HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800074 Approval - Agencies 2016-06-26COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1801 Qrange Road Culpeper. Virginia 72701 Stephen C. Brich, P.E. Commissioner June 26, 2018 County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Attn: Faruk Hesenjan Re: SUS-2018-00074-Deforset Mellon & Karen Dame- Rural Subdivision Plat. Review# 1 Dear Mr. Hesenjan: The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use Section has reviewed the Deforest Mellon, Jr. & Karen G. Dame- Rural Subdivision Plat, dated April 05, 2018 as submitted by Roger W. Ray and Assoc., Inc., and find it to be generally acceptable. A VDQT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The owner/developer must contact the VDQT Charlottesville Residency Land Use Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process, If you have further questions, please contact Willis C. Bedsaul at 434-422-9866. Sincerely, Adam J. MI, P.E. Area Land Use Engineer VDQT - Charlottesville Residency VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING Ar6- - JJ COMMONWEALTH ®f VIRGINIA RGINIA In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health District State Department of Health 1138 Rose Hill Drive Phone (434) 972-6219 R O. Box 7546 Fax (414pft-20119 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906 Faruk Hesenjan Department of Community Development Division of Zoning and Current Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 ALBEMARLE- CHARLOTTESVILLE FLUVANNA COUNTY (PALMYRA) GREENE COUNTY (STANARDSVILLE) LOUISA COUNTY(LOUISA) NELSON COUNTY (LOVINGSTON) RE: Review of Proposed Subdivision Plat and attached Soils Information for individual Onsite Sewage Systems as part of a subdivision of Tax Map 29 Parcel 69D located in Albemarle County, Virginia. Dear Mr. Hesenjan: On May 10, 2018, the County of Albemarle requested the Virginia Department of Health (via the Albemarle County Health Department) review the proposed subdivision plat identified above. This letter is to inform you that the above referenced subdivision plat is approved for individual Onsite Sewage Systems in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations, and local ordinances. This request for subdivision review was submitted pursuant to the provisions of § 32.1-163.5 of the Code of Virginia which requires the Health Department to accept private soil evaluations and designs from an Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator (AOSE) or a Professional Engineer working in consultation with an ROSE for residential development. This subdivision was certified as being in compliance with the Board of Health's Regulations by Steve Gooch; Onsite Soil Evaluator Number 1940001284. This subdivision approval is issued in reliance upon that certification. Pursuant to § 360 of the Regulations this approval is not an assurance that Sewage Disposal System Construction Permits will be issued for any lot in the subdivision identified above unless that lot is specifically identified on the above referenced plat as having an approved site for an onsite sewage disposal system, and unless all conditions and circumstances are present at the time of application for a permit as are present at the time of this approval. This subdivision may contain lots that to do not have approved sites for onsite sewage systems. This subdivision approval does pertain to the requirements of local ordinances. Sincerely, Josh Kirtley Environmental Health Technical Consultant Thomas Jefferson Health District COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 229024596 Phone (041296-5832 _ Fax (434) 972-4126 Vr 1012018 Josh Kirtley Virginia Department of Health 1138 Rose Hill Drive Charlottesville, VA 22906 RE: SUB201800074-DeForest Mellon Dear Mr. Kirtley: The County of Albemarle has received an application for a two -lot division, involving Tax Map Parcels (TMP) 429- 69D. This project requires Health Department approval before receiving final County approval. The applicant has provided two copies of the soils work associated with these parcels, dated April 14, 2018. One copy of those reports are attached, as is the proposed plat, and an application for subdivision review dated April 23, 2018. Please review the proposals for suitable subsurface drainfields which comply with the provisions of Chapter 18, Sections 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, and Chapter 14, Sections 14-309 and 14-310 of the Albemarle County Code. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Review comments are due on Friday, April 6. Please call or cmail me if you have any questions or requests for assistance. Thank you very much for your assistance. Sincerely, Faruk Hesenjan On -Call Planner I Department of Community Development Email: fhesen'an albemarle.or Voice: (434) 296-5832 ext. 3307 Fax: (434) 972-4035 Encl. MAY17 2018 x1 Albemarle CommuniiyrDevelopment Department -ire Road Charlottesville, VA22902-#596 ailDice : (434) 296-5831 Fsu : (4334)'972-412£ ., P[ati�g A�piic���ae� - - { 3 QI}-1( Dt Owner(s)- i 3J t IRV VA99f TNiP . , Appliicstlnn # Ltgal Description arrow ll Magisterial Dist. gMfihitd fl + Land Use Primary Resirlentilal -- SirtyEe-family (Incl. modular horne3 *� Current AFD ilr ilit"Fi!# ;t i Y'i Current Zoning Primary ltrrifalArmes APPLICATION INF0111MATION Street Address 3375 RIDGE RD CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22901 Entered By .)enni(er5mith s Application Type $tr1fJ[IliilSilan Plat Pr* ct DEFOREST HELLO M, 31111. $ KAREM Q DAME - RMAL M11TSION Received DataD+4jt7f 1$ Received Date Final Submittal Date B4i�3f 1$ Total Fees 1097 Closing File Date B Submittal Date Final Total Paid 1097 Revision Number Comments Legal Ad I P SUB APPUI TION(s) i Sub icafig commot - - 04j r+s .w..,.. .�.. ..,µ - si.rrliev.4.a .................. ................... ...... .. ...,..,,.... ... .. .. .. .. ... .. ....., . .....,,. APPLICANT CONTACT :INFORMATION 9*4M. Natal; . Addms ii Phnrie PhotterAl !f, t3EF?6RE7 >1?il ROiLL X2903 #3493!$25 Pd--Yc-4 dt I WEN LACY- ROGER VN. RAY & ASSOC., 1663 BERKMARCOUKr ', CHARLOTTESIHLL I.229D1 14342933195 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Steve Gooch STEVE GOOCH spgooch.geologist@gmail.com C.P.G./O.S.E CONSULTING GEOLOGIST INC. Phone: 434-531-0487 703 Oliver Creek Rd. Troy, Virginia 22974 April 14, 2018 Mr. Bill Fritz County Of Albemarle Dept. Of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Rd Room 227 Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 Re: Proposed Drain Field Sites Parcel A and Residue A Rural Division of Tax Map 29-69D Albemarle County Dear Mr. Fritz: Enclosed are three (3) copies of the soils work associated with the proposed drain field sites for the above -referenced property. We request that you forward two (2) copies to the Charlottesville -Albemarle Health Department for their review. Also enclosed is the application for subdivision review form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Steve Gooch Consulting Geologist, Inc. Steve Gooch Encl. Commonwealth of Virginia Application for Subdivision Review (Page 1 of 2 to be filled out by the Owner or Agent) Owner DeForest Mellon Jr. and Karen Dame Mailing Address 3375 Ridge Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Developer/Agent Steve Gooch Mailing Address 703 Oliver Creek Road Troy, VA 22974 AOSE Steve Gooch Mailing Address 703 Oliver Creek Road Troy, VA 22974 VDH Use Only Health Department ID# _ Due Date Phone (434)249-5086 Phone Fax Phone Phone Fax Phone Phone Fax Directions to Property: From Charlottesville take Barracks Rd./Garth Rd., right on Free Union Rd., left on on left Name of Proposed Subdivision Tax Map 29-69D Number of lots proposed 2 (434)531-0487 (434) 531-0487 Ridge Rd. to 3375 Ridge Rd. Other Property Identification 3375 Ridge Road Dimension/Acreage of Property 17.33 Ac. Proposed water source (note: new or existing, public or individual) existing, new individual General size of lots 5.18 Ac., 12.15 Ac. Additional description of subdivision Overview of soils and geology (optional but encouraged) ve range if appropriate) In order for VDH to process a subdivision application you must attach a plat of the property showing the location of the proposed onsite sewage disposal systems and the reserve absorption areas (if required) and the location of the water supply system on each lot, if applicable. Each plat or subsection of a subdivision shall be accompanied by specific soil information for each lot (absorption area and reserve area). if not provided by the local subdivision ordinance, the district or local health department may require the plat to show streets, utilities, storm drainage, water supplies, easements, lot lines, and original topographic contour lines by detail survey or other information as required. When the ROSE site evaluations are reviewed, the property lines, building location and the proposed well and sewage system sites must be clearly marked and the property sufficiently visible to see the topography, otherwise this application will be denied. 1 give permission to the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) to enter onto the property described during normal business hours for the purpose of processing this application and to perform quality assurance checks of evaluations and designs certified by an Authorized Onsite Soil Evaluator (AOSE) or a Professional Engineer (PE) as necessary until the sewage disposal system has been constructed and approved. /Y/ Date VDH IIxeonly Commonwealth of Virginia HealthDqwtncWM# Application for Subdivision Review Due bate (page 2 of 2 to be filled out by the county official requesting a VDH review) County Office initiating request Contact Individual Phone Local offices of the Virginia Department of Health may review subdivision applications for compliance with state rules and regulations governing sewage treatment and dispersal and private water supplies, compliance with local ordinance governing sewage treatment and dispersal and private water supplies and potentially for compliance with other Iocal ordinances. Please indicate the nature of review you are asking the health department to conduct. 1. Review for conformance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations 2. Review for conformance with local onsite wastewater ordinances 3. Other (describe below) Name and title of requester Date OSE FormF Revised 7102109 L-1 EU, 19� ovs Soils Study for Drain Field Sites Parcel A and Residue A Rural Division of Tax Map 29-69D Albemarle County Prepared for: Deforest Mellon Jr. and Karen Dame 3375 Ridge Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Prepared by: Steve Gooch Consulting Geologist, Inc. 703 Oliver Creek Road. Troy, Virginia 22974 April 14, 2018 Page 1 OSETE Report for: Construction Permit El Certification Letter F� Subdivision Approval 17 Property Location: 911 Address: Lot Parcel A^Section GPIN or Tax Map # 29-69D Latitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: DeForest Mellon, Jr. and Karen Dame Subdivision Health Dept ID # Longitude Street: 3375 Ridge Road City: Charlottesville State VA Zip Code 22901 Prepared by: OSE Name Steve Gooch Address 703 Oliver Creek Road city Troy PE Name: Address City License # 1940001284 State VA Zip Code 22974 License # State Zip Code Date of Report 4114118 Date of Revision #1 OSE/PE Job # Date of Revision #2 of 8 ContentsAndex of this report (e.g., Site Evaluation Summary, Soil Profile Descriptions, Site Sketch, Abbreviated Design, etc.) OSE Cover Page Soil Profile Sheets Soil Information Summary Sheets Abbreviated Design Forms Survey Plat Certification Statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC5.610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VACS -630) and all other applicable laws, regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Department of Health. I further certify that I currently possess any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perform the work contained herein. ❑ The work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of engineering, specifically the exemption in Code of Virqinia Section 54.1-402.11 1 recommend that a (select one): struction permit❑ certification letter subdivision approval✓ be (select one) issued denied OSE/PE Signature�d— , Date yO fix Soil Profile Primary Drain Field Parcel A A Division of Tax Map 29-69D Ridge Road Albemarle County Hole Depth Horizon Material Description Soil Texture (in.) Group 3 0-6 Al Brown (7.5YR 5/4) clay loam, friable 3 6-13 A2 Light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) clay loam, friable 3 13-66 Bt Red (2.5YR 518) silty clay loam, firm 3 66-84 C Brownish yellow (1 OYR 618) sandy loam, friable 2 8 0-3 Al Grayish brown (i OYR 4/2) loam, friable 2 3-9 A2 Brown (7.5YR 514) clay loam, friable 3 9-40 Bt Red (I OR 518) silty clay loam, firm 3 40-60 C Light red (2.SYR 618) clay loam, friable 3 9 0-4 Al Grayish brown (i OYR 4/2) loam, friable 2 4-8 A2 Brown (7.5YR 514) clay loam, friable 3 8-38 Bt Red (I OR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 38-60 C Light red (2.5YR 6/8) clay loam, friable 3 10 0-3 Al Grayish brown (1 OYR 412) loam, friable 2 3-9 A2 Brown (7.5YR 514) clay loam, friable 3 9-40 Bt Red (I OR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 40-60 C Light red (2.5YR 6/8) clay loam, friable 3 14 0-3 Al Grayish brown (I OYR 4/2) loam, friable 2 3-10 A2 Brown (7.5YR 514) clay loam, friable 3 10-34 Bt Red (I OR 518) silty clay loam, firm 3 34-60 C Light reddish brown (SYR 614) sandy loam, friable 2 15 0-4 Al Grayish brown (I OYR 412) loam, friable 2 4-24 Bt Red (2.5YR 518) clay loam, friable 3 24-55 C Very pale brown (1 OYR 813) sandy loam, friable with 2 schist fragments below 36" 55- R Page of E Appendix 2 Soil Summary Report GENERAL INFORMATION Date 4/14/18 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department Applicant DeForest Mellon, Jr. and Karen Dame Telephone Number (424) 249-5086 Address 3375 Ridge Road Charlottesville, VA 22909 Owner same Address same Location 3375 Ridge Road Tax Map 2M9D Subdivision Block[Section Lot Parcel A I SOIL INFORMATION SUMMARY _ 91n av,,._ A—_, rr _ ,I % I. Position in landscape satisfactory? OC Yes r No Describe shoulder 2. Slope 92 % 3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: Max. 84"+ Min. 55" 4. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color) OZ No r Yes Free water present rX No r Yes range in inches 6. Soil percolation rate estimated X yes Texture group 1 II III IV r No Estimated rate 65 min/inch 7. Permeability test performed f Yes JW No If yes, note type of test performed and attach Rc Site Approved: Drainfield to be placed at r Site Disapproved: None 30" depth at site designated on permit. Reasons for rejection: 1 • r Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2. r Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3- r Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seansonal water table. 4. r Rates of absorption too slow. 5. lam" Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield, and/or Reverse Area. 6. r Proposed system too close to well. r Other Specify inches (attach additional pages if necessary) ?u4;r— ycr— F Abbreviated Design Form This form is for use with gravity, pump to gravity, enhanced flow, and low pressure distribution (LPD) sewage system designs and when applying for a certification letter or subdivision approval. This abbreviated design covers the ❑ primary and reserve area, U/nly the primary area, ❑ only the reserve area (check one) for Parcel A - A Division of Tax Map 8921 B Design Basis Total length of available area: 62' Total width of available area: 95' Estimated Perc. Rate: 65 at 30' -' in. (depth) Number of bedrooms (or GPD): 4 1 2 Conveyance Method : Pump Distribution method (specify)_Pump _ 3c Dispersal system basis Table 5.4 LGMI required? No (Yes/No) Effluent quality required: Prim (Primary, Secondary, Advanced Secondary) Square feet per bedroom: 496 Area Calculations Number of trenches 11 Width of trenches: 33' Reserve required? Yes Total trench bottom area required: 1984 Length of trenches: 62' Center to center spacing: 9� Percent reserve area required: 100 Total width of absorption area required 93' Total trench bottom area provided: 2046 The required width is calculated by multiplying the center -to -center spacing by one less than the number of trenches and adding 1 trench width plus any required reserve area. If the topography is not uniform across the length of the site the trenches will need to flare apart on one end to maintain contour. When this occurs it is necessary to use a center -to -center spacing that accounts for the flair or the installer will not be able to fit the system within the approved area. It is perfectly acceptable to have more area available, especially up and down the slope, than is required. Page of AOSE Form E Revised July 18, 2007 Soil Profile Reserve Drain Field Parcel A A Division of Tax Map 29-69D Ridge Road Albemarle County Hole Depth Horizon Material Description Soil Texture (in.) Light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) clay loam, friable 3 8-33 Group 1 0-3 Al Brown (7.5YR 5/4) clay loam, friable 3 3-10 A2 Light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) clay loam, friable 3 13-36 Bt Red (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 36-84 C Reddish yellow (7.5YR 618) sandy loam, friable 2 2 0-3 Al Brown (7.5YR 514) clay loam, friable 3 3-14 A2 Light reddish brown (5YR 614) clay loam, friable 3 14-48 Bt Red (2.5YR 5/8) silty clay loam, fret 3 48-72 C Light red (2.5YR 6/8) loam, friable, weathered schist 2 fragments below 66" 72- R 5 0-4 Al Brown (7.5YR 514) clay Ioam, friable 3 4-8 A2 Light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) clay loam, friable 3 8-33 Bt Red (I OR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 33-43 Bt2 Red (2.5YR 5/8) clay loam, friable with weathered schist 3 fragments 43- R 6 0-4 A Grayish brown (10YR 412) loam, friable 2 4-12 A2 Brown (7.5YR 5/4) clay loam, friable 3 12-24 Bt Reddish brown (SYR 514) clay loam, friable, with schist 3 fragments 24- R 7 0-4 Al Brown (7.5YR 514) clay loam, friable 3 4-8 A2 Light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) clay loam„ friable 3 8-33 Bt Red (1 OR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 33-44 Bt2 Red (2.5YR 518) clay loam, friable with weathered schist 3 fragments 44- R 11 0-4 Al Grayish brown (IOYR 4/2) loam, friable 2 4-8 A2 Brown (7.5YR 5/4) clay loam, friable 3 8-40 Bt Red (2.5YR 518) clay loam, friable 3 40-60 Bt2 Red (I OR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 Page & of Appendix 2 Soil Summary Report GENERAL INFORMATION Date 4/14118 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department Applicant DeForest Mellon, Jr. and Karen Dame Telephone Number (434) 249-5086 Address 3375 Ridge Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Owner same Address same Location 3375 Ridge Road Tax Map 2M9D Subdivision Block/Secdon Lot Parcel A I SOIL INFORMATION SUMMARY —12.x.,.,,,, ,ria,... /�// 1. Position in landscape satisfactory? Describe shoulder OZ Yes r— No 2. Slope 15 % 3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: Max. 84"} Min. 24" 4. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color) rX No f Yes Free water present 15Z No r Yes range in inches 6. Soil percolation rate estimated fx yes Texture group I II Q IV No Estimated rate 90 min/inch 7. Permeability test performed I— Yes No If yes, note type of test performed and attach None inches 9 Site Approved: Drainfleld to be placed at 12" depth at site designated on permit. IW Site Disapproved: Reasons for rejection: 1- r Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2• r Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3• I� Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seansonal water table. 4. r Rates of absorption too slow. 5. lr Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield, and/or Reverse Area. 6. I— Proposed system too Gose to well. r Other Specify (attach additional pages if necessary) 7 uFF Abbreviated Design Form This form is for use with gravity, pump to gravity, enhanced flow, and low pressure distribution (LPD) sewage system designs and when applying for a certification letter or subdivision approval. This abbreviated design covers the ❑ primary and reserve area, ❑ only the primary area, 9-14nly the reserve area (check one) for _Parcel A — A Division of Tax Map 29-69D Design Basis Total length of available area: 100' Total width of available area: $0' Estimated Perc. Rate: 90 at 12" in. (depth) Number of bedrooms (or GPD): 4 1 2 Conveyance Method.: Pump— Distribution method (specify): Pump 30 Dispersal system basis Table 5.4 LGMI required? No (Yes/No) Effluent quality required: Secon (Primary, Secondary, Advanced Secondary) Square feet per bedroom: 424 Area Calculations Number of trenches 26 Width of trenches: 1" Reserve required? this is resUye _ Total footprint (area) required: 5088 Length of trenches: 100' Center to center spacing: 2' Percent reserve area required: 1.00 Total width of absorption area required 50' Total footprint (area) provided: 5200 The required width is calculated by multiplying the center -to -center spacing by one less than the number of trenches and adding 1 trench width plus any required reserve area. If the topography is not uniform across the length of the site the trenches will need to flare apart on one end to maintain contour. When this occurs it is necessary to use a center -to -center spacing that accounts for the flair or the installer will not be able to fit the system within the approved area. It is perfectly acceptable to have more area available, especially up and down the slope, than is rewired. Page of AOSE Form E Revised July 18, 2007 ` I$ERopowwd%T • i � r �i XRON FMW IRON SET S. 89 -248.251 fLA7 FOU O k1 4'W31" 37.181 _18.601 37. 171 SW *55'54 "E GRAPHIC SCALE .+ r IRON SET�:* � � ,� � �. 0 AT 23.000 TEL, \ PED. ` STAT, (301 PRESCR; FiA6 i4 �` + f 0 ���"7p vri..r�fr FLAG i3��-/ nms tuat to m PARCEL A 5.i5 ACRES s MY STAEAM T. M- 29-693 IIED DEFOAEBT MIELLON, JR. 8 KAREN $. DAME D. s.102A -d7 •, D.S.992-251 FLAT Q,@,57i-244 PLAT RESIDUEw 42. !g+/- ACRES (BY OEMETION FROM TAXATION REMF Scale 1"- loo, Proposed fbmw c T. N, 29--690 Tib UICE \ FLAG • pftw 8.94' PON 4 RIDGE 3 01.8.43 0.8.31W-34- HEALTH .8.31W-34- HEALTH DEPA NOT FOR RI INN FOM zN STONE PILE L7 AND L8 ARE THE c rE A ._ .c.o. DRY STREAM r • -Soil Profile Hole House, Well and Drain Field Sites Parcel A A Division of Tax Map 29-69D Ridge Road Albwwle g2untL Steve Gooch Consulting Geologist 703 Oliver Creek Road Troy, Virginia 22974 to JOSEP COdSTA a.8 i 1 IRON T7.1M. �"'S Af .— -� .,&cz ` I$ERopowwd%T • i � r �i XRON FMW IRON SET S. 89 -248.251 fLA7 FOU O k1 4'W31" 37.181 _18.601 37. 171 SW *55'54 "E GRAPHIC SCALE .+ r IRON SET�:* � � ,� � �. 0 AT 23.000 TEL, \ PED. ` STAT, (301 PRESCR; FiA6 i4 �` + f 0 ���"7p vri..r�fr FLAG i3��-/ nms tuat to m PARCEL A 5.i5 ACRES s MY STAEAM T. M- 29-693 IIED DEFOAEBT MIELLON, JR. 8 KAREN $. DAME D. s.102A -d7 •, D.S.992-251 FLAT Q,@,57i-244 PLAT RESIDUEw 42. !g+/- ACRES (BY OEMETION FROM TAXATION REMF Scale 1"- loo, Proposed fbmw c T. N, 29--690 Tib UICE \ FLAG • pftw 8.94' PON 4 RIDGE 3 01.8.43 0.8.31W-34- HEALTH .8.31W-34- HEALTH DEPA NOT FOR RI INN FOM zN STONE PILE L7 AND L8 ARE THE c rE A ._ .c.o. DRY STREAM r • -Soil Profile Hole House, Well and Drain Field Sites Parcel A A Division of Tax Map 29-69D Ridge Road Albwwle g2untL Steve Gooch Consulting Geologist 703 Oliver Creek Road Troy, Virginia 22974 to JOSEP COdSTA a.8 i 1 Page OSE/PE Report for: Construction Permit LJ Certification LeerF1 Subdivision Approval Property Location: 911 Address: 3375 Ridge Road City: Lot Residue Section Subdivision GP1N or Tax Map # 29-69D Health Dept ID # Latitude Longitude Applicant or Client Mailing Address: Name: DeForest Mellon, Jr. and Karen Dame Street: 3375 Ridge Road City: Charlottesvilie State VA Zip Code 22901 Prepared by: OSE Name Steve Gooch License# 1940001284 Address 703 Oliver Creek Road City Troy State VA Zip Code 22974 PE Name: License # Address City State Zip Code Date of Report 4114118 Date of Revision 41 OSE/PE Job it Date of Revision #2 Contents/Index of this report (e.g., Site Evaluation Summary, Soil Profile Descriptions, Site Sketch, Abbreviated Design, etc.) OSE Cover Page Abbreviated Design Form Soil Profile Sheet Survey Plat Soil Information Summary Sheet Certification Statement I hereby certify that the evaluations and/or designs contained herein were conducted in accordance with the Sewage Handling and Disposal Regulations (12 VAC5.610), the Private Well Regulations (12 VAC5-630) and all other applicable laws, regulations and policies implemented by the Virginia Departmerd of Health. I further certify that I currently possess any professional license required by the laws and regulations of the Commonwealth that have been duly issued by the applicable agency charged with licensure to perforin the work contained herein. The work attached to this cover page has been conducted under an exemption to the practice of engineering, specifically the exemption in Code of Virqinia Section 54.1-402.11 I recommend that a (select oris):nstruction pennit[I certification letter subdivision approval be (select one) issued denied Lj . *SE/PE Signature Date Soil Profile Reserve Drain. Field Residue A Division of Tax Map 29-69D Ridge Road Albemarle County Hole Depth Horizon Material Description Soil Texture (in.) Group A 0-5 A Dark gray (I OYR 4/1) loam, friable 2 5-20 Bt Light brown (7.5YR 614) silt loam, friable 3 20-84 C Dark yellowish brown (i OYR 416) loam, friable 2 B 0-5 A Brown (7.5YR 4/2) clay loam, friable 3 5-18 Bt Light red (2.5YR 6/8) clay loam, friable 3 18-48 C1 Reddish yellow (7.5YR 618) silt loam, friable 3 48-84 C2 Dark yellowish brown (I OYR 416) loam, friable 2 C 0-4 A Brown (7.5YR 4/2) clay loam, friable 3 4-20 Bt Red (1 OR 5/8) silty clay loam, firm 3 20-40 CBt Yellowish brown (1 OYR 5/8) silt loam, friable, w/red 3 (2,5YR 518) clay loam 40-84 C Brownish yellow (1 OYR 6/8) loam, friable 2 D 0-4 A Brown (7.5YR 4/2) clay loam, friable 3 4-30 Bt Light red. (2.5YR 6/8) clay loam, friable 3 30-84 C Dark yellowish brown (1 OYR 4/6) Ioam, friable 2 E 0-4 A Brown (7.5YR 412) clay loam, friable 3 4-36 Bt Light reddish brown (5YR 6/4) sandy clay loam, friable 3 36-84 C White (10YR 8/1) sandy loam, friable 2 Chroma 1 in C horizon - lithochromic r Page --I— of 5 Appendix 2 Soil Summary Report GENERAL INFORMATION Date 4114118 Submitted to Albemarle County Health Department Applicant DeForest Mellon, Jr. and Karen Dame Telephone Number (434) 249-5088 Address 3375 Ridge Road Charlottesville, VA 22901 Owner Same Address same Location 3375 Ridge Road Tax Map 29-690 Subdivision _ Block/Section . Lot Residue .— I SOIL INFORMATION SUMMARY - ,„e// 1. Position in landscape satisfactory? f5Z Yes r No Describe shoulder 2. Slope 20 % 3. Depth to rock or impervious strata: Max. Min. None_ 4. Depth to seasonal water table (gray mottling or gray color) fX No F Yes inches Free water present DZ No I— Yes range in inches 6. Soil percolation rate estimated fX Yes Texture group 1 II © IV F- No Estimated rate 55 min/inch 7. Permeability test performed I`-' Yes 7�4 No If yes, note type of test performed and attach OZ Site Approved: Drainfield to be placed at f— Site Disapproved: 54" depth at site designated on permit. x Reasons for rejection: 1- Position in landscape subject to flooding or periodic saturation. 2- f Insufficient depth of suitable soil over hard rock. 3. Insufficient depth of suitable soil to seansonal water table. 4. Rates of absorption too slow. 5. IW Insufficient area of acceptable soil for required drainfield, and/or Reverse Area. 6• Proposed system too close to well. I Other Specify (attach additional pages if necessary) pux e'F5' .Abbreviated Design Form This form is far use with gravity, pump to gravity, enhanced flow, and low pressure distribution (LPD) sewage system designs and when applying for a certification letter or subdivision approval. This abbreviated design covers the ❑ primary and reserve area, ❑ only the primary area,l�ly the reserve area (check one) for Residue - A Division of TM 29-69D Design Basis Total length of available area: 95' Total width of available area: 70' Estimated Pere. Rate:55 at 54" in. (depth) Number of bedrooms (or GPD): 3 1 2 Conveyance Method :Pump Distribution method (specify): Pump_ 3c Dispersal system basis Table 5.4 LGMI required? No (Yes/No) Effluent quality required: Primary (Primary, Secondary, Advanced Secondary) Square feet per bedroom: 412 Area Calculations Number of trenches 5 Width of trenches: 3____ Reserve required? This is reserve Total trench bottom area required: 1236 Length of trenches: 85 Center to center spacing: 10, Percent reserve area required: 100 Total width of absorption area required 43' Total trench bottom area provided:-- The required width is calculated by multiplying the center -to -center spacing by one less than the number of trenches and adding 1 trench width plus any required reserve area. If the topography is not uniform across the length of the site the trenches will need to flare apart on one end to maintain contour. When this occurs it is necessary to use a center -to -center spacing that accounts for the flair or the installer will not be able to fit the system within the approved area. It is perfectly acceptable to have more area available, especially up and down the slope, than is required. Page of AOSE Foam E Revised July 18, 2007 248. 5 � LAT 0 IRON ,00000f . P0"Gi9c 4• F. SME A M 0 SME 9537-520 1-425 PLAT 29—SM 11EFaRE MELLON. JR. a KA N S ON. 0.3.1024-47 D.8.892251 PLAT D . @. 571 244 /PLAT MY DEBT ON FROM TAXATION RECORDS) ft �`. . t �� ♦tib. 11 c D PARCEL A � 5.18 ACRES F m Ate. -. . ARPROXIMATE :::•. AE [taa ra�E FEMA EFFECTIVE 01 1COMKJNI TY I ti (4ffm.s xm TAKEN OF ALSE Scale 1"= 100, Soil Profile Hale Proposed Reserve Drain Field Site Residue A Division of Tax Map 29-69D � Ridge Road Albemarle C2 m, V` inia 1 Steve Coach Consulting Geologist 703 Oliver Creek Road Troy, Virginia 22974 DAY STREAM IRON FOUND P L_ Pay ,_ 19- JK.N.29-71 PARCEL F RIME 3405 0.8.4363.4 0.8.3180-347 Q HEALTH ©EDAM NOT FOA RECD LTHE CEAND LNTTERUN 0 DRY STREAM 8EO AITHIN y 4 CLRVROX MAP . N* r 4. T. 14, PAR .JOSEPH T.1 CONSTANCE D.B.S 0.9.a, ff.-L14 Lis -LIE f LS T ALO WAS I , V I, si., f'r � i -� ,..'' T. 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