>; Rachel Falkenstein<rfalkenstein@albemarle.org>; Scott Clark<Sclark@albemarle.org>; Sharon Taylor<STAYLOR@albemarle.org>; Stephanie Mallory<smallorv@albemarle.org>; David Hannah <dhannah@albemarle.org>; Amanda Burbage<aburbage@albemarle.org>;Amelia McCulley <AMCCULLE@albemarle.org>; Sarah Baldwin<sbaldwin@albemarle.org>; Rebecca Ragsdale <rragsdale@albemarle.org>; Mark Graham <mgraham@albemarle.org> Subject: PC and BOS scheduling.xlsx Attached is an updated schedule for the Planning Commission and the Board. I have sorted the spreadsheet and colored it on the board date. Please keep in mind that these are TENTATIVE and are subject to change. If I am missing anything or if something needs to change please let me know ASAP. Thank you, Stephanie 3 Johnathan Newberry From: Stephen von Storch <svonstorch@s-vs.com> Sent: Thursday,July 07, 2016 8:37 AM To: Johnathan Newberry Cc: Gale Brown Subject: RE: Chapman Grove J.T. I will add notes as requested. Margaret signed off only requesting I improve legibility/graphics which I will work on. I will wait until the PC review to collect all needed revisions for a final submittal before BOS. Steve Original Message From:Johnathan Newberry[mailto:jnewberry@albemarle.org] Sent:Wednesday,July 06,2016 5:12 PM To:Stephen von Storch Cc: Margaret Maliszewski Subject: RE:Chapman Grove Steve, Attached are comments from VDOT. J.T. Original Message From: Margaret Maliszewski Sent:Tuesday,July 05,2016 4:06 PM To:Stephen von Storch<svonstorch@s-vs.com> Cc:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:Chapman Grove Steve, It appears that all ARB comments have been addressed.The only issue I see at this point is that parts of the site plan (SP1)are not legible. Overlapping notes, notes overlapping hatching, and some notes on their own are difficult or impossible to read. Is there any way to improve the legibility? Thanks. Margaret Original Message From: Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] 1 4441) Sent: Monday,June 20, 2016 9:35 AM To: Margaret Maliszewski<MMaliszewski@albemarle.org> Cc: Gale Brown<gddent@yahoo.com> Subject: Chapman Grove Margaret, This set reflects our revised submittal for the church as worked out for setbacks and other planning issues.You will see the north Phase One addition was completely setback behind the existing sanctuary front corner allowing the entry vestibule and bell tower to stand as is. Let me know if you need print copies or anything else to achieve final approval. Steve 2 klitS • 4 TM�1• 1y1 t , IAC v COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Road Culpeper Virginia 22701 Charles A.Kilpatrick,P.E. Commissioner July 6, 2016 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: J.T. Newberry Re: Chapman Grove Baptist Church SDP-2016-00021 —Ma'or Site Plan Amendment Review#2 Dear Mr. Newberry: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted Stoneking Von Storch, last revised 20 June 2016, and find it to be generally acceptable,provided that the following concerns are addressed on the signature planset. Note that revisions may be submitted via email if the applicant wishes to address these concerns prior to producing signature copies. 1. Please show and label VDOT right of way, ADT, and design speed on plans in addition to route number. 2. Please note that intersection sight distance may be evaluated in an as-built scenario at the completion of construction as it appears that because of low clearance, additional grading may be required. Upon submission of the appropriate signed and sealed approval copies this office will perform a final review and, if acceptable, sign the plans. Please allow for this office to obtain two signature copies. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way.The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at(434)422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. If further information is desired please contact Justin Deel at (434)422-9894. Sincerely, 444A-- • Adam J. Moore, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE �°fA` Department Community Development esti_�, Planning Services Division ��+1�1' 401 McIntire Road North Wing• Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone: (434)296-5823 • Fax: (434)972-4035 Transmittal From: 111111.11, Date: 06/21/16 To: ORon Higgins - Zoning 0 OEngineering 0 OMargaret Maliszewski - ARB 0 OJoel DeNunzio- VDOT 0 OJay Schlothauer- Inspections 0 JOB #/FILE NAME:SP-2016-0007 Chapman Grove Baptist Church and SDP201600021 Chapman Grove Baptist Church (Major) We are sending you the following items: ® Attached or ❑ Under separate cover ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Prints ® Plans ❑ Plats ❑ Specifications E Other # of Copies Date Description 1 6/20/16 Sheets SP1 (Site Plan), A-1 (Phasing Plan) 1 6/17/16 Sight Distance Profile (sent to VDOT and Engineering only) These are transmitted as checked below: ® For review and comments ® For approval ❑ Other Remarks: Please use these sheets to provide comments on both the special use permit and the site plan. Comments are due in City View or email by: 7/15/16 Signature: JT Newberry Johnathan Newberry From: Johnathan Newberry Sent: Monday,June 20, 2016 12:37 PM To: Stephen von Storch Subject: RE: Chapman Grove Thanks, Steve. 8 full-size copies of SP-1 and A-1. 3 full-size copies of the sight distance profile. Original Message From: Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent: Monday,June 20, 2016 9:31 AM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> Subject: Chapman Grove JT PDF set revised and inclusive of al comments except the Tier 3 report which we hope to have by end of this week. Remind me again how many print sets you would like and I will deliver those today. Is full size (24x36) or half size preferable? Steve 1 Johnathan Newberry To: 'Stephen von Storch' Cc: Gale Brown Subject: RE: Site Review Committee comments for SDP201600021 Chapman Grove Baptist Church Major Amendment From:Johnathan Newberry Sent:Thursday, May 19, 2016 8:13 AM To: 'Stephen von Storch'<svonstorch@s-vs.com> Cc:Gale Brown<gddent@yahoo.com> Subject:Site Review Committee comments for SDP201600021 Chapman Grove Baptist Church Major Amendment Hi Steve, Attached are comments from the Site Review Committee. Below is my estimation of the schedule moving forward. I will need to confirm it with my supervisors and the Clerk for the Planning Commission: 1. Community Meeting on May 23rd 2. SP comments given to applicant on May 25th 3. Resubmit site plan/special permit plans on May-315tsa by June 20th 4. Comments on resubmittal/Decision to go to P.H. on Jere-21m-by July 15th 5. Legal ad payment for Public Hearing Notice byr-5`kby July 18th($346.75 to go to PC; $478.50 is total to go to PC and Board) 6. Staff report available by uly45 '-by July 25th 7. PC Meeting on h6"'by August 9th Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 1 Johnathan Newberry From: Stephen von Starch <svonstorch@s-vs.com> Sent: Monday, June 06, 2016 2:12 PM To: Ron Higgins Cc: Stewart Wright; Jay Schlothauer; Johnathan Newberry Subject: RE: Special Use Permit (SP201600007) Attachments: TERRACE PLAN-7.pdf All, Any conclusion? Most recent plan attached. My read of the building code in red below. Need to meet? Steve From: Stephen von Storch Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 10:52 AM To: 'Ron Higgins' Cc: Stewart Wright; Jay Schlothauer Subject: RE: Special Use Permit (SP201600007) Stewart/Jay, Let me know what you think. I can run over to meet if that helps. Steve From: Ron Higgins [mailto:rhiggins©albemarle.orq] Sent: Thursday, June 02, 2016 10:50 AM To: Stephen von Storch Cc: Stewart Wright; Jay Schlothauer Subject: RE: Special Use Permit (SP201600007) Hello, Steve: I have copied your response to Stewart Wright and Jay Schlothauer. I would recommend that you meet with them to resolve this. From: Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent: Thursday,June 02, 2016 10:32 AM To: Ron Higgins<rhiggins@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Thanks Ron, I doubt the Church can afford to argue my point that nothing disallows the stair to have a landing, the ramp to have a separate 60" landing (see below) and the stair and ramp of any width desired. Nor do I see setting precedent or other concerns by so allowing opening a pathway to significant infringement of county zoning intentions. So one more try: 1 Stair: For assembly uses exits stairs are required to be 48" clear between handrails. Our stairs here are on and exit pathway away from the Parish Hall and as a safety matter the code would want the 48" width preserved here. Thus a 60" x 60" landing for this assembly use should be the standard. Ramp: The Building Code Requirement for ramp landings is that the width must match the width of the ramp (1010.7.2) and a minimum length of 60" (1010.7.3). Ramps are allowed as we have discussed and the width is not prescribed. Here we would limit the width to 48" past the setback line but that might in fact not be required. The landing is REQUIRED to be a minimum of 60" and is REQUIRED to have handrail extensions of 12". Those two and the minimum 60" wide landing afforded for the stair(by my argument above) conspire to a result of a 72" landing at the top of the ramp. See attached. Steve From: Ron Higgins [mailto:rhiggins@albemarle.orq] Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2016 3:35 PM To: Stephen von Storch Cc: Johnathan Newberry; Stewart Wright Subject: RE: Special Use Permit (SP201600007) Steve: Let me see if I can help you connect the dots on this one, since it is not just one regulation that dictates. As you know, the church is actually limited by the condition of the variance that does not permit any additions to violate current setback requirements. The minimum setbacks apply to all parts of the building unless there are exemptions or allowances for encroachments. The pertinent sections from the zoning ordinance, County Code Chapter 18, are: the Definitions (Section 18-3)of"Setback"and "Yard,front", and; the General Regulations (Section 18-4), Section 4.11-Uses and Structures Permitted in Required Yards, specifically,4.11.1, allowing porches and like features to encroach not more than four(4)feet into a required front yard. This provision allows the encroachments of the patios/decks and handicapped ramps as you have proposed. The definition of"Yard, front" is: "An open space on the same lot as the building between the front line of the building (excluding steps)and the front lot line or street line, and extending across the full width of the lot." (Emphasis added) Therefore, the interpretation of a 4'x 4' landing as being part of the steps is based on the building code minimum requirement of a 3'x 3' landing at the top of the steps and the need for 6"around that to accommodate a railing, which results in 4'x 4'. In other words, the inclusion of the minimum landing is an interpretation that allows the "steps" AND the landing to encroach as one thing as allowed in the definition of"Yard, front". We have already added the minimum area we can, so increasing the landing is not an option for us. 2 „.• If there is an official determination that is appealed to the BZA and they vote in favor of the Church, there is no refund of the fees. Please note the appeal is not considered filed until the fee is paid. I hope this helps clarify. I would be happy to meet with you and church members to help explain. Ron Higgins From:Stephen von Storch imailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent: Wednesday,June 01, 2016 9:53 AM To: Ron Higgins<rhiggins@albemarle.org> Cc:Johnathan Newberry<inewberry@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Please provide the applicable setback regulations defining the allowed 4X4 landing and the allowances for stairs and ramps so I can discuss options with the Church. If we appeal the decision based on code interpretation to the BZA and the finding is in our favor is the Church still liable for the appeal fees? From: Stephen von Storch Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 10:32 AM To: 'Ron Higgins' Subject: RE: Special Use Permit (SP201600007) That seems an unnecessarily narrow interpretation. Is the anything written about one landing only allowed? If the stair is 4ft wide shifted to the left is that different?See attached.And if that is OK and the width of the stair is not restricted then why not? From: Ron Higgins [mailto:rhiggins(aalbemarle.orq] Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 10:22 AM To: Johnathan Newberry; Stephen von Storch Cc: Stewart Wright Subject: FW: Special Use Permit (SP201600007) J.T. &Steve: We have tried and there is no administrative route we can find for permitting this additional landing beyond the 4' x 4'allowed. Ron H. 3 From:Stewart Wright Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 1:45 PM To: Ron Higgins<rhiggins@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) It is the same old picture.We can't approve that. From: Ron Higgins Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 1:32 PM To:Stewart Wright<swright2@albemarle.org> Cc:Johnathan Newberry<inewberry@yalbemarle.org> Subject: FW: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Stewart: I believe this is the very same design that has a 4'x 8' landing instead of the exempt 4'x 4' landing. I don't see a way to allow this. From: Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 12:47 PM To: Ron Higgins<rhiggins@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(5P201600007) Ron, The attached plan (as previously circulated) reflects our preferred solution. As reviewed in the SRC meeting we have assigned one 4x4 landing to the ramp and one to the stair(imagine a 4ft wide stair aligned with the left landing).The because the width of the stair is not restricted we widened the stair centering it on the entry doors.The result affords a safe full width exit from the parish hall as well as practical use of the open door pair for various function needs. As I understand it zoning is the checked box we are looking for to move this plan forward.That would be you! I am in this afternoon if you have any questions. Steve 295-4204 4 Johnathan Newberry From: Stephen von Storch <svonstorch@s-vs.com> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 8:16 AM To: Johnathan Newberry Cc: Gale Brown; Margaret Maliszewski; Ron Higgins; Stewart Wright Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Attachments: A-1.pdf Corrected A-1 ' From: Johnathan Newberry [mailto:jnewberry@albemarle.org] Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 6:19 PM To: Stephen von Storch Cc: Gale Brown; Margaret Maliszewski; Ron Higgins; Stewart Wright Subject: RE: Special Use Permit (SP201600007) Steve, We can talk about it tomorrow, but did you attach the correct A-1 sketch?This appears to be one of the much earlier versions of the porch on the phase two addition. J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 ` I I 1 1 1 Li I ? Ha PHASE 110 ADDITION 1 i 756 S.F. I 1 } I '` .: () 11- _---2\'--:I . As r 1 w'4:. u,. ,��..,., , %-,,.1-A,:' .,ice:'' .,v.-,�� , � ,: EXISTING Iii r TERRACE, STEPS AND RAP 114111) From:Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent:Wednesday, May 18, 2016 1:13 PM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> Cc:Gale Brown<gddent@yahoo.com>; Margaret Maliszewski<MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Ron Higgins <rhiggins@albemarle.org>;Stewart Wright<swright2@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) All, With the site review meeting tomorrow it might be helpful to have a set updated to the currently proposed terrace and building design at it relates to setback. Margaret, I have tallied existing trees on site and have added a summarizing note. Please review and comment if this and your other review comments have been properly addressed. Once Planning and Zoning have signed off on the site plan as is or with further revisions I will submit a final set of drawings for approval. Steve From: Johnathan Newberry [mailto:jnewberry@albemarle.org] Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 5:39 PM To: Stephen von Storch Cc: Gale Brown; Margaret Maliszewski; Ron Higgins; Stewart Wright Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Steve -- I think this may work. I'll corral Ron and Stewart tomorrow to confirm and then get back to you. J.T. From:Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent:Tuesday, May 17, 2016 3:18 PM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> Cc:Gale Brown<gddent@yahoo.com>; Margaret Maliszewski<MMaliszewski@albemarle.org>; Ron Higgins <rhiggins@albemarle.org>;Stewart Wright<swright2@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:Special Use Permit(SP201600007) I am not trying to be difficult—really.Just looking for a win win. The attached supposes that the stair is entitled to a 48" wide landing and separately the ramp is too.Thus the two dashed squares. The steps are not controlled as I understood it, only it's presumed 48" landing. The push on my side is to have a positive and safe relationship between the doors and the steps in an overall configuration that seems rational. Thanks for your help on this. 2 Sri Skid From: Stephen von Storch Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 1:14 PM To: 'Johnathan Newberry' Cc: Gale Brown; Margaret Maliszewski; Ron Higgins; Stewart Wright Subject: RE: Special Use Permit (SP201600007) All, Is this an accurate interpretation of what is allowed by right? Steve From: Johnathan Newberry [mailto:jnewberry@albemarle.orq] Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 11:46 AM To: Stephen von Storch Cc: Gale Brown; Margaret Maliszewski; Ron Higgins; Stewart Wright Subject: RE: Special Use Permit (SP201600007) Steve, Thanks again for meeting with us yesterday. Ron, Stewart and I reviewed the plans you forwarded this morning and they appear to meet everything we discussed except the width of the landing at the top of the stairs (as you note below). In both sketches, it exceeds the 4'x4' area we outlined. Ron can probably add to my thoughts, but it sounds like you have two options to consider: revise the width of the area at the top of the stairs or go before the Board of Zoning Appeals. I suppose if you go before the BZA you could either a) apply for another variance or b) appeal our determination that the current sketches exceed the limits of the Zoning Ordinance. If you're leaning toward going before the BZA,then please use Ron for further discussion. I will come up with the revised schedule for the special permit and site plan amendment once we've decided the path forward. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 From:Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent:Tuesday, May 17, 2016 10:18 AM To: Ron Higgins<rhiggins@albemarle.org> Cc:Gale Brown<gddent@yahoo.com>;Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org>; Margaret Maliszewski 3 41141) <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Ron, Same ask as the previous plan but finding a little more wiggle room in what is allowed. Steve From: Stephen von Storch Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 9:56 AM To: 'Ron Higgins' Cc: Gale Brown; Johnathan Newberry; Margaret Maliszewski Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Ron, I have pushed and pulled the terrace, ramp and steps to the breaking point of usefulness.The result here. The furthest extent of the terrace complies with the requirements perpendicular to the building. A 48" square landing provided at the top of the ramp. The sole exception is to provide a landing at the top of the stairs that matches the exit door width. Although the doors are wider that the minimum required for an exit they are sized to accommodate various church functions. Once the exit is established at that width narrowing the exit route to grade becomes a hazard. If a building code exception or justification can be granted will that provide cover for a zoning exception to increase the landing width to match the exit door width? If we must go for a BZA appeal that safety issue would be the grounds for the request.Then we might also seek to fill in the southern corner of the terrace for an overall terrace that works comfortably. Steve From: Ron Higgins [mailto:rhiggins@albemarle.orq] Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 2:18 PM To: Stephen von Storch Cc: Gale Brown; Johnathan Newberry; Margaret Maliszewski Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Steve: I am sorry if I have not been completely clear in describing what can be done in order to comply with the variance conditions. That variance,VA2000-031, was for the front vestibule, patio and stairs at the time. The condition about new additions meeting the current setbacks (75' front) would include all additions. The main building in your latest drawing is fine. However, it is not as bad as it sounds, as you are allowed a four foot encroachment into the setback AND, the steps with a 4' x 4' landing are now exempt. To avoid any more confusion, I would suggest we sit down together and I can show you what is allowed. Ron Higgins From:Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 10:50 AM 4 To: Ron Higgins<rhiggins@albemarle.org>;Johnathan Newberry<inewberry@a b marle.org>; Margaret Maliszewski <MMaliszewski@albemarle.org> Cc:Gale Brown<gddent@yahoo.com> Subject: RE:Special Use Permit(SP201600007) All, A revised building plan that keeps all new building construction behind the 75ft setback is attached. The revised site plan also includes additional information requested by the ARB review. Margaret and I are working on a last landscape detail but I wanted to get these drawings submitted for inclusion in the planning and zoning review. Please advise if print copies are required and how many. Please also advise on review scheduling given this revision submittal. Steve From: Ron Higgins [mailto:rhiggins@albemarle.orq] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 4:44 PM To: Stephen von Storch; Johnathan Newberry Cc: Gale Brown Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Hello, Steve: I know you are so close you can hear the angels, but we do not have the authority to grant approval of what would be another variance. Perhaps the back pew could be shortened just enough to allow another jog in the front wall to miss the 75' setback? If that could be done, it would avoid any need for a new variance and allow the SP to proceed (is that correct JT?). From:Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 1:59 PM To: Ron Higgins<rhiggins@albemarle.org>;Johnathan Newberry<inewberry@albemarle.org> Cc:Gale Brown<gddent@yahoo.com> Subject: RE:Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Ron, Ok then. Gale and I have taken a quick look at our planning assumptions and have a revised draft plan to offer. This still clips the setback line at the very front corner in an effort to take advantage of an existing window opening as a passage to the added pews. I don't suppose this is horseshoes and close is good enough? Regardless we can make this work either way. If I provide a revised set of drawings can we stay in the que? Steve 5 From: Stephen von Storch Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 12:23 PM To: 'Ron Higgins'; Johnathan Newberry Cc: Gale Brown Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) My schedule is pretty flexible. ASAP seems best. Gale? From: Ron Higgins [mailto:rhiggins@albemarle.orq] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 11:44 AM To: Stephen von Storch; Johnathan Newberry Cc: Gale Brown Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Hello, Folks: Would it be possible to sit down together and have a discussion about options? When I review the previous Variance files I see issues, such as handicapped access, that might have played a part in the finding of hardship. I am concerned that this addition will have difficulty proving hardship. Let me now when we can get together. Ron Higgins From:Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 9:55 AM To:Johnathan Newberry<inewberry@albemarle.org> Cc:Gale Brown<gddent@yahoo.com>; Ron Higgins<rhiggiris@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Jonathan, Understood that the prior approval was not granting further approvals for projects unknown. With this specific proposal now drawn what would be the process for a new setback variance? Can our application be appended to make that request within the current schedule? Steve From: Johnathan Newberry [mailto:jnewberry©albemarle.orq] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 6:27 PM To: Stephen von Storch Cc: Gale Brown; Ron Higgins Subject: RE: Special Use Permit (SP201600007) Hi Steve, I plan to provide more formal comments on the special use permit early next week, but I would like to draw your attention to the comments I have received thus far and in particular the comments from the Zoning Division. In reading the approval letter from the variance granted in 2000 (attached), it's noted that the approval did not apply to "any further proposed addition" and therefore the proposed additions are required to meet the 75' setback from Rt. 20. Because of the significance of this comment, I thought I would ask how you would like to proceed.There are two meetings coming up fairly soon: the Site Review Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 19th in Room 246 of 6 the County Office Building at 10am amend then the Community Meeting is schedulledodfor 6:15pm on Monday, May 23rd at Martha Jefferson Hospital (see attached email with Gale). One concern I have is whether or not the Community Meeting will need to be rescheduled based on revisions to the plan. I would want to avoid the need for another meeting, but it will depend on the magnitude of any revisions that are made to address this comment. Please review the information below and let me know what you're thinking. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 Zoning, Ron Higgins, rhiggins@albemarle.org: 1. Plan states"43 spaces"where there are only 39 spaces total on site. 2. Parking analysis is acceptable for pre& post expansion parking, both of which work out to slightly more than one parking space per three seats. 3. Additional landscaping may be required for revised parking area frontage plantings. 4. VAR2000-031 included a condition that any new additions meet the front setbacks at the time of proposal. Therefore, new additions will require a front setback of 75 feet. Inspections,Jay Schlothauer, jschloth@albemarle.org—No objection ARB- Margaret Maliszewski, mmaliszewski@albemarle.org 1. The ARB had no objection to the special use with the following condition: Correct the plan regarding existing trees on site. Show that existing trees meet or exceed frontage requirements or add trees to meet required quantities and sizes, with species and spacing compatible with the character of the rural area. Engineering,John Anderson, ianderson2@albemarle.org 1. Show stream buffer on site plan. Avoid stream buffer(ref. GIS image). From:Johnathan Newberry Sent:Wednesday,April 06, 2016 2:48 PM To: 'Stephen von Storch'<svonstorch@s-vs.com> Cc: Norman Dill<ndill@albemarle.org>; Daphne Spain<Spain@virginia.edu>; 'dianecaton@msc-rents.com' <dianecaton@msc-rents.com>; Elaine Echols<EECHOLS@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:Special Use Permit and Major Site Plan Amendment Applications Thanks, Steve. Yes, I've attached the guidelines, addresses and a letter template for the required community meeting.There are some names and addresses that are duplicated in the notification list because the individual(s) own more than one adjacent parcel. In these cases, one letter is sufficient. All letters should be sent by regular(not certified) mail. I've also copied the Rivanna District Board member and Planning Commission representative (Norman Dill and Daphne Spain, respectively), as well as the Pantops Community Advisory Committee chair(Diane Caton), so they can be aware of your applications. For their information, I've pasted descriptions of the applications below. 7 losio (Just to clarify:The community meeting requirement only applies to the special use permit request. I've pasted the information for the major site plan amendment as additional background because it's not typical that we would be reviewing both applications at the same time.As a result, adjacent property owners will receive a few different notification letters about the project: first,that an application has been made; second,that the site review committee meeting will be held on 5/19; and third, a notice when the public hearing with the Planning Commission is scheduled. Some property owners may reach out to you, Norman, Daphne or Diane to ask why they're receiving multiple notices, so I thought I would explain.) PROJECT: 5P201600007 Chapman Grove Baptist Church—Special Use Permit Amendment MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Rivanna TAX MAP/PARCEL:06200000006700 LOCATION: 2064 Stony Point Road PROPOSAL: Request to expand existing church by 1900 sq.ft.; request is associated with SDP201600021. PETITION: Amend special use permit SP200000061 to expand existing church under Section of zoning ordinance. No dwelling units proposed. ZONING: RA Rural Areas- agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots) ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes SCENIC BYWAYS: Yes COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Area—preserve and protect agricultural,forestal, open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources; residential (0.5 unit/acre in development lots in Rural Areas 2 of the Comprehensive Plan. PROJECT: SDP201600021 Chapman Grove Baptist Church— Major Site Plan Amendment MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Rivanna TAX MAP/PARCEL:06200000006700 LOCATION: 2064 Stony Point Road PROPOSAL: Major site plan amendment to expand existing church; request is associated with special use permit SP201600007. ZONING: RA Rural Areas-agricultural,forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots) ENTRANCE CORRIDOR:Yes SCENIC BYWAYS: Yes COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Area—preserve and protect agricultural,forestal,open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources; residential (0.5 unit/acre in development lots in Rural Areas 2 of the Comprehensive Plan. Please let me know if you have any questions. J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 From:Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent:Wednesday,April 06, 2016 8:32 AM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:Special Use Permit and Major Site Plan Amendment Applications Thank you Jonathan Is it correct the County will provide addresses to the Church to mail for the required neighborhood meeting or does the County mail directly? I have contacted Steve Gooch regarding the Tier 3 report. He has already performed some tests for the Church. 8 Swr✓` Steve From: Johnathan Newberry [mailto:jnewberry@albemarle.orq] Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 6:11 PM To: Stephen von Storch Cc: gddent@yahoo.com; John Anderson; Margaret Maliszewski; Elaine Echols Subject: Special Use Permit and Major Site Plan Amendment Applications Hi Stephen, My name is J.T. Newberry and 1 am coordinating the review of the special use permit and major site plan amendment applications for Chapman Grove Baptist Church. I'm sending this email to you because your name is listed as the contact person and I would like to share some important upcoming dates. Special Use Permit—SP201600007 Please see the attached review timeline. Comments will be provided on 5/6/2016.The public hearing date with the Planning Commission is scheduled to happen no earlier than the 6/7/16 meeting. Maior Site Plan Amendment—SDP201600021 Comments will be provided on 5/16/2016.The Site Review Committee (SRC) meeting will be held on 5/19/16 at 10am in Room 246 of the County Office Building.There's a chance that I may contact you for additional copies of the site plan and phasing plan, but I'm trying to work it where the reviewers can use just the one set of plans you've already submitted to review both SP201600007 and SDP201600021. I'll let you know if additional copies are needed. Finally, although all of the available site plan comments will be provided on 5/16/16, I've attached the comment from the Engineering Division because I anticipate it will take some time to address it. In part, it states that a Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment is required.John Anderson, P.E. (ext. 3069) provided an example report of this type of assessment from another church that was recently reviewed,which can be viewed here: http://www.albemarle.org/weblink/O/doc/240113/Pagel.aspx He also provided contact information for the author of the report. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 9 v J Nary Johnathan Newberry From: Stephen von Storch<svonstorch@s-vs.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 8:17 AM To: Ron Higgins; Johnathan Newberry Cc: Gale Brown Subject: RE: Special Use Permit-(SP201600007) Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Undestood. I will revise drawing and resubmit to both you and the ARB ASAP. I know the ARB will prefer this configuration over the already approved scheme. My schedule will allow me to submit by late Thursday or Friday at the latest. From: Ron Higgins [mailto:rhiggins@albemarle.org] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 4:44 PM To: Stephen von Storch; Johnathan Newberry Cc: Gale Brown Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Hello, Steve: I know you are so close you can hear the angels, but we do not have the authority to grant approval of what would be another variance. Perhaps the back pew could be shortened just enough to allow another jog in the front wall to miss the 75' setback? If that could be done, it would avoid any need for a new variance and allow the SP to proceed (is that correct JT?). From:Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 1:59 PM To: Ron Higgins<rhiggins@albemarle.org>;Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> Cc:Gale Brown<gddent@yahoo.com> Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Ron, Ok then. Gale and I have taken a quick look at our planning assumptions and have a revised draft plan to offer.This still clips the setback line at the very front corner in an effort to take advantage of an existing window opening as a passage to the added pews. I don't suppose this is horseshoes and close is good enough? Regardless we can make this work either way. If I provide a revised set of drawings can we stay in the que? Steve 1 LOH From: Stephen von Storch Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 12:23 PM To: 'Ron Higgins'; Johnathan Newberry Cc: Gale Brown Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) My schedule is pretty flexible. ASAP seems best. Gale? From: Ron Higgins [mailto:rhiggins©albemarle.orq] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 11:44 AM To: Stephen von Storch; Johnathan Newberry Cc: Gale Brown Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Hello, Folks: Would it be possible to sit down together and have a discussion about options? When I review the previous Variance files I see issues, such as handicapped access, that might have played a part in the finding of hardship. I am concerned that this addition will have difficulty proving hardship. Let me now when we can get together. Ron Higgins From:Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 9:55 AM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> Cc:Gale Brown<gddent@vahoo.com>; Ron Higgins<rhiggins@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Jonathan, Understood that the prior approval was not granting further approvals for projects unknown. With this specific proposal now drawn what would be the process for a new setback variance? Can our application be appended to make that request within the current schedule? Steve From: Johnathan Newberry [mailto:jnewberry@albemarle.orq] Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 6:27 PM To: Stephen von Storch Cc: Gale Brown; Ron Higgins Subject: RE: Special Use Permit (SP201600007) Hi Steve, I plan to provide more formal comments on the special use permit early next week, but I would like to draw your attention to the comments I have received thus far and in particular the comments from the Zoning Division. In reading the approval letter from the variance granted in 2000 (attached), it's noted that the approval did not apply to "any further proposed addition" and therefore the proposed additions are required to meet the 75' setback from Rt. 20. Because of the significance of this comment, I thought I would ask how you would like to proceed.There are two meetings coming up fairly soon: the Site Review Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 19th in Room 246 of 2 the County Office Building at 10am and then the Community Meeting is scheduled for 6:15pm on Monday, May 23rd at Martha Jefferson Hospital (see attached email with Gale). One concern I have is whether or not the Community Meeting will need to be rescheduled based on revisions to the plan. I would want to avoid the need for another meeting, but it will depend on the magnitude of any revisions that are made to address this comment. Please review the information below and let me know what you're thinking. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 Zoning, Ron Higgins, rhiggins@albemarle.org: 1. Plan states"43 spaces"where there are only 39 spaces total on site. 2. Parking analysis is acceptable for pre& post expansion parking, both of which work out to slightly more than one parking space per three seats. 3. Additional landscaping may be required for revised parking area frontage plantings. 4. VAR2000-031 inclu1ed a condition that any new additions meet the front setbacks at the time of proposal. Therefor , new additions will require a front setback of 75 feet. Inspections,Jay Schlothauer, ischloth@albemarle.org—No objection ARB- Margaret Maliszewski, mmaliszewski@albemarle.org 1. The ARB had no objection to the special use with the following condition: Correct the plan regarding existing trees on site. Show that existing trees meet or exceed frontage requirements or add trees to meet required quantities and sizes, with species and spacing compatible with the character of the rural area. Engineering,John Anderson, ianderson2@albemarle.org 1. Show stream buffer on site plan. Avoid stream buffer(ref. GIS image). From:Johnathan Newberry • Sent:Wednesday,April 06, 2016 2:48 PM To: 'Stephen von Storch'<svonstorch@s-vs.com> Cc: Norman Dill<ndill@albemarle.org>; Daphne Spain<spain@virginia.edu>; 'dianecaton@msc-rents.com' <dianecaton@msc-rents.com>; Elaine Echols<EECHOLS@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Special Use Permit and Major Site Plan Amendment Applications Thanks, Steve. Yes, I've attached the guidelines, addresses and a letter template for the required community meeting.There are some names and addresses that are duplicated in the notification list because the individual(s) own more than one adjacent parcel. In these cases, one letter is sufficient.All letters should be sent by regular(not certified) mail. I've also copied the Rivanna District Board member and Planning Commission representative (Norman Dill and Daphne Spain, respectively), as well as the Pantops Community Advisory Committee chair(Diane Caton), so they can be aware of your applications. For their information, I've pasted descriptions of the applications below. 3 11101111) (Just to clarify:The community meeting requirement only applies to the special use permit request. I've pasted the information for the major site plan amendment as additional background because it's not typical that we would be reviewing both applications at the same time.As a result, adjacent property owners will receive a few different notification letters about the project:first,that an application has been made; second, that the site review committee meeting will be held on 5/19; and third, a notice when the public hearing with the Planning Commission is scheduled. Some property owners may reach out to you, Norman, Daphne or Diane to ask why they're receiving multiple notices, so I thought I would explain.) PROJECT: SP201600007 Chapman Grove Baptist Church—Special Use Permit Amendment MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Rivanna TAX MAP/PARCEL:06200000006700 LOCATION: 2064 Stony Point Road PROPOSAL: Request to expand existing church by 1900 sq.ft.; request is associated with SDP201600021. PETITION: Amend special use permit 5P200000061 to expand existing church under Section of zoning ordinance. No dwelling units proposed. ZONING: RA Rural Areas- agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots) ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes SCENIC BYWAYS: Yes COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Area—preserve and protect agricultural,forestal,open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources; residential (0.5 unit/acre in development lots in Rural Areas 2 of the Comprehensive Plan. PROJECT: SDP201600021 Chapman Grove Baptist Church—Major Site Plan Amendment MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Rivanna TAX MAP/PARCEL:06200000006700 LOCATION: 2064 Stony Point Road PROPOSAL: Major site plan amendment to expand existing church; request is associated with special use permit SP201600007. ZONING: RA Rural Areas-agricultural,forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots) ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes SCENIC BYWAYS: Yes COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Area—preserve and protect agricultural,forestal, open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources; residential (0.5 unit/acre in development lots in Rural Areas 2 of the Comprehensive Plan. Please let me know if you have any questions. J.T. Newberry • Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 From:Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent:Wednesday,April 06, 2016 8:32 AM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Special Use Permit and Major Site Plan Amendment Applications Thank you Jonathan Is it correct the County will provide addresses to the Church to'mail for the required neighborhood meeting or does the County mail directly? I have contacted Steve Gooch regarding the Tier 3 report. He has already performed some tests for the Church. 4 *tool '44Nori Steve From: Johnathan Newberry [mailto:jnewberry@albemarle.orq] Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 6:11 PM To: Stephen von Storch Cc: gddent@yahoo.com; John Anderson; Margaret Maliszewski; Elaine Echols Subject: Special Use Permit and Major Site Plan Amendment Applications Hi Stephen, My name is J.T. Newberry and I am coordinating the review of the special use permit and major site plan amendment applications for Chapman Grove Baptist Church. I'm sending this email to you because your name is listed as the contact person and I would like to share some important upcoming dates. Special Use Permit—SP201600007 Please see the attached review timeline. Comments will be provided on 5/6/2016.The public hearing date with the Planning Commission is scheduled to happen no earlier than the 6/7/16 meeting. Major Site Plan Amendment—SDP201600021 Comments will be provided on 5/16/2016.The Site Review Committee (SRC) meeting will be held on 5/19/16 at 10am in Room 246 of the County Office Building.There's a chance that I may contact you for additional copies of the site plan and phasing plan, but I'm trying to work it where the reviewers can use just the one set of plans you've already submitted to review both SP201600007 and SDP201600021. I'll let you know if additional copies are needed. Finally, although all of the available site plan comments will be provided on 5/16/16, I've attached the comment from the Engineering Division because I anticipate it will take some time to address it. In part, it states that a Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment is required.John Anderson, P.E. (ext. 3069) provided an example report of this type of assessment from another church that was recently reviewed,which can be viewed here: http://www.albemarle.org/weblink/O/doc/240113/Page1.aspx He also provided contact information for the author of the report. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 5 i r 3 Johnathan Newberry From: Johnathan Newberry Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 6:27 PM To: 'Stephen von Storch' Cc: 'Gale Brown'; Ron Higgins Subject: RE: Special Use Permit(SP201600007) Attachments: Approval Letter_VA2000-031.pdf; RE: Community letter(draft) Hi Steve, I plan to provide more formal comments on the special use permit early next week, but I would like to draw your attention to the comments I have received thus far and in particular the comments from the Zoning Division. In reading the approval letter from the variance granted in 2000 (attached), it's noted that the approval did not apply to "any further proposed addition" and therefore the proposed additions are required to meet the 75' setback from Rt. 20. Because of the significance of this comment, I thought I would ask how you would like to proceed.There are two meetings coming up fairly soon: the Site Review Committee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 19th in Room 246 of the County Office Building at 10am and then the Community Meeting is scheduled for 6:15pm on Monday, May 23'd at Martha Jefferson Hospital (see attached email with Gale). One concern I have is whether or not the Community Meeting will need to be rescheduled based on revisions to the plan. I would want to avoid the need for another meeting, but it will depend on the magnitude of any revisions that are made to address this comment. Please review the information below and let me know what you're thinking. Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 Zoning, Ron Higgins, rhiggins@albemarle.org: 1. Plan states"43 spaces" where there are only 39 spaces total on site. 2. Parking analysis is acceptable for pre & post expansion parking, both of which work out to slightly more than one parking space per three seats. 3. Additional landscaping may be required for revised parking area frontage plantings. 4. VAR2000-031 included a condition that any new additions meet the front setbacks at the time of proposal. Therefore, new additions will require a front setback of 75 feet. Inspections,Jay Schlothauer, ischloth@albemarle.org— No objection ARB- Margaret Maliszewski, mmaliszewski@albemarle.org 1. The ARB had no objection to the special use with the following condition: Correct the plan regarding existing trees on site. Show that existing trees meet or exceed frontage requirements or add trees to meet required quantities and sizes, with species and spacing compatible with the character of the rural area. Engineering,John Anderson, ianderson2@albemarle.org 1. Show stream buffer on site plan. Avoid stream buffer(ref. GIS image). 1 Lio From:Johnathan Newberry Sent:Wednesday,April 06, 2016 2:48 PM To: 'Stephen von Storch' <svonstorch@s-vs.com> Cc: Norman Dill<ndill@albemarle.org>; Daphne Spain<spain@virginia.edu>; 'dianecaton@msc-rents.com' <dianecaton@msc-rents.com>; Elaine Echols<EECHOLS@albemarle.org> Subject: RE: Special Use Permit and Major Site Plan Amendment Applications Thanks, Steve. Yes, I've attached the guidelines, addresses and a letter template for the required community meeting.There are some names and addresses that are duplicated in the notification list because the individual(s) own more than one adjacent parcel. In these cases, one letter is sufficient. All letters should be sent by regular(not certified) mail. I've also copied the Rivanna District Board member and Planning Commission representative (Norman Dill and Daphne Spain, respectively), as well as the Pantops Community Advisory Committee chair(Diane Caton), so they can be aware of your applications. For their information, I've pasted descriptions of the applications below. (Just to clarify:The community meeting requirement only applies to the special use permit request. I've pasted the information for the major site plan amendment as additional background because it's not typical that we would be reviewing both applications at the same time.As a result, adjacent property owners will receive a few different notification letters about the project:first,that an application has been made; second,that the site review committee meeting will be held on 5/19; and third, a notice when the public hearing with the Planning Commission is scheduled. Some property owners may reach out to you, Norman, Daphne or Diane to ask why they're receiving multiple notices, so I thought I would explain.) PROJECT: SP201600007 Chapman Grove Baptist Church—Special Use Permit Amendment MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Rivanna TAX MAP/PARCEL:06200000006700 LOCATION: 2064 Stony Point Road PROPOSAL: Request to expand existing church by 1900 sq. ft.; request is associated with SDP201600021. PETITION: Amend special use permit SP200000061 to expand existing church under Section of zoning ordinance. No dwelling units proposed. ZONING: RA Rural Areas- agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots) ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes SCENIC BYWAYS: Yes COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Area—preserve and protect agricultural,forestal, open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources; residential (0.5 unit/acre in development lots in Rural Areas 2 of the Comprehensive Plan. PROJECT: SDP201600021 Chapman Grove Baptist Church—Major Site Plan Amendment MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Rivanna TAX MAP/PARCEL: 06200000006700 LOCATION: 2064 Stony Point Road PROPOSAL: Major site plan amendment to expand existing church; request is associated with special use permit SP201600007. ZONING: RA Rural Areas-agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots) ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes SCENIC BYWAYS: Yes COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Area—preserve and protect agricultural,forestal, open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources; residential (0.5 unit/acre in development lots in Rural Areas 2 of the Comprehensive Plan. Please let me know if you have any questions. 2 1 J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 From:Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent:Wednesday,April 06,2016 8:32 AM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:Special Use Permit and Major Site Plan Amendment Applications Thank you Jonathan Is it correct the County will provide addresses to the Church to mail for the required neighborhood meeting or does the County mail directly? I have contacted Steve Gooch regarding the Tier 3 report. He has already performed some tests for the Church. Steve From: Johnathan Newberry [mailto:jnewberryftalbemarle.orq] Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 6:11 PM To: Stephen von Storch Cc: gddent©avahoo.com; John Anderson; Margaret Maliszewski; Elaine Echols Subject: Special Use Permit and Major Site Plan Amendment Applications Hi Stephen, My name is J.T. Newberry and I am coordinating the review of the special use permit and major site plan amendment applications for Chapman Grove Baptist Church. I'm sending this email to you because your name is listed as the contact person and I would like to share some important upcoming dates. Special Use Permit—SP201600007 Please see the attached review timeline. Comments will be provided on 5/6/2016.The public hearing date with the Planning Commission is scheduled to happen no earlier than the 6/7/16 meeting. Maior Site Plan Amendment—SDP201600021 Comments will be provided on 5/16/2016.The Site Review Committee (SRC) meeting will be held on 5/19/16 at 10am in Room 246 of the County Office Building.There's a chance that I may contact you for additional copies of the site plan and phasing plan, but I'm trying to work it where the reviewers can use just the one set of plans you've already submitted to review both SP201600007 and SDP201600021. I'll let you know if additional copies are needed. Finally, although all of the available site plan comments will be provided on 5/16/16, I've attached the comment from the Engineering Division because I anticipate it will take some time to address it. In part, it states that a Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment is required.John Anderson, P.E. (ext. 3069) provided an example report of this type of assessment from another church that was recently reviewed,which can be viewed here: http://www.albemarle.org/weblink/O/doc/240113/Page1.aspx He also provided contact information for the author of the report. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, 3 J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 4 Johnathan Newberry 1.644- cer 6/t1/14 From: Johnathan Newberry Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 2:48 PM To: 'Stephen von Storch' Cc: Norman Dill; Daphne Spain; 'dianecaton@msc-rents.com'; Elaine Echols Subject: RE: Special Use Permit and Major Site Plan Amendment Applications Attachments: COMMUNITY MEETING GUIDELINES 7-9-15.pdf; Community Meeting Letter template.docx; Community Meeting Notification List-SP201600007.xls Thanks, Steve. Yes, I've attached the guidelines, addresses and a letter template for the required community meeting.There are some names and addresses that are duplicated in the notification list because the individual(s)own more than one adjacent parcel. In these cases,one letter is sufficient.All letters should be sent by regular(not certified) mail. I've also copied the Rivanna District Board member and Planning Commission representative (Norman Dill and Daphne Spain, respectively), as well as the Pantops Community Advisory Committee chair(Diane Caton), so they can be aware of your applications. For their information, I've pasted descriptions of the applications below. (Just to clarify:The community meeting requirement only applies to the special use permit request. I've pasted the information for the major site plan amendment as additional background because it's not typical that we would be reviewing both applications at the same time.As a result, adjacent property owners will receive a few different notification letters about the project:first,that an application has been made; second,that the site review committee meeting will be held on 5/19; and third, a notice when the public hearing with the Planning Commission is scheduled. Some property owners may reach out to you, Norman, Daphne or Diane to ask why they're receiving multiple notices, so I thought I would explain.) PROJECT: SP201600007 Chapman Grove Baptist Church—Special Use Permit Amendment MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Rivanna TAX MAP/PARCEL: 06200000006700 LOCATION: 2064 Stony Point Road PROPOSAL: Request to expand existing church by 1900 sq.ft.; request is associated with SDP201600021. PETITION: Amend special use permit SP200000061 to expand existing church under Section of zoning ordinance. No dwelling units proposed. ZONING: RA Rural Areas-agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density(0.5 unit/acre in development lots) ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes SCENIC BYWAYS: Yes COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Area—preserve and protect agricultural,forestal,open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources; residential (0.5 unit/acre in development lots in Rural Areas 2 of the Comprehensive Plan. PROJECT: SDP201600021 Chapman Grove Baptist Church—Major Site Plan Amendment MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Rivanna TAX MAP/PARCEL: 06200000006700 LOCATION: 2064 Stony Point Road PROPOSAL: Major site plan amendment to expand existing church; request is associated with special use permit SP201600007. ZONING: RA Rural Areas-agricultural,forestal, and fishery uses; residential density(0.5 unit/acre in development lots) ENTRANCE CORRIDOR: Yes SCENIC BYWAYS: Yes COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Area—preserve and protect agricultural,forestal, open space, and natural, historic and scenic resources; residential (0.5 unit/acre in development lots in Rural Areas 2 of the Comprehensive Plan. 1 111611) Please let me cndw ifyoil ftvetrty questions. J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 From:Stephen von Storch [mailto:svonstorch@s-vs.com] Sent:Wednesday,April 06,2016 8:32 AM To:Johnathan Newberry<jnewberry@albemarle.org> Subject: RE:Special Use Permit and Major Site Plan Amendment Applications Thank you Jonathan Is it correct the County will provide addresses to the Church to mail for the required neighborhood meeting or does the County mail directly? I have contacted Steve Gooch regarding the Tier 3 report. He has already performed some tests for the Church. Steve From: Johnathan Newberry [mailto:jnewberry@albemarle.orq] Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2016 6:11 PM To: Stephen von Storch Cc: gddent@yahoo.com; John Anderson; Margaret Maliszewski; Elaine Echols Subject: Special Use Permit and Major Site Plan Amendment Applications Hi Stephen, My name is J.T. Newberry and I am coordinating the review of the special use permit and major site plan amendment applications for Chapman Grove Baptist Church. I'm sending this email to you because your name is listed as the contact person and I would like to share some important upcoming dates. Special Use Permit—5P201600007 Please see the attached review timeline. Comments will be provided on 5/6/2016.The public hearing date with the Planning Commission is scheduled to happen no earlier than the 6/7/16 meeting. Major Site Plan Amendment—SDP201600021 Comments will be provided on 5/16/2016.The Site Review Committee(SRC) meeting will be held on 5/19/16 at 10am in Room 246 of the County Office Building.There's a chance that I may contact you for additional copies of the site plan and phasing plan, but I'm trying to work it where the reviewers can use just the one set of plans you've already submitted to review both SP201600007 and SDP201600021. I'll let you know if additional copies are needed. Finally, although all of the available site plan comments will be provided on 5/16/16, I've attached the comment from the Engineering Division because I anticipate it will take some time to address it. In part, it states that a Tier 3 Groundwater Assessment is required.John Anderson, P.E. (ext. 3069) provided an example report of this type of assessment from another church that was recently reviewed,which can be viewed here: http://www.albemarle.org/weblink/0/doc/240113/Page1.aspx He also provided contact information for the author of the report. Please let me know if you have any questions. 2 Thanks, J.T. Newberry Planner County of Albemarle, Planning Division 434-296-5832, ext. 3270 3