HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOD201200003 Other 2013-12-30 (9)INDEX PAGE PERMIT AMENDMENT Perm -it Number: Date: SORTED PREPPED SCANNED ❑ QUALITY CONTROL ❑ `s- 3 q •4,� 0. GENE DISNNER DIRECTOR KATHY J. REYNOLDS ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ADMINISTRATION BENNY R. WAMPLER ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR MINING COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS ANO ENERGY Divajoh of Mwlegl Mntbv P. O. Box 4199. 77o5 Ti tbeftke Row LynMburg, vlrplrw 24502 TWOWOoe (WO 23a4*02 W.111AM O. Rolbr, Dveclo' September 5, 1991 Mr. Chester V. Hebda, Jr. The New Alberene Stone Company, Inc. P. O. Box-300 Schuyler, Virginia 22969 Dear Mr. Hebda: ,This is to acknowledge receipt of the Request for Amendment to Permit Number 05904AB, located in Albemarle, Amherst and Nelson Counties. You will find enclosed an approved Amendment which adds 1..5 acres to the disturbed area for a total of 48.5 disturbed acres. Our records have been changed to reflect this addition. Should you have any questions, please contact this office or Clyde M. Hill, Inspector. Sincerely, . l Gary E. Potter, Environmental Engineer Consultant cc: Clyde M. Hill,'Inspector DIVISIONS ENERGY GAS AND OIL MINED LAND RECLAMATION MINERAL MINING MINERAL RESOURCES MINES y An Equal Opportunity Employer -"e . n!2"L' jul( Received toNCL 0 Nf M ,4of�`t L 610�6��� COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA TMENT OF MINES, MINERALS, AND ENERGY DIVISION OF MINERAL MINING P. O. BOX 4499 I YNCHBURG. VIRGINIA 24502 (804) 239-0602 REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT COMPANY NAME: The New Alberene Stone Co. , Inc. PERMIT NO.: 05904AB OPERATING OFFICIAL: Chester V, Hebda Jr TITLE: _ Duarry Superintendent AN AMENDMENT IS REQUESTED TO THIS PERMIT AS LISTED BELOW: The purpose of this ammendment is to add 1 1/2 acres of disturbed land. One acre on property owned by Vance Wilkens and 1/2 acres on property owned by Geroge H. Tennill Jr. and Charles E. Wooten. Blocks of soapstone will be removed from the 1 1/2 acres for sale. LIST OF ATTACHED ITEMS: 2 copies of mineral maps Drainage and Reclamation Operation/Reclamation Plan Surety Adjustments OPERATOR'S SIGNATURE: d ,c V t4cl Ck DATE: % INSPECTOR'S COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS: INSPECTOR'S SIGNATURE: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY DATE: eAC Q1 SENT BACK FOR REVISION AND/OR ADDITIONS AS INDICATED ON ATTACHED LETTER. SIGNATURE: AMENDMENT: ( L-- APPROVED ( ) DISAPPROVED DATE: SIGNATURE: DATE: DIVISION F MINERAL MINING *-12� DMM- l I3 REV. 5/90 OperationlReciafMU* UDraainage Plan (Item 20 OMM 101) for disturbed site on Vance Wilkins property TJl_ 12&318 The proposed mining operation w411 set back 550 R. from State Route Soo. The closest homes will be set back 350 feet from the mining operations. The mining disturbance will be set back over 125 feetfrom the nearest property lines. Because of the setback from the road, and because of the topography of the land, the disturbed area is Completely hidden from obgviation by the public as well as the nearby homes. The proposed disturbed area consists of soap soapstone dumped on top of the land. We plan to (1) remove the soap stone with a 955 Cat track loader, (2) move it a shortdistance wthin the distrubed area, (3) cut it up into snuller Pieces using gas powered chop saws and hand wedges and (4) load in onto trucks to be delivered to customers who will use the stone for sculpture carving. Only two men will be involved in Me mining operation at any one time. We expectto use the track loader about one 8 hour day a month. We e)pect to cut and load stone about twn 8 hour days per week. We expect to work weekdays and not on Sundays and Holidays. We do replan to build any facilities or permanent structures. We do notplan to erect any sign at the sre. We intend to use the existing right of way into the property. We hope to prevent the tracking of sand or mud onto the highway by (1) limiting the use of the 955 Cat track loader to relatively cry weather so that we do not needlessly break up the top soil in the Operations area and (2) keep the access road well graveled so out ftdks corning into the operations area to load stone will not encounter mud which might then be carried to t1w highway. The only noise produced will be from the equipment described above. The only dust produced wilt be from the hand held poww chop saws. This dust will remain in ttredis rbed area. As the disturbed area is cleared of the scrap soapstone we will grade the area so that drainage is directed back into the disturbed area. Atthe locations where this is not possble we will install romp fitters to stop any erosion from leaving the operations area. When operations stop in the disturbed area we will reseed t Alter final reclamation the area will become a open grassy field. �12341161>1 4 re IEP b N y Received w. 0MI1 /irl_ t7� 0 o CV' AUG 1991 Received *� D M M f ►,� , t `` I r