HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP201700023 Review Comments Special Use Permit 2017-12-13Short Review Comments Report for:
SubApplication Type:
Birdwood-Boars Head Temp. Connector Rd. - Amendment
Amend Existing Special Use Permit
Date Completed:12/13/2017
Reviewer:Tim Padalino CDD Planning
Review Status:Approved
Reviews Comments:BOS conducted a public hearing and approved SP201700023 with conditions on 12/13/17.
Date Completed:09/25/2017
Reviewer:Michael Dellinger CDD Inspections
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:09/25/2017
Reviewer:Robbie Gilmer Fire Rescue
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:1. The proposed gate will require a Knox Pad lock for emergency access when closed.
Date Completed:10/06/2017
Reviewer:Tim Padalino CDD Planning
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:
Reviewer:Alexander Morrison ACSA
Review Status:Pending
Reviews Comments:
Date Completed:10/04/2017
Reviewer:Adam Moore VDOT
Review Status:Requested Changes
Reviews Comments:1. Please provide MOT [Maintenance of Traffic] plan sheet to be put on file for traffic control.
Date Completed:10/02/2017
Reviewer:Amelia McCulley CDD Zoning
Review Status:See Recommendations
Reviews Comments:1. For several reasons, permanent improvements such as landscaping, may not be appropriate for a
temporary short-term use. Non-vehicular connections, such as pedestrian and golf cart crossing
paths may be considered more appropriate as these improvements are helpful whether there is a
permanent interconnecting road or not.
2. Before construction commences an easement or some other document may be necessary to
provide legal permission for construction on the Boar’s Head Sports Club property, tax map parcel
059D2-01-00-01500. That property is held by the entity “University of Virginia Host Properties, Inc.”
3. A condition relating to traffic control during this special event is relevant. It may be appropriate to
use the VDOT Maintenance of Traffic (M.O.T.) plan for this requirement.
4. We will review existing conditions for approval of the indoor golf facility to determine what
additional conditions may be relevant for the currently proposed use.
Page:1 of 2 County of Albemarle Printed On:October 31, 2018
Date Completed:09/29/2017
Reviewer:Frank Pohl CDD Engineering
Review Status:See Recommendations
Reviews Comments:- VSMP permitting will be required if LDA exceeds 10,000 sf.
- A private road plan submittal will be required. Confirm and provide existing pavement width and
slope for Golf Course Drive all the way to SR250 as part of the road plan submittal.
Date Completed:09/27/2017
Reviewer:Victoria Fort RWSA
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments:RWSA has reviewed the provided materials for the Boar’s Head Temporary Connector Road
(SP201700023) and does not anticipate any impact to existing or planned RWSA facilities.
Date Completed:09/27/2017
Reviewer:Margaret Maliszewski CDD ARB
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments:The temporary connector road is not expected to have a visual impact on the Entrance Corridor or on
nearby historic resources.
Date Completed:10/10/2017
Reviewer:Kevin McDermott CDD Planning
Review Status:No Objection
Reviews Comments:
Page:2 of 2 County of Albemarle Printed On:October 31, 2018
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 9724126
October 5, 2017
Ashley Davies
Williams Mullen
321 E. Main St., Suite 400
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Chris Schooley
University of Virginia Foundation (UVAF)
PO Box 400218
Charlottesville, VA 22904
cschooley@uvafoundation. cornu
RE: SP -2017-00023 Birdwood — Boar's Head Temporary Connector Road (Amendment)
Dear Mrs. Davies and Mr. Schooley:
Your request for Special Use Permit Amendment SP -2017-00023 for the proposed Temporary
Connector Road from Golf Course Drive on the Birdwood property to Berwick Drive on the
Boar's Head property has been reviewed by members of Albemarle County staff and our partner
agencies. Review comments are provided below, organized by Department, Division, or agency.
During our initial review, staff have taken into consideration the temporary, restricted -access
characteristics of this request as we have analyzed the proposed project's consistency with the
Comp Plan, its potential on-site and off-site impacts, and all other issues. Another notable
consideration is the property owner's broader intentions of this temporary connector road
eventually becoming a permanent, unrestricted private street to function as the new primary
entrance into Boar's Head Resort and Sport's Club.
These review comments are reflective of these multi -phase dynamics; and where appropriate,
efforts have been made to identify broader, long-term considerations that may not be directly
applicable now, but which may be applicable to future improvements and development (and
which may have implications for the current planning, design, and regulatory review for the
temporary connector road).
Concerns about this request have been raised by VDOT and ACSA. However, Planning staff
have not identified any required changes or revisions that need to be addressed prior to the
Planning Commission public hearing that is scheduled for October 31, 2017. Staff are in the
process of developing and finalizing recommended conditions of approval for this proposal, to
present to the Planning Commission for their consideration; please see the "SP Conditions"
subsection, below, for more details.
The following comments related to zoning matters have been provided by Zoning Administrator
Amelia McCulley on 10/02/2017:
1. For several reasons, permanent improvements such as landscaping, may not be
appropriate for a temporary short-term use. Non -vehicular connections, such as
pedestrian and golf cart crossing paths may be considered more appropriate as these
improvements are helpful whether there is a permanent interconnecting road or not.
2. Before construction commences an easement or some other document may be necessary
to provide legal permission for construction on the Boar's Head Sports Club property, tax
map parcel 059D2-01-00-01500. That property is held by the entity "University of
Virginia Host Properties, Inc."
3. A condition relating to traffic control during this special event is relevant. It may be
appropriate to use the VDOT Maintenance of Traffic (M.O.T.) plan for this requirement.
4. We will review existing conditions for approval of the indoor golf facility to determine
what additional conditions may be relevant for the currently proposed use.
The following comments related to engineering have been provided by County Engineer Frank
Pohl, P.E., C.F.M. on 9/29/2017:
1. VSMP permitting will be required if LDA exceeds 10,000 s£
2. A private road plan submittal will be required. Confirm and provide existing pavement
width and slope for Golf Course Drive all the way to SR250 as part of the road plan
submittal. (Planning staff will provide clarification on this comment next week.)
The following comments related to transportation matters have been provided by Adam Moore,
P.E., on 10/4/2017:
1. Please provide MOT (Maintenance of Traffic) plan sheet to be put on file for traffic
Architectural Review Board
The following comments related to Entrance Corridor and Architectural Review Board matters
have been provided by Margaret Maliszewski on 9/27/2017:
1. The temporary connector road is not expected to have a visual impact on the Entrance
Corridor or on nearby historic resources.
Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA)
No written review comments have been provided by ACSA as of the date of this letter. However,
at an Interdivisional meeting on 9/29/2017, Alexander Morrison, P.E., provided initial feedback
which Community Development staff have attempted to summarize as follows (below). Please
coordinate directly with Mr. Morrison if you need clarification or explanation of the following.
1. ACSA indicated there are "quite a few concerns" with this proposal, and how this
proposal relates to separate proposed projects that are also in process of review.
Specifically, conflicts were noted between the existing water main and the proposed
grading, stormwater infrastructure, and landscaping.
2. ACSA also noted that issues with the existing water line have been identified during
recent reviews of the UVA Squash and UVA Golf site plans. ACSA expressed the
importance of reviewing these projects holistically, and noted that it may be necessary to
require a "utilities master plan" to be prepared and submitted to ACSA.
3. ACSA noted specific issues with the existing 6" water line along Berwick Drive, adding
that these issues have been previously identified, and ACSA has previously requested
revised modeling and associated data to reflect the existing 6" water line. (Previous
modeling and analysis used a 12" water line, which is incorrect.)
4. Either a partial upgrade or a full replacement of the existing water line will be necessary.
Revised / corrected modeling is necessary before ACSA can determine the location and
extent of required water line replacement.
5. ACSA also noted that no expansions or new development are to be permitted at the Boars'
Head Sports Club without this existing 6" water line being replaced along Berwick Road,
as it is now considered undersized and unable to accommodate increased demand/service.
Fire Rescue corroborated this important detail, noting that the existing Sports Club facility
is close to being "short on fire flow requirements."
6. ACSA indicated the need for the applicants to confirm the similarities or discrepancies
between the currently -proposed (temporary) road alignment and the future (unrestricted /
permanent) road alignment.
Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA)
The following RWSA comments have been provided by Victoria Fort, P.E., on 9/27/2017:
1. RWSA has reviewed the provided materials for the Boar's Head Temporary Connector
Road (SP201700023) and does not anticipate any impact to existing or planned RWSA
The following comments related to Fire/Rescue have been provided by Robbie Gilmer on
1. The proposed gate will require a Knox Pad lock for emergency access when closed.
Please note that the Community Meeting was to be scheduled and conducted, in accordance with
the Community Meeting Guidelines (see attached), on or before October 5th. This stipulation was
specified in the Mandatory Pre -Application Meeting memo prepared by Mrs. Elaine Echols,
FAICP, and provided on September 15, 2017.
Potential Impacts to Road Network:
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has noted that the applicant needs to provide a
special event Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) Plan in connection with this special use permit
amendment request. The MOT Plan is to include a "parking plan" component as well as a "traffic
control plan" component, which should detail how the applicants or property owners will provide
traffic monitoring and traffic control assistance, especially in connection with turning motions at the
intersection of Golf Course Drive and U.S. 250 during event arrivals and departures.
VDOT indicated no objections to postponing broader transportation analysis and discussions,
including the possibility of future signalization (or other intersection improvements) at Golf Course
Drive and U.S. 250, until such time that the property owners intend to request approval(s) to
construct non -temporary, unrestricted transportation improvements.
Future Land Use and Development in Area B:
Please note that the subject property is located within "Area B," which is an area for cooperative
planning with the County of Albemarle, the University of Virginia, and the City of
Charlottesville. Area B contains land which lies at the boundaries of the University in either the
City or the County, or has otherwise been designated as part of Area B; and on which the
activities of any, or all three, of the parties might have a significant effect, as designated on the
Map. Development in these areas continues to be guided by the current City and County
Comprehensive Plan and the current University of Virginia Plan.
This three -party planning agreement takes place through the Planning & Coordination Council
(PACC). All substantial land uses, improvements, and development within Area B should be
formally presented to PACC for review and comment.
Permitting Requirements:
In addition to the requested special use permit amendment for Birdwood, please be aware of the
additional submittals and approvals that will be necessary in order to construct the proposed
temporary connector road. These requirements were specified in the Mandatory Pre -Application
Meeting memo prepared by Mrs. Elaine Echols, FAICP, and provided on September 15, 2017.
- Road Plan
- WPO Plan
- Special Lot Plat for the road right of way (after special use permit amendment approval)
Any and all future permitting requirements for the proposed non -temporary, unrestricted private
street will be identified at whatever such time the property owners intend to request approval(s) to
construct such improvements. At minimum, the future permitting requirements will include a
special use permit amendment for the Birdwood property, as well as a zoning map amendment and
site plan amendment for the Boar's Head property. Additional future submittals and approvals may
also be required by the County and/or partner agencies for the proposed non -temporary, unrestricted
private street and/or other proposed uses and improvements.
SP Conditions:
Staff are in the process of developing and finalizing recommended conditions of approval for this
proposal; the recommended conditions will involve or address the following issues:
■ Development must be in general accord with the concept plan (received 9/21/2017), with
major elements currently identified as:
- a gate (or similar physical barrier for access management); and
- pedestrian infrastructure (including sidewalks, crosswalks, and exterior lights).
■ Temporary access (use of temporary connector road to be restricted to dates specified in
project narrative: 7/22/2018 — 8/11/2018).
■ Engineering and Fire -Rescue approval of specifications and locations of all access
management measures, including the gate (or similar physical barrier) and all associated
signage (or other informational materials).
■ Approved Maintenance of Traffic Plan (MOT Plan)
As indicated earlier in this letter, no resubmittal is necessary at this time; however, if you choose
to resubmit for any reason, please use the attached form. There is no fee for the first resubmittal.
The resubmittal date schedule is provided for your convenience. (Note: It is our understanding
that there is no intent to resubmit revised application materials prior to the Planning Commission
hearing that is tentatively scheduled for 10/31/2017.)
If for some reason, you decide not to proceed to the 10/31/2017 date, please refer to the
attachment, Action after Receipt of Comments.
Application Fees [Note — these fees have been PAIDI
The one-time application fee is as follows:
$1,076.00 = Special Use Permit — Amendment
This fee payment was made on September 28, 2017 and inadvertently credited to the wrong
application. Community Development staff are working to resolve that error and credit your
application properly, so that our records will not (incorrectly) indicate any outstanding
application fee balances.
Notification and Advertisement Fees [Note - PAID]
Prior to scheduling a public hearing with the Planning Commission, payment of the following
fees is necessary:
$408.00 = Cost for newspaper advertisement for Planning Commission public hearing
$260.00 = Cost for notification of adjoining owners (minimum $200 + actual postage/$1 per
owner after 50 adjoining owners)
$668.00 = Total amount due prior to Planning Commission public hearing
Prior to the Board of Supervisor's public hearing, payment of the newspaper advertisement for
the Board hearing is needed, as follows:
$408.00 = Additional amount due prior to Board of Supervisors public hearing
$1,076.00 = Total amount for all notifications
This fee payment was made on September 28, 2017 and inadvertently credited to the wrong
application. Community Development staff are working to resolve that error and credit your
application properly, so that our records will not (incorrectly) indicate any outstanding balances
for notification fees. Additional notification fees will not be required unless a deferral takes
place and adjoining owners need to be notified of a new date.
Please contact me with any questions and/or requests for assistance you may have. I can be
reached at tpadalinogalbemarle.org or 434-296-5832, ext. 3088.
Tim Padalino, AICP
Senior Planner
Planning Division
Resubmittal Form
Resubmittal Schedule
SkIS `\rdr
is St :e
1601 Orange Road
Catpepar Virginia 22701
Charles A.Kilpatrick, P.E.
October 04, 2017
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Tim Padalino
Re: Birdwood-Boar's Head Temporary Connector Road-Amendment
Dear Mr. Padalino:
The Department of Transportation,Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced Plan Amendment, submitted by Dewberry Engineers
Inc., dated April 04, 2017, and offer the following comment:
Land Use
1. Please provide MOT plan sheet to be put on file for traffic control.
Please provide two copies of the revised plan along with a comment response letter. If further
information is desired, please contact Willis C. Bedsaul at 434-422-9866.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way.The
owner/developer must contact the VDOT Charlottesville Residency Land Use Section at (434)
422-9399 for information pertaining to this process
2htLçAdam J. re, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency
AOoy A�
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Tim Padalino, Senior Planner
From: Amelia McCulley, Zoning Administrator and
Leah Brumfield, Senior Planner
Date: October 2, 2017
Subject: SP201700023 Birdwood-Boars Head Temp. Connector Rd. Amendment
— initial review comments
I've reviewed this initial submittal and have the following comments:
1. For several reasons, permanent improvements such as landscaping, may not be appropriate for
a temporary short-term use. Non-vehicular connections, such as pedestrian and golf cart
crossing paths may be considered more appropriate as these improvements are helpful
whether there is a permanent interconnecting road or not.
2. Before construction commences an easement or some other document may be necessary to
provide legal permission for construction on the Boar's Head Sports Club property, tax map
parcel 059D2-01-00-01500. That property is held by the entity"University of Virginia Host
Properties, Inc."
3. A condition relating to traffic control during this special event is relevant. It may be appropriate
to use the VDOT Maintenance of Traffic (M.O.T.) plan for this requirement.
4. We will review existing conditions for approval of the indoor golf facility to determine what
additional conditions may be relevant for the currently proposed use.
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Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
To: Valerie Long,Williams Mullen(vlong@williamsmullen.com)
From: Elaine K.Echols,FAICP,Chief of Planning/Tim Padalino,Senior Planner CGun.- ate
Date: September 15,2017
Subject: Mandatory Pre-Application Meeting for TMPs 07500-00-00-06300 on September 8,2017
The following are County staff comments regarding the above noted pre-application meeting.This meeting satisfies
the requirement for a pre-application meeting prior to submittal of a special use permit(SP)application.The purpose
of/for the meeting can be found in Section 33.4 of the Zoning Ordinance and are italicized below,followed by staff
(i)provide the applicant and the county a common understanding of the proposed project;
The property is located at 480 Birdwood Dr.and is zoned R1 Residential.The parcel is located in the Airport Impact Area
(AIA)Overlay District and the Entrance Corridor(EC). The applicant proposes to build a temporary/limited use/limited
access private street(intended to be permitted,constructed,and in(temporary/limited)use in time for July 2018 World
Major Squash Tournament at Boar's Head)connecting Golf Course Drive to Berwick Road. In the future,the applicant
intends to submit and SP amendment and ZMA amendment for other projects including permanent/unrestricted private
street connection;UVA tennis;golf expansion;possible Birdwood mansion reuse.
(ii) Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan
• The site is within Neighborhood 6 of the Southern and Western Urban Area Master Plan.The
Comprehensive Plan designates the golf course area as Institutional and Parks and Green Systems
• Anything other than the temporary/limited use/limited access private street will need to be evaluated for
the level of intensification which may necessitate a future comprehensive plan amendment.At a minimum,
the future projects must be reviewed by the Planning and Coordination Council(PACC).
(iii)Broadly identify the planning,zoning and other issues raised by the application that need to be addressed by
the applicant
• The applicant will need to describe thtunder which the temporary/limited use/limited access private
street will be constructed and used.
• Arefferhillkan be reit
• Aguinor site plan amendmentvwill be needed which can be reviewed concurrently in this case.
• AVVPO/VSMP application will be needed which may be reviewed in conjunction with this SP request.
• Alopecia! lot plat for the r.o.w.wine hee led aftterSP apl'
(iv)applicable procedures
• The Director of Community Development has authorized acceptance oftimtSP amendffillirapplication on
"September 18. 201 f°or an'' xjiec i eirre-View of an SP am0't for a temporary/limited use/limited access
prime street.
• mill ant on the application.. ` ;ate and the applicant will need to
resubmit any changes necessary for a recommendation for approval no later than noon on October 9 along with
the public hearing advertisement and notification fees.Provided that all outstanding issues are addressed,Ili
X11thetdul`e'tlt " j f "Wellititcr"1' '' fi"l'Pratiting'Commigsiorrpubli'c-hearing
• Any changes that need to be made between the October 31. 2017 Planning Commission public hearing and INAPPIPPONiumismisors' hearing must be provided no later than November 13.2017.Staff will request a Board of
Supervisor's public hearing for December 13,2017. All advertisement fees must be paid no later than noon o
November 20,2017.
• Community Meetng—the applicant is required by the Albemarle County Code to hold a community meeting as
part of the review of the SP and ZMA request.The meetingrhould be held no later thaw.
(v)Identify the information the applicant must submit with the application, including the supplemental information
• Attached SP pre-application checklist.This checklist will need to be filled in,signed,and submitted with the SP
If you have any further questions,please contact Andrew Gast-Bray at 434.296.5832 ext.3254 or
agastbray a,albemarle.or.,or Tim Padalino at tpadalino(&,albemarle.org,x3088
c: Chris Schooley,UVA Foundation
A)SP Checklist
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Birdwood-Boars Head Temporary Connector Road TMP 75-63
Project Name/Tax Map Parcel Number
After the mandatory pre-application meeting, county staff will mark this checklist appropriately so
that it is clear to the applicant the information from Section 33.4(c)that must be submitted with
the official application
Required for Provided with
application? application
(County Staff) (Applicant) SECTION 33.4(c)
X A narrative of the project proposal, including its public need or benefit;
X A narrative of the proposed project's consistency with the comprehensive plan,
including the land use plan and the master plan for the applicable development area;
X A narrative of the proposed project's impacts on public facilities and public
X A narrative of the proposed project's impacts on environmental features.
X A narrative of proposed ways to address impacts from the proposed project.
X One or more maps showing the proposed project's regional context and existing natural
and manmade physical conditions;
X A conceptual plan showing,as applicable:
X 1)the street network,including circulation within the project and connections to
existing and proposed or planned streets within and outside of the project;
X 2)typical cross-sections to show proportions,scale and streetscape/cross-
X 3)the general location of pedestrian and bicycle facilities;
X 4)building envelopes;
X 5) parking envelopes;
X 6) public spaces and amenities;
X 7)areas to be designated as conservation and/or preservation areas;
X 8)conceptual stormwater detention facility locations;
X 9)conceptual grading;
Other special studies or documentation,if applicable,and any other information
identified as necessary by the county on the pre-application comment form.
Please note: There are additional submittal requirements outlined on the official application for a Special Use Permit.
Read and Sign
I hereby state that,to the best of my knowledge,the official application submitted contains all information marked on
this checklist as required for application.
Signature of person completing this checklist Date
Print Name Daytime phone number of Signatory
pF A
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Devin M. Keeler, P.E. (dkeeler@dewberry.com)
Mr. Chris Schooley(cschooley@uvefoundation.com)
From: Tim Padalino, AICP—Senior Planner
Division: Planning Services
Date: September 29, 2017
Subject: SDP-2017-00058 UVa Golf Facility—Final Site Plan
The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department of Community
Development(CDD)will recommend approve of the plan referred to above when the following items have been
satisfactorily addressed. The following comments are those that have been identified at this time; additional
comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review. [Each comment is preceded by the
applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
1. [SP2017-09] Update Special Use Permit Condition notes on sheet C0.01,per BOS action on 9/13/2017. A
copy of the conditions of approval is included with this review comment letter.
2. [SP2017-09] The final site plan does not demonstrate compliance with the conditions of approval for SP-
2017-00009. Please revise the plan set to address and resolve the following issues related to the
conditions of approval:
a. Condition#1(e) and Condition#2(b)—Earthen berms must be constructed adjacent to the new
parking lot, as shown on the approved"Illustrative Site Plan" concept plan. Show the topography
and/or contours of the berms on all applicable plan sheets, and provide a berm detail.
b. Condition#1(d) and#2(d)—For the purposes of retaining the trees shown for preservation, show
existing/proposed contours, limits of disturbance, and the location and type of tree protection
measures on all applicable plan sheets.
c. Condition#1(d) and#2(d)—Sheet C2.02 proposes land disturbance within the driplines of the
existing 55"ash tree that is identified for protection and preservation. Please revise the grading as
necessary to ensure that no land disturbance occurs within the driplines of trees that are to be
protected and preserved.
d. Condition#2(d)—A Conservation Plan must be prepared by a certified arborist for use in
conjunction with the Conservation Plan Checklist on Sheet L1.01 ("Tree Clearing and
Protection"). The contents of Sheet L1.01 appear to have been prepared by a licensed landscape
architect, and not a certified arborist.
3. [4.12.15(g)] Curb and gutter is required at the edges of parking areas and along travelways. Please revise.
a. Note: Per 4.12.2, design requirements of sections 4.12.15 may be modified or waived by the
Zoning Administrator, with or without conditions, after consultation with the County Engineer.
b. Note: If any such modification or waiver is granted by the Zoning Administrator,please provide
documentation. All such modifications or waivers must be noted prominently on the relevant
sheet(s) as well as in the General Notes(Sheet C0.01), inclusive of any conditions of approval, the
applicable code sections, and the date of approval of the waiver or modification.
4. [4.12.16(c)(1)] The minimum travel way width for two-way traffic is twenty(20) feet. Please revise.
a. Note: Per 4.12.2, design requirements of sections 4.12.16 may be modified or waived by the
Zoning Administrator, with or without conditions, after consultation with the County Engineer.
b. Note: If any such modification or waiver is granted by the Zoning Administrator,please provide
documentation. All such modifications or waivers must be noted prominently on the relevant
sheet(s)as well as in the General Notes (Sheet C0.01),inclusive of any conditions of approval, the
applicable code sections, and the date of approval of the waiver or modification.
5. [32.6.2(c)] Tree Protection practices are proposed for two existing trees (55"ash and 40"cedar) adjacent
to the parking area. However, the dripline of the existing 55"ash tree is shown inconsistently. For
example, Sheet C1.02 ("Existing Site Conditions"), Sheet C2.02 ("Demolition and E&S Control Phase I
Plan")and Sheet C3.02 ("Site Plan") show a large canopy for the 55" ash,but Sheet L1.01 ("Tree
Clearing and Protection"), Sheet L1.02 ("Landscape Layout Plan"), and Sheet L1.03 ("Landscape
Planting Plan") show a small canopy for the 55" ash.
Please review and address this issue by ensuring the canopies of all existing trees identified for protection
and preservation are depicted accurately and consistently across all sheets.
6. [] Show existing/proposed contours, limits of clearing, and location and type of tree fencing or
other tree protection measures on the Landscape sheets (L1.01,L1.02,L1.03,and/or L1.04, as
7. [32.6.2(a)and 32.5.2(n)] Show the location of any proposed sidewalks or pathway element(s)between the
new parking lot and the proposed facility, as applicable; and add construction details for all proposed
types of pathway elements, as applicable.
8. [32.6.2(k)] Provide cut sheets for proposed lights (full cutoff lights required), list mounting heights, show
light fixtures on all site plan and landscape sheets. See review comments from Heather McMahon for
additional detailed comments on Lighting Plan issues and requirements.
9. [32.6.2(e)] Add"TP"(No. 3.38: "Tree Preservation and Protection")to"Legend"—"Virginia Uniform
Coding System"on Sheet C0.01.
10. [32.6.2(a)and 32.5.2(r)] Provide explanation of"----SD----" symbol contained on Sheet C3.06; and add
that symbol (with label)to"Legend"on Sheet C0.01.
11. [32.6.2 and 32.5.2] Remove the SWM/VSMP sheets (C6.01 —C6.06 within"Civil"package)from the
final site plan set.
12. [32.5.2(n)] Remove the"8' high chain link construction fencing"and"proposed logging mats, staging,
and stockpile area"from Site Plan(Sheet C3.02),unless it is intended to be a permanent improvement.
Only permanent features should be shown on Site Plan sheets(C3.01 —C3.04);temporary features or
practices should not be shown on the Site Plan sheets (C3.01 —C3.04). Therefore, either the fencing and
hatched rectangle area needs to be removed from Sheet C3.02; or, if the staging/stockpile area is intended
to be a permanent site improvement, then keep it on Sheet C3.02 and also add that element to all other
applicable sheets.
13. It is recommended(but not required)that the"Project Zoning Data"notes on the Cover Sheet (T1.01)be
revised or expanded to note that the"proposed building maximum gross square footage"is 14,000 SF.
This would be consistent with the approved plans and legal notice advertisements for SP-2017-00009; and
this would also help to eliminate any future confusion stemming from the existing note which states that
the"proposed building maximum footprint: 6,710 SF."
14. Final site plan approval(s)must be obtained from all other applicable Site Review Committee members
prior to Community Development granting final site plan approval. Please continue to coordinate directly
with all other applicable review agencies on their review of this final site plan.
Please contact Tim Padalino at the Department of Community Development at(434)-296-5832 ext. 3088 or
tpadalino(cialbemarle.org for further information or assistance.
Recommended Conditions of Approval for SP201700009
PC Recommendations (August 8, 7:0) + Community Development and County Attorney's Office
In 1. Development of the indoor golf course facility shall be in general accord with the plan entitled,
"Illustrative Site Plan — Parking Option C" prepared by the University of Virginia Foundation dated
August 21, 2017 and as modified by staff, as determined by the Director of Planning and the
Zoning Administrator. To be in general accord, development and use shall reflect the following
major elements as shown on the plan:
a. Building location, orientation, and mass;
b. Parking lot location;
c. Installation of new landscaping for screening purposes;
d. Retention of trees shown for preservation; and
e. Earthen berms adjacent to the new parking lot.
Minor modifications to the plan that do not otherwise conflict with the elements listed above may
be made to ensure compliance with the Zoning Ordinance, as determined by the Zoning
1•C-+. 2. Design and development of the improvements shown on the Illustrative Site Plan for the indoor
•c o tiacility shall be subject to the following, as determined by the Planning Director or designee:
a. Placement of the parking lot within the "bowl" created by the existing terrain in a way that
minimizes grading of the slope to the north of the new parking lot, which is to be preserved
for its screening effect;
b. Construction of earthen berms adjacent to the parking lot which are compatible with
existing topographic variation and which further reduce the visibility of the parking lot and
parked cars from Golf Course Drive;
c. Approved planting plan and planting schedule which, at minimum, include:
i. New landscaping materials planted in naturalistic or informal arrangements which are
consistent and compatible with the existing landscape in terms of character, density,
and species;
ii. A meadow or similar grass landscape along Golf Course Drive; and
iii. The use of native plant materials; and
d. Submittal of a conservation plan prepared by a certified arborist to preserve trees identified
for preservation, including the treatment of all ash trees (species Fraxinus)that are to be
preserved for protection against the emerald ash borer(Agrilus planipennis), to be used in
conjunction with the conservation checklist described in Condition 6. If all reasonable
alternatives for preservation have been explored, and such trees cannot be retained due to
the health of the tree as determined by the certified arborist, removal may occur.
}'`n( \,3: Ingress and egress along Birdwood Drive shall be restricted, to the satisfaction of the Zoning
Administrator, to only those residences served by Birdwood Drive and shall not be used as an
access to the indoor golf practice facility.
I" — LG. Any new construction at the existing golf course facility and site other than the site improvements
.- shown on the Illustrative Site Plan referenced in Condition #1 or on the Preliminary Plan for
Birdwood Golf Course approved with SP199600053, except for minor changes (such as
additional practice tees, modifications of greens and other changes that do not require a site
plan), shall require an amended special use permit.
On( 5. The owner shall continue to implement an Integrated Pest Management/Nutrient Management
Plan to reduce adverse water quality impacts.
3. ia.6w .7.1 t.-.14.:0,7
i.G. Prior to any land disturbing activity on the site�the conservation plan and checklist, the landscape
.* plan; and the grading plan shall be approved by the County Engineer and the Director of Planning
or their designees. '