HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800049 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2018-11-16County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Ryan Yauger, P.E. (RYAUGER@BOHLERENG.COM) From: Cameron Langille — Senior Planner Division: Planning Services Date: August 16, 2018 First Revision: November 16, 2018 Subject: SDP201800049 — Brookhill Block 3A Final Site Plan The Planner for the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County Department Community Development will recommend approval of the plan referred to above when the following items have been satisfactorily addressed. (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.) [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.] Comments from SDP20180021 - Brookhill Block 3A Initial Site Plan Action Letter: 1. [32.5.2 (i)] Please address the following comments related to road improvements: a. Per staff discussion with Ryan Yauger and Alan Taylor on May 18, 2018, Road 1 B will be constructed and dedicated as a public street. During a follow-up conversation with Ryan Yauger and Alan Taylor on June 1, 2018, County staff identified the "Neighborhood Street" cross section as the applicable road type for Road 1B (Figure 8 on page 25 of the Code of Development). This street type requires one side of on -street parking, in addition to two vehicle travel lanes. The final site plan and road plans for Road I will need to include on -street parking on one side of the street. Comment addressed. Road 113 is being designed to the Neighborhood Street standard and is under review through SUB2018-115. b. A variation to the Code of Development will need to be approved by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors in order for Road 1B to be designed to the "Connector Road" cross section as shown in Figure 9 of the Code of Development. This cross-section requires bike lanes on both sides of the street and no on -street parking. Please submit the following APPLICATION and all supplemental materials to justify the request. Please be aware that the road plan application for Road 1B and final site plan application for Block 3A cannot be approved prior to Board of Supervisor approval of the variation request. Comment addressed. Road 113 is being designed to the Neighborhood Street standard and is under review through SUB2018-115. c. On Sheet C-100, please state the application numbers for the road plans under the section titled "Road Improvement Plans." Include the County approval date. Comment not fully addressed. Road plan application number is SUB2018- 115, please add to Sheet C-101. Once the Road I plan is approved, add the Countyapproval date to this sheet. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. SUB201800115 still under review. Please revise the reference on Sheet C-100 so the application number states SUB201800115." Once approved, add the approval date. d. On the final site plan for Block 3A, please shade out all road improvements that were subject to review/approval through the road plan application for the proposed Road 113. The final site plan for Block 3A will need to accurately depict all improvements within the right-of-ways visible on the plans. Comment addressed. e. Please label all roads visible on Block 3A final site plan with a width measurement and state whether the road is public or private. Prior to final site plan approval, all street right of ways that have been dedicated to public use should feature a label stating the deed book and page number of the recorded instrument. Comment not fully addressed. The road plans have not vet been aDDroved and the right of wav has not vet been Dlatted and recorded. The final site elan will need to be revised to include the instrument numbers for the Road 1 B right of way prior to final site plan approval. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. SUB201800115 still under review. Right of ways have not vet been platted or recorded. Once this is done, please add deed book and page references to all applicable drawings. £ Road plans must be approved, and the road improvements must be constructed or bonded for Stella Lane, Road A, and Road B1 prior to Block 3A final site plan approval. Comment not fully addressed. The right of way for Road 1B must be dedicated prior to final site plan approval. Please submit a subdivision plat that shows the right of way dedication. This will need to be reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to final site plan approval. The instrument number for the right of way will need to be added to all applicable drawings that show Road 1 B. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Right of ways for Stella Lane and Archer Avenue have not vet been dedicated. SUB201800115 still under review. Right of ways have not vet been platted or recorded. Once all right of ways have been dedicated, please add deed book and page references to all applicable drawings. 9. 2. IZMA2015000071 Based on discussions with County staff, the final site plan will show different entrance door locations to satisfy the primary building entrance requirements of Section 3.1 and relegated parking standards of Section 2.9 of the Code of Development. Staff will evaluate this further at the time of final site plan submittal. Comment addressed. a. If the open space to the north of the proposed ice rink building will be a civic/greenspace area, the primary entrance may be move there to meet the architectural requirements of Section 3.1. Comment addressed. 3. [General Comment] Please be aware that the travelway that stubs to the north of Block 3A cannot be classified as a street that will satisfy parcel frontage requirements for future uses to the north of the ice rink in Block 3A. New streets will need to be provided for future lots created to the north of the Block 3A ice rink parcel. Comment addressed. Applicant has acknowledged in the response letter to the Block 3A initial site plan comments that the travelway cannot be counted as a street for parcel frontages to future blocks north of 3A. 4. [32.5.2 (a)] Please provide information on the proposed parcel/lot for Block 3A. Will a new parcel be subdivided to contain all of the required improvements, landscaping, and the building shown on the Block 3A initial site plan? Based on the "proposed ROW" line shown on the drawings and the extent of Road 1 B proposed to be constructed, it is difficult to determine whether another segment of road will be constructed along the "proposed ROW" line, or if that will be a parcel line. Comment not fully addressed. The site plan does not show the full property boundaries of Block 3A. The southern and eastern property lines are shown, but not the northern and western lines. Please revise the drawings and ensure that a property line is shown that meets the 300' — 650' block length requirement. See comment #21 and #34a below regarding moving the grope , lines to include the loading space and required landscaping behind the ice rink. A subdivision plat to create the Block 3A parcel will need to be submitted, reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to approval of the final site plan. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The western and northern proposed property lines are still not labeled or called out on the site plan. There is a label for "EOP" on the site layout drawings, but the legend on Sheet C-101 states that this means "Edge of Pavement." a. Block 3A should be located in a parcel meeting the block characteristics specified in Table 2.2.2 and Table of the Code of Development. This includes minimum/maximum block length, setbacks, relegated parking, minimum required parking and landscaping, etc. Comment not fully addressed. The site plan does not show the full property boundaries of Block 3A. The southern and eastern property lines are shown, but not the northern and western lines. Please revise the drawings and ensure that a property line is shown that meets the 300' -650' block length requirement. See comment #21 and #34a below regarding moving the property lines to include the loading space and required landscaping behind the ice rink. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The western and northern proposed property lines are still not labeled or called out on the site plan. There is a label for "EOP" on the site layout drawings, but the legend on Sheet C-101 states that this means "Edge of Pavement." b. The south building wall which fronts the proposed Road I does not currently meet the maximum 25' front setback required by Section of the Code of Development. The building should be moved closer to the proposed right of way/parcel boundary. Based on discussions with Ryan Yauger and Alan Taylor on June 1, 2018, the Road 1B right of way will be straightened and moved further north so that the south building fagade meets the maximum 25' front building setback. Comment addressed. [32.5.2 (a)] The land area of all blocks in Brookhill may not be modified more than 15% of the gross land area shown in Table 2 (page 6) of the Code of Development. Please be aware that the proposed gross land area of Block 3A plus 3B is currently modified by 13% (0.7 acres less than the acreage specific in the COD), according to the Block Area Summary on Sheet C-106. The Block Area Summary does not include the proposed acreage of Block 4C, and the Phasing Plan on Sheet C-106 shows a much smaller Block 3B boundary than the ZMA201500007 Application Plan. Shifts in boundaries of Blocks 1-4 should be carefully considered to ensure that the acreage modifications do not surpass the maximum 15% allowed by the Code of Development. Comment addressed. Applicant acknowledges the maximum modification of 15% for any block, and Block 3A is still within the modification percentage permitted according to Sheet C-107 Block Area Summary. 6. [32.5.2 (a)] Prior to final site plan approval, please revise Sheet C-100 and Sheet C-102 so that the correct Tax Map Parcel numbers for the Block 3A Ice Rink are shown. All TMPs within Brookhill are currently listed, but Block 3A appears to only be within the parcel currently identified as TMP 46-19B3. Comment not fully addressed. The TMP numbers provided on Sheet C-101, and C-103 are not correct according Albemarle County GIS. Block 3A appears to only be within the parcel currently identified as TMP 46-19133. Please ensure the appropriate TMP numbers are shown on Sheet C-101, and show the correct TMP numbers in the parcel labels on the Existing Conditions drawings. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Sheet C-101 does not state TMP 46-19B3 as one of the parcels. Also, TMP 46-19 should be removed since this TMP no longer exists. Sheet C-102 should also remove reference to TMP 46-19, and TMP 46-19B3 should be added. a. Please revise the owner name listed on the Cover Sheet because it is incorrect. Albemarle County GIS identifies the owners of TMP 46-19A, TMP 46-19131, TMP 46-19133, TMP 46-19134 as Crockett Corporation, address of 435 Park Street, Charlottesville, VA 22901. Comment Addressed. [32.5.2 (a)] There is currently a two -lot division plat under review to create the Block 4B parcel, and this may be approved and recorded prior to final site plan submittal for Block 3A. On the Block 3A final site plan, please show and label all existing parcel boundaries with dimensions. Please be aware that the TMP numbers and parcel acreages may change between the initial and final site plans for Block 3A. Staff may request that the tax map numbers, parcel acreages, and ownership information be updated on the final site plan to reflect any recorded plats that may be approved prior to the Block 3A final site plan approval. Comment not fully addressed. A boundary line adjustment plat is currently under review. Additionally, staff was informed by the developer that a new parcel will be subdivided around the improvements proposed as part of the Block 3A final site plan. Prior to final site plan approval, the correct TMP numbers and boundary lines must be shown on Sheet C-101, C-103, and all other applicable drawings. The property labels should include the TMP number and most recently recorded instrument for any subdivision plats that create new lots. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The Block 3A parcel has not vet been subdivided. Prior to final site plan approval, the correct TMP numbers and boundary lines must be shown on Sheet C-101, C-103, and all other applicable drawings. The property labels should include the TMP number and most recently recorded instrument for any subdivision plats that create new lots. 8. 132.5.2 (a)] Please add pages 9 and 10 of the approved ZMA proffer statement to the final site plan. These are currently missing between Sheets C-103 and C-104. Comment not addressed. Pages 9 and 10 of ZMA201500007 proffers are still missing. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 9. 132.5.2 (a)] On Sheet C-100, please add the ZMA application number under the "Code of Development" section. The approved application number is ZMA201500007. Comment addressed. a. On Sheet C-100, the revision date shown for the Code of Development is incorrect. The approved Code of Development had a final revision date of October 13, 2016. Please amend the label. Comment addressed. 10. [32.5.2 (a)] On Sheet C-100, please state the Special Use Permit application number that was approved to allow grading activities in the Flood Hazard Overlay District. The approved application number is SP201500025 and the County approval date was November 9, 2016. Comment addressed. 11. [32.5.2 (a)] Please amend the "Zoning and Overlay Districts" in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. It should state Neighborhood Model Development District as the primary zoning district. Block 3A also lies within the following overlay districts: EC - Entrance Corridor Overlay, AIA — Airport Impact Overlay Zoning Districts. Comment addressed. 12. [32.5.1 (c)] Please show the boundaries and dimensions of all Managed and Preserved Steep Slopes and wetland areas on the site plan that are within or adjacent to the Block 3A area. If none are within the vicinity of Block 3A, then add a note to Sheet C-102 in the overlay zoning districts section stating that no Managed or Preserved Steep Slopes are within Block 3A. Comment addressed. 13. [32.5.2 (a)] Please amend the "Associated Plans" section in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102. It should be titled "Proffers and Code of Development ZMA201500007" and should state the November 9, 2016 approval date by the County next to the Brookhill Code of Development. It should also state "Special use Permit SP201500025" with the approval date of November 9, 2016. Comment addressed. 14. 132.5.2 (a)] Please add a line to the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102 titled "Block Classification" with "Urban Density Residential" as the block type for Block 3A, as stipulated by the Brookhill Code of Development. Comment addressed. 15. 132.5.2 (b)] Per LOD201700025, the Zoning Administrator has determined that the proposed Block 3A ice rink is considered an ancillary use, as described in Sections 2.2.2 and of the Code of Development. Please amend the "Proposed Use" section in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-103. The proposed use should be "Ancillary Uses — Ice Rink." Comment addressed. 16. [32.5.2 (b)] Per LOD201700025, the Zoning Administrator has determined that the ice rink is classified as an ancillary use and thus is not subject to the maximum building footprint requirements in Section of the Code of Development. Please add a line to the Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-103 stating "Block 3A Ice Rink Maximum Permitted Building Footprint: None, per LOD201700025." Comment addressed. 17. 132.5.2 (f)] Please state whether the property lies within a water supply watershed on Sheet C-103. Comment addressed. 18. 132.5.2 (a)] Please add a line to the "Height of All Structures" on Sheet C-103 stating that buildings greater than 3 stories must step back a minimum of 15' after the third story or provide a minimum 15' front setback or side setback adjacent to the street, per Table of the Code of Development. Comment addressed. 19. 132.5.2 (a)] Please state the parking setbacks provided in the "Provided" column of the "Off Street Parking/Loading Space Yard Setbacks" on Sheet C-103. Comment addressed. 20. 132.5.2 (b)] Please state the square footage and acreage occupied by each use in this portion of Block 3A on Sheet C-103. This includes the square footage of the proposed use, ice rink, and the overall building square footage. The parking calculation for the ice rink states that it will measure 16,372 sq. ft., but the overall building will measure 35,000 sq. ft. What other uses are proposed within the Block 3A building? Comment addressed. a. Please be aware that recreation areas are classified as ancillary uses to residential uses, per Section 2.2.2 (page 10) of the Code of Development. Per Table 5 Density Regulations (Page 15), ancillary uses do not count against the maximum non-residential square footage permitted in each block. Comment addressed. b. Additional parking may be required to accommodate other uses that may occupy this structure. Comment not applicable per applicant response to initial site plan comments. 21. [32.5.2 (b) and 4.12.13 (d)] Due to the nature of the use, a minimum of one loading space should be provided within the Block 3A area. Loading spaces must meet the design standards specified in Section 18-4.12.18 of the Zoning Ordinance. Comment not fully addressed. The proposed loading space behind the ice rink structure needs to be located within the parcel boundaries of the Block 3A ice rink property. Please amend all drawings to show the loading space within the property lines. Otherwise, an offsite access easement will need to be platted rig the owners of the ice rink lot access to and use of the loading space if it will not be located on the same parcel. Easement plat will need to be reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to final site plan approval. Rev.1: Proposed easement is shown. Prior to final site plan approval, the easement will need to be created through approval and recordation of an easement plat. Once the plat is recorded, the site plan label for the easement should be revised to state the deed book and page number of the instrument that created that easement and the easement should be re -titled to "Private Access Easement" with a width measurement. 22. [32.5.2 (a)] Per Table of the Code of Development, please show the minimum and maximum setback lines locations across all applicable drawings. Label each setback line as a front, side, corner side, or rear setback and state the dimensions in the label. Setbacks should be measured from the proposed right-of-way. Comment not fully addressed. The minimum 5' setback line and 25' maximum setback line shown behind the ice rink are incorrect; that lot line will be a side parcel boundary according to the way the plan is currently drawn. Please show a minimum 5' side setback line (label correctly) and remove the maximum setback line on all applicable drawings. There are no maximum side setbacks required in Urban Density Residential blocks of Brookhill. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Please add the words "Front" to the minimum and maximum setback lines along Salamander Road setback labels. Add the word "side" to the minimum side setback line label. Additionally, once the Block 3A parcel is subdivided, the rear (north) parcel line and minimum 10" rear setback line should be shown on the site plan, as well as the side (west) parcel boundary line and minimum 5' side 4 setback line. 23. 132.5.2 (n)] Please add sidewalks along the driveway entrance into ice rink parking lot that connects to the 10' sidewalk in front of the building. Comment addressed. 24. [32.5.2 (n)] Pedestrian crosswalks must be provided at all locations within the site where ramps connect sidewalks on opposite sides of vehicular travel ways. Comment addressed. a. Please label the dimensions and surface materials in compliance with the County's design standards. Comment addressed. Crosswalk will be within the Road 1B right of way and will be reviewed under that application. 25. 132.5.2 (n)] On the site plan drawings, please label and call out the locations of the primary and secondary building entrances to the building in accordance with the Urban Density Residential block regulations Section 2.2.2 (page 10) of the Code of Development. Comment addressed. 26. [32.5.2 (k)] Please show the location of all proposed sewer and drainage easements. Label as "proposed" with a size/width measurement. Comment partially addressed. Please be aware that all required stormwater and drainage easements will need to be reviewed, approved, and recorded through a separate easement plat application prior to final site plan approval.. All gpplicable drawings showing these easements should be labeled with the instrument number of the approved plat and deed once it is recorded. These easements should also be noted as "private" easements. Rev. 1: Applicant has acknowledged the site plan will need to be revised pending easement plat approval and recordation. Once the easement plat is submitted for review, approved and recorded and the easement labels have been updated with the recorded instrument numbers, this comment will be addressed. 27. [32.5.2 (1)] Please label all utility easements as "proposed" with a size/width measurement. Comment partially addressed. Pending ACSA comments, the water and sewer utility easements may need to be reviewed, approved, and recorded through a separate easement plat application prior to final site plan approval. If ACSA will require this, all applicable drawings will need to be updated to include the instrument number of the recorded plat/deeds for those easements. Rev. 1: Applicant has acknowledged the site plan will need to be revised pending easement plat approval and recordation. Once the easement plat is submitted for review, approved and recorded and the easement labels have been updated with the recorded instrument numbers, this comment will be addressed. 28. 132.5.2 (n)] Please label the proposed surface materials for all parking lots, travel ways, walkways, etc. Comment addressed. 29. [32.7.9] All required street trees within the right of way of Road 1B will be reviewed and approved with the road plan application, SUB201800115. The final site plan should contain labels stating which landscaping items are proposed with the Block 3A site plan, and which are part of the road plan application. Comment not fully addressed. On Sheet C-301, please add the road plan application number to Note 2. Please add the road plan application number to the callout on Sheet C-701 and Note 1 on Sheet C-701. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 30. 132.5.2 (n)] Please state the height of all proposed fences and retaining walls in the labels used on the drawings. Profile view details of all proposed fences, retaining walls, and constructed screening measures will be required with the final site plan. Each will need to show the types of materials used and dimensions. Comment addressed. Per applicant response to initial site plan comments, no fences or retaining walls are proposed within Block 3A. 31. [32.7.9] Please move the Landscaping notes in the Zoning and Site Tabulations table on Sheet C-102 to the Landscape drawings. Comment addressed. 32. [32.5.2 (e)] Please provide more details about the existing landscape features as described in Section 18- a. The Albemarle County Conservation Plan Checklist and Chapter 3.38 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control handbook. The Conservation Plan Checklist will need to be signed by the owners and provided as an exhibit on the final site plan for Block 3A. Comment addressed. 33. [32.7.9] Please revise the calculations on Sheet C-702. The landscape schedules do not include a column that states the canopy coverage area per plant species. The canopy area for each species can be found on the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List and Albemarle County Plants Canopy Calculations tables. PDFs of these documents can be accessed through the Department of Community Development webpage: LINK. Comment addressed. 5 a. Staff cannot verify if the provided trees meet the minimum 5% canopy required for the parking lot without the canopy figures shown on the drawings. Comment addressed. 34. [ (a)] On Sheet C-702, please provide a calculation for the minimum tree canopy required and proposed in Block 3A based on the use type. The minimum tree canopy is 10% for this portion of Block 3A. Comment not addressed. The Tree Canopy calculation on Sheet C-703 states that only 6.93% of overall tree canopy is being provided, but a minimum of 10% is required. Please install additional landscaping to bring the tree canopy into compliance. Rev. 1: Comment not fully - addressed. The landscape Schedule on Sheet C-701 does not include the canopy area for the proposed shrubs, and the total canopy for the 74 shrubs proposed. Please add this information to Sheet C-701, and update the overall canopy provided figure stated in the Landscape Compliance Chart. a. [ (b)] Please provide a Landscape Schedule on Sheet C-702 that lists the Botanical Name and Common Name of each species is included, the proposed caliper and height at time of installation, and the canopy coverage area per plant species as stated on the Albemarle County Plants Canopy Calculations (this table should be specifically for the 10% minimum tree canopy requirement). Comment not fully addressed. The proposed Japanese Katsura trees are not a species on the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List. Please provide a different tree species from the approved list. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. The proposed lot lines for the Block 3A parcel need to include all landscaping required to meet the Zoning Ordinance. There are some trees being installed behind the ice rink that are outside of the parcel boundaries. Rev. 1: Comment not addressed. There are still six (6) OBC trees shown to the east outside of the proposed side parcel boundary of Block 3A. Please see ARB comments below for additional landscaping requirements. Rev. 1: ARB comments satisfied. 35. Please add a note to the Landscape plans stating "All landscaping shall be installed by the first planting season following the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy within the development." Comment addressed. 36. [ Please add a note to the Landscape plans stating "All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or a property owners' association, and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the approved landscape plan." Comment addressed. 37. 132.6.2 (h)] Please add the attached Site Review Committee signature panel to the Cover Sheet. Comment addressed. 38. [32.7.8 and 4.17] The final site plan lighting plan must meet the minimum requirements of Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. Some footcandle measurements along the Road 1B exceed the maximum 0.5 footcandles permitted. a. Please provide further documentation that luminaries proposed in Block 3A are full -cutoff fixtures. Comment not fully addressed. Provide manufacturers' specifications and cut sheets for the proposed light fixtures with the final site plan. Note that the tilt of all full cutoff models must be 0. In addition, provide the total lumens (not lum. watts) each fixture in the luminaire schedule and ensure that the photometric values are calculated using an LLF equal to 1.0 (not 0.98, which is currently listed in the luminaire schedule). Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The Luminaire Schedule on Sheet C-703 still does not state the lumens of each proposed lamp. Additionally, the manufacturers specifications and cut sheets for each model have not been provided. The Lighting Plan does not label the proposed luminaires according to the label (A, E, and G) column in the Luminaire Schedule, please label each proposed light accordingly. Provide the standard liehtine note on the liahtina elan (C-703): Each outdoor luminaire eauianed with a lama that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires onto public roads and nronertv in residential or rural areas zonine districts shall not exceed one half footcandle. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. Please state the proposed pole heights for all freestanding luminaries within the Block 3A site. Rev.1: Comment addressed. 39. [32.5.2 (o) and ZMA2015000071 Please expand the Block Area Summary on Sheet C-106 to include all the columns contained in Table 2 of the Code of Development. The required and proposed acreages of each feature should also be stated 6 so that staff can verify compliance with the minimum requirements for greenspace/amenities, as well as the development area requirements. Although no Greenspace/Amenities are required in Block 3, providing updated versions of this table on all site plans and subdivision plats will allow accurate tracking of land use acreages as each block develops. Comment not fully addressed. The Block Area Summary does not include an entry for the proposed acreages of land uses for Block 4C, please revise. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The acreages of open space proposed in Blocs 4a and 4b have chanted since previous review. Please update the Block Area Summary as necessary to reflect the proposed acreages for those Blocks as shown on SDP201800050. Additionally, the Block Area Summary does not show the required acreages for each feature as stated in table 2 of the Code of Development. Please add those columns for each feature (development area, all Ereenspace categories, etc.). 40. [ZMA201500007] Section 2.13 of the Code of Development states that the historic marker to commemorate the Brookhill manor house shall be installed with the first phase of development. Please provide Planning & Zoning staff with information on whether this marker will be installed and shown as a feature on the final site plan for Blocks 4A/4B or Block 3. As a reminder, the Code of Development requires the marker to be installed either within the public right of way or public open space, and it shall be designed in accordance with DHR guidelines for design and character of the historic marker. Comment addressed. The historic marker is under review as part of the Road 113 road plans. New Planning Comments First Review of Block 3A Final Site Plan: 1. [General Comment] On Sheet C-106, please add the approved initial site plan application number within the Block 4B parcel/area. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 2. [ZMA201500007] Per Table 2.2.2. on page 10 of the Code of Development, a minimum of one bicycle rack must be provided per 5,000 sq. ft. of non-residential space. A total of six (6) bicycle racks need to be shown on the site plans. Staff suggests showing the bicycle racks in front of the ice rink building between the ornamental trees adjacent to the sidewalk, but they can be installed elsewhere should the applicant wish to do so. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Sheet C-301 labels bicycle rack location. Staff requests that a calculation be added to Sheet C-103 stating the required amount of bike racks per the COD, and then the number of bicycle racks proposed. Furthermore, please add an inset detail with the specifications for the bike rack modeUdesi2n to the construction details drawinus. 3. Please re -title Sheet C-106 to "ZMA201500007 Application Plan." 4. Remove the Landscape canopy calculation provided on Sheet C-103. 5. The building area square footage calculation on Sheet C-103 states 34,000 sq. ft. However, the building is labeled as 34,675 sq. ft. on Sheet C-301. Please verify the actual square footage and make the necessary revisions so those drawings match. 6. Sheet C-103 states that 93 parking spaces are provided, but only 83 are shown on the site plan. Additionally, Sheet C- 701 states that 94 parking spaces are provided. Please verify the actual amount proposed, and revise each sheet as necessary. Please contact Cameron Langille at the Department of Community Development at blan ig lle(c-r�,albemarle.org or 296- 5832 ext. 3432 for further information. Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer) — Emily Cox, ecoxkalbemarle.org— Requested Changes, see attached. Albemarle County Information Services (E911) —Andrew Walker, awalker(&albemarle.org — Requested Changes, see attached. Albemarle County Building Inspections — Michael Dellinger, mdellinger(&albemarle.org — Requested Changes: 1. Question on where roof leaders will discharge off building. Cannot discharge where as to cause a public nuisance. Albemarle County Planning Services (Architectural Review Board) — Heather McMahon, hmcmahongalbemarle.or —No Objection, see attached. Albemarle County Service Authority — Richard Nelson, rnelson@serviceauthority.org — ACSA underway. Comments will be sent directly to applicant. Virginia Department of Transportation — Adam Moore, Adam.Moore(&vdot.vir ig nia.gov — Requested changes, see attached. County of Albemarle Department of Community Development Memorandum To: Cameron Langille From: Emily Cox Date: 15 Aug 2018 Rev. 1 Date: 6 Nov 2018 Subject: Brookhill Block 3 (Ice Rink) — (SDP201800049) Revision 1 of the final site plan for Brookhill — Block 3 (Ice Rink) has been reviewed by Engineering. The following comments will need to be addressed before approval: 1. WPO Plan must be approved before final site plan can be approved. Rev. 1: Comment not addressed. 2. Road Plan must be approved before final site plan can be approved. Rev. 1: Comment not addressed. 3. VDOT approval is necessary before site plan can be approved. Rev. 1: Comment not addressed. 4. Show steep slopes on all applicable sheets. It is unclear if there are any in this area. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 5. Consider adding site plan Ws to sheet C-107. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 6. Add approved plan # that created the SWM access road to the existing SWM access road label. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 7. Sheet C-201 shows the proposed road 113, however this is the existing conditions sheet. Please revise or put a note explaining as this road is not existing conditions on site. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 8. Sheet C-301 shows structures, but not pipes. Please show entire storm network, or remove the structures from this sheet. Rev. 1: Comment not addressed. If needed, use grayscale for pipes. Easements are shown with no pipes. 9. Consider adding road plan # where "another cover" is referenced. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 10. Topography should be field verified within the last year. Provide the date on the cover sheet. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 11. Provide cross section and calculations for the ditch to Str A03 shown on Sheet C-401. Rev. 1: Please provide drainage divides for the ditch calculations. 12. Provide drainage divides to go along with the storm drain calculations. Rev. 1: Please remove all references for E&S measures on this page. (C-800) 13. Provide VDOT form LD-347 for the HGL calculations. It appears the HGL calculations provided are slightly different. Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 14. Please explain the headwater computations. The WSE elevation is shown at the rim elevation? Rev. 1: The WSE appears to be above the rims? Please explain. 15. The velocity from A2 to Al is very high. Per VDOT drainage manual section, velocities should be kept to 10 ft/s if possible. Rev. 1: Albemarle County Engineering is allowing 15 ft/s as the maximum velocity in storm drain. Engineering Review Comments Page 2 of 2 16. Ensure drainage easements meet the requirements in the design standards manual, page 15. Show the calculation. Also, why does the proposed storm easement stop at structure A04? htip://www.albemarle. org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/community_developm ent/forms/design standards manual/Albemarle County Design_ Standards_ Manual_2015 -04-25_draft.pdf Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 17. Label all entrances with a VDOT designation (CG-9a, etc). Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 18. Why is the western side of the parking area not curbed? Also, why is there not a curbed island at the end of the parking? (edge of pavement and striping is shown.) Rev. 1: Comment addressed. 19. Provide sight distance lines or profiles. Rev. 1: Please clarify which sheet shows the sight distance lines/profiles. 20. Rev. 1: [Sheet C-2011 Provide DB & PG for all easements. 21. Rev. 1: [Sheet C-2011 Provide legend or definition for all abbreviations (ex: TBV, TBR) 22. Rev. 1: [Sheet C-201] In the overall keymap, note, 2, please remove the date for the plans. 23. Rev. 1: [Sheet C-8001 Ensure all storm structures are labeled ( It appears A08 and A09 were missing?). 24. Rev. 1: [Sheet C-803] In the note, reference the SUB number for the plan, not just the plan name. 25. Rev. 1: [Sheet C-301] Who will maintain the access road that is offsite? Easement for this access must be recorded before plan approval. 26. Rev. 1: [Sheet C-401] Please clarify the grading around storm A03. Is this an existing pond or storm facility? Review Comments for SDP201800049 lFinal Site Development Plan Project Name: BROO HILL - BLOCK 3 (IOE RINK) - FINAL - DIGITAL Date Completed: Thursday, September 27, 2018 Department1DivisionfAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Andrew Walker ODD E911 Requested Changes per site plan dated 6/ 6/18, see uploaded letter (Read 1B will require a read name_) Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 11 T0612018 Review Comments for SDP201800049 Final Site Development Plan Project Name: BROO HILL - BLOCK 3 (ICE RINK) - FINAL - DIGITAL Date Completed: Tuesday, October 02. 2018 DepartmentfDivisionfAgency: Review Status: Reviewer: Michael Dellinger CDD Inspections Requested Changes Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 11T0612018 Cameron Langille From: Heather McMahon Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 4:36 PM To: Cameron Langille Subject: Planning Application Review for SDP201800049 BROOKHILL - BLOCK 3 (ICE RINK) - FINAL - DIGITAL. The Review for the following application has been completed: Application Number = SDP201800049 Reviewer = Heather McMahon Review Status = No Objection Completed Date = 10/12/2018 This email was sent from County View Production. Cameron, The ARB has determined that no further review of Brookhill, Block 3, Ice Rink is required, because the applicant has convinced the board that there is or will be no visibility of this site from the Entrance Corridor. So I have put `no objection' and the following comment in County View: "At the ARB meeting on 9-17-18, it was the consensus of the ARB that the final site plan for Brookhill, Block 3, Ice Rink did not require further ARB or staff review." Thanks, Heather McMahon, Senior Planner Albemarle County Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 434-296-5832 x3278 hmcmahon@albemarle.org Stephen C. Brich, P.E. Commissioner COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Road Culpeper Virginia 22701 October 23, 2018 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Cameron Langille Re: Brookhill Block 3 Ice Rink — Final Site Plan SDP-2018-00049 Review # 1 Dear Mr. Langille: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Bohler Engineering, dated 26 June 2018, revised 21 September 2018 and offers the following comments: Please note the comments from the previous review still remain applicable. L The Road Plan associated with this site, currently under review, has not been approved at the time of this letter. 2. Sufficient intersection sight distance lines and profiles must be provided on this plan or the road plan, preferably both. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. If further information is desired, please contact Willis C. Bedsaul at 434-422-9866. Sincerely, odim- qom'-' Adam J. Moore, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEL' VIRGINIA MOVING