HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800056 Correspondence WPO VSMP 2018-11-29C: � \I//
November 29, 2018
Lawrence Osborne III
Bohler Engineering
28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201
Warrenton, VA 20186
RE: Review of the 60" CMP Detention System for Wawa — 3267 Proffit Road
Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
7037 Ridge Road, Suite 350
Hanover, MD 21076
Phone: (866) 740-3318
Fax: (866) 376-8511
The purpose of this letter is to document for Albermarle County Contech's review of the design and proposed application of the CMP
detention system for the above -referenced project.
Based on our review, we believe CMP is an appropriate detention solution for this site. The engineer of record reports a required
storage volume of 7,757 cf for the system. To store this volume, the system requires (4) rows of pipe with (2) header manifolds. The
configuration of the CMP inlet and outlet pipes is acceptable. The internal flow controls will limit flow to the downstream treatment
system and provide overflow bypass for peak storm events. The system appears to be constructible and is located in order to
facilitate maintenance activities. Access risers have been added to the system in locations to allow for full maintenance of the
system. The system is designed with zero slope; this is an acceptable design and will not negatively impact the system performance.
In summary, this system is expected to operate in accordance with Contech Engineered Solutions' design intent. Please feel free to
contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
John Wright
Contech Engineered Solutions LLC
28 Blackwell Park Lane,Suite 201 H L E R Warrenton,VA 20186
PHONE 540.349.4500
. 1 \ i
October 10, 2018
Via Federal Express
Albemarle County
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596
Attn: David James
Re: WP02018-00056
Virginia Stormwater Management Plan
— 1st Review Response
Seminole Trail&Proffit Road
Charlottesville, VA 22911
Albemarle County
Dear Mr. James:
Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of Renaud Consulting, the 2' Submission Virginia
Stormwater Management Plan for the Wawa Project in Charlottesville, Virginia. The following is our
comment response letter addressing comments received from your department dated August 14, 2018.
Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows:
A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)
Comment 1: Complete items 8 & 12 of the Registration Statement.
Response 1: The registration statement has been updated with the following information:
a. 8. Project start and completion dates: 11/2018—11/2019
b. 9. Item was completed(Development and disturbed areas were listed as 1.52,
and 1.83 respectively). The disturbed acreage has been revised to be 1.92
c. 10.Item was completed(Not part of larger development,no was checked)
d. 11.Item was completed(A draft SWPPP has been prepared)
Comment 2: Insert copy of General Permit coverage when obtained.
Response 2: A copy of General Permit Coverage will be included once it is approved.
Comment 3: Provide a PPP exhibit sheet(to be updated in the field).
Response 3: A PPP sheet has been provided with the SWPPP and can be found on Sheet #6 of
the WPO plan excerpts provided in Appendix E.
Comment 4: When ready provide(2) copes of updated SWPPP.
Response 4: Two copies of the updated SWPPP have been provided.
• B O H L E RM David James
[ t s• Wawa
Virginia Stormwater Management Plan 1"Review Response
October 10,2018
Page 2 of 6
B.Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP)
Comment 1: Show any proposed clearing/grading activities,paving operations, landscaping
operations, E&S controls, staging, stockpile, borrow, fueling, waste disposal,
vehicle/equipment washing, concrete washout locations on the PPP.
Response 1: The landscape plan has been added to this submission to show landscape
improvements, see Landscape Plan sheet.
C. Stormwater Management Plan(SWMP)
Comment 1: Cover sheet: Add the WPO number to title: WP0201800056; Remove signature block
(not needed for WPO); Update Sheet Index.
Response 1: The WPO number has been added, see Sheet#1.
Comment 2: Please include the SWM and Storm computations sheets in the plan set; C-403 to C-503
sheets that were on the site plan.
Response 2: Sheets C-403 & C-503 have been added to SWMP plan, see SWM & BMP
Computation Sheets.
Comment 3: Show existing conditions sheet with existing drainage divides.
Response 3: The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Phase I & Pre-Developed Drainage Plan
sheets contain the existing site features and existing drainage divides. These sheets
have been updated and reviewed for clarity.
Comment 4: One or more actions may be required(to be determined): Removal of existing
stormwater facility(SWF)on adjacent property may require the adjacent property owner
to submit a VSMP plan amendment. The easement for the SWF may need to be vacated.
A boundary line adjustment plat may need to be submitted/reviewed/approved prior to
VSMP approval.
Response 4: Of the items potentially required; there is not an existing easement for the SWF that
would require vacation. A BLA is being submitted under separate cover and will be
approved prior to VSMP approval.
Comment 5: Submit a SWM maintenance agreement (see below).
Response 5: An SWM maintenance agreement will be submitted with Final Site Plan
Comment 6: Purchase of nutrient credits required before the VSMP plans can be approved. Please
contact Ana Kilmer regarding nutrient credit purchase and required documentation.
Response 6: Nutrient Credit approval is being coordinated with Ana Kilmer and Affidavit of
purchase will be provided prior to issuance of occupancy.
Comment 7: Show a SWM facility easement' for the proposed underground detention system.
Required width: 10'+(pipe dia. or channel width)+2' +2(depth-5'). Show drainage
easement for proposed pipes/channels(outside or ROW)which carries water through site
from offsite. {Design Manual, section 6}
Response 7: SWM Vault ESMT has been added, see SWM and BMP Computations sheet and
concurrent Easement Plat.
s+ B O H L E R David James
I Wawa
Virginia Stormwater Management Plan 1st Review Response
October 10,2018
Page 3 of 6
Comment 8: Submit a Deed of dedication and easement&Plat for the SWM facility(UD system).
Response 8: An Easement Plat has been submitted for review under separate cover. The Deed of
Dedication will be provided prior to Site Plan approval.
Comment 9: Provide details on UD system including profile and cross-section showing pipe and
manhole openings, orifice and weir locations and dimensions. Show material, lining,
bedding, cover details& dimensions.
Response 9: Vault details and profiles have been updated to provide the requested information,
see Utility Profiles and SWM and BMP computations sheets.
Comment 10: Sheet C503: Show the culvert/orifice&weir locations on the profiles. Show height of
the W.S.E. for the design storms.
Response 10: The profiles have been updated to provide the requested information, see Utility
Profiles sheet.
Comment 11: Provide Hydraflow report of the pre/post watershed model schematic, and report of
pre/post hydrograph summary.
Response 11: The Hydraflow schematic plan and hydrograph summaries have been added, see
SWM and BMP Computations sheets.
Comment 12: Can you provide computations on how the Q values were obtained on the pre&post
development plan(sheets C402& C403)?There appears to be some discrepancy between
the Q values shown on the hydrographs(C404 to C407).
Response 12: Per conversation on 8/23 with County Staff Engineer - David James, it was
determined that erroneous hydrographs were present on the SWM and BMP
Computations sheet. Erroneous hydrographs have been removed, see SWM and
BMP Computations sheets.
Comment 13: Sheet C408 —Show the Energy Balance equation solved for each POI and total site.
Response 13: Energy Balance equations have been revised, see SWM and BMP Computations
sheets in coordination with email correspondence on 8/30 with County Staff
Engineer — David James. As described in the SWM narrative; water routed to the
proposed underground detention system over detains the post developed site to meet
the improvement release rates required by Energy Balance for the 1 year storm as
computed in the Energy Balance table provided. Additionally, the 1 year pre-
developed flow for POI 1 hydrograph and the Time of Concentration computation
are provided in the SWM and BMP Computations.
Comment 14: Use the NOAA Atlas 14 for precipitation/intensity values for the 1-,2-,10-yr storms
https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds_printpage.html?lat=3 8.13 24&lon=78.4344&data=de
Response 14: Per conversation on 8/23 with County Staff Engineer — David James, it was
discussed that rainfall intensities used on the 1st submission are within 0.02 in/hr of
current NOAA values and are NOAA rainfall intensities from April, 2017. County
Engineer deemed the values used with the 1st Submission as acceptable because they
are more conservative, and the revision would result in a negligible change.
Subsequently,intensities have not been revised.
BO H L E R David James
Virginia Stormwater Management Plan 1st Review Response
October 10,2018
Page 4 of 6
Comment 15: Provide MH access to UD pipe at STM B-1 location.
Response 15: A manhole has been added at STM B-1, see Utility Plan Sheet.
Comment 16: Provide maintenance requirements for the UD system on the plans.
Response 16: Vault maintenance requirements have been added to the plan, see SWM and BMP
Computations sheet.
Comment 17: Provide typical section, lining type requirements & design calcs. for the ditch alongside
Proffit Road.
Response 17: The proposed grading scheme creates a berm between the site and ROW. The
offsite water that is conveyed to the ROW is carried via sheet flow into the existing
gutter pan on Proffit Road. A ditch is not proposed or existing along the Northern
side of Proffit Road.
D. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan(ESCP)
Comment 1: Show existing conditions sheet with existing drainage divides. Show all existing
easements with deed book references, locations and dims.
Response 1: The Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Phase I & Pre-Developed Drainage Plan
sheets contain the existing site features and existing drainage divides. These sheets
have been updated and reviewed for clarity. Existing easements have been added,
please see Erosion and Sediment Control Phase I,and Grading Plan sheets.
Comment 2: Show area of existing stormwater facility to be removed(tbr).
Response 2: The area of the existing stormwater facility to be removed is now called out on the
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Phase 1, and Pre-Developed Drainage Plan
Comment 3: Show off-site disturbances in an easement.
Response 3: Proposed Temporary Offsite Construction Easements are now provided, see
Grading Plan sheet.
Comment 4: Show existing right-of-way lines and EOP labeled.
Response 4: Additional labels have been added to the ROW and EOP for clarity, see Demolition
Plan sheet.
Comment 5: Note: Contractor can't demo pavement, or grade until E&S perimeter controls are in
place(phase 1).
Response 5: The requested note has been added, see Sheet Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Phase 1,Note#3.
Comment 6: Show proposed street name and ROW line. Show portions of sight distance in an
easement if outside of ROW.
Response 6: There are no proposed streets or ROW lines. Sight distance easements have been
added, see Grading Plan sheet. Sight Distance profiles are provided with
concurrent FSP submission.
BO H L E 1` David James
Virginia Stormwater Management Plan Pt Review Response
October 10,2018
Page 5 of 6
Comment 7: Proposed slopes greater than 3:1 to have low maintenance (not grass) ground cover
specified on plans, which will not require mowing. {Design Manual, section 8}
Response 7: Low maintenance ground cover is now specified in sloped areas greater than 3:1, see
Landscape Plan sheet.
Comment 8: The county requires a paved construction entrance. Provide this detail on the details sheet
{Design Manual, section 3F}:
Response 8: The requested detail has been added to the Erosion and Sediment Control Details
Comment 9: Diverting runoff to an existing inlet that is proposed to be raised to final grade will not be
allowed. Runoff must go to a sediment trap or similar.
Response 9: Per conversation on 8/23 with County Staff Engineer — David James, it was
discussed that this proposed erosion control measure would be a standpipe and
would utilize plate 3.07-1, which is provided on the Erosion and Sediment Control
Details Sheet.
Comment 10: Callout the type of IP needed, i.e. for STM EX-02, and provide a detail (ESC HB, Spec.
Response 10: Plate 3.07-1 is now provided on the Erosion and Sediment Control Details sheet.
Comment 11: Show dust control symbols (DC) for phase II.
Response 11: Per conversation on 8/23 with County Staff Engineer — David James, it was
discussed that the scale of this project did not warrant dust control delineation on
the civil plans. However, the Erosion and Sediment Control notes sheet provides
direction to the contractor on treatment of disturbed soils that are left denuded for
longer than seven (7) days that will suffice for contractor direction for mitigation of
dust control.
Comment 12: Show temporary seedling symbols (TS)where needed.
Response 12: Per conversation on 8/23 with County Staff Engineer — David James, it was
discussed that the scale of this project did not warrant temporary seeding.
However, the Erosion and Sediment Control notes sheet provides direction to the
contractor on treatment of disturbed soils that are left denuded for longer than
seven(7) days that will suffice for contractor direction for mitigation of dust control.
Comment 13: Show existing vegetation to be saved with (TP) symbols. This must match any
landscaping plans.
Response 13: The existing vegetation to be preserved with tree protection have been checked to
ensure consistency with the Landscape Plan sheet.
Comment 14: `Gutter buddy' use needs variance approval (let Frank Pohl, County Engineer know).
Response 14: A variance request for the Gutter Buddy erosion control measure is currently being
coordinated with Frank Pohl as requested and will be approved prior to VSMP
BO H L E R David James
Virginia Stormwater Management Plan 1st Review Response
October 10,2018
Page 6 of 6
Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not
hesitate to contact me at(540) 349-4500.
Bohl= n eeri LLC
onathan Q. Ritchie, P.E.
H:\16\V162083\Administrative\Letters\181010 Virginia Stormwater Manageme 'Ian 1st Review CRL.doc
rii28 Blackwell Park Lane,Suite 201
ENGINEEWarrenton,VA 20186
pp�] fY PHONE 540.349.4500
November 30, 2018
Via Federal Express
Albemarle County
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596
Attn: David James
Re: WP02018-00056
Virginia Stormwater Management Plan
—2nd Review Response
Seminole Trail&Proffit Road
Charlottesville,VA 22911
Albemarle County
Dear Mr. James:
Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of Renaud Consulting, the 3rd Submission Virginia
Stormwater Management Plan for the Wawa Project in Charlottesville, Virginia. The following is our
comment response letter addressing comments received from your department dated November 9, 2018.
Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows:
A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)
Comment 1: (Rev.1)Complete items 8 & 12 of the Registration Statement.
(Rev.2) Correct item 3; the long and lat coordinates are reversed. Correct item 9, the
total land area of development should be 1.92 ac.
Response 1: Items 3 and 9 have been corrected and the revised Registration Statement is
included with this submission.
Comment 3: (Rev.1)Provide a PPP exhibit sheet(to be updated in the field).
(Rev 2) Remove PPP from WPO plan set and insert in SWPPP. I was looking for an
exhibit sheet to be inserted into the SWPPP. See the County's SWPPP format we use
here: http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms_center/departments/Community_
Develoment/forms/Engineering and WPO_Forms/Storm water_Pollution Prevention Pl
an_SWPPP_template.pf —
Response 3: A PPP exhibit has been prepared as directed and included with the SWPPP.
Comment 4: (Rev.1)When ready provide(2)copies of updated SWPPP.
(Rev 2)See comment#3 above on SWPPP.
Response 4: Two copies have been provided with this application.
-(") ‘
B O H L E 1 David James
Virginia Stormwater Management Plan 2nd Review Comments
November 30,2018
Page 2 of 5
B.Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP)
Comment 1: (Rev.1) Show any proposed clearing/grading activities, paving operations, landscaping
operations, E&S controls, staging, stockpile, borrow, fueling, waste disposal,
vehicle/equipment washing, concrete washout locations on the PPP.
(Rev.2) I was looking for a map of these potential sources The PPP doesn't show/ref
clearing/grading activities, paving operations, E&S controls, staging, stockpile, borrow,
fueling, waste disposal, vehicle/equipment washing, . Some of
these areas will need E&SC controls (i.e. stockpiles), or to be located away from inlet
(i.e. chem/fueling areas).
Response 1: The requested PPP exhibit has been included with the revised SWPPP.
C. Stormwater Management Plan(SWMP)
Comment 4: (Rev.1) One or more actions may be required (to be determined): Removal of existing
stormwater facility (SWF) on adjacent property may require the adjacent property owner
to submit a VSMP plan amendment. The easement for the SWF may need to be vacated.
A boundary line adjustment plat may need to be submitted/reviewed/approved prior to
VSMP approval.
(Rev.2) Not addressed. Submit a plan amendment to WP0201100017 to be approved
prior to this VSMP plan approval. The plan will be amended to show nutrient credits
replacing the bioretention. Nutrient credit purchase for adjacent parcel & will need to
have it's own affidavit.
Response 4: Please note coordination regarding a WPO plan amendment is ongoing.
Comment 5: (Rev.l) Submit a SWM maintenance agreement(see below).
(Rev.2) Not addressed. SWM maintenance agreement required prior to VSMP plan
Response 5: A draft Agreement to Maintain Stormwater Management Facilities and Other
Techniques has been included with this submission.
Comment 6: (Rev.!) Purchase of nutrient credits required before the VSMP plans can be approved.
Please contact Ana Kilmer regarding nutrient credit purchase and required
(Rev.2) Purchase of nutrient credit require prior to VSMP approval. Please work with
Ana Kilmer on the nutrient credit purchase. -Currently, 1.58 cr. needed for TP
Response 6: Preliminary coordination has been established with Ana Kilmer and we are actively
working to facilitate nutrient credit purchase affidavits.
David James
I. i. t \ 1.. tt 1 *I G Wawa
Virginia Stormwater Management Plan 2nd Review Comments
November 30,2018
Page 3 of 5
Comment 7: (Rev.1) Show a `SWM facility easement' for the proposed underground detention
system. Required width: 10'+(pipe dia. or channel width) + 2'+ 2(depth-5'). Show
drainage easement for proposed pipes/channels (outside of ROW) which carries water
through site from offsite. {Design Manual,section 6}
(Rev.2) Not addressed. Show a 10' (Min) offset `equipment landing' for the SWF
easement around facility. Also show a 20' (Min) SWF easement around the outfall
structures of facility that extend to the edge of property Refer to sketch - The highlighting
extends to STM EX-A4 &STM E-6(Yellow highlighter shows public drainage easement/
Blue shows SWM facility easement).
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Response 7: Per the Design Manual Section 6 computation provided above with the pipe
diameter equaling 5' and the depth equaling 8' the required easement width is
10'+(5')+2' +2(8'-5')=23'. A 23' SWF easement has been provided.
As coordinated with County staff, a 20' public stormwater easement has been added
from Structures A-1 to EX-A4 to the property line. Additionally, a 20' public
stormwater easement has been added to storm pipe run E-6 to E-1.
Comment 8: (Rev.1) Submit a Deed of dedication and easement & Plat for the SWM facility (UD
(Rev.2) Thanks, the easement plat has been reviewed and there are requested changes.
When the plat is near approval the deed of dedication will be sent to the
owner/representative to sign. Deed&plat to be recorded prior to VSMP approval. Refer
to sketch.
Response 8: Acknowledged,the revised easement plat will be updated accordingly.
David James
t. N G I N 1. t R I N (; Wawa
Virginia Stormwater Management Plan 2nd Review Comments
November 30,2018
Page 4 of 5
Comment 9: (Rev.1) Provide details on UD system including profile and cross-section showing pipe
and manhole openings, orifice and weir locations and dimensions. Show material, lining,
bedding, cover details&dimensions.
(Rev 2)Partially addressed. Show some slope to ensure positive drainage to outlet. In the
profiles show invert on UD pipe/s Add access ladders for access MHs to UD.
Response 9: A slope within the Underground Detention system will alter the release rate of the
system. A certification letter has been provided by Contech ensuring the adequacy
of the vault design and pipe system with a slope of 0%, see Storm Computations
Comment 12: (Rev.1) Can you provide computations on how the Q values were obtained on the pre &
post development plan (sheets C402 & C403)?Not Addressed. There appears to be some
discrepancy between the Q values shown on the hydrographs (C404 to C407). Addressed.
(Rev.2) Show Tc line on sheets 8 & 9. Show/Define what `Ult 1' & `Ult 2'in the Energy
Balance Equ (Sheet 16) are, and show on map (Sheets 8 & 9).
Response 12: A time of construction (TOC)path has been provided on sheet 8 for POI 1, all other
POI's have a minimum TOC of 5 minutes. Time of concentrations for post
development are computed with a minimum TOC of 5 minutes due to proposed site
Comment 13: (Rev.1) Sheet C408 — Show the Energy Balance equation solved for each POI and total
(Rev.2)Refer to above comment.
Response 13: Please note an email correspondence with David James on 8/30/2018 stated the
"Yes, that comment is satisfied. Just provide calculations/analysis of how
you determined Qpre,and show the Energy Balance equation being solved
for the POI 1."
Calculations for the Q pre developed for POI 1 are shown on the SWM Plan
utilizing the area,and CN provided. The Energy Balance table computes the
required flow for POI 1.
Additional updates to the energy balance table for clarity have been made revising
the POI 2 designation to undetained. The undetained area includes all area within
the limits of disturbance that is not captured in POI 1, as detailed in the SWM
narrative on the SWM Computations sheet.
Comment 16: (Rev.1)Provide maintenance requirements for the UD system on the plans.
(Rev.2) I can't find the sheet showing maintenance requirements Provide maintenance
requirements and also installation/inspection requirements.
Response 16: Maintenance Requirements for the underground system have been provided on the
SWM and BMP computations sheets.
Comment 18: (Rev.2) Trench drains - Show dimensions in the details (Include a Stormwater/Drainage
Structure Details sheet), show profiles (sheet 15), and correct design (sheet 16) to match
Response 18: Trench drains have been adequately sized, and profiled. The corresponding details
have been provided on the Construction Details sheet.
BO H L 1`, R David James
E G t E t. R 1 N t; Wawa
Virginia Stormwater Management Plan 2nd Review Comments
November 30,2018
Page 5 of 5
Comment 19: (Rev.2)Add VSMP As-built list to the plan:
ment/forms/Engineering_andWPO_Forms/WPO_V SMP_C onstruction_Record_Draw
Response 19: The VSMP As-Built list has been added to the Erosion and Sediment Control
D.Erosion and Sediment Control Plan(ESCP)
Comment 14: (Rev.1) `Gutter buddy' use needs variance approval (let Frank Pohl, County Engineer
(Rev.2)Acknowledged. Gutter buddy approved. Add the standard IP detail (VESCP HB,
Spec. 3 07) in case gutter buddies fail or doesn't function properly.
Response 14: The standard inlet protection detail has been added to the Erosion and Sediment
Control Details sheet.
Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not
hesitate to contact me at(540) 349-4500.
Bohle• n eerin A LC
/nathan Q. Ritchie, P.E.
H:\16\V 162083\Administrative\Letters\181 130 Virginia Stormwater Management an 2nd Review CRL.doc
� r< ° BoHLER.
28 Blackwell Park Lane,Suite 201
Warrenton,VA 20186
PHONE 540.349.4500
N I' I R IN € ,
March 5, 2019
Via Federal Express
Albemarle County
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, Room 227
Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596
Attn: David James
Re: WP02018-00056
Virginia SWMP—3rd Review Response
Seminole Trail&Proffit Road
Charlottesville, VA 22911
Albemarle County
Dear Mr. James:
Bohler Engineering is pleased to submit on behalf of Renaud Consulting, the 4th Submission Virginia
Stormwater Management Plan for the Wawa Project in Charlottesville, Virginia. The following is our
comment response letter addressing comments received from your department dated January 3, 2019.
Each comment is addressed and responded to as follows:
A. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)
Comment 1: (Rev.1) Complete items 8 & 12 of the Registration Statement.
(Rev.2) Correct item 3; the long and lat coordinates are reversed. Correct item 9; the total
land area of development should be 1.92 ac.
(Rev.3) Partially addressed. The off-site area is to be included, so 1.92 ac. for both
entries on item 9. The information for the off:site area (MJ Outpatient center) should be
filled in for item 3.
Response 1: Registration Statement has been revised accordingly. Disturbed area has been
revised to 1.95 acres to incorporate VDOT and County comments.
Comment 2: (Rev.1) Insert copy of General Permit coverage when obtained.
(Rev.2/3) Comment still valid.
Response 2: General Permit coverage will be provided once obtained.
B O H L E R David James
Virginia Stormwater Management Plan 3rd Review Comments
March 5,2019
Page 2 of 3
Comment 3: (Rev.1)Provide a PPP exhibit sheet(to be updated in the field).
(Rev.2) Remove PPP from WPO plan set and insert in SWPPP. I was looking for an
exhibit sheet to be inserted into the SWPPP. See the County's SWPPP format we use
http://www.albemarle.org/upload/images/forms center/departments/Community Develo
pment/forms/Engineering and WPO Forms/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan S
WPPP template.pdf
(Rev.3) Partially addressed. Please submit PPP separate from the WPO plan. It's to be
part of the SWPPP and updated in the field with any changes.
Response 3: The PPP sheet has been removed from the plan and the corresponding sheet has
been left intentionally blank. The PPP has been provided separately and within the
SWPPP package.
B.Pollution Prevention Plan(PPP)
Comment 1: (Rev.1) Show any proposed clearing/grading activities, paving operations, landscaping
operations, E&S controls, staging, stockpile, borrow, fueling, waste disposal,
vehicle/equipment washing, concrete washout locations on the PPP.
(Rev.2) I was looking for a map of these potential sources. The PPP doesn't show/ref.
clearing/grading activities, paving operations, E&S controls, staging, stockpile, borrow,
fueling, waste disposal, vehicle/equipment washing, concrete wa"ho t locations. Some of
these areas will need E&SC controls (i.e. stockpiles), or to be located away from inlet
(i.e. chem/fueling areas).
(Rev.3) Partially addressed. I don't see mention about clearing/grading activities, E&S
controls, and paving operations.
Response 1: As discussed with David James on 11/28/18, clearing and grading activities; E&S
controls; and paving operations information are provided on the E&S Control Plans
and E&S Control notes sheets.
C. Stormwater Management Plan(SWMP)
Comment 4: (Rev.1) One or more actions may be required (to be determined): Removal of existing
stormwater facility (SWF) on adjacent property may require the adjacent property owner
to submit a VSMP plan amendment. The easement for the SWF may need to be vacated.
A boundary line adjustment plat may need to be submitted/reviewed/approved prior to
VSMP approval.
(Rev.2) Not addressed. Submit a plan amendment to WPO201100017 to be approved
prior to this VSMP plan approval. The plan will be amended to show nutrient credits
replacing the bioretention. Nutrient credit purchase for adjacent parcel & will need to
have it's own affidavit.
(Rev.3)Not currently addressed—to be addressed prior to plan approval.
Response 4: Plan Amendment to SDP 2009-00034 was submitted for review on 1/8/19. Nutrient
Credit Affidavit of Purchase will be acquired prior to VSMP plan approval.
Comment 5: (Rev.1) Submit a SWM maintenance agreement(see below).
(Rev.2) Not addressed. SWM maintenance agreement required prior to VSMP plan
(Rev.3) Owner to work with Ana Kilmer on completing the agreement.
Response 5: SWM maintenance agreement will be coordinated prior to VSMP plan approval.
BO H L E R David James
Virginia Stormwater Management Plan 3rd Review Comments
March 5,2019
Page 3 of 3
Comment 6: (Rev.1) Purchase of nutrient credits required before the VSMP plans can be approved.
Please contact Ana Kilmer regarding nutrient credit purchase and required
(Rev.2) Purchase of nutrient credit require prior to VSMP approval. Please work with
Ana Kilmer on the nutrient credit purchase. -Currently, 1.58 cr. needed for TP
(Rev.3)Acknowledged. Owner to work with Ana Kilmer on the nutrient credit purchase.
Response 6: Nutrient credit purchase agreement and affidavit of sale will be coordinated prior to
VSMP plan approval.
Comment 8: (Rev.1) Submit a Deed of dedication and easement & Plat for the SWM facility (UD
(Rev.2) Thanks, the easement plat has been reviewed and there are requested changes.
When the plat is near approval the deed of dedication will be sent to the
owner/representative to sign. Deed & plat to be recorded prior to VSMP approval. Refer
to sketch.
(Rev.3)Acknowledged; Currently under review.
Response 8: Acknowledged.
Comment 16: (Rev.1)Provide maintenance requirements for the UD system on the plans.
(Rev.2) I can't find the sheet showing maintenance requirements. Provide maintenance
requirements and also installation/inspection requirements.
(Rev.3) Sheet 4 - The text on the print out for the maintenance of the detention system is
somewhat illegible. Same for the vault details on Sheet 13. Increase overall size?
Comment addressed otherwise.
Response 16: Size of the maintenance requirements and vault details have been increased for
Should you have any questions regarding this project or require additional information, please do not
hesitate to contact me at(540) 349-4500.
Bohle• n u;,eerin A LC
.nathan Q. Ritchie,P.E.
H:\16\V 162083\Administrative\Letters\190305 Virginia Stormwater Management an 3rd Review CRL.doc
David James
From: Lawrence Osborne III <losborne@bohlereng.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2018 9:28 AM
To: David James; Frank Pohl
Cc: V162083@nf.bohlereng.com;Jonathan Ritchie
Subject: RE:Wawa Proffit - ENGE Comments
Our outstanding question relating to comment#7.B. is detailed below.
Comment: STM E-6 and outfall appears to be receiving water from the public road and therefore should be in a
public easement.
Structures E-6 and E-5 receive a total of 0.10 acres of impervious from the right of way,which is predominantly the
required proposed turn lane area. The total drainage to the proposed underground detention system is 1.67 acres. If
this water is bypassed to POI 4 the site will not meet energy balance and therefore needs to be detained. If an
easement will be required for the E-6 to E-1,there will be numerous conflicts with the easement listed below. We
would like to explore if there is any alternative to proposing an easement for this entire run of pipes (E-6 to E-1),
considering the minimal area contribution to the system.
• Proposed retaining wall located near structures E-3 and E-2
• Proposed landscaping near proposed pipe run E-4 to E-3 required by ARB.
• Proposed light poles near proposed pipe run E-4 to E-3, required for general site lighting requirements
Additionally, I've reached out to Contech about the slope comment on the detention system and will follow up as soon
as I hear back.
Lawrence Osborne III
''i r, ` I. I. It I N. <:
28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 I Warrenton,VA 20186
P: 540-349-4500 I losborne@bohlereng.com
Yt4 fiNI;ILA
ISEST ila6E5 TO Wokr
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From: Lawrence Osborne III
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2018 5:56 PM
To: 'David James'<djames@albemarle.org>
Subject:Wawa Proffit- ENGE Comments
Good Evening David,
I've reviewed the 2"d Submission comments for Wawa and wanted to discuss the following comments at your earliest
convenience. Please give me a call when you are available. I will be out of the office from 12-3pm tomorrow but will be
available the rest of the day.
SWMP Comments
Lawrence Osborne III, EIT I Sr. Design Engineer
F N C: 1 N F f; R t N to
28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201 I Warrenton,VA 20186
P: 540-349-4500 I losborne@bohlereng.com
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