HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800085 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2018-12-19COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972-4126
To: Ms. Riki Van-Niekerk, Roudabush, Gale & Associates, Inc. (rvan-niekerkgroudabush.com)
Mr. Trey Steigman, Management Services Corporation (tsteigmankinsc-rents.com)
From: Mariah Gleason
Tim Padalino, AICP
Division: Community Development — Planning
Date: December 19, 2018
Subject: Final Review Comment Letter #1— SDP-2018-00085 (Vistas at South Pantops — Final Site Plan)
The plan referred to above has been reviewed by the Planning Services Division of the Albemarle County
Department of Community Development (CDD) and by other members of the Site Review Committee (SRC).
The Planner the will approve the plan referred to above when the following items (below, from the Planner and from
other SRC plan reviewers) have been satisfactorily addressed and when all SRC plan reviewers have indicated in
writing their tentative approvals.
The following comments are those that have been identified as outstanding from the initial site plan review as well as
those identified in reviewing the final plan; additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on
further review. [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference to the Albemarle County Code.]
1. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1, please amend the project number for this final site plan to
"SDP2018-00085." Please also include the initial site plan project number (SDP2018-00008) on this sheet for
reference purposes.
2. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.1(b)] Please submit one (1) reduced copy of the final site plan no larger than 1 1 x 17 inches in
3. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] Review of the deed book records and County GIS indicate this parcel (78-20) is
13.12 acres in size, as compared to the 13.31 acres listed in the site plan. Please review and revise these values
to conform with parcel records.
4. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(r)] The plans do not appear to adhere to, or include, many items included in the
legend on Sheet 1. Please revise the legend and/or plans to be consistent with one another.
5. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(r)] Throughout the plan, please ensure that all identifying lines are labeled, by
connected leader line or legend, and that they are easily distinguished from one another. Please pay particular
attention to Sheets 2 and 7.
6. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.1(e)(6), 32.6.2(a), 32.5.1(c)(4)] Please provide horizontal dimensions for all proposed
7. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] With regard to utilities noted on Sheet 6, please include notes if any lines will
be demolished, disturbed, or relocated during construction.
8. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(g)] Please ensure that all existing and proposed public easements are identified in the plans.
9. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(d), Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] Please identify each easement as public or private.
10. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(1), 32.5.2(o)] Prior to final site plan approval, it is necessary to obtain County
approval of a plat showing all proposed easements (such as utility easements, stormwater management facility
easements, and public use recreation easements) as well as all areas intended for dedication to the County for
public use. The platting of easements and lands to be dedicated to the County for public use can be processed all
together in one plat application, or separately, however the applicant prefers.
11. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(o)] On Sheet 5, it is not clear if a right-of-way dedication is being indicated by the
hatched fill on/adjacent to the roadway. If this is the case, please add a label on Sheet 5, update the legend, and
also add a note stating that "the land is to be dedicated or reserved for public use." Please note that any such
dedication requires the submission and approval of a plat and corresponding deed of dedication. (See previous
note regarding easements.)
12. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(i)] Please coordinate with Mr. Dan Mahon, in the Albemarle County Department of
Parks and Recreation (ACPR), regarding potential trail alignment and potential public use easement boundaries
for the "proposed public nature trail" noted on Sheet 3.
13. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] On Sheet 3, please include with the "proposed public nature trail" label a note
that the final site plan represents an approximate alignment, and the final alignment will be determined by
County Staff and built in partnership with the County.
14. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1, please provide a list of planned recreation amenities and
reference/note the approved Request for Substitution of Required Recreation Areas and Facilities dated
September 20, 2018.
15. [Z.O. Sec.] The tot lot area must be fenced to provide a safe environment for young children due to the
proximity of steep slopes, the travelway and parking area, and South Pantops Drive. Please demonstrate that
this tot lot fencing requirement is met by showing a visual depiction of a fence and by adding a note and/or
16. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] On Sheet 3 or 4, please include the approximate location and size (total square
feet) of the proposed clubhouse within Building 3.
17. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(i)] On Sheet 1, please revise the "Parking Required" site data calculations to include the new
minimum parking requirements established through the approved Parking Determination dated December 18,
2018. Specifically, please include the minimum parking requirement information that is currently shown (as
typically required by County Code), and add the new minimum parking requirements with a reference to the
aforementioned determination (include document name and date).
18. [Z.O. Sec. 4.12.17(c)(1)] The parking layout, between the surface lot in front of Building 3 leading to the
podium parking in Building 2, does not meet code requirements for two-way access. The required minimum
width is 20 feet. Please revise the parking schedule to conform to code requirements.
19. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] Please provide the proposed paving materials or other surface materials for all
walks, parking lots, and driveways. *Unaddressed commentfrom the Initial Plan approval.
20. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(n)] Please show the proposed location(s) of outdoor trash containers.
*Unaddressed comment from the Initial Plan approval.
21. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.20),,] On Sheet 8, please identify the location/extent of the existing
tree canopy that will be preserved and maintained, as it is being used for the canopy bonus and (presumably)
being utilized in lieu of new street trees that would otherwise be required along South Pantops Drive.
22. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.20),] For all existing wooded areas that are being preserved and maintained in
the plan to meet tree canopy requirements and/or street tree requirements, please submit a signed Conservation
Plan Checklist and include any information required by the checklist into the plan documents, as necessary. See
23. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.20), The current street trees specified for the street tree plantings (serviceberry) do not
meet County Code requirements. Please select a large shade tree species to replace the current species. Any
large tree species prescribed by the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List, attached, is acceptable. If
another species is desired by the applicant, please submit a request and we will evaluate whether the substitution
is acceptable.
24. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.20),,] Please ensure that all new street trees are located outside of the
25. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.20), 32.7.9] The planting schedule depicted on Sheet 8 does not readily align with the Planting
Schedule table provided on Sheet 9. Please review and revise these items to ensure consistency and provide
26. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.20), 32.7.9] On Sheet 8, please use genus and species names when identifying intended tree
placements on -site.
27. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.20),] In the Planting Schedule table, please include an additional column within the
tree category to specify the category of tree, as it relates to the Albemarle County Recommended Plants List.
For example: Large Deciduous; Medium Deciduous; Small Deciduous; Ornamental Tree.
28. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(c)] On Sheet 7, the contour labels, grading elevations, and symbology used for contour lines
are not consistent and, at times, actually appear to use the same line type. Please ensure that existing and
proposed contours are depicted differently, and please ensure the contour labels and graphic conventions are
29. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(s)] Please label the maximum height of all retaining walls. It appears that this is
already shown for the retaining wall between Buildings 1 and 3, but please make sure that all retaining wall
heights are provided.
30. [Advisory Comment] Please be advised that, prior to a certificate of occupancy being granted, safety fencing is
required along the top of the retaining wall on the southern edge of the property due to its height. Staff requests
this fencing to be added (by graphic depiction and label) to this final site plan.
31. [Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a)] Review sheet index list and individual sheet titles to ensure these names match
and are spelled correctly.
32. [Z.O. 32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 1, include in the sheet index a total number of sheets.
33. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(a)] On Sheet 2, please revise the Legend to add the word "Steep" when describing
Preserved and Managed Steep Slopes. For example, "Preserved Steep Slopes" and "Managed Steep Slopes".
*Unaddressed comment from the Initial Plan approval.
34. [Z.O. Sec. 32.6.2(a), 32.5.2(h)] On Sheet 2, please label the Flood Hazard Overlay District.
35. [Z.O.32.6.2(a), Sec. 32.5.2(r)] On Sheet 2, the Soil Type Boundary in the legend is not readily distinguishable
on the map. Please revise.
[Advisory Comment] Currently, the County holds an easement across the subject property for the Old Mills
Trail greenway corridor. Per note 6 on the easement recorded in Deed Book 2913, Pages 156-162, that recorded
easement states that the greenway corridor is reserved for future dedication to the County for public use, upon
demand by the County in conjunction with any site development plan approval. Please be advised that it is
staff s understanding that the County is likely to make a demand for dedication of the land referred to in that
recorded easement upon approval of the final site plan (as may be applicable).
Albemarle County Engineering Services (Engineer)
John Anderson, janderson2(iDalbemarle.org — PENDING (as of 12/17/18); review comments will be forwarded
upon receipt.
Albemarle County Information Services (E911)
Andrew Walker, awalkergalbemarle.org — "No Objection" (12/7/18).
Albemarle County Building Inspections
Michael Dellinger, mdellingergalbemarle.org — "No Objection" (12/4/18).
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue
Shawn Maddox, smaddox(&albemarle.org — "Requested Changes" (12/4/18); see attached comments.
Albemarle County Service Authority
Richard Nelson, rnelson@serviceauthority.org — PENDING (as of 12/17/18); review comments will be forwarded
upon receipt.
Virginia Department of Transportation
Adam Moore, adam.moorekvdot.vir ig nia.gov — PENDING (as of 12/17/18); review comments will be
forwarded upon receipt.
Please contact Tim Padalino at the Department of Community Development at (434)-296-5832 ext. 3088 or
tpadalino@albemarle.org for further information or assistance.
Review Comments for SDP201800085 Final Site Development Plan
Project Name: The Vistas at South Pantops - Final
Date Completed: Friday, December 07, 20 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status:
[And Walker v �-T F-01 I �v, NO bJ2G#IOrI
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Vistas Way reserved for this development_
Review Comments for SDP201800085 Final Site Development Plan
Project Name: The Vistas at South Pantops - Final
Date Completed: Tuesday, December 04, 01 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status:
No abjection
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Review Comments for SDP201800085 Final Site Development Plan
Project Name: The Vistas at South Pantops - Final
Date Completed: Tuesday, December 04, 01 Department/Division/Agency: Review Status:
Shawn Maddox T-1 Firms SIP —F� Rued Changes
1_ FDC for only one building is sho}rxrn on the plans_ All three FD 's must be shown on the plans and within 100' of a
hydrant_ At our last meeting in the Roudabush Office we discussed three FDC's located at the
_ The entire length of the travel }xav shall be marked No Parking Fire Lane to include the area being counted as the turn
3- Afire flow test will be required prior to final acceptance_