HomeMy WebLinkAboutFDP201800022 Application 2018-10-25Albemarle County Planning Application C=mt-niti Development Cepartmer4 4:1 WcInfire Road Charlottes-4rills, VA22952-45RB Voice: (43C, ^.SMM Fax: (434; 9-7-2 412Z TMP1 07600-00-00-01=2EO owner(s)- FONTAINE LAND TRUST; WILLIAM W STEV Application# I FDP2019;0002;__] PROPERTY IMFORKATION Legal Description fiCRIERGE Magisterial Dist. Samuel Niller H Land Use Primary Public CurrentAFD Net !nA/FDWrtct Current Zoning Primary Highway Commercial APPLICATION INFORMATION Street Address 3020 FONTAINE AVENUE EXT CHARL07rESVILLE, 22903 I Entered By Application Type Floodplain Development Perm,ft Jennifer PritcFJ v Project FKTY; Academy - FDP Received Date Final Received Date FC0125118 Submittal Date Total Fees Closing File Date Submittal Date Final Total Paid Recision -Number Comments Legal Ad ISUB APPLICATION(S) I Sub 4vaica60-,1- Comrrerft APPLICANT CONTACT INFORMATION Name Address 1;i% State am -u FONT,;HIE LAND TRUST. 'AII-114M 'A STB, :PYBOXS147 'CHL,111-07TESOLL "ZZ-903 ICHARLOTTESVILL ::222911 :4342iii"­fi­-: I Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville. Virainia 22902-4596 Phone (434) 2%-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126 FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT This form is intended to aid the Department in documenting and characterizing the nature of development proposed in the floodplain. Development includes buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations or storage of equipment or materials. The form responses will be used to determine whether a floodplain impact plan or special use permit is required. Please check one: ❑ New Submittal with no anticipated floodplain impact (no floodplain impact plan) 0 New Submittal with an anticipated floodplain impact. Please include a floodplain impact plan. FEE required with submittal: $323 (Code 18-35.1g) ❑ FEMA Letter of Map Change (LOMA, LOMR) Please include a complete copy of all material to be submitted to FEMA. Include any computer models (HEC-R,4 S files) on a disc. FEE required with submittal: $161(topographic info only), or $323 (floodplain modeling) ❑ New Submittal with a Zoning Special Use Permit. Please include a floodplain impact plan. FEE required with submittal: $323 ❑ Resubmittal (Floodplain Development Permit Number Please include your response form from the original submittal. FEE as above required with each resubmittal. A Floodplain Impact Plan, Special Use Permit, or FEMA Map Change will need to follow Zoning Floodplain Overlay District requirements (County Code 18-30.3), found at http://www.albemarle.or"u�loadlima�es/Forms Center/DQgM ents/CounXAttorney/Forms/Albemarle_Coun�Codewww.albemarle.or"u�load/ima�es/Forms Center/DQgM ents/CounXAttorne /Form_ s/Albemarle_Coun�Code Chl8_Zonin�_Overla Districts p Section 4 of the Design Standards Manual provides a list of required items to be included in a Floodplain Impact Plan. This can be found at ham://www.albemarle.or department.asp?department=cdd&rel� ad e=4447www.albemarle.or��arttnent.asp?department=cdd&relpa�e=4447. Fontaine Land Trust 434-242-2866 Owner Name (Print) Home Phone Office / Other Phone PO Box 8147 Address Charlottesville VA City State Tag Map & Parcel Number 76-12E 229!1 Zip Code Project Name (if applicable) Keys Academy Building Permit or Project Number (if applicable) �20�` cm0�a i1nrzoi5 Please describe the nature of the development activity proposed within the toodplain (e.g. new structure, grading for a playing field, driveway stream crossing, installation of a fence, etc.): We are applying for a LOMA-F to remove an existing building out of the Special Flood Hazard Area, and we require the Community Acknowledgment orm to be Completed so that we may forward it to ease note that a - or this property was previously approved --n 2003, but it must be revalidated since FEMA updated their maps in 2005. (Please attach any plans or photos to this application) 1. If a structure is proposed, is the structure accessory to a recreational or agricultural use? Yes [:]No 0 N/A 2. Does the proposed activity involve a stream crossing for a pedestrian trail or driveway serving a single family dwelling? Yes IZI No ❑ NIA 3. Does any proposed fencing cross a stream channel? Yes 0 No ❑ N/A 4. If any fill is proposed, please approximate the proposej,4wount of fill in the floodplain Owner / Agent Signature (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) Date 0' - - 7 —3' - / X Checked By ` 1 y' Date (for resubmittals) Fee Amount $ W Date Paid 1 61 /� fty Who? L'� 9S W- t Receipt # 1 5' j L_7 Check # 144 Tgaq RECEIVED OCT 2 5 2018 COMMUNITY oEVELCPMENT Fee Received 023L ao Received Date A(5 LS r6 Received By 11/1/2015 FROM: Michael Myers, PE, CFM 30 Scale, LLC 871 Justin Drive Palmyra, VA 22963 phone: 434.242.2866 email: mike@30scale.com web: 30scale.com r. Frank Pohl, PE, CFM runty Engineer bemarie County Community Development 1 McIntire Road VA 22902 Attached for: Review Transmittal Letter 10/25/2018 RE: Keys Academy Application For: Flooplain Development Permit Job# 18 006 QTY Date Description 1 10/23/2016 Fee Check in the Amount of $323 for Floodplain Development Permit Fee 1 10/2S/2018 Floodplain Development Permit Application 1 20/25/2018 Floodplain Impact Plan Notebook Containing: 1 10/25/2018 BFE Determination Narrative 1 9/24/2018 Elevation Certificate 1 S/8/1996 Retarded Plat 1 8/10/2619 Annotated FIRMette 1 8/10/2018 Floodplain Impact Plan (11x17 Reduction) 2 8/10/2018 Floodplain Impact Plan (full-size) 1 11/6/2003 Previously approved LOMA-F for the property (no longer valid due to FEMA updating maps In 2005) CEWED _ Comments: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Received by: cc: Mr. Randy Steck