HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800058 Correspondence WPO VSMP 2018-08-27 LINE I GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM TO: County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 FROM: Daniel C. Hyer, PE Line and Grade I Engineer of Record DATE: August 27, 2018 RE: Foglia Residence VSMP second submittal On behalf of Green Mountain Construction, we submit the above referenced project for Initial Site Plan Review Please find the following documentation attached: VSMP Plan: 02—Foglia Residence VSMP (24"x36") 02—Foglia Residence SWPPP's 01—VSMP Application 02—Comment Response Letter Please contact our office with any questions or concerns, or, if an email enquiry is preferred please email at dhyer@line-grade.com . LI N E + GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING 113 4th St.NE;STE 100 CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22902 TEL:(434)262-0169 LINE-GRADE.COM . . LINE -- GRADE CIVIL ENGINEERING August 24, 2018 Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville,Virginia, 22902-4596 Attention: Frank Pohl, PE, CFM County Engineer RE: Foglia Residence VSMP Plan Project file It: WP0201800058 Dear Mr. Pohl, On behalf of Green Mountain Construction we offer the following responses and plan revisions to comments dated August 03, 2018 from WW Associates, Inc.Our Responses are in bold italic text below each comment. A. Storm water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) 1. SWPPP is not formatted in accord with the requirements published by the duly authorized Albemarle County,Virginia VSMP Authority Administrator.A copy of the SWPPP format is attached.This information is available on the County's website as well.The Administrator will permit and review the SWPPP as formatted and submitted for this project only.All future project SWPPP submitted by Line+Grade Civil Engineering shall be in accord with the published Albemarle County SWPPP format. Acknowledged.SWPPP submittals on future projects will utilize the County format. Line and Grade appreciates the courtesy of accepting the current formatting of the SWPPP for this project. 2. The DEQ notice of general permit coverage letter shall be included when received. Please add an appendix to the SWPPP for this letter. Acknowledged. The SWPPP has incorporated Appendix 11 which is where the L I N E -1- general permit coverage letter will be inserted when received. G RAD E 3. Appendix 8 Pollution Prevention Plan is to include a plan showing pollution activities and prevention practices. Provide a reduced 11" x 17"copy of a site CIVIL ENGINEERING plan on which all of the activity locations are clearly marked.This plan will be 113 4`h STREET NE,STE.100 kept up-to-date by the contractor with ongoing site changes and inspections. CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM Foglia Residence VSMP Plan 1st Comment Response Letter August 24, 2018 I Page 2 Acknowledged.Appendix 8 now includes a Pollution Prevention Plan as an 11"x17"copy. 4. Appendix 9—Please indicate whether site is in TMDL impaired or exceptional waters. If discharge to impaired water, please add verbiage from subparagraphs (b) and (c)of 9VAC25-880-70 Part 1(B)(4). If to exceptional waters,comply with the requirements of 9VAC25-880-70 Part I(B)(5). It has been determined that the North Fork of the Hardware River is an impaired water.As such, the verbiage from sub paragraphs(b)and(c)from 9VAC25-880-70 Part 1 (8)(4)have been included. 5. The SWPPP has references to the City of Charlottesville, East McIntire Park, etc. in the Introduction and Plan Requirements sections. a. Last paragraph of the Introduction A—change City of Charlottesville to Albemarle County The reference to City of Charlottesville has been revised to Albemarle County,see revised introduction A. b. 4th paragraph of the Introduction B—change City of Charlottesville to Albemarle County The reference to City of Charlottesville has been revised to Albemarle County,see revised introduction B. c. II(A)(2)—change East McIntire Park to Foglia Residence The reference to East McIntire park has been revised to Foglia Residence, see revised 11(A). d. II(B)(1)—Table 2 needs to be edited in its entirely to reflect the Foglia LINE + Residence construction The table has been revised to reflect the Foglia Residence. G RAD E e. II(B)(2)(a)—change East McIntire Park to Foglia Residence CIVIL ENGINEERING The reference to East McIntire park has been revised to Foglia Residence, 113 4th STREET NE,STE.100 see revised 11(8). CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM Foglia Residence VSMP Plan 1st Comment Response Letter August 24, 2018 I Page 3 f. II(B)(2)(b)(c)—change East McIntire Park to Foglia Residence The reference to East McIntire park has been revised to Foglia Residence, see revised 11(B). 6. Please correct the project area/disturbed area to 3.46 acres for Item 9 of the registration statement. The reference to Item 9 project area/disturbed has been revised to 3.46,see registration statement. B. Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) The PPP content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-404. 1. Provide information requested in Part A Comment 3 above. The Pollution Prevention Plans are now included. Please refer to the C4 Series within the documents. C. Storm water Management Plan (SWMP) VSMP Regulation 9VAC25-870-108 requires the VSMP authority to approve or disapprove a SWMP.This plan is disapproved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below.The stormwater management plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17-403. 1. Please add existing tree line and new tree line due to land disturbing activities to the Phase I and Phase II E&SC Plan to facilitate verification of the land cover changes. Acknowledged. The existing and proposed tree lines have been indicated in the LINE + drawings. 2. Please provide a detail of the outfall structure such as that shown on Figure 9.13 G RAD E (page 22 of 62)of VA DCR SWM Design Specification No. 9 Bioretention (Level 1 Criteria)Version 2.0 dated January 1, 2013. Civil ENGINEERING Acknowledged. Please refer to Detail 3 Sheet C3.3. 113 4th STREET NE,STE.100 CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM Foglia Residence VSMP Plan 1st Comment Response Letter August 24, 2018 I Page 4 3. Please provide pretreatment as required by Section 6.4 of design specification referenced in Comment 2 above. Acknowledged. Refer to Sheet C2.0 and Detail 4/C3.3 for the gravel flow spreader pretreatment device. 4. Please provide planting plan as required by Section 6.8 of the design specification referenced in Comment 2 above. We have elected to specify that the BioRetention Filter be planted with Ernst Southeast Rain Garden Mix to create a turf cover of perennial forbs and grasses contributing to rain garden biodiversity. We feel this conforms to the planting intent within Section 6.8 of the above-mentioned specification section. Refer to detail 1/C2.2 and seeding schedule 5/C2.2 for additional information. 5. The rim of the bioretention outfall riser on Sheet C2.0 is noted at rim elevation 698.80. However, Sheet C3.1 reports the ponded depth at elevation 698.25 and top of filter media at elevation 697.75 for a ponded depth of 0.50 feet. Please address the ponded depth discrepancy as based on the outfall riser rim elevation of 698.80 and top of filter media elevation of 697.75. Acknowledged. This discrepancy has been resolved. Please see sheet C2.0 and the BMP riser detail on sheet C3.3. 6. The stormwater quantity outfalls from the disturbed area are directed to the existing natural stormwater conveyance systems—unnamed tributary of North Fork Hardware River for new culvert A(24" RCP) concentrated uncontrolled and what appears to be a new culvert B (18" CMP) concentrated control flow and uncontrolled sheet flow to North Fork Hardware River floodplain. Outfalls from culvert A and culvert B are each directed to the natural stormwater conveyances system and are to be analyzed in accord with 9VAC25-870-66(B)(3)the energy balance. Please provide appropriate backup hydrology(Tc, CN calculations, LIN E -I- hydrographs, etc.) used to establish flow/volumes. Acknowledged. We have revised our SWM approach to be in conformance with G RAD E the County's interpretation of the SWM code—per discussion with Frank Pohl. Outfall locations have been revised. CIVIL ENGINEERING 7. Please label the "Driveway Ditch" on Sheet C3.0 post-developed drainage area 113 4th STREET NE,STE.100 map. CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM • Foglia Residence VSMP Plan 1st Comment Response Letter August 24, 2018 ( Page 5 Acknowledged. The driveway ditch has been labeled. Please refer to updated drawings. 8. Please note that additional comments may be generated based on responses to these comments. Acknowledged. (But we hope not Q) D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) Virginia Code§62.1-44.15:55 requires the VESCP authority to approve or disapprove an ESCP.This plan is disapproved, and the reasons are provided in the comments below. The erosion control plan content requirements can be found in County Code section 17- 402. 1. Please add the Albemarle County Engineering General Construction Notes for Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (notes 1-20).These notes are attached. These notes are available on the County's website. Acknowledged. These notes have been added. 2. Albemarle County utilizes a paved wash rack type construction entrance.This detail may be found in the Albemarle County Design Standards Manual page 8 of 23 which is available on the County's website and is enclosed for your use. Please replace the construction entrance detail on Sheet C1.4 with the County-issued paved wash rack. Acknowldged. The construction entrance detail specified by Albemarle County has been included within the revised drawings. Refer to Detail 1/C1.4. 3. As based on the County's critical resources map, managed steep slopes are located within the limits of disturbance. Please denote the location of the managed steep slopes with a symbol and add to the legend on sheets C1.0 and L I N E - F C1.1. The managed steep slopes from the County's GIS are now shown on the plans. G RAD E We acknowledge that managed steep slopes are located within the property; however, the limits of disturbance associated with this project will not impact CIVIL ENGINEERING any areas designated as managed steep slopes.See revised plans. 113 4th STREET NE,STE.100 CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22902 LINE-GRADE.COM 8/27/2018 Line and Grade,LLC Mail-Foglia Residence,HUC 020802031201 I. I G ADE Ryan Cheney<rcheney@line-grade.com> Foglia Residence, HUC 020802031201 4 messages Ryan @ Line and Grade<rcheney@line-grade.com> Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 10:14 AM To: ecocapva@gmail.com Cc: Daniel Hyer<dhyer@line-grade.com> Good morning Casey, My name is Ryan and I work for a Civil Engineering firm called Line and Grade here in Charlottesville. I'd like to inquire about phosphorus credit availability for a project we're currently working on in Albemarle County(Project name and HUC in the subject line). We had inquired with RES, however they did not have any availability in our HUC and thus referred us to you. We're estimating our purchase at 0.32 lbs. Do you have any availability for our HUC? If so,would you be able to send us a credit availability letter to include in our plan submission documents? Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks, Ryan Cheney LINE + GRADE ; Civil Engineers 434-262-0169 Casey Jensen <ecocapva@gmail.com> Eri, Aug 24. 2018 at 11:40 AM To: "Ryan @ Line and Grade"<rcheney@line-grade.com> Cc: Daniel Hyer<dhyer@line-grade.com> Ryan thank you for reaching out. I do have availability. Can you send me a project name and latitude and longitude and I will draft up formal letters? [Quoted text hidden] Casey Jensen - President Eco-Cap 5584 Westower Drive Richmond, Virginia, 23225 Cell: 804-836-6636 Ryan @ Line and Grade<rcheney@line-grade.com> Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 12:24 PM To: Casey Jensen <ecocapva@gmail.com> Cc: Daniel Hyer<dhyer@line-grade.com> Casey, Thanks so much for the quick reply. Please see below. Project Name: Foglia Residence Latitude: 37deg 59'22.05"N Longitude: 78deg 37' 30.56"W Ryan Cheney LINE + GRADE I Civil Engineers 434-262-0169 [Quoted text hidden] https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=a8de39914d&jsver=CH739CjoDVc.en.&cbl=gmail_fe_180819.13_p2&view=pt&q=AVAI LAB&search=query&... 1/2