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WPO201200083 Calculations WPO VSMP 2013-04-30
PERFORMANCE-BASED WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS APPENDIX 5D Worksheet 1 Page 1 of 3 STEP 1 Determine the applicable area(A) and the post-developed impervious cover (Ipost)• Applicable area(A)* = S 56,31 acres ("tom PPN Pu.Co. SR-r1.lk 6045.14„:vat 1 E) Post-development impervious cover: structures = 6,ZO acres Cv :c.o rk'n rte` 7 LelcS1 FAC CoN1-144N44 AN S,UOO 2` TM.kj0itso5f`ISei1414't 41;) parking lot = acres roadway = acres Beef, AAV P.,e0 SM'ol, ikomo auf',Nits't`/ other: acres acres Total = .51 acres Ipost=(total post-development impervious cover_A) x 100= —a_.3 °ro * The area subject to the criteria may vary from locality to locality. Therefore, consult the locality for proper determination of this value. STEP 2 Determine the average land cover condition('watershed) or the existing impervious cover(Iexisttttg)• Average land cover condition(Iwatershea): If the locality has determined land cover conditions for individual watersheds within its jurisdiction, use the watershed specific value determined by the locality as'watershed. ] 2 0 (watershed = `^.J fO Otherwise,use the Chesapeake Bay default value: a 'watershed = 16/o 5D-5 PERFORMANCE-BASED WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS APPENDIX 51) Worksheet 1 Page 2 of 3 Existing impervious cover(Iexistind: Determine the existing impervious cover of the development site if present. Existing impervious cover: structures = 5p'a e*es - parking lot = acres roadway = 11,1 CW -acres 7. other: = acres = acres Total = ©.S acres -4-- Sims"'= fP� Copri R:. n P ttu 3 ow .' 556 ive, OV ELaVMe s Iexisting=(total existing impervious cover±A*) x 100= Q.1 % * The area should be the same as used in STEP 1. STEP 3 Determine the appropriate development situation. The site information determined in STEP 1 and STEP 2 provide enough information to determine the appropriate development situation under which the performance criteria will apply. Check( )the appropriate development situation as follows: �' Situation 1: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover(IeX1SYRg)is less than or equal to the average land cover condition u, 4:. 1M/004 k (Iwatershed) and the proposed improvements will create a total percent impervious cover(Ipost) which is less than or equal to the average land ,o.:t- G uN\osttio cover condition(Iwatershed). 06. 0 /0 'post as. /O 'watershed - O.` / 1 r„p'� :am.to _ \6 '1. 5D-6 a = ca.. '/. 3 PERFORMANCE-BASED WATER QUALITY CALCULATIONS APPENDIX 5D Worksheet 1 Page 3 of 3 Situation 2: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover(Ie t;stig)is less than or equal to the average land cover condition ('watershed)and the proposed improvements will create a total percent impervious cover(Ipost)which is greater than the average land cover condition(Iwatershed). 'existing % 'watershed %; and o ] o 'post ,0 'watershed 0 Situation 3: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover(Lusting)is greater than the average land cover condition('watershed). 'existing o�0 'watershed 01/0 Situation 4: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover(Lusting)is served by an existing stormwater management BMP(s) that addresses water quality. If the proposed development meets the criteria for development Situation 1,than the low density development is considered to be the BMP and no pollutant removal is required. AIN The calculation procedure for Situation 1 stops here. If the proposed development meets the criteria for development Situations 2,3,or 4,then proceed to STEP 4 on the appropriate worksheet. `�4 l x s {VLAN ‘Mts,CR co t S OF 37 5106 r4. M Ci s9v6A-,) aLk1- cio . 556 + RckSS f VoES Not RtovagE ?ou.u'rArr AL .' Law 004n Y vac c e��CrT a,scis sS cok ssoeitc.4) IRE FSMQ, Nom, -tom Aseaw�-(EX'S-v:N� COA C;J5 �ovrec. A w c� '�t,y /1S Ski• n r n Cv i -"AE. APPkoW6o 1)L1,1�.5, 11 S ?Ra-;s Oc 17.0.14-AC-PIT MANE- t IL `ONI3 r`'ksn► ti`t 5D-7 i\i\ovrTArIN Vifitiker L. t 900-- .7dYN.L. ' 140.1;,VH0A0L4s Løk9 F61,4,K E,J-K-c.,2-z NG '1)A.0 Lj /300 ("Jp‘ 1>` -CNA TA9EiQVIp\.1<,. COVEA . ,1\1\c) 'FL- \RIR \ismq vz.A-1NA6r (c-xoso t VOiLL -4\ A1."s:Lç [ ) o ± CcItct • 2-b,.? p, x"(..1,32 L.urf L.Ac:'4'6 7 a' It 7 Vdyc L. (A- 1 6 7 tbsbt., 5aoc.-acro 4` ' klzive )ctN odifteax i)E..NEtopmer,-1 1.DAD WINED ' tkocc, to bi`A‘) 01/46A1t\) r 6-57F A '\)ou.,Let AN-k' PsztAadAL cfr.taNcsi , Fle\C Ceap.E 550 24,1 0 Et.,v4t1r....kbAl 1.16 evAo''C'3 Ca("4. k sos4/c 7 <4.0.-44C0 a143yyt, L3rtczoc-0 iZVAC4() QI 165/Yr Lils:CV-.1LIC u f,ePlo\C-0 k5jyr 3,$0 BOND ESTIMATE-EROSION CONTROL Spreadsheet last revised:12-5-01 PROJECT NAME: Mountain Valley Subdivision PROJECT NUMBER: 2291 DATE OF ESTIMATE: 06/28/04 ESTIMATE BY: MRG BASED ON: 4th Submitttal WATER ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST ITEM TOTAL SEED,FERTILIZE,MULCH ACRE 37 1500 55500 SILT FENCE LF 12000 5 60000 SILT FENCE W/WIRE SUPPORT LF 10 0 SAFETY FENCE LF 0 3 0 TEMPORARY FILL DIVERSION LF 0 3 0 DIVERSION DIKE LF 7600 3 22800 TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN LF 0 20 0 SEDIMENT TRAP 1 ACRES 1 1000 1000 SEDIMENT TRAP 2 ACRES 1.2 1000 1200 SEDIMENT TRAP 3 ACRES 0.7 1000 700 SEDIMENT TRAP 4 ACRES 0.9 1000 900 SEDIMENT TRAP 5 ACRES 0.5 1000 500 SEDIMENT TRAP 6 ACRES 0.4 1000 400 SEDIMENT TRAP 7 ACRES 0.7 1000 700 SEDIMENT TRAP 8 ACRES 1.2 1000 1200 SEDIMENT TRAP 9 ACRES 0.3 1000 300 SEDIMENT TRAP 10 ACRES 0.2 1000 200 SEDIMENT TRAP 11 ACRES 0.3 1000 300 SEDIMENT TRAP 12 ACRES 0.4 1000 400 SEDIMENT TRAP 13 ACRES 2.5 1000 2500 SEDIMENT TRAP 14 ACRES 2.9 1000 2900 SEDIMENT TRAP 15 ACRES 1.3 1000 1300 SEDIMENT TRAP 16 ACRES 0.3 1000 300 SEDIMENT TRAP 17 ACRES 0.8 1000 800 SEDIMENT TRAP 18 ACRES 0.5 1000 500 SEDIMENT TRAP 19 ACRES 0.5 1000 500 SEDIMENT TRAP 20 ACRES 0.2 1000 200 SEDIMENT TRAP 21 ACRES 0.4 1000 400 SEDIMENT TRAP 22 ACRES 0.8 1000 800 SEDIMENT TRAP 23 ACRES 0.2 1000 200 SEDIMENT TRAP 24 ACRES 2.6 1000 2600 SEDIMENT TRAP 25 ACRES 3.3 1000 3300 SEDIMENT TRAP 26 ACRES 0.1 1000 100 SEDIMENT TRAP 27 ACRES 0.6 1000 600 SEDIMENT TRAP 28 ACRES 0.1 1000 100 SEDIMENT TRAP 29 ACRES 0.7 1000 700 SEDIMENT TRAP 30 ACRES 0.2 1000 200 SEDIMENT TRAP 31 ACRES 1.1 1000 1100 SEDIMENT TRAP 32 ACRES 1.5 1000 1500 SEDIMENT TRAP 33 ACRES 0.3 1000 300 SEDIMENT TRAP 34 ACRES 1.8 1000 1800 SEDIMENT BASIN 1 ACRES 0 1000 0 CULVERT INLET PROTECTION EA 4 500 2000 INLET PROTECTION EA 27 200 5400 OUTLET PROTECTION EA 19 200 3800 EC-2&3 DITCH PROTECTION LF 10350 10 103500 RIP-RAP LF 1300 55 71500 CHECK DAMS SQ.YD. 98 30 2940 PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EA 1 2000 2000 SUBTOTAL 358940.00 CONTINGENCY&ADMINISTRATION LS 25% 89985.00 TOTAL 449925.00 BOND AMOUNT REQUIRED 450000 T i ^ ` 1) ,'..)f)r) \)) - l9"110 tIl 4. Page 1 of 2 From: Mark Chambers Sent: Friday,July 01, 2005 4:22 PM To: Allan Schuck Subject: Mountain Valley Subdivision SWM Bond Estimate PROJECT NAME: Mountain Valley Subdivision FILE#: 2291 DATE APPROVED: Pending BMP Type 6 Bio-filters,4 retention pond dam rehabilitations, mitigation planting. Item Unit Amount Unit Cost Subtotal site clearing acre 2 $7,100.00 $14,200.00 dam const.on site material cubic yard 24959 $4.00 $99,836.00 dam const.off site material cubic yard 0 $15.00 $0.00 Trees &Shrubs seedlings planted with tubes 3247 $12.50 $40,588 wq treatment bioretention construction volume in cf 0 $6.40 $0 trees &shrubs ball/burlap planted 55 $100.00 $5,500 wetland plants planted 0 $2.00 $0 wetland seed mix acre 3.0 $1,500.00 $4,500 stream stabilization linear foot 0 $50.00 $0 underdrain stone cubic yard 202 $17.00 $3,434 underdrain pipe,4"PVC linear foot 390 $1.35 $527 filter fabric square yard 202 $10.00 $2,020 sand/soil mixture cubic yard 404 $20.00 $8,080 Filterra 6x6 each 0 $6,100.00 $0 Filterra 4x6 each 0 $5,500.00 $0 Filterra 12x6 each 0 $12,100.00 $0 EC-1 outlet protection each 10 $200.00 $2,000 class 1 rip-rap square yard 0 $55.00 $0 class 2 rip-rap square yard 0 $110.00 $0 48"concrete riser structure each 0 $1,000.00 $0 Stream Buffer Sign Installed each 0 $50.00 $0 EC-2 EC-3 ditch linear foot 0.00 $10.00 $0 maintenance road linear foot 850.00 $8.00 $6,800 Concrete pipe linear foot $25.00 $0 EC-3, EC-2 matting square yard 0.00 $10.00 $0 gabions, class 1 rip-rap square yard 0.00 $165.00 $0 concrete anti vortex each $1,500.00 $0.00 paved concrete ditch linear foot 0.00 $55.00 $0 pavement demolition square yard $5.00 $0 green roof square foot 0.00 $12.00 $0 turf stone(porous pavement)square foot $5.00 $0 RCP underground detention cubic foot installed $7.00 $0 concrete spillway cubic yard 89.00 $210.00 $18,690 Conser Easement RR< acre 0.00 $25,000.00 $0 file://C:\PROJECT%2OREVIEWS\E-MAILS\2005\PROJECTS\Mountain%20V alley%20... 7/20/2005 Page 2 of 2 50% Pond drain gate valve(6") each 0.00 $500.00 $0 Delaware Sand Filter linear foot installed $706.00 $0 Silt Fence Inear foot 1440.00 $5.00 $7,200 SUBTOTAL $213,374 25%Contingency $53,344 TOTAL $266,718 ROUNDED TOTAL $267,000 MINIMUM TOTAL AFTER REDUCTION $53,400 file://C:\PROJECT%2OREV IEWS\E-MAILS\2005\PROJECTS\Mountain%20Valley%20... 7/20/2005 t BOND ESTIMATE•EROSION CONTROL Spreadsheet last revised:12-5-01 PROJECT NAME: Mosby Mountain Subdivision PROJECT NUMBER: 2300 DATE OF ESTIMATE: 12/15/03 ESTIMATE BY: MRG BASED ON: 2nd submittal WATER ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST ITEM TOTAL SEED,FERTILIZE,MULCH ACRE 55 1500 82500 SILT FENCE LF 3000 5 15000 WIRE-SUPPORTED SILT FENCE LF 5500 10 55000 SAFETY FENCE LF 0 3 0 TEMPORARY FILL DIVERSION LF 0 3 0 CLEANWATER DIVERSION LF 1600 5 8000 DIVERSION DIKE LF 100 3 300 TEMPORARY SLOPE DRAIN LF 0 20 0 SEDIMENT TRAP 1 ACRES 2.5 1000 2500 SEDIMENT TRAP 2 ACRES 2 1000 2000 SEDIMENT TRAP 3 ACRES 2.9 1000 2900 SEDIMENT TRAP 4 ACRES 2.9 1000 2900 SEDIMENT TRAP 5 ACRES 1.4 1000 1400 SEDIMENT TRAP 6 ACRES 1.3 1000 1300 SEDIMENT TRAP 7 ACRES 1.5 1000 1500 SEDIMENT TRAP 8 ACRES 1 1000 1000 SEDIMENT TRAP 9 ACRES 1 1000 1000 SEDIMENT TRAP 10 ACRES 1 1000 1000 SEDIMENT TRAP 11 ACRES 1.1 1000 1100 SEDIMENT TRAP 12 ACRES 1.6 1000 1600 SEDIMENT BASIN 1 ACRES 6.3 1000 6300 SEDIMENT BASIN 2 ACRES 7 1000 7000 SEDIMENT BASIN 3 ACRES 7.6 1000 7600 SEDIMENT BASIN 4 ACRES 28.3 1000 28300 CULVERT INLET PROTECTION EA 1 500 500 INLET PROTECTION EA 83 200 12600 OUTLET PROTECTION EA 18 200 3600 EC-2&3 DITCH PROTECTION LF 2000 10 20000 RIP-RAP LF 700 55 38500 CHECK DAMS SQ.YD. 0 30 0 PAVED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EA 2 2000 4000 SUBTOTAL 309400.00 CONTINGENCY&ADMINISTRATION LS 25% 77350.00 TOTAL 386750.00 BOND AMOUNT REQUIRED 387000.00 1' — 316'1 I bb s 5 tk) — \ k kl 1 D D 0 • - I , Doo A. V PROJECT NAME: Mosby Mountain _ FILE#: 2300 DATE APPROVED: 26-Jun-03 BMP Type - 5 bio-filters 2.12 acre stream buffer planting _ Item Unit Amount Unit Cost Subtotal _ site clearing acre 0 $7,100.00 $0.00 cubic yard dam const.on site material compacted 0 $4.00 $0.00 cubic yard darn const.off site material compacted 0__$15.00 $0.00 Trees&Shrubs seedlings planted with tubes 2565 $12.50__$32,063 wq treatment bioretention construction volume in cf 0 $6.40 $0 trees &shrubs planted 208 $100.00 $20,800 wetland plants planted 0 $2.00 $0 wetland seed mix acre 1.0 $1,500.00 $1,500 stream stabilization linear foot 0 $50.00 $0 underdrain stone cubic yard 761, $14.58 $11,095 stone delivery load 63 $37.50 $2,363 underdrain pipe,4" PVC linear foot 960 $1.35 $1,296 filter fabric square yard 208 $10.00 $2,080 sand/soil mixture cubic yard 416 $27.00 $11,232 EC-1 outlet protection each 0 $200.00 $0 class 1 rip-rap square yard 51 $55.00 $2,805 class 2 rip-rap square yard 0 $110.00 $0 48"concrete riser structure each _ _ 0 $1,000.00 $0 Stream Buffer Sign Installed each - 0 $50.00 $0 EC-2 EC-3 ditch stabilization ilinear foot 0.00 $10.00 $0 maintenance road linear foot 71.0.00 $8.00 $5,680 barrel pipe linear foot _ $25.00 $0 EC-3, EC-2 matting square yard 0.00 $10.00 $0 gabions,class 1 rip-rap square yard 0.00 $165.00 $0 concrete anti vortex each $1,500.00 $0.00 paved concrete ditch linear foot 0.00 $55.00 $0 pavement demolition square yard $5.00 $0 green roof square foot 0.00 $12.00 $0 turf stone(porous pavement) square foot 0.00 $5.00 ---$-O- RCP 0RCP underground detention linear foot 0.00 $100.00 $0 Conser Easement RR>50% acre 0.00 $39,000.00 $0 Conser Easement RR<50% acre 0.00 $25,000.00 $0 SUBTOTAL _ $90,913 25%Contingency - $22,728 TOTAL $113,642 Rounded Total $114,000 I \ OMB Approval No.2502-0265 A`•�I 1 �� A.Settlement Statement(HUD-1) B.Type of Loan 6.File Number. 7.Loan Number 8.Mortgage Insurance Case Number. 1. ❑FHA 2. 0 RHS 3. ❑Cony.Unins. 50410 4. ❑VA 5. ❑Cony.Ins. C.Note: This form is furnished to give you a statement of actual settlement costs. Amounts paid to and by the settlement agent are shown.Items marked '(p.o.c)"were paid outside the closing;they are shown here for informational purposes and are not included in the totals. D.Name&Address of Borrower. E Name&Address of Seller. F.Name&Address of Lender Piedmont Realty&Construction,LLC, Jessco,LLC Virginia Community Bank, Post Office Box 220 Post Office Box 9035 114lndustial Dnve Crozet,VA 22932 Charlottesville,VA 22906 Louisa,VA 23093 G.Property Location: H.Settlement Agent: I.Settlement Date: Lot 36 of Moutain Valley Sbdv. Scott Kroner,PLC,Collison F. Royer 1210312012 Charlottesville,VA 22901 Phone Number:434-296-2161 418 East Water Street Albemarle County Charlottesville,VA 22902 Place of Settlement 418 East Water Street Charlottesville, J. Summary of Borrower's Transaction K Summary of Seller's Transaction 100.Gross Amount Due From Borrower 400. Gross Amount Due To Seller 101.Contract sales price $328,000.00 401.Contract sales price $328,000.00 102.Personal property 402.Personal property 103.Settlement charges to borrower(line 1400) 66,392.14 403. 104. 404. 105. 405. Adjustments for items paid by seller in advance Adjustments for items paid by seller In advance 106.City/town taxes to 406.City/town taxes to 107.County taxes to 407.County taxes to 108.Assessments to 408.Assessments to 109. 409. 110. 410. 111. 411. 112. 412. 120.Gross Amount Due From Borrower $334,392.14 420.Gross Amount Due To Seller $328,000.00 200.Amounts Paid By Or In Behalf Of Borrower $00.Reductions In Amount Due To Seller 201.Deposit or earnest money 501.Excess deposit(see instructions) 202.Principal amount of new loan(s) 502.Settlement charges to seller(line 1400) $413.00 203.Existing loan(s)taken subject to 503.Existing loan(s)taken subject to 204. 1st draw from Virginia Conmani.ty $246,000.00 504.Payoff of first mortgage loan Bank out of total loan of $735,000 205. 505.Payoff of second mortgage loan 206. 506. 207. 507. 208. 508. 209. 509. Adjustments for items unpaid by seller Adjustments for items unpaid by seller 210.City/town taxes to 510.City/town taxes to 211.County taxes 01/01/2012 to 12/03/2012 $1,343.16 511.County taxes 01/01/2012 to 12/03/2012 $1,343.16 212.Assessments to 512.Assessments to 213. 513. 214. 514. 215. 515. 216. 516. 217. 517. 218. 518. 219. 519. 220.Total Paid By/For Borrower $247,343.16 520.Total Reduction Amount Due Seller $1,756.16 300.Cash At Settlement From/To Borrower 600.Cash At Settlement To/From Seller 301.Gross amount due from borrower(line 120) $334,392.14 601.Gross amount due to seller(line 420) $328,000.00 302.Less amounts paid by/for borrower(line 220) ( $247,343.16 602.Less reductions in amt.due seller(line 520) ( $1,756.16) 303.Cash ® From 0 To Borrower $87,048.98 603.Cash ®To 0 From Seller $326,243.84 The public Reporting Burden for this collection of information is estimated at 35 minutes per response for collecting,reviewing,and reporting the data.This agency may not collect this information,and you are not required to complete this form,unless,it displays a currently valid OMB control number.No Confidentiality is assured;this disclosure is mandatory.This is designed to provide the parties to a RESPA covered transaction with information during the settlement process. Previous editions are obsolete Page 1 of 3 HUD-1 L Settlement Charges 700.Total Real Estate Broker Fees Paid From Paid From Division of Commission(line 700)as follows: Borrowers Sellers 701.$ t0 • Funds at Funds at Settlement Settlement 702.$ t0 703.Commission paid at Settlement 704. ( P.O.C.by 800.Items Payable In Connection With Loan 801.Our origination charge $ (from GFE#1) 802.Your credit or charge(points)for the specific interest rate chosen $ (from GFE#2) 803.Your adjusted origination charges (from GFE A) 804.Appraisal fee to Virginia Cor rm+ty E ( P.o.C.by )(from GFE#3) $650.00 805.Credit report to 1 P.O.C.by )(from GFE#3) 806.Tax service to ( P.O.C.by )(from GFE#3) 807.Flood certification Virginia C senna ty Bapk P.O.C.by )(from GFE#3) $16.00 808.Loan set-up fee to Virginia Community Sank $100.00 809. 810. 811. 812. 900.Items Required By Lender To Be Paid In Advance 901.Daily interest charges from 12/03/2012 t0 01/01/2013 @$ /day(from GFE#10) 902.Mortgage Insurance Premium for months. (from GFE#3) to 903.Homeowners insurance for years. (from GFE#11) to 904. years. to 905. 1000.Reserves Deposited With Lender 1001.Initial deposit for your escrow account (from GFE#9) 1002.Homeowner's insurance months @$ per month $ 1003.Mortgage insurance months @$ per month $ 1004.Property taxes months @$ per month $ 1005. months tr$ per month $ 1006. months @$ per month $ 1007. months @$ per month $ 1008.Aggregate Adjustment 0.00 1100.Title Charges 1101.Title services and lenders title insurance Red Fax Title, LIC (from GFE#4) 1102.Settlement or Closing fee Scott Kroner, PLC $ $550.00 1103.Owners title insurance Red Fox Title, LLC (from GFE#5) $470.00 1104.Lenders title insurance Red Fox Title, ZLC $ $2,374.80 1105.Lenders title policy limit$328,000.00 1106.Owners title policy limit$735,000.00 1107.Agents portion of the total title insurance premium $ 1108.Underwriters portion of the total title insurance premium $ 1109. 1110. Title update fees to Scott Kroner, PLC ($60 x 3 draws) $180.00 1111. Wire transfer fees to Scott Kroner, PLC $39.00 1112. 1113. 1114. 1115. 1200.Government Recording and Transfer Charges 1201. Government recording charges: (from GFE#7) $65.00 1202.Deed$43.00 ;Mortgage$ ;Releases$ 1203.Transfer taxes (from GFE#8) $1,375.33 $413.00 1204.City/County tax/stamps: Deed$343.83 ; Mortgage $ 1205.State tax/stamps: Grantor's Tax$413.00 Deed$1,031.50 ; Mortgage $ 1206. Supplemental Deed of Trust $22.00 1207. $ 1208. $ 1209. $ 1300.Additional Settlement Charges 1301.Required services that you can shop for (from GFE#6) 1302. 2nd half 2012 real estate tax to County of Albemarle $ $1,572.01 1303. $ 1304. 1305. 1306. 1307. 1308. 1309. 1400.Total Settlement Charges(enter on lines 103,Section J and 502,Section K) $6,392.14 * $413.00 Previous editions are obsolete Page 2 of 3 HUD-1 Comparison of Good Faith Estimate(GFE)and HUD-1 Charges Good Faith Estimate HUD-1 Charges That Cannot Increase HUD-1 Line Number Our origination charge #801 $0.00 $0.00 Your credit or charge(points)for the specific interest rate chosen #802 $0.00 $0.00 Your adjusted origination charges #803 $0.00 $0.00 Transfer taxes #1203 $0.00 $2,375.33 Charges That in Total Cannot Increase More Than 10% Good Faith Estimate HUD-1 Government recording charges #1201 $0.00 $65.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 # $0.00 $0.00 # $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 # $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total $0.00 $65.00 Increase between GFE and HUD-1 Charges $ or Charges That Can Change Good Faith Estimate HUD-1 Initial deposit for your escrow account #1001 $0.00 $0.00 Daily interest charges #901 $0.00 May $0.00 $0.00 Homeowner's insurance #903 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 # $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Loan Terms Your initial loan amount is $0.00 Your loan term is years Your initial interest rate is 0.00% Your initial monthly amount owed for principal,interest,and $ 0.00 includes and any mortgage insurance is ❑Principal ❑Interest 0 Mortgage insurance Can your interest rate rise? ®No. Yes,it can rise to a maximum of %.The first change will be on and can change again every after .Every change date,your interest rate can increase or decrease by %.Over the life of the loan,your interest rate is guaranteed to never be lower than %or higher than V. Even if you make payments on time,can your loan balance rise? 1 No.0 Yes,it can rise to a maximum of$ Even if you make payments on time,can your monthly ®No. amount owed forprincipal,interest,and mortgageYes,amountthe first wed se can be on insurance rise? and the monthly owed can rise to$ The maximum it can ever rise to is$ Does your loan have a prepayment penalty? ®No. ❑Yes,your maximum prepayment penalty is$ Does your loan have a balloon payment? ®No. Yes,you have a balloon payment of$ due in years on Total monthly amount owed including escrow account payments ®You do not have a monthly escrow payment for items,such as property taxes and homeowner's insurance.You must pay these items directly yourself. ❑You have an additional monthly escrow payment of$ that results in a total initial monthly amount owed of$ .This includes principal,interest,any mortgage insurance and any items checked below. 0 Property taxes ❑Homeowner's insurance ❑Flood insurance ❑ 0 ❑ Note:If you have any questions about the Settlement Charges and Loan Terms listed on this form,please contact your lender. Previous editions are obsolete Page 3 of 3 HUD-1 Certification (continued from HUD-1) I have carefully reviewed the HUD-1 Settlement Statement and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is a true and accurate statement of all receipts and disbursements made on my account or by me in this transaction. I further certify that I have received a copy of the HUD-1 Settlement Statement �z 3•t2- Seller or !. ' i 2 3- Borrower. jig Date: Agent J SS c o / • Date: 1 Pie l Int Realty&Construction,LLC Jessco,LLC J Post Office Box 220 Post Office Box 9035 Crozet,VA 22932 Charlottesville,VA 22906 The HUD-1 Settlement which I have prepared is a true and accurate account of this transaction. I have caused or will cause the funds to be disbursed in accordance with this statement Date: Settlement Agent: _ Date: 1:).- 17, Collison F oyer Scott Kro ,PLC 418 East Water Street Charlottesville,VA 22902 WARNING: It is a crime to knowingly make false statements to the United States on this or any other similar form. Penalties upon conviction can include a fine and imprisonment For details see:Title 18 U.S.Code Section 1001 and Section 1010. Albemarle County, VA Debra M. Shipp Clerk 501 East Jefferson St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 • Phone Number: (434)972-4083 Fax Number: (434)293-0298 DEEDS Receipt Official Receipt: 2012-00021338 Printed on 12/03/2012 at 04:03:13 PM RECEIVED OF SCOTT KRONER PLC Date Recorded: 12/03/2012 Instrument ID Recorded Time Amount Bk 4269 Pg 234 04:02:49 PM $1,831.33 Instrument:201200021341 DBS- DEED OF BARGAIN AND SALE GRANTOR:JESSCO LLC EX:N GRANTEE:PIEDMONT REALTY & CONSTRUCTION LLC EX:N Addressl:POST OFFICE BOX 220 • Address2: City/State/Zip:CROZET VA 22932 • Description: LOT 36 OF MOUNTAIN VALLEY SBDV 21.02 ACRES MORE OR LESSS Consideration:$412,600.00 Assumption:$0.00 Locality:CO Percent:100.00% Pages:2 Names:0 Accounts Amount 035 - OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION $1.00 036 DEED PROCESSING FEE $20.00 038- DEEDS OF CONVEYANCE $206.50 039- DEEDS & CONTRACTS $1,031.50 106- TECHNOLOGY TRUST FUND FEE $5.00 145- VSLF $1.50 212- TRANSFER FEES $1.00 213- COUNTY GRANTEE TAX $343.83 220- GRANTOR TAX $206.50 301- DEEDS $14.50 Itemized Check Listing Check # 8511 $1,831.33 Total Due: $1,831.33 Paid By Check: $1,831.33 Change Tendered: $0.00 Cashier:MARGARET BROWN Reg:CIRCOURT 004474 COPY This document prepared by: J.Alden English,Esq.(VSB No 48262) Title insurance provided by Stewart Title Guaranty Woods Rogers PLC Company 123 East Main Street,5th Floor Charlottesville,Virginia 22902 Albemarle County Consideration: $328,000.00 TM?08900-00-00-07365 Assessed Value:$412,600.00 This DEED made this 6th day of November 2012, by and between JESSCO, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, Grantor of the first part; and PIEDMONT REALTY & CONSTRUCTION, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, Grantee of the second part whose address is P.O.Box 220,Crozet,Virginia 22932. WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum of THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($328,000.00), cash in hand paid,the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor does hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL and CONVEY with GENERAL WARRANTY and ENGLISH COVENANTS OF TITLE unto the Grantee the following described parcel of real property: All that certain lot or parcel of land with all improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto belonging situated in Albemarle County, Virginia,shown as Lot 36 of Mountain Valley Subdivision, containing 21.02 acres more or less, as shown on a subdivision plat made by Kirk Hughes&Associates, dated December 19,2006,last revised January 24, 2007, which plat is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia in Deed Book 3385,page 603; BEING a portion of the same property conveyed to the Grantor herein named by Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure and Assignment of Development Rights dated March 29, 2012, from Evergreen Land Company of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County,Virginia in Deed Book 4153,page 81. This conveyance is made subject to any easements, conditions, restrictions, and reservations contained in duly recorded deeds, plats and other instruments constituting constructive notice in the chain of title to the property hereby conveyed, which have not expired by limitation of time contained therein or have not otherwise become ineffective and any lien, inchoate or otherwise for real estate taxes and assessments not yet due and payable. {#9239-1,11350I-00002} WITNESS the following signature and seal: JESSCO,LLC, a Virginia limited liability company A By 7/ es L.J �'• Jr., ,lag COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF 4-11,e,1,,,..,14_ to-wit, The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thiso)O qday of November 2012, by James L. Jessup,Jr., as Manager of Jessco,LLC,a Virginia limited liability company. 0,111 ttitioo. &-VilOuta ' NO.: ? Notary Public (.)! 252832 :MY COMM.EXPIRES: 10!31/2013 My Commission Expires: Q 3/,,)77/J '„7,4 Commission No.: ?3 • {#9239-1,113501-00002} 2 Albemarle County, VA Debra M. Shipp Clerk 501 East Jefferson St. Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone Number: (434)972-4083 Fax Number: (434)293-0298 DEEDS Receipt Official Receipt: 2012-00021339 Printed on 12/03/2012 at 04:04:11 PM RECEIVED OF SCOTT KRONER PLC Date Recorded: 12/03/2012 Instrument ID Recorded Time Amount Bk 4269 Pg 237 04:03:58 PM $22.00 Instrument:201200021342 DTAS- DEED OF TRUST- ADDITIONAL SECURITY GRANTOR:PIEDMONT REALTY & CONSTRUCTION LLC EX:N GRANTEE:BLILEY TR, PAUL S JR EX:N Address1:200 SOUTH TENTH STREET SUITE 600 Address2: City/State/Zip:RICHMOND VA 23218 Description: LOT 36 OF MOUNTAIN VALLEY SBDV 21.02 ACRES MORE OR LESSS Consideration:$0.00 Assumption:$0.00 Locality:CO Percent:100.00% Pages:2 Names:0 Accounts Amount 035 - OPEN SPACE PRESERVATION $1.00 106- TECHNOLOGY TRUST FUND FEE $5.00 145- VSLF $1.50 301- DEEDS $14.50 Itemized Check Listing Check # 8511 $22.00 Total Due: $22.00 Paid By Check: $22.00 Change Tendered: $0.00 Cashier:MARGARET BROWN Reg:CIRCOURT 004474 TMP 08900-00-00-073G5 SUPPLEMENTAL DEED OF TRUST OP? (Additional Security) This SUPPLEMENTAL DEED OF TRUST,made this 30'day of November,2012, by and between PIEDMONT REALTY&CONSTRUCTION,LLC,a Virginia limited liability company ("Grantor"),and PAUL S.BLILEY,JR.,of 200 S.Tenth Street,Suite 600,Richmond,Virginia 23218- 1320("Trustee"),and VIRGINIA COMMUNITY BANK(the"Bank"),as beneficiary and a grantee for purposes of indexing,recites and provides: RECITAL. A. By Commercial Real Estate Deed of Trust dated June 21, 2012 (the "Deed of Trust"), recorded June 22, 2012, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Albemarle,Virginia,in Deed Book 4191,page 379(the"Clerk's Office"),Grantor conveyed to Paul S. Bliley, Jr., Trustee, the real estate described in the Deed of Trust to secure the payment of $2,750,000.00 payable to the Bank. Bank has requested and Grantor has agreed to grant and convey unto Trustee, as ADDITIONAL SECURITY under the Deed of Trust(and in addition to the real estate conveyed by the Deed of Trust),the real estate described below. The parties now desire to amend the Deed of Trust as follows: AGREEMENT. NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the sum of$1.00,and other consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor grants and conveys unto Trustees,with General Warranty and English Covenants of Title,the following described real estate: All that certain lot or parcel of land, with all improvements thereon and appurtenances thererto belonging situated in Albemarle County,Virginia,shown as Lot 36, of Moutain Valley Subdvision, containing 21.02 acres, more or less, as shown on a subdivision plat made by Kirk Hughes&Associates,dated December 19, 2006,last revised January 24,2007,which plat is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County,Virginia,in Deed Book 3385,page 603;and being all of the property conveyed to Piedmont Realty & Construction, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, by deed from Jessco, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, dated November 6, 2012, and recorded in the aforementioned Clerk's Office,immediately prior hereto. This document prepared by:Collison F.Royer,VSB 65893,Scott Kroner PLC,Charlottesville,VA IN TRUST AND AS ADDITIONAL SECURITY to secure to Bank the payment of the indebtedness described in the Deed of Trust. This instrument is exempt from tax pursuant to the provisions of Section 58.1-809 of the Code of Virginia. All other provisions of the Deed of Trust not changed by this Supplemental Deed of Trust are hereby ratified and confirmed and shall remain in full force and effect. Witness the following duly authorized signature: PIEDM• Y&CONSTRUCTION,LLC i r s, / By: 1 .,.► Co ison F.Royer, • l ''t y-in-Fact COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE,to-wit: he for going instrument was signed,sworn to,and acknowledged before me this 3 ay of N n `4- 012, by Collison F. Royer, Attorney-in-Fact for Piedmont Realty & Construction,LLC,a Virginia limited liability company, on behalf of the company. KENNETH B.THAYER Notary Registration No.321432 Otary Public NOTARY PUBLIC COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA My Ccmmission Expires:May 31,2014 2 NLcN..�F,i1.Q( r'11T�._ __.CA Liu - y 603 3 T-GN, P cA al = 6,08$ c2 /-oSS\ NS,'A TVAK A aQ xav' rPpz yr (goo 4 �a, lago Rj' , ,.Q3x es x oCCArtz;�r (Noofi ) WRTER510rc MIr. R 501 Tin r e Gi Cat_a) ,-3 1k. a Qd 'F P/EYAJT (`i00-tMr� f� 3 a�6� � I 'n• AR+ " \a,011 ' ca (1A221) 30.1°I -ram 6s A ' 0..A.;101 F 6/k (400. 1) qoo µ,s .A 1,1 $9S W'' ca L ►o". a.a`t Ts -s A adv. ad v-oar Q azwv (400'p+a) l� �t a � � 13,6 µ A ao'x �p�pasrsC (Hao; 1. A i~ c .-. S:1ii evt op. 40,1 uArR MSS pi ..:A4:- `41.`13 TrrEs A o�t>` `U` Foo,-P2:M (ya0 � 50 1 \6,51D -Ft"' eR AIG J Mi°s. ��fi 3 1 a� MRA-T- NCANCAA 'i , 538 c-C-9- oR ` ` 4oti 1 BS TV n ao x�d QaxN� (400.RA-1) wNCEa0SOV. KLAAS L ' ' 4 A'l. JAI-v.RaE H $om0,4 k 02 /jYt10rt 2. 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C x 0f smnu, shp.nb5 oa wg0,04 GA0v030:7 C R I S"- \v a 0 of 6aowN SEFOisK. ^r,�6S�s "loo per/ieitE) Worksheet for Mountain Valley Stream Crossing- 2 Year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.01200 fUft Discharge 118.30 ft'/s Section Definitions Station(ft) Elevation(ft) 13+25 554.74 13+50 552.42 13+75 550.00 13+77 449.00 13+92 449.00 13+94 500.00 14+00 551.89 14+25 555.50 Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Ending Station Roughness Coefficient (13+25,554.74) (14+25,555.50) 0.030 Options Uurrent Ftougnness vveignteo Pavlovskii's Method Method Open Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Results Normal Depth 1.33 ft Elevation Range 449.00 to 555.50 ft Flow Area 20.04 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 17.67 ft Hydraulic Radius 1.13 ft Bentley Systems,Inc. Haestad Methods Sditabitleprektr Master V8i(SELECTseries 1) [] 4/12/2013 10:48:07 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown,CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Worksheet for Mountain Valley Stream Crossing- 2 Year Results Top Width 15.08 ft Normal Depth 1.33 ft Critical Depth 1.24 ft Critical Slope 0.01488 ft/ft Velocity 5.90 ft/s Velocity Head 0.54 ft Specific Energy 1.87 ft Froude Number 0.90 Flow Type Subcritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity fUs Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 1.33 ft Critical Depth 1.24 ft Channel Slope 0.01200 fUft Critical Slope 0.01488 ft/ft Bentley Systems,Inc. Haestad Methods Sd$etiteI ClehteWlaster V8i(SELECTseries 1) [] 4/12/2013 10:48:07 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown,CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 Worksheet for Mountain Valley Stream Crossing- 10 Year Project Description Friction Method Manning Formula Solve For Normal Depth Input Data Channel Slope 0.01200 fUft Discharge 219.30 ft3/s Section Definitions Station(ft) Elevation(ft) 13+25 554.74 13+50 552.42 13+75 550.00 13+77 449.00 13+92 449.00 13+94 500.00 14+00 551.89 14+25 555.50 Roughness Segment Definitions Start Station Ending Station Roughness Coefficient (13+25,554.74) (14+25,555.50) 0.030 Options Uurrent rtougnness weigntea Pavlovskii's Method Method Open Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Closed Channel Weighting Method Pavlovskii's Method Results Normal Depth 1.98 ft Elevation Range 449.00 to 555.50 ft Flow Area 29.86 ft2 Wetted Perimeter 18.97 ft Hydraulic Radius 1.57 ft Bentley Systems,Inc. Haestad Methods SdilielitileICBIttsiMaster V8i(SELECTseries 1) [] 4/12/2013 10:49:01 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown,CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 1 of 2 Worksheet for Mountain Valley Stream Crossing- 10 Year Results Top VVidth 15.12 ft Normal Depth 1.98 ft Critical Depth 1.88 ft Critical Slope 0.01420 fUft Velocity 7.34 fUs Velocity Head 0.84 ft Specific Energy 2.82 ft Froude Number 0.92 Flow Type Subcritical GVF Input Data Downstream Depth 0.00 ft Length 0.00 ft Number Of Steps 0 GVF Output Data Upstream Depth 0.00 ft Profile Description Profile Headloss 0.00 ft Downstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Upstream Velocity Infinity ft/s Normal Depth 1.98 ft Critical Depth 1.88 ft Channel Slope 0.01200 fUft Critical Slope 0.01420 ft/ft Bentley Systems,Inc. Haestad Methods Sc flt biMaster V8i(SELECTseries 1) [] 4/12/2013 10:49:01 AM 27 Siemons Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown,CT 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Page 2 of 2 1v � Y 4•�' M p . k kr x , « r { R- - M, 1 IV t - "* t f � , N`\\\•„\\ /� `.1= fi / As .. \\.,,,i...; \1/4. _ // • ��u44 j • ,. , i "7" ,.... ".:; . „,: N.N.2‘,.,_ , . ' 4.:...ke„. '''7 N to , r.'. _ .ti ..Wla:i ~' .s 11LJ�4:t; a ,. ti 44. .s rte: X #.• 7. s .$,: 4 e of M f„ N $ f/ jel , '-‘, ,, • !....;,,s, , A,-4.: -, - ...-N, . r : m- iso 1. til° r + ... 1' x-r ,' 1.',4 ' `�` ...-1..e. •4� x a � ��, � i � Oxy t .{ w � a \.-- ' r macrt` t max, 1 r - d* # • }x x _ r r. ` a„ , . m • u biy r. .. r �.. ,�fir. a .. fib. ,' F Y r ,n4t.,Y. .a p,,, co 1, { z- x y {5a . 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