HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800177 Action Letter 2018-11-14COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 November 14, 2018 Brian J. Chambers Chambers Land Surveying 253 Willow Drive Charlottesville, VA 22947 John Wilson Timmons 608 Preston Ave. Charlottesville, VA 22903 RE: SUB-201800177 Property of Bella Signature Homes LLC — Preliminary Plat Mr. Chambers & Mr. Wilson: The Site Review Committee has reviewed the development proposal referenced above. Initial comments for the following divisions of the Department of Community Development and other agencies, as applicable, are attached: Albemarle County Engineering Services Albemarle County Planning Services Albemarle County Information Services (E911) Albemarle County Building Inspections Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue Albemarle County Service Authority Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority Virginia Department of Health [Comments pending to be forwarded once received] Virginia Department of Transportation Comments reflect information available at the time the development proposal was reviewed, and should not be considered final. However, the Site Review Committee has attempted to identify all issues that will be required to be resolved prior to Final Site Plan approval. Prior to initial site plan conditional approval there are two comments that must be addressed. Please request a deferral of the subdivision plat by Monday. November 19" to allow time to address these comments. Ifl do not receive a deferral request by then I will move forward with a denial of the subdivision plat. At a minimum review comments 1 & 2 shall be addressed prior to initial site plan approval. Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerel Senior Pla r/Planner Planning Services County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, 22902 Phone 434-296-5832 Fax 434-972-4126 Memorandum To: Bryan J. Chambers(chamberslandsurveying(a)yahoo.com) & John Wilson (john.wilson(o�timmons.com) From: Paty Saternye, Senior Planner Division: Planning Date: November 13, 2018 Subject: SUB201800177 Property of Bella Signature Homes, LLC — Preliminary Plat The County of Albemarle Planning Division will approve the plat referenced above once the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] Comments required to be addressed prior to Preliminary Subdivision Plat Approval: 1. [14-308.1] Groundwater assessment information. A draft Tier 3 groundwater management plan must be submitted prior to conditional approval of preliminary subdivision plat. 2. [14-302(A)(13) & 14-3051 Proposed facilities; Stormwater management information. As specified in the engineering comments, prior to preliminary subdivision approval, revise the plat to show stormwater management at concept level. The proposed topography along the private street does not appear to show drainage and does not appear to match those shown in private street request exhibits. Comments to be addressed with the Final Subdivision Plat Approval: 3. [14-303] Contents offinal plan. Revise the plat to include and meet all requirements of a final plat. 4. [14-302(A)(3)] Existing or platted streets. Revise the plat to specify the width of the existing prescriptive right of way easement on the subject property, and the right of way width in front of the adjoining parcels, along Route 743. 5. [14-302(A)(10)] Right offurther division. Revise note #3 to state "... each of which is assigned 1 development right...". 6. [14-302(A)(13) & 14-3051 Proposed facilities; Stormwater management information. Revise the plat to show the location of proposed drainage and stormwater related improvements. The proposed topography along the private street does not appear to show drainage and does not appear to match those shown in private street request exhibits. 7. [14-302(A)(14) & 14-3141 Land to be dedicated in fee or reserved; Identification of all interests of the County in property. Revise the label for the area to be dedicated for Route 743 to include the wording "to be dedicated to the County for public use." Also, revise note #10 to include the same wording. 8. [14-302(A)(5) & 14-303(L)] Public easements; Public utility, drainage and sight distance easements. Address the following: a) Since sight distance easements are proposed across the adjoining parcels, then the following must be addressed: i. If it will be a private street either: a. The owners of the adjoining properties (TMP45-59E1 & TMP45-59C) must also sign the plat or b. A plat and deed of easement must be created and recorded for the sight distance easement prior to approval of the final plat. Proof of recordation must be provide of the county ii. If it will be a public street do both of the following: a. Add a label to the proposed site distance easements that states "Dedicated to the County for Public Use" b. Submit the deed of easement for review. The deed must be reviewed by the County, approved, signed and notarized and then recorded with the easement plat. b) Show any proposed drainage easements on plat and label them as either public or private. The drainage for the private street appears to impact the adjoining lot. 9. [14-303(D)] Acreage of lots. Revise plat as required to ensure acreage of proposed lots is correct. See engineering comments. 10. [14-303(E)] Dimension standards and information on all lots, streets, alleys, easements, and shared driveways. Address the following: a) Provide curve tables for curve data. b) Provide the boundary information for all sight distance easements. 11. [14-303(0)&(P)] Signature panels; Notary panels. If adjoining property owners will be signing plat (see above), in order to approve sight distance easements on their property, then revise the plat include signature panels and notary panels for those owners. 12. [14-303(M)] Street names. Provide proposed street name for the proposed private street. Work with E911 reviewers to ensure name meets street name criteria. 13. [14-303(N)] Statement pertaining to private streets. If a private street is not approved note # 1 1 must be edited appropriately. 14. [14-303(H)] Monuments. Revise the plat to clearly specify the monuments for the new lots are "to be set". 15. [14-303(R)] Parent parcel access. Provide the following note: `All subsequent division of the residue shall enter only onto such street(s) shown on the approved final plat and shall have no immediate access onto to any public street. " 16. [14-303(S)] Control points. Control points must be submitted. At the option of the subdivider, the control points may be shown on a copy of the final plat, rather than on the original final plat. 17. [14-306] Private Street Information. See separate private street request comments below. 18. [14-308.1] Groundwater assessment information. Final Tier 3 groundwater management plan must be approved prior to approval of final plat. 19. [14-309 & 14-3101 Soil evaluations & Health director approval of well and septic systems. Address the following: a) Submit the soil work for each lot to County planning staff who will forward it onto the Health Department for their review/approval. b) Prior to final subdivision plat approval each lot shall have a primary and reserve drainfield location and individual well approved by the Health Department. c) The final plat will not be approved until VDH approves the drainfield locations for all 5 lots. Revise note #6 appropriately to remove any reference to a possible relocation of the drainfield for lot 5. 20. [14-311, 14-434 & 14-435] Infrastructure improvement plans; Completion of on -site improvements required prior to plat approval; Agreement and surety. Road Plan and WPO Plan must be approved, all required improvements must be built or bonded, and all required Deeds and Declarations must be reviewed and approved prior to Final Plat approval. 21. [14-316] Approval of entrance onto public streets. The subdivider shall submit, prior to or with the final plat, evidence satisfactory to the agent that the entrance of the principal means of access for each lot onto any existing or proposed public street complies with Virginia Department of Transportation standards. 22. [14-317] Instrument evidencing maintenance of certain improvements. Address the following: a) Revise note # 11 to either specify the name of the HOA that will maintain the private street or specify that the owners of the lots abutting the streets will be maintaining the streets. b) Submit with the final plat an instrument assuring the perpetual maintenance of the proposed private street and any other improvements that are to be maintained in perpetuity. Ensure that all required information is included in the document(s). See the attached template and checklist for instruments evidencing maintenance. If the template is not utilized then the proposed document must have highlighting to show where each checklist item is provided and the number of the checklist item written next to the highlighted area. 23. [Comment] Add the lot information for the property adjoining the back of the subject property, which is TMOP 45-59H. Include the TMP, Owner, and Deed Book information. 24. [Comment] The final plat will not be approved until the private street request has been approved, and the plat matches what was approved, or the road has been changed to be a public road and VDOT has approved it. 25. [Comment] A copy of the VDOT letter stating that the circumstance warrant an exception to the SSAR connectivity requirements has been received by the County. 26. [Comment] Attached find most of the comments from the other reviewers. Health Department comments will be forwarded when they are available. Comments to be addressed for the Private Street Request F14-3016, 14-232 & 14-234(A): 1. [14-306] Private Street Information. Ensure that all information required for private streets with prelim plat submission in 14-232 and 14-234(A) are provided either in the request letter or the exhibit. 2. See Engineering, Fire Rescue and VDOT comments labeled as "Private Street Request". If a public street is still be requested then revise the submitted documents and exhibits in order to address the comments on design minimums for both the private street and public street scenarios. The location of the road on the exhibits does not match that shown in the preliminary plat. Ensure that the roads shown in the exhibits fit within the Private Street easement width specified of 50'. Accurately show the impact of the grading on the adjoining parcels so that any requirement for grading easements can be determined. 4. Accurately show the storm drainage on the exhibit so that any impacts to the adjoining parcels can be determined and the need for off -site easements also determined. 5. It appears that between the larger cul-de-sac required by Fire Rescue for the private street, and the alternative minimum VDOT road requirements for the public road listed by Engineering, there may no longer be 30% or greater difference in the degradation to the environment that was specified in the private street request. Evaluate what has been specified by all reviewers in reference to the private street request and then let the planning reviewer know if you are withdrawing the private street request or not. 6. If the private street request is to move forward, to planning commission review, address the following: a) Revise the request so that it specifies that VDOT has already granted the exception for connectivity. b) Specify on the plat the source of the topography. 14-234(A)(1)(a)(ii) states that it must be field -run topography unless approved by the County Engineer. c) Provide documentation explaining how the perpetual maintenance of the private street and identifying the person or entity that will be responsible for maintaining the improvements. The plat currently specifies Bella Signature Homes, LLC. It must be maintained by an HOA or the adjoining owners. 7. Ensure the private streets shown in the exhibit meet all minimum required for private streets serving three to five lots in the rural areas. It appears that they do not meet the minimum distance from the shoulder to the ditch line specified in 14-412(A)(2)(a)(i). Please contact Paty Saternye in the Planning Division by using psaternyeQalbemarle.orq or 434-296-5832 ext. 3250 for further information. Review Comments for SUB201800177 Preliminary Plat Project Name: PROPERTY OF BELLA SIGNATURE HOMES, LLG - PRELIMJNARY Date Completed= Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Department/DivisiorVAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Jahn Anderson GDD Enaineerina Requested Changes 1. Once Albemarle County recommends approval or denial of private street request, prepare and submit Road Plan Application for public road, or private street, at earliest convenience. Link to Road Plan Application: hffp://www. abemarle. org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/Community_Development/forms/applications/Road_Plan_Re view_ Application. pdf 2. Shaw stormwater management at concept level (Approx. area {size}/location, type facility, if known); required for preliminary plat approval_ Ref. 9VAC25-870-65, and 9VAC25-870-66. Also; Albemarle County Code, Chapter 17, 17-300 thru 17-303, and 17-400 thru 17-408. 3. Submit VSMP /WPO Plan Application. The VSMP must he approved and any required ESC or SWM bonds posted prior to final plat approval. Link to WPO Application: hffp://www_albemarle. org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/Community_Davelopmentiforms/Engineering_and_WPO_F orms/WPO VSMP Virginia_Stormwater_Management_ Program_ Application.pdf 4. Note 11 is subject to revision, pending road plan review. Road plan must be approved and subdivision improvements built or bonded prior to final plat approval. 5. Note 11 reference to 50' new private street is confusing. If 50' is a proposed RW width, please revise note to clarify. 6. Provide Note that states that critical slopes exist on Lots 3, 4, 5_ Sheet 2 7. Check Parcel Acreage (shown on Lot 5): should be 18.276 less 0.327 = 17.949 Ac. 8. SW boundary provides distances to the thousandth decimal (0.001), this is unconventional. Recommend limit to 0.01 level of accuracy and revise overall distance 1585.76' to match. 9. Recommend eliminate bearing, NE boundary of Lot 1 _ 10. Recommend list total distance (in parenthesis) of Lots 1, 2, 3 NE boundary bearing S46001'07'E. 11. Recommend list total distance (in parenthesis) of Lots 3, 4, 5 NE boundary bearing S46°08'00'E. 12. Acquire sight distance easements (Lot 1, and off -site, TMP # 45-59C) for Rt. 743. Also; please see item 15., below. 13_ Provide table for four curves (whether boundary or roadway centerline) clustered at top of sheet 2 along Rte_ 743_ Label curves C1, C2, etc_ so that curves are more readily identifiable_ 14. Label sight distance bearing -distance, all segments. Provide ties for sight distance easement. Recommend inset detail for sight distance easement_ Sheet 3 15_ Recommend transfer all easements to a new sheet 4, including: Permanent drainage, SWM facility, RW (public/put.), sight distance, and Rte. 743 public RW dedication of 0.327 Ac. 16_ Label parcel adjacent to TMP #45-59M_ This parcel appears just above graphic scale. 17. Provide book -page ref. for Existing 35' Pvt. Road Easement. 18. Lot 2: Recommend revise drain field and/or well location such that proposed drain field grade elevation is lower than proposed well grade elevation. 19. Revise all steep slopes labels to read `critical slopes_' 20. Ensure cul-de-sac radius meets Fire -Rescue requirements on Final Plat. 21 _ Provide /label culvert for subdivision road /street sag curve, sized to pass a 25-year storm event_ Show on sheet 3. Provide private /public drainage easement for culvert, depending on road type. Also, see item $15, above. Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 11114/2018 Stephen C. Brich, P.E. Commissioner COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Road Culpeper Virginia 22701 October 23, 2018 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Paty Saternye Re: Bella Signature Homes- Preliminary Subdivision Plat SDP-2017-00131 Review #1 Dear Ms. Saternye: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced as submitted by, Chamber Land Surveys, PLC dated September 27, 2018, and offers the following comments. Land Use 1. Please add a note stating that sight distance easements are dedicated to public use and shall be kept clear of visual obstructions, including but not limited to fences, structures, and landscaping. Please provide two copies of the revised plan along with a comment response letter. If further information is desired, please contact Willis C. Bedsaul at 434-422-9866. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. Sincerely, rU �- ""L, Adam J. Mo re, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Review Comments for SUB201800177 Preliminary Plat Project Name: PROPERTY OF BELLA SIGNATURE HOMES, LLG - PRELIMINARY Date Completed: Thursday, October 11, 20 DepartmenVDiuisiorVAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Andrew Walker � GDD E911 - Requested Changes El The proposed private street will require a name. Please contact Geographic Data Services directly to select a road name that meets county requirements (awalker@albemarle.org). The name will need to be shown on the final plat. We recommend providing three (3) candidate names for each road to our office for review; in case your first choice is not acceptable. Please consult the County's Road Name Index to check your road names prior to submittal. The Index can be found here: hffp://www_albemarle.Org.!BlbemaFle. upload.'images.!webappsfroads.' F� Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 11114/2018 Review Comments for SUB201800177 Preliminary Plat Project Name: PROPERTY OF BELLA SIGNATURE HOMES, LLG - PRELIMINARY Date Completed: Saturday, October 27, 2018 aepartmenVIDivisionlAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Shawn Maddox 0 Fire Rescue - See Reoommendations El Fire Rescue has no objections to the plat as long as adequate emergency apparatus ingress/egress is provided_ Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: J 11114/2018 Review Comments for SUB201800177 Preliminary Plat Project Name: PROPERTY OF BELLA SIGNATURE HOMES, LLG - PRELIMINARY Date Completed: Wednesday, October 31, DepartmenVDivisionlAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Michael Dellinger CDD Inspections - No Objection El Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 11114/2018 Review Comments for SUB201800177 Preliminary Plat Project Name: PROPERTY OF BELLA SIGNATURE HOMES, LLG - PRELIMINARY Date Completed: Tuesday, November 13, 2D18 DepartmenVDiuisiorVAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Richard Nelson AGSA - No Objection El This parcel is outside of the AGSAjurisdictional area_ There are no comments_ .A Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 11114/2018 Review Comments for SUB201800177 Preliminary Plat Project Name: PROPERTY OF BELLA SIGNATURE HOMES, LLG - PRELIMINARY Date Completed: Tuesday, November 13, 2D18 DepartmenVDivisiorVAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Victoria Fort RWSA - No Objection El No comments from RWSA_ Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 11114/2018 Review Comments for SUB201800177 I Preliminary Plat Project Name: PROPERTY OF BELLA SIGNATURE HOMES, LLG - PRELIMINARY PRIVATE STREET RE UEST Date Completed: Saturday, October 27, 2018 aepartmenVIDivisionlAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Shawn Maddox Fire Rescue - Requested Changes and so the private Page: 1 County of Albemarle Printed On: 11114/2018 Review Comments for SUB201800177 Preliminary Plat Project Name: PROPERTY OF BELLA SIGNATURE HOMES, LLC - PRELIMJNARY PRIVATE STREET RE UEST Date Completed: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Department/DivisiorVAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: John Anderson CDD Enaineerina Requested Changes El 1. Revise Exhibit title to: Earlysville Road Subdivision Exhibit A— Private Street Request. 2. Revise plan view horizontal alignment of both roads in Exhibit, if necessary, consistent with alignment shown on preliminary plat submitted with private road request. Note: preliminary plat appears to show edge of pavement within 15' of property boundary while Exhibit A appears to show edge of pavement farther away, approximately 33' from boundary_ 3. Exhibit shows cuWe-sac radius, R = 30', while preliminary plat shows cul-de-sac radius, R = 50'. It is Engineering understanding that Fire -Rescue will require cul-de-sac radius, R=90'_ Revise exhibit (and preliminary plat) to reflect Albemarle County Fire -Rescue requirements, and recalculate earthwork volume. Revise volume comparison. 4. Examine alternative public road vertical alignments that minimize earthwork; apply AASHTO Guidelines for Geometric Design of Very Low -Volume Local Roads (ADT= 400): 2001. For example; with design speed of 25 mph and 0-100 vpd, AASHTO Guidelines Exhibit 12 (Crest Vertical Curves) indicates Min. Kcrest =7_ Coordinate with VDOT to confirm this very low -volume local road is eligible for Kcrest =7_ If VDOT confirms it is eligible, Engineering requests public road profile be revised to closely resemble private road vertical alignment, to include: Initial vertical crest curve L =35' (-2.00% to-7.00%1 K =7), transitioning to 3.5% over 273' L vertical sag curve (K = 26), transitioning to -5.60% over 97(±)' L vertical crest curve (K=10.66). By iterative process, locate BVC stations (crest -sag -crest) to minimize earthwork. Calculate and report minimum earthwork using Ksag=26.00, Kcrest =7. Coordinate design acceptance with VDOT, but AASHTO Guidelines, in Albemarle County's view, support these K-values. 5. Ref. AASHTO Gudielines, Exhibit 1. Albemarle supports total roadway width =1 S', including shoulder width. Coordinate with VDOT If VDOT agrees a proposed public road serving 5 lots in the rural area is eligible for minor access total roadway width of 18% revise public road section, and recalculate earthwork volume. Revise volume comparison. 6. Engineering evaluation of private street request, vis-a-vis 14-234.C.. a. Proposed private street design is adequate to carry the traffic volume, b. Engineering defers to Planning on applicability of comprehensive plan; C. Acknowledges private street would be maintained by owners of lots fronting street; d. Private street will not serve through traffic provided VDOT approves waiver request; and e. Property is not located within Albemarle County flood hazard overlay district- T. Planning rightly points out that if proposed private street /public road centerline shifts closer to property boundary to fit within existing private street easement, an off -site grading easement is required, or a retaining wall, to construct either a public road or private street within existing easement. Consider existing easement, location of proposed centerline, and revise Exhibit, accordingly_ Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 11114/2018 Stephen C. Brich, P.E. Commissioner 'o COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange #load Culpeper Virginia 22701 November 14, 2018 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Paty Saternye Re: Bella Signature Homes- Private Street Request PRIVATE STREET REQUEST SDP-2018-00177 Review #1 Dear Ms. Saternye: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced as submitted by, Chamber Land Surveys, PLC dated September 27, 2018, and find it to be generally acceptable. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. If further information is desired, please contact Willis C. Bedsaul at 434-422-9866. Sincerely, w L Adam J. Moo e, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING