HomeMy WebLinkAboutARB201700142 Minutes 2018-06-22 o AL`4
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
(434) 296-5823
Fax(434) 972-4012
Date: June 18, 2018
Time: 1:00 PM
Meeting Room: Room 241, Second Floor
Frank Stoner: Absent
Frank Hancock: Present
Bruce Wardell, Chair: Present
Stan Binsted,Vice Chair: Present
Dade Van Der Werf: Present
Heather McMahon
Andy Herrick,Assistant County Attorney
Margaret Maliszewski
Sharon Taylor
Mr. Wardell called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m. and established a quorum.
Mr. Wardell invited disclosures.
Mr. Hancock disclosed that he met with the applicant for Wawa this past week.
Mr. Binsted disclosed that he met with the applicant for Wawa.
Mr.Wardell disclosed that he met with the applicant for Wawa.
There being no further disclosures,the meeting moved to the next item.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Final Action Memo June 18,2018 1
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Mr. Wardell invited public comment. There being none,the meeting proceeded.
a. SDP-2018-31:Rivanna Village Phase 2 Final (Blocks F,G, H,J and I)-Final Site Development Plan with
an architectural review (TM/Parcel 093A1-00-00-00400).
Proposal: To construct 183 residential units with associated site improvements, as part of a larger
Location: On the south side of Rt. 250 East, east of Glenmore Way
Motion: Mr. Binsted moved for approval of the landscape buffer planting for SDP-2018-31:Rivanna
Village Phase 2 (Blocks F,G, H, I and J)—Final Site Development Plan with the following conditions:
1. Show the boundaries of the 30' buffer on the landscape plans.
2. Add ornamental trees and large shrubs in the landscape buffer.
3. Distribute the trees and shrubs in the landscape buffer to fully populate the 30' depth and to
achieve a natural appearance.
4. On the landscape plan, label the existing wooded area to remain and include notes identifying
the character of the wooded area.
5. Revise the plan to remove all conflicts between grading and wooded area to remain.
6. Add the standard plant health note to the landscape plans: "All site plantings of trees and shrubs
shall be allowed to reach,and be maintained at, mature height;the topping of trees is prohibited.
Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the overall health of the plant."
Mr.Van Der Werf seconded the motion.
The motion carried by a vote of 4:0. (Stoner absent)
ARB-2017-142: Wawa Initial Site Plan - Initial Site Development Plan (TM/Parcels 032A0020000100,
Proposal: To construct a fuel station with a 6,001 sf building, a 6,000 sf fuel-pump canopy,and
associated site improvements on 1.431 acres.
Location: Northeast corner of Seminole Trail (Route 29) and Proffit Road (Route 649)
The ARB recessed at 2:12 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 2:21 p.m.
Motion: Mr. Binsted moved to forward the revised recommendations as outlined below on ARB-2017-
142:Wawa Initial Site Plan to the Agent for the Site Review Committee.
• Regarding requirements to satisfy the design guidelines as per§ 18-30.6.4c(2), (3)and (5)and
recommended conditions of initial plan approval:
1. Provide 3'A" large caliper shade trees and other landscaping in the general area currently
shown with five (5) parking spaces at the northwest corner of the site.
2. Relocate the air and vacuum equipment to eliminate visibility from the EC.
3. Provide a landscape easement on adjacent property to the north for screening of the
4. The lowest edge of the canopy roof shall not exceed 14'6".
• Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines:
1. Consider substituting native tree and shrub species for those exotic species found in the
plant schedule.
2. Consider adding shrubbery to the exterior of the building.
• Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit: None.
• Regarding the final site plan submittal:
1. Submit architectural elevations and plans of the building and fuel pump canopy for review.
Address the standards and criteria established in the Standards for Fuel Pump Canopies as
outlined in Appendix B of the EC Design Guidelines.
2. Submit material samples for review.
3. The building and canopy architecture shall be compatible and shall be directly related.
4. Consider the frontality of the building and its fenestration.
5. Revise the design to reduce the height of the stone veneer on the canopy piers to enhance
human scale.
6. Relieve blankness on the north,south and west elevations by using architectural detail,
supplemented with landscaping.
7. Provide manufacturer's specifications for proposed window glazing and samples for final
8. Provide the standard glass note on the elevations: Window glass in the Entrance Corridors
should meet the following criteria: Visible light transmittance(VLT)shall not drop below
40%. Visible light reflectance(VLR)shall not exceed 30%.
9. Revise the proposal so that both the canopy and the building maintain a presence on the
10. Revise the plan to include dumpster elevations and details. Provide samples of the
dumpster enclosure for review.
11. Relegate loading areas and mechanical equipment from the EC.
12. Provide a roof plan with equipment heights for review if any proposed mechanical
equipment will be roof-mounted.
13. Provide the standard mechanical equipment note on the General Notes page(C-101)of the
site plan set and on the architectural drawings: Visibility of all mechanical equipment from
the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated.
14. Ensure that no footcandle values above 0.5 spill over from the property boundaries into
public rights-of-way. In particular, show the footcandle reading at the property line in the
vicinity of the light pole on the Profit Road side of the site.
15. Provide manufacturer's specifications for all proposed light fixtures.
16. Revise the canopy design to eliminate glare.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Final Action Memo June 18,2018 3
17. Provide information to confirm that no illumination from the fuel pump canopy is emitted
above the horizontal plane.
18. Show the maximum footcandle (fc)values on the photometric plan. Revise all notes
19. Reduce illumination so that the maximum footcandle (fc)value does not exceed 20 fc.
20. Calculate the photometrics using an LLF of 1.0 for all fixtures.
21. Ensure that light color is consistent throughout the site.
22. Change the color of light models A4, B3,and B4 to dark brown, dark bronze,or black.
23. Ensure that the mounting heights of the freestanding pole lights includes the base and
reduce the total height to a maximum of 20'from grade.
24. Provide standard lighting note on the lighting plan (C-700)within the site plan set: Each
outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a
full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining
residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires
onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed
one-half footcandle.
25. Clarify the manufacturer listed in the luminaire schedule on the lighting plan (C-700)for Dl.
26. Ensure that all LLF values in the luminaire schedule on the lighting plan (C-700)are all equal
to 1.0.
27. Consider substituting native tree and shrub species for those exotic species found in the
plant schedule.
28. Correct the illustration on C-600,which currently calls out the AR as'AB'.
29. Delineate the utility easements on the landscape plan(C-600)and the site& utility plan (C-
300). Increase planting area to ensure that there are no conflicts between the proposed
plants and extant/proposed utilities/easements.
30. Provide one additional interior parking tree.
31. Note that signage requires a separate application. Ground cover,shrubs and/or trees will
be required to integrate the freestanding signs into the overall development.
32. Consider adding shrubbery to the exterior of the building.
33. Reduce the number of BNH and IV to below 10 and 25 respectively(or below 25%of
typology totals) by introducing more plant variety.
34. Provided the standard plant health note on the landscape plan (C-600):All site plantings of
trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height;the
topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to
support the overall health of the plant.
Mr. Hancock seconded the motion.
The motion carried by a vote of 3:1. (Wardell no,Stoner absent)
The ARB noted the canopy height violations identified in the presentation and asked staff to notify the
Zoning Administrator of the issue.
a. Entrance Corridor Design Guidelines: Glass
The ARB postponed the discussion to the next meeting when all members would be present.
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7. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(n)]: The plans show three(3)different types of proposed paving materials,but do not
contain any labels,notes, other annotation, or details to explain the different types of proposed pavement
materials. Please provide additional details about the three different types of pavement shown.
8. [Z.O. Sections 32.5.2(q)and 32.7.9]: Please revise the"Zoning Ordinance Requirements"table on Sheet C-
600 ("Landscape Plan")to address and resolve the following issues:
A. The first row reads "Section 34-869 Tree Cover Requirements"but the correct reference appears to be
"Section Tree Canopy."Please revise, and please revise/update the associated
Requirements and Calculations, as may be necessary.
B. The second row reads"Section 34-870 Streetscape Trees"but the correct reference appears to be
"Section Landscaping Along Streets."Please revise, and please revise/update the associated
Requirements and Calculations, as may be necessary.
C. The third row reads"Section 34-873 Parking Lots—Screening and Interior Landscaping"but the
correct reference appears to be"Section Landscaping Within a Parking Area."Please revise,
and please revise/update the associated Requirements and Calculations, as may be necessary.
D. The fourth row reads"Section 34-87(b)(2)Parking Lots—Screening and Interior Landscaping"but
the correct reference appears to be"Section Screening."Please revise, and please
revise/update the associated Requirements and Calculations, as may be necessary.
E. The fifth row reads"Section 34-87(c)(2)Parking Lots—Screening and Interior Landscaping"but the
correct reference appears to be"Section Screening."Please revise, and please revise/update
the associated Requirements and Calculations, as may be necessary.
9. [Z.O. Sections 32.5.2(q) and]: The"Zoning Ordinance Requirements"table on Sheet C-600
("Landscape Plan")references a Waiver request from the required Landscaping Within a Parking Area"due to
operational requirements of the user."To date,no such Waiver request has been received. Please comply with
the applicable Code section(s) or submit a Waiver request.
10. [Z.O. Section 32.5.2(q)]: Please provide the specified traffic generation figures(trip generation estimates).
11. UPDATE: [Z.O. Sections 32.7.3(a),21.3,4.12.4(a), and 4.12.61: The applicable minimum off-street parking
requirements for the proposed use have been generated in consultation with CDD staff in the Zoning Division
and Planning Division using the following definition in Chapter 4("General Regulations"), Section 12
("Parking, Stacking, and Loading"), Subsection 6("Minimum Number of Required Parking Spaces for
Scheduled Uses"):
Food store: One(1) space per two hundred(200) square feet of gross floor area.
Per the information contained on the initial site plan,this calculates to a minimum requirement of[(1 x 6,000
GSF)/200] =(6,000/200)=30 parking spaces. The number of proposed spaces is 54,which meets this
minimum requirement.
However,the proposed project is also subject to maximum off-street parking limitations per 18-4.12.4(a)
("Parking Areas—Maximum Number of Parking Spaces"), which is as follows:
Maximum number of spaces. The number of parking spaces in a parking area may not exceed the number
of spaces required by this section by more than twenty(20)percent.
This calculates to a maximum limitation of(1.2 x 30 spaces)=36 parking spaces. The number of proposed
spaces is 54,which does not comply with Z.O. 4.12.4(a). Therefore,you may address this issue by: a.)reducing
the number of proposed parking spaces; or b.)providing more detailed information about the proposed use(s) of
the primary structure, if the structure is to include multiple different"Scheduled Uses"(as identified in Z.O.
4.12.6), for the purposes of(potentially)re-calculating the parking(min.)requirements and(max.)limitations in
a way that(potentially) allows for more parking spaces; or c.)requesting a"modification or waiver"pursuant to
Z.O. 4.12.2(c), which is an administrative review process. For reference,Z.O. 4.12.2(c) states(in part):
"Modification or waiver. The limitation on the maximum number of parking spaces required by subsection
4.12.4(a)...may be modified or waived...in an individual case if the zoning administrator finds that the
public health, safety or welfare would be equally or better served by the modification or waiver and that
the modification or waiver would not otherwise be contrary to the purpose and intent of this chapter."
Albemarle County Engineering Services(Engineer)
Matthew Wentland,mwentland@albemarle.org—Requested Changes(2/12/18); see attached comments.
Albemarle County Information Services(E911)
Elise Kiewra, ekiewra(a)albemarle.org—No Objection(1/25/18).
Albemarle County Building Inspections
Michael Dellinger,mdellinger(a),albemarle.org—No Objection(1/17/18).
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board (ARB)
Heather McMahon, hmcmahon@,albemarle.org — PENDING; ARB conducted 2/12/18; review comments will be
forwarded upon receipt.
UPDATE: Requested Changes; review comments provided
2/15/2018; see attached (partial) comments (and see complete
review comments provided on following pages, due to comments
being truncated when exported from County View).
Albemarle County Department of Fire Rescue
Shawn Maddox, smaddox@,albemarle.org—PENDING; review comments will be forwarded upon receipt.
UPDATE: Requested Changes;review comments provided 2/15/2018; see
attached comments.
Albemarle County Service Authority
Richard Nelson,rnelson@,serviceauthoritv.org—Requested Changes(1/22/18); see attached comments.
Virginia Department of Transportation
Adam Moore,Adam.Moore(a,vdot.virginia.gov—Requested Changes(2/7/18); see attached comments and letter.
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• Letter from Eryn Brennan on May 22, 2009
o "The relocation of the canopy is appropriate.The relationship between the building and the canopy
should be reconfigured so that the there is a balance between the canopy and the building"
o "The ARB would consider a wider and shorter canopy"
• Email from Jo Higgins on May 4, 2009
o "The [building] is being relocated to the center of the site with the gas canopy on the East side and the
small gas canopy behind the building"
• Letter from Eryn Brennan on February 6, 2009
o Number 35: "Reduce the height of the fuel pump canopy to minimize its visual impact on the EC"
o Number 36: "Reduce the length of the fuel pump canopy to 108' in order to reduce its visual impact on
the EC"
o Number 37: "Reduce the banding in the fascias of the fuel pump canopies from three to one to present
a more minimalist and less obtrusive design as required by the EC Guidelines.Similarly, reduce the
number of colors proposed for the fascia to one.The BM Brilliant White E-01 is recommended"
o Number 38: "Add dimensions to the site plan showing the length of each fuel canopy"
o Number 39: "Indicate on the drawings the fascia material.Add a note to confirm that the fascia will not
be illuminated"
o Number 40: "Coordinate the length of the rear fuel-pump canopy on the site plan and architectural
o Number 46: "Revise the fuel pump canopy sign drawing to include the following information: a note
stating the sign will not be illuminated, measurements showing the location of the sign in relation to the
entrance, and the way in which the sign will be mounted or hung"
o Number 47: "Revise the fuel pump canopy sign drawing to indicate the following information:
identification of the fuel pump canopy receiving the sign, the location of the sign on the canopy, a
section detailing the design, materials, and illumination of the channel letters, and a note stating the
raceway will match the fuel pump canopy fascia"
o Number 50: "Bring the fascias of the canopy and building into visual accord. Coordinate their sizes.The
canopy should not visually overpower the building"
o Number 51" "Provide a perspective drawing illustrating both the building and the fuel pump canopy"
• Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan, Certificate of Appropriateness for Signs (February 2, 2009)
o "The five-pump fuel canopy also will be clearly visible from the EC, and the three-pump canopy will be
somewhat visible from the EC"
o "The proposed illuminated wall sign, monument sign, hanging entrance sign, and fuel pump canopy sign
will be clearly visible from the EC"
o "The applicant proposes to construct a 7,000 sq. ft.two-story building on the northeast corner of the lot
near the EC, one five-pump fuel canopy aligned with the main building, and one three-pump fuel canopy
perpendicular to the south end of the five-pump fuel canopy"
o "The two fuel pump canopies are proposed with the same roof configuration as the building"
o Site issue: Orientation of building and fuel pump canopies (also mentioned December 1, 2008)
• "The proposed building and fuel pump canopies are not aligned with the EC.The skewed
orientation of the building and the fuel pump canopies in relation to the EC presents an
awkward appearance and is inconsistent with the EC Guidelines"
• "Revise the drawings to show the short end of the building, the short end of the front fuel pump
canopy, and the long end of the rear fuel pump canopy exactly parallel to the EC"
o Issue: Fuel Pump Canopies(also mentioned December 1, 2008)
• "The roof of the fuel pump canopy matches the design of the roof of the proposed building,
which presents a coordinated appearance. However,the height also matches the height of the
building.The matching height accentuates the fuel pump canopy and competes with the store
as the primary structure,which heightens rather than minimizes the fuel pump canopy's visual
impact on the EC"
• "The maximum length of a five-island canopy with islands parallel to the length of the canopy
would be 108"
• "The maximum length for a five-island canopy with islands perpendicular to the length of the
canopy would be 130"
• "In either case, the proposed canopy length is excessive at 135"'
• "Detailed drawings showing the length of each fuel canopy have not been provided on the site
• "The architectural drawings show the length of the rear canopy at 58', but the site plan shows it
at over 60"'
• Reduce height and length of fuel pump canopies to minimize visual impact on the EC
• Take a more minimalist approach
o Issue: Fuel Pump Canopy Sign
• "The drawing of the fuel pump canopy sign does not state on which fuel canopy the sign will be
placed or where the sign will be placed on the fuel canopy.A section detailing the design,
materials, mounting, and illumination has not been provided"
• "Revise the fuel pump canopy sign drawing to include the following information: identification
of the fuel canopy receiving the sign, the location of the sign on the canopy, a section detailing
the design, materials,and illumination of the channel letters, and a note stating the raceway will
match the fuel pump canopy fascia"
o "Revise the drawings to show the short end of the building,the short end of the front fuel pump canopy,
and the long end of the rear fuel pump canopy exactly parallel to the EC"
• Re-Store'n Station Sign Proposals
o Fuel Pump Canopy Sign: 20" high x 3'4" wide (ARB 12/1/2008)
o Fuel Pump Canopy Sign: 12" high x 3'4" wide (ARB 2/2/2009)
• Constantly noted that dimensions for fuel pump canopies are missing
• Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan,Certificate of Appropriateness for Signs (December 21, 2009)
o Number 25: "Provide site sections to clarify the extent of visibility of the rear two-pump island fuel
canopy from the EC.Submit a detailed elevation drawing showing proposed materials, color, and
signage. Add a note to confirm that the fascia will not be illuminated"
o Issue: Fuel Pump Canopies
• "The rear fuel pump canopy is expected to be visible from the EC. A site section should be
submitted to better clarify the degree of visibility.The drawings should also clearly indicate the
design of the rear canopy"
• "The fuel canopy elevation does not state the fascia material or method of illumination"
• "Provide site sections to clarify the extent of visibility of the rear two-pump island fuel canopy
from the EC. Submit a detailed elevation drawing showing proposed materials, color, and
signage.Add a note to confirm that the fascia will not be illuminated"
o Issue: Fuel Pump Canopy Sign
• "The sign drawing does not state the mounting or method of illumination of the fuel pump
canopy sign"
• "Revise the fuel pump canopy sign drawing to state the method of illumination and mounting
for the fuel pump canopy sign"
• Letter from Eryn Brennan on February 6, 2009
o Number 35: "Reduce the height of the roof of the fuel pump canopy to minimize its visual impact on the
o Number 36: "Reduce the length of the fuel pump canopy to 108' in order to reduce its visual impact on
the EC"
o Number 38: "Add dimensions to the site plan showing the length of each fuel canopy"
o Number 50: "Bring the fascias of the canopy and building into visual accord. Coordinate their sizes.The
canopy should not visually overpower the building"
o Number 51: "Provide a perspective drawing illustrating both the building and the fuel pump canopy"
• Re-Store'n Station Sign Proposals
o Fuel Pump Canopy Sign 0'-11.99" (H)x 3'4.85" (W)x 0'-5" (D) .►
• Constantly noted that dimensions for fuel pump canopies are missing
• Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan, Certificate of Appropriateness for Signs (March 21, 2011)
o Issue: Fuel Pump Canopies
• "The rear fuel pump canopy is expected to be somewhat visible from the EC.A site section
should be submitted to better clarify the degree of visibility.The drawings should also clearly
indicate the design of the rear canopy"
• "Provide site sections to clarify the extent of visibility of the rear fuel canopy from the EC.
Submit a detailed elevation drawing showing proposed materials, color, and signage. Add a note
to confirm that the fascia will not be illuminated"
• "The triple island canopy size exceeds the 66' maximum length stated in the guidelines, but the
particular island layout proposed for this application is not addressed in the guidelines.The
canopy is located 160'from the EC, and its short end is oriented towards the EC.These factors,
combined with its minimalist design, sufficiently mitigate the canopy's visual impact from the
o "Provide site sections to clarify the extent of visibility of the rear fuel canopy from the EC.Submit a
detailed elevation drawing showing proposed materials, color, and signage. Add a note to confirm that
the fascia will not be illuminated"
• First drawing with canopy dimensions
o Fascia starts 14'6" off the ground and is 3'-0" tall and 28'-0"wide
• Another drawing with dimensions
o 14'6" +3' off the ground, 38'wide (front canopy elevation), 20' wide (rear canopy elevation)
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her drawing with dimension
p Still listed as 14'6" +3' tall and 42' wide ( canopy elevati.
i„ aa'. afiadi .wide (rear catippy elevation)
2014-27 amendment for architectural
• Received Certificate of Appropriateness
• No canopy dimensions included
• Proposed changes?
2014-70 lighting amendment
• Another Certificate of Appropriateness received
• No final dimensions given—assume as the same as before?
3171 District Ave-
• Final Site Development Plan and Signs(November 18, 2013)
o Fuel Pump Canopies
• "The ground elevation at the fuel canopy is 476'.The elevation at the entrance to the site from
Rt. 29 is approximately 460"
• "The proposed dispenser configuration is not specifically addressed in the EC standards.The
proposed canopy is 120' long x 25'6" wide x 1 / ," k-HI.The proposed width is narrower than the
standards call for;the proposed length is longer by 16'.The height meets the standards"
• "Consider reducing the length of the canopy by 16"'
o Need: "fuel pump canopy design and illumination levels"
o Consider: "reducing the length of the fuel canopy by 16"
• Letter regarding ARB meeting and proposed actions
o Regarding the rezoning
• "There is no objection to the addition of the fueling facility use if the canopy is added to the
layout as illustrated in the Initial Site Plan.The addition of the fueling facility use is not
411110 vise
recommended with the layout illustrated in the Code of Development Modification Exhibit,
which shows no buildings between the fueling facility and the EC"
• "The fuel pump canopy shall meet all EC Design Guidelines, including those for height"
ARB 2013-158—signs on canopy
• Drawings provided (June 10, 2013)
o East and West End Elevations: 17'5"tall (including 3'fascia), 120'wide (4 pumps)
o Canopy and Dispenser Islands: 14'5" minimum clearance (not including 3'fascia),width not specified
(2 pumps)
ARB 2013-159—signs and lighting
• No drawings/dimensions provided
1915 Boulderview—
ARB 2016-60
• Fuel Pump Canopy Review Checklist-all checked off
• Drawings provided
o Canopy 1
• West Side of Drawing:®(West Side), 15'4" (East Side)
• East Side of Drawing: 16'10" (West Side), 17'0" (East Side)
o Canopy 2
• West Side of Drawing:®(West Side), 14'61/2" (East Side)
• East Side of Drawing: 16'8%" (West Side), 16'8'/2" (East Side)
1600 Seminole Trail—
SDP 2009-47
• No mention of size or positioning of fuel pump canopies
ARB 2010-52
• Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan
o Issue: Building Signage/Canopy Pumps
• "The building elevation drawings on Sheet B1 show a wall sign WILCO to qo in the pediment of
the front, southeast,elevation.The overall sign size appears to be proportionate to the
pediment. Details, including materials, colors, dimensions and lighting, if any, were not
provided.An application for the sign can be made separately of the sign details can be
submitted and reviewed with the next submission.A photo of the proposed fuel pump
dispenser was included in this submission.The green and white colors match those that were
recently approved for refacing the freestanding and canopy signs"
• Wilcohess-Project Description
o "This amendment consists of the demolition of an existing vending machine enclosure and pump island
building(demolition of 248 gsf), construction of a 248 gsf building addition, and replacing existing
petroleum product pumps/dispensers within confine of existing pump islands"
• No dimensions provided
1245 Seminole Trail i.
ARB 2011-57
• Letter from Margaret explaining changes to be made on June 21, 2011
o Canopy
• Number 26: "Show the canopy on the site plan"
• Number 27: "Reduce the canopy size (the number of pump islands and/or the distance between
the pump islands) and/or revise the site layout to minimize the impact of the canopy on the
store building and the overall site"
• Number 28: "Provide color illustrations and lighting information on the proposed fuel
dispensers, canopy supports, and all other canopy-related items for review"
• Number 29: "Revise the canopy to reflect a minimalist design that is coordinated with an
appropriately designed convenience store building. Provide a more minimalist approach to color
in the canopy design. Rely less on corporate identification. Provide color samples for review"
• Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan
o "Revise the design of the store/car wash and the canopy to reflect elements of Albemarle's historic
architecture and to eliminate the focus on corporate identification features"
o "The canopy, fuel dispensers, and canopy-related items are not compatible with the convenience store
building because the location, size and general design of the structure result in a canopy that will visually
overwhelm the site and the store"
• "Revise the canopy to reflect a minimalist design that is coordinated with an appropriately
designed convenience store building"
o "The proposed fuel pump/canopy layout is not represented in the guidelines.The 130'-long red stripe
on the face of the canopy is oriented towards the EC and does not reflect a minimalist design. Based on
the canopy size, location and general appearance,the proposed canopy is expected to visually
overpower the convenience store building as viewed from the EC.A reduction in the canopy size by
reducing the number of pump islands and/or the distance between the islands would be appropriate"
• "Reduce the canopy size (the number of pump islands and/or the distance between pump
islands) and/or revise the site layout to minimize the impact of the canopy on the store building
and the overall site. Revise the canopy design to reflect a more minimalist design in terms of
o "The proposed canopy has a 3'-tall fascia.The fascia has a 2'-tall red band above a 1'-tall white band"
o Canopy recommendations
• Number 26: "Show the canopy on the site plan"
• Others already mentioned earlier
o Canopy drawings included but without dimensions
ARB 2011-87
• Preliminary Review of a Site Development Plan (no separate final app#)
o "The size, form and material of the canopy haven't changed, but the red stripe has been deleted from
the canopy fascia. This somewhat reduces the impact of the canopy on the EC, and it reduces the
incompatibility between the canopy and the building"
o "The canopy size has not changed. Its appearance will still dominate the site and the building"
o Recommendations
• Number 26: "Show the canopy on the site plan"
• Number 27: "Reduce the canopy size (the number of pump islands and/or the distance between
pump islands) and/or revise the site layout to minimize the impact of the canopy on the store
building and overall site"
• Drawing with dimensions
o Front Elevation—Street: I —in "approved"folder
SDP 2011-32
• Letter from Frank Pohl
o 8a) "Indicate the dimensions and height of the gas canopy structure"
• Response: "The dimensions and height of the canopy have been added to the Cover Sheet and
Layout Plan"
• Letter from Margaret on October 25, 2011
• No other drawing/information about dimensions or location of canopies
3008 Richmond Road—
ARB 2013-4
• COA on January 25, 2013
Drawings included but no written measurements—scales to 1'!'()" ,i[: I)1111H!ir1 I1I,1, ; 2' (o)r 1(0',)"
SDP 2002-25 (Preliminary)
• COA from Janet L. Miller on December 12, 2002
• Letter from Margaret on January 16, 2002
o Number 6: "Provide details on the canopy. Indicate that canopy height shall not exceed 14'6"to the
bottom of the fascia"
• Mostly concerns regarding engineering department—transportation and water/sewer
SDP 2007-155
• Mostly concerns regarding engineering department—transportation and water/sewer
SDP 2012-48
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Proposal: To construct a fuel station with a 6,001 sf building,a 4,290 sf fuel pump canopy,and associated
site improvements on 1.431 acres.
Location: Northeast corner of Seminole Trail (Route 29) and Proffit Road (Route 649)
Motion: Mr. Binsted moved to forward the recommendations outlined in the staff report for the Initial
Site Plan for ARB-2017-142: WAWA Initial Site Plan to the Agent for the Site Review Committee, as
• Regarding requirements to satisfy the design guidelines as per§ 18-30.6.4c(2), (3)and (5)and
recommended conditions of initial plan approval:
e Prior to Initial Plan approval the following items shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the
1. Revise the site layout to locate the building adjacent to the EC with a building front facing
the EC. Alternatively, a revised layout that successfully integrates the building and canopy so
that both structures maintain a presence on the EC will be considered.
2. Delineate the utility easements on the landscape plan (C-600) and the site & utility plan (C-
300). Increase planting area to ensure that there are no conflicts between the proposed
plants and extant/proposed utilities/easements.
3. Reduce the dimensions of the fuel pump canopy footprint to establish a human scale that
does not overpower the corridor, that reduces impacts on the surroundings, and that more
closely meets the canopy standards.
• Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines:
1. Consider substituting native tree and shrub species for those exotic species found in the
plant schedule.
2. Consider adding shrubbery to the exterior of the building.
• Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit: None.
• Regarding the final site plan submittal:
1. Submit architectural elevations and plans of the building and fuel pump canopy for review.
Address the standards and criteria established in the Standards for Fuel Pump Canopies as
outlined in Appendix B of the EC Design Guidelines.
2. Submit material samples for review.
3. The building and canopy architecture shall be compatible and shall be directly related.
4. Consider the frontality of the building and its fenestration.
5. Reduce the dimensions of the fuel pump canopy footprint to establish a human scale that
does not overpower the corridor and that reduces impacts on the surroundings.
6. Revise the canopy to further reduce the size (mass and height), enclose the gable ends, and
minimize the bright white, to reduce impacts on the surroundings.
7. Revise the site layout to locate the building adjacent to the EC with a building front facing
the EC. Alternatively, a revised layout that successfully integrates the building and canopy
so that both structures maintain a presence on the EC will be considered.
8. Revise the design to reduce the height of the stone veneer on the canopy piers to enhance
human scale.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Final Action Memo May 7,2018 4
9. Orient the building and canopy parallel to the EC.
10. Relieve blankness on the north, south and west elevations by using architectural detail,
supplemented with landscaping.
11. Provide manufacturer's specifications for proposed window glazing and samples for final
12. Provide the standard glass note on the elevations: Window glass in the Entrance Corridors
should meet the following criteria: Visible light transmittance (VLT)shall not drop below
40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR)shall not exceed 30%.
13. Revise the proposal so that both the canopy and the building maintain a presence on the
14. Revise the plan to include dumpster elevations and details. Provide samples of the
dumpster enclosure for review.
15. Relegate loading areas and mechanical equipment from the EC.
16. Provide a roof plan with equipment heights for review if any proposed mechanical
equipment will be roof-mounted.
17. Provide the standard mechanical equipment note on the General Notes page (C-101) of the
site plan set and on the architectural drawings: Visibility of all mechanical equipment from
the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated.
18. Ensure that no footcandle values above 0.5 spill over from the property boundaries into
public rights-of-way. In particular, show the footcandle reading at the property line in the
vicinity of the light pole on the Profit Road side of the site.
19. Provide manufacturer's specifications for all proposed light fixtures.
20. Revise the canopy design to eliminate glare.
21. Provide information to confirm that no illumination from the fuel pump canopy is emitted
above the horizontal plane.
22. Show the maximum footcandle (fc)values on the photometric plan. Revise all notes
23. Reduce illumination so that the maximum footcandle (fc) value does not exceed 20 fc.
24. Calculate the photometrics using an LLF of 1.0 for all fixtures.
25. Ensure that light color is consistent throughout the site.
26. Change the color of light models A4, B3, and B4 to dark brown, dark bronze, or black.
27. Ensure that the mounting heights of the freestanding pole lights includes the base and
reduce the total height to a maximum of 20' from grade.
28. Provide standard lighting note on the lighting plan (C-700) within the site plan set: Each
outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a
full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining
residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires
onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed
one half footcandle.
29. Clarify the manufacturer listed in the luminaire schedule on the lighting plan (C-700)for Dl.
30. Ensure that all LLF values in the luminaire schedule on the lighting plan (C-700) are all equal
to 1.0.
31. Consider substituting native tree and shrub species for those exotic species found in the
plant schedule.
32. Correct the illustration on C-600,which currently calls out the AR as 'AB'.
33. Amend the plant schedule on the landscape plan (C-600)to reflect that the trees on the EC
frontage will be planted at a minimum of 3.5 inches caliper.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Final Action Memo May 7,2018 5
34. Delineate the utility easements on the landscape plan (C-600) and the site&utility plan (C-
300). Increase planting area to ensure that there are no conflicts between the proposed
plants and extant/proposed utilities/easements.
35. Extend the proposed tree plantings along the full lengths of the EC frontage.
36. Provide street trees the full length of the Proffit Road frontage, including the southwest
corner of the site, increasing planting area as necessary to eliminate utility conflicts.
37. Provide one additional interior parking tree.
38. Provide a continuous row of shrubs along the Rt. 29 and Proffit Road frontages.
39. Provide trees and shrubs along the 5-space parking row near the northern entrance to the
40. Note that signage requires a separate application. Ground cover, shrubs and/or trees will
be required to integrate the freestanding signs into the overall development.
41. Consider adding shrubbery to the exterior of the building.
42. Reduce the number of BNH and IV to below 10 and 25 respectively(or below 25%of
typology totals) by introducing more plant variety.
43. Provided the standard plant health note on the landscape plan (C-600):All site plantings of
trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the
topping of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to
support the overall health of the plant.
44. Revise the fuel pump canopy design to reflect a minimalist design.
45. Reduce the height of the fuel pump canopy to comply with the Standards for Fuel Pump
Canopies as outlined in Appendix B of the EC Design Guidelines.
46. Further reduce the footprint of the canopy to more closely meet the canopy standards.
Mr. Hancock seconded the motion.
The motion carried by a vote of 3:2. (Stoner and Van Der Werf voted no.)
a. Brookhill:Visibility from the EC
After considering the information presented on the visibility of the proposed development, it was the
consensus of the ARB that: 1) given the distance from the EC street, the review of the Brookhill Block 3
Ice Rink Initial Site Plan may be completed by staff, with ARB input at staff's discretion, and 2) the need
for ARB review of the other blocks will be determined after some of the development is constructed.
Mr. Wardell recused himself from Flow Auto and left the meeting at 2:55 p.m. Vice Chair Binsted took
over the meeting.
b. Flow Auto: Light pole color
After considering the proposal to use gray instead of bronze as the light pole color, it was the consensus
of the ARB that bronze should be used for consistency along the corridor,as per the guidelines.
a. Next ARB Meeting: May 21, 2018
The meeting was adjourned at 3:01 p.m.to the next ARB meeting on Monday, May 21,2018 in Room 241,
Second Floor, County Office Building at 1:00 p.m.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Final Action Memo May 7,2018 6
‘41.1001 viol?
o�F A
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
(434) 296-5823
Date: March 19,2018
Time: 1:00 PM
Meeting Room: Room 241, Second Floor
Frank Stoner: Present
Frank Hancock: Present
Bruce Wardell, Chair: Absent
Stan Binsted,Vice Chair: Present
Dade Van Der Werf: Present
Margaret Maliszewski
Heather McMahon
Sharon Taylor
Call to Order
Mr. Binsted called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and established a quorum.
Mr.Binsted invited disclosures. Hearing none,Mr.Binsted said the meeting would move to the next item.
Public Comment
Mr. Binsted invited public comment. Hearing none,the meeting proceeded.
Regular Review Items
ARB-2018-13: Starbucks Tenant Panel Signs—Certificate of Appropriateness for Signs(TM/Parcel
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Final Action Memo March 19,2018 1
Proposal:To revise the Comprehensive Sign Criteria for the freestanding signs in Hollymead Town Center
that are located along Rt.29 to add green as a letter color.
Location: Freestanding signs are located on the west side of Rt. 29 in the Hollymead Town Center at the
following locations: 1)at the corner of Towncenter Drive,2)at the south corner of the PetSmart building,
3)at the north corner of the TGI Friday's building,and 4)at the south corner of the Target store. Starbucks
is requesting tenant panels on the signs in locations 2 and 3.
Motion: Mr. Van Der Werf moved for approval of ARB-2018-13: Starbucks Tenant Panel Signs
including the Starbucks tenant panels as proposed, and the amended Comprehensive Sign Criteria for
freestanding signs in Hollymead Town Center with the following conditions.
1. The signs shall be externally illuminated.
2. Tenant panel background color shall be white.
3. Tenant panel letter color shall be red Pantone 187C(7725-50 Cardinal Red 3M vinyl)or green(3M
3630-76 Holly green/Pantone 3425C).
Mr. Stoner seconded the motion.
The motion carried by a vote of 4:0. (Wardell absent)
Work Session
ARB-2017-142: Wawa Initial Plan
The ARB held a work session on ARB-2017-142 Wawa Initial Plan and offered the following comments
for the applicant's next submittal:
1. The applicant should continue to pursue measures to mitigate the visual impact of the fuel pump
canopy and to bring the design in line with the Entrance Corridor design guidelines.Canopy
location, orientation,mass, size, scale and roof shape are some of the design elements that could
be revised for reduced impact.
2. Some ARB members thought that the site layout could be revised to position the canopy behind
the building as viewed from the EC while still achieving a functional site.
3. The building deserves attention.The building and canopy architecture should be compatible and
relate more directly. Consider the frontality of the building and the fenestration. Show how the
two elements can be more compatible.
Other Business
Ron Martin Building Comprehensive Sign Plan: Letter colors
Motion: Mr.Van Der Werf moved for approval of a revision to the Ron Martin Building Comprehensive
Sign Plan to include a change from blue to black as an approved letter color.
Mr.Hancock seconded the motion.
The motion carried by a vote of 4:0(Wardell absent).
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Final Action Memo March 19,2018 2
Motion: Mr.Binsted made a motion that the proposal does not require ARB review because, as
demonstrated by the applicant's cross section,the block will not be visible from the EC.
Mr. Stoner seconded the motion.
The motion carried by a vote of 5:0.
d. ARB-2017-142: Wawa Initial Site Plan - Initial Site Development Plan (TM/Parcels
032A0020000100, 032A00200001 A 1)
Proposal: To construct a fuel station with a 6,001 sf building, a 6,000 sf fuel-pump canopy,and
associated site improvements on 1.431 acres.
Location: Northeast corner of Seminole Trail(Route 29) and Proffit Road(Route 649)
The ARB recessed at 2:25 p.m. and reconvened at 2:28 p.m.
Motion: Mr.Binsted moved to forward the recommendations outlined in the staff report to the Agent for
the Site Review Committee, as follows:
• Regarding requirements to satisfy the design guidelines as per§ 18-30.6.4c(2), (3)and(5)and
recommended conditions of initial plan approval:
o Prior to Initial Plan approval the following items shall be resolved to the satisfaction of the
1. Relegate the fuel pumps and canopy away from the Entrance Corridor.
2. Illustrate the utility easements on the landscape plan(C-600)and ensure that there are no
conflicts between the proposed planting placement and utilities.
3. Reduce the dimensions of the fuel-pump canopy to comply with the Standards for Fuel
Pump Canopies as outlined in Appendix B of the EC Design Guidelines.
• Regarding recommendations on the plan as it relates to the guidelines:
1. Consider substituting native tree and shrub species for those exotic species found in the plant
2. Consider adding shrubbery to the exterior of the building.
• Regarding conditions to be satisfied prior to issuance of a grading permit:None.
• Regarding the final site plan submittal:
1. Submit architectural elevations and plans of the building and fuel pump for final review.
Address the standards and criteria established in the Standards for Fuel Pump Canopies as
outlined in Appendix B of the EC Design Guidelines.
2. Submit material samples for final review.
3. Relieve blankness on the north, south and west elevations by using architectural detail,
supplemented with landscaping.
4. Provide manufacturer's specifications for proposed window glazing and samples for final
5. Provide the standard glass note on the elevations: Window glass in the Entrance Corridors
should meet the following criteria: Visible light transmittance(VLT)shall not drop below
40%. Visible light reflectance (VLR)shall not exceed 30%.
6. Submit elevations,details,and samples of the dumpster enclosure for final review.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Final Action Memo February 12,2018 4
7. Revise the plan to include dumpster elevations and details.Provide samples of the dumpster
enclosure for review.
8. Relegate loading areas and mechanical equipment from the EC.
9. Provide a roof plan with equipment heights for review if any proposed mechanical
equipment will be roof-mounted.
10. Provide the standard mechanical equipment note on the General Notes page(C-101)of the
site plan set and on the architectural drawings: Visibility of all mechanical equipment from
the Entrance Corridor shall be eliminated.
11. Ensure that no footcandle values above 0.5 spill over from the property boundaries into
public right-of-ways.
12. Provide manufacturer's specifications for all proposed light fixtures.
13. Reduce the illumination values so that maximum footcandle(fc)value is below 20 fc.
14. Ensure that light color is consistent throughout the site.
15. Change the color of light models A4,B3,and B4 to dark brown, dark bronze, or black.
16. Ensure that the mounting heights of the freestanding pole lights includes the base and reduce
the total height to a maximum of 20' from grade.
17. Provide standard lighting note on the lighting plan(C-700)within the site plan set:Each
outdoor luminaire equipped with a lamp that emits 3,000 or more initial lumens shall be a
full cutoff luminaire and shall be arranged or shielded to reflect light away from adjoining
residential districts and away from adjacent roads. The spillover of lighting from luminaires
onto public roads and property in residential or rural areas zoning districts shall not exceed
one halffootcandle.
18. Clarify the manufacturer listed in the luminaire schedule on the lighting plan(C-700) for
19. Ensure that all LLF values in the luminaire schedule on the lighting plan(C-700)are all
equal to 1.0.
20. Correct the illustration on C-600,which currently calls out the AR as 'AB'.
21. Amend the plant schedule on the landscape plan(C-600)to reflect that the trees on the EC
frontage will be planted at a minimum of 3.5 inches caliper.
22. Delineate the utility easements on the landscape plan(C-600)and the site&utility plan(C-
300). Increase planting area to ensure that there are no conflicts between the proposed
planting placement and extant/proposed utilities/easements.
23. Extended the proposed tree plantings along the full lengths of the EC and Proffit Road
24. Provide plantings in the southwest and northwest corners of the site.
25. Provide one additional interior parking tree.
26. Provide a continuous row of shrubs along the Rt. 29 and Proffit Road frontages.
27. Note that signage requires a separate application. Ground cover, shrubs and/or trees will be
required to integrate the freestanding signs into the overall development.
28. Reduce the number of BNH and IV to below 10 and 25 respectively(or below 25%of
typology totals)by introducing more plant variety.
29. Provided the standard plant health note on the landscape plan(C-600):All site plantings of
trees and shrubs shall be allowed to reach, and be maintained at, mature height; the topping
of trees is prohibited. Shrubs and trees shall be pruned minimally and only to support the
overall health of the plant.
30. Mark all trees to be removed on the Existing Conditions/Demolition Plan(C-201)within the
site plan set.
31. Orient the building and canopy parallel to the EC.
Mr.Van Der Werf seconded the motion.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Final Action Memo February 12,2018 5
3 -
The motion carried by a vote of 4:1. (Stoner voted no.)
e. ARB-2018-01: Price Hyundai&Truck Maintenance Amendment-Amendment to a Certificate
of Appropriateness(TM/Parcel 04500000006800)
Proposal: To revise an approved design to renovate the exterior of the Hyundai showroom building by
adding an EIFS band to increase the height of the façade 4' 5",to eliminate the rear addition,to revise the
storefront system to one of butt-glazed glass,and to revise the interior columns from 2' x 2'white to 3
inclined 6"green columns. (See Attachment A.)
Location: 2150 Seminole Trail, on the west side of Rt. 29,approximately 800' south of Hilton Heights
Motion: Mr.Binsted moved for approval of the Amendment to a Certificate of Appropriateness for ARB-
2018-01: Price Hyundai& Truck Maintenance Amendment with the following conditions:
1. Revise the design to eliminate the uncoordinated,top-heavy appearance that results from the.
EIFS extension above the metal fascia.Possible solutions include, among others,replacing EIFS
with the bronze metal and/or recessing the new wall back from,the fascia, or introducing other
details that break up the top-heavy appearance.
2. Note that a separate sign application is required for the wall signs illustrated in the elevations.
Mr. Hancock seconded the motion.
The motion carried by a vote of 5:0.
a. ARB-2017-24: City Electric Supply Sign
After viewing the revised plan,the ARB determined that 10"of clear space was sufficient for the CES black
and white letter sign and that the illustrated position on the building was acceptable.
b. SP-2017-32: UVA Outdoor Tennis Facility
After considering staffs description of the proposal,it was the consensus of the ARB that full ARB review
of the SP and ZMA were not required.
c. Riverside Center Building 2325
After considering staffs description of the proposal, it was the consensus of the ARB that the application
could be reviewed administratively by staff
• Next ARB Meeting: TUESDAY,February 20,2018, 1:00 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:42 p.m. to the next ARB meeting on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 1:00
p.m. in Room 241, Second Floor,County Office Building.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Final Action Memo February 12,2018 6
4110001 Niad
Motion:Mr.Stoner moved for approval of the Certificate of Appropriateness for ARB-2018-26:NTB Tire
Wall Signs as proposed.
Mr. Hancock seconded the motion.
The motion carried by a vote of 3:0. (Binsted,Van der Werf absent)
SIGN TYPE Channel letters,Panel signs
LETTER COLOR Red Pantone 1797,Blue Pantone 294C,Yellow
Pantone 123C,Black,White
BACKGROUND White This applies to all panel
COLOR signs and all cabinet
RACEWAY COLOR To match the color of the wall to which it is
SIZE LIMITATIONS According to Zoning Ordinance and Entrance
Corridor Design Guidelines
LOCATION(S) 1. In the upper level sign band on the north,
east and south elevations,centered left-to-right
over the window bays and centered top-to-
bottom in the sign band
2. In the first story sign band on the north
elevation,centered top-to-bottom and centered
under the middle and eastern window bays or in
a similar location over the entrance bay
3. On the west elevation,with the top of the
sign aligned with the bottom of the upper block
band and not extending into the sign band of
the northern elevation
MOUNTING Panel signs: Direct to wall; Channel letters:
DETAILS Raceway mounted
LOGO/GRAPHICS Logos and graphics may be used if they
DETAILS contribute to a balanced design. Colors shall be
limited to red,blue,yellow,black and white.
Graphics shall not be internally illuminated.
ILLUMINATION Signs may be externally illuminated. Channel If external illumination
DETAILS letters may be internally illuminated. is proposed,provide
fixture cut sheets for
This form outlines the specific design criteria established for signs at this location.All
standard ARB Sign Guidelines also apply.
Work Session
ARB-2017-142: Wawa Initial Plan
The ARB held a work session on ARB-2017-142 Wawa Initial Plan. The Board discussed the site layout,
the size of the canopy, the design of the canopy, the size of the building relative to the size of the parcel
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Final Action Memo April 2,2018 4
(1100 1111110
and how this limits site configuration,and the proposed design as it relates to other gas station/convenience
stores already established in the Entrance Corridors,without reaching consensus.
a. Hollymead Town Center Comprehensive Sign Plan
In consensus,the ARB agreed that the bank parcel should not be considered a part of the Hollymead Town
Center Area B Comprehensive Sign Plan.
Next ARB Meeting: Monday,April 16,2018
The meeting was adjourned at 2:22 p.m. to the next ARB meeting on Monday, April 16, 2018 in Room
241, Second Floor, County Office Building at 1:00 p.m.
Albemarle County Architectural Review Board Final Action Memo April 2,2018 5
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road,North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
January 5,2018
Scott Stickely,P.E.
Bohler Engineering Va,LLC •
28 Blackwell Park Lane, Suite 201
Warrenton,Va 20186
RE: ARB-2017-142: Wawa Initial Plan
Dear Mr. Stickely,
The above-noted application for an Initial Site Plan has been scheduled for the Albemarle County Architectural
Review Board meeting to be held on Monday,February 12,2018. This meeting will begin at 1:00 p.m.in Room
241 of the County Office Building at 401 McIntire Road,Charlottesville,Virginia.
Staffs recommendations on the application will be available approximately one week prior to the meeting date
identified above.The item will be placed on the consent agenda and the ARB's action will become part of the Site
Review Committee comments on the proposal.
If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me.
Sincerely, 9/f(77/7-704-----
Heather McMahon
Senior Planner
Cc: RL Development,LLC
8605 Westwood Center Drive, Suite 410
Vienna,Va 22182
Malloy Properties III LLC C/O Malloy Companies LLC
1300 Richmond Road
Charlottesville Va 22911