HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201600035 WPO Plan 2018-12-20ALBEMARLE COUNTY FINAL PLAN GENERAL NOTES General. Construction Notes 1, Prior to any construction within any existingtpublic right -of way, including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plait as drawn may notaceuratelyreflect the requirements of the permit Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern.. 2. All materials and construction methods sliall conform to vrretit specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Etosionand siltation control measures shall he provided in accordance with the approved erosion control plan:. and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulchedc 5. The maximum allowable slope is 2:1 (horizontal: vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser shapes of 3• for better are to be achieved 6- Paved, rip -rap or stabilization ftW fined ditch may be required when in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, itis deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7_ All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices- 8. Unless otherwise notedall concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe Class Ill. 9. All excavation for underground pipe installation must comply with OSHA Standards:. for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). General Construction Notes for Streets (This .list is in addition to the General Construction. Notes) L All materials and construction must be tested and documented accordingro VDOT standards and specifications. °. Surface drainage and pipe discharge must be retained within thepublic right of way or within easements prior to -acceptance. All drainage outfall easements are to be extendedto a boundary line or T:;natural watercourse 3. Guardrail locations are. approximate Exact length, location and appropriate end treatments: will be field verified at the time of construction. Additional guardrail may be required at locations not shownwlrem, in the opinion of VDOT (for;public roads) or the County Engineer {for private roads), or designee, it is deemed necessary. When guardrail 3s required, it shall be, installed four (4) feet offset from the edge of pavement to the face of guardrail, and roadway shoulder widths shall be increased to seven (i) feet- 4. Where urban cross sections are,iustalled, all: residential driveway entrances shall conform. to VDOT CG-9(A, B or Q. - 5. Whew rural cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT standard PP I. 6. Compliance with rite minimum pavement width, shoulder width and ditch sections, as.. showman the typical pavement section detail, shall bestrictly adhered to, 7„ Road plan approval for subdivisions is subject to final subdivision plat validation Should the final plat for this project expire priorto sinning and: recordation, then approval of these. plans shall be null and void, 8, All signs or other -regulatory -devices shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the Albemarle County Road Naming And Property Numbering Ordinance and Manual: 9. Traffic control or other regulatory signs or barrieadesshall be installed by the developer when,: in the opinion: of the County Engineer, or designee, they are deemed necessary in order to provide sate and convenient access. 10 The speed limits to be posted on speed lumt signs are 5 mph below the design speed, or as determined by for VDOT Public roads. 11 VDOT standard CD-1 or CD-2 cross drains are to be installed under the subbase material at all cut and fill transitions and grade,sag points as shown on the road profiles. 12 A video camera inspection is required for all storm sewers and culverts that are deemed. inaccessible to VDOT or Comity inspections". The video inspection shall be conducted in accordance with VDOTs video catnera inspection procedure, General construction notes for Erosion and Sediment Control plans 1. The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre -construction conference, lane week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final` inspection. 2. All�erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control. Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02 00 Erosion and Sediment Comtrol. Regulations. 3. All erosion and sediment -control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step in clearing. 4. A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shalt be, maintained on the site at all times. 5 Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off -site borrow or waste areag), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control plan to the owner for review -and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is tospousibfe for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. - 9. All disturbed areas are to dramto approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until fnatstabili ation is achieved. 8. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped into an approved filtering device- 9. the contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after eachhruno'ff- producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanupto maintain: the effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made immediately, 10 All fill material to be from an approved, designated borrow area 11. All waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area. Earth fill shall be inert. materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. 12_ Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 13, All inert- materials shall be transported m compliance with section 13 301 of the Code of Albemarle 14, Borrow, fill or waste activity involving mdustrial-type power equipment shall belimited to the hours of 7�00am to 9:0 m. 15 Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner than maintains lateral support, or order to immunize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and improvements, and damage to any public street because o-slides, sinking, or collapse.. 16, The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent atormwater management facilities' where applicable all'erosion control_ measures required g amp 4 by this plan mgardtess of the sale of any lot, unit, building or other portion of the property. 7 Temporary stabilization shall be. temporary seeding and modelling. Seedin is to be at 75 1 P_ Y ar t Po tT gg lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February to consist a 50150 nrix of Annual Ryegrass. and Cereal Winter Rye, or in Marchand April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet.. Straw mulch 'is to be applied at 801bs1100sf. Alternatives are subject to approw4 by the County erosion conrol inspector, 18. Permanent stabilization shall be lime and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 901bs/1000sf, incorporated into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000lbs/acre and consist of:a 10 20-10 nutrient minx Permanent seeding shall be applied at I801bs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0-5% Perennial_Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 801bs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approved b the Count erosion control. Pp J PP Y y inspector. 19 Maintenance: All measures are to be inspected weekly and after each -rainfall. Any damage or dogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately- Silt traps are to be cleaned when 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must becleaned and repaired immediately. 20 All'temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measures aye no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 21. This plate shall be void if the owner does not: obtain a permit within-1 year of the date of Approval. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17 204G y 22. Permanent vegetationshall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commenced. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17- 207B) General construction notes for Stormwater Management plans 1. All dams and constructed fill to be within 95Va of maximum dry density and 2%of optimum moisture content. All fill material to be approved b a eotechnical engineer. A. rums PP Y g :gt geotechnical engmeer=is to be present during construction of dams. 2. Pipe and river joints are to be, watertight within stormwater management facilities. 3. For temporary sediment traps or basins which are to be converted to permanent stormwater management facilities, conversion is not to lake -place until the site is stabilized, and permission has been obtained from theCoun'tyerosion control inspector. SITE DATA DEVELOPER/APPLICANT ENGINEER SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ZONING DISTRICT TAX MAPS/PARCELS 1'. me])) LX I SUBDIVISION E kc-,/ T 10 N 1 WP 0 P LAN K_J PIV"ANVa DISTPICT ALBEMARLE COi,N'Ti', \IRGI1\?IA GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DAVID MITCHELL, E.I.T. PHONE: (434) 296-4109 FAX: (434) 963-2670 E-MAIL: david@southern-clossic.com TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING C/O BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. 9850 LORI ROAD, SUITE 201 CHESTERFIELD, VA 23832 PHONE: (804) 748-9011 FAX: (804) 748-2590 E-MAIL: BMITCHELLOCCTOWNES.COM BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHY SURVEY PERFORMED BY LOUISA AERIAL SURVEYS DATED 01/05/2012 HORIZONTAL DATUM: NAD83 RIVANNA PD-MC (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT MIXED COMMERCIAL) 03200-00-00-02000 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-02300 (PART OF) 03200-00-00-023JO 03200-00-00-02910 ZONING ZMA-2000-00009 ZMA-2013-00007 ARB APPROVAL # NOT APPLICABLE PROJECT AREA ACREAGE 46.35 AC RESERVOIR WATERSHED NORTH FORK RIVANNA - JACOBS RUN FEMA MAP 51.003CO145D / DATED FEB. 4, 2005 / ZONE 'X' UTILITIES CONTACT INFO: RAPPAHANNOCK ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE (REC) STEVE COATES DISTRIBUTION DESIGNER 13252 CEDAR RUN CHURCH ROAD CULPEPER, VA. 22701 PHONE: (540) 727-2116 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS PHILIP GARBER CHIEF GAS ENGINEER 305 4TH STREET NW CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 PHONE: (434) 970-3811 Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority (RWSA) General Water & Sanitary Sewer Notes Last Revised: February 2011 1. All materials and methods of construction shall comply with the latest version of the General Water and Sewer Construction Specifications as adopted b the. Albemarle Comfy Service P P Y tY Authority on January 15, 1998, except as modified below or modified in Special Notes. 2. RWSA shall approve all construction materials and methods of construction. A preconstruction conference shall be held with RWSA prior to the start of any work. 3. The contractor shall be responsible for notifying Miss Utility (1-800-552-7001). 4. RWSA Engineer (Victoria Fort at (434) 977 2970 ext.205) shalt be notified three business days prior to the start of construction. 5. All work is subject to inspection by RWSA staff. No tie-ins to the existing system shall be made without coordination with and the presence of RWSA staff. No work shall be conducted on RWSA facilities on weekends or holidays without special written permission from RWSA. 6. For sanitary sewer line construction: RWSA may require bypass pumping for tie-ins to the existing system. All doghouse manholes must be pressure -tested before a correction is made to the system. 7. The location of existing utilities as shown on the plans is from data available at the time of design and is not necessarily complete or accurate. The Contractor shall be responsible for the verification of the location size and depth of all existing utilities both surface and subsurface. P g The Contractor shall immediately notify the Engineer of any discrepancies between the plans and field conditions. The Contractor shall use due diligence to protect all utilities and structures from damage at all times, whether shown on the plans or not Damage to any existing utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. 8. Erosion and sediment control facilities shall not be permitted in the RWSA easement without special written permission from RWSA. No grading shall be permitted in the RWSA easement unless permitted otherwise by RWSA in writing. 9. No blasting shall be permitted within 100 feet of RWSA facilities without written permission and RWSA approval of the blasting plan. Ground monitoring during blasting and a pre -blast survey may be required. For blasting within 100 feet of any operative RWSA sewerlines, bypass pumping and/or pre- and post -CCTV may be required. RWSA may also require certification from a licensed professional engineer stating that the proposed blasting will not damage any - RWSA facilities. Damage to any utilities due to blasting sball be repaired by the Contractor to the original condition at no additional cost to the Owner. 10. The contractor shall observe minimum separation requirements for utility crossings. When a crossing is made under an existing facility, adequate structural support shall be provided for the existing pipe. The area of the crossing shall be backfilled with compacted 57 stone to the s rin line of the existing pipe. P g gPP 11. New water main installations shall be pressure tested, chlorinated; flushed and have water samples approved prior to making any permanent connection to the public water system. Approved methods of filling and flushing new water mains will be required to prevent any contamination of the public water system. 12. All easements for new RWSA facilities shall be recorded prior to placing the new. facilities into service. 13. No permanent structural facilities will be permitted in the RWSA easement .This includes building overhangs, retaining walls, footers for any structure, drainage structures, etc. Treesarenot permitted in the RWSA easement.. ALL FILL AREAS TO BE INSTALLED & STRUCTURAL FILL SUITABLE FOR ROAD OR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION & TO BE TESTED BY GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER.CONCRETE SHALL BE CLASS A-3 PAVING CONCRETE ACCORDING TO THE CURRENT VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S ROAD AND BRIDGE SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROPRIATE SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS. THE CONCRETE PAVEMENT SHALL BE PLAIN JOINTED WITH A RECOMMENDED JOINT SPACING OF 15 FEET OR CONTINUOUSLY REINFORCED CONCRETE PAVEMENT (CROP) IS ALSO CONSIDERED AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION. IN THE EVENT OF ANY DAMAGE TO, OR DISLOCATION, OR DISTURBANCE OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINE INCLUDING ITS APPURTENANCES, COVERING AND COATING, IN CONNECTION WITH ANY EXCAVATION OR DEMOLITION, THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE SHALL IMMEDIATELY STOP EXCAVATION AROUND THAT UTILITY LINE UNTIL THE IMPACTED UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE ARRIVES AND EVALUATES THE DAMAGE OR DISTURBANCE. IMPORTANT: IF A NATURAL GAS LINE IS DAMAGED RESULTING IN THE RELEASE OF NATURAL GAS, IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN ANY EQUIPMENT AND MOVE PEOPLE TO A SAFE PLACE. THEN, IMMEDIATELY DIAL 911 AND CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY GAS AT (434) 970-3800. 4 Q i + DO ♦ ,• ,P,o „pay.. • ,. O 0 P , TOTAL LAND OF DEVELOPMEN UJ LJW a r r � • • • o♦ 7- VOT TO SCALE Alf.PORT• j PREVIOUS DISTURBED AREA = 20.37 AC (WPO#201500073,0007 PROPOSED DISTURBED AREA = 46.35 AC ...... (WPO..... #: TOTAL DISTURBED _ 66.72 AC AND DRAINAGE 1 CULVERT OR STORM SEWER (WITH STRUCTURE NO.) EXISTING CULVERT OR STORM SEWER PIPE ❑ DROP INLET & STRUCTURE NO. O .PROPOSED MANHOLE EXISTING MANHOLE PAVED DITCH JUTE MESH OR .SODDED DITCH -�•- EARTH DITCH - GRASSLINED ____..100_._........... EXISTING CONTOUR 100 PROPOSED CONTOUR ximac EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS + 100.00 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS T/� (T/C - TOP OF CURB) -�#1 BENCH MARK & REFERENCE NO. to VDOT STANDARD STOP SIGN LEGEND SEWER -}- ---� - EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER SANITARY SEWER SE � T T � RVICE CONNECTIONS 3 120400.00 MANHOLE NO. W/ STATION OR 150500.00 COORDINATE LOCATION WATER - - - - - - - - - EXISTING WATERLINE PROPOSED WATERLINE T T PROPOSED WATERLINE SERVICE CONNECTION -04 GATE VALVE FIRE HYDRANT. ASSEMBLY TEE OR TAPPING SLEEVE CROSS BLIND CAP 10 REDUCER - BORE CROSSING Knowwhaftbelowa Call before ym #. MISS UTILITY DESIGN TICKET #A421701876-OOA & #A534501636 CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL MISS UTILITY AT 811 PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION SECTION 1 IS PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT WHICH OBTAINED A 2009 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT AND REISSUANCE OF A 2014 VSMP GENERAL PERMIT. AS SUCH THIS PLAN HAS BEEN DESIGNED USING PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS. IN ADDITION, FUTURE SECTIONS OF THE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE DESIGNED UTILIZING THE PART IIC TECHNICAL CRITERIA OF THE VSMP REGULATIONS AS LONG AS VSMP PERMIT (VAR1OC806) REMAINS IN EFFECT, WHICH IF REISSUANCE IS PERFORMED INCLUDES UP TO TWO 5 YEAR PERMIT CYCLES AND AS PER THE EMAIL CONFIRMATION FROM JOHN ANDERSON/ALBEMARLE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DATED NOVEMBER 12, 2015. EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK STD. & SPEC.. PCE 3.02 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 3.05 SILT FENCE IP 3.07 INLET PROTECTION 3,09 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE ST 3.13 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP ROCK CHECK DAM O LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TS 3.31 TEMPORARY SEEDING PS 3.32 PERMANENT SEEDING MU 3.35 MULCHING DC 3.39 DUST CONTROL ee SITE LOCATION MAP: 1 "=2,000' APPLICANTS NAME: GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT SPECIAL USE PERMIT: SP-2002-72 ZONING: ZMA-2000-00009, ZMA-2013-00007 ARB: N/A O 0 Ito N 0 O O O � � L ON J n co O LU U �.� �C U cui CA(z r�� O V •^-1 O c Ly Zra Oa U: •� I 4-4 'rn w 1� - r- L C) In>1LO CC)�i"14 Cd ® �0 O N L U ALBEMARLE COUNTY DEPARTMENT APPROVAL: APPROVALS DATE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING/ZONING ENGINEER INSPECTION ARE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & RESCUE ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION HEALTH DEPARTMENT INDEX TO SHEETS EET # LATEST REVISION DATE CONTENTS OF SHEET C-1 12/18/18 COVER SHEET C-1A 12/18/18 SPECIAL USE PERMIT AND ZMA PROFFERS C-1B 12/18/18 MODIFIED APPLICATION PLAN C-2 12/18/18 EXISTING CONDITIONS & DEMOLITION PLAN C-3 12/18/18 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL - PHASE I C-4 12/18/18 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL - 0 ROL PHASE II C-5 12/18/18 EROSION &SEDIMENT CONTROL NARRATIVE C-5A 12/18/18 EROSION &SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS C-5B 12/18/18 EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS C-6 12/18/18 HYDRAULICS C-7 12/18/18 SWM COMPLIANCE - PRE -DEVELOPMENT C ONDITI C-8 12/18/18 SWIM COMPLIANCE - POST -DEVELOPMENT CONDI C-9 12/18/18 SWIM COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS C-10 12/18/18 CBPA COMPLIANCE PLAN C-11 12/18/18 CBPA COMPLIANCE CALCULATIONS C-12 12/18/18 POND GRADING AND DETAILS C-12A 12/18/18 POND LANDSCAPE C-12B 12/18/18 POND GRADING AND DETAILS C-12C 12/18/18 POND LANDSCAPE C-12D 12/18/18 810-RETENTION FILTERS C-12E 12/18/18 BIO-RETENTION FILTER LANDSCAPING LT O w M U AN C. 1 E L) c 0 Lic. No. 0 7Z4 DEC 1 261a D 2 �SIONAL GNP a p�Vvl - it m REVISIONS DATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMENTS DATE \ ° 04-27-2016 J SCALE c 3 0 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn �N °o DESIGNED BY BCM/JLS�s CHECKED BY ° c 0 PROD.# c 20150290 0 ,SHEET # C - 1 t 4 �v , ?I . OWROI TV OF ALBEMARLE marrin of Drp.COUN Community Development 401 Mclatime Road, North Wing Phone (434) 296-5832 Charlattervill, Virginia 22902-4596 Fail (434) 972-4126 December 2, 2015 Valerie Long 321 East Main St Soil, 400 Charlottesville VA 22902 RE: SP201500003 North Pointe Middle Entrance Amendment Dear Ms. Long, 0. November 11, 2015 The Board fStip-is-S took action on your Special Use Permit application to to odify conditions requiring an arched span caussingofFlat Branch undcrChapter 18 Section 30.3 ofthe Zoning Ordinance on TMPS 03200000002000 and 03200000002300 in the Riverton District. The Special Us' permit w as approved by the Bond's adoption of the attached resolution and conditions. Please be a vised that although the Albemarle County Board of Super-sisors took action im the project ..t,,,d above, is applicable Still - - U A -b e-e n " rhe epi v.edp ei�n y on n-dpipt i-O u.`hM`,b,- v%.. any en wfi-h]i1sy I nWc Igui -d a..: t i I - I I _vtda have compliance with conditions of the SPECIAL USE PERMIT; approval ofand compliance with a SITE PLAN; and approval Urn ZONING COMPLIANCE CLEARANCE. Before be inning uses as allowed by this Special Use permit or ifyou have questions regarding theribo- noted acti(g)n. please contact Rebecca Ragsdale at (434) 296-5832 en 3226 Sincerely, ctin CC: CWH Properties Limited Piarto-hip P 0 Box 5526 Charlottesville Va 22905 'Anachment- RESOLUTION TO APPROVE SP 2015-03 NORTH POINTE MIDDLE ENTRANCE AMENDMENT WHEREAS, CWH Properties Limited Partnership is the record Owner ofTax Map and Parcel Num 03200,-00-00-02000, and Violet Hill Associates, LLC is the record owner ofTax Map and Parcel bar 03200-00-00-02300 (collectively, the -Owner"and the "PropearIV); and WHEREAS, ZMA 2000-09 was approved on August 2,2006, approving the North Pointe development, and SP 2007-03 was approved on June 6,2007, which allows the Owner to install a new straturn crossing within the floodplain ofFlat Branch Creek and thereby extend Nortlaide Drive to serve res the middle conarce for the North Pointe community. Ilp WHEREAS, the Owner filed an application for a special use permit to sumand the Conditions of larval for SP 2OD7-03 to modify conditions requiring an arched span culvencrossing oli Branch Crack in allow two box culverts, and the application is identified as Special Use Permit 2015-00003 North Pointe Middle Entrance Amendment ("SP 2015-03'1; and parand. WHEREAS, on November 10, 2015, after a duly noticed public hearing, the Albemarle County gc...i.ioi,,.�t,.me.d.dappm�lofSP2015-03 with the Conditions =�ended by County staff, including die cl ofieveral Conditions that are no longer needed, and the revision ofseveral Conditions to provideclarrityand to N Consistent with current Allicamole County Code requirements; and WHEREAS, on November 11, 2015, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors held a duly noticed public bearing on SP 2015-03. NOW, THEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED that, upon Consideration of the foregoing, the staff report prepared for SP 2015-03 and all of its attachments, the information presented at the public hearing, and the factors relevant to a special use permit in Albemarle County Code § 18-33.8, the Albarmirl. County Board of Supervisors hereby approves SP 2015-03, subject to the Conditions attached hereto. 1, Ella W. Jordrado hereby centifythat the foregoing writing is a Due, correct copy ofa Resolution duly adopted by the Board ofthaperviscirs ol'Albormarle County, Virginia, by a vote ofsix to icre, as recorded below, at a negular meeting held on Nnyetallast, An Nav Mr. Boyd y MS. Diarmar Y Ms. Mallek y MS. M.Keel Y Ms. Palmer Mr. Sheffield Federal Emergency Management Agency Wa.hirigtort, D.C. 20472 August 7.2017 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Douglas C. Wallo,, Interim Albemarle County Executive 401 McIntire Road Claarlonescifle.VA 22902 DICTUM, Walker IN REPLY REFER TO: Case No.: 17-03-032OR CommunnyName: Albemarle County. VA Community No.: 510006 Weare providing Conditional I-eller,fMal, Revision (CLOMR) on a proposed proj-01hin)our communiy that. fconstrucled as proposed- could rcisc the effective Flood Insurance Stud., report .ad Flood Rare Map for Ifyou have any questions regarding the floodplain management regulations lr)our communio. (he National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in general. or technical CLOMR. please C.nun,, he Director. Mitigation Division ofthe Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Regional Offi. in Philadelphis, at (213) 931 5312. .,.he FEMA Map Information exchange (FMIX) toll r-.T 1-877-336-2627 1-877-FEMMAP). Patrick "Rick" F. Saebibil. P.E.. Branch Chief Enij,ionrim, Services Branch Federal Insurance and Midgmli.o AdInfinistration Conditional Lenter of Map Revision Comment Document cc: Mr. Frank V. Pohl, P.E.. CFM Floodplain Administrator'Count) Engineer Albemarle County Mr. David G. Mitchell Great Eadern Management Company M. Brian C. Mitchell. P.E. LEED AP Principal To.- Site Engineering .11 11 .... .. I., A .... 11. toll C.S. 1-703-032011 CLOM1,APF Federal Emergency Management Agency D.C. 20472 CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT PROPOSED 1101ECT DESCRIPTION SISIS OF CONDITIONAL REQUEST A FLOOD-1 N DRAUUC ANALYSIS DATED TOPOGRAP11C COMMUN-0. 510006 AFFECTED MAP PANEL DATE FLOODING SOURCE IND REICH DESCRIPTION on6 -low, PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION .1 FI.J.. SI SUMMARY or IMPACTS TO FLOOD HAzA1O DATI F E­ 0.1A n COMMENT he PI.P.vld 11 me hACPA lol. me IS - f —ty I.y Sthe E­11 AS. (EFHAI, mv ­).0t ly sh, b.se flood) If am, c0000 pr­d­ the NFIP �3�-­ (1477-FES&A MAII ad-- 11 Ine LOMIC E-1 0. NrIP FENA. ft Al Ific MAQ 7 f 5 ISF.. D­ AI,,i 7r 2017 JC.SS No 17-03-032OR CLOMF 7-2 Federal Emergency Management Agency CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION . ........ . low Ili 1, fle- pona,,-d ad mod,l) ID mc h� drial I, nadeling ..,-a In th, I lood Stud, (FIS) a Imrp;acd h, clicamI, nad,i ad IIII, pDp UPPdIUm, bc or dnoow, in flood h.AAJ, C...d k, b . ... .. """ —, hC tvap,, infla, free I atvI ItM.,i... d.,,,,c aINONE AS n da, th, mPxwd ...... I mad,r P� ...... h, t,K .1 laJ fffic SHIP 65� 2 ordt, NI:IP III, I ,Ili In CoinpliAnce ith Pagasph 65 12,11 Ui,� i, W,, FEMA i,,-. RC ion ,hn A xavw,,,, HIT I Paa ainadmaft ad o 22NDA 6.26 F FIENA N. h. 1­ I I'll IS 11-0-320P 03 0 Ell R! SP-2015-80003 Nardi Pointe Middle Entrance Amendment Conditions Prim to final mad plan approval, the applicant shall obtain finan the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) a Conditional letter of map revision (CLOMR or CLOI and prior to mad acceptance the applicant shall obtain from FEMA a letter of up revision LONER m LOMA). 1. ad clition, the applicant shall Copy the County Engineer on all correspondence with FEMA. The Culvert under Nortlessick, Drive Shall be in general accond vi� the attached &owing titled "North Pointe SP Coassing ofFat Broach" prepared by Townes Site Engineering with a revision date ofjuly 20,2015, page 2 of3 (die "Plan"). To be in general accord with the Plan, cl-lopment shall reffect the general 970, smargentent, and location ofthe culverts. Modifications to the Plan, which do not Conflict with the elements above maybe approved Subject to the review and approval ofthe County Engineer. Prim to obtaining approval of the mad plans and nosion and sediment con"I plans for Northaide Drive, the applicant shall obtain appmand ofa landscape plan by the County's Design Planner and the site shall be landscaped as provided on the approved landscape plan. The landscape plan shall include a complete planting schedule keyed to the plan and shall provide the following: a. The existing tree line and proposed Due line that will remain, the limits oftlearing and grading, and methods of tree protection; b. Provide informal planting of mixed true and Shrub species and sims to compensate for - int removed vegetation, and low -growing pints to stabilim Shares in the aress; of proposed grading and live removal; and C. Provide large shade "as on the wrth and South side ofNooduside Drive, along the sidewalk and space reserved for the sidewalk two and one-half (2V,) inches calipi minimum at planting, forty (40) feet on center, for a minimum distance of four hundred (400) feet ftom the existing edge of pavement orRoute 29 North. Design details ofthe retaining walls, includingeolunin Cap design, pier design, stone finish, and similar design details shall be showron the mad plans and messubjectoneviewand approval oftheComaty's Design Plaamer. If the Lise, astriacture, or activity for which this special use permit is issued is not commenced by November 11, 2020, the permit shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted them under shall thereupon terminate. Federal Emergency Management Agency a,horr.n. D.C. 20-172 CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) DNTAREQt1REDF0RF0LL01-(PL0MR completion Nhe ...... amunly the data listed kl,.,,d,q ... I thin vemow a fiml I IS p,n.,,Id bevanamed. be used far Pq ... I for the Sica Covered It, this Form 1-61W �0­ic, and aindialed. A form may be—sed,it hap: thin 111.1-2.,ho, I he form, li,td Woo be lq,id if,s-Imiltoondili ... differ fican th, p,,p,wd III... li plan prevent flm, te ­Ri­PF H)d,l,p aid H�domli,, Fn-. * II)domfic ... base road, the to. emitte c.ircd art map sim.i.ghe .,iwd old effective haw floodpom ard fl,,d,,y b .. Ilaocs. that th, i.d infiamadna, Copy flhc FIRM. -he 1. of1he FIRM. rC,i,ed raw floodpl.m.ml roadway bom,daiy he a ed rk p ad lm, the) I, the base floodpiki, ad floodlay Immaliny effeeti Ell died ....... am and up Co. end, Ofte C,i,cd each. As fl an ­bUilt plans. Certified to I ,Si,wd PPoli—ional Ease— fall proposed project I e.=c p the distolaned li )a., (all,, it, intent to ise the sca .... I y u,'., it has ratified .11 ffected p.ica, ad dj.,En, f,hc i.di,id..l legal Ito popoart) owners who ill be fleacd b� IL111mg shifting of the base fl..dphii. ..it BFF long Fin Bcanch� lo, - IOIC C-1A,­ .01 A,-- — — = � . 7.=g.., 11s,so, Darl: A.91SI 7, 2017 JC­ No.: 17-c13-0320P CUD..AF1 Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington. D.C. 20172 CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) DATA RIFQt IRI 1) Poll FOLLOV-1 PLONIR 11 FUMA's fee 11.1 ........ . . it reuestsan1. ii.blkhad flood Ad be .1 hup, .. I he III, a, Ili, IIOflh, ma, mast be ,,,i,,d before we can begin processing the request. lla�mcna fthis fee can be ul, through a check or nione,oldc-nodepa,ablemU.S fund, to the National Flood Insurance Program. orb> credit card (Visa or MasierC,rd Plcosc either for rd the payment. long ith the revision application. to the foll-in g ldr— LOMC Cles-gh... Attention: LOMR Manage, 3601 A ... a,. Suite 500 Ale,andi-it, Virginia 223W-6426 osubmit the LOMR and kC .,in, Ihc OrImC LOMC portal at: haps:, hazaisferm &,a, tornapmal ortimelonne signin A fter rC,:-mn& appropriate dOcumenea ion 1. h., hTa 'he project has bcv. emapleled. F LMA I ill initiate a rvsn1. Ili, F I RM d It S lam food hazard information base flood I ... baw fl..d depths. SHIA, ad ill change aineproj,no. a 90-d.� appeal period ill be initiated far Ili, during hwh and persons appeal he C,is,d flood hazard monnialinin b ... it on ientifir or (,chair,] data. P) 11, Pe— I. LOMC A­E -1. 22— t 1h. FEM Map aIII, IENA 11p PA110 R­F S-6.1 PE 17-G3 0320R 77g. 777 5 [Isia, one August 7 2017 IC... No 17-03-032OR I CLOM— Federal Emergency Management Agency �,u CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION COMMENT DOCUMENT (CONTINUED) COMMUNITY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) 0M M UNITY REMINDERS oe have deii�,n,ted,C,,,ultationco,rdinatio,I Off',cc,(Cco)toass,st%,urcenimunim. nIcCCOwiIi1,,dNP1imm, our communit) and FEMA. Far infunnation regarding you, CCO. pI,—' Carl... Mr. K. G..b,r Director. Mitigation Division Federal Emergency anagement Agency. Region Ill One Independence Mall. Sixth Fine, 61 i Since, PhilhilelplaD, PA 191064404 (215) 931 5512 7_h W. 2627 11 811-FINA ly I-— th, NFIP FEW odd— I LOWD ciol,g­ s6m A—. 22-26 Ad— WIF .1 hap � N11 F AMENDED AND RESTATED PROFFER STATEMENT NORTH POINTE CHARLOTTESVILLE, LLC ORIGINAL REZONING APPLICATION: #ZMA-2000-009, SP -2002-72 ZMA 2013-00007 North Pointe Proffer Amendment Tax Map 32 Parcels: 20,20A, 20A 1, 20A2,20A3, 291, 23, 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D, 23E, 23F, 23G, 23H, and 23J. Approximately 229 acres zoned Planned Development - Mixed Commercial ("PDMC") August 5, 2013 With respect to the property described in rezoning application #ZMA-2000-09 and SP-2002-72 (the "Original ZMA"), CWH Properties Limited Partnership is the fee simple owner and North Pointe Charlottesville, LLC is the contract purchaser of Tax Map 32, Parcels 20, 20A, 20A], 20A2, 20A3 and 291 (the "North Pointe Property"), and Violet Hill Associates, L.L.C. is the fee simple owner of Tax Map 32, Parcels 23, 23A, 23B, 23C, 23D, 23E, 23F, 23G, 23H and 23J (the "Violet Hill Property"). The respective parties are collectively referred to herein as the "Owner", which term. shall include any successors in interest. The North Pointe Property and the Violet Hill Property are referTed to collectively as the "Property", all of which -00007 known as the is the subject of zoning map amendment application number ZMA 2013 "ZMA Amendment." Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, Owner hereby voluntary proffers the renditions listed in this Amended and Restated Proffer Statement, which shall be applied to the North Pointe Property if the ZMA Amendment is approved by Albemarle County. These conditions are proffered as part of the ZMA Amendment and it is agreed that: (1) the ZMA Amendment itself gives rise to the need for the conditions, and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning requested. The Original ZMA, together with its associated proffers dated July 20, 2006 (the "Original Proffer Statcment'l was approved by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors on August 2, 20D6, and also included Tax Map 32, Parcel 22K (Which parcel 22K was at the time comprised of two separate parcels 221-1 and 22K, which have since been combined into a single parcel 22K) which is owned by Neighborhood Properties - Nil, LLC (the "Neighborhood Investment Property"). The changes reflected in this ZMA Amendment shall not apply to the Neighborhood Investment Property, In all other respects, this ZMA Amendment amends and restates said proffers in their entirety and the Amended and Restated Proffer Statement shall relate to the multi -page application plan entitled "North Pointe Community", prepared by Keeney & Co., Architects, as revised through June 13. 2000 and attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Application Plan"), and the Albemarle County Code in effect as of the date of the Original Proffer Statement (the "County Code"). The North Pointe Community shall be refiared to as the "Project." 1. THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED 11. ENTRANCE CORRIDOR 21 Creation of a 40-Foot Buffer along the Entrance Corridor. Within six (6) months after the acceptance by the Virginia Department of Transportation ("VDO'P) of the Road Improvements as defined in Section 5.3 that are along the northbound lanes of U.S. Route 29, Owner shall plant and thereafter maintain at all times a landscaped buffer, including hedgerows, along the Entrance Corridor firontage parcels owned by Owner. The buffer will consist of a mininuffin 40-foot wide continuous visual landscape area that shall be subject to Albemarle County Architectural Review Board ("ARB") review and approval (the "Buffer"). The Buffer may be located partly on the Owner's property and partly on VIDOT property In the event VDOT at any time in the future reduces any portion of the Buffer located on VDOT property, the Owner shall compensate for such reduction by extending the Buffer on Owner's property in order to maintain a minimum 40-foot Buffer, even if'such compensation shall require the removal of parking adjacent to such Buffer. 2.2 Appearance of Storm Water Management ("SWM") Facilities. The SWM facilities visible from the Entrance Corridor identified on the Application Plan (stormwater management facilities 1, 2, and 10) shall be shown on a plan and be subject to ARB review and approval. SWM I shall be designed such that its shape, placement, and land form (grading) transition between the adjacent conservation area and the adjacent hard edge of the parking lot and buildings. The plan for SWM I shall be submitted to the ARB with the first ARB submission for Building 14 Or 19 identified on Sheet B to the Application Plan ("Sheet B"), or any such building that is proposed to be located where Building 14 is located on Sheet B pursuant to the terms of Section 3.2. SWM 2 shall have a more structured appearance than SWM 10 (see below) and shall be designed such that its shape, placement, and land form (grading) transition between the adjacent conservation area and the adjacent hard edge of the parking lot and buildings. The plan for SWM 2 shall be submitted to the ARB with the first ARB submission for any of Buildings 26 through 3 1. SWM 10 shall be designed such that its shape, placement, and land form (grading) are integral with the adjacent Conservation area. The plan for SWM 10 Shall be submitted to the ARB at the time road plans are submitted to the County and VDOT for Northwest Passage. III. DENSITIES 3.1 Total Buildout. The total number of dwelling units within the Project shall not exceed eight hundred ninety-three (993). Subject to Section 3.2, the building footprints and gross floor areas of commercial, office, and other uses, and the building footprints of hotels shall not exceed those set forth in the Land Use Breakdown Table on Sheet A to tbe Application Plan ("Sheet A"). 3.2 Limited Arl'ustments to the Elements oftbe Application Plan. Thegrossifloor area of the buildings used for Commercial, office, other uses, and hotels shown on Sheet A may be adjusted within a range of up to ten percent (10%), provided that the maximum gross Door tied. The footprints ofBuildings6, area for each category of uses shown on Sheet A is not excee 14 and 36 as shown on Sheet A can be interchanged. Notwithstanding the terms of this Section 3.2 to the contrary, Building 14 shall not initially exceed 88,500 square feet, provided, however, 14, that after two years following the issuance of the certificate of occupancy for Building Building 14 may be adjusted within a range of up to ten percent (10%), and if Building 14 is located in the location shown on Sheet B, any such explansion shall be located to the east so that hstanding the terms of this the additional space is located along North Pointe Boulevard. Notwit Section 3.2 to the contrary, but subject to the provisions of Section 8.1, the County may authorize Building 21 as shown on Sheet A to be adjusted by more than ten percent (10%). IV. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND STREAM BED CONSERVATION all remain and pedestrian 4A Flood Plain. The area ofthe 100-year flood plain within the Project ab undisturbed except for road crossings, public utflity facilities and their crossings, Is, and only to the extent such exceptions are permitted by County ordinances and and biking trai wner shall provide a survey and prepare the regulations, Upon the request of the County, 0 necessary documentation and dedicate the land within such flood plain to the County. 4.2 Stormwater Management Plan. The stormwateribest management practices 1 facilities for the plan for the Project shall be prepared, and all stormwater managemen Project SIMI be designed and constructed, to accommodate all current stormwater discharge from Tax Map Parcel 032AO-02-00-00400 (Northwoods Mobile Home Park Development) and from the existing developments on the northeast and northwest comers of'Proffit Road and U.S. Route ap tax map 29, specifically the following parcels shown on the current Albemarle County tax in a: 32, parcels 38, 39A, 39, and 39A; tax map 32A, parcels 2-1, 2-IA, 2-IAI, 2-113, 2-1 C and 2-ID. and quantity The stormwater management facilities shall mitigate the storrawater quality impacts, for the stoorwater generated both within the Project and for such existing offisite described herein, as though the entire preexisting condition of the drainage area is conditions as conditions and the an undeveloped wooded site and is being developed to the existing off -site -three and proposed on -site conditions. In addition, biolilters shall comprise a minimum ofthirty reas within the one-third percent (33 1/3%) of the total required parking lot landscaped a e Project. as such Commercial Area is delineated oil Sheet G of the "Commercial Area" of tb Application Plan ("Sheet Go). 4.3 Erosion and Sediment Control. (a) The Owner shall, to the "maximum extent practicable", provide such additional appropriate erosion and sediment Control measures that exceed State and Local minimum standards. If there is a disgreement regarding whether the standard (if "maximum extent practicable" is satisfied. tile Virginia Deplarlinent of Conservation and Recreation will be provided an opportunity to review and advise on such question. (b) Post -Construction Stoanwater Man Lerrient: The owner shall, to the BMPs that are designed to maximum extent practicable, provide post -construction stormwater achieve an average annual sediment removal rate of 80% as published by the Center for watershed Protection in Article 64 of The Practice of aterished Protection (2000 edition). These will include, but are not limited to, bionetention, biorelention filters and wet retention basins. 4.4 Stream Buffer nd Restoration. Upon the rommencement of the applicable rovide the County with a copy of any comment period, the Owner shall notify the County and p r DEQ for any stream disturbance. In application(s) to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and/o irst looking on -site for mitigation opportunities available to satisfy addition, ifnecessary, after f the permitting process, the Owner shall contact the County for a list of off -site opportunities within Albemarle County for such mitigation, and shall look for such mitigation opportunities off -site. V. TRANSPORTATION 5.1 Internal Street Construction Standards. Public streets, which in any event shall include at least Leake Road, North Pointe Boulevard, Northside Drive East and Northwest Passage, shall be (I) constructed in accord with the illustrative urban design cross sections shown on Sheet D-I to the Application Plan C'Sheet D-V) and also in accordance with VDOT design standards pursuant to detailed plans agreed to between Owner and VDOT, and (ii) dedicated for TT= (with a maximum public use and offered for acceptance into the state highway system. spacing of fifty (50) feet), landscaping and sidewalks as shown on Sheet D-I shall be installed s unless VDOT or and maintained by the Owner in accordance with County or NFDOT standard the County agrees in writing to assume this responsibility. 5�2 Timing of Completion for Internal Streets. Before issuance of certificates of occupancy, Owner shall complete that segment of an internal street as shown on Sheet D-1 within the Project which serves the building or residence for which a Certificate of occupancy is sought with at least the stone base and all but the final layer of plant -mix asphalt. The final layer fice the firs of plant -mix asphalt shall be installed within one (1) year following the issua Of t ed street segment. certificate of occupancy for a building or residence served by the affect 5.3 Road Improvements. owner shall design and construct all of the road are also shown improvements referenced in Sections 5.3.1(a), 5.3.1(b) and 5.3 I(c) below, which on Sheet D-I to the Application Plan and on Sheet E to the Application Plan entitled "External unless such Road Improvement Plan" ("Sheet E") (collectively, the "Road Improvements"), Road Improvements are first constructed or bonded by others. The various phases of the Road Improvements are also shown for illustrative purposes on a color -coded copy of Sheet B that is attached hereto as Exhibit B. Owner shall dedicate to public use any required right-of-way that it now or hereafter owns in fee simple. For purposes of this Section 5.3, the use of the terroo 'Toad" as it applies to internal streets shall also have the same meaning as the word "street" in the Albemarle County Subdivision Ordinance (Chapter 14 of the Albemarle County Code) where -applicable. 5.3.1 Design and Phasing. All Road Improvements shall be designed and phased as follows: Design. The Road improvements shall be shown on deiailed road plans satisfying the Owner for review and, when VDOT design standards which shall be Submitted by satisfactory, approved by VDCIT and the County (except for the Road Improvements to U.S. Route 29, which shall be subject only to VDOT approval) (hereinafter, the "Approved Road Plans"). The Approved Road Plans shall show the width and length (except as specified in Sections 5.3.1(a)(1)(ii) and (v) and Section 5.3.1(b)(I)(i)), location, type of section, and geometries of all lane improvements as required by VDOT design standards. All of the Road Improvements shall be constructed in compliance with the Approved Road Plans. The Road Improvements to U.S. Route 29 shall be based on the then-cumerit VDOT design speed and cross -slope requirements, Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph to the contrary, in the event that the internal residential street designs as shown on Sheet D-I are not accepted by VDOT, the Owner shall submit detailed road construction plans for such streets to the County for review and, when Satisfactory, approval, subject also to the County's approval of private streets under the Subdivision Ordinance (Ch. 14 ofthe Albemarle County Code), Phasing. The Road improvements shall be constructed and completed in three phases as set forth below; (a) Phase I Road Improvements. Prior to approval of the first commercial subdivisionplat or siteplan within theProject, Owner shall obtain all associated permits and post ' P e all associated bonds required fbr the construction of the following (collectively, the ` has I Road Improvements"): (1) Southernmost Entrance on U.S. Route 29: (i) U.S. Route 29 Southbound correction of the vertical curvature in the roadway j ust north of the entranm (ii) U.S. Route 29 Souttibound -construction of a continuous 12 foot wide through lane (with shoulders or guard rail as required by VDOT) starting at a point that is 1000 feet north of the Southernmost entrance and extending south to Airport Road. (iii) U.S. Route 29 Southbound construction of dual left tam lanes with taper at the crossover. (iv) U.S. Route 29 Soutbbound - construction of right turn lane with taper to serve northernmost entrance to SR 1515. (v) U.S. Route 29 Northbound Construction of a continuous 12 foot wide through lane (with shoulders or guard rail as may be required by VDOT) extending from Proffit (Airport) Read (Route 649) to the Northwest Passage entrance. (vi) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - construction of a right hand turn lane at the Southernmost entrance, the geometries of which will be subject to VDOT approval, (vii) U.S. Route 29 Northbound construction of tell turn lane with taper into SR 15) 5. (Vill) SIR 1515 Eastbound construction and/or restriping to provide left turn lane with taper. (ix) Installation of a traffic signal with 8 phase timing, video detection and associated intersection improvements at the intersection with U.S. Route 29. (x) Close existing crossover at U.S. Route 29 and Southernmost Entrance to SR 1515. (xi) Proposed Entrance Road between North Pointe Boulevard and U.S. Route 29. (2) North Pointe Boulevard, Leake Road and Proffit Road: (i) Leake Road and North Pointe Boulevard, in accordance with the design cross -sections shown on Sheet D-1, from Proffit Road to either Northside Drive East or, if Northside Drive East has not yet been constructed to the roundabout at North Pointe Boulevard, North Pointe Boulevard shall be extended to Northwest Passage. The Owner shall provide a fifty (50) foot public right-of-way along Leake Road and shall construct a two-lane public street to be accepted by VDOT and as much of the other improvements shown on the cross -sections as possible within the available rigbt-of-way as reasonably determined by the County Engineer. (i i) The roundabout, or such other improvements as may be approved by VDOT and the County, at the intersection of Leake Road and Proffit Road shown on Sheet B and an additional westbound fight turn lane on Proffil Road from Ii Road to U.S. Route 29 as shown on Sheet E. In addition, for property acquisition that is required for the off - site public right-of-way for construction of the improvements required by this Section r a form 5.3. 1 (a)(2)(ii), the Owner shall make a cash contribution or provide a letter of redit in approved by the County Attorney for such purpose in the amount as deemed necessary for the property acquisition by the County Attorney, provided that such amount shall not exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) oftlic County's fair market value appraisal prepared for acquisition and condemnation purposes. The cash contribution or letter of credit described in this Section 5.3. 1 (a)(2)(ii) shall he used to payfor the total cost of the right of way acquisition. Thetotalcost of the right of way acquisition for the off -Site property necessary to construct the improvements required by this Section 5.3.1(a)(2)(ii) shall include the normal costs associated with acquiring land, buildings, structures, cascinents and other authorized interests by condemnation or by purchase including, but not limited to, land acquisition, engineering, surveying, and reasonable attorneys fees. The cash contribution or the letter of credit shall be provided by the Owner within thirty (30) days upon request by the County. If the property is acquired by purchase, the contribution for the purchase price shall not exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the County's fair market value appraisal prepared for condemnation purposes without the consent of theOwner. If the cost ofthe right of way acquisition exceeds the amount previously contributed, then the Owner shall reimburse the County all such excess Costs within thirty (30) days upon request by the County. The County shall refund to the Owner all excess contributions upon completion of the land acquisition. (iii) Intentionally Omitted (iv) An additional through lane eastbound on Proffit Road from U.S. Route 29 to the roundabout at the intersection of Leake Road and Proffit Road. In addition, for property acquisition that is required for the off -site public rigbt-of-way for construction ofthe shall make a cash contribution improvements required by this Section 5.3. 1 (aX2)(iv), the Owner ved by the County Attorney for such purpose in the or provide a letter of credit in a form appro amount as deemed necessary for the property acquisition by the County Attorney, provided that such amount shall not exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) ofthe County's fair market value appraisal prepared for acquisition and condemnation purposes, The cash contribution or letter of credit described in this Section 5.3. 1 (a)(2)(iv) shall be used to pay for the total cost ofthe right of way acquisition. The total Cost of the right of way acquisition for the off -site property necessary to construct the improvements required by this Section 53.1(a)(2)(iv) shall include the normal costs associated with acquiring land, buildings, structures, easements and other authorized interests by condemnation or by purchase including, but not limited to, land acquisition, engineering, surveying, and reasonable attorneys fees. The cash contribution or the letter of credit shall be provided by the Owner within thirty (30) days upon request bythe County. Ifthe property is acquired by purchase, the contribution for the purchase price shall not exceed one hundred fifty of the County's fair market value appraisal prepared for percent (1500 ner. If the cost of the right of way condemnation purposes without the consent of the Ow acquisition exceeds the amount previously contributed, then the Owner shall reimburse the County all such excess costs within thirty (30) days upon request by the County. The County shall refund to the Owner all excess contributions upon completion ofthe land acquisition. Within fifteen (15) months Completion of the Phase I Road Imorovements f the first building permit for a commercial building within the lands subject after the issuance o ect, or prior to the issuance of to the first commercial subdivision plat or site plan within the Proj a ceitificale of occupancy for such building, whichever is earlie , all of the Phase I Road Improvements shall be accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded for VDOT's acceptance if such Road Improvements are a primary highway, or accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded a secondary highway. to the County for VDOT's acceptance if such Road Improvements are (b) Phase If Read Iml2rovements. Prior to approval of the first site plan that would authorize the aggregate ennimercii a), office and hotel gross floor area as shown on Sheet A re feet, Owner shall within the, Project to exceed two hundred ninety thousand (290,000) squa obtain all associated permits and post all associated bonds required for the construction of the following (collectively, the "Phase H Road Improvements"): (Nortliside Dive East/SR (1) Middle Entrance on U.S. Route 29 1570) (i) U.S. Route 29 Southbound -construction of a continuous 12 lbot wide through lane (with shoulders or guard rail as may be required by VDOT) starting at a point that is 1000 feel north of the Middle Entrance and extending to the point where it ection 5.3.1 (a)(1)(ii). connects with tbe portion oftbe lane constructed pursuant to S (ii) U.S. Route 29 Southbound - constr-uction of dual left turn lanes with taper. (iii) U.S. Route 29 Southbound construction of a right turn lane with taper (iv) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - construction of a Tight hand 1. turn lane at the Middle Entrance, the geometries of which will be subject to VDOT approva (v) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - CODStruCtiOn of left turn lane with taper. (vi) SR 1570 Eastbound - construction of or restriping of lanes to result in separate lefl, through and right turn movements. (vii) Entrance road Westbound - installation of a traffic signal with 8 phase timing, video detection and associated intersection improvements on U.S. Route 29. (viii) Existing crossover at Cypress Drive - construction to close the crossover. (ix) Frontage road from Cypress Drive to SR 1570 - Construction of public street to serve properties currently accessing U.S. Route 29 through Cypress Drive. (2) Northside Drive East between U.S. Route 29 and North Pointe Boulevard as shown on Sheet D-1. Completion of the Phase 11 Road Improvements, Within fifteen (15) months after the issuance of the first building permit for a building within the lands subject to the first commercial, office and hotel subdivision plat or site plan that would authorize the aggregate wo hundred ninety thousand gross floor area as shown on Sheet A within the Project to exceed I (290,000) square feet, or prior to the issuance ofa certificate ofoucuparicy for any building that uare feet, causes such gross floor area to exceed two hundred ninety thousand (290,000) sq whichever is earlier, all of the Phase 11 Road Improvements shall be accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded for VDOT's acceptance if such Road Improvements are a primary highway, or accepted by VDOT for public use ot bonded to the County for VDOT's acceptance it'such Road Improvements area secondary highway. (c) Phase Ill Road Improvements. Prior to the earliest or: (I) the approval (if the first subdivision plat or site plan that would authorize the aggregate number of dwelling units within the Project to exceed five hundred thirty-three (533); (ii) the approval of a subdivision plat or site plan for any development of the Neighborhood Investment Property or - or (iii) the five (5) year anniversary of the date of issuance of the first any portion thereof, certificate or occupancy for a building or promises within the Project, Owner shall obtain all associated permits and post all associated bonds required for the construction of the following road improvements (collectively, the "Phase III Road Improvements") to the extent any such road improvements have not already been completed: (1) Northerintiost Entrance (opposite Lewis & Clark Drive) on U.S. Route 29: (i) U.S. Route 29 Southbound - construction of left turn lane with taper. (ii) Northwest Passage from U.S. Route 29 to North Pointe Boulevard III (iii) U.S. Route 29 Northbound - construction of a right han turn larreI the geometries ofwbich will be subject to VDOT approval. (iv) Hoot already constructed, North Pointe Boulevard between Northside Drive East and Northwest Passage. (v) If the traffic signal to be constructed by others is in place prior to owner commencing work on this Northernmost Entrance, and such traffic signal only includes three legs, Owner shall add the fourth leg to the signal, which shall include addi , tional mast arms, signal heads and ancillary equipment necessary to support Northwest Passage s Use of the intersection, as determined by VDOT. If such traffic signal is not in place and the vehicular traffic generated by the Project causes the VDOT signal warrants to be met, and VDOT requires that a traffic signal be installed as a condition of the entrance permit, Owner shall install such traffic signal. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this Proffer Statement, within one hundred eighty (180) days after written notice from the County that it intends to build an elementary school on the School Lot (as "School Lot" is defined in Section 9. 1), the Owner shall submit road plans for the construction of Northwest Passage from North Pointe Boulevard to U.S. Route 29 to VDOT and to the County for review, and when satisfactory, approval. Furthermore, within twelve (12) months after issuance of the building permit for construction of the elementary school, and if not already completed, Owner will complete (i) Northwest Passage fram North Pointe Boulevard to U.S. Route 29, (J) the improvements set forth in Section 5.3.1 (c)(1) above, and (iii) North Pointe Boulevard from Northiside Drive East to Northwest Passage. To allow the development of the School Lot, the Owner shall grant all temporary easements its necessary to allow ingress and egress for vehicles and construction equipment, grading, the installation and maintenance oferosion and sediment control structures Or measures, and any other associated construction easements, as such temporary easements are shown on the Subdivision plat oi site plan for the School Lot and mutually agreed to by the Owner and the developer ofthe School Lot. Completion of the Phase III Read Improvements. Within twelve (12) months after the occurrence of the applicable event in Section 5.3-1(c) which required the Owner to obtain all associated permits and post all associated bonds required for the construction of the Phase III Road improvements, all of the Phase III road improvements shall be accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded for VDOT's acceptance if such Road Improvements are a primary highway, or accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded to the County for VDOT's acceptance if such Road improvements are a secondary highway. 5.3.2 Upon request by the County, Owner shall make a cash contribution to the County or VDOT for the cost of a Cable or wireless radio system that will link one or more ofthe signals between Lewis and Clark Drive and Airport Road; provided, however, that the total cash contribution shall not exceed thirly-five thousand dollars ($35,000). Subject to matters of force maj . Cure, if the County does not request the funds, or does request the funds but the construction of the system does not begin by the later of December 31, 2010 or three (3) years after completion of all of the Road Improvements, said funds shall be refunded to the Owner. 5.3.3 Prior to the approval ofplans for improvements at any U.S. Route 29 intersection, Owner shall provide VDOT traffic signal network timing plans that VDOT finds acceptably address the impacts of the proposed traffic signals for peak traffic periods. 5.3.4 Reekinal Transportation Study; Cash Contribution. THIS PROFFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Upon request by the County, Owner shall make a cash contribution of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) to die County for the purposes of funding a regional transportation study for the Route 29 corridor, which includes the South Fork and North Fork of the Rivanna River and the Hollymead Growth Area of which North Pointe is a part. The contribution shall be. made within thirty (30) days after requested by the County anytime after the rezoning is approved. Ifthe, request is not made within one (1) year after the date of approval of the first final site plan for the first commercial building within the Project, this proffer shall become null and void. If such cash contribution is not expended for the stated purpose within three (1) years from the date the funds were contributed to The County, all unexpended funds shall be refunded to the Owner. V1. OPEN SPACE AREAS AND GREENWAY 6.1 Pedestrian Pathways. All pedestrian pathways shall be classified as shown on the Pedestrian Pathway Key on Sheet G and, except fur the pathways to be constructed by the County, shall be shown on the subdivision plat or site plan for the underlying or adjacent lands within the Project. The pathways shall be constructed by Owner as Class A or Class B trails as identified on Sheet G, and in accordance with the applicable design and construction standards in the County's Design Standards Manual, Such construction shall be in conjunction with the improvements for the subdivision plat or site plan, as the case may be, and bonded with the streets if the pathways are a subdivision improvement, or with a performance bond if the pathways are a site plan improvement. The pathway shown on Sheet G along Flat Branch north and south of Northside Drive Eas( shall not continue through a Culvert if a culvert is used for the stream crossing. The pathway intended for the culvert between Park E and Park F under North Pointe Boulevard shall conform to the applicable standards in VDOT'S "Subdivision Street Guidance" and Owner shall maintain the pathway if it is not accepted by VDOT for maintenance. 6.2 Lake. Upon request by the County, Owner shall dedicate to the County the lake shown on the Application Plan for public use, provided that such lake will be available for use by Owner for stornowater management as described in Sheet C to the Application Plan entitled "Stormwater Managemont and Stream Conservation Plan" ("Sheet C"), V11. THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY DELETED Vill. PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE AND FACILITIES PROFFERS 8.1 BranchLibra (a) Upon request by the County, Owner shall dedicate to the County the fee simple interest in the land shown on Shcet B as a library, consisting of a 15,000 square foot fully graded pad site, with utilities, to accommodate a 12,500 square foot building footprint, a five foot perimeter strip and up to a 25,000 square foot building, together with a nonexclusive easement to the adjacent comrnon area for ingress, egress, construction staging and sufficient County Code required parking storrawater detention and water quality facilities for the location of a freestanding Jefferson -Madison Regional Library AR-d such other uses that are compatible with the proposed surrounding uses, as determined by the County (the "Library Lot"). Notwithstanding the teams ofthe prior sentence to the contrary, ifthe requirements for the library building require a larger building footprint, the County may authorize the library building the footprint to be larger than as stated in the prior sentence, provided, however, that the size of area shown as "Park H" on Sheet B ("Park H") and/or the size of the adjacent parking area Sheet B (the "Library Parking Lot") shall be adjusted inunediately north of the Library Lot on 11 not be responsible accordingly to accommodate such larger building footprint. The Owner sha for any utility tap fees, but Owner shall complete construction of the Library Parking Lot and other parking areas serving the Library Lot. The Owner shall permit the County to use the Library Parking Lot and/or, if not already constructed, Park H, for purposes of construction staging. Within twelve (12) months after written notice from the County that it intends to begin construction of the library, the Owner shall make the access roads and the area of the Library Parking Lot available with at least a four inch compacted stone base for use as access and construction staging. Such street access serving the Library Lot and the Library Parking Lot shall be completed and available for use no later than ten (10) months after issuance of the building permit for the library, provided, however, that asphalt pavement in areas used for construction staging by the County shall not be required to be installed until thirty (30) days (or such longer reasonable time as may be necessary due to weather conditions) after the County has removed its construction -related materials and equipment. Upon the request of the County, Park H shall also be dedicated to public use, but the Owner shall not be responsible for maintaining such park. Owner shall be responsible for maintenance of the Library Parking Lot and other shall have no obligation to be a member parking spaces serving the Library Lot and the County of any owner's association, The County's request for dedication of the land for the Library Lot and Park H shall be made Within three (3) years following the later to occur of(i) issuance of tile first residential building permit within the Project. (ii) Owner's completion or the infrastructure (including but not limiled to streets, water, sewer, electric, gas) required for the use of the Library Lot, or (ill) December 31. 20J6 (which December 31, 2016 deadline may be extended by written mutual agreement of the Owner and the County). If a request for such dedication is not made within three (3) years following the later ofthese dates, this proffer will be null and void. (b) Green Ron In the event that the requirements for the library building require a larger building footprint, and the County elects to authorize the library building above, and in the farther footprint to be larger than 12,500 square feet pursuant to section 8.1(a) event that the building is developed as a Condominium and the County requests the Owner to assume ownership for a portion of the larger building, Owner shall accept such ownership at a reasonable price upon which the parties may mutually agree, and shall contribute to the County, It I building owned by on a pro rata basis based on the proportional size of the portion of be ibraty cost of designing and the Owner relative to the size of the library building as a whole, the constructing such building, These costs may include, if desired by the County, installation of a "green roof," and any additional expenses associated with structurally reinforcing the roof as necessary to support the green roof Within ten (10) days after receipt ofa request for payment by the County that is accompanied by documentation to support the progress payment amount as provided in the construction contract, the Owner shall submit such payments to the County. Alternatively, in the event the County elects to design the library building as a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ("LEED") building, the Owner shall contribute to the County, on a pro rata basis based on the proportional size of the portion of the library building owned by the Owner relative to the size of the library building as a whole, the additional costs of constructing the library building to obtain LEED certification for the building. Within ten (10) days after receipt of a request for payment by the County that is accompanied by documentation to support the progress payment amount as provided in the construction contract, the Owner shall submit such payments to the County. The design of the green roof, or the criteria utilized to obtain the LEED certification, as ap�licablc, shall be in the County's discretion. 8.2 Affordable Housin . Subject to the terms and conditions of this Section 8.2, the Owner shall provide a minimum of forty (40) "for -sale" residential dwelling units as affordable dwelling units, a minimum of sixty-six (66) "for -rent" residential dwelling units as affordable dwelling units, and a minimum of four (4) Carriage House Units (as Carriage House Units are defined in Section 8.2(d)), The forty (40) "for -sale" residential dwelling units shall be comprised ofthe following types ofdwelling units: twelve (12) from multi -family; twelve (12) front "other" (consisting of townhouses, duplexes, attached housing, condominiums in the a commercial areas and other unidentified housing types); and sixteen (16) from single f mily detached, each at the sale prices and under the terms and conditions set forth in this Section 8.2. The Owner shall convey the responsibility of constructing (lie affordable units to the subsequent owners oflots within the Property. (a) Multi -Family and "Other" Foi-Sale Affordable Units. For multi -family and "other" for -sale affordable dwelling units within the Property, such affordable units shall be affordable to households with incomes less than eighty percent (90%) of the area median family income (the "Affordable Unit Qualifying Income"), uch that the housing costs consisting of principal, interest, real estate taxes and homeowners insurance (PITI) do not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the Affordable Unit Qualifying income, provided, however. that in no event shall the selling price of such affordable units be less than the greater of One Hundred Ninety Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($190,400) or sixly-five percent (65%) of Ilic applicable Virginia Housing Development Authority CWHDA") maximum mortgage for first-time home buyers at the beginning of the 90-day identification and qualification period referenced in Section 8.2(o. (b) Single Family Detached For -Sale Affordable Units ("Moderatelly-Pri Units"). For single family detached for -sale affordable units within the Property ("Moderately - Priced Units"), such Moderately -Priced Units shall be affordable to households with incomes less than one hundred twenty percent (120%) of the area median family income (the "Moderately -Priced Unit Qualifying Income"), such that the housing costs consisting of PITI do not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the Moderately -Priced Unit Qualifying Income, provided, however, that in no event shall the selling price of such Moderatelly-Priced Units be required to be less than the greater of Two Hundred Thirty Eight Thousand Dollars ($238,ODO) or eighty percent (80%) of the applicable VEDA maximunn mortgage for first-time home buyers at the i d in Section 8.2(f). beginning ofthe 90-day identification and qualification per od reference (c) For -Rent Affordable Units. For a period of five (5) years following the date the certificate of occupancyis issued by the County for each for -rent affordableunit, or until the units are sold as low or moderate Cost units qualifying as such under either the Virginia Housing Development Authority, Farmers Home Administration, or Housing and Urban Development, Section 8, whichever cornes first (the "Affordable Term"), such units shall be rented to households with incomes less than the Affordable Unit Qualifying Income, No for -rent affordable unit may be counted more than once towards the number of for -Tent affordable dwelling units required by this Section 8.2. (i) Conveyance of Interest, All deeds conveying any interest in the for - rent affordable units during the Affordable Term shall contain language reciting that such unit is subject to the terms ofthis Section 8,2(c). In addition, all contracts pertaining to a conveyance of any for -rent affordable unit, or any part thereof, during the Affordable Term, shall contain a complete and fall disclosure of the restrictions and controls established by this Section 8.2(c). Prior to the conveyance of any interest in any for -rent affordable unit during the Affordable Tenn, the then-ourrent owner shall notify the County in writing of the conveyance and provide the name, address and telephone number of the potential grantee, and state that the requirements ofthis Section 8,2(c)(i) have been satisfied. (ii). Annual Reportin . During the Affordable Term and within ninety (90) days following the end of each calendar year, the then -current owner shall provide to the Albemarle County Housing Office a certified annual report ofall for -rent affordable units for the immediately preceding year in a form and substance reasonably acceptable to the County Housing Office. Subject to all federal, state and local bousing laws, and upon reasonable notice during the Affordable Term, the then -current owner shall make available to the County at the then-currem Owner's premises, if requested, any reports. copies of rental or lease agreements, or other data pertaining to rental rates as the County may reasonably require. (d) Carriage House Unit , Carriage House Units shall meet the requirements for a single family dwelling as defined in the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, shall be on the same Parcel as the primary dwelling unit to which it is accessory, and shall not be subdivided from the primary residence C'CaTriage House Units"). The subdivision restriction shall be included on the plat creating such parcels and be incorporated into each deed conveying title to such parcels. (e) Each subdivision plat and site plan for land within the Property which includes affordable units (which, for this Section 8.2(e) shafl include Moderately -Priced Units) shall designate the lots or units, as applicable, that will, subject to the terms and conditions of this proffer, incorporate affordable units as described herein. The first such subdivision plat or site plan shall include a minimum of three (3) such affordable units. Thereafter, and until the total number of affordable dwelling units proffered hereunder shall have been fulfilled, the Owner shall provide a minimum of three (3) such affordable dwelling units per year. Eachfinal subdivision plat and final site plan also shall include a running total of the number and percentage of affordable units previously provided and proposed to be provided by the subdivision plat or site plan. For purposes of this Section 8.2(e), such units shall be deemed to have been provided when the subsequent owner/builder provides written notice to the County Housing Office or its designee (hat the unit(s) will be available for sale, as required by Section 8.2(f) below. In the event that the Owner provides more than three (3) affordable dwelling units in a single year, the Owner may "carry over" or "bank" credits for such affordable units, such that the additional affordable units which exceed the minimum annual requirement may be allocated toward the minimum number of affordable units required to be provided for any future year. The maximum number of affordable units that may be carried over or banked shall not exceed twelve (12) per year. Notwithstanding the terms ofthis Section 8,2(e) to the contrary, upon the written request of the Owner, the County may authorize an alternative process and/or schedule fur the provision and/or delivery of such affordable units upon a deterimination that the request is in general accord with the purpose and intent of Section 8.2 and/or otherwise furthers the goals of'providing affordable housing in the County. All purchasers: of the for -sale affordable units shall be approved by the Albemarle County Housing Office or its designee. The subsequent owner/builder shall provide the County or its designee a period of ninety (90) days to identify and prequalify an eligible purchaser for the affordable unit. The ninety (90)-day period shall commence upon written notice from the then -current owner/builder that the unit(s) will be available for sale. Ifthe County or its designee does not provide a qualified purchaser who executes a contract of purchase during this ninety (90)-day period, the then -current owneirlbuilder shall have the right to sell the unit(s) without any restriction on sales price or income ofthe purchii provided, however, that any unit(s) sold without such restriction shall nevertheless be counted toward the number of 1 8.2. The affordable units required to be provided pursuant to this terms of this See ion requirements of this Section 8.2 shall appl y only to the first sale of each ofthe affordable units. (g) The County slid]) have the right, from time to time, on reasonable notice and subject to all applicable privacy laws, to inspect the records of Owner or any successors in interest for the purposes ofassuring compliance with this proffer. (h) Cash Proffe. THIS PROFFER HAS BEEN SATISFIED. Within sixty (60) days after the Board of Supervisors approval of ZMA 2000-009, the Owner shall cause to be contributed three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) cash to the County of Albemarle for the Albemarle Housing Initiative rund or such other similar fund as may be established or authorized by the County, The contribution shall be to fund affordable home ownership loan programs within the Project and other areas of Albemarle County, including those provided by non-profit housing agencies such as the Piedmont Housing Alliance, Habitat If such cash contribution is for Humanity, and the Albemarle Housing Improvement Program. not expended for the stated purpose within five (5) years from the date the funds were contributed to the County, all unexpended funds shall be refunded to the Owner. IX EDUCATIONAL AND OTHER PUBLIC FACILITIES 9.1 Elementary School Site. Within two hundred seventy (270) days following request by the County, Owner shall dedicate to the County the land shown on the Application consisting of approximately 12.85 Plan as "Elementary School 12.85 Acres Schematic Layout 01 Lot"). Prior acres (or a smallerportion of'such land in the County's sole discretion) (the "Scho to dedication, the School Lot shall be graded and compacted by Owner to a minimum of 95% compaction as measured by a standard Proctor test with suitable material for building Construction as certified by a professional engineer or as otherwise approved by the County Engineer to establish a fully graded pad site to accommodate an elementary school, The recreational field mprovements s own on the Application Plan shall be fine graded and have top soil and soil amendments added, and the mains for an underground irrigation system serving the recreational fields shall be installed, Such improvements shall be reasonably equivalent to those ary School, exclusive of any above existing at the recreational fields at Baker -Butler Element ground improvements. The pedestrian pathways as shown on the perimeter of the School Lot on er creating the the Application Plan shall be reflected on the subdivision plat prepared by Own School Lot and the pathways shall be installed when the site is graded for the recreation fields. The Owner shall provide all utilities to the School Lot. The dedication shall include easements across Owner's land for access to and use of Storm Water Basins 5 and 10 shown on the Application Plan, together with all temporary construction easements to allo Stormwater Basin 10 to be redesigned and enlarged, if necessary, to accommodate the School Lot stornawater. The School Lot shall be used as an elementary school site, but if the County determines that the School Lot will not be used as an elementary school site, it shall be used by the County for park and recreational purposes serving both the North Pointe community and the region. If the County does not request that the School Lot be dedicated by the later of December 31, 2 16 (Which December 31, 2016 deadline may be extended by written mutual agreement of the Owner and the County), or three (3) years after the issuance of the first residential building permit within the Project, the Owner shall be under no further obligation to dedicate the School Lot for the purpose described herein, but shall, by January 30, 2017, or thirty (30) days after such later date, contribute five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) cash to the County to he used by the County for projects identified in the County's CIP reasonably related to the needs of the North Pointe community, and in such event the School Lot may be used for other residential purposes as appTOved by the County after request by Owner for an amendment to the Application Plan. After dedication and before the County uses the School Lot for a school or for park and recreational purposes, and ifrequested by the County, Owner shall maintain the School Lot until i-equested by the County to no longer do so, subject to the Owner7s right to exclusive use of the School Lot for park and recreational purposes. Such park and recreational purposes shal I be only those uses shown on an pproved final site plan or ubdivision plat for the area that includes the School Lot. Upon being requested by the County, owner shall cease all use and maintenance of the School Lot and remove all improvements established by Owner that the County requests be removed. The County shall not be obligated to pay Owner for any improvements established by Owner that the County retains. The deed of dedication for the School Lot shall provide that if the County accepts title to the School Lot and then does not construct either a park or a school within twerity (20) years following the date the Board of Supervisors approves the ZMA Amendment, then upon Owner's request title to the School Lot shall be transferred to Owner at no expenseto Owner. 9.2 Bus Stop Turnoffs, Bus Stop Improvements, and Bus Service. Owner shall Construct ten (10) public bus stop turnoffs as shown on the (a) Application Plan, or otherwise two (2) in the Southernmost residential area, four (4) in the commercial areas and four (4) in the other residential areas, each in a location mutually acceptable to Owner and the County. The bus stop turnoffs shall be approved with street construction plans for the Project and bonded and Constructed with the streets. (b) Upon the request by the County, Owner shall contribute the total sum of twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) cash towards the design and construction of the above ground bus stop improvements such as benches and shelters meeting standards established by the County at each bus stop. If the County does not request the funds, or requests the funds but does not construct the bus stop improvements by the later of December 31, 2015 or three (3) years after completion of the road network that includes the bus stop turnoffs, then subject to matters of force majeure, the unexpended funds shall, in the discretion of the County, either be returned to Owner or applied to a project identified in the County's capital improvements program witIdn or adjacent to the Project that benefits the Project. (c) Within thirty (30) days after the introduction of public transportation to the Project, Owner shall contribute twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) cash to the County to be used for operating expenses related to such service, and shall thereafter annually contribute Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) cash to the County to be used for operating expenses related to such service for a period of nine (9) additional years, such that the total funds contributed to the County pursuant to this Section 9.2(c) shall not exceed Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000). Ifthe introduction of'pubdic transportation to the Project does not commence by the later of ten (10) years after the Board of Supervisors approves the ZMA Amendment, or seven (7) years after the date ofthe issuance ofthe first certificate ofoccepancy for the first commercial building within tile Project, this Section 9.2(c) shall become null and void. X. ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES 10.1 Dedication of Riehil-iff-Vi'lly-Ex(ension to Parcel 22E. Unless the dedication ol'public righl-of-way and the construction of such Street we required in conjunction with the approval ofa subdivision plat under Alhemarle County Code § 14-409 and related sections, or their successors: Owner shall reserve the fifty (50) fbot wide right-of-way located within the area shown on Sheet B and identified as a "50' R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication" connecting a right- of-way from the proposed middle entrance road into North Pointe to the southern property line of Tax Map 32, Parcel 22B ("TMP 32-2213"). Prior to the issuance of a building permit for Building 32 as shown on the Application Plan, Owner shall record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court ol'Albernarle County, a current, irrevocable deed of dedication dedicating to public use for road purposes, The area labeled "50' R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedication." Owner acknowledges that if it is not part of a subdivision plat approved by the County, such offer of dedication must be first reviewed and approved by the Board of Supervisors and accepted by the Board- Such deed of dedication shall include the following conditions: (i) that TMP 32-22E shall have been upzoned; and (ii) that prior to its use for road purposes, there shall have been constructed oil the land so dedicated a road approved by tile County and accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded for VDOT's acceptance. At the time of the Construction of the access road serving Building 32, the Owner shall construct the intersection curb radii or the road serving TMP 32-22E and extend construction of such road for at least a minimum of one hundred (100) feet from Northside Drive East. The Owner shall also place at die end of such extended road, a sign, approved by the County, advising and notifying the public that such right-of-way is the location of a future road extension. Owner shall grant temporary construction easements as o It ed to TMP 32- determined necessary by the County Engineer to allow for the r ad to be exte d 22E, which construction easements shall be on Owner's property and outside of the dedicated -of-way, and shall be established by the applicable site plan. No improvements shall be right located within the temporary construction casements until construction of such road has been completed. 10.2 Access to Tax May 32A, Section 2, Parcel 4 (current Northwoods Mobile -of-way and the construction of Home Park PropertV). Unless the dedication of public light such street are required in conjunction with the approval of a subdivision plat under Albemarle County Code § 14-409 and related sections, Or their successors: Owner shall reserve an area in the location labeled "50' R,O.W. Reserved for Future Dediration" at the eastern end of the main commercial access road from U.S. Route 29 on Sheet B for access to Tax Map 32A, Section 2, Parcel 4 ("TMP 32A.2-4"). Prim to the issuance of a building permit for Building 6 or Buildings V I through V6, each as shown on the Application Plan, whichever is carli , Owner shall record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, a current, irrevocable deed of dedication dedicating to public use for road purposes, the area labeled "50' R.O.W. Reserved for Future Dedi tion." Ow er ac owledg Cal It kn is that if it is not part of R subdivision plat approved by the County, such offer of dedication must be first reviewed and approved by the Board of Supervisors and accepted by the Board. Such deed of dedication shall include the following conditions: (i) that TMP 32A-2-4 shall have been upzoned; and (ii) that prior to its use for road purposes, there shall have been constructed on the land so dedicated a road approved by the County and accepted by VDOT for public use or bonded for VDOT's acceptance. At the time of the construction of the roundabout serving Building 6 and Buildings VI through V6 the owner shall construct the intersection curb radii and extend construction of the mad for a distance of at least thirty feet beyond the roundabout. The Owner shall also place at the end of such extended road, a sign, approved by the County, advising and notifying the public that such right-of-way is the location of a future road extension. ditions, of the dedication have been satisfied, and if requested After dedication and before the con by the County, Owner shall maintain the dedicated land until requested by the County to no ght to exclusive use of the dedicated land for park, longer do so, subject to the Owner's ri by the County, Owner sball recreational, and/or greenspace purposes. Upon being requested cease all use and maintenance of the dedicated land and remove all improvements established by ests be removed. Owner shall grant temporary construction Owner (if any) that the County requ easements as determined necessary by the County Engineer to allow for the road to be extended to TMP 32A-2-4, which construction casements shall be on Owner's property and outside of the dedicated right-of-way, and shall be established by the applicable site plan. No improvements shall be located within the temporary construction casements until construction of Such road has been completed. XI. SIGNATORY 12.1 Certificate. The undersigned certify that they are the only owners ofthe Property, which is the subject ofthe ZMA Amendment. The Owner. These proffers shall run with the Property and each reference to 12.2 Owner within these proffers shall include within its meaning, and shall be binding upon, Owner's successor(s) in interest and/or the developer(s) of the Property or any portion of tile Property. (Signature Pages Immediately Follow) This Proffer Statement may be signed in counterparts and/or via facsimile with the same full force and effect as if all signatures were original and on one document. Signatures ofContract Purchaser and All Owners Contrac, urchaser: N TH POINTE CHARLOTTE I B Great Eastern Mana I Company Manager its: Date: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE d i it Notary Publ' in, and f the 'dction aforesaid hereby certifies that a e Eastern Management Company, 0101W%4,',Uh, C nCompany is signed to Manager ofNor7h Pointe Charlottesvill, Wirginia Invited liability f Qui the foregoing Amended and Restated Proffer Statement bearing the date as o 2013, acknowledged the same before: me in my jurisdiction aforesaid on behalf of said limited liability company. Given under my hand this day of 013. My commis,'on expires'. [SEAL) Notary Pu lie _,rV,4 Wbv'a AA [ILL ASSOCIATES L.L.C. E 2-S., Comp Date: COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY Of ALBEMARLE 'sdiction aforesaid hereby certifies that ir in an, a whose name as B;Lj, lof'Great Eastern Management Company, Th%ndersigned Notary Publ d fo th Manager of`Vi;&f­liII Associates, L.L.C., a Virginia limited liability company, is signed to the Amended and Restated Proffer Statement bearing the date as of AUQ,d -9; , 2013, limited liability acknowledged the same before me in my jurisdiction aforesaid on behalf o company Given under my hand this day of lVbVQ 20 13. My commission expires: /1� —CRAW [SEAL] CLaZN5�y Public a M99 3 mycornal V!!t, 3; 2014 CWH PR07PE ES LIMITED AR ERSH,- arners By: Tow Limited i G rad Psan. te Great Eas M.n.L Date; COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OFALBEMAPLE e undersi ed Notary Pu lie an or ejuns iction a r all ere y cern AP whose name as f Great Eastern Management Company, General P er of Towers Limited Partnership, General Partner of CWH Properties Limited Partnership, a Virginia limited part hi d to the foregoing Amended and Restated e Proffer Statement bearing the date as o' "" is sign- 2013 knowledged the same before me 1? 1 in myjurisdiction aforesaid on behalfol'said partnership. Given under my hand this day of NCV11,r161q 2013. CWAPM SAi Pubft My Confirm nexpires- OfMrglnb Yams My C*Tn. Emp. Ma3 . - — I sch 31. 2014 . Notary Pu ic [SEAL] NAA_�v 0 M 0 co CQ co 0 N co 0 ­- UJ F.4 It IS UJ P-4 IS co 44 Z ;m.1 F-4 'llussul 0 uil,� . Z UJ 0 4-4 CC) 0 U.1 LO co 0) CO C) U) (I) LJ U) (D 0 0 1:14 C 0 41 0 0 - 0 0) 0) 0 41 =3 41 C a) E 0) 01 S _pLT H 0 L. 4-- C 0 BRIAN C, MI CHELL 0 Lic, No, 035724 12118118 -0 OXIA,c, 0 !E "3S /ONAL FZ4 1 �34_ I C 0 0) 41 -C 41 41 :3 0 01 3.1 0 4-- 0 0 :3 0 0 61 C CL 0 .2 41 0 :3 0 L. CL 0 CP C r (D REVISIONS 0 rDA TE ITEM I Cn LLJ 10107116 PER COMMEN TS 72118118 PER COMMEN TS10 WNER 0 C 0 F- 4-- 0 CL 0 0. -C DA TE 04-27-2016 41 SCALE A NO SCALE 0 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL P.E. 01 DESIGNED B Y BCM / JLS CHECKED B Y C PROJ.# SHEE T # C — 1A t \: It G-LOTS WITH GRIND / ijUMPS DISCHARGI TO GRAVIT<EW�Zll 103 8 9 _ 3 ' `' 85 ♦ , G - - , , , 92 swM1BMi J ♦ lX3 , ,/_ , / - r "\ �'�:, �715 _ ♦ RESERVED 9Y' /.. - -- �.. k ,' " 116 ' _ ♦ FOR FUTURE �--UPON DEMAND 20 5 , 1 i f• 8 " - 77 � ss , , 75 TEMPORARY SAC 55 ♦ '� ��72 ` j ,T24 _ �' PARKS MODIFIED MARK TYPE LANDSCAPING ACTIVITY 'so FT SIZES(S.F.) CRITICAL SLOPE A Residential Park Landscaped grass & benches Passive 19.500 N/A , NIA C Natural public amphitheater Grass bowl Passive 1®- PRESERVED C Residential Street Island Landscaped grass Passive 16,457 457 6,936 D Natural Valley Entrance Natural woods & benches Passive 27,923 29,370 E South Club House Recreation Area Pool and natural woods Active / Passive 46,507 65,872 F South Club House Picnic Area Play courts in natural woods Active 53,600 47,267 MANAGED G Exercise Pathway Landscaped walk & benches Active 36,544 N/A ID,metl 8 maintains( by HOA wIN Public eceEs easemant) H Urban Plaza (landscaped) Landscaped walkways Passive 12,100 N/A I North Club House Recreation Area Pool and natural woods Active! Passive 50,669 64,087 ASCA CREATED/MAN MADE i5ize btaeb on population serve•J) — J Natural Valley Entrance and Play Area Play court in natural woods Active / Passive 11,586 12,392 TOTAL 284,881 307,063 - r - t, - O OOr. 4 - I L _ C - -i 1 d = t O ' _ i M q L� , 4 - _ _,�l ♦ , - r TEMPORARY 1J I , CUL-DE-SAC --'x"-`�. \ `, , 174r '- i � � ❑ I� 1i ' 17 P r��171 ' 16 - , , 7 -- - - --- El O O , 3 \ -- ----- - - - 57 \ - , 1 G i1 LO 16 6 A \ , 1 1 , 1 , 1so 31 . 5 , t 14�4 d , I 189 -_ - - _ - t Q / ^ ,_ i-- -_ '_-__ - -_ - , _� --_ ;- ------ ♦ �33 -145 _ 14fi- Y 1 � o N . \ , Q I 43 194 ate E� ♦ ' , -vt - , Q -♦ -- A� t37 �147 C "A RTMENT / 200 - -- - - , r _ 1 , , R - 196 / t o r � , , > ♦♦�•♦' � ♦ - " _ _"-- 198 ' 0 I II■II■II■II■II■Ilr I■II 0 t. , Y , - - HOOL .SCSITE ♦ ,� �t / ' / � !�i?- , � -TEMPORARY ° , (l3YUTHERS)CUL- SA__-- V Q , i _, ♦. - '• ... , RESERVED- 0 , , _. _. % - - ■ - t - � � _ - FOR FUTURE 0 i N - DEDICATI - ■. t 0 - _ \ '-�� / '� _ •♦ • r ,t J. � / � - UPON DEMAND _ ___ ------------- C� P r / - ♦ 0 _ ■ r _ ti to • °- >< , O1. - r •w ; _ , _ , , , r , ' swMP/ i ♦ - - -' , 7 I , , ------------- - - ------------- , ------------------ n • ; r ■ ' JI ., ` / • � BMP � .-. ____ ___>' � _ _ ___ _ ____ w ____ ink i _ �___ _ - _ — t -' Q �- - - = - .4 - ,< - --- / - 1 - ------------------- ------------------- -------------- IN"-- - _ t,FF ,001 k o_ 1- I I _ BMP - _ -. - , ____' �_ 44, O d - ------ �\ _ ,-. ■ - RETAIL > , "- --1 " ATL" -AREA _ - ----- 7� _ , gill , , I , , .EM- -_ , , , OA ��♦ PRO EN`� - o� V , .__- _ 0 O OS TION BONIN!__ - y - i ; ► - _; - Q - r - - TA ; ■ HOT _ - --- _ -__-_ -- - " " - _ - - -�- 1 _ _ ____ _ _ - lill�ll■141// -, - - — —� - -- , , , ' ` I�IIIF ° CXOA GWO.£SOY£R ......... i;f.. ........ r.. _ - - _ - "`.�.=.,' - S ( E. TML \ 1�e , c a Ac7 _ a _ 0000000000000 •- - - i - E d LJ t u ----------------- Z! 0 ❑DPI `, (0014 ,p q o❑ Q a 0 ° 43 ^ M - -.. . DRIVE WITH , D ❑ W MODIFIED APPLICATIONPLAN e ,i r°► p�V— g � E Q U R II 1d 4 w ROAD IMOVEME S NLESS P r Uirrr AMEN `l \ C� APPROV TO HEMO IT. a Q °°_ ° ,1 o r� a �1 Q I / o GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT �] _ 2619 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22901 DAVID MITCHELL, E.I.T. - PHONE: (434) 296-4109 _ __a FAX: (434) 963-2670 E-MAIL: david (➢southern -classic. com TOWNES SITE ENGINEERING C/O BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. 9850 LORI ROAD, SUITE 201 CHESTERFIELD, VA 23832 PHONE: (804) 748-9011 FAX: (804) 748-2590 ASK US HOW E-MAIL: BMITCHELLCNCCTOWNES.COM 1111 � 111I?, J RIVANNA DISTRICT \lLBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA GREAT EASTERN MANAGEMENT REV 06/11 /14 Townes SITE ENGINEERING 9850 Lori Road, Suite 201 Chesterfield, Virginia 23832 Phone:(804) 748-9011 Fag: (804) 748-2590 ASK US HOW O O� ICJ Z C\2 CrD W CO NcoO LL C\2 0 0 W W" v W �. t•� �• W Z W o�' a cu W �P�� I Ot�� cd a 0 O Q� U 01 C 01 w N C 3 0 N U C O U v 0 v+ O U a� N �3 c N N rn PLT H O c T C 0 v -v BRIAN C. MI CHELL o Lic. No. 035724 12118118 �Lull -C FSSIO NA L EN a to C N O V l O q� w � w � REVISIONS rDATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMEN TS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER DATE 04—27-2016 SCALE NOT TO SCALE PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS CHECKED BY PROD.# 20150290 'ENT14 6549�\/''//(`,\�11 / ,I ' / // /`1//\1/`,A///t/ '_ f� /'- !1'.' ' / _--////-///'/' //-' / --\ '_-n /-_._ :'/ --_:.`c`--\_.1,\_f `\' \- /—\__•�\1 \`,- /, \`\ __- \\/\/ -\/`/-\1-\V//-```.im•_, _`'_ '-`Iy`'_�-\-am\ `/\ _\ ` \'_'C/-/J'_ - '\,-\`- I /\/-/-/`/'\ -, // -\/ I J/( - '\ // `- \ ,1 /` /- /I �/! � _/ /- \ / `-,\ //\ I // I 1 /' 'I \/ I \I '_/,( \ / ,/ �\/ `///`\ `'''// \\/,// \ 1 I \1 1 - \I 'I ,\,I \ /� ^/\ ///\/ \ _ \ \1 \J \ ,I/ I\' /\\ /\`:// \-''`\. 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REVISIONS rDATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMEN TS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER DATE 04—27-2016 SCALE i "=100' PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS CHECKED BY PROD. # 20150290 SHEET # C — 2 N. _ _ 5TIENTl4 / ,_ / " \ ` \ i , r /_--- I I 1 `\ \ 1 I \ I , /' / , / / / \ ♦ 1 6549 / 491.83 /, (1�)\\__— ! \\ i l i / \ \ / 1 1 ,/ 1 I /, ♦♦ \\ I 1 - --- ,/ ,' / ,/ \ / 1 \ r CONS FVTT�W--------- \ 1 r v'y \�\ \` /' I / / j 1 I ,/' - \\ 1 `---------- _ _- / /'/ '/ '/ 0 I I _ T f ■ / _ I — ------------- ,rrry� STONE _—/_-- ---- — I — — — — - _---- DD 0 — — — _ _ __'1_..f� 3.09 / �/ r• ,/' or 0 , / 1.1� at CE r 4JIMITS OF / \ Avis // ! ■ ■ ■ ■ / 3.02 DISTURBANCE/ `_- _'' \`--- ---- \` \` -- --� ----- CLEARING, l i i 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ �r - now/ ,------\ Ahll �. 3.13 I I - I , -----\ \------- I I LIMITS OF i \ DISTURBANCE/CLEAR \ — SF / \ / / , , 1 /I r _ \ ` \ \ - I I o \ \ DI�ITURBANCE/\ I , �/ ,/ \ \ \\ I J \ \ \ 1 I \ \� NC LEARING \ / I / \ 1 \ /' I I I I 1 I r . 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I 1 '\ 11�llfkS OF $F DI TIYRBAjdCE/ qLkANNG 3.05 / uu / / / _ _ / / / / 1 no __-------- ----'--- - _' // / ,/ // ///' ____' . ,/ \\ ,/ / // ,/ /,/ ,/ /J � I I I 1 i I 1 I , , I 1 / I � I I 1 I \ \\ ♦___ _ • // ,/ ,/ / 1 , /'ell / 1 I I I I 1 1 , / / I \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 I I I 1 IQD \ -\`\ 1 /--------- / / ,/ / �� / / ♦ I 1 \ - \- _ DD \ / t . 1 I I I 1 1 / / / / 1 - \ / I I \ \ I \ 3.09`\\ \ I ,/ \ 1 I I I 1 I ,' It _ `\ \ \ 1 I I 2 //✓- _// ,�, //' ,', /// `/ % // .' .''' -$F_ -_--___ , \ ^\\ IN \11, 1\ \\ \\ \\\ -- - \\ - - I I l / J I I I \I 1 \\ ` // l / / I I\ I 1 O __ --- ----- /------\ 1 / / I I I I \ \ `\ ` ` ' 1/ \I I rDQ( - `` /'_-' f3 Q--0_O ° O ° ° ' / r t LIMITS OF 0 / DISTURBANCE ` I 1 I ` \ DISZl1R�AN 1 r \ 1 \ \ ` \ `--.CLEA)RING\ \ \ \ 1 1 r 1 I ` \ \ ` \ ` I / , / / I _ \�-- 7 I 1Ow 1 t� CLEARING , \ \ \ \ : \N. . \ \ \ \ 1 I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ �� \ 3.05 ` `\ `\ `\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \`\ \\ 3.09 \ / /- ,'0 �N/ ___- 0 ° o 307 T$D - --- / /// / ,/ / OUTLET O \ \ I \ \ 1 1 I 0 \ LIMITS OF .c� DISTURBANCE!/ SF - / — 1 CLE9RIN� ., _/ e , \ / I 1 \ 1 1 \ .05 �' o / � / / _/ O- / / ----------_ � 1 I I I / \� \ \ \\ 1 1 \ \ \ / / / I 1 I I 1 \ 1 \ 1 1 T$D � _ / / � I,\\ \ \\ \ 1 11 1\ ♦ \ / � / I I 1 1 I \ 11 \ 3.15---'''/ i/' /' / /' _—'— /O� I / O / I I I 1 \ \ 1 1 1 1 \ \ \ /' / IP __' /' / ' ' '' D /'0 I / I 1 \ \ 1 1 1 I I \ \ 1 I I I 1 \ \ 3.07 DD / / /' SSF l /� 'O /' 0 I I I I -2 , , \ DD 9 // _ - \ / -- / I I 1 \ 1 I 1 I \` • OD I I I I I I 1 `\ -- / /''/ /'/ / / O �'/ O I 1 \ \ / / / — ` -/ I I I 114 \ 3.09 \ /'� ' _- ° / _ / I / � �/ �\ , / 1 1 , 1 / I 1 , 1 I I I \ .ZO \ � 1 I 1 I \ \ \ \ \ '' /' // // �/' E ,/ O / , ,/ � � EROSION CONTROL ,---- \ J ---\ I I I , r I \ 11 I 1 I I I I \ \ ,,/- - C ,, o --_ EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA I /' \ / J I / 1 I 1 I 1 / I I I \ \ S ' ' / / O \ I / ,/ // \ \ / J I / 1 1 I I 1 1 1 $F ♦ I I 1 I I 1 \ \ \ --- j ' / ' / ✓ / O / / ' / '/\ ' ` EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK \ I \ \__ / I / , I \ I \ _ / / , 0 , , / \ ,/ \ \ -� / l I I / , I 1 I I I I I I I ` 05 / I J ' // / ,/ ° STD. & SPEC, \ / `—_/ 1 1 / / // \\ \\ // / I / I I I 1 1 I I I I I I j CD I JI \ \ _' // /' O I \ / \ PCE O STONE O/C❑NSTRUCTI❑N ENTRANCE __ A ---0RANQ' / / / / �/ //♦ / / / //'/,'/// ' / / /' //// ''/ // '// \ O O /���0 O /� N. O N. / l / `\ / / / / / l / / \` \ \ - \ ( / l / I 1 \ \ \ \ - _--= _-__--==-_ --- / // / i ♦ / O\--- '------- -- 05 �\ .- - \\NN I \--- \- --- __------- ----- 6--------�--- - — / F / ' / ' `\ \ I ` J / / / / 1 1 1 1 1 \\ -- / '/ ------ / \ \ /O/ \ ,'---�.. SSF — // .02 / \ ----_-- /� / / \\ \\ \\ \I 11 ----_ —__/' ,/'S ,'/ //— J O_° /' CRITICAL SLOPE ° ° --_----- ° ° - GRAPHIC SCALE ° O ° ° / O ° --: /// 0 I\ \0-6♦ q ; ; ,/' ,' ,�--- —_ \ / / I — PRESERVED 100 0 50 100 200 , ° ' /\e` d\ \ / \ \ \ \ 1 I I / O 0- \ m 1 1 i I 1 / N. \\ , 1 ' 1 I 1 I % I . /'/ / i ° O ° ,/' / /,. --- /�- . `\@� I 1 / �'-� \ o ( \ / El — MANAGED ( IN FEET ) i I I I I \ i / 6/ O-------5i , 1 I I 1 ` / / 1 I I / , / I v / // ° o o ,,. \y`d (` , J \ \ �acta�;,"` . / \, 1 inch = 100 ft. Lo C\2 / 11 00 O Z CQ v- COO �r LL C�2 0o O W � W Z r� O�`� W• Q)o 0 O V-I Co '.4 4 �r LO m�� C� r- � CO a REVISIONS DATE ITEM I w 10107/16 PER COMMENTS 12118/18 PER COMMENTS/OWNER cn N N C 3 H O N a O a DATE 04-27-2016 +' SCALE C AS SHOWN 0 PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn v DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS 41 -o CHECKED BY C v PROD. # 20150290 3 v ° SHEET # C - 3 Y� dTIENT 6549 491 83 _ CONSTK74IG --- 1 I � I 1 / / / / / / / / / EROSION CONTROL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES AS PER VIRGINIA ER❑SI❑N AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK STD. & SPEC. aPCE 3.02 CONSTRUCTI❑N ENTRANCE SF 3,05 SILT FENCE X IP 3,07 INLET PROTECTI❑N 3.09 TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKE ST 3,13 FUN TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP ROCK CHECK DAM LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION TS TEMPORARY SEEDING PERMANENT SEEDING MULCHING DUST CONTROL \ ` J ---------------- i I I ET REFERENCE POINT 3A ----------------� N 673402_� INSET SCALE 1 "=100' NT / I \\ \ \\ .mac'/ IbU \\ FE \\-----_-- T \ \ \ 1 1 1 I I \ I I I I I I I \ \ \ \ 3.07------ I \\ 13 I I I, DD CD ,' 114 0 I / -\ \433 I I / \ \4134\ `-----'_ I i \ ----_---____ .2 - / 1 SSE ot) _--- / \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\`"� -------DFsTtiRBAhTCE-%- o------CLEARING _-- - 05 fY -----_- O o p O/per -�--- _------ -------_/ o0 IO \ C\2 �— \I �\ �N� i W / • OF i 0 •0 X U RB CE/ W 0 AR G /� Z aow O rI • • C ♦ o 4 1 .o w W 4 +� / In W O0 ril rn 0 1 I LO �y� 3 j I l 00 V Cd muc H N 1 \ 0 \\\ U / CROSSCREEI \ L STONE .13 WTLET \ SF I TURBANCE/ I I �I ANNG I \ \ \\\ \SF UWTS OF DISTURBANCE/ \\ \ \\'\ D CLEARING \ _-440 ---- I _ \ TONE , \ \ o \ izz `\ i 1 3.13 /' ' ? > \ o-o 0 0 OtJT \ \ / — ,w' / p ° ,0 - 1B e (-L- o /� \ r SSF I o 3�5 0 o 1/ o / / MITE,F RING �\-4 CRITICAL SLOPE GRAPHIC SCALE too 0 50 100 200 PRESERVED - MANAGED ( IN FEET ) i inch = 100 ft. ��pl.T H p ` BRIAN C. MITCHELL Lic, No, 035724 4 12118118 ?po�Fss/ON A L ENG\�� O � Imo. �1 ti q� W Q+O O � O REVISIONS DATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMEN TS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER DATE 04—27-2016 SCALE 1 "=100' PROJECT MANAG=P.E. BRIAN C. MITCHEL DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS CHECKED BY PROD. # 20150290 C O U O Cr 0 O U 0 7 0 0 C 0 0 O� C .L c T C O -0 c v -v 0 L O Q C 0 rn C O U C 3 = 0 t 7 0 L �3 O� C �3 v v r2 -C 0 0 W L. 0 t 0 L. 0 c �T a 0 U 0 U 7 O o. 0 -C rn C .L 0 0 C 01 C w 0 In rn 0 C 3 f— O 0 a 0 a 0 r C 3 O -C rn C rn 0 „ 0 -C C 0 Cr �3 0 v` rn -C CONSTRUCTION NARRATIVE PROJECT DESCRIPTION THIS PROJECT INVOLVES THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 98-LOT SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT THAT IS PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENT. THE PROJECT ALSO INVOLVES THE MASS GRADING OF A FUTURE APARTMENT SITE THAT LIES IN THE CENTER THIS PROJECT, ALSO A PART OF THE OVERALL NORTH POINTE PROJECT, AND THE INSTALLATION OF TWO LARGE SWM/BMP BASINS AND TWO BIO-RETENTION BASINS. THE FOUR BMPS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COLLECTIVELY ADDRESS THE WATER QUALITY AND QUANTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THIS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, THE FUTURE APARTMENT SITE, AND A PORTION OF A FUTURE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT EAST OF THIS PROJECT. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER WILL BE EXTENDED TO SERVICE THE FUTURE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENTS. THE DISTURBED AREA ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT IS APPROXIMATELY 50 ACRES. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS THE EXISTING SITE IS MOSTLY FORESTED. THE MAJORITY OF THE SITE SLOPES NORTHWEST TO FLAT BRANCH. THE SITE CONTAINS WATERS OF THE U.S. THAT SHALL REMAIN UNDISTURBED EXCEPT FOR THE PERMITTED AREAS TO BE IMPACTED. GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER AND A 12" WATERLINE ARE AVAILABLE FOR CONNECTION ON THE MIDDLE ENTRANCE ROAD AS PART OF THE NORTHPOINTE MIDDLE ENTRANCE AND ROUTE 29IMPROVE11ENTS PROJECT. EACH WILL BE EXTENDED TO SERVICE THIS PROJECT AND FUTURE NORTH POINTE DEVELOPMENTS. ADJACENT AREAS THE SITE IS BORDERED BY THE NORTH POINTE MIDDLE ENTRANCE AND ROUTE 19 P.4PROVE31BNTSPROJECT AND FLAT BRANCH TO THE WEST, PRITCHETT DRIVE (VA 785) TO THE SOUTH, AND A FUTURE NORTH POINTE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TO THE EAST. OFFSITE AREAS THERE IS NO OFFSITE WORK PROPOSED WITH THIS PROJECT. SOILS THE SITE IS CHARACTERIZED BY SANDY, LEAN CLAY (CL) AND SILTY, LEAN SAND (SM). CRITICAL AREAS THE CRITICAL AREAS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT INCLUDE FLAT BRANCH AT THE PROPOSED CROSSCREEK DRIVE ROAD CROSSING. DISTURBED AREA SHOULD BE LIMITED TO WHAT IS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. OTHER SENSITIVE AREAS INCLUDE WETLANDS AND WATERS OF THE U. S., CONTRACTOR MUST CONTROL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION FROM LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES AND PREVENT THEM FR40M ENTERING WATERWAYS. THIS SITE IS SET UP TO DRAIN TO FIVE SEDIMENT TRAPS AND TWO SEDIMENT BASINS WHICH WILL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL THE SITE IS STABILIZED. THE SITE CONTAINS STEEP SLOPES THROUGHOUT THE DISTURBED AREAS. THESE DISTURBED AREAS WILL NEED TO BE SEEDED AND STABILIZATION ACHIEVED TO PREVENT EROSION FROM OCCURRING AS THE WORK PROGRESSES. THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD ALSO TAKE CARE TO KEEP CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION IN ORDER TO NOT TRACK MUD ONTO EXISTING ROADWAYS. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES - PHASE I 1 - ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED, MAINTAINED AND REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES CONTAINED IN THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. 2 - PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR. 3 - WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED PUBLIC ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY (VEHICULAR) TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER. 4 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER APPLICABLE CRITERIA: A - NO MORE THAN 500 LINEAR FEET OF TRENCH MAY BE OPENED AT ONE TIME. B - EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF TRENCHES. C - EFFLUENT FROM DEWATERING OPERATIONS SHALL BE FILTERED OR PASSED THROUGH AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE, OR BOTH, AND DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS OR OFF -SITE PROPERTY. D - RESTABILIZATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. E - APPLICABLE SAFETY REGULATIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH. 5 - ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IF WARRANTED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. 6 - THE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS OR SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL APPROVED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. 7 - A VDOT LAND USE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. 8 - AT THE TIME OF THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING, TWO STANDARD SIGNS MUST BE INSTALLED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. THESE SIGNS SHOULD STATE EITHER "CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AHEAD" OR "TRUCKS ENTERING HIGHWAY". CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE TO BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. THE OWNER MUST GIVE THE COUNTY INSPECTOR 48 HOURS NOTIFICATION TO SCHEDULE A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING THAT WILL BE HELD AT COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING LOCATED AT 401 MCINTIRE ROAD FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. 2. THE CERTIFIED RESPONSIBLE LAND DISTURBER (CRLD) MUST ATTEND THE PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING. 3. INSTALL CAUTION TAPE ALONG THE 50' UNDISTURBED CONSERVATION AREA FROM FLAT BRANCH TO PREVENT CLEARING THE 50' CONSERVATION AREA. 4. INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ON THE ENTRANCE DRIVE AND PROFFIT ROAD LOCATIONS AS SHOWN. 5. INSTALL THE PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING ON CROSSCREEK DRIVE INCLUDING STORM STRUCTURES 1, 2, 2A, AND 3. STRUCTURE 2 SHALL BE INSTALLED FIRST SO THE STREAM MAY BE DIVERTED THROUGH STRUCTURE 2 WHILE STRUCTURE 2A IS INSTALLED. 6. CLEAR PRELIMINARY LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE AS NEEDED TO INSTALL SEDIMENT TRAPS AND BASINS. 7. INSTALL SEDIMENT BASIN 1 AND 2 AS WELL AS SEDIENT TRAPS 1, 2, AND 3. GRADE IN SEDIMENT BASINS AND INSTALL THE RISER, BARREL, AND OUTLET PROTECTION AS SHOWN ON PLANS. CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO THE ROAD PLANS FOR THIS PROJECT FOR DETAILS ON THE POND GRADING, INSTALLATION OF THE CLAY CORE WITHIN THE DAM, AND THE 12" DRAIN, VALVE AND CONCRETE SLAB REQUIRED FOR THE BASIN. 8. CLEAR PRELIMINARY LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE IN THIS AREA AS SHOWN NECESSARY TO INSTALL ASSOICATED TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKES AND SILT FENCE TO DIRECT RUNOFF TO SEDIMENT BASIN AND 2 AS WEL AS SEDIMENT TRAPS 1, 2, AND 3. 9. INSTALL SEDIMENT TRAPS 4 AND 5 10. CLEAR PRELIMINARY LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE IN THIS AREA AS SHOWN NECESSARY TO INSTALL ASSOICATED TEMPORARY DIVERSION DIKES AND SILT FENCE TO DIRECT RUNOFF TO SEDIMENT TRAPS 4 AND 5. 11. INSTALL ALL TREE PROTECTION AND SILT FENCE 12. CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEAR SEDIMENT TRAPS 1 - 7 AND SEDIMENT BASIN 1 AND 2 OF SEDIMENT THAT BUILDS UP OVER TIME AND PERFORM ANY REPAIRS NEEDED FOR THE TRAPS AND BASINS TO FUNCTION PROPERLY. 13. AFTER THE INSTALLATION OF ALL SEDIMENT TRAPS, SEDIMENT BASINS, AND OTHER INITIAL EROSION CONTROL (EC) MEASURES, THE COUNTY INSPECTOR AND CRLD MUST MEET TO INSPECT EC MEASURES BEFORE PROCEEDING TO PHASE IL PERMANENT STABILIZATION THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE GRASS STABILIZATION ON ALL DENUDED AREAS PRIOR TO TURNOVER OF THE PROJECT TO THE DEVELOPER. SEED SHALL BE APPLIED AS DICTATED IN THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK STORMWATER RUNOFF CONSIDERATIONS FOUR BMPS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COLLECTIVELY ADDRESS THE WATER QUANTITY ASSOCIATED WITH THIS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, THE FUTURE APARTMENT SITE, AND A PORTION OF THE FUTURE RESIDENTIAL SECTION EAST OF THIS SECTION. THE POST DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF WILL BE CONTAINED ONSITE IN TWO RETENTION BASINS AND TWO BIO-RETENTION FILTERS THAT ARE DESIGNED TO MAINTAIN A STORM POST -DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF RATE THAT IS LESS THAN THE STORM PRE -DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF RATE FOR THE APPLICABLE SITE AREA. MS-19 IS BEING ACHIEVED WITHIN THE NATURAL CHANNELS THROUGH THE STORM BEING CONTAINED WITHIN THE CHANNEL BANKS AND NOT CAUSING THE CHANNEL BEDS TO ERODE. MAINTENANCE IN GENERAL, ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE CHECKED DAILY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL. SITE INSPECTIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED AS SPECIFIED IN VAR10-PART II-F. ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: a. SEDIMENT TRAPS WILL BE CLEANED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VIRGINIA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK b. THE BASIN EMBANKMENTS SHOULD BE CHECKED REGULARLY TO ENSURE THAT THEY ARE STRUCTURALLY SOUND AND HAVE NOT BEEN DAMAGED BY EROSION OR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT. THE BASINS SHOULD BE CHECKED AFTER EACH RUNOFF -PRODUCING RAINFALL FOR SEDIMENT CLEANOUT. WHEN THE SEDIMENT REACHES THE CLEAN -OUT LEVEL, IT SHALL BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED. C. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. SEDIMENT DEPOSIT SHOULD BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS REMAINING IN PLACE AFTER THE SILT FENCE IS NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM TO THE EXISTING GRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED. D. ALL GRAVEL OUTLETS WILL BE CHECKED REGULARLY FOR SEDIMENT BUILDUP THAT WILL PREVENT PROPER DRAINAGE. IF THE GRAVEL IS CLOGGED BY SEDIMENT, THE GRAVEL WILL BE REMOVED AND CLEANED, OR IT WILL BE REPLACED. E. DIVERSION DIKES SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EVERY STORM EVENT AND REPAIRS MADE TO THE DIKES, FLOW CHANNELS, OUTLET OR SEDIMENT TRAPPING FACILITY, AS NECESSARY. ONCE EVERY TWO WEEKS, WHETHER A STORM EVENT HAS OCCURRED OR NOT, THE MEASURE SHALL BE INSPECTED AND REPAIRS MADE IF NEEDED. DAMAGES CAUSED BY CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC OR OTHER ACTIVITY MUST BE REPAIRED BEFORE THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY. DUST CONTROL THE FOLLOWING TEMPORARY DUST CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE USED DURING CONSTRUCTION: - VEGETATIVE COVER: INAREAS SUBJECT TO LITTLE OR NO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, A VEGETATIVE STABILIZED SURFACE WILL REDUCE DUST EMISSIONS. - MULCH: NOT RECOMMENDED FOR AREAS WITHIN HEAVY TRAFFIC PATHWAYS. - IRRIGATION: SITE TO BE SPRINKLED WITH WATER UNTIL THE SURFACE IS WET. REPEAT AS NEEDED. IT OFFERS FAST PROTECTION FOR HAUL ROADS AND OTHER HEAVY TRAFFIC ROUTES. IN ADDITION TO THE TEMPORARY DUST CONTROL MEASURES, PERMANENT METHODS SHALL BE APPLIED AND THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS: - PERMANENT VEGETATION: APPLY PERMANENT SEEDING (PER STD 3.32). EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES - PHASE II 1 - ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE INSTALLED, MAINTAINED AND REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES CONTAINED IN THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE VIRGINIA EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK. 2 - PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DENUDED AREAS WITHIN SEVEN DAYS AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SOIL STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN SEVEN DAYS TO DENUDED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE AT FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 14 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR 3 - WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED PUBLIC ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY (VEHICULAR) TRACKING ONTO THE PAVED SURFACE. WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED THOROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER. 4 - UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER APPLICABLE CRITERIA: A - NO MORE THAN 500 LINEAR FEET OF TRENCH MAY BE OPENED AT ONE TIME. B - EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF TRENCHES. C - EFFLUENT FROM DEWATERING OPERATIONS SHALL BE FILTERED OR PASSED THROUGH AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE, OR BOTH, AND DISCHARGED IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT FLOWING STREAMS OR OFF -SITE PROPERTY. D - RES TABILIZATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE REGULATIONS. E - APPLICABLE SAFETY REGULATIONS SHALL BE COMPLIED WITH. 5 - ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MAY BE REQUIRED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING IF WARRANTED BY FIELD CONDITIONS. 6 - THE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAPS OR SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL NOT BE REMOVED UNTIL APPROVED BY ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING. 7 - A VDOT LAND USE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT. 8 - AT THE TIME OF THE PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING, TWO STANDARD SIGNS MUST BE INSTALLED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. THESE SIGNS SHOULD STATE EITHER "CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AHEAD" OR "TRUCKS ENTERING HIGHWAY". CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE TO BE AS FOLLOWS: 1. CLEAR AND GRUB TO FINAL LIMITS OF CLEARING. 2. INSTALL ADDITIONAL SILT FENCE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 3. BEGIN SITE GRADING OPERATIONS. 4. INSTALL SANITARY SEWER. 5. GRADE ROADWAYS TO SUBGRADE. 6. INSTALL THE PEDESTRIAN TUNNEL AND HEADWALLS ON THE ENTRANCE DRIVE (STRUCTURES 4-6). 7. INSTALL STORM SEWER PIPES AND STRUCTURES, INSTALLING INLET PROTECTION FOR THE DRAINAGE INLETS AS PROGRESSION OCCURS. 8. INSTALL WATERLINE. 9. INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER, STONE, AND PAVEMENT. 10. SEED ALL DENUDED AREAS. 11.ONCE LAND DISTURBANCE AREAS HAVE BEEN FULLY STABILIZED, CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE SEDIMENT TRAPS AND OTHER EC DEVICES (WITH EXCEPTION OF THE SEDIMENT BASINS) UPON APPROVAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR. 12. ONCE SEDIMENT TRAPS I AND 5 ARE REMOVED, PERMANENT BIOFIOLTERS SHALL BE INSTALLED, RESPECTIVELY. THE SEDIMENT BASINS SHALL REMAIN AS TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS UNTIL THE FUTURE APARTMENT SITE AND ADJACENT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ARE CONSTRUCTED. ONCE THESE FUTURE SITES ARE STABILIZED, THE BASINS MAY BE CONVERTED TO PERMANENT SWM/BMPS. O O lid co 0 U' d+ v Z ��� 0 Op N 0 W Lu Z UF14 Cd ij o � •--{ Z =b0.� F.40 W o4-4Co ' W Cd O O 4 a O U) ZD U) Q 0 0 U BRIAN C. MI CHELL Lic, No, 035724 12/18178 Q 'Ao�FSS�ONAL w 0 a Q) u I. r� Q) 0 ci 64 q w co �r r� i REVISIONS' DATE ITEM 10107/16 PER COMMENTS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER 3 rn c_ •3 v v r 0 m a� r 0 L_ 0 v� c a 0 U 0 U v 0 a 0 a� s v+ c .L a� a� c c w a� a� c 3 0 0 T aD a 0 a DATE 0 4; 04-27-2016 SCALE c AS SHOWN o t PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. c .N 0v DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS o CHECKED BY c v �' PROD. # 20150290 3 v L SHEET # C - 5B Paved construction entrance for erosion control plans PROFILE 70' MIN- `.(-_ 'I'•"• ASPHALT PAVE_ wASHRACK EXISTING 12' MIN.- -- 'Po'I�I-I Lam. _PC TVF DI ILL;!=F I ENT OF INCIRESS AN-)LGIRESS TO 1 TRAPPING [}DFV ICE OPERATION i PLAN 12' MIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE TO SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE_ FILTER CLO- I I -� ~ SECTION A -A :A nXulu11u111 water tap of 1 hich nur't be matalled u-ith a ininuumn 1 urch billcock shutoff z ah e snRllhll_ a till h hose wltll a clianletel of 1. niches for adequate cou5tant pLe .rue, a h Hotel uu .t L e Larriecl a 1 as f1L m the enhance to an apinm etl wettlitla area to reulul'e .erliluent _ 11 ,edunent ;hall I}e presented fiom euterum- stolen chairs, ditclre.' or watercourses PAVED WASH RACK NO SCALE Mill ilk ..III ;:• �=:•:-.:;�;. ': _�_ "- I - � 1 .......... �•'........... 1 ........... . . c ,1 \ • r1 \1 _ , '1) 1' '. ..CI ; ..CI � � • III I AW 1. 41 \ ..... t;:;:•:••;:••;••••••';1;• ••• r murk,.: Aaaptea Irorn nlsmation or .$raw ana raDne ruler Lamers Ior Jealment COI1U`O,TA. DJBU rLALB. a.Vu-k; VUUI KUAU ANU BK/U4't JIANUAKUS nt VA. DSWC PIPE OUTLET CONDITIONS OP ROCK CHECK DAM c0 IP SILT FETNCET DROP INLET A A 3' 8 3.20 3.07 PROTECTION 2 ACRES OR LESS OF DRAINAGE AREA: 2 X 4" WOOD FRAME DROP INLET 6" WITH GRATE 1 1.5' MAX. J FRAME PIPE OUTLET TO FLAT FILTER CLOTH 3 P-� AREA WITH NO DEFINED l CHANNEL (OPTIONAL) PLAN VIEW (DOWNSTREAM VIEW) � S ���, �3 MIN. L a VOOT #1 COARSE AGGREGATE 0 9. GATHER EXCESS d FLOW AT CORNERS V V -�/ SECTION A -A FILTER CLOTH KEY IN 6"-9"; RECOMMMED FOR ENTIRE PERMTER PERSPECTIVE VIEWS A 2-10 ACRES OF DRAINAGE AREA: STAKE 3do (MIN.) A do 6" FABRIC PIPE OUTLET TO WELL 3' I V DEFINED CHANNEL FILTER CLOTH I 1' MIN. pI 1 (OPTIONAL) I I o�� 1 1 1 /D` L i I I vDor 1 t l ° R COARSE AGGREGATE ELEVATION OF STAKE AND d _ FABRIC ORIENTATION DETAIL A SECTION A -A FILTER CLOTH KEY IN 8'-9"; RECOMMMED FOR ENTIRE PRRBOTFR NOTES: 1. APRON LINING MAY BE RIPRAP, GROUTED RIPRAP, GABION BASKET, OR CONCRETE. 2. Le IS THE LENGTH OF THE RIPRAP APRON AS CALCULATED USING PLATES 3.18-3 AND 3.18-4. 3. d = 1.5 TIMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER, BUT NOT LESS THAN 6 INCHES. Source: Va. DSWC Plate 3.18-1 SOURCE: VA. DSWC EC-3 MAT TO BE INSTALLED ON TYPICAL INSTALLATION AT END OF PIPE 3'OVERLAP BETWEEN ROLLS ' ENTRENCH EDGES OF MATERIALS 611. TRANSVERSE CLOSED CHECK SLOT :PER THAN 3:1 EC-3 STAKING DETAIL OVERLAP STAKES OR PINS 3' O.C. SLOT 25, O.C. I TRANSVERSE CHECK SLOT TO BE t1 fa'jtr THE MA�TACCTUED �S�RECO�MNENDIATION # \ FOR PREFERRED INSTALLATION,\� � TRANSVERSE OPEN CHECK SLOT V DITCH NOTES( T-2" 1. STAKES SHALL BE WOOD OR METAL AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER AND SHALL BE A MNYIIM OF 12" IN LENGTH. IN SANDY SORB META" STAKES A MNWM OF 19" N LENGTH SWILL BE USED. 2. SOIL STABILIZATION MAT TYPE A AND B IRE TD BE N ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED PRODUCTS LEST. 3. SOIL STABILIZATION MAT SHOULD BE INSTALLED TO THE SHOULDER BREAK POINT OR EMTNG GROUND THEN EMBEDDED 5". MATERIAL ON BOTH SIDES OF THE DITCH SHALL BE INSTALLED TO THE SAME .,.;KILT;:, E?;;;Ii+.:1{I:;;.:..: .'1'r,ii.Pv,.•,.. ELEVATIONS. 3; ;•?` r. _ ('::,./ .. }13r"y 4. IF MORE THAN 3 LINES OF MATrm& ARE REWKD PARALLEL TO THE OF THE DITCH. MATERIAL SHALL BE INSTALLED PERPENDICULAR TO THE CENTER LINE OF 7HE DITCH, STARTING AT THE LOWES7 FELEVATON OF THE DITCH. UPSTREAM AND DOWNSTREAM( TERMINAL Ks FOR SOURCES OF APPROVED MATERIALS SEE VDOTIS APPROVED PRODUCTS LIST FOR ST-D. EC-3. TYPE A OR B. SKCFICATION SOIL STABILIZATION MAT xv=r DITCH INSTALLATION TYPE A OR B �°�° " DATE ND STANDARDS BRIDGE 444 BENISON DSIUEET 1 OF 3 606 VMWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION tu.D3 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN PLATE. 3.20-1 SPECIFIC APPLICATION THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE WHERE THE INLET DRAINS A RELATIVELY FLAT AREA (SLOPE NO GREATER THAN 59) WHERE THE INLET SHEET OR OVERLAND FLOWS (NOT EXCEEDING 1 C.F.S.) ARE TYPICAL. THE METHOD SHALL NOT APPLY TO INLETS RECEIVING CONCENTRATED FLOWS, SUCH AS IN STREET OR HIGHWAY MEDIANS. SOURCE: N.C. Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual, 1988 PLATE 3.07-1 SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE. 3.13-2 P GRA VEL CURB INLET SE.DIWA7 3. 07 FILTER / r GRAVEL FILTER* 12" • 7�1...... , d 1 �II (III n O dFF 1 "�I I LLI�I,D o 4 SEDIMENT �II1 a a A=A CONCRETE GUTTER 12" CURB INLET SPECIFlC APPLICATION THIS METHOD OF INLET PROTECTION IS APPLICABLE AT CURB INLETS WHERE PONDING IN FRONT OF THE STRUCTURE IS NOT LIKELY TO CAUSE INCONVENIENCE OR DAMAGE TO ADJACENT STRUCTURES AND UNPROTECTED AREAS. • GRAVEL SHALL BE VOOT #3, #357 OR 5 COARSE AGGREGATE. SOURCE: VA. DSWC SEDIMENT BASIN SCHEMATIC ELE VA TI DNS DESIGN HIGH WATER L. (25-YR. STORM ELEV.) 67 C.Y./ AC. - " DRY " STORAGE 67 C.Y./ AC. " WE STORAGE SEDIMENT CLEANOUT POINT (" WET " STORAGE REDUCED TO 34 C.Y. ACRE) SOURCE: VA. DSWC TOP OF DAM DD TETMPORARY DIVERA✓ION DIKE 3.09 Compacted Soil 18" min. Area to be protected -Flow I-1 11=1 I I 11=1 I I -III -I 11=1 11=1 11=1 11 1 I 1=1 11 1 �I 11=1 11=1 I I -II I I -I 11=1 11=1 11=1 11=1 II I -III -III -I I I- h 4.5' min. SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE 3.09- PLATE. 3.14-2 BASIN # DRAIN AREA WET STOR. VOL. REQ D. WET STOR. VOL. ELEV. WET STOR. VOL. PROV. DRY STOR. VOL. REQ D. DRY STOR. VOL. PROV. DRY STOR. VOL. ELEV. BOTTOM ELEV. RISER CREST ELEV. DEWAT. DEVICE ELEV. EMERG. SPILL. ELEV. 25-YR STORM ELEV. TOP DAM ELEV. RISER DIAM. DEWAT. DEVICE DIAM. FLEX. TUBING DIAM. ANTI- VOR TEX DIAM. ANTI- VOR TEX THICK GAUGE ANTI- VOR TEX HEIGHT ANTI- VORTEX STIFFENER OUTFALL BARREL OUTFALL BARREL OUTFALL BARREL OUTFALL BARREL ANTI -SEEP COLLARS DIAM. LENGTH INN. IN INN. OU 1-114'PIPE or 1-1/4xI-114 x114 ANGLE 1 AC. YD.3 FT. YD.3 YD.3 YD.3 FT FT. FT. FT. FT. FT FT. IN. IN. IN. IN. GA. IN. IN. FT. FT. FT. # SIZE 38.12 2554 430 6128 2554 7318 435.50 422 435.50 430 435.50 436.55 437.50 48 24 26 72 14 21 42 120.49 422 418 4 5.8X5.8 2 24 1 1608 1 445 2745 1 1608 1 1919 1 447 1 439 1 447 1 445 1 NIA 1447.651 450 1 48 19 21 72 14 21 x1 4 ANGLE 1 42 78.8691 439 1 434 3 5.6X5.6 TACKWELD - ALL AROUND #6 x 12"- SPACER BAR (TYPICAL) PLATE 3.07- SILT FENCET CUL VE'RT INLETT cl P PROTECTION 3.08 ENDWALL DISTANCE IS 6' MINIMUM IF FLOW IS TOWARD EMBANKMENT FLOW OPTIONAL ,STONE COMBINATION* * 1.0' 1.5' h' FLOW 2.5' VDOT #3, 1357, f5, #56 OR f57 COARSE AGGREGATE TO REPLACE SILT FENCE IN " HORSESHOE ' WHEN HIGH VELOCITY OF FLOW IS EXPECTED 1 RIPRAP SOURCE.' ADAPTED from VDOT Standard Sheets and Va. DSWC PLATE. 3.08- ANTI- VORTEX DEVICE DESIGN PRESSURE RELIEF HOLES 1/2" DIA. O A 0 0 TOP STIFFENER (IF REQUIRED) IS #6 REBAR OR 1-1/2X1-1/2 X3/16 ANGLE WELDED 0 0 TO TOP AND ORIENTED PER- PENDICULAR TO CORRUGATIONS. O O 0 0 TOP IS 16 GAGE CORRUGATED 0 METAL OR 1/8" STEEL PLATE. PRESSURE RELIEF HOLES MAY BE OMMITTED, IF ENDS OF PLAN VIEW CORRUGATIONS ARE LEFT FULLY OPEN WHEN THE TOP IS D=72" _ ATTACHED. W DED CYLINDER IS 14 GAGE CORRUGATED H=21" METAL PIPE OR FABRICATED FROM 1/8" STEEL PLATE. 8" MIN. NOTES: 1. THE CYLINDER MUST BE SUPPORT BAR SIZE FIRMLY FASTENED TO THE (#6 REBAR MIN.) TOP OF THE RISER. RISER DIAMETER 2. SUPPORT BARS ARE WELDED TO THE TOP OF THE RISER OR ATTACHED BY STRAPS ECTION A -A ISOMETRIC BOLTED TO TOP OF RISER. INFORMATION SHOWN FOR SEDIMENT BASIN 1 RECOMMENDED DE WA TERING SYSTEM FOR SEDIMENT BASINS PROVIDE ADEQUATE POLYETHYLENE CAP STRAPPING DEPTH VARIES AS TACK WELD _ REQUIRED PERFORATED POLYETHYLENE* FOR" DRY " _-- DRAINAGE TUBING, DIAMETER STORAGE VARIES (SEE CALCULATIONS IN �\ APPENDIX 3.14-A) WET " FERNCO-STYLE " COUPLING - STORAGE DEWATERING ORIFICE SCHEDULE 40 STEEL STUB 1-FOOT MINIMUM, DIAMETER VARIES (SEE CALCULATIONS IN CORRUGATED METAL RISER APPENDIX 3.14-A) NOTE: WITH CONCRETE RISER, USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 STUB FOR DEWATERING ORIFICE s DRAINAGE TUBING SHALL COMPLY WITH ASTM F667 AND AASHTO M294 SOURCE: VA. DSWC PLATE. 3.14-15 1992 T RA Tay BALEISIL T FENCE PIT DS 3.26 FILTH CLVTH -CLASS A, MPW Ssp-Vs 9"L�'rrrX 1' oEPRH PUMP aLscmwA �.�•- ^ �j - • Z 5TAx�ES PER i BALE (7YP.1 I r�j��Y,�(SFILTER f1OTH �' g y1H IlaglpE FxGE 4i •�. IIlUF[ -8, 5T3yAw PALE 4ixES INSTALL AS Pb, Sb- I 7. �, I & sPEE. 3.iS], SILT 1 I FgNr{ '. +A1a1 Msb an •xa Spy iw.`u.�. ,4CxiRECs17E CLAL$ Al RIPRAP PLAN VIEW I'_xiI fdT17,J1LD 00 II 11` II it III II 1 �� 1 3'^0" YIN � 'ekCar'ATF� I �� FIAT CROSS-SECTION A A } 1 i Flan' n•. OR 28 �y AaG�iE {d Elf 11i'} F'XJ6ka,r£o AREA RIVrN1Iy CaA;c., At - CROSS-SECTION R-g Sourcv Va. III Plate 3.26-3 � 4 ���,1•il� .yA4 rtiiK�iir-r.�P7ly - - ro �''-�■■■ v .�� •" 7 � as IFII-11� i :l `fr �f ��� • _ • , e 6 iI-S II II=11 II L ,� 11=JI fl f,1T-11 11 II IFII II I��� / II-� II 11L F c � 4 . 111II II JIh1P. �,�, i I RJI D�YI U 11: ll. - MI�r^llll-rIAi1�8AIr111,�, E L y► tea hs�� L • ry . ���` .L 1� t 1 1 r �i Source: Va. DSWC 1I AG+ COARSE I Y ' _ 5 FZM 4 LAR T I�1 r . 50, MINIMUM I'Law IIA"M TOP OF BANK TOP OF 1 1RPRAP, SANaeacs, PLYWO04). JER%,V APPROACHING ;':rr�rA1,! ,-1teT<:IIL BA MIERS OR SHEET TRENCH" PILr�ERAT661L PLACE RIPRAP AND? D RSIONE Awl/ H AT TR,"RIOOR ODWERGIOIN wALE PLAN VIEW PERSPECTIVE VIEW Plate 3-25.1 Source; Va. DSWC TABLE 3.31-C TEMPORARY SEEDING PLANT MATERIALS, SEEDING RATES, AND DATES SEEDING RATE NORTH' SOUTH' PLANT 3/1 5/1 8/15 2/15 5/1 9/1 SPECIES CHARACTERISTICS Acre 1000 ft2 to to to to to to 4/30 8/15 11/1 4/30 9/1 11/15 OATS 3 bu. (up to 100 lbs., 2 lbs. X - - X - - Use spring varieties (e.g. Noble). (Avena sativa) not less than 50 lbs.) RYE' 2 bu. (up to 110 lbs., 2.5 lbs. X - X X - X Use for late fall seedings, winter (Secale cereale) not less than 50 lbs.) cover. tolerates cold and low moisture. GERMAN RYEGRASS 50 lbs. approx. 1 lbs. - X - - X - Warm -season annual. Dies at first (Setaria itolica) frost. May be added to summer mixes. ANNUAL RYEGRASSc 60 lbs. 1 XZ lbs. X - X X - X May be added in mixes. Will (Lolium multi -forum) mow out of most stands. WEEPING 15 lbs. 5 Nz ozs. - X - - X - Warm -season perennial. May LOVEGRASS bunch. Tolerates hot, dry slopes and acid, infertile soils. May be (Eragrostis curvala) added to mixes. KOREAN 25 lbs. approx. 1 lz lbs. X X - X X - Warm seasonal annual legume. LESPEDEZAc Tolerates acil soils. May be (Lespedeza stipulacea) added to mixes. a Northern Piedmont and Mountain region. See Plate 3.22-1 and 3.22-2. b Southern Piemont and Coastal Plain. c May be used as a cover crop with spring seeding. d May be used as a cover crop with fall seeding. X May be planted between these dates. - May not be planted between these dates. SOURCE: VA DSWC TABLE 3.32-D (Revised June 2003) SITE SPECIFIC SEEDING MIXTURES FOR PIEDMONT AREA SEED1 LAND USE SPECIES APPLICATION PER ACRE Minimum Care Lawn Tall Fescuel 95-100% (Commercial or Residential) Perennial Ryegrass Kentucky Bluegrassl 0-5% 0-5% TOTAL: 175-200 lbs. High Maintenance Lawn Tall Fescuel TOTAL: 200-250 lbs. Tall Fescue 128 lbs. General Slope (3:1 or less) Red Top Grass or Creeping Red Fescue Seasonal Nurse Crop2 2 IDS. 20 lbs TOTAL: 150 lbs. Tall Fescuel 108 lbs. Low -Maintenance Slope Red Top Grass or Creeping Red Fescue Seasonal Nurse Crop2 2 lbs. 20 lbs. (Steeper than 3:1) Crownvetch3 20 lbs. TOTAL: 150 lbs. 1 - When selecting vorities of turfgrass, use the Virginia Crop Improvement Association (VCIA) recommended turfgrass variety list. Quality seed will bear a lable indicating that they are approved by VCIA. A current turgfgrass variety list is available at the local County Extenstion office or through VCIA at 804-746-4884 or at http,//sudon.cses.vt.edu/html/Turf/turf,[publications2.html 2 - Use seasonal nurse crop in accordance with seeding dates as stated below: February 16th through April .................................................... Annual Rye May 1st through August 15th...............................................Foxtail Millet August 16th through October ................................................ Annual Rye November through February 15th .............................................Winter Rye 3 - Substitute Sericea lespedeza for Crownvetch east of Farmville, Va. (May through September use hulled Sericea, all other periods, use unhulled Sericea). If Flatpea is used increase rate to 30 lbs./acre. If Weeping Lovegrass is used, include in any slope of low maintenance mixture cluing warmer seeding periods, increase to 30 - 40 Plate 3.24-2 i O kn / 11 00 O Z C\2 W co o IZ CQ co O W � W O Z� O • I••Y W 0 I �YM 1.4 0 WLO 130 L �o a rn co V, N O (O L) 1� a O �2 V J Q 7TH40;4 BRIAN C, MITCHELL Lic. No, 035724 12/18118 S/0 N A L O v 1 V O v 1 1-N q V O O �I w �w O REVISIONS DATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMEN TS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER DATE 04-27-2016 SCALE NOT TO SCALE PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS CHECKED BY PROD. # 20150290 SHEET # C - 5A C 0 41 U O v O 41 Q 7 to Q 3 C Q Q rn C •L 4- C v c v .L O Q C Q rn C 0 U C 0 •L 3 L t 0 O L rn •3 v _0 rn t 0 Q 7 Q t 0 O C •T C1 0 U C O U 0 a Q L Q -C rn C •L Q Q C W Q 7i Q C 3 0 H 0 Q a 0 a Q t C 3 0 t rn C rn Q t C v v v` rn t Silt Trap 1 Area= 0.63 acres 1.25 *Wet Volume Req'd 1425 cf 1.25 *Dry Volume Req'd 1425 cf Bottom L = 21 ft Bottom W = 11 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 1445 cf Dry Volume Actual 1993 cf Stone Outlet L = 4 Ift Side Slopes = 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 435.0 Top Width= 30.5 Top Length= 41.0 Silt Trap 4 Area= 0.72 acres Wet Volume Req'd 1302 cf Dry Volume Req'd 1302 cf Bottom L = 20 ft Bottom W = 10 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 1356 cf Dry Volume Actual 1904 cf Stone Outlet L = 5 ft Side Slopes = 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 506.0 Top Width= 30.0 Top Length= 40.0 Silt Trap 2 Area= 0.61 acres Wet Volume Req'd 1103 cf Dry Volume Req'd 1103 cf Bottom L = 17 ft Bottom W = 9 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 1109 cf Dry Volume Actual 1649 cf Stone Outlet L = 4 Ift Side Slopes = 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 445.0 Top Width= 28.5 Top Length= 37.0 Silt Trap 5 Area= 2.62 acres 1.25 *Wet Volume Req'd 5924 cf 1.26 *Dry Volume Req'd 5924 cf Bottom L = 54 ft Bottom W = 27 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 6048 cf Dry Volume Actual 6052 jcf Stone Outlet L = 16 Ift Side Slopes = 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 499.0 Top Width= 47.0 Top Length= 74.0 ST-2 SCALE 1 "=50' t 1 -� II I N. I / \\\ N. S T - 5 SCALE 1 "=50' Silt Trap 3 Area= 1.40 acres Wet Volume Req'd 2533 cf Dry Volume Req'd 2533 cf Bottom L = 30 ft Bottom W = 15 ft Wet Depth = 3.0 ft Dry Depth = 2.0 ft Wet Volume Actual 2376 cf Dry Volume Actual ---- cf Stone Outlet L = 9 Ift Side Slopes = 2 :1 Bottom Elev = 494.0 Top Width= 35.0 Top Length= 50.0 0 rn Lo C\2 I Ujo o0 O �+ U Z C\2 U -/ 0 CC) IZ U co 6 C\2 pp O C: W Z r O Z O •,••1 • �•-� � W �-4 .,4I O4-4Co '.4 �4�r W0 LO CO 4 Ct� UC a N O U ��p,LT H 0 O U y BRIAN C. MI CHELL Lic, No, 035724 12/18118 FSSlO N A L O � O CIO N O � w o O REVISIONS rDATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMEN TS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER DATE 04-27-2016 SCALE AS SHOWN PROJECT MANAG=P.E. BRIAN C. MITCHEL DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS CHECKED BY PROD. # 20150290 SHEET # C - 5B U C �L N C 01 C W N W 0 0 C 3 O 0 N C O U 0 v O O U a� 0 rn a� 3 c aD 0 01 C .0 4-- C 0 C 0 N L O CLL. a� c O U C .L i L O -C 4 �3 v v 0 0 L 0 L. �T a O U 12 U 0 a aD L- aD t rn c �L Qi C 01 C W (D in 0 a� C 3 O O T (D a O a a� t C 3 O t U) C Cr .F 0 a) -C 41 -0 C 0 rn �3 0 L 491.83Z17- / \\ 7 / /< , ♦ \ / I I / ,' / 1 I // \\ \ I I / ,/ / / , - \�\\\ / 1 \ 10 11 - $ ___ --- - ------ _- / / \ / , / 0 t 100 --to --------------Y -�_ ---------- - /J ( \\ \J \ \� _ \= _-- $ _ __ --- --' -- - / I \ \ ---- _ _ �� - - mr - - _mg -- - - - - p --' c `00 J 41 ^-'� _ _ - - - � �1� // \\ \ s � - � \ / / I / ` ;/ �� hry R 71 `\\ y � DA 1 I / / / ' \ ��/AJ I I I I - / / 1 I \ - n13 ♦ o� \ -Y � _ / / \ - - 532 t /' \ �1 , \ / / / / I `\ , / ' hry 5 At LE I ' ` W w w d w W �, DA MPS , 1 � r I � � � ` - - r"l- � - � .,... � �� � - � \ \ \•� � /// � t % /�� // I I _ �� \ DAB -%51. -DA 135 \ �� .1G / \ \ \ \ \ I- Ilk- I --' / l \\\ ♦\\ / / -'/�/ // t\ / , god? 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I 1 \, \\ \. \ \: i o \\ \ \ ' /i - '2/ ,'/ STR IDA RUNOFF ACRES vtCrr 5 0.00 #DIV/0! 9 0.00 #DIV/0! 13 11.19 0.38 15 0.00 #DIV/0! 18 (STUB) 0.00 #DIV/0! 19 0.00 #DIV/0! 23 0.07 0.76 25 0.07 0.76 27 0.00 #DIV/0! 29 0.43 0.76 31 0.32 0.87 33 0.23 0.81 35 0.07 0.84 37 0.00 #DIV/0! 41 0.39 0.63 43 0.12 0.82 45 0.00 #DIV/0! 47 0.00 #DIV/0! 49 0.20 0.90 51 0.95 0.61 53 0.17 0.68 55 0.05 0.90 57 0.21 0.90 59 0.00 #DIV/0! 63 1.15 0.58 65 0.90 0.45 67 0.76 0.63 69 0.14 0.90 71 1.58 0.57 73 0.22 0.78 75 0.10 0.63 77 0.55 0.48 79 1.42 0.35 81 1.55 0.36 83 1.46 0.35 85 0.87 0.44 87 0.29 0.42 89 0.12 0.60 91 0.15 0.54 93 0.21 0.60 95 0.24 0.86 97 0.00 #DIV/0! 99 0.00 #DIV/0! 103 0.87 0.61 105 0.21 0.90 107 0.06 0.90 109 1 0.64 0.63 111 0.03 0.90 113 0.31 0.83 115 0.53 0.52 117 0.55 0.69 119 0.33 0.72 121 0.07 0.78 123 0.09 0.90 125 0.29 0.72 127 0.81 1 0.45 129 0.16 0.74 131 0.67 1 0.63 M Lo N+ U Z - 0 Co V' N Co W �..� W.��. Z w ho41 r n 0 rI / • C Z � F4 .� •� c uj 0 W a Co o'er �pqO Cd F- - � a N �..( u U 0 Cn Q 7TH BRIAN C. MITCHELL Lic, N 1. 035724 12118118 �o�Fss/0 NA L q� W �o O 0 REVISIONS DATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMEN TS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER DATE 04-27-2016 SCALE 1 ,=100' PROJECT MANAG=P.E. BRIAN C. MITCHEL DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS CHECKED BY PROD. # 20150290 c O U 0 Cr 0 O U a� O N c 0 0 rn c .L c T C 0 v c v 0 -C O Q .�2 41 C a� rn c O U 3 L -C O L •3 rn c •3 v rn t 0 0 O t 0 L. 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Printed 12/16/2018 HvdroCAD010.00.13s/n 0636602014 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 16 HvdroCAD®1000-13a/n 0636602014 HWroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 49 HvdroCAD®10,00.13s/n 0636602014 HvdnoCA0 Software Solutians LLC Paae 82 HvdroCAD®1000-135/n 0636602014 HvdnoCAD Software SaIutIona LLC Paae 17 HvdroCAD®10,00.13s/n 0635602014 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 50 HvdroCAD®1000-135/n 0636602014 HWroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 83 HvdroCAD®10,00.13s/n 0635602014 HvdnoCA0 Software Solutians LLC Paae 18 HvdroCAD®1000-135/n 0636602014 HvdroCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 51 HvdroCAD®10,00.13s/n 0635602014 HvdnoCAD Software Solutions LLC Paae 84 Summary for Subcatchment Pre1: Predev AM Summary for Subcatchment Pre1: Predev API Summary for Subcatchment Pre1: Predev AM Summary for Subcatchment Pre3: Predev AP3 Summary for Subcatchment Pre3: Predev Ai Summary for Subcatchment Pre3: Predev AP3 Summary for Subcatchment Pre4: Predev Ai Summary for Subcatchment Pre4: Predev AP4 Summary for Subcatchment Pre4: Predev AP4 Runoff = 5.42 cis @ 12AI has, Volume= 0.966 af, Depth= OA6" Runoff = 22.80 cis @ 12.35 has, Volume= 2843 af, Depth= 1.36" Runoff = 70.59 cis @ 12.32 hot, Volume= 7,735 al. Depth= 3.70" Runoff = 12.57 cis @ 12.11 has. Volume= 1.136 af, Depth= 0.54" Runoff = 44.71 cis @ 12.09 has, Volume= 3,153 af, Depth= 1.50" Runoff = 125.20 cfs @ 12.08 hrs, Volume= 8.263 af, Depth= 3,94" Runoff = 5.67 cfs @ 12.22 hrs, Volume= 0.702 af, Depth= 0.50" Runoff = 22.16 cis @ 12.18 has. Volume= 2.005 af, Depth= 1.43" Runoff = 65.41 cis @ 12.16 hrs, Volume= 5,350 al. Depth= 3.82" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Wei hted-CN TImeS an=5.00-120.00 hrs dt=0.05 hrs Y 9. P Runoff SCS TR-20 method UH=SCS Wei hied-CN TImeS an=5.00-120.00 hrs. It=0.05 hrs Y 9 P Runoff SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Wei hted-CN TImeS an=5.00-120.00 hrs dt=0.05 hrs 9. P Runoff SCS TR-20 method UH=SCS Wei hied-CN TImeS en=5.00-120.00 hrs dt=0,05 hra Y 9 P Runoff SCS TR-20 method UH=SCS Wei hted-CN TImeS an=5.00-120.00 hrs dt=0.05 hrs 9. P Runoff SCS TR-20 method UH=SCS Wei hted-CN TImeS an=5.00-120.00 hrs dt=0.05 hra by 9 P Runoff SCS TR-20 method. UH=SCS Wei hted-CN TImeS an=5.00-120.00 hrs dt=0.05 hrs Y 9. P Runoff SCS TR-20 method UH=SCS Wei hied-CN TImeS an=5.00-120.00 hrs dt=0,05 hrs by 9 P Runoff SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS Wei hied-CN TImeS an=5.00-120.00 hrsdt=0.05 hre Y 9. P Type II 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" Type II 24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46° 24 Type II 24-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" Type II 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 24 Type II 24-hr 70-Near Rainfall=5.46" Type II 24-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" Type II 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" Type II 24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46° Type 11 24-hr -Bar em e = . Area (ac) CN Description Area (aW CN Description Aree (ac) CN Description Area (so) CN Description Area (ac) CN Description Area (ac) CN Description Area (so) CN Description Area (a,) CN Description Area (ac) CN Description 15.800 55 Woods. Gootl, HSG B 15.800 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 15.800 55 Woods. Good, HSG B 9.170 55 Woods, Gootl, HSG B 9.170 55 Woods, Gootl, HSG B 9.170 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 8.190 55 Wocds, Gootl, HSG B 8,190 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 8.190 55 Woods, Good, HSG B 9,320 61 Pasture/grassland/range Good. HSG 8 9.320 61 Pasture/amealand/range, Good, HSG 8 9,320 61 Pasture/grassland/range Good. HSG B 16.000 81 Pasture/grassland/range, Good, HSG 8 76.000 61 Pasture/grasslandhange Good. HSG 8 16.000 61 Pasturelmassland/ranne, Good, HSG 8 8.630 61 Pasture/grassland/range. Good. HSG 8 8.630 61 Pasture/gressland/renae. Good, HSG 8 8.630 61 Pasture/grassland/range Good, HSG 8 25.120 57 Weighted Average 25,120 57 Wei hied Average 25.120 57 Weighted Average 25,170 59 Weighted Average 25.170 59 Weighted Average 25,170 59 Weighted Average 16.820 58 Weighted Average 16.820 58 Weighted Average 16.820 58 Weighted Average 25.120 100.00 % Pervious Area 25.120 100.00% Pervious Area 25.120 100.00 % Pervious Area 25.170 100.00% Pervious Area 25.170 100.00 % Pervious Area 25.170 100.00 %Pervious Area '6.820 100.00 % Pervious Area 16.820 100.00%Pervious Area 18.820 100.00%Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ffntl (fVsec) (cfs) Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (mini (feed (0ttU (iVsac) (cis) Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ffntl (fVsec) (cfs) Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (mini (faetl (tOhl fiVsac) (of') Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (featl (ffntl (fVsec) (cfs) Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (mini Ifaetl (0ttU fiVsac) (cis) Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) ((earl (ffntl ((Vsec) (cfs) Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (mini (feed (0ttU (Wsac) (cfs) Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feat) (ffntl ffVsec) (cfs) 28.7 300 0.0750 0.17 Sheet Flow, Sheemow 28.7 300 0.0750 0.17 .heat Flow, Sheet low 28.7 300 0.0750 0.17 Sheet Flow, Sheamow 10.8 300 0.1200 0.66 Sheet Flow, S"'fflow 10.8 300 0.1200 0.46 Sheet Flow, Sheamow 10.8 300 0.1200 0.46 Sheet Flow, SheeHlow 17.0 300 0.1000 0.29 Sheet Flow, Sheamow 17.0 300 0.1000 0.29 Sheet Flow, Sheetllow 17.0 300 0.1000 0.29 Sheet Flow, Sheamow Woods: Light underbrush n=0,400 P2=3,62" Woods: Light underbrush n=0.400 P2=3.62" Woods: Light underbrush n=0,400 P2=3,62" Grass: Short -0.150 P2=3.62" Gress:5hort n=0.150 P2=3.62" Grass:5hort n=0.150 P2=3.62" Grass: Dense n=0,240 P2=3.62" Grass: Dense n=0,240 P2=3.62" Grass: Dense n=0.240 P2=3.62" 2.0 100 0.0140 0.83 Shallow Concentrated Flow Shallow Concentraed Flow 2-0 100 0.0140 0.83 Shallow Concentrated Flow Shallow Concentrrted Flow 2.0 100 0.0140 0.83 Shallow Concentrated Flow Shallow Concentaaed Flow 0.7 100 0.2500 2.50 Shallow Concentrated Flow Shallow Concentrated 0.7 100 0.2500 2.60 Shallow Concentrated Flow Shallow Concentrated 0.7 100 0.2500 2.50 Shallow Concentrated Flow Shallow Concentrated 1.0 100 0.1200 1.73 Shallow Concentrated Flow Shallow Concentrated Flow 1.0 100 0.1200 1.73 Shallow Concentrated Flow Shallow Concentrated Flow 1.0 100 0.1200 1.73 Shallow Concentrated Flow Shallow Concentrated Flow Short Gress Pasture Kv= 7.0 fps Short Grass Pasture Kv= 7.0 fps Short Gress Pasture Kv= 7.0 fps Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps Woodland Kv= 50 fps Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps Woodland Kv= 5.0 fps 4.2 1,183 0.0500 4,68 8.88 Channel Flow Channel Flow 4.2 1,183 0.0500 4.68 8.88 Channel Flow Channel Flo w 4.2 1 183 0.0500 4,68 8.88 Channel Flow Channel Flow 3.8 1 350 0.0900 5.93 15.42 Channel low, Channel Flow F 3.8 1 350 0.0900 5.93 15.42 Channel Flow Channel low eF 3.8 1 350 0.0900 5.93 15.42 Channel low, Channel Flow F 4.5 1 061 0.1000 3.97 4.77 Channel Flow Channel Flow 4.5 i 061 0.1000 3.97 4.77 Channel Flow Channel Flo w 4.5 1,061 0.1000 3.97 4.77 Channel Flow Channel Flow Area= 7.9 sf Perim= 4.5' r- 0.42• Area= 1.9 at Pe rm= 4.5' r= 0:42' Area= 1,9 sf Perim= 4.5' r- 0.42' Area= 2.6 If Perim= 6.7' r- 0.39' Area= 28 sf Perim= 6.T r- 0.39• o- Area= 2.6 sf 6.7' r- 0.39' Area= W sf Perim= 6.1' r- 0.20' o- Area= 1.2 at Pe rm= 51' r- 0.20' Area= 7.2 sf Perim= 6.1' r- 0.20' n= 0.040 Earth, cobble bottom, clean sides n= 0.040 Eenh. cobble bottom, clean sides n= 0.040 Earth, cobble bottom. clean sides n= 0.040 Eenh. Cobble bottom, .In sides 0.040 Earth, cobble bottom. clean sides th. n= 0.040 Ear.Cobble bottom, ,an sides 0.040 Earth, cobble bottom. Olean sides n= 0.040 Eenh, cobble bottom, clean sides n= 0.040 Earth, cobble bottom. Olean sides 34.9 1,583 Total 34.9 1.583 Total 34.9 1,583 Total 15.3 1,750 Total 15.3 1,750 Total 15.3 1,750 Total 22.5 1,461 Total 22.5 1,461 Total 22.5 1,461 Total Subcatchment Pre1: Predev AP1 Subcatchment Pre7: Predev Allot Subcatchment Pre•I: Predev AP1 Subcatchment Pre3: Predev AP3 Subcatchment Pre3: Predev AP3 Subcatchment Pre3: Predev AP3 Subcatchment Pre4: Predev AP4 Subcatchment Pre4: Predev AP4 Subcatchment Pre4: Predev AP4 Hydroaraph Hydroaraph xs F. za 22 80 cfs Hyd-.ph r� 70.59 cfs Hydroar•ph Hydroaraph d,oaraph Hydroaraph a 5.67 cfs � Hydros 1, Hyd-.ph ' 65.41 cis -. --. -.. - 5 d � 5:42 cfs ,, f 12.57 cfs 44 71, cfs - - J 11 F. 12520 cf_s ; 2216 cfs � Type II 24-hr Type II 24-hr Type II 24-hr ,4 Type II 24-hr N Type II 24-hr Ty 'yo Type 1124-hr Type 1124-hr yp Type 1124-hr z G ' yp es Type 1124-hr yp ' - 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 11 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 1 , 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 4 I 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" ,�o 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" ' s 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" a 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" ' Runoff Area=25.120 aft- ;a Runoff Area=25.120 ac so- Runoff Area=25.120 ac +a Runoff Area=25.170 ac ; Runoff Area=25.170 ac 1. Runoff Area=25.170 ac Runoff Area=16.820 ac ;; Runoff Area=16.820 ac so Runoff Area=16.820 ac Runoff Volume=0.966 f a ;; Runoff Volume=2.843 of . - -- Runoff Volume=7.735 of - a Runoff Volume=1.136 of m Runoff Volume=3.153 of Runoff Volume=8.263 of Runoff Volume=0.702 of a Runoff Volume=2.005 of u Runoff Volume=5.350 of _ Runoff Depth 0.46 _ s. Runoff Depth=1.36 _ Runoff Depth 3.70 _ Runoff Depth 0.54 _ M Runoff Depth 1.50 _ Runoff Depth 3.94 _ _. Runoff Depth 0.50.. _,a Runoff Depth-1.43" _ Runoff Depth 3.82" Flow Length=1,583' ' 111 - _ -.- - - _ r. Flow Length=1,583' d � 1s _--_ - Flow Length=1,583' _ 1 a. Flow Length=1,750' � ;; - - Flow Length=1,750' � dl. Flow Length=1,750' � � ' �. Flow Length=1,461' Flow Length=1,461' � " Flow Length=1,461' -- ----- -- - Tc=34.9 min 's -' -- - - Tc=34.9 min '0 Tc=34.9 min s f - - f Tc=15.3 min a ----- Tc=15.3 min Tc=15.3 min - - - ------ ---- Tc=22.5 min- Tc=22.5 min1. Tc=22.5 min CN=57 a CN=57 �� ,,, CN=57 , .- CN=59 :e- - CN=59 CN=59. 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'am \\ l j �-` A ( % 2Al) I \\ - _ _-- 3 It 531 If It N Or If I / ' F'FISTE DA 0 \-\ , / / / \\ \ 1 \ / / I 1 SWMIBMP % / ( /'�1►- h` \ I / "/ c� \ \ �\ I 1 I It 11 \�-/' I j (DA-1A) j I / \ C 1 ' I /' ' / \ \\ \\ I \\ It \ \ / / / \ \ 1 1 I I I 1 lrj / 1 \ \ \ I l --_� \ I it ONSITE /DA H O 'S/WM%B-MP 'I it I It All - - ----'' ' /� \� f\ ,/ ' I 11 1\ \1 \�--- II I 1 \ / / 9,/ / / / , 1 1 I \ \ I j It ----- ' / // I I 1 1 \\ It If / / �� �\ �_ --_ �_ \ \_� -__ � / \ tea.--,�5+-- .�'� -- - -_ ('.��• J I \ \ ,y,, \ 1 1 / \ � \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,/ // _ / �-, �\ _`-1,���, «„ �' /�' / , /- � � � ✓'' '' \ � \ � \ \ I \ \ I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I / . f Ij ----' XIVAL--cA fI�' -----' - - - - - - - -' _i//''-=-�_-------� - Jam' _ I 1 '''------' ,/' ,/'/ --- --' / /'' ''' � CPS •. r /' / ,/ i' / '' _"°-- ---_ \\ - \ , I I ' 1 1 \ \ -- / � 4ta ItIt \ \ \ \ \ \ I I I \ 1 1 $ \ \It\ / I J. 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I I 1 1 \ 1 I I \ It __-- ---� \\ \ ///' ,/ _, I j I I \ 1 1 j I \\ �j1' 1 I I I I rl \\ \ ' '---------- \ \ \ / -' / l / I I \ 1 1 1 1 I /� I I 1 1 \ \ It - ------ �\ 1 \ \\ f I '-I /' -� �\ i / 1 1 I I I I If / IF Ib- to It P101 \ /If I / / \ ------ ----- - _ -- \ TUTU E \ \\ \\\\\ PMP 116 I 1 / ''-/ \ \ \ \ 1 1 1 1 //' - �\ / / / / / � � -�\ ��\\ //' / � / I 1 1 \ � I \ \ \ / o o - �'4 �4P 3 {DAB \ \ 1 . \ \ I . / , • AYTURE / l / \ \ \ . - ---// , O O O O O O O O It J \\\\ \\\\ I / I \ ' \\ �\ \ \_�__--__---/A`__---' ANALYSIS'S I ' j \ 1 \0 0 O O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0'O - ---- // It 0--�'*a___ 20150290 NP-SECTA Type 1124-hr 2-Year Rain/all=3.62" 20150290 NP-SECT.1 Type1124-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20150290 NPSECT.1 Typell24-hr 100-Year Rain/a11=8.95" 1 1 1 // 0 , X \ � �_--_°-N -- / /r Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 ' / // f / / / _ - \ / / EN I.l HydroCADO 10.00-13 sln 06356 © 2014 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pare 31 Hydr,,CAD ,10.00-13 at, 06356 C 2014 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pane 64 HydroCADO 10.00-13 sln 06356 © 2014 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pare 97 Summary for Link API: ANALYSIS POINT 1 Summary for Link API: ANALYSIS POINT 1 Summary for Link API: ANALYSIS POINT 1 r I / 0 o _ / o _ Inflow Area = 26.200 ac 20.70 % Impervious,Inflow Depth = 1.24" for 2-Near event Inflow Area = 26.200 ac 20.70 % Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.60" for 10-Near event Inflow Area = 26.200 ac 20.70 % Impervious,Inflow Depth = 5.56" for 700-Near event Y[iCYF rn Prima = 4.08 cfs @ 13.32 hrsVol.,,,:- 2.709 of Inflow = 22.69 cis @ 12.71 his, Volume= 5.670 of Prima = 85.93 cis @ 12.47 hrsVolume= 12.148 of I / 0 Q / / o„nn.or s j Primary = 4.08 cfs @ 13.32 has, Vole= 2.709 at, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 22.69 cis @ 12.77 has, Volume= 5.670 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 85.93 cis @ 12.47 has. Volume= 12.148 at, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min I / O _ / I J, 1 / - 'i I , . I \� / � _1 _, 1 Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 5,00-120.00 has, dt= 0.05 hrs Link API: ANALYSIS POINT 1 tQ I Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 5,00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0,05 hrs Link Apt: ANALYSIS POINT 1 ILI Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 5,00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Link API: ANALYSIS POINT 1 Hytlrograph w 85.93 cfs Inflow Area=26.200 ac J I I \1 I 1 / r ' / I I I I I BYPASS I \ \ \ It \ I \ ----__.erg I \ / 1 it It // // / ' �' \ 1 I If It It l l I \ DTP \AP\ 4 It O \ ANALYSIS /'' o o ; ' l \ POINT 4 _ - ' /' // O / O \ \ \0 0 O O/v // j \ \\\11 ' 07 O i5 ' / /'' 0 O O/, /// /// \ \\ I I I I I\ \\ / 1 1 I GRAPHIC SCALE 120 0 60 120 240 / � „ '�\,,,awl✓ / I IN FEET ) "ox 11•BAr1 / / ' 1 inch = 120 ft. IX a•0V - Type Il 24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=S46" 20150290 NP-SECT 1 yp Prepared by HP Inc. Primed 12/16/2018 HytlroCAD®10,00-13 s1n 0635602014 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 65 1 P- Type 1124-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 20 50290 N SECT.1 yp Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/1612018 HytlroCAD601000-13s/n 06358©2014 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pare 33 - Type Il 24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=S46" 20150290 NPSECT 1 yp Prepared by HP Inc. Pnmed 12/16/2018 HytlroCAD®10,00-13 s1n 0635602014 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 66 1 P- T e 1124-hr f00-Year Rainfall=8.95" 20 50290 N SECT.1 yp Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/1612018 HytlroCADGJ 1000-13s/n 06358©2014 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pare 99 - Type 1124-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 20150290 NPSECT 1 yp Prepared by HP Inc. Primed 12/16/2018 HytlroCAD®10.00-13 s1n 0635602014 HytlroCAD SOIN+are Solutions LLC Pare 34 1 P- Type If 24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20 50290 N SECT.1 yp Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/1612018 HydmCAlye 1DA6-13s/n 06358 �2074 HytlroCAD Software Solutions LLC Pare 6] T ell 24-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8. 95" 20150290 NPSECT.1 yp Prepared by HP Inc. Primed 12/16/2018 HytlroCAD®10.00-13s/n 06356®2014 HytlroCAD So1N+are Solutions LLC Pare log Summary for Link AP2: ANALYSIS POINT 2 Summary for Link AP3: ANALYSIS POINT 3 Summary for Link AP3: ANALYSIS POINT 3 Summary for Link AP3: ANALYSIS POINT 3 Summary for Link AP4: ANALYSIS POINT 4 Summary for Link AP4: ANALYSIS POINT 4 Summary for Link AP4: ANALYSIS POINT 4 Inflow Area= 3.970 ac 16.75%Im Impervious. Inflow Depth 2.20" for 10-Year event P P Inflow Area= 40.720 ac 37.61%Im Impervious, Inflow De th= 1.65" for 2-Year event P P Inflow Area 40.720 ac 37.61%Im Impervious, Inflow Depth 3.18" for 10-Year event P P Inflow Area 40.720 ac 37.61%Im Impervious, Inflow De th= 6.37" for 100-Year event P P Inflow Area 9.730 ac 10.15%Im Impervious. Inflow Depth 0.91" for 2-Year event P P Inflow Area 9.730 ac 10.15%Im Impervious, Inflow De th= 2.15" for 10-Year event P P Inflow Area 9.730 ac 10.15%Im Impervious. Inflow Depth= 4.97" for 100-Year event P Inflow = 10.65 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume= 0.728 of Inflow = 12.00 cfs @ 12.93 hrs, Volume= 5.592 of Inflow = 42.22 cfs @ 12.64 hrs, Volume= 10.803 of Inflow = 195.12 cfs @ 12.34 hrs, Vol ume= 21.622 of Inflow = 5.78 cfs @ 12.37 hrs, Volume= 0.734 of Inflow = 17.14 cfs @ 12.26 hrs, Volume= 1.739 of Inflow = 40.12 cfs @ 12.25 hrs, Volume= 4.031 of Primary = 10,65 cis @ 12.13 his, Volume= 0.728 at, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 12.00 cis @ 12.93 hrs, Volume= 5.592 at, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 42.22 cis @ 12.64 his, Volume= 10.803 at, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 195.12 cis @ 12.34 his, Volume= 21.622 at, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 5.78 cis @ 12.37 his, Volume= 0.734 at, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 17.14 cis @ 12.26 his, Volume= 1.739 at, Atlen= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary = 40.12 cis @ 12.25 his, Volume= 4.031 at, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 5,00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 5.00A20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 5,00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 5.00A20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 5,00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 5.00A20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Primary outflow = Inflow, Time Span= 5,00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Link AP2: ANALYSIS POINT 2 Hytlrograph Link AP3: ANALYSIS POINT 3 Hytlrograph Link AP3: ANALYSIS POINT 3 Hytlrograph Link AP3: ANALYSIS POINT 3 Hytlrograph Link AP4: ANALYSIS POINT 4 Hytlrograph Link AP4: ANALYSIS POINT 4 Hytlrograph Link AP4: ANALYSIS POINT 4 Hytlrograph _ILI I " ©� " flOILI„ B 10.65 cfa Inflow Area=3.970 all 12.00 cis 12 -Inflow Area=40.720 ac 1 42.zz cis Inflow Area=40.720 ac 1es.1z crs Inflow Area=40.720 ac B s.76 rra Inflow Area=9.730 ac r.14 o a Inflow Area=9.730 ac ao.12 P a Inflow Area=9.730 ac ari ;, r ;; 05 t0 Is M 25 30 JS <0 45 So ¶ mlhounl0 75 BO BS 90 Bs 100 105 I10 115 IN 05 IO 15 x0 25 J0 Js ap 45 sp 55r me la•5nl0 15 80 BS gp 95 100 105 ft0 Its I30 �z; ii ri 5 5 IO Is A 15 JO JS 40 45 50 rims lh6nl0 75 BO BS 90 Bs 100 105 110 115 120 41 5 10 IS M 25 JD 35 10 45 55 rnw Ihe1n10 15 BO es W 95 tW 105 110 Its fx0 5 t0 Is 20 x5 JO Js 40 15 50 15T1n6: Ihe1nl70 15 BO BS 90 95 IN 105 110 Its tx0 5 10 15 x0 25 7a Js 40 45 SD 55 rme la unto 75 80 15 g0 91 100 105 110 Its IN �j 5 5 IO Is x0 15 JO JS <0 45 50 Tunas In6nl0 75 BO BS 1Bs IN 105 110 IIS 120 ' !s IN r T/ LO I -it U CIO pp 10 �N00 W Cd IS Z w ho44 r n 0 rI / • C Z ixbc) W LO O Co H - � a U U ��pl.T H 6 /1 J BRIAN Cr MITCHELL Licr No, 035724 4 12118118 L1__ss10NALS: G-GW O 1 q� W ror`` O O l� O REVISIONS rDATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMEN TS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER DATE 04-27-2016 SCALE 1 „ = 120, PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS CHECKED BY PROD. # 20150290 c 0 U 0 O cr 0) O U 0) 7 fB 0) C 0) 0) 01 .L C T C 0 C v 0) L 0 a e2 41 C 0) C 0 U 3 L 0 -C 7 O L •3 01 C •3 v v t 0 a� O L 0) t 0 f` O c •T a 0 U 0 U 7 0 C. 0 0) -C S .L C 01 C W 0) in 0 a� C 3 0 f- 0 T 0) a 0 a 0) r C 3 0 -C O C 01 a� 0) r C v rn c •3 0 L _ T e // 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 20150290 NP-SECT.1 yp _ T e // 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 20150290 NP-SECT.1 yp _ T ell 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 20150290 NP SECT.1 yp _ T e // 24-hr 2-Year Rainfall=3.62" 20150290 NP-SECT.1 yp Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 HydroCADO 10.00-13 s/n 06356 © 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 20 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 23 HydroCADO 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 26 HydroCAD@) 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 29 Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Width (feet) 5.00 18.50 Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Hydrograph Hydrograph Primary OutFlow Max=11.94 cfs @ 12.93 hrs HW=437.05' (Free Discharge) t =Barrell (Culvert) (Passes 11.94 cfs of 141.25 cfs potential flow) Hydrograph ❑ Inflow 24.49 cfs ❑ Primary ❑ Inflow 3.30 cfs ElPrimaY 2=Orifice - 2 YR Controlling Structure (Orifice Controls 10.37 cfs @ 7.43 fps) ❑ Inflow 2.07 cfs ❑ Primary 26 Inflow Area=25.450 ac ;_ Inflow Area=1.910 ac 3=Orifice - 10YR Controlling Structure (Orifice Controls 1.57 cfs @ 2.52 fps) Inflow Area=1.540 ac 24 =Riser ( Controls 0.00 cfs) 2_ Peak Elev=446.63' 3 Peak EIev=501.21' Peak Elev=438.37' 22 econdary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs HW=434.00' (Free Discharge) 20 1 Storage=152,413 cf Storage=3,212 cf =Emergency Spillway ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Storage=2,699 cf 18 16--------- _7 Pond BMP 3: SWM/BMP3 (RETENTION BASIN II) --------- 14 - -, --- --- --- ', 0 2 1.80 cfs Hydrograph 3 12 10 59.04 cfs ❑ Inflow outflow " t 0.76 cfs Inflow Area=40.310 ac °Primary 8 , 65 ❑ Secondary 5 ,--- ---_ -- 60 Peak EIev=437.05' a.o2cfs--.- 4 -- - ----- -- 55 Storage=280,030 cf 2 5° '', 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 60 85 90 95 100 165 110 115 120 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 60 65 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 40 - - - - - - -- _ - 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 165 110 115 120 rime (hours) Time (hours) ' 35- :, I -U Time (hours) Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) LL 35- - _ - - - - - - Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Stage -Discharge Stage -Discharge 25 - - ; - - - -', - - - - - - - - �'.. - ; - -- - - - -', - - - - - - - I- - - - - 20 11.96 cfs Stage -Discharge 450 ❑Primary 503 ■Primary 15 440- ❑Primary 449 10 44a Riser _ 0.00 Cfs 447' ' o - - -r - 446. 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Critics r----- _------------ ------ _------ _______ 445 i 502 Time (hours) 3 4 9 v 444 0 443 1 i i i i i o C > 442 d w 1------ r-----r-----,------r-----r-----------------r--- w w Custom Weir/Orifice 441 440 439 501 Custom Weir/Orifice 438 438 437 Barrel (Culvert) 500 436 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Discharge (cfs) Discharge (cfs) Discharge (cfs) 20150290_NP-SECT.1 Type 1124-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20150290_NP-SECT.1 Type 1124-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20150290 NP-SECT.1 Type 1124-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" 20150290 NP-SECT-1 Type // 24-hr 10-Year Rainfall=5.46" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 53 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 56 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 59 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 62 Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Width (feet) 5.00 18.50 Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Hydrograph Hydrograph Primary OutFlow Max=41.77 cfs @ 12.64 his HW=439.20' (Free Discharge) arrell (Culvert) (Passes 41.77 cfs of 156.77 cfs potential flow)DInfow tE2=10rifice Hydrograph Cfs ❑ Primary ❑Inflow 6.84 cfs ❑ Primary - 2 YR Controlling Structure (Orifice Controls 14.32 cfs @ 10.25 fps) ❑Infow53.6 5 4.51 cfs ❑ Primary56 Inflow Area=25.450 ac 7 Inflow Area=1.910 ac 6.50 cfs =Orifice -10YR Controlling Structure (Orifice Controls 14.36 cfs @ 6.58 fps) Inflow Area=1.540 ac =Riser (Weir Controls 13.09 cfs @ 2.07 fps) 4.15 cfs 50 Peak EIev=447.85' Peak EIev=501.47' Peak EIev=438.61' 45 s econdary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs HW=434.00' (Free Discharge) �=Emergency 4 Storage=196,295 cf Storage=3,998 cf Spillway ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Storage=3,375 cf 40 5 35 N Pond BMP 3: SWM/BMP3 (RETENTION BASIN II) y 3 30 - Hydrograph ; i 25 22.47cfs------------- u ■Inflow /' 3- 115.60 cfs ® OutFlow 2 20 - Inf - low Area 40.310 ac _ ■Sewn ary 15 _,___,_ __-__---r- - - - - __ _ 2 _ 720 Peak EIev=439.20' 10 ° Storage=364,250 cf 5 100 0 a 90 0 - 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 80- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) Time (hours) Time (hours) 0 70 Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) �-°� 60 42.08 cfs Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) so Stage -Discharge Stage -Discharge - 40 Stage -Discharge 450- ❑Primary 503 ❑Primary 30 440 ❑Primary 449 20 448 Riser 0.00 cfs 447 0 446 Orifce - ---- 445 502- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) 439 444 ii 443 y 442 ' ' ' ' _ - w r-----,-----�------r-----r-----�---------- a w m rurWeir/Orifice 441 i Custom Weir/Orifice _____-__ ____-_--_________ T------------- ' 440 - - - - - 438 439 438 ___ .. .. .. .-- --------------- - 437 Barrel (Culvert) 436 0 10 20 30 40 70 80 90 100 500 0 10 20 30 40 5060 70 80 90 0 5 10 15 20 25 40 45 50 55 60 65 Discharge (cfs) (cfs) Discharge (cfs) 20150290_NP-SECT.1 Type 1124-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 20150290_NP-SECT.1 Type // 24-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 20150290 NP-SECT.1 Type 1124-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" 20150290 NP-SECT.1 Type 1124-hr 100-Year Rainfall=8.95" Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 Prepared by HP Inc. Printed 12/16/2018 HydroCADO 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 86 HydroCADO 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 89 HydroCADO 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 92 HydroCAD@ 10.00-13 s/n 06356 @ 2014 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 95 Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Width (feet) 5.00 18.50 Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Hydrograph Hydrograph Primary OutFlow Max=154.64 cfs @ 12.35 his HW=440.56' (Free Discharge) t =Barrell (Culvert) (Passes 154.64 cfs of 165.77 cfs potential flow) Hydrograph ■ Inflow 115.86 cfs ❑ Primary ❑ Inflow 14.15 cfs -- - _ - - _ - - _ ❑ Primary 2=Orifice - 2 YR Controlling Structure (Orifice Controls 16.31 cfs @ 11.68 fps) D Inflow 9.67 cfs ❑ Primary 120 - - Inflow Area=25.450 ac _ 1 13.81 cfs _ Inflow Area=1.910 ac 3=Orifice - 10YR Controlling Structure (Orifice Controls 18.86 cfs @ 8.64 fps) ,0 9.45 cfs --- -- -- - - -- - - Inflow Area=1.540 ac , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 = Riser (Weir Controls 119.47 cfs @ 4.33 fps) „o -_,_ Peak EIev=448.97' 13 Peak EIev=501.72' 9 Peak EIev=438.84' 00, 85.24 cfs 1 Storage=240,021 cf 2 Storage=4,$34 Cf econdary OutFlow Max=39.73 cfs @ 12.35 his HW=440.56' (Free Discharge) =Emergency Spillway (Weir Controls 39.73 cfs @ 3.41 fps) 8 Storage=4,067 cf 90 11 eo o- - Pond BMP 3 (RETENTION BASIN ) SWM/BMP3 R II ; „ 70--,--,-- - - s 3 6 -, - , - Hydrograph 6 - - 3 0 60 -.--r--r------,--r--r-r--i--r--�--,--r--r--r- o -�--------- - -� �-- -'-- -' 0 5 ----- -- -- - -L--`-`--'---'__''--'- w so - ----- i ,- i- --- ' LL 7 - -- s ■ o�mo 228 6 1 cfs w w 4 , -- --, r - ---- � 40 --�----------- '- �- -- - 5 - - --- -- - ------ Inflow Area=40.310ac oseond Secondary r 3 i I j_ �__�__�_ _i _ 30 ---J------------- - - -; _ - 4 240- - . 4.25 cfs Peak EIev=440.56' -- -- - 20 ---�--------�--�- --�- -�--- 3 - --- -r --,--- --- -- - ---,- - -- 220 Stor =42 68 cf age 0,8 2 - --, r -------------,- 2 200 0 0 180 154.06 cfs o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 160 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) Time (hours) .. Time (hours) 140 Pond BMP 1: SWM/BMP1 (RETENTION BASIN II) Pond BMP 2: SWM/BMP 2 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) 20 LL 100 ,00 Pond BMP 4: SWM/BMP4 (BIO-RETENTION FILTER) Stage -Discharge Stage -Discharge - -;--,---- 80 Stage -Discharge 450 ❑Primary 503 ❑Primary 6 4o.18 cfs 440 ❑Primary 449. 40 448 Riser 20 447 0_ 446-Time 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 6065 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Orifice 502- (hours) 445 - 439 444 0 443 C y 442 w 441 w Custom Weir/Orifice w Custom Weir/Orifice 440- 501 438 439 438 437 Barrel (Culvert) _ 500 436 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Discharge (cfs) Discharge (cfs) Discharge (cfs) North Pointe Section 1 SWM Compliance - Analysis Point 1 Computed Post Computed Combined Storm Pre -Development Allowable Post SWM/BMP Devlopment Runoff Post Devlopment Runoff Event Flow Development Flow Elevation From SWM/BMP at Analysis Point (Yr) (els) (els) (efs) Oft) (els) 2 Year 5.42 5.42 4.02 446.63 4.08 Storm 10 Year 22.8 22.8 22.47 447.85 22.69 Storm 100 Year 70.59 N/A 85.24 448.97 85.93 Storm North Pointe Section 1 SWM Compliance -Analysis Point 3 Computed Post Computed Combined Storm Pre -Development Allowable Post SWM/BMP Devlopment Runoff Post Devlopment Runoff Event Flow Development Flow Elevation From SWM/BMP at Analysis Point (yr) (Cirs) (efs) (eirs) 00 (��) 2 Year 12.57 12.57 11.96 437.05 12.00 Storm 10 Year 44.71 44.71 42.08 439.20 42.22 Storm 100 Year 125.20 N/A 194.25 440.56 195.12 Storrn North Pointe Section 1 SWM Compliance -Analysis Point 4 Computed Post Computed Combined Storm Pre -Development Allowable Post SWM/BMP Devlopment Runoff Post Devlopment Runoff Event Flow Development Flow Elevation From S WM/BMP at Analysis Point (yr) (els) (els) (els) (Ift) (els) 2 Year 5.67 5.67 0.76 438.37 5.78 Storm 10 Year 22.16 22.16 4.15 438.61 17.14 Storm 100 Year 65.41 N/A 9.45 438.84 40.12 Storm c 0 a� c C w V U) U) V c 3 F0 N U v v O 41 U a� 1n V �3 c v i= N H1�11 � p,LT H 0 c T c p � v U y � BRIAN Cr MI CHELL a Lic. No, 035724 41 12118118 �OFFSS/ONAL C (D 11! C ° U leeeeel Ci a> O TT -N 3 7 t E 41 o �w ° 0 [� W c 41 I•y O v 3 w O a rr v1^^ v a) N REVISIONS N C DATE ITEM I w 10107116 PER COMMEN TS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER N N C 3 O H O lv a 0 11 c DATE 04-27-2016 SCALE NO SCALE o -C PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. v� N v DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS v CHECKED BY c v PROD. # 20150290 .3 v SHEET # C - 9 �Z PERFORMANCE -BASED WATER QUALITY CALCULATION APPENDIX 51 PERFORMANCE -BASED WATER QUALITY CALCULATION APPENDIX 5D Worksheet 1 Worksheet 2 : Situation 2 Page 1 of 3 Page 1 of 4 STEP 1 Determine the applicable area (A) and the post -developed impervious cover Summary of Situation 2 criteria : from calculations procedure STEP 1 thru STEP 3, Worksheet 1: ( I post) Applicable area (A)* = 83.34 acres Applicable area (A)* = 83.34 acres Post -development impervious cover: (post= (total post -development impervious cover/A) x 100= 43% Structures = acres parking lot = acres * The area subject to the criteria may vary from locality to locality. Therefore, roadway = acres consult the locality for proper determination of this value. other: Iwatershed = 16% = acres I (total post -development impervious cover/ A x 10C 0% existing = p p p ) = acres Total = acres (existing 0% < Iwatershec 16% (post 43% > Iwatershec 16% Ipost= (total post -development impervious cover/ A) x 100= 43% * The area subject to the criteria may vary from locality to locality. Therefore, consult the locality for proper determination of this value. STEP 2 Determine the average land cover condition ((watershed) or the existing impervious cover (lexisting) Average land cover condition (I,,,,h,rj): If the locality has determined land cover conditions for individual watersheds within its jurisdiction, use the watershed specific value determined by the locality as (watershed. (watershed = 16% Worksheet 1 Existing impervious cover (lexist;na): Determine the existing impervious cover of eth development site if present. Existing impervious cover: Structures = acres parking lot = acres roadway = acres other: Total = acres = acres = acres lexisting = (total post -development impervious cover / A) x 10( 0% * The area should be the same as used in STEP 1. STEP 3 Determine the appropriate situation. The site informtaion determined in STEP 1 and STEP 2 provide enough information to determine the appropriate development situation under which the performance criteria will apply. Check ( ) the appropriate development situation as follows: Situation 1: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious cover (lexisting) is less than or equal to the average land cover condition ((watershed) and the proposed improvements will create a total percent impervious cover (Ipost) which is less than or equal to the average land cover condition (Iwatershed). I post (watershed Worksheet 1 STEP 4 Determine the relative pre -development pollutant load (Lyre)- Lpre(watershed) = [0.05 + (0.009 x Iwatershed)] x A x 2.28 (Equation 5-16) Where (.watershed) = relative pre -development total phosphorus load (pounds peryear) Iwatershed = average land cover condition for specific watersh or locality or the Chesapeake Bay default value of 16% (percent expressed in whole numbers) A = Applicable area (acres) Lpre(watershed) = [0.05 + (0.009) x 16% )] x 83.34 x 2.28 36.863 Pounds peryear Worksheet 2 : Situation 2 Page 1 of 4 STEP 5 Determine the relative post -development pollutant load (Lpost). Lpost = [0.05 + (0.009 x Iwatershed)] x A x 2.28 (Equation 5-16) Where : Lpost = relativepost-development total phosphorus load (pounds peryear) Ipost = post -development percent impervious cover (expressed in whole numbers) A = Applicable area (acres) Lpost = [0.05 + (0.009) x 43% )] x 83.34 x 2.28 83.563 Pounds peryear STEP 6 Determine the relative poluutant removal requirement (RR). RR = Lpost - Lpre(watershed) RR = 83.563 - 36.863 46.700 Pounds peryear STEP 7 Identify best management practice (BMP) for the site. 1. Determine the required pollutant removal efficiency forthe site: EFF = ( RR / Lpost) x 100 Where: EFF = required pollutant removal efficiency (percent expressed in whole numbers) RR = pollutant removal requirement (pounds peryear) Lpost = relative post -development total phosphorus load (pounds per year) EFF = 46.700 / 83.563 x 100 = 56% 2. Select BMP (s) from Table 5-15 and locate on the site: X Situation 2: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious BMP 1: cover (lexisting) is less than or equal to the average land cover condition existing g BMP 2: BMP 3: ((watershed) and the proposed improvements will create a total percent BMP 4: impervious cover (Ipost) which is greater than the average land cover BMP 5: condition (Iwatershed)- 3. Determine the pollutant load entering the proposed BMP(s) (existing 00/0 (watershed 16% Ipost 43% > (watershed 16% LBMP = [0.05 + (0.009 x IBMP)] x A x 2.28 (Equation 5-23) Situation 3: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious Where : LBMP = relative post -development total phosphorus load entering proposed BMP (pounds peryear) cover (lexisting) is greater than the average land cover condition ((watershed) Ipost = post -development percent impervious cover of BMP drainage area percent expressed in whole numbers) (existing (watershed A = Applicable area of proposed BMP (acres) Situation 4: This consists of land development where the existing percent impervious r r LBMP1 = [0.05 + (0.009) x 43 )] x 21.60 x 2.28 cover (lexisting) is served by an existing stormwater management BMP (s) r = 21.516 Pounds peryear that addresses water quality r LBMP2 = [0.05 + (0.009) x 41 )] x 1.91 x 2.28 If the proposed development meets the criteria for development Situation 1, than the low = r 1.820 Pounds per year density development is considered to be the BMP and no pollutant removal is required. The calculation procedure for Situation 1 stops here. If the proposed development meets LBMP3 = [0.05 + (0.009) x r 53 )] x r 40.31 x 2.28 the criteria for development Situations 2, 3 or4, then proceed to STEP 4 on the = r 48.815 Pounds per year appropriate worsheet. r r LBMP4 = [0.05 + (0.009) x 39 )] x 1.54 x 2.28 =r 1.411 Pounds peryear 4. Calculate the pollutant load removed by the proposed BMP(s): Lremoved = EffBMP x LBMP (Equation 5-24) Where: Lremoved = Post -development pollutant load removed by proposed BMP (pounds peryear) EffBMP = pollutatn removal efficiency of BMP (expressed in decimal form) LBMP = relative post-devlopment total phosphorus load entering proposed BMP (pounds peryear) rr Lremoved/BMP1 = 65 x 21.516 = 13.985 pounds per year r r Lremoved/BMP2 = 50 x 1.820 = 0.910 pounds per year rr Lremoved/BMP3 = 65 x 48.815 = 31.730 pounds per year r r Lremoved/BMP4 = 50 x 1.411 = 0.705 pounds per year 5. Calculate the total pollutant load removed by the BMP(s): Lremoved/total = Lremoved/BM P1 + Lremoved/BM P2 + Lremoved/BMP3 + Lremoved/BM P4 Lremoved/total = 13.99 + 0.91 + 31.73 + 0.71 47.33 Pounds peryear 6. Verify compliance: Lremoved/total RR 47.33 > 46.70 Water Quality Volume Calculations: AREAS SUMMARY TABLE: ONSITE Vwq (ft3)= Impervious area (ft) x 0.5 (in) / 12 (in./ft OFFSITE (NOTADDEDTO APPLICABLE SITE AREA) Vwq (ac.ft.) = Vwq (ft) / 43560 ft2/ac. NO. ACRES IMP. % BYPASS 1 1.74 30 SWM/BMP1: BYPASS 2 0.84 26 Drainage Area = 21.60 acres BYPASS 3 1.40 27 Impervious = 43% BYPASS 4 9.52 28 = 9.2852 acres BYPASS 5 3.84 0 BYPASS 6 0.64 10 Vwq (ft) = 16,853 ft3 DA-1 21.60 43 Required 4 x Vwq = 67,411 ft3 DA-1A 3.85 6 Provided WQvolume = 101,646 ft3 DA-2 1.91 41 DA-3 40.31 53 SWM/BMP2: DA-4 1.54 39 Drainage Area = 1.91 acres Impervious - 41 % APPLICABLE SITE AREA = 83.34 ACRES = 0.781 acres Ipost = 43% Vwq (ft) = 2,835 ft3 treatment volume 0.5" of runoff from impervious arei Provided WQvol ume = 4,929 ft3 SWM/BMP3: Drainage Area = 40.31 acres Impervious = 53 % = 21.5495 acres Vwq (ft) = 39,112 ft3 Required 4 x Vwq = 156,449 ft3 Provided WQvolume = 174,449 ft3 SWM/BMP4 : Drainage Area = 1.54 acres Impervious = 39 % = 0.602 acres Vwq (ft) = 1,093 ft3 treatment volume 0.5" of runoff from impervious are, Provided WQvolume = 2,359 ft3 O 2 U) Y U) Q �pl.T H p It /1 J BRIAN C. MITCHELL Lic, No, 035724 4 12/18/18 9 ?Po�Fss/0 NA L ENG\�� Q q� O V � 0 REVISIONS rDATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMEN TS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER DATE 04-27-2016 SCALE NO SCALE PROJECT MANAGELP.E.) BRIAN C. MITCHELL, DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS CHECKED BY PROD. # 20150290 c 0 U 0 Cr 0 0 U a� 7 a) C 0 E a) rn c .L T C 0 c v 0 L 0 a c a� v, c 0 U C a� 3 = 0 s 0 L �3 rn c �3 v v t 0 a� rn 0 t 0 L. 0 v� c 'T a 0 U O U 0 Q. 0 a� t rn C .L a� 0 c 01 c w a) in 0 a� C 3 0 0 a 0 a 0 r c 3 0 s rn C 0+ a� a� C C 0 Cr c �3 0 L L HOST STRUCTURE INSIDE DIMENSIONS PART NUMBER: TYPE OF PIPE MOUNTING TO: INSIDE DIAMTER OF PIPE: *AS DISTRIBUTED BY CONTECH CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS NATIONALLY* (PLEASE PROVIDE ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) ISOMETRIC VIEW STIC SOLUTIONS INC. SH RACK OR EQUAL 'ORT T CROSS BARS FASTENERS ATTACHED RASH RACK RRUGATED METAL OR %STIC PIPE SIDE VIE PLAN VIEW ROUND SERIES TRASH RACKS RISER PART N0. CONCRETE INSIDE DIA. CMP OR HDPE NOMINAL DIA. A B C D E F G H RS-24 24"0 12"0-18"0 17 1/3" 13 1/3" 7 3/4" 6 1/4" 6 1/4" 27 1/2" 6 1/4" 7 1/2" RS-36 36"0 21"0-30"0 21 1/8" 13 1/2" 6 1/4" 6 1/4" 6 1/4" 40 1/2" 6 1/4" 7 1/2" RS-48 48"0 33"0-42"0 27 3/4" 17 3/4" 7" 8 1/2" 6 3/4" 54 1/4" 8 1/2" 9" RS-60 60"0 48"0-54"0 27 3/4" 17 3/4" 11 1/2" 8 1/2" 6 3/4" 67 1/2" 8 1/2" 9" AI/�\RCAV CUSTOMER: �i�1►�i� i ram:? CONSIRUC710N PRODUCTS INC. 9025 CENTRE POINTE WEST CHESTER, OHIOE 45069 400 PROJECT: PH: 1.800.338.1122 FAX: 513.645.7399 © COPYRIGHT ROUND 'ASH RACK 3EE DETAIL HIS SHEET) ELEV. 447.30 DATE: DRAWN BY: APP'D BY: DETAIL: (2) STAINLESS STEEL U-BOLTS TO SECURE 12' PVC DRAIN PIPE TO 5x5 CONCRETE SLAB ORIFICE NSH RACK 12' P V C. DRAIN 18" 1 1 RISER CONCRETE SLAB & 12 " PVC DRAIN PIPE N. T. S. — ELEV. 436.30 B—B (BOTTOM OF CULVERT) 48 " RCP RISER DETAIL N,T,S, --- - - - - ---- f1S — - - - - -. _ _ T - -------------- 100- 41 \ \------ -1-0-w ME: 2-)T E: 446 NWSE: 44 1-DESIGN VOLUI R�UIRE6 WATER QU9 Y ( 19" PVC / - yDRAINPIPE---- J y y - y/ y \ y y y A Im L—,36XW— �ESxDy 2 y y y /Wf FILTER - - - - - - - ------------- -- _ _------- -----_ _-_- / _--------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ --- _ -�- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 455 450 445 440 435 430 CLAY CORE 425 10+00 11 +00 SWM/BMP 1 SCALE: 1 " = 30' 455 460 SWM BMP 1 PROFILE moo_ 4:a N N 04 � Z N - 450 455 N N O +�� O �'t N II o (0 8' BERM � o Z ' 445 450 04 ELEV: 450.00 v' N00 100-YR WSE: 448.97 +'t 10-YR WSE: 447.85 / 0 - Z 10.1 2-YR WSE: 446.63 / d - AFETY BENCH NWSE: 445.00 / DESIGN VOLUME: 1101,646 CUFT I I- I- z 10:1 REQUIRED WATER QUALITY VOLUME:67,411 CUFT,- 440 445 N N - QUATIC BENCH i CLAY / \ -/CORE / SWM/BMP 1 435 440 430 435 425 12+36 430 1 I 425 9+50 10+00 r RIPRAP L=27'xW=VARIESxD=2' W/ FILTER FABRIC BOTTOM ELEV: 440.0 "CLAY C�F�E TO BE INSTALL AROUND OUTFALL IPE 206 L=85.02 S=3.88% D=42" RCP 11 +00 12�00 POND BOTTOM BELOW ELEV 440.0 TO MATCH EXISTING CREEK BED AS SHOWV N THE GRAQ[NG PLAN I LEGEND 13+00 FINISHED GRADE AT CIL — — — — — — — — — EXIST. GROUND AT CIL RIPRAP L=65'xW=16'xD= W/ FILTER FABf 1 14+00 SCALE: HORIZONTAL: > " = 50' VERTICAL: 9 " = 5' O LO rn 00 O Z C� m �1 Q) OmO �r I.L C�2 00 O W � ".� W �•�RJ I�1 0 W 0•� o 4-1 0c) 1-4 Q) 0 V v / `� N O i 0 ti ti q � ti v w � � O C c w V) Tn 0 C 3 O F- O C\I C rn c 0 U c 3 L 0 3 c .3 O T O a) U) Z3 L 0 t O `0 6 c .A a 0 U 0 v 0 0- 0 0 t c REVISIONS CDATE ITEM w 10107116 PER COMMEN TS a; 72118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER LO v3 0 c 3 O 0 0 a 0 a r DATE 04-27-2016 SCALE C AS SHOWN o -c PROJECT MANAG=PE. BRIAN C. MITCHELrn -0 DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS 0 a CHECKED BY c 0 PROJ. # 20150290 3 0 SHEET # C - 12 \ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BASIN PLANTING NOTES: 1. QUALITY ASSURANCE 2. OUTSIDE STORMWATER BASIN: USE LAWN SEED AT THE RATE OF 5 TO A. NOMENCLATURE: PLANT NAMES SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION 8 LBS PER 1,000 SF. OF "STANDARDIZED PLANT NAMES" AS ADOPTED BY THE AMERICAN JOINT COMMITTEE ON HORTICULTURAL NOMENCLATURE. AMOUNT BY: MINIMUM % WEIGHT SPECIES OR VARIETY PURITY GERMINATION B. SIZE AND GRADING: PLANT SIZES AND GRADING SHALL CONFORM TO THE 25% KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS 95% 60% LATEST EDITION OF "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK" AS 35% PERENNIAL RYE 98% 90% SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC. (AAN), 40% RED FESCUE 97% 85% UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 100% C. NURSERY SOURCE: OBTAIN FRESHLY DUG, HEALTHY, VIGOROUS, PLANTS C. FERTILIZER (TO BE USED ON SEEDED LAWN AREAS OUTSIDE THE BASIN NURSERY GROWN UNDER CLIMATIC CONDITIONS SIMILAR TO THOSE IN THE ONLY): LOCALITY OF THE PROJECT. PLANTS SHALL HAVE BEEN LINED OUT IN 1. FOR SPRING SEEDING: COMMERCIAL STARTER FERTILIZER, ROWS, ANNUALLY CULTIVATED, SPRAYED, PRUNED, AND FERTILIZED IN GRANULAR,NONBURNING PRODUCT CONTAINING 10% NITROGEN, 6% ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD HORTICULTURAL PRACTICE. HEELED IN PLANTS AVAILABLE PHOSPHORUS, AND 4% WATER SOLUBLE POTASH (10-6-4). AND PLANTS FROM COLD STORAGE ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 2. FOR FALL SEEDING: COMMERCIAL STARTER FERTILIZER, GRANULAR, D. SUBSTITUTIONS: DO NOT MAKE SUBSTITUTIONS OF PLANT MATERIALS. IF NONBURNING PRODUCT, CONTAINING 5% NITROGEN, 10% AVAILABLE REQUIRED LANDSCAPE MATERIAL IS NOT OBTAINABLE, SUBMIT PROOF OF PHOSPHORUS, AND 5% WATER SOLUBLE POTASH (5-10-5). NON -AVAILABILITY AND PROPOSAL FOR USE OF EQUIVALENT MATERIAL. WHEN AUTHORIZED, ADJUSTMENTS OF CONTRACT AMOUNT (IF ANY) WILL 3. FOR FINAL FERTILIZING: IF APPLIED IN SPRING SEASON, SHALL BE A BE MADE BY CHANGE ORDER. SLOW RELEASE COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER, GRANULAR, WITH HIGH NITROGEN, 38%, URAMITE OR APPROVED EQUAL. IF APPLIED IN FALL 2. SEEDING & PLANTING SEASONS AND TIMING CONDITIONS: SEASON, SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN (3.C.2) ABOVE. A. UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED IN WRITING, SEED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BASIN AREA FROM APRIL 15 TO JUNE 15, AND FROM D. MULCH AUGUST 15 TO OCTOBER 15. 1. LAWN AREAS OUTSIDE STORMWATER BASIN: HYDROSEED OR USE OAT OR WHEAT STRAW FREE OF WEEDS B. UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED IN WRITING THE PLANTING OF PLUGS SHALL BE FROM APRIL 15 TO OCTOBER 30. 2. EROSION CONTROL/RESTORATION MIX AREA WITHIN BASIN: HYDROSEED ONLY. DO NOT USE OTHER MULCH WITHIN THE BASIN. C. PROCEED WITH AND COMPLETE SEEDING AND PLANTING AS RAPIDLY AS PORTIONS OF THE SITE BECOME AVAILABLE, WORKING WITHIN THE 4. EXECUTION SEASONAL LIMITATIONS FOR EACH KIND OF LANDSCAPE WORK REQUIRED. A. PLANTING WORK SHALL BE UNDERTAKEN AS SOON AS SITE AREAS ARE AVAILABLE. D. PROVIDE TEMPORARY ANNUAL RYEGRASS COVER FOR SEEDING OUTSIDE PERMITTED SEEDING PERIODS. SEED AT THE RATE OF 3 TO 4 LBS PER B. THE BASIN MUST BE DRAINED AND FINE GRADED TO FINISHED ELEVATION 1,000 SF. PRIOR TO PLANTING. PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE GRADED TO A SMOOTH EVEN SURFACE, FREE OF DEPRESSIONS OR RIDGES WITH A UNIFORM 3. PRODUCTS: LOOSE, FINE TEXTURE. A. IMPORTED TOPSOIL: PROVIDE TOPSOIL CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING: C. CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY APPROPRIATE SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES 1. ORIGINAL LOAM TOPSOIL, WELL DRAINED HOMOGENOUS TEXTURE AND OF TO ASSURE WATER DRAINED FROM THE BASIN SHALL BE FREE FROM UNIFORM GRADE, WITHOUT THE ADMIXTURE OF SUBSOIL MATERIAL AND SEDIMENT PRIOR TO DISCHARGE TO RECEIVING CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS. FREE OF INVASIVE WETLAND SPECIES SEEDS OR ROOTS, DENSE MATERIAL, HARDPAN, CLAY, STONES, SOD OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE D. TOPSOIL SHALL BE SPREAD NO LESS THAN 4" THICK EXCEPT 6" THICK FOREIGN MATERIAL. OVER THE AQUATIC BENCH. 2. CONTAINING NOT LESS THAN 5% NOR MORE THAN 20% ORGANIC E. THE TOPSOIL SHALL BE TESTED FOR PH AND LIME ADDED IF NECESSARY MATTER IN THAT PORTION OF A SAMPLE PASSING A 1/4' SIEVE WHEN TO AMOUNT RECOMMENDED FOR EACH PLANT SPECIES. ALL AMENDMENTS DETERMINED BY THE WET COMBUSTION METHOD ON A SAMPLE DRIED SHALL BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BEFORE AT 105' C. AMENDMENTS ARE MADE. 3. CONTAINING A PH VALUE WITHIN THE RANGE OF 6.5 TO 7.5 ON THAT F. ALL NEWLY SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT MOIST BY WATERING UNTIL PORTION OF THE SAMPLE WHICH PASSES A 1/4" SIEVE. VEGETATIVE COVERS ARE WELL ESTABLISHED. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP PLUG ROOTS MOIST UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE PERMANENT WATER 4. CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING WASHED GRADATIONS: SURFACE IS REACHED WITHIN THE BASIN. SIEVE DESIGNATION % PASSING 1" 100 G. THE WATER IN THE BASIN SHALL BE ALLOWED TO RISE TO ITS PERMANENT POOL LEVEL WHEN THE AQUATIC BENCH HAS BEEN PLANTED 97 - 100 NO. 200 20 - 65 (OF THE 1/4" SIEVE) AND ONLY AT A RATE THAT WILL NOT DISTURB THE NEWLY PLANTED PLUGS. B. SEED: PROVIDE FRESH, CLEAN, NEW -CROP SEED MIXED IN THE H. VEGETATIVE AREAS ARE TO BE WARRANTIED UNTIL THEY HAVE BECOME PROPORTIONS SPECIFIED FOR SPECIES AND VARIETY, AND CONFORMING ESTABLISHED, AND NOT LESS THAN 60 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL TO FEDERAL AND STATE STANDARDS. PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING MIXTURES: WORK AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 1. WITHIN STORMWATER BASIN: NEW ENGLAND EROSION CONTROL/RESTORATION MIX AS SUPPLIED BY NEW ENGLAND WETLAND PLANTS, INC., 820 WEST ST., AMHERST, MA 01002, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. APPLY AT A RATE OF 1 LBS/1,245 S.F. AQUATIC BENCH PLUG 3° T❑PS❑IL PLANTING DETAIL & SEED AQUATIC BENCH 10' TYP. WIDTH DEEP BED CORE LOG (16") 6" D ❑FEEPTOPSOIL AQUATIC PLANT PLUG (TYP) IMPERMEABLE LAYER (REFER TO STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BASIN TYPICAL SECTI❑N NWSE: 216 NOTES: 1, HERBACEOUS PLANTS SHOULD BE PEAT POT GROWN OR HEAVILY ROOTED PLUGS, PLANTS SHOULD BE PLANTED WITH ROOT SYSTEMS FULL INTACT 2, REMOVE ALL UNDESIRABLE PLANTS OR WEEDY VEGETATI❑N FROM THE PLANTING PLUG 3, HERBICIDES SHALL NOT BE USED WITHIN THE BASIN TO REMOVE EXISTING WEED GROWTH 4, FERTILIZERS SHALL NOT BE USED WITHIN THE PERMANENT POOL 5, PLANTING SHALL TAKE PLACE IMMEDIATELY AFTER S❑IL PREPARATI❑N. AQUATIC BENCH PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL ABBR.APPROX QUAN.. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME INUNDATION REMARKS WILDLIFE VALUE 4unN. T RANCE SPACING SIZE FULL SUN, ALTHOUGH TOLERANT RC 640 Leesia orgoides RICE CUTGRASS UP TO 3" 15"O.C. 2" PLUG OF SHADE. SHORELINE HIGH, FOOD AND COVER STABILIZATION MH 640 Hibiscus mosheutos MARSH HIBISCUS UP TO 3" 15"O.C. 2" PLUG FULL SUN. CAN TOLERATE LOW, NECTAR i vF y1y1y1y PERIODIC DRYNESS r' FAST COLONIZER. CAN TOLERATE HIGH, SEEDS, COVER, CTS 360 Scipus pungens COMMON THREE SQUARE UP TO 6" 20"O.C. 2" PLUG PERIODS OF DRYNESS. FULL SUN. WATEFOWL, SONGBIRDS HIGH METAL REMOVAL AH 360 Sa itario latitolia 9g' ARROWHEAD/DUCK POTATO UP TO 1' 20"O.C. 2" PLUG AGGRESSIVE COLONIZER MODERATE, TUBERS AND SEEDS EATEN BY DUCKS LT 360 Saurusus cernuus LIZARD'S TAIL UP TO 1' 20"O.C. 2" PLUG RAPID GROWTH. SHADE TOERANT LOW, EXCEPT WOOD DUCKS PW 360 Pontederia cordata PICKERELWEED UP TO 1' 20"O.C, 2" PLUG FULL SUN TO PARTIAL SHADE NECTRATE, DUCKS, AR FOR BUTTERFLIES V-ARIIAB�E Vv4D T 7 i S WM /III -I ------------------- \ - ----- \---------------- '' l � y y - - - - - - - - - / i '------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i - — — — — — — — — ----__— — - — — — — — — — — / - — — — — — — — _ ----------------------------------------- --------------------- - --- - -- -"---------" /— S WM /B M P 1 SCALE: 1 " = 20' 0 LO r 11 00 O Z � 00 co o � LL C�2 0o O W � W CO Z �w V -q Z� O •'••1 W 0 •-4 4--r Co '.4 4 �I+ W Ell-0 Ln 00 r- � � a L) C O U v v rn a� O 41 41 a� 7 a� 41 .n 3 C N N ALT H 0 c C p � v U y v BRIAN C, MI CHELL 0 Lic, No, 035724 0 12178118 �OFFSS/ONAL ENG\�� a C a) V) i � � 2 � � N ti �1 ^r^�I vl C O U C 3 L t O -C �3 0) C_ �3 v rn t O U) L W L O 0 v� c .T CL O U 0 U O a a� Q t 0) C N REVISIONS DATE ITEM Cr w 10107/16 PER COMMENTS a; 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER cn co N C 3 H O N a 0 CL s --) DATE 04—27-2016 +' SCALE c AS SHOWN o co PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn v DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS CHECKED BY v c v c .3 PROD.# 20150290 v L ° SHEET # C-12A \ I \\ l It If l �,l 1 / ; / / ,;/ / � �I_ If /,,/,/ l / l l l / l l 1 1 j.I I CD I I I I, I \\ I l l / / / l / ! l 1/ 1; r, r FF 1, I,I1 I I I l l/, ;, l l l r Il i l l y iilll IIII I i i 1 1 1 / , / / , , , / / , / l l / l 1l I l l I II I I I I I I I I / / I IfI; IfIt If ; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I\\\ \\\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \\ I SII P3 \�\ 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ��OO—YR WSE: 440.561 \\ I I I I I I I I I I I I 10-,YR WSE, 39.29, 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2L YR WSt`: 37.05 11 I NWISE: 43 .00 11 I I 11 I I I I I IDE5IGN IWQ VOL 1 4,4 49 CUFT WQI VO�E: I I I 1 I I 1 1 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ 1 CON R&E SLAB 1 (SEEI 'ETAIL 174IS HEET) I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I h2"1 PVC DIRA�PIPE 110" AQUAITICII BENCH / 1� — / i i S/4FFIfiY/riACtSs BENCH / / 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I / / /12"G.V. �-f IF L- I T, , , I , , I If IlAwd It l ; i I l l If If L / It l , If It dR INPIPI /l lI ----- '.'� �'.'��'/i i ; W/ FILTER i;ABRI SWM/BMP 4 ROUND !ASH RACK TEE DETAIL HIS SHEET) ELEV, 438,80 ❑RIFICE aSH RACK -V. 436.50 ❑RIFICE aSH RACK RISER LEV. 426.00 B—B 60 " RCP RISER DETAIL N,T,S, I 18.5' I EMERGENCY SPILLWAY DETAIL N. T. S. \ , I q, \\ z� \ \\ 1 1 1 \ \ \ \ 1 \ A\, \10 `------ -- \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ---------- ------- �`—-----— iC ` `--------- \�i----------------- ---- __ — — — -�---------- \E4tft>I�NCY�\`�-_—_----------------------- ----------------- --' __--- ---------__----______-_-_-_____ `tom \ \\ `-_ -- ---- ------ ---� ---------- ----- _- \ �- _ --- _----_ — ------------------___ _-_ — o\ —---p------------------_ -- _ --- _ ----- Cr ----� ---- O O O SCALE: 1 " = 30' ELEV, 441,50 ELEV, 439.25 24' RIPRAP CLASS I WITH FILTER FABRIC 1� DI (2) STAINLESS STEEL U-BOLTS TO SECURE 12' PVC DRAIN PIPE TO 5x5 CONCRETE SLAB 18" CONCRETE SLAB & 12" PVC DRAIN PIPE N. T. S. I 450 GERi 440 435 430 11P40 420 41! 41C 40! 445 440 435 430 425 420 415 8' BERM ELEV: 441.50 CLAY CORE SWM/BMP 4 PROFILE Go 'o 00 C-4 t6 0, O n + M..H o U)gz 10:1 SAFETY BENCH 10:1 AQUATIC BENCH 100-YR WSE: 440.56 10-YR WSE: 439.20 2-YR WSE: 437.05 NWSE: 434.00 / DESIGN VOLUME: 174,449 C REQUIRED WATER QUALITY VOLUME: 156,449 CUF BOTTOM ELEV: 426.0 ' 1 J L_J � f 210 L=111.55 S=7.17% CLAY CORE •TO BE D=42" RCP CLASS III EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CLAY CORE 410 10+00 11 +00 4' MIN KEYED IN 445 440 435 430 425 420 415 95% COMPACTED FILL MUST BE PLACED BELOW In o STORM SEWER STRUCTURES & PIPES IN FILL r Z �>: �z i RIPRAib L=20'xW=VARIESxD=2' /4Y7 FILTER FABRIC J POND BOTTOM BELOW ELEV 426.0 TO MATCH EXIS77NG CREEK BED AS SHOWN ON 7HE GRADING PLAN HOST STRUCTURE INSIDE DIMENSIONS PART NUMBER: TYPE OF PIPE MOUNTING TO: INSIDE DIAMTER OF PIPE: *AS DISTRIBUTED BY CONTECH CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS NATIONALLY* (PLEASE PROVIDE ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES) 1 16 L-255.91 5=1.18q D=36" RCP CLASS III ISOMETRIC VIEW PLASTIC SOLUTIONS INC. TRASH RACK OR EQUAL SUPPORT T CROSS BARS WITH FASTENERS ATTACHED TO TRASH RACK CORRUGATED METAL OR `PLASTIC PIPE PLAN VIEW ROUND SERIES TRASH RACKS RISER PART NO. CONCRETE INSIDE DIA. CMP OR HDPE NOMINAL 01A. A B C D E F G H RS-24 24"0 12"0-1 B"0 17 1 /3" 13 1 /3" 7 3/4" 6 1 /4" 6 1 /4" 27 1 /2- 6 1 /4" 7 1 /2' RS-36 36"0 21"0-30"0 21 1/8" 13 1/2' 6 1/4" 6 1/4" 6 1/4" 40 1/2" 6 1/4" 7 1/2' RS-4B 48"0 33'0-42"0 27 3/4" 17 3/4" 7' 8 1/2" 6 3/4" 54 1/4" 8 1/2" 9" RS-60 60"0 48"0-54"0 27 3/4" 17 3/4" 11 1/2" 8 1/2" 6 3/4" 67 1/2" 8 1/2" 9" 410Afts N& IM CUSTOMER: 11 CONSTNXT 0M PRODUCE NC. 9025 CENTRE POINTE ORhVE, SITE 400 WEST CHESTER, OHIO 45069 PROJECT: 91 PH: 1'800,338,1122 FW 513.645.7399 ® COPY101TIF LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT CIL — — — — — — — — — EXIST. GROUND AT CIL DATE: DRAWN BY: APP'D BY: DETAIL: SCALE: HORIZONTAL: > " = 50' VERTICAL: > " = 5' EIS,LT H- 0 U Z BRIAN C. MICHELL Lic. No. 035724 12/18/18 O co A Qq o� REVISIONS CDATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMEN TS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER DATE 04-27-2016 SCALE AS SHOWN PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS CHECKED BY PROD. # 20150290 SHEET # C - 12B 1 1 / /c // k ; 1 1 II I , 11111 '1 1 II I '1 1' ` �\ I 1' I 1 ' I II 1 I I II '11 `,1 I 1 '' 11 1\ kill I 1 II I 1 11 ', II till 11 1 II j 1 1, I `\ 1\ II 1 I\ I II 1� 1 I 1 1 111111 I 1 � 1, I I 1 `\ \\ It 1 III 111 1 1'1 ; 1\1 1 III 1 11 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 , , , ,1 ' 11I \1 1 I 1 'it II II I 1 I 11 1 , It 1 I 1 i II i ' II 1 II ' I , i ItI I ' 1 ' 1 '1 A I 1 t II II _ 1\. / / / / / / I I I 1 I I I / / I 1 I 1 1 I I I I- I —I — I T i� I I I I I 1 I I I I I / l I I I I I I I / / I I I I I I I I I I II I l/ I I I �'—I--r—r I — If ��� I I i� / \\ \ 'I \I \\\ \\ it\. It\ 1� It \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ 1 1 1 1 1k,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1''; It 1 1 \ \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ 1 \\ \ I 11 , ; 1 ,1 II 11 1\ 1 \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \\ \ \\ is \ \\ \ ' 1 \ It \\ It \ `\ \ 1\ 1\ 1\ \\ it'I 11 , 1 \\ \ \ `\ \\ \\ `\ It \ \ \ I I I I \ 1\ \\ 1 \\ 'I I \ \ \ I \ 1 , 1 I 1 I It \\ '1 1 `, 1\ 1 1 1 '1 j 1 1 1 1 11 '1 \1 'I I \1 1 1 11 '1 11 I 11 \\ \\ \ \\ `\ 1 ,1 ,, II \ 11 1 1 ,1 ,I 11 1 11 1\ 1 1' ,I 11 '11 \\ \\ \\ \\ 1 it 1 1 11 \ �� 1 11 11 \'1 I\ 111 1 1', II II 11 1 1 ItFE 1 9\ 1,1'1' 1 kill, ' \ \\\ \\\ \`\ \\\ \ \\\ \\\ \`\ \`•� \ \ I it 11 \ 1 1 1 'll I '� \I 1 1 11 1 I 1 I1t I 1 11 it 1 1 '\ '1 I 11, '1it 1 1 1 1 \ \\ \ \\ \ It 1 1 1ki 1111 11111 ll 1 1 I I \ It \ I \\ 1 \\1\ \ \ it \ \_ ------------ ------------- ---- ------------------------ --_ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-------------- - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - I 1 I \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \\ \\ \— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — \ \ \ \ \ \- - - - - - - - - - '--------------- \ ` -- ---------- \ _ _ _ ---- ----- \ \\ _---------- - — _ _ --_ ---- -------------- -_ _- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - \`--`---------—---- - - - -- _ '---------------- --0- - --- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ----------- _-_ -- -- pO =-- _ — — — — — =---------------- 0— I_� - ---- -e-o--------------_ — ,------_ SWM/BMP 4 SCALE: 1" = 20' AQUATIC BENCH PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL ABBR. APPROX' BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME INUNDATION REMARKS WILDLIFE VALUE SPACING SIZE aUAN. FULL SUN, ALTHOUGH TOLERANT RC 320 Leesia orgoides RICE CUTGRASS UP TO 3" 15"O.C. 2" PLUG OF SHADE. SHORELINE HIGH, FOOD AND COVER STABILIZATION S 320 Carex spp. SEDGES UP TO 3" 15"O.C. 2" PLUG MANY WETLAND AND SEVERAL UPLAND SPECIES HIGH, WATERFOWL, SONGBIRDS f F MH 480 Hibiscus mosheutos MARSH HIBISCUS UP TO 3" 15"O.C. 2" PLUG FULL SUN. CAN TOLERATE LOW, NECTAR yT.717Vy PERIODIC DRYNESS >' FAST COLONIZER. CAN TOLERATE HIGH, SEEDS, COVER, CTS 360 Scipus pungens COMMON THREE SQUARE UP TO 6" 20"O.C. 2" PLUG PERIODS OF DRYNESS. FULL SUN. WATEFOWL, SONGBIRDS HIGH METAL REMOVAL AA 320 Peltandra virginica ARROW ARUM RED UP TO 1' 15"O.C. 2" PLUG FULL SUN TO PARTIAL SHADE HIGH, BERRIES AREEATEN BY WOOD DUCKS AH 180 Saggitaria latifolia ARROWHEAD/DUCK POTATO UP TO 1' 20"O.C. 2" PLUG AGGRESSIVE COLONIZER MODERATE, TUBERS AND SEEDS EATEN BY DUCKS LT 270 Saurusus cernuus UZARD'S TAIL UP TO 1' 20"O.C. 2" PLUG RAPID GROWTH. SHADE TOERANT LOW, EXCEPT WOOD DUCKS PW 320 Pontederia cordata PICKERELWEED UP TO 1' 20"O.C. 2„ PLUG FULL SUN TO PARTIAL SHADE NECERATE, DUCKS, TAR FOR BUTTERFLIES AQUATIC BENCH PLUG 3" T❑PS❑IL PLANTING DETAIL & SEED AQUATIC BENCH 10' TYP, WIDTH DEEP BED CORE LOG (16") 6' D ❑FEEPTOPSOIL AQUATIC PLANT PLUG (TYP) IMPERMEABLE LAYER (REFER TO STORM WATER MANAGEMENT BASIN TYPICAL SECTI❑N NWSE: 216 NOTES: 1, HERBACEOUS PLANTS SHOULD BE PEAT POT GROWN OR HEAVILY ROOTED PLUGS, PLANTS SHOULD BE PLANTED WITH ROOT SYSTEMS FULL INTACT 2. REMOVE ALL UNDESIRABLE PLANTS OR WEEDY VEGETATI❑N FROM THE PLANTING PLUG 3, HERBICIDES SHALL NOT BE USED WITHIN THE BASIN TO REMOVE EXISTING WEED GROWTH 4, FERTILIZERS SHALL NOT BE USED WITHIN THE PERMANENT POOL 5, PLANTING SHALL TAKE PLACE IMMEDIATELY AFTER S❑IL PREPARATI❑N. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BASIN PLANTING NOTES: 1. QUALITY ASSURANCE 2. OUTSIDE STORMWATER BASIN: USE LAWN SEED AT THE RATE OF 5 TO A. NOMENCLATURE: PLANT NAMES SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION 8 LBS PER 1,000 SF. OF "STANDARDIZED PLANT NAMES" AS ADOPTED BY THE AMERICAN JOINT COMMITTEE ON HORTICULTURAL NOMENCLATURE. AMOUNT BY: MINIMUM % WEIGHT SPECIES OR VARIETY PURITY GERMINATION B. SIZE AND GRADING: PLANT SIZES AND GRADING SHALL CONFORM TO THE 25% KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS 95% 60% LATEST EDITION OF "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK" AS 35% PERENNIAL RYE 98% 90% SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC. (AAN), 40% RED FESCUE 97% 85% UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 100% C. NURSERY SOURCE: OBTAIN FRESHLY DUG, HEALTHY, VIGOROUS, PLANTS C. FERTILIZER (TO BE USED ON SEEDED LAWN AREAS OUTSIDE THE BASIN NURSERY GROWN UNDER CLIMATIC CONDITIONS SIMILAR TO THOSE IN THE ONLY): LOCALITY OF THE PROJECT. PLANTS SHALL HAVE BEEN LINED OUT IN 1. FOR SPRING SEEDING: COMMERCIAL STARTER FERTILIZER, ROWS, ANNUALLY CULTIVATED, SPRAYED, PRUNED, AND FERTILIZED IN GRANULAR,NONBURNING PRODUCT CONTAINING 10% NITROGEN, 6% ACCORDANCE WITH GOOD HORTICULTURAL PRACTICE. HEELED IN PLANTS AVAILABLE PHOSPHORUS, AND 4% WATER SOLUBLE POTASH (10-6-4). AND PLANTS FROM COLD STORAGE ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE. 2. FOR FALL SEEDING: COMMERCIAL STARTER FERTILIZER, GRANULAR, D. SUBSTITUTIONS: DO NOT MAKE SUBSTITUTIONS OF PLANT MATERIALS. IF NONBURNING PRODUCT, CONTAINING 5% NITROGEN, 10% AVAILABLE REQUIRED LANDSCAPE MATERIAL IS NOT OBTAINABLE, SUBMIT PROOF OF PHOSPHORUS, AND 5% WATER SOLUBLE POTASH (5-10-5). NON -AVAILABILITY AND PROPOSAL FOR USE OF EQUIVALENT MATERIAL. WHEN AUTHORIZED, ADJUSTMENTS OF CONTRACT AMOUNT (IF ANY) WILL 3. FOR FINAL FERTILIZING: IF APPLIED IN SPRING SEASON, SHALL BE A BE MADE BY CHANGE ORDER. SLOW RELEASE COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER, GRANULAR, WITH HIGH NITROGEN, 38%, URAMITE OR APPROVED EQUAL. IF APPLIED IN FALL 2. SEEDING & PLANTING SEASONS AND TIMING CONDITIONS: SEASON, SHALL BE AS SPECIFIED IN (3.C.2) ABOVE. A. UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED IN WRITING, SEED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT BASIN AREA FROM APRIL 15 TO JUNE 15, AND FROM D. MULCH AUGUST 15 TO OCTOBER 15. 1. LAWN AREAS OUTSIDE STORMWATER BASIN: HYDROSEED OR USE OAT OR WHEAT STRAW FREE OF WEEDS B. UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED IN WRITING THE PLANTING OF PLUGS SHALL BE FROM APRIL 15 TO OCTOBER 30. 2. EROSION CONTROL/RESTORATION MIX AREA WITHIN BASIN: HYDROSEED ONLY. DO NOT USE OTHER MULCH WITHIN THE BASIN. C. PROCEED WITH AND COMPLETE SEEDING AND PLANTING AS RAPIDLY AS PORTIONS OF THE SITE BECOME AVAILABLE, WORKING WITHIN THE 4. EXECUTION SEASONAL LIMITATIONS FOR EACH KIND OF LANDSCAPE WORK REQUIRED, A. PLANTING WORK SHALL BE UNDERTAKEN AS SOON AS SITE AREAS ARE AVAILABLE. D. PROVIDE TEMPORARY ANNUAL RYEGRASS COVER FOR SEEDING OUTSIDE PERMITTED SEEDING PERIODS. SEED AT THE RATE OF 3 TO 4 LBS PER B. THE BASIN MUST BE DRAINED AND FINE GRADED TO FINISHED ELEVATION 1,000 SF. PRIOR TO PLANTING. PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE GRADED TO A SMOOTH EVEN SURFACE, FREE OF DEPRESSIONS OR RIDGES WITH A UNIFORM 3. PRODUCTS: LOOSE, FINE TEXTURE. A. IMPORTED TOPSOIL: PROVIDE TOPSOIL CONFORMING TO THE FOLLOWING: C. CONTRACTOR SHALL EMPLOY APPROPRIATE SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES 1. ORIGINAL LOAM TOPSOIL, WELL DRAINED HOMOGENOUS TEXTURE AND OF TO ASSURE WATER DRAINED FROM THE BASIN SHALL BE FREE FROM UNIFORM GRADE, WITHOUT THE ADMIXTURE OF SUBSOIL MATERIAL AND SEDIMENT PRIOR TO DISCHARGE TO RECEIVING CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS. FREE OF INVASIVE WETLAND SPECIES SEEDS OR ROOTS, DENSE MATERIAL, HARDPAN, CLAY, STONES, SOD OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE D. TOPSOIL SHALL BE SPREAD NO LESS THAN 4" THICK EXCEPT 6" THICK FOREIGN MATERIAL. OVER THE AQUATIC BENCH. 2. CONTAINING NOT LESS THAN 5% NOR MORE THAN 20% ORGANIC E. THE TOPSOIL SHALL BE TESTED FOR PH AND LIME ADDED IF NECESSARY MATTER IN THAT PORTION OF A SAMPLE PASSING A 1/4" SIEVE WHEN TO AMOUNT RECOMMENDED FOR EACH PLANT SPECIES. ALL AMENDMENTS DETERMINED BY THE WET COMBUSTION METHOD ON A SAMPLE DRIED SHALL BE CHECKED AND APPROVED BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT BEFORE AT 105' C. AMENDMENTS ARE MADE. 3. CONTAINING A PH VALUE WITHIN THE RANGE OF 6.5 TO 7.5 ON THAT F. ALL NEWLY SEEDED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT MOIST BY WATERING UNTIL PORTION OF THE SAMPLE WHICH PASSES A 1/4" SIEVE. VEGETATIVE COVERS ARE WELL ESTABLISHED. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP PLUG ROOTS MOIST UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE PERMANENT WATER 4. CONTAINING THE FOLLOWING WASHED GRADATIONS: SURFACE IS REACHED WITHIN THE BASIN. SIEVE DESIGNATION % PASSING 1" 100 G. THE WATER IN THE BASIN SHALL BE ALLOWED TO RISE TO ITS 4" PERMANENT POOL LEVEL WHEN THE AQUATIC BENCH HAS BEEN PLANTED 97 - 100 N0. 200 20 - 65 (OF THE 1/4" SIEVE) AND ONLY AT A RATE THAT WILL NOT DISTURB THE NEWLY PLANTED PLUGS. B. SEED: PROVIDE FRESH, CLEAN, NEW -CROP SEED MIXED IN THE H. VEGETATIVE AREAS ARE TO BE WARRANTED UNTIL THEY HAVE BECOME PROPORTIONS SPECIFIED FOR SPECIES AND VARIETY, AND CONFORMING ESTABLISHED, AND NOT LESS THAN 60 DAYS AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL TO FEDERAL AND STATE STANDARDS. PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING MIXTURES: WORK AND FINAL ACCEPTANCE. 1. WITHIN STORMWATER BASIN: NEW ENGLAND EROSION CONTROL/RESTORATION MIX AS SUPPLIED BY NEW ENGLAND WETLAND PLANTS, INC., 820 WEST ST., AMHERST, MA 01002, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT. APPLY AT A RATE OF 1 LBS/1,245 S.F. C 0 U v v rn a� 0 41 D a� .n 3 c 0 0Ei CTI �ALT H 0 c i - T C Cp v v -v BRIAN C, MI CHELL 0 Lic, No, 035724 0 12178118 �OFFSS/ONAL ENG\�� a c a� i � � 2 � � N ti �1 ^r^�I vl C 0 U ; 3 0 L �3 rn c_ �3 0 v rn t 0 a7 L W L O 0 v� c .T a O U 0 U v 0 a a� CD t rn c REVISIONS DATE ITEM Cr w 10107/16 PER COMMENTS a; 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER cn v a� c 3 0 W a 0 CL s DATE 04—27-2016 +' SCALE c AS SHOWN o t PROJECT MANAGER BRIAN C. MITCHELL, P.E. rn v DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS CHECKED BY o c v c .3 PROD.# 20150290 0 ° SHEET # C-12C \ BMP 2 PROFILE 520 520 N 00 �T N 0 `V�� 515 515 + (0'n H �LOO"_ n o V) Wo Z N 510 - O 510 N O U)NO 00 ��z '-III Q D_ �\ / N NOZ \ 505 _ \ 505 \ 3' WIDE BERM z TOP ELEV: 503.0 w W 72 \a�O 500 182 BOTTOM ELEV:_ 500 L=20.85 \ S=0.67%In D=18" RCP CLASS III 00 \ VARIABLE H 0.50% 0.50% WIDTH I ENERGY 495 DISSIPATER 495 6" PERFORATED 6" SDR35 HDPE WRAPPED CLASS I RIP RAP IN FILTER FABRIC W/ FILTER FABRIC CUB 1/FR 2" MIN. L=5'xW=5'xD=2' WASHED GRAVEL 490 - 490 485 I , I ; , 485 10+00 11+00 12 00 12+63 BMP 2 CLAY CORE PROFILE 510 510 505 I 500 I 495 SPILLWAY 0 505 500 J - - - - - - - - - - - --------------- ____---- / I I PRI TCHETT LANE \ I _ ---- ��-______------ ----- \ \ C.O. I I (TYP) I- --� - `-----`,- -----`\--\---�---- Q--------------- I T-I CONCRETE CHECKDAM r \ TOP = 501.0 SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET TO BE KEYED IN 5' MIN INTO i I DA C. TYP 12 \ I BMP 2\ 00 1b 5 6/1N RFORATED PVC 0.0 APPEFILTER FABRIC 100 VARIABLE WIDTH -!ENERGY DISSIPATER WIDE 'BERM \ s \ W/ CLAY CORE \ � � TOP = 503.0 � 1 BMP 5 CLAY CORE PROFILE 445 445 TOP BERM 440 - _ 495 435 CLAY CORE 490 I , E 1490 10+00 11+00 11 +35 430 425 , 10 00 BMP 5 PROFILE 455 \ 00 \ r7 N d ± 450-\ �zz0 II -- CL N �ZZZ \ 445 \ W \ 38 \ L=16.31 \ S=1.00% \ 3' WIDE BERM =1 q[409CP CLASS III TOP ELEV: 440.0 , 435 430 425 BOTTOM ELEV: 437.25 \ VARIABLE \ WIDTH U) \ ENERGY CN \ DISSIPATER -H \ 1.00% \ INV. 432.51 2" MIN. WASHED GRAVEL 6" PERFORATED- HDPE WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC INV. 431.45L/ CLASS I RIP RAP W/ FILTER FABRIC L=5'xW=5'xD=2' SPILLWAY ELEV: 43 .25 Trrrr, l 440 KEYED IN 455 450 445 440 435 430 425 420 I , 420 10+00 11 +00 12+00 12+40 435 9601 I 425 117 BMP 2 PLAN 1 "=20' / ' EA 1 4 61.33`\ i A 150.09 \I \\\\�------- 9p 99 / r I I I�NDP AN / C.O. ( TYP /It r / I It 3' / / BE IM W/ CLIP REI �^^i 'moo , IA/BLE/ WID � Y DISSIPATEIN /� I / Q / OTTOM ELRV,���,� / I ' = 437.25/ ,' / / 67 ORATED PVC VRAPP FILTER F11/B I --tz,1 / // // / /I NC CHECK DA / / O /o \ /U /0 BMP 4 PLAN 1 "=20' • Mulch Layer • The mulch shall be uniformly applied approximately 2 to 3 inches in depth on top of planting soil. • An acceptable mulch layer shall include shredded hardwood or shredded wood clips or similar product, • Of the approved mulch products all must be well aged, uniform in color, and free of foreign material including plant material. • Mulch shall be free of weed seeds, soil, roots, grass or any other substance not consisting of either bole or branch wood or bark - NOTES: 1. SOIL EVALUATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY A QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL FOR COMPOSITION, PLACEMENT AND DEPTH PER THE PLANTING SOIL MEDIA GUIDELINES AS PRESENTED ON THIS SHEET. 2. RAIN GARDEN CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT COMMENCE UNTIL THE SITE IS FULLY STABILIZED AND ALL EC MEASURES HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR REMOVAL. 3. ALL GRASSED SWALES AND SURROUNDING GRASSED AREAS SHALL BE FULLY STABILIZED AND THE RAIN GARDEN EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE SODDED PRIOR TO PLACING THE RAIN GARDEN IN TO OPERATION 4. A MINIMUM OF 3 SOIL BORING LOGS PER BASIN SHALL BE PROVIDED TO EVALUATE SOIL SUITABILITY FOR THE PROPOSED RAIN GARDENS AND TO ENSURE THAT THE SEASONAL HIGH WATER IS AT LEAST 3 FEET BELOW THE FILTER BED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF EACH RAIN GARDEN. 5. A DENSE COVER OF WATER -TOLERANT, EROSION -RESISTANT GRASS OR OTHER VEGETATION MUST BE ESTABLISHED. RECOMMENDED GRASSES INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: KENTUCKY-31 TALL FESCUE, REED CANARY GRASS, REDTOP, AND ROUGH -STALKED BLUE GRASS, NOTE THAT THESE GRASSES CAN BE MIXED. 6. MONKEY GRASS SHALL BE PLANTED OVER MULCH LAYER TO STABILIZE THE MULCH. 7. THE ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING INSPECTOR WILL BE NOTIFIED WHEN THE INITIAL GRADING IS COMPLETE AND THE UNSUITABLE EXISTING SOIL HAS BEEN EXCAVATED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM. 8. THE PERIOD OF CARE AND REPLACEMENT SHALL BEGIN AFTER INSPECTION AND APPROVAL OF THE COMPLETE INSTALLATION OF ALL PLANTS AND CONTINUE UNTIL ONE YEAR AFTER STATE ACCEPTANCE. BIORETENTION AREA EXISTING GROUND GRASS CHANHEL 12" MAX. PONDING DEPTH TOP <--0.O% PROPOSED GRADE * MULCH 3" MULCH 3:1 MAX ** PLANTING 2.5' SOIL MEDIA * MULCH TO BE SHREDDED AS NOTED SOIL HARWOOD OR HARDWOOD CHIPS 3" PEA GRAVEL ** THE RECOMMENDED 2 MIN BIORETENTION SOIL MIXTURE IS O GRAVELO 12' WASHED GRAVEL GENERALLY CLASSIFIED AS LOAMY 2" MIN SAND ON THE USDA TEXTURE TRIANGLE, WITH THE FOLLOWING 6" PERFORATED HOPE TO COMPOSITION PER THE VA DEQ DAYLIGHT O 1% 1/2" - 2" STORMWATER DESIGN WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC WASHED SPECIFICATIONS NO.9 GRAVEL -85X TO 88X SAND -8% TO 12X SOIL FINES; AND MODIFIED DETAIL FOR -3% TO 5% ORGANIC MATTER BIORETENTION AREA X-SECTION BMP 2 (NOT TO SCALE) BIORETENTION AREA EXISTING GROUND GRASS CHA EL 12" MAX. PONDING DEPTH TOP <--0.0%� PROPOSED GRADE * MULCH 3" MULCH 3:1 MAX ** PLANTING * MULCH TO BE SHREDDED AS NOTED SOIL 2.5' SOIL MEDIA HARWOOD OR HARDWOOD CHIPS o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c 3" PEA GRAVEL 2 MIN ** THE RECOMMENDED O GRAVELO 12" WASHED GRAVEL BIORETENTION SOIL MIXTURE IS GENERALLY CLASSIFIED AS LOAMY 2" MIN SAND ON THE USDA TEXTURE TRIANGLE, KITH THE FOLLOWING 6" PERFORATED HOPE TO COMPOSITION PER THE VA DEQ DAYLIGHT 0 1% 1/2" - 2" STORMWATER DESIGN WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC WASHED SPECIFICATIONS N0.9 GRAVEL -85X TO 88% SAND -8% TO 12% SOIL FINES; AND MODIFIED DETAIL FOR -3% TO 5% ORGANIC MATTER BIORETENTION AREA X-SECTION BMP 4 (NOT TO SCALE) Bioretentivn Basin Adjacent to a Drainage Swale BIORETENTION AREA LIMIT A 15' MIN. � e3 BERM FLOW FLOW SWALE I PLAN V[EW LOW CONCRETE (NOT TO SCALE) CHECK DAM 3:1 MAX. {TYP•) MAX. PONDER WATER DEPTH (9 INCHES) SWALE-1 0.5 MA,X. Proposed Grcd BIORETENTION AREA SECTION A --A' (NOT TO SCALE) li-S.OWG NOTES: 1. PLANTING SOILS SHALL BE PLACED IN MAXIMUM 12" OR LESS LAYERS AND SHALL BE LIGHTLY COMPACTED. BIORETENTION AREA PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS 1. ROOT STOCK OF THE PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE KEPT MOIST DURING TRANSPORT FROM THE SOURCE TO THE JOB SITE AND UNTIL PLANTED 2. WALLS OF PLANTING PIT SHALL BE DUG SO THAT THEY ARE VERTICAL 3. THE DIAMETER OF THE PLANTING PIT MUST BE A MINIMUM OF SIX INCHES (6") LARGER THAN THE DIAMETER OF THE BALL OF THE TREE 4. THE PLANTING SHALL BE DEEP ENOUGH TO ALLOW 1/8 OF THE OVERALL DIMENSION OF THE ROOT BALL TO BE ABOVE GRADE. LOOSE SOIL AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PIT SHALL BE TAMPED BY HAND. 5. THE PLANT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONTAINER AND PLACED IN THE PLANTING PIT BY LIFTING AND CARRYING THE PLANT BY ITS' BALL NEVER LIFT BY BRANCHES OR TRUNK) 6. SET THE PLANT STRAIGHT AND IN THE CENTER OF THE PIT SO THAT APPROXIMATELY 1/8 OF THE DIAMETER OF THE ROOT BALL IS ABOVE THE FINAL GRADE. 7. MAKE SURE PLANT REMAINS STRAIGHT DURING BACKFILLING PROCEDURE. 8. NEVER COVER THE TOP OF THE BALL WITH SOIL. MOUND SOIL AROUND THE EXPOSED BALL. 9. TREES SHALL BE BRACED BY USING 2" BY 2" WHITE OAK STAKES. STAKES SHALL BE PLACED PARALLEL TO WALWAYS AND BUILDINGS. STAKES ARE TO BE EQUALLY SPACED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE TREE BALL. UTILIZING HOSE AND WIRE THE TREE IS BRACED TO THE STAKES. 10. BECAUSE OF THE HIGH LEVELS OF NUTRIENTS IN STORMWATER RUNOFF TO BE TREATED, BIORETENTION BASIN PLANTS SHOULD NOT REQUIRE CHEMICAL FERTILIZATION PLANTING DATE GUIDELINES BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND CONTAINERIZED TREES AND SHRUBS SHOULD BE PLANTED BETWEEN MARCH 15 AND JUNE 30 OR BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 15 AND NOVEMBER 15. GROUND COVER EXCLUDING GRASSES AND LEGUMES CAN FOLLOW THE TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING DATES. GRASSES AND LEGUMES TYPICALLY SHOULD BE PLANTED IN THE SPRING OF THE YEAR. TOP ELEV 4 2'R 6" FLOW 2' a 17a a 114":1' � T}I V C d C a a a V G A 7" Q ad d 14 \\91\\j 18 a` a e CONCj?E7E CHECK A4M (MODIFIED/DRY C0-6) Maintenance/Inspection Guidelines The following maintenance and inspection guidelines are not intended to be all inclusive. Specific Facilities may require additional measures not discussed here. A schedule of recommended maintenance for bioretention areas is given in Table 3.11-5. The table gives general guidance regarding methods, frequency, and time of year for maintenance. Planting Soil Urban plant communities tend to become very acidic due to precipitation as well as the influences of storm water runoff. For this reason, it is recommended that the application of alkaline, such as limestone, be considered once to twice a year. Testing ofthe pH of the organic layer and soil, should precede the limestone application to determine the amount of limestone required. Soil testing should be conducted annually so that the accumulation of toxins and heavy metals can be detected or prevented. Over a period of time, heavy metals and other toxic substances will tend to accumulate in the soil and the plants. Data from other environs such as forest buffers and grass swales suggest accumulation of toxins and heavy metals within five years of installation. However, there is no metblodology to estimate the level oftoxic materials in the bioretention areas since runoff, soil, and plant characteristics will vary from site to site. As a toxic substances accumulate, the plant biologic functions may become impaired, and the plant experience dwarfed growth followed by mortality. The biota within the soil can also become void and the natural soil chemistry may be altered. The preventative measures would.include the removal of the contaminated soil. In some cases, removal and disposal of the entire soil base as well as the plant material may be required. Mulch Bioretention areas should be mulched once the planting of trees and shrubs has occurred. Any ground cover specified as plugs may be installed once the area has been mulched. Ground cover established by seeding andlor consisting of grass should not be covered with mulch. GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. LEGEND FINISHED GRADE AT C/L - - - - - - - - - EXIST. GROUND AT C/L SCALD': HORIZONTAL: > " = 50' VERTICAL: I " = 5' IM C\2 I /n UD O z C� G� C\2 CC) co o � Iy C\2 op O W � W �Ow Cd - b � Z• '� O� rn W 0 O v-I Co 4 Irz LO CO 0 co a O a O U) Q 0I uT H- 0. " BRIAN C, MkHELL Lic, No, 035724 I2/18118 Q /A0 �FSS10 NA L O v 1 I� q w �C) QI O E N �w 0 REVISIONS DATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMEN TS 12/18118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER DATE 04-27-2016 SCALE AS SHOWN PROJECT MANAG=P.E. BRIAN C. MITCHEL DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS �_) CHECKED BY PROD. # 20150290 SHEET # C- C - 12D c 0 U 0 v a� O _11- a� v a� �3 a� 0) 01 c �L c c v c v a� :c O Q c a� C O U c a) �L 3 L t 41 L c 3 v t 41 a� v L 41 0 0 c �T Q. 0 U c 0 :4� U v v 0 OL a) L N t _11- 01 c a� 01 c w a) 41 U) W c 3 0 0 a) L1 0 a a) t r�+ .N c 0 L c v� .N a) v a� L c v v, c v v W :c PRUNE ALL BROKEN, DEAD AND DAMAGED BRANCHES. }I� DO NO CUT LEADER. 2'12"STAKE I — Y' MIN. WEBBING x 12" MIN. THREAD CABLE THROUGH METAL WIRE GUY GROMMETS TURNBUCKLE _ ti WRAP WITH COMMERCIAL CREPE TO I - �z SECOND BRANCH. START AT BOTTOM 120' ' 6-1i2" GALVANIZED TURNBUCKLE +}f ~ 12 GA. GALVANIZED GUY WIRE 3112" WOOD OR METAL '^ FLAG -PAINTED WHITE 45°30- 4 — 3" EARTH MOUND TO CREATE SAUCER 3" MIN. SHREDDED PINEBARK MULCH REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 1/3 OF BALL �lilil 12.. MIN `II l� .V —3 - 2' x2' x30" STAKES. SALT PRESSURE .'l• I `��' rf - I dll — TREATED PINE -DRIVE FLUSH WITH GRADE J•� l I \ `{r 0 ff ' PREPARED TOPSOIL BACKFILL ' i 111 6--0"MIN I�.f =� � 1 SCARIFY BOTTOM OF PIT C/L TREE GUYING DETAIL - 3" CALIPER OR MORE NOT TO SCALE 3" EARTH MOUNDED TO FORM SAUCER - 3"-4"PINEBARKMULCH REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP 7"I­� 113 OF BALL -� j j j11 ' I l l 1 2" ►I z18" � MIN -. PREPARED TOPSOIL BACKFILL 6" "', ; ` `.I`I �I -III' MIN SCARIFY BOTTOM OF PIT 1— I IIII— _ .=_ B & B SHRUB / GROUNDCOVER BED NOT TO SCALE 11" ;SHREDDED PINEBARK MULCH BALLED AND BURLAPPED AND CONTAINERIZED TREES AND SHRUBS SHOULD BE PLANTED BETWEEN MARCH 15 AND JUNE 30 OR BETWEEN SEPTEMBER 15 AND NOVEMBER 15. GROUND COVER EXCLUDING GRASSES AND LEGUMES CAN FOLLOW THE TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING DATE. GRASSES AND LEGUMES TYPICALLY SHOULD BE PLANTED IN THE SPRING OF THE YEAR. \ \ \ \\\ \\\ \\\ \\\ \ \\\ \\\ 1 I I I 1 1 4 I \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 I / 1 1 \ �V�, B D A \\ \BN A \\20' DRAINAGE \��\ \ E EAS M EN T50 \ -- ------- - - - - - - - - - ------ BIORETENTION FILTER 2 PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL TOTAQUANL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE HEIGHT SPACING 11 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 6-7' 15' 0. C. ' 2 Magnolia Virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 6-7 15' 0. C. 12 Itea Virginica 'Henry's Garnett' Sweetspire 3gal. 4' 0. C. t s} 16 Cornus Sericea 'Arctic Fire' Red Twig Dogwood 3gal. 4' 0. C. 12 Myrcia Cerifera Waxmyrtle 3gal. 6' 0. C. BIORETENTION FILTER 4 PLANT SCHEDULE SYMBOL TOTQUArIL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE HEIGHT SPACING 8 Taxodium distichum Bald Cypress 6-7' 15' 0. C. ' 3 Magnolia Virginiana Sweetbay Magnolia 6-7 15' 0. C. 7 Itea Virginica 'Henry's Garnett' Sweetspire 3gal. 4' 0. C. 12 Cornus Sericea 'Arctic Fire' Red Twig Dogwood 3gal. 4' 0. C. 17 Myrcia Cerifera Waxmyrtle 3gal. 6' 0. C. ��p.LT H 6 BRIAN C, MI'rCHELL Lic, No, 035724 12/18118 �OFFSS/0NAL tNAG\�� C) V j q� w 0 �w 0 REVISIONS rDATE ITEM 10107116 PER COMMEN TS 12118118 PER COMMENTS/OWNER DATE 04—27-2016 SCALE AS SHOWN PROJECT MANAG=P.E. BRIAN C. MITCHEL DESIGNED BY BCM / JLS CHECKED BY PROD # 20150290 SHEET # C — 12E C O U v v rn a� O 41 U N 7 to .n 3 C Q) 0) CTI �L c v -v C v v Q 41 -C O a O C C O U C N 41 r-� 3 s_ t 0 L �3 rn C �3 v v rn -C 0 a� L Q) -C O 0 v� c .T Q. O U 0 U 0 a a� Q t rn C C c w Q U) a� C 3 O O T N a O I_ a Q) L .N C 3 O s C rn a0 a� C v rn c �3 v L -C I.-