HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800089 Correspondence 2018-06-26Will Cockrell
From: Bedsaul, Willis <willis.bedsaul@vdot.virginia.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2018 3:24 PM
To: Faruk Hesenjan
Cc: Adam Moore
Subject: SUB-2018-00089-Aronld Dudley- Boundary Line Adjustment Plat
Attachments: SUB -2018 -00089 -Arnold Dudley -Boundary Line Adjustment Plat-6-26-18.pdf
Attached you'll find the review letter on the above subject, if you have any questions please call.
Willis C. Bedsaul
Land Development Engineer
Virginia Department of Transportation
Land Use-AlbemarleJGreen/Madison
701 VDOT Way
Charlottesville Residency
Ph# 434-422-9866
Cell# 540-219-5492
Will Cockrell
From: melodybah@aol.com
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 20181:34 PM
To: Faruk Hesenjan; Will Cockrell
Cc: steve@vacls.com
Subject: Re: Dudley - TMP 8921B
Faruk, thank you for your quick response. Mr. Dudley will bring a signed and notorized copy of the plat in for signatures
thank you for your help,
N. Melody Beisner
Commonwealth Land Surveying, LLC
1484 Greenbrier Place
Charlottesville, VA 22901
434-973-0513 - office
434-962-1997 - cell
In a message dated 6/14/2018 1:24:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, fhesenjan@albemarle.org writes:
Hello Ms. Beisner,
My supervisor Mr. Bill Fritz informed me yesterday regarding this application and Mr. Dudley's visit to the
office. I reviewed the application and the only item I've been waiting for was the approval from the Health
Department. As of this afternoon, I didn't receive it.
Since the Health Department said that the application is already approved, you may bring signed copies to the
office for signature.
I am sorry for the delay, and please let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Faruk Hesenjan
On -Call County Planner
Albemarle County, Community Development
From: melod bah aol.com <melodybah@aol.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2018 12:06 PM
To: Will Cockrell <wcockrell@albemarie.ore>
Cc: steve@vacls.corn Faruk Hesenjan <fhesen'an albemarle.or >
Subject: Re: Dudley - TMP 8921B
Can someone help me with this, it is a boundary line adjustment, Mr. Dudley has been to your office and to the
Health Dept. everyone is telling him it is done, but the Health Dept said they could not give the paperwork to him
to carry back to you ... and it would be 2 weeks for a courier..
N. Melody Beisner
Commonwealth Land Surveying, LLC
1484 Greenbrier Place
Charlottesville, VA 22901
434-973-0513 - office
434-962-1997 - cell
In a message dated 6;1312018 5:02:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, wcockrelloxalbemarle.org writes:
Faruk is working on this and will get back to you.
From: melodybah@aol.com <melod bah aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 1:55 PM
To: Will Cockrell <wcockrell@albemarle.org>
Cc: steve@vacls.com
Subject: Dudley - TMP 89216
Good afternoon Will
Can you update us on this project? It is a BlA for the Dudleys and they have not heard anything as of
yet and submitted it toward the end of March.
thank you,