HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOD201300008 Other 2013-12-30 (18)�n] INDEX PAGE PERMIT AMENDMENT Permit Number: Date: 4,5- / SORTED PREPPED SCANNED ❑ QUALITY CONTROL ❑ .—� 0. GENE dIS ER DIRECTOR i KATHYJ REYNOLDS ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ADMINISTRATION BENNY R. WAMPLER c ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR MINING ` COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS AND ENERGY omsion a mineral Mining R O. Box "99, 7705 Timumiahe Road Lynchburg. Virginia 24502 Tclephono (OD41 239-0(,02 William O. Roller. Dirmty May 18, 1989 Mr. W alter Rippey, The New Alberene Stone Company, Inc. P. 0. Box 300 Schuyler, Virginia 22969 r Dear Mr. Rippey: ONISIONS ENERGY GAS AND OIL MINED LAND RECLAMATION MINERAL MINING MINERAL RESOURCES MINES You will find attached an approved Request for'Amendment, which adds 10.0 acres to the disturbed area of permit number 05904AB, located in Albemarle, Amherst and Nelson Counties. Our records have been changed to.ref,-lect this amendment. Should you have any.questions, please contact this office or Clyde M. dill, Inspector, at 703-291-2385. Sincerely, l..J�u. William 0. Roller, Director 11 WOR:aem cc: Clyde M. Hill, Inspector An Equal Opportunity Employer 0 1 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA !k`� DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS & ENERGY,' DIVISION OF MINERAL MINING P. O. BOX 4499 i r �Q • : i� LYNCHBURG, VA 24502 (804) 239.0602 r 0 V REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT Company Name: The New Al.berene Stone Co., Inc. Permit No. _M 06- 90VIOg6 Operating Official: Walter A. Rippey Title: Production "!andger An amendment is requested to this permit as listed below: 1. To add 8 disturbed acres to existing disturbed land .permit for reactivating "Old Dominion Quarry". See Kinino Permit 5 of 7. 2. To add 2 disturbed acres to existing disturbed land permit for removal of old Serpentine block at "Serpentine Quarry". See dining Permit 1-lay 2 of 7. List of attached items: '1. Exhibit # 1 Narrative of Operations at Old Dominion Quarry. 2. Exhibit #2 Narrative of Operations at Serpentine Quarry. �.3. Drawings of Operations at Old Dominion Quarry. 4. Application/Operation -Plan. Operator's Signature Date Inspector's Comments/Recommendations: Inspector's Signature ZZ= , A47 0 Dat d r OFFICE USE ONLY Sent back for revision and/or additions as indicated on attached letter. Signature Date_ AMENDMENT: (�) Approved ( ) Disapproved Signature Division o{ Mineral Mining DMM-113 2425 262 j2cY DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS AND ENERGY DIVISION OF MINERAL MINING P. O. BOX 4499 0° LYNCHBURG, V[RGINIA 24502 M AI ea ti (804) 239-0602 OWNERSHIP INFORMATION 1. Name of Applicant APPLICATION/OPERATION PLAN The New Alberene Stone Co. 2. Mailing Address Route 800, PO Box 300, Schuyler, VA 22969 Location State Route #721 Acres to be Permitted 130.104 Acres to be Disturbed 8 3. Office Telephone Number: { 804 } 831-2228 4. Type of Organization: (X ) Corporation ( ) Individual ( )Partnership �st, For Office Use Only Permit No. S'90 S/fI t3 Receipt No. Date Issued Longitudes. Latitude County Albemarle (. ) Joint Venture ( ) Trust ( ) Other (specify) 5. (a) State of Incorporation . Virginia (b) Name & Address of Registered Agent Rich McEver C.T. Corporation. 2 Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA 30383 6. Names, titles and addresses of owners, directors or shareholders owning ten percent or more of stock. NAME Rei 10 Vauhkonen TITLE ADDRESS President SF-83940 Nunnanlahti, Finland Urpo Ratia Chairman of Board Seppo Ludde Financial Officer (Board Mem5er) SF-83940 Nunnanlahti, Finland 'SF-83940 Nunnanlahti, Finland Company Official in charge of mining operations: Falter A. Rippey. Title: Production Manager 7. (a) Have any of the above listed persons, or companies owned in whole or in part by said persons, had a mining permit issued by Virginia or any other Staterevoked? No (b) If yes, give a brief statement of action. DMM . 101 1 m d Igl 8. List any other mining permits issued to applicant or owners: STATE PERMIT NO. STATUS Virginia 569 Active OPERATIONS INFORMATION 9. Type of Mine: ( X) Open Pit ( ) Underground ( ) Dredge ( ) Other (specify) ` Mineral to be mined Soapstone 10. Will explosive storage and blasting be required? ( X } Yes ( ) No 1 11. Number of Employees each shift: 1 5 2 3 12. Distance in feet to nearest inhabited building Approximately 495 Ft. 13. Give the name and address of the owners of the surface land and owners of the mineral, ore, or other solid matter to be mined: Surface Mr. Vance Wilkins Surface Mineral The New Alberene Stone Co., Inc. Amherst, VA PO Box 300, Schuyler, VA-22969 Mineral 14. Specify source of the applicant's legal right to enter and conduct mining operations on land covered by the Contractural agreement between landowner and company. permit. Company leasing mineral rights 15. List of Rivers, Streams, Tributaries or Water Impoundments on or Adjacent to Permitted Property: NAME I LOCATION OF PERMITTED PROPERTY None ` 16. Water Quality (pH) Readings t 7.02 Upstream 7.03 Downstream 17. Specify. how mine discharge and storm runoff water will be handled to minimize impact on any water courses. (Detail drainage plan attached) See Operation Plan a 2 2>14,E�r-7V.- pWzr5/.ester �R�U,OlTL2S , IAI O'KeC.,E of ?P)ftT�S .�A�✓.v/sT•f'i�17a!/' �l•�.LNC,�.vG �v�rvi iBcs.4,eA a-.F S72wx eo IdIc 40'" f C4 �989_0�-=08 '-Km Z h4 25 26 . +► T _The New Alberene Stow Co., Inc. APR Wed -OPERATIONS PLAN FOR "OLD DOMINION QUAR;i' DJW M e d ,2.1 0� r April 19, 1989 Thi!_ New Alber6ne Stone Co., Inc., located on Route 800 in S6kf1iylef Nelson 'County, Virginia plans to reopen a previously abandoned quarry referred to as "The Old Dominion Quarry". It is located on State Route 721, in Albemarle County, Virginia. The .-exact -location -can -be determined by referring to Mining Permit" _'-Maio, #5 of 7, Schuyler Quadrant Map #126-21B. -This 'quarry- is 'located on secondary Route 721. The quarry will come within ap'prdxi'mately fifty (50) feet of this road. The closest buildings to the operation are two churches, Oak Ridge Baptist Church located across the road and approximately 1/20th _of -a -mile (495 tt.,),down route 721, and the old Centenary Church ;--which Is being used as a private residence up route 721 -approximately 1/10th.mile. The distance to adjoining property is - approximately 400 -feet on one side and approximately 250 feet on the.opposite side. 'These distances were determined by referring to -previously mentioned -mining permit maps. The ..zoning of this area is presently RA (Rural Areas). The ._Z;.:..companyis now'negotiating with.Albemarle County zoning officials on the feasibility- of chang.ing-this- zoning to "Natural Resource Extrattion",r. -As-this progresses, all agencies will be duely notified:' The-mifieral to be extracted will be soapstone. The material will be_used;.­f.o_r architectural purposes. such as floor tiles, stair treads;* "'w*indow stools, countertops, 'laboratory tops, building -facades,-etc. The other major -use will be for the construction ..;.z -Fin ll. of nish d�signed fireplaces under the tradename of "TuliKivi The quarry will be operatedfive (5) days a week, Monday through Fridiy,-The hours at the beginfiing- will be 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. • This. does not mean the company' would not go to longer days (6 t4^,.days;:) and p-ossibly two (.2) shifts. No work will be done on Sundays or hblida­ys unless ess it is emergency repairs. The company mist retain the option of longei_w6iks days and Saturdays. —The-company, plans to incor5orate . a more updated method of *i .-quarrying soapst6ne In this area. First of all the topsoil and " _ �-overburden- will be removed, and,,!9t6r'e'd= in a designated area. A pz „�Karfmafinll stone, cutting saw, will -start cutting into the stone. Z '.This '-is - a chain 'saw with carbide - teeth.' As the stone is being cutthesaw.moveson a rail. It',Is'capable .of making horizontal. Al and vertical'cut6. Plahs are to!ha-ve two (2) saws at this site. P.O. Box 300, Schuyler, Virginia 22969 Telephone: 804-831-2228, Telefax: 804-831-2732 q Page 2 +�--- Quarrying will be done using a terracing method. As the soapstone blocks are cut, a rubber -tired loader will remove them -- -and place them in a storage area. The blocks are then marked .: with identification numbers and later loaded on a truck to be transported to the factory for processing. .1 Listed below is a step-by-step sequence of the new quarry operation: 1. Remove topsoil and overburden and store in a designated area for land reclamation. 2. Make a vertical cut into the stone and wedge with wooden wedges. 3. Make a horizontal cut into the stone and wedge with wooden wedges. A. Steps 2'and 3 can be done simultaneously when two saws are used. 4. The vertical saw is then used to make another cut into the stone to make it an exact cube. 5. A rubber -tired loader will remove the block to the staging' area to be marked and hauled to the factory for processing. This new quarrying operation will start about 100 feet from the old existing quarry. The quarrying will be directed toward this old quarry. The only facilities to be constructed at this site would be a trailer office, electrical sub -station and portable sanitary facilities. Also at this site will be a diesel fuel skid tank which will be clearly identified. None of these facilities will remain after the -quarrying operation is completed. A sign with the company's complete name, address, quarry name, permit number and telephone number will be located at the main entrance. a Gravel or waste soapstone will be used to construct a landing for loading trucks to prevent tracking mud onto the state road which is a .gravel road. The New Alberene Stone Company, Inc. P.O. Box 300, Schuylcr, Virginia 22969 Telephone: 804-831-2228, Telefax: 804-831.2732 ". r A tree line will be left around the property perimeter to obstruct the quarry from public view_ If needed, berms will be constructed and vegetated. The tree line and berms will also serve as noise, barriers for the quarry. The equipment used to cut the stone makes very little noise. The company is also checking into mist spray nozzles for the saws to control any ambient dust from cutting the stone. The only other noise that would be created would come from operating loaders and oecational drilling. Any other requirements by both state and federal mining agencies will be implemented immediately. All water will be pumped into adjacent abandoned quarries and any run-off will be.controlled by rip -rap. The only impoundment will be the old abandoned quarries. Impoundment should not be necessary when using the slopedlterrace quarrying method. To the best of our knowledge there -are no streams in danger of being interfered ,with in any manner! - Any areas where run-off might occur will be studied in conjunction with state mining and land reclamation officials. R Page 3 There will be no actual land filling at the site. The quarry operation will require taking rubble (scrap stone) stone and dumping - into an abandoned quarry that will not be used. The prop eerty will be duely posted and marked to prevent the dumping of any debris. All entrance- ways will be secured. Any one caught dumping on the property will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Debris will be removed and taken to the proper facilities. As the quarrying operation progresses, the land reclamation will be conducted simultaneously." The company will submit soil samples to the county extension agent and the the state land reclamation office for testing. With the agency's recommendations' in mind the company will re -vegetate and re- forest to meet their guidelines. All reclamation will comply with M.O:T.C. revegetation guidelines. It would be difficult to state what the land will be used for after quarrying and reclamationYis completed. The company plans to quarry in this area for a number of years. The New Alberene Stone Co., Inc. does not owe this property. We lease the mineral rights. The owner has given no indication as to his future plans concerning the end use of the property. The New Alberene Stone Company, Inc. 4 " ` P.O. Box 300. Schuyler, Virginu 22969 Telephone: 804-831-2228, Telefzx: 804-831-2732 a.2526 The New Alberene Stone Co., Inc. '71i 4P _ AR c* I tied TL D MAI .7Z A) 41 ZILLOtrO EXHIBIT #2 SUBJECT:. Removal' of -soapstone block from Serpentine Quarry on State Route 800. See sheet 2 of 7 of existing mining permit map! NARRATIVE The -main activity at:this quarry site will consist of removing 4 old soapstoxie blockii' to be used In production and testing at the: z111. ' There will. be' no actual quarrying 'at the present time. The.*ionly land disturbed will be where the blocks are located and a suitable -access -area. There are already main access roads The"only other road access=needed will be to the "dump block" -is piles.- After this operation: � completed the disturbed areas -will'-;be 4raded- and re-seeded-t6:6-tate specifications. A natural barr1er._.-wIl1 be- kept at. -iill-,tizes between the work area and public roads.- existing� The ..removal. -of - the dump block -will help in returning the land to Its -'natural, state. No more than one acre of land will be.' dis-tu-'rbed afeach site. P.O. Box 300, Schuyler, Virginia 22969 Tclephone- 604_831-2228, Teldix: 904-831-2732 71 i O. GENE DISHNER DIVISIONS DIRECTOR r ENERGY KATHY J. aEYHOLDS GAS AND Oa ASSISTANTOLDS DIRECTOR MINED LAND RECLAMATION MINERAL FOR AOMWISTRATION p - MINERAL A CES RESOD SE NNY R. WAMPLER MINES ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOA MINING "MMONUnTALT'H of VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS AND ENERGY Di"lon of Mineral Mining R O. Box 4499. 7705 Tlmbedake Road Lynchburg, Virginia 245D2 Tobphone (9D4) 23S4=2 William O. Rolla(, Director April 27, 1989 Mr. Walter Rippey, The New Alberene Stone Company, Inc. P. 0. Box 300 Schuyler, Virginia 22969 Dear Mr. Rippey: We are in receipt of the Request for Amendment, maps and legends for Permit No. 05904AS, located in Albemarle, Amherst and Nelson Counties. Upon receipt of the following fees and bond, this amendment..can be approved: Renewal Pee: $60.00 (10.0 acres x $6.00 per acre) Bond: $.10,000.00 (10.0 acres x $1000.00 per acre) An increased rider can be submitted for the additional bond. The fee and bond are due in by May 27, 1989. If you have any questions, please contact this office or Clyde M. Hill, Inspector, at 703-291-2385. Sincerely, Ann E. McCraw, Permit Section cc: Clyde M. Hill, Inspector 0 V N104 8237 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF MINE -S, MINERALS AND ENERGY DIVISION OF.'MINERAI: MINING' P.O. BOX 4499,. LYNCHBURG. VIRGINIA 24502 NO0-fis Date e-, 11V V 0 J- V 16�`) Received from Permit r Permit Fee ........ ...... ................. 02177 $ Number o 'Renewal Fee .............. 02177 $ License f;ee Exam Fee. .......... 02413 n- Fund" 0751 $ ----------- Minerals Reciarnatio ........ ...0750 Cash Bond ........... Bond S Policy Now Other -t-ws Q rar)c e- (-:0 VVI kiV4 E.- C! C) Y114-i a 10 8228 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS AND ENERGY DIVISION OF MINERAL MINING P.O. BOX 4499, LYNCHBURG. VIRGINIA 24502 Date Received from Th f-- MEIL) Alb e.,i-ei C) r) f. Ov. yj C'. S 0 C) Permit Fee ................................ 02177 S Pennit Renewal Fee .............................. 02177 -& — -T,—C) . mber License Fee .............................. 02159 S or u'i Exam Fee ................................02413 S Minerals Reclamation Fund .................0751 $ 3 Cash Bond.. . ............................ 0750 $ Bond Policy No, Other S �- a - •`�n'.b �- - - _ - pin _ dj_�7 _ = fff=Y j 1 1-7 O :•�-r�0 �\ t - _t' > O V'- Pam?-+'fNr��'=Z ���r_ f/•P`-Tim-�.���--.c. .1[�}= - - -` 3 - IL . \ �rt • /• " �! � � � � � - , _� - ` \ - •_.-- - -' _ _ � ` � -..� �S-S'_ � }=_'_ � - _ ` _^ � — =till - lk z. o _ '.¢. r ° I cr ♦ _✓_ram {` • - 7- . 10 `t"., -} +`. _ _ '� -• _ =-i`' - - '\®. t -�' - ' �C'po' 'inn vu' ��� _ t.i _ ` ,r•.__ j--? O �a�lp -Zti- - �- •' :�__: - €� i-a=' - _ -`¢ KEY: OWNED PROPERTIES sac _ _ - T' - yri _ _ - _ _ - ` - .u•....... MINERAL RIGNTS i.l �' _ __.._z. ��� 1 • �r' - - _ - S��7�yV�T�� �- - -.-OISTORBED AREA ° b1�� -_ _ 'tom' : - - - '' •'f - ` f "t: _ _ _ _ Z� p ° y 4>00 ~j i 71 1�l WMt- _ � J �• • _.�.. � / { � ~2' •i _ ♦ - (- Mineral Rl phts 40 ae­ Y 6fa 74 7LS • / - _ _ �� f S.1- - �'^ t 'MaP -0k ¢ 44-40 143 76 ` •-•� ® - i _ - ,- .� Map 9Ye b2-I Z5 1Ma 1 19 �\ �.L �_ '\�� ( G` - _ - _r-� "- _�"- -. ¢ - Ownvd¢ProP�rt 0A. 15, 31 a. Mtn'zmn 0_ _�-� - T i�--� - - - - - - -i� MaP #e b2-13� 14 �.��^� -•. �`y S- Mi naral Ri gl-�t r �r - - Zv '�' �• - : �_ _ ~� `•rat _ „- ��.� _ _ t _ � s NE/GNSORS - M/LEER ASSOCIATES, P. C. 8420 LYNCNBURT I MB R I A AE ROAD j 24502 •t gay -,T�� MINING PERMIT MAPS COMM,NO. 86129 SCALE: l • 400' GATE: MAY 22, l986 SNEET 2OPT /�C