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SDP201800015 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2018-10-19
ALAN FRANKLIN PE, LLC 427 Cranberry Lane Crozet,Virginia 22932 (434) 531-5544 alan@alanfranklinne.com October 19, 2018 Mr. Christopher Perez Senior Planner County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: SDP2018-15 Rivanna Village Phase 1B(Blocks C, D, and F) Final Site Plan - 3rd Submittal Dear Chris, Please accept for review and approval the attached revised final site plans which address the few remaining plan review comments stemming from the plan revision to add garages to the townhouses. The letter is intended to accompany the final plans and serve as written response to comment letter dated July 12, 2018. Planning(Christopher Perez) 3. [4.12.5]Location of ParkingAreas...All parking areas shall be established on the same lot.... Rev 2: Please dimension and label two car garages for Lots C15-32 Response: Dimensions and labels added to the garages. The two-car garages are 20' x 20'. I've attached architectural exhibits from the home builder to verify. The driveways that serve as parking aprons were corrected to be 18'yvide to provide for two parking spaces.oLe_ Ye 5 36.[Comment] The final site plan shall not be approved until SRC reviewers have.been... Rev 2: Comment still relevant Response: Plan revisions and comment response provided to address all SRC comments directly. Engineering(David James) 6. Please show existing easements with deed book/page information... Response: Deed book and page references for easements have been added to the plans. 9. Sheet 5/6/7. j. Show typical section for Private Alley D. Response: Private Alley D typical section added to Sheet 8. 10.Show stations for the road c/l on the plan view sheets. Response: In the previous submittal the road stationing was added but it only appeared on the layout plan sheet.The plans have been corrected so that the labeling shows on all plan view sheets now. 11. Show height of proposed water tank Response: Tank height added to sheets where tank is shown. Fire and Rescue(Shawn Maddox) No objections to the Final Site Plan. Response: No actiuired. CDD Inspections(Michael Dellinger) No objections to the Fina/Site Plan. Response: No action rewired. E911(Elise Kiewra) ,. Sheet 4(03/16/18)references 4 Board Place as road name...Update... Response:This may be an old comment since it references a previous plan d03/16/18. 4 Board Place road name has been replaced by Village Park Avenue throughout the plan set. ARB (Margaret Maliszewski) No objections to the Final Site Plan. Response: No action rrequired. VDOT(Adam Moore/Justin Deel) Approval letter received via email Response: No actjo'n required. , i Sincerely, Alan Franklin, PE cc: David Harper; HCM Rebecca Amster Mark Keller 1H912H dOOZI NVg1^1 „91/GI L-,e „z/I e-SII 3a00 � .1\11k4� 'WI I-8 w R= I x U_ m p XOW • O N 11—i D Wz T4 cz /Qit0 W ( LT_ VAS/ w Lf) //• knO t Li:.x 11• I- 0a Q '' U rte- Q N11/4.) Q Q� no 1111 E• Q Ci to 0 • o < 0 o� H v m � Z QQ z 2 ‹ LLI D .,. le DI II O .; p N� Wp Q f ,n �o W z ,n C-n Endc .1 r: �m r 9NIN3dO H9flO?i 201-0' -0- ,- .i/. ,, ID'# ,... I,4`..,.•• ofElf_r3,--, -1 r - 1" • r- [.... I_JI -- �__-_-_I lirMF.A1WR IIP X11 T J kr-F N'1 141-+-I ' 720E OF F A r71Fki 1:::,,. y w—.r HIN.rtFA LOCAL cost, w 1-7,N,,. 191-2' o-k t sr eEAti ABON/E V VII'SW W tit •I'. TWO GAR GAI AGE. 1 lr [CI" • FF �FFA �lAi Nx1t t~tF Fc � } I ti'ti:' T r:I' T'TOP13 rI fr:-'' 1 t fi will �11 ,417'.• 1_-F'=a bL Al kt-Ak <,[ L 4'1^42? ..31---r. Gt•LK.U;4} u �r7 x' ;• ;3 C I-1r�► I i L WI OhSCr*CY L J�F:. Y�� BASEF NT . (*t otit$AL tit,IL 11±1 POR sue wits; ilicArieD sue ---t ,.. . 150-T(I'2.' i2`2 V2' f e' POURED cc3Mc re KILL cvEF. IF.'cZNCRF1E POOTINEi 'W TH g 1 1314:-K.11.4.1_145.5 Not EP •1ItRHt't, St w'OP-FOQTIIIri ERI'-KNNF`*^'ff TOIACIATION HOTT$CH SPEC$ELT. _ ESRESS HHG w— rr` h`'F f{kI .NuTF!D ;1---_-2. 1, rz. .91 ice rar OPT.MINT. ORN I'T-3 ,FD.., 'LsA• ' '714.7 -= J ? sem• _____ ....«.:«. .wrr, • 1.`• I I r. I �.. I I ��I��".t I i I * L -CIRC Of DC. rsr,r f 'I:f I I `, II AI-NI-14 ti_t-vA 1 frkl ti- ter.epic a<VENEER � ----�IaJ—~ '`•' r)k 1' a C<]N::FFTF HAI_I.S ovER 12' b'-3'x 4-I 1;1' 1.1/ 'LLA'.'ILD". O CONCRETE.rDOTING. .. FIF I(rf,-l•' 'Flt.'. ikLP' 7G11N'TtIcKF4`_,_tt , Y 4' 5' i)' 0-10112' , i*1•4 U2' • rK'r1 IIS I'F5:_N`f'Fr. '31+FF r • i ''. VIIIP : 11 ` ,, rOUNVA►T I ON FLAN A-1 , --w-Alr. 1:4.- II n' F I FvA11i:N 'A' H Al •••.---•• Fl.F/A1101 'Fr FI F°• ELEVATION IC"'ECG• LLCVAnGti 'a' 'CLL}' COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Phone (434) 296-5832 July 12, 2018 Alan Franklin 427 Cranberry Lane Crozet VA 22932 RE: SDP201800015 Rivanna Village Phase 1B (Blocks C, D, and F) - Final Site Plan Dear Sir: Department of Community Development has reviewed the above referenced site plan against applicable Code of Development, Proffers, Application Plan, and other codes and ordinances. Comments are provided below; however, additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] 1. i35.11 Fees. The publie notification fee of $215 was not paid pFieF to the SRG meeting. Please pay the fee pFio to any ftiFt eF Feviewlaction of the plan. Applicant intends to pay the fee on 8-4-17, discussed via phone call. Final: fee paid with initial. 2. [ZMA201300012 Proffer 5] Construction of Steamer Drive Improvements. Provide the necessary and required sidewalk and landscape strip along Steamer Drive adjacent to the Fire Station in Block C. It is understood that the road plan (SUB2015-119) for this segment of road was already approved without the sidewalk and only provided street trees; however, it appears this aspect of the plan was approved in error and these improvements are required by proffer #5. Furthermore, fourteen (14) onstreet guest parking spaces are proposed adjacent to this strip of land. These spaces shall be provided a sidewalk for safe movement of pedestrians between the spaces and the use [Section 4.12.8(c)]. Final: Comment not fully addressed. While it is mentioned on the site plan and the response letter that the sidewalks are to be completed as part of phase 1 road construction, the road plans have not been revised to include this improvement. Prior to final site plan approval either revise the road plan to provide the sidewalk, or include this sidewalk in this final site plan and remove the note stating its part of the phase 1 road plan. Final: Comment addressed. [4.12.5] Location of Parking Areas. All parking spaces shall be established on the same lot with the primary use to which it is appurtenant, except as authorized by section 4.12.8. Assure each townhome lot is provided the 2 required parking spaces on the lot it serves. A few of the lots are not provided 2 spaces, such as Lots C 16, C18, C20, C21, C22...etc. If parking spaces cannot be shuffled to accommodate two onsite spaces per lot, then a parking easement shall be provided over the portion of the space not on the lot it serves. Additionally, an instrument assuring continuation of off-site parking shall be required prior to final plat/final site plan approval. Rev 2: The applicant has modified the plans to provide 2 car garages and a driveway on each individual lot. Please dimension and label the two car garage for Lots C15 -C32. It appears they are 16' x 20' in size, please verify. However, if this is the true size the garage will only accommodate a single car. Thus modify the parking calculation/note on the plan for these garages and only call it out as a single space and list that the second space is accommodated in the driveway, and that the guest parking spaces are accommodated through on street parking. If the dimensions of the garages are different, please clearly dimension them. 4. 132.5.2(a), 32.5.2(i)] Alleys. On the plan provide a note that states no public agency, including VDOT, and the County of Albemarle will be responsible for maintaining the alleys. Also, provide information on the plans that the alleys shall be dedicated and maintained by the HOA. Final: Comment addressed. 5. 132.5.2(a), 32.5.2(1)] Existing or platted streets. Label all streets (public) and all alleys (private). Provide directional arrows on each alley to signify one way or two way traffic. Also, provide the widths of all streets. Final: Comment addressed. 6. [14-303(e)] Alleys. On the final plat depict and dimension an alley easement and label it as "-feet Alley Easement to Benefit Lots ". Also, provide a maintenance agreement for review and approval by the County Attorney's office. Final: Comment to be addressed prior to final plat approval. 7. 14.12.6, 4.15.2(C)] Parking Requirements. Dimension the guest spaces. Provide striping that preserves the dimensions of these spaces. The minimum dimensions for parallel parking spaces is 9'x20'. Rev 2: Comment addressed. 8. IZMA201300012 Proffer 9] Affordable Housing. Revise the affordable housing table to provide 32 units in Block C. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 9. IZMA201300012 Proffer 3] Route 250 and Eastern Entrance Improvements. "The owner shall either construct left and right turn lanes on Route 250 at the eastern entrance to the property or bond these improvements prior to approval of thefirst site plan or subdivision plat for the development... " Per recent conversations with Ana Kilmer the roads for this development have not been bonded. The above shall take place prior to final site plan approval. Final: Comment addressed. 10. [Code of Development Section 3.41 Building Height Regulations. Provide the height of each proposed townhome building. Final: Comment addressed. 11. [Code of Development Section 4.21 Covenants to Provide Architectural Review Committee. Prior to final site plan and/or final subdivision plat approval a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Rivanna Village shall be reviewed/approved by the County Attorney's office in consultation with County Planning staff. The above document shall be approved by the County and recorded by the developer prior to final site plan and/or final subdivision plat approval. The DB page reference information of this recorded document shall be noted on the final site plan and/or final subdivision plat. Final: Comment addressed. 12. [32.5.2(e),] Existing landscape features. The landscape plan shall show the existing landscape features on the site, which shall include: "(1) Wooded areas. All wooded areas, identifying whether they are composed of evergreen, deciduous, or a mix of type, and showing the location of the tree line; (2) Small groups of trees and individual trees. Small groups of trees and individual trees of six (6) inch caliper or greater, or ornamental trees of any size, identified by common name and approximate caliper and showing their location; " Final: Comment addressed. 13. [32.6.20)] Landscape plan. A landscape plan that complies with section 32.7.9 is required with the final site plan. Final: Comment addressed. 14. [] Tree Canopy. The tree canopy calculations for the site omit 4.565 acres of open space required under section 4.7; however, these deductions cannot be duplicative in nature. Please label and depict which areas the site contain the 4.565 acres of open space. The area being deducted and the area counted as tree preservation area (2.344 acres) shall not be the same area, as this would be duplicative. If this is the case, please revise the calculations to assure the site meets the required canopy calculations. Final: Comment addressed. 15. [] Existing trees may be preserved in lieu of planting new plant materials in order to satisfy the landscaping and screening requirements of section 32.7.9, subject to the agent's approval. Because you intend to use existing trees to satisfy some of the landscape plan requirements, please include the following: 1. Areas and other features shown on landscape plan. The landscape plan shall show the trees to be preserved, the limits of clearing, the location and type of protective fencing, grade changes requiring tree wells or walls, and trenching or tunneling proposed beyond the limits of clearing. 2. Conservation checklist. The applicant shall sign a conservation checklist approved by the agent to ensure that the specified trees will be protected during construction. Except as otherwise expressly approved by the agent in a particular case, the checklist shall conform to the specifications in the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, pages III -393 through III -413, and as hereafter amended. Final: Comment addressed. 16. [] Parking Lot landscaping for Each Parking Area Having S or More Parking Spaces. Parking lot landscape calculations shall be revised to account for 69 parking spaces. This number is being generated by all the required parking spaces needed to facilitate the townhome lots (excluding townhomes with garages), including guest spaces. Final: Comment addressed. 17. [] Parking Lot landscaping for Each Parking Area Having S or More Parking Spaces. On sheet 7, assure the parking lot calculations of 24,400 SF includes paved parking and vehicular circulation areas (alleys and public streets w/ required guest parking). Additionally, this calculation references 1,220 SF of Canopy; however, this calculation is not for canopy but instead for "required parking lot landscape area" (i.e. the planting islands). Revise. Final: Comment not adequately addressed. While the calculations have been revised it only provides the square footage of the parking lot. This calculation shall also include the square foota eg s of the alles(A, B, and C) serving the parking areas as they are the travelways. Revise. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 18. [] Street Trees. Provide street tree calculations on the final site plan for all streets fronting the town homes. Merely referencing the approved road plan is not adequate for the final site plan unless you apply for and are approved for a site plan variation & exception to this requirement. If you choose to make the request, see Section 32.3.5(a) for submittal information. Final: Comment addressed. 19. [Code of Development - Attachment B - sheet 7] Open Space and Recreational Plan. On this plan please track the Open Space Statistics for the development as page 7 of Attachment B did (see below). Final: Comment not adequately addressed. The total open space/green space provided is listed on the plan as 34.99 acres; however, it needs to be a minimum of 37.52 acres. Revise. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 20. [32.5.2(n)] Proposed Improvements. Provide the maximum footprint for all proposed buildings. Final: Comment addressed. 21. [32.5.2(n)] Proposed improvements. How is daily household trash going to be disposed of for these units? If each lot is going to have its own trash container for curbside pickup, where are these containers going to be stored when not in use? Final: Comment addressed. 22. [] Easements for stormwater management facilities. Provide access to the stormwater management facility. Also, provide an easement over the facility and the access. Final: Comment not adequately addressed. Please work with Engineering to rectify this item. Ensure the WPO is submitted and approved prior to final site plan approval. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 23. 114-3111 Infrastructure improvement plans. Road plans and WPO application must be approved, all required improvements to construct the units in Blocks C, D, and F shall be built or bonded, and all required deeds and declarations must be reviewed and approved prior to final plat approval. Final: Comment partially addressed. Road Plan SUB2015-119 has been approved; however, the sidewalks on Steamer Drive will need to be proposed on a revised road plan prior to plan approval as depicted (see comment #2 above). A WPO Plan was approved for phase 1 under WP02014-77. The bonds have not been posted. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 24. [Code of Development Section 3.31 Lot Regulation/Setbacks. Any unit which has a road or alley at its side, the minimum side yard setback is increased to 15 feet. The applicant has submitted a variation to these requirements. Prior to final site plan/final subdivision plat approval the variation shall be acted on. Final: Comment no longer relevant due to a variation. 25. 132.5.2(p) & Screening. Proposed SWM Facilities shall be screened from the adjacent residential lots. Is "SWM/BMP BS3a" and underground facility? If so, screening is not required. Final: Comment not adequately addressed. The trees utilized on the plans for screening are deciduous; however the County regulations require evergreen tree plantings. Additionally, the planting strip is not a minimum of 20' dee. Revise to ensure this screening meets the requirements of Section Rev 2. Comment addressed. 26. [] Vehicular Access to Site. Each entrance onto any public street shall be designed and constructed as required by the standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT approval of the entrance to the site shall be required prior to final site plan and/or final plat approval. Final: Comment addressed. 27. [32.6.2(f)] Signature panel. Signature panel for signature by each member of the site review committee. Final: Comment addressed. 28. [Comment] Provide the dimensions of proposed easements and whether they are to be publicly or privately maintained. Final: Comment addressed. 29. [32.6.2(d)] Water and sewer facilities. Provide profiles and cross sections of all water and sewer lines including clearance where lines cross. Final: On the final site plan provide a note which states that the approved road plan (SUB2015-119) contains water and sewer profiles and cross sections. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 30. [32.6.2(d)] Water and sewer facilities. Provide the station on the plan to conform to the station shown on the profile and indicate the top and invert elevation of each structure. Final: On the final site plan provide a note which states that the approved road plan (SUB2015-119) contains water and sewer profiles and cross sections. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 31. [32.6.2(d)] Water and sewer facilities. Provide all sewer appurtenances by type and number. Final: On the final site plan provide a note which states that the approved road plan (SUB2015-119) contains water and sewer profiles and cross sections. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 32. [32.6.2(e)] Drainage and grading -plans. Provide profiles of all ditches and channels whether proposed or existing. Final: Comment redacted. 33. [32.6.2(e)] Drainage and grading plans. Provide profiles of all storm sewer systems. Final: Comment redacted. 34. [32.6.2(e)] Public facilities and utilities. All water and sewer facilities to be dedicated to public use and the easements for those facilities and shall be identified by a statement that the facilities are to be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. Final: Comment addressed. 35. [Comment] The applicant has submitted and the County is reviewing 4 variation requests to ZMA2013-12. Prior to final site plan approval variations shall be acted on and the plans revised accordingly. Final: The number of variations was reduced and the remaining were approved. 36. [Comment] The final site plan shall not be approved until all SRC reviewers have approved the plan (see attached comments). Rev 2. Comment still relevant. Engineering has remaining comments, E911 has remaining comments. Comments from VDOT on the revised plan are forthcoming, will be forwarded once received. 37. [Comment] Per conversations with the applicant the townhomes in block C are to be provided driveways. Revise plans to depict, dimension, and label these improvements for review. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 38. [Comment] Per conversations with the applicant the townhomes in Block D are to be provided detached garages. Ensure the detached garages are at least 3' separated from the primary dwelling unit. Revise plans to depict, dimension, and label these improvements for review. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 39. [Comment] Ensure the correct SDP# is provided on the plan: SDP2018-15. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 40. [Comment] On sheet 4, the density breakdown chart contains typographical errors for all the ranges permitted in each block. Revise. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 41. [Comment] The parking schedule appears to contain a typographical error for the number of spaces provided for townhomes. The plan lists 48; however, staff counts 52. If 52 spaces are truly not provided, revise to ensure they are provided. Rev 2. Comment addressed. 42. [Comment] Alley B is a 26' access easement on the plat. Ensure the easement widths on the plat and the final site plan concur. Rev 2. Comment addressed. Please contact Christopher Perez in the Planning Division by using cperez(&albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext. 3443 for further information or if you have questions. Rivanna Village PhaselB (Blks C,D & F) — Final SDP201800015 New comments in bold (David James): 1. A WPO plan must be submitted, reviewed & approved prior to FSP approval. Response: The WPO covering this site plan ... has been approved, bonded,...(WPO2014-77). Addressed. 2. A Road Plan must be submitted, reviewed & approved prior to FSP approval. Response: The Road Plan ... has been approved ... (SUB2015-119). Addressed. 3. It's been approximately 10 years since the site has been surveyed and it is recommended another be performed. Response: For the last year, the project site has been a construction zone as the infrastructure to support the units proposed on this site plan are installed. For the purposes of this site plan, the proposed improvements shown on SUB2015-119 have been used to represent existing conditions... Acknowledged. 4. Cover: a. Change SDP# to SDP201800015. b. Title for the project should Rivanna Village / Phase 1B / Blocks C, D, F. Response: a)SDP reference corrected; b) Project title corrected. Addressed. 5. Ensure that existing wetlands are outside of proposed development (100' buffer from wetland bank). Please show an overview map of the existing & proposed blocks on a separate sheet at 1:100 scale for clarification. Response: The existing wetland limits have been added to the plan sheets for reference. The wetlands limits in question are proposed to be preserved but in some cases the proposed development is within 100' which is in compliance with all previous rezoning exhibits, applications plans, and our Corps/DEQ environmental permits. Acknowledged. 6. Please show existing easements with deed book/page information. There appears to be existing sewer & water lines on the site. Response: Easements in question have been identified on the plans. The subdivision plat that creates these easements is currently under review/not recorded so deed book and page references are not available. Acknowledged. 7. Callout ditches/channels on the sheet 6 (if applicable). a. The profiles for ditches/channels shall be shown on the FSP Response: There are no ditches or channels proposed with this site plan. Acknowledged. 8. Sheet 3: Show the existing parcel (093A1000000300, 093A1000000400) property lines. Response: A recently approved BLA plat combined the parcels in question to one parcel, 93A1-4. Acknowledged. 9. Sheet 5/6/7: a. Correct the storm structure schedule for the pipe slope & the rim elevation on A6-3. Response: Storm structure schedule revised. Addressed. b. Show radii on entrances including driveways. Response: Radii dimensions added as needed. Please provide 12.5' (min) curb radius at intersections. c. Show all curbing on parking/travelways with VDOT designations (CG -6, etc). Response: Curbing labels added. Addressed. d. Show proposed storm drainage in an easement. Response: Proposed easement shown/adjusted as needed. Addressed. e. Show deed book/page for san. sewer/waterline easements. Response: Easements in question have been identified on the plans. The subdivision plat that creates these easements is currently under review... Acknowledged. f. Show deed book/page for swm facility/bmp easements. Response: Easements in question... Acknowledged. g. Show deed book/page for sidewalk/landscape & accessway easements to be maintained outside of street ROW. Response: Easements in question... Acknowledged. h. Show intersection or site distance easements. Response: Easements in question... Acknowledged. i. Label all sidewalk widths. Response: Sidewalk width labels have been added. Addressed. j. Show bollards at end of Private Ally D, and provide details. Response: Private Alley D is a loop with two connections to Village Park Ave. so it does not appear that bollards are needed. If vehicle use is permitted it must meet county alley access/design requirements. Show pavement section for Alley D (sheet 8, not shown). 10. Show stations for road c/I on the plan view sheets. In the road cross-sections on sheet 8 use the station numbers for labeling (e.g. 4 Board Place, Station 10+15 to 11+30). Response: The centerline road stationing from the road plans has been added to the sheets as requested and the road sections sheet has been updated. Not addressed; Show stationing. 11. Show height of proposed water tank. Review Comments for SDP201800015 lFinal Site Development Plan Project Name: Rivanna Village Phase 1B (Blks C,D & F)- Final Date Completed: Monday, June 18, 2018 DepartmentlDi+visionlAgency: Review Sys: Reviewer: Shawn Maddox Fire Rescue See Recommendations Thank you for addressing previous comments_ If building heights or grading changes that creates a situation where building heights do exceed 30' then on street parking will have to be addressed_ At this time Fire Rescue has no objections to the plan as submitted_ SNM Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 071'12120'18 Review Comments for SDP201800015 IFinal Site Development Plan Project Name: Rivanna Village Phase 1B (Blks D,D & F)- Final Date Completed: Thursday, June 14, 2018 DepartmentIDivisionfAgency: Review Sys: Reviewer: Elise iewraDD E911 I Requested Changes per site plan dated 3116/18 Village Park Ave and Sedgewick Ln ok road names, however on sheet 4 , "4 Board Place" is still one one of the road sections, this is not an acceptable name and must be updated_ Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 071'12120'18 Review Comments for SDP201800015 IFinal Site Development Plan Project Name: Rivanna Village Phase 1B (Blks C,D & F)- Final Date Completed: Thursday, June 14, 2018 DepartmentlDi+visionlAgency: Review Sys: Reviewer: Michael BellingerCDD Inspections No Obje-Ction No objection Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 071'12120'18 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Phone (434)296-5832 5-15-18 Alan Franklin 427 Cranberry Lane Crozet VA 22932 RE: SDP201800015 Rivanna Village Phase 1B (Blocks C, D, and F) - Final Site Plan Dear Sir: Department of Community Development has reviewed the above referenced site plan against applicable Code of Development, Proffers, Application Plan, and other codes and ordinances. Comments are provided below, however, additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] 1. 135.11 Fees. The publie notifieation fee of $215 Azas not paid prior- to the SRC fneeting. Please pay the fee prior - to any f4ther r-evie„Vaetion of the plan. Applicant intends to pay the fee on 8-4-17, discussed via phone call. Final: fee paid with initial. 2. JZMA201300012 Proffer 51 Construction of Steamer Drive Improvements. Provide the necessary and required sidewalk and landscape strip along Steamer Drive adjacent to the Fire Station in Block C. It is understood that the road plan (SUB2015-119) for this segment of road was already approved without the sidewalk and only provided street trees; however, it appears this aspect of the plan was approved in error and these improvements are required by proffer #5. Furthermore, fourteen (14) onstreet guest parking spaces are proposed adjacent to this strip of land. These spaces shall be provided a sidewalk for safe movement of pedestrians between the spaces and the use [Section 4.12.8(c)]. Final: Comment not fully addressed. While it is mentioned on the site plan and the response letter that the sidewalks are to be completed as part of phase 1 road construction, the road plans have not been revised to include this improvement. Prior to final site plan approval either revise the road plan to provide the sidewalk, or include this sidewalk in this final site plan and remove the note stating its part of the phase 1 road plan. [4.12.5] Location of Parking Areas. All parking spaces shall be established on the same lot with the primary use to which it is appurtenant, except as authorized by section 4.12.8. Assure each townhome lot is provided the 2 required parking spaces on the lot it serves. A few of the lots are not provided 2 spaces, such as Lots C 16, C 18, C20, C21, C22... etc. If parking spaces cannot be shuffled to accommodate two onsite spaces per lot, then a parking easement shall be provided over the portion of the space not on the lot it serves. Additionally, an instrument assuring continuation of off-site parking shall be required prior to final plat/final site plan approval. Final: The easement shall be platted on the final subdivision plat. Comment addressed. 4. [32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(1)] Alleys. On the plan provide a note that states no public agency, including VDOT, and the County of Albemarle will be responsible for maintaining the alleys. Also, provide information on the plans that the alleys shall be dedicated and maintained by the HOA. Final: Comment addressed. 5. [32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(1)] Existing or platted streets. Label all streets (public) and all alleys (private). Provide directional arrows on each alley to signify one way or two way traffic. Also, provide the widths of all streets. Final: Comment addressed. [14-303(e)] Alleys. On the final plat depict and dimension an alley easement and label it as " feetAlley Easement to Benefit Lots ". Also, provide a maintenance agreement for review and approval by the County Attorney's office. Final: Comment to be addressed prior to final plat approval. [4.12.6, 4.15.2(C)] Parking Requirements. Dimension the guest spaces. Provide striping that preserves the dimensions of these spaces. The minimum dimensions for parallel parking spaces is 9'x20'. Final: Comment not adequately addressed. County parallel parking design requirements are 9' wide. Thus to continue as proposed an exception request to modify the design standard shall be requested by the Applicant under Section 4.15.2(C) and Section 4.15.2(C)2. Prior to final site plan approval the modification shall be acted on by the Zoning Administrator and the County Engineer. 8. JZMA201300012 Proffer 9] Affordable Housing. Revise the affordable housing table to provide 32 units in Block C. 9. [ZMA201300012 Proffer 31 Route 250 and Eastern Entrance Improvements. "The owner shall either construct left and right turn lanes on Route 250 at the eastern entrance to the property or bond these improvements prior to approval of the first site plan or subdivision plat for the development... " Per recent conversations with Ana Kilmer the roads for this development have not been bonded. The above shall take place prior to final site plan approval. Final: Comment addressed. 10. [Code of Development Section 3.41 Building Height Regulations. Provide the height of each proposed townhome building. Final: Comment addressed. 11. [Code of Development Section 4.2] Covenants to Provide Architectural Review Committee. Prior to final site plan and/or final subdivision plat approval a Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Rivanna Village shall be reviewed/approved by the County Attorney's office in consultation with County Planning staff. The above document shall be approved by the County and recorded by the developer prior to final site plan and/or final subdivision plat approval. The DB page reference information of this recorded document shall be noted on the final site plan and/or final subdivision plat. Final: Comment addressed. 12. [32.5.2(e),] Existing landscape features. The landscape plan shall show the existing landscape features on the site, which shall include: "(1) Wooded areas. All wooded areas, identifying whether they are composed of evergreen, deciduous, or a mix of type, and showing the location of the tree line; (2) Small groups of trees and individual trees. Small groups of trees and individual trees of six (6) inch caliper or greater, or ornamental trees of any sire, identified by common name and approximate caliper and showing their location; " Final: Comment addressed. 13. [32.6.20)] Landscape plan. A landscape plan that complies with section 32.7.9 is required with the final site plan. Final: Comment addressed. 14. [] Tree Canopy. The tree canopy calculations for the site omit 4.565 acres of open space required under section 4.7; however, these deductions cannot be duplicative in nature. Please label and depict which areas the site contain the 4.565 acres of open space. The area being deducted and the area counted as tree preservation area (2.344 acres) shall not be the same area, as this would be duplicative. If this is the case, please revise the calculations to assure the site meets the required canopy calculations. Final: Comment addressed. 15. [] Existing trees may be preserved in lieu of planting new plant materials in order to satisfy the landscaping and screening requirements of section 32.7.9, subject to the agent's approval. Because you intend to use existing trees to satisfy some of the landscape plan requirements, please include the following: 1. Areas and other features shown on landscape plan. The landscape plan shall show the trees to be preserved, the limits of clearing, the location and type of protective fencing, grade changes requiring tree wells or walls, and trenching or tunneling proposed beyond the limits of clearing. 2. Conservation checklist. The applicant shall sign a conservation checklist approved by the agent to ensure that the specified trees will be protected during construction. Except as otherwise expressly approved by the agent in a particular case, the checklist shall conform to the specifications in the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, pages III -393 through III -413, and as hereafter amended. Final: Comment addressed. 16. [] Parking Lot landscaping for Each Parking Area Having 5 or More Parking Spaces. Parking lot landscape calculations shall be revised to account for 69 parking spaces. This number is being generated by all the required parking spaces needed to facilitate the townhome lots (excluding townhomes with garages), including guest spaces. Final: Comment addressed. 17. [] Parking Lot landscaping for Each Parking Area Having S or More Parking Spaces. On sheet 7, assure the parking lot calculations of 24,400 SF includes paved parking and vehicular circulation areas (alleys and public streets w/ required guest parking). Additionally, this calculation references 1,220 SF of Canopy; however, this calculation is not for canopy but instead for "required parking lot landscape area" (i.e. the planting islands). Revise. Final: Comment not adequately addressed. While the calculations have been revised it only provides the square footage of the parking lot. This calculation shall also include the square footages of the alleys (A, B, and C) serving the parking areas as they are the travelways. Revise. 18. [] Street Trees. Provide street tree calculations on the final site plan for all streets fronting the town homes. Merely referencing the approved road plan is not adequate for the final site plan unless you apply for and are approved for a site plan variation & exception to this requirement. If you choose to make the request, see Section 32.3.5(a) for submittal information. Final: Comment addressed. 19. [Code of Development - Attachment B - sheet 7] Open Space and Recreational Plan. On this plan please track the Open Space Statistics for the development as page 7 of Attachment B did (see below). Final: Comment not adequately addressed. The total open space/green space provided is listed on the plan as 34.99 acres; however, it needs to be a minimum of 37.52 acres. Revise. TOTALSITEARRA 94.76 ACRES INCLUDING BLOCK K PRE STATION) COMMUNITYPARK 18.42 ACAES* Plus LINEARPARKW/TRAILS ]326 ACRES* AMENITY AREA 31.68 ACRES (35.7%)* AMENITYARBA 31.68 ACRES* Plu, OTHEROPENSPACE 7.67 ACRES* -I.- MWERViOUSAREAS 1.83 ACRES* TOTAL OPEN SPACE/GREENSPACB AREA 37.82 ACRES (43,3%)* *EXCLUDES AREA IN BLOCK K (FIRE STATION) 2 TENNIS COURTS 2 PICNIC SHELTERS LARGE PLAYFIELD PLAYGROUND / M/FRESTROOMFACILTY DOG PARK WITHPIERAT QUARRY PONDWITHPIER y(�:—�:WOODED GROVE WITH QUARRY-SNIIPAViLiON OSR 8,680 LF OP PAVED TRAllB 1 , Z n 20. [32.5.2(n)] Proposed Improvements. Provide the maximum footprint for all proposed buildings. Final: Comment addressed. 21. [32.5.2(n)] Proposed improvements. How is daily household trash going to be disposed of for these units? If each lot is going to have its own trash container for curbside pickup, where are these containers going to be stored when not in use? Final: Comment addressed. 22. [] Easements for stormwater management facilities. Provide access to the stormwater management facility. Also, provide an easement over the facility and the access. Final: Comment not adequately addressed. Please work with Engineering to rectifv this item. Ensure the WPO is submitted and approved prior to final site plan approval. 23. [14-311] Infrastructure improvementplans. Road plans and WPO application must be approved, all required improvements to construct the units in Blocks C, D, and F shall be built or bonded, and all required deeds and declarations must be reviewed and approved prior to final plat approval. Final: Comment partially addressed. Road Plan SUB2015-119 has been approved; however, the sidewalks on Steamer Drive will need to be proposed on a revised road plan prior to plan approval as depicted (see comment #2 above). A WPO Plan was annroved for phase 1 under WP02014-77. The bonds have not been Dosted. 24. [Code of Development Section 3.31 Lot Regulation/Setbacks. Any unit which has a road or alley at its side, the minimum side yard setback is increased to 15 feet. The applicant has submitted a variation to these requirements. Prior to final site plan/final subdivision plat approval the variation shall be acted on. Final: Comment no longer relevant due to a variation. 25. [32.5.2(p) & Screening. Proposed SWM Facilities shall be screened from the adjacent residential lots. Is "SWM/BMP BS3a" and underground facility? If so, screening is not required. Final: Comment not adequately addressed. The trees utilized on the plans for screenine are deciduous; however the County regulations require evergreen tree plantines. Additionally, the planting strip is not a minimum of 20' deep. Revise to ensure this screening meets the requirements of Section 26. [] Vehicular Access to Site. Each entrance onto any public street shall be designed and constructed as required by the standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation. VDOT approval of the entrance to the site shall be required prior to final site plan and/or final plat approval. Final: Comment addressed. 27. [32.6.2(x] Signature panel. Signature panel for signature by each member of the site review committee. Final: Comment addressed. 28. [Comment] Provide the dimensions of proposed easements and whether they are to be publicly or privately maintained. Final: Comment addressed. 29. [32.6.2(d)] Water and sewer facilities. Provide profiles and cross sections of all water and sewer lines including clearance where lines cross. Final: On the final site plan provide a note which states that the approved road plan (SUB2015-119) contains water and sewer profiles and cross sections. 30. [32.6.2(d)] Water and sewer facilities. Provide the station on the plan to conform to the station shown on the profile and indicate the top and invert elevation of each structure. Final: On the final site plan provide a note which states that the approved road plan (SUB2015-119) contains water and sewer profiles and cross sections. 31. [32.6.2(d)] Water and sewer facilities. Provide all sewer appurtenances by type and number. Final: On the final site plan provide a note which states that the approved road plan (SUB2015-119) contains water and sewer profiles and cross sections. 32. [32.6.2(e)] Drainage and grading plans. Provide profiles of all ditches and channels whether proposed or existing. Final: Comment redacted. 33. [32.6.2(e)] Drainage and grading plans. Provide profiles of all storm sewer systems. Final: Comment redacted. 34. [32.6.2(e)] Public facilities and utilities. All water and sewer facilities to be dedicated to public use and the easements for those facilities and shall be identified by a statement that the facilities are to be dedicated to the Albemarle County Service Authority. Final: Comment addressed. 35. [Comment] The applicant has submitted and the County is reviewing 4 variation requests to ZMA2013-12. Prior to final site plan approval variations shall be acted on and the plans revised accordingly. Final: The number of variations was reduced and the remaining were approved. 36. [Comment] The final site plan shall not be approved until all SRC reviewers have approved the plan (see attached comments). 37. [Comment] Per conversations with the applicant the townhomes in block C are to be provided driveways. Revise plans to depict, dimension, and label these improvements for review. 38. [Comment] Per conversations with the applicant the townhomes in Block D are to be provided detached garages. Ensure the detached garages are at least 3' separated from the primary dwelling unit. Revise plans to depict, dimension, and label these improvements for review. 39. [Comment] Ensure the correct SDP# is provided on the plan: SDP2018-15. 40. [Comment] On sheet 4, the density breakdown chart contains typographical errors for all the ranges permitted in each block. Revise. 41. [Comment] The parking schedule appears to contain a typographical error for the number of spaces provided for townhomes. The plan lists 48; however, staff counts 52. If 52 spaces are truly not provided, revise to ensure they are provided. 42. [Comment] Alley B is a 26' access easement on the plat. Ensure the easement widths on the plat and the final site plan concur. Please contact Christopher Perez in the Planning Division by using cperez@albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext. 3443 for further information or if you have questions. Review Comments for SDP201800015 lFinal Site Development Plan Project Name: Rivanna Village Phase1B (Blks C,D & F) - Final Date Completed: Wednesday, April 11, 2018 DepartmentlDivisionlAgency: Review sus: Reviewer: David James F F1 I Requested Changes 1- A WPO plan must be submitted, reviewed & approved prior to FSP approval - A Road Plan must be submitted, reviewed & approved prior to FSP approval- 3- It's been approximately 10 years since the site has been surveyed and it is recommended another be performed- 4- Cover: a- Change SDP# to SDP201800015- b- Title for the project should Rivanna Village 1 Phase 1 B 1 Blocks C, D, F- 5- Ensure that existing wetlands are outside of proposed development (100' buffer from wetland bank)- Please show an overview map of the existing & proposed blocks on a separate sheet at 1:100 scale for clarification- 6- Please show existing easements with deed book/page information- There appears to be existing sewer & water lines on the site- 7- Callout ditches/channels on the sheet 6 (if applicable)- a- The profiles for ditches. channels shall be shown on the FSP 8- Sheet 3: Show the existing parcel (093A1000000300, 093A1000000400) property lines- 9- Sheet 51617: a- Correct the storm structure schedule for the pipe slope & the rim elevation on A6 -3- b- Show radii on entrances including driveways- c- Show all curbing on parkingltrave lways with VDOT designations (CO -6, etc)- d- Show proposed storm drainage in an easement- e- Show deed booWpage for san- sewer/waterline easements- f- Show deed booWpage for swm facilitylbmp easements- g- Show deed booWpage for sidewalk/landscape & accessway easements to be maintained outside of street ROW- h- Show intersection or site distance easements- i- Label all sidewalk widths- j- Show bollards at end of Private Ally D, and provide details 10- Show stations for road cll on the plan view sheets- In the road cross-sections on sheet 8 use the station numbers for labeling (e -g- 4 Board Place, Station 10+15 to 11+30)_ Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 105107120'18 Christopher Perez From: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.org> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 4:25 PM To: Christopher Perez Subject: SDP201800015 Rivanna Village Phase 1B (Blocks C, D, and F) - Final Site Plan Chris, I recommend SDP201800015 Rivanna Village Phase 1B (Blocks C, D, and F) - Final Site Plan for approval. Thanks, Richard Nelson Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 (434) 977-4511 Review Comments for SDP201800015 IFinal Site Development Plan Project Name Date Completed: Rivanna Village PhaselB (Blks D,D & F) - Final Thursday, March 29, 2018 DepartmentlDivisionlAgency: Review Sys: Reviewe r:Ihawn Maddox Requested Changes E Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 105107120'18 APPLICATION# TMP: County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, North Wing Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS - E911 SDP201800015 093A1-00-00-00300 and 093A1-00-00-00400 DATE: 3/23/2018 FROM: Elise Kiewra ekiewra@albemarle.org Geographic Data Services (GDS) www.albemarle.org/ads (434) 296-5832 ext. 3030 The following road names are acceptable: SEDGEWICK LANE The following road names will need to be changed: 4 BOARD PLACE Per Part I, Section 4-d of the County's Road Naming and Property Numbering Manual (page 7 of PDF). "A road name shall not include numbers, dashes, apostrophes or other non -alphabetical characters. " We recommend providing three (3) candidate names for each road to our office for review, in case your first choices are not acceptable. A PDF version of the Ordinance and Manual can be found here: httDs://www.albemarle.ora/unload/imaaes/Forms Center/Departments/Geoaraphic Data Service s/Forms/Road Namina and Property Numberina Ordinance and Manual.pdf Please consult the County's Road Name Index to check your road names prior to submittal. The Index can be found here: http://www.albemarle.org/albemarle/upload/images/webai)ps/roads/ Parcel and mapping information can be found here: http://gisweb.albemarle.org/ If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Review Comments for SDP201800015 IFinal Site Development Plan Project Name: Rivanna Village Phase 1B (Blks D,D & F)- Final Date Completed: Thursday, March 29, 2018 DepartmentlDivisionlAgency: Review Sys: Reviewer: Margaret M al i szews ki DDD ARB No Objection Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 105107120'18 Review Comments for SDP201800015 IFinal Site Development Plan Project Name: Rivanna Village Phase 1B (Blks D,D & F)- Final Date Completed: Monday, April 16, 2018 DepartmentlDivisionlAgency: Review Sys: Reviewer: Michael Dellinger —T-] No Objection Page: County of Albemarle Printed On: 105107120'18 A A N FRANKLIN PE, LLC11 Ill lif 427 Cranberry Lane i/RAfi Crozet,Virginia 22932 (434)531-5544 �____ Or( 4 alan@alanfranklinpe.com / 1 i ae-- May 30, 201: X2.0 (tk,, / � Mr. Christopher Perez , Senior Planner .101111111111... 0, County of Albemarle , A 401 McIntire Road [0 X(/' (/C Charlottesville, Virginia 229. A (p --- RE: SDP2018-15 Rivanna Village Phase 1B(Blocks C, D, and F) • - ' - •Ian - 2nd Submittal Dear Chris, Please accept for review and approval the attached revised final site plans which address all of the provided plan review comments and also removes the proposed parking lots and replaces them with garages and driveways. The letter is intended to accompany the final plans and serve as written response to comment letter dated May 15, 2018. Planning(Christopher Perez) 1. (35.1]Fees.... Final: Comment addressed. 2. (ZMA201300012 Proffer 5]Construction Steamer Drive Improvements...Final: Comment not fully addressed. While it is mentioned on the site plan and the response letter that the sidewalks are to be completed as part of phase 1 road construction,the road plans have not 0/7 ' been revised to include this improvement. Prior to final site plan approval either revise the road plan to provide the sidewalk, or include this sidewalk in this final site plan and remove the note stating its part of the phase 1 road plan. Respon . e sidewalk in question is still intended to be constructed as part of the on-going p 1 road construction. Additionally, it has been added/noted as a requirement of this site Ian. - - 3. [4.12.5]Location of Parking Areas...All parking areas shall be established on the same lot.... Final: Comment addressed. '1Response: The easement will no longer be required with the site plan change to garages and 74. driveways. [32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(i)]Alleys.. Add note to plan and maintenance agreement. Final: Comment addressed. 5. [32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(i)]Existing or platted streets... label as public or private and provide width. Final: Comment addressed. 6. (32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(i)]Alleys.. Add note to plan and maintenance agreement. Final: Comment to be addressed on Final Plat 7. (4.12.6]Parking Requirements. Dimension the parallel guest spaces and provide striping. Final: Comment not adequately addressed. County parallel parking design requirements are 9' wide.Thus to continue as proposed an exception request to modify the design standard shall be requested by the Applicant under Section 4.15.2(C)and Section 4.15.2(C)2. Prior to final site plan approval the modification shall be acted on by the Zoning Administrator and the County L.Xesponse: See Layout Plan sheer-Parallel parking space width shown as 9'. 8. (ZMA201300012 Proffer 9]Affordable Housing Table requested changes... Final: Update table to show 32 proposed units in Block C Response Table revised. 9. [ZMA201300012 Proffer 3]Route 250 Improvements Bond.... Final: Comment addressed. 10.(Code of Development Section 3.4]Building Height Regulations... Final: Comment addressed. 11.[Code of Development Section 4.2]Covenants to Provide ARC... Final: Comment addressed. 12.[32.5.2(e),]Existing landscape features... Final: Comment addressed. 13.[32.6.2U)]Landscape Plan that complies with section 32.7.9... Final: Comment addressed. Res'ponsc:Plan revised to reflect change from parking lots to garages and driveways for .p6 posed townhouses. 14.[] Tree Canopy Calculations... Final: Comment addressed. Response: Plan revised to reflect change from parking lots to garages and driveways for oposed townhouses. 15.[]Existing trees preserved in lieu of planting... Final: Comment addressed. Response: Plan revised to reflect change from parking lots to garages and driveways for \-{aroposed townhouses. 16.[]Landscape Lot landscaping for Each Parking Area Having 5 or more Parking Spaces... Final: Com ent addressed. Resp e: Plan revised to reflect change from parking lots to garages and driveways for posed townhouses. 17.(]Parking Lot Landscaping Area Calculations... Final: Commen t adequately addressed. Respons • e calculation in question is no longer applicable since the parking areas have been re d and replaced with garages and driveways. 18.[]Street Trees. Provide street tree calculations on final site plan... Final: Comment addressed. 19.[Code of Development - Attachment B;_541srgrilOpen Space and Recreation Plan... Final: Comment not adequately a re sed.The total open space/green space provided is listed on the plan as 34.99 acres' however, it needs to be a minimum of 37.52 acres. Revise. Response: Error found . abulation. The total open space/green space is now 39.17 acres. 20.[32.5.2(n)]Proposed Improvements. Show the maximum building footprints... Final: Comment addressed. 21.[32.5.2(n)]ProposMiprovements. Daily household trash... Final: Comment-addressed. Respo se�Daily household trash will be handled by individual tote cans for each unit. Since ges have been added to all units garages, the trash cans will be stored in the garages. 22.[]Easements for storm water management facilities. Final: Comment not adequately addressed. Please work with Engineering to rectify this item. Ensure the WPO is submitted and approved prior to final site plan approval. clfc,, Response: The WPO covering this site plan and all surrounding infrastructure has been approved, bonded, and it under construction. The required easements in question were shown on the approved WPO plans, road plans, and are shown on these plans. These easements are also currently under review on the subdivision plat. Any change required of the subdivision plat can be reflected on this final plan prior to signature of plan. 23.[32.8.2, 14-311]Infrastructure improvement plans. Road Plans and WPO Plans must be approved and improvements built and/or bonded... Final: Comment partially addressed. Road Plan SUB2015-119 has been approved; however,the sidewalks on Steamer Drive will need to be proposed on a revised road plan prior to plan approval as depicted (see comment#2 above).A WPO Plan was approved for phase 1 under WP02014-77.The bonds have not been posted. Response: The sidewalk in question is still intended to be constructed as part of the on-going } phase 1 road construction. Additionally, it has been added/noted as a requirement of this site L..., plan. Proof of construction will be provided. The approved WPO plan was bonded and installed. 24.[Code of Development Section 3.3.]Lot Regulations/Setbacks... Final: Comment addressed. /� 25.[32.5.2(p),]Screening of SWM Facilitie ... Final: Comment not adequately addressed. The trees utilized on the plans for screening a deciduous; however the County regulations require evergreen tree plantings.Additio ally,the planting strip is not a minimum of 20' deep. Revise to ensure this screening mee e requirements of Section Response: The plant materials pro.osed as screening of the SWM/BMP have been revised to a double staggered row of evergr--n trees planted less than 15' on center. The SWM/BMPs in question are landscaped bi• liters, not "detention ponds". I've attached the planting schedules for both facilities for refe •nce. The proposed landscape in and around SWM BS3a will be part of our entry signage/f-:ture. 26.[] Vehicu :r Access to the Site/VDOT approval... Final: Comment addressed. 27.[32.6.2(f)]Signature Panel... Final: Comment addressed. 28.[Comment]Provide dimensions of proposed easements and note whether they are publicly or privately maintained. Final: Comment addressed. 29.[32.6.2(d)] Water and sewer facilities. Provide profiles... Final: On the final site plan provide a note which states that the approved road plan (SUB2015-119)contains water and sewer profiles and cross sections. Response: Note added to plans. 30.(32.6.2(d)]Water and sewer facilities. Provide the station on the plan... Final: On the final site plan provide a note which states that the approved road plan(SUB2015-119) contains water and sewer profiles and cross sections. Response: Note added to plans. 31. [32.6.2(d)] Water and sewer facilities. Provide sewer appurtenances... Final: On the final site plan provide a note which states that the approved road plan (SUB2015-119)contains water and sewer profiles and cross sections. Response: Note added to plans. 32.(32.6.2(e)]Drainage and grading plans. Provide profiles of ditches and channels... Final: Comment addressed. 33.(32.6.2(e)]Drainage and grading plans. Provide profiles... Final: Comment addressed. 34.[32.6.2(e)]Public facilities and utilities. All water and sewer to be public... Final: Comment addressed. / 35.[Comment] Variation requests to ZMA2013-12... Final: Comment addressed. 36.[Comment]The final site plan shall not be approved until SRC reviewers have been... Final: Comment addressed. 37.[Comment]Per conversations with the applicant the townhomes in block C are to be provided driveways. Revise plans to depict, dimension, and label these improvements for review. Response: Plans revised to address proposed change to garages and driveways for all of the townhouses. 38. [Comment]Per conversations with the applicant the townhomes in Block D are to be provided detached garages. Ensure the detached garages are at least 3'separated from the primary dwelling unit. Revise plans to depict, dimension, and label these improvements for review. Response: Detached gar ges vary from 13' to 15' from the primary structure. 39. [Comment]Ensure th `correct SDP#is provided on the plan:SDP2018-15 Response: Cover she t revised. 40.[Comment]On sheet 4, the density breakdown chart contains typographical errors for all the ranges permitted in each block. Revise. Response: Chart corrected. 41. [Comment] The parking schedule appears to contain a typographical error for the number of spaces provided for townhomes. The plan lists 48;however, staff counts 52. If 52 spaces are truly not provided, revise to ensure they are provided. Response: Schedule corrected. 42.[Comment]Alley B is a 26'access easement on ee plat. Ensure the easement widths on the plat and the final site plan concur. Response: Plans and plat have been cr checked. 43.[Comment]Provide typical road ctions for the alleys. Response: Detail sheet corre,.eted so that a typical road section for each alley is provided. Engineering(David James) 1. A WPO Plan must be submitted... Response:The WPO covering this site plan and all surrounding infrastructure has been approved, bonded, and is nearing the end of construction (WP02014-77). 2. A Road Plan must be submitted... Response: The Road Plan which provides the entire infrastructure required by this site plan has been approved and is nearing the end of construction (SUB2015-119). 3. It's been approximately 10 years since the site has been surveyed.... Response: For the last year, the project site has been a construction zone as the infrastructure to support the units proposed on this site plan are installed. For the purposes of this site plan, the proposed improvements shown on SUB2015-119 have been used to represent existing conditions. The proposed improvements shown on SUB2015-119 are near completion. 4. Cover Sheet a) Change SDP reference b) Change project title Response: a)SDP reference corrected; b)Project title corrected. 5. Ensure that existing wetlands are outside of proposed development(100'buffer from wetland bank). Please show an overview map of the existing&proposed blocks on separate sheet at 1:100 scale for clarification. Response: The existing wetland limits have been added to the plan sheets for reference. The wetlands limits in question are proposed to be preserved but in some cases the proposed development is within 100' which is in compliance with all previous rezoning exhibits, applications plans, and our Corps/DEQ environmental permits. 6. Please show existing easements with deed book/page information... Response: Easements in question have been identified on the plans. The subdivision plat that creates these easements is currently under review/not recorded so deed book and page references are not available. 7. Call out ditches/channels on Sheet 6(if applicable)... Response: There are no ditches or channels proposed with this site plan. 8. Sheet 3:Show the existing parcel(93A1-3 and 93A1-4)property lines. Response: A recently approved Boundary Line Adjustment plat combined the parcels in question to one parcel, 93A1-4. 9. Sheet 5/6/7. a.Correct the storm structure schedule for the pipe slope&rim elevation on A6-3. Response: Storm structure schedule revised. b.Show radii.... Response: Radii dimensions added as needed. c.Show all curbing on parking/travelways with VDOT designations.... Response: Curbing labels added. d.Show proposed storm drainage in an easement. Response: Proposed easement shown/adjusted as needed. e.Show deed book/page for san. sewer/waterline easements. Response: Easements in question have been identified on the plans. The subdivision plat that creates these easements is currently under review/not recorded so deed book and page references are not available. f. Show deed book/page for swm/bmp facility easements.... Response: Easements in question have been identified on the plans. The subdivision plat that creates these easements is currently under review/not recorded so deed book and page references are not available. g.Show deed book/page for sidewalks/landscape/accessway easements.... Response: Easements in question have been identified on the plans. The subdivision plat that creates these easements is currently under review/not recorded so deed book and page references are not available. h.Show intersection sight distance easements. Response: Easements in question have been identified on the plans. The subdivision plat that creates these easements is currently under review/not recorded so deed book and page references are not available. i. Label all sidewalk widths. Response: Sidewalk width labels have been added. j. Show bollards at end of Private Alley D.... Response: Private Alley D is a loop with two connections to Village Park Avenue so it does not appear that bollards are needed. 10.Show stations for road c/I on plan view sheets.... Response:The centerline road stationing from the road plans has been added to the sheets as requested and the road sections sheet has been updated. Fire and Rescue(Shawn Maddox) Due to the building height being estimated at 32', the available on street parking on Steamer Drive that is not required should be eliminated to allow aerial apparatus access. If building heights exceed thirty feet on Sedgewick Lane then future improvements may be needed to move the parking for lots F1-F6 for aerial apparatus access. No further objections at this time. Response:The on-s reet parking shown on Steamer Drive and Sedgewick Lane that is not yet required by this site plan is envisioned to be potentially required with development of the non- residential uses in t e remainder of Block D so we are reluctant to eliminate these spaces at this time. The previously provided estimated building heights were a little conservative for the units in Block C and D, base on the front yard s and rear yards having the same elevation. The proposed grading plan for these units shows that the front yards in Block C are approximately 5' higher than the rear yard and in Block D, the reverse is true. Therefore the estimated building heights for the units in Blocks C and D have been revised to 30', or the average of 32' on tallest side and 27' on the shortest side. The units is Block F are still estimated at 32' tall but there is no on-street parking proposed in front of these units. CDD Inspections (Michael Dellinger) No objections to the Initial Site Plan. Response: No action required. E911(Elise Kiewra) Changes to road names required. Response: Road name changes have been revised, coordinated and approved through email correspondence. ARB(Margaret Maliszewski) No objections to the Initial Site Plan. Response: No action required. VDOT(Adam Moore/Justin Deel) Previous plan rendition approved. Response: VDOT will need to review revised plan. Sincerely, ).„,p...a_ q,,,.....,A_____ Alan Franklin, PE cc: David Harper; HCM Rebecca Amster Mark Keller I . . , 0 Z 2 : 0 \ m > O Z > / . 0 0 C J § ® j ° ° j \ G \ J I z H ) 0 0 / m c > \ C § 0 0 § \ CO n H c I m z H o _n< I z c 0 + / z 0 O c z 33 \ c O \ \ _ m O c z c < c > I ® e Eo @ \ 3 ® < @ co \ < > z c) \ / 2 I 2 g z I 0 § < / < E / co z > mo z < I > O 0 / » 0 \ \ O 2 I / c 0 g m \ / H O \ / z 0 / a z H E m -:13 ):> > 0 m \ m \ H < IZ / 2 c / / / m Cr) < b mot ,_ > m O \ o) j > \ \ cn-< c 0 / / I \ m 0 I@ ® o I > H © I 2 0 7 c m 0 2 I e ƒ > 0 < x < o \ I § 2 ® K = 0 < CO \ _§ I I \ \ \ \ Ca\ 0 \ k 2 / / \ » % \ \ \ O r \ / Ill m Z \ / / \ \ cn \ m / m \ rn k ° Z -r1 § \ O > \ k Z E / / \ § a) 0 TJ \ - Z t * $ * } * * } Cr) * / * * @ C 0 ] 9 9 2 2 « 2 « e 2 2 » 2 w e s X, >c = 1 0 ® 0 © 0 0 © © 0 ® 0 0QZ a_ , 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -I 0N) ® z 0 z 0 z z 0 0 z 0 z z 3 \ 3 \ \ > H > H > > H H > \ > > > > O > p a z > 2 > 2 z 2 2 z 2 2 2 2 r 2 > r m z m z m m z z m z m m O m 2 ;1 g / I § I § I = I I _ I = I z O § z m )g e -n z 0 _Lc 0 ® > > > > > > HHI Is > sI() \ \ C \ () \ \ \ () \ C) / 90 9 0 < > 3 Z / s = # u@ # rme 22@ > \ O © m \ ƒ m \ � 0D0 * ) � Z /\ 00 m1 - Z \ 7 / 2 § / OZ > /® cn W, HI / ƒ ) > x \ � > co m 7 . . � ~ \ o / \ > � m , . . O � � . � u = CO m / I \ / aa u \ \ Q \ a b ) < @ m Q c I I m m 0 0 I < § \ 0 ? % / Z Z Z / / / \ / > O CT)C r H 2 3 0 0 0 > < m > / k m Z > O c c c c / / / \ x z Z Z I C Z Z@ < < \ I \ 2 < Hi 7 \ E r > > / > \ < > m < E $ m 2 E \ > CO / Z 0 m o 0 \ c § _o \ > > r > > O c m < > / c m % / / / / ƒ < m c 0 m H / ® H > / ® > r < 0 / m \ 0 \ c $ CO @ K H o r ® c II < —I > co Z @ o r m ƒ 0 0 \ 0 Z % 3 = @ = o = <00 „ 0 3 0 2 O \ p / (" 0 -71 0 74 > m / K Z ° \ / K 0 * / k ? Z 5 / i- O j I < « @ Z_ H n < 2 o• / @ $ > - I / c Q / / Z H < Z / Z m o $ m / z > I > I n 3 < 0 2 Z CD < / m 0 m / /cn \ \ m 0 m Fri o > CO C c Z 0 N ƒ 0 m Cl) \ Z m \ \ w M D ® m r 0 o c) -0 -1 f \ / O \ 0 H 0 m Ti Cl) m \ >r \_ m \ 0 Z z M x 2 1.3 o 9 o 0 co H > > HI O « > > > m > O > > m O> © / O o 0 oo o O 0 0 CD/ OC \ % \ c k COk k % O / Fn . < 3 ar = e r O0 > 7 Oe 2 > Z / < - > > oe » 2 / / / > 0010 7 ° T 1HE \ \ 2 / \ H Z1 IM \ / / \ re Oo 33 \ > m m 1m z zo > m > ° H 0 33 Z > @I g o2 + gJ ® > Ho z H > Z O / m m2m / O2 > 70 > m -I \ H OG) @ % I @ $ m Z332 E > » I q CO ® � F I \ / H0 mZ -< H _ m \ 0 0 0 ,1T P O m / m > Z H ® m 0@ % 7 • w ..r ALAN FRANKLIN PE, LLC 427 Cranberry Lane Crozet,Virginia 22932 (434)531-5544 alan@alanfranklinpe.com March 17, 2018 Mr. Christopher Perez Senior Planner County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE:SDP2017 36 Rivanna Village Phase 1B (Blocks C, D, and F) Final Site Plan - 1st Submittal Dear Chris, Please accept for review and approval the attached 10 copies of final plans which address all of the agency initial plan review comments and satisfies the requirements of Section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code. The letter is intended to accompany the final plans and serve as written response to comment letter dated August 4, 2017. Planning(Christopher Perez) 1 [35.1]Fees.... L Response: No action required. Public notification fee paid prior to Initial Plan Approval. 2. [ZMA201300012 Proffer 5]Construction Steamer Drive Improvements ]S—/ r, Response: The missing portion of sidewalk adjacent to Steamer Drive that should have been required with the approved road plans was added to the site contractor's scope of work and will be constructed as part of the on-going phase 1 work. It has also been added to plan set. 3. [4:12.5]Location of Parking Areas...All parking areas shall be established on the same lot.... Response: A parking lot easement has been added to the plans to allow for shared parking in the lots.This easement will need to be added to the plat. V[32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(i)]Alleys.. Add note to plan and maintenance agreement. Response: Requested notes added to the Layout Plan. . [32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(i)]Existing or platted streets... label as public or private and provide width. Response: Labels and widths added. 6. [32.5.2(a), 32.5.2(i)]Alleys.. Add note to plan and maintenance agreement. Response: Requested note added to the Layout Ian. Maintenance agreement is assumed to be part of the HOA documents. 4 p14- 7. [4.12.8,4.12.8(e)]Instrument Assuring Continuation of Off-site Parking... Response:A cross lot, shared parking/access/pedestrian easement has been added to the plan and will be added to the plat. 0,,,g___________, a., cow . �� _ . ( 5-e,2....0419,,ic (0 � 4.12. ]Parking Req 'rements. Dimension the parallel guest spaces and rovide striping. Response: See Layou, Plan sheet. Striping of the parallel parking on street 's not shown. If we remember correctly, is not allowed by VDOT. Additionally, per VDOT guideli es, parallel parking zone on VDOT s -t is 7' wide. 9. [ZMA201300012pPr Affordable Housing Table r-e uested changes... a �s. lc\ Response: See Sh 2 I , :ii 4-'j��s �.A-11� iji `/) - — l 10.( 201300012 Proffer 3]Route 250 Improvements Bon..... ` Response: Bond has been posted. �1e1 FtS 1.[Code of Development Section 3.4]Building Height Regulations... ,,= Response:A table listing the maximum allowable building heights per Block has been added to the plans.The actual building heights will be determined by'the building contractor when applying for building permits. 1 . Code of Development Section 4.2]Covenants to Provide ARC... Response: I believe this to be approved. Q ' `k% 3 13.[3 2(e),]Existing landscape features... espons :See Landscape Plan. ,,,\'y\ 14. %/)' 14. .6.2(j)]Landscape Plan that complies with section 32.7.9... Response: Landscape Plan and calculations are included in the plan set. 15:] Tree Canopy Calculations... A°e-50 /Response:The calculations have been corrected. W • 16.[]Existing trees preserved in lieu of planting... Response: See Landscape Plan. 17. .7.9.6]Landscape Lot landscaping for Each Parking Area Having 5 or more Parking Spaces... / Response: It is our opinion that required parking lot landscaping quantities are determined by (((/// �� the number of parking spaces in the lot, not the total number of required parking spaces for the site plan.Additionally, parking on lots, garages, and guest parking not in a parking lot have no 514,j //----bearing. �` � r 18.[]Parking Lot Landscaping Area Calculations... Response:The calculation in question has been corrected to show adequate landscaping area provided instead of canopy. 19.[]Street Trees. Provide street tree calculations on final site plan... Response: It is our opinion that the appropriate location for the required street tree calculations and compliance is on the approved road plans, which is referenced on this final site plan. Duplication of this effort could create conflicting information and confusion for the developer and contractor about which plan to comply with. Additionally, due to utility meters, storm drain inlets, and driveway cuts, street tree compliance is not always feasible on a "street block" by "street block" basis. In other words, there may be stretches where street trees are specified at a rate more than required as well as stretches where they are specified at a rate that is less than required.The project limits that this site plan applies to does not include entire segments of roadways so the required street tree may be located in an area not shown on the sheet; 0 VD Ao i 10400 NIMI the ore, we have continued by showing the approved street tree locations as approved on the load plans with the note to refer to the approved road plans and calculations have been added to the plans Ut< 20.[C e of Development - Attachment 8 - sheet 7]Open Space and Recreation Plan... esponse: Table has been modified to mimic the Phase 2 Initial Site Plan style. 21 2.5.2(n)]Proposed Improvements. Show the maximum building footprints... Response: The building setbacks shown on the Layout Plan represent the maximum footprints for buildings. We have worked very closely with the building contractor and used their construction plans to create the building footprints shown for the product they intend to build. 22.[32.5.2(n)]Proposed Improvements. Daily household trash... sponse: Daily household trash will be handled by individual tote cans for each unit. On units with garages, the trash cans will be stored in the garage. For the units without garages, the trash can will be stored behind the unit adjacent to HVAC equipment behind a fence or landscape screening. 23.[]Easements for stormwater management facilities. Response: This is being addressed through final plat review. Final easement locations will be identified on the final plan. I 24.[:2.8.2, 14-311]Infrastructure i sorovement plans. Road Plans and WPO Plans must be di&f\ .pproved and improveme •uilt aryl/or bonded... Response: The Road and PO Plap.s/that provide infrastructure for Blocks C, D, and F have been approved and improvemen •e complete or bonded. 25/Code of Development Section 3.3.]Lot Regulations/Setbacks... V Response: This comment has been addressed through approval of a Variation Request. 26.[32.5.2(p),]Screening of SWM Facilities... Response: Screening of the SWM Facilities has been added to the Landscape Plan. 27.[]Vehicular Access to the Site/VDOT approval... Response: The Final Site Plan addresses VDOT's only comment from the previous submittal. 28.[32.6.2(f)]Signature Panel... Response: Cover Sheet revised to address this comment. 29.[Comment]Provide dimensions of proposed easements and note whether they are publicly or privately maintained. pon :• Dimensions and labels of easement added. 30.[32.6.2(d)]W:ter and sewer facilities. Provide profiles... Response: All 9f this information was shown on the approved Road Plans and will be installed completely by he time of this site plan approval. Inclusion of that information in this plan set would create duplication of information and possible confusion during construction and professional lability concerns. We will continue to refer to the approved plans for this informatio i w. ..r 31.[32.6.2(d)] Water and sewer facilities. Provide the station on the plan... Response: See response above. 32.[32.6.2(d)]Water and sewer facilities. Provide sewer appurtenances... Response: See response above. 33.[32.6.2(e)]Drainage and grading plans. Provide profiles of ditches and channels... Response:There are no existing or proposed channels associated with this site plan.]Drainage and grading plans. Provide profiles... Response: See response above. The site plan requires the installation of one storm drain line in addition to what was approved on the road plans.This profile has been included. 35.[32.6.2(e)]Public facilities and utilities. All water and sewer to be public... Response:ACSA reviewed and approved the water and sewer plans. A note has been added. 36.[Comment] The final site plan shall not be approved until SRC reviewers have been... Response: Noted. Engineering(Bobby Jocz) 1. [Cover Page]Please include site plan number... Response: Initial Site Plan number added. Final Site Plan will receive new number and then it will be added. 2. [Cover page and title block]Revise title to exclude Blocks B and E. Response: Plans revised to address this comment. 3. [Sheet 3]Provide extent of WPO stream buffer. Response: Done. 4. [Sheet 4]Revise shading to represent approvable blocks (C, D, and F) Response:The site plan includes Blocks B & E because portions of these areas are used to satisfy the certain requirements. Even though Blocks B & E don't require site plan approval, these areas needed to be taken into consideration for overall Phase 1B parking, landscape calculations, and amenity/green space calculations, etc. 5. [All]Provide bumper blocks... Response: Bumper blocks added adjacent to sidewalks. 6. [All]Provide extent of proposed/existing SWM easements... Response: I believe this also being addressed through final plat review. Final easement locations will be identified on the final plan and they have been identified on this submittal. 7. [All]Approval of submitted variances... Response: All Variation Requests approved. 8. [All]Topography to be field verified... Response:Scott Blossom, PE and I have been on-site many times to field verify existing conditions. Additionally, the surveyor, Roudabush &Gale, has provided many ground shot elevations to confirm topography in wooded areas so that we can confidently design, price, and construct all proposed improvements. A note has been added to Sheet 2. } Fire and Rescue(Shawn Maddox) No objections to the Initial Site Plan. Response: No action required. CDD Inspections(Michael Dellinger) No objections to the Initial Site Plan. Response: No action required. Fire and Rescue(Elise Kiewra) Changes to road names required. Response:The requested road name replacement for Village Avenue is 4 Board Place.The requested road name replacement for Tank Road is Sedgewick Lane. Fire and Rescue(Elise Kiewra) No objections to the Initial Site Plan. Response: An exhibit with requested road name options will be emailed separately. ARB (Margaret Maliszewski) No objections to the Initial Site Plan. Response: No action required. VDOT(Adam Moore/Justin Deel) Throat length at either end of Alley B should be at least 50. Response: Layout revised as much as possible to address this comment. Approximately 50' is now provided. Sincerely, Alan Franklin, PE cc: David Harner; HCM Rebecca Amster Mark Keller COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1601 Orange Road Culpeper Virginia 22701 Stephen C. Brich, P.E. Commissioner April 27, 2018 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Christopher Perez Re: Rivanna Village Phase 1B Block C, D, & F — Final Site Plan SDP -2018-00015 Review #1 Dear Mr. Perez: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Alan Franklin PE, LLC., dated 16 March 2018, and finds it to be generally acceptable. If further information is desired, please contact Justin Deel at 434422-9894. A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process. Sincerely, Com- qmc- Adam J. Moore, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Christopher Perez From: Richard Nelson <rnelson@serviceauthority.org> Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 4:25 PM To: Christopher Perez Subject: SDP201800015 Rivanna Village Phase 1B (Blocks C, D, and F) - Final Site Plan Chris, I recommend SDP201800015 Rivanna Village Phase 1B (Blocks C, D, and F) - Final Site Plan for approval. Thanks, Richard Nelson Civil Engineer Albemarle County Service Authority 168 Spotnap Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22911 (434) 977-4511