HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800067 Approval - County 2018-10-29COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 VSMP (VESCP) Plan Review Project: SMR to RMR Raw Water Main, Birdwood Golf Course Section—VESCP/Miti ag tion Project File Number: WP0201800067 Plan preparer: Pasquale Arcese, IV, P.E. /Michael Baker Intl./MBI [PArcese6Dmbakerintl.com ] 9400 Innovation Drive, Suite 110, Manassas, VA 20110 Owner or rep.: Michelle Simpson, P.E., Sr. Civil Engineer /Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority 695 Moores Creek Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22902 [msimpson a,rivanna.org] Plan received date: 28 Aug 2018 (Rev. 1) 8 -Oct 2018 (Rev. 2) 19 -Oct 2018 (.PDF) (Rev. 3) 25 -Oct 2018 (.PDF) (Rev. 4) 29 -Oct 2018 (.PDF) Date of comments: 1 Oct 2018 (Rev. 1) 9 -Oct 2018 (email sent 10/9/2018 10:44 AM; 10/9/2018 11:44 AM) VSMP Plan Review Memo, 11 -Oct 2018 (Rev. 2) 23 -Oct 2018 (Rev. 3) 25 -Oct 2018 (partial comments, email 10/25/2018 6:06 PM) (Rev. 4) 29 -Oct 2018 Approved *see request, immediately below; Also, SWPPPfollow-uR Reviewer: John Anderson County Code section 17-410 and Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:34 requires the VSMP authority to act on any VSMP permit by issuing a project approval or denial. This project is approved. * As favor, please include LC symbol on sheets E3, E4 to define Limits of Construction. A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) The SWPPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-405. A SWPPP must contain (1) a PPP, (2) an ESCP, (3) a SWMP'and (4) any TMDL measures necessary. E-mail sent 9/28/2018 1:56 PM requests SWPPP using county template. Provide SWPPP using 12 -section County template —Link: httD://www.albemarle.ore/uDload/imaees/forms center/departments/Community Development/forms/Eneineerine and WP O Forms/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan SWPPP template.pdf (Sec. 6 addresses six items listed at DEQ guidance Memo 15-2003, p. 4, bullet 1) — (Rev. 1) to be submitted with next plan submittal (MBI comment response letter). (Rev. 2) SWPPP not provided with link to revised plans. Please provide SWPPP. (Rev. 4) Partially addressed. As follow-up, please replace current Sec. 10 with Sec. 10, Delegation of Authority (Attached to Review Memo). B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404. 1. Sec. 6 of county SWPPP template; please provide. (Rev. 1) No change. (Rev. 3/4) Addressed. C. Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) SWM Plan —If revised design addresses preliminary review comments sent as email 9/28/2018 1:56 PM, then project is eligible for alternative review of SWM requirements as a linear project, per DEQ Guidance Memo No. 15-2003, Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 5 Melanie Davenport, April 23, 2015 (Attached: p. 3/4 conditions). Please incorporate 4 bullet items at bottom of pg. 3 of DEQ Memo into the VESCP Plan. Incorporate 1St bullet, p. 4 of Memo into SWPPP, Sec. 6. D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Virginia Code §62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP. This plan is qpnroved. 1. Provide copy of USACE Corps permit issued in tandem with Ragged Mountain Reservoir project review. RWSA email (9/28/2018 2:54 PM): "Please note that we previously obtained the ACOE and DEQ permit for this work as part of our 9 -mile South Fork Rivanna Reservoir to Ragged Mountain Reservoir 36" raw water main for the Community Water Supply Project." (Rev. 1) Addressed. Copies of USACE NAO 2006-03002 06-V1574 (1/31/12); USACE Permit No. 06-V1574 (6/3/08); VDEQ VWP Individual Permit No. 06-1574 (Ragged Mountain Expansion Project /12/28/11) provided. 2. Silt fence (SF) appears to be sole ESC measure proposed, which is inadequate. Eliminate SF that runs cross -contour, or that crosses swales or streams. Instead, propose check dams, stone outlets, trapping devices, and diversions (RWD, CWD, DV) with trapping measures. SF is installed parallel with contours. SF running up- /downslope should be replaced with berms, diversions, and —at lowest elevations —trapping measures (even if Vol. 5 cy). For cross -contour portions of the utility corridor, SF may be installed in series on contour, staggered along slope (scallop appearance). Provide check dams, if needed. At defined channels /streams, SF should be discontinuous. Design should provide trapping device on both approaches to every stream. (Rev.1) Partially addressed. As follow-up, see 10/9/18 email, items 8, 14, 25. Also, please see correction email sent 10/9/2018 11:44 AM. (Rev. 2) Partially Addressed. Trapping measures discussed on 10/22 (Warren Wilczynski, Mohammed Shammet, J. Anderson). Details: (Rev. 3) Addressed. a. Revised design is to include label with leader line at intersection of silt fence and diversion dike at the south corner of North entrance staging /laydown area, reading: Install trapping depression. b. ST symbol may be removed /replaced with enhanced check dam design symbol at approx. stations: 34+20, 42+20, 58+40 (sheet E4). c. STs either side of twin 36" culverts conveying live stream shall remain notwithstanding discussion on 10/22. Design must provide adequate trapping measures (ST) at sta. 11+00 (t) at DD termini. d. ST within limits of construction, sta. 0+00, sized to accept runoff from reasonably calculated watershed DA, will be provided, as discussed. e. Replace CD, east side utility corridor, Sta. 27+20 (f), with ST sized for 1.5 Ac. DA, as discussed. This trap may be elongated. Please label ST floor dimensions to aid construction and inspection. 3. Note: Streams in vicinity are likely impaired, with TMDL limits for sediment. Consult VESCH, 3rd Edit., 1992, for site and design considerations that apply. Review VESCH Std. and Spec. 3.05 (SF), in particular. Provide measures appropriate to site topography, streams, resources, and potential for off-site sediment transport over life of project. Consider effects of public visibility, and consequence of ESC measure failure. (Rev.1) Addressed/acknowledged. 4. Note: A score of residential properties heighten public awareness. Albemarle anticipates calls, should all go well. We anticipate complaints under current design. Design should consider the highly visible nature of this project at the edge of Birdwood Golf Course, and Bellaire subdivision. (Rev.1) Addressed /acknowledged. 5. Note: DEQ guidance memo restricts Area of disturbance to < 1 Ac. on a daily basis, for projects seeking SWM review /exemption as a linear project. This means the GC may not clear the entire corridor. Provide VESCP Note with Project Narrative (E3) to clarify limit on daily disturbance. Design must pay particular attention to proposed staging /laydown areas, which are non-linear. Albemarle could view staging /laydown areas as subject to VSMP requirements, and not eligible for review under DEQ Guidance Memo 15-2003. Provide careful VESCP design for both north and south access laydown areas. Note VESCH limits on SF (t/4 Ac. /100' SF). Design for north laydown area shows SF as only control at foot of 300' slope. Revise design. Absent careful design revision, Albemarle will likely have no choice but to review plans as subject to stormwater quality and quantity standards listed at 9VAC25-870-65 and 9VAC25-870-66, since, given geometry of laydown area/s, linear features are absent at these locations. (Rev.1) Partially addressed. As follow-up, see 10/9/18 email, items 5, 6, 23. (Rev. 2) Addressed. Engineering Review Comments Page 3 of 5 6. Size temporary culverts and stream crossings to pass the 10 -yr rainfall event; provide pipe size calculations on the plans. Provide calculations for crossings at north entrance (off Rt. 250), at Canterbury Road, and at all other ditch or stream locations proposed to receive temporary pipe culverts. (Rev.1) Partially addressed. As follow-up, see 10/9/18 email, items 18, 15, 16, 19, 20. (Rev. 2) Addressed. 7. Provide typical title sheet project information —sample Attached. (Rev.1) Not addressed. Please see 10/9/18 email, items 1, 2, 32. (Rev. 2) Addressed. 8. Strikethrough drawings that are not included in VESCP plan set (index). (Rev. 1) Addressed. 9. Sheet E2: Provide additional VESCH plate details for additional ESC measures. (Rev.1) Partially addressed. As follow-up, see 10/9/18 email, items 9, 10, 11, 21. (Rev. 2) Partially addressed. Temporary bridge crossing detail provided. Triangular silt dike barrier (urethane foam /geotextile fabric) /anchoring details not provided. Please provide these details if seeking product approval as an ESC plan measure. (Rev. 3/4) Assume VESCH diversion dikes will be installed. MBI may request alt. product be reviewed at a later point in time. 10. Where utility line crosses stream buffer (9+50 thru 12+00, for example), a 60' corridor width does not minimize impact. Revise corridor width to minimum required to install utility at design depth (within stream buffers), and revise proposed utility corridor width and proposed access width wherever they occur within 100' stream buffer, to the minimum needed to access project, and install 36" DIA waterline. Revise, and show to scale on plans. (Rev. 1) Addressed. 11. Note: Engineering requests (courtesy) copy of recorded RWSA easement plat. If not recorded, easement is required. Easement plats require county review. Link to Application: h!tp://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community_ Development/forms/applic ations/Easement Plat _& Checklist.pdf (Rev. 1) Plats /easements in process. 12. C3, E3, E4: Provide and show ESC symbols for temporary /permanent seed, mulch (TS, PS, MU), and any additional measures in legend and on plans, wherever measures occur (RWD, DV, ST, TSD, OP, CD, VSS, SC, USC, TO, B/M, DC, etc.). (Rev.1) Partially addressed. As follow-up, see 10/9/18 email, items 3, 4 12. (Rev. 2) Partially addressed. Revise ESC legend to include paved construction entrance (PCE). Replace CE symbol on plans with PCE. Provide paved construction entrance with wash rack detail on plans (see ACDSM). Provide triangular silt dike barrier legend symbol in ESC legend, if still proposed. (Rev. 3/4) Addressed. 13. C3: Label Rt. 250. (Rev.1) Addressed. 14. E3: Ensure TMPs are shown for adjacent parcels, Sta. 8+00-15+00 (and are readable /not obscured). (Rev.1) Addressed. 15. E4: Ensure TMPs are shown for all adjacent parcels, Sta. 31+50-41+50, 49+00-52+00, 56+00-60+00. (Rev.1) Addressed. 16. E4: Provide additional contour labels east of (northern) proposed staging /laydown area. (Rev.1) Partially addressed. As follow-up, see 10/9/18 email, item 13. (Rev. 2) Addressed. 17. E4: Provide ESC measures east of northern proposed staging /laydown area, between LC and adjacent parcels. (Rev.1) Addressed. 18. Revise plan set title to include VESCP /WPO201800067. (Rev.1) Addressed. 19. Show 50' stream buffer at south entrance /crossing /laydown area; both sides of stream. (Rev.1) Addressed. 20. Note: VESCP must be bonded. (Rev.1) Acknowledged. New; please see 10/9/18 email (email item #): (7) E3, Phase II, Note 3 provides ref, to soil stabilization matting where called for by the drawings. It appears entire corridor calls for BM. If not, delineate areas by Sta. reference, or symbols. (Rev. 2) Addressed. (17) North Side Staging Area /Rt. 250 Entrance: Provide PCE slightly interior to the site. Provide stone CE at edge of Rt. 250, entrance culvert, then paved (construction entrance, PCE) with wash rack. (Rev. 2) Not addressed. (Rev. 3) Addressed. (22) Corridor /Staging: Show (symbol for) SAF on plans, wherever SAF proposed. (Rev. 2) Addressed. (24) Wherever SF is proposed coincident with boundary lines, provide labels to help avoid GC trespass. Recommend include labels across plan sheets requiring 3'-5' Min. offset, SF to adjacent property lines. Engineering Review Comments Page 4of5 (Rev. 2) Not addressed. Recommendation not accepted; comment withdrawn. Incidental contractor trespass on adjacent private properties is more likely to occur, and may compromise project. (Rev. 3) Addressed with Rev 2; review error. (E4, Project Narrative, Phase I, Note. 1.) 5. (26) Recommend labels indicating GC will post both north /south side staging area access points from Rt. 250 (Ivy Road) and Canterbury Road `No Trespassing' or `Keep Out' to discourage trespass. (Rev. 2) Not addressed. Recommendation not accepted; comment withdrawn. Incidental trespass on project more likely to occur without caution warning against trespass. 6. 27 El A (typographical): Right of Way Diversions. Also, revise temporary culvert crossing sentence to read: `...to provide a means for construction traffic to cross flowing streams without damaging...' (Rev. 2) Not addressed. (Rev. 3) Not Addressed /Withdrawn. 7. (28) EIA: Clarify that a paved construction entrance with wash rack is required at the south side entrance, and interior to the site at the north side entrance. N side entrance to receive stone CE, as well. (Rev. 2) Not addressed. 8. (29) Provide PCE symbols on plans for paved construction entrance/s with wash rack. (Rev. 2) Not addressed. (Rev. 4) Addressed. 9. (30) Provide labels and show on plans trapping devices at north /south side PCEs. (Rev. 2) Comment revised: A Note stating `trapping depression required at PCE' is sufficient; provide such Note at N /S entrance PCEs. (Rev. 4) Addressed. 10. (3 1) E4: Ex. 24" culvert labels are sufficient; reference to 24" box culvert may confuse. (Rev. 2) Addressed. New (Rev. 3 —RE: VDOT) 11. Transfer first five of six (1.-5.) listed VDOT requirements to VSMP /WPO Plan. Ref. John Winn email, Oct -4, 2018, 2:14 PM. (Rev. 4) Withdrawn/ review error. VDOT permit requirements listed at C3. E. Mitigation Plan 17-602.B provides exemption from duty to retain, establish or manage a stream buffer; public water /sewer improvements are eligible if specific conditions are met. 17-604.C.5. lists requirements for stream crossings of roads, streets, or driveways (not public utilities). Mitigation plan is not required, provided conditions listed at 17- 602.13. are met. Note: Show 50' stream buffer at south entrance /crossing /laydown area; both sides of stream on VESCP plan. (Rev. 1) Addressed. Process After approval, VESCP plan will need to be bonded. The bonding process is begun by submitting a bond estimate request form and fee to the Department of Community Development. One of the plan reviewers will prepare estimates and check parcel and easement information based on the approved plans. The County's Management Analyst will prepare bond agreement forms, which will need to be completed by the owner and submitted along with cash, certificates or sureties for the amounts specified. The agreements will need to be approved and signed by the County Attorney and County Engineer. This may take 2-4 weeks to obtain all the correct signatures and forms. Link to bond estimate request form: hgps://www.goo2le.com/url?q=https://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Developme nt/forms/bonds/Bond_Request _to Establish a Bond.pdf&sa=U&ved=OahUKEwjOsL- ctOXdAhWmOAKHbcVBwoOFggGMAE&client--internal-uds- cse&cx=013641561590022973988:g3cwj srdbli&usg=AOvVawl RFX8fSN 1_ObuZ8tTQgEpK After bonding is complete, the County can hold a pre -construction conference. Applicant will need to complete the request for apre-construction conference form, and pay the remainder of the application fee. The form Engineering Review Comments Page 5 of 5 identifies the contractor and responsible land disturbed, and the fee remaining to be paid. This will be checked by county staff, and upon approval, a pre -construction conference will be scheduled with the County inspector. At the pre -construction conference, should everything proceed satisfactorily, a grading permit will be issued by the County so that work may begin. Ifyou have questions, please contact me at j anderson2galbemarle.org, or 434.296-5832 ext. 3069. Thank you J. Anderson, Engineering Division WP0201800067 SMR to RMR Raw Water Main —Birdwood Golf Course Sec_ VESCP-Mitig_102918rev3-4_Approv