HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800132 Correspondence Family Division Plat 2018-10-22 N
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2018 8:24 AM
To: 'Stout, Heath K*HS'
Cc: residentialsurveying@gmail.com; 'hks2j@virginia.edu'
Subject: RE: SUB201800132—Way - Family Division
Attachments: VDH Approval Letter(SUB 201800132).pdf
Mr. Heath,
RE: SUB201800132—Way-Family Division
After looking deeper into County regulations and speaking with the Virginia Department of Health(VDH)I am ready to
approve the family subdivision.No additional soil work is needed. Attached is your VDH approval letter of the proposed
septic systems for the proposed lot.
Please submit a minimum of 2 copies of the signed/notarized plat for County approval.
Give me a call if you have any questions.
Christopher P. Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext. 3443
Christopher Perez
From: Kirtley, Joshua <joshua.kirtley@vdh.virginia.gov>
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2018 2:58 PM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: Re: Regulations for Family Subdivisions over 5 acres
Attachments: Approval Letter (SUB 201800132).pdf
Good afternoon, Chris. Thanks for sharing the information about the family subdivision requirements.
As discussed, I have attached a PDF of the approval letter for the subject project. Please review and let me
know if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a good weekend,
On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 9:56 AM Christopher Perez<cperezAalbemarle.org>wrote:
Sec. 14-208 Family subdivisions.
The following sections of this chapter shall apply to each family subdivision,when applicable:
A. General: Sections 14-100 through 14-108.
B.Administration and procedure: Sections 14-200 through 14-204, 14-208, 14-209, 14-211, 14-212, 14-231, 14-231.1, 14-232(B)
and 14-236.
C.Plat requirements and documents to be submitted: Sections 14-300, 14-301, 14-302(A)(1),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(9),(10),(11),
(13),(14)and(15), 14-302(B)(1),(2),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9)and(10), 14-303(A),(B),(C),(D),(E),(F),(H),(I),(L),(M),(N),
(0),(P),(Q)and(S), 14-304, 14-305(B), 14-307, 14-307.1, 14-308.1, 14-309, 14-310, 14-312, 14-314 and 14-318.
desi ctions 14-400, 14W. 14 , 14-403;ifillritivate street will bellastructed or ap
thorized by section 14-232(B)(1),then also sections 14-316, 14-406, 14-410(F)and 14-412(A)(4);if any part of the pro
within a proposed family subdivision is within the jurisdictional area of the service authority,then also section 14414 bu
ch lot, including a lot not required to connect to public sewer service pursuant to section 14414,which is les es,
IR all comply with the requirements ns 14-416, 14-421 14-4115 through 141.
((§ 18-57(part): 8-28-74; 10-17-79; 12-21-83;4-13-88; 1-3-96;9-5-96)(§ 18-58(part):8-28-74;9-5-96)§§ 18-57, 18-58; § 14-208,
Ord.98-A(1), 8-5-98;Ord.05-14(1),4-20-05,effective 6-20-05;Ord. 13-14(1), 12-4-13,effective 1-1-14)
Sec. 14-416 Individual private wells and onsite sewage systems.
A subdivision for which public water and/or public sewerage service is not reasonably available as provided in section 14-414,and
for which a central water supply and/or a central sewerage system is not authorized under section 14-415,shall be served by
individual private wells or onsite sewage systems,or both,and shall meet all requirements of the health department,and be approved
by the health director.
((§ 18-23 (part): 8-28-74; § 18-23,9-5-96)(§ 18-27: 8-28-74; § 18-27,9-5-96); §§ 18-23, 18-27; § 14-518,Ord.98-A(1),8-5-98; §
14-416,Ord.05-14(1),4-20-05,effective 6-20-05;Ord. 12-14(1),7-11-12)
Josh Kirtley
Environmental Health Technical Consultant
Onsite Sewage and Water Programs
Thomas Jefferson Health District
(434) 972-6288
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2018 3:25 PM
To: 'Stout, Heath K*HS'; 'Tyler Grisham'
Cc: Josh Kirtley(Joshua.Kirtley@vdh.virginia.gov)
Subject: RE: SUB201800132-Way - Family Division
RE: SUB201800132-Way-Family Division
Thanks for the call,as of yesterday the County Attorney has approved the Covenants and Restrictions doc and the private
street maintenance agreement associated with the family subdivision plat.These legal docs will need to be recorded with
the plat once it's approved.
Notably,the only item remaining is the Health Departm s approval of your soil work. Once I receive their approval the
plat can be approved. /o-p-
You can go ahead and submit the signed and notarized copies of the plat and I'll hold onto them till I receive VDH
Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
Sri %psi
Christopher Perez
From: Andy Herrick vp,„7/
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2018 3:32 PM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: RE:Way Family Subdivision
Thanks for sending the me the Peter T. Way Trust Agreement dated April 27, 2017. After reviewing
both that Trust Agreement (Counlly Code§ 1.1-212(A)(1)) and the proposed restrictive covenant (County Cede
11-212(B)), I agree that they meet the requirements for a family subdivision. After review, I also agree that the
proposed Road Maintenance Agreement appears to meet the minimum standards of Comm'nCode§ 1,1-317. I'll
return the documents for your further review.
Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks.
Andy Herrick
Sr. Asst. County Attorney
Notice:This email may contain attorney-client privileged information,privileged work product,or other confidential iniomnation.It is intended only for the designated
recipient.If you receive this message and are not a designated recipient you are requested to delete this message immediately and notify me that you have received this by
mistake.Thank you.
From:Christopher Perez
Sent:Wednesday, September 26, 2018 10:51 AM
To:Andy Herrick<aherrick@albemarle.org>
Subject:Way Family Subdivision
Attached is the Peter Trust documents we have been waiting for(PDF).
Also, attached is the word doc template of the road'maintenance agreement I provided the applicant, as well as
the signed road maintenance doc by the applicant (PDF). (Notably, road maintenance agreements are not
rtquired for family divisions, they are recommended but not required by the code).
Also, attached is the word doc temp of the Declaration that I provided the applicant, as well as the signed
Declaration completed by the applicant (PDF).
Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
From:Andy Herrick
Sent: Friday,September 14, 2018 5:04 PM
To:Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>
Subject:Way Family Subdivision
Norio ,ftgro
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 10:51 AM
To: Andy Herrick
Subject: Way Family Subdivision
Executed 04 27 2017.pdf;template for Family Division Restrictive Covenant Form.doc;
Peter T.Way Declaration (signed).pdf;WayStoutSRinc Agreement.pdf
Attached is the Peter Trust documents we have been waiting for(PDF).
Also, attached is the word doc template of the road maintenance agreement I provided the applicant, as well as
the signed road maintenance doc by the applicant (PDF). (Notably, road maintenance agreements are not
required for family divisions, they are recommended but not required by the code).
Also, attached is the word doc temp of the Declaration that I provided the applicant, as well as the signed
Declaration completed by the applicant(PDF).
Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
From:Andy Herrick
Sent: Friday,September 14, 2018 5:04 PM
To:Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>
Subject:Way Family Subdivision
As you probably know, under County Cede§ 1 1-212(A)(1), for family subdivision purposes, land owned
as part of a trust for estate planning purposes requires extra review, including of the trust instrument. Could you
send me the Peter T. Way Trust Agreement dated April 27, 2017? Could you also forward the Declaration and
Road Maintenance Agreement templates that you had provided to the applicant? Thanks.
Andy Herrick
Sr. Asst. County Attorney
Notice:This email may contain attorney-client privileged information,privileged work product,or other confidential information.It is intended only for the designated
recipient.If you receive this message and are not a designated recipient you are requested to delete this message inmiediately and notify me that you have received this by
mistake.Thank you.
tiusge *4610
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2018 3:45 PM
To: 'Bob Coleman'
Cc: 'hks2j@virginia.edu'
Subject: RE: SUB201800132—Way- Family Division
Attachments: CD2_SUB201800132_Family Subdivision - 9-6-18.pdf
SUB201800132-Way- Family Division
I received the revised plat, and have conducted a review.
Attached are the review comments for the above ref plat.
Please note comment#10,which is a new platting comment and needs to be addressed.
Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
From:Christopher Perez
Sent:Tuesday, September 04, 2018 2:48 PM
To: 'Bob Coleman'<residentialsurveying@gmail.com>
Cc: 'hks2j@virginia.edu'<hks2j@virginia.edu>
Subject:SUB201800132—Way- Family Division
SUB201800132-Way- Family Division
Attached are the review comments for the above ref plat.
Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development 'County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2018 10:54 AM
To: 'Bob Coleman'
Subject: RE: Comments addressed
Quick question:the 30' private street easement, does this new private street actually touch/connect to Rte. 20?
If not, what is the "existing R/W for parcel 3A mean? Is that a previous dedication of R/W to Rte. 20? Or what, please
From: Bob Coleman<residentialsurveying@gmail.com>
Sent:Wednesday,September 05, 2018 10:50 AM
To:Christopher Perez<cperez@albemarle.org>
Subject:Comments addressed
Hi Chris,
Attached is the revised plat for the Way family division.
Robert W. Coleman,Jr., LS
Residential Surveying Services
1710 Allied Street,Ste. 20A
Charlottesville,Va., 22903
'toe veld
Christopher Perez
From: Christopher Perez
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2018 2:48 PM
To: 'Bob Coleman'
Cc: 'hks2j@virginia.edu'
Subject: SUB201800132—Way - Family Division
Attachments: template for Family Division Restrictive Covenant Form.doc;TEMPLATE PRIVATE STREET
Subdivision 9-4-18.pdf
SUB201800132—Way- Family Division
Attached are the review comments for the above ref plat.
Christopher P.Perez I Senior Planner
Department of Community Development I County of Albemarle,Virginia
401 McIntire Road I Charlottesville,VA 22902
434.296.5832 ext.3443