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SDP200200088 Plan - Submittal (First) Minor Amendment 2002-07-10
A D c 14 13 10 9 WESTBOUND LANE RT. 250W(+ - Edge of Pavement 8 7 5 w D> Y777 K A O Al W H P A E OH R L A C E A E 1 S 4 O nnnA nnl OC nnr IJA nn' i o nn' 7 a1 00 nn' 7 F1' i A nn' ID nn' qF nn' 9a nn' _q P, nn' 9a nn' 1 R nn' r,71 7 n1' E D H J ;1 C Sinn Schedule Mark Description S1 Accessible S2 an Acces,, S3 No Parking S4 Stop Sign S5 Directional S6 Monument Remove Existing Curb Tie New Curb Into Exist vIU avy 0.11111161WW W- CON IL1111111111111W■.711111111IN Residential Use d 20 40 60 80 100 P P15 Geometric Layout 1"=20.00' 11 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 r � Contour Interval = 1' Site Plan Data taken from Physical Surveys as prepared `\ by B. Aubrey Huffman and Associates, Ltd., Civil Engineering and Planning Charlottesville, Virginia dated February 22, 1983 and November 12, 1997 8 7 5 4 3 Consultant John W. Greene, P.E. 20 Canterbury Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Tei: 804.293.6959 (Original Site Plan) Owner Richard L. Nunley Caroline B. Nunley Suite 16 310 Avon Street Charlottesville Virginia 22902 The undersigned, authorized by the owner, has reviewed and approved this drawing in accordance with the agreement between the Owner & the Architect: Signature Date i 1. Datum is USGS. rJ 2. Source of topography: Field survey drawing by B. Aubrey Huffman & Associates dated 2/22/83. 3. Source of survey: Plat by B. Aubrey Huffman & Associates dated Oct. 30, 1997, entitled " Plat Fest Showing Parcel 47 As Shown On Sheet 60 Albemarle County Tax Maps." P d U 9 f f' L A 0 v IF nershlp 4. repose ses. Pro esslonal of Ices, however, Owner reserves right to any by -right use permitted in C1 district, provided parking requirements of zoning ordinance can be satisfied. r si Use 5. Maximum Acreage of Proposed Use: .616 Acres. 6. Maximum Number of Dwelling Units By Type:: 0 (zero). 7. Gross Residential Density: Not Applicable, 8. Square Footage of Recreation Area: 0 (zero). 9. Percent and Acreage of Open Space: 82%, 2.85�s� 10. Maximum Square Footage For Commercial Uses: 55,920 Gross SF 11. Maximum Number of Employees: 300 employees. ---° ^___J_ 12. Maximum Floor Area Ratio and Lot Coverage: Not Applicable. C 14. Schedule of Parking: Total Gross Square Footage of Buildings: 55,920SF. , 80% of Gross Square Footage = Net Square Footage: 44,736SF. No. of Spaces Required At 1 per 20ONet SF: 224. No. of Spaces Provided: 234. Total Gross Square Footage of Office Use: 55,920SF Gross Square Footage Minus 1st 8,OOOSF: 47,920SF No. of Loading Spaces Required At 1 Per 8,000SF: 6. No. of Loading Spaces Provided: 6. of cc eq� e o: E e ce °rude �s 15. Maximum Amount of Impervious Cover on the Site: Total Building Footprint: 24,111 SF Total Parking Lot & Travelway Paving: 87,245SF Total Sidewalks: 10,009SF Total Impervious Area: 121,365SF (80% of Total Acreage) 16. Maximum Amo int of Paved Park' g and Vehicula Circul tion Area: 87,245SF (58°/0 of To..a 17. This Site is notwithin a Reservoir Watershed. 18. This property is not in the HUD defined 100 year flood zone, but is located in Flood Zone C as shown on Panel No. 510006-0220B. 19. No buildings are to be constructed on existing slopes >_ 25%. 20. Lighting used to illuminate parking areas shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent streets. Lighting Spillover onto Public Roads and Properties Zoned residentially or rural areas Shall Not Exceed One -Half Foot Candle. 21. Landscape Plan Includes Trees and Schrubs Indicated At Parking Areas And Around Building. Final Selection of Species To Be Determined. 22. Stormwater from) Impervious Areas to Be Collected and Control Discharged From Underground Holding Pipes. Storm Water and Detention computations prepared by John W. Greene, P.E. Post Development Discharge From The Site Shall Be No Greater Than the Current Discharge. 23. This site is within an Entrance Corridor Overlay District and a Certificate of Appropriatenesse'u '.Y "% from the Albemarle County Architectural Review Board has been granted (See letter from M. J� IL vZ 'A Q /r` K Pickart, dated 4/14/98). 47 "A ite oad and Pari n � A�ea, o Be Paved With6 Inohes #21A Stone And 2"M2A 1ituminous Pajing. Old Ivy Roag Shalt Be Paved With 7" #21A Stone Base, 2 _W> r 1/2" BM -2 and 1-1/2 SM2A Bituminous PavM � r J Tentative Schedule for Phasing of Proje Phase 1: January 1999 Phi e 2: June 200 -'Piga a, e er 2000 26. All sanitary saddle connections shall be made with sewer taps approved by the ACSA. Sanitary sewer lateral connections to manholes shall be made by field coring and installing a watertight flexible boot. lent Into 27. All sidewalks and walkways shall be 4" min. 3000psi air entrained concrete. Provide an lent approved tactile warning surface at all accessible curb ramps. 28. Concrete pads in front of dumpster stalls shall be 6" 4000psi air entrained concrete slabs on 8" of #57 crushed stone base. Pad for dumpsters shall be 4" 3000psi air entrained concrete on 4" #57 crushed stone base Date Description ar 7/10/98 Final Submission To AlbCo JGG 9/1/98 Final Revisions for AlbCo JGG 10/1/98 Final Comments from AlbCo JGG 10/12/98 ACSA Comments JGG 11/5/98 Final Engrg Comments JGG 12/10/98 Final ACSA Comments JGG 7/15/00 Minor Amend. Initial Submission JGG 2/4/02 Parking Layout Rev. Bldg B&C JGG 7/10/02 Minor Amend. Submission PLS CAD File Name: SiteAmend.010 7/10/02 ® 29. Building B Handiicap parking relocated from North side to South Side of Building to better© USE OF THIS DRAWING serve tenants from a more convenient location. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING, The Contractor shall take field measurements 30. Building C Handicap parking relocated from West side to South Side of Building to better and verify field conditions and snall careful)y compare such field measurements and conditions and other in known to the Contractor serve tenants from a more convenient location. with the Contract DocumaMs before commencing activities; Contractor shall 31. Monument sign rotated nintey degrees for better visibility, and moved back from line. carefully study and cor:pare tae �ontaet Documents with each other and wit information furnished by the Owner and shall at once report to the Architect errors, inconsistencies or omissions discovered. Ifthe Contractor performs any construction aclivity knowing it involves a recognized error,inconsistency M property e Contract Docuents without such notice to the Architect, or omission in 7Bm the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable cost. The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as f required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be regwired only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonably ® inferable from them as being necessary to produce the intended results. In case of inflicting requirements, the more stringent and/or costly e requirement shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time. xA - Organization of the Specifications into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or in establishing the extent of Work to be performed i by any trade. .� Information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless slated in a separate letter or Change Order. Information shown is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and correlated at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the � coordination of his work with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the 4 satisfactory performance of his work. Huntington Village Residential Use e COPYRIGHT NOTICE This drawing copyright ©2002 by Sheeran Architects. The Architect retains all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, in addition to the copyright on this drawing. Unauthorized reproduction or use of this drawing is prohibited. Consent for limited reproduction or use by others shall be evidenced by signature of Sheeran Architects' personnel below. Consent for limited reproduction or use restricted to entity named below. Signature Date Limited Reproduction or Use Rights Granted to: � � - - � 1-1. I - � � I - Is 1 14 1 13 1 12 1 11 I 10 . . 9 8 - 7 . 6 . 5 a 4 a 3 a 2 A . I WESTBOUND LANE RTE 25OW(w- Edge of Pavement B t ! I I ! i � 1 i I � I � 1 . � i � I . � I ; i I i i : I ! 1 : iI i : i i E i I I I I ! F 1 I i I i ! i i i i ! : I i I I i � I ! i ! I i I � 1 . i i i I I ! � I i I i ? i il � ; i i I : . ; ! I I � G � � i i I t � i , � ; i i I � i I [ q � i i i I . I ; ; . i i I : 1 � I . ! I i i ; I I r : � . I ! 1 1 : � � � : : � i H I : ; . i 4 � I I I I ! i . � r t L I i i i I i I . I � . I I i � i � i I I i : I I i . K I i i ! ! . � : � . I � � � - I i � i I i t I � I I ; i i I i i � K I � � I I i i i ; I ! I � i . : I � : t ; - ! 4 � I : ; � I � Z � ; � I ! i : i i i i I i i i : : L : i : I � I Z i i I t � 1 1 i � i � � I . � z - ; ! i I I � � L : I : I I : I ; I i i I � I � . � ! M I ; i � . I : I i � i � � i ! : � I i - ! , � I � i � � I ! 1 . �I I I 1 � N � I I i I � 1 i 1 i i i : i : I I I I : I : i 4 - I I I 1 . i � i � : i � i I I 1 i I 1 i I � 2 0 i ! 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Aubrey Huffman and Associates, Ltd., Civil Engineering and Planning \ roadside ditches. : � r ---1---------.-.- --------------,-. ------- ----. Charlottesville, Virginia . : -S 8 Valves on de-aripir-hri linri(z czh!:flI ha rnririiarj t r-, rnxiirJ,n nrign "ntn rnetirctint I I i . - - : � i I � . dated February 22, 1983 and November 12, 1997 1 I I � ! P ; � I i i i � � i I U I ! � ! ii P1 5 utility Ran ;i : !i - L .. I :i I i I 1 " =20.00' 1 i I � i I I I Is — 14 — 13 — 12 E I M F N I 0 P. I I I 0 1 0 9 . 11 11 or t e valve durina a f ut ure ext ension of t he line. Consultant John W. Greene, P.E. 20 Canterbury Fbad Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Tel: 804* 2939 6959 (Original Site Flan) Owner Richard L. Nunley Caroline B. Nunley Suite 16 31 0 Avon Street Charlottesville Virginia 22902 The undersigned, authorized by the owner, has reviewed and approved this drawing in accordance with the agreement between the Owner & the Architect: 0 V, �-� �� nl-#� �� ISignature Date L Project Information Jurisdiction: Albemarle County, VA Magisterial District: Samuel Miller Tax Map: 60 Parcel Number: 47 Deed Book: 741, Pg. 538 Zoning: C1/EC u ng ode se Group: B Type of Construction: 2C Automatic Sprinkler System: Yes Area: See plan Maximum Height: 65'-O" Occupant Load: 50 Floor Live Load: 1 00 PSF Roof Live Load: 20 PSF Ground Snow Load (Pg): 25PSF Basic Wind Speed: 7OMPH Wind Load Importance Factor (1): 1.0 Wind Exposure: Exposure B Building Official's Approval r----------------------- 1-11-11- ! : � � ! i : : � Approval : � Stamp : � : : : : : : � : i I ------------ - ---- --.- ------- - Building Permit Number - I I , I I I —11 I y �u I I f I /Wicinity Ma ' - , ' 11" -' 11 --1, r., P - -1, � I I'll I , I � � - I i , // L�� � i ; Q Q) - - ""::.::"-::.:::�:,-:,:,":.f:�ll:�:::�:::,�::�:::,-.":�:�.:.,.�:::.�',::::,:::�).�','�:::.::��).:�,.:":��::";.:,�:::�f:,.::,:::.:.,.:.,�::::.:.'"":.::'�:;.f.":,.:::�:::��.�,:.;::::�.:::�).�,:::.�.").:, � - , "'�-::::":.,���./"�.�..,,,,..�.�.�..",�,. � :) ., ,�:::�:�',� , - ' '::: � . . . . . . , '. , , , -� � ,� I � -�,.:::.:.'�",':-::::�-:::::�.;'�',':.::::::.::�:::.: :",:-;'",:::-f .:.:' ','x'�):,' �:' .. � , '"" "" --� -1 .:) .. . .::" ,:::r::., , ..�',' ,��::: - - .. , I JGG 1 — ,�, t I - - � I . �,�: -"ii � , , , - - --1 - � --"---, '�,,.-,� " �--,--',' ,�:-,',� . �.i-- � , - , - - . 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The Contractor shall be responsible for notifying "Miss Utility" ,�,,�,��`a i, '- , ` --1 � ,�,*-'�� ,� -i , ,--,��"�-&�s� . . .... �,�, i P . \\ � 11 -,� "I �2 "I * V� K� ��,�, � T V, - . , � � ;F-�, , 'fL, -�";�� --�,,�,� - it -i� � `R.,,�`, � , 1-e.N, �,,-, , � ,g t � - � -, , 'S , . " " � I � R, ; I I .11-1�0 ," , --- - , --y Q ,,,, ,,�`��" �-. ,,��"5, ", L'.", ,,"�'Y, ,� , -- , `�1:5Y-111 V�� '11, �,�� -R 1,i'�," , 1, � ---,-� ...� .---� I 11111111- ,,,� "s - -,, 11 -� , - I - ,'i . I T.M. 60 �\, S -rZ�07 ,�,it,F 111--11i,-.1 ... � " � ,� �..,- 1,12�-.� � I 7A, q 1-1 41 El- ,,N4,ie--c-e�Z;�, 0 -10 (1 -800-552-70101 ). l �0-11k'-r,�� I I .... ,,,,�,-�-���� I r I - - " -_ , . , _� � 1-11-1 , , R� rg 0 - -,--,`��, A"A7, � dalnwm� "Ir" '1.1-� � ��,, � - - e MOMMMENN I I , ,, �� ------ � �'-�� r . � %-, �e t�% 77-�,o,"�, � � �. T.M. 60 - - ---, - � �, PR,P 1, .00,010 W i ,-;-,\ --�� Q�;-�;"L�""".-'�-,��l-l'i�,5�,�'�", �'�t�--,-"�l',��,,,�,,,�-,,�,,, " " - '� " � ,� ----,� , .- , Par. 45 A(1) I , ',�, "I " ---,- .1 T � ,,, ,\\ �', ", - t 6. All water and sewer pipes shall have a minimum of 3 feet of cover 11 I �1-1� I - �, , ;4 * Par. 60 131 , - I I I - I l� I measured from the top of pipe, over the centerline of pipe. This includes � Old' Ivy Limited Partnership i - 1. 00, ( ii I , I - ,\i�- - 11, .1 V, ,�il 11 4 Huntington Village all fire hydrants lines, service laterals and waterlines, etc. --- -1\1 11 I 1�%, - - I\-, 1, I I � , 4� 1 11, , Residential Use � - - - - - - i -- - 0 " - Z� � �� - 0 20 40 60 80 100 Contour Interval = 1' I vl� -� , Residential Use 7. All wat er and sewer appurt enances are t o be locat ed out side of I �, . � : � I I � 4 � I ; � Site Plan Data taken from Physical Surveys as prepared 1,1\ , � -- 111111111111111111 --- ---------------- - -------------,--------- I -- by B. Aubrey Huffman and Associates, Ltd., Civil Engineering and Planning \ roadside ditches. : � r ---1---------.-.- --------------,-. ------- ----. Charlottesville, Virginia . : -S 8 Valves on de-aripir-hri linri(z czh!:flI ha rnririiarj t r-, rnxiirJ,n nrign "ntn rnetirctint I I i . - - : � i I � . dated February 22, 1983 and November 12, 1997 1 I I � ! P ; � I i i i � � i I U I ! � ! ii P1 5 utility Ran ;i : !i - L .. I :i I i I 1 " =20.00' 1 i I � i I I I Is — 14 — 13 — 12 E I M F N I 0 P. I I I 0 1 0 9 . 11 11 or t e valve durina a f ut ure ext ension of t he line. Consultant John W. Greene, P.E. 20 Canterbury Fbad Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Tel: 804* 2939 6959 (Original Site Flan) Owner Richard L. Nunley Caroline B. Nunley Suite 16 31 0 Avon Street Charlottesville Virginia 22902 The undersigned, authorized by the owner, has reviewed and approved this drawing in accordance with the agreement between the Owner & the Architect: 0 V, �-� �� nl-#� �� ISignature Date L Project Information Jurisdiction: Albemarle County, VA Magisterial District: Samuel Miller Tax Map: 60 Parcel Number: 47 Deed Book: 741, Pg. 538 Zoning: C1/EC u ng ode se Group: B Type of Construction: 2C Automatic Sprinkler System: Yes Area: See plan Maximum Height: 65'-O" Occupant Load: 50 Floor Live Load: 1 00 PSF Roof Live Load: 20 PSF Ground Snow Load (Pg): 25PSF Basic Wind Speed: 7OMPH Wind Load Importance Factor (1): 1.0 Wind Exposure: Exposure B Building Official's Approval r----------------------- 1-11-11- ! : � � ! i : : � Approval : � Stamp : � : : : : : : � : i I ------------ - ---- --.- ------- - Building Permit Number - I I , I I I —11 I y �u I I f I /Wicinity Ma ' - , ' 11" -' 11 --1, r., P - -1, � I I'll I , I � � - I i , // --_ I � I , , , I . Ivy . Cid e -,- i 1�11 / - : i, -� , , / j ", / T , JGG 1 9/1/98 .� �o �� JGG 1 — ,�, t Final Comments from AlbCo 1* , �, "I'll 14, � - I - I-' ; , . . . . . 1 n. 11 '- , e escrpton ar 7/10/98 Final Submission To AlbCo JGG 1 9/1/98 Final Revisions for AlbCo JGG 1 10/11/98 Final Comments from AlbCo JGG 10/12/98 ACSA Comments JGG 11/5/98 Final Engrg Comments JGG 12/10/98 Final ACSA Comments JGG 7/15/00 Minor Amend. Initial Submission JGG 2/4/02 Parking Layout RDv. Bldg B&C JGG 7/10/02 Minor Amend. Submission :::� CAD File Name: 6iteAmend.010 7110102 . M USE OF THIS DRAWING n DONOT SCALEDRAV%iNG. The Contractor shall take field measurements and ve if mea u=cowthonsrand sitall carefull� compare such field ' and condi ions and other in, rmation known to the Contractor with "a Contract Do'n Me before comrr�awlng activities; Contractor shall e,.,r, C .ref0,kud,a,dc,hnTp' a onlact Documents with each other and will - information furnished by the 0,v�er and shall at owe report to the Aicibilect errors, inconsistencies oromissions discovered, If the Contractor ,oferm, anyognatru ,onsetvit owng nvcvesa�ec nz enn." ,.onestericy Sul r mission I he Contract Documents withou c I notice to the Architect, the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable cost. The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary for the goper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor, The Contract ocuments are complementary, and what is required by one shall be as binding as I required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be relired 0111101108XIanloonlilt�,l�ltllh,C��tracIL)ocumenlsaildrea-n I inferable from them .a b,lng woe ss7.ry '1�o aptrbdg,�,��t Ill e intended resu Its. (In case of conflictin� requirchients, the in and/or costly requirement shal ,apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time. Organization of the Specifications into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of urawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors �r in establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade, Information shown on this shoot does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated in a separate letter or Change Order. Information shown is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor is 'as ,ensible, for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and correlated at the site =ication processes, tech hi f construction, quantities, the coordination of his work with all Nue8lstroadea and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This drawing copyright @2002 by Sheeran Architects. The Architect retains all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, in addition to the copyright on this drawing. Unauthorized reproduction or use of this drawing is prohibited, Consent for limited reproduction or use by others shall be evidenced by signature of Sheeran Architects' personnel below- Consent for limited reproduction or use restricted to entity named below. �Signature Date Limited Reproduction or Use Rights Granted to; F �� ltic� I i -9 `1 �� �� �� 11� F 15 14 13 1 12 1 11 1 10 1 9 ' 8 7 6 A B 2. Legend a t\skp �® Property Line O - --'- - -- --- — - - — -- ___ ., -- -- -- Departing Property Line 7/10/98 Easement JGG Setback Final Revisions for AlbCo Underground Stormwater Piping - - - -- -- - — -- -- -- -- Underground Water Line JGG Underground Electric Service ACSA Comments Underground Empty 4" Conduit E----- - Underground Sanitary Sewer JGG L Overhead Electric Service 3 Pole Mounted Sign Light & Pole 7/15/00 New Topographic 1' Contours -57-- -" Existing Topographic 1' Contours Parking Layout Rev. Bldg B&C JGG F �,�� .. �� .• ••�• - _ Project Phasing Boundary Line PLS Critical Slopes (Slope > 25%) T.M. 60 N Par. 46A N Ivy Professional Centre Zoned C1 G Commercial Use H 11 J K L M •` !o 4 • WelfordRoss • e• Photometrics Ran POLE IRON T.M. 60 Par. 45 A(1) Old Ivy Limited Partnership Residential Use WESTBOUND LANE RT. 250W(w- Edge of Pavement 5 4 3 Al P EXWE' 'H O E A E H S � A05, N 660 14'05" W 20 40 60 80 100Contour Interval = 1' Site Plan Data taken from Physical Surveys as prepared by B. Aubrey Huffman and Associates, Ltd., Civil Engineering and Planning Charlottesville, Virginia -- �-- - --- -� ---- dated February 22, 1983 and November 12, 1997 S a t\skp ate Description Mark 7/10/98 Final Submission To AlbCo JGG 9/1/98 Final Revisions for AlbCo A 10/i/98 IRON "lot omet ries Legend. r� tai I i I 10 Foot candles I 4 Footcandles 2 Footcandles a f 1 Footcandles -1 - _ .5 Footcandles- \ \ Light Fixture r r T.M. 60 / Par. 48 County West ' Limited Partnership Zoned C1 4 r Commercial Use Z W n o, Cq 0 w m 2 , 1 r Sit 7 Lighting Notes: 1 , Lig-it fixture photometrics calculated for single fixture Lightolier Exceline "SAFE' Luminaire with e 25OW metal halide lamp mounted on a fifteen (15) foot pole with a L.E.S. Type 11 Distril)ution. Iso -footcandle lines are approximate and actual footcandle measurements may vary from those indicated. 2. Prior to Substantial Completion, Contractor shall verify that light spillover along property lines bordering Old Ivy Road and the C&O right-of-way does not exceed .5 footcandles. In the event light spillover is in excess of ,5 footcandles, Contractor shall install light glare shields (such as Lightolier Exceline RL550) on offending Iiight fixtures, at no additional cost to Owner. Contractor shall retest light spillover to verify that gllare shields reduce spillover to less than .5 footcandles. 3. Exterior lighting circuits to be cont rolled by time clock. See building plans for further information. 4. Area lighting shall be 277volts. 5. All area lighting light fixtures and moniument signs shall be fed by underground circuits. I T.M. 60 , i Sec. 60 132 University Village Condos u Residential Use ; i T.M. 60 Par. 60 131 40 Huntington Village 0 Residential Use Consultant John W. Greene, P.E. 20 Canterbury Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Tel: 804.293.6959 (Original Site Ran) Owner Richard L. Nunley Caroline B. Nunley Suite 16 310 Avon Street Charlottesville Virginia 22502 The undersigned, authorized by the owner, has reviewed and approved this drawing in accordance with the agreement between the Owner & the Architect: Signature Date Prosect Information Jurisdiction: Albemarle County, VA Magisterial District: Samuel Miller Tax Map: 60 Parcel Number: 47 Deed Book: 741, Pg. 538 Zoning: C1/EC Building Code Use Group: B Type of Construction: 2C Automatic Sprinkler System: Yes Area: See plan Maximum Height: 65'-0" Occupant Load: 50 Floor Live Load: 100 PSF Roof Live Load: 20 PSF Ground Snow Load (Pg): 25PSF Basic Wind Speed: 70MPH Wind Load Importance Factor (I): 1.0 Wind Exposure: Exposure B 0 C E F [�I I i 0 © USE OF THIS DRAWING DO NOT SCALE DRAWING. The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify Held conditions and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing aclNilies: Centrador shalt carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and wit information furnished by the Owner and shall at once report tolh,, Architect errors, inconsistencies or omissions discovered. If the Contractor performs any construction activity Imotving it involves a recognized error, inconsistency or omission in the Contract Documents without such notice to the Architect, the Contractor shall assumeappropriate responsibility for such pedormance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable cost. The intent of the Contract Documents is to Include all items necessary for the proper execution and complelion of the Work by the Contractor. The Contract Documents are compiemen' and what is regtured by one shall be as binding as if required by all, performance by the Contractor shall be rewired only to the exlent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonablyy inferable from them as being necessary to produce the intended results. In case of conflicting requirements, the more stringent and/or costly requirement shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time. Organization of 1ha Spacifications into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings shall not wntrol the Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or in establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. Information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated in a separate letter or Change Order. Information shown is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and correlated at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construcfron, quantities, the coordination of his work with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This drawing copyright 002002 by Sheeran Architects. The Architect retains all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, in addition to the copyright on this drawing. Unauthorized reproduction or use of this drawing Is prohibited. Consent for limited reproduction or use by others shalt be evidenced by signature of Sheeran Architects' personnel below. Consent for limited reproduction or use restricted to entity named below. Signature Date Limited Reproduction or Use Rights Granted to: 01 - O ate Description Mark 7/10/98 Final Submission To AlbCo JGG 9/1/98 Final Revisions for AlbCo JGG 10/i/98 Final Comments from AibCo JGG 10/12/98 ACSA Comments JGG 11/5/98 Final Engrg Comments JGG L 12/10/98 Final ACSA Comments JOG 7/15/00 Minor Amend. Initial Submission JGG 2/4/02 Parking Layout Rev. Bldg B&C JGG 7/10/02 Minor Amend. Submission PLS CAD File Name: SiteAmend.010 ty 15- © USE OF THIS DRAWING DO NOT SCALE DRAWING. The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify Held conditions and shall carefully compare such field measurements and conditions and other information known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing aclNilies: Centrador shalt carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and wit information furnished by the Owner and shall at once report tolh,, Architect errors, inconsistencies or omissions discovered. If the Contractor performs any construction activity Imotving it involves a recognized error, inconsistency or omission in the Contract Documents without such notice to the Architect, the Contractor shall assumeappropriate responsibility for such pedormance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable cost. The intent of the Contract Documents is to Include all items necessary for the proper execution and complelion of the Work by the Contractor. The Contract Documents are compiemen' and what is regtured by one shall be as binding as if required by all, performance by the Contractor shall be rewired only to the exlent consistent with the Contract Documents and reasonablyy inferable from them as being necessary to produce the intended results. In case of conflicting requirements, the more stringent and/or costly requirement shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time. Organization of 1ha Spacifications into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings shall not wntrol the Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or in establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. Information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated in a separate letter or Change Order. Information shown is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and correlated at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construcfron, quantities, the coordination of his work with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This drawing copyright 002002 by Sheeran Architects. The Architect retains all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, in addition to the copyright on this drawing. Unauthorized reproduction or use of this drawing Is prohibited. Consent for limited reproduction or use by others shalt be evidenced by signature of Sheeran Architects' personnel below. Consent for limited reproduction or use restricted to entity named below. Signature Date Limited Reproduction or Use Rights Granted to: 01 - O 15 14 13 12 ' 11 ' 10 9 - 8 7 6 5 4 1 3 2 A B G :J I J K A Li P 15 Landscape Ran 1 °=20.00' 15 WESTBOUND LANE RT. 250W(O- Edge of Pavement H E `S P K . O A A E A N: , T E Q. !�! O R At 1 LN Y , A w � � , r_ r. r. r. r. r. � r w r. �� r. � r. r. w r• v r. r. r. r Residential Use 0 20 40 60 80 100 Contour Interval = 1' Site Plan Data taken from Physical Surveys as prepared by B. Aubrey Huffman and Associates, Ltd., Civil Engineering and Planning Charlottesville, Virginia dated February 22, 1983 and November 12, 1997 dscaping Legend: Consultant John W. Greene, P.E. 20 Canterbury Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Tel: 804.293.6959 (Original Site Plan) Owner Richard L. Nunley Caroline B. Nunley Suite 16 310 Avon Street Charlottesville Virginia 22902 The undersigned, authorized by the owner, has reviewed and approved this drawing in accordance with the agreement between the Owner & the Architect: iSignature Date ©Previously Approved Letter Arnmendment �\ ref. Waynesboro Nurserry Letter March 4, 2002 ref. County of Albemarle Approval Letter of revision dated April 24, 2002 SDP -1999-093 Revised Plant List- Phase 3 Building C JGG No Change A 3 3 1/2" Ca. Acer Rubrum/Red !Maple Delete 4 3 1/2" Ca. Quercus Rubrum Maxima/Eastern l=ied Oak Add B 4 3 1/2" Ca. a raxinus Americana/White Ash No Change C 3 2 1/2" Ca. Cercis Canadensis/Eastern Redblud Delete 5 1" Ga. Cornus florida/White Dogwood (100.00) Adel D 9 1" Ca. Prunus Hybrid/Snow goose Cherry Delete 9 2' Ilex crenata/Japanese Holly (68.00) Add E 20 2' llex crenata/career: Lustre ,-lolly Add F 5100 4" Pot Vinca minor/Periwinkle (2' o.c.) e 1V1 -init yMap �\ 7/10/98 o JGG 9/1/98 Final Revisions for AlbCo ad Ivy " Final Comments from AIISCo JGG o�a i JGG 11/5/98 .y a l`` 12/10/98 nn JGG r ail Minor Amend. Initial Submission JGG 2/4/02 Parking Layout Rev. Bldg B&C JGG 7/10/02 r�3 PLS CAD File Name: SiteAmend.010 7/10/02 13 12 11 10 9 8 I I i I I< 6 Huntington Village Residential Use Project Information Jurisdiction: Albemarle County, VA Magisterial District: Samuel Miller Tax Map: 60 Parcel Number: 47 Deed Book: 741, Pg. 538 Zoning: C1/EC Building Code Use Group: B Type of Construction: 2C Automatic Sprinkler System: Yes Area: See plan Maximum Height: 65-0" Occupant Load: 50 Floor Live Load: 100 PSF Roof Live Load: 20 PSF Ground Snow Load (Pg): 25PSF Basic Wind Speed: 70MPH Wind Load Importance Factor (1): 1.0 Wind Exposure: Exposure B Building Official's Approval Approval Stamp Building Permit Number Date 1V1 -init yMap �\ 7/10/98 o JGG 9/1/98 Final Revisions for AlbCo ad Ivy " Final Comments from AIISCo JGG 10/12/98 ACSA Comments JGG 11/5/98 Final Engrg Comments a l`` 12/10/98 nn JGG r ail Minor Amend. Initial Submission JGG Date Description Mark 7/10/98 Final Submission To AlbCo JGG 9/1/98 Final Revisions for AlbCo JGG 10/1/98 Final Comments from AIISCo JGG 10/12/98 ACSA Comments JGG 11/5/98 Final Engrg Comments JGG 12/10/98 Final ACSA Comments JGG 7/15/00 Minor Amend. Initial Submission JGG 2/4/02 Parking Layout Rev. Bldg B&C JGG 7/10/02 Minor Amend. Submission PLS CAD File Name: SiteAmend.010 7/10/02 13 © USE OF THIS DRAWING DO NOT SCALE DRAWING, The Contractor shall take field measurements and verify field conditions and shall caref ul)yy compare such field measurements and conditions and other informal. known to the Contractor with the Contract Documents before commencing activities; Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contact Documents with each other and wit information furnished by the Ovtner and shall at once report to the Architect errors, inconsistencies or omissions discovered. If the Contractor performs any construction activity knowing it involves a recognized error, inconsistency or omission in the Contract Documents without oust, notice to the Architect, the Contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such performance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributable cost. The intent of the Contract Documents is to include all items necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Work by the Contractor. The Contract o„umame are complementary, and what is required by one shall be as binding a$ if required by all; performance by the Contractor shall be refired only to the extent consistent with the Contract Documents and reason af�I inferable from them as being necessary to produce the intended results. to case of conflicting requirements, the more stnngent and/or costly requirement shall apply, without change to Contract Sum or Time. Organization of the Specifications into divisions, sections and articles, and arrangement of Drawings shall not control the Contractor in dividing the Work among Subcontractors or in establishing the extent of Work to be performed by any trade. Information shown on this sheet does not authorize changes to Contract Sum or Time unless stated in a separate letter or Change Order. Information shown is subject to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Contractor is responsible for dimensions, which shall be confirmed and correlated at the site, fabrication processes, techniques of construction, quantities, the coordination of his work with all other trades and Subcontractors, and the satisfactory performance of his work, COPYRIGHT NOTICE This drawing copyright ©2002 by Sheeran Architects, The Architect retains all common law, statutory and other reserved rights, in addition to the copyright on this drawing. Unauthorized reproduction or use of this drawing is prohibited. Consent for limited reproduction or use by others shall be evidenced by signature of Sheeran Architects' personnel below. Consent for limited reproduction or use restricted to entity named below. Signature Date Limited Reproduction or Use Rights Granted to: A B C D E F G H 17 i K L M N O P 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1