HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800081 Review Comments Final Site Plan and Comps. 2018-12-22Page 1 of 11 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA, 22902 Phone 434-296-5832 Fax 434-972-4126 Memorandum To: Justin Shimp (justin@shimp-engineering.com) From: Paty Saternye, Senior Planner Division: Planning Date: December 22, 2018 Subject: SDP 201800081 Royal Fern Townhomes – Final Site Plan The County of Albemarle Planning Division will recommend approval of the plan referenced above once the following comments have been satisfactorily addressed (The following comments are those that have been identified at this time. Additional comments or conditions may be added or eliminated based on further review.): [Each comment is preceded by the applicable reference, which is to the Subdivision/Zoning Ordinances unless otherwise specified.] Initial Site Plan Comments (from conditional approval letter dated 4/20/18 [UPDATE]): 2. A site plan meeting all the requirements of section 32.6 of Chapter 18 of the Code. Final: Comment not fully addressed. See comments below 3. [14-401, 14-419, 14-203.1 &] Double frontage lots for single family detached and attached residential uses are prohibited. Revise the plan to no longer have double frontage lots along 5th street or request a special exception. The final site plan will not be able to be approved until either there are no longer double frontage lots or a special exception has been granted to allow the double frontage lots. Two possible layout changes to avoid the double frontage lots are to: · Change the section of the private road directly behind the double frontage lots to an “alley”. · Provide a minimum of 20’ of common area/open space between 5th street and the lots. This common area/open space must be screened as provided in sections 14-419 and Final: Comment addressed. An alley is now directly behind the units. 4. [] Provide in the site plan a sidewalk parallel to 5th street for the full length of the parcel. Work with VDOT, engineering and planning to determine the section that will be required for the intersection with the road. The existing asphalt trail is not of sufficient width and is not properly maintained. Final: Comment addressed. Address the comment. 5. [32.5.1(c) & 32.5.2(a)] Address the following: · Provide the ZMA number in the zoning area of the data on the coversheet. Final: Comment revised. Revise the project number under the title on the coversheet to the number of this final site plan. · Show the adjoining portion of that parcel with the stormwater pond that will serve this development in the project area. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Provide a clear delineation of the project area. It must include all required improvements, the open space utilized to meet requirement, and all roads (and associated road improvements like sidewalks and street trees) that will be built with this project. The very approximate rectangle on the existing conditions sheet does not include all of the proposed improvement or required area for the site plan. Page 2 of 11 · Include information (TMP, Owner, Developer, Zoning, etc.) for the adjoining parcel in the data on the coversheet since part of that parcel is being utilized to meet stormwater requirements. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) Portions of the subject and adjoining parcel information on the existing conditions sheet is no longer shown. Provide this information on the existing conditions sheet. b) There appears to be two different labels for the adjoining site and they do not provide the same information. Ensure the correct adjoining lot information is shown. c) Easement plats, deeds, and maintenance agreements will be required for any proposed improvements on the adjoining lots that are shown on this site plan. · Show the adjoining portion of that parcel with the stormwater pond that will serve this development in the project area. Final: Comment addressed. · Provide the bearing and distances for the existing boundaries. Final: Comment not addressed. Although there is a curve table shown, no labels for that curve table or for bearing and distances are shown on the existing conditions sheet for the parcel(s). Address the comment. · Ensure that the scale for the Existing Conditions and Demolition Plan is correct and that all measurements can be scaled. 50 scale does not appear to be correct. The distances provided for the private road easement do not appear to be at 50 scale. Final: Comment addressed. · Revise the setback lines in the site plan to be correct. Address the following: o Provide garage minimum setback on the coversheet. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) Ensure that all the dimensions for the garage setbacks are placed accurately. Some of the dimensions appear to have been shifted. b) Ensure the buildings are places accurately. Some of the units appear to be shifted and therefore are not meeting the setback requirements where they are currently placed. c) Show the garages in the units. None are shown and they will be required since the driveways are not large enough to be counted for two vehicles. o Show the Front Minimum garage setback for the units which front the internal “private street”. The units along the private street do not currently appear to meet the Front Minimum Garage Setback. IMPORTANT: Note that the front setback is measured either from the edge of the private street easement (not the property line in the middle of the private street) or any sidewalk if it is outside of the private road easement. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) The minimum private street easement width is 30’. Revise the private street easement to all have a minimum of 30’ in width for their whole length. b) Ensure dimensions for the private street easement are placed accurately and point to the edge of the easement. c) Required improvements should be within the 30’ easement. d) The private street easement cannot overlap required areas, such as the recreational either shift the 30’ private street easement outside of the recreational area or make changes in the site plan to shift the recreational area while still meeting the minimum recreational requirements. o Revise the location of the units which front on the internal “private street” so that their garages meet the minimum Front Setback for garages. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Units T16 through T22 appear to be shifted and do not meet the minimum setback requirements on the front or back. Shift the unit so that they meet the setback requirements. o [NEW COMMENT] UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Front setbacks should be shown for the sides of the two buildings that adjoin the proposed private street(s). Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) Provide the full 30’ private street easement width between units T25 & T26. b) If sidewalks are along public or private streets are outside of the right of way then the minimum and maximum front setback for the units along those roads/streets are measured from the outside (closest to unit) edge of the sidewalk and not from the right of way or street easement. Revised setback lines to meet this requirement. Page 3 of 11 c) It does not appear that T26 will meet the minimum front setback on the side of the unit. Revise the plan to meet this requirement. d) Setbacks along a private street easement cannot be placed ON the easement line. They are either measured from the easement line or from any sidewalk outside the easement line. o [NEW COMMENT] UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Ensure that the front setback, on the two building along Wahoo Way that have their sides facing the proposed private street, is measured from whichever is the closer of the ROW of the private street and the back of the sidewalk along the private street. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) Provide a sidewalk along the side of Lot T25, as specified elsewhere. b) If the sidewalk is placed outside of the private street easement then the setback is measured from the sidewalk. c) If the sidewalk is inside of the private street easement then measure the setback from the easement line. o Provide the Non-Infill Minimum Building Separation requirements on the coversheet. Since the adjoining lot is R-2 the separation requirement for buildings that exceed 35’ in height applies. Final: Comment addressed. o Show the Front Minimum and Front Maximum setbacks along 5th street. Ensure that the buildings meet these requirements. (NOTE: The units along 5th street are currently shown as double frontage lots, which are not allowed. See above in the comments on how to address the double frontage issue.) Final: Comment not fully addressed. If sidewalks are along public or private streets are outside of the right of way then the minimum and maximum front setback for the units along those roads/streets are measured from the outside (closest to unit) edge of the sidewalk and not from the right of way or street easement. Revised setback lines to meet this requirement. o Revise the setbacks for the building with three units located along Wahoo Way, and adjacent to the R-2 lot, so that the property line adjoining the R-2 parcel is shown as a side setback and not a rear setback. (NOTE: the proposed property lines for the end unit of the three unit building do not appear to be complete. The property line down the middle of the alley dead ends at the gutter and does not connect to any other property line. The lot is not complete and it is uncertain if all of the property adjacent to that unit, on that end, is meant to be part of that lot or if some of it is meant to be open space.) Final: Comment addressed. o Show the rear setback lines for all of the units that have their garages along the alleys. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Revise the dimensions so that they are accurately placed and the arrows point to what is supposed to be dimensioned. o It appears that the units that have garages facing the rear of the lot, along the private alleys, are not meeting the 20’ minimum rear setback requirement. Revise the lot layout so that the units meet the requirement. IMPORTANT: Note that the front setback is measured from the edge private alley easement and not the property line in the middle of the private alley. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Revise the dimensions so that they are accurately placed and the arrows point to what is supposed to be dimensioned. · Show present use for the abutting parcel in the parcel information on the existing conditions sheet. Final: Comment not addressed. Add the present use for the abutting parcel in the box on sheet C4. · Provide the required datum reference for the elevation. Final: Comment addressed. 6. [32.5.2(b) & 17.3] Revise the “Proposed Use” portion of the coversheet data to specify that the site plan is a “Cluster Development”, or a “Cluster Development” with “Bonus Levels” or increase the lot sized in order to meet the minimum lot size of a the R-10 “Conventional Development”. The lot sizes shown do not meet the minimum lot size for “Conventional Development”. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) R10 zoned property is only 2.88 Acres. Therefore the number of units allowed is based on that size and not on the size after the future BLA (see emails from Francis M. on 4/19/18). 2.88 acres x 10 units per acre is 28.8 dwelling units. Revise the plan to meet this requirement. Page 4 of 11 b) Ensure calculations are based on the correct acreage for the specific purpose. As mentioned above, the allowed density is based on the area within the zoning district. There are also a few places in the calculations and in the plan where the acreage of the lot after the BLA is specified as 3.4 AC instead of the 3.1 AC. c) BLA must be submitted, reviewed, approved and recorded prior to final site plan approval. d) Ensure that open space area is labeled individually and that the label includes the size. Include a Talley of the open spaces within the site plan. Also, ensure that the minimum open space for the cluster development is provided. 7. [32.5.2(b) & 32.5.2(n)] The number of required guest spaces are shown to be met within the lot. However, “Visitor Parking Along Wahoo Way” is listed in the parking calculations. If this continues to be specified on the site plan address the following: · Depict the parking in the site plan. Final: Comment not fully addressed. The comment response letter stated “on-street parking added to Wahoo Way” and that “all parking is dimensioned” but no spaces are shown or dimensioned on Wahoo Way. Any parking, and street section, on any of the proposed roads must be approved by engineering fire rescue and for public roads VDOT. · Dimension the parking in the site plan. Final: Comment not fully addressed. See comment directly above. · Ensure that the proposed road section meets all road, parking & pedestrian access requirements. There does not appear to be enough width in either the existing or the proposed private street section to include parking even on one side. Final: Comment not fully addressed. See comment above and provided all required improvements within the private street easement or proposed public street right of way. · Engineering, Fire & Rescue and planning will have to approve the designs and sections. · Final: Comment not fully addressed. Engineering, Fire & Rescue and planning will have to approve the designs and sections. · Include a calculation, or both unit and guest parking, in the “Parking” portion of the coversheet data. Final: Comment addressed. 8. [32.5.2(b) & 32.5.2(n)] Provide the required recreational facilities/tot lot and address the following: · Show and include the details of the recreational equipment. Final: Comment not addressed. Address the comment, including the details for all of the equipment, and ensure all recreational facilities/equipment is provided. It appears that insufficient equipment is being provided and no request for alternative recreational uses has been officially submitted. · Show and provide details for the required fencing. Final: Comment addressed. · Show pedestrian connections to the tot lot that includes handicapped ramps and warning strips. Final: Comment addressed. · Ensure that the interior of the fenced area meets the minimum of 200 square feet per residential unit (30 units x 200 square feet = 6,000 square feet required). Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) There can be no overlap in the recreational area and the private street easement. Revise site plan to remove this overlap. b) Ensure and confirm that the minimum of 200 square feet of recreational area per residential unit is provided WITHIN the fenced in area and not inside of any of the street or alley easements. c) Provide legal documentation, or letters, from the proposed utility easement holders that states that recreational equipment may be placed over top of their easements or relocate the equipment within the recreational area to no longer sit on top of the easements. Page 5 of 11 9. [32.5.2(e), 32.5.2(p) & 32.7.9] Provide a full landscape plan that provides all required landscaping, calculations and meets the buffer & landscaping requirements for 32.7.9, the entrance corridor guidelines and to avoid any double frontage lots. Ensure all calculations and graphics correctly represent the existing and proposed plantings and planting areas. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) Ensure all the calculations utilize the correct acreages of the lot. The lot after the BLA will be 3.01 AC and not 3.4 AC. b) The canopy calculation references the wrong sheet. Revise it to say C9. c) Provide parking lot screening to the adjoining residential lot. d) See comment just below in reference to street tree landscaping requirements. 10. [32.5.2(e), 32.5.2(p) &] Provide street trees on both sides of all private or public streets at the required spacing for the entrance corridor. UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Provide street trees on both sides of all private and public streets at the required spacing for the entrance corridor or request, and be granted, a waiver (32.3.5(b)) for that requirement from 32.7 for the portions of the private streets that you do not propose to include street trees. See GREEN highlight in attached markup. Staff may be able to support a waiver for the portions of the markup not highlighted in GREEN if the additional street trees are provided along all of the GREEN highlighted areas. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) Provide street trees along the internal private street easement. No trees have been provided. b) Provide an internal private street tree calculations. None is provided for the private street in front of lots T16 through T26. c) Provide a Road A street tree planting calculation. d) Include the full length of Wahoo Way in the street calculations. One side appears to be approximately 460’ long and no length has been specified in the calculation for the other side. e) Provide street trees for the full length of 5th street. Only a portion of the road shows proposed street trees. 11. [32.5.2(b), 32.5.2(e), 32.5.2(p) & 32.7.9] Provide the value of the maximum amount of paved parking and other vehicular circulation areas on the coversheet and on the Landscape Plan and utilize it in the landscaping calculation. Final: Comment not addressed. Provide the value of the maximum amount of paved parking and other vehicular circulation areas on the coversheet and on the Landscape Plan and utilize it in the landscaping calculation. This is not the same as the impervious area for the whole development. Then provide the calculation to show that the 5% parking lot landscape area requirement has been met. 12. [32.5.2(i) & (n)] Address the following: · Dimension the width, and centerline radii, and corner radii of all roads and alleys and ensure that the roads meet or exceed minimum road requirements. · Final: Comment not fully addressed. Dimension the width, and centerline radii, and corner radii of all roads and alleys and ensure that the roads meet or exceed minimum road requirements. Only the internal curb radii have been provided. The information for Wahoo Way and Road A has not been provided. · Revise the width of “Road A Private”, or the alley converted from “Road A Private”, to be 20’ in width. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) Adjust all road and alley dimensions to point to the correct linework. b) Label all roads correctly. Wahoo Way is labeled as Road B in one sheet. c) Ensure that it is obvious what streets are being proposed with this site plan. · Provide all road and alley names on the site plan. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Label Roads and alleys with unique names and designations of private and public. Public street labels should include “Dedicated to County for Public Use”. · Show on the site plan all of the existing and proposed private street, alley and access easements. UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Show and dimension on the site plan all of the existing and proposed private street, alley and access easements. Address the following: o Ensure that the proposed private street easement width encompasses all required street improvements (curb & gutter, planting strip, street trees, and sidewalk) and is at least 30’ in width, which is the minimum for a private street easement. Page 6 of 11 Final: Comment not addressed. Address the comment. o Show the existing private street easement for Wahoo Way as well as the easement for its proposed extension. Final: Comment not fully addressed. The existing private street easement for Wahoo Way is not shown properly on the existing conditions sheet. The linework is no longer complete and there is no label for the private street easement. o Show the proposed private alley easements. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) Provide all road and alley sections. Some alleys appear to need more than one section because of changing widths. b) Ensure all alley labels and width dimensions are correct. o Show the access easements for sidewalks that are proposed on adjoining properties. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the comment. There are sidewalks along Wahoo Way that are outside of the lot and require an easement for construction, maintenance, and access. · Show where the road easement ends and the alley easements begin. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the comment. Where road and alley easement end is no clearly defined. · Accurately represent existing right-of-way lines and the existing path/sidewalk network. In the site plan the existing asphalt trail appears to be within the pavement of the road. UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Accurately represent existing right-of-way lines and the existing path/sidewalk network. In the site plan the existing asphalt trail appears to be within the pavement of the road along 5th Street. Also, the connection between the existing trial/sidewalks and proposed sidewalk does not appear to be accurate. Ensure they are accurately shown and connect appropriately. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Make the property line and right of way line clearer and able to be differentiated from the other linework directly on top of or adjacent to it. A different line type and width of line may be beneficial · Show the existing guardrail along 5th street. Final: Comment addressed. · Show the location of any outdoor lighting. Any free standing or building mounted lighting, including front porch lights, must be shown in a photometric plan and meet all requirements. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Even if there will be no free standing lighting in the project, not even inside of the recreational area, if there will be porch lights on the front of the units they need to be considered. If any porch lighting will below 3,000 lumens then a note on the coversheet stating that would be sufficient. · Show all proposed signage on the site plan. Final: Comment not addressed. Address the comment. 13. [32.5.2(j)] Revise the plan to show the existing storm, sanitary sewer and drain pipes and easements. Show the existing storm pipes and ditches within the site. · It appears there is an existing waterline from across Wahoo Way that is shown to connect to the proposed waterline. Final: Comment not addressed. Show the existing waterline in Wahoo Way, or show where a proposed waterline will be built in Wahoo way. Whatever waterline the development is hooking up to must be shown. · There appears to be stormwater from off site, coming under 5th street into the site that is not currently shown on the Existing Conditions sheet. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Add flow arrows on all existing and proposed stormwater pipes and/or ditches. Page 7 of 11 14. [32.5.2(k)] Revise the plan to show the proposed sanitary sewer, water and drainage facilities and easements. Include the direction of flow on all pipes channels and watercourses with arrows. Address the following: · Show the connection of the proposed waterlines to the existing waterline. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) If there is an existing waterline that is being connected to it must be shown in the site plan. b) If any water infrastructure will be created with Road A, and Road A is proposed with this site plan, then all of those waterlines should be included in this site plan. · Show the connection of the proposed sanitary sewer lines to the existing sewer lines. Please note that the sewer lines in this submission and the one for the single family detached subdivision do to appear to show the same proposed lines connections. Final: Comment not fully addressed. If any sewer infrastructure will be created with Road A, and Road A is proposed with this site plan, then all of those sewer lines should be included in this site plan. · Ensure all waterlines use the correct linetype. Final: Comment addressed · Final – [NEW COMMENT]: Show the full required easement around each hydrant. One appears to have an insufficient easement. · Final – [NEW COMMENT]: Show public road drainage easement for Road A. · Final – [NEW COMMENT]: All easements and deeds of easements must be submitted, reviewed, and approved prior to final site plan approval. For water and sewer work directly with ACSA and/or RWSA. All proposed drainage and stormwater management easements will be reviewed by the County. · Final – [NEW COMMENT]: Label SWM/Pond retention easement. 15. [32.5.2(l)] Provide the location of any existing or proposed utilities and utility easements including telephone, cable, electric and gas. Indicate the deed book and page reference for all exiting utility easements located on the property. Final: Comment not addressed. Address the following: a) Show on the plan the deed book and page numbers for all existing easements on the site. b) No existing easements have been shown for Drainage/storm, Electric, Gas, Water, Cable, Phone. Show these easements if they existing. 16. [32.5.2(m)] Show the distance to the centerline of the nearest existing street intersection from the proposed ingress to and egress from the property. Final: Comment not addressed. Address comments. 17. [32.5.2(n)] Provide the following: · Additional walkways and crosswalks UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Additional walkways and crosswalks (see attached markup showing possible pedestrian connection layout for development.) o Provide a sidewalk and planting strip along 5th street for the full length of the property. UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Provide a sidewalk, street trees and planting strip along 5th street for the full length of the property. See GREEN highlight in attached markup. Work with VDOT, engineering and planning to design the appropriate street section. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Provide a sidewalk and planting strip along 5th street for the full length of the property. o Provide a pedestrian connection from the sidewalk at the first entrance from Wahoo Way to the internal walkways. UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Provide a pedestrian connection from the sidewalk at the first entrance from Wahoo Way to the internal walkways. See ORANGE highlight in attached markup. Final: Comment addressed. Page 8 of 11 o Provide a sidewalk along all sides of the tot lot that are private streets, on the far side of the planting strip from the road, that include handicapped ramps and warning strips. UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Provide a sidewalk along all sides of the tot lot that area private streets, on the far side of the planting strip from the road, that include handicapped ramps and warning strips. Moving the guest parking, in the center open space, to the private alley that is parallel to Wahoo Way would allow these requirements to be met along the private street. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Provide sidewalks on both sides of all public streets. Road B only has sidewalk on one side for a short distance and on neither side for the majority of the distance. Address this comment. o It is suggested that there be a sidewalk along at least two sides of the tot lot in order to connect, by way of crosswalks, the tot lot to the rest of the site. UPDATE: April 20, 2018: It is suggested that there be a sidewalk along at least two sides of the tot lot in order to connect, by way of crosswalks, the tot lot to the rest of the site. See the ORANGE Highlights and BLUE crosswalks showing these additional pedestrian linkages. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Although it was only “suggested” that there be sidewalk on two sides of the tot lot, it is “required” that there be sidewalk along the side of the private street. Therefore another sidewalk should be added to the side of the tot lot. o Provide three additional crosswalks connecting the tot lot and the internal walkways to each other and the external pedestrian network. UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Provide four additional crosswalks connecting the tot lot and the internal walkways to each other and the external pedestrian network. See the RED and BLUE crosswalks showing these pedestrian linkages. Final: Comment addressed. o Pedestrian access to the tot lot’s fenced in area including a handicapped ramp and warning strip. Final: Comment addressed. o A sidewalk warning strip at the beginning of the sidewalk coming off the private alley near the four guest parking spaces on the west side of the property. Final: Comment not fully addressed. There are locations where the warning strips have not been provided. Fully address the comment. o Ensure that the sidewalk coming off the private alley near the four guest parking spaces on the west side of the property extends far enough to connect to the crosswalk to the tot lot. Final: Comment addressed. o Provide a crosswalks across both entrance onto Wahoo Way from the development. UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Provide a crosswalks across both entrance onto Wahoo Way from the development. See RED Crosswalk in attached markup. Final: Comment addressed. o Provide a crosswalk across Wahoo Way and connecting the proposed pedestrian network to the existing sidewalk on the far side of the Wahoo Way. UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Provide two crosswalks across Wahoo Way and connecting the proposed pedestrian network to the existing and proposed sidewalks on the far side of the Wahoo Way. See RED Crosswalk in attached markup. Final: Comment addressed. o NEW COMMENT - UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Provide planting strips along all sides of the private streets or request, and be granted, a waiver (32.3.5(b)) for that requirement from 32.7 for the portions of the private streets that you do not propose to include planting strips. See GREEN highlight in attached markup. Staff may be able to support a waiver for the portions of the markup not highlighted in GREEN if all planting strips are provided within the site that are GREEN highlighted. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Fully address the comment or request a waiver. Page 9 of 11 o NEW COMMENT - UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Provide sidewalks along all sides of the private streets or request, and be granted, a waiver (32.3.5(b)) for that requirement from 32.7 for the portions of the private streets that you do not propose to include sidewalks. See GREEN highlight in attached markup. Staff may be able to support a waiver for the portions of the markup not highlighted in GREEN if all additional pedestrian connections are provided within the site in order to provide a full pedestrian network. Final: Comment not addressed. Fully address comment or request the waiver. See comments above in reference to where sidewalks are still not provide along the private streets. o NEW COMMENT - UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Provide curb and gutter along all sides of the private streets or request, and be granted, a waiver (32.3.5(b)) for that requirement from 32.7 for the portions of the private streets that you do not propose to include curb and gutter. See GREEN highlight in attached markup. Staff may be able to support a waiver for the portions of the markup not highlighted in GREEN if it is supported by engineering. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Fully address the comment or request a waiver. Still areas where no curb and gutter are provided. · Fencing Final: Comment addressed. · Walls (if any) Final: Comment addressed. No walls appear to be required. · Open space areas (ensure parking areas are not park of open space calculations) Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) Provide labels for each individual area of open space with a letter designation and specifying the square footage of that area. b) Ensure parking areas are not included in the open spaces. c) Ensure all open spaces are part of the development and meet the minimum cluster development requirements. 18. [32.5.2(p) &] Preserve all existing trees that are to remain. There are existing street trees along Wahoo Way. If they are to remain include the following: · Areas and other features shown on landscape plan. The landscape plan shall show the trees to be preserved, the limits of clearing, the location and type of protective fencing, grade changes requiring tree wells or walls, and trenching or tunneling proposed beyond the limits of clearing. · Conservation checklist. The applicant shall sign a conservation checklist approved by the agent to ensure that the specified trees will be protected during construction. Except as otherwise expressly approved by the agent in a particular case, the checklist shall conform to the specifications in the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, pages III-393 through III-413, and as hereafter amended. Final: Comment addressed. None will be preserved. 19. [, 14-411 & 14-412(B)] Ensure that each private street and travel way within the development is designed and constructed to the standards of Virginia Department of Transportation. Final: Comment addressed. Address the following: a) Ensure Road A (Public Road) is designed to meet VDOT Standards. Get VDOT approval. b) All roads and internal travelways must get engineering and fire rescue approval. 20. [Comment] Address the following: · Provide reference benchmarks for the survey. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Show a benchmark location and label on the site plan. · Indicate the available sight distance for the new entrance onto Wahoo Way. Final: Comment not fully addressed. Address the following: a) Indicate the sight distance at Wahoo Way and Road A intersections. b) Add the required note about trimming the trees within the sight distance easements. c) Show proposed sight distance easements. d) Make sure sight distance easement is shown in both directions at each intersection. · Indicate the deed book and page references for all existing utility easements located on the property. Final: Comment not addressed. Address the comment. Page 10 of 11 · Provide a copy of all off-site easements, or letters of intent to grant them from off-site property owners. Final: Comment not addressed. Address the comment. 21. [Comment] Show any off site easements that will be required, including those for the construction of the sidewalk shown on the far side of Wahoo Way and stormwater management. UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Show any off site easements that will be required, including those for the construction of the road, sidewalk & landscaping shown within the proposed extension of Wahoo Way and any associated stormwater management area. Final: Comment not addressed. Address the comment. 22. [Comment] Show the Dam Break Inundation Zone line on the site plan. The site plan was submitted to Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) for review of its impact on the Dam Break Inundation Zone (DBIZ). Final: Comment not fully addressed. Show the line an label for the Dam Break Inundation Zone on at least one of the proposed sheets. 23. [Comment] See the attached comments from the other SRC reviewers. Final: Comment not fully addressed. See the attached comments from the other SRC reviewers. 24. [NEW COMENT] UPDATE: April 20, 2018: Show any off site easements that will be required for sidewalk and storm water ponds on the adjoining property. Final: Comment not addressed. Address the comment. 25. Final – [NEW COMMENT]: Revise private street easement labels to state “30’ Private Street Easement”. 26. Final – [NEW COMMENT]: It appears that a portion of the existing private street easement must be vacated for this project. Address the following: a) Show the portion that will be vacated on the site plan. b) Label the proposed portion of Wahoo Way as a proposed private street easement. c) A deed vacating the old portion and creating the new portion must be submitted, reviewed, approved and recorded prior to final site plan approval. d) A maintenance agreement, for all private streets, that meet the minimum County requirements must also be submitted, reviewed, approved and recorded with the easement and deed mentioned above. e) Owner of the existing Wahoo Way private street easement must be party to the vacation and additions. 27. Final – [NEW COMMENT]: See Fire Rescue’s comment about building heights and travel ways. More precise information on the building height will be required. 28. Final – [NEW COMMENT]: The BLA must be submitted, reviewed, approved and recorded prior to site plan approval. 29. Final – [NEW COMMENT]: Ensure the number of parking spaces on the cover sheet is correct for the number of units proposed. Page 11 of 11 Comments to be addressed for the Special Exception request for a rear setback reduction for seven units adjacent to SWP: Planning staff is unable to support this special exception request. Address the following comments and then resubmit the request for review: 1. The request is for a reduction in the rear setback for the seven lots (lots 21-27). The three unit building along Wahoo Way (lots 28-30) also seems to show the building that does not meeting the rear setback requirement although it is not specified in the special exception request. However, it appears that instead this is a side yard that is shown as a rear yard in error. Revise the setbacks for this one building (lots 28-30) appropriately. 2. Revise the property lines for the end unit of the building mentioned above. The property lines for the end unit, closest to the R-2 adjoining parcel do not appear to be complete. There is a property line down the middle of the alley that dead ends at the gutter and does not connect to any other property line. 3. For clarity of the exhibit it is suggested that the following setback errors are also addressed prior to resubmission of the special exception request: · Show the rear setback lines for all of the units that have their garages along the private alleys. · It appears that the units that have garages facing the rear of the lot, along the private alleys, are not meeting the 20’ minimum rear setback requirement. Revise the lot layout so that the units meet the requirement. IMPORTANT: Note that the front setback is measured from the edge private alley easement and not the property line in the middle of the private alley. · Show the Front Minimum garage setback for the units which front the internal “private streets”. The units along the private streets do not currently appear to meet the Front Minimum Garage Setback. IMPORTANT: Note that the front setback is measured either from the edge of the private street easement (not the property line in the middle of the private street) or any sidewalk if it is outside of the private road easement. · Revise the location of the units which front on the internal “private street” so that their garages meet the minimum Front Setback for garages. 4. Revise all labels as needed for the setbacks changes specified above. 5. Provide a justification for the special exception request. Final: Comment no longer required. Comment response letter, and previous correspondence, stated that the special exception is no longer requested because the proposed BLA is meant to make it unnecessary. Staff has provided references to provisions of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle. The Code is kept up to date by the County Attorney’s office. The Code may found on the County Attorney’s website which may be found under “Departments” at Albemarle.org. In accord with the provisions of Section of Chapter 18 of the Code if the developer fails to submit a revised final site plan to address all of the requirements within six (6) months after the date of this letter the application shall be deemed to have been voluntarily withdrawn by the developer. Please contact Paty Saternye in the Planning Division by using psaternye@albemarle.org or 434-296-5832 ext. 3250 for further information.