HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800093 Agreements 2000-02-11Bill Fritz From: Gwen Lacy <gwen@raysurveying.com> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2018 2.42 PM To: Bill Fritz Subject: Eleanor T. Wade - Composite Combining Attachments: 11984A -Eleanore Wade.pdf M Please find attached the latest deeds of record for these parcels. Our Boundary Plat, recorded in D.B. 1877-574 & 575 list the old deeds (D.B. 225-336, D.B.142- 280, D.B. 140-103 & D.B. 76-193) where the separate pieces were deeded. We did not show any references on Parcel X on our Boundary Plat. The Special Commissioner deed in D.B. 1893-588 thru 595 conveys the separate pieces to Eleanor T. Wade. Hope this helps. Thanks, Gwen Gwen Lacy Gwen@raysurveying.com Roger W. Ray & Assoc., Inc. 663 Berkmar Court Charlottesville, Va 22901 434-293-3195 tel www.raysurveying.com 434-293-4202 fax TAX MAP 12, PARCEL Sq, Zg A, l i 6131 OTHER ID CURRENT OWNER AMD REFERENCES: LAST UPDATE: 15-1-101% DETAILED CHAIN(S) OF TITLE ATTACHED: YESCI NO S'LL -16 tm —] Search—Full w/esmts —To plat w/esmts Parcel ID: r] I- 2� 2�h Zgpj 31 Type: —Full -no esmts —To plat w/o esmt —Current owner/plat only Reference Page Grantee s Plat Grantors (s) Instrument Recordation Date Date Notes Reference Page Gr n 11115-9$ <r-jecivnory T. 1r)6L8& Plat Grantors (s) !�1trClr[. ACS $ • CirAtyl. pr �itttw Instrument Recordation 20Q a Gate Notes Reference Page UbQI104 Plat d 4 GPa (a) SI of A Ibnlatb,-' Instrument Recordation d�q t Date Date Nates .�.��► �j'(h�.,�-� Our �b � l °! g� Plat Grantee(s) IF- Grantnra (s) Instrument Recordation Date Date Nates 771 Notes Notes Notes st 1893110588 002210 hqwd ty.7w1a, GffuL B=M PC Tax t► * and razrek 07zan4M"2400 ax0 47B"D-oa-0Stoo THIS SPECIAL t':OMMISSIONER'S DEED, made this I I th day of February, 2000, by and between ANDRE' HAKES, SPECIAL COMMISSIONER, Grantor, and ELEANORE T. WADE. Grantm whose address is: 1535 Westwood Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903 WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, by Decree entered by the Circuit Court for the County of Albemarle, Virginia, on the 4th day ol'January,1999, in the Chancery Cause of Mary J. Carter v. Virginia Momoe, William 1. James, Gioorge cones, Ruth EMM James E. Janes, Edith May Jones Lomax, Sarah Waller Akers, Ruth Waller Lawrence, and Parties Un axrA1, diaming any interest in the property referenced herein, claiming any interest in the property referenced herein, Chancery No. 99-10,7333, all of which is recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, Andre' Hakes was appointed Spacial Commissioner for the purpose of stilling tht: hereinafter described real estate; and WHEREAS, the Special Commissioner entered into ad executed a bond, with corporate surety, in the sum and penalty of $67,000.00 for the faithful performance ofher duties as Special Commissioner, as required in the aforesaid decree; and WHEREAS, by Decree entered V the Court on the 10t11 day of February, 2000, a copy of which is; attached hereto as Exhibit A, the offer of Eleanore T. Wade for thereat estate was accepted, approved, ratified and confimmd and the Special Commissioner was ordered, upon receipt of the balance ofthe purchase price, to convey the Feat estale by good and sufficient deed with SPECIAL WARRANTY OF TITLE to Eleanore T. Wade, or such person or persons as she might direct; and, K 1893MO589 WHEREAS, the said Eleanore T. Wade has paid in cash the balarice of the purchase price in the amount of $58,200.00 to the Special Commissioner; and, NOW THEREFORE, that for and in oonsideration of the premises and The sum; of FIFTY-EIGHT THOUSAND TWO HU14DRED and 00!100 DOLLARS ($58,200.00), cash in had paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the Special ComrrhWoner, the said Grantordots havft BARGAIN, SELL, GRANT AND CONVEY with Special Warranty of Title unto Eleanore T. Wade, all the following described real estate, to -wit: SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE A Tbis conveyance is made eXpressly subject to the rrsbietions, conditions, rights of way, and easements, if any, contained in the instruments constituting the chain of title to the property oonveyed herein, and to matters visible upon inspection. WITNESS the following siidr nd (SEAL? ' s, pecial eommissiorm STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE" tib -wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 11th day of February, 1000, by Andre' Hakes, Special Com:z- "o Public My commission expires: 'off$ 01 K 1893PO0590 SCHEDULE A PARCEL ONE: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated im the County of Albemarle, Virginia, on the southeast side of State Route 688, containing 7.294 saes, mora or less, and described as : " 12 , on a plat ofsurvey made by Roger W. Ray Y Associates, Inc., dated ad recorded in Qw.Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Afbemarle County, Virginia, a, -,c:�3 oc.::;; i, ,:ages x!4 7r• BEING part of the land subject to the Boundary Line Agreements recorded at Deed Book 1877, pages 571 and 577, and further, BEING that panel previously estimated to r conveyed to John Jones by Gleed dated : .::rt y i'J, i.01-, and 1 in afo�Ws Office in : ter:-13sk, i::, res ' 13. PARCEL TWO. All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Albemarle, Virginia, on the southeast side ofState Route 688, containing ::? more or less. and described as TM 72.12..9 (Pn:t o n) on a plat of survey made by Roger W. Ray & Associates, hr-, dated July 2C.: 999, wW recorded in the Clerk's Office ofthe Circuit Court ofAR made County. Virginia„ atSoak f and all that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the t:o of Alboaatr V" catttainirrg ::.1:5 w� , more or less, and descnbcd as tr plat of survey made by Roger W- Ray & Associates, Inc.. dated orded in the Cleres Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County. Virginia, at I Ili, p M said two parcels BEING part of the land subject to the Bounuary Line Agrebrowts reoarded at Deed Book 1877, pages 571 and 577, and further BEM all that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Albemarle, Virginia, conveyed to Rachel Jams by deed dated March 23,1910, and recorded in the aforesaid Cleric's office in Decd Book 142, page 280. PARCEL- All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County ofAlbemarle, Virginia, on the southeast side of State Route 688, containing i:. ' lerc; :o arc ct less, and described as "t':erce i x" on a plat of survey made by Roger W. flay & Associates, Inc., dated lily 211, 2:i39 and uxorded in the Ckrk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County. Virginia, at D_ed 1scwk 1817, page 574.75. BEIM part ofthe land subject to the Boundary Line Agreernents recorded at Deed Book 1877, pages 571 and 577. 02118/2808 16:87 8844724071 F)! P M PEATMtS JR PAGE 82 K 1893POO591 EXHIBIT A VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR 7M COUNTY OF ALREMARM MARY J. CARTER, Plsiutia V. aaaony Na.: 10,733 VIRGINIA MONEDE serve: da Rohiule W mms 5764 Myrtle SUeet Comet, SM2 V. WI J"X L. JAMES Serve: Route S, Bas 276 Charbtteavilis, Pugin is 22901 V. GEORGE JONES, RUTH EDDINS. JAMES E. JONES, E>)I7' f MAY JONES LOU", SARAH WALT=ER AKERS, RUTH WALUR LAWRENCE. and PARTIES UMIiNOWN. CLAIMING ANY DMERE.ST IN THE PROPERTY RU MRIINCED HMM, serve: By Puhiicatim Defsadents DECREE This cause came on this day to be heard upon the papers formerly, read; upon notice to all parlin Who filed an answer, Mary Walker having endorsed this Decree and caamsel for Eleanor T. Wade, having endorsed 02/10/2090 16:97 0049724071 HCN P .1Fi4TR065 JR PAGE 03 IK i 893PO0592 this Decrees with so objections beWC made as to title; and was argued by counsel. UPON CONSIDERAMN WMM.F the puxhaser now bong satisfied that the title to be conveyed by the Corot is good and mark table. as evidenced by bar endamement of this Deme, the Court doth ADJUDGED. ORDER and DECRU. that the sale of the real P> y shown on a plat of survey wade by Roger Ray. CIS. dated Jub 0.1998; a eopy of Aich survey is rem in the Clews Oillee of this Court at Deed Boole 1877, Pages 57475, and described thereon se caatainina� ." 1 arLw. 794171.I9 iPo='ems 280WtW4- conteiniwo.235 wMand jjjjjjjjjjjwMtai)jng raid propeurty being the subject oftwo boundary line agreements aigned by the $Pedal Commisdoner. Andre A Hakes. pursuant to an Order of this Court dated October 2& 1998, and recorded in the Clerb's Office of this Court at Deed Book 1877, Page 571, and Deed Boole 1871, page 577; said Property including what was Hedy described as all that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Albemarle, Virginia, containing by estimation eight acres more or lass, Conveyed to Jobe Jones by deed dated January 10, 1879, and recorded in the gerkes Ofike of Albemarle Circuit Court, Virgin* in Deed Book 76, page 193, and also desen-bad as being on the southeast side of State Route BBB, containing 7.200 serer, msec or lase, being drown ao Parcel 31 82/18/2888 16:87 8899724871 HON P M PEWR055 JR PAGE 84 BK 1893FOO593 an the Albea We County Tax Map fleet 7Y, and a that certain tract or pastel of land situated in the Cmmty cfAlbemarle, Virginia, conveyed to Rabid Jona by deed dated Marls 23. 1010, and recorded in the Cls e Office Of MMarle MmWt Court. Mrpinis. in Deed Bank 142. page 580, and Wo described as on the nuenast aide of Stale Sante 688, contaiaigg 1-75a=%= our leas, being show as Pasae189 on the Albomarle County* Tax Map sheet 7$, to Eleanor T. Wade for the sons of Fitts S& Thoussnd And Two Hundred Man 08,$00.00) be and it is hereby am tined. And it is ti rdw ORDMD that on or before February 18, 5000, Eleanor T- Wade pap $58,0MA0 to the SPidd Commissioner in tbia cause, Andre Hakes, who shall deposit that am less prorated real estimate taxes and IlrxnWs tax to the am& of this Conrt. And A Farther ORDEM that, upon delivery to her of said amount, Andre A. Hakes wr7l, on behalf rd all the parties to this suit and all others bound thereby, prepare, examte sad deliver a good and eat lent deed conveying to Meanor T Wade with Spacial Warranty of Title the property wbkb is the Subject of this proceeding, mare fi* described as follows: All that certain tract orpswel of land situated in the County afAibemarle, MgWs, mt&Wng 7.894 acres, mare or less, and described se 7M72-91 on a plat of survey made by Ragan Ray, CIS, dated J* 20, 1995 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk d the Cimdt Court of Albemarle Cam# at Dead Book 1877, page 574-75, BRING part of the land sweet 02/19/2009 16:97 0849724871 fOu P h+ PER11t065 ,1R PAGE 85 ,BK f 693PS0594 to the Boundary Line Agreements recorded at Deed Hock 1877. pages 371 and 377, and fnrtber. BMG that pamd previously estimated to contain eft acres Mose or lees, aonusyed to John James by deed dated January 19. 1878, and rsearded in the CleWs Office of A16emarie Circuit Co K V` gh in. in Deed Bask 76, papa 198, and also described as being on the southeast aide of Ststf Route 6!!8, eomteming 7,2®0 aua+es, mare as Iwo, being shmm as Parce131 an the Albemarle County Tax Map Mumu, 72, and. All that certain a para d ofland eituuted in the Cuntn# of Albemarle. %finis. containing 1.392 saes, more orkm and described as TM12-29 {Portion) an a plat of a uvw made by Rftw Ray. CLS, dated July 20, 1999 and recorded in. the OlSrs of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of A bemasls County at Dead Hack 1877, page 67473, and all that certain uv et or pawl of lend situated in the County of Memade, Vironia, containing 0.236 acre, More or lose, and des nlW as TM72-29 O*tiani on a plat of survey made by Racer Ray, CLS dated July 2% 1999 and imorded ion the O6ers of the Cledr of the Cucnit Court of Albienade County at Deed Book 1877. page 574-75, odd two puuiels BEING part of the land subject to the Boundary Lias Ar eemenb recorded at DB 1877, Pages 671 and 577, clod further BEING all that Caatsiu tract or parcel of land situated is the County of Albeasazle, Mrpee * mnve ed to Ronhel Jones by deed datedliasch 23. 1310, and recorded in the Clerk's O4Bce ofAlbamade Ci t Court, Vag a* in Deed Book 143, page 280, and also described as as the soatbaaet side of State Route 688. containing 1.76 acrak more or less, being shown as Panel 29 on the Albemarle County Tax Map Sheet 72, and All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Albesurle, Virginia, cantafi ft 0.876 acres, more or less, and described as "Parcel r on a plat of survey spade by Roger Ray, CLS, dated J* 20. 1999 sod wAaed in the Oft a of the Clerk 82/IBf288B 16: B7 9849724871 HON P M PEATROSS 3R PACE 86 Pc 1093POas95 of the MmWt Coma dAibon ak County et Dad Book 1877. p11ge 574-73, BMG put d dm lull mbjeet to the Bouadsry Line Apmament' zmvbd at DB 1877, pow 97I and 577_ And the Apecid Cedes will tepart her actions to the Court, retuning the BM'u 7 her mmt. Judge DATE: to - ;Lod d VA. AeI0M"jr&*L VMGIMA: IN* TIJE CLL'RK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ALBE41ARL£: TH5 DEED WAS PRESF.-WED. AND WITH CEIMPICATE ANNEIIFA, LS ADS1t><1TED TO -RECORD ON 2009 AT"O'CLOCK ZM. STATE TAX f7• �� (0341 LOCAL TAX f�Q !2171 TRANSFER FEE f_ /.. d 12121 I.T.T.F. f 7_3.08 (lObl V5LF CLERK'S FEE $100 !1451 f�•-(3011 PIAT $�� SWrS Le02:., SPATE TAX ! $.R �N TESIE SHELBY J. MARSHALL,CiLRIC LOCAL TAXI BY: " LOCAL TAXf (2271 � p 0 / 9� TOTAL f / BK 1817PG0571 017955 =w . made apo entund into this 20th day of Saptaaie. 1999, by asd between m mmm see» w m9nua, (www vulis dobool'f . door and . whose addtasr is 1000 Saaaal hiller loop, CUrlottaavills, 9A 22405 asd MM A. ==. spsoiai cmdasiamm therein "Special Cosedeflo=-) . ax== sad dragtes. r qhs. Nina School is t1w asn.ar of 11lbamax2e County Tac Map 72 parcel 32 pasuant to a deed dated ILrch 26. 1979 and =0014 d is the Clwk-i it office of the Circuit court. of Alb==IG Conmtl'• vi=ginia (the 'Cl rk,s office"). recorded in Dead Gook 670, page 8291 mad. NI®tW' Harp s. Carter and otluss bold title to Albaarle County sic Map 72 parcel 29 and 3i (tbe ' Prppar'ty' )1 and, - NwmtWriS, the Special Cond ssiomw was appointed by the Cixeuit Court of•Slbawrle Cbunty pwswmt to *wt Qsder dated .iauary 4. 1999 and Biwa the autbWLty to sail tbs Property. and by Court Order dated was given authority to Gmmte this bmnwA r settlement agraer nt; and, WHIMS, there exists same Quastimt as to the c*=ect boundary UVA betty ou the Ian& of the parties cad the Special Cwarissioner has caused the Freperty to be surm"d by Roger i1. lila doommost eve POpsrsd b7 mad &0 ll+nerae, L.L.F. OSTRUMENT OF POOR QUALITY FOR MICROFILMING A _ . s, M' ! % h' BX 1877POO572 Ray a Assoc., Inc., a plat of wUi* szver dated MdY 30, 1989, is attached lsereta and reoardad herewith (the splat")i and. 1118. the parties ams that the Ma and acarraet clime hetwesa the sespaetive properties is that certain b=almy Line shwAn oa the plat as a line rsmabo &I=* the asaterllnE of ocllins SCROft (the *il9zeed SWAMbMY LIM") MW MMM. in anmsideratioa of the prwrises and am am of $1.00, emah in head paid, the receipt, dad suffieiemey of which is hereby ackno rlarlged by hiller School, Miller school does hereby agree that the Agraed end wr Lias is the true cad ' c=xoct boundary line betreoa the lands of the parties, and does hereby (10iMrii = and JXMM Unto the Spacial Camm>}ssiOaez and the Owners b9 the property, their successors and assigns, all its right, title and interest in aisd to the land lying to dw aoxth of the Agreed Boundary Lias. MM, ili consideration of the premises acid the sma of 91.00, cash in =sand paid. the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby ae)nowledgad by the Special Coemimsioaer. the Syecial commismioner on behalf of the owners of the ftopertp does heieby agree tint rise Agreed Sounda#Y Liana is the true and Mr cc boundary fins between the lands Of the parties and does hereby guyTCUx and ,ItSy.UM Wto Miller School, its successors asld assigns, all right, title cad interest in and to the load lying to the mouth of the Agreed Boundary Line. .3- r OK 1677PG0573 toss tim fcdlovdj* •igmt=w and seals. Son 0! vin►. At LAI" 4"WCMM OF a to -pit: Two foreving wat= t *" N*wwY•od bafwo ms this a QU`a y g , v9s. �r pa-49�� of The M13.lw school nlbsms 'UWANK - my commission sxpirss= abftw " g�,IC STATE of vionuAr At UW90 cr.Trt or gAuws d _, to -wit - The foregoiti3 instrument w" ad=vlai_"d before Me this IoLA day at 1999, by Andre A. 8alces. Spacial Cowmissionar. " My eompissiom expires: qaA Y CLIC ra■,r..rt �1'1'IISS Gro p d Son 0! vin►. At LAI" 4"WCMM OF a to -pit: Two foreving wat= t *" N*wwY•od bafwo ms this a QU`a y g , v9s. �r pa-49�� of The M13.lw school nlbsms 'UWANK - my commission sxpirss= abftw " g�,IC STATE of vionuAr At UW90 cr.Trt or gAuws d _, to -wit - The foregoiti3 instrument w" ad=vlai_"d before Me this IoLA day at 1999, by Andre A. 8alces. Spacial Cowmissionar. " My eompissiom expires: qaA Y CLIC ra■,r..rt �1'1'IISS Gro p T it �6s] also d % gRe Ham iIt a�sa� �•� a�sa8 ansa$ w Ail8 aass� r� cl �o ar" a 449 w 9 /4 \R! r 1491 9£9 UrOb -31V4Z --- e stsou�Lec�e 0D �Zrs 'lvraI .=Vp nV HO IWO:) Jw ml3 WM Ao ZMAO S.I.IMATI 3HL NI :Y1N1:H11A 9LSO$dLL8IA 'IV (Oiif S xY.L '[vJ0'1 -N" 3N'd'D-"VHSdm Y All OU S xvi SLvis : su :Zwt,wlm s Irm Iran s wl am &XIM (WO sMA ("if -00•f s 'J•,L•J<.7 (ilii s 3a 31FAM <6 rrlil s XVI w3m csrw s xvJ.IEVJS --� . �iv bi 9 --!' w� �l=UV3ULLJ30 NO axoa�a ov gawwm 9 HJLU (INV 1R3M3S7U SVAI dM SM .=Vp nV HO IWO:) Jw ml3 WM Ao ZMAO S.I.IMATI 3HL NI :Y1N1:H11A 9LSO$dLL8IA