HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO200500074 Plan - VSMP WPO VSMP 2006-09-13V_IEE7 r2SITY VILLAGE PHASE III Stormwater Managemerat and Erosion Control I-�Ian WPO 2005-0004 e University Village 8 v a. • \� v NEW PL ATION w 27 +� ; f n ton Villasg 9 e ZI Hunti �\ �. Ilvy Gardens 44 14 Victrli-GY M, --AP: V== E5CO0' Jack J"zi4ett Magisterial District 'lz+r� Cca t cam, I bac=� a -I 00 SIGNATUREPANEL: Albemarle County Current Development Planner. _ Albermarle County Current Development Engineer. - Albemarle County Inspections: Albermarle County Department of Fire & Rescue: — Albemarle County Service Aut 2ority: Virginia Department of Transportation: Other: -e e� p THE COX COMPANY Planners e Landscape Architects Civil Engineers - Urban Designers 220 East High Sfreet Charlottesville o Virginia 22902.(434) 295.7131 :0EF--'7FEEM13EF. 12, 2005 JA� N UAFF_'Y 30, 2000 1\4AY 30., 2COO4i JULY 20„ 20040 t::> i ---i l✓ L ( rte_ Y SHEET INDEX ■ C-0.0 Cover ❑ C-1.0 General Notes & Critical Slope Exhibit ■ C-2.0 Existing Conditions Exhibit ❑ C-2,1 property Line Exhibit ■ C-3.0 Site Plan ❑ C-4.0 Layout Plan ■ C-5.0 Storm Water Management Plan ❑ C-6.0 Koad Plan and Profile ■ C-6.1 Storm Water Piping Profiled ❑ C-6.2 Water Line Plan and Profile ■ C-7.0 Miscellaneous Site Details ❑ C-8.0 Site Lighting Ulan ■ C-9.0 Erosion and 5ediment Control Narrative ■ C-9.1 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan ❑ L-1.0 Landscape Plan ❑ L-2.0 General Landscape Details ■ Filled box fndicateo Drawing lncluded in Set t::> i ---i l✓ L ( rte_ Y TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYUNIVERSI/ TY VILLAGE AB=ABANDONED LINE r� ' = Shrubs ® = Storm Grate ASPH = ASPHALT P HAS 3 BW = BOTTOM OF WALL Tree Line Q = Storm Grate (Di -•I) CC = CONCRETE CURB J CC&G = CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA / = Water Meter 0 = Storm Grate (DI -i') CIP = CAST-IRON PIPE / � � CMP = CORRELATED METAL PIPE '��' DISTRICT / +� =Water Valve ® = Storm Floor Drain CO = STORM OR SANITARY CLEAN-OUT ' ' = Fire H ® = Down S DOND = CONDUIT CONDONCRETE SCALE; `6 "-"��' � / Hydrant pout TAX MAP PARCEL 060B2-MOO.00100 CSW = CONCRETE SIDEWALK UNIVERSITY VILLAGE OWNERS ASSOCIATION = Standpipe AUGUST Df =STORM DRAINAGE DROP INLET DB �B�1�-6e6 � / � 12 = Gas Meter / C�1 =Traffic Light Pole DIP =DUCTILE -IRON PIPE , 2003 D / REVISED OCTOBER 1, 2003 DB 1136-137,171 (PLAT) �' / ,Z Z e - Utility Pole ELEC = OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE (TOPO ADDITION) JUNE 1, 2005 M/M =Gas Valve EW = ENDWALL / -q x >--- = Guy Wire FH = FIRE HYDRANT PREPARED FOR: MD DEVELOPMENT, LLC MH TOP- �P` 637.56• 2s' owc O ' 0 � o =Clean-oUt GL = GAS LINE our= 6M.0,/ Light Pole/Lamp Post GM = GAS METER KIRK( HUGHES & ASSOCIATES�, � 00 0 = Manhole GUY = GUY ANCHOR POST OR WIRE 1 e '9 = Monitoring Well GV = GAS VALVE LAND SURVEYORS PLANNERS 1 ! I�l , 3z' OAK 'n w� / P = EI HDPE = HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE 220 EAST HIGH STREET , ` �1 / I y /°; C� Electric Vault or Manhole 9 PIPE j o � = Irrigation Control Valve IP = IRON PIPE CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 "" ,' 16• OAK ��� a� / ® =Water Vault or Manhole; _ LP = LAMP POST -�_ ---_ 3 CH U/ / � -Test Bore MB =MAIL BOX 434 2966942 � J- ' � (! � / ' � ao• OAK / (D CURB INLt-r MH =MANHOLE L -, 1'"v�' s'"2A r TOP- sr>2.46 71.18'® -Telephone Vault or Mamhofe 1 = Sanitar Sewer Structure ure PIV = POST INDICATOR VALVE 1 I ' / /g ! �� INV. OUT= 662.28' FILE: 2003-103\TOPO ADDITION\ 2003103-01.DW / 1 / ��/ _ I2 = PROPERTY LINE >f�, / / g / / -Telephone Booth or Ermergency Cali BOX 1 =Storm Drainage Structure _ I J ( �� �� ��)7 'tF�/- /L//7 ' ' / J ^ ' /• oc�'\ OCURB INLET RCP -REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE j (( f m = Telephone or Televisiorn Pedestal a-�� SD = STORM DRAIN LINE P E / / ' t �� > �� TO 7 671.2383' UNIVERSfTYVILLAGECANDOMINJIUM _ —' p =Guard Rail J UNIVERSITY VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM SP = STANDPIPE 2 !NV OUT 663.73' PHASE 2 / BUILDING NO,I - TMP06C062�0O}DD (2101-260E8) '' L� FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION=693.06' ® =Electric Junction BOX SS = SANITARY SEWER LINE i� 8� ✓ �se�A ' \ / 6 STORY BRICK W/UNDERGROUND GARAGE '-X X— = Fence ACCE 4T 3 Co_^ \ PHASE 1, DB 1136-137 TCP = TERRA COTTA (CLAY) PIPE / � ° ► / J ' /9+ '�f/ / \ / % % % / j / I I✓ 2.0 oa � u�� y TMP 06082-01-00-00-(1000 1608) Q = Electric Transformer = TELE = OVERHEAD TELEPHONE LINE O— Handrail 2 POP. , 1 • �> / 1 1M. IN { I 12 / ,\ j ��, / % It �f cl N0 `/ \ TRANS = ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER % I II / ' 6• B PEAR _ .- \ Sign Post SD TV = OVERHEAD TELEVISION LINE / ` \ `• %% VE� ` \ \ = Storm Sewer TW = TOP OF WALL LAWN l \ � Large Sign UGCR = UNDERGROUND COMPUTER LINE�_ SS Sanitary Sewer/ UGE = UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC LINE ! - J ' 10 - _ -____ _ \ Q - Post or Bollard UGT = UNDERGROUND J "`t I / / I I / I I (� – _-- --- -- — \ � �o, \ W--- = Waterline TELEPHONE LINE _ = UGTV=UNDERGRO U ND TELE VISION LINE Air Conditioning UniVHPat Pump WM=WATER METER Gasne I 7 \ -- s WMH =WATERLINE MANHOLE Benchmark WV = WATER VALVE Tl D /� x� % cFF \ _ ? = UNKNOWN OR UNVERIFIED LOCATION Deciduous Tree DOG. =DOGWOOD TREE � f V 1 I 1 �. --/ 1 1` SEDIMENT ASTRAP /G '�\\ \ TRAP LIGHTLY WOOH de BRUSHY DPEAR = BRADFORD PEAR TREE xb •�, .� l _ ___/ p Oo \ = Coniferous Tree sO° v h 111 OL i 1' w Ds f��4 i ip / / / / / / / / / P ' J) , j ( ( J� \\\� i((j �0 -- _ ( I Spot Elevation PVC V Q 26' ! 1 ` F I } ` i UGHTLY WOODED do BRUSI4Y - G `-liNn" I (�,�j f I ,f I ! I ' �o� \ 1 I ' -' ` ` �s/7x = Post Indicator Valve 1itPL OAK ! I l ` \ 1 I -� , \ b t31'14* LAWN \ ' . \ .� �w \OpEhgSF Cpl 14. NE 26 0 t , ✓ p^v� Rj� y bO�YJ I I I 1 I << E (, \ 1 \A 41411lN, t �� X/.7479 , I r \�. \ t -RT PI Ilk - /1 \ f ROCK OUTCROP67744 PAW !FL , \ TAX MAP PA5L 06DB2 00.0000100 \ 129- �AK,_,��i SATEUJTE DISH i J \ \` UNIVERSITY ViLLABEOWNERS ASSOCIATION $? �\ Q N . - f I ` /� j fj 1 i 1 J l l )/•wOFJ( J / / / / 1 j ! j \ BRtISITY� \ �Y r- __ !. •, j\ \ °\ RESIDUE It � �..,,. .� Imo, ✓}—� r) �il� / / // I ! �. �, �—� __ — t 4� to I 44" OAK DIRT ROAD 261 10 J 36. 1 j OAKIrF _ _ V \ \/ 4 �® MH TOP- 634.3° H DRY o r Z --INV. 4N- 634 1' / I / l f f(�`1} 1 / l \ /-- - `^-- LAWN \ 4� 9 / s - INV. OUT, 63j 0° - / / 4 ✓t I I 1 / / { 'r 1 \ ` } r l - - - - � �. �` - I S ��' o :0 ' V~ \� SAN.{11 PIN i I 16�E i f 1 `. i } - `"` ^•`� / �t� �' \ ��FiD� �+ / H frOP 637.8' / BED / !NV 01r�fS1.5•� i 1� I I `\ ` J `- 1- \� . \ \ e. / �`"< X24- --_ %' 1 / 1 I I I 1 -\- �— \\ R I ' 0 ! I 24 1 1 \ / \ 3" G 4- DOG. �S9 �. \ \� \ �y j j \ g� . TOP 871 4` / " 6+ 1 / ! I I i t 1 l AK ' 1 `^„'” \ \ \ &4• OAK \ " s �`` �(� \Q\11MF IN = 681.4' , / i �r MAPLE'� \ \ \ \ O o \ r x 3� R9 OUT =66,.3 / EGTA �Qp�, l l �� 1-1 §22-1 OJ I ( + 1 \ \ \\�~� \� LAWN 2� ' 14" PIE / / 30" OAK 1 t 36' \ \ \ \ \ \ DBL HIC. ?(aeaas \� \\ \ ®�5 j,�GJ�OGt \° / J / / / / I / 1 t ) I 1 ` ` \ \ \ \ \ \ _ _-- �V \ �\ \\ \ \\ ` iy� �`' \ \ o Ua INLET \ S 1 ♦ TOP= 667.57' I /r t �a 1 INV. IN= 663.8' �'1 640. \ i I ! E ' ' , \ � \ \ � � \ \ �` " Gl ex is Q�s' ~ INV. OUT= 663.0' �..' ! •`_/ ./ / / -�,, / / / ./4' 2"E _'T -"?IN .C�K -��`� `l ` •� \ \ a �''.^'// --iY / `� •�+ '� / / i TRC \ \28" \ / \ �� 5 DQL OAK i \ \\ \ \ \ TAX MAP PARCEL 060B2-WO0.00100 1 \ '� ! a t, 28" OAK / / J / \ \ \ UNIVERSITY VILLAGE DB 1867-686 ASSOCIATION K OUTCROP " , \ \ J� \ t N f / / 1 e \ DB 1622-340 (PLAT) \ \ rz4 IOAK 5 HTC' 1 DR 1136-137,171 (PLAT) / 1 h I t I 23" OAK 7 CHERRY P I � e flCURB INLET TOP- 668.62' INV, OUT= 665.42' 25* OAK OAK � y c`� � .�' � ` � � • /\� � J/ � \ BED OAK 3 UM R�ClC k�a _ \ 14'�iNE 15' OAKS 3' R UD / \ \ /LAWN ` ` / ' �\ ` / " +• _ y IN, \ \ \ BEB 3BU� r' — ' -�-.. 4+' oatPR67p4" ( 3yEDeCiD ,/ " ,I�/ � '."' `,- �, �.,• ,) `�" % O � \/ \ \,. rhiP 1 RN�� 20' NOTES- LAGE o \ 1.) TITLE SOURCE: UNIVERSITY VILLAGE OWNERS ASSOCIATION RECORDED IN DEED BQOK �- /_�..-�• �''' --s/ ��/ �,,-- '' i \ 6' PLUM _� /- J / /, / / .-' r ✓ ✓ .. 1367, PAGE 686, DEED BOOK 1622, PAGE 340 PLAT AND DEED BOOK 1136, PAGE 171 RLA1T. THIS .� � J,. ' r, , / / ,-- � 1 �- �� �_� __.- � � � � •,,, � PROPERTY IS DESIGNATED AS TAX MAP PARCEL 06082-00-00-00100 BY THE COUNTY OF --�_� ,/ �, M.H.Top 1` ALBEMARLE.. '� ;T-s�OU�3.__ 2.) BENCHMARK: U.S.G.S. MONUMENT WITH BRASS DISC STAMPED "Y 345 RESET 1959" SET IN f i LET es CONCRETE NEAR ENTRANCE TO KLUGE CHILDRENS HOSPITAL. ELEVATION = 650.47' (FE:ET) INV. IN= 6580 TAX MAP PAKRCEL 06082-0400-00100 INV. Out= 659.4' 3.) THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY; THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WERE UTILIZED IN DRAFTING THE LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES: FIELD SURVEYS OF MARKED LINES; TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS, U-TILITY MAPS, AS -BUILT PLANS, AND THE UTILITY COMPANIES. NO UNDERGROUND INVESTIGATION OF UTILITIES WAS PERFORMED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALT. DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATI(ON OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO [BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS OR HER FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE. ANY AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. UNIVERSITY VILLAGE OWNERS ASSOCIATION RESIDUE INV. OUT s 650.8' (NO END SECTION) ■ I Or THE COX COMPANY Planners -Landscape Architects Civil Engineers . Urban Designers 220 East High Street Chorlottesvllle . V1rg1fV0 22902 . j4* 295.71,31 .lob NUrnber 03-140 Developer:: MD Development, LLC One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesvjlle, VA 22903 P: 434.972.7764 F: 434.295.3203 Architect: Mitchell/ Matthews P.O. Box 5603 Charlottesville, VA 22905 P: 434.979.7550 F: 434.979.5220 EXISTING !t Job Number: 03-140 Date: DECEMBER 22, 2005 Revision: EX. DI -3B C4 ) TOP: TO REMAIN J /8 INV OUT: 662.28 EX. DI -313 Y INV IN: 662.48 TOP: TO REMAIN 0­� WOUTE STORM INV OUT: 663.73 y 'PIP E, & rRE M� INV IN: 663.83 ,THIS�SEC _TION 2_ CURB IN T 0 J !NV. OUT 662,22W 1 SY t 1 I 3 �; 4 -'�•-..._. } ..j. t r „„}' _ r..a: _'t�J { + } i �'=�;xlf'�'��° I} I-4 xv f d \YJTOP: 672.00 - (,�)CURO INLET 4' y f x'/ i TOF= B71.23* t INV OUT: 668.00 S IW4 OUT= 683.73' f CONNECT TO )g, r ..,,EX, SIDEWALK Jit i • zr jf 11 VDO ifA "'4 3 T N gl ilo f L 7Ii5 RShY VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM --C ONC UNIVER$iTY VILLAGE < NDOMINIU&I 1 3P8H _q1E BUILDING N' 1 4 PAT I , 1 P060BZ-01-4�D-00-(210fV260fl) I FIRST FLOOR ELEVA N- 493.06' J, 6STORY BRICK W.f UNDER UND OAPAGE 'A- TIM0 LJW) 1) SUBMI L 1:36-137 100q-1608) TMP W082 Y I STOPY_�0� g '\RKING GAkAGE kT-QIK HO 411 -WAY"\, a -PAR KI N ONE SPA SERVICE ENTRY ONLY (NOT FOR q FREQUENT USE I IN� TL�I; '0� jffj I J J, _'VE 4 Y V je pg 3 1>* g V4. 5G tet'a ter' �f 711�� V g g� L oo v e ti -?.icej t 20, -J. tt t 61 Z5 F t2 01_kK --- !7� V `TS'"Will ... , _n WALL ok, GAS'14NE DEPTH _3 4 1��tk' 001-" X_ BY, CHA�LOTTESVIL XAS. (CONTRACTOR`O CbORD)NATk) J mk j 2 - UNIVERSITY VILLAGE OWNERS ASSOCIATIOM DB 1867-686, DB 1622-M (PLA Z TAX MAP PARCEL 06OB2-00-00-00100 PROPOSED PHASE III SUBDIVISION 4.801 Ac. z-.�w f (D 15" ES- I INV: 653.00 DI -36, L=4' DROP MANHOLE• k 1�0c� 41 M� I RRA' RA, TOP: 671.90 via vu RIM: 671.40 INV OUT: 654.50 D, INV IN: 662.70 INV IN: 661.20 (II W 456 77'' Ppopr�4 POPS snry(It4F ;�& P n ! /-5\ DI -3B, L=8' 1iuvrilvc U810, - TOP: 673.50 RIM: 673.00 614-4 INV OUT: 665.00 QA NORTH NoteS: • All Storm Water manholes shall have inlet shaping (refer to VDOT standard IS -1) • For pavement section, see detail on sheet C-7.0. • Sanitary sewer will be connected interior to the building where the addition connects, via existing stub -outs, • See sheet C-6.2 for waterline plan and profile. • Location of "Future Phase" subject to regrading and further development. ON LET 667.57' IN= 663.V L IE TOP: 673.60 JINV OUT: 669.60 x. <DCURS INLET lop- 6m6y NtV OUT-- 66,5,42' N A N Xis X V + X1 < wa, -g 'Z' 0110,j :TLTERRA ';4! _J V, X 0107.-' PRO?SED IkM OUT (9-) DI -313, L=6' REPLACE EX. DI WITH TOP: 671.60 DI -3B, L=8'& NEW MH n\sCVR8 INLET TO - 666,22' RIM: 671.10 TOP: 666,22 11qV1 IN= 659.61 INV OUT: 663.20 R11IM: 665.72 INV� OUT-- 6514' ADD 15' EC -1 INV IN: 663.00 INV OUT: 654.50 CL. A-] INV IN: 659.60 INV. OUT 650.kjJ0 END INV IN: 659.60 A W THE COX COMPANY Planners - Landscape Architects Civil Engineers - Urban Designers 220 East High Street Charlottesville - Virginia 22.902 . (434J 295. 7131 Job Number 03-140 MD Development, LLC One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, VA 22903 P: 434.972.7764 F: 434.295,3203 Architect: Mitchell/Matthews P.O. Bax :5503 Charlottesville, VA 22905 P: 434.979.7550 F: 434.979.5220 FINAL ,SITE PLAN Cuk TIFICA TE NO, P 1-119 fi S4 0 N A LS,�A Date: July 20, 2006 Revision: November 14,2005 January 30, 2006 ---- - ----- 2006 July 20,2006 Scale - 1 301 Sheet No.: / / � / / . / ___" - . � �,Cv BOF ___� i " __. ; - I � I .11 ", � , . � f i Q il BUILD}OG SEC SA / I � I ,1 I . - � 2V / I . I ,�Z I � . / V , , ,�, - � I i ... � 1 .... �- . I -' �, !;, / " 1. 11 - . 11 5 J i 111� . � J� , .I 1� , 11 , I i , - Z F ; � "-T- -_ ,�� ,C�nr,,NC� ENDMAil I � TOP- 67-ee-- � ; I � i . i , � , :, I i i 4 t I Z � � , li' I � , � / - I 7N i I � � I , ---,MI1r , - GF2.4a' , / � ; -, ; I ; .� i , 1� . I � , \01 , - �56,24 � z ? � , ,;' . � i I I � ; , , , � : 1 � I � , , t . . "I � ____ (NV- <"T- 652 1 � 11 11 I � , 11 I .1 � , i, .28' / I i i I .1, ! 1 1 ; t / .� .'. , I I , . I � . 1 1 _____ / I, k � / I � - I ; ., f , , , , i I � . . I .: . . I , , I i �� , i : 1.� .. - i ) I � " i ! 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M ,:� . ; r f � ! 11 I i � I � , I i i I i � , J � , '. 1, 1­� I I I ", -1 I \ I - 11 I -1 , , - ., I I 1 7 1 ", , ,4 'P J , , , �, P, I I . � � 4 I—, " , ; I � 11 �, I j F " � I f , : � ; I : , , �' I - . I - � 11, ­ ,� 11� ; I I- � - 7/ 1 , ,,--- � -, ; / i, Z �cl I'll ,� � � I � I I i, �1 ,. A � I �­,�, , I �� . . ,- � ", �, I f � , , � ; ��. I . I � I , - -� . , I � ,��,�? � I �11 ­ � � i??0vul , � , � � - , f , � � �. - I / I ,� ���,.l � � :. �� __ � � � i ! . P � 11 r � , � I t " .1 I � - i I . \ i ­ � I , I � , I i � I ,' -, , 4 �`4 � /,� .�,,, I 1� I � I \ I . , '. I I � � I I U I 1 1 : I ; � 14 � . - i � � ; 1 " " � . f , � .. I- .1. 1� I - I , I 11 f s I I . DI #5* � I / . I � I I i I 1 1 1 1 � - k '. 'i �,`,, �� I , I , , i / � I . , , Pik �Tl i . . , I � I � i � � � I � � I I . I ? . . W.; ,.§ so *0 ; i : I , ,6 - � � , . , I C. 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I - . / ,' Huntington Village � ,�� ....... � , , IV 11 � / u I 1 4 � ! 11 ... ..... -1 - � I �1 I I/ I 1\ - 11- 6 � , 1-1 I - :�_ ;1 -1 ... �,� ! 0 //--,----,,, t . . / ,--t- - I i 11 - ;�, � � , ,? `,,�!­;.,,� I I I I 0 ) 11-A,�10 , - U # I ­/, "I" I � 1121 REPAIR I i 6 ,,,, ,� � \­,�?"J EX. SWALE I -1_111_1 /I - - � .. . ­ �__ I I iI- ""', I', l, / I 'J"ll-, - - " / - I . , I i � z I _.,� �7 "' I —' Ivy Gardens ­- """ I V, /I 11 I :a. � r/I ee� I 1, " 11. �, I � / Nf I - I � � � , I I Scale: I" = :3:0:9] .� ;�� ! - I I �� � .�: .,.. 11 '/ "EX. BASIN' , f } �'/ � ­",-, I / Existing SWM Basin Repair Notes: 1. Clean and Remove vegetative growth around the existing water release control device. 1 2. Remove vegetative growth from the dam (excluding ground cover.) 3. Repair scoured drainage swale leading to the basin. Provide 100' of EC -3 erosion control fabric to the southern end of the swale, starting at the point where the swale meets the water's edge. 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I I . �,., � I . TAX MAP PARCEL 06082-00-00-001 00 "I I I 'I,' , 11 � I , .11 I / '. , I � I I ., � " % , �, / ; � � I " A � I � , I- , -A"".1""; 1,121.1 ,_ - ­ I ­ 1i - � , __ . �* 1. - ,� .'� � Y_ ;,�,"�1"." 6i"',,�1,8;:� `751 Y�­ � �,,,; Z \ I � z I I I" __ , . I . , " 11 , , , � Z - , I I � .. , - � . � \ . , ., , ; � I � % t I I r - I J A . 1, � � I I � / ,,,,, I PROPOSED PHASE Ill SUBDIVISION I 11 \ .1 I I I , 1, \ \. \ "I I �� % ,%­ " , �i..., - ,1 � 1, , ,� .',�,, I - - _4% 1 �!, , �,,,?�� � -�,, � ", t � -1 1*�i < ) * .1 _--A I , � I , , � - . " I I , � I I " � ,�,z � % I I 11 I I , 4.801 Ac. . I � \ - � t . I , , � , " ,� . I I I \ 1� " -��,": ,`,,`,;,y ..� . A , � " -- �;,��`,� I,- �� . 111',�l ** I ,��,,,-'---_ I ,",�11," . - 11 - . , 1, 30 . " : �,.��",�,_, � � I � �� i I I 41__ , �, , - 0 : . . � 11 � � , , I I 4 — ; , - , ,� . , 4 I ..,;,.., AzK , � � � , . , � � I I I k ; �, � I , ��, " , , It, DI #8: ­ � ` � � vt), \ .1 I 4�,.,., , .. . ; � . . I � 11 i I f - -1 , ,,'n *?",� ", � I., - 1� , ­-, % . --- I I I I � � I � �1'11� w I I . I � "_'� _", � I It "­ I I � I'll; , 11 � I �j,);� . -1 ., ,�:::: , -Y. t& 1 � I — " "I I I . I ,-1, , - , 5 � � 1; I i I \ I �� w \ ", , I � , � � : 1, I I ; 1f I �, �:�/ i I � � I " � i ­ : 111 " . ;�,, I M,, , - . ­ .� . e 'I s�,�,"Ilp;,�J�,�',� .�\., : ,,.. " ­'­, �-. 1;��tt .,I- , � _1\ ��; � - . AREA= " , r-/-\= U. I / / 011 11 , "", �:I�e�e,"ig z _.,,, '�* ��' ,,,`,-.� _\�, , ,. I I..,. I . , I X� , , � I I I � _1_111-1- � � -1� - � I � � 57 � I � . I I .1. .1 I I I 1. 11 11 11✓ I., I � I .. � , I . 1_� ­ - , I Z� � - I,,; ` , I 11 �,��'.����--,�,�z���� I -1 I I 11 _­ ­­ I -_ .1 "I 1�1q­,,­,_ " _­ I I -I- � � '111� �,,a_,� , - ,­,g� . I I , , , � � � . I , � 'I" . , C = 0.80 I �, \ .�, I I �� 11 � ,,� 11 � ", : I N � ."', \ , , ., , . - , . � __ I " 11 .. ­ - , , �. , , I- :1 I . . , ., \ I.. I I - " g ?_ I -, I . I I I , " ; . � � , I 1\ I ,�. 1-1. � � _ I I : � " �- � � . I ,� � __ I. ,`,�', � " I ... - 4 011 .... ,, - � __ R 1� I � , ,�� I - I ­ 11 ­­ I I - . . . -11 . -1- - _­­­ .111, I . I - .1 - I I 1- I I", .- � .- 11111,11-111 I Rt � \ ,,� �,� 'i�,,�­'_ � , I (" i�i� z.,�%,�,_, -\ . 1, , ....\_. —, , -, Notes: 1. Biofilter must not be installed until the site is determined to be adeqluately stabilized by the erosion control and water resources director. 2. Contractor shall contact the water resources inspector 24 hours prior to backfilling the biofilter and request an inspection and approval of Me under -drain installation and the soil mix. Maintenance and Inspection Schedule: 1. The biofilter's side slopes and embankment shall be mowed at least twice a year. Bare (areas shall be reseeded and woody growth removed. 2. Debris and trash shall be removed at least once every two months and at times when aiccumulation prevents the structure from properly functioning. 3. Sedimentation deposition shall be continually monitored in the basin. Any accumulatioIn of sediment shall be removed. Disposal of sediment shall comply with Virginia Department of Health and Staite Regulations. 4. Inspections of the biofilter shall occur at least once a year for the following items: Visual Settlement, Cracking, Misalignment, Erosion, Adequate Groundcover, Trees or Shrubs, Rodent Holes, Seepage,, Debris, Undercutting, Scour, and General Functionality. Any problems shall be repaired immediately. 5. Embankment slopes adjacent to detention and retention basins must be 3H:1V or flatter (DSM, 503.1fl. 6. Basin Slopes, Embankment and Bottom shall be seeded with the following mixture at a rate of 7 pounds live seed per acre. . 25% Big Bluestem Andropogon gerardii 20% Virginia wild rye Elymus virginicus 20% Creeping bentgrass Agrostisstolonifera 15% Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 10% Green Sedge Carex dipsacea 5% Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta 3% New England Aster Aster novae-angliae 2% New York lronweed Vemonia noveboracensis 11 77,58.3,),, W 4, I , ,6" PRO � "), � P, PER-ryL1 6 &1P ()P, I , %"N,TtAj,�� 'U�[3 1 ' 00-4 � )O. . DBTNTLLAGJ� 1 6 � , I 5YM60L NO. L, weamma AK 3 FA 2 QF 2 gHKOP-agg-" Lgf ,��?, IG (0- ic 6 MF 6 ACEP, KUDKIUM FKAXINU5 AMERICANA QUEKCU5 PALU5TRU5 ILEX GLA13KA COMIFACT INKL3EF,RY 16' HGT, 6&13 JUNIFEKI-15 COMMUN15 COtMMON JUNIPER 15" HGT, # 5 MYRICA F'ENN5YLVANICA BAYBERRY 2'-3' HGT, #5 -(�! g - I g 3' R!A&�t-�, . _ LEGEND /s=,�M1/.Z� GP - + TREE W SHRUB GROUPING CALCULATION 5A5IN SIZE: 2170 oq. feet KE91): 10 TKEF5 & 5H12U55 I 1,000 oq. feet, 51TE REQUIRES: 22 PLANTS PROVIDED- 25 PATIO OF5HP,UI35 TO TKE55: 2.6:1 Ia •I Y ER49211SMOSARM214911MM �. -11 --- � I - I.... ­1111111_nz�,,, I . 11 " . , I I I 11. ... ..I., ,;`�11` I ... .. . Y�� - ... 1',� I �, I 11. , , 5, Y -,z e ; 111 r , - ��� �,2";,�`,,_ - 1"��I'�, " I 02.1-9. / , ­,,� - DZI " , �� ,. . r-- ,� — ,:— , , -1 , ,--- - ­` , .�­ , , -1:1,�. , ­­ I . i�.* ­ ! z, , "I �, � �_,_­ , � � , / 1. � , , I 1� ­ ­ I -, / /.1 �...-`\ " ... I / r,�"5 , L � __ — � -_ �.;/ , .. � , , ... — I I / I , - ­ -11, , � I/ / - , I , ! , , 10 . � --' I 11 5. " — " � - �� r I , -.1. . , I " ./ I ­_ ­ 1, I �� , - � ,� 11 J 11 "I . , r Z ,, ---. -I"." ­- I—' ," I -11`1 1 4, .1 ­_ 1. I—- 1-11- --­ _­­ 11 .., .,, , i I-- .� 1. 11 �, �.. ,­­ I "I'll- _-11 - I __ , ­- r,_­­�Iille�, I I 11 ___ __ __.1.1-1 ,�,,, Vjl� - � � ,-11 .11-1, __ —, e, .. V� , -Z __ , . " ,.--.. -- --- - - w. I -- -I' ' I " !i-li T — 11 , , e. . — - _1_, ­ -11 �­ POSED ?L / " 'I" I � .11-111' -­ -_1 ­­ - _1 ".11- w- "'11-- ---. --- - . ..... � _ *�._ - ??o- /I I 1, -.1 1/ ,,..., _­. --' -1- _­ -, -11- __ ­_ \ � , -1 _- - ­ - , ___ __ ". 111.11, . . ­ -,--- I _­- --­­ _ f'/ . / I / "'. , � �,- CURB Nt1T I TOP= 56622' \ :Iiv, 1�1�!659,6, 1� t`FV1 coir 5. 615914, \ FENCE - WIDTH VAKIE5 (5EE PLAN) I- TKAIL <LIMIT5 OF 1310FILTEP, SEEDING> 2. �/- 6, -/ / SEE DETAIL WK -9 FOP, 645.0 646.0 __ 1-...-.. . 510FILTER MATERIALS 645,0 � - I., __7 , _---1111 - EC -3 MATTING 31.1 644.0 \ \'- I'll' -PAP SPILLWAY 0 06 u 6" PERF. PIPE +_ 4 ( '1_� L .0 310FILTER5ECTION (TYP,) C5.0 C5,0 N.T.S. - - - I - Ar _ _n 0 L. -_ THE COX COMPANY Planners - Landscape Architects Civil Engineers - Urban Designers 220 East High Street Charlottesville - Virginia 22902 - [434J 295- 7131 Job Number: 03-740 Developer: MD Development, LLC One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, VA 22903 P: 434.972.7764- F: 434.295.3203 Architect: Mitchell./Matthews P.O. Box 5603 Charlottesville, VA 22905 P: 434.979.7550 F: 434.979.5220 I MANAGEMENT, ' i i I PLAII 1 Job Number: 03-140 ­­ - 1,11' I N OF .= r— 0 ti, k, pl� 1 4 1 -,;, N, _Rp"v6a. 1- -) FRAMKO COX J, � CER TIFICA M !I10. 4 kIQ 77119 41i "I ' s/ G N A L "- Scale: 1"=30' Sheet No.: � ^ I a I I L 7 of 16 0 Length (ft) ■ Length (ft) Stormwater Note. - Minimum Vertical Separation Water and Storm - 11-01 Sanitary and Storm - l' -G' Ar "Ar THE COX COMPANY Planners -Landscape Arctiltects Civil Engineers � Urban Designers 220 East High Street Chatottesviffe - Virg#Vo 22RO2 - [434) 2P5.7737 Job Number. 03-140 I 0 Aw Job Number: 03-140 Ot ce 4*f kit Date: April 4, 2006 Revision: Sepjember 12,2005 November 14,2005 Janua rM A pri 14, 2006 Scale: VERT. I"= 5' HORZ I AC THE COX COMPANY bi' i81N. Planners ° Landscape Architects Civil Engineers ° Urban Designers 220 East High Street Chailotiesviilie-iirgini 22902c1434)2PS- Tl l :� "rF F�'F _'i, :�;,', _ t`:^�'i-F, _a ;...,z'.:,. -s, err l.�'�' `�'•' 4 �x;' ,,,:Jt - ,. ,r,'�.v .z�, _ .� Sw � ,� ;-. .fs ..�,.\ia_ Cl.:;�,.w.ar 't:�,>�--.}q�. r, ..h.>c.� „�r`.-..,:-. r'.^�cr.ai^•" .,t' } �� �..i.i r�... i . Ji r.: _ ^^.I ._/' ; ` }..4 - i : 5 , 3 r` 7�z:"�' `✓��; s; .r"'_..'_ J! __ o v i )j j} i / 'I, <%.�h ...- ;;s:::iF,";�3.sz.»p,-. _. f_ ..• 7'.',}.J;5a,._.. i`s t.v i: '.f7, r.�'n`�',5. ;.� °'i:=,✓:-moi�rc,,.- T.r:'a6-�,: f.k�{.. •rrS�,. ,'>>;.,-.•: sr•�,;;rteryrI'�'.`.;rri-..4�.�y°f.:.- . i/` ..k�:., f:'•.3.^i,�/''s'"_.z .`?,I,.l.^a ;:,:i ' �,.r, x'�„r,�/' tic.�<./'e?-v-,..1:s;.;.::.�'zi.c . .... OFO Devel0ci`131 1}1 MD De E TO velo rne %t, LLCAGGREGATE BASE i-AY,'%,-�>%>z tDRAIN TO INVERT- 41. NVERT- One Boar's Head Pointe OUTLEETPPE SECTION AGGREGATE BASE MATERIAL - -- A 22903 I Charlottesville, P 1 NO 21 A SLIBGRAL7E s DA No WE ty�� _.; ;.___. > METHOD OF TREATMENT IN DROP INLETS 1 6 I •�" --••• j P: 434.2'95.3203 W MIN. ? I _;.,�,_.:�.. I.'__.._,..:.y..✓. _�_..__ TRANSITION BETWEEN PIPE DIAMETERS y„Ste'�.t: COMPACTED SUBGRADE WHEN DIFFERENT SIZES OF PIPES ! 3? WIN. Architect:11 CBR = 10 ARE ENCOUNTERED. _ SLOPE TO DRAIN ¢ -I Mitchell/ Matthews To INVERT NOTES: �\ �\ a+ OUTLET PIPEF P.O. Box 333 v SHAPING OF MANHOLE AND INLET INVERTS 1N ACCORDANCE WITH \ \ 12* MIN, MNCNLiT LOOKING 4S5E SLY CharlotLesv111e, �A 22905 �����T I P. THIS DRAWING IS TO APPLY TO THOSE STRUCTURES SPECIFIED \ \ ON PLANS OR WHERE INVERT OF PIPE IS ABOVE INVERT OF ° �.. P: 43/4.979.7550STRUCTURE. / 1 ° -,r r __. 1: 43499.5220 NOT T ALE MANHOLE OR DROP INLET IS TO BE FORMED AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARD OR SPECIAL DRAWING, BYpA / / THE INVERT SHAPING AS DETAILED HEREON IS TO CONSIST OF A / �, CG -6 (TYP.) PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE MIX CONFORMING TO CLASS A3 OR JJJ a° 1 CLASS C1, EXCEPT THAT 25X OF COARSE AGGREGATE MAY BE f UP TO 4" IN DIAMETER AND CONSIST OF STONE, BROKEN BRICK, NOT TO SCALE BROKEN CONCRETE OR BROKEN CONCRETE BLOCK. THE SURFACE SHALL BE LEFT SMOOTH BY MEANS OF HAND TROWELLING. NONE OF THE COARSE AGGREGATE SHALL REMAIN EXPOSED. NOTES: ...° DETAILS OF INVERT SHAPING AS SHOWN HEREON ARE FOR EXAMPLE --� o a 1. PROVIDE A 6' THICK GRAVEL IREQ ENEATY THE ME i R VAULT, ONLY. EACH MANHOLE DROP INLET IS TO BE SHAPED - 2, POUR -IN-PLACE VAULTS SHALL BE 4". INDIVIDUALLY TO BEST FIT THE PARR MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR PRECAST OR POUR TICULAR INLET AND OUTLET CONFIGURATION AND FLOW LINES. SECTION B -B MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR VAULTS CONSTRUCTED OF MASONARY BLOCK SHALL 810 8" PLAN 3. THE OUTSIDE OF THE VAULT BELOW GRADE SHALL BE COATED WITH AN APPROVED WATER PROOFING COMPOUND, 4" CONCRETE 3000 PSI HIGH AIR ENTRAINMENT METHOD OF TREATMENT IN MANHOLES SPECIFICATION REFERENCE STANDARD METHOD OF SHAPING MANHOLE & INLET INVERTS It�ON STMETER WWF 6X6 - LID 302 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TYPICAL, -- VAULT (2" METER)-^ W2.9 X 02'9 IDTH VARIES, SEE PLAN LIGHT BROOM FINISH THREADED PLUG ,Io�,D$ FIG. w 7C FINISH GRADE MIN WIDTH = 6`-6" CLEANOUT ADAPT -09 1/4":1' SLOPE EINI'3HED 690UNO I— A' = _ � . d „ (Y' CONC. DING) f( 81 -(Yl— �'-o" — _ $,-0„ ...v} t I _'sa._""<5, a - .. as _-.£...• .•4 t 1-----5 I-� } I ADJUSTABLE VALVE SOX 2" x 4" RAILING „ 6,r " x 4" x 48" POST W/ FRINGE J 2" x2" BALUSTERS VOOT NO. ,21A 3TON>E (, A : T C9SPREAD 6 O.C. 6" COMPACTED AGGREGATES -O" BASE - VDOT #21-A 3/8" EXPANSION JOINT COMPACTED SUBGRADECLEANOUT SAW CUT CONTROL JOINTS, MAX; 6 O.C. CBR =10 EXPANSION JOINTS, MAX 30' O.C. 42„ WHERE SIDEWALK MEETS CURB WIDTH SHALL BE 6' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TRAIL U_ TRAIL SECTION AA £ 1/4"x 6 TIMBER DECKINGSIDEWALK _: I r • d NOT TO—SCALE OE'CTION ) 2� 2" x 10" (TYP.) �- A NOTE: 12" x IB" x 12" PRECAST (TYP.) * ALL TIMBER TO BE ACQ PRESSURE TREATED. POST BLOCK `1 * CONTRACTOR SHALL USE APPROPRIATE HARDWARE ASSOCIATED W/ ACQ TREATED TIMBER. TIMBER BRIDGE FLAN NOT TO SCALE < cfl ' f 6„ W 6" PAVEMENT { � � FILTERRA r � ��1� ` G-2 --- FLUME (CROWNED AND SLOPED THROAT FLUME (SLOPED TOWARD C. lYr+ "'Yam 1 NOT TO SCALE i ------ ------ TOWARD FILTERRA THROATS) OPENING FILTERRA THROAT) FILTERRA PRECAST 4" MIN PRECAST FILTERRA THROAT FILTERRA 6" MAX 1 I TOP SLAB (TYP) GUTTER TRANSITION OPENING TOP SLAB SITE I I INLET SHAPING CURB TO PROVIDE POSITIVE (nP) I i (BY OTHERS) DRAINAGE TO THROAT P NTNG 1 I OE S kT A i A DEA -� It CAST -IN-PLACE I I 4" I MIN FLUME & GUTTER PRECAST 6" MAX I I FILTERRA DOWEL Job Number: EDGE OF CONCRETE i j BOX WALL `' i'' CAST -IN-PLACE GUTTER TRANSITION TO I i (TVP) FLUME &GUTTER DOWEL PRECAST PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE �� n° FOOTING (2" ROUND DiAM.) I (TVP) FILTERRA TO THROAT OPENING 03-1 40 °!.{ I ! ! NOT TO SCALE ANCHOR BOLT HOLES PER L ------I- ----- . SECTIONS VIEWS OF FILTERRA IN FLUME APPLICATIONS PLAN �- CURB (BY OTHERS) SEE BELOW FflR DETAILS NOT SHOWN NTS MANUFACTURER �— �tR ®F SDR -35 PVC COUPLING �.AN VIEW SEAL 1/2" DEEP CAST INTO PRECAST BOX WALL �•.... HOLE W/ MORTAR (OUTLET PIPE LOCATION VARIES) CLEANOUT PLANT AS SUPPLIED CAST -IN-PLACE CURB AND PRECAST TOP SLAB c� ELAN CO FIXTURE &POLE HEIGHT: COVER BY AMERICAST GUTTER ON EITHER SIDE OF C* TI�ICATENO. (NOT SHOWN FILTERRA (BY CONTRACTOR)g 2-3 KEBABS (20' Height) TREE FRAME &GRATE TOP SLAB FOR CLCAST IN ARITY) ANGLEGALVANOSING_..4¢" CAST IN TOP SLAB ,� -- -- — TOP SLAB CURB AND GUTTER d / C N A L HANDHOLE SQUARE ALUMINUM COVER PLATE r (BY OTHERS) �t 9� INTERLOCKING JOINT (TYP) 776 0 �/ W/ TYP. GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTf STREET a LONG 2 GROUNDING LUG a 2,i ..°.,..'. --� ° ° .° ° \, ( °° Date: d n.. ...1V1i.dy 30, 2006 #10 BARE GROUND 6 #6 VERTICAL REBARS WITH n 9" WIRE IN Y2" HEAVY #3 TIES 12" O.C. _ � ~ � WALL P.V.C. CONDUIT - - - ° 4 - {EXCEPT aQ 3" O.C. FOR TOP 2 TIES) N - - DOWEL BARS -- - s d ' _ _d° 4" MIN / 6" MAX i�eViSltii: ,+ a > _ ® 12" O.C. ° �.. ° OPENINGt� t�'il t?i0 05 C ` 3 `t z 4 ° CLEAR THROAT FINISHED GRADE _ _ FILTER MEDIA PROVIDED , SECTION BY AMERICAST d' d ° ° CAST -IN-PLACE DEPRESSED November 14, 2®OS �,. - vL 1 r BACKFILL AND SEED - ^.° GUTTER AT THROAT OPENING d 21-10" UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM (BY CONTRACTOR) January 30, 2006 i TYP MULCH PROVIDED BY AMERICAST (0 BY AMERICAST May 30, 2006 SECTION A. I I <' THROAT PROTECTION DEVICE TRANSITION TO DEPRESSED ,-o �Q„ GUTTER AT THROAT OPENING DO N PLOT REMOVUNTILE LEAVE IS INSTALL ELECTRIC WIRE i I° AND 1” (TYP.) CONDUIT MIN. 00 1 _ TWO FEET BELOW GRADE V4" X 10'-0° K COPPER CLAD ROUND GROUND ROD 9j'> MIN. 3" TYP. DESIGNATION L W IS -1 OUTLET PIPE ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACE COARSE 4 8' WN. I • 17'.5" 4'-0" (1) TYPE SM -9.5A 4 PVC 8 x 4 STANDARD CG -6 4'-0" (1) 3x3 4" SDR -35 ASPHALT CONCRETE BASE COARSE 8 x 6 8'-0" 6'-0" (1) 4x4 4" SDR -35 PVC 10 x TYPE BM -25.0 10'-0" SHAPE TO ELEVATION (1) 4x4 j 1=1 I PVC OF MIDPOINT OF LARGEST PIPE. 6 SURFACE COURSE SV"7,5 A Gr (2) 44 6" SDR -35 PVC <y CONTOURSHAPE TO I of PPE ! I 4 I �1 z BASE COURSE BM 25.0 3� 4 11 U r'`.�<J t1C. j.,/C .:;.✓:c 1;-. 11�r_!.4;.�":- s_l ,j'.'-., �.5_r'�„'-;�-::.f:, �; _�{'� t— � AC THE COX COMPANY bi' i81N. Planners ° Landscape Architects Civil Engineers ° Urban Designers 220 East High Street Chailotiesviilie-iirgini 22902c1434)2PS- Tl l :� "rF F�'F _'i, :�;,', _ t`:^�'i-F, _a ;...,z'.:,. -s, err l.�'�' `�'•' 4 �x;' ,,,:Jt - ,. ,r,'�.v .z�, _ .� Sw � ,� ;-. .fs ..�,.\ia_ Cl.:;�,.w.ar 't:�,>�--.}q�. r, ..h.>c.� „�r`.-..,:-. r'.^�cr.ai^•" .,t' } �� �..i.i r�... i . Ji r.: _ ^^.I ._/' ; ` }..4 - i : 5 , 3 r` 7�z:"�' `✓��; s; .r"'_..'_ J! __ o v i )j j} i / 'I, <%.�h ...- ;;s:::iF,";�3.sz.»p,-. _. f_ ..• 7'.',}.J;5a,._.. i`s t.v i: '.f7, r.�'n`�',5. ;.� °'i:=,✓:-moi�rc,,.- T.r:'a6-�,: f.k�{.. •rrS�,. ,'>>;.,-.•: sr•�,;;rteryrI'�'.`.;rri-..4�.�y°f.:.- . i/` ..k�:., f:'•.3.^i,�/''s'"_.z .`?,I,.l.^a ;:,:i ' �,.r, x'�„r,�/' tic.�<./'e?-v-,..1:s;.;.::.�'zi.c . .... OFO Devel0ci`131 1}1 MD De E TO velo rne %t, LLCAGGREGATE BASE i-AY,'%,-�>%>z tDRAIN TO INVERT- 41. NVERT- One Boar's Head Pointe OUTLEETPPE SECTION AGGREGATE BASE MATERIAL - -- A 22903 I Charlottesville, P 1 NO 21 A SLIBGRAL7E s DA No WE ty�� _.; ;.___. > METHOD OF TREATMENT IN DROP INLETS 1 6 I •�" --••• j P: 434.2'95.3203 W MIN. ? I _;.,�,_.:�.. I.'__.._,..:.y..✓. _�_..__ TRANSITION BETWEEN PIPE DIAMETERS y„Ste'�.t: COMPACTED SUBGRADE WHEN DIFFERENT SIZES OF PIPES ! 3? WIN. Architect:11 CBR = 10 ARE ENCOUNTERED. _ SLOPE TO DRAIN ¢ -I Mitchell/ Matthews To INVERT NOTES: �\ �\ a+ OUTLET PIPEF P.O. Box 333 v SHAPING OF MANHOLE AND INLET INVERTS 1N ACCORDANCE WITH \ \ 12* MIN, MNCNLiT LOOKING 4S5E SLY CharlotLesv111e, �A 22905 �����T I P. THIS DRAWING IS TO APPLY TO THOSE STRUCTURES SPECIFIED \ \ ON PLANS OR WHERE INVERT OF PIPE IS ABOVE INVERT OF ° �.. P: 43/4.979.7550STRUCTURE. / 1 ° -,r r __. 1: 43499.5220 NOT T ALE MANHOLE OR DROP INLET IS TO BE FORMED AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARD OR SPECIAL DRAWING, BYpA / / THE INVERT SHAPING AS DETAILED HEREON IS TO CONSIST OF A / �, CG -6 (TYP.) PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE MIX CONFORMING TO CLASS A3 OR JJJ a° 1 CLASS C1, EXCEPT THAT 25X OF COARSE AGGREGATE MAY BE f UP TO 4" IN DIAMETER AND CONSIST OF STONE, BROKEN BRICK, NOT TO SCALE BROKEN CONCRETE OR BROKEN CONCRETE BLOCK. THE SURFACE SHALL BE LEFT SMOOTH BY MEANS OF HAND TROWELLING. NONE OF THE COARSE AGGREGATE SHALL REMAIN EXPOSED. NOTES: ...° DETAILS OF INVERT SHAPING AS SHOWN HEREON ARE FOR EXAMPLE --� o a 1. PROVIDE A 6' THICK GRAVEL IREQ ENEATY THE ME i R VAULT, ONLY. EACH MANHOLE DROP INLET IS TO BE SHAPED - 2, POUR -IN-PLACE VAULTS SHALL BE 4". INDIVIDUALLY TO BEST FIT THE PARR MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR PRECAST OR POUR TICULAR INLET AND OUTLET CONFIGURATION AND FLOW LINES. SECTION B -B MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR VAULTS CONSTRUCTED OF MASONARY BLOCK SHALL 810 8" PLAN 3. THE OUTSIDE OF THE VAULT BELOW GRADE SHALL BE COATED WITH AN APPROVED WATER PROOFING COMPOUND, 4" CONCRETE 3000 PSI HIGH AIR ENTRAINMENT METHOD OF TREATMENT IN MANHOLES SPECIFICATION REFERENCE STANDARD METHOD OF SHAPING MANHOLE & INLET INVERTS It�ON STMETER WWF 6X6 - LID 302 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TYPICAL, -- VAULT (2" METER)-^ W2.9 X 02'9 IDTH VARIES, SEE PLAN LIGHT BROOM FINISH THREADED PLUG ,Io�,D$ FIG. w 7C FINISH GRADE MIN WIDTH = 6`-6" CLEANOUT ADAPT -09 1/4":1' SLOPE EINI'3HED 690UNO I— A' = _ � . d „ (Y' CONC. DING) f( 81 -(Yl— �'-o" — _ $,-0„ ...v} t I _'sa._""<5, a - .. as _-.£...• .•4 t 1-----5 I-� } I ADJUSTABLE VALVE SOX 2" x 4" RAILING „ 6,r " x 4" x 48" POST W/ FRINGE J 2" x2" BALUSTERS VOOT NO. ,21A 3TON>E (, A : T C9SPREAD 6 O.C. 6" COMPACTED AGGREGATES -O" BASE - VDOT #21-A 3/8" EXPANSION JOINT COMPACTED SUBGRADECLEANOUT SAW CUT CONTROL JOINTS, MAX; 6 O.C. CBR =10 EXPANSION JOINTS, MAX 30' O.C. 42„ WHERE SIDEWALK MEETS CURB WIDTH SHALL BE 6' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TRAIL U_ TRAIL SECTION AA £ 1/4"x 6 TIMBER DECKINGSIDEWALK _: I r • d NOT TO—SCALE OE'CTION ) 2� 2" x 10" (TYP.) �- A NOTE: 12" x IB" x 12" PRECAST (TYP.) * ALL TIMBER TO BE ACQ PRESSURE TREATED. POST BLOCK `1 * CONTRACTOR SHALL USE APPROPRIATE HARDWARE ASSOCIATED W/ ACQ TREATED TIMBER. TIMBER BRIDGE FLAN NOT TO SCALE < cfl ' f 6„ W 6" PAVEMENT { � � FILTERRA r � ��1� ` G-2 --- FLUME (CROWNED AND SLOPED THROAT FLUME (SLOPED TOWARD C. lYr+ "'Yam 1 NOT TO SCALE i ------ ------ TOWARD FILTERRA THROATS) OPENING FILTERRA THROAT) FILTERRA PRECAST 4" MIN PRECAST FILTERRA THROAT FILTERRA 6" MAX 1 I TOP SLAB (TYP) GUTTER TRANSITION OPENING TOP SLAB SITE I I INLET SHAPING CURB TO PROVIDE POSITIVE (nP) I i (BY OTHERS) DRAINAGE TO THROAT P NTNG 1 I OE S kT A i A DEA -� It CAST -IN-PLACE I I 4" I MIN FLUME & GUTTER PRECAST 6" MAX I I FILTERRA DOWEL Job Number: EDGE OF CONCRETE i j BOX WALL `' i'' CAST -IN-PLACE GUTTER TRANSITION TO I i (TVP) FLUME &GUTTER DOWEL PRECAST PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE �� n° FOOTING (2" ROUND DiAM.) I (TVP) FILTERRA TO THROAT OPENING 03-1 40 °!.{ I ! ! NOT TO SCALE ANCHOR BOLT HOLES PER L ------I- ----- . SECTIONS VIEWS OF FILTERRA IN FLUME APPLICATIONS PLAN �- CURB (BY OTHERS) SEE BELOW FflR DETAILS NOT SHOWN NTS MANUFACTURER �— �tR ®F SDR -35 PVC COUPLING �.AN VIEW SEAL 1/2" DEEP CAST INTO PRECAST BOX WALL �•.... HOLE W/ MORTAR (OUTLET PIPE LOCATION VARIES) CLEANOUT PLANT AS SUPPLIED CAST -IN-PLACE CURB AND PRECAST TOP SLAB c� ELAN CO FIXTURE &POLE HEIGHT: COVER BY AMERICAST GUTTER ON EITHER SIDE OF C* TI�ICATENO. (NOT SHOWN FILTERRA (BY CONTRACTOR)g 2-3 KEBABS (20' Height) TREE FRAME &GRATE TOP SLAB FOR CLCAST IN ARITY) ANGLEGALVANOSING_..4¢" CAST IN TOP SLAB ,� -- -- — TOP SLAB CURB AND GUTTER d / C N A L HANDHOLE SQUARE ALUMINUM COVER PLATE r (BY OTHERS) �t 9� INTERLOCKING JOINT (TYP) 776 0 �/ W/ TYP. GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTf STREET a LONG 2 GROUNDING LUG a 2,i ..°.,..'. --� ° ° .° ° \, ( °° Date: d n.. ...1V1i.dy 30, 2006 #10 BARE GROUND 6 #6 VERTICAL REBARS WITH n 9" WIRE IN Y2" HEAVY #3 TIES 12" O.C. _ � ~ � WALL P.V.C. CONDUIT - - - ° 4 - {EXCEPT aQ 3" O.C. FOR TOP 2 TIES) N - - DOWEL BARS -- - s d ' _ _d° 4" MIN / 6" MAX i�eViSltii: ,+ a > _ ® 12" O.C. ° �.. ° OPENINGt� t�'il t?i0 05 C ` 3 `t z 4 ° CLEAR THROAT FINISHED GRADE _ _ FILTER MEDIA PROVIDED , SECTION BY AMERICAST d' d ° ° CAST -IN-PLACE DEPRESSED November 14, 2®OS �,. - vL 1 r BACKFILL AND SEED - ^.° GUTTER AT THROAT OPENING d 21-10" UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM (BY CONTRACTOR) January 30, 2006 i TYP MULCH PROVIDED BY AMERICAST (0 BY AMERICAST May 30, 2006 SECTION A. I I <' THROAT PROTECTION DEVICE TRANSITION TO DEPRESSED ,-o �Q„ GUTTER AT THROAT OPENING DO N PLOT REMOVUNTILE LEAVE IS INSTALL ELECTRIC WIRE i I° AND 1” (TYP.) CONDUIT MIN. 00 1 _ TWO FEET BELOW GRADE V4" X 10'-0° K COPPER CLAD ROUND GROUND ROD 9j'> MIN. 3" TYP. DESIGNATION L W TREE GRATE QTY & SIZE OUTLET PIPE 6 x 4 8' WN. I • 17'.5" 4'-0" (1) (22.S" FOR COMPOUND WTM) 4 PVC AC THE COX COMPANY bi' i81N. Planners ° Landscape Architects Civil Engineers ° Urban Designers 220 East High Street Chailotiesviilie-iirgini 22902c1434)2PS- Tl l :� "rF F�'F _'i, :�;,', _ t`:^�'i-F, _a ;...,z'.:,. -s, err l.�'�' `�'•' 4 �x;' ,,,:Jt - ,. ,r,'�.v .z�, _ .� Sw � ,� ;-. .fs ..�,.\ia_ Cl.:;�,.w.ar 't:�,>�--.}q�. r, ..h.>c.� „�r`.-..,:-. r'.^�cr.ai^•" .,t' } �� �..i.i r�... i . Ji r.: _ ^^.I ._/' ; ` }..4 - i : 5 , 3 r` 7�z:"�' `✓��; s; .r"'_..'_ J! __ o v i )j j} i / 'I, <%.�h ...- ;;s:::iF,";�3.sz.»p,-. _. f_ ..• 7'.',}.J;5a,._.. i`s t.v i: '.f7, r.�'n`�',5. ;.� °'i:=,✓:-moi�rc,,.- T.r:'a6-�,: f.k�{.. •rrS�,. ,'>>;.,-.•: sr•�,;;rteryrI'�'.`.;rri-..4�.�y°f.:.- . i/` ..k�:., f:'•.3.^i,�/''s'"_.z .`?,I,.l.^a ;:,:i ' �,.r, x'�„r,�/' tic.�<./'e?-v-,..1:s;.;.::.�'zi.c . .... OFO Devel0ci`131 1}1 MD De E TO velo rne %t, LLCAGGREGATE BASE i-AY,'%,-�>%>z tDRAIN TO INVERT- 41. NVERT- One Boar's Head Pointe OUTLEETPPE SECTION AGGREGATE BASE MATERIAL - -- A 22903 I Charlottesville, P 1 NO 21 A SLIBGRAL7E s DA No WE ty�� _.; ;.___. > METHOD OF TREATMENT IN DROP INLETS 1 6 I •�" --••• j P: 434.2'95.3203 W MIN. ? I _;.,�,_.:�.. I.'__.._,..:.y..✓. _�_..__ TRANSITION BETWEEN PIPE DIAMETERS y„Ste'�.t: COMPACTED SUBGRADE WHEN DIFFERENT SIZES OF PIPES ! 3? WIN. Architect:11 CBR = 10 ARE ENCOUNTERED. _ SLOPE TO DRAIN ¢ -I Mitchell/ Matthews To INVERT NOTES: �\ �\ a+ OUTLET PIPEF P.O. Box 333 v SHAPING OF MANHOLE AND INLET INVERTS 1N ACCORDANCE WITH \ \ 12* MIN, MNCNLiT LOOKING 4S5E SLY CharlotLesv111e, �A 22905 �����T I P. THIS DRAWING IS TO APPLY TO THOSE STRUCTURES SPECIFIED \ \ ON PLANS OR WHERE INVERT OF PIPE IS ABOVE INVERT OF ° �.. P: 43/4.979.7550STRUCTURE. / 1 ° -,r r __. 1: 43499.5220 NOT T ALE MANHOLE OR DROP INLET IS TO BE FORMED AND CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARD OR SPECIAL DRAWING, BYpA / / THE INVERT SHAPING AS DETAILED HEREON IS TO CONSIST OF A / �, CG -6 (TYP.) PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE MIX CONFORMING TO CLASS A3 OR JJJ a° 1 CLASS C1, EXCEPT THAT 25X OF COARSE AGGREGATE MAY BE f UP TO 4" IN DIAMETER AND CONSIST OF STONE, BROKEN BRICK, NOT TO SCALE BROKEN CONCRETE OR BROKEN CONCRETE BLOCK. THE SURFACE SHALL BE LEFT SMOOTH BY MEANS OF HAND TROWELLING. NONE OF THE COARSE AGGREGATE SHALL REMAIN EXPOSED. NOTES: ...° DETAILS OF INVERT SHAPING AS SHOWN HEREON ARE FOR EXAMPLE --� o a 1. PROVIDE A 6' THICK GRAVEL IREQ ENEATY THE ME i R VAULT, ONLY. EACH MANHOLE DROP INLET IS TO BE SHAPED - 2, POUR -IN-PLACE VAULTS SHALL BE 4". INDIVIDUALLY TO BEST FIT THE PARR MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR PRECAST OR POUR TICULAR INLET AND OUTLET CONFIGURATION AND FLOW LINES. SECTION B -B MINIMUM WALL THICKNESS FOR VAULTS CONSTRUCTED OF MASONARY BLOCK SHALL 810 8" PLAN 3. THE OUTSIDE OF THE VAULT BELOW GRADE SHALL BE COATED WITH AN APPROVED WATER PROOFING COMPOUND, 4" CONCRETE 3000 PSI HIGH AIR ENTRAINMENT METHOD OF TREATMENT IN MANHOLES SPECIFICATION REFERENCE STANDARD METHOD OF SHAPING MANHOLE & INLET INVERTS It�ON STMETER WWF 6X6 - LID 302 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TYPICAL, -- VAULT (2" METER)-^ W2.9 X 02'9 IDTH VARIES, SEE PLAN LIGHT BROOM FINISH THREADED PLUG ,Io�,D$ FIG. w 7C FINISH GRADE MIN WIDTH = 6`-6" CLEANOUT ADAPT -09 1/4":1' SLOPE EINI'3HED 690UNO I— A' = _ � . d „ (Y' CONC. DING) f( 81 -(Yl— �'-o" — _ $,-0„ ...v} t I _'sa._""<5, a - .. as _-.£...• .•4 t 1-----5 I-� } I ADJUSTABLE VALVE SOX 2" x 4" RAILING „ 6,r " x 4" x 48" POST W/ FRINGE J 2" x2" BALUSTERS VOOT NO. ,21A 3TON>E (, A : T C9SPREAD 6 O.C. 6" COMPACTED AGGREGATES -O" BASE - VDOT #21-A 3/8" EXPANSION JOINT COMPACTED SUBGRADECLEANOUT SAW CUT CONTROL JOINTS, MAX; 6 O.C. CBR =10 EXPANSION JOINTS, MAX 30' O.C. 42„ WHERE SIDEWALK MEETS CURB WIDTH SHALL BE 6' UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED TRAIL U_ TRAIL SECTION AA £ 1/4"x 6 TIMBER DECKINGSIDEWALK _: I r • d NOT TO—SCALE OE'CTION ) 2� 2" x 10" (TYP.) �- A NOTE: 12" x IB" x 12" PRECAST (TYP.) * ALL TIMBER TO BE ACQ PRESSURE TREATED. POST BLOCK `1 * CONTRACTOR SHALL USE APPROPRIATE HARDWARE ASSOCIATED W/ ACQ TREATED TIMBER. TIMBER BRIDGE FLAN NOT TO SCALE < cfl ' f 6„ W 6" PAVEMENT { � � FILTERRA r � ��1� ` G-2 --- FLUME (CROWNED AND SLOPED THROAT FLUME (SLOPED TOWARD C. lYr+ "'Yam 1 NOT TO SCALE i ------ ------ TOWARD FILTERRA THROATS) OPENING FILTERRA THROAT) FILTERRA PRECAST 4" MIN PRECAST FILTERRA THROAT FILTERRA 6" MAX 1 I TOP SLAB (TYP) GUTTER TRANSITION OPENING TOP SLAB SITE I I INLET SHAPING CURB TO PROVIDE POSITIVE (nP) I i (BY OTHERS) DRAINAGE TO THROAT P NTNG 1 I OE S kT A i A DEA -� It CAST -IN-PLACE I I 4" I MIN FLUME & GUTTER PRECAST 6" MAX I I FILTERRA DOWEL Job Number: EDGE OF CONCRETE i j BOX WALL `' i'' CAST -IN-PLACE GUTTER TRANSITION TO I i (TVP) FLUME &GUTTER DOWEL PRECAST PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE �� n° FOOTING (2" ROUND DiAM.) I (TVP) FILTERRA TO THROAT OPENING 03-1 40 °!.{ I ! ! NOT TO SCALE ANCHOR BOLT HOLES PER L ------I- ----- . SECTIONS VIEWS OF FILTERRA IN FLUME APPLICATIONS PLAN �- CURB (BY OTHERS) SEE BELOW FflR DETAILS NOT SHOWN NTS MANUFACTURER �— �tR ®F SDR -35 PVC COUPLING �.AN VIEW SEAL 1/2" DEEP CAST INTO PRECAST BOX WALL �•.... HOLE W/ MORTAR (OUTLET PIPE LOCATION VARIES) CLEANOUT PLANT AS SUPPLIED CAST -IN-PLACE CURB AND PRECAST TOP SLAB c� ELAN CO FIXTURE &POLE HEIGHT: COVER BY AMERICAST GUTTER ON EITHER SIDE OF C* TI�ICATENO. (NOT SHOWN FILTERRA (BY CONTRACTOR)g 2-3 KEBABS (20' Height) TREE FRAME &GRATE TOP SLAB FOR CLCAST IN ARITY) ANGLEGALVANOSING_..4¢" CAST IN TOP SLAB ,� -- -- — TOP SLAB CURB AND GUTTER d / C N A L HANDHOLE SQUARE ALUMINUM COVER PLATE r (BY OTHERS) �t 9� INTERLOCKING JOINT (TYP) 776 0 �/ W/ TYP. GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTf STREET a LONG 2 GROUNDING LUG a 2,i ..°.,..'. --� ° ° .° ° \, ( °° Date: d n.. ...1V1i.dy 30, 2006 #10 BARE GROUND 6 #6 VERTICAL REBARS WITH n 9" WIRE IN Y2" HEAVY #3 TIES 12" O.C. _ � ~ � WALL P.V.C. CONDUIT - - - ° 4 - {EXCEPT aQ 3" O.C. FOR TOP 2 TIES) N - - DOWEL BARS -- - s d ' _ _d° 4" MIN / 6" MAX i�eViSltii: ,+ a > _ ® 12" O.C. ° �.. ° OPENINGt� t�'il t?i0 05 C ` 3 `t z 4 ° CLEAR THROAT FINISHED GRADE _ _ FILTER MEDIA PROVIDED , SECTION BY AMERICAST d' d ° ° CAST -IN-PLACE DEPRESSED November 14, 2®OS �,. - vL 1 r BACKFILL AND SEED - ^.° GUTTER AT THROAT OPENING d 21-10" UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM (BY CONTRACTOR) January 30, 2006 i TYP MULCH PROVIDED BY AMERICAST (0 BY AMERICAST May 30, 2006 SECTION A. I I <' THROAT PROTECTION DEVICE TRANSITION TO DEPRESSED ,-o �Q„ GUTTER AT THROAT OPENING DO N PLOT REMOVUNTILE LEAVE IS INSTALL ELECTRIC WIRE i I° AND 1” (TYP.) CONDUIT MIN. 00 1 _ TWO FEET BELOW GRADE V4" X 10'-0° K COPPER CLAD ROUND GROUND ROD 9j'> MIN. 3" TYP. DESIGNATION L W TREE GRATE QTY & SIZE OUTLET PIPE 6 x 4 6'-0" 4'-0" (1) 3x3 4" SDR -35 PVC 8 x 4 8'-0" 4'-0" (1) 3x3 4" SDR -35 PVC 8 x 6 8'-0" 6'-0" (1) 4x4 4" SDR -35 PVC 10 x 6 10'-0" 6'-0" (1) 4x4 6" SDR -35 PVC 12 x 6 12'-0" 6'-0" (2) 44 6" SDR -35 PVC #4 DOWEL BARS 0 12" O.C, BY AMERICAST i � STABILIZED AND FILTERRA TO BE BENT AS NECESSARY BY CONTRACTOR 11 IS ACTIVATED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF FIELD POURED GUTTER Scale: PRECAST BOX WALL AS N®TeCI SECTION VIEW Sheet®„ FILTERRA THROAT OPENING ALL SIDES DRAWING AVAILABLE IN TIF FILE FORMAT. DRAWING AVAILABLE IN TIF FILE FORMAT. DATE: 12-22-04 DWG: FfNW-2 DATE: 01-04-05 DWG: CGT —2To 0 PRECAST CONCRETE WHEEL STOP CONCRETE SITE LIGHT PEDESTAL NorrascA�E Q PRECAST FILTERRA® UNIT 1� W)Wff30zWLL7o FILTERRA® THROAT OPENINGtvcr rc� scA�E NARROW WIDTH CONFIGURATION fibr�o� x. AND GUTTER OR FLUME DETAIL Copyright Q 2004 by Americast MID -ATLANTIC REGION US PAT 6,277,274 US PAT 6:277,274 AND 6,569,321 AND 6,569,321 1 J T�! ORIGINAL GROUND ELEV. * SEE TABLE BELOW TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP 67 CU. YD. / ACRE 67 CU. YD. / ACRE (EXCAVATED) 4' MAX.* -Y Cross -Section CLASS I RiPRAP 5 fs� r.1' �t�• f� FILTER CLO CLASS I RIPIRAP COARSE AGGREGATE** Length (in feet) _ 6 x Drainage Area (in aa) DIVERSION s DIKE COARSE AGGREGATE* EXCAVATED- FiLTER CLOTH AREA *COARSE AGGREGATE SHALL BE VDOT #3, #357 OR #5 Outlet (Perspective View) MINIMUM TOP WIDTH (W) REQUIRED FOR SEDIMENT TRAP EMBANKMENTS ACCORDING TO HEIGHT OF EMBANKMENT (FEET) H HO W 1.5 0.5 2.0 DRAINAGEEXCAVATED STRUCTURE AREA {ACRES) STORAGE (C.Y. ) REQUIRED DESIGN EXCAVATED AREA (BOTTOM) 2.0 1.0 2.0 EAST 0.6 40.2 40.3 3 2.5 1.5 2.5 HO 3.0 3.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 c 93.8 94.0 8.5 '1.4 2 3.0 I 4.0 3.0 3.0 I I VIEW UIIN. STAPLED LAP JOINT IN 4.5 3,5 4.0 -= v` EXACAVTED AREA I _P ORIGINAL 5'0 4 D 4.5 (SEE CHART) -I 11=1 I � GROUND 3' MAX. STEEPER THAN 4:1 I ELEV. I I I I I I CHECK SLOT The maximum allowable drainage area is 3 acres. Sediment should b)e removed from the basin when the volume is reduced by one-half. l I I TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP DATA I I DRAINAGEEXCAVATED STRUCTURE AREA {ACRES) STORAGE (C.Y. ) REQUIRED DESIGN EXCAVATED AREA (BOTTOM) EXCAVATED DEPTH (FEET) STORAGE Y. ) REQUIRED DESIGN WEIR W7EIR BER M LENGTH HEfIGHT HEIGHT (FEET) (FLEET) (FEET) EAST 0.6 40.2 40.3 3 3.7 40.2 40.3 4 1 1 2 WEST 1.4 93.8 96.0 503 2.6 93.8 94.0 8.5 '1.4 2 CLOTH I (JUTE MESH WILL HAVE I I I I I I VIEW UIIN. STAPLED LAP JOINT IN NOTE: A MINIMUM WATER TRAP OF 1" IS REQUIRED WITH A NLY) LIEU OF EDGE JOINT) I I I I 5' MAX. 4:1 OR FLATTER I I I I I 1 TAMP FiRMLY ANCHOR SLOT --rm TYPICAL TREATMENT - 1 (SOIL STABILIZATION BLANKET) INSTALLAION CRITERIA TAMP FIRMLY CHECK: SLOT JUNCTION SLOT .. TAMP FIRMLY - 12" MIN. -� 2„ 6" TO 12" rrf 12" 1 ANCHOR SLOT NOTES TERMINAL FOLD ^,M LY TS TEMPORARY SEEDINGS SILT FENCE ACCEPTABLE TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS PLANTING DATES SPECIES RATE (lbs./acre) EXTEND FILTER FABRIC STAKEINTO TRENCH SEPT. 1 - FEB. 15 50/50 MIX OF i ANNUAL RYEGRASS (Lolium multiflorum) & 50-100 CEREAL (WINTER) RYE 4ff=ll 1. (Secale cereale) 411 FEB. 16 - APR. 30 ANNUAL RYEGRASS 60-100 BACKFILL AND COMPACT (Lolium multiflorum) THE EXCAVATED SOIL. MAY 1 - AUG. 31 GERMAN MILLET 50 (Setaria italica) (TF DRIP LINE---\ SNOW FENCE TREE PROTECTION FENCING AND ARMORING r� POINTS A SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT B. GENERAL NOTES - SiLT FENCE 1) The height of a silt fence will be a minimum of 16 inches and a maximum of 34 inches above ground elevation. 2) Extra strength filter fabric shall be a continuous roll. When joints are unavoidable, a splice may be made at a support post with a 6" overlap. 3) The excavated trench shall be 4 inches wide and 4 inches deep on the upslope side of the proposed location. 4) Support posts shall be a maximum of 10 feet apart where wire support is used, and no more than 6 feet apart where wire is not used. When placing silt fence across a ditch or Swale, the posts are to be set at a maximum 3interval. 5) The trench shall be backfilled and the soil compacted over CORD FENCE the filter fabric. 6) Silt fences shall be removed when the upslope area has LASTIC FENCE been permanently stablized. CE PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EXISTING GROUND I ASPHALT PAVED 70' MIN. WASHRACK ?. 2%' CRS :.::;._ ',.:: -1+2 MIN.: 2 % EXISTING P V i A EME N POS. DRAINAGE TO SEDIMENT TRAP * MUST EXTEND FULL WIDTH OF INGRESS AND WSEDIMENT TRAP EGRESS OPERATION (SEE PLAN) PLAN VIEW / 3" SM -2A ASPHALT TOP COURSE 12' MIN. 12" MAX. 4:1 OR FLATTER 2% 6" MAX. STEEPER THAN 4:1 Rjii N SLOT L" r -- I' a1 Til: I • 3^ EDGE AND END JOINTS I I I I TO BE SNUGLY ABUTTED CLOTH I (JUTE MESH WILL HAVE I I I I I I VIEW UIIN. STAPLED LAP JOINT IN NOTE: A MINIMUM WATER TRAP OF 1" IS REQUIRED WITH A NLY) LIEU OF EDGE JOINT) I I I I 5' MAX. 4:1 OR FLATTER I I I I I 1 3' MAX. STEEPER THAN 4:1 I I I I I I I CHECK SLOT I II I I I I I l I I 1 „ TO 2" I I VAR. WAR. 6" To 8" MIN. PLAN VIEW STAPLING DIAGRAM STAPLE FORMED FROM NO. 11 STEEL WIRE. * CHECK SLOTS AT MIN. 8" STAPLE MIN. LENGTH FOR SANDY SOIL. 50' C -C INTEIRVALS; 6" STAPLE MIN. LENGTH FOR OTHER SOiL, NOT REQ.'D'WITH ALL ' COMBINATKON" BLANKETS TERMINAL FOLD ^,M LY TS TEMPORARY SEEDINGS SILT FENCE ACCEPTABLE TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS PLANTING DATES SPECIES RATE (lbs./acre) EXTEND FILTER FABRIC STAKEINTO TRENCH SEPT. 1 - FEB. 15 50/50 MIX OF i ANNUAL RYEGRASS (Lolium multiflorum) & 50-100 CEREAL (WINTER) RYE 4ff=ll 1. (Secale cereale) 411 FEB. 16 - APR. 30 ANNUAL RYEGRASS 60-100 BACKFILL AND COMPACT (Lolium multiflorum) THE EXCAVATED SOIL. MAY 1 - AUG. 31 GERMAN MILLET 50 (Setaria italica) (TF DRIP LINE---\ SNOW FENCE TREE PROTECTION FENCING AND ARMORING r� POINTS A SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN POINT B. GENERAL NOTES - SiLT FENCE 1) The height of a silt fence will be a minimum of 16 inches and a maximum of 34 inches above ground elevation. 2) Extra strength filter fabric shall be a continuous roll. When joints are unavoidable, a splice may be made at a support post with a 6" overlap. 3) The excavated trench shall be 4 inches wide and 4 inches deep on the upslope side of the proposed location. 4) Support posts shall be a maximum of 10 feet apart where wire support is used, and no more than 6 feet apart where wire is not used. When placing silt fence across a ditch or Swale, the posts are to be set at a maximum 3interval. 5) The trench shall be backfilled and the soil compacted over CORD FENCE the filter fabric. 6) Silt fences shall be removed when the upslope area has LASTIC FENCE been permanently stablized. CE PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EXISTING GROUND I ASPHALT PAVED 70' MIN. WASHRACK ?. 2%' CRS :.::;._ ',.:: -1+2 MIN.: 2 % EXISTING P V i A EME N POS. DRAINAGE TO SEDIMENT TRAP * MUST EXTEND FULL WIDTH OF INGRESS AND WSEDIMENT TRAP EGRESS OPERATION (SEE PLAN) PLAN VIEW / 3" SM -2A ASPHALT TOP COURSE 1p BLOCK & GRAVEL CURB INLET SEDIMENT FILTER CURB INLET WIRE SCREEN RUNOFF WATER WITH OVERFLOW SEDIMENT CONCRETE BLOCK GRAVEL FILTER _ ---- ---, FILTERED WATER ILII SCUIMCN ! CURB INLET WiRE SCREEN 2" X 4" WOOD STUD SPECIAL APPLICATION THiS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE AT CURB INLETS WHERE AN OVERFLOW CAPABILITY IS NECESSARY TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE PONDING IN FRONT OF THE STRUCTURE. SAF PLASTIC SAFETY FENCE CONVENTIONAL METAL POLYETHYLENE FABRIC (T) OR (U) POSTS (ATTACH TO POSTS WITH METAL WIRES) :7I 11,_ 1 I17=1 11 ;I s- �s l fl I III 6-0" MAX 5'-0" M I N 18" MIN SOILS MAP SCALE: 1 "=500' KEY 2C Albemarle Fine Sandy Loam 21 B Culpeper Fine Sandy Loam 21 C Culpeper Fine Sandy Loam EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE University Village: Phase III Erosion and Sediment Control Plan The County of Albemarle, Virginia PROJECT DESCRIPTION The scope of this E&S narrative and plan is for the purpose of developing soil in preparation for construction of the proposed addition to University Village, Residential Structure. Atotal of approximately 2.8 acres will be disturbed during construction. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS The topographic and built improvements existing on the subject property are depicted on the accompanying E&S plan, utility plan & profiles, and the general notes sheet. ADJACENT AREAS A majority of the site lays adjacent to the existing University Village properties. The site boundary to the north, east and south will be subdivided from the existing University Village open space that was designated for future development on the approved Master Plan. The boundary to the west abuts Huntington Village. The site can be accessed via Crestwood Drive, which connects the site to Old Ivy Road. OFF-SITE AREAS All land disturbing activities shall occur on-site and within the limits of project shown on the plans. At this point, no off-site borrow, waste or grading activity will occur. SOILS This site is located in a geologic area referred to as the Piedmont Physiographic Province. The soils in this geologic area are weathered from the underlying metamorphic bedrock. The naturally occurring soils at this site were found to be moderately to highly plastic silts weathered from the Catoctin formation which consists of basic lava flows, schist, and gneiss composed of chlorite, plagioclase, amphiobole, and epidote. The soils observed here appear to be weathered from metamorphosed sedimentary soils such as phyllite and schist. The map units on the detailed soil map depicted on the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, represent the soils in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the soil maps, can be used to determine the suitability and potential of a soil for specific uses, and, precautionary erosion and sedimentation control measures which must be adhered to. They also can be used to plan for the management needed for those uses. The profile of the soil classifications follows: Albemarle Fine Sandy Loam (2C): This deep, strongly sloping (7-15 / ), well drained soil is on convex ridgetops and side slopws. Typically, the surface layer is very dark grayish brown and brownish yellow fine sandy loam about five (5) inches thick. The subsoil is about twenty-five (25) inches thick strong brown and yellowish red clay loam. The substratum is mostly yellowish brown, gray, and yellow sandy loam. Bedrock is at a depth of about fifty (50) inches. Permeability and available water capacity is moderate. Runoff is rapid, and the hazard of erosion is severe. The subsoil has low shrink -swell potential. Bedrock is generally at a depth of,forty (40) to sixty (60) inches. Culpepper Fine Sandy Loam (2113): This deep, gently sloping (2-7%), well drained soil is on narrow to broad convex ridge tops. Typically, the surface layer of this soil is brown and yellowish brown fine sandy loam about six (6) inches thick. The subsoil is yellowish red clay loam and red clay and sandy cllay loam about twenty-nine (29) inches thick.. The substratum is reddish yellow fine sarndy loam. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Runoff is mediumi. The hazard of erosion is moderate. The subsoil has moderate shrink -swell potential: Bedrock is generally at a depth of fifty (50) inches or more. Culpepper Fine Sandy Loam (21 C): This deep, strongly sloping (7-15%), well drained soil is on narrow, convex ridge tops and on shoart side slopes. Typically, the surface layer is brown and yellowish brown fine sandy loiam about eight (8) inches thick. The subsoil is yellowish red clay loam and red clay and sandy clay loam about twenty-nine (29) inches thick. The substratum is reddish yellow fine sandy loam. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Shrink -swell potential is moderate. Runoff is rapid, and the hazard of erosion is severe. Bedreock is generally at a depth of fifty (50) inches or more. CRITICAL AREAS There are several critical areas on the site. These, include several areas of steep slopes greater than 4:1. The steep slopes are generally) the result of previous land disturbing activities related to thee' existing building and were i 9 e m acted only where 9 p y they could not be avoided. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES The. contractor shall provide, construct and maintain erosion and sediment control measures on the site, in accordance with the Virgiinia Department of Transportation and the County of Albemarle erosion and sediment ciontrol measures (refer to the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan sheet). All vegetative, and structural erosion and sediment control practices shall be constructed and maintaiined according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediiment Control Handbook. Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall Ibe applied to denuded areas within seven (7) days after final grade is reached on amy portion of the site. Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven (7) days,, to denuded areas that may not be at final grade but will remain dormant (undisturbed) for longer than 30 days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left dormant for more than one year. Soil stabilization refers to measures that protect soil from the erosive forces of raindrop impact and flowing g water. Applicable practices include vegetative establishment, mulching, and the early application of gravel base on areas to be stone. Soil stabilization measures should t)a selected to be appropriate for the time of the year, site conditions, and estimated duration of use. Temporary sediment filters and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers and other measures intended to retain sediment shall be cornstructed as a first step in any land - disturbing activity and be made functional before up slope land disturbance takes place. Stabilization measures shall be applied to earthen structures such as dams, dikes and diversions immediately after installation. The following structural practices will be implementced according to the requirements set forth by the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control. Safety Fence (3.01) A protective barrier consisting of polyethylene web :secured to a conventional metal post driven into the ground a minimum of 18 inches. Posts should be spaced at 6 -foot centers. Used to prevent undesirable use of an ercosion control measure by the public. To prevent access to an erosion control measure. Specific Application: Safety fence will be used at areas where residents and staff of University Village may come into contact with the planned work. 1. Paved Wash rack Construction Entrance (3.02) A seventy (70) foot paved section shall be installed at the point of vehicular ingress and from vehicles exiting the site. Where sediment is transported onto a public road egress on the construction site. This paved area cshall be used for washing sediment surface, the road shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping arnd transported to a sediment control. disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed onlly after sediment is removed in this manner. This provision shall apply to individual subdivision lots as well as larger land disturbing activities. Specific Application: A construction entrance shall be placed adjacent to the existing road at the east end of the site. cc. Construction Road Stabilization (3.03 Temporary stabilization with stone of access roads„ subdivision streets, parking areas and other traffic areas immediately after grading to reduce erosion caused by vehicles during wet weather, and to prevent having to regrrade permanent roadbeds between initial grading and final stabilization. Specific Application: Construction road stabilization :shall be applied to the travel ways, which require stabilization after prelimineary and fine grading. d� Silt Fence (3.05) A temporary sediment barrier consisting of synthetiac filter fabric stretched across and attached to supporting posts and entrenched. Usecd to prevent sediment from leaving the site. To decrease the velocity of sheet flows. Specific Application: Silt fence will be used at 'rhe fMt of the cut / fill slopes. ee . Inlet Protection (3.07) A temporary sediment filter around a storm inlet or curb inlet, in order to prevent sediment from entering storm drainage systems prior to permanent stabilization of the disturbed area. Speciflc Application: Inlet protection will be used around all storm drainage inlets and curb inlets. D. Temporary Diversion Dike (&09) A temporary ridge of compacted soil constructed at the top or base of a sloping disturbed area. Used to divert sediment -laden runoff from a disturbed area to a stabilized outlet. S ecific Application: Diversion Dikes will be used to divert runoff away from the a'rstur5e areas construction. gh Temporary Sediment Trap (3.13) A temporary ponding area formed by constructing an earthen embankment with a stone outlet. It is used to detain sediment -laden runoff from drainage areas less than three acres for enough time to allow most of the sediment solids to settle out. It can be constructed only where there is sufficient space and appropriate topography. Maximum effective life is 18 months. Specific Application: Sediment traps will be used to detain runoff on the site at the foot of the fill and cut slopes. hi Surface Roughening (3.29) This erosion and sedimentation control measure involves creating horizontal depressions on slopes or leaving slopes in a roughened condition by not fine -grading them. This is done to aid in the establishment of vegetative cover or seed, to reduce runoff velocity and increase infiltration, and to reduce erosion and provide for sediment trapping. Specific Application: This form of protection shall be performed on all slopes 3:1 or greater as shown on the accompanying E&S Plan. Slopes less steep than 3:1 should have the soil lightly roughened and loose to a depth of 24" prior to seeding. 11 Temporary Seeding (3,31) The establishment of a temporary vegetative cover on disturbed areas by seeding with appropriate rapidly growing annual plants. This protects slopes exposed during construction until permanent vegetative cover can be established. Temporary seeding will apply to all areas on the site that will not be brought to final grade for periods of thirty (30) days to one year: Selection of the appropriate seed mixture depends upon the time of year it is to be applied (See schedule on E&S details sheet.) S2ecific Application: Temporary seeding shall be applied to all denuded areas prior to permanent stabilization in the form of either hardscape or permanent seeding. Temporary seeding shall be used on all fill slopes and diversions. jZ Permanent Seeding (3.32) Establishment of perennial vegetative cover by planting seed on rough -graded areas that will not be brought to final grade for a year or more or where permanent, long-lived vegetative cover is needed on fine -graded areas. _Specific Application: Permanent seeding will be applied to all portions of disturbed area. k.S � _oil stabilization Blankets & Matting (3,36) Stabilizing disturbed areas of a steep slope, channel, or a shoreline by applying protective covering on a prepared area. The matting will protect the young vegetation and promote its establishment while increasing the permissible velocity of turf grass stands. Specific Application: Where the proposed surface drainage is concentrated in ditch7ines. 1 Tree Protection Q.38) Protection of desirable trees from mechanical and other injury during land disturbing and construction activity. Specific Application: Tree protection shall be applied along vegetation line on the fringe of the site and to specific large trees. that are not to be disturbed. Dust Control (3.39) Reducing surface air movement of dust during land disturbances, demolition or construction activities in areas subject to dust problems in order to prevent soil loss and reduce the presence of potentially harmful airborne substance. Specific Application: Dust control shall be applied as necessary if time requires. PERMANENT STABILIZATION All areas disturbed by construction will be stabilized with permanent seeding immediately following finish grading. All seeds will be approved by the "Virginia Crop Improvement Association," Blacksburg Virginia. Seeding'will be done with the following: Two (2) parts Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis), by weight; minimum 98% purity and 90% germination; maximum 1% weed seed. Three (3) parts perennial Ryegrass (Labium perrene) by weight; minimum 85% purity and 90% germination; maximum 1% weed seed. Fifteen (15) parts Falcon Fescue; minimum 98% purity and 90% germination; maximum I% weed seed, Permanently seeded areas shall be protected during establishment. Mulch shall consist of oat or wheat straw, free from weeds, foreign matter detrimental to plant life, and dry. Hay or chopped cornstalks will not be permitted. Mulch and/or lime shall be applied at a rate of two (2) tons per acre. Specifications for fertilizer are FS 0 -F -241C, Type 1, solid form; Grade A or B; recommended for grass, with one hundred (100) percent of the elements derived from organic sources of the following properties: a) Nitrogen 12.0% b) Phosphoric Acid 8.0% C) Soluble Potash 8.0% With at least fifty (50) percent of the nitrogen from a non -water soluble organic source. The following measures shall be incorporated during fertilization: Apply fertilizer at a rate of 1000 lbs./acre. Apply after smooth raking of topsoil. Do not apply fertilizer at same time or with same machine as will be used to apply seed. Till fertilizer into upper two (2) inches of topsoil. Lightly water dry topsoil to depth of six (6) inches at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to seeding to obtain a loose friable seed bed and to aid in the dissipation of fertilizer. The following rates and practices will be adhered to for all seeding that occurs on-site: Apply seed a rate of 6-lbs./1000 sq. ft. evenly at right angles with a spreader or seeding machine. Rake in lightly, covering seed to depth of 1/8 inch. Do not seed area in excess of that which can be mulched on same day. Do not sow immediately following rain, when ground is too dry, or during windy periods. Roll seeded area with roller not exceeding 112 lbs. Immediately following seeding and compacting apply mulch to a thickness of one (1) inch. Maintain clear ofshrubs and trees. Apply water with a fine spray immediately after each area has been mulched. Saturate to six (6) inches of soil. MAINTENANCE All erosion and sediment control measures must be maintained and repaired immediately to insure continued performance of their intended functions as stated in the Virginia Erosion & Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition 1992. In general, all erosion and sediment control measures will be checked weekly and after each runoff - producing rainfall event. All seeded and sodded areas will be checked regularly to ensure that a good stand is maintained. Areas will be fertilized, reseeded and resodded as needed. Sediment basins and/or traps shall be cleaned and maintained in accordance with the VA E&SC Handbook. All gravel outlets will be checked regularly for sediment buildup that will prevent proper drainage. If the gravel is clogged by sediment, the gravel will be removed and cleaned, or it will be replaced. DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY MEASURES All temporary erosion and sediment control measures, including the temporary sediment basins, shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, unless otherwise authorized by the local Program administrator. Trapped sediment and other disturbed soil areas resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Where applicable, silt fence and seeding will be capable of separating suspended solids from the runoff before it enters the existing natural channels. The west portion of the site will be treated by a sediment trap that will be converted to a biofilter at the conclusion of the project. The biofilter will provide treatment for the majority of storm events. Check dams located in the spillway channel will secondarily treat large storm events that overtop the biofilter. The runoff from proposed storm drains on the east side of the site will be treated by precast "Filterra" storm structures. Utilizing outlet protection in the form of riprap will dissipate the increase the velocity of the runoff from outflow devices during large storm events. Erosion control stone placed at the end of these outfalls will protect the channels and decrease the flow velocity. •0 B THE COX COMPANY Planners - Landscape Architects Civil Engineers o Urban Designers 220 East High Street Chaflottesville a Virginia 22902 , f434) 295.7131 Job Number. 03-740 Developer: MD Development, LLC One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, VA 22903 P: 434.972.7764 F: 434.295.3203 Architect: Mitchell/Matthews P.O. Box 5603 Charlottesville, VA 22905 P: 434.979.7550 F: 434.979.5220 EROSION ' ET, ILS Job Number: 03-140 TH OF` -FRANr D. CERrlFICATE a 7719 �s s rnNAL Date: November 21, 2005 Revision: September l2, 2005 November 21, 2005 Scale: As Noted Sheet NO.: 12' MIN. 2% Rjii L" r -- I' a1 Til: • 3^ rel' FILTER CLOTH 6" 21A AGGREGATE BASE SECTION VIEW NOTE: A MINIMUM WATER TRAP OF 1" IS REQUIRED WITH A MINIMUM WASH HOSE DIAMETER OF 1.5" 1p BLOCK & GRAVEL CURB INLET SEDIMENT FILTER CURB INLET WIRE SCREEN RUNOFF WATER WITH OVERFLOW SEDIMENT CONCRETE BLOCK GRAVEL FILTER _ ---- ---, FILTERED WATER ILII SCUIMCN ! CURB INLET WiRE SCREEN 2" X 4" WOOD STUD SPECIAL APPLICATION THiS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE AT CURB INLETS WHERE AN OVERFLOW CAPABILITY IS NECESSARY TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE PONDING IN FRONT OF THE STRUCTURE. SAF PLASTIC SAFETY FENCE CONVENTIONAL METAL POLYETHYLENE FABRIC (T) OR (U) POSTS (ATTACH TO POSTS WITH METAL WIRES) :7I 11,_ 1 I17=1 11 ;I s- �s l fl I III 6-0" MAX 5'-0" M I N 18" MIN SOILS MAP SCALE: 1 "=500' KEY 2C Albemarle Fine Sandy Loam 21 B Culpeper Fine Sandy Loam 21 C Culpeper Fine Sandy Loam EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE University Village: Phase III Erosion and Sediment Control Plan The County of Albemarle, Virginia PROJECT DESCRIPTION The scope of this E&S narrative and plan is for the purpose of developing soil in preparation for construction of the proposed addition to University Village, Residential Structure. Atotal of approximately 2.8 acres will be disturbed during construction. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS The topographic and built improvements existing on the subject property are depicted on the accompanying E&S plan, utility plan & profiles, and the general notes sheet. ADJACENT AREAS A majority of the site lays adjacent to the existing University Village properties. The site boundary to the north, east and south will be subdivided from the existing University Village open space that was designated for future development on the approved Master Plan. The boundary to the west abuts Huntington Village. The site can be accessed via Crestwood Drive, which connects the site to Old Ivy Road. OFF-SITE AREAS All land disturbing activities shall occur on-site and within the limits of project shown on the plans. At this point, no off-site borrow, waste or grading activity will occur. SOILS This site is located in a geologic area referred to as the Piedmont Physiographic Province. The soils in this geologic area are weathered from the underlying metamorphic bedrock. The naturally occurring soils at this site were found to be moderately to highly plastic silts weathered from the Catoctin formation which consists of basic lava flows, schist, and gneiss composed of chlorite, plagioclase, amphiobole, and epidote. The soils observed here appear to be weathered from metamorphosed sedimentary soils such as phyllite and schist. The map units on the detailed soil map depicted on the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, represent the soils in the survey area. The map unit descriptions, along with the soil maps, can be used to determine the suitability and potential of a soil for specific uses, and, precautionary erosion and sedimentation control measures which must be adhered to. They also can be used to plan for the management needed for those uses. The profile of the soil classifications follows: Albemarle Fine Sandy Loam (2C): This deep, strongly sloping (7-15 / ), well drained soil is on convex ridgetops and side slopws. Typically, the surface layer is very dark grayish brown and brownish yellow fine sandy loam about five (5) inches thick. The subsoil is about twenty-five (25) inches thick strong brown and yellowish red clay loam. The substratum is mostly yellowish brown, gray, and yellow sandy loam. Bedrock is at a depth of about fifty (50) inches. Permeability and available water capacity is moderate. Runoff is rapid, and the hazard of erosion is severe. The subsoil has low shrink -swell potential. Bedrock is generally at a depth of,forty (40) to sixty (60) inches. Culpepper Fine Sandy Loam (2113): This deep, gently sloping (2-7%), well drained soil is on narrow to broad convex ridge tops. Typically, the surface layer of this soil is brown and yellowish brown fine sandy loam about six (6) inches thick. The subsoil is yellowish red clay loam and red clay and sandy cllay loam about twenty-nine (29) inches thick.. The substratum is reddish yellow fine sarndy loam. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Runoff is mediumi. The hazard of erosion is moderate. The subsoil has moderate shrink -swell potential: Bedrock is generally at a depth of fifty (50) inches or more. Culpepper Fine Sandy Loam (21 C): This deep, strongly sloping (7-15%), well drained soil is on narrow, convex ridge tops and on shoart side slopes. Typically, the surface layer is brown and yellowish brown fine sandy loiam about eight (8) inches thick. The subsoil is yellowish red clay loam and red clay and sandy clay loam about twenty-nine (29) inches thick. The substratum is reddish yellow fine sandy loam. Permeability and available water capacity are moderate. Shrink -swell potential is moderate. Runoff is rapid, and the hazard of erosion is severe. Bedreock is generally at a depth of fifty (50) inches or more. CRITICAL AREAS There are several critical areas on the site. These, include several areas of steep slopes greater than 4:1. The steep slopes are generally) the result of previous land disturbing activities related to thee' existing building and were i 9 e m acted only where 9 p y they could not be avoided. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES The. contractor shall provide, construct and maintain erosion and sediment control measures on the site, in accordance with the Virgiinia Department of Transportation and the County of Albemarle erosion and sediment ciontrol measures (refer to the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan sheet). All vegetative, and structural erosion and sediment control practices shall be constructed and maintaiined according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediiment Control Handbook. Permanent or temporary soil stabilization shall Ibe applied to denuded areas within seven (7) days after final grade is reached on amy portion of the site. Temporary soil stabilization shall be applied within seven (7) days,, to denuded areas that may not be at final grade but will remain dormant (undisturbed) for longer than 30 days. Permanent stabilization shall be applied to areas that are to be left dormant for more than one year. Soil stabilization refers to measures that protect soil from the erosive forces of raindrop impact and flowing g water. Applicable practices include vegetative establishment, mulching, and the early application of gravel base on areas to be stone. Soil stabilization measures should t)a selected to be appropriate for the time of the year, site conditions, and estimated duration of use. Temporary sediment filters and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers and other measures intended to retain sediment shall be cornstructed as a first step in any land - disturbing activity and be made functional before up slope land disturbance takes place. Stabilization measures shall be applied to earthen structures such as dams, dikes and diversions immediately after installation. The following structural practices will be implementced according to the requirements set forth by the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control. Safety Fence (3.01) A protective barrier consisting of polyethylene web :secured to a conventional metal post driven into the ground a minimum of 18 inches. Posts should be spaced at 6 -foot centers. Used to prevent undesirable use of an ercosion control measure by the public. To prevent access to an erosion control measure. Specific Application: Safety fence will be used at areas where residents and staff of University Village may come into contact with the planned work. 1. Paved Wash rack Construction Entrance (3.02) A seventy (70) foot paved section shall be installed at the point of vehicular ingress and from vehicles exiting the site. Where sediment is transported onto a public road egress on the construction site. This paved area cshall be used for washing sediment surface, the road shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping arnd transported to a sediment control. disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed onlly after sediment is removed in this manner. This provision shall apply to individual subdivision lots as well as larger land disturbing activities. Specific Application: A construction entrance shall be placed adjacent to the existing road at the east end of the site. cc. Construction Road Stabilization (3.03 Temporary stabilization with stone of access roads„ subdivision streets, parking areas and other traffic areas immediately after grading to reduce erosion caused by vehicles during wet weather, and to prevent having to regrrade permanent roadbeds between initial grading and final stabilization. Specific Application: Construction road stabilization :shall be applied to the travel ways, which require stabilization after prelimineary and fine grading. d� Silt Fence (3.05) A temporary sediment barrier consisting of synthetiac filter fabric stretched across and attached to supporting posts and entrenched. Usecd to prevent sediment from leaving the site. To decrease the velocity of sheet flows. Specific Application: Silt fence will be used at 'rhe fMt of the cut / fill slopes. ee . Inlet Protection (3.07) A temporary sediment filter around a storm inlet or curb inlet, in order to prevent sediment from entering storm drainage systems prior to permanent stabilization of the disturbed area. Speciflc Application: Inlet protection will be used around all storm drainage inlets and curb inlets. D. Temporary Diversion Dike (&09) A temporary ridge of compacted soil constructed at the top or base of a sloping disturbed area. Used to divert sediment -laden runoff from a disturbed area to a stabilized outlet. S ecific Application: Diversion Dikes will be used to divert runoff away from the a'rstur5e areas construction. gh Temporary Sediment Trap (3.13) A temporary ponding area formed by constructing an earthen embankment with a stone outlet. It is used to detain sediment -laden runoff from drainage areas less than three acres for enough time to allow most of the sediment solids to settle out. It can be constructed only where there is sufficient space and appropriate topography. Maximum effective life is 18 months. Specific Application: Sediment traps will be used to detain runoff on the site at the foot of the fill and cut slopes. hi Surface Roughening (3.29) This erosion and sedimentation control measure involves creating horizontal depressions on slopes or leaving slopes in a roughened condition by not fine -grading them. This is done to aid in the establishment of vegetative cover or seed, to reduce runoff velocity and increase infiltration, and to reduce erosion and provide for sediment trapping. Specific Application: This form of protection shall be performed on all slopes 3:1 or greater as shown on the accompanying E&S Plan. Slopes less steep than 3:1 should have the soil lightly roughened and loose to a depth of 24" prior to seeding. 11 Temporary Seeding (3,31) The establishment of a temporary vegetative cover on disturbed areas by seeding with appropriate rapidly growing annual plants. This protects slopes exposed during construction until permanent vegetative cover can be established. Temporary seeding will apply to all areas on the site that will not be brought to final grade for periods of thirty (30) days to one year: Selection of the appropriate seed mixture depends upon the time of year it is to be applied (See schedule on E&S details sheet.) S2ecific Application: Temporary seeding shall be applied to all denuded areas prior to permanent stabilization in the form of either hardscape or permanent seeding. Temporary seeding shall be used on all fill slopes and diversions. jZ Permanent Seeding (3.32) Establishment of perennial vegetative cover by planting seed on rough -graded areas that will not be brought to final grade for a year or more or where permanent, long-lived vegetative cover is needed on fine -graded areas. _Specific Application: Permanent seeding will be applied to all portions of disturbed area. k.S � _oil stabilization Blankets & Matting (3,36) Stabilizing disturbed areas of a steep slope, channel, or a shoreline by applying protective covering on a prepared area. The matting will protect the young vegetation and promote its establishment while increasing the permissible velocity of turf grass stands. Specific Application: Where the proposed surface drainage is concentrated in ditch7ines. 1 Tree Protection Q.38) Protection of desirable trees from mechanical and other injury during land disturbing and construction activity. Specific Application: Tree protection shall be applied along vegetation line on the fringe of the site and to specific large trees. that are not to be disturbed. Dust Control (3.39) Reducing surface air movement of dust during land disturbances, demolition or construction activities in areas subject to dust problems in order to prevent soil loss and reduce the presence of potentially harmful airborne substance. Specific Application: Dust control shall be applied as necessary if time requires. PERMANENT STABILIZATION All areas disturbed by construction will be stabilized with permanent seeding immediately following finish grading. All seeds will be approved by the "Virginia Crop Improvement Association," Blacksburg Virginia. Seeding'will be done with the following: Two (2) parts Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis), by weight; minimum 98% purity and 90% germination; maximum 1% weed seed. Three (3) parts perennial Ryegrass (Labium perrene) by weight; minimum 85% purity and 90% germination; maximum 1% weed seed. Fifteen (15) parts Falcon Fescue; minimum 98% purity and 90% germination; maximum I% weed seed, Permanently seeded areas shall be protected during establishment. Mulch shall consist of oat or wheat straw, free from weeds, foreign matter detrimental to plant life, and dry. Hay or chopped cornstalks will not be permitted. Mulch and/or lime shall be applied at a rate of two (2) tons per acre. Specifications for fertilizer are FS 0 -F -241C, Type 1, solid form; Grade A or B; recommended for grass, with one hundred (100) percent of the elements derived from organic sources of the following properties: a) Nitrogen 12.0% b) Phosphoric Acid 8.0% C) Soluble Potash 8.0% With at least fifty (50) percent of the nitrogen from a non -water soluble organic source. The following measures shall be incorporated during fertilization: Apply fertilizer at a rate of 1000 lbs./acre. Apply after smooth raking of topsoil. Do not apply fertilizer at same time or with same machine as will be used to apply seed. Till fertilizer into upper two (2) inches of topsoil. Lightly water dry topsoil to depth of six (6) inches at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to seeding to obtain a loose friable seed bed and to aid in the dissipation of fertilizer. The following rates and practices will be adhered to for all seeding that occurs on-site: Apply seed a rate of 6-lbs./1000 sq. ft. evenly at right angles with a spreader or seeding machine. Rake in lightly, covering seed to depth of 1/8 inch. Do not seed area in excess of that which can be mulched on same day. Do not sow immediately following rain, when ground is too dry, or during windy periods. Roll seeded area with roller not exceeding 112 lbs. Immediately following seeding and compacting apply mulch to a thickness of one (1) inch. Maintain clear ofshrubs and trees. Apply water with a fine spray immediately after each area has been mulched. Saturate to six (6) inches of soil. MAINTENANCE All erosion and sediment control measures must be maintained and repaired immediately to insure continued performance of their intended functions as stated in the Virginia Erosion & Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition 1992. In general, all erosion and sediment control measures will be checked weekly and after each runoff - producing rainfall event. All seeded and sodded areas will be checked regularly to ensure that a good stand is maintained. Areas will be fertilized, reseeded and resodded as needed. Sediment basins and/or traps shall be cleaned and maintained in accordance with the VA E&SC Handbook. All gravel outlets will be checked regularly for sediment buildup that will prevent proper drainage. If the gravel is clogged by sediment, the gravel will be removed and cleaned, or it will be replaced. DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY MEASURES All temporary erosion and sediment control measures, including the temporary sediment basins, shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization is achieved or after the temporary measures are no longer needed, unless otherwise authorized by the local Program administrator. Trapped sediment and other disturbed soil areas resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT Where applicable, silt fence and seeding will be capable of separating suspended solids from the runoff before it enters the existing natural channels. The west portion of the site will be treated by a sediment trap that will be converted to a biofilter at the conclusion of the project. The biofilter will provide treatment for the majority of storm events. Check dams located in the spillway channel will secondarily treat large storm events that overtop the biofilter. The runoff from proposed storm drains on the east side of the site will be treated by precast "Filterra" storm structures. Utilizing outlet protection in the form of riprap will dissipate the increase the velocity of the runoff from outflow devices during large storm events. Erosion control stone placed at the end of these outfalls will protect the channels and decrease the flow velocity. •0 B THE COX COMPANY Planners - Landscape Architects Civil Engineers o Urban Designers 220 East High Street Chaflottesville a Virginia 22902 , f434) 295.7131 Job Number. 03-740 Developer: MD Development, LLC One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, VA 22903 P: 434.972.7764 F: 434.295.3203 Architect: Mitchell/Matthews P.O. Box 5603 Charlottesville, VA 22905 P: 434.979.7550 F: 434.979.5220 EROSION ' ET, ILS Job Number: 03-140 TH OF` -FRANr D. CERrlFICATE a 7719 �s s rnNAL Date: November 21, 2005 Revision: September l2, 2005 November 21, 2005 Scale: As Noted Sheet NO.: J J1, f 4z z! t AN 6-r N= ES2.49' 7{P!',O6 UT= 62M; 7 1 --- X "P T------ 1 Y T !NV� IN= 663,9V MV, OUT= 663.77-Y C To` `71-2s '-)C.VRa INLET N _Q Sk, LI MITS OF BAN j -7 TRU 4 t A\� At cl; Al W C� 5 tG- IVERS6" 6'MI LIM ;Ns.Clrls��IlviiL4GEC �E 2,t lly Dl13 )8) O6OBZ-01 -00-00-.t2 10 ye FIRS I FLOOR E -E.""A PLAT [:STOPYSRICKW`UNDE a1MR-`kGE cc M SIJ4akAIT_fEDLAM_)D li36437 7 TMP UV?BMI-�_00_ 4 Qil ).V V, F piP I i 4 X51' H six T 6Rf. Y Bkl]),!Nd,_HT.�65­ %irA N, ARA -xasaV2�-.3 Q 33 KIN AA A DIST�UBANCE i b --Z t t'"j, ti q ag J A 15 'o ,J' �v-may Now T1 ­j V t P T T j., t X T k. - LIMITS OF 7 DISTRUBANCE Cn TAX MAP PARCEL 060132-00-W-00100 UNIVERSITY VILLAGE OWNERS ASSOMTHON �j D13 1867-686, DI3 1622-4(PLAT) PROPOSED PHASE III SUBDIVISION 4.801 AC, Nk. J -4 n- s 'University Village Volume Study Engineering Calculations for the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan I'Sediment Trap Computations for the Trap "East" 1[ Disturbed Drainage Area: 0.6 Acre Wet Storage Required: 67 (cy/ac) x 40.2 cy Dry Storage Required: 67 (cy/ac) x 40.2 cy Bottom of Trap: 663.00 Bottom of Stone Weir: 666.60 Top of Stone Weir: 667.70 Top of Trap: 668.70 Wet Storage Available: 40.2 cy Dry Storage Available: 40.4 cy �tM Rocx( University Village Volume Study Engineering Calculations for the Erosion & Sediment Control Plan Sedimient Trap Computations for the Trap "West" Disturbed Drainage Area: 1.4 Acre Wet SItorage Required: 67 (cy/ac) x 93.8 cy Dry Storage Required: 67 (cy/ac) x 93.8 cy Bottom of Trap: 641.00 Bottom of Stone Weir: 643.60 Top of: Stone Weir: 645.00 Top of: Trap: 646.00 Wet Storage Available: 96.0 cy Dry Stiorage Available: 94.0 cy 1.4 Acre 1.4 Acre EROSION CONTROL PLAN KEY EROSION BLANKET/MATTING PAVED CONTRUCTION ENTRANCE CRS CONTRUCTION ROAD STABILIZATION DC DUST CONTROL #) DIVERSION DYKE IP INLET PROTECTION OUTLET PROTECTION SAF SAFETY FENCE SF SILT FENCE ---x—�� SR SURFACE ROUGHENING ST TEMP. SEDIMENT TRAP TP TREE PROTECTION - PS PERMANANT SEEDING `bROp ASF Z/ �Zllvl - IV�"Cl E PK LIMITS Of flON DISTR,UBANCE A el i; f -7t 0 ON M_HTOP - X 10 I HN14 OUT= 663V e. OSEp 2l CUR8 INLET N11 00�_- 665,42 V, 4. Via. A- N < < _J Af if1 I g. ;T - ';f���`�~_�_.��� F .: _ V4&3 y EROSION CONTROL NOTES: THE DEVELOPER SHALL RESERVE THE RIGHT TO INSTALL, MAINTAIN, REMOVE AND/OR CONVERT TO I PERMANENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES (WHERE APPLICABLE) ALL EROSION CONTROJ MEASL' REQUIRED BY THIS PLAN REGARDLESS OF THE SALE OFANY LOT. A MINIMUM WATER TAP OF 1 INCH MUST BE INSTALLED WITH MINIMUM 1 INCH BALLCOCK SHUTOFF VALVE SUPPLYING WASH HOSE WITH DIAMETER OF 1.5 INCHES FOR ADEQUATE CONSTANT PRESSURE WASH WATER MUST BE CARRIED A WA Y FROM THE ENTRANCE TO AN APPROVED SETTLING AREA TO REMQVE SEDIMENT ALL SEDIMENT SHALL BE PREVENTED FROM ENTERING STORM DRAINS, DITCHES OR WATER COURSES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO SAVE EXISTING TREES ON THE SITE THAT AR NOT IN DIRECT CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ALL SOIL STOCKPILING SHALL OCCUR WITHIN THE DRAINAGE AREA OF PROPOSED EROSION COITROL MEASURES AND WITHIN THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE. �k 1IL-0 '61 , N11- N KK TCP V_ LIMITS MV, ou DfSTRL�13ANCE-'­ CURD T�­ INV. OUT= 659,4' INV. Wl T 6_51a.& -NO .�.ND SECM,1.11) THE COX COMPANY Planners -Landscape Architects Civil Engineers - Urban Designers 220 East High Street Cha#ottesville . Virginia 22902 - (434) 295- 7131 Job Number. 03-140 MD Development, LLC One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, VA 22903 P: 434.972.7764 R 434.295.3203 Architect: Mitchell,/Matthews P.O. Box 5603 Charlottesville, VA 22905 P: 434.979.7550 F: 434.979.5220 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN Job Number: 03-140 FPANK 0, COX _,1X CEMIFICA rF NO 77119 0 N A I. *ate: May 30, 2006 September 12,2005 November 14 , 2005 January 30, 2006 May 30, 2006 Scale: 1"=30' Sheet No.: Maintenance and Inspection Schedule: 1. The biofilter's side slopes and embankment shall be mowed at least twice a year. Bare areas shall be reseeded and woody growth removed. 2. Debris and trash shall be removed at least once every two months and at times when accumulation prevents the structure from properly functioning. 3. Sedimentation deposition shall be continually monitored in the basin. Any accumulation of sediment shall be removed. Disposal of sediment shall comply with Virginia Department of Health and State Regulations. 4. Inspections of the biofilter shall occur at least once a year for the following items: Visual Settlement, Cracking, Misalignment, Erosion, Adequate Groundcover, Trees or Shrubs, Rodent Holes, Seepage, Debris, Undercutting, Scour, and General Functionality. Any problems shall be repaired immediately. 5. Embankment slopes adjacent to detention and retention basins must be 3H:1 V or flatter (DSM, 503.1.E). 6. Basin Slopes, Embankment and Bottom shall be seeded with the following mixture at a rate of 7 pounds live seed per acre. 25% Big Bluestern Andropogon gerardii 20% Virginia wild rye Byrnus virginicus 20% Creeping bentgrass Agrostis stolonifera 15% Switchgrass Panicum virgatum 10% Green Sedge Carex dipsacea 5% Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirto 3% New England Aster Aster novae-angliae 2% New York Ironweed Vemonia noveboracensis LEGEND GROUNDCOVEP, TKEE SHKU[3 GROUPING CALCULATION 13A51N SIZE: 2170 6q. feet KEM): 10 TREES & 5HRUI35 f 1,000 eco. feet 61TE REQUIRES: 22 PLANTS FKOVIDED: 25 RATIO OF 5HRU135 TO TKE55:2.6:1 FENCE WIDTH VAKIE5 (SEE PLAN) <LIMIT5 OF 1310FILTER SEEDING> 17 6, 646.0 SEE DETAIL WK -9 FOP, _E L5 645.0 1310FILTER MATEKIAL5 645.0 EC -5 MATTING -644.0 RIF -RAF 5FILLWAY +- 6 6" PERF. FIFE ,4 TRAIL .0 [510FILTEP, 5ECTION (TYF.) 1G1c�ll N.T.S. FILTER FA13RIC CL. A-1 RI 5FILLWAY 5ECTION (TYP.), N.T.5. ,CHECK DAM MO. 3 STONE rf_v-P:j . r 2.0 5FILLW/\ Y FROFILE (TYK) 5.0 C5.4 N.T.5. 12' + EC -2 MATTING (3_.�O 5WALE!5ECTION (TYF.) 105.0 �cu N.T.5. Ar -*Ar z AL Iff THE COX COMPANY Planners - Landscape Architects Civil Engineers - Urban Designers 220 East High Street ChafiottesvNe - Orginic 22902 . 4434) 2957131 Job Number. 03-140 Developer: MD Development, LLC One Boar's Head Pointe Charlottesville, VA 22903 P: 434.972.7764 F: 434.295.3203 Architect: Mitchell/Matthews P.O. Box 5603 Charlottesville, VA 22905 P: 434.979.7550 F: 434.979.5220 Job Number: 03-140 o F9A AX 0 COX J e CETTIF[CA TE NO, o �Ss I- 'foN A M9 Date: October 23, 2006 Revision: I September 12, 2005 November 14, 2005 January 30, 2006 May 30, 2006 October 23, 2006 Scale: i"=30' Sheet No.: C-5*0 7 of 16