HomeMy WebLinkAboutLOD201300003 Other 2013-12-30 (13)1 INDEX PAGE Origi nal Permit Permit Number c� O 3q"3 PP Year \a os q1 SORTED PREPPED SCANNED ❑ QUALITY CONTROL ❑ f 1" COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Division of Mineral Mining P.O. Box 3727 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903-0727 (804)961-5000 Conrad T. Spangler III, Division Director December 16, 1997 Mr. Kierk Ashmore -Sorensen New World Stone Company P.O. Box 2833 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: Permit No. 90393AA OIMSION8 ENERGY GAS AND OIL MINED LAND RECLAMATION MaffRAL MINING MINERAL RESOURCES MINES ADNPSSTRATION Dear Mr. Sorensen: This letter is to acknowledge receipt and approval of the permit application, fees and bond submitted for Permit Number 90393AA located in Albemarle County. The permit is now issued and will continue to be in effect for the next 12 months. You will be notified of the renewal date at least 30 days in advance. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Clyde Hill, Mine Inspector, or contact this office. Sincerely, 5m-/,-k-/ Conrad T. Spangler Division Director CTSlpwm Enclosures c: Clyde Hill, Mine Inspector EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER TDD (800) 828-1120 — Virginia Relay Center DW115 Rev. 7194 �'�` DIVISIONS O. GENE DISMNER ENERGY DIRECTOR OAS AND OIL MMEDLANDRECLAMATON SENNY R. wAMPLER AA am& Mwwo DEPUTY PRECTOR MINERAL RESOURCES MIMES AOYINISTRATION MUIViMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Division of Mineral Mining P.O. Box 3727 Charlottesville. Virginia 22903-0727 (804) 961-5000 Conrad T. Spangler III, Division Director November 7, 1997 Mr. Kierk Ashmore -Sorensen New World Stone Company P.O. Box 2833 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: Permit application to mine soapstone on 132.88 acres on Route 800 in Albemarle County Dear Mr. Sorensen: follows: Your permit application is ready for approval pending receipt of permit and bond fees as Permit Fee: S 797.28 (132.98 acres @ S6.00 per acre) License Fee: 75.00 Total Fees: S 872.28 Bond: S 2,480.00 (2.48 acres @ $1,000.00 per acre) Bond may be provided in the form of cash, insurance surety or certificate of deposit. A sample of an acceptable certificate of deposit and a surety bond form are enclosed. The fees may be paid by check payable to Treasurer of Virginia. The bond and fees are to be submitted by December 8, 1997. If you have any questions you may contact me at this office. Enclosures c: Clyde Hill, Mine Inspector Sincerely, Patsy Martin Program Support Technician EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER TDD (900) 929-1120 — Virginia Relay Center 6006-R9/ �g,%-12 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA b� V°ginin DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS & ENERG N _ DIVISION OF MINERAL MMSONG (N ecei, mtdEnergy P.O. BOX 3727 9 0 M I CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGIlYIA 22903 a� (804) 961-5000 APPLICATION TYPE: w s �� FOR OFFICEMY NEW MINE OCT IN-7 PERMIT NO. X CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP M DECEIVED RECEIPT NO. DATE ISSUED 3 4i7 rn DMM OWNERSHIP INFORMATION oti� 2g2 Zl• 1. Name of Applicant Alc o 2. Office Telephone Number. (") 979 - AlLfSD 3. Mailing Address: Pfl. Box I-eS3 UA a4,902, Mine is located mAr Alokrk of 54AVY I EF- ✓Ih miles direction town on Public Road No. eOO in A 1 bc#K a R Jc Counry 4. Type of Organization: ( )Sole Proprietorship - Complete questions A,B,C,D,E,F,G,I ( 7c)Corporation - Complete questions A,B,C,D E,F,G,J,K L,M,N ( )Partnership - Complete questions A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I ( )Other - Complete questions A,B-,C,D,E,F,G,H,J (A) Name and address of the Mine: (B) MSHA ID number of the Mine M S H A NOS i P e-A D� j4p1, ce,4-r'or. - o IN,. e (C) Person at the mine with overall responsibility for operating decisions: C£ Phone Pov -A99,- 106B1 (D) Person to be contacted in the event of an accident or emergency: Name Address Telephone KlielC slck1%6AF- �02EN41t,'J au Abovx (E) Person at.the mine with overall responsibiliry for health and safety: Name Address Telephone K{F2u Ask Nto �s-Soarvt�. As A{2a✓c (F) Person responsible for business operation of the mine: Name Address Telephone KK� 14 A5 k 14090.•�Ie QEAiSEN A!S 446a vE (G) Federal Tax ID Number of Applicant: A01. c I Paee 1 of 4 w DMM-101 REV. 11194 C ^/iff7 (H) List all individuals having any ownership interest in the organization: Name/Title Address I Telephone 229E Z (1) Trade name, address and telephone number for sole proprietors/partnerships: (J) Principal organization officials, corporate officers, directors and members: I/ - - Name/Title Address Telephone XIE9K Ast wrto ,6-5aeX.y3 FN PnaS. As 0.bd OF (K)Corpo�ame, address and telephone number if different than applicant: (L)State of Incorporation: A G•]Ni A (Ivi)Registered Agent:' Name Address Telephone jKtR2K �]s�.teot[L-�oarMSEu Scz . Awes sk- G019e ]/a 2-?_vgz S6Bl (N) If a subsidiary, provide: Parent Organization Name: Address Telephone State of Incorporation 5. (a) Have any of the above listed persons or companies owned, in whole or in part, by said persons, had a mining permit issued by Virginia or any other state revoked? ( ) Yes ( xl No (b) if yes, give '' a brief statement of action. 6. Have any of the persons listed above been convicted of violating any of the following sections: 45.1-161,60, 45.1-161.177, 45.1-161.178, and 45..1-161233 as related to.smoking in underground, coal mines or tampering with methane detection equipment in underground coal mines? ( ) Yes ( fO No r ; , % If yes, give name of person convicted:_y OP . ATIONS INFORMATI N 7. Latitude Longitude V S. Type of Mine: (X) Open Pit ( )Quarry ( ) Underground ( )Dredge ( ) Dmgline ( ) Other (specify) Mineral to be mined .sea "f+ c 9. List any other mining permits or MSHA Federal identification Numbers issued to the appiicant, members of the organization, or any person having 20% or greater ownership interest in the organization. Issuing Authority Permit NoJIdentification No. Status Pase 2 of 4 10. Will explosive storage and blasting be required? ( ) Yes ( X) No 11. Number of employees each shift 1 oZ 2 A�/A 3_ /VA 12. Distance in feet to nearest inhabited building: qDo p.i-, l3. Does the applicant have the personnel and facilities to provide safety training to its employees? ( )Yes (k)No 14. List any person with an ownership or leasehold interest in the surface land or minerals to be mined: NAME ADDRESS Sur -face S[L Ai-l+ta.ad L.a} r TAY h+A(�S. Surface Mineral Mineral 15, Specify source of applicant's legal right to enter and conduct mining operations on land covered by the permit /Yliwc4wl /24k--Fc /,,e-a<= 16. Please provide the following information for any contractors who will be performing mining operations (clearing, stripping, blasting construction, excavation, etc.) on the mine site: Contractor Name: Address: Telephone: Contact Person: - Service to be Provided: (Attach additional sheets as necessary) 7. List rivers, streams, tributaries or water impoundments on or adjacent to permitted property: NAKE • IF WAIEgWAy" t,S R TRIBUTARYTO P F IS. Specify how mine discharge and storm runoff water will be handled to minimize impact on any water courses. (Detail drainage plan attached): 5EP >rftmwSe gla. t., iv 19. Specify any chemicals or hazardous materials which will be used on the mine site and methods to be employed to prevent contamination of land and water resources on or adjoining permitted property: tt / 4 4 - DMM-101 Page 3 of 4 r`�7 " Rev.11/94 !�i CHEMICAL OR HAZARDOUS MATERIALNAME OPERATIONMECLAMATION PLANS CONTROL METHOD 20. Specify the materials which will be generated by mining operations and the plans for handling and disposal during operations and reclamation: TYPE OF MATERIAL DISPOSAL METHOD Overburdenp Spoll/WasteMinerals Soia oa V5E6 IK kEIk,. j'Q' Scrap Metal IZ .m oved �Pr . A r+E Scrap Tires Qeft0yrt C-M. Si+E Used Oil and Lubricants A r..o yce 46«_ s.+� Trash and Debris QcP.naFA j7r si4r Hazardous Material A,& Bui id ings/St ructures n N1 PLANS: OPERATION/RECLAMATION/DRAINAGEOPERATTONfRECLAMAIION/DRAINAGE PLAN 21. Describe in detail the method of mining, procedures for handling drainage, regrading, and vegetation during active mining and upon completion: (attached narrative): 1, Kmzl� having been duly sworn do state that all the representations contained in the foregoing application are true to the best of my knowiedee; and that I am (an executive officer}, (a general partner), (the sole proprietor), (a legal representative), of the applicant, duly authorized to make this application on its behalf. On behalf of the applicant, I hereby authorize the Virginia Division of Mineral Mining to conduct such safety/reclamation inspections as it may deem necessary or as may be required by law on this mining operation. ,lE�x fdS�Mo2 E- 7n4E4t5 FI/ C��ei �recv'i Nc tlt-�ce@ Name Title subscribed and sworn to, this / $ day of �� 19 Notary Public My commission expires 3D ,_ I Page 4 of 4 DMM-Io1 REV. 11 /94 �. All /6fy7 wl12737 ^a0 a�S 2.0 Operations Plan for New World S$one �CZ ���;1�Q N 2.1 Mining Method a Extraction Method and equipment sZBi.>oyaZ'�2 The area to be worked is a spoils deposit consisting blacks, end cats and rejected slab stock deposited so as to fill a hollow. In an effort to minimize slopes and overhangs the materials will be extracted from the surface in a series of steps. Blocks and larger pieces will be excavated and staged far processing with the use of a loader that will be hired for that purpose as required Smaller pieces and slabs will be sorted by hand directly onto pallets for sale or farther processing. Pallets and stones will be handled with a forklift b. Proposed depth of excavation c. Will mining extend below the water table The maximum depth of the excavation will be to the original contours of the natural ground, and thus will not extend into the water table d. Description of how simultaneous reclamation will be accomplished e. Description of screening and location shown on permit map f. Narrative description to specify slopes of proposed cuts and fills or cross section provided As natural slopes are uncovered, they will be graded to a 1:1 or less slope Zdsting topsoil will be remedeated or new topsoil will be deposited, seeded appropriately and mulched to control erosion. The area to be worked is in a defile and is screened by the natural topography. All cats and fills will be graded to a 1:1 or less slope g. Necessary structures and maintenance facilities shown on permit map or separate site plan No structures are planned for this site i t 2.2 Processing Method a. Process and equipment described Blocks will be broken down to appropriate sizes using a saw Want wedges. One or more cuts are made using a gas powered cut-off saw, the resulting kerf is filled with steel wedges which are then driven by hand causing the block to split Split materials will be sorted and weighed onto pallets or deposited in a stockpile area. b. Processing facilities and stockpiles shown on permit map or site plan c. Description of products and wastes, use and disposal The primary products to be produced at the site will be rough blocks of varying sizes for use as a sculpting medium and flagstone for use in construction. Useable by- products may include small scrap to be used as fill, both on she and off. d Description of water system intake, treatment, discharge Water from quarry pool will be used on site for dust coniroi and for the washing of stone in preparation for sale or transport This water will be channeled back into quarry pool to settle 2.3 Spoil, overburden and waste disposal and handling a. Description of wastes provided b. Pious for disposal provided (construction method, location, site preparation, slopes, drawings) c. Description of disposal area drainage system ( diversions, underdrains, etc ) d. Located on permit maps Stone wastes wig be disposed of in quarry pit 2.4 Topsoil handling a. General description, depth and availability Existing topsail in the active area is minimal and consists mainly of decomposed kudzu vine and leaf litter. This will be collected for reuse b. Description of storage method and protection 6A% ;. /`r7 Existing topsoil will be mounded and seeded to control erosion, slopes wiU be 2.1 or less. Also other organic matter that is produced as a consequence of clearing will be composted in a protected mound to be used to supplement existing topsoil at the natural grade c. Re -application method, depth and preparation Reserved soil and composted material will be spread and tilled into topsoil at the natural grade. d. Storage area shown on permit map 2.5 Hatt►road and access roads a. Highway entrance plan provided There is an existing access road and haul road that will require grading. b. Narrative description of construction, surfacing and maintenance The access and haul road will be resurfaced with stone and gravel. c. Dust control measures described The production of dust front the road will be controlled with the application of water and/or commercially available products for that purpose d. Haulroad abandonment discussed Upon abandonment hau►roads will be graded, cowered with topsoil and seeded e. Drainage control plan provided detailing culverts sires, berms, stream crossings, ditches, filter strips C. Road location shown on permit map g. Cross section of road and culvert installation provided h. Road profile provided I. Drainage structures and sizes shown on permit map 3.0 Drainage plan 3.1 Narrative description of drainage controls to be Implemented, area treated, location of structure and design considerations 3.2 Constmetion, maintenance and abandonment a. Construction methods including site preparation, compaction and erosion protection b. Maintenance plan including inspection, repair and cleaning c Sediment handling plan to cover disposal or use of sediments removed during maintenance d. abandonment plans for each structure outlining procedure for reclamation of each structure e. Designs provided for each sediment control structure to be used f. All drainage and sediments control structures shown on permit maps Disturbed area drains into open quarry pit 4.0 Reclamation plan 4.7 Post mining land use a. Post mining use specified b. Compatibility with surrounding land uses discussed The surrounding land use is forest and the urine site wiA be returned to forest land c. Reclamation procedures to be implemented to facilitate the post mining use As natural slopes are uncovered, they will be graded to a 2:1 or less slope Existing topsoil will be remideated or new topsoil will be deposited 4.2 backfilling and regrading a. BackfiU and regrade slopes specified . „n All slopes will be graded at 2:1 or less slope Open pit will be fenced using 4 ft woven wire with 2 strands barbed wire at the top. b. Describe handling and disposal of metal, lumber and debris All metal found on the site will be recycled at appropriate facility. Lumber and wood products will be groundIchipped for use as mulch on site AU other debris will he transported off site for disposal c. Disposition of buildings N/A d. Handling and disposition of stockpiles Stockpiles will he removed for sale or used to augment regrading efforts. e. Reclamation of waste disposal areas N/A 4.3 Revegitation a. Seedbed preparation and topsoil reaplication discussed b. Seed mixture species and application rates specked c. Tree species and stocking rates specified d. Soil sampling and testing described e. Discussion of fertilizer and lime application described Reserved soil and composted material will be spread and tilled into prepared topsoil at the natural grade Soil will be tested by the agricultural extension agency and conditioned with fertilizer and lime to support the phuding of a wildlife cover consisting of a nurture of Bristly Locust and Vagina Pine with grasses and legumes as a cover crop. Trees will he planted at a rate of 436 tree seedlings per acre (275 Va Pine with the balance in Locust) using a IOW O spacing. Erosion control plantings will consist of Fortail Millet planted at a rate of 40Ib. per acre and Oats planted at a rate of % 1b. per acre Permanent ground cover will consist of Orchard Grass seeded at 301b✓acre, Ladina Clover at 3 lb./acre and Red Clover at 6 lb./acre 5 AV �G#7 1617 —12 STING THE NAMES AND �ry � w P� W O ra .r ES ' An "If+'.. �+ioP Pursuant to the provisions of Section 45.1= 134.t, Code,, /Virg amended, the owner(a) of property within 1,000 $ 9&dd& operty the land proposed to be permitted arc listed beloww. a O IM0.P/�0. act NAMr. Anmrs.S /z6-3/A b L YAwo6�4 L gilt A 6Z�rl Cox 301 5ckay Ice VA 2.:2969 /26 31Arl r-4ARItrt+ 1.aA IA/o&4-ery R,rc Box 311 VA a2264 IaG-srA a Lyjbcm F. Allmse I'a Eck /1fb iCe1tffU111E VA- .2y69A 1Z6 3rA 3 'CA QI GZa4e2ts Po Sox yr Sct.vxlcs VA 22469 ,zc 3rA 9 6;fm2ar: L + 6ct}x S- pscKr! Ralav3 sc1 v 1 &M 19Y4 tzr.-3r� S FRe clegicK Orsr- SLt / 69A3as SGkagleQ vAr 23219 /163r><t SAmes CIZAr(3 [D 8o)c B-k SCAvV(crz ✓iL 22RCq i{b 31/4 g &,,-rk0../rff A Kwbw #CS PH 606 2475aYY(eR VA 2k4c4 1X(P 31 `Tosreti ll,v"cs #7,1. 4altn56r. IvA4 21a.o4y I-2Lb ,q6 M r k.*d S�ag SA-7-9 M, 4.0dcl,wy fez VA 24969 lzb✓Iy �rroad Gen iw Sa 4CT1 Cox err ,S-ckv)lra VA 22464 UPPff(t f3�oz �obcat e rTurty P. kookllX a606 mAKJba9Q rob 20772 eo sot. y69 1�� 3rA►).b 3rFt Iz c�b�<faabr�� S VAyc€ iyliKi�a R�tt*�ffs�on-zyszl �1.2 (a 3+ F7, 154Reub44, of .kA" Gbek•!z ft 66Y, 71 Sr� L wQ ✓A Ra469 I1L - 3 (F3 r-eJ gr,SgG F ytU AeA;s * BD4 c•RohER?5 a"69 S�%�uvl�R vA 1�964 I'" 13 itarMond GENJ& Tft. R1 Ovy-ar] 6--WICle yA 27.969 i twULF11 t... drit vj� If additinnal space is needed, continue list on back of sheet. The above statement shall acco"'I'Mly Corm DtIN-101, Application/Operation Plan. Attach recelpt(s) for certified mail as evidence that each of the above property. owners) has been notified. DPI-103a C' bA7 w k0018 Su RP� cE d w ('+" cR(-tskF-J 64CNF , t Rf 'k-A F A./O C V f ✓G le ry I h 6?o t c� 12 —7? io To: Virginia Department of Mines Minerals and Energy Division of Mineral Mining Sept. 23, 1997 This to certify that Kierk Ashmore -Sorensen / New World Stone Co. (Lessee) and S. V. Wdkins Jr. (Lessor) entered into a mineral rights lease and royalty agreement on September 23, 1997, giving Kierk Ashmore -Sorensen / New World Stone Co. the right to conduct mining operations for the removal of soapstone for sale to the public. This agreement covers that area East of Rt. 800 & South of Rt. 602 in Albemarle Co. Near old Serpentine quarries as shown on permit application maps. I irl rn r- a? Z . N \a 4 - �v tiy/ e9 �i AO �j 1�•' N er W A A�' y zz[zoz�L --zozstg 4/Ao d COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA /JlE DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS, AND DIVISION OF NI UNERAL NIINING 900 Natural Resources Drive P. O. Box 3727 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 (804) 961-5000 �021222324 ZS262 SEP s RECEIVED � \a_ DMM I/ 6ai" I yo�1No4 E. St-c',tt of Tl e e flue- La1I GJ (company official) (company) hereby relinquish my permit rights to Mineral Mining Permit No. issued under Chapter 16, Title 45.1, Code of Virginia for lad, 8B acres.at 9K6 001E -wool i L-i A't7cLGULui e"f� �k �2rs6 `1fx 1 kfy , said area to be permitted to (other company or individual) NEw We6L Id.? tor✓E l.o- Signed: Title: �a r! r Owe ",! M a ram✓ Company: Tate AltW /tiM�rLtce c){oue Go, iNe Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of Notary Public My commission DMyi I-112 RF V. 7/96 �^ Y DATE: IO 9 % DMM PERMIT ACTION TAKEN Cif'TIAPPROVED. REVIEWER: DATE: I ACTION TAKEN ( REVI APPROVED DATE: ACTION TAKEN ( ) APPROVED ( } DISAPPROVED EXPLANATION: DATE: ACTION TAKEN ( ) APPROVED ( ) DISAPPROVED EXPLANATION: DATE: ACTION TAKEN ( ) APPROVED ( ) DISAPPROVED _XPLANATION: REVIEWER: REVIEWER: REVIEWER: No. wo o �6T ( • $ Compete fN 1 andfor 2 rw addtbnel-wViCea. I elect wish to receive fha following services (tor an a .ContplWe items 3, a, and 4b. tra fee): and address on tti ievene N tole form eo ow we rrt rNvm tide ex ' at ePmH yow nerrte ce d to yoLL Oaaa not �- ❑ Adaresew's Address .Mtach die lane to dw sont of^teen", w on the beck H spew L Y WRaamRaceyr Rpueyey' m the rrreYpiaw belowew ardde mmam. 2.❑ResWcted Delivery Mtpro are aside roe dNtwred and the date for fee. 0 fiRR • $ eTha Retum Recep w tt shorrtol Consult pwlmt>ater S C a ddivered. 9. ArWO Addressed to: _ 4a. Article�^fNurrber ���1 !' Z %S �`P"` i9 7 E eC 4b. Service Type CetdflctQ ri at E MR Kl£RK ASHMORE-SORENSEN'� ' ❑Registered NEW WORLD STONE CO ❑ Express Mal O" insured a PO BOX 2833 � Asi m Redo W O COD CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 7. Date of Deliwry —' Andress (O -Y' queered o 5. Received W. (Pdnr Name) 8. Addreesee's and last is paid) F- � 6. SigneN 'Add a , Domestic Retum eceipt PS Frnm 3811, pxember 19g4 Z 27S 262 " 146 t Z" 27S202 94`:' y0 393A4 Receipt for Certified Mal Coverage Provided Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance for International Mail - No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use lSee Reversal ttetr� Do not use for international Mail is a Reverse) a Mg"i jtl( ASIIMORE-SORENSEN to NM ARK ASHMORE-SORENSEN NEW WORLD STONE CO NEW WORLD STONE CO t e PO BOX 2866 r PO BOX 2833 CHARL_OTTESVILL VA 22902 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 40 40 Postye $ S5 O v wqe $ SS - � Car4liee fee ! /.3S a0 c �te�p rep a� J O LL SMpW �11ve1Y f°8 C LL Specai Delivery iep TOTAL afres�cLW or Dat{9�t(��-7r iV I Postrdark or D - `\s /1 r1 l I .��vtz dlv tit ��d ��TyGONLMONWEALTi3 OF VIRGINIA i° D p . ' eAR'�NT OF MINES, MINERALS &ENERGY N D M M ed I ; � b VISION OF MINERAL MINING w e pC o P. O. Box 3727 ov� ��O`� w Charlottesville, Virginia 22903CA p26t gt 13g� (804)961-5000 Z� \� i8ZLZ9 Renewal Ma ( )Amendment Map (x)APPiicatioa ( ) P ( )Completion Map ( )Bond Release ( )Relinquishment Map ( )Combined Safety/Reclamation Map LEGEND Permit Number County A) bFM A let re - Company Nam %EW �t%ofL�d ri �o�/E Co Map Scale 1"= '400 ' USGS Quadrangle SCAt24 t2 COLOR CODE: Outline Red No. of acres covered by this permit 13-P• IF Yellow No. of acres disturbed, including access roads -�- Brown No. of additional acres to be disturbed during the next 12 months Cross -Hatch Green No. of acres suitable for bond release (must be approved by Green No. of acres vegetated during the last 12 months Cross -Hatch Red No. of acres deleted from the permit — Cross -Hatch Black No. of reclaimed acres with bond released previously Cross -Hatch Purple No. of acres relinquished Blue Water and drainage pattern Map prepared by A61E A � m 01?Z- e_., =.,.c, i L. S. Reg. No. VA P. E. Reg. No. VA I, the undersigned, hereby certify this map is true and accurate, showing to the best of my���j° knowledee and belief, all information required by Virginia Mineral Alining Law. NOTARIZATION State of Virginia County of Subscribed and sworn to before this day of , 19� Notary Public �1 !Kr / t /(�.,C�.C./ .L My commission expires �� 0010 DMM-109 REV. 11/94 INDEX PAGE PERMIT AMENDMENT Permit Number: ac3IN'S 00 Date: SORTED �v PREPPED SCANNED ❑ QUALITY CONTROL ❑ 0�'Q oq 104 3 *Ooo0396 p� �d COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA �a 5. s �E DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS, AND ENER � _23 Qg DMSION OF MINERAL MINING y� P. O. BOX 3727 0 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22903CT (804) 961-5000 RgOM m REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT��, Company Name: &f Alaa l� 5�142 em . Permit No.: 403 7c3 6 A Operating Official: ;LzB lC Qc,k mg Ole - &,tENSQAJ Title: 04,4%�2 11'reS ' An Amendment Is Requested to This Permit As Listed Below: �� �9 �d4 j.?f ac.-Cs Dls�dfLI4 a.,r�,CO a `VEO C O List of Attached Items: rxaV, (__2 Coda16) Drotjncase 64C�-cpop«J) mote C�L_ Operator's SignaturDate: t Inspector's Comments/Recommendations: Inspector's Signature: C'. ".)% 76T 2 - --- Date: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Sent Back for Revision and/or Additions As Indicated On Attached Letter. Signature: Date: Amendment: ( Approved ( ) Disapproved Signature: Date: to ge; DMM-113 REV. 2/95 ..ti O. GENE 01 NNER a Lt DIRECTOR BENNY K WAMPLER DEPUTY DIRECTOR COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy Division of Mineral Mining P.O. Box 3727 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903-0727 (804)961-5000 Conrad T. Spangler III, Division Director June 11, 1998 Mr. Kierk Ashmore -Sorensen New World Stone Company P.O. Box 2833 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 RE: Permit Number 90393AA Dear Mr. Sorensen: NW S"45 ENERGY GAS AND OR WA D l V RECLAMATION MNERAL MINING WNERAL RESOURCES MINES ADMINISTRATION Your request for amendment has been reviewed and can be approved pending receipt of the following fees: Renewal Fee: S 10.26 (1.71 acres @ S6.00 per acre) Total Fees: S 10.26 Bond: S 1,710.00 (1.71 acres @ $1,000 per acre) Bond may be provided in the form of cash, insurance surety or certificate of deposit. A sample of an acceptable certificate of deposit and a surety bond form are enclosed. The fee is payable by check to be made out to the Treasurer of Virginia. Fee and bond are to be submitted by July 10, 1998. This will add the additional disturbed acreage. Please call this office if you have any questions. Sincerely, &_' / Ql� Patsy Martin Program Support Technician Enclosure C_ Clyde Hill, Mine inspector EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER TDD (800) 828-1120— Virginia Relay Center 18. ` Specify any chemicals which will be used in processing water and methods to be employed to prevent ` contamination of water sources on or adjoining permitted property. j CHEMICAL NAME None CONTROL METHOD 19. Specify the materials which will be generated by mining operations and the plans for handling and disposal during operations. TYPE OF MATERIAL Overburden Spoil/Waste Minerals Scrap Metal Scrap Tires Used Oil and Lubricants Trash and Debris Hazardous Material DISPOSAL METHOD Will be stored in designated area and used for land Dumped in abandoned quarry on site. None None Put in proper containers & removed by waste oil vendors Placed in proper containers and disposed of in county None Buildings/Structures Removed at completion of quarry operations PLANS: OPERATIO N/RECLAMATI ON/DRAINAG E 20. Describe in detail the method of mining, procedures for handling drainage, regrading, and vegetation during active mining and upon completion: (attach narrative) 1, xlIuze 'e el'-D-e-x , having been duly sworn, do state that all the representations contained in the foregoing application are true to the best of my knowledge: and that I am (an executive officer) (a general partner) (the sole proprietor) (a legal representative) of the applicant, duly authorized to make this application on its behalf. On behalf of the applicant, 1 hereby authorize the Virginia Division of Mineral Mining to conduct, without a warrant, such safety/reclamation inspections as it may deem necessary or as may be required by law of the permit area covered by this application. - - /j �.POOIIL'r/D.a!/ �1i1��Dtd� Title Subscribed and sworn to: this��day of / -.0 L , 19 J9 Notary Public My commission expires 1,�345674 O New World Stone Company Permit # 90393AA N �gG� d A Application for amendment to mining plan 0 eN r 613198 With this application New World Stone Co. intends to expand the disturbed area of our mine site. The area to be opened is a wide bench consisting of discarded slabs and block. We will be removing the stone from the surface in layers, placing it on palettes and moving it to the processing area. In order to control runoff and erosion a bench retention basin will be constructed in the lower end of the bench it will be 10 feet by 20 feet and 3 feet deep, with a rocky drain. (See drawing attached). 34567a -AA O� �CF ��PA9 n Re�c,v. �cp rN bRA� RD44ED NfuJ wee) 4,,,, 6. PE"A"t *' 7o34,? AA ^234567gs7O, ti C ,PtP ��Oi�bn"wOt COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA 'ntlG� 4' DEPARTMENT OF MINES, MINERALS & ENERGY DIVISION OF MINERAL MINING P. O. Boa 3727 Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 (804)961-5000 ( )Application Map ( )Renewal Map ( )Completion Map ( )Bond Release ( )Combined Safety/Reclamation Map aLEGEND �l Permit Number yW..r'AA County tF [ke_Ma4d Company Name AIGtiJ ltf -_o (j ch i Map Scale 1"= U16 USGS Quad COLOR CODE: Outline Red Yellow Brown Cross -Hatch Green Green Cross -Hatch Red Cross -Hatch Black a Cross -Hatch Purple Blue (fie Amcndment ( )Relinquishry fy - 23b567g97 e� No. of acres covered by this permit / 3.7 ,8 n.✓c No. of acres disturbed, including access roads o2, KS u.crt_ No. of additional acres to be disturbed during the nest 12 months_ /, 7f a r.2 No. of acres suitable for bond release (must be approved by No. of acres vegetated during the last 12 months No. of acres deleted from the permit No. of reclaimed acres with bond released previously No. of acres relinquished Water and drainage pattern Map prepared by ;L(QZ4K 4'1_� ka/L� Sr¢PUGEn/ L. S. Reg. VA P. E. Reg. I, the undersigned, hereby certify this map is true and accurate, showing to the best of my know led an eh ,all information required by Virginia Mineral Mining Law. Signat a Date NOTARIZATION State of Virginia v pof Subscribed and sworn to before this 3 d ay of , 19_ Aat.... commission LZ VA _ _ oamsv.✓'rr_+-...� � . �v � � \ :.- ._.�.; T� � � '�\ Y - .• 23 v ��•-i �l � � �"� � �+y j Y'<� + � � • - - /J - �a1&/t) 1%leA i �iES' /'z / �. t —`� y --*e-..-noass— � r ."' ��IL'4(-� G✓f7 �� �IY'+lt l�C'>t(C,/1 �% i- - - 1- .>� - l� .r `�� '� 3U" y '... - v At Qr;..i`TjAA .- - �� a-�' _ary s��. �•`�' .r l.` v','�'"�-s > an- Js ' `� e 'V` �_ :-. - vy - - Win. ,.{ �%_-• —assi P R yE kia a ,a_ - "- - -.rr �-�_ �-` -fin • 'ia ��`-i,,,a. In ne soar UP `a. _ _ '�• crow�ovweuTx op vmcfmn '..s , � .e DEPIlIaL ARTDIMI I OF OF.% Y6YERAIS d ENERGY b+ �� ,_r-- r� ~ DMS[OFOF�$iERfLMINLYG �JDB --sessons.,e® x -. .L als— : r_ �' ebwr,g01%1 fObp '® )Revrwal Me ,,,a. 7G-.d•-� P fJWCmaamneN 1� rb @® ( )Campl.noe Map 1 )Dned R<kax ( )R<y h A(b lBg �J��' 'gooman- - m r �y _-.✓ 1 )CvmEloM [aRryRRdemlwa Map MeY >py See ® < .a.m _ - - r ,+0 1 _ .[Y�$g'• ' i_ as LEGEND �. ems' ,I � as��`' - mC i -� - u' 9 Y' -r.�! Yernnl Number, 0. -iA CeenlY.. ¢I A T( °. Y _ -'p°�a - r _ i' .-/�: xc+l. 19-1 . %�/ '- -,,•~ TIN 3 �.✓ w->Y•�r'` - "P /'p -' S COLOR CI�DF uoe' uses Quadranxw < q VS: CCh1i r y <e � t '3/ a a onnlx R<d No nrxrea rn..re�I b.IhR P<rmll /31 e�,�_ �i• _ ....pL p' p���� /Af 1 e n[ aereY fead< O R _ �,•yH �a9 oen•aRmrwa _�-- - pp Cron-Namb Green Na.rlrern Imitableror band reime varWa• de P� -. "_ _ - - a6J 1 n o ..o �•!W N.laslm pp -me, by } a�— �b '>j > C-+1`�Nrl:) _ Cents. Red 4.1.1e Ne vraere> a hom me r Nu. afaero s,.gaad dune[ ehe Iv< it moxW C.Hamb Mark No. of emwimed xra Meb bovd , o //�% /%� �9 bn _ mind pmeleesy - - -�d R 5- C-ss-Ramh Purple No. efxm r<IRgnRA<d r 'v �`' '� � Rm< w.rn a.0 ami.ag<panrr. S �- _ - 31aP P.<pxd,a east br3�rEE1� orb ' S' >� y� I �:r, ��/,�jy� W e Q - 2 I_S. IIeg. Yo. VA P. E.Reg.No. VA aQ- m bti - - �^ LeThe ,�Jnsigved. heab)'artiy Ibis map bmM [me avdveeel. sbo[Pe me bnl of my /9 .P® -'® p p- - ell, ell lefmmapov aqu4d by Virgwie AtieeN M>leiv[f+v. en IN. - NOTARIZATION . -�,SJ sa«or vleri.w ktk�nr14, sn rribd.ea,.<nm<para.rW3 mYnr�_,Ip9 a �-y��'J. Not., P.M. t, mu ..i i r2 4 •y<>amman api a I3 l �I - v U U31,111O 1 W - O : - .,s n9' d '� REV. 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J{/ ` -� " •+• p '"a • Sl: s . n 11413 130.1 W.0 ww anrM baps\ R , ._ -• b' r �Y k\ •l -.J.; _ y r{, '.. - :•;� w _ rY. D a at-t m.5 rt. GSW n ltIWI , � t r •"� r; p s o a-7 e.ea..n G1W a GYW a r- i _ -t l r'% `•"";' �-51-- 'i•._ . . fist r {c�lw ,ti+ -t1 \ ;y I-. ' -•.y I1'., '>� • _ y hY ' �Iwr a0S D of-s HR schiail a7. D a 41W 190'S na,.. GlW \411W1v ✓ `ah ItM IWaw Y N to NP1nItY nW 42. 5 a al -SS ]I 7.5 DinN P.a t. '`• f •�Y• ( ,G b. tr.Yl 1•:..°ar r a to 1°cK,an °I Pare.\ In N. nlnq Plant NNI ay • n 111-49a 1.. 036 Ma1rN1 Canal ,Y a1R. Lan" a.e. Gam•' ..l '1. 7 -$. r," C.� a..t.>naval rrgnta M. e a III•gt U.S ..Claw K IYw treat--/1ieaWl n rM.va to .nttnr P.ICII ,• qnN fN a alnpla. YIR a], a O lll•gY f10.$ AIORwra grYer D, � • \ _ " :8 ` _YJ- ,wn.n i. u.n all. ] '1 )9-7. 5aD.0 Ltga, lr.K . . III .-h .. INsww, KG. ^,, -5.- - �...• .SQL .: 'q,C••^- Mt, a n - ]t-1.3 715.0 L. D. Caren VfulrY tltgnL `_ ,a[[ nap and PYtal r NYNR NY. t. tn. IG' ] M tlt-IM Sa. eeYa9 NYtlw1 MYar ' > .pMMrIKI tantv'a t.. W aM / ... nyG t v -1 V., T- • ' _ _ - a 'Ie _ aaa parcel ,tlantlt.cat,m nutluY00 er. nap naaa laps than 1ara ,n When U� d ia-' •.r N �• fi _ I.Wnlr. nlr.Nr. 9raatN than 100 Y..n AII..YI. CPW>tr. al hy.C,o fi•LTj�. /[aria :o/n ....^..ter.,- ............... \EK"}!�- 1 s e.) pipe re.•rs tP tap .rap thought ter in aaen Parcel. IncaNlKMtelN "` •' - ` - ��\ kS x NEIGHBORS -MILLER B ASSOCIATES, P Cn.> .� nr\nt, ttttl. pf in. are°rty has eewn awvarw" In tM tiontlKh Nntlpr. 84" 1xNpEpIANE ROAD i • l An • • I-III.tw [n.t ene era. NI eNn bKl. In m°tnar PYpI. Y t• �' LYNCIpJ l YIRO/N/A 1160Y an wl.ntlt,n Ya r,nrww p.f f, ` ~ '\ •e < r. Wacr,pl,m rRw'a t° a nape pi tap parNi Mrwl .WPI,eNIa• Y • _ •Y=`•;a`= _. n[g '...1 \ -.« • " _ 91agrNn.N1 Nt.. rw Char. .n" .11 trKts. NfR. neap N.n..ttaN a MINING PERMIT MAPS `.can i i ' •« - ,r `Pntlu°IatM It It star tIly mPNt that a rar,N tM btq 1 I ♦ Ipl q1 Carla ......«........__- � «._-_._..--«. pa M .N0. 661 a 6CILarf '. MratYlY ter 1 •l pRtshq. . M r l l r r Pr NtN Ntl aourraa _ .._, .... "terf a• r n ttu, qv;t�eD1 4 / ,r work{ fbo o cl c�iae( SB�I d,41 194'f K[Y: HIIIOIIIII OWNED PROPERlIEB ......n,,.. YIMERI.....B 0/9TWBLO MEA ILLER a ASSOCIATES, P.C. T/MBERLAKB ROAD -