HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201400075 Letter of Revision Letter of Revision 1 2018-12-20December 11th, 2018 Tori Kanellopoulos Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Letter of Revision to SDP201400075, Cascadia Blocks 1-3 Dear Tori, The purpose of this letter of revision is to show the change from the originally approved Site Development Plan. The changes are as follows: • The applicant requested a special exception to the Code of Development for Cascadia to allow "single-family detached units" in Block 1 (lots 259-266). The Board of Supervisors approved the special exceptions at their meeting on May 9th of this year. The 4 attached single-family units (duplexes) have been changed into 8 single-family detached units. • The applicant is also proposing a boundary line adjustment for Lots 215-222 (Block 3) going from (4) duplex units to (2) 4 -unit townhouses. These changes will be reflected in an updated plat. • Proposed Use calculations have been updated. • Proposed ADT information has been updated. • The stormsewer from structure 62 to 63 has been shifted to accommodate the change in lots 215-222. • Proposed landscape easements have also been updated. • Open Space B increased in size and a new Open Space Z has been shown with this submittal. • Lots 236-241 are now shown as (2) 3 -unit townhouses with no utility changes. • Block K Build To Line has changed to 17.5' • Block J Build To Line has changed to 21.5' • Block M Build To line has changed to 19.0' • Propose tree in front of lots 221-222 has been moved ± 15' North East along Delphi Drive so that there is no conflict with the water meter. • Proposed tree in front of lots 236-237 has been moved ± 15' South along Delphi Drive to avoid utility conflict. • Abandon eastern water meter on dual water meter in front of lot 218 along Delphi Drive. • Sanitary lateral serving lot 220 to be cut back to within the ROW and redirected so as to enter lot 220 and not pass through any other private lot. • Sanitary lateral serving lot 217 to be cut back to be on lot 217 and not cross onto lot 218. ROUDABUSH, GALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. $ A PROFESSIOI'IAL (;ORPORATIOI\d s P IA NOSU RVFY)NG Srr hl , VirKi)rhi Shice 19 6 F,Nf; NF"t 111Nf; LAND PLANNING lil61\1:I:10NG OI;I'.\Iil\11.\1 5 l RVE) DIA, : kit] "IENI 17' MW II 1':\til"OP's DRIVI .511:.:1 '+1, ]IO\Ili Fa_LU ROM) 11 (LI UZI( II:SVI I.I.I:.\',l'__'vll t9L\RI t) 1 11'.SV11.I.F.. \[\'2'uP_ \11LI.L\,\1! L1iUi)t III.R. I.S. 110\ MAN( U. RE- I'I IV\C J 4i34)1179.81 --'I I'l JONI. (411197"-020, HRL%N 1) I:\1OS4)\, I S DAVID \L Roil P.1110\. 11.1:. FAX (4.1 1) 1)79-1691 FAX (4.1412')h-5220 DAVIOA IOLOAN I S. \\1\15' \1 0H )RUL.- LA 1\11Ia Rot 1) \1A SI I C O\I K11iS 1OV111:R C' OI\ I liftti. L"', December 11th, 2018 Tori Kanellopoulos Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Letter of Revision to SDP201400075, Cascadia Blocks 1-3 Dear Tori, The purpose of this letter of revision is to show the change from the originally approved Site Development Plan. The changes are as follows: • The applicant requested a special exception to the Code of Development for Cascadia to allow "single-family detached units" in Block 1 (lots 259-266). The Board of Supervisors approved the special exceptions at their meeting on May 9th of this year. The 4 attached single-family units (duplexes) have been changed into 8 single-family detached units. • The applicant is also proposing a boundary line adjustment for Lots 215-222 (Block 3) going from (4) duplex units to (2) 4 -unit townhouses. These changes will be reflected in an updated plat. • Proposed Use calculations have been updated. • Proposed ADT information has been updated. • The stormsewer from structure 62 to 63 has been shifted to accommodate the change in lots 215-222. • Proposed landscape easements have also been updated. • Open Space B increased in size and a new Open Space Z has been shown with this submittal. • Lots 236-241 are now shown as (2) 3 -unit townhouses with no utility changes. • Block K Build To Line has changed to 17.5' • Block J Build To Line has changed to 21.5' • Block M Build To line has changed to 19.0' • Propose tree in front of lots 221-222 has been moved ± 15' North East along Delphi Drive so that there is no conflict with the water meter. • Proposed tree in front of lots 236-237 has been moved ± 15' South along Delphi Drive to avoid utility conflict. • Abandon eastern water meter on dual water meter in front of lot 218 along Delphi Drive. • Sanitary lateral serving lot 220 to be cut back to within the ROW and redirected so as to enter lot 220 and not pass through any other private lot. • Sanitary lateral serving lot 217 to be cut back to be on lot 217 and not cross onto lot 218. • A private sanitary lateral easement has been created on lot 215 for lot 216's lateral. • Inaccuracies were noticed in the Land Schedule Area Calculations prepared by Dominion Engineering. These inaccuracies have been corrected with this revision. • Lots 206-207 have been converted from a duplex to (2) single family detached units. No impact to utilities, easements, or landscape is proposed. • Retaining wall fronting Terrace Lane on the north edge of Lot 206 has been removed. Slopes steeper than 3:1 shall be planted with hardier than grass vegetation We thank you for taking the time to review this request. Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, Dustin reene, EIT LETTER, OF REVI ION FOR CA.SCAD 1A BLOCKS TM 2 P RCEL i 'i TM 785 78E. County, of Albemarle L'onservation Plan.cheskil3i -Tti ba placed.dn Landscape Plans (}i itidbook, pp :iii *29.4-111.<101, for tompleie specifleations) 1, The fpllorying items shall he shown on the elan: ice" Trecs to be saved ttSS ta£€3?sut ctpit of tees to be. saved); �S>e�ttatl bpd iypeAfpr�t�ebttz�`�di�ittg; istd s l2tut 0is3lt lieF w is: or, walls; �i'r�?�itasezi`tt�iehrngttrAar#stc.trngiisyostdih€limns-ofoteatiitg. 2. markin s: VN'It tries to be savei3 gh li.be.irzarlted. %Villi print:or:ribbon at a.helght clearly visible ta: eguigmi nt operators. grading shad begin until the tree:marking has been inspected and approved by a. County bnspvcior. e-Constru€tiun K�onferenee: "1'Oti preservation and protection nz€asures shall b€reviewed vrith;the cotitracfor on site, 4,: Fi�rtiianhitltoiiie. TTriavy egciiprt Yrt i,eiraetilax iraF#:tn ai d_storage of can -Matson Materials including'wiJ shall nol:be permittod � dthin the s4riplines: of teas:,, to Ise saved. 5: Sot r stop ani¥ .o w ¢'.;17 r c 8ta�ii ttc�tc�s sliait n4trvet`sel� ai'i�cf lrL.cs<tp lie sttvul, �, Frre ar+; not peitnitted tvitlsin 1fl6led of the dripline of tress io bc:saved,: '1: 'i�"ozi�c °liiater`eals. �ltl 't'oxic matetiais shall not be stored within 100 &c et oi'the dripline of trees to be saved. l r io b relaztnoti svailz3it 40 feet off, building ti grading activity shall be'picstec#edhy feiictng: attngsait Li€ frs pJa€sand shall:tx inspected anal approv€d by a County Inspector prior to 8rading:or ctinstruoCian.:. �;. Tree ails: 4Y#aan the ground level must be raised within the dripiine ora tree, to. be saved, ,a tree:weli shall be provide i and:a.coatstcuc#iansietait submzitr &6r approval. When the ground level must be lowered within the driplihe a. trcei Labe saved, a tree. all shall be provlded and a con'straction detail. bubrnittet!T0 approval 11. Tre in and Tunnelsa . lVlaen frcnclirng is required within the limits of`clearing,; it shall be done as far away fiom ilia trunks of nes as p6ssthle. Tunneling under a: large, free shall be eonsidered:as.an alternativewhen it is anticapafed ftizf necessaiy: trenching will destroy f'eede'r: touts. cls : Protective fencing shalt i}€: tb€.last:ifems xemr vet duritag thc.Octai ileanr�p: � Tse: Damaged treesshall be treated immediately by pruning, fertilization or other rrethodsxecoaltnendcd by a tree specialist. NOM: I3IpsTHE :ti It3PER&RSF1NSi0.1ll Yl':.GL?l�iPl~'tiMITHTHE CIIQN'Rt1C3Qit:ONTR,EE€OI\iSEii�.ATIi7.+1 51106:Page 3: of fT Curve Radius Tangent Length Delta Chord Chard Sear. C1 175.00 9.65 19.29 6'1856 19.28 S 26'0123 W C2 35.00 33.50 53.44 877912 48.40 S 20'52 55 E C3 . 540.00 56.77 113.12 12'00 07 112.91 N 70'37 51 W C4 35.00 29.63 49.18 80'3010 45.23 N 63'07 02 E C5 225.01 12.41 24.79 6'18 47 24.78 N 26'0124 E C6 1472.40 157.98. 314.76 12'14 54 314.16 N 13'34 20 E Course Bearing Distance L1 S 76'09'34* E 11.47 L2 N 82"1849 E 18.27 L3 N 55'4711 E 24.40: 14 N54'3417 E 51.77 L5 N 63'5310 E 24.62 L6 N 78'35 38 E 53.53 L7 S 88°54 21 E 14.91 L8 S 54'53 41 E 54.57 L9 S 43'0813 E 141.55 L10 S 53-4227* E 102.87 Lll S 17'4615 E 166.27 L12 S 10'3018 W 81.51 L13 I S 26'3407`-E 85.75 L14 I S 1111'50 E 193.39 L15 S 42'5815 E 44.97 L16 S 03'27 49 W 97.27 L17 S 3513!55* E 69.16 L18 S 20'3822 E 65.59 39`L19 S 024516 W 89.84 L20 S 39'4904 E 53:8 L21 S 39'4904 E 13.70 L22 S 25'0139 W 266.18 L23 N 64!58!21* W 192.44 L24 N 64!58'21' W 347.14 L25 S 497631 W 113.71 L26 S 22'5158 W 53.92 L27. N 22'5158 E 61.25 L28 N 13'3243* E 64.09 L29 N 64'58 21 W 322.64 L30 N 401158 E 53.79 L31 I N 38-24!58* E 181.21 L32 N 07'0910 E 108.09 L33 I N 1419 04 E 88.36 TMP 78E -H X FONTANA LAND TRUST m TMP 62-25C TMP 62-25C1 BROADUS MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH DB 1109 PG 353 DB 1078 PG 97 10' PRIVATE EASEMENT TO BROADUS CHURCH PROPERTY DB 3662 PG 444 Ll Nk NAIL SET IN l'9 WOOD BRIDGE ..-�._ �°'+$8�0� ���1�' SPb Site- Plan 1 trt � TMP 62-26 co a� -' CASON, WILLIAM DB 793 PG 106 �. L12 03 l /l TMP 62-25 TMP 78-59A MON. FOUND z8g C� -1 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT DB 3662 PG 444 i 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT - DB 3662 PG 444 CASCADIA DEVELOPMENT, LLC "PARCEL TWO" N TMP 78-59 TMP 78-59A _ TMP 62-25 DB 4209 PG 088 NF @ 18" POPLAR 55.266 ACRES (TOTAL) NEW PERMANENT - DRAIN. EASEMENT `-IAB 2436 PG 623 20' RWSA ESMT. DB 859 PG 53 DB 742 PG 195, 197 PLAT TMP 78-57A L2 C KMH PROPERTIES LLC. DB 3222 PG 519 TMP 78-59 X18, CASCADIA DEVELOPMENT, "PARCEL ONE" TMP 78E -H1 IV693s s9ryW 2 1OS 60, DB 4209 PG 088 Al) ?¢ 5.506 ACRES `v TMP 78E -H 1,' P4,j., ?9411 'I hjjy TMP 78E -H FONTANA LAND TRUST v FONTANA LAND; TRUST 4 \-` �---TMP 78E -C FONTANA OWNERS ASSOCIATION, 8P A96281 100' VIRGINIA ELECTIRC & Ug�IPl POWER COMPANY EASEMENT SIp� DB 269 PG 284 � 28 SEE ALSO DB 867 PG 337 � �� TMP 78-57 ,�.� PANfiOPS-LAKERIDGE LLC, 1(o „h DB 2805 PG 70 to 0 N v� w O rT1 N ®_ tC? PLANNER ENGINEER ALBEMARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY SLlbrrli#ial Type Reviewed and Approved by the Colnmurlit"! De»>eloprrlertf DepartmenDate t CNI File � �� � 1 � r�,r ���'"� ��t'�a1✓�..�lr SIgi"l@ft il'E M e CL REVISIONS CHANGE FIRMAPR. 26, 2018MAY JULY 20, 2018NOV. 2, 2018 #,r w • ,. t r t" tl' _.DESIGN ME' DATA SITE DATA & GENERAL NOTES ►Lata /.:s:� DB 4209-088 RIVANNA 3Wa OF TapoGRApHX, LOUISA AERIAL, suR*-ys o3/m/03. FIELD VIERIFIM BY DOMINION ENGINFLV4 11/21/14 THIS PROPfflTY 1-17. NOT APPEAR 10 BE LOCATED WITHIN A FLOOD PLAIN. IT APPEARS 70 LIE IN ZONE SHOWNAS ON s► r alltMY MANAGEMENTAGENCY , 11 ►12: t D 71 FEBRUARY005 THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED 111HIIN A RESERVOIR VAIERSHEI). KMAMM, TOP OF DMING SANITARY MANHOLE V-11- ON SOUTH END OF S17E 3U94 :i..ak COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY SEWER sERYM, ALBEILARLE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY THIS PROPERTY IS ZONElk. NMD 1/ tr Table E - Table D - Lot Regulations (in feet) Block 2 Unit Type Lot Width Front Build=To Line Minimum Side Setbacks Rear Single Family 60+ 15-30 5 10 Single Family < 60 10-30 3 10 Townhouse 16'-35' 5-25 3 10 Multi -Family N/A 1-15 4 15 Mixed Use N/A 1-15 4 15 Non -Residential N/A 1-15 4 15 Table E - Maximum Building Heights Blocks 1 & 3 50 Feet Block 2 38 Feet Blocks 4-7 38 Feet PROPOSED BLOCK AREAS TABLE B - BLOCK AREAS AND USE DENSITY PER CODE OF DEVELOPMENT Block Estimated Block Size (in Acres) Min. Residential Dwelling Units Min/Max Square Footages and Densities by Use by Block Max: Residential Max. Residential Min. Non -Residential Max. Non -Residential Dwelling Units Density per Acre Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Block 1 10.27 10 40 3.9 5,000 18,000 Block 2 1 14.51 75 150 10:3 0 0 y Block 3 4.40 10 70 15.9 0 0 Block 4 1.83 0 10 5.5 2,000 5,0010 Block 5 2.23 5 20 9.0 0 0 Block 6 19.57 25 65 3.3 0 0 Block 7 7.63 25 65 8.2 0 0 PROPOSED BLOCK AREAS AND USE DENSITY Proposed Block Block Size (in Acres) Square Footages and Densities by Use by Block Residential Residential Non -Residential Dwelling Units Density per Acre Sq. Ft. Block 1 9.27 1.0 1.08 5,000 Block 2 15.07 96 6.4 0 Block 3 4.29 14 3.26 0 GRO6s RESOD TIAL DESNSII :419 UNIT ACRE AREA USED TO COMPUTE DENSITY DOES NOT INCLUDE BL 4-7 PROPOSED ADT: 2,440 VPD BLOCKS 1-3 ADT - 34 SFIMO+28 DUPLM+SO TOMNHOUSE*7+5,000 SF OFFICE0447/1000 - 1,166 VPD > BLOCKS 4-7 ADT - 86 9MO+2 OVPLM+58 TOWNHOUSE*7 - 1,280 VPD ITE MANUAL- USE CODE 210 SFD 10 VPD/ilt6T ITE MANUAL: USE MODE 710 447 VP011,000 SF CURRENT USE VACANT PROPOSED USE: TOWIOMES (60 UNITS),SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED (32 UN11% SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX (28), OFFICE/COMMERCIAL, (5.000 SF) 1.8M2 SCHEDULE PRE -DEVELOPMENT (Ac) � , POST -DEVELOPMENT (Ac) % REMDNIiAL LOTS 0 0 9.953 40.5 PUBLIC R 0 0 4.441 18.1 PRIVATE ALLEY R/W o 0 0.171 0.7 COMMERCIAL LOT 0 0 0.452 1.8 OPEN SPACE/PARKS 24.584 100 9.567 38.9 TOTAL 24.584 100% 24.584 100% Id1eH12VIOUS AREAS: ROADS/PARKING AREAS 1990 ACRES CONCRETE WALKS 1.012 ACRE PROPOSED BUIDINGB: 4 532 ACRES DRIVEWAYS: 1.065 ACRES TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA: 9.619 ACRES PARKING I&SY 170 FOR SINGLE FAMILY, RE=0 PARKING: 2 SPACES PER UNIT REQUIRED PARKING: 2 SPACES PER UNIT 34 UNITS X 2 SPACES PER UNIT - 68 SPACES 26 UNITS X 2 SPACES PER UNIT = 52 SPACES 68 PARKING SPACES PROVIDED 52 PARKING SPACES PROVIDED PARKING TABULATION FOR TOWNIJOUSFS:_ REQUIRED PARKING: 2 SPACES PER UNIT PLUS 1 SPACE PER 4 UMTS FOR GUEST PARKING 60 TOWNHOUSES X 2 SPACES + 60 7011INHOUSES X (1 SPACE/4 UMTS) 135 PARKING SPACES REQUIRED TOTAL PROVED PARKING FOR TOWNHOUSES. 60 UNITS X 2 GARAGE SPACES - 120 + 6 OFF SIRED PARKING SPACES - 126s *PARKIN REQUIREMENT iS MET WITH ON STREET PARKING AVAILABLE ON ONE SDE OF THE STREET ON TERRACE LN.. DELPHI LN., AND MARIETTA DR. ** LATS 215-222 ARE PROVIDED WITH (2) GUEST SPACES ON EACH DRIVEMAY N ADDITION 10 THE (2) SPACES PROVDED NN . THE GARAGE OF EACH UNIT REQINRED PARKING: 20 SPACES FOR ALBEMARLE COUNTY ZONING ORDNANCE. 20 PARKING SPACES PROVIDED OPEN SPACE IS TO BE OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY A HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES: L Prior to any construction within any existing public right-of-way, Including connection to any existing road, a permit shall be obtained from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). This plan as drawn may not accurately reflect the requirements of the permit. Where any discrepancies occur the requirements of the permit shall govern. 2. All materials and construction methods shall conform to current specifications and standards of VDOT unless otherwise noted. 3. Erosion and siltation control measures shall be provided In accordance with the approved erosion control plan and shall be installed prior to any clearing, grading or other construction. 4. All slopes and disturbed areas are to be fertilized, seeded and mulched. 5. The maximum allowable slope Is 2:1 (horizontal: vertical). Where reasonably obtainable, lesser slopes of 3:1 or better are to be achieved. 6. Paved, rip -rap or stabilization mat lined ditch may be required when In the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it Is deemed necessary in order to stabilize a drainage channel. 7. All traffic control signs shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 8. Unless otherwise noted all concrete pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe -Class III. 9. All excavation for underground pipe Installation must comply with OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry (29 CFR Part 1926). GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR STREETS: 1. Construction inspection of all proposed roads within the development will be made by the County. The contractor must notify the Department of Community Development (296- 5832) 48 hours in advance of the start of construction. 2. Upon completion of fine grading and preparation of the roadbed subgrade, the contractor shall have CBR tests performed on the subgrode soil. Three (3) copies of the test results shall be submitted to the County. If a subgrade soil CBR of 10 or greater is not obtainable, a revised pavement design shall be made by the design engineer and submitted with the test results for approval. 3. Surface drainage and pipe discharge must be retained within the public right-of-way or within easements prior to acceptance by the County. All drainage outfall easements are to be extended to a boundary line or a natural watercourse. 4. Guardrail locations are approximate. Exact length, location and appropriate end treatments will be field verified at the time of construction. Additional guardrail may be required at locations not shown when, in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, it is deemed necessary. When guardrail is required, it shall be Installed four (4) feet offset from the edge of pavement to the face of guardrail, and roadway shoulder widths shall be increased to seven (7) feet. 5. Where urban cross sections are installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT CG -9(A, B or C). 6. Where rural cross sections are Installed, all residential driveway entrances shall conform to VDOT standard PE -1. 7. Compliance with the minimum pavement width, shoulder width and ditch sections, as shown on the typical pavement section detail, shall be strictly adhered to. 8. Road plan approval for subdivisions Is subject to final subdivision plat validation. Should the final plat for this project expire prior to signing and recordotion, then approval of these plans shall be null and void. 9. All signs or other regulatory devices shall conform with the Virginia Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the Albemarle County Road Naming and Property Numbering Ordinance and Manual. 10. Traffic control or other regulatory signs or barricades shall be installed by the developer when, in the opinion of the County Engineer, or designee, they are deemed necessary in order to provide safe and convenient access. 11. The speed limits to be posted on speed limit signs are 5 mph below the design speed, or as determined by VDOT .for public roads. 12. VDOT standard CD -1 or CD -2 cross -drains under to be installed under the subbase material at all cut and fill transitions and grade sag points as shown on the road profiles. 13. A video camera inspection is required for all storm sewers and culverts that are deemed inaccessible to VDOT or County inspections. The video inspection shall be conducted in accordance with VDOT"s video camera inspection procedure and with a VDOT or County inspector present. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANS: 1. The plan approving authority must be notified one week prior to the pre -construction conference, one week prior to the commencement of land disturbing activity, and one week prior to the final inspection. 2. All erosion and sediment control measures will be constructed and maintained according to minimum standards and specifications of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook and Virginia Regulations VR 625-02-00 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations. 3. All erosion and sediment control measures are to be placed prior to or as the first step In dearing. 4 A copy of the approved erosion and sediment control plan shall be maintained on the site at all times. 5. Prior to commencing land disturbing activities in areas other than Indicated on these plans (including, but not limited to, off-site borrow or waste areas), the contractor shall submit a supplementary erosion control pian to the owner for review and approval by the plan approving authority. 6. The contractor is responsible for installation of any additional erosion control measures necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation as determined by the plan approving authority. 7. All disturbed areas are to drain to approved sediment control measures at all times during land disturbing activities and during site development until final stabilization Is achieved. 8. During dewatering operations, water will be pumped Into an approved filtering device. 9. The contractor shall inspect all erosion control measures periodically and after each runoff producing rainfall event. Any necessary repairs or cleanup to maintain the, effectiveness of the erosion control devices shall be made Immediately. 10. All fill material to be taken from an approved, designated borrow area. 11. All waste materials shall be taken to an approved waste area Earth fill shall be Inert materials only, free of roots, stumps, wood, rubbish, and other debris. 12. Borrow or waste areas are to be reclaimed within 7 days of completion per Zoning Ordinance section 5.1.28. 13. All inert materials shall be transported In compliance with section 13-301 of the Code of Albemarle. 14. Borrow, fill or waste activity involving Industrial -type power equipment shall be limited to the hours of 7:00am to 9:00pm. 15. Borrow, fill or waste activity shall be conducted in a safe manner that maintains lateral support, or order to minimize any hazard to persons, physical damage to adjacent land and Improvements, and damage to any public street because of slides, sinking, or collapse. 16. The developer shall reserve the right to install, maintain, remove or convert to permanent stormwater management facilities where applicable all erosion control measures required by this plan regardless of the sale of any lot, unit, building or other portion of the property. 17. Temporary stabilization shall be temporary seeding and mulching. Seeding is to be at 75 lbs/acre, and in the months of September to February to consist a 50/50 mix of Annual Ryegrass and Cereal Winter Rye, or in March and April to consist of Annual Rye, or May through August to consist of German Millet. Straw mulch Is to be applied at 801bs/100sf. Alternatives are subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 18. Permanent stabilization shall be lime and fertilizer, permanent seeding, and mulch. Agricultural grade limestone shall be applied at 90lbs/1000sf, incorporated into the top 4-6 Inches of soil. Fertilizer shall be applied at 1000lbs/acre and consist of a 10-20-10 nutrient mix. Permanent seeding shall be applied at 180lbs/acre and consist of 95% Kentucky 31 or Tall Fescue and 0-5% Perennial Ryegrass or Kentucky Bluegrass. Straw mulch is to be applied at 801bs/100sf. Altematives are subject to approval by the County erosion control inspector. 19. Maintenance. All measures are to be inspected weekly and after each rainfall. Any damage or clogging to structural measures is to be repair immediately. Silt traps are to be cleaned when 50% of the wet storage volume is filled with sediment. All seeded areas are to be reseeded when necessary to achieve a good stand of grass. Silt fence and diversion dykes which are collecting sediment to half their height must be cleaned and repaired immediately. 20. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures are to be removed within 30 days of final site stabilization, when measures are no longer needed, subject to approval by the County erosion control Inspector. 21. This pian shall be void if the owner does not obtain a permit within 1 year of the date of approval. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17-204G.) 22. Permanent vegetation shall be installed on all denuded areas within nine (9) months after the date the land disturbing activity commences. (Water Protection Ordinance section 17-207B) UTILITY ARV AIR RELEASE VALVE BOA BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY CO CLEANOUT CTV CABLE TELEVISION DI DROP INLET DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE ELEC ELECTRIC FH F1RE HYDRANT FM FORCE MAIN F&C FRAME AND COVER F&G FRAME AND GRATE GT GREASE TRAP GV GATE VALVE HDPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE INV INVERT MH MANHOLE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RIM RIM ELEVATION SAN SANITARY SCC STORMWATER CONVEYANCE CHANNEL SD STORM STIR DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TSV TAPPING SLEEVE & VALVE UP UTILITY POLE WL WATER UNE WM WATER METER WV WATER VALVE 6"V s" VALVE LEGEND EXIST ABBREVIATIONS DESCRIPTION GENERAL ,. • PROPERTY UNE ARAN ABANDON(ED) MAX MAXIMUM ADJ ADJUST MIN MINIMUM AHD AHEAD MON MONUMENT CONCRETE APRX APPROXIMATE NIC NOT IN CONTRACT BC BACK OF CURB NTS NOT TO SCALE BFE BASEMENT FLOOR ELEVATION OC ON CENTER BIT BITUMINOUS OH OVERHEAD BK BACK PE POLYETHYLENE BM BENCHMARK PERF PERFORATED BS BOTTOM OF SLOPE PROP PROPOSED CB CATCH BASIN PRVD PROVIDED CG12 ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMP PWW PAVED WATER WAY CENTER UNE RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE CL CHAIN LINK REM REMOVE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PiPE READ REQUIRED CONC CONCRETE RET RETAIN CY CUBIC YARDS RT RIGHT C/C CENTER TO CENTER R/W RIGHT OF WAY C&G CURB AND GUTTER R&D REMOVE AND DISPOSE DIA DIAMETER R&R REMOVE do RESET EL ELEVATION SD SIGHT DISTANCE ELEV ELEVATION SQ SQUARE ES END SECTION STA STATION EW END WALL SW SIDEWALK EX EXISTING SWEL SOLID WHiTE EDGE LINE EXIST EXISTING SWLL SOLID WHITE LANE LINE FDN FOUNDATION TBA TO BE ABANDONED FFE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION TBR TO BE REMOVED GTD GRADE TO DRAIN TC TOP OF CURB IFIRON FOUND TS TOP OF SLOPE IS IRON SET TYP TYPICAL LA LANDSCAPE AREA UG UNDERGROUND LOD LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE VESCHYA. E&S CONTROL HANDBOOK LF LINEAR FEET YDS YARDS LT LEFT UTILITY ARV AIR RELEASE VALVE BOA BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY CO CLEANOUT CTV CABLE TELEVISION DI DROP INLET DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE ELEC ELECTRIC FH F1RE HYDRANT FM FORCE MAIN F&C FRAME AND COVER F&G FRAME AND GRATE GT GREASE TRAP GV GATE VALVE HDPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE INV INVERT MH MANHOLE PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE RIM RIM ELEVATION SAN SANITARY SCC STORMWATER CONVEYANCE CHANNEL SD STORM STIR DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TSV TAPPING SLEEVE & VALVE UP UTILITY POLE WL WATER UNE WM WATER METER WV WATER VALVE 6"V s" VALVE LEGEND EXIST PROP DESCRIPTION LOADING DOCK ,. • PROPERTY UNE nD DIUMPSTER PAD ADJACENT PROPERTY UNE SIGN 125 BC VACATED PROPERTY UNE w x EASEMENT FLOW UNE ELEVATION X v `--c%P BUILDING SETBACK 125 EOP EDGE OF PAVEMENT ELEVATION BUILD TO UNE x 125 ZONING UNE X LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE TOP OF WALL ELEVATION oHw FLOODPLAIN LIMIT 8,• .... _ ..... __ _ ez -- BUFFER ZONE ..._-- „ ..-------- RMA RMA - RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AREA RPA ... RPA RPA - RESOURCE PROTECTION AREA BENCHMARK -CAN EDGE OF GRAVEL ------ _..____ IRON FOUND EDGE OF PAVEMENT CG -2 STANDARD 6" CURB W CG -3 STANDARD 4" CURB CG -6 COMBINATION 6" CURB do GUTTER CG -7 == :-= : COMBINATION 4' CURB do GUTTER FIRE LANE STRIPING "` 1 BUILDING ENTRANCE LD LOADING DOCK ,. • DOLLARD nD DIUMPSTER PAD ---s -- SIGN ................................ . .___ x -_....-.._ X PATH TREE LINE FENCE STONE WALL RETAINING WALL STREAM / POND / WATER COURSE DETENTION BASIN SILT FENCE EXIST - UD PROP DESCRIPTION u 16 c X 125 TC TOP OF CURB ELEVATION x x 125 BC BOTTOM OF CURB ELEVA71ON w x 125 FL FLOW UNE ELEVATION X v `--c%P x 125 EOP EDGE OF PAVEMENT ELEVATION FIRE PROTECTION UNE x 125 SPOT ELEVATION X 125 Tw TOP OF WALL ELEVATION oHw X 125 B w BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC ..._-- „ ..-------- OHT TEST PIT LOCAIION/8ORING LOCATION .......... UGT - UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNE BENCHMARK -CAN CABLE TV • IRON FOUND -- - UD UNDERDRAIN DRAIN INLET --_-- DRAINAGE LINE _ C RD ROOF DRAIN FLARED END SECTION SEWER UNE w TD TRENCH DRAIN SEWER CLEANOUT + WATER LINE _.-.__.;3'; ; .._......... 4"FP FIRE PROTECTION UNE rf -2" DW WATER SERVICE UNE D GAS LINE oHw OVERHEAD ELECTRIC WIRE . UDE UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC ..._-- „ ..-------- OHT OVERHEAD TELEPHONE UNE _ .......... UGT - UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE UNE -CAN CABLE TV -- 2 - oo CONTOUR INDEX CONTOUR DRAIN INLET OGV DRAIN MANHOLE _ C PLUG OR. STUB CROSSWALK FLARED END SECTION HEADWALL C--= 0 SEWER MANHOLE CPO SEWER CLEANOUT -- 2 - oo CONTOUR INDEX CONTOUR OGV PARKING COUNT. ■ , , , CROSSWALK ACCESSIBLE CURB RAMP EM HANDICAP PARKING 'N + EC-2 BLANKET MATTING C_., RUM VAN -ACCESSIBLE HANDICAP PARKING N VN TRANSFORMER PAD z..... ............... o. CONCRETE PAVEMENT / SIDEWALK OGV RIPRAP oGM GAS METER NEW ASPHALT EM GRASS 'N + EC-2 BLANKET MATTING C_., RUM EC -3 TYPE A i-. D TRANSFORMER PAD -' EC -3 TYPE B GUY POU: . - - - - WETLAND CONTRACTOR'S COORDINATION RESPONSIBILITIES 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO OBTAIN ANY/ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THESE PLANS 2. ANY TIME WORK IS PERFORMED OFF-SITE OR WITHIN AN COMING EASEMENT, THE CONTRACTOR IS TO NOTIFY THE HOLDER OF SAID EASEMENT AS TO THE NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK AND TO FOLLOW ANY GLMOLE LINES OR STANDARDS WHICH ARE ASSOCIATED WITH OR DIED IN THE RECORDED EASEMENT. I THE CONTRACTOR iS TO CHECK THAT ALL EASEMENTS, LETTERS OF PERMISSION, ETC, ARE RECORDED/OBTAINED PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY CONSTRUCTION. 4. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFTY ALL SIZE PLANS AND PROFILES AND DETAILS FOR CONSISTENCY AND F CONFLICTS EXISM CONTACT ENGINEER FOR CLARIFICATION ION AND/CXR DIRECTION. INTERPRETATION DETERMINED BY CONTRACTOR SHALL BE DONE AT MIS/10 OMAN RISK. 5. THE CONTRACTOR IS To VERIFY THAT THE RELOCATION OF ALL EXISIM U71LI7ES IN CONFLICT WITH PROPOSED WORK HAS BEEN COMPLETED INCLUDING UTILITY POLES. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH FENCING AND TREE PRESERVATION SIGNAGE REQUIRED BY ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT RELY SOLELY ON ELECTRONIC VERSIONS OF PIANS, SPECIFiCA10% AND DATA FILES THAT ARE OBTAINED FROM THE DEMERS, BUT SHALL VERIFY LOCATION OF PROJECT FEATURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PAPER COPES OF THE PLANS AND VECOf 07I ONS THAT ARE SUPPLIFD AS PART OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. & CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL WETLAND PERMIT REQUREMEFNTS, F A PERMaT EXISTS. 9. CWIRAC70R SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL RELOCATIONS, (UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED CII PLANS) INCLUDING, BUT NOT UWTED 70, ALL U111U7ES, STORM DRAINAGE, SIGNS, TRAFFIC SIGNALS & POLES, ETR:. AS REQUIRED. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE MATH CDVERHING AUTHORITIES REQUIREMENTS AND PROJECT SITEWORK SPECIFiCATiONS AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY SUCK. ALL COST SHALL BE PICILUDED IN BASE BIN. 10. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTROL STORMWATER RUNOFF DURING CONSTRUCTION TO PREVENT ADVERSE IMPACTS 70 OFF SITE AREAS, AND SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE 10 REPAIR RESULTING DAMAGES„ IF ANY, AT NO COST M OWNER. . c a'` < ; � O WATER VALVE & BOX FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY WATER METER WATER WELL OGV GAS VALVE oGM GAS METER ELECTRIC MANHOLE EM ELECTRIC METER + UGHT POLE C_., 0 TELEPHONE MANHOLE i-. D TRANSFORMER PAD -' UTILITY POLE GUY POU: MATCHLINE NOTES: 1. THE SIZE OF THE SYMBOLS MAY VARY FROM THOSE SHOWN. 2. ALL ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS SHOWN MAY NOT BE USED. N. THIS PROJECT DISTURBS MORE THAN ONE ACRE OF LAND AND FALLS WITHIN THE VIRGINIA STORMWAiER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (VSMP), GENERAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (GCP) PROGRAM AS ADMINISTERED BY THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND REC KA10 (DCR) UNDER THE JURISDICiION OF THE EPA. PRIOR TO THE START OF CONS MIION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALT. FIE A GCP NOTICE OF LATENT WITH THE DCR AND PREPARE A. STORMWATER PREVENTION PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE VSMP REGULATIONS. r+.,i�:. [!.: �, . ►_t f.: w : l t1:1[ •T11liliklt«�'z Z� i .� , l! IFFY� �;a I& CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE SECURITY AND JOB SAFETY. (ONSiRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WiTH OSHA STANDARDS AND LOCAL. REC,IUREME7!ITS. i 1' ` 1 ` 1.` / hI�'1)� rte 1�7:'i/'�1°/ 1n� i T"�'►1�r Ih it 15 DMING UTILITIES SHALL BE TERMINATED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTiD, IN CONFORMANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND INDIVIDUAL UTILITY COMPANY STANDARDS SPECIFICATIONS, AND DETAILS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE UTILITY SERVICE DISCONNECTS WITH THE UTILITY R NITA7PAM GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLANS: 1. All dams and constructed fill to be within 95% of maximum dry density and 2% of optimum moisture content. All fill material to be approved by a geotechnical engineer. A geotechnical engineer is to be present during construction of dams. 2. Pipe and riser joints are to be watertight within stormwater management facilities. 3. For temporary sediment traps. or basins which are to be converted to permanent stormwater management facilities, conversion is not to take place until the site is stabilized, and permission has been obtained from the County erosion control Inspector. ARB NOTES: 1. Visibility of all mechanical equipment from the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated. 2. All light fixtures shall be 3,000 lumens or less. 3. Window glass criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall not drop below 4OX Visible light reflectance $,L'E8 Ntijr 1 Jimmy L.. Taggart 22841' 18/07/18 1 &ZONAL W,IctJ SIN DATE I DEC. 1, 201 i I r __. .... ................_._................._..._._...._. _.. _..._ _ ...... _................_...... .... _.._._ _ ...._ _.._.._...._.........._.._.__._...._...._..................... ._....... ................. _ ....._ ...__._........_ ........_...... _... _....._....... ...__ ...__. .. ............ ......_._................. ..- _ .. _ _................... 7 SE I Open space A 120,604 sfPHA I _ I 1:I II I i till II Ikj. lI�i IIwkII�ILarI w c CTS 4St ` � >5 s� ' � �'`� ".`�,, '``� �``�,`�. � ~"" '``"��'"�•w��..� ti •.„,� w,.'" ""w,,� `^ ``\,-.'`w, a ,, '`w ""�� a �0,, �` � , , w„. `;•, _ � .. �'- s ,-. � �u l�� �w "N� �`w* w, "`�. ���w � w `~..� ``w `` w `��,. �".``��`� �`�\ w` � �,� !�`.y —_� w,,�5�3� �.�° • g �:c `� Hca i3Os4 w, 6 stew . BLOCK B O "w '+�.. `w''w`�.�,'^,.` �' "�„''''*`�'`","`4 . " w'+, "`� •. ,, `',, 1} w L,�o� 8 � "^.,,..1�,,1 � ,.�` � �' •.,,� ,,,,.� ti "w,� "~`. '.,. `^ - \ tq yw 246 L0 w 4,45&,sf 4 81 I 4 81-M sf tai) i T,24178 241 24 _ T 23 T 38 0 2;r236 S L < 418 .518 f J,909 f 9 sf ,5l8 s Jf0 sf I `w 1� I :1 11XVA Iii' ,1,6,74 sfl W4 646,4f IAI I I >li' A _R 08.� [ ..�` ','I �1 � Sf ,!,f' I V JI' �7'1� PHASE I I sfr;Y7".,,ro S' 1 a 4, Q 12 BLOCK A BTL=19' sfV Pb sf sf ~. LUT TION: + OASGADIA BLOCKS 4-7: 148 genie HUM 1-3: 120 ~ ` `TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS: '•,' ~~```.„,. °..��9�,. ~'`'`^`,'' ^�,^.�'^., `�.,., w'w,..,w `�ww`�`^`.w, "`^.. ```w. ``,`^. ` \ .�`' '`w• ``,�",, ``�' ~O ' 11,�k' { — ` REQUIliED NUMBER OF ADU~Rt : e r ow o zo�t 32,f 15% I 15% % 266 UNITS = 39.9 —> 40 ADU REQU M and canstrur�tfan iieeta➢s ~ ~a w `` � " �"" ~w"~.' �,r�,��.., ~,..� � �., .,•^�,. ADU-S PROVIDED MM CASCADIA BLOCKS 4-7: 22 w w ~ — FOR SAIF: 19 UNITS (LATS 24, 25, 27-32, 104--106, & 133-140). —FOR RENT: 3 UMTS (U)TS 33, 36, do 38) i � ADW S PROVIDED WITH CASCADIA BLACKS 1-3: 18 j t — FOR SALE: 8 UNITS (CUTS 215-222) I FOR RENT: 10 UNITS LOTS 161, 162, 163, 171, 179, 180, 183, 208, 250, 8252) ' DTIWNG UNITS PROVIDED � TOTAL AFFORDABLE I .PERCENT RENTAL UNITS: 13/40 — 32.57E _ MR FOR SALE UNITS: 27/40 = 67.5% -� �'�^. `'.., ~``. \"�,„, '�`�. `'•.. z , ~```" w... `^ "`"w, `'`� 4 ,,. � � .. ,,,,,,.. �'`"'^� "�,, `•,,�,. "�'• � :,w, w, `�,,.,t .,,,, �* ,w„ � `... \��.. � ``1. .,,.w �..,,�. '� � 'y, `'� '`•, mow., _ �'`°•.•,,,.w A�...w`� � '`a.,.\h \ `�.,.w ~``\.w: � �`'`' � �``�`'^�,, '``" �'� w �`'�.... \ '�*., O w``.� � '``. '`h„ ��..,.„ ..�,. ~ �^„ �`" '`' � � �`'"'`` ti'... -a "\, '. \ `�•`' "`•~+, 'w,`w 'w � `w, w.... •.tl,, � "�. q, � 4,,'^w'w�w,'`�.,, `� 'a y, ._ —------` ---� . „. ,... ..- ,�." """ � .��� ~��. `t'���,�e".�" � �w'-�" �'�;' �• I I #ISI I I � I``h r i� Im'I I � I I I I'`� I �I`�~`h I I ��"" ���,'� ' 4~' ��`w,,,< `'`" �.�' `�` e Q ,. t 1`� &� 3 �1•� I' I Route 20 ! i am� wham t Road Stony Po'r'n 50 0 50 100 150 State Rt. 20 Var. Width 101 /�.......... ................................... ..............._........................................_......................_......_...._ ....... .......... �y.RlL•G.-.._3....__...._.._=........5�a............................ ............. _._...._........._.__...... _ 4, 1 A° 0 ... ___._._.............. _.___..._._.... ..... _...... _....._............. _... ._........_...........__ ....__ .......... _.......................__.......... PHASING KEY MANwsa ojp �t PHASE 1 !' PHASE 11 Z) PHASE III Jimmy Taggart W Na !!� :D PHASE I U ��°moi , i�farne ���zo PHASE V sio�taL vEO °0) 11 JZ W o cc WzCc C\1 ,>4 IK Cn LU co Nt LU Li CL 1 ,f Lot E Open Space 5.626 Acres 56 , :.J BLOCK J BTL=21.5' 1. i j�Ir Community Garden 1 i 3 -Board Fence L / Pointed Black h ! hh r h '7 VIII CHANGE OF DESIGN FIRM APR. 20, 201 B L.O.R. #1 MAY 18, 2018 COMMENTS ADDRESSED JULY 20, 2018 COMMENTS ADDRESSED SEP i, 7, 2018 COMMENTS ADDRESSED NON4 2, 2018 SIGNATURE SET DEC. 7, 2018 a � • • MEMO Q � • VIII CHANGE OF DESIGN FIRM APR. 20, 201 B L.O.R. #1 MAY 18, 2018 COMMENTS ADDRESSED JULY 20, 2018 COMMENTS ADDRESSED SEP i, 7, 2018 COMMENTS ADDRESSED NON4 2, 2018 SIGNATURE SET DEC. 7, 2018 NOTES: 1) ALL LOTS THAT HAVE FRONTAGE ON A TANGENT (NON—CURVED) SECTION OF ROADWAY SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 50% OF THE STRUCTURE'S FACADE I3UILT WITHIN 18 INCHES OF THE BUILD—TO-LINE ESTABLISHED FOR EACH BUILDING BLOCK. 2) FOR LOTS THAT HAVE FRONTAGE ON ROADS WITH A CURVED RIGHT—OF—WAY, ADDITIONAL SETBACK FROM THE BUILD—TO—LINE IS ALLOWED. 3) THE FRONT YARD OF CORNER LOTS SHALL BE ESTABLISHED BASED ON THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: LOT 147 (DELPHI LANE): 10 FEET LOT ,167 (MARIETTA DRIVE): 10 FEET LOT 184 (DELPHI DRIVE): 10 FEET LOT 205 (TERRACE DRIVE): 10 FEET LOT 215 (DELPHI LANE): 10 FEET LOT 259 (DELPHI DRIVE): 10 FEET LOT 266 (CASCADIA DRIVE): 10 FEET 4) "ADU" DENOTES PROPOSED AFFORDABLE DWELLING UNIT. i i _............................ .... __........ ......_................................... ........ .......................... . SHEET '5A ..:................... ........ ......... _ .__................. __..... ._ a � NOTES: 1) ALL LOTS THAT HAVE FRONTAGE ON A TANGENT (NON—CURVED) SECTION OF ROADWAY SHALL HAVE AT LEAST 50% OF THE STRUCTURE'S FACADE I3UILT WITHIN 18 INCHES OF THE BUILD—TO-LINE ESTABLISHED FOR EACH BUILDING BLOCK. 2) FOR LOTS THAT HAVE FRONTAGE ON ROADS WITH A CURVED RIGHT—OF—WAY, ADDITIONAL SETBACK FROM THE BUILD—TO—LINE IS ALLOWED. 3) THE FRONT YARD OF CORNER LOTS SHALL BE ESTABLISHED BASED ON THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: LOT 147 (DELPHI LANE): 10 FEET LOT ,167 (MARIETTA DRIVE): 10 FEET LOT 184 (DELPHI DRIVE): 10 FEET LOT 205 (TERRACE DRIVE): 10 FEET LOT 215 (DELPHI LANE): 10 FEET LOT 259 (DELPHI DRIVE): 10 FEET LOT 266 (CASCADIA DRIVE): 10 FEET 4) "ADU" DENOTES PROPOSED AFFORDABLE DWELLING UNIT. i i _............................ .... __........ ......_................................... ........ .......................... . SHEET '5A ..:................... ........ ......... _ .__................. __..... ._ _ _ __._..._ _.._------__-_._ ..___-----'-'----._----._-_-_____-- ____ _-.__._._________.--'-----_._____..___________.__._.__.__.____-_.____._____-._..__.__. _____.__ _.___.__.._..�.__.--- ___�___......__.__._-- _-'__-- .____.___.......... .._. ..._.__.___._.---------'---'------_----__---- _____.___.___..___ _ _� __ - -- __ --_'_ .--- ---.. .._--------_.._-_-____......... _ ____.._ _--_- ___ ------_._...---.--._.. _.-______------ __.___ ------------------_ __.__.________..________..._.__-_-----_.�.___._..---------`\ 11 �, ___.__-___..___-_-______-_ -- y--...___.-----_-.__.------._.____.__------_._..__.._- _- _ - -- ,.. i / � �, \, r �; ' j �p %' \ \ 874 s ° , > t t � �' ell�ny Limen � ` �D d. -�770 P CH _ _ - - ...._ _... _ rt 1 CAR ( ) Ztu2-CAR - _. �H) ! _._.. _ :. j -; 1 LOT 213 2- A R �e , � � ; ° `` �, j 5�� '\ ° / ' 6 H otes u t Den '�i ng Sewer' J i r'' 1$ ar � l / / , , I Iq 0 �-► H H I { I () =. ! 2-CAR (H) j(H)LOTJ2-CAR I LOT 211 ! 4,964 LOT 212 2-CAR 4,917 4,408 sf 2-CAR ! I - - r ..- LOT 214 I X / �., 1 r moo- _ �., - P a: � - B: unied IBasemerif f '\ s ®� ; '` I S / / '1 + i I 5 0/ Prop. tree ` DPE �� i ,W l0. ,Wlk dut Basement , -LOT " ! 'j• -C\j CO 207 2-CAR LOT 209 [ 1OT 210 sf sf The Fairway_ - 1 4,803 s f i �. _0 sam i / ,' relocated �, ► /r s, I4,646 s I s " 5,.717 s { S f 4 855 s FFE=426.4 ~ f I _ - _ ..._ __ _- -..- ___... __. _.... FFE=427.4 I -. ___ ___ _ _.-_. _ _ ._..._ -' 43 _FFE 42 I I The Fairway // FFE=421. i /f5,121 // `�`�� / �� i" ign T -- - ' i , / w - yp. , I 1 l J / F �o ? I s i I The Brookshire The Pavilion I 8FE=416 4- '" FFE=422.8 i The Brookshire FFE=424.8 I BFE=417.4 - BFE=414.3 j I ( ,.- , __B FE=411.2 / f i �S% I F Ex. San. Lat. to �" >', ��� torm ruc ure reioca e 1. '` i i i ; % ; CS�CADIA PARK be back �' �� 15 NDPE between Str. 63 i I ' ,_ __ ' BFE=412.8 { FFE=425.8 FFE=423.7 _T BFE=4414 8 _ 1 - _. _ . - - BFE-415.8 _ -13F1�=-413-1 _ i' { 14.5 e. W Q - - I / W/0 _ C 0.1� cut i . I / 10,46 sf r' ;/ ' rkin I and realigned \ '' and Str. 62 realigned along 2 I '. ; I 4 I i _ f 'AREA 115 3 ' _ p i 7 f ( Y to '' ;E Z5 tr Z 'Q a % I I W/0 W/0 1 _ I ____W/D_ i.- � _.. 420 __ ___ _ - � ,e � remain / - with corresponding easement. so as , t dot i - - - b I ! �. - �. � % -'i Iwµ _ _.." <,..- - W 0 / / .._ _..._._ 1 - re Prop a - �-_- -- __ __ Y10 s on Lot 220 11 OQ r •p_ \ k ,t I O�eA 4a6e �= e /� Sta A i 1 5.;626 A�crc .-„ -K - W � it 14 14 0 / I ,14 --- { / , 31 s / __--- ? /' `�' ,' �o \ Sin } l ! 1 1 _ - j 11 � O L1 5 11 1 /. �Y ,f .'N GJ / / ps I N / i Oce �')\ CM _ _ _ .= - __.. _ ___ . _ _._ _ __. 1 I.. • • • -.HDF F- . _ __._ _ _ ... - _ I SOT-191 LOT 19D ' ' - ��" ZO2" 189 LOT 188 � O I I / ; r on I Aband �,� � 1 � LOT 185 ro Iv LOT 187 � LOT i 86 • s �`' � ° `' + water mete p' \'. � � � ,\ +C3 ___ _..__ --- _ ✓ � I LOT 199 . LOT 197 LOT 1 LOT 195 LOT 194 ' LOT 201 LOT 200 LOT 198 � 1,563 sf _ LOT 193-- _ _LOT-192 I -Y,663 sf 2,098 sf _ _.�. > . { 2, 477 sf 1, 585 sf I: 1 2, 017 sf 2, 007 f` ' , , 848./s San. Lat. 1 j 585 sf 1, 585 sf, r f ' S s �: ?©� Easement CS/ ,i / f /.., \_ - - ' - / / ;` i 8'X4' n ac1�-;?---'� - � '\ � O � t"� y ' 1,563/s ;OT 203 LOT 202 1 5 3 s 1,563 sf 1 37 s 2,104 sf 1,563 sf f 1, 962 s 6 f 8 f 563 s f - FF=407.7 f 2,039 s =412.2 FF=408.7 FF08.7 F1=407.7 _ f FF _ FF-414.2 FF=414.2 FF=4122 GF=396.7 6F-396.7 FF=405.7 FF=405.7 I _ GF=395.7 GF-395.7 I I - 2 FF=406.2 1 FF-406 _G F-395 2 GF ,3.9 2 / FF=406.2 F��406.5 -395 2 --GF=396.5 FF= 466.5 i - % \ -._ .._ _- __ ._._ __ /,-.�// I / FF=406.5 FF=40.5 GF=b96.5 j F0 Ex. San. Lat. to "~ l GF=396.,E GF=36.5 \, s �a % J � Ma Ibox T � / be back to '\�i '-�� 1 " � '� '\ I �,`, y Wui � �. � cc X - { FF-418.9 GF=402.2 GF-398.7 G =397.7 F=418.9 : GF=405.2 GF=404. GF=401.2 - /F________________1-....._....<. _ . _.._ _ _.._; y - .. ^ _ __- .. - / cut � �;:� ,'" �, ,� .�' _ _,_ _ / ? / Lot c } ii a 31 � F=409,9 GF=407.9 andscape �.✓ Ea ent _ / 1 94 $ _ - - within 217 / l / r1 1 I u� �' / : ° --- - _.. i _ $u 1 ` g /: %/ - � I / _ O � CO Q. w "-t it) 'K / , _ _. - - _ - -- - _ _ .._ ._ �� �� - - - ,� . ;, s Prop. Revised ' - r x -.._ _ .- - - - ..: ,; �r.. / B Landscape r / / r � � '. • � gr : f � � ' � . of i� > fl- � -- - `11 -17 - .� = _ - --- - _ . _. . ':e; � � I ,� . y ✓tel . � 8`�� � % � � ; M B Easement ' �°e �� � �c . ~` i ' ,8 arking 1D p �, 0 t _ .. % r ' 4 Way f i ate W _ - - _ _ -- - _ _._ _ ., CG M-B-- - - 8-M.8 M„ /''M 5-PO a-, \9 �. nn 1 � Sig (TYP c �� / \ �7 ___ __, ..-. ._. 8 arc M. M,.B _ M..8 _ ._. .. J -M. --M 9_.. M..8 , 13 - - M,: -- M.. _ ._ M .- - 5 Publ2c R/ _ . WAT€RM Pd - ,_ Sit t - _ - -- ,_- _- - - - -._ .. - M.• ^T•�s-_..___�' = _ _ _.- _ _ _ . _ - ... »ih o » No Par z. _ -S [ _ ( ) - ti m ..._ - � .-- .-... -..... _. - _ - .._ _ - -' -- Y A \ - / - •-/ / to '� 1 / 1 _ - / .. i ,�• .-�.. Wood Framed / / ? f" Sin \ ? { / Shed J k A n t•-•-•' � r- _ _..._ _ .... _ .... = t Si ret I EL 3 o r 26 8A '11 - - _ _ a• '. "' • " =. ' _ _..... _.. _ ._ __. - - < � .a k• r �1•d. w i ' s • onc. _.. _..._ _.. _ ___ . M "�� - -µ _... _ _.._ _ ... g i/ 1 _ --- - Oxaa i Community Garde nity i °i" � PR � Sto Si `� �` l � ! g r _ ...._ _ Land a t -- I , . .:� - _ _ _._ - �. - _ _ _.. _ . _ _ -' - _.. Cascadia. P r _ - -asem I / � �`Nl E ent , li �' '` \\ o s \ j:\ REVISIONS _ ®-- ,.�= - -�- - ,. - - _ _- _:_. � ; ; �--. , --_, ..� 1 mi ____ ,. _- -_ . __.. , l , . _ _ ._� ..._ f : - _ __.._ _. _ _ _.` _ .�.. � _ I ». - 5,- - - k'reT:...Area... 28 sf- C.O.D. Area �. 05 sf - _.. .._ _ _ .. _ -_ _ - ._._ - -.. __ ,.m_ .f � „�....�_ - --- 4 - - __. _ .�.. - I _ __... __ __ 5 ; -Board Fence W.w .... OT 184 � -, .,�' � ,' � i �, , - F.'�.�B�,�L \t � �t � _ i � ° k �„� � Sainted Black � ; � . F P PR F � -.- 1 , ,• r ' ....._ __ ..(Fl)...._ _... 2�G gF 6, .- sf _ \, ; - � ' , � I i _ CHANGE OF � DESIGN FIRM AF'[�22018 _ . - ( 2-CAR __ _ 2-CAR CAR I� , ' ' 1 2-CAR.:- ..� (N�` I I 2 CAi �N) �._... _ j - I I 1 - _ CAR .. - I -' {...� ) __Z__ __...._ .._ - . `.. . - �. __. Easement 2-CAR H 2 CAR 2-CAR _ -... - r" . AR - \;/ .T! i -- _.. _._. FF �$y D S9 \ _ Stone Fence 1 ! ,� ~ _ ._ _. ...._. __ -. - ', »� �1 � o n �� -- t I � � - \\ trance --Sign i j gF w -En�� -- -Si ��s ff"� -, / Y Di ' 1 ' I . = 1 The Pavilion ... ` i The Brookshire I I '' I ' I Shi Centennia FFE=3�8 0' { The Brookstrire I ,The Centennial ,. -, ; ennlal / -=388.0 1 = '' 400 1._ . T-he'-Br-ookshire _ , ! i FFE=394.8 _ __.. _ ._... _ .. . �.: .. _ ,�; -'- _- _ - .._ _. _ - _ -..._ _._.) FFE-393.9_-- - - _.. _. _ _.._ .._ ._ \ . 1 !r/ ; � � EX3 - _ �x�,�, , � \ _, _ ' j i •� t. '`, _ � 83 �,e f FFE=.3g5.5.._. __ __ _.. -- -- '- LOT 1 \ \ �� ` '• 1 C I FFE=396.5 , S1 , `\ \ \ r FE-394 9 __ _. BFE=385,5 =386.5 6,306 sf 0 , \ :. 1 i # \ / BFE i -ADDRESSED iv1�iE�IT ADDRESSED dE, 2 D l 0 FFE4�6.0 = . FFf-395.7 0,3 FFE=404.3 { FFE BFE=394.3 BFF390.4 ! .'-BFE=396.0 I I - LOT 176 BFE-385x7.- )0.3 - " - ---• ( I ( ? LOT 173 I - 5, 075 s --LOT 177 I L'OT 174 LOT 175 f 9 -' 4,409 sf / / " i 5,266 ' 4,232 s� _ I BFE-38-4.8-- - , i LOT 178 I I 4 489 sf _ >._ _ ! 'laza .w7' 4 'enc - ..... _ I _ ....._ _ _ _ - » BFE-384.9 u• __.. _. __ . _ .._._ _.. _.._ _ _ _ ®�{\r I o �+ BFE=383.9 Qx mrv� \ \ '�' •< \\ LOT 179 __ -LOT .1�I0_._ .. --_ LOT_ 181 _ ... _. _. __.. ZOT 182 W/0 ,'- g" �,, ` `, `. \s , \ f i 4, 12 s i 4 565 s ( f f ,� ` "�� 4 gSt`\ \ \ -'/ �--. =' �, � _ ..._ - ___. _..._ _..._ - : 4, 573 s _ _7 4 515 s , �\ 4_. w I f I I ' ` / °p` ` \, ' ; I SEPTi,018 COMMENTS L3 0 NTS' ADDRESSED NOV.NO V 2, 2018 2____­ __ ./ / s 5, 266 , I I -." .... - I I - _. f I i s `' 11 = ' W/0 - - n water fountain at r i I : 10 - 83. W 0 T _...-1 ._.. W { W/0 I_ .. _ -.._._.... ___ _.__ a s - \ \ __ 1 W o _ _.. __. - - - \ - , w, �/ I i _ -.. _ - . _ _...._.... _ - _ .._ ....:_ _... _.._. - - _ _- .- ' Y)� �Z ' i _ -... �, \ t � " TUBE SET i 2018 _ 1 s -- W/0 _ I1171 I a / I � ! _ X I I i , -- -". _ ... 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Vv _ _ - va�S Hailing -.._-..... _._._...._.. 14+ 12+92 2 _treet Slgn e wDATE _ _.... - (�le-P rkin -- :��� r'�' 8 g:,w 8Q�o 0 .e ; `�6 ��G __ _ __ 5+22 y _ - P=1 t -- �EXTRY-P'A K- _- __ 15X25 _ - 2 CG 6 r = - - 1 n 9 e. - �� tx. `� s \ �� 5 r � �` � I __ __ v i _ _. - ._.-147,-7-33-- ._ - __ . - ___ _ --- - _ _. s f - ..._ _. _ _. _._ Loa in � �e r` - -' - _ _.. _ .. - _- _ .. --�- � S 4 / 6 w l iDPE.' �, � : H ;_ rvM .GAS � \ c • . `�. I X5 Wal ''� 9 SQ _ -1 E0, 01 _ . xrst:- 30 --�rerll--arrd .. _.._ _.-_ _.. __ _ -- - .._ __ � � - -__ ___ ___ --- _. --- _- �- -- _._ ---- _ -.- --- '-- _. i7y- `M access Easeme� ._�- __- __._ --- __ --- -'_ _- -' ` _- -- --.� - F ^ i �`)- t. - N ` - ','� ____--_-------___...._.__.._..___._J ---_------------.-,..----+------.-..---.-...---_j -. __ '�_. _ -- _ __ _.. -- _.-._.. -._-- - ,GP FFA- i-�0`l1' i>� '�," ��.� �` G 2 ;� � \.- "� 2 PGF; i \ ��..-- - /`- t r 4? 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(T t RAGE S � F ��8 � t � ;: i / rr z GARAGE L LOT 263 G l GP 5 156 AFF \ 1 ; j I 264 -.. / I O� yi a � � � S --- � Cla s A _.. _ _... - - -..._ _. - - -_ kt Sac -._. , ...� _-., .., - - _.... __ .._ _...._ _.._ ___ _..-. _.. _� .__ _. ___ _ _- - \ \ �, �6 , 8X9 Par ng p , __..__ __ _ - 61 - _ ` -- _ •„ \ \ H� S I 2 _ _ I FFE-377.9 98 s 4 7 f I I FFE =380.9 I 40T I � 4, 9 i � � gg f t � l FFE-387.4 8� ' % { - .4 , z I - - I FFE=382.8 FFE 385 8 � BFE-377 \ �. , � ' ',--'� , 1 I w ..^ � Q�G \ t i ---------'---'__---_"-- - --J - - ___ __ �-- . _ _ _.w -.__ 'ice - ;- _ -. �._- _. _ __ _ -- __- _-- --- -- ~- \ - _ - -' __ ._ - -- _ \ \ - \ - 8'X8 Van p a \ 1$ 4 (}P _ _ .� I BFE-367.9 l BFE=370.9 I � \. ; I BFE=372.8 BFE=375.8 `1 _ / r Q - ; , \ l / ----..-.---.---�-,--..----.--.--.-....-. _....__._.._ _ ___---'--...._.__ rich, - - ._ _ - _._ _ j . \ _ -. _ ___. -1 - - ...__ _ \ _ - _ =- - _ _.._ _ ..__ _.._ - ._- - __ ` \ `�� \ '\ � 11 2\ _ _ _ + - - - `� X { FD I - 1 I W 0 D K t; w 0 / / i i i - - W 0 BB DECK i w DECK t I ._._.. -_ .,_._,._ . _m__ .-,"_ . __--- -- - - \ -_. _W - --- _._ - . i \ \ - -- r - ` C`bIc:� ide�ralk `, NT p ECK B - _ _ DEC�fi W/0 _ _ _ - -- or at0\e _ V_ _.. ! { \ �l ,t� IStoraa \ \ LOT`26? , � z \ ,' ; \ Management;Access,Eas. ,' i I I I l EXist. ater M�i�ag rrt j I inte' ance�Eos� ext I ! \ l I 4 I (Offac `\ X9,669 1 Flushin 9 a io - - / /` ,' i _ - �" ,` r i Approx. Location \ . _ DB `43� P 623, w o I ' Of 4' Class A Trail i i 1 I I I- , , I I i , \ acility ! I sf,\ \ ,~ \ - - - - l % �� i o ! �' I � i i )0032 for i 1 ! i I I ! 1S' \ OFFICE SPACE \ \- I ' _ _/ % ! `� Detail 10 SP32 \ , - - - i i ' r � t See % `\ \ ' ; 1 / `, i � r details ! i I i I I I I i ; '\ I I � I : i '; i � X73. \ BFE=36 5 � t„ --- -- r t � I t o I / --, - / t ,''' \ z ,i i /1� i cc4_ l l I I i : 1 I1 I I I 1 i i 11 'i 1 \ \ �' �' - � f� , - a I tt� Private o %Awom..P - 11 t i'` I \ •\ \. - \ __ I---, _ 1j , Perr anent Drq . Easement (--1 i : ! l I ( I I I \ \ ` \ I ca 1 /� _..._ -'- - I t B 2436 PG. 623 Ease -- - _ - . Sa SwrE - _ _ D ; _t _ ENTRY PARKA . -- - ., ` ` f ll, o - __ / - _ � P iva o�i -1 l I 0 i 1 -,7 I i I , I { --z---- ... i ` - I a o - _ re 9 53 sf j re sure rc ain 6 ' \ \ / , f // l ( ( o _ \ j , l I I I I { i I I i 11 l L -- I� I l -----i-- " NDP - J x 3 � N Parking M s'` SiSI T °� (YP) (esign B ��/ i 0 he ) \\ r r \` //" ( J r' ,� w I _ \ , 1 f tui I _ ! 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N t _ \ Y _ ,. - '- _-__..__ ..- _ _ - - 33:0 Trail and --', �. \\ n c; o; ;o, o� •e "^+ I, - pond \ o w 1 Fr ` _ _ _._ __ ._'-_ _ __ ._. _ - Embankment '"ACC Easemen - -' __ ._- ___ .- __ __ -- ~--` ' _ -- --- __ _- -- _- - -- _ -° , r Stone n£ w 'E-ntna,66 I r �v -- -. , , - I_.1. \ w o 1` ; �� r \ , %\ » % wl o / I enc i Exist.; 60 / i i i _ - -_ _. _ _ - _ -x , z_, , . - - _. __ _ _ _ _ = „�, \, -�__;X__ X -I ,_,_x`%_ __ .._ , ._ _ -- - _- - - __ I 9 _x \ _3-Board � - -,._- 2 8. - 16 _ x- -- • - ._ x_ ti 1 \ , f< ted I �-' \ I Pain B a RGP Riser J' I C) _ " 3-Board Fe'ce �_. Paint: d B k �-`��� Paine Icc "'` ._x r _a 11 ­ %_x_x-x-._-x_._x-._� - - _ _ `370'-__ _ _ i / / YI 0 1 I j 7 i I � / w �' -- / * i _ -- __.. .- - __ -.:- _ ._ __ _. w - - -_ _.-_.->,-- __ - - �_._ -_ top e" 18 HD E -- - 1 _ - _ Y�, �f _ WSE: x364.4 - - --- - _. ____. _ _.._ o ,r f_.... _ w - o / i l`` - / ; i __ ___. / __ ___ -__ --.- � Proposed< _. __ - / __- �` -- EOP __ ved gn 65 r r 2 15 y DP I _ _ _ _.._ _ _ _.._.....--- \ WITH 4 OR FORE LEVELS - i r % `\ \ ; -�'' t \ __ w o / I � .� , . �\ REQUIRED BACKFLOW PREVENTION. ,_ 0 � - ' Sh ,-'Shoulder l der --'--""�`_----_=`-`---- = T - ___ i - � 14'R \ I ,, - _ _ - / i 0 / - i __/ . OHT OHT OHT _ " - OHT <7 OHT _-. - - - Y - g - \\' w ~c O T - _- - -- - . Exist, _. - _- - _- Solid Whi - '" Line -- _ _ _ Qist: -. _.._ "" ! Si h .- -- ._- -- __ - - _ _.. _ _ - -- -._ -..- - __._ _...._ _ _ _ - - - ._ -. _ �°_ S SANITARY LATERAL _ r �rop,Qsed y �' EXISTING SAN / C Stn 5.77. -. 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Fontan D / 1,40 22541 - a r lntx _ - . __.. _-._ _ - SHEET . „ _ = _. - --- _ _ _ _ SCA 1 -• 30 -' _ __ _ - - -�- - 1.1 __.._ _... - - st --...I __ - -.. _. - ' .- - _ E.� , -, Lines ` - ouble Yellow L• `' _ -. �, �.. __ -I .•_ p - ._ _. ,. -- ,_ � � "t--l- I- _ - - -- --- -3 7 -- \ \ . , _ ' \ SP7-- ..._..._.......................................................... a �% ; / __-.__ _. __.__._____ _ __ _._._----------__�:_.�________-__._.-___�-__.._____-________-_._-..-----_ _._--._--._ _ _-.----_- __.----.�.__--____-._,____---..__.___--_...__-_-.-----_._-.-... ..__..___:_.--__- -.. _ _....-.—..-_-----_ __-.-_-_--.--__ _-__ __----__-_------...----.--.------------...---.-._--.--_---------- .---.-----______-.___-_.__-__...----- -----------------------------_--__ ._._._._.-._..___.-.__.-_ .-_.---_-._- . _.-_.--_-�------------_-___.___ _.._ _-____..-------------------_----_______-_ v---___-_-__.- ..-__:.__-____ _ _ _-..__.__-_--__ _-.__-.-__-__--_-_-____-- ___._.---_-.-_--_ 11 I -7 / / / / t \� � \\ \\ \\.\: r \ . it / / / . / � / , i \ \ // \ 11 11 111361 *** 3O O 30 60 90 i / / / / ! \ \ - - - / � :. ,, i j }4 t,,p IL ./',` t / i SIn4�g; Family' Dwelling Lem , " ,\_ I iI 11 ,} SCALE; 1 . - 3©' i,' l ! ,` i / / �' (H): ; Den¢tes Hung Sewer \ \ \ \ J / «. ' ~ w - i0i �1, / VA � v. :, /;r i I BB: 1 Buried Basement \ �__. \ \ -; q s m / t 1 1 ! r , l t i i 1' .J - r f 1 - / ! \ .. .. �'' \ \ \ � \ ~,-\ _1 J\� �- 1 `""\.,, ,\ .... � �r `� , \ . a � ' s '� \ . , a . ��.� �` ��'S,a.-.s....w. • ,. .....�,.�.,` / ! i , ! i , ,' ; ;; \ ? ; i i W 0; Walk \Out Basement - \ --- p �' _ " / / i ,' / / • ; l/ / 1 � � I,/ i ! / It i 1 / } \ \ \ __`. \J \ i Lim ft �r \ .,-�_,_�W ----=- � � Jimmy L. Taggart / J 1/ t / 1 _. I _ \ A 22841 b /, i 1 / / /, /' ! I l l , l - 11 i l (/ ,f \ , l j I i l / / ? 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I I 1 ; 1 , , �FE,41 i No Parkin v' - - LOT 238 LOT 236.1 I 1 1 , i . 1 c \ \. `` ~ 7 LOT 234 LOT 233 9 935 s 1,52 , , ,� �, �,, - - ..__ __ - i _ - . - - ...- - �__ __ ! / � , i , 1 , 1 g• 7 ",� � S \LO LOT 24O 1 909 sf 1 3 ! 3 LO 235 f ! _ \ I , ,' . \ _ _ _- . / I i i I I I i 1 • { I t \ T 241 LOT 239 LOT 8 s7 2,110 s / 1 I ; , \. _ - - i -- - I 1 1 1 ! 2,4,18 sf 1,518 s 1,909 sf I ` I f f 2,1 0 s 1,527 sf 1,935 sf Avinity A= / ''\ \ !' , i I i i \ 1 CD I 1' j ! \ ` ! FF -433: FF=433 5 FF_ 434.5 I F = 3 5 FF 435.5 F _ 5.5 1 : : I nity f Avinity Avinity I 1 FF -439.0 FF=4 J / /` r I I Gig t ! j i CL \ - ( 11 i\. t ; r / i j ! �! i !, 1. o GF GF 5 FF 437.0 GF=428.3 i1'i/,;` t ! i \ / if r ' J I i i t' i I ! I 1 FF \ z I 3 GF GF 5 1 ,` , ,' i f 1 / ; , 1 i I �!-4 x \ -, GF= GF 12. I / \ / i ; u; j , ! {( 24.7 (- i 1 _ GF- 26.3 FF=438.0 FF -438.0 GF -4 i / !, i 1 ,1 _ . _ - - .... -- _.._ .._ -. -.... /' . 1 l t I I ! ! F -x-414.7 1 -CAR 1 -CAR I 1 1 -CAR 1 -CAR _. - _ 1Rfl _ 1_R _ -- -1. I t i l \ I , ! i I ! g E i -CA 1 - , ; ! ! 11 , II \ \ 1F9 _ _ -.. - ,i + 1 , / ? li ! ! t r j ! I n t !i I l � t m � : , ! � 163 ' / ! i i I I I ' I i ~-`` _ - - _.. i : 1 ; ! i i - I t ! i 1 , 15 914 sf 8 Pa I i /. /, f l; I \. \ / I 11; / I I I, t r I, I 1 i' I 11 ,, I /' W/o, I �; \ Q For', p 10.0 I i I I \ � 1, i r \ Op�n� Space; A; 11 I 1' i I / I � - _ J) 1 I 1, "i, ' ? j ? 1 \ \ / i ;` I t ! 1 1,20,6�tjr sf t } i i 1 I 1 -BAR \ \ qK - _ _.... - E e t � 1 l ; ' i ; _' I ? \ � i 1 I t � � } i� ,.� \ I Stop ._ �... 1 I 1 / 1 , ' \ i ` \ \ \ � ._ 1 i / � l ' t i Ii i i 1 \ \,, \, ..� "`, -- _.i` a _ _.._ - / ! 1 i , 1 t \ / /, i it j -_ -._ - / i 1 1 I t ! I �' \11 1 1 I 1 \ \ \ 1- / / ._ _ - i j 1 i I I , \ mm-" M. a , l , ,,, r , i 1 i i ! ! i ...... ..,... _'"_""` - M.,B M..B M„8 Ii , I , ' \ \ \ \ \ I \ / / Jr J' i I d C 2 s - - M.,B M..8 M..8 ..8 M„ M..B.M..B - M„8 -- - M,.B i _ . , j ( ! ' r \' , -�'. 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I i i I I I I I I i ! , ; !FE=418.1 I <v PORCH P CH , , r _ - \\ \ \ \� - l i i i j ( ( I I I / i !i } ', ! SFE=408.1 15” DPi 3 \ CAR _\` \"--_(H)_. \H) i \ `, \ \ � - � - - -. _._ ..._ _ _ i I j, i I I 1 1 t i , 1 I `1 M? ( ) 2 -CAR 1 (H) - l I {H) 2 -CAR I I i f r 2 i \ \ \ \ \ I-�--- \\ _--__-____.__.____ i ! I I 1 1 \ i i SC PE �$- _ i 0, I i 1 I 1 I LOT 211 L / i ! / i 1 I ( I I 1 1 1 ( I / 1 \ , J�V,V I, ,2 CAR LOT 206 LOT 207 2 -CAR 1 ! LOT 209 1 SOT 210 1 4, 964 sf 4, 9 1 \ \ \ \ --- - _.__ ` .._ __ _ i' / I i I I i ) j i ;" f 5 336 i S� A :i1 ( 6,134 sf I I \ \ _ _ ' c I I I 4 ` 4, 646 sf LOT 208 5,121 s 1 � \ _—__% _—_ - __ , i i 886 PG 6 C �n f 5,717 sf I i f ? i t 1 I I I ! 2 -CAR _ 4 \ \ \\ ~ `\ -- _... __ _ -Q - I it i ! ll jl I ; f : I1I II `Jt \\ y I - 4'8 The Brookshire = The Pavilion BFE=4 6.4.- _. _ l � � ! 1 ,, i ( 55 sf 1 I '1 ' FFE 41 \ \ \ \ \ ---- _ i ! i ,1 ) I 1 1 L 6Z FFE=421.8 -422.8 e Brookshire FFE-424.8 j t i! }? t FFE 1 FFE=425.8 I ____ _____._. ._ ._. -_. _ _ / / , i I l j ! ' ; ; 11 I 1 \ BFE=411.8 BFE=412.8 1 FE=423.7 - _I __ BFE=414:81 111-1 \\ 1 I I 1 i !! i/ /( / \ o I ( - 1 1 BFE=415.8 1 •' W 0 1- KEY PLAN m'� - - --- -_ � \ • ..1 I I I i / i I I I I i 1 / ,i ' -' ; - i \ I I � � £ I I l W/o W/o I I'll \, zt, ? i i 1 r i 11 / i I I / I ;OT ! 1' 6 'it 2 -CAR ! i ! \ # `;� I 0 \N/O s i m�" Z( 'i / I I I I I/// 1 I j 1 I i I 5,36 v 1\ I i I �, Landscape F .- 1 _ .1 ____. �} i I 1' I f i / I i 1! I; I! i 1 I i ;\ t 1+ Easement ,a [ ! J.. / i r / I I i" \ 1` / / ! ( I ( I W/0 '1 i I\ ' F1=,E= 4\16.5 3: \ 1011 I � i' ; i ? i, l i i / / }} I ! I , 1 I_ _ \ BF \4 6.5 1i j I/ /// I,iIii t Et1 1 I66 i go /i `11 } j 1 I , I. ` \ ! 1 I i ` / l / I / / , / / /! t E� 4\ � , _ -_ -- --- - - LOT 194 7"i \ ! / / / ! / 1 FF\ _41 .5 I -� 1 T LOT 200 LOT 198 LOT 195, 0 ;: 1 ( I / i / 1 i NF1 ��°f�' �� 4 LOT 201 /6 1 LOT 199 LOT 197 LOT 19 1 563 s /1 563 s LOT 203 f ..- i , LOT 204 �f f -. / I I 9f?9 ,. s �n� _r 7 ria;.2 cf nn,., a � 1nA f 1 .58.4 . 1 �,.. _.,_ _ , � I , ' , LOT 205 r.nT i 1 r ........._........._..................................._........._......._...-....._....._........_......._............._._..........._.................__...._........_.....__....._......_._._...._...._...__......._..........._......_......_ _ _.._-........._......__......................_..___....._._.-.........:.....,.................._._......._......._._....._........_...:..............._.._ ........_ .._............_._._...........__...................................... _ _ r...- ` ---------_-_ _--------__,, DATA DEC. 1, 2014 \.__ -------- - ----- __- -------- --..-,-,--" SCALE ASSHOWN -----.--.------------.-.----.-.---...-..-I \______._____________..____ -_- 1 <i,' 0 �z Ir 2 . Cn co CD M W W < > ._<,�( z cc 20 to Q c a. �% C) Q ti it W 1 4.ac _j �! 0 to jam¢ I I Z � 00 % 4K "`� F --'---J ac Z cc b X57 - , `; � co,a cc ON 0 ILL F--L-i 4' LU t19 U-) P 0 co �:D i�-�f ; � f- I. V Z C) W \ 124 CL \ ........ _..._.__..._._% r...- ` ---------_-_ _--------__,, DATA DEC. 1, 2014 \.__ -------- - ----- __- -------- --..-,-,--" SCALE ASSHOWN -----.--.------------.-.----.-.---...-..-I \______._____________..____ -_- 1 () �z Ir 2 CL < LU ;C F: 0 01 W (n < 0 141, cc r'- -, � ti :� �,J • ��9" ' - -\�, `. _. �'\ . , ,, \ \., , �4� ,, },, ` `' ` \'. \ ` \ \ \ �. `� � � ay0 Parr - .,, � ` � , U191 T1 11 Cqt3 � Lj i / l _-,_ .»..-....w•' 1 ..,.,,,,,,.....� --^,.."`"" (� .. �"' L_ .,,,, + Y'"`""_,. �YA _-^'Y ...,... ,I / / \ , 4,;'r i�j�j \ ' \ �\ """ _ • 4 \ \. \ '"\, \. \ \ '1 \ \ ` ?4'^ \ `` ' \\ `` ,/\\\\ •�''\t. ! ` ,i�p k i"-""'.»� / �„„.„„.,.m......«,� / ,M.Y�......• // / / / ,. ]..'y '-`\ 'Y % \u ,b) \ /, i,R_° Q \\ V' 1\ \ \ \ ' k .µ..sµ.,,§..............:.w..... �' ` -..>'-".S.' `t , \ \ ,.w'. ' .' , 'rtt < .,R•I r / vnt7P�/l 1 � ,// � _\ � ` \` \ \ \ _ .._ .`�` i i I ` LLT g 14 I P , w , , , 1 t , , e m a Y , / j \ " P Neighborhood t }^fit r -�• \ \ o,. ,�,\ \ \ \ � "\-"300, i t i p$ Ljj i .-...._._ _._.__ ._......-.. t _ -- _._ .-- _ _ - - / / \ \ \ \S�&LE: \1 e u _ _.._ _..._ ._... FFE=48.8 ' , \ € ro \ / \ \\ \ \\ 1� ,a • �-. �; ... . --�- „_ i�__ .- %. ._.,._....gym �' I I '/ /'' ,-- \ \ � ` \ "'' i i i �Uj U 0 i i it 3 € f r•s -- , e , , , •, Www : < / \ � LL,. 7 , \ p \ ` \' , " / / / \ \ '\ - _ . Sinal. \Fare y E3wellIng Legend: \D�lotes-kitln� _ '4 - r I \ ; \ ;/ i \ \ -- - _.._ .._. _ T - "`� t \; ' `\�N):\ \ Sewer `\BB. (0 a, w pp++ \ t�l?ei"----- ' ! ; � .' \ t -. , �'. , <�, ! ! i \ X i ti i \\ , \ \ _ - \ . \ \ \Buried--Basement ..-_ -- -- ,WaI�C Out- Basmeat _ \rr �c CM 1--� vj I i �`\ SLAB 1 SLAB SLAB s I : re i,�' \ t \ i t I I _ i 1 \, \ ' I \ \ € 8 SLA ! LOT 155 1... - .m; _ LOT 156 4 608 s 1 f 1 11 s E 5 3 f 4 FFE=453.0 i LUT 153 \ I LUT 154 i'- - _ 4 474 s i } \ ��' < 51 s f \ 4,5 f 1 \ \ 1 _ ,, ___ FFE-453.7 \ FFE=453.7 \ _._.._...... \ \ v, / _ :. I L T 149 LOT 148. ' "1;OT 147 ; �. �.' . ( I LOT 1 2 LOT 150 _.._ _.. m , _. 5 LOT 151 re : 4 _� __ 1 I 4,115 s I o ' \ ---- \ \ Bdl GS ` TH_COR -MORE LEYELS- - �'. 1 ; i 2,237, sf 1 759 1,759 sf f, 759 sf 1,759 sf f \. \ �-- _ \ \ - - � V --\ re 't RE ''\, _._ . \ - Avin'r�y Avi�r t Avin - _ _ _ _._ ...._ __ __.... _..._.... _ ..-_. _.._ / i Avinit Avinit = Avinit Y ( -. \, \ .. R QUIR(T$iCFlO�V-PREVENTION, - �j yy 3 _ _ .._ .... - 458 _ y 1 / y - X7 \ '` _ _... _ _ I FF=448.7 FF=4'47.7 FF=44,53 FF=444 FF=44 .7 FF-4 27-,I L �Q b \ - \ - \ \ (� �' E w ; \ ,`\ \ LOT 157 \ _ ( FFE-450.0 I i \ _ - - \ `'' 1 _......_ _.. __.... - ...- ..._ _.. _....._ _ ..._ - ._.... - 3 F='4 GF=45.7 GF=434.7 GF=433.7 \ \ _ \ \. ' / / GF-'4 8.7 G 37.0 GF= 4 \ \ i I y r 6 435 s f way `, ; I 2-CAR _ - _....... - 1 t I / .."r _ ._.... -'., =' Ivia4 I(t.A I r : ` Fair \ I 2 CAR 2-CAR 2-CAR _ _ _ _ __ .. _./_ Li - - ---._ -.. ...- \ i - - � 4 _ 50 w f safiety r _ - - ti `Trico..,,,,,,.. So K REVISI DNS , i \ (� > 44 SIX --T S�'_' s� S S$\ _ _ 5»8 S.8 SA �8 .8 S' SA 3..8 % .. - '' 4' _.- _..._ 'i \ \ -..._ - \ I I yq ''' i "•^" \8"S Q1 .. S . &.8 S. SN8 5•.8 .•8 ..8 1: ^c i - y --- 1 • t '? _777 \ \ k (.� 4� ANRA..a O6 DESIGN ii�libi APIA. 6, 2018 i fr, o i c7 .��0 1 SAY 1 x018 a �\. -Terra ce Lane 2 �-+--- - T �,- ,\ ee Lane - - / -iv '-�" w $'w y � \ \ "��`\ " �`�, ` \ \\ ' \\ i �. / 11 a �., - - i 5 R% 1Z+ 0 a"�, ��- ` �\ �, `,. � \ �, \` \ blic z ,. \ \ \ \ � \ \. \ - � \ \ ; �,IiY! ADDRESSED � COMMENTS AI9CB D i JULY 0 2018 , i , ! _ + a - Pu p W - �� ;ci,4+QO _.._ GG_ _ , _ 13 Q _ - ' 8 M .a M,.$ \ ` \ a 8 �-\ \ \ COMMENTS ADDRESSED SEPT.7,2018 2018 E COMMENTS ADDRESSED IiI i -- V Parking -5 w - L 1 a�' ~`\ \ \ I ` ! \ ` ! 2018 SIGNATURE SET DEC. 7, 2018 ! _ / \ • \ i \ • /• - i -"- 2 GAR I __... _ 1 } I (H) H 3 / B 2 CAR �._ --- °,'\ �\J \' \ (H) 2=CAR i f /_ / 2-CAR LOT5� LOT 251 2'=CAR LOT 252 c' r ; LOT 248 ' I LOT-2 s 5,338 s LOT 247 4,160, ' 3% Garage• � LOT' r 1 , f , � l ro 2-CAR LOT 2-CAR 243 LUT 244 2-CAR LOT 245 LOT 246 2-GAR 4 414 s 4,231 sf 4 977 s / 4,308 s f Slope 1 ,5,188 sf I I \ \ re a 1 /The F�irrway _ ._. 4 453 sf 4,495 sf i 1 - - 3 I= / FFE=432.5 FFE-431 8,83 sf \ , 4 �? \- \ �•°' .. LOT 242 i _ - 4, 781 sf ( i ,The Fairway FFE=452.1 _ _ - -- ,-_ - FFE=�F54.1 BFE=444.1 _ ._ _ _' ._ - _. _- I ... _ _.._ __ ___ _ - FFE=452.9 FFE= 450.9 BFE=442.9 I BFE=440.9 _ _ ..:_ ._..... _ _ _ ...._.. 5 _ _ FFh438.5 = 5 \ \ (! FFE 434 FFE-445.4 FF =4 r -421 3 / \ E 42.4 .' ( I - . is `\ \ BFE-435.4 I BFE=428.5 BFE=422.5 8FE- - BFE=4 4 I BFE=424• - ' 1 f \ ! F O 1FFE=451.0 I BFE=442.1 - _w % , W/o 1 I `ti 'a \ E= W/o i I W/o 1 i n I i I W/o I/O % _ _ iW/o W/o i //' W/0 ,' 1 - r _- } 0-._ - \ DAA"E '-_ W 0 1 --' / _, 10 ` irk 10 Private e - _. - Ret Wa _. -_ - - _ _ - _ - _ _ _ , -Max. H =6 _ = -,_- - - _. _.... , _ __.._ fr Private .� \ \ r a / � \ e ent 35. p Casc 2a P rk / l \ \ a �� \ \ \ C. 7 s Tota / / \ , 2014 I 1 sf ,(Tot ) \ Ease en ' _ _-� 38 0.D AREA -15 f ( L / Easem \ _ Inag Easeme t 1 - ;:,, . - - •�--.- _, . �� �oj ry /� - ' d, \ _ - / \\ \\ \,\ '\ \ ! i X225 ' , 1 \ l\;� j i ' LOT 238 - - LOT 236 I 241 1 i LOT 237 _ _ i i LUT 232 LUT 231 1 951 sf i L T 235 LOT 234 LOT 233 1,935 sf 1,527 sf Avinity I LOT 229 LOT 2 LOT 27 / LO LOT 226 T% LOT 2?� 1,869 s 1,527 s 1,99 s 1y835 s LUT 223 s o �; \ - \ \ f f f 1,981 sf f 1,75�r s2,700�� �' ti '' ~ o \ f l `., \ \ \'`, HJR! LOT LOT 239 LOT 240 1,909 sf 1,518 s 2,110 sf I 18 sf 1,518 sf 1,909 sf I ._ f _ I : _ I I F = -34,5 _ -4 5.5 FF=433. FF-433.5 FF-434.5_ FF-435.5 = 5 I - = 5 I IGF __G G i F f r 1,527 sf 1,93k� sf £ � Avinit Avinity _ 0 110 sf Avinit Avinit ` Y FF-439. ! vinity Y Y FF=439.0 FF-439.0 GF=428.3 I _ ( _ FF-438.0 FF-438.0 F -437.0 GF=428.3 GF=428.3 Plaza GF=4 GF=427.3 rhes / sf/ / �c, �� J \ , r • \ \ Q =" %Avinit x• o � 1 Avinity %Avinity Avinity Avinity Y A�n;ty FF-432.0 S FF_ FF-428.0 Avinit _ / = 0 - I - - FF-436.0 FF 434 Fi` 427.0 GF-��3 GF=424.0 GF=422,0 I GF-420.JJ GF=418.0 GF=416.0 FF-4, 6.0 GF�415 - -� f l � / /! ��O� BOSS �� ..,. ' re.• .�Y '`\ '\ - -- '3 - _' 1R .�o���� 1 1-CAR 1-CAR - AR 1 i 1-CAR 1-CAR 1-CAR - -- I i =426.3 -..._ R- - - 1R .... i - .... eft.. _ _1. 1R Fla e t R R i / / \ 9�• \ �- \. 1 Landsca \ l` \ �NffMf♦ P asemenl UT -- �`'\ `; t __ . ce .. ;. ,' - -• -,____ *---;: , _,. Prop. Mn8 _.._ M.,B No M,.B M,.$ M.•8 M,.$ ••8 M.,BJi n kind M.. •,8 M'••9 Q / p - 8"Sy M•� '� ' / // / �'Qi /14a P ung / .'^' \' '-C� '� �Q�'� ,' " 1 'S i, ,,l -, / G S , ., ,� i�' •, ' / ,, ,`', i i M„a �&. M„8 M•, M.,$ - Tee a M•' M..a , relocated Del hti Dave - - .--_-->.. ,.,.-_.. } .. ._.."'C 1�•+ Q ' S� ht�st8 'ce � ,/, �„ /i p%`' P Old. - \ _ �T3SG� `' - - '! 5+00 1 �. /' j % ' ( : (! I I- i_- 17+ v rn b 2c 16 / P? M,a et' p/ r • .\ \� / i .l \ 16 CG_ "1 4 0� 0' ¢� \ ! i ; > i 18+00 +; CG-12 �, 13x �'' Str , ,; �� co '' o� '� 11A _ ..._ _, :....- •' =S alk `.. v - - - o g j . / r' ' / \ , . }. Carat '.r' s , 0 Dro nage i I L , � aseme t��- i !----f i i _. -I i 0 Lu 1.0e i � ce ,.$ • s.•$ s$ s..$ s..$ s•. $ J1 j �' -. c / ,� ,.,� - Pocket Par 1 ands , �\ � � ' ". � 'i, ; , �, ; . rw LL - i _r'; _ X18 O j # Cd3J _CAR IL 2 i`} I Uj- k fin} _ CA R Hft N) 2 ) i �H) 1 -2-CA'4 R 2 CA AR - G 2, LUT .211 LOT 212 1 i LOT 213 4 408 s X 'O , ` s• ` .>�o P f , [ LOT 214 ', - t I LOT 207 2-CAR I I LOfi 209 I ,-ZOT 210 4,964 sf 4,91 sf l �e The Fairway 1 4,803 sf j S i� ffi relocated / , ~ _..._ I The Fairway / ign I' i 4, 646 sf LOT 208 5,121 sf i 4,855 s f I The Brookshire f '' 5,717 sf i ; FFE=426.4 - SFE=427.4 I_ i _ _.. __ .__-_ FFA 4243 i r` Ty __ ° ' w FFE=421'2' / / �` yq ' ` �' o� ..,•` �:`• � ` ''�-- �' �` BFE-414.3 l - °� ' F Ex. San. Lat. to orm Tac ure re oca e I � ,i � i i ! _ FFE=422,8 e Brookshire 1 FFE=424.8 Th (" The Pavilion ; _ 1 FFE=425.8 BFE=416 4'- BFE-417.4 - I { BFE=411.2 ( ! j j y C iCADIA PARK sg be cut back ' i' o � - 15" HDPE between Str. 63 14 5 i 10 I rkin k / } ; 1 I SFE=412.8 i - - .__ _ FFE=423.7 _,1 _ BFE'=4-14:8 _ _ BFf=137` E BFE=415.8 1 . ' `- - (/ -1 I 461 s/ W 0 W/o f / / 9 / \ a.: f'realignedg -g_. ,.� __ - / and realigned and Str. 62 alon C AREA -1i5, (T t i � ; 3 s s - ai f Typ. so as to rem n / with corres ondin easement. ;i - ; / 0.1�!_ `� �' r s t j liot 1 ± I W o / ._. - W O / W / I - 4 ._ - _.... 420 - - - / - - on Lot 220 - �\, '' I .t �-- -- �- ----- - rA Std I O�er�, Spade ' j i 4V/0 40 I _r € , . , /' ' 14 '- Prop �gB ,'� t F 31 s 5.1626 Apron i 4 � --__, 10 10 m _.. f t F• � cit � is `S'cr�s 1 i 4 r I E ' 051, ----------------- - - � / \'s� • cow �o � •;� � � I , 1 ' � � - I _- i LOT-192- b_ - - - 8 i LOT 1861 L6T e 4..� L9fi 187 • LOT 18 0�' -191' 81 �� \ L ZOfi 189 water meter # } I' 1 2007 1;585 s 1,585 s 184 f fI -- Ofi 203 LOT 199 LOT 201 LOT 200 LOT 198 1,563 sf ' LOT 197 LOT 1 2,104 sf 1,563'sf - LUT 195;. - LOT 194 LOT _-193 f I 1,563,'s 1,563 sf 4;563 sf 2,098 s i ;• f 2,477 s 1,585 sf 2,017 sf f i ' i iFF_41�6.5 _ - _ FF-406.5' FF 406.5 1 ' For `` ' ~ I LOT 202 563 s f 2,039 sf 1 7 s 1,962 sf 1,563 sf 83 f FF=412.2 _ FF=414.2 FF=414.2 FF-412.2 FF=408.7 FF G6=397.7 _ _ =407.7 FF=405.7 FF-405.7 4 F-4o7.7 FF; /GF=396.7 Gr 396.7 GF=395.7 GF=395.7 - ; x GF-396.5 Ex. San. Lat. to \ �a ' FF-406.2 FF=406.2 FF-406.2 FE='406,5 _ ( F 2 �_ 95� =395 2 GF=396. GF=39 GF- i - 6 � 396 5 � j 3 5 , - _. _-. _ .. -.. ... Ma (T `� be u b - c t qck to -. _ .. - U9 j`s , }�•ti t3,TH up j ' FILE i I � , , i = FF=418.9 F .418.9 � iF=409.9 GF=407.9 GF=402.2 = GF=404. GF 401.2 GF=405.2 j flndsCdpe GF-398.7 l / ; ' -- - _� _._... ...- _._. � r / � within Lot 217 `_ � '� ``• E "� �•,CC ; i I ,.,,. 1 __ _- --- _ - ^, _ " 94 r ' JimTaggart •; �Landscape ��• !Ir � 't � � > Jimmy f - 8 � < . , ro u . , r ' `� .^-` � � 8 � Easement � �' .. \ `4°' �,a =� ,�� � � }�- _- "fid► �� ,�'� � /, '� ' . .�, ' ' �' x 1 / / t <. �, e , 6' � r �, '� : `' / "n ; � �,d►S i8I07IiS bL r p Sign a i , '} SHEET _.. 4 �' - / iI ate M.. Sig �TYP•) S-PO \\ . ay � I Ma / i ,: �L- - - M•,$- M:.$ M.•$ - $_ M,.B $ No Par - i1kOQ 1 , Wood Framed 46 46 45 4t 44 44 45 4� 42 42 41 41 4C 30 NOON 0 30 60 90 14 SCALE: H: 1" = 30' 41 10 0 10 20 30 41 C SCALE: V: 1 = 10' na 3 r 42 40.` ....... lr.. ......... ..... e3 ,w, 40( .r, aQ oo z..,, — 39` ............... ............ z.... .. . 39( 415 440 38` ........ .. Ex1S.T. GRADE _ ................... ........ ^ 38C ._ ..... .. ..... ........... 37a ...... .. 405 9 INV.=419.29 420 .. 445 14 14A 14B 49 50 445 rr -- . lj na 3 r 42 . .. �r ....... lr.. ......... ..... e3 ,w, ............ _ r.. .r, aQ oo z..,, — ..., ............... ............ z.... .. . 410 415 440 ........._.. ........ .. Ex1S.T. GRADE _ ................... ........ ^ 0 ._ ..... .. ..... ........... .. ...... .. 405 d n .... . ...... .. . .. ......�. .... ............ n . �.. 440 . .. .......... ...._._ ........ . . ............... .............. . .... ........... ................ lr, ........ ........... I r m M .... .......... 11 ... ...:. .............................. . :.. ........... .. ... ..... orr� �, .. .. . _. , �.. 395 . .. 1"L . I o I f............... ... _._ _....... .... �-� �- :� 390 4C 410 435 .......... , o _...,-, n ... . _ 0 3C tno r- ........a o .................... .... ..... _....... .... ..... .. t ...... 380 .435 -�--i o:.�...... �,.".. .. . �...._ .. �. r., 380 c 3.. .. .. 00 r oa...... ................!'? rn.00 ........... ... ...._ 375 ........ z ¢...� c3 .............._.................... .... ..._.......... ......_........... Sw J... - 36 405 430 3..._... ..... ,........ a._? z ............ ..... ....._.. ......._..... .................. ...... ... ... Z,Z. z .:.:::: - - - 370 3E �.. °-' �... 9-H50 a. 4 30 . 10+00 . Optimum Moisture Content. 3 2. For inlets in fill situation: Contractor shall place fill under inlets at 95% compaction & .. .. shall consistP redominantly of soil & be placed in successive uniform 400 425 8" thickness before compaction in placement of fill, contractor shall excavate recently laid ........................................... ..... . . ...... .. .....................:_. ..... ... ........ _ 8'X8' o.c. compacted 21A stone base is installed between 425 proposed inlet's base ....... .................... ...... _...... .. w/ fill compaction results prior to road acceptance. .... .... ... .... ....... ..... ....... ........ r - 24'L�' . .. _. _.... y 395 420 ... ......... ......_ ...... ._....... ... ........ ; J.� .,,---` ...................... ,,.gyp ..... 420 . .........................._.................................................................. .... .�.. .` _.._.._._._._.............._................................................................... ...._ _ - .- - . 390 415 .......... _. .......... .......... .. _....... ... ........... ........ EXIST. GRADE .... ...... ._....... PROP ED ...... GRADE ... ... .. .:.: ...... _. ..................15 .......................... 4 385 410 _ . .. 410 .. ... ... .. ..... .. - .. ..., y..... .o .... .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. ... .... .. ....... .... ... ... ... ..... ..._... .. ... .... ....... DIP WATERLINE �A.�17��. E S 380 405 9.74',.15" HDPE T:683� . _............. STA. + ..�... ......... �. H ................. _.......... 5 ...... ... INV.=405 96 .. g. _-. ... ._ ..... . 375 400.. PE....� .......... . 400 .......... .. a .:_ ...:. . 395 .... ... ............... �..........;.._ ................................. ... ...... .............. ..... ...., ._..... 395 0 o c7 390 _ a... �o �-�- r . .. _. . ....... �_. ti.. , _ . ... .,........ ... ....... ... �.._.... . 390 0 Tr} ............................_....................................._._...._'...................... P, ....:................_...__.._............ .........._.............................. ..... Q. M _........ 4�r 0 .............. . co ui 385 .. o ca rr .. ._......... 385 ........... �.... .. ........ ....... z .z .. ......._.... lr `................ ...._.._.............._..... zu.z. ...._...................................... �........ .......... . lL... 380 ....... ..... z z .. a, ... z z ... Q. �.>.. .. z z ...... ........... . .......... . .... ` ....... ..> ......... z z ............................. _.. Q..S N ..... .z... 380 9150 10+00 11+00 12+00 INV.=419.29 420 .. � r1 0 Q 4 ...... �.. - . / :. rr -- . lj ........_............. ......... 0 415415 42 .......... ....... lr.. ......... ..... m...... .. ................. .......... ...J -. ....... ! `� ..... ................... 410 ....... ......../ ,_ 1. ..... .. L ............... ............ .-.... ._... ^� ...... . 410 42 .... ..... _ ........ .. Ex1S.T. GRADE _ ................... ........ 405............ 360 ........ __.. ..... ........... ............ .......... . ................. ...._. ........._ . 405 41 ................... .... .... ............ .......... _._._.......... _... ....._ PROPOSED GRADE 400 . .. .......... ...._._ ........ . . ............... .............. . .... ........... ................ .. ........ ........... 400 41 .... .......... Q� ... ...:. .............................. . :.. ........... .. ... ..... 395....._..4C .. .. . .. .. ;�" . ........ g ... . ...........:.. 395 . 1"L . I 390 ....... f............... ... _._ _....... .... ca ... .................... .. .. 390 4C .......... ................_..._g.. 385 ... ......... ri ¢ ua .......... ............... ....385 -... ... .._._.... ...._..._.......... 3C .............. -............................................................ ........a o .................... .... ..... _....... .... ..... .. t ...... 380 ... ......... ..... ....... -�--i o:.�...... �,.".. .. . �...._ .. �. r., 380 c 3.. .. U cz 00 r oa...... ................!'? rn.00 ........... ... ...._ 375 ........ ao m ..ii.. M . .................... .. .................. .. 1..............Q....11 ...._ . c� 375 36 _......_ 11. 3..._... ..... ,........ a._? z ............ ..... ....._.. ......._..... 370 ...... ... ... Z,Z. z .:.:::: - - - 370 3E 9-H50 a. 11100 10+00 *ill to 95% 1. For stormsewer pipes in fill, Compact F Optimum Moisture Content. 3 2. For inlets in fill situation: Contractor shall place fill under inlets at 95% compaction & embankment material shall consistP redominantly of soil & be placed in successive uniform layers not more that 8" thickness before compaction in placement of fill, contractor shall excavate recently laid fill and install compacted VDOT std: 21 A stone in an 8'X8' o.c. compacted 21 A area centered o n the inlet. Contractor operation until an P shall repeat this 8'X8' o.c. compacted 21A stone base is installed between the existing ground and the proposed inlet's base in efforts to reduce the risk of settling. Contractor shall provide VDOT w/ fill compaction results prior to road acceptance. 30 755 ?0 5 0 )5 )Q )5 )0 35 30 75 445 440 435 430 425 420 415 410 405 91 101 ►'j . ,. .... ........... ..._. . / 375 cc ._._-------- ------- ---- _..__._..______PROFOSF_p_.GRADE- En 370 GRAD� 0)C _ 365 Cc 1 . - DP N_E..__._ 360 �-8 t5 HOPE_ ...... Z 355 ------------- m m 8" PVC SANITARY! SEW. ri STA:=TO+a._-._____..--.-.._- 4Z tNV:=42T:39��_ Q� 345 ______ �..«.««__....__ V '4+ 340 LO ca !� 50 10+00 Notes: 1. Inlet shaping (IS -1) shall be provided for all structures with a 4' orreater drop. 9 P 2. Saftely slabs (SL -1) shall be provided for all structures taller than 12 3. ST -1 steps shall be provided for all structures with a 4' depth or greater. 8" DIP WATERLINE STA.=14+82.69. INV.=446.03 445 440 435 430 425 420 415 410 405 Storm Sewer Notes: Minimum Cover: 2' Minimum Separations (Vertical): Waterline: 1 Sanitary Sewer: 1' 380 375 370 365 360 355 350 345 340 91 415 410 405 400 395 390 385 380 375 370 365 91 43.` 43( 42` 42( 41' 41( 40` 40( 391, 39( 9 24 35 30 ?5 )0 5 0 0.929 )5 )0 )5 10 1TH op Dl Jimmy L, Taggart �•a� 22541 e �/o7ne ati�' 51 52 415 410 405 400 395 390 MPE 385 380 375 370 365 kE 66 380 Tnw _� \ / 375 ._._-------- ------- ---- _..__._..______PROFOSF_p_.GRADE- 370 GRAD� 0)C _ 365 Cc 1 . - DP N_E..__._ 360 S-TA:=i 0N+AE Z 355 350 ri 4Z < Q� 345 ______ �..«.««__....__ 00 '4+ 340 LO ca !� 14 Zt 50 10+00 11+00 12+00 cc LOo -�--i 9___._._ . ___.___.__.__._. cUj a. auto �_............. 00 50 10+00 11+00 415 410 405 400 395 390 MPE 385 380 375 370 365 kE 66 380 Tnw _� \ / 375 ._._-------- ------- ---- _..__._..______PROFOSF_p_.GRADE- 370 0)C _ 365 Cc 1 . - DP N_E..__._ 360 S-TA:=i 0N+AE Z 355 350 ri 4Z < Q� 345 ______ O 00 '4+ 340 J \ / ._._-------- ------- ---- _..__._..______PROFOSF_p_.GRADE- 1 0)C _ Mn Cc 1 . - DP N_E..__._ _._._._._._...__.._.._.._ S-TA:=i 0N+AE Z a ri 4Z < Q� R ______ O 00 '4+ K LO ca !� 14 Zt 50 10+00 11+00 12+00 J \ / 1 0)C _ Mn Cc 1 . 2 i—I Z a ri 4Z < Q� R '4+ K LO ca !� 14 Zt it. cc LOo -�--i . Lu cUj a. DATE DEC. 1, 2014 co 1 _ Mn Cc 1 . LU 10 < R FILE BER 14.0009 ISE° Sf'18