HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA201800013 Plan - Submittal (First) 2018-10-23M:-4[•z:l•11\I ,mom AGNOR-HURTS,'`°opb LOWES r & CHICK-FIL-A ELEMENTARY,kHri- °off / d� M Starbucks }-y _ *KROGER i {'s TJ MAX DICKS SPORTING GOODS r / \ WOODBROOK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4 USIC Loeatiffg �, � \� r - � `� � • 1 Servrces Goodwill dqke�y Charlottesville Health and, e�F SITE ° Rehabilitation'Ce er (� �) The Daily o Progress dq y o /P ryp� ` � — •. i is a.. - 0 ACAC v NOR*HSIDE j Fitness 1 a ,,LIBRARY CVS y CenterArden Place - ALBEMARLE / Apartments SQUARE t rtmen s) .. S G6¢ I Y r - it w _ N ajdventure AC C tr hide FASHION SQUARE MALL ,StarbucksSYAPLES NTS - s_,It, e ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan Designation 6� 1 Q 614 0 Source: Albemarle County GIS October 2018 RIO ROAD WEST TM 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 18 October 2018 Project Proposal This is a request to rezone TMP 45-100, 45-100A, 45-100B, and 45- 101 (collectively the "property") from Commercial (C-1) to Neighborhood Model District (NMD). The property is located approximately 1,000' linear feet west of the intersection of Route 29 and Rio Road W and is approximately 3.3 acres in the aggregate. The property is located in a commercial area in the Rio29 community of Albemarle County. The property is designated as "Urban Density Residential" in the Future Land Use Map, recommending the site develop at a density of 6-34 dwelling units per acre (DUA). Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan The property is located within the core area of the Rio29 Small Area Plan which envisions the area as an urban center in Albemarle County. It is the intent of this project to be mixed -use, adhere to the maximum recommended residential density on the property, and provide neighborhood commercial services on -site. The NMD district will allow for the property to develop in a manner that is consistent with recommendations outlined in the Rio29 Small Area Plan by providing a mixture of uses and buildings with urban form. Residential and commercial uses on the property will allow for the development to contribute to the urban character of the area as it transitions towards a multi -modal, urban area. Project Narrative Sheet 2 of 17 The proposed project anticipates street scape improvements to improve pedestrian connectivity and to promote neighborhood friendly streets. On -site design will incorporate open space/amenity areas, feature relegated parking measures, will have buildings that are cognizant of the human -scale, and site design that is respectful of terrain. Project Goals The residential component of the project will offer housing in an area that currently has few residential units. A multi -family component would be consistent with recommendations for building form, scale, and use outlined in the Rio29 Small Area Plan. The design of this site will be cognizant of principles including human -scale and pedestrian connectivity that are characteristic of urban places. Character Types Plan Northside •.� Library. 29th Place • �J~ Shopping Center Rio Hill -hopping Center LEGEND ....: ..tip _URBAN CORE CORE '•.......� .., FLEX ti, EDGE J Albemarle Square-' Shopping Center : :>n Square Mall r•. Z ..i L (Source: Albemarle County Department of Community Development Plans have not been adopted but are part of an ongoing study and community discussion. Connectivity Plan .�� Northside .,� Library � !' '•'tip, 29th Place Sh'oppingCenter ��.• Rio Hill Shopping Center ..�„ . { N J T. Aibemarl Square. Shopping Center 1. -•.� Fashion Square Mall J NdLfi N Park & Trail Plan Rio Hill Shopping Center s' AL w SIT a 49 de ��sT y 1 � V Albemarle Square ••y� r Shopping Center ii�i A � 29th Place Shopping Center +. �0" RIn!h QRZ �90� OPT d s LW- _111k� s % ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT RIO ROAD WEST TM 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 5 October 2018 Rio29 Small Area Plan Sheet 3 of 17 This site is located in the core of the Rio29 Small Area Plan. It has a central location on Rio Road West between Berkmar Drive and Route 29. The NMD zoning district allows for a mix of residential and commercial uses on the property and development that is consistent with recommendations for the Rio29 area outlined in the preliminary planning phases of the Rio29 Small Area Plan. The strategic location of the site provides the opportunity to set the standard for future development as the Rio Road W corridor takes on a more urban character with a complete, multi - modal street scape. 001- "1 ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT RIO ROAD WEST 00-0� TMP 45-101, 45-101 B, 45-1 00-A, 45-100 TMP 45-94B DB 1465/169 IS, 'CMA Properties LLC C/O Colonial A Cent 18 October 2018 Zone: Highway Commerci Existing Conditions Use: Commerd I - ------ Soo ------ 000 Sheet 4 of 17 TMP145-173 0-10 ,-DB 3611/616 -------- The site consists of four parcels 000 C MA PropertiQs-1kC -------- TMP 45-10 1, TMP 45-101 B, TMP Zone: Highway Commercial 0000 '000r ------------ 45-100-A, and TMP 45-100, all (ft Use: Vacant Commercial 4 7�� .100 zoned Commercial (C-11). The site - B VO 'p- is almost entirely vacant with one DB 2130/030 0 0 uninhabited single family dwelling. Auto LLC TMP 45-105 The parcelare 3.32 acres in Zone: Comm j DB 18701119 r -LTse: ResLdeaga Bearwood Properties LLC aggregates Zone Highway Commercial 0000 The property is surrounded by a !-71 ­-D&MO�N3 mix of commercial uses including TMP45-10 Use: Commercia M 40-613 R45 Auto LILC newspaper printing and distribution, 'FB - 43561q399_---- - Zone: C1 Commercial. r 0-10 441�1- 1 -KSR nvestments INC�' Use: Residential a library, and a photo printing shop. IS \\\ , N"' Zon5 C - 1 Commercial 0-10 There are several single family ant Commercial -USC- 46 residences directly west of the DB 21301030 property. Auto LLC --------- ------- Z We--.Res—idential ------------- one: C ---------- ----- 1 Commsrci \ - I I 1\ .000-- All - ------- ---- 0-00 -- --- -------- — 0000 1%4.. --------------- TMP45-100 TMP 45-102 ------ ----------------- DB 365-110621, DB 47551449 Dinh, Ton -DS 45W4f The Geoffrey d Kilmer and Denise 13� Auto ILLC me ial Kilmer Asset Protection Trust li Zo C om nt� I ----- --- \--Z e: C1 Comm rcial Zone: C1 Commere14 ----- --- se: Residell Use: Commercial — ----------- ---- Rio Road West U.S. Route 29 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — - (Seminole Trail) 1 -111- — �- , , Grade Separated Interchange TMP 45-102A r -------------------------------------------- -------------- -- -------------- TMP61-120K DB 4194/501 1 DB 4365/46 World Media Enterprises INC DBA The Daily Progress County of Albemarle, Virginia 2"e. ighway Commercial ghw ay Commercial Use: Commercial 1 Use: Commercial 300 Graphic Scale: 1 100' ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT 77 i te - -- pp- 00PPP_-- --------------- r I i' Surface parking not be located less than 50' from edge - of ROW I------------ =- --------_--------------------------------------- ----- 1 - 100 0 100 200 300 LFLFLF---L--J-- Graphic Scale: 1 "=100' RIO ROAD WEST TMP 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 18 October 2018 Development Areas Sheet 5 of 17 The following diagrams illustrate land disturbance areas, buildable areas, parking/circulation areas, and greenspace areas on site. Land Disturbance 3.32 Acres All areas potentially changed by development. Buildable 2.51 Acres Includes pedestrian and bike zones as well as amenity areas to be developed in future site plans. Parking/Circulation 1.47 Acres Includes pedestrian and bike zones as well as amenity areas to be developed in future site plans. Surface parking must be a minimum of 50' from edge of Rio Road W ROW. Structured parking is permitted anywhere in buildable area. Greenspace .55 Acre Area dedicated for the Future Linear Park & Stream Daylighting proposed in the Rio29 Small Area Plan. ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT RIO ROAD WEST i r r \J _-� • - - , --------------- --- \ ----- , ------ I'EL --------------- --- Rio Road W depicted with idealized streetscape - 220' block width between improvements vehicular entrances Neighborhood ServicE Variable block depth 150' on SW boundary ,200' on NE boundary Angle follows existing sewer easement. V Active Urban 200' block depth ---------------------------- 4----------- 100 0 100 200 300 LFLFLF---L--J-- Graphic Scale: 1 "=100' TMP 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 18 October 2018 Activity Areas Sheet 6 of 17 The block network of Rio Road W is defined by activity areas. The existing terrain of the site, vision for future greenway connections, and vision for a future urban street scape have informed the physical area, use, and form of the three activity areas. Design on the site will appropriately inform urban character and relegated parking will create a walkable scale block network for development. Neighborhood Greenspace The neighborhood greenspace is envisioned as a natural amenity for the community. The area has the potential to provide residents with a site for passive recreational -.55 ACRE opportunities. Local Manufacturing & Neighborhood Services The local manufacturing and neighborhood services area may feature commercial and mixed residential uses that serve the Rio29 community. Uses on this site should not be significant traffic generators so as to negatively impact internal traffic circulation on -1.3 ACRE the site. Active Urban The active urban area is characterized by mixed -use development. Building designs should contribute to the development of an urban form featuring minimal setbacks, human -scale stepbacks, and adequate first floor transparency. This area is intended to provide housing and commercial -1.4 ACRE opportunities. ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT RIO ROAD WEST 07-77-7- -� TM 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 18 October 2018 Building Height Active Urban Neighborhood Services Neighborhood Greenspace/ Conservation Area Primary Structure min: 2 stories min: 2 stories max: 2 stories max: 6 stories max: 6 stories Ground Floor Ceiling min: 14' floor to floor max: 2 stories Accessory Structure max: 2 stories max: 2 stories Setbacks Front min: none required max: 15' from edge of ROW Side min: non required Rear min: none required Stepbacks For six story buildings, there shall be a minimum ten (10) foot stepback after the fourth story Build -to Line 40% of the front fagade of any primary structures must be within ten (10) feet of the front property line; this pro- vision may be adjusted to accommodate easements Allowable Square Footage of Struc- tures Max Allowable 3.0 FAR 2.5 FAR a minimum of 25% of total square footage of any struc- ture built should be dedicated to residential use Residential Units 112 units is the max allowable within the NMD. The units may be located within the active urban or neighborhood services blocks. multi -family, townhomes, Unit Type multi -family, townhomes, SFA SFA Site Requirements Sheet 7 of 17 Residential Units The maximum number of dwelling units is equal to the maximum number of units recommended by the Comprehensive Plan, adopted 2015. The site is located within the Urban Density designation where the Comprehensive Plan recommends up to 34 dwelling units per acre. At this recommended density, the maximum number of residential dwelling units is 112 for this site (34 DUA x 3.3 Ac). Amenity Area The area devoted to greenspace and amenities shall be 15% of the total gross land area of the NMD. The area contributing to the 15% greenspace may consist of neighborhood greenspace and amenity areas. Additionally, amenity area may be manifested in outdoor patio space, landscaped garden, or elevated amenities such as shared balconies or communal rooftop space. The developer agrees to construct a multi -use path in the neighborhood greenspace that adheres to multi- use path requirements outlined in Albemarle County's Design Standards Manual. An easement will be granted to allow for public access to the multi- use path. The developer agrees to permit the County to make any on -site stream restoration improvements. *prioritize multi -family type housing ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT RIO ROAD WEST TM 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 Neighborhood Neighborhood 18 October 2018 Services & Local Neighborhood Services & Local Neighborhood Use Table 1 /4 Active Urban manufacturing Greenspace Active Urban manufacturing Greenspace Non -Residential Uses: Wayside stands -vegetables and agricultur- B B B Sheet 8 of 17 Automobile laundries SP B al produce Wholesale distribution SP B Automobile, truck repair shops SP B Water, sewer, energy and coomunications SP B The Use Table is organized by the Automobile service stations SP B distribution facilites color coded Activity Areas defined Building Materials Sales B B Public uses B B on sheet 6, Active Urban (blue), Churches B B Temporary construction headquarters and Neighborhood Services and Clubs, lodges g B temporary construction storage yards B B Local Manufacturing (yellow) and Indoor theaters g g the Neighborhood Greenspace Convenience Stores B B (green). Each area is designated Educational, technical and trade schools g B Heating oil sales and distribution B with a focus on the geography, Factory outlet sales -clothing and fabric B B Temporary industrialized buildings B topography and existing site Feed and seed stores g B Uses permitted by right pursuant to subsec- B resources in place of a strict grid tion 22.2.1 of section 22.1, commercial, C-1 network. Financial Institutions B B Indoor athletic facilities B B Fire extinguisher and security products, B B Uses denoted "B" are allowed sales and service Farmers' market B B by -right, uses denoted "SP" Fire and rescue squad stations g B Stormwater management facilities shown require a Special Use Permit. Funeral homes B B on an approved final site plan or subdivision B B B This use table is not exhaustive plat but should serve as the basis Furniture Stores B B Tier I and Tier II personal wireless service B B for interpretation of future uses Food and Grocery stores including such facilities allowed on the site. The uses specialty shops as bakery, candy, milk dis- g g Storage Yards SP SP included in this table are defined pensary and wine and cheese shops Laboratories/Research and Development/ in Albemarle County Code Home and business servies such as Experimental Testing; gross floor area of inclusive revisions through grounds care, cleaning, exterminators, land- B B the establishment does not exceed 4,000 Septemberr 12, 2018. scaping, and other repair and maintenance square feet per site; provided that the gross g services floor area of the establishment may exceed 4,000 square feet per site by special excep- No outdoor storage and display Hardware B B tion approved by the board of supervisors. uses are proposed on the subject Hotels, motels, and inns B B Manufacturing/Processing/Assembly/Fab- parcel as part of this application. Light warehousing g g rication and Recycling; gross floor area of the establishment does not exceed 4,000 Machinery nad equipment sales, service and SP B square feet per site; provided that the gross B rental floor area of the establishment may exceed Manufactured home and trailer sales and SP B 4,000 square feet per site by special excep- service tion approved by the board of supervisors Modular building sales SP B Storage/Warehousing/Distribution/Transpor- Motor vehicle sales, service, and rental SP g tation; gross floor area of the establishment does not exceed 4,000 square feet per site; New automotive parts sales B B provided that the gross floor area of the B Newspaper publishing B B establishment may exceed 4,000 square feet per site by special exception approved Administrative, business and professional B B by the board of supervisors. offices Drive -through windows (reference 5.1.60). B - Office and buisness machines sales and B B (Added 3-2-16) service Commercial recreation establishment includ- Eating establishment; fast food restaurants B B ing but not limited to amusement centers, B B 1 bowling Retail nurseries and greenhouses B B alleys, pool halls and dance halls. 1 Sale of major recreational equipment and Septic tank sales and related service. SP l I \ vehicles SP B I ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT Active Urban Neighborhood Services & Local manufacturing Veterinary office and hospital (reference B B 5.1.11). Drive-in theaters (reference 5.1.08) SP Neighborhood Greenspace Artiva Ilrhan I ne touowing services ana pudic estan- lishments: Neighborhood Services & Local maniffarturinn Administrative, protessional offices. B B RIO ROAD WEST TM 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 18 October 2018 Neighborhood Use Table 2/4 Sheet 9 of 17 Energy and communications transmission SP Barber, beauty shops. B B Parking Requirements: facilities (reference 5.1.12) Religious assembly use, cemeteries. g� y ti B B The parking maximum for the Hospitals, nursing homes, convalescent B B (Amended 8-9-17) proposed development is the homes Clubs, lodges (reference 5.1.02). B B minimum allowable for scheduled Auction houses. B B Financial institutions. B B and unscheduled uses as defined Commercial kennels - indoor only (reference SP Fire and rescue squad stations (reference in Sec. 4.12.6 and Sec. 4.12.7 of 5.1.11). 5.1.09). B B Albemarle County Code, codified Stand alone parking and parking structures SP Health spas B B through September 12, 2018. (reference 4.12, 5.1.41). Warehouse facilities not permitted under SP Indoor theaters. B g To align proposed development section 24.2.1 (reference 9.0). Laundries, dry cleaners. B B with the urban vision for the site, Animal shelter (reference 5.1.11). SP Laundromat (provided that an attendant minimum parking requirements Tier III personal wireless service facilities shall be on duty at all hours during opera- B B should be avoided. Large parking (reference 5.1.40). SP tion). lots are not consistent with Body shops. Sp Libraries, museums B B urban form and the location of Antique, gift, jewelry, notion and craft shops. B B Nurseries, day care centers (reference B B the site as well as anticipated 5.1.06). street improvements provide Clothing, apparel and shoe shops. B B Eating establishments B B for multi -modal transportation Department store B B Tailor, seamstress. B B opportunities. The site is within walking distance to a CAT bus Drug store, pharmacy. B B Automobile service stations (reference B stop and anticipated roadway 5.1.20). Florist. B B improvements along Rio Road Food and grocery stores including such spe- Water, sewer, energy and communications distribution facilities. B W will not only accommodate cialty shops as bakery, candy, milk dispen- B g Public uses (reference 5.1.12). B pedestrian safety, but will improve sary and wine and cheese shops. roadway user experience for Temporary construction headquarters and cyclists as well. Furniture and home appliances (sales and B B temporary construction storage yards (refer- B service). ence 5.1.18). Hardware store. B B Dwellings (reference 5.1.21). B B Musical instruments B B Commercial recreation establishments Newsstands, magazines, pipe and tobacco including but not limited to amusement B shops. B B centers, bowling alleys, pool halls and dance halls. Optical goods. g g Energy and communications transmission B Photographic goods. B B facilities. Visual and audio appliances. B B Hospitals. B Sporting goods B B Veterinary office and hospital B Farmers' markets (reference 5.1.47) B B Hotels, motels and inns. B Motor vehicle sales and rental in commune- - %< ties and the urban area as designated in the B B comprehensive plan. Stand alone parking and parking structures SP (reference 4.12, 5.1.41). Tier III personal wireless service facilities SP Storage/Warehousing/Distribution/Transpor- B tation ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT RIO ROAD WEST TM 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 Neighborhood Neighborhood 18 October 2018 Services & Local Neighborhood Services & Local Neighborhood Use Table 3/4 Active Urban manufacturing Greensnace Active Urban manufacturing Greenspace administrative and business offices B B Hospitals SP B Sheet 10 of 17 professional offices, including medical, den- B B tal, and optical Religious assembly use B B Accessory uses and structures incidental to the principal uses provided herein. The aggregate of all accessory uses shall not occupy more than twenty (20) percent of the floor area of the buildings on the site. The following accessory uses shall be permitted: Eating establishments; -Newsstands; -Establishments for the sale of office sup- plies and service of office equipment; -Data processing services; -Central reproduction and mailing services and the like; -Ethical pharmacies, laboratories and esta- bishments for the production, fitting and/or B B sale of optical or prosthetic appliances on sites con- taining medical, dental or optical offices; -(Repealed 3-17-82) -Sale/service of goods associated with the principal use such as, but not limited to: musical instruments, musical scores, text books, artist's supplies and dancing shoes and apparel; -Barber shops; -Beauty shops. Water, sewer, energy and communications distribution facilities. SP Temporary construction headquarters and temporary construction storage yards B B Dwellings B Temporary nonresidential mobile homes SP SP Day care, child care or nursery facility B B Stormwater management facilities shown on an approved final site plan or subdivision B B plat. Tier I and Tier II personal wireless service facilities SP Farmers' markets B B Laboratories/Research and Development/ Experimental Testing; gross floor area of the establishment does not exceed 4,000 square feet per site; provided that the gross floor area of the establishment may exceed SP B 4,000 square feet per site by special excep- tion approved by the board of supervisors. Drive -through windows (reference 5.1.60). SP B (Added 3-2-16) Funeral homes. B B Energy and communications transmission SP B facilities. Stand alone parking and parking structures SP School of special instruction. B B Hotels, motels and inns B B Supporting commercial uses B B Man ufactu ri ng/Processi ng/Assem bly/Fabri- B cation/Recycling Neighborhood Services & Local Neighborhood Active Urban manufacturing Greensaace Residential and Community Uses: Semi-detached and attached single-fam- ily dwellings such as duplexes, triplexes, quadraplexes, townhouses, atrium houses and patio houses provided that density is maintained, and provided further that build- g B ings are located so that each unit could be provided with a lot meeting all other require- ments for detached single-family dwellings except for side yards at the common wall. Multiple -family dwellings such as garden B B apartments Cluster development of permitted residential B B uses. Rental of permitted residential uses and guest cottages; provided that yard, area and other requirements of this ordinance shall be B B met for each such use whether or not such use is on an individual lot. (Group home B B Boarding houses. B B Tourist lodgings B B Electric, gas, oil and communication facili- ties, excluding tower structures and includ- ing poles, lines, transformers, pipes, meters and related facilities for distribution of local service and owned and operated by a public utility. Water distribution and sewerage col- lection lines, pumping stations and appurte- nances owned and operated by the Albe- marle County Service Authority. Except as B B B otherwise expressly provided, central water supplies and central sewerage systems in conformance with Chapter 16 of the Code of Albemarle and all other applicable law. Public uses and buildings including tempo- rary or mobile facilities such as schools, of- fices, parks, playgrounds and roads funded, B B B owned or operated by local, state or federal agencies (reference 31.2.5); public water and sewer transmission, main or trunk lines, Temporary construction uses B B B Accessory uses and buildings including home occupation, Class A (reference 5.2) B B and storage buildings. Stormwater management facilities shown on an approved final site plan or subdivision B B B plat. (Added 10-9-02) Family day homes (reference 5.1.56). (Add- B B ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT RIO ROAD WEST TM 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 Neighborhood 18 October 2018 Services & Local Neighborhood Use Table 4/4 Active Urban manufacturing Greenspace Community center (reference 5.1.4). B B B Sheet 11 of 17 Clubs, lodges, civic, fraternal, patriotic (ref- B B erence 5.1.2). Fire and rescue squad stations (reference B B 5.1.9). Swim, golf, tennis or similar athletic facilities B B (reference 5.1.16). Private schools. B B Electrical power substations, transmission lines and related towers; gas or oil trans- mission lines, pumping stations and appur- tenances; unmanned telephone exchange centers; microwave and radio -wave trans- B mission and relay towers, substations and appurtenances (reference 5.1.12). il Day care, child care or nursery facility (refer- B B ence 5.1.6). Assisted living facility, skilled nursing facility, children's residential facility, or similar insti- tution (reference 5.1.13). :: Professional offices. B B Home occupation, Class B (reference 5.2). B B Religious assembly use. (Added 9-2-81; B B Amended 8-9-17) Cemeteries. (Added 9-2-81) B B Stand alone parking and parking structures (reference 4.12, 5.1.41). (Added 11-7-84; SP SP Amended 2-5-03) Tier III personal wireless service facilities B (reference 5.1.40). (Added 10-13-03) Historical centers, historical center special events, historical center festivals (reference B B 5.1.42). (Added 6-8-05) ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT I I I I �I I 2 -1 I I I I I Rio Road West Existing Condition 60' Curb to Curb 70' Right of Way Variable Total Width with parking lots and large setbacks No Occupiable space for pedestrians The existing street is intended for exclusive use by the automobile. d The sidewalks are narrow and the I street is not easily crossed by foot or navigated by bicycle. Buildable Area Disturbance Area I — �I 50 0 50 100 150 LFLFLF---L--J-- Graphic Scale: 1 "=50' RIO ROAD WEST TM 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 18 October 2018 Idealized Street Plan Sections: `A Street' Shimp Engineering Proposal 60' Curb to Curb 86' Right of Way 92' - 106' Total Width 18' Median includes two way bike lanes, planting space and can be designed to accommodate bike parking and seating areas for cyclists and pedestrians. An 8' two-way bike lane leaves 10' of additional occupiable space. 44'-56' Total occupiable space 11' - 18' effective space (per side of street plus 10' in the median) This street considers multiple modes of travel as it is designed for pedestrians, bikes, cars and even scooters; a strong foundation for becoming a lively commercial center is developed. Taking a cue from the new grade separated interchange and the proposed roundabout and dogbone at the ends of the street, this proposal both slows travel and increases efficiency. Every part of the street has a role to play. The tightening of lanes slows cars and shortens the crosswalk for safer pedestrian crossing. A two way bike lane situated in the median protects iuildable Area cyclists and occupies a too often )isturbance Area underutilized part of the street. — — —This median has the potential for increased functionality if designed with a meandering bike lane that will simultaneously slow cyclists while creating space along the median for bike parking and seats among an irregular double row of trees. Sheet 12 of 17 Furthermore, the Reduction of asphalt to only 42' in section, and efficient use of this linear landscape planted with a central allee in the median and the planted landscape strip on each side of the street will mitigate the effects of the urban heat island and create a greater vegetative surface area for taking up stormwater in roots and in the form of evapotranspiration. Every part of the street performs. Right of Way to Building Ratio 10 0 10 20 30 LFLfl-F---L---F- Graphic Scale: 1 "=10' 1:3 ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT RIO ROAD WEST 1:2 TMP 45-101, 45-101 B, 45-100-A, 45-100 18 October 2018 Proposed Street Section: Rio Road West Sheet 13 of 17 94' to 108' Total Width 50' Max along build to line 00 CP —I N 00 W U) OD p Cn -V O O cD N CD CD CD' -0 Q Q CD CD O _3(D Cn CDv T O 7 CD _ LP 77 CD N O = m CD N m °' O c> CD Floor 4 10'-12' Residential Floor 3 10'-12' Residential Floor 2 10'-12' Residential Floor 1 14' Flex Space Rear facade engages trail users with an active facade 25' Planted Buffer oil dG ' 'I Passive recreation in future linear park. 10 0 10 20 30 LFIJ-LF---L--J- Graphic Scale: 1 "=10' Future Daylighted Stream 1 10' Trail with 2' cleared Shoulders Active recreation along trail and future green street. Location of the trail is up to the discretion of the developer. ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT RIO ROAD WEST TM 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 27 September 2018 Conceptual Greenspace Section Sheet 14 of 17 The multi -use trail will be a Class A -- type 2 low -maintenance multi- use, shared use path designed in accordance with regulations outlined in the Albemarle County Design Standards Manual last updated April 27, 2015. i lip, ----------------------- I ------------- 4 \ Intersection of _J I I�'\,Rio Road West & IBerkmar Drive with 1-J proposed future round- about Possible Future Local type `C Street' / _�- —_- -- —___ _-�------/--- ri , I h ---------------- -- ---------- 100 0 100 200 LFLFLF---L--J-- Graphic Scale: 1 "=100' Circulation Key PEDESTRIAN VEHICULAR ------------- IF ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT RIO ROAD WEST TMP 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 18 October 2018 Proposed Circulation Sheet 15 of 17 J Arrows show how traffic enters I;'----------- and exits the site. / / / / / i A parking area at the center of the site provides space for a possible future roadway connection between parcels. Intersection of Rio Road West & U.S. Route 29 at the Grade Separated Interchange built as part of VDOT'S 29 Solutions project with proposed future dogbone ® 1 / plpppp,) \�------ - F \ _ �- 1 f � _------- / I I, --- ---------- `Conceptual --------__ DI -_ ,Stormwater _ \ \\-------- 510 �' Detention \ -- --- --------- �! - I y -----_ - - - _17 I - Ij _ the back of sidewalk A u' - - - — - - - - - - - - - - — - — - - ---�-- i I a I �a a o Illustrative Diagram, Not Binding. 100 0 100 200 300 LFLFLF---L--J-- Graphic Scale: 1 "=100' ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT RIO ROAD WEST TM 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 18 October 2018 Conceptual Grading & Stormwater Sheet 16 of 17 Stormwater Management All design and engineering for improving the property will comply with applicable County and State regulations. Stormwater management design will be consistent with similar urban development projects and will utilize on -site underground stormwater management facilities. Conceptual Grading Buildings on the property will be cognizant of site topography. Buildings will be designed to reduce the need for retaining walls. ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT Active Urban ht of Way i multimodal transit HIGH POINT Includes residential and commercial uses. Block I 0' Deep x 220' Wide Max Allowable Building Height Proposed Building Height 40 0 40 80 120 LFLFLF---L--J-- Graphic Scale: 1 "=40' Local Manufacturing & Neighborhood Services Possible Future Connection A' Across, Suitable for Fype C `Local Street' Block II 150'-200' Variable Depth x 220' Wide Max Allowable Building Height Proposed Building Height MID SLOPE Low intensity manufacturing that serves the surrounding residences; residential uses may be incorporated RIO ROAD WEST TM 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 18 October 2018 Active Recreation Block III 'uture Linear Park (ariable dimension Conceptual Site Section Sheet 17 of 17 The topography and resources of the site are used to define the blocks and inform the design of future buildings. Blocks widths and depths are designed at an appropriate walkable scale. The central parking provides opportunity for a future Type C local street creating increased circulation and connection across the site. Buildings should be designed to anticipate future development and provide the opportunity for multiple access points. Additionally, buildings should be designed to feature active facades. An active facade should feature one or more of the following: varying materials, murals, windows with adequate transparency, or other architectural details that are consistent with a street facing facade. LOW POINT Natural amenity area for residents; this area will feature a multi -use path. This area will be a component of a larger linear park that is ultimately intended to connect to Berkmar Drive and Route 29. t -- b ZONING MAP AMMENDMENT RIO ROAD WEST TM 45-101, 45-101B, 45-100-A, 45-100 18 October 2018 Illustrative Renderings View from Rio Road W of building in Active Urban Block View of rear facade of building in local manufacturing and neighborhood services block. Rendering depicts an active facade, multi -use path, and greenspace incorporated into a larger linear park