HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800031 Easements WPO VSMP 2008-12-03 Instrument Control Number _ e148I9 Commonwealth of Virginia Lend Record Instruments Cover Sheet-Form A 111111111111111111111111 q1 11111111111 11111 DOG ID: 00498881000S Typo: DEE III pLs VLR Cover Sheet Agent 1.0.87] Recorded: 12/05/2008 at 02.91:59 PM Fee Asti $82.00 Page 1 of 8 Alpbemerie Count VA .0 Date of Instrument: [12/3/2008 1 Debra 2005-00000014818k X• R instrument Type: [PM ] BK 3667 Pa685-692 E P Number of Parcels [ 2] X Number of Pages [ 5] E M City['County® [Albemarle County ] (Boxtor Deed Stamp only) p First and Second grantors L _ I Wt Name I First Name I Middle Name or Initial I suffix x [Hollymead Corner LLC ][ If I[ ] ❑❑ [ 11 II I[ ] First and Second 9rantees Last Name I First Name Middle Name or Initial I Suffix ❑❑ (N/A l II I[ 1 ❑❑ [ l[ I[ 1[ ] Grantee Address (Name) [n/a ] (Address 1) [n/a ] (Address 2) [n/a ] (City,stats,Zip) (n/a I [ I I l Consideration[0.00 1 Existing Debt(0.00 1 Assumption Balance[0.00 ] Prior Instr.Recorded at:City ❑ County® [Albemarle County 1 Percent.In this Judo. [ 100] Book [ I Page [ ] Instr.No [ I Parcel Identification No(PIN) [32-41D5 ] Tax Map Num. (If different than PIN) [32-41 D5 ] Short Property Description [acreage ] [ I Current Property Address(Address 1) [n/a ] (Address 2) [n/a ] (City,Stats,Zip) [n/a 11 11 1 Instrument Prepared By [Simon J Stapleton ] Recording Paid for By [Kane&Jeffries PC ] Return Recording To (Name) [Kane&Jeffries PC l (Address 1) [7110 Forest Avenue ] (Address 2) [ ] (City,Starr,Zip) [Richmond ][VA][23226 ] Customer Case ID [ I [ I[ I r +' y4t , .`• t f,iT6 N,j(it f ,11.1 Cover Sheet Page P 1 of 2 4 r 1'} {• FP y j soak, a61,-) p5- l0$4 GENERAL NOTES: Ltine Table for LEGEND ' The land regulations listed/described herein are IS Iron Rod Set imposed pursuant to the Albemarle County Zoning Utility Easements IS Iron Rod Found Ordinance in effect this dote, and are not restrictive Course Bearing Distance covenants running with the land and their appearance on this plot is not intended to impose them as such. S1 N 41'55'03'W 243.50' 1.Source of title: DB 3098 PG 164 52 N 41'07'27" W 178.11' , 2. These parcels are not in a flood plain. S3 N 4/07'27"W 168.87' 3. These parcels are zoned PO-MC,EC. ZMA 01-20 IIKIIIMEDEECIIIIKEEMI ' 4. AN property corners ore monumented with iron rods ® r r EME / . 1. / Alf / ,- �� unless noted otherwise, yi • 5. The minimum buid'mg setback is 30' from Route 29, S7 N 48'511 E 309.23 Designated Agent for .emorle ,l/ty Date 6. The minimum parking setback Is 10' from Route 29. S8 N 25'26'10'W 103.10' Board of Supervisors S9 N 48'26'15 E 377.58' STATEMENT OF TITLE FOR IMP 32-41D4 810 N 5622'43' E 103.46' STATEMENT OF TITLE FOR TMP 32-4105 511 N 67•5113"E 3.26' The land shown was obtained by BEF REIT INC., as J14 N 13'17'16°E 50.12' The land shown was obtained by Hollymead Corner LLC, recorded in OB 3165-197, and to the best of my os recorded in DB 3098-164, and to the best of my knowledge meets all the requirements regarding the knowledge meets all the requirements regording the platting of subdivisions. platting of subdivisions. OWNER'$ APPROVAL FOR IMP 32-41D4 • OWNER'S APPROVAL FOR TMP 32-4105 The division of the land described is with the free .9.. • ,•b The division of the land described is with the free consent of and in accordance with the desires of the • Jr' �A consent of and in accordance with the desires of the undersigned owner, trustees, or proprietors. Any di+ undersigned owner, trustees, or proprietors. Any reference to future potentld development is to be SITEea reference to future potential development is to be deemed oe theoretical only.' All statements affixed to y •g• deemed as teoretical only. All statements affixed to this plot ore true and correct to the best of my °4, this plot are true and car cot to the best of my knowledge. . 9a knowledge f -Reit.In r•,te :t fENBF Hdlymead Corner, LLC ROole 16•"24•C�Sf .`76 South H'h sl. • St 809 Club Drive •' 43207 7L Keswick, VA 22947 • To wit: Th foor�eegoing in��ggtrrymient was acknowledged before . VIC/NTY MAP To wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Ix of l7lt*3ASC__2008• SCALE: 1"= 2000' me lhisil`Ai'_`doy of t.s5t �e'i_2008. .L..... a alt f a,,i.." \...2.......... tom, ,k k My commision aspires',.. /'G"/2/ My commision expiresl:'ti[r't>`'1 �.1:'' a•LAF6ICSI •):A i ak _._; 4bf�IMIMradiltiffli TABLE LINE TABLE , i ' Course Bearing Distance Curve Radius Tangent Length_ Delta Chord Chord Bear. C3 509.00' 0.06' 0.11' 0'00'46" 0.11' - N 63'54'25' W L2 N 5013'16'E 69:00' C23 115.00' 37.03' 71.65' 35'41'59' 70.50' N 02'15'49'W L5 N 5013'16"E 102.50' C24 115.00' 19.93' 39.47' 19'39'5`"' 39,26' N 29'56'46"W L6 S 39'46'44"E 32.13' C25 110 9.06' 16.65' 56'06'04 15.99' N 11'43'42"W 17 N 39'46'44" W _ 63.84' C26 123.00' ' 29.24' 57.41' 26'44'40' 56.89' N 02'57'00'E C27 160.00' 30.62' 60.51' 21'40'11° 60.15' N 39'23'10"E C28 115.00' 22.01' 43.49' 21'40'11' 43.24' N 39'23'10"E US State Plone .- VA South Description Northing Eosting . SGC A " 3934795.42 11500507.64 SGC B 3934584.15 11500325,43 • SGC C 3934811.93 11500066.07 . SOC D 3935049:01 11500294.12 • 1p,.LTR ' • 1 otia� F y e C PLAT SHOWING BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT FOR �G TAX NAP 32 PARCELS 4104 &4105 a7''j �ominion TIM YRAYMILLER ; LOTS A do B jot i' Dopprolapment Z Lk.No.2085 I BLOCK C1 R.eouro. LLC hAZb'a8' HOLLYMEAD TOWNCENTER 'O rreepn RIO DISTRICT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY. VIRGINIA o▪� _„•,�� 17aNlo454.57 6126 1 1VD �l� SCALE: N/A SHEET f of4 • 4i�Q� 454.e07$11661 rhe 'ere FILE: 32-41D-Cf-BADW'G DATE:AUGUST 28, 2008 ecus " REV: SEPTEMBER 23, 2008 1 i I 1 • e.aeJ. '34zak 34`1 'Ps- X84 1 • - 1 1 1 1 1 • • 1TTIdT3 LLCA TM?32-4131 DB 2483-139 1 TMP 32-413 17710 Zoned CI Post Office Lord Trust 1 DB 2183-139 Use: Retail 1 DB 2125-333 1 erved Cl DB 2672-727 Use: Vacant 1 DB 1661-116 1 DB 1659-183 Plat Zoned PD-MC 1 I _.._.._ —.._ \ • C3 • 6� 55.E ' • . TMP 32-4133 �. , 18.89 2 j � � o, Open Space 1 / ; ' " , 1 —•.��: /N i a 6 i ' .89 8 8.: / '1L= 7.41' AREA SUMMARY 49. Parcel 4104 1.31 Acres 1 S39'46'441 Less Area X 0.18 Acres I TEmberwood Blvd I C%5 103.52' esi a 1.13 Acres Variablet7{dth R/M L=16.65 24 - TYP 32-411)6 TMP 92-1135 C24 �,r6y S39'46'44'E 1=39.47 O ! Lot C Stock CI I Block C! N 129.63' d�S 4B92'38'W 1 HoUymead Corner, LLC - Hotlymead Corner LLC. r 771P 32-4134 24.15' DB 3088-164 ' DB 9888-184 Til., Lot A - AREA SUMMARY a+ ,o Block Cl -211 1X Parcel 41D5 1.79 Acres n BEP Reit Inc. ' 11 ' ', Plus Area X 0.18 Acres DB DB 30098-i64 98-184 3 N � ` IExisting 30' 1 Total 1.97 Acres z ; 1 f I Access Easement i Area X 33.50' in - i- DB 2916-22___:_ -11 A Portion of LB Ezisting ri - -EasinglTnve tone, i Parcel 4134 Landscaping t Existing 40' 1 Construction and • Access Easement I 1 Cross-Access Easement ' 0.18 Acres DO 2678-425 y DB 2916-22 i DB 2678-425 1139' W - L71 j•_•_„ , , li 125.00 ii i Ezistin Buildm N 39'46'44'W 345.18' trance Area, 9 Construction and ii I ReDBs2678 425 • Cross-Access 1 i11 s DB ase2678-425 Existing 5'—\\111 1 1 Access Easemen ; ?MP 32-43B 0E1 2916-22 P11 Target Corporation r)\--Exist. 30' DB 2896-171 • -•� ; Access • Zoned: PD-MC 4.40.-i• 1' 1 Easement Use: Retail �pLTH of �.-�• ( OB 2678-425 oy p ki ..•-•"1--"� ' ��i �,TIM Y RAY MILLER S.� Lic.No.2065 ' Al y"r4' /Q 2g•B 0 ' 100 0 100 200 300 PLAT SHOWING BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT FOR ,400:: D Inlan •r r III iU��� TAX MAP 32 PARCELS 411)4&411)5 SCALE: 1" = 100' LOTS A BL' B- iDevelopment �t,�'l({ - BLOCK Cl 1 Resources,LLC te_a p HOLLYMEAD TOWNCENTER egg �/� 1t 504 ,v'i ssas�lwi RIO DISTRICT, ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1f q,♦•-•, 494979.8121 lel SCALE: 1'=100' SHEET 2 of 4 ee.'s 494978.1 FILE: 32-413-C1-BA.DWG DATE: AUGUST 28, 2008 RECORDED IN CLERKS OFFICE OF ALBEMARLE COUNTY ON December 052005 AT 2:31:59 PM $0.00 GRANTOR TAX PD AS REQUIRED BY VA COD 155.1.502 TATE:$0.00 LOC A$0.00 'A B- RLE CO VA AjAr•f/ M.SI. ERK