HomeMy WebLinkAboutZMA200500003 Plan - Approved 2018-11-30The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan ( ZMA-05-03). Date 02/02/09 Site Data Tract 1: New PDIP Zoning Site Area............................ Existing Zoning.................. Proposed Zoning............... Preservation Area.............. Conservation Area............. 30.56 Acres RA PDIP 3.4 Acres (11%) 6.4 Acres (21%) Site Data Tract 2: Existing PDIP Zoning Site Area............................ Existing Zoning.................. Open Space....................... 534 Acres PDIP 200 Acres (37%) Site Notes (Tract 1) 1. The UVA Foundation has presented, on this plan, a conceptual scheme for development of the subject 30 acre property (Tract 1 only). 2. Approval of this plan results in the extension of all Special Use Permits currently in place within the adjoining UVA Research Park. 3. Individual parking requirements will be determined at the site plan stage. A B C D E F G H I J K L Tract 1 Wetlands Open Space (Refer to Exhibit H) with Nature Trails Open Space (Refer to Exhibit H) Preserved Wetlands Airport RoadLewis & Clark Drive Alternate Stormwater Management Facility Open Space (Refer to Exhibit H) M Multi-Level Parking Garage Tract 2 Albemarle County Firestation Open Space (Refer to Exhibit H) Stormwater Management Facility Connection to Adjacent Parcel Page 1 Building Height Footprint Parking Provided A 3 stories 20,000 sf 60,000 sf C 3 stories 20,000 sf 60,000 sf D 2 stories 20,000 sf 40,000 sf E 3 stories 20,000 sf 60,000 sf H (half)3 stories 20,000 sf 30,000 sf I 3 stories 20,000 sf 60,000 sf J 3 stories 20,000 sf 60,000 sf K 3 stories 20,000 sf 60,000 sf L (half)3 stories 20,000 sf 30,000 sf Subtotal 460,000 sf Building Height Footprint Parking Provided B 3 stories 20,000 sf 60,000 sf G 3 stories 20,000 sf 60,000 sf H (half)3 stories 20,000 sf 30,000 sf L (half)3 stories 20,000 sf 30,000 sf M 3 stories 20,000 sf 60,000 sf Subtotal 240,000 sf F Albemarle County Firestation 20,000 sf 20,000 sf Area Area 10/20/2006 CDA Site Data Table Tract 1: New PDIP Zoning Site Data Table Tract 2: Existing PDIP Zoning Property Line Dividing Tracts 1 and 2 Preserved Creek 50ft Resource Protection Area 50ft Exhibit A: Overall Concept Plan The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan ( ZMA-05-03). Date 11/17/08 Exhibit A-1: General Plan Gateway DistrictAirport RoadWetland District Research & Development District Tract 1 Preserved Wetlands Lewis & Clark Drive Tract 2 Connection to Adjacent Parcel Preserved Creek 50ft Resource Protection Area 50ft Building Envelope Building Envelope Building Envelope Parking Area Parking Area Parking Area Parking Area Building Envelope Future Parking Deck The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan ( ZMA-05-03). Date 11/17/08 Exhibit B: Gateway District PlanAirport RoadLewis & C l a r k Drive A B C The Gateway District The Airport Road entrance is considered to be of extreme importance to the Park. It is anticipated that this entrance will be the primary entrance to the Park since much of the local, regional and airport traffic will find it more efficient to enter the Park off of the improved Airport Road. That said, the entrance to this District must provide a clear and strong arrival or gateway. To this end, this District contains three areas which are both distinct in design form, while also being integrated in function and the articulation of structures. It is envisioned that this District will house buildings arranged to create a gateway or arrival sequence. The scale of the structures is in keeping with providing a strong arrival sequence while also being representative of the remainder of the Park. This plan and/or drawing is for illustrative purposes only and is subject to change. Date 11/17/08 The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan ( ZMA-05-03). Date 11/17/08 Exhibit C: Wetland District Plan The Wetland District The progression along Lewis & Clark Drive, affords views to the left across a preserved open space area, containing a wetland and resting amenity for area pedestrians and Park users. Buildings have been arranged around the open space accentuating views from the buildings. Parking has been kept in bound to resolve or eliminate the potential for contaminates to enter the wetlands. C D E Lewis & Clark Drive Fire Station This plan and/or drawing is for illustrative purposes only and is subject to change. Date 11/17/08 The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan ( ZMA-05-03). Date 11/17/08 Fire Station G H I J K L M Mult i-Leve l Park ing Garage Lewis & Cla r k Drive Exhibit D: Research & Development District Plan The Research and Development District Beyond the wetland district and County Fire Station, the Research and Development District is encountered. This District is organized around a more formal design structure to encourage pedestrian scale, clear vehicular circulation patterns and collaboration between the users of the Park. This area may potentially be used for mixed uses, to include support commercial development. This plan and/or drawing is for illustrative purposes only and is subject to change. Date 11/17/08 The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan ( ZMA-05-03). Date 11/17/08 2 ExG 1 ExG 3 ExG 1 ExG 3 ExG 3 ExG 3 ExG 2 ExG Lewis & Clark Drive D E F G H I J K L M Airport RoadA B C Exhibit E: Vehicular Circulation Plan Primary Road Circulation Legend Vehicular Circulation Vehicular circulation is arranged to create a clear hierarchy of movement, while also routing traffic efficiently between buildings. An interconnecting street is envisioned to facilitate connections to adjoining property users. The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan ( ZMA-05-03). Date 02/02/09 Lewis & Clark DriveAirport RoadA B C D E F G H I J K L M Exhibit F: Pedestrian Circulation Plan Primary Pedestrian Connections Secondary Pedestrian Connections Legend Pedestrian Circulation Pedestrian connections are integrated throughout the Park. Sidewalks connect buildings and districts and facilitate interaction between open space and practical access to parking. A regional pathway runs parallel to Lewis and Clark Drive and connects the remainder of the Park, including pedestrian amenities already planned throughout the Park. Pedestrian Connections Notes: 1. All Primary and Secondary Connections within the Research Park to be concrete sidewalks, with the exception of the Primary Pedestrian Connection running parallel to Lewis & Clark Drive and the Nature Trail around the existing wetlands. 2. The Primary Pedestrian Connection that follows parallel to Lewis & Clark Drive is to be a 5’ Asphalt, Class A, Type 1, Low Maintenance, Pedestrian Path, per the Albemarle County Design Standards Manual. The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan ( ZMA-05-03). Date 11/17/08 Two Outbound Travel Lanes Landscaped Median Sidewalk 100’ ROWLineTwo Inbound Travel Lanes Section B: Lewis & Clark Drive Two Travel Lanes Planting Strip and 5’ Sidewalk Planting Strip and 5’ Sidewalk Planting Strip and 5’ Sidewalk Planting Strip and 5’ Sidewalk One Way Travel Lane With On-Street Parking One Way Travel Lane With On-Street Parking Village Green Section A: One Way Street With Parking Section C: Two Way Street Exhibit G: Streetscape & Sidewalk Sections 1 ExG 3 ExG 2 ExG 1 ExG 3 ExG 2 ExG 100’ ROWLine3 ExG 3 ExG Streetscape Section Key Map4 ExG The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan ( ZMA-05-03). Date 11/17/08 Exhibit H: Natural Features and Wetland Overlay Preservation Area Conservation Area Legend Perinneal Stream Jurisdictional Wetlands Lewis & Clark DriveAirport RoadA B C D E F G H I J K L M Tract 1 Preserved Wetlands Preserved Creek 50ft Resource Protection Area 50ft Wetlands 100ft 100ft 100ft Stream Buffer 100ft Stream Buffer Conservation Area Preservation Area Preservation Area Conservation Area The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan ( ZMA-05-03). Date 02/02/09 Exhibit I: Grading & Utility Plan Lewis & Clark DriveAirport RoadA B C D E F G H I J K L M Wetlands Alternate Stormwater Management Facility Water Line (Typical) Sanitary Sewer Line (Typical) Possible Stormwater/ Water Quality Pond Tract 2 Stormwater Management Facility Tract 1 Preserved Wetlands Preserved Creek 50ft Resource Protection Area 50ft Grading Notes: 1. No individual retaining wall shall exceed 6 feet in height and if additional height is necessary, it shall take place through terraced retaining walls where each wall shall not exceed 6 feet in height, unless a modification is granted by the Director of Planning. The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan ( ZMA-05-03). Date 11/17/08 A B C D E G H I J K L M Tract 1 Preserved Wetlands 50ft Resource Protection Area 50ft Exhibit J: Zoning Application Overlay Plan Preserved Creek Tract 2 The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan (ZMA-05-03). Date 02/02/09 Exhibit K: Overall Zoning Application Overlay Plan Sheet K-1 Sheet K-2 Sheet K-3 Sheet K-6 Sheet K-5 Sheet K-4  ŽŽ‘™‡†•‡”•ȗ ‡‡”ƒŽˆˆ‹…‡ȗȗ Ž‡šȀ †—•–”‹ƒŽ—’’‘”–‘‡”…‹ƒŽ ‘–‡ŽȀ‘ˆ‡”‡…‡‡–‡”‹‰Š– †—•–”‹ƒŽƒ„‘”ƒ–‘”›ǣ‡†‹…ƒŽȀŠƒ”ƒ…‡—–‹…ƒŽ•Ǧͳ •Ǧʹ ••••••Ǧ͵ ••••••ǦͶ •Ǧͷ •••••Ǧ͸ ••••••Ǧ͹ ••Ǧͺ ••••Ǧͻ ••••••ǦͳͲ ••••••Ǧͳͳ •••••••••••••••••••••••• Ǧͳ•••• Ǧͳ•••••• Ǧʹ •••••• Ǧ͵ •••••• ǦͶ ••••••ǦͲͷǦͲ͵ ••••••‘–‡•ǣȗ ‡‡”ƒŽ‘ˆˆ‹…‡™‹ŽŽ‹…Ž—†‡–”ƒ†‹–‹‘ƒŽ’”‹˜ƒ–‡•‡…–‘”…‘”’‘”ƒ–‡‘ˆˆ‹…‡•’ƒ…‡Ǥ •–‹–—–‹‘ƒŽ—•‡”••—…Šƒ•‰‘˜‡”‡–ƒ‰‡…‹‡•ǡ‹•–‹–—–‹‘•ǡˆ‘—†ƒ–‹‘•ƒ†ƒ••‘…‹ƒ–‹‘•ǡƒ†…‘’—–‡”„ƒ•‡†”‡•‡ƒ”…Šƒ††‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–‘ˆˆ‹…‡•’ƒ…‡—•‡”•Ǥ ȗȗ ‘”’—”’‘•‡•‘ˆ–Š‹•Žƒ†—•‡ƒ–”‹šǡˆŽ‡šȀ‹†—•–”‹ƒŽ•ŠƒŽŽ„‡†‡ˆ‹‡†ƒ•–Š‘•‡ˆƒ…‹Ž‹–‹‡•…‘„‹‹‰„‘–Š‰‡‡”ƒŽ‘ˆˆ‹…‡ƒ†Ž‹‰Š–‹†—•–”‹ƒŽ—•‡‹–Š‡•ƒ‡„—‹Ž†‹‰Ǥ ZMA-05-03 The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan (ZMA-05-03). Date 02/02/09 See Sheet K-4 See Sheet K-2Exhibit K-1: Zoning Application Overlay Plan ZMA-05-03  ŽŽ‘™‡†•‡”•ȗ ‡‡”ƒŽˆˆ‹…‡ȗȗ Ž‡šȀ †—•–”‹ƒŽ—’’‘”–‘‡”…‹ƒŽ ‘–‡ŽȀ‘ˆ‡”‡…‡‡–‡”‹‰Š– †—•–”‹ƒŽƒ„‘”ƒ–‘”›ǣ‡†‹…ƒŽȀŠƒ”ƒ…‡—–‹…ƒŽ•Ǧͳ •Ǧʹ ••••••Ǧ͵ ••••••ǦͶ •Ǧͷ •••••Ǧ͸ ••••••Ǧ͹ ••Ǧͺ ••••Ǧͻ ••••••ǦͳͲ ••••••Ǧͳͳ •••••••••••••••••••••••• Ǧͳ•••• Ǧͳ•••••• Ǧʹ •••••• Ǧ͵ •••••• ǦͶ ••••••ǦͲͷǦͲ͵ ••••••‘–‡•ǣȗ ‡‡”ƒŽ‘ˆˆ‹…‡™‹ŽŽ‹…Ž—†‡–”ƒ†‹–‹‘ƒŽ’”‹˜ƒ–‡•‡…–‘”…‘”’‘”ƒ–‡‘ˆˆ‹…‡•’ƒ…‡Ǥ •–‹–—–‹‘ƒŽ—•‡”••—…Šƒ•‰‘˜‡”‡–ƒ‰‡…‹‡•ǡ‹•–‹–—–‹‘•ǡˆ‘—†ƒ–‹‘•ƒ†ƒ••‘…‹ƒ–‹‘•ǡƒ†…‘’—–‡”„ƒ•‡†”‡•‡ƒ”…Šƒ††‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–‘ˆˆ‹…‡•’ƒ…‡—•‡”•Ǥ ȗȗ ‘”’—”’‘•‡•‘ˆ–Š‹•Žƒ†—•‡ƒ–”‹šǡˆŽ‡šȀ‹†—•–”‹ƒŽ•ŠƒŽŽ„‡†‡ˆ‹‡†ƒ•–Š‘•‡ˆƒ…‹Ž‹–‹‡•…‘„‹‹‰„‘–Š‰‡‡”ƒŽ‘ˆˆ‹…‡ƒ†Ž‹‰Š–‹†—•–”‹ƒŽ—•‡‹–Š‡•ƒ‡„—‹Ž†‹‰Ǥ The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan (ZMA-05-03). Date 02/02/09 See Sheet K-5 See Sheet K-3See Sheet K-1Exhibit K-2: Zoning Application Overlay Plan The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan (ZMA-05-03). Date 02/02/09 See Sheet K-6See Sheet K-2Exhibit K-3: Zoning Application Overlay Plan The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan (ZMA-05-03). Date 02/02/09 See Sheet K-5See Sheet K-1 Exhibit K-4: Zoning Application Overlay Plan  ŽŽ‘™‡†•‡”•ȗ ‡‡”ƒŽˆˆ‹…‡ȗȗ Ž‡šȀ †—•–”‹ƒŽ—’’‘”–‘‡”…‹ƒŽ ‘–‡ŽȀ‘ˆ‡”‡…‡‡–‡”‹‰Š– †—•–”‹ƒŽƒ„‘”ƒ–‘”›ǣ‡†‹…ƒŽȀŠƒ”ƒ…‡—–‹…ƒŽ•Ǧͳ •Ǧʹ ••••••Ǧ͵ ••••••ǦͶ •Ǧͷ •••••Ǧ͸ ••••••Ǧ͹ ••Ǧͺ ••••Ǧͻ ••••••ǦͳͲ ••••••Ǧͳͳ •••••••••••••••••••••••• Ǧͳ•••• Ǧͳ•••••• Ǧʹ •••••• Ǧ͵ •••••• ǦͶ ••••••ǦͲͷǦͲ͵ ••••••‘–‡•ǣȗ ‡‡”ƒŽ‘ˆˆ‹…‡™‹ŽŽ‹…Ž—†‡–”ƒ†‹–‹‘ƒŽ’”‹˜ƒ–‡•‡…–‘”…‘”’‘”ƒ–‡‘ˆˆ‹…‡•’ƒ…‡Ǥ •–‹–—–‹‘ƒŽ—•‡”••—…Šƒ•‰‘˜‡”‡–ƒ‰‡…‹‡•ǡ‹•–‹–—–‹‘•ǡˆ‘—†ƒ–‹‘•ƒ†ƒ••‘…‹ƒ–‹‘•ǡƒ†…‘’—–‡”„ƒ•‡†”‡•‡ƒ”…Šƒ††‡˜‡Ž‘’‡–‘ˆˆ‹…‡•’ƒ…‡—•‡”•Ǥ ȗȗ ‘”’—”’‘•‡•‘ˆ–Š‹•Žƒ†—•‡ƒ–”‹šǡˆŽ‡šȀ‹†—•–”‹ƒŽ•ŠƒŽŽ„‡†‡ˆ‹‡†ƒ•–Š‘•‡ˆƒ…‹Ž‹–‹‡•…‘„‹‹‰„‘–Š‰‡‡”ƒŽ‘ˆˆ‹…‡ƒ†Ž‹‰Š–‹†—•–”‹ƒŽ—•‡‹–Š‡•ƒ‡„—‹Ž†‹‰Ǥ ZMA-05-03 The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan (ZMA-05-03). Date 02/02/09 See Sheet K-6See Sheet K-4See Sheet K-2 Exhibit K-5: Zoning Application Overlay Plan The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan (ZMA-05-03). Date 02/02/09 See Sheet K-3 See Sheet K-5Exhibit K-6: Zoning Application Overlay Plan The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan (ZMA-05-03). Date 11/17/08 Exhibit L: Internal Road Network Plan 30.56 Acres (ZMA-05-03) The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan (ZMA-05-03). Date 11/17/08 Exhibit M: Off-Site and Internal Road Phasing Plan 30.56 Acres (ZMA-05-03) The University of Virginia Research Park Albemarle County, Virginia This plan is submitted as part of the Application Plan (ZMA-05-03). Date 11/17/08 Exhibit N: Open Space System Phasing Plan 30.56 Acres (ZMA-05-03)