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3 INDEX PAGE AMENDMENT Permit Number: Date: SORTED PREPPED SCANNED ❑ QUALITY CONTROL ❑ O GENE DISHNER DIRECTOR BENNY R_ WAMPLER OEPUTY DIRECTOR c %C-"%-XMM®NWEA.LTH of VIRGINIA Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Division of Mineral Mining Q.O. Box 3727 Charlottesville. Virginia 22903-0727 (804) 961-5000 Conrad T. Spangler III, Division Director r . November 7, 1997 OWISIONS ENERGY GAS AND OIL MINED LAND RECLAMATION MINERAL MO MINERAL RESOVRMS ADMINISTRATION • - IMr. Bill H. Cashatt- `� • --- is .'tr_ { i ' r' The New Alberene Stone Company, Inc. -^ { P.O: Boz 300 _ Schuyler, Virginia 22969 + e RE: Permit No. 05904AB ' Dear Mr. Cashatt: + Your request for amendment to Permit No. 05904AB is now approved and your permit records have been adjusted to reflect the release of 1,981.8 permitted acres and 19.08 disturbed acres. A refund request for S3,816.00 from the Minerals Reclamation Fund has been submitted and you should be receiving that refund in .the next three to four weeks. Should you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact Clyde Hill, Mine Inspector,.or contact this office. Sincerely, GZ.I ! •.m . Patsy Martin Program Support Technician Enclosures c: Clyde Hill, Mine Inspector 'EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ` n►�c r ,; , TDD.(800) 828_ 1120- Virginia Relay Center r t� ^��13�[415i61��8 g 7 d COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, � r' Mbn InDEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS, AN N*R jz DIVISION OF MINERAL M UNG r` P. O. BOX 3727 �►� �' CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22903 (804) 961-5000tFot 61Z�2�� REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT - Company Name: T14 e- A" 144be„' eu e Y4L4 it c-, 1 h a Permit No.: 0510 Operating Official: &4A l�4y�Nt„' Title:lit�tnq es e o TEiii`111er i s ►s e El iIon1 ;eEscA►Jbc-b i'G2 �Q ie t�, / R8!• acvea T�.kzl ot.r.,. oj' -T/za./9f- r6M Pfo l/ 3ll�- �Ct�j �7~oz o wt{ ?�,em�rrEE y �• 92 PccrrorzzcG CV rve I'L.�, vtacta-v k0JAC4 ; h eeoC, -J-6 he r e-ti5ev� 4o be c>We �a<�©V(,t- c;,1VVeuc hoLto! e4 �-Q., l 02 % dv e- 4w _ v v ec f X s List of Attached Items: Vi e, � ��� � �Gt C � � t� f (i.ls G) '/ Wli`-( �Y /( ✓l 'v/J `^I (AA e;.(! 7�1/(iL�, 'T� �`.I✓� �Q✓��RSt+.'t'� `� �"�0�, r l J / Operator's Signature: Date: Inspector's Comments/Recommendations: ee,& w3fiY e/lax9zo i-a--/ Inspector's Signature: Date: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Sent Back for Revision and/or Additions As Indicated On Attached Letter. Signature: Date: Amendment: (y.)�Approved ( ) Disapproved Signatu / Date: % DMM-13 �dN /5 7��c/NSA . X'rwAS PLtz-r5FA !./E 7p ft g REV. 214� l�/� �Utn/�711�//C�j7'iDn!• 3 /,3z 4 � . �a��` �.�. /2�/ /9�'/.GErT�eS Ar-;AcyED The New Alberene Stone Co., Inc. Rt. 800, Box 300 (Plant) Schuyler, VA 22969 (804)977-5500 (office) (804)831-1051 (Plant) July 22, 1998 Mr. Gary Potter Dept. of Mines, Minerals & Energy Division of Mineral Mining P.O.Box 3727 Charlottesville, VA 22903 Re: Mining Permit # 05904AB Amendment Dear Mr. Potter, Due to a miscommunication, areas indicated in amendment dated Sept 24, 1997, were deleted from above mining permit # 05904AB in error. I hereby kindly request that 1848.92 acres (as shown on mining map outlined in orange) inadvertently deleted, be restored to the permit. The relinquished area containing 132.88 acres (as shown on mining map outlined in purple) shall remain in effect as well as the bond release of 19.08 acres. Prior to any disturbances to the restored 1848.92 acres, an operations, reclamation and drainage control plan will be submitted to the Department of Mines, Minerals & Energy for your approval. I apologize for the inconveniences this error may have caused. Pls. contact me, should you have any additional questions or concern. Many thanks for your continued cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, T e Ne berene St Co., Inc. E. Smith Operations Mgr. cc: TKOY r � M OY/ lane (804) 946-7599 P.O. Box 469 FAX: (804) 946-2536 Amherst, Virginia^24521 ; Y i May 22, 1998 r F_ A Ms. Yonna Smith L _ New Alberene Stone Co. F PO Box 300 Schuyler, Va. 22969 j For the purpose of mining permit proceedings, I, the undersigned, Vance Wilkins, Jr. I hereby give- authorization to the New Alberene Stone Co., Inc. to mine and the right to j enter the areas being restored to the current mining permit # 05904AB as outlined in the , amended mining maps. The area is 1848.92 acres as shown in maps dated I September 24,.1997, s ; t `a I S. Vance Wilkin r. ' cc: TKOY John Saunders f ' E I f I I , ��T���'��'��.r/��'^`Iw�il~!m�_�Y�1��.r�h.►�y.,j`��,�..ti(1K-� , ���[ "'^' "T �7 J� �.s��.. ��j�}'F .,.y, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS, AND ENERGY DIVISION OF MINERAL MINING P. O. BOX 3727 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGIMA 22903 (804)961-5000 BOND RELEASE INSPECTION Company Name: OYGrs A1ziezz.✓c_ ldD . -► ;r. Permit No.: 457�coS�A�j Address: �419. AzK -6p o ... fC.t� y,/.� j/.9. _2 w 9f 9 Location: goo Miles: (Direction) Of: (City or Town) In: ell County. Affadavit of reclamation completion and map received from above company reporting that: Total acreage disturbed: /9�t� acres Acreage approved for bond release: / °�•►1tD acres Post mining land use for approved acreage: Forestry Residential Recreation Commercial Wildlife Pasture Other Wetland RELEASE OF BOND RECOMMENDED ( Approve ( ) Disapprove 0 Inspector 4WI &F 01 Date DMM-104d REV. 2/95 of Mineral Mining mate rp1A,, COMMONYMALTH OF VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF MINES, iV[1TTERALS, AND DIVISION OF VIINERAL NlMgNG 900 Natural Resources Drive ' P. O. Box 3727 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 s (804) 961-5000 23 Aa sEP L i' C I' Eli « . DMM I. Y��ti(t i�t.�,'�FF of `11Ae_ (company official) (company) hereby relinquish my permit rights to Mineral Mining Permit No. d95'?eV issued under Chapter 16, Title 45.1, Code of Virg nia for 13oZ,88 acres.ar Q'.s 14 eu is k f.,t C.4ki U"L • said area to be permitted to (other company or individual) A E W 9 lei .4i✓F C . Signed: Title: 1ploc-rA A, OWD NQ M cr d-Vl' x Company: %14 a Alm /t'(-4en r. Lc e u (.off 1-1 e . Sworn to and subscribed before me this -dav of .191_7. Notary Public My commission expires DnM-112 REV. 7196 TO: THE NEW ALBERENE STONE CO, INC P.O. BOX 300 ' SCHUYLER, VA 22969 COMMENT: AMENDMENT OW 119 REV. 6190 �.Clifw.. Received By Division of Mineral Mining 11/19/9T 08,:14 ~ : : $8048923297;:v DSO-RICUOND. �� MINERAL MINING 00 / `ter ; • 1 001 t rsk:: # •ma's. aI� ... ;��AQ i�i�L.7, IMUCRAIS JUW 'Ella i NAM A ADDRESS Or REP'Ulm IMCIPIIM � TiQ! $1�E�1• S'1`OPSi'-Qpnic.DI1Tx920N_ sig P.O:00::_ :..' t;i is iiF'rA iC" E 3 XZ=ZPT Nd• Various . •4i •}a °'!_-,.!'. +7.• - •rv: •>� , •.,' a '.i .'�.� f.. ifs ;r '.4�•,. r, t :�., � 8CY;�'1tA •22969 _ ; jfR•....i ,'DATE ': Y RO: OS904" ' •`\ •(City $�trCr�iTi9�+' EIN NO 54-1301172 : i9 p8'` s 'xi&_ xm :ti• .:, FR,o�s rz►rei-� �. $3,916.00 5' 4r.L � -?>t: `[' • i � � ?:7: �s•' i' +; 1. .� �, is • , ,' Amount Cez Vified. for Ra]miin4 ss,sZs oo Z certify that the Amunt listed herein is coact and that proper aalaul.ati-ons;have bees pexfi6�d''t6 dlitesMine the emantnti: Further, this re d i6Y n''ooaq�liance; ovittt=sapplioabla state_ regulations.' OF Date Date Reve=e . dLA rmD Source. , AUCUnt 07514.1 59,016.00 *'�"�' 'l.;•�'e �k_'. '�. ��,j���-:yy�f•��K'::s�App{..��,�p"T (.SEE ACJ<L'liBfJ (�JiMLYA7' VV+iYi�ll.��1�vii�/AS' �iayYiYY i,f'i,. � a we�` 2s�'�bh. :�• 4 ! :}} ;: :2� r� _r• t ;� A. 2y0 0po :D i • J � m � l'D � bd • 1 O pp 1 ato o L-3 Cr (0 CL • H O 0 1 H C') to r �E n • x v 'rs 7s' 1-41-4 CIO (d 7.R 011. G r* ' W 1-4 p t7 y•a C 7d 1 W H OO CA O �00 tv m � II i NFIN zzz N [ to 11 lb dqq ' 1� F•i 1 N 1�•+ • N q N i N 01 y �, O I O O fp i" ' WHWC7HMH1-tHH y �� � y" C) C'l O 0 oo0o(ZOO 00HO O t O v OD OD OD Co OD N CD OD m O N N N N O r r O N O K 1•-tnFi J..FWC:p N R %0 %0 (0 t0 kG 0 t0 t0 %0 t0 (O ' � _ V O� NI W tJf i� W N F•� fr F� [ 1 F+ r N 0% ON m 00 C+ m m www0Owww014 u, o r►•�r�o�OrrNocn o � . • Nf ut utWutw Vt NIPO O ' r F-• F-� r r r r r r 1-+ !-• F-+ N+4-1wwwN1-1r00 O F ' 01 w11Nt OOI.nW W vrr•rwo�woo�oc� o [-+ • NO%OOWvwFVjH O 1-• r ( v m i •v r rr •• tp ( t i a L, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGIMA • ZZ232425�2 DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MPMRALS & ENERGY DIVISION OF MIINERAL MINING P. O. Box 3727 ^ SEP.-1107 0 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 Rl+EiVLQ (804) 961-5000 � DMM 1 /J ( )Application Map ( )Renewal Map (_JAmendment �r �' ( )Completion Map ( )Bond Release ( )Relinquishment i Ot 6 31. ' ( )Combined Safetv/Reclamation Map ` LEGEND C5-40u r +. Permit Number � County �"��tivu Company Name ] 1.e- kf,N r eU r J' vLir (v �Ht' Map Scale 1 "_ goo USGS Quadrangle ; COLOR CODE: Outline Red No. of acres covered by this permit a 30. S6 ' �/i� • 9�(�kr `l32 gd�llaG;,s �,.. Yellow No. of acres disturbed, including access roads 50.50 Brown No. of additional acres to be disturbed - X • Z/ ducting the next 12 months Cross -Hatch Green No. of acres suitable for bond release (must be approved by Inspector) Z•� + /I.ox, !q•a8 q No. of acres vegetated during the last 12 months L9 �ebRed(nraH�,� No. of acres deleted from the permit Cross -Hatch Black, No. of reclaimed acres with bond released previously Cross -Latch Purple No. of acres relinquished cc ccea Blue Water and -drainage pattern Map prepared by `75 v�i a cs; L. S. Reg, No. VA P. E. Reg. No. VA I. the undersigned, hereby certify this map is true and accurate, showing to the best of my kno edge lief, all information required by Virginia Mineral Mining Law. .01 `Si tune Date NOTARIZATION r 'State of Virginia County om -,- �6- Subscribed and sworn to before this q day of S GPI n 6�'L 19 Notary Public My commission expires 046=,- DNM-109 ' REV.11/94