HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800097 Action Letter 2018-10-30County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville, VA, 22902
October 29, 2018
Justin Shimp
912 East High Street
Charlottesville VA 22902
SUB2018-97 Rio Vista - Preliminary Subdivision Plat
Dear Mr. Shimp:
Pursuant to Albemarle County Code § 14-222(D), the above referenced preliminary subdivisionplat is
disapproved. The reason for disapproval is because the proposal does not meet § 14-404, which required each
lot shall have reasonable access to the building site from only one street, shared drive way, or alley
established at the time of the subdivision. While a special exception requested was submitted to waive § 14-
404, the request has been denied by the Agent. Specific findings for the denial of the special exception
request are attached to this letter (Planning Comment #2, dated October 29, 2018). The applicant also failed
to pay the required SRC public notification fee (Planning Comment #1, dated October 29, 2018). Also, while
not a reason for denial, attached are all other SRC review comments on the proposal.
Within fifteen (15) days after the date this notice of disapproval is provided to the applicant, the subdivider
mayresubmitthepreliminaryplat, asprovidedbyAlbemarle County Code § 14-222(E). If a revised plat is not
received within 15 days, the plat shall be deemed to be disapproved and anew application and fee shall berequired
for submittal ofthe plat. In accord with Albemarle County Code §14-223, this decision may be appealed.
Please contactmeatyourearliestconvenience ifyouhaveanyquestions orrequire additional information.
I can be reached at cuerez(&albemarle.org or 434-296-5832, ext. 3443.
Christopher P. Perez
Senior Planner
Planning Division
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,
Charlottesville, VA, 22902
Justin Shimp
Christopher Perez, Senior Planner
October 29, 2018
SUB2018-97 Rio Vista - Preliminary Subdivision Plat
The County of Albemarle Planning Division offers the following review comments on the above referenced Subdivision
1. [Comment] The public notification fee of $215 was not paid prior to the SRC meeting. Prior to preliminarX
subdivision plat conditional approval the fee shall be paid. Revl: Comment not addressed.
2. [14-404] Single Point of Access Required. Each lot shall have reasonable access to the building site from only one
street, shared driveway, or alley established at the time of the subdivision. Rev 1: The proposal seeks to establish
two shared driveways at the time of the subdivision. To facilitate this proposal, the applicant submitted a
special exception request to Section 14-404 with justifications to Section 14-404(A).
Findings: The Agent denies the special exception to Section 14-404 based on staffs review and analysis of
the proposal as it relates to Section 14-404(D) and Section 14-203.1 of the County's Subdivision Ordinance
(provided below). Additionally, the Agent took into consideration the recommendations provided by
applicable SRC reviewers (provided below).
[ 14-404(D)(2)] Consideration. In reviewing the request the agent considered whether:
(i) installing a single point of access would substantially impact environmental resources such as streams, stream
buffers, steep slopes, and floodplain; - The Agent finds that the parcel is already developed with a single point
of access serving an existing duplex. Further development of the parcel is not guaranteed. In order to
further develop, the proposal shall meet the requirements of Section 14-404 and other applicable
(ii) Construction of a single point of access would substantially impact features existing on the property prior to
October 14, 2009 - The Agent finds that the parcel is already developed with a single point of access serving
an existing duplex. Further development of the parcel is not guaranteed. In order to further develop, the
proposal shall meet the requirements of Section 14-404 and other applicable regulations.
(iii) Granting the exception would contribute to maintaining an agricultural or forestal use of the property —
Granting the exception does not contribute to maintaining and agricultural or forestall use of the property.
: and (iv) Granting the exception would facilitate development of areas identified in the open space plan as
containing significant resources. - The Agent finds that granting the exception facilitates further development
of the property and areas identified in the open space plan as containing significant recourses by requiring
the installation of sanitary sewer lines to serve the additional proposed units.
[ 14-203.1(3)] Findings required for an exception. The agent may approve a request for an exception from any
requirement of the applicable regulation upon finding that:
(i) because of an unusual situation, including but not limited to, the unusual size, topography, shape of the site or
the location of the site; — The Agent does not find this to be an unusual situation; rather, it is a common
situation of an applicant seeking to maximize development of a property which is extremely constrained by
various physical features that rely on special exceptions for approval. The Agent finds that the parcel is
already developed with a single point of access serving an existing duplex. Further development of the
parcel is not guaranteed. In order to further develop, the proposal shall meet the requirements of Section
14-404 and other applicable regulations.
or (ii) when strict adherence to the requirements would result in substantial injustice or hardship by, including but
not limited to, resulting in the significant degradation of the site or to adjacent properties, causing a detriment to
the public health, safety or welfare, or by inhibiting the orderly development of the area or the application of sound
engineering practices. — The Agent does not find strict adherence to the requirements result in substantial
injustice or hardship, as the parcel is already developed with a single point of access serving an existing
duplex. Further development of the parcel is not guaranteed. In order to further develop, the proposal shall
meet the requirements of Section 14-404 and other applicable regulations.
Furthermore the Agent has taken into consideration recommendations from Fire and Rescue which
states that "this layout will require emergency apparatus and any service vehicles to back out into Rio Road.
The layout also requires Rio Road to be shut down during most emergency incidents due to limited access and
minimum unobstructed width of the access." For this reason the Agent has determined that approval of this
design, at this intensity of use, causes a detriment to the public health, safety or welfare, and inhibits the
orderly development of the area.
The request does not meet the required justifications for approval. For all of the above reasons the AEent
denies' the special exception request.
In order for the subdivision to move forward the plat shall be revised so that each lot shall have reasonable
access to the building site from only one street, shared driveway, or alley established at the time of the
subdivision. All other applicable regulations cited in the 1St round of review are still applicable.
Please contact Christopher P. Perez in the Planning Division by using cnerezkalbemarle.org or 434-296-5832
ext.3443 for further information.
SRC Reviewer Comments
Fire and Rescue — Shawn Maddox
This layout will require emergency apparatus, and any service vehicles, to back out in to Rio Road. The layout will also require Rio Road
to be shut down during most emergency incidents due to limited access and minimum unobstructed width of the access. If these buildings
will exceed 30' in height then the travel ways must be increased to 26' unobstructed width on at least one contiguous side of the structure.
Inspections — Michael Dellinger
1. Any structure located 5 feet or less from the property line will require fire rated construction from both sides of the wall in accordance
with Table 302.1.1 Va Residential Code. Please note on plan.
ACSA — Richard Nelson
Comments attached.
E911— Elise Kiewra
Comments attached.
Engineering — John Anderson
Comments attached.
RWSA — Victoria Forte
Comments attached.
VDOT — Willis Bedsaul/Adam Moore
Comments attached.
'The decision of the agent may be appealed as provided in Section 14-203.2
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
Preliminary Plat review
Rio Vista — Preliminary Plat
Plan preparer:
Justin Shimp, PE, Shimp Engineering — 201 E. Main St., Suite M
Charlottesville, VA 22902 [iustinAshimp-en ing eering.com ]
Owner or rep.:
Rio Vista LLC, PO Box 5787, Charlottesville, VA 22905
Plan received date:
22 May 2018
(Rev. 1)
20 Sep 2018
Date of comments:
3 July 2018
(Rev. per SRC)
10 July 2018
(Rev. 1)
21 Sep 2018
John Anderson
Project Coordinator: Christopher Perez
1. An approved WPO/VSMP Plan is required prior to final plat approval. Consider stormwater quality and
quantity (engineering design) alternatives at level of detail required to show conceptual locations of
required drainage, and SWM treatment or detention required for an approved VSMP Plan; provide
conceptual locations with preliminary plat (14-302.A.13).
2. Delete C1 Subdivision Note 6, which appears to assume a pre -determined VSMP/WPO review outcome.
For example, in plan review meeting with Applicant, need for curb and gutter for eventual conceptual
design (essentially, two driveway entrances off Rio Road instead of a private street or public road) was
discussed. Streets in an urban areas require an urban section, which requires curb and gutter.
Applicant, in letter request for exception (Section 14404(A)), dated 8/24/18, states that `Compliance
with subsection G [14-410(G)] is anticipated with the review of a final plat application,' which means
the Applicant rightly anticipates drainage elements are required. 14-410(G):
G. Drainage. Adequate drainage control shall be provided for streets by installing culverts
under streets; side, lead, or outlet ditches; catch basins; curb inlets; or any other devices, including piping,
as determined to be necessary by the county engineer_ All of these improvements shall meet the standards
of the county or, in the event no county standards exist, Virginia Department of Transportation standards.
Once system elements, including piping, concentrate runoff from proposed impervious area, Chapter 17
stormwater quantity requirements listed at 9VAC25-870-66 require both channel and flood protection
requirements that conflict with apparent proposal to discharge concentrated runoff directly into the
floodplain (or floodway) without attenuating stormwater peak discharge or velocity. In any event, plan
review will consider stormwater-related design issues, once a VSMP/WPO plan is submitted.
3. Related to 2., show conceptual locations of SWM pipes that avoid preserved steep slopes.
4. Related, propose locations for SWM facilities that may be required that avoid streamward 50' of buffers.
5. Related, if a SWM facility is proposed to lie within the 100 -year floodplain, design may not include fill, or
decrease the cross-sectional area of the floodplain or floodway of Meadow Creek, at any point.
6. A new sanitary sewer is proposed within the 100 -year floodplain. Submit a Floodplain Development Permit
Application to show (that):
a. Construction of the proposed sanitary sewer line does not decrease the cross-sectional area of the
floodplain at any point; does not increase the base flow elevation of the floodplain at any point.
Engineering Review Comments
Page 2 of 3
b. Development activity will not increase the base flow elevation (BFE) or extent of the floodplain at
any point (no increase in horizontal dimensions of floodplain).
c. Applicant is directed to Code 18-30.3, Flood Hazard Overlay District, especially 30.3.11 - 30.3.15
(Note: 30.3.15.A.6 is of particular relevance; table at 30.3.11 provides by right water -related and
public utility use within a FEMA FIM Map Zone AE regulatory floodway).
d. Regulatory floodway. Ref on-line VFRIS (image below).
e. Regulatory floodway on preliminary plat, sheets C2 and C5 (14-302.13.9).
f Also, with the FDP Application, submit PE -seal `No Rise' Certificate, prepared by a professional
engineer licensed to practice in the state of Virginia.
7. Related to 4, 5, 6.d. -e., provide with preliminaryplat required information listed at 14-302.13.9, including
elevation of lowest floors of proposed structures, and USGS vertical datum shown and/or correlated to
plat topography. Show proposed elevations. Preliminary plat lacks proposed contours, without which,
it is not possible to evaluate potential impact to preserved slopes, stream buffer, floodplain /floodway.
8. Note: If VDOT and Albemarle County Agent /Commission approve Request for Exception (Section 14-
404.A), a Road Plan is not required since entrances to subdivision will be, in effect, shared driveways
fronting Rio Road, separated by approximately 50'.
9. With preliminary plat, provide easements (with dimensions) required at 14-302.A.4,-5, -6.
10. Note: Preliminary plat (conceptual design) requires approval of Request for Exception (Section 14-404(A)).
Request submitted as letter d. 8/24/18.
With final plat & WPO/VSMP
11. Show and label floodway and floodway fringe (see VFRIS image, below).
12. Note: Stream buffer crossing Rio Road is not considered stream buffer for ordinance purposes. Rio Road is
manmade hardscape with no runoff limiting capacity. Applicant may view Meadow Creek stream
buffer crossing Rio Road from the west as irrelevant, with no influence or effect on design.
County GIS — preserved steep slopes (green); stream buffer (salmon); floodplain (blue).
Note: Area that is not in steep slopes, stream buffer, or floodplain is white /unshaded.
Engineering Review Comments
Page 3 of 3
VFRIS —Virginia Flood Risk Information System — blue is floodway fringe; purple is floodway
Link: http://cmap2.vims.eduNaFloodRisk/vfris2.htm1
Please feel free to call if any questions: 434.296-5832 —x3069 Thank you
SUB201800097-Rio—Vista—rev092118rev 1 _prelim -p lat. doc
Review Comments for SUB201800097 Preliminary Plat
Date Completed: rrMonday, October 29, 2018 DepartmentIDivisionfAgency: Review Sys:
Reviewer:lshawn Maddox F- Fire Rescue Pending
service vehicles, to back out in to Rio Road_ The layout will also require
lents due to limited access and minimum unobstructed width of the
the travel ways must be increased to 26' unostructed width on at least
Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 11012912018
Christopher Perez
Victoria Fort <vfort@rivanna.org>
Monday, October 15, 2018 5:52 PM
Christopher Perez
Richard Nelson
SUB201800097 Rio Vista - Preliminary
SUB201800097 - Rio Vista - Preliminary
Chris & Richard,
RWSA has reviewed the resubmittal of the preliminary plat for Rio Vista, dated 8/22/2018. RWSA's previous comments
(see attached email, dated 6/28/2018) were not fully addressed in the resubmittal. I have reiterated these and included
additional comments below:
Sheet C4 of 5 (Existing Conditions):
1. Correctly show the location of the existing RWSA 18" water main (located on the west side of Rio Road, not on
the east side, as shown).
2. Show and label the existing RWSA 42" sanitary sewer main and easement across the entire subject property.
Sheet C5 of 5 (Preliminary Lot Layout):
1. Correctly show the location of the RWSA 18" water main.
2. Show and label the existing RWSA 42" sanitary sewer main, and the sanitary easement (with Deed Book and
Page Number) across the entire subject property.
3. The proposed new sewer line shown as "new RWSA sewer" will belong to ACSA, please revise the label
4. The proposed sewer easement should be labeled "new 20' ACSA sewer easement"
5. Proposed water and sewer connections will require RWSA review and approval and all work will be subject to
inspection by RWSA staff. Please note that the RWSA manhole where a connection is proposed has an HDPE
liner that will need to be repaired to RWSA's satisfaction using approved methods, materials, and an approved
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Victoria Fort, P.E.
Senior Civil Engineer
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority
695 Moores Creek Lane
Charlottesville, VA 22902
(0): (434) 977-2970 ext. 205
(F): (434) 295-1146
Christopher Perez
From: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 8:14 AM
To: Christopher Perez
Subject: SUB201800097 Rio Vista - Preliminary
Below are comments for SUB201800097 Rio Vista — Preliminary:
Correctly show RWSA water main location.
Callout proposed sewer as ACSA not RWSA.
Richard Nelson
Civil Engineer
Albemarle County Service Authority
168 Spotnap Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22911
(434) 977-4511
1601 Orange Road
Culpeper, Virgm a 22701
Stephen C. Brich, P.E.
October 18, 2018
Christopher Perez
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Re: SDP -2019-00097- Rio Vista — Preliminary Subdivision Plat
Dear Mr. Perez:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Shimp Engineering, P.C., dated
May 21, 2018, revised August 22, 2018 and find it to be generally acceptable.
Land Use
1. Please label on plat; prescriptive easement to be dedicated to County for future public
Please provide two copies of the revised plan along with a comment response letter. If further
information is desired, please contact Willis C. Bedsaul at 434-422-9866.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right of way. The
owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency land Use Section at (434) 422-9399
for information pertaining to this process.
J&weti1 L (, Z -U -
Adam J. Mire, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency
1601 Orange Road
Culpeper Virginia 22701
Stephen C. Brich, P.E.
July 03, 2018
Christopher Perez
County of AIbemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Re: SDP -2019-00097- Rio Vista — Preliminary Subdivision Plat
Dear Mr. Perez:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Shimp Engineering, P.C., dated
May 21, 2018 and offer the following comments.
Land Use
1. Please show mill and overlay on plans in accordance with WP -2 and show limits of mill
and overlay. Also please add the detail to the plans.
2. Please provide sight distance lines and profile for proposed entrance onto RIO Road (SR
63 1) to plans.
3. Recommend dedicating prescriptive easement to the County for future public use.
4. Please provide design geometry on entrance design e.g. (radii and the entrance width).
5. Please see Road Design Manual appendix F, pg., F-105, private and low volume
commercial entrances. All private and low volume entrances shall be designed in
accordance with the entrance design criteria.
6. Please provide drainage information for proposed storm water management elements.
7. Low volume commercial entrance stopping sight distance is required. Please refer to the
AASHTO Green Book, chapter 3, section 3.22, pg. 3-4, table's 2D-1 and 2D-2.
Please provide two copies of the revised plan along with a comment response letter. If further
information is desired, please contact Willis C. Bedsaul at 434-422-9866.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right of way. The
owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency land Use Section at (434) 422-9399
for information pertaining to this process.
Adam J. M+re P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency