HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-02-14 ACTIONS Board of Supervisors Meeting of February 14, 2001 February 15. 2001 AGENDA ITEM/ACTION ASSIGNMENT 1. Call to order. Meeting was called to Order at 7:01 p.m., by the Chairman. All BOS members present. Also present was County Executive, County Attorney and Clerk. 4. Others Matters Not Listed on the Agenda from the Public. . There were none. 5.1. Route 29 South Corridor Study Endorsement. Clerk: Forward to VDOT and copy Planning. . ADOPTED the attached Resolution. (Attachment A) 5.2. Resolution of Intent to initiate zoning map amendment to Clerk: Forward to Planning. establish R-1 Residential District on property (Tax Map 76A, (Attachment B) Parcel J3) without zoning district. . ADOPTED the attached Resolution of Intent. 6. SP-2000-58. Northside CommunitY Fellowship Church of Clerk: Set out conditions of approval. the Nazarene (Sian #71). (Attachment C) . APPROVED SP-2000-58 subiect to 12 conditions. 7. SP-2000-61. Chapman Grove Baptist Church Fover Clerk: Set out conditions of approval. Addition (Sign #82). (Attachment C) . APPROVED SP-2000-61 subiect to 2 conditions. 8. SP-2000-62. Millstone Preschool Expansion (Sian #88. 89). Clerk: Set out conditions of approval. . APPROVED SP-2000-62 subiect to 5 conditions. (Attachment C) 9. SP-2000-64 David Weber (Triton PCS) (Sign #66). Planning staff: Bring back with revised conditions . DEFERRED until March 7, 2001, and requested the applicant to reflect any changes. to explore the feasibility of co-locating the ground equipment with Alltel or storing the equipment in a rural-type building so as to minimize its visual imDact 10. SP-2000-66. Philio Marshall (Charlottesville Cellular) Clerk: Set out conditions of approval. (Signs # 18&19). (Attachment C) . APPROVED SP-2000..a6 subiect to 5 conditions. 11. ZMA-2000-08. Dunlora Phase 4B Rivercreek (Sipn #50). (Attachment C) . APPROVED as proffered. 12. Discussion: Route 250 West Task Force Recommendations Clerk: Forward in letter to Jim Bryan. regarding proposed improvements by VDOT for signal at intersection of Route 250 and Broomley Road (Rt 677) and installation of wildlife warning highway reflector system. . SUPPORTED VDOT's proposal for installation -of a traffIC signal at the intersection of Route 250 and Broomley Road (Route 677). . CONSENSUS to wait until some data has been collected before installina wildlife warning hiahwav reflectors. 14. Appointments. Clerk: Prepare appointment letter, update Boards . APPOINTED Mr. Jorg Lippuner to the local Workforce and Commission books and notify appropriate Investment Board, with term to excire June 3, 2002. persons. 15. Other Matters not listed on the Agenda from the BOARD. Chief of Police/Countv Executive: Provide update . Board members suggested they receive an update on the during Closed Session. investigation of the recent shooting incident by the Police Department. . Board members requested data on the disposition of hunting County Executive/Sheriff: Provide information. violation cases. It was suaaested that staff Drepare a letter for the Chairman's signature, to be sent in late summer, to the Judge asking him to take into consideration the Board's ition and the actions the have taken. 16. Adjourn. . Meetin was ad' ourned at 9: 1 0 .m. lewc Attachment A - Route 29 South Resolution Attachment B - Resolution of Intent Attachment C - Conditions of Approval Attachment A RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VOOT) recently held public information workshops on the Route 29 Corridor Development Study (Project: 6029-963-F01, PE-100, From 1-64 To: North Carolina State line) which includes the counties of Amherst, Nelson, Albemarle, Pittsylvania and Campbell; and WHEREAS, the purpose of these workshops was to provide citizens an opportunity to informally review and discuss with VOOT representatives draft recommendations for the Route 29 Corridor study, to include areas of concern, and current and future modes of transportation; and WHEREAS, representatives from the County of Albemarle had an opportunity to review and discuss the Route 29 South Corridor with VOOT representatives; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, does hereby provide the following comments and/or recommendations regarding the Route 29 South Corridor Study: . The area along the Route 29 South Corridor is D.Qt in the County's Development area. Data developed by the consultant and verified by the County does .om project signifICant development in this area of the County through the study period. Therefore. the County does not believe controlled access through elimination of all individual access points and an extensive system of service roads and signalized intersections should be assumed as necessary for either Albemarle County or VOOT. The County ~ support the coordination of land use planning and transportation system planning through specifically incorporating the access management recommendations of the Phase I Corridor Study into the planning for the Route 29 South corridor in Albemarle and throughout the study area Albemarle County believes that access management planning is a logical and viable recommendation for the Route 29 corridor south of Charlottesville. Through proper planning that balances land use and transportation priorities in the particular sections of the corridOr in the County, appropriate access management measures can be identified and pursued. . Use the "Parkway" design cross-section in Albemarle County, without service roads and limited access whk:h should not be used in Albemarle County. Under no scenario should the "FreeNa'( design concept be used in Albemarle County. Furthermore. it is not anticipated that signalization of intersections will be necessary in Albemarle County, but in DQ case is reservation for interchanges at any Albemarle County intersections necessary. . Remove the term "to extent practical " from any Comprehensive Plan references in the guidelines for developing alternatives. . Double-track the raU line in the corridor to provide increased capacity for freight and passenger service. . Support one additional AMTRAK train per day along the entire corridor as well as the new Trans- Dominion E>epreSS servCe bebNeen Charlottesville and lynchburg. Make sure that references to the Trans-Oominion Express reflect its current status. . Include a park and ride facUity at the intersection of Routes 29 and 6 to the list of recommended facilities. This would replace the current informal parking that is occurring at this location. . Emphasize that transit and pedestrian improvements need to be coordinated and connected to make these alternatives successful in the corridor. . Include transit with rkie-share for internet match systems. :~. . Neither through-traffic data nor identifiable safety concerns justifies the huge expense of this proposal. . The study should show the cost for Albemarle County's portion so that cost benefits can be determined. ***** Attachment B RESOLUTION OF INTENT WHEREAS, airspace superjacent to land owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia or any other political jurisdiction occupied by a nonpolitical entity or person is subject to the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance that would apply if the land was owned by a private person; and WHEREAS. a 30.4 acre tract of land (Tax Map 76A Parcel J3) containing K10ckner Stadium, University Hall, the Frank McCue Building, and the University of Virginia's baseball field and track and field faclities on the campus of the University of Virginia are not currently zoned, and no use of the tract may be lawfully made by any person or entity which is subject to the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the County has received an application for a special use permit proposing to replace an existing light standard at K10ckner stadium with a structure that would support equipment for an 800 MHz public safety telecommunications system; and WHEREAS, although the proposed telecommunications system will be owned and used by the County of Albemarle, the City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia, the County subjects its own projects and the projects of other political subdivisions to the applicable regulations of the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, it is desired to amend the zoning map by zoning the 30.4 acre tract of land to the R-1, Residential District, which is the zoning district on other University of Virginia land in the vicinity, is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and would allow the above-referenced application to be processed, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT for purposes of public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby adopts a resolution of intent to amend the zoning map and zone the above-referenced tract of land to R-1, Residential District or another appropriate zoning district; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on this resolution of intent, and make its recommendations to the Board of Supervisors at the earliest possible date. ***** Attachment C CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Agenda Item No.6. SP-2000-58. Northside Community Fellowship Church of the Nazarene (Sian #17l. PUBLIC HEARING on a request for an 11,200 sq ft church bldg, to be constructed in 3 phases on a 9.92 ac P. A waiver from the critical slopes requirements, as set forth in ~18.4.2 of the Zoning Ord, has also been requested. Znd RA. TM 21, P 11A. located on Dickerson Rd (St Rt 606), W of St Rt 29, & S of border w/Greene County. White Hall Dist. APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. Church development shall be limited to the Phase I improvements, as shown on the Site Plan dated September 18, 2000, and labeled Northside Comm. Fellowship Church. The number of seats shall be limited to two hundred (200). Any future expansions of the facility or of the seating shall require an amendment to the special use permit; 2. The length of time within which the church may begin construction shall be two (2) years from the date of approval of this special use permit. All Health Department requirements shall be satisfied at the time of the issuance of building permits; 3. Commercial setback standards (50 feet for rear and sides), as set forth in Section 21.7.2 of the Albemarle Zoning Ordinance, for side and rear setbacks adjacent to rural areas shall be maintained; 4. All exterior light fixtures, regardless of lumens, shall be fully shielded and arranged or directed to reflect light away from adjoining rural area property and away from adjacent streets. A fully shielded fixture means an outdoor light fixture shielded in such a manner that all light emitted by the fixture, either directly from the lamp or indirectly from the fixture, is projected below the horizontal. The applicant should be mindful of the County's intent to have multiple, shorter light poles used on this site as opposed to fewer, taller poles; 5. Use of the play area designated temporary playground (on plan from Gloeckner Engineering, revised date October 27,2000) shall be permitted untU no later than 10:00 p.m.; 6. Subject to the approval of the Virginia Department of Transportation, prior to the issuance of a CertifICate of Occupancy, the applicant shall surface the roadway from just beyond the proposed church entrance southward to the end of the existing asphalt surface. The length of the roadway surfacing 'NOUld be approximately six hundred (600) feet; 7. Clearing of trees for the parking area, driveway, play areas and church shall be kept at the minimum required for the improvements. Tree protection measures shall be employed in order to minimize damage to tree roots; 8. Day care use shall be prohibited unless approved through a special use permit amendment; 9. Trees and plant material shall not be disturbed within twenty-fIVe (25) feet of the west, north, and south property line buffers; 10. A required landscape plan shall include soil erosion mitigation measures within the critical slope that includes the installation of trees, shrubs and groundcovers; 11. An additional twenty-five (25) percent landscaping materials above the minimum required landscaping materials shall be installed within the parking area, to offset removal of trees and plant material along State Route 606 and the interior of the site. The additional landscaping shall consist of a mixture of evergreen and deciduous plant materials; and 12. A twenty-five (25) foot dedication for right-of-way shall be required along the State Route 606 property frontage. Agenda Item NO.7. SP-200041. Chapman Grove Baptist Church Foyer Addition (Sign #82l. PUBLIC HEARING on a request to allow changes & additions to the church entry, including a ramp & a handicapped accessible restroom. TM 62 P 67, contains 0.82 acs. located on Stony Point Rd (Rt 20) approx 0.1 mls from Rt 769. Znd RA. Rivanna Dist. APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. Day care use shall be prohibited unless approved through an amendment to this permit; and 2. The number of seats permitted within the area of assembly shall not increase, unless by an amendment to this special permit. Agenda Item No.8. SP-2000-62. MiI~tone Preschool Expansion (Sian #88. 89). PUBUC HEARING on a request to allow expansion of an existing daycare center. TM 58, Ps 37 & 37C2, contains approx 5.086 acs. Located on Morgantown Rd (St Rt 738) next to Murray Elementary School. Znd RA. Samuel Miller Dist. APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. Enrollment shall be limited to the lesser of the number of students as approved by the Health Department or the Department of Social Services. In any event, the maximum number of additional children shall not exceed fifty (50); 2. The daycare center shall be constructed with the appearance of a dwelling unit; 3. Virginia Department of Health approval of adequate septic and drainfield facilities; 4. The applicant shall comply with the provisions set forth in Section 5.1.06 of the Zoning Ordinance: a. No such use shall operate without licensure by the Virginia Department of Welfare as a child care center. It shall be the responsibDity of the owner/operator to transmit to the Zoning Administrator a copy of the original license and all renewals thereafter and to notify the Zoning Administrator of any license expiration, suspension, or revocation within three (3) days of such event. Failure to do so shall be deemed willful noncompliance with the provisions of this ordinance; b. Periodic inspection of the premises shall be made by the Albemarle County fire official at his discretion. Failure to promptly admit the fire offICial for such inspection shall be deemed WIllful noncompliance with the provisions of this ordinance; and c. These provisions are supplementary and nothing stated herein shall be deemed to preclude application of the requirements of the Virginia Department of Welfare, Virginia Department of Health, Virginia State Fire Marshal, or any other local, state or federal agency. 5. Administrative approval of the site plan. Agenda Item No, 10. SP-2000-66. Philip Marshall (Charlottesville Cellular) (Signs # 18&19). PUBLIC HEARING on a request to allow the collocation of a whip antenna on an existing monopole structure, TM 36, P 19, contains approx 121.216 acs. located off of Vineyard Rd (St Rt 777) on Goodloe Mountain, approx 2.5 miles S of the Orange County line. Znd RA Rivanna Dist. APPROVED subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of this special use permit amends condition 4(a) of SP 97-051 which states: "The antennas shall be limited to 3 flush-mounted panel antennae not to exceed 6 feet in height and 1 foot in width, " with the following condition: The antennas shall be limited to three (3) flush-mounted antennae not to exceed six (6) feet in height and one (1) foot in width, and one (1) whip antenna not to exceed three (3) inches in diameter, extending no more than six (6) feet from the face, and no higher than the top of the existing monopole structure; 2. The remaining portion of the original one hundred twenty (120) foot tall tower shall be removed upon attachment of the whip antenna to the monopole; 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the metal monopole shall be painted a natural vvood color in compliance with condition 2a of SP-97-51 Goodlow Mountain, and verified through zoning inspection; 4. The monopole shall be constructed and maintained to comply with all other conditions for the approval of SP-97-51 Goodlow Mountain; and 5. The bracket that holds the whip antenna shall not be taller than sixty-nine (69) feet above the base of the monopole. Agenda Item No. 11. ZMA-2000-08. Dunlora Phase 4B Rivercreek (Sign #50). PUBLIC HEARING on a request to rezone 5.279 acs from RA to R-4. TM 62, P 12. located between Dunlora Dr & Free St Rd approx 1/2 ml from the intersec of the railroad tracks & Free State Rd. (The Comp Plan designates this property as Neighborhood Density Residential for 3-6 du/ac in Neighborhood 2.) Rivanna Dist. APPROVED as proffered: PROFFER FORM Date: Februarv 14. 2001 ZMA # 2000-08 Tax Map and Parcel Number(s) 62. Parcel 12 5.279 Acres to be rezoned from RA to R4 Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the owner, or its duly authorized agent, hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shall be applied to the property, if rezoned. These conditions are proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and it is agreed that: (1) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the conditions; and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning request. 1. A final plat of development for the lots on Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 shall reserve land for dedication upon demand of the County to make a public road connection from Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 to Free State Road (State Route 651). 2. The owner shall construct a public road, in accordance with public road standards in place at the time from TMP 62-12 to the point where state maintenance begins on Free State Road. The cost and responsibility for constructing this road shall not be transferred to a homeowner's association; 3. This road shall be constructed within 12 months following the commencement of construction for the upgrading of Free State Bridge or the commencement of construction of the Connector Road from Rio to Free State Road, as determined by the Albemarle County Department of Engineering and Public Works. 4. N. the time of commencement of construction of either the upgraded bridge or the Rio-Free State Connector road, the owner shall post a bond for the construction of the road described above. If commencement of the upgrading of Free State Bridge or the Connector Road has not begun within ten (10) years of the acceptance of these proffers by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, then the owner shall be relieved of the obligation to construct a public road in this location, but the reservation for dedication of the right-of-way shaU remain in place. 5. Until such time as the road connection to Free State Road is built and accepted into the public system, emergency access to Free State Road shall be provided in the area shown on the plat for a public road. The emergency access road shall meet Department of Engineering and Public Works specifications for emergency access road construction. It shall be constructed with public improvements shown on the engineering plans accompanying the final plat for development. A barrier consisting of a breakaway fence, chain with a lock, or similar type of barrier shall be installed to ensure that the connection is used for emergency access only. The type of barrier to be used shall be approved by the Albemarle County Fire and Rescue Division. 6. The barrier shall be placed at the time of commencement of road construction for the developmentforTax Map 62, Parcel 12. 7. A conceptual overlot grading plan, reviewed and approved by the Department of Engineering and Public Works, is required prior to issuance of any permits for the site. All lots shall be graded in general accordance with the approved plan or the latest revision to the plan approved by the Department of Engineering and Public Works, The overJet grading plan shall show: 1. building pads which minimize grades steeper than 10% within 10 feet of the house; 2. driveways with no grades steeper than 16% and 20 foot sections graded, where feasible, no steeper than 5% in front of garages or on parking spaces; 3. drainage patterns with suffICient detail that the Department of Engineering and Public Works can verify concentrated flows are not directed across adjoining lots except in storm sewers and all flows are adequately conveyed from lots to a storm drainage system approved by the County. 8. Prior to initiating any grading, the developer shall conduct a Phase I archaeological survey on Tax map 62 Parcel 12 and Parcel 7 and report findings, if any, to the Albemarle County Planning Department. Signature of Owner: Belvedere Station Land Trust by (Signed) Robert M. Hauser, Trustee 2/14101 Date RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) recently held pUblic information workshops on the Route 29 Corridor Development Study (Project: 6029-963-F01, PE- 100, From 1-64 To: North Carolina State Line) which includes the counties of Amherst, Nelson, Albemarle, Pittsylvania and Campbell; and WHEREAS, the purpose of these workshops was to provide citizens an opportunity to informally review and discuss with VOOT representatives draft recommendations for the Route 29 Corridor Study, to include areas of concern, and current and future modes of transportation; and WHEREAS, representatives from the County of Albemarle had an opportunity to review and discuss the Route 29 South Corridor with VDOT representatives; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, does hereby provide the following comments and/or recommendations regarding the Route 29 South Corridor Study: . The area along the Route 29 South Corridor is not in the County's Development area. Data developed by the consultant and verified by the County does not project significant development in this area of the County through the study period. Therefore, the County does not believe controlled access through elimination of all individual access points and an extensive system of service roads and signalized intersections should be assumed as necessaJy for either A1bemar1e County or VDOT. The County does support the coordination of land use planning and transportation system planning through specifically incorporating the access management recommendations of the Phase I Corridor Study into the planning for the Route 29 South corridor in A1bemarte and throughout the study area. Albemar1e County believes that access management planning is a logical and viable recommendation for the Route 29 corridor south of ChartottesviHe. Through proper planning that balances land use and transportation priorities in the particular sections of the corridor in the County, appropriate access management measures can be identified and pursued. . Use the "Parkway" design cross-section in Albemarle County, without service roads and limited access which should not be used in Albemarle County. Under no scenario should the "Freeway" design concept be used in Albemarle County. Furthermore, it is not anticipated that signalization of intersections will be necessary in Albemarle County, but in no case is reservation for interchanges at any Albemarle County intersections necessary. . Remove the term ''to extent practical" from any Comprehensive Plan references in the guidelines for developing alternatives. . Double-track the rail line in the corridor to provide increased capacity for freight and passenger service. . Support one additional AMTRAK train per day along the entire corridor as well as the new Trans- Dominion Express service between Charlottesville and Lynchburg. Make sure that references to the Trans-Dominion Express reflect its current status. . Include a park and ride.facility at the intersection of Routes 29 and 6 to the list of recommended facilities, This would replace the current informal parking that is occurring at this location. . Emphasize that transit and pedestrian improvements need to be coordinated and connected to make these altematives successful in the corridor. . Include transit with ride-share for intemet match systems. . Neither through-traffic data nor identifiable safety concerns justifies the huge expense of this proposal. . The study should show the cost for Albemarle County's portion so that cost benefits can be determined. ***** I, Ella W. Carey, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on February 14, 2001. ez;A Clerk, Board~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ,ctJ'1 AGENDA TITLE: Route 29 South Corridor Study AGENDA DATE: February 14, 2001 ITEM NUMBER: ACTION: INFORMATION: SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: CONSENT AGENDA: Board of Supervisor endorsement comments for the ACTION: X Route 29 South Corridor Study INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: STAFF CONTACTlS): REVIEWED BY: Messrs. Tucker, Foley, Cilimberg, Benish, Wade ~ / BACKGROUND: VDOT is in the process of conducting the Route 29 South Corridor Study. On January 18, 2001, VDOT held a public information meeting at Red Hill Elementary School. DISCUSSION: Staff has developed the following comments/recommendations regarding the Rt. 29 South Corridor Study: . The area along the Rt. 29 South Corridor is NOT in the County's Development area. Data developed by the consultant and verified by the County does NOT project significant development in this area of the County through the study period. Therefore, the County does NOT believe controlled access through elimination of all individual access points and an extensive system of service roads and signalized intersections should be assumed as necessary for Albemarle County. The County DOES support the coordination of land use planning and transportation system planning through specifically incorporating the access management recommendations of the Phase I Corridor Study into the planning for the Route 29 South corridor in Albemarle and throughout the study area. Albemarle County believes that access management planning is a logical and viable recommendation for the Route 29 corridor south of Charlottesville. Through proper planning that balances land use and transportation priorities in the particular sections of the corridor in the County, appropriate access management measures can be identified and pursued. . Use the "Parkway" design cross-section in Albemarle County, WITHOUT service roads and limited access which should NOT be used in Albemarle County. Under NO scenario should the "Freeway" design concept be used in Albemarle County. Furthermore, it is not anticipated that signalization of intersections will be necessary in Albemarle County, but in NO case is reservation for interchanges at any Albemarle County intersections necessary. . Remove the term "to extent practical" from any Comprehensive Plan references in the guidelines for developing altematives. . Double-track the rail line in the corridor to provide increased capacity for freight and passenger service. . Support one additional AMTRAK train per day along the entire corridor as well as the new Trans-Dominion Express service between Charlottesville and Lynchburg. Make sure that references to the Trans-Dominion Express reflect its current status. . Include a park and ride facility at the intersection of Routes 29 and 6 to the list of recommended facilities. Thiswould replace the current informal parking that is occurring at this location. AGENDA TITLE: Rt. 250 West Task Force Recommendation DATE: February 14, 2001 Page 2 of 2 . Emphasize that transit and pedestrian improvements need to be coordinated and connected to make these alternatives successful in the corridor. . Include transit with ride-share for internet match systems. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends the Board of Supervisors endorse the comments/recommendations above concerning the Rt. 29 South Corridor Study and forward them to VDOT in the form of a resolution. 01.027 RESOLUTION OF INTENT WHEREAS, airspace superjacent to land owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia or any other political jurisdiction occupied by a nonpolitical entity or person is subject to the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance that would apply if the land was owned by a private person; and WHEREAS, a 30.4 acre tract of land (Tax Map 76A Parcel J3) containing Klockner Stadium, University Hall, the Frank McCue Building, and the University of Virginia's baseball field and track and field facilities on the campus of the University of Virginia are not currently zoned, and no use of the tract may be lawfully made by any person or entity which is subject to the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the County has received an application for a special use permit proposing to replace an existing light standard at K10ckner stadium with a structure that would support equipment for an 800 MHz public safety telecommunications system; and WHEREAS, although the proposed telecommunications system will be owned and used by the County of Albemarle, the City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia, the County subjects its own projects and the projects of other political subdivisions to the applicable regulations of the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, it is desired to amend the zoning map by zoning the 30.4 acre tract of land to the R-1, Residential District, which is the zoning district on other Univer$ity of Virginia land in the vicinity, is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and would allow the above-referenced application to be processed. NOW, THEREFORE, Be rr RESOLVED THAT for purposes of public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby adopts a resolution of intent to amend the zoning map and zone the above-referenced tract of land to R-1, Residential District or another appropriate zoning district; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on this resolution of intent, and make its recommendations to the Board of Supervisors at the earliest possible date. ***** I, Ella W. Carey, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution of intent adopted by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, VirgInia, at a regular meeting held on February 14,2001. ervisors COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: Resolution of Intent to initiate a zoning map amendment to establish an R-1 Residential District on a property without a zoning district AGENDA DATE: February 14, 2001 ACTION: ITEM NUMBERS: INFORMATION: SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Staff requests the Board of Supervisors approve this resolution to establish an R-1 Residential District on a property without a zoning district CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: Yes INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes STAFF CONTACTlS): Tucker, Foley, Cilimberg, McDowell REVIEWED BY: BACKGROUND: A special use permit application has been received that proposes to replace an existing light standard at Klockner Stadium for a structure that would support the joint County of Albemarle, City of Charlottesville, University of Virginia and CIA Airport Authority regional 800 MHz public-safety radio equipment. In processing this application, it was learned that the property is not zoned. Owned by the University of Virginia, the 30.4-acre property contains Klockner Stadium, a track field, a baseball field, the U-Hall building, and the Frank McCue building. DISCUSSION: Staff proposes that a resolution of intent be approved for the County of Albemarle to establish an R-1 Residential District on property currently not zoned. The basis for this recommendation is as follows; 1. The establishment of a zoning district would allow processing of a special use permit application for one of six emergency communications towers; 2. The communication tower would not be used exclusively by the University of Virginia; therefore, a zoning district designation is required; 3. The R-1 Residential District would be consistent with the R-1 zoning on other University property in the immediate vicinity; 4. The Comprehensive Plan land Use Plan identifies this area as Development Area with a Public/Semi-Public: U (University of Virginia) designation. 5. The University properties do not have a separate, exclusive zoning designation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached Resolution of Intent to initiate an R-1 Residential District zone on Tax Map 76A Parcel J3 by the County of Albemarle. ATTACHMENTS: A Resolution of Intent B location Map o ,~- -<J J P/\',M'.j 01.025 Klockner 2 02/09/01 RESOLUTION OF INTENT WHEREAS, airspace superjacent to land owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia or any other political jurisdiction occupied by a nonpolitical entity or person is subject to the regulations of the Zoning Ordinance that would apply if the land was owned by a private person; and WHEREAS, a 30.4 acre tract ofland (Tax Map 76A Parcel B) containing Klockner Stadium, University Hall, the Frank McCue Building, and the University of Virginia's baseball field and track and field facilities on the campus of the University of Virginia are not currently zoned, and no use ofthe tract may be lawfully made by any person or entity which is subject to the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the County has received an application for a special use permit proposing to replace an existing light standard at Klockner stadium with a structure that would support equipment for an 800 MHz public safety telecommunications system; and WHEREAS, although the proposed telecommunications system will be owned and used by the County of Albemarle, the City of Charlottesville and the University of Virginia, the County subjects its own projects and the projects of other political subdivisions to the applicable regulations of the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, it is desired to amend the zoning map by zoning the 30.4 acre tract of land to the R-I, Residential District, which is the zoning district on other University of Virginia land in the vicinity, is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and would allow the above-referenced application to be processed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT for purposes of public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practices, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors hereby adopts a resolution of intent to amend the zoning map and zone the above-referenced tract of land to R-I, Residential District or another appropriate zoning district; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on this resolution of intent, and make its recommendations to the Board of Supervisors at the earliest possible date. ***** I, Ella W. Carey, do hereby certify that the foregoing writing is a true, correct copy of a resolution of intent adopted by the Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, at a regular meeting held on February 14, 2001. Clerk, Board of County Supervisors . E * ~' ~. ATTACHMENT B TAX MAP 76A -J3------- TOWER SITE AT KLOCKNER STADIUM ~..( .- ~ -,-- '" ... SEE T. ... .0:'5- THROUGH .sA(') 76" ____ ALBEMARLE COUNTY UNIVERSITY ~ _ . 1CO&.l"~ ---..... .. OF VIRGINIA PROPERTIES ,- SECTION 76A - ""1:: ..~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' i : ';i ';} AGENDA TITLE: SP 00-58 Northside Community Fellowship Church AGENDA DATE: February 14, 2001 ITEM NUMBER: ACTION: X INFORMATION: SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Request for approval of a Special Use Permit for the construction of a new church located on 9.92 acres on Dickerson Road (Route 606), in the White Hall Magisterial District. The property is zoned RA, Rural Area and designated Rural Area in the Comprehensive Plan CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: ATTACHMENTS: Yes (Staff Report) REVIEWED BY: STAFF CONTACTlS): Messrs. Tucker, Foley, Cilimberg, Benish BACKGROUND: At the December 12, 2000, Planning Commission public hearing, the Commission acted to defer SP 00-58 until January 9, 2001, in order to provide an opportunity for the applicant and staff to discuss unresolved issues concerning conditions of approval numbers 5, 6, 11, and 14. Staff and the applicant did meet and resolved the issues related to the project and recommended conditions. DISCUSSION: The following are the updated conditions recommended by staff and recommended for approval by the Commission on January 9, 2001. For clarification purposes, minor changes were made to the original conditions provided in the December 12, 2000 staff report: Condition 3 (omitted, as redundant); former Condition 4 - renumbered 3 (actual numbers added); former Condition 5 -renumbered 4, and simplified for clarity (ARB will consider lighting); former Condition 11 - renumbered 10 (portions omitted, as redundant). In acting on these conditions on January 9, the Planning Commission directed staff to finalize the language for condition 5 before the Board's review of this special use permit. The language in condition 5 below has been finalized by Planning and Zoning staff and reflects the intent of the Commission, The conditions recommended by staff and approved by the Commission are: 1 . Church development shall be limited to the Phase I improvements, as shown on the Site Plan dated September 18, 2000, and labeled Northside Comm. Fellowship Church. The number of seats shall be limited to 200. Any future expansions of the facility or of the seating shall require an amendment to the Special Use Permit. 2. The length of time for which the church may begin construction shall be two years, provided all Health Department requirements at the time of the issuance of building permits shall be satisfied. 3. Commercial setback standards (50 feet for rear and sides), as set forth in Section 21.7.2 of the Albemarle Zoning Ordinance, for side and rear setbacks adjacent to rural areas shall be maintained. 4. All exterior light fixtures, regardless of lumens, shall be fully shielded and arranged or directed to reflect light away from adjoining rural area property and away from adjacent streets. A fully shielded fixture means an outdoor light fixture shielded in such a manner that all light emitted by the fixture, either directly from the lamp or indirectly from the fixture, is projected below the horizontal. The applicant should be mindful of the County's intent to have multiple, shorter light poles used on this site as opposed to fewer, taller poles. 5. After dark use of the play area designated temporary playground (on plan from Gloeckner Engineering, revised date October 27,2000) shall be permitted until no later than 10:00 p.m, 6. Subject to the approval of the Virginia Department of Transportation, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall surface the roadway from just beyond the proposed church entrance southward to the end of the existing asphalt surface. The length of the roadway surfacing would be approximately 600 feet. 7. Clearing of trees for the parking area, driveway, play areas and church shall be kept at the minimum required for the improvements. Tree prQtection measures shall be employed in order to minimize damage to tree roots. 8. Day care use shall be prohibited unless approved through a special use permit amendment. 9. Trees and plant material shall not be disturbed within 25 feet of the west, north, and south property line buffers. 1 AGENDA TITLE: SP 00-58 Northside Community Fellowship Church DATE: February 14, 2001 Page 1 of 2 10. A required landscape plan shall include soil erosion mitigation measures within the critical slope that includes the installation of trees, shrubs and groundcovers. 11. An additional 25% landscaping materials above the minimum required landscaping materials shall be installed within the parking area, to offset removal of trees and plant material along State Route 606 and the interior of the site. The additional landscaping shall consist of a mixture of evergreen and deciduous plant materials. 12. A 25-foot dedication for right-of-way shall be required along the State Route 606 property frontage. RECOMMENDATION: Staff believes these conditions reflect the actions of the Planning Commission regarding SP 2000-58. Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of SP 2000-58 with the above conditions. 01.024 2 1""\ r", r", COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5823 February 7, 2001 Rev. Ray A Stark 1820 Airport Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 RE: SP-2000-58 Northside Community Fellowship Church of the Nazarene Tax Map 21, Parcel 11 Dear Rev. Stark: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on January 9, 2001, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Church development shall be limited to the Phase I improvements, as shown on the Site Plan dated September 18, 2000, and labeled Northside Comm_ Fellowship Church_ The number of seats shall be limited to 200. Any future expansions of the facility or of the seating shall require an amendment to the Special Use Permit. 2. The length of time for which the church may begin construction shall be two years, provided all Health Department requirements at the time of the issuance of building permits shall be satisfied. 3. Commercial setback standards (50 feet for rear and sides), as set forth in Section 21.7.2 of the Albemarle Zoning Ordinance, for side and rear setbacks adjacent to rural areas shall be maintained. 4. All exterior light fixtures, regardless of lumens, shall be fully shielded and arranged or directed to reflect light away from adjoining rural area property and away from adjacent streets. A fully shielded fixture means an outdoor light fixture shielded in such a manner that all light emitted by the fixture, either directly from the lamp or indirectly from the fixture, is projected below the horizontal. The applicant should be mindful of the County's intent to have multiple, shorter light poles used on this site as opposed to fewer, taller poles. 5. After dark use of the play area designated temporary playground (on plan from Gloeckner Engineering, revised date October 27,2000) shall be permitted until no later than 10:00 p.m. 6. Subject to the approval of the Virginia Department of Transportation, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall surface the roadway from just beyond the proposed church entrance southward to the end of the existing asphalt surface. The length of the roadway surfacing would be approxImately 600 feet. 7. Clearing of trees for the parking area, driveway, play areas and church shall be kept at the minimum required for the improvements. Tree protection measures shall be employed in order to minimize damage to tree roots. 8. Day care use shall be prohibited unless approved through a special use permit amendment. 9. Trees and plant material shall not be disturbed within 25 feet of the west, north, and south property line buffers. Page 2 February 7, 2001 "'" 1 O. A required landscape plan shall include soil erosion mitigation measures within the critical slope that includes the installation of trees, shrubs and groundcovers. ' 11. An additional 25% landscaping materials above the minimum required landscaping materials shall be installed within the parking area, to offset removal of trees and plant material along State Route 606 and the interior of the site. The additional landscaping shall consist of a mixture of evergreen and deciduous plant materials. 12. A 25-foot dedication for right-of-way shall be required along the State Route 606 property frontage. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on February 14, 2001. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date_ The Commission also approved the request for a critical slope waiver subject to the conditions as listed below: 1. A stormwater management plan shall be submitted for approval with the final site plan. 2. Subject to the approval of the Engineering Department, a bond shall be required to ensure siltation control during construction, 3. Landscaping shall be required on the new fill slope and on the existing critical slope, subject to the approval of the Planning Department Director or designee. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. r'\ David B. Benish Chief of Planning & Community Development DBB/jcf Cc: Ella Carey Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Steve Allshouse Bob Ball ,....." .~ STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSIQN: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: JOAN D. McDOWELL DeceDllJer 12,2000 January 10, 2000 SP 00-058 Northside Community Fellowship Church SDP 00-121 Critical Slopes Waiver for Northside Community Fellowship Church Site Development Plan Applicant's Proposal: In accordance with Section 10.2.2 (35) of the Zoning Ordinance, the applicant, Northside Community Fellowship Church, has requested a special use permit for the first of three phases of development. The Phase I development plans include: . 11,200 square foot building; . 101 parking spaces . outdoor recreational areas. The Master Plan of Development indicates the general proximity and size for future development on their 9.92-acre parcel. With approximately 100 people attending services in their current location at 1820 Airport Road (in ~ the Albemarle Regional Airport area), they are expecting their congregation to increase to approximately 125 after the completion of this facility. No day care or after school care needs are anticipated, at this time. However, areas for outside play have been set aside. No exterior lighting has been proposed with this application. In addition to their request for a church, the applicant has also requested a critical slope waiver, per Section 18-4.2. A portion of the parking lot would intrude into the slope facing Dickerson Road (State Route 606). ~ Petition: The petition is for approval of a special use permit, in accord with the provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance, to construct a church facility consisting of sanctuary, office and classroom uses, as well as outdoor recreation areas on approximately 9.92 acres of land situated on the west side of Dickerson Road (State Route 606), about 350 feet west of State Route 29 North, and south of the Greene County line. The property, described as Tax Map 21, Parcel I lA, is located in the White Hall Magisterial District. The property is zoned RA (Rural Areas) and is designated for Rural Area uses in Rural Area 1 of the Comprehensive Plan. SP 00-58 SOP 00-121 12/20/00 A Site Development Plan (SDP 00-121) has also been submitted with this '" request and a request for a Critical Slopes Waiver has also been submitted. Character of the Area: The area surrounding the church is a mixture of rural agricultural, residential, unimproved wooded parcels, a church and the a.E. Corporation facility. Surrounded by woods, a residence with outbuildings is currently located on the site. RECOMMENDATION: Staffhas reviewed the proposal for conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval of the special use permit with conditions and conditional approval of the critical slope waiver request. Plannin2 and Zonin2 History: A single-family structure and outbuildings are located on the property. The Architectural Review Board considered this application on December 4, 2000. At that time, the ARB approved a Certificate of Appropriateness (Attachment D). ("') Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan land use designation for this site is Rural. Churches in rural area are viewed as supportive of the moral fiber of the community. Efforts related to the limited clearing and offers of additional landscaping assist with mitigation of the impacts on the character of the area. STAFF COMMENT: Provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance are addressed below: The Board of Supervisors hereby reserves unto itself the right to issue all special use permits permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property. In an effort to retain some of the natural characteristics of the property, the applicant has agreed to retain the trees and plant material located on the north, west and south property lines in a natural, wooded state. The trees ~ and shrubs located along the property line bordering State Route 606 in the SP 00-58 SDP 00-121 12/20/00 2 area affected by the critical slope waiver would be removed. However, the ~ justification for the critical slope waiver (item 4), states that trees on the remaining slope will be retained. An existing driveway on the north side of the property would be closed and replaced by an entrance on the southern portion of the property. The applicant has also agreed to install additional landscaping along the driveway and the parking lot, to mitigate any tree removal along State Route 606. A condition of approval has been offered to include this provision into the approval. The landscape plan would be subject to the approval by the Planning Director or designee. As the church would generate a greater intensity than residential or agricultural uses within a rural area zoning district, the Zoning Department has recommended that greater setbacks be required for the side and rear property lines. As the Zoning Ordinance provides for additional buffers for commercial uses adjacent to rural areas, a comparison of commercial and rural side, front and rear setbacks is as follows: Rural Commercial r""1 Front 7 5 feet 30 feet Side 25 feet 5 0 feet Rear 3 5 feet 50 feet The Commercial District side and rear setback standards adjacent to rural areas are the larger of the two and would further the protection of the rural area. A condition of approval has been offered to require compliance with Section 21.7.2 standards for side and rear commercial setbacks adjacent to rural area districts. As the rural area front yard setbacks are larger, the RA front setback would remain. No nighttime outdoor play activities have been proposed. that the character of the district will not be changed thereby. Open space, agricultural uses and very low-density residential uses, mixed with an existing church and an industrial/office building to the south ~ SP 00-58 SDP 00-121 12/20/00 3 characterize this portion of the rural area district. The church is not expected ~, to change the character of the district. and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance. The Rural Area zoning district was created to establish a zone that provides for the preservation and protection of agricultural and forestal resources; provide for water supply protection; be an area of limited service delivery; and to conserve natural, scenic, and historic resources. The church is viewed as a use supportive of rural Albemarle County residents. The church size is in keeping with what is typically found in the Rural Area. with the uses permitted by right in the district. The proposed church would not restrict the current uses or other by right uses available on this site or by right uses on any other property. with additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of this ordinance. ~ Section 5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance does not contain provisions governing churches. and with the public health. safety and general welfare. According to the comments received by the Engineering Department, the projected number of vehicle trips for the Northside Church is approximately 410 trips on a Sunday. The peak hour rate on a Sunday is 9.49 trips per 1000 square feet of floor area. This results in 110 trips during the Sunday peak hour. The Virginia Department of Transportation has determined that State Route 606 is anon-tolerable gravel road, and is not in the County's Six Year Improvement Plan. At their recommendation, a condition of approval to require a 25 foot right-of-way dedication along the State Route 606 frontage is offered for consideration. The have advised that the dedication will reduce and may eliminate a need for sight easements. The anticipated result of this additional traffic on State Route 606 would be ~ increased rutting and dust. To mitigate this impact, the Engineering SP 00-58 SDP 00-121 12/20/00 4 Department has requested a condition of approval requiring that the r"1 applicant surface the roadway from just beyond the proposed church entrance southward to the end of the existing asphalt surface. The length of the roadway surfacing would be approximately 600 feet. The applicant has agreed to this recommendation. As stated earlier, the smaller church size, in terms of the number of ~nticipated parishioners, is viewed to be in keeping with the Rural Area character. Smaller congregations create less impact on roads and neighborhoods, as well as a limited demand for services. In light of the determination that State Route 606 is non-tolerable and is not in the VDOT Six Year Improvement Plan, a existing church with potentially the same days and hours of peak use, staff has included a condition of approval to limit the size of the congregation by what can be accommodated with the number of seats (200) proposed with this application. With the outdoor recreational uses limited to daylight hours only, with no lighting of the parking areas, and with the additional landscape screening, as described in the previous sections, the proposed church has been mitigated ~ to address impacts on the adjacent properties. After conferring with the Health Department, the applicant submitted revised plans depicting the location of the septic field and the well. Staffhas not received any comments regarding the revised plan, as of the writing of this report. A condition of approval (number two) requires Health Department approval. SUMMARY: Staffhas identified the following factors, which are favorable to this request: 1. The Land Use Plan suggests that churches are supportive to the rural areas in the County. 2. No detrimental impact is anticipated as a result of the church use. 3. The landscape screening buffer and additional setbacks between the lots and the adjacent Rural Area District properties would mitigate impacts of the church on the Rural Area. 1"", SP 00-58 SDP 00-121 12/20/00 5 ~ RECOMMENDED ACTION: r1 r'1 Staff recommends APPROVAL of SP 00-058, subject to the following conditions: 1. Church development shall be limited to the Phase I improvements, as shown on the Site Plan dated September 18, 2000. The length of time for which the church may begin construction shall be two years, provided all Health Department requirements at the time of the issuance of building permits shall be satisfied. A final landscape plan, including landscape materials, shall be subject to approval by the Planning Director or designee. Commercial setback standards, as set forth in Section 21.7.2 of the Albemarle Zoning Ordinance, for side and rear setbacks adjacent to rural areas shall be maintained. No lighting shall be installed in the proposed parking areas without an amendment to this application. No outdoor recreational/play activities shall be permitted after dark. Subject to the approval of the Virginia Department of Transportation, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall surface the roadway from just beyond the proposed church entrance southward to the end of the existing asphalt surface. The length of the roadway surfacing would be approximately 600 feet. Clearing of trees for the parking area, driveway, play areas and church shall be kept at the minimum required for the improvements. Tree protection measures shall be employed in order to minimize damage to tree roots. Day care use shall be prohibited unless approved through a special use permit amendment. Trees and plant material shall not be disturbed within 25 feet of the west, north, and south property line buffers. Trees and grass on the existing critical slope adjacent to State Route 606 shall be maintained, except within the fill area. An additional 25% landscaping materials above the minimum required landscaping materials shall be installed within the parking area, to offset removal of trees and plant material along State Route 606 and the interior ofthe site. The additional landscaping shall consist of a mixture of evergreen and deciduous plant materials. A 25-foot dedication for right-of-way shall be required along the State Route 606 property frontage. The number of seats permitted within the area of the largest assembly shall not exceed 200 seats. No future expansion ofthe church shall increase the congregation beyond what can be accommodated under SP 00-058 and SDP 00- 121. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. SP 00-58 SDP 00-121 12/20/00 6 Critical Slopes Waiver: The applicant has requested that a waiver for an t""\ encroachment of a portion of the proposed parking lot into a critical slope along State Route 606 be approved. Under the provisions set forth in Section 4.2 of the Albemarle Zoning Ordinance, the applicant has offered the following justifications for this request: 1. Concern over rapid and/or large-scale movement of soil and rock This project will use proper construction and stabilization methods to prevent this type of movement. On a small portion of the critical slope area will have a 2:1 fill slope constructed upon it. This will use proper compaction and vegetation to stabilize slopes. 2. Concern over excessive storm water runoff "'i This project will incorporate a well-designed storm system to alleviate build up of sheet flow quantities. All runoff from impervious areas will be piped underground, i.e., the rooftops will be caught in adequate structures. Vegetation shall be installed to help with slope stabilization. (Designed by a Landscape Architect) 3. Concern over siltation of natural or manmade bodies of water County inspection and bonding of erosion control measures will address any excessive siltation. The large existing slope in place will only be disturbed slightly and does not have potential for erosion. 4. Concern over loss of aesthetic resource The existing slope has some mature trees and undergrowth (stable). These trees and grass will remain except in the fill area and will be maintained on a continuing basis. The new slope will be planted (vegetated) and become an asset. 5. Concern over the danger of septic system failure r'J SP 00-58 SDP 00-121 12/20/00 7 f'"'J The septic system will be on the west side of the entrance road away from the critical slopes and is not effected by the critical slope, I.e., on other side of the entrance road. (See preliminary site plan) Section of the Zoning Ordinance restricts earth-disturbing activity on critical slopes, and Section allows the Planning Commission to waive this restriction upon finding that a strict application of these provisions would not forward the purposes of the Ordinance. The site has an area of 9.926 acres. Of the total acreage, approximately .50 or 5% contains a critical slope. The area proposed to be disturbed by grading for a portion of the parking lot contains .04 acres. The disturbed area would be filled with a 2: 1 slope. The septic system, located on the west side of the entrance, would not be affected. The Engineering Department has addressed concerns with movement of soil and rock, excessive stormwater run-off and siltation, and recommends approval of this request. Engineering analysis has determined that proper slope construction, control of drainage and vegetative landscaping will be rl effective in preventing movement of soil. A stormwater management plan to prevent problems with excessive run-off from the disturbed critical slopes, as well as the rest of the site will be required to be approved with the final site plan. Regular inspections and bonding of erosion control measures by County staff, during all phases of construction, will help to ensure that the concern with siltation is addressed appropriately. The Architectural Review Board has examined the aesthetic impact of the critical slope disturbance and offered on objections. The replacement of landscaping and the limited amount of disturbance would mitigate the negative impacts. The Open Space and Critical Resources Plan has not identified this site as having critical slopes RECOMMENDATION: With the support of the Engineering Department, Planning finds no conflict with this request and recommends approval of the critical slope waiver request [Section] with the following conditions: n SP 00-58 SDP 00-121 12/20/00 8 1. A stormwater management plan shall be submitted for approval with the final site plan. ~ 2. Subject to the approval of the Engineering Department, a bond shall be required to ensure siltation control during construction. 3. Landscaping shall be required on the new fill slope, subject to the approval of the Planning Department Director or designee. ATTACHMENTS: A SP Application B SDP Critical Slopes Waiver Application C Engineering Comments D ARB Comments E Location Map ,-....j r'J SP 00-58 SDP 00-121 12/20/00 9 County of Albemarle .:. Department of Building Code ~ ATTACHMENT A 1~~~~~eEf)-D% TMPlL~t-.-(LO -IL 0 -fL0--ULr_'U-J_ . Gign# 'i 7. Mag. Dist. W {~..fe/-Jali Staff. ((-- ~ Date { ~ Application for Special Use Permit J crcy'l ~ Project Name (how should we refer to this applicalion?) ~N'''''u.v, $;III~ *Existiug Use fl.ESt DeN nAL Proposed Use C J..I tJ 1a::..H *Zoniug District (*staff will assist you with these items) Number of acres to be covered by Special Use Penult (lr. portloa It must be delineated on plat) ~A *Zoniug Ordinance Section number requested IO.2.-L.~~ q.'fa Is this an amendment to an existing Special Use Permit? Are you submitting a site development plan with this application? o yesQ{,No o Yes.No Contact Person (Whom should we ca1Vwrite concerning this project?): A y IZX Address \<5dO AI /U>Orcr ~. City GAC2.LOTfCSVluE State VA Zip ;;;J;:;).ttll Daytime Phone (~ ) '1fp<f-/~OO Fax# ?b-!-C;t,'/-/S'OO E-mail NCt:=NI/Z@AOL.{.a Owner of land (As-listed in the County's records): Address /<g;)0 A JJ2.P6tz:r,12c Ab1Z:J7l_'5(Pe ~,,"Q.I\?J1Y ~/P /ZUldJlbl= THS AJ41A29-:l' City (;AIULJ1T1!iSI1/u.e- State VA Zip 22'711 Fax # <JoLf-')G?'{-IS-tt>O E-mail NC,PJI.}/tZ ~ ~CL. CO,..,.. . r"'\ Daytime Phone (~OV) q. ~ '1-1.$<:::>0 Applicant (Who is the contact person representing? Who is requesting the special use?): AkNoe ~/llfMVN 177/. ~/1> ti: Of:: Il / 7iiii7'VAUt~W L Address 1<8;;>0 t-IIRPOfZ:I "Po.' City(HAflJ.07l'"ESVIU..J:;- State VA ZipZ.:Z'tJ DaytimePhone(~) 96'1-ISC/C) Fax#<?PI-'1IcV-I>bo E-maiIIVGFNI\,Z.eJ .40(... a>,.... Tax map and parcel ;;21-1 (A ( P A 12..C.~c... A ') Physical Address 4C\lfc DU:.IL'VL<:.o.v 14. G~t'l..~\)lu...e: J VA 2.Z..,ll Location.of property (landmarks. intersections. or other) 0,,", D,a..cvu;.o.v 'i2o 1'<11:> NO fl.:m 0 F (; e - FAjo...)c..lC- Does the owner of this property own (or have any ownership interest in) any ~butting property? If yes, ple~e list those tax map and parcel numbers OFFICE USE ONLY n 1_ f ftt.. -. t Fee amount $Jf1l) .fj) Date Paid ~Cl1,ec~#'~' ecf).f . ReCeipt # .', History: 0 Special Use Permits: 0 ZMAs and Proffers: . ,.. . a."'~ -.',..... ConcUrrent review of Site Development Plan? . .. g~g~~~~;;""t?J~~~'~~!~li.;; o Variances: 401 McIntire Road .:. Charlottesville, VA 22902 .:.. Voice: 296-5832 .:. Fax:. 9.72-41_29. 10 - .... ... -.' ._q....~~.~(:,::-:...<,<:.:..:;..:!~:r.~;;:;~:;~~?~10~. / \: Section of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance states that, "The board of supervisors \.~~ hereby reserves unto itself the right to issue all special use permits permitted 4ereund~r. $pecial use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the. board of supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, that the character of the distric0 will not be changed thereby and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance, with the uses permitted by right in the district, with additional regulations provided in section 5.0 of this ordinance, and with the public health, safety and general welfare. The items which follow will be reviewed by the staff in their analysis of your request. Please complete this form and provide additional information which will assist the County in its review of your request. If you need assistance mling out these items, staff is available. What is the Comprehensive Plan designation for this property? How will the proposed special use affect adjacent property? fJrbTALJ.::/'Jr prz.oP€R-Tt( 1'5. ~DFJ":) .4r\Jb THe P/ZOit::)SI!n uSe WI{,L ^"A~ A Nile '17ZA~smo.O 'F/U)M. THE; 1!\:JDi.JST7Zi-4<... Ail-fA Or 6 E - Fl'tf0vc.. :J:IV 'TH e SOi.77U 7D THe- 1le5 (j) Mf AL A-12t4 7V me NOrz.:ro How will the proposed special use affect the character of the district surrounding the property? ~llZ WILLP..t. LfTrlE el=rec:r. A OftJffH Is ACtlDsS' TIle- Srii.,[T AND THVl~ IS A $U13.blvl5.laf\,) (KbfL7H 'H^Jr.-s) Tl:J 7)16 SOI..J77..lLt...n::5T, How is the use in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance? ~ 4- C.HUIlLH IS IAJ HA/2M<:)^,V , V,:)iTH 71IE'G1J0'i./c4L use- or me CJ/WINANce-. IT WILL -4DI> 7l) 7?f€ fOMMUlIJiTl.( VMU~ AAJb Wl'-L f:(1 ~/T7t G'XfSn^,6 uses.. How is the use in harmony with the uses permitted by right in the district? A CJ,{0Q.C1-( is ~u..(~X..c.;'U> By SPE"Cllt-L cJSF PEf2MtT "--,, THI/..) 77IIS j)(ST/l.Ic:r:. What additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance apply to this use? ~c.n().o,> S. 3>. g, I . , ~ 3. 1. b cf ~ 1. g. 7. How will this use promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community? j (1-l1J(UJ.( WIU- rI20v,j)~ '" ~S/71v€ IM46€ POIt.. 7NC ~OIV//V\UAJI11f. .~";/'. . .'-;.:...::<L,. -:c: . ~,' ::: -. \' , :: " 11 .' Describe your request in detail and include all pertinent information such as the numbers of persons involved in the use, operating hours, and any unique features of the use: uJr AfUr A t-.:)f..uJ A.Nb GI2Dc.vINJG Cof\.J(;;~t:3A-770N LVAl'VrlN6 7D /!.V/<...i'), A-,u~ ~Il..A7't( IAJ ~ f'\I\L)t...rIPt...E' PH.~-S... ~,4.S6 r/.LYlL:Jt..D /rvGu.7J>e' ~,;)CO SfA.r 1:::.40(.,1 0/ w/m us~ C>^-' Su^"o~,::::o /2- S E:.eV/CFS, ANJ> O.5l5 771~t.J6'ffCJt.77 7?{/::;- LVZ2.J'- FoR- 6H llUH.- l2.~rLD I\C.rll}I17G'S ~D MUi/NGs" . ATIACHMENTS REQUIRED - provide two(2) copies of each: ~1. []I' 2. ~ Recorded plat or boundary survey of the property requested for the rezoning. If there is no recorded plat or boundary survey, please provide legal description of the property and the Deed Book and page number or Plat Book and pag~ number. Note: If you are requesting a special use permit only for a portion of the property, it needs to be described or delineated ona copy of the plat or surveyed drawing. Ownership information - If ownership of the property is in the name of any type of legal entity or organization including, but not limited to, the name of a corporation, partnership or association, or in the name of a trust, or in a fictitious name, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted certifying that the person signing below has the authority ~~~ . If the applicant is a contract purchaser, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted containing the owner's written consent to the application. If the applicant is the agent of the owner, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted that is evidence of the existence and scope of the agency. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS: o o 3. 4. Drawings or conceptual plans, if any. Additional Information, if any. I hereby certify that I own the subject property, or have the legal' power to act on behalf of the owner in filing this application. I also certify that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my l:4() ~i> ~_~/~/. . Signature .< 'f~ ,.., :::.>;I;;~}\.:';:. . _. . . ~~~~; ':'_,,:,',--:'~. .... :::~',:~~~:~~:,L--., }. " ._: 12 . . .. . " ;~~t+A";:&~~li~;;i'; .=x- '-'i~\',:";,:<'f~r, ".~' i,' l :::"~.,~ ':/ .-, ~'<'i.~':~~"-;':~:~~:.;~':~' ~.\:~::,:~~~: ~ ~ ~ /:;;/ , , " " " /~~ /~/4 //~ " I, I 'e. //iP //if " /, 'I " I I' 'I " '. II .. 1/ " =: ::~' 15.74' ........ ..- CO~!. . ~.. 8" " .~. .8.4 0 ~\ .~':-. 0 ~ ~'. : ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~: · c::... w ~ ~ :Z:. .l<!~,,, -;<.: o. : "'::0 ~: . )0 ~. .. 0..... '<.~. .. 'r !i) . -.. '4\~.. .......... z ~ -..j ~~ ill"! -001 ::0 .~ ~ 7~ 8?:Oi>' VI N ~ iD ~ :E UI N o ~ (/) ;-l ;:0 ;-l I" - 0::0 CO zZ o I m m --.j \. \ \ \..~ \\~ ...~l" \~ ~ ..~: ~~ \,\~ ~ '\ \ \\ \ \~ '" .~... ...~ " ,:~ " BK 1 8 7 7 PG 0 7 05 .. 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SOP# 00 -~ Application for Site Developm.ent Plans and Site Plan Waivers 1-" e-", TMP_____-_ - - I - -- ----- lXIPreliminary Site Development Plan :,'" i r.; , ',. I o Residential = $945 plus $lO/dwelling unit Ii Non-residential = $1260 plus $10/1,000 sq.ft. of dev. ,j ,,- \..-.. ".'i::l',''':r'T - '-~ .............."-',;, ~",......\ . 16 folded copies of plan required D Final Site Development Plan (Administrative) DFinal Site Development Plan (Commission) o Residential = $325 o Non-residential = $325 Q Prior to ppliminary approval = $900 o After preliminary approval = $630 Two (2) mylars and one (J)folded copy of plan required DSite Plan Waiver (Ordinance Section Number ) = $215 y 7 folded copies of sketched plan required Project Name: Northside Communit Fellowshi ,...... Tax map and parcel TM 21 Par. 11 A RA Physical Street Address (if assigned) N / A Location of property (landmarks, intersections, or other) Approximately 500 feet north of Intersection of st. Rts. 763 and 606 on west side of Rte. 606 Does the owner of this property own (or have any ownership interest in) any abutting property? If yes, please list those tax map and parcel numbers No Contact Person (Who should we call/write concemingthis project?): Kurt M. Gloeckner, P. E. , P . L. S . Address 2246 Ivy Road, Suite 5 City Charlottesville State VA Daytime Phone (8 04) 971-1 591 Fax # 293-7612 E-mail Owner of Record Northside Community Fellowship Church Zip 22 903 Address 1820 Airport Road City CharlottesvilleState VA Zip 2 2 91 1 Daytime Phone (~ ) <} 64 - 1 SO 0 Fax # E-mail Applicant (Who is the Contact person representing?): Kurt M. Gloeckner, P. E. , P. L. S. Address 2246 Ivy Road, Suite 5 Daytime Phone (80 4 ) 971 - 1 59 1 City Charlottesvi 1 Ie, State VA Zip 2 2 903 Fax # 2 <} 3 - 7 h 1 ? E-mail r'\ ?e~~::~S~J~~~ate Paid Check # By Who? Receipt # By:~.A County of Albemarle Department of planning & Co:mm'l:u'liW Development 401 McIntire Road .:. Charlottesyille, VA 22902 .:. Voice: (804) 296-5823 .:. Fax: (804) 972- 14 9/14/98 Page I l>. Type of Development: CJ Residential !XI Non-residential Type ofunit(s): Cl Commercial Cl Industrial !XI Qu~i-Public Church ~~ # ofbuilding(s): Sq.ft. ofbuilding(s): Sq. ft. ofbuilding(s): 11.200 sa.ft. 9.92 Ac. # of units per building: Acreage of site: Total # of units: Acreage in open space: 8.25 Ac. Resulting density: A ('1'("<181" ;n 1'n<'QS' and parking 1 . 41 Ac. Acreage of Site: Acreage in open space: Acreage in roads: Intended use or justification for request: Church r.i.,. Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign This site plan as submitted contains all of the information required by Section 32.5 (Preliminary Plan) or Section 32.6 (Final Plan) of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. I understand that plans which lack information required by said sections shall be deemed incomplete and shall be denied by the agent within ten (10) days of submittal as provided in Section or Section 32.4.3,3 as the case may be, For Final Plans Only: To the best of my knowledge, I have complied with Section and obtained tentative approvals for all applicable conditions from the appropriate agencies. / '~AM.\~tL Signature of Owner, l;ontract Purchaser, Agent September 18, 2000 Date .,....-..", Kurt M. Gloeckner Printed Name 971-1591 Daytime phone number of Signatory 15 9/14/98 Page ~ ~ Type of Development: [J Residential !XI Non-residential ~ Type ofunit(s): (J Commercial (J Industrial IXI Quasi-Public Church # ofbuilding(s): Sq.ft.ofbuilding(s): Sq.ft. of building(s): 11,200 so.ft. 9.92 Ac. # of units per building: Acreage of site: Total # of units: Acreage in open space: 8.25 Ac. Resulting density: Acreage of Site: A ~r~~gp in ro~tfc:' and parking 1 . 41 Ac. Acreage in open space: Acreage in roads: . Intended use or justification for request: Church . '.~'.... i/, F . Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign This site plan as submitted contains all of the information required by Section 32.5 (Preliminary Plan) or Section 32.6 (Final Plan) of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance. I understand that plans which lack information required by said sections shall be deemed incomplete and shall be denied by the agent within ten (10) days of submittal as provided in Section or Section as the case may be. For Final Plans Only: To the best of my knowledge, I have complied with Section and obtained tentative approvals for all applicable conditions from the appropriate agencies. '-------~, / ~ ~}/, )\ I~ 1 \~J'-' r fyJl ):), }jlp~ r-l Signature of Owner, \Contract Purchaser, Agent Kurt M. Gloeckner Printed Name September 18, 2000 Date 971-1591 Daytime phone ~umber of Signatory 15 9/14/98 Page ~ , ATTACHMENT B GLOECKNER ENGINEERING/SURVEYING, INC. Engineers - Surveyors - Land Planners Kurt M_ Gloeckner, PE., PL.S. President '" September 18, 2000 Hand Deliver Stephen Waller Planner County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Re: Northside Community Fellowship Church Critical Slope Waiver Request Dear Stephen, ~ We wish to request a waiver from the critical slope ordinance (Section 18-4,2) by addressing each of the issues of concern. Concern over rapid and/or large scale movement of soil and rock This project will use proper construction and stabilization methods to prevent this type of movement. Only a small portion of the critical slope area will have a 2:1 fill slope constructed upon it. This will use proper compaction and vegetation to stabilize slopes. Concern over excessive stormwater runoff This project will incorporate a well-designed storm system to alleviate build up of sheet flow quantities, All runoff from impervious areas will be piped underground, i.e., the rooftops will be caught in adequate structures. Vegetation shall be installed to help with slope stabilization. (Designed by a Landscape Architect). Concern over siltation of natural or manmade bodies of water County inspection and bonding of erosion control measures will address any excessive siltation during construction. Proper vegetation stabilization will prevent long term siltation, The large existing slope in place will only be disturbed slightly and does not have potential for erosion. r'1 I' ) 16 2246 Ivy Road, Suite 5 · Charlottesville, Virginia 22903 · Tel: (804) 971-1591 . Fax: (804) 293-7612 ~1 Stephen Waller Planner September 18, 2000 Page 2 Concern over loss of aesthetic resource The existing slope has some mature trees and undergrowth (stable). These trees and grass will remain except in the fill area and will be maintained on a continuing basis, The new slope will be planted (vegetated) and become an asset. Concern over the danger of septic system failure The septic system will be on the west side of the entrance road away from the critical slopes and is not effected by the critical slope i.e., on other side of entrance road, (See preliminary site plan). If you have any questions or comments concerning this request, please feel free to call me at (804) 971-1591. h Stephen, please put us on the consent agenda as soon as possible. Thank you. Sincerely, .', '--._-~-. ./.1/'111'. _ J:~Y f( ,)\ l ,.-/' _'--' ,_,A.,J, ___ ._____ Kurt M_ Gloeckner, P.E., P.LS.. President KMG:tpm Cc: Rev. Ray Stark r'1 17 ATTACHMENT C Albemarle County Development Departments S P-2000-058 f1 'SPIN Submission and Comments Northside Community Fellowship Church of Nazarene Engineering special use permit revision 2 reviewer Jeff Thomas received 9/21/00 reviewed 10/16/00 decision approved with conditions The special use permit plan received on September 21,2000 has been reviewed. SR 606 (Dickerson Road) is currently a non-tolerable gravel road and is not in the County's Six Year Improvement Plan. The 1997 ADT for this stretch of SR 606 is 90 vehicles per day. The proposed church building is 11,200 square feet. The proposed parking area contains a total of 101 spaces. According to the ITE Trip Generation Manual, the average church trip generation rate on a Sunday is 36.63 trips per 1000 square feet of floor area. The projected number of vehicle trips for the proposed Northside church building is approximately 410 trips on a Sunday. The peak hour rate on a Sunday is 9.49 trips per 1000 square feet of floor area. This results in 110 trips during the Sunday peak hour. We feel the proposed church will significantly increase traffic on SR 606 on Sundays. This will likely result in increased rutting and dust along SR 606. Dust from the high number of vehicles during the peak hour may reduce driver visibility. The Engineering Department therefore recommends approval of the special use permit with the condition that the applicant surface the roadway from just beyond the proposed church entrance southward to the end of the existing asphalt surface. The length of the roadway surfacing would be approximately 600 feet. We recommend a prime and double seal asphalt surface, but any proposed paving on a public road would be subject to VDOT approval. ' r-\ Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. r', f'" ";! 11/21/0002:54 PM Page 1 of 1 18 ATTACHMENT C Albemarle County Development Departments SDP-2000-121 ~ SPIN Submission and Comments Northside Community Fellowship Church Preliminary Engineering critical slope waiver revision 3 reviewer Jeff Thomas received 11/10/00 reviewed 11/15/00 decision approved The critical slope waiver request received on November 10, 2000 has been reviewed. Based on the preliminary site plan received November 1, 2000, the proposed site has an area of 9.926 acres. This includes a critical slope area of 0.50 acres, which is approximately 5% of the site. It appears that 8.4% (0.04 acres) of the critical slope areas on the subject property will be disturbed by grading for the proposed parking lot. From the preliminary site plan, it appears that the affected slopes will mostly be filled with a 2:1 slope. As stated in Section 18-4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the following concerns must be addressed before any critical slope waiver is granted. ~ 1. "movement of soil and rock" Proper slope construction, control of drainage, and vegetative stabilization will prevent any movement of soil. Stormwater runoff will be diverted from the fill slopes by curb and gutter, storm sewer inlets, and underground pipes, 2. "excessive stormwater runoff" A stormwater management plan must be submitted with the final plans for approval. The preliminary site plan shows an existing pond on the west side of the site being converted for use as a stormwater facility, The pond does not appear to be located in a critical slope area. 3. "siltation" Inspection and bonding by the County will ensure siltation control during construction. After construction, proposed stabilization and maintenance will ensure long term stability. 4. "loss of aesthetic resource" Some aesthetic loss is expected from tree removal in the affected area. The applicant is proposes landscaping on the new fill slope. 5. "septic effluent" The preliminary site plan indicates that the proposed septic system is located on the western side of the entrance drive away from the critical slope area. Based on the review above, the Engineering Department recommends approval of the waiver. Please call me if you have any questions or comments. " n 11/21/0002:57 PM Page 1 of 1 19 ATTACHMENT D ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT 1"'""'\ . . APPLICATION NAME: NORTH SIDE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH APPLICATION TYPE: PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN Project # ARB-P(SDP)-2000-51 . Location Dickerson Road (SR 606), west of Route 29 North Parcel Identification Tax Map 21, ParcelllA Zoned Rural Areas (RA) and Entrance Corridor (EC) Magisterial District Whitehall .... -c: -c- .. Proposal Preliminary review ofa plan to construct an.11,200 square foot church building, to be built in three phases on 9.92 acres ARB Meeting Date December 4, 2000 Staff Contact Margaret Maliszewski ,-...., g , PROJECT HISTORY The applicant has applied for a Special Use Permit for this project. The permit is required for churches in the ruralareas and will be considered by the Planning Commissionon December 12. A waiver from critical slopes requirements has also been requested. A preliminary site plan is under review by the Planning Department. PROJECT DETAILS The applicant proposes to construct a new church facility. Details on the second and third phases of the project are not yet available. The first phase is composed of a long church building measuring 180' long x 70' wide. The building has a gabled roof with a cupola and a central hipped entrance bay. Wall materials include brick, stucco, and vinyl siding for the front elevation, and stucco and vinyl siding for the side elevation. ANALYSIS Site Development, Layout, and Grading: The proposed new (phase 1) building would be situated where the shed currently stands on the property, The building is situated at an angle to Dickerson Road. The new parking lot (with 101 parking spaces) would be situated where the existing house is. A new driveway would be created closer to the southern end of the parcel; it would curve around to the south side of the parking lot, Just outside the southeast comer of the parking lot, proposed grading would impact a small area of critical slopes. A temporary play ground and the proposed locations of Phase 2 and 3 construction are located behind the Phase 1 building. ARB l2/4/2000Northside Community Fellowship Church - Preliminary Site Plan - Page 1 ~\ 20 Visibility: The parcel is situated about 350' west of the Route 29 North Entrance Corridor. The existing dense vegetation on the east side of the site, and other vegetation that exists between the EC and Dickerson Road, greatly minimize visibility of the site currently. Plans include the removal of on-site vegetation, which will open up the view of the site. The exact degree of visibility of the proposed structure is difficult to determine. However, given the distance from the EC and the existing development, visibility is expected to be limited. The rooftop and upper portion of the east elevation are expected to be somewhat visible. ,~ Structure(s) Compatibility with historic sites/structures: Although some of the building forms and materials have been used historically, the proposed structure has a modem appearance. Context: The site is located on Dickerson Road, west of Route 29 North. The immediate area has a rural character, and residential and other church buildings are located nearby. A residence and shed currently stand on the property. Scale: The proposed building is a long one. The roof form and the placement of materials emphasize the length. The building appears to have a comfortable scale. Materials: Materials are identified as red brick, yellow/off-white stucco, and yellow/off-white vinyl siding. The roofis covered with a dark green material - probably asphalt shingles. Samples have not been provided. The stucco elements are unusual in form, but it is unlikely that these forms on the front elevation will be noticed from the EC. Also, the change from stucco to vinyl on the side elevation is not expected to be noticed from the EC, but the blank yeI10w wall may be. A darker earth tone, or the use of brick, on the side elevation would be more appropriate for the EC than the shade of yellow shown. ~ Forms and Features: The dominant feature of the proposed building is expected to be the long roof form. Blankness: The right side elevation has no window or door openings. Given the limited visibility expected, the blank wall may not be inappropriate, if the material/color blend with the surroundings, rather than stand out against them. Connecting Devices: N/A Accessory Structures and Equipment: No equipment appears on the plan. Ground-mounted equipment is not expected to be seen from the EC. Lighting: No lights are shown on the plan. Signs: No signs have been proposed. ARB 12/4/2000NorthsideCommunity Fellowship Church - Preliminary Site Plan - Page 2 ./""\ 21 ~ Landscaping: Dense vegetation covers a large portion of the site. The applicant plans to remove most of the existing trees and replace them with new landscaping; however, a landscaping plan has not been provided. (The elevations do show trees and shrubs along the front wall.) Both the tree removal and the new planting will affect the visibility of the site. A landscape plan should be submitted to clarify the extent of tree removal and the proposed replanting. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff offers the following preliminary comments: 1) The right side elevation of the church requires a different treatment to make it appropriate for the EC. It is suggested that one or a combination ofthe following recommendations be followed: a) add windows, doors, or other elements to relieve the blankness of the elevation; b) fac~ the elevation with red brick to match the brick of the front elevation; c) use a darker earth tone for the stucco and siding on the side elevation. 2) If a blank elevation is approved for the side elevation of the Phase 1 building, it should not be assumed that a blank elevation will be appropriate for the buildings of later phases. 3) Provide all material and color samples. Specify the proposed roof material. 4) Provide a landscape plan. Show the existing tree line. Consult the ARB guidelines for landscaping requirements. 5). Indicate that no site or wall lights are proposed, or provide complete information on proposed lighting, including manufacturer's cut sheets and photometrics. NOTE: Please note that the ARB may forward a comment regarding the critical slopes waiver 0, request to the Planning Commission if so desired. ~ ARB 12/4/2000Northside Community Fellowship Church - Preliminary Site Plan- 22 ATTACHMENT D 1"""\ Joan .lVIc09V\1e1L From: Margaret Maliszewski Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 2:56 PM To: Joan McDowell Subject: preliminary comments r'\ ARB-P(SDP)-2000-51 - Northside Community Fellowship Church - Preliminary review of a plan to construct an 11,200 square foot church building, to be built in three phases on 9.92 acres. The Board expressed no objection to the special use permit or the request for critical slopes waiver. The Board offered the following comments for the benefit of the applicant's final submission: 1. The right side elevation of the church requires a different treatment to make it appropriate for the EC. The blankness of this wall should be relieved. Landscaping can be used to soften its impact; but landscaping should notbe used to hide a wall with an inappropriate appearance. 2. If a blank elevation is approved for the side elevation of the Phase 1 building, it should not be assumed that a blank el.evation will be appropriate for the buildings of later phases. 3. Use an earth tone for the stucco and siding of the building. 4. Provide all material and color samples. Specify the proposed roof material. 5. Provide a landscape plan. Show the existing tree line, particularly in areas that are anticipated to be visible from the EC. Consult the ARB guidelines for other landscaping requirements. 6. Provide a lighting plan and complete information on proposed light fixtures, including manufacturer's cut sheets and photometries. The height of proposed pole lights should be compatible with the height of the building. 7. HV AC equipment should be screened from view and the screen should be integrated into the site. Margaret Maliszewski, Design Planner County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 40 I McIntire Road, Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 804-296-5823, extension 3276 FAX 804-972-4012 r-l 23 ALBEMARLE COUNTY ATTACHMENT E ri :'1 :i ;( n I' ; , ' ! i vi r,~\ 'I ~/ v 22 20 '00 0 --- HOO , 33 WHITE HALL AND RIVANNA DISTRICTS SECTION 21 SCALE IN FEET ~ 24 ~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-45% (804) 296-5823 January 17, 2001 Molly Feggans 2203 Stony Point Road Charlottesville, VA 22911 RE: SP-2000-61 Chapman's Grove Baptist Church and SDP-00-129 Site Plan Waiver Dear Ms. Feggans: ~ The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on January 9, 2001, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The length of time within which the church may begin construction shall be two years from the date of approval. provided all Health Department requirements at the time of the issuance of building permits shall be satisfied. 2. Day care use shall be prohibited unless approved through an amendment to this permit. 3. The number of seats permitted within the area of assembly shall not increase, unless by an amendment to this special permit. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on February 14, 2001. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. SDP-00-129 Site Plan Waiver - The Commission unanimously approved the site plan waiver subject to the following conditions: 1. The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors shall have first approved the applied-for special use permit (SP 2000-61 ) for the existing Chapman Grove Baptist Church 2. The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board shall have approved a Certificate of Appropriateness for this application r'\ Page 2 January 17, 2001 ~ If you should have any questions or .comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, )y;11tL -- Scott Clark Planner SCfjd Cc: Ella Carey Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Steve Allshouse Bob Ball ~. f\. STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: SCOTT CLARK JANUARY 9, 2001 FEBRUARY 14, 2001 ~ SP 00-61 CHAPMAN'S GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH SPECIAL USE PERMIT and SDP 00-129 SITE PLANW AIVER REQUEST APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL Proposal to add a vestibule and handicapped-access ramp to an existing church building, to facilitate access and provide space for a handicapped-accessible restroom. As this church was built in 1955, it predates the County's special-use-permit requirement for churches. Therefore, the church is considered an existing nonconforming use and this expansion requires an issuance of a special use permit of for the church use. A request for a site-plan waiver (SDP 00-129) accompanies this application. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY The property, described as Tax Map 62 Parcel 67, is on Rt. 20 approximately 0.1 mile north of the intersection with Vincennes Road (Rt. 769). The parcel is zoned RA, Rural Areas, and is located within the Rivanna Magisterial District. The site is occupied by a church with an associated parking lot. All adjacent properties are zoned RA, Rural Areas. r""\ HISTORY The Chapman Grove Baptist Church was founded in 1900; after a fire, the current church was built in 1955. The church existed well before the adoption of the current Zoning Ordinance and has been operating as a non-conforming use (with no special use permit). COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Comprehensive Plan defines this area as a Rural Area. The Open Space Plan identifies Route 20 as an Entrance Corridor. RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends approval of SP 00-61 (with conditions) and SOP 00-129, site plan waiver request (with conditions). STAFF COMMENT (Special Use Permit) Staff will address each provision of Section of the Zoning Ordinance below: "'" The Board 0.( Supervisors herehy rcser\'Cs unto itse(( the right to issue all special use permits permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding hy the Board of Supervisors that such lIse will not he of substantial detriment to adjacent property. , 1 The project that occasions the need for this permit will affect only the building itself and (due to conditions imposed by the County and VDOT) the entrance to the parking lot. There will be no significant new impacts on adjacent properties. The existing church is an established feature of the community and should not be considered a detriment. that the character of the district will not be changed thereby, As this is a minor structural change that will not increase the capacity or level of use in the church, the rural character of the area will not be changed. and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance, As the character and intensity of this use will not change, the project will not negatively impact the purpose and intent of the ordinance, Conditions imposed by the approval of the accompanying site plan waiver request would increase public safety associated with access. with the uses permitted by right in the district, Small, historic rural churches such as this one are part of the rural character of this district and have historically not been considered to be in conflict with agricultural or residential uses in the rural areas, As this property is within the Entrance Corridor district, the Architectural Review Board has reviewed this project and provided comments to the applicant. When the ARB has received satisfactory responses to these comments, they will issue a Certificate of Appropriateness. (One of the recommended conditions of approval listed below is issuance of this Certificate.) with additional regulations provided in Section 5_ 0 of this ordinance. There are no additional regulations in section 5,0_ and with the public health, S(~rety and general \\'clfare. A special use pem1it for this church will not change the historic level of use on the site or create any new impacts on health. safety. or welfare. Improvements imposed by the approval of the accompanying sitc plan \\ain:r "ill increase public safety (reduced road hazards due to increased sight distance). ST AFF COMMENT (Site Plan WaiYer) The applicant proposes to add a ncw entrance. including ramp, steps, deck area, and vestibule with restroom, Since the church was constructed in ) 955. the construction predates the County's requirement for a site plan. The applicant is therefore requesting Planning Commission approval of a site plan waiver [Section 32.4.2_5 of the Zoning Ordinance]_ Section 32.2,2 of the Zoning Ordinance states: /~ 2 ~ "The forgoing notwithstanding, after notice in accordance with Section, the Commission may waive the drawing of a site development plan in a particular case upon finding that the requirement of such plan would not forward the purposes of this ordinance or otherwise serve the public interest; provided that no such waiver shall be made until the Commission has considered the recommendation ()fthe agent. The agent may recommend approval, approval with conditions, or denial of such waiver. In the case of conditional approval, the agent in his recommendation shall state the relationship of the recommended condition to the provisions of this section. No condition shall be imposed which could not be imposed through the application of Section 32,0." The proposed changes to the church are simple, small-scale additions to the structure itself, and will not significantly change the level or character of use on the site. Requiring a full site plan would constitute an unreasonable burden given the minimal level of change on the site, and would not forward the purposes of this ordinance or otherwise serve the public interest. RECOMMENDED ACTION The Planning Department recommends approval SP 00-61 with the following conditions: 1. The length of time within which the church may begin construction shall be two years from the date of approval, provided all Health Department requirements at the time of the issuance of building pe~its shall be satisfied, ~ 2. Day care use shall be prohibited unless approved through an amendment to this permit. 3. The number of seats permitted within the area of assembly shall not increase, unless by an amendment to this special permit. The Planning Department recommends approval of SDP 00-129 with the following conditions: 1. The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors shall have first approved the applied-for special use permit (SP 2000-61) for the existing Chapman Grove Baptist Church. 2. The Albemarle County Architectural Review Board shall have approved a Certificate of Appropriateness for this application. 3. Applicants must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Virginia Department of Transportation and the Albemarle (ounty Department of Engineering and Public Works that sufficient sight distance along Route 20 to the north has been secured. ATTACHMENTS k Location Map B. Parcel Map r'1 3 ,./ ~ f --.... u ;:~ hJ:1 r GIBSON MOUNTAIN 4' ATTACHMENT A y ...------ -...... j .ole: .c-o~ "0.0 . ,f c p o G ..::~~ - . '- l:!:fj. '~-::,~_.- ~ - j:' ~ ~ ~ ...:...-..:.... .:.. -"., , i::.J ..... .,F~..., i (illj~ '* ..~ 4 ~ --..'-:.-.-......... 1 r""" SE~ t 63 39C .... ~.. - . ..e 'H .,. . ~, --- , , I- ;:J :.:..; ::::'1 - : '.v :: '..t':\A(),q;.:.;,. ;:.~-: .\' y ~\\ ,'~'" ....:..,\ .......:. ~ .:.. '_ .>1= ~ . .;. _ '9 ~, . -... fCA4,.{ 1Il..![ ~ RIO a RIVANNA DISTRICTS SECTION h? 5 r"\ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community' Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296.5823 January 17, 2001 James & Sue Willis POBox 140 Ivy , VA 22945 RE: SP-2000-62 Millstone Preschool Expansion; Tax Map 58, Parcels 37C and 37C2 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Willis: r'\ The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on January 9, 2001, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1_ Enrollment shall be limited to the lesser of the number of students as approved by the Health Department, ~~ the Department of Social Services. In any event, the maximum number of children shall not exceed fifty (50). 2. The daycare center shall be constructed with the appearance of a dwelling unit 3. Virginia Department of Health approval of adequate septic and drainfield facilities. 4. The applicant shall comply with the provisions set forth in Section 5.1.06 of the Zoning Ordinance: a. No such use shall operate without licensure by the Virginia Department of welfare as a child care center. It shall be the responsibility of the owner/operator to transmit to the zoning administrator a copy of the original license and all renewals thereafter and to notify the zoning administrator of any license expiration, suspension, or revocation within three (3) days of such event Failure to do so shall be deemed willful noncompliance with the provisions of this ordinance; b_ Periodic inspection of the premises shall be made by the Albemarle County fire official at his discretion. Failure to promptly admit the fire official for such inspection shall be deemed willful noncompliance with the provisions of this ordinance; ~ Page 2 January 17, 2001 .~ c. These provisions are supplementary and nothing stated herein shall be deemed to preclude application of the requirements of the Virginia department of Welfare, Virginia Department of Health, Virginia State Fire Marshal, or any other local, state or federal agency. 5. Administrative approval of the site plan. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on February 14, 2001. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me, Sincerely, ~u&:-- Stephen Waller Planner /--.". SW/jcf Cc: Ella Carey Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Steve Allshouse Bob Ball /~ ~ STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: STEPHEN WALLER JANUARY '9, 2001 FEBRUARY 14, 2001 SP 00-062 MILLSTONE PRESCHOOL EXPANSION Petition: The applicant's request is for a special use permit to allow the construction of a 3,400 square feet building for the expansion of an existing preschool, in accordance with Section 10.2.2,7 which allows daycare, childcare and nursery facilities in the Rural Areas district. The property, described as Tax Map 58/ParceI37C, is zoned RA and contains 2.58 acres (Attachment A). This site is located on the south side of Morgantown (State Route 738), next to Murray elementary school, approximately 1/2 mile west of the intersection with State Route 250 West. Applicant's Proposal: The applicant is proposing to expand the services of an existing preschool, which is currently restricted to the enrollment of 40 children, in order to permit the enrollment of up to 50 additional children. The expansion would be housed on an adjoining vacant parcel, in a building that is similar in construction to that of the existing facility. Ifpermitted, and depending upon Health Department and Department of Social Services approval, this expansion could potentially increase the overall enrollment to 90 children_ ~, The special use permit application and a description of the proposed operations of the facility proposed in this request is attached (Attachment B). According to the applicant's description the preschool expansion would enroll up to 50 children who would range between 2 and 5 years of age. The applicant anticipates that approximately half of the students would be attending for the preschool program which would last betwcen 7:30 A.M. or 9:00 A.M. until I :OOP.M. The rest of the children would be present at the facility until between 4:00 P.M. and 5:30 P.M. The facility would employ six staff members, in addition to one kitchen worker and one office worker. The Site Review Committee has rc\-icwed the preliminary site plan (Attachment C) and the proposed building for this expansion could be approved pending Board approval of the special use permit. Character of the Area: The site of this proposed expansion is wooded and adjoins the parcel where the existing of the daycare/preschool facility is located (Tax \lap 58 Parcel 37C2). Murray elementary school is located on the adjacent property to the east and properties located on the northern side of Morgantown Road are all zoned RA. Rural Areas_ The site is bounded along the south and west sides by properties that are zoned Ll. Light Industrial and the entrance to those properties, respectively. Plannine and Zonine History: ~ I. October 5, 1983 - This property was rezoned from R-I, Residential to RA, Rural Areas as part of the comprehensive rezoning ofIvy. 2. February 8, 1984 - The Board of Supervisors approved a central well permit for five dwellings on the parent parcel of the property currently, which was then identified as Tax Map 58, Parcel37C. These dwellings were never constructed. F'\ 3. June 15, 1989 - (SUB 89-104) Planning staff administratively approved the subdivision plat of the parcels currently under review with this request. 4. January 16, 1991 - (SP 90-115) The Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a request for a special use permit allowing the establishment of the original thirty (30) student day care center on Tax Map 58, Parcel 37C2. 5. April 18, 1991 - (SDP 91-042) The final site plan for the existing building housing the Millstone of Ivy day care center was approved by development review staff. 6. April 15, 1992 - (SP 92-05)The Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a request to amend the previously approved special use permit to allow an increase in the permitted enrollment from 30 to 40 students. Past Requests for Daycare Centers and Private Schools in the Rural Areas: In addition to the previous applications for this establishment staff found that several requests for daycare centers within the County's Rural Areas have been reviewed and approved in the past. Enrollments of daycare centers that have been approved in the Rural Areas range between 9 and 90 children. Approvals for daycare centers within churches or buildings constructed especially for the facilities have typically enrolled between 50 and 90 children while daycare facilities run at private homes have had characteristically smaller enrollments of between 9 and 30 children. Past private schools that were approved within the Rural Areas have been approved to have enrollments raging from 55 to 171 slUdents_ /~ Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan discourages dewlopment in the Rural Areas, except for that which is related to bona fide agriculturaVforestal uses. However. staff recognizes that the subject property is located within the area \vhich was fonnerly designated as the growth area for Ivy, so services may be warranted in order to support the le\c1 of residential development that has already taken place. Currently Millstone of Ivy is the only facility that offers day care services within the Ivy area, and, it is staffs opinion that the proposed expansion would not be inconsistent with the public elementary school which is loc;:lted next to the existing Millstone preschool. Planning staff recognizes no identified resources of the Open Space Plan that would potentially be affected by this proposal. STAFF COMMENT: Staffwill address the issues of this request for compliance with the provisions set forth in Section of the Zoning Ordinance. ~ 2 Staff will address each provision ofs~cfibii;;~':rJ:a:t6f't'ileZoning Ordinance. ~ The Board of Supervisors hereby reserves unto itself the right to issue all special use permits permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adiacent property. Staff recognizes that approval of this request would result in increasing the size of an existing institutional use within the Rural Areas, However, the potential for most forms of agricultural activity is extremely limited due to the small size of the subject parcel. It is staffs opinion that the daycare center represents an appropriate use beside an existing elementary school, and that the presence of industrial uses located on the adjacent properties reduces the desirability of this site for a residential use. Based on the above-cited factors, staff finds that the proposed expansion would not impose any substantial detriment to adjacent properties that are located within the area which was once designated for development. that the character of the district will not be changed thereby. ~ The Growth Management chapter of the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Plan emphasizes the importance of protecting the elements that define the County's Rural Areas. Staff recognizes that preservation of agricultural and forestal lands and activities, and limited delivery of services are two of those elements that could be impacted by this proposal. This proposal would clearly be an increase in the level of services provided within the rural area. However, much like the original structure, the applicant's request indicates that the new preschool building would be constructed to have the same outward appearance as a dwelling, and could be easily converted to a single family home if operation of the preschool were to cease. Because this site is located on the only undeveloped property on the south side of Morgantown Road between Murray Elementary and the road leading to the adjacent industrial uses, it is staffs opinion that the character of the district would not be changed by the proposed expansion. Staff found the most similar request for a special use permit on property zoned Rural Areas to be the Crossroads Waldorf School. This is a private school which was approved with an enrollment of 271 students. The school is located directly across the road from the Crozet Elementary School, outside of the development area for Crozet. However, staff also recognizes that Crossroads Waldorf was approved in a structure that had already existed as the original Crozet elementary School. and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance. ~ According to Section 1.4.3 one of the purposes and intents of the Ordinance is, "To facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive and harmonious community" (Attachment D). Although there is an existing daycare center established on the parcel adjacent to the site of this proposed expansion, the applicant's request indicates that the demand for child care services from this facility has more than doubled since the most recent expansion of the daycare center was approved. Staffs review of this request is made with consideration for the density of development that already exists within some of the nearby residential neighborhoods and an 3 understanding that this development may warrant the need for increased access to childcare opportunities within the Ivy area. It is staffs opinion that the services provided by certain uses such as churches, schools and daycare centers contribute to the well-being and moral fiber ofthe community. According to enrollment information provided with the application for this request, a majority of students currently enrolled at the Millstone preschool reside in the Ivy area, and this is the only facility offering daycare services between Charlottesville and Crozet. ~, with the uses permitted by right in the district The proposed expansion of this daycare facility would not restrict the any ofthe by-right uses on other property within the Rural Areas current uses on the subject parcel, or the Light Industry zoning district. with additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of this ordinance. In accordance with Section 5.1.06 of the Zoning Ordinance the proposed expansion shall not operate without licensure of the Virginia Department of Welfare as a child care center, and documentation of such license shall be provided to the Zoning Administration. Child care facilities are also subject to periodic inspections by the County's Fire Official. Failure to comply with those requirements and the regulations of any additional local, state, or federal agencies would be considered willful non-compliance with provisions ofthe ordinance and with the conditions of the special use permit. and with the public health. safety and general welfare. f~ The parcel proposed for this expansion is similar in shape and size to that of the existing of the property where the original daycare center is located, and because these sites adjoin one another is probable that the soil conditions are suitable for septic facilities and drainfields, The site plan shows that areas to be dedicated to the septic facilities for the expansion could be provided within the bounds of the property while the applicant proposes to extend water from the existing well to the new building. In reviewing the most recent request to expand the facility (SP 92-05), the determination of the permitted number of children that could be enrolled was based upon final approval by the Health Department and limited to no more than the number of children that was requested by the applicant. Therefore, staff is of the opinion that approval of this request should also be limited to the Health Department's approval for the capacity of a well and septic utilities. This is incorporated in the recommended conditions of approval. Ifpermitted. the proposed expansion would increase the size of an existing use that is more intensive than those normally found in the Rural Areas. By allowing the enrollment of 50 additional students, the expansion would more than double the number of children who currently attend the preschool. Based on the current ITE standards a day care center or preschool with 50 students and 8 employees could result in generating more than 212 additional vehicle trips per day. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)has reviewed this request for a special and the site plan proposing the expansion of the preschool. VDOT staff determined that the existing commercial entrance which was constructed with a turn and taper lane is adequate for supporting the expected increase in traffic to the site (Attachment). Therefore, no additional /~ 4 work within the right-of-way is required. 1"'\ Within the past year, staff has documented several of the concerns that were received from residents in the area over issues related to traffic and vehicular saJety on Morgantown Road. The Planning Department and VDOT conducted traffic counts and speed studies and determined that Morgantown Road in response to those concerns. Although it was concluded that the road does not currently meet the criteria that warrants abandonment of the road from the public system or termination with a cuI de sac, both agencies have expressed support for implementing various methods of traffic calming, including striping and signage (Attachment E). SUMMARY: The applicant's proposal would result in some clearing of a wooded lot to accommodate the new building and the 13 additional parking spaces that are required for a daycare center of this size. Although this is a more intense use than those recommended for the Rural Areas, staff recognizes that agricultural use~ on a property the size of the subject parcel ~ould be restricted greatly. The fact that the property is bounded by institutional and industrial uses along the sides and in the rear makes the property less desirable as a residential use, as well. Staff has identified the following factors, which are favorable to this proposal: ~ 1. 2. 3. The proposed expansion would be accessed from an existing commercial entrance. The building would be constructed to have the appearance of a single family dwelling. The proposed use is compatible to the adjacent public elementary school and the existing daycare center. Staff has identified the following factors, which are unfavorable to this proposal: I. This proposal would increase the size of an existing use that is already more intensive use than those normally found to be appropriate in the Rural Areas. 2. This proposal could increase the volume of traffic on Morgantown Road by more than 200 vehicle trips per day. The following factors are relevant to this proposal: 1, This site is located within an area which was once designated as the development area for Ivy. 2. The relatively small size of the subject parcel restricts the possibility of establishing most types of agricultural uses. 3. The fact that this site is situated adjacent to industrially zoned properties reduces its desirability as a residential use. RECOMMENDED ACTION: ~ Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with section 31,2.4.1 of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan and recommends approval with conditions. 5 Recommended conditions of approval: ~ 1. Enrollment shall be limited to the lesser of the number of students as approved by the Health Department, and the Department of Social Services. In any event, the maximum number of children shall not exceed fifty (50). 2. The daycare center shall be constructed with the appearance of a dwelling unit. 3. Virginia Department of Health approval of adequate septic and drainfield facilities. 4. The applicant shall comply with the provisions set forth in Section 5.1.06 ofthe Zoning Ordinance: a. No such use shall operate without licensure by the Virginia Department of welfare as a child care center. It shall be the responsibility.of the owner/operator to transmit to the zoning administrator a copy of the original license and all renewals thereafter and to notify the zoning administrator of any license expiration, suspension, or revocation within three (3) days of such event. Failure to do so shall be deemed willful noncompliance with the provisions of this ordinance; b. Periodic inspection of the premises shall be made by the Albemarle County fire official at his discretion. Failure to promptly admit the fire official for such inspection shall be deemed willful noncompliance with the provisions of this ordinance; c. These provisions are supplementary and nothing stated herein shall be deemed to preclude application of the requirements of the Virginia department of Welfare, Virginia Department of Health, Virginia State Fire Marshal, or any other local, state or federal agency. 5. Administrative approval of the site plan. ATTACHMENTS: A - Tax Map and Plat B - Application and Request for Special Use Pemlit C - Preliminary Site Plan (SOP 00-130) o - Section 1.4.3 E - Section 5.1.06 F - VDOT Letter (dated November 20,2000) . G - Status Update on the Condition of Morgantown Road 6 I"'" :'I;r,:,,;~.~:""'~.;~_~J,." . ATTACHMENT A ~ ~---~\.~ /' . "-- "- " " 100 , . 101 , r018', 74 ...."....1'. ----d/ u. ,- - ~"'I""~/."7....r~.. , \ '''-, ~~\ I' - \\ ~~I /:-, ~ _ 140\ Z4' , --, ~4' \ ' '. ~\, '.'", ~ .. ~, 1"\ .- -=-= SCALE I"" 'E ET '10. SAMUEL MILLER DISTRICT SECTION 58 7 .j "'110 II. Ill\,.( CQU.e.., .... ,. .ceIN,,-,"I'C. w,... 1I.t If ....e 01 II If. w.I(,,~q QWN(.n . 1'lhJl'lh' 1(..1. . 110'10 I"\I:"C.CI. ..."y U(t'tlfUft.C 10 I V "',ltl\ l'OleJtUAI" DtV(\,Of......'H IS 10 lIe Uf.C~"II"~ 1"("'.'HeA" 0'". AU. $IAIf"""': 1I"llIln I', It." 11..1 Ant u.~ oloIU Cvue".'-I ." II"}'I"..-I ~II ..ml...~Jo~t.- "). "'::.:"( '~.:.Y":)~~:\~-- 1./..'._l.L!..!I:"~_i...':.:" ttO_",," I'VU...I~ r'll! It...., . 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I'. 00/0 TC'? I :;(lJ./ /' ~ U ;.j ,Q S' "1 \) \). ,,'" 'f)"', ~ \J -0 q. a ~ ~. (" 0' .. IJ;l ,,,,' ~ 0"1 ~" " ...'? 00 ,) "-<- .,. ." v IQ ~ " T' JJ'. I,~. o~;.J(lrc..., /R(lV :l':.~ ..3 -<.tca. >,.... 1). - r/) /"0 Q'q .. . :l S. /"'; / .. s\"'eCtV~SiC~~ ~~.~-:- ?~,';'~ Si-:-::WitiC S....;;-:,'/S.( :F ?,\iKE:..S A AND B TH::: ::'1!SiCN J:= :JA?CEL 37C, TAX ~.1AP 58, LJCAI~C) ON 5iE. inE. no, SAMlJE:" .'AIL!..E:::\ DISi2iCT, :\dE~(1A2L= CCUNT':', VIRGINIA, ) I f10UDABUSH, GALE & ASSOC..INC. A Profoulon.' Corpont!on , C::RTIFIED LAND SURVEYOR - ENGINEER elution.lvillo, Vlrglnl. FILE .'10. J d r ~ ....1 , /('0' JA 7 E: ,d:.) ~ .r:.-: :~A~E ~ .' ,~ (\ , 8 ~#~bM.tl\;i.lkY1. ..oUHQln~ \.A,H.J.t:: 4; TMP.125.~'1iQ' - '0 ~ - ~~ OS~ 00-- 00 - g.- 0 Mag. Dist. S(l'"\ .......', ';"'!>."".;""'''".''" Staff Application for Special Use Permit .. ~. ~ ~ .......:t '-'V........H"J \).1, n.i.u\;;,U,J.aJ.. J.;;; ATTACHMENT B OFFlCE USE ONLY SP# WOO ~ () It; ;l , Sign# <gg ~ N PAGE 1 ProjectNamelllOl"~ul~~";;:~;~bappli!'ation1) . -Mi Ilstone' Preschool exoanston *Existing U~e P reschoo 1 / day ca re Proposed Use P reschoo 1 / dayca re *Zoning District R A .Zoning Ordinance Section number requested to, ~. '. ~ ' 7 (*staff will assist you with these items) Number of acres to be covered by Special Use Permit (ltg portionltmUlt bedeJin...led on plat) 5 -S(2.q2 -~. o.fnW~ '. Is this an amendment to an existing Special Use Permit? Xl YesO No Are you submitting a site development plan with this application? ' Xl YesO No 31t... d. S<g(,,~ 3'7~L Contact Person (Whom should we calUwrite concerning this project?): IS Address P, 0 I Box 140 Daytime Phone ( 804) ~~1:~~n~ City I vy State V A zip22945 Fax#(804) 295~9183 E~WJlllis@esinetlnet Owner of land (As listed in the County's records): .1;::.1fl1e~ H, Willis ;::.1nd ~I!P H:Willis City Ivy State V A Zip 22945 Fax #( 804) 295-9183 E--JnWat\ 11 i s@esinet. net Address P, O. Box 140 979-6111 977-3348 I I I A P P licant (Who is the cont:lct person representi ng1 Who is requesting the special use?): I I Address P, 0 I Box 140 979-6111 [Daytime Phone ( 804) q77 - ")")4g i James H, and Sue H, Willis City Ivy State VA zip22945 Fax#(gnLl) )QS-Qlg") E_ja~illis@esinetlnet '" II 3275 Morgantown ~a. Tax map and parcel Physical Address (if assigned) I Location of property Oandmarks. inlcrseClions.orotherl immediately west of Murrary Elementary I School on MOrgantown Road in Ivy, ~-sf:-;~<.:t.~...:.-.:.t;.. _ : 'f .' . .'-'" ...~ . . - . :i..;':":':;::.:".;, .:. - ... ::;: .:....;:~~:~~;.;r-_..;.;-;:.":"~...-:-._-...::-..~' ~ . ....~ ....\ "I. '.-- ...~ . _.' -.. .""'\~ .;o'~""'~"~&,%.ll"'~'...~..-:~-. '! . Describe your request in detail and include all pertinent inf~rma:tion such as th ATTACHMENT B involved in the use, operatirig hours, and any unique features of the" use: Se! PAGE 2 ~ ATIACHMENTS REQUIRED - provide two(2) copies of ea~h: ~ 1. Recorded plat or boundary survey of the r:roperty requested for the rezoning. If there is no recorded plat or boundary survey, please provide legal description of the property and the Deed Book and page number or Plat Book and page number. o 2. Note: If you are requesting a special use permit only for a portion of the property, it needs to be described or delineated ona copy of the plat or surveyed drawing. Ownership information - If ownership of the property is in the name of any type of legal entity or organization including, but not limited to, the name of a corporation, partnership or association, or in the name of a trust, or in a fictitious name, a document acceptable to the County must be ~ubmitted certifJ:'ing that the person signing below has the authority to do so. ~ If the applicant is a contract purchaser, a document acceptable to the County must submitted containing the owner's written consent to the application. If the applicant is the agent of the owner, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted that is evidence of the existence and scope of the agency. ; ~ 3. D 4. I hereby certify that I own the subject property, or have the legal power to act on behalf of the owner in filing application. I also certify that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my know! e . "'l\~ .~. '-_ '_. '~':,:""-'. .. . _ -_, "" - . .. ..' :. 0~ .. ~ , ::.; 10 -16::Ooi;';~:~~;;~;. o'/;~Tc< _. _. __"d '~."~'-"_ ....... . .~".:.,:~~,.;~~";~~;~.:~~~~:~:;,~..._'..- ,.f-:~~~:~i~i:..',".~~':::~:<, . ~ - Slgnat e . Date" '~: .' "'.::~ ' .' '--"- .' . - .. , ::,:,'~i~:~}~.~.'~~~J"-' )_:~;:: :_;,&~/W' :,~~;~~~'::~.~t~~:.'~~~~;,~~j~Y~' ':8'~O:"~~.': '~9-~.~~~4:::-8i~.'~~1:\;;''''17:.~;~;~;''':;''-~;~~4::{~~i~~.~; >"::":::"-;:~i-;--~-~ ames';n'.; h2J.H.S -,';~.f!:];.... \!'~ 'I.-:~;,):)>..' , , --> ~':~Pruited Name~~"~, ,"._,""~-::~~~t; -:;.r:~-::>~ ~.-~- o'ay;ti~t'ph61~-~'~-mberofS'ig~~tOry:,%~~~~ i ~ , . :~':' ,'_ - .,,'~.. - ,~ ".,:.:_.;J<<"' '.':'~~:~0~):_E7~~ ~~ >:~~.,{:'i,~~~~~:;:lt:~~~7:-~>::;-;~-~\'1'~~'~~.---~::~~~:;.~':'.':'~:.':-.~' 10 '~'.,,"-:'....." . _ _~ .. '." -t~ .......r"':'-o<'l---~~.~y....,~;;;..'I'~~~ ?:;Cl:-.~~~....-:tU'''' "'-''7.,./.-" 'I .--:.................-..._.1'--.. .. . . ........-. - .. i'::""',,,,'l=- . ,,~."*:......: .'.'- . ......o:':~.. ~.I?;.....~~~'t.".;...::t---::~' ..- '~. ..... ..::-........:.. '-', ':.' :~. . '. '. ~ "'.'_-::' '':' "-" ~'" : J<,. ~ -. '_'~__K""O .. ~ ~ ~ ~;:..~~"'... -;, ..,- . .-.-It-,,''''...--...'' . ._. . . _...::. . '. -;-:.r J ~~'.:.' ~. .'_~~'"""",,, __:. ".-:":"~";" ~~.;.,~ y..._.....::-"".....~-:._:oI.:--...... -. . ~'. ,-- ,....~~~,;-~/.;":.~~_H'>.:.~: _. ", ~."~:-~:I.~'- I"'l , ~ ~ ,",.,J ATTACHMENTB The subject property is bounded onili.e\~aStbyi1\1:trraryElemeIltary Schoolandon the PAGE 3 south and west by property zoned "light industrial" and used as such. Many of the children who attend Millstone subsequently attend Murrary with a natural geographic transition. . Expansion of Millstone should have no- detrimental effect on Murrary's-- ..., operatlon.-'Ci1Eewise~-th-e 'Millstone-expansion .shouIa' nave ho-effecfOIi the-businessllses--. on the south and west of the property. j 11 ATTACHMENT B Millstone Preschool has operated since the fall of 1991, providing quality.child care for PAGE 4 the Ivy community. Attachment A is a telephone log from early 2000 through mid- summer of calls by parents seeking a position at Millstone for the 2000-2001 school year. Since all space$ at Millstone for the current year wert? filled by ~e end of calendar 1999, ,~ .- they were.turned-away.--The log contains.94 names. Asaf August200-U;MillSionehiis'- ~~: 15 applications for the 2001-2002 school year for an expected 20 openings in its existing facilities. With no other child care facility between Charlottesville and Crozet, there would seem to be a clear need in the community for additional capacity, , " '.J /~ ~) 12 ATTACHMENT B Churches, schools and child care centers have historically be~n viewed by the county as PAGE 5 improving and strengthening the fabric of the community. With the growing number of families where both parents work, quality child care has become a recognized need. It is !"""\ difficultto)ind a.suita1?le site fqr a_ ~hild care center which will notbe opposed by -----neighborsbut still provide an environment su.itable fcir-smaifchildien.~- The~exp3nSiori-of_ the child care center on the parcel in question would appear to be consistent with the uses of the surrounding property, Murrary Elementary School borders the parcel to the east. With the need for child care services apparent, carefully expanding an existing operation would appear to be less disruptive than building a facility in another location. , j ~ ~ 13 ATTACHMENT] There are currently no child care centers between Charlottesville and Crozet. The only PAGE 6 zoning which allows child care centers by right is commercial. The applicant owns two adjacent pieces of property which were once joined. One contains the existing preschool; the other is vacant. She would like to rejoin the two and get an amendment to her ~ ~-~existing sJlecial iisepemiiLto expand her facility._~Manyparents ofpreschQo[c.::hildr:~l1jI.L. the county have indicated their enthusiasm for the applicant's efforts to expand. Petitions signed by 240 parents and residents of the community are attached. , j ,.,....--, ,,--, 14 ATTACHMENT B r\ Applicant agrees to obtain the necessary license from the Virginia Department of Welfare PAGE 7 as a child care center and tri3,IlSIl1itsuch lic~Ilse to. tl:1e?:oIling administrator as required under Albemarle COUIlty Code, Section 5,1.06 a. Applicant additionally agrees to arrange for the necessary inspections by the Albemarle County fire and health officials.. ; .~ ~ 15 ATTACHMENT B Expanding an established, well-run child care facility located conveniently next to an PAGE 8 elementary school will have a positive impact on the community. Millstone has been operating for nine years and has developed a reputation for quality care, tis facilities are designed to _appear as a private home, with theil1terior decorated in a similar fashion. A home-like building rather than 'an institution is a-comforting sighf rorchildrenandH parents. Families are constantly moving into our community, and it is common for them to ask about child care. It takes a great leap of trust for a young parent to leave a small child with someone. Having space available at an established facility knO\VTI by neighbors helps immensely. Finally, the O\VTIer of Millstone, Sue Willis, is actively involved each day as the on-site director of the program. She could not do so at facilities located at separate sites, ~, .. j /""""'1;, .~ 16 ATTACHMENT B r\ The preschool/day care expansion proposed by the applicant will enroll up to 50 children ranging in age from two to five years old. While enrollments will vary from year to year, experience from the existing operation indicates that~hildren from both east and west of site wil1b~ atten<iing. It is expected that half of the children will be present for the preschool program: only; They will be dropped off by their parents between 7:30A.M. and 9:00 A.M, and will be picked up by 1 :00 P.M. The remaining children will be picked up between 4:00 P.M. and 5:30 P.M. PAGE 9 In addition to the 50 children, the center expects to have six staff members, plus a kitchen and office worker. This would equate to an 8.3: 1 ratio of children to classroom staff; the State of Virginia (Department of Social Services) standard for this age is 10: 1. The proposed new building will be similar to the existing facility, That is, it will resemble a single family home from the road. Photographs of the existing building are attached as Tabs H, I and J. " l4c:::,o -rA D '0 ~ .i ~.' \ r .j 1""\ 17 ATTACHMENT B MILLSTONE PRESCHOOL has provided excellent child care for our community for the past nine years. We support their plans to build a new building on the adjacent property to expand their much needed services. .~, NAME ADDRESS 1. ch.Qr I e S ,C;+o va. f I 2. 3. 5+~\J-<'1'\) 4. 5. 6. c: J\ (-c- ZZ<7iJ:S 3{05cU~~6~ ^ /',''\ /,1/) . X' 'I 1 c) "\ '\~~ '-.) , {o( r' / ',' I (j / i~" --61 II r1 L. , 1'-.- r .' . v' 2!!~C<, '(, /l(, '~71 II -, , (I vf-6/ - Vt / e ',- ~d~ =r~1 Vf\.. 22C;4~ 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ...-. ~ I I /! f -./ 7 ,i ).-r:(..:-- -, ~ I..., , -- . ' / ~ r'" / ' ;.. , , I 'I II .. I "V',-, T.. , ' " 'I / i f.~ v ~ ~).' ,/ /1 .1 - (/ ;;l'=-/I -., ,'/.~ -, / / \....../ d J , , /, {..- t, (". r_ ,_ 1.---'-; :.-<--'"''.;.< '" 14. 15. / , , // :./ 16. 17, ;:;:;11 ~~.: -;;~/:7 ~ &- {]~/'t/ J/ ::' hi;;? 3)053 'R~~ 3ic,Z7;, 1U tr;ffutf7~Yt- f-t, C'\!o ( (<7 YJ 7~~ -:. ~ .., -" 'l' /' ,--:; ",t . /'0 - . - \ .~ ^ ('II'" . f\. -, ~ J. , J,-< ;\. (,h..V.-1~.n'--'Jl..A...) 101 - 'v,[,LA (p\ L.\.i/...... 18. 19. & l- Jtl~:!- Si{l/t!nv!- ~ II' r' 1 ft)<;( . h Il \.. . 20, 18 ATTACHMENT B MILLSTONE PRESCHOOL has provided excellent child care for our t'Pm".."unity for the~past nine years. We sLJPPo~ their plans to bUi,ld, a new -,uildlng on the adjacent property to expand their much needed services. ,~ ,,,,.L~\arc j(~~ "t1.:t~ /;~1t 4v~ ~ . %//~it.~?~ jcrc//'-c ~/?ACd Jiry 41~ ~~. {vait-v 15. c7~jJ ~ 16. ~ r:::::1 .fl ~ 17. \( "-\~ C-r-v ,/f Yi ~I ~ '1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ~, t . J; 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 18. 19. ,-..., LO. NAME ADDRESS ?d. . Ua. JcX vh2 z.z...$~ , . ~}:2.~6 -, , C.1) I ,', r / (- . \?~. I,' V t t.\;..;' 1"./" , ) T .;? 5.2 / ./)10 1,r'!<-"A J, C d ('J i LJ....d.. 2 ",,- ;;". ~ / J f~ J ~~ V<../0 ~ ~.2 / tJ." U-w) i /2 J ; ,jl'V-t'/Y!-~ 2 2'~_/ '1 /. I "/1 / ;' ~ r l'~~~ .., ~)d~:<:+-,- 1'0 ~7~ (v~ -Kl -"/ .'S?l..., // --,// 1 ' ' L' I/Y If -, .") < - .,...-- / :. /'~-q'( ~7 ~L(' (L)/ ::'>:, [.1., _ - v JI d ~,y-' Iy~ ( , ("'? , ",. '" ") , ~ .-,=? .?;' Y..... ,/vtL:\o-'~~~ /<!.-i (. iL).) Uz.. ~/.c~ ./ . i I~ :217'7 ~ .' ~'7t-lfci, ^ t I () S of ). /0 III V . ~. I (c? -\ \C-) \~)"\ d \ C ~U\ ( \ \~.\ .~ [ " ->'1'3:;.. ~~~~:~~,~ /I~) P7 ~ ctJ d..ut- ~~22# 1107 br..v tl2.J9'~ lJ c!hCJR./offe.su:Jlc1 ~ , r ~ / ~//,() J . / '?.l"tJ ~ ~r--- .~ l?;(.iJ~ 'f/X..;,;( 903 .J? D'-Y' rl/~-!- \<. ~ (:.i'(?~ f (,fcl, ~,(j, v3J'><-. 1-/ <? ~ ,'/ I /'': :.::~~_ eec. C/(..-<-<-k. ~'<:'::cf, / '../ : . / - ~ ') \~. , 109/'7 ~ . -- , ~ tJc}-:z.."f~2 rye ~ ~ [1 ~ J:~ '-l '{\ r /~ .;2~q IfQ- 19 ATTACHMENT B MILLSTONE PRESCHOOL has provided excellent child care for our community for the past nine years. We support their plans to build a n"'-~" building on the adjacent property to expand their much needed services. ' NAME 1. 2. 3. Qnc"j 5p \ ~~ --S~s,;v,Y~7'''''-'''- S --;2C<lJc~~,-,~~ c- 4. 5. 6. ::rtJcA4'Y J CLUJ1- G-c ~_ I 7. Cu.- 8. 9. /c :)- M:ss- l)/JA/W4:cAf0'l. 10. 11. C OIZ-(/~M~ {;J((k:r-- 12. Zl1"Wb ~. Px"elyf-S'S 13. !\JQ~ N\Glcf~ 14. y~~ ~.-L- 15. ) u.. ;: 16. 17. 21tD 18. v-s~~ ~~\vu \2o\-:b /~~ it 19;' \ 19, 20. AODRESS 2Z,C{a/ c: L2, In \ ~ bn::o..d ~-e ~d (h' vI I ~ \ fA, '"L'LC1 ~2, 1 <:" li ).n,})sc; 2D )-dflc,( /r--' /'11-,,-,,_- .. ,.) , ---<.-// ~-c..- ____=---// 2.-L 'Z G;>~'. r;-- <.--" d & .r-' /4-- p~.? J;7>-:: C ly-r c <<- d:/7cJ s/' " .... /-J.. ~ / f)' (J~:J~ lIA Wf fa U WlAU~ LVlp ~~) ~d-~~~" J (\ C V ~ C\ t- ~,....~c ~(W\/\. ~ z-z.craj ::. UCjCj j I r, , v) .?FS t v\ We/' ~ ~ r~ I/o", '22q s'- I 7-~O~ 5ifl ~ c-cnlG (:; C-IZoz&-r /4 7.z. '1-:> 9 <6~u"S ~clL wol8<s 1Zd{ ~~}r CJ.d(~'J :1. '1tJ C; l +6l \c L.>-- 0,,- C L' u Llt I 20 ATTACHMENT B MILLSTONE PRESCHOOL has provided excellent child care for our Aommunity for the past nine years. We support their plan~. to build a new ~.. JUilding on the adjacent property to expand their much needed services. 8. ~...~.~.. ~. :~ 19, .~ 20. NAME 1. ~\~ ~~ . -i 13vJCVUV\ - jp~~ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ".</ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Q'd1a .. 2'0C (2-~ ::. ," ,- "-.;r' .:~,./'S:t'~ :;.-/ '.'. '-. I, (l-itw dd-9()/ 2-- -: I C, GtA cJ <- -:r:-cs( - {2j) ( ~"'J i {-(. Z 2- 0; c)2 lb3 ~~I C 'VI f\ e 2'2.90 I C.hVl \ I e VA -v-2J!, - ~ ~t5 , c. f V{l 22 CrD2f'fJ VA 22g3 '/1 ftr,,fc Or_~ (kz/L..YFf..,J(,22?cJ CC9~ Q( 21 ATTACHMENT B . MILLSTONE PRESCHOOL has provided excellent child care for our community for the past nine years. We support their plans to build a nr"] building on the adjacent property to expand their much needed services. . 1. NAME \k,d ~~l\~ I AbDRESS qD &x 2~0 5h1uv~ Ik \)~ 2. ~ o..~ \)Jlc..~ 'Yff J-^ ""'- 3. J;/ e ()(l f ~(', k er / e.", 4. ~~'VJ-.Y\"\ v 1) ,"\ \ ~vJ 5. '~atJ.h'-hV- 6. cf{ l/\"-~v-efJ 7. m I dxlleV/-tu1c 8. tlLhv/ h?-& f71 '1 9. "L/ 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. /10::' ~::)~ (~\!,lt<- ;~: qSo &a j 'Bt> "\ L.-v\. 1- ')-qo 3 /..2..~ ~'yg~ C-7-, I c;..~~~ , ... 2/;0 (3(,1 (: !eEl M, Ch VJf J1f7L V.O, ~~'5i,C:/;l(o~+~VA ctd-q Yo & _ r/___ I _-,!rj VA .xTj. ,'~ 1)u L't''e/- L /ll , C~,/!'z ~ ~ f jO 6/ Lr.... ( ) .2 'f ( ;)r(f W H /VVJ0fLLJ!'vL r \ ( , ( ( I ~ J2~ &~ l! ih.\ 1Z.,~ 1~ V'fNsavI /A3~ f3Jc.l~r PO-f- k ATTACHMENT B MILLSTONE PRESCHOOL has provided excellent child care for our ~ community for the past nine years. We support their plans to build a new "'building on the adjacent property to expand their much needed services. tlt! ' q~ l"'~dd 1~ l 0 u1 ,r~ r J ,1# e \.J L 2- 'i.P 1 '~edrcx e..ash 2314 Y(;u. Alu. ~ ChrV')J./tsu;/~( \tA22~ 7. _Leah Rub1()~ ~l Dt Mftft' e1 tha1o-ftSlfi{0/VA z(~ 8. Ko-.k t7rUC&Yi 2000 ~<<\aY~J'l 3\-. ChlY~\-.q a \ ,r9. a-Y"Yl!2.1ZDr0 Sf' p..P J7dO L~cL~ LV) C hJ 11f? Z QO! 10. S'fMb 77-toMft ~ J d C)cYA l-tOLM~<; Crh'l/(lOITtS.ViU.PyC) -'.'<<7-<''' ~ . ~'>- r'ha-< )~..... f.) <:'1-. '"k, t/ A 27tb~ Ind. 11 ~ . YbS, Ji/f/,1~ w~()" DI( C 'v.IIL VA :2 29'// 13. .p{uL(~(,)~ 535 C:,I!llt11S My J(d. C'v'/(, ,hLJr:7fQ 14. ~(pluU-hf;u~)~?O wj~f.} Buli.pvlliea11 . , ...,-' / . / ~ ~ _ . b-''___ ...",....,. . 15. 0/ ---=---'--.'. ~-~--. /.,-5.:---' /~fY&'''i:7~2'/ C I, ':::/'lV:':::~1 ..2-=-: ) . '1 .,' '// I . /,/,:~ 1." - ~:.-?: A .7"- c:': , 3. 4. 5. 6. 11. 16. 18. 1. NAME '--1n~ ~{}V~ .~/.~ /J~ ~?-;~~~ .(/ I /iIi ADDRESS ~ZIO 1<oWCLr'\ ti. 51r1~5U'1 \ Ie, 2z9~ '/~/O ~ d. ~ 2;Ll(3t;, .y~31 /4",;tH,fO r- Cr c-i./i/le Zz.. )S75 (ii:rdt.::../ /fldr, (. , ' ~!(//lif?l/i/l, ..;; 2. 12. 17. 1./ . " ' , .~ ."""lr-" ,Ai.j"- .., " "-- ,(?, .~_: .- ~""" ...", "" J ' ...... ,. '".) I -, . : "t,...~-4r 2""'.... --t -.::... \.. . _ /"1 .'1 f-,(. --/.. - , 1040 - .\. 19. J ~ 20. ,--..%rd ~~vr~:4/ --, -. - -,'./ ..,"\ .' 'J -~\,\ ,Ll'~Jl :::'-L,-,'>,~LLl\./~L-L /d35~-2t5~'-?0 ,C://f ~b?<<9// 23 13. .14. 15. 16. 17, 18. 19. 20. ATTACHMENT B MILLSTONE PRESCHOOL has provided excellent child care for our community for the past nine years. We support their plans to build a nr-"'{ building on the adjacent property to expand their much needed services. NAME AODRESS 3 5? PeL"~L-.:= 4>s (~ ~. 2Cj/ ~( \--,' 'vlo VA LL'lO 1. 2. ~ :O~(j/!~?~A^ ~ 'I) j I" . · L ' ./J 3. lC;'7L( t3har~ Lrl/1R- (!h '!J/))-P vI) ;X~70-;' 4e:> ~OO~~VI.P'c.k.~. Gvi \Le- VA '22.~D?, ~.c/{;;. d C ~/ IL v4 c? J- tJ 31'3/ (1 tI ~ ZJt. eiuirk 4. 5. 6. 7. , " I , ....., . j. '''-'}.) '. r2ti.../ . J- ;-\ , 4-)W 7/~ QK)CY ('" C I U . 8. 9. " :; ~ & , If /. . , ----/. o..../I . j. . ....; -'./ '.=---/ 10. rJ C/ 2'<- 11. 12. H /.1 to, I' / ~_C~-r x~ ,L.::,/ /(~j !k!o/er-J-1__ . lfO&'f Cyrj~ RJ crozJ 'L<'-q1.L L J.., ~-<,c<-JS;: U!. M V ~1/7 < If Az-L (< 0 (' f'2a ~T V.. "- ~1 V ';( cL ~C';) 0/ /~ IL-li~ D ./.../1 ,- ,....,~..., ....J_~:._~,~ .,~'.~~ _ ...../... :.._} -, :. ~' ~ /(WJj1/{~ ~k' ~ .~~ ~1~~(h P.1-1. 50\; 7~ brecl1u..Jo<.."d \I A 22C('..(;: / / LI;"! ~ Nr Pvu(,vllZ/VAIfJ. C/.-o.V':/)TIf-QJl/J/J 1If1- 2lftl 31 ') I . r&, LL~'- \. "- L.~. Ci-..,J.<> -tt.,~\L<... Ii oA u ~ 'I J40 ~ihuut -.J'e.w L~, e~ r't12-L VA 2.2<103 lD D3 Wo~. Qv'4\.l.;.L I G~\Q.[)~, It' ) V 11 Z2 q D-\. Co s.g ~~LJ ~~ ~t2>>l~ llA- 2) ~3> ~ 24 ATTACHMENT B MILLSTONE PRESCHOOL has provided' excellent child care for our community for the past nine years. We support their plans to build a new o building on the adjacent property to expand their much needed services. 1. CiL- ADDRESS 7~l. 2. 3. ~IZ...--.'--~. '"2S1,,\ ~~~"""'-c,,~ ~<:. L""',"-\...... 4. \.AJ--< c, r I a.A;.A I d,d () S'"j i I ~ I l' I C ~ oj . 5. ~~~~&~S-~[) ~l.uLC+ C/--A-fL"tv, 6. V' ~ LIThL.e~~S L^! . C-vll 7. ./Ia~ ltm/tec7;7<<:do ! ~3 &1:::01 d- 8. /]wau. ff!-~'V-e.()~L>..er1 dS-3T LU'-c-- --'k:: rj9. Y0z.~ f~ . IUD ik1h~U- cy 10. JZuI.flA it PfruJ/~'\/VV ;21 yZ} W 'vt I ~J{JI{IA D! (( (iZ<Jl- 11. ~~-G ~ri/lVL~1~0 3~'7 ?-eQ-...C oek.., t:>-V C \ Vc( l'( 22-'76- ) 9'1- 12. ,.~ A,kJ /gG JV~ Y~c<TUC>L~~ 13. Srl.-."@. urL N,'O ~--d VJ~ erN.:t 14. /1.(1)__ ),... D':,~ ;:~>A_ ; 'J: t '\, ..~.' ;' _.' : H-r j.?J-~ j{;' ~, 15. mike. ~O-UClV!fL/I' ).s-u MiJhA/11/r,Z,e. 2290/. .' - L 16. ( ! ; If, ~./ -: : . -', - ~ :; .:::' ; ".~.:-( ~ . \ LL. 1 (~I _..# ....--' 1 19. ~ 20, 17. IYD5 /05 IV /k' ~ L(CK) C~f04N 5. d. (- v,'[le 2(!1C (. -v.ile: ~. 22r>~5 DR... ?. 2 7'0 7 2 g,! ~ 18. 25 20. ATTACHMENT B MILLSTONE PRESCHOOL has provided excellent child care for our community for the past nine years. We support their plans to build a n-'"'f building on the adjacent property to expand their much needed services.' 4. ~526 AbDRESS 1. 2. 3. 6. " 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ',:\1"\ .~ (::,.: 1.-:>1 I 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. ~ IY\ ~ 26 ATTACHMENT B MILLSTONE PRESCHOOL has provided excellent child care for our ~mmunity for the past nine years. We support their plans to build a new ~ lIi1ding on the adjacent property to expand their much needed services. 1. NAME ~ . 'wiT _ vJ.vv> , // 2. '1 /,:' 3. 4. 5. 6. l 10. 'Ct:Lvvc9----<-CC::l C ..c:;~~ --;11~ ~ 11. 12. ~ G"\- r""i~ &< J.o( 13. '5' ~t\" ~,L.. q~~. ~e ~-~~. ~~ \~ ~1\ 1v\ <-~~.~ ~~l~/{r iADyR KwcA- 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. r'""\ LO. . AnDRESS 1cl-,;L1 A~~ f2Q ) L CJ J /~~V'1-1-"A\ ~ fdt ] '/LhL, ~ ? 2yt!.? 6 - Cin. -p 0 Bo\{ q<6 Gv-ee \tV ? 4q3 2 7 20 l QQ d ~ L-j C 1. \,-- I ~ 2 C9o/ I L $S J./ifO ld:5 Ci (( ) ~ en I/'. J) ~ ],:7-90 I 7'S r -k~~-e,-( -\2-:(~ 90 (\rd (-< 72403 ~40~V ~~ CIV;':~ )J.'70) 7c??Y ~r~ :gf: &~{)t(-!-j/ft . I~l{ 13u~.~ C/ldr (vj;uJ';)~7~ Ii? ~ 0 & Cr . I ~ 6&'d> '\.C-<j',{) ~ l1 ~ r 0 X / ~ t:YC-Q'It I..V:X'/J 4CD g~ Df. 2Z90~ 3;01 ,~C).~ #( ( t-..~.,-( Cru-l.€-f 22<( /'lIS- Co..rr i QG'- 4,.., -c J',,-;/-< ,).)-1 U Cf79J' 'JJUn..wr.4~ ~ ChTir :229.1 j "'" 27 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19, 20. - ./' ATTACHMENT B MILLSTONE PRESCHOOL has provided excellent child care for our community for the past nine years. We support their plans to build a np--'\' building on the adjacent property to expand their much needed services. NAME Al:>ORESS MS- flh~/AJ ~, C)>-cc~ c?/ll Wrf /!!OOW/LL 10 6rA~~::-u '/t/?-iA-J "'JLtL ~~S ~z l,.L- ~L~~ ~0~ 'I~Au lD <; ~( d ~~ _~~~G~ 1, (I t J3' C(!-ll' I, (~ l/ v :-- ~ 40 Goo~g Lrt CACtffc~ .... -LL;u/ C?~J-<<--~"'::)C i/t-(ez \ ci\ ~ Ii \ "'" C\i\ R:'\:\)- \: \i\\\e. ,c; - l --- d-- 1 {:l. /c a-'\ lu~.i 1-<; t d err; 11&/ /2/ ~ , ><1/ Pv6~~ -vL [(Q ~_' ClSo Gvcj~~ Lo-~ l( 22sc3 ~ Lj &4 CAS- C'{DE. F~ - E.. L\,j I \ 22S ~pcf)A[) rh..RD. c//Mcc / (J ('. v'-<-. C: 'v'1 JI z z u- '1,v; \) S~.~~ U'I\Ic.~ 91/ 2 ~ li' ~ \ 2 D3- J .......b- . )c 28 ATTACHMENT B MILLSTONE PRESCHOOL has provided excellent child care for our community for the past nine years. We support their plans to build a new ~, building on the adjacent property to expand their much needed services. 8. ~{ffit2npu~ r9. .j~ ce \ . 5. 19. ~ 20. 1. NAME t:l,,-,- p LJ ~ I <-~ -, - ~ ~ . ~ -.._ " .....J~ ADDRESS f -,~-,f. '. '\ ~n I _ (j. '''''-.'. lr f,}-"- ~ .;A ~ '"' .-- (\ \\ 2. / . \(' ( ,___ ,'- f, I. , :..~ :.. __ ",;,\.....,-.:."":",,, \~ 3. k., ...,:L fJ_,~~/. \ \ \, \.....:...:.. .;' ~-'-2:.-- 4-- \ ..... L. )"-' .) -- r.-, -0 - I,~,tl . L. LSQ ~ ) .., .f -... .' ...... .....J-! -, C 4. Q~ '.f ~ ~ (\L~r;lek~ IIWL ~ I_/, l~ IA ! /'1 A - ~/' l 0 :11]::G\~,- (.-iV'/ -Lt.L- \ ~ \ ~ <:., '"'''\ rl..tf" (.::::'J :2 2 S,:. , .J /1,19 1:'~ f2-f?, ;;;l2~ 0 ~ ~54() 'U-rv. (S~. /...eod 6. ......I \ . \ ~ .,' <.JL 1_. / 7. ~. \~ .;, ::_- -,....... .' "I _ ,r-... . \ ':::. i . ~. ;"__' , - . \ . ,~. -- ..--.... 10. ~(q /vKf<:.2i1 .~d,,.,('_ -R-d '2-''J.--1 J J 2q3\ (L~ t-M (Uj /v ~k '"2)c \"... J ~ -)< .' , 10 :r-r- -,-; c ( I/l~ /L ~!i. 11. 12. 13. c (. ('(\. 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" -:''=~L-:f ::''':r~I~c:.lI\&C -- ) 1""'\ t.- -, Sections: ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE ATTACHMENT D PAGE 1 CHAPTER 18 ZONING SECTION 1 AUTHORITY, ESTABLISHMENT, PURPOSE AND OFF1CIAL ZONING MAP 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 AUTHORITY AND ENACTMENT AMENDMENT TO ADOPT EFFECTIVE DATE, REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES PURPOSE AND INTENT RELATION TO ENVIRONMENT RELATION TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OFFICIAL ZONING MAP CERTIFIED COPY, FILING APPLICA nON FOR LAND USE PERMIT; 1>A YMENTOFDELlNQUENT TAXES 1.1 AUTHORITY AND ENACTMENT o This ordinance, to be cited as the Zoning Ordinance of Albemarle County, is hereby ordained, enacted and published by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, pursuant to the provisions of Title 15.2, Chapter 22, Article 7. Code of Virginia, 1950, and amendments thereto, 1.2 AMENDMENT TO ADOPT An ordinance to reenact and readopt the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance and the Albemarle County Zoning Map. Be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia: That the following ordinance known as the Zoning Ordinance of Albemarle County, Virginia, together with the Zoning Map attached thereto. be and the same are, readopted and reenacted effective immediately upon adoption of this ordinance. 1.3 EFFECTIVE DATE, REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES This Zoning Ordinance of Albemarle County, Virginia, shall be effective at and after 5:15 P.M.. the 10th day of December, 1980 and at the same time the Albemarle County "Zoning Ordinance" adopted December 22, 1969. as amended. is hereby repealed. 1.4 PURPOSE AND INTENT r'\ This ordinance, insofar as is practicable, is intended to be in accord with and to implement the Comprehensive Plan of Albemarle County adopted pursuant to the provisions of Title. 15.2, Chapter 22, Article 3, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and has the purposes and intent set forth in Title 15.2, Chapter 22. Article 7_ As set forth in section 15.2-2200 of the Code. this ordinance is intended to improve public health, safety. convenience and welfare of citizens of Albemarle County, Virginia, and to plan for the future development of communities to the end that transportation systems be carefully planned; that new community centers be developed with adequate highway, utility, health, educational and 18-1-1 Zoning Supplement #5.6-16-99 31 1.4.6 1.4.7 1.4,8 1.4.9 1.4-10 1.4.11 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE ATTACHMENT D PAGE 2 recreational facilities; that the needs of agriculture, industry and business be recognized in future growth; that residential areas be provided with healthy surroundings for family life; that agricultural and forestal land be preserved; and that the growth of the community be consonant with the efficient and economical use of public funds. (Added 9-9-92) ~ Therefore be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, for the purposes of promoting the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the public and of planning for the future development of the community, that the zoning ordinance of Albemarle County, together with the official zoning map adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this ordinance, is designed: 1.4.1 To provide for adequate light, air, convenience of access and safety from fire, flood and other dangers; 1.4.2 To reduce or prevent congestion in the public streets; 1.4.3 To facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive and harmonious community; 1.4.4 To facilitate the provision of adequate police and fire protection, disaster evacuation, civil defense, transponation, water, sewerage, flood protection, schools, parks, forests, playgrounds, recreational facilities, airports and other public requirements; 1.4.5 To protect against destruction of or encroachment upon historic areas; To protect against one or more of the following: overcrowding of land, undue density of population in relation to the community facilities existing or available, obstruction of light and air, danger and congestion in travel and transponation, or loss of life, health, or property from fire, flood, panic or other dangers; To encourage economic development activities that provide desirable employment and enlarge the tax base; (Amended 9-9-92) To provide for the preservation of agricultural and forestal lands and other lands of significance for the protection of the natural environment; (Amended 9-9-92) To protect approach slopes and other safety areas of licensed airports, including United States government and military air facilities; (Added 11-1-89; Amended 9-9-92) To include reasonable provisions, not inconsistent with the applicable state water quality standards to protect surface water and groundwater defined in section 62.1-44.85(8) of the Code of Virginia; and (Added 11- 1-89; Amended 9-9-92) 1.5 RELA nON TO ENVIRONMENT To promote affordable housing_ (Added 9-9-92) This ordinance is designed to treat lands which are similarly situated and environmentally similar in like manner with reasonable consideration for the existing use and character of properties, the Comprehensive Plan, the suitability of property for various uses, the trends of growth or change, the current and future land and water requirements of the community for various purposes as detennined by population and economic studies and other studies, the transponation requirements of the community, and the requirements for airports, housing, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation areas and other public services; for the conservation of natural resources; and preservation of flood plains, the preservation of agricultural and forestal land, the conservation of properties and their values and the encouragement of the most appropriate use of land throughout the county. (Amended 11-1-89) .~ 18-1-2 32 Zoning Supplement #5. 6-16-99 ALBEMARLE COUNTY CODE ATTACHMENT E PAGE 1 4. All facilities shall be located and designed so that operation thereof will not seriously affect adjacent residential areas, particularly with respect to noise levels; r-., 5. Except for elevated helistops, no area used by aircraft under its own power shall be located within a distance of five hundred (500) feet of any residential structure on'any adjoining property. Elevated helistops shall be located in accordance with the bulk regulations of the zoning district in which located; 6. All areas used by aircraft under its own power shall be provided with a reasonably dust free surface. 5.1.02 CLUBS, LODGES a. Regardless of provisions of individual zoning districts. gun clubs and shooting ranges shall be permitted by special use permit only; b. Such subordinate uses and fund-raising activities as bingo, raffles, auctions, etc" shall be conducted in enclosed buildings only. Noise generated from such activity shall not exceed forty (40) decibels at the nearest agricultural or residential property line. No such activity shall be conducted between 11 :00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. 5.1.03 COMMERCIAL STABLE a_ Riding rings and other riding surfaces shall be covered and maintained with a material to minimize dust and erosion; (Amended 11-15-95) b. Fencing and other means of animal confinement shall be maintained at all times. ~, 5.1.04 COMMUNITY CENTER Any such use seeking public funding shall be reviewed by the commission in accordance with section 31.2.5. Specifically. the commission shall find that the proposed service area is not already adequately served by another such facility. In addition. the commission shall be mindful that such use is appropriate to villages. communities and the urban area of the comprehensive plan. 5.1.05 DA Y CAMP, BOARDING CAMP a. Provisions for outdoor cooking. campfires. cooking pits. etc.. shall be subject to Albemarle County fire official approval whether or not a site development plan is required: b_ All such uses shall conform to the requirements of the Virginia Department of Health Bureau of Tourist Establishment Sanitation and other applicable requirements_ 5.1.06 DA Y CARE. NURSERY FACILITY a. No such use shall operate without licensure by the Virginia Department of Welfare as a child care center. It shall be the responsibility of the owner/operator to transmit to the zoning administrator a copy of the origmallicense and all renewals thereafter and to notify the zoning admmistrator of any license expiration. suspension. or revocation within three (3) days of "" 18-5-4 33 ATTACHMENT E ALBEMARLE COUNTY COnE PAGE 2 such event. Failure. to do so shall be deemed willful noncompliance with the provisions of this ordinance; ~ b. Periodic inspection of the premises shall be made by the Albemarle County flTe official at his discretion, Failure to promptly admit the fire official for such inspection shall be deemed willful noncompliance with the provisions of this ordinance; c. These provisions are supplementary and nothing stated herein shall be deemed to preclude application of the requirements of the Virginia Department of Welfare, Virginia Department of Health, Virginia State Fire Marshal, or any other local, state or federal agency. 5.1.07 HOME FOR DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED PERSONS a. Conditions may be imposed on such homes to insure their compatibility With other permitted uses, but such conditions shaIl not be more restrictive than those imposed on other dwellings in the same districts unless such additional conditions are necessary to protect the health and safety of the residents of such homes; b. In particular, homes for developmentally disabled persons shall be subject to Albemarle County flTe official review, 5.1.08 DRIVE-IN THEATRE a. Minimum area of site shaIl be five (5) acres; b. The site shall be adjacent to a major road or roads and entrances. and exits shall be from said roads; c_ Off-street parking or storage lanes for waiting patrons shall be available to accommodate not less than thirty (30) percent of the vehicular capacity of the theatre unless at least six (6) entrance lanes. each with a ticket dispenser. are provided, in which case the amount may be reduced to not less than ten ( 10) percent; d. The screen shaIl be located as to be reasonably unobtrusive to view from any major street, public area or scenic look-out: e. A waIl or fence of adequate height shaIl be provided to screen the patrons and cars in attendance at said theatre from the view of the surrounding property. The perimeter of said fence shall be landscaped With suitable plants and shrubbery to preserve as far as possible harmony with the appearance of the surrounding property; f. Individual loud speakers for each car .shall be provided and no central loud speaker shall be permitted; g. Exits and aisles and passageways shall be kept adequately lighted at all times when open to the public. Artificial lights shall be provided whenever natural light is inadequate. 5.1.09 FIRE, AMBULANCE. RESCUE SQUAD STATION (VOLUNTEER) a. Any such use seeking public funding shall be reviewed by the commission in accordance with section 31.2,5. Specifically. the commission shall fmd that the proposed service area is not already adequately served by another such facility, In addition, the commission shall 18-5-5 Zoning Supplement #5. 6-16-99 34 ~ NO v 2 '\ 2000 PLANNING Ai~U COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEI ATTACHMENT F nCL;l::iVED CHARLES NOTTINGHAM COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 701 VDOT WAY CHARLOTTESVILLE, 22911 A. G. TUCKER RESIDENT ENGINEER November 20, 2000 December Public Hearing Submittals Mr. David Benish Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dear Mr. Benish: Please find our comments for the December public hearings listed below: SP-OO-059 Glen Echo Barn Access / Stream Pipin!!, Route 649 l~ (t' "IIi. No comment at this time. SP-OO-060 Church of the Savior, Route 1428 The church has three existing entrances along Huntington Road (Route 1428), and this driveway would in effect be a fourth entrance into the church site, We recommend closure of the existing residential driveway, as it does not have adequate width. and does not appear to have adequate sight distance, to serve as a commercial entrance. Parking for this building should occur in the main church parking lot. Improved pedestrian access between church lot and house may help encourage this parking arrangement. SP-OO-061 Chapman Grove Baptist Church Fover Addition, Route 20N See previous site plan waiver comments (lener from J.H. Kesterson dated October 25,2000). SP-OO-062 Millstone Preschool Expansion. Route 730 No comment at this time. '" 35 ..,...=- ,...."'......::.-. ::...... :., --''-''. ATTACHMENT ( STATUS UPDATE DECEMBER -2000 PAGE 1 Sally Thomas-Board of Supervisors Bill Mills- VDOT Willie Smith-Albemarle County Pupil Transportation Irene J ordan- Morgantown Road Resident Bill Singleton-Morgantown Road Resident Karla Bower-Albemarle County Police Department David Rogers- V. Murray ES Dan Blake-Albemarle County Police Department Juandiego R. Wade- Albemarle County Planning Department /~ The meeting was held to discuss Morgantown Road, especially the portion between Route 250 and Grassmere (Rt. 679). The County conducted a cut-through vehicle study and VDOT conducted a vehicle speed and tally study. Based on the results of County and VDOT studies, it was determined that Morgantown Road did not meet the criteria to be cul-de-sac or abandoned. It was also pointed out that the condition of the Tilman Road intersection with Route 250 was so dangerous that these options would not be considered again until the intersection improvements at Route 250 and Route 676 are complete. Ms. Irene Jordan expressed that Morgantown Road right-of-way was used not only for vehicles, but also for pedestrians, bikes, and horses. Mr. Bill Singleton and Ms. Jordan would like vehicles entering this section of Morgantown Road to know that they are entering a neighborhood and should be cautious and respectful. Although staff could not support a road abandonment of cul-de-sac, there were many ideas discussed at the meeting that County and residents can take to give Morgantown Road the neighborhood feel they desire. Final Action Plan for Morgantown Road -October 2000 Action: A letter will be sent to the Grassmere Road Neighborhood Watch Group, This letter would request for residents to be considerate of the homes along Morgantown Road as they travel along it. Responsibility: The Police Department will determine if there is a neighborhood watch group. The Planning and Police Departments will draft the letter if there is a group. Status: No report at this time. Action: Safety tips will be placed in the backpacks of student of Murray ES. The safety tips will be a reminder for parents that drop/pickup students to be respectful of Morgantown Road residents. Responsibility: David Rogers will give the Planning Department the particulars of this project. The Planning Department will draft the letter with assistance from the Police Department. ,~ 36 ATTACHMENT G PAGE 2 page 2 Morgantown Rd Action Plan ~ Status: A notice was included in the October 2000 Murray ES PTO newsletter. The school a/so sent a letter from Mr. Rogers on school letterhead to Karla Bower for use in any neighborhood association meetings. In that letter Mr. Rogers talked about the speed problem and askedfor everyone's consideration of the school zone and the neighborhood in general. He also addressed this issue at the PTO October meeting, It included a special note on this topic in the PTO newsletter, which went out via backpack. Action: The Albemarle County Police Department will continue to enforce the speed limit on Morgantown Road. Ms. Jordan will let the Police Department know when and where the speeding problem is the worst. Responsibility: The Albemarle County Police Department and the Morgantown Road residents.(to let the Police Dept. know when and where the best time to enforce speed limit). Status: No report at this time. The neighborhood association will contact the Police Department with suggestions for the best time and location(s). r'\ Action: The Planning Department and Police Department have offered to speak at local neighborhood meetings and gatherings when requested. Responsibility: Albemarle County Police and Planning Departments. Status: No report at this time. It is a standing offer. Action: The residents may request the Board of Supervisors for a child-at-play sign. The sign will be the new neon green color. The request must meet the County's criteria for child-at- play signs. If the residents want to pursue this action, please contact the Planning Dept. Responsibility: The Morgantown Road residents and Planning Department. Status: The County has not received a request from the residents at this point. Action: The residents will consider requesting funds from the County's neighborhood grant program to plant trees, bushes, or sign identifying neighborhood. Responsibility: The Morgantown Road,residents. Status: The County has not received a request from the residents at this point. Action: VDOT will paint a center line on Morgantown Road if the residents request it. Ms. Jordan will confer with other residents and contact Bill Mills (293-0011) with decision. Responsibility: The Virginia Department of Transportation and the Morgantown Road residents. Status: The site has been approved for a centerline by VDOT VDOT is waiting to hear for the residents of Morgantown Road. Residents can contact Juan Wade or Bill Mills to inform us if you would prefer a centerline or leave the road in present condition. ~ 37 ~hen Waller From: Sent: To: Subject: Phillip L Jordan [philijay@juno.com] Wednesday, January 03, 2001 9:53 PM swaller@albemarle.org Proposed variance for Mill Stone School Dear Mr. Waller Thank you for taking the time to talk to me today about the zoning hearing process in general and the proposal for Mill Stone in specifically. Please share this E-Mail with the members of the Board. I want to state my categorical opposition to any variance which will allow the Mill Stone School to expand. I respect their right to expand within the confines the present zoning restrictions, but to permit them to expand beyond that is patently unreasonable. The value of zoning regulations lies in their ability safeguard the quality of life of a neighborhood. If you allow a zoning variance to expand this commercial enterprise you will pave the way for more of the same. I remember when the justification for an attempt to elevate an eye-catching cell phone tower in that vicinity was the existence of "infrastructure" in the area. What future image are you painting for the Morgantown Road Community if you approve this variance? There is already a potential for significant growth in the nearby industrial park. Why add to that by allowing a facility to expand beyond the present allowed level? The morning rush traffic on Morgantown Road is already a significant safety hazard for motorist and pedestrian alike. Granting a variance will add more cars driven by more people who are rushing to drop off more children will only exacerbate the problem. I am fully aware that VDOT has done some traffic studies which some people may massage to indicate that the traffic flow is reasonably safe. The reality from this resident of Morgantown road is more clear: we reached a point where it was no longer safe to walk our children to Murray Elementary school in the morning. The reckless, careless, and rude habits of some drivers robbed us of that joy. My wife was actually brushed by a car as she walked on the shoulder of the road as two SUVs were approaching each other and neither took time to slow down to pass her safely. There is a body of thought which holds that adding schools, Churches, and such public amenities enhances the quality of life in a community. The expansion of Mill stone will not increase any benefit which the immediately surrounding community may be reaping from its presence. Mount Calvary Baptist Church, which is on Morgantown Road, adopted Morgantown Road for litter removal. Our task is already significant. Senior citizens who once walked along the road no longer do so. Additional anonymous traffic will diminish the quality of life along Morgantown Road. More is not better, Are the people who stand to benefit most from the proposed expansion residents of the immediate neighborhood? Do the owners, staff and customers live on the road which will benefit from a larger better Millstone school? The benefit of the activity of those who live elsewhere should not unjustly enrich the neighbors of Morgantown Road. In the interest of equity, I propose that the expansion occur in the area where those who use it live. Morgantown Road neighbors have spend many hours working with VDOT, the police, the Board of Supervisors, our neighbors, and anyone else who has the will to preserve our community. I ask that you demonstrate a commitment to the people of the Morgantown Road Community by rejecting this proposal for a Zoning Variance for the Mill Stone School. 1 Respectfully, Phillip L. Jordan 3125 Morgantown Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 (804) 984-4978 GET INTERNET ACCESS FROM JUNO! Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for less! Join Juno today! For your FREE software, visit: http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj. 2 \I ti1~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296 - 5823 Fax (804) 972 - 4012 February 16, 2001 Valerie W. Long, Esq POBox 1288 Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SP-2000-64 David Weber (Triton PCS); Tax Map 73, Parcel 31 D LETTER OF CORRECTION Dear Ms. Long: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on January 23, 2001, by a vote of 4-2, recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. The top of the pole, as measured Above Sea Level (ASL), shall never exceed seven (7) feet above the top of the tallest tree within twenty-five (25) feet of the facility, as measured Above Sea Level (ASL). No antennas or equipment, with the exception of the grounding rod, shall be located above the top of the pole. 2. The pole shall be designed, constructed and maintained as follows: a. b. c. The pole shall be a wooden pole, dark brown in color; Guy wires shall not be permitted; No lighting shall be permitted on the site or on the pole, except as provided by condition number nine (9) herein; The ground equipment cabinets, antenna, and all equipment attached to the pole shall be dark brown in color and shall be no larger than the specifications as shown on the attached plan entitled "Alltellll-64 East Site," A grounding rod, not exceeding two feet above the top of the pole, and with a width not to exceed one-inch diameter at the base and tapering to a. point, may be installed at the top of the pole. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide a statement to the Planning Department by a licensed surveyor certifying the height of the tallest tree, as identified in condition number one, Within one month after the completion of the pole, the applicant shall provide a statement to the Planning Department certifying the hieight of the pole, measured both in feet above ground and also measured Above Sea Level. I I d. e. f. g. 1- Page 2 February 16, 2001 h. The pole can never extend above the top of the tallest tree, except as described in condition number one of these conditions of approval, without prior approval of an amendment to this special use permit. 3. The pole shall be located as follows: a, The pole shall be located on the site as shown on the attached plan entitled "Weber Property" and dated 11/22/00. b. The proposed facility shall be located not more than 25 feet from the existing access road, 4. Antennas shall be attached to the pole only as follows: a. Antennas shall be limited to those shown on the attached plan entitled ""Weber Property" and dated 11/22/00. b. No satellite or microwave dishes shall be permitted on the pole. c. Only flush mounted antennas shall be permitted. No antennas that project out from the pole beyond the minimum required by the support structure, shall be permitted. However, in no case shall the antennas project out from the pole more than 12 inches. 5. Prior to beginning construction or installation of the pole or the equipment cabinets, or installation of access for vehicles or utilities, a tree conservation plan, developed by a certified arborist, specifying tree protection methods and procedures and identifying any existing trees to be removed on the site both inside and outside the access easement and lease .area shall be submitted to the Director of Planning and Community Development for approval. All construction or installation associated with the pole and equipment building, including necessary access for construction or installation, shall be in accordance with this tree conservation plan. Except for the tree removal expressly authorized by the Director of Planning and Community Development, the permittee shall not remove existing trees within two hundred (200) feet of the pole and equipment building. A special use permit amendment shall be required for any future tree removal within the two hundred-foot buffer, after the installation of the subject facility. 6. The pole shall be disassembled and removed from the site within ninety (90) days of the date its use for wireless telecommunications purposes is discontinued. 7. The permittee shall submit a report to the Zoning Administrator one time per year, no later than July 1 of that year. The report shall identify each user of the pole and certify that the height of the pole is in compliance with condition number one. 8. No slopes associated with construction of the pole and accessory uses shall be created that are steeper than 2: 1 unless retaining walls, revetments, or other stabilization measures acceptable to the County Engineer are employed, 9. Outdoor lighting shall be limited to periods of maintenance only, Each outdoor luminary shall be fully shielded such that all light emitted is projected below a horizontal plane running though the lowest part of the shield or shielding part of the luminaries. For purposes of this condition, a luminaries is a complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or I.. Page 3 February 16, 2001 lamps together with the parts designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamps, and to connect the lamps to the power supply. 10. The permittee shall comply with Section 5.1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. A fence surrounding the lease area is not a requirement of this approval; however, should a fence be installed, the materials and height shall be restricted as follows: · the fence shall be constructed with barbed wire to match the existing fence adjacent to the subject lease area. 11. Around the perimeter of the lease area, inside the fence to avoid damage from grazing animals, a landscaping buffer utilizing a variety of plant materials, with a majority of the materials consisting of evergreen materials, shall be installed by the applicant. A landscape plan shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Planning or designee prior to issuance of building permits. 12. A landscaping plan depicting screening landscaping along Rt. 708 and the lease area, shall include minimum 12' high cedars and white pines and minimum 4' high rhododendrons. The plan shall be approved by the Planning Director or designee. Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on February 14, 2001. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. The Commission also took the following actions: · Approved, by a vote of 5-1" the request for a waiver of the setback regulations in accord with the provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance. · Request for a waiver of a site plan in accord with the provisions of Section 32.2.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. Unanimously approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of an erosion and sediment control plan prior to the issuance ofa building permit. 2. Provision of one parking space. . 3. A site plan application shall be required if activity on slopes of 25% or greater is proposed. ,'" Page 4 February 16, 2001 If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, go~~ Joan McDowell Senior Planner JMD/jcf Cc: Ella Carey Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Steve Allshouse Bob Ball f*', STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Joan D. McDowell January 9,2001 February 14, 2001 SP 00-64 David Weber/Triton PCS Applicant's Proposal: The applicant, Triton PCS, has proposed to construct a communication facility consisting of a 94 foot high steel monopole, ground equipment, and flush mounted antenna on a 900 square foot lease area ofa 10.31acre parcel, in accordance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant has also requested a waiver from the requirement for the tower to be setback from the right of way at a distance equal to the height of the structure. The proposed pole is 54.4 feet from the State Route 708 right-of-way and 80.8 feet from the property line to the north. A waiver from the requirement to submit a preliminary site plan has also been requested. ~, Petition: Triton PCS has petitioned for a special use permit to allow a communication facility that includes a 94 foot high steel monopole, ground equipment cabinets on a 900 square foot lease area within a 10.31 acre parcel, in accordance with Section of the Zoning Ordinance, which allows for micro-wave transmission and relay towers. A setback and a site plan waiver have also been requested, in accordance with Section and Section 32.2.2, respectively. The property is described as Tax Map 73 Parcel3lD and is located at 271 Malvem Farm Drive (State Route 708) and is within Rural Area 3 Comprehensive Plan land use designation. The site is less than 500 feet south ofl 64 and is inthe Samuel Miller Magisterial District. Character of the Area: A mixture of residential, forestal and agricultural land uses characterizes the area. The lease area is located approximately 45 feet from the entrance gate. An 84-foot high tree and a 78-foot tall tree are located within the twenty five-foot radius of the proposed pole. The proposed 94-foot height is based on the 84-foot tall tree. Both tree and pole are located at a base elevation of 697 feet Above Sea Level (ASL). "....., RECOMMENDATION: Staff has reviewed this request for compliance with the provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance and the SP 00-64 Weber . 01/03/01 Personal Wireless Service Facilities Policy and recommends disapproval of SP 00-64. ~. Plannin~ and Zonin~ History: The following applications have been approved on the subject property: . SP 99-11: Approval for an existing wooden pole tower for CFW at a height not to exceed five feet about the height of the tallest tree within 25 feet of the tower. . VA 1999-010: A setback variance to allow the CFW tower to be located approximately 15 feet from Route 708. . VA 2000-020: A setback variance for a reduction in setback from 75 feet to 15 feet to allow the construction of a 90- foot monopole tower. . SP 00-31: Approval for a 90-foot high wooden pole for Alltell (approved September 13,2000). The pole has not been constructed. Comprehensive Plan: The site is located in the Rural Area of the Comprehensive Plan and has been identified on the Open Space Concept Plan as a Farmlands and Forests land use designation. As it located less than 500 feet from I 64, it is also within an Entrance Corridor district. ~. The Open Space Plan's stated objectives include protecting "the County's natural, scenic and historic resources in the Rural and Growth Areas," and preserving "the County's scenic resources as being essential to the County's rural character, economic vitality, and quality of life." The Architectural Review Board considered the impacts of this facility on I 64 and granted a Certificate of Appropriateness on December 18,2000. Although the current property use may not be directly impacted by the addition of a third communication facility site, the siting of this facility in clear view from a State Route would negatively impact these essential scenic and natural resources. STAFF COMMENT: In the following sections, Staff will address the issues of this request: 1. Provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance are discussed below: ~ SP 00-64 Weber 01/03/01 2 ~ The Board of Supervisors hereby reserves unto itself the right to issue all special use permits permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issues upon a finding by the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property. The issue of visibility from adjacent properties has been addressed in the following manner: A condition of approval for SP 99- 11 (CFW tower) allowed a wooden pole to extend seven feet above the tallest tree within twenty-five feet of the tower. Elevation of the tower and the tree was not taken into consideration by this condition. A similar condition of approval for SP 00-31 (All tell) will allow a wooden pole to extend ten feet above the tallest tree within twenty-five feet of the tower. The heights, in this case, were based on ASL measurements. The Alltell application requested a metal monopole; however, due to its closeness ~. to the road and the previous CFW approval, a condition of approval required that the pole be wooden. Unlike the proposed facility, with its proximity and clear, unobstructed view from State Route 708, the two approved sites are buffered from the road by a row of trees and shrubbery. Both the landscaping and placement of the sites on the property serves to shield the'sites from view. The proposed site, immediately inside the property entrance would much greater visibility than the two approved sites. that the character of the district will not be changed thereby. As a third communication facility located less than the required 1: 1 setback and with its siting permitting the facility to be viewed from State Route 708, the facility would have a negative impact on the character of the district. The property is also within an Entrance Corridor District. The application has been granted a Certificate of Appropriateness by the ARB, although the tower would be seen from I 64. ~\ SP 00-64 Weber 01/03/01 3 and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance. ~ The purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance, as stated in Sections 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6, with particular reference to Sections 1.4, 1.4.4, and 1.5. All of these provisions address, in one form or another, the provision of public services. The use of mobile telephones clearly provides a public service, as evidenced by the expanded and rapid increase in this technology. Section 1.4.3 states as intent of the Ordinance, "To facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive and harmonious community." Two other wireless providers have received approval for facilities on this property. At this writing, staffhas not received response from the applicant regarding any alternative locations. The visual impact of the facility would conflict with the attractiveness of the community. with the uses permitted by right in the district. The proposed pole would not restrict the current uses, or by right uses on any other property. ,~ and with the public health. safety and general welfare. The provisions of increased wireless communication facilities may be considered consistent with the public health, safety and general welfare by providing increased communication services in the event of emergencies and by increasing overall general communication services. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 addresses issues of environmental effects with the following language: "No state or local government or instrumentality thereof my regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission's regulations concerning such emissions." In order to operate this facility, the applicant is required to meet the Federal Communication Commission guidelines for radio frequency emissions. This requirement will adequately protect the public health and safety. 2. Section 704(a)(7)(b )(1)(11) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996: ~ SP 00-64 Weber 01/03/01 4 ~ The regulation of the placement. construction and modification of personal wireless facilities by any state or local government or instrumentality thereof shall not prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services. Neither the Comprehensive Plan nor the Zoning Ordinance prohibits the provision of personal wireless service. The purpose of this facility would be to provide additional service along the I-64 corridor, with their intent to eventually provide seamless service. However, the denial of this application would not prohibit the personal wireless services in this area. 3. County of Albemarle Personal Wireless Service Facilities Policy The Personal Wireless Service Facilities Policy has been adopted by the Board of Supervisors. The following discussion considers the purpose, principles, and intended achievements of the Policy: r'\ . Visibility. The Policy states that the visibility is the most important principle for siting personal wireless service facilities. Further, the Policy states that these facilities should not be located in Avoidance Areas. Should they be located in Avoidance Areas, they should be denied or mitigated. Due to the siting of the proposed facility off the entrance driveway and from along a sparsely wooded portion of State Route 708, the facility would not benefit from the three types of mitigation measures found in the Policy: camouflage, concealment, and disguise. The applicant has suggested that additional planting along the most visible portion of State Route 708 and at the base of the lease area would be an appropriate mitigation measure, as it was with the previous Alltell application. However, the site is located in clear view from the driveway and the downward slope of the property along the road would not provide adequate landscaping coverage for the pole or for the ground equipment. ~ . Utilize existing structure: the applicant has advised that no existing facility within this area would permit the additional equipment due to SP 00-64 Weber 01/03/01 5 height or structure; therefore, collocation on another facility is not feasible, according to the applicant. ~~ . Appropriateness in any zoning district: the visibility of this site would not make it appropriate in any district. . Ground based equipment in keeping with the area character: its visible location from State Route 708 would not be in keeping with the character of the area. . Limited visibility of the antennas: the balloon test determined that the tower could be visible along State Route 708. Both the ground equipment and the pole would have visibility that could not be adequately mitigated by color or landscaping. The actual size (diameter) of the metal monopole was not available at this writing. The size, however, will be provided at the hearing. 4. Waiver of a site plan in accord with the provisions of Section 32.2.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. The Commission may waive the drawing of a site plan if requiring a site plan would not forward the purpose of the Ordinance or otherwise serve the public interest. Generally, the Site Revi'ew Committee has endorsed the use of site plan waivers for the establishment of telecommunication facilities. This general endorsement has been based on the relatively small area impacted by the proposed use and the ability to obtain the required information through an erosion and sediment control plan and the building permits. Although staff is able to support the request for a site plan waiver as the information submitted by the applicant generally meets the requirements for a site plan, this application has been recommended for disapproval; therefore, staff does not support this request. However, should the Planning Commission and Board determine that this application warrants approval, the information submitted by the applicant could meet the requirements for a waiver, subject to the following conditions: ;~. 1. Approval of an erosion and sediment control plan prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. Provision of one parking space. 3. A site plan application shall be required if activity on slopes of 25% or greater is proposed. SP 00-64 Weber . 01/03/01 6 ~ 4. Waiver of the setback regulations in accord with the provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance. On January 3,2001, the applicant received approval for a waiver of the required setbacks from the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) for relief from Section 10.4 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow reduction of the front yard setback. The Planning Commission is being request to waive setback the regulation set forth in Section governing setbacks from property lines related to the height of structures. The Ordinance requires that structures, including towers, are setback from property lines at a distance equal to the height of the structure. r'\ As the reduction in setback would only exacerbate the high visibility of this site to the road, staff is also recommending disapproval of the setback , waiver, although, in the past this setback provision was seen as a method to prevent undue crowding of the land and to prevent safety hazards if a structure should fall (Section SUMMARY . Staffhas identified the following factors that are favorable to this request: 1. The facility would provide increased wireless capacity, which may be considered consistent with the provisions of Sections 1.4, 1.4.4, and 1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance; 2. The facility would not restrict permitted uses on the subject property or on adjacent properties. . Staffhas identified the following factors that are unfavorable to this request: 1. The site is within the Entrance Corridor District; r'1 2. The pole could be viewed from I 64 and State Route 708; SP 00-64 Weber 01/03/01 7 3. Limited tree and landscaping coverage would allow clear visibility from the road of both the ground equipment and the tower; 4. The third tower on this property may serve to draw attention to the site. . The following factor is relevant to this consideration: There is an existing, reasonable use of this property. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends disapproval of SP 00-64, based on the factors listed above. However, should the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisions consider approval of this request, the following conditions of approval are included for consideration: 1. The top of the pole, as measured Above Sea Level (ASL), shall never exceed ten (10) feet above the top of the tallest tree within twenty-five (25) feet of the facility, as measured Above Sea Level (ASL). No antennas or equipment, with the exception of the grounding rod, shall be located above the top of the pole. .~, 2. The pole shall be designed, constructed and maintained as follows: a. The pole shall be a wooden pole, dark brown in color; b. Guy wires shall not be permitted; c. No lighting shall be peimitted on the site or on the pole, except as provided by condition number nine (9) herein; d. The ground equipment cabinets, antenna, and all equipment attached to the pole shall be dark brown in color and shall be no larger than the specifications as shown on the attached plan entitled "Alltell/I-64 East Site." e. A grounding rod, not exceeding two feet above the top of the pole, and with a width not to exceed one-inch diameter at the base and tapering to a point, may be installed at the top of the pole. f. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall provide a statement to the Planning Department by a licensed surveyor certifying the height of the tallest tree, as identified in condition number one. SP 00-64 Weber 8 01/03/01 r'\ ~ f"', g. Within one month after the completion of the pole, the applicant shall provide a statement to the Planning Department certifying the height of the pole, measured both in feet above ground and also measured Above Sea Level. The pole can never extend above the top of the tallest tree, except as described in condition number one of these conditions of approval, without prior approval of an amendment to this special use permit. h. 3. The pole shall be located as follows: a. The pole shall be located on the site as shown on the attached plan entitled "Weber Property" and dated 11/22/00. b. The proposed facility shall be located not more than 25 feet from the existing access road. 4. Antennas shall be attached to the pole only as follows: a. Antennas shall be limited to those shown on the attached plan entitled ""Weber Property" and dated 11/22/00. b. No satellite or microwave dishes shall be permitted on the pole. c. Only flush mounted antennas shall be permitted. No antennas that project out from the pole beyond the minimum required by the support structure, shall be permitted. However, in no case shall the antennas project out from the pole more than 12 inches. 5. Prior to beginning construction or installation of the pole or the equipment cabinets, or installation of access for vehicles or utilities, a tree conservation plan, developed by a certified arborist, specifying tree protection methods and procedures and identifying any existing trees to be removed on the site both inside and outside the access easement and lease area shall be submitted to the Director of Planning and Community Development for approval. All construction or installation associated with the pole and equipment building, including necessary access for construction or installation, shall be in accordance with this tree conservation plan. Except for the tree removal expressly authorized by the Director of Planning and Community Development, the permittee shall not remove existing trees within two hundred (200) feet of the pole and equipment building. A special use permit amendment shall be required for any sp 00-64 Weber 01/03/01 9 future tree removal within the two hundred-foot buffer, after the installation of the subject facility. .~ 6. The pole shall be disassembled and removed from the site within ninety (90) days of the date its use for wireless telecommunications purposes is discontinued. 7. The permittee shall submit a report to the Zoning Administrator one time per year, no later than July 1 of that year. The report shall identify each user of the pole and certify that the height of the pole is in compliance with condition number one. 8. No slopes associated with construction of the pole and accessory uses shall be created that are steeper than 2: 1 unless retaining walls, revetments, or other stabilization measures acceptable to the County Engineer are employed. 9. Outdoor lighting shall be limited to periods of maintenance only. Each outdoor luminary shall be fully shielded such that all light emitted is projected below a horizontal plane running though the lowest part of the shield or shielding part of the luminaries. For purposes of this condition, a luminaries is a complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps together with the parts designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamps, and to connect the lamps to the power supply. t~ 10. The permittee shall comply with Section 5.1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. A fence surrounding the lease area is not a requirement of this approval; however, should a fence be installed, the materials and height shall be restricted as follows: . the fence shall be constructed with barbed wire to match the existing fence adjacent to the subject lease area. 11. Around the perimeter of the lease area, inside the fence to avoid damage from grazing animals, a landscaping buffer utilizing a variety of plant materials, with a majority of the materials consisting of evergreen materials, shall be installed by the applicant. A landscape plan shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Planning or designee prior to issuance of building permits. /'"""\. SP 00-64 Weber 01/03/01 10 """ ATTACHMENTS: A Special Use Permit Application (SP 00-64) B Applicant Revision Letter, dated November 30,2000 C Application Plans titled Weber Property, dated November 22, 2000 D Location Map E Site Topography F Photos ~ n SP 00-64 Weber 01/03/01 11 county ot Albemarle .t .;. Department of Building Code aJ ATTACHMENT A OFFICE US~~ Y (J . -r ~ Q {) SP# -rxt:eJD- "MP .:r:. ~ tJ {2 - _ ~ - _ Q. .D~i.l2 U Sign# ~(, . .~ Mas, Disl. ~ M~ ~(Slaff (I" ' e.-5 D-'llC llc Bc.:t-- Application for Special Use Permit Project Name \I>oIW >I.'ulu "" ",fer ID "'is .""licalil...1) '('€ber (Tri ton PeS - C\Jlo" 34 7D) ~ *Existing Use Proposed Use Wireless Teleco:mrm.mications Facility *Zoninl; District (.staff will assist you wilh thesc items) Number of acres to be covered by Special Use Permit (IC. por1Io4ll111U1t be dell"a'....." f.lal) FA .Zoninl; Ordin:mce Section number requcsted 10.31 Is this an amelldmentto an existing Special Use Permit? Are you lo"Ubmitling :l site development plan with this application? o YcsC!No OY~No Con~ct Person (Whom should we C:1Jllwrite eoncerninc Ihis project?): Valerie W. Long, Esq., Mo:;uireW::x::rls LLP Address P.O. Box 12 88 Daytime Phone ( 804 ) 977-2545 City O1arlottesvi11e Stale VA Zip 22902 Fax # (804) 980-2265 E-mail vlong@mcguirewoods.com Owner of land (As listc:d in the County's records): David C. :VP....Der Address 271 Mal vern Farm Road City CharlottesvillState VA Zip22903 ?o;;, Daytime Phone (804 ) 971-9668 Fax # E-mail Applicant (Who is thcc:ontact personn:prcscntinc? Who isrc:qucstinC the special use?): Triton PeS Address 9211 Arboretum Parkway City Ric.i-mond State VA Zip23236 Daytime Phone (~) 323-9500 Fax # (804) 323-4058 E-mail Tax map and parcel Tax Map 73, Parcel 3lD Physical Address (if:lSsigncd) Location of property (1:l11dllwlts. intcrscClions. or Olhcr) Take 1-64 west to exit #114. Tun1 left onto S.R. 637 (Dick Vbods Rd.). After:.approxirnately 2 miles turn right onto S.R. 708 (Dry Bridge Rd.). Property is on rlght side of road, just before I 64 ~ii'l.,i"I~'10Vefpa ~ Does the owner of this property own (or have any ownership inlercst in) any abutting property? If yes, please list those tax map and parcel numbers OFFICE USE ONLY'. ...... . ..' '.. . >,>: -"';'.:i',;;.rl~2';..;,,.;;..0i::.:.:r '/J,'~, Fcc al~uunt s~,~,~ ... Dolle Pilid ~ChCC:k# !1-~.' to S Rcccipt~. \~~,~~~.,',:~.j'<~ \~;;:~~~~~~:fi~~~~:~!,;~~VS . mlts"' ~ PffJD' l)31;,/,,<>'. '" .....0 ZMAs and'l'rocrcrs:-"'-;;' /.' "':'c,-,':j::";~~.~~i~t;\>~~~~w";'.f:;; .~ ',' t; 0 Variances: ~~. ~if~~:~"/'~';'~;:~~;-~"':'_. .... .-,~.....:;.t::,:~~;.,::::;:..:-'~:~~~:;:t;e;l:~ .. . ." LefGucr or A~~~ri~:~~~ ...,:' &.~'~:. >i~11>\\\ 12 ,...~?~e~~~t._rc~i.ew of SitcDeYcloPm.~t Plan?, ~es Q No:. . . \4:ir,~ 40 I McIntire Road .:. Charlottesville. VA 22902 .:. Voice: 296-5832 ~ ~ 1"""'\ ~ f.\.. / .f. Section of the Alb,emarle County Zoning Ordinance states that, "The board of supervisors hereby reserves unto itself~the right to issue all special use permits permitted hereuncfer. Special use permits for uses. as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the board of supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adjacent property, that the character of the district will not be ~angcd thereby and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance, with the uses permitted by right in the district, with additional regulations provided in section 5.0 of this ordinance, and with the public health, safety and general welfare. The items which follow will be reviewed by the staff in ,their analysis of your request. Please complete this form and provide additional information which will assist the County in its review. of your request. If you need assistance filling out these items, staff is available. What is the Comprehensive Plan designation for this property? See attached How will the proposed special useaffec~adjacent property? See attached How will the proposed special use affect the character of the district surrounding the property? See attached How is the use in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance? See attached How is the use in harmony with the uses permitted by right in the district? See attached ,. What additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 ofthc Zoning Ordinancc apply to this use? See attached How will this usc promotc the public hcalth, safcty, and general welfare of thc community? See attached ".:".;":'\.'" <."-.'. ';'F -;;,:..;,' ;~,~~:~j;i.{.~;.~\~:c<< :,,,;t::. .' :::.~ - . .... c "', .~. .~~,,:~,.':;~;:;. ";A';.~ - ..:'; ;'-.:'r..";'.' .-. ~ .' .... ~". . ;.-." .,' r:-;<~.:..:~.t', -;.' ,/~<~:';:.-.:_1;:~.1~~~,~~.. :".;,:~ "M, ,:~~. .~~ '-, ':$~" ';'. ~"". :;;~:-!Y~;(~7'~~':f~.:~f~f?:r~,'~f,:.~~~\~. r .._........ ." ,_. ....,,.. - . ',. 13 , I Describe your request in detail and include all pertinent information such as the numbers of persons involved in the use, operating hours, and any unique features of the use: See attached ;-1.. ~ A IT ACHMENTS REQUIRED - provide two(2) copies of each: 9(1. ~ 2.: Recorded plat or boundary survey of the property requested for the rezoning. If there is no recorded plat or boundary survey, please provide legal description of the property and the Deed Book and page number or Plat Book and page number. Note: If you are requesting a special use permit only for a portion of the property, it needs to be described or delineated on a copy of the plat or surveyed drawing. . . . Ownership information - If ownership of the property is in the name of any type of legal entity or organization including, but not limited to, the name of a corporation, partnership or association, or in the name of a trust, or in a fictitious name, ~ document acceptable to the County must be submitted certifying that the person signing below has the authority to do so. ,r->.., If the applicant is a contract purchaser, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted containing the owner's written consent to the application. If the applicant is the agent of the owner, a document acceptable to the County must be, , , submitted that is evidence of the existence and scope of the agency. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS: ; ~ 3. 4. Drawings or conceptual plans, if any. Additional Information, if any. I hereby certify that I own the subject property, or have the legal power to act on behalf of the owner in filing this application. I also certify that the information provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Y~(j),~ /O-f&-OO Signature. Date' ' 177-25Lj5 .' .."'. Daytime 'pho'ne number of Signatory 14 ~ LIMITED AUTHORIZA nON TO ACT As ApPLICANT AND AUTHORIZATION To SUBMIT LAND USE ApPLICATIONS ~ DC0Vl' ~ V\.khvi does hereby authorize Valerie Vv . ~ Crown Communications Incorporated, Triton PCS, Incorporated, and/or representatives thereof, to represent Ct1AJ 1 c.. Weber before any municipal or County Government for the sole purpose of obtaining land use permits and/or variances as may be required for Crown Communications Incorporated and/or Triton PCS, Incorporated to place telecommunications towers, antennas, transmission lines, mounting devices 'and other related equipment on the property of D()J./l~ Wt..~ at~ctX- Ma.f PCUW 0 l '300-00 - 00 - 0 31 DO located This authorization shall specifically include the right to submit land use. !*"" applications on behalf of DaNte ~ , including, but not limited to applications for special use permits, certificates of appropriateness, and variances. \YlTNESS the following signature: ' , 7J;D;;:o III~ Date I?I #0 ~ \\REA\25983.2 15 (\, \]((2, ~3 l(7 \) Weber (Triton pes - eVR 347D) ~'" What is the comprehensive plan designation for this property? Rural! Agricultural How will the proposed special use affect adjacent property? The proposed 88-foot monopole will not adversely affect adjacent property, as the pole and antennas will be only 10 feet above the tallest tree in the area, and will be minimally visible from adjacent property. How will the proposed special use affect the character of the district surrounding the property? The proposed facility is not inconsistent with the existing development in the area, since it will not generate additional traffic or development, and preserves the character of the area, Because the area surrounding the property contains many tall trees and because the proposed pole and antenna will be sited within a grove of tall trees so that it will be only minimally visible, the character of the district surrounding the property will not be affected, The proposed facility will effectively blend with the existing trees on and nearby the property. How is the use in harmony with the purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance? The proposed facility is consistent with the County's preference for monopole structures, which extend slightly above the treetops as discussed in the County's wireless design manual. In addition, wireless telecommunications services provide a public service to the community by creating a "convenient, attractive and harmonious community," consistent with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance, I"'""--'~;. How is the use i~ harmony with the uses permitted by-right in the district? The proposed facility will not restrict the current uses or other by-right uses available at this property or by-right uses on any other property. , What additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of the zoning ordinance apply to this use? Section 5,1,12, which outlines public utility structures and uses. How will this use promote the public health, safety and general welfare of this community? The proposed facility will provide increase and improved wireless services to this portion of Albemarle County, especially emergency communications, and will increase overall communication services. Describe your request in detail and include all pertinent information such as numbers of persons involved in the use, operating hours, and unique features of the use: Triton PCS, Inc. ("Triton") proposes to construct, maintain and manage a wireless telecommunications facility on property owned by David Weber, identified as tax map ,~ 16 parcel 73-31 D. The facility would be comprised of a wooden monopole with flush- ~ mounted antennas, along with the necessary transmitting and receiving equipment. Triton operates a Personal Communications Service (PCS) system, providing the most technological advanced wireless communications throughout Southeastern United States. Triton and AT&T Digitial PCS have undertaken a joint venture to expand the AT &T digital PCS network to over 11 million people in Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina ad Georgia. Triton is a member of the AT&T Digital Wireless Network, licensed to cover more than eighty percent of the United States. AT&T Digital PCS provides convenient and secure mobile communications, combining voice, messaging and paging communications in a single phone. Triton has entered into a lease agreement with the property owners for a 30x30 lease area with the facility located entirely within this area. The facility will be accessed by an existing gravel driveway, which will be extended to reach the lease area. The location of the extension of the access was carefully designed to avoid the need to remove any trees or other mature vegetation, In addition, the lease area itself is within an existing small clearing, The facility will emit no noise, odor or glare, Nor will it interfere with television or radio reception in the surrounding areas. The facility will not be lit, unless required by the FAA. . ,1"'\ To develop its network, Triton has divided the Basic Trading Area region into small geographic sections ("cells"). Each "cell" site holds the equipment that provide the air interface to the subscriber units and must be precisely located relative to other "cells" to create a reliable communications grid system. This grid system must reflect the topography and traffic (use population and building density) of the "cells" as well as the radius of the respective antenna's reliable transmission area, Triton's FCC license requires it to operate its system in a defined service region using designated radio frequencies. Each site must be precisely located relative to other facilities within the network to ensure that Triton complies with the terms of its license. The network requires a facility at this location to avoid a gap in service to this portion of Albemarle County. , Triton carefully selected and designed the proposed facility to provide a structure that provides adequate height and range of coverage, while meeting the goals of the community by minimizing the impact of the proposed facility on adjacent or nearby properties. Location of the facility on this parcel will enable Triton to construct the facility without the need to remove any mature vegetation, and with only a minimal amount of grading and clearing, The subject parcel is zoned Rural! Agricultural. The surrounding properties within 2000' of the proposed facility are primarily used for rural residential and agricultural purposes. The tract ofland on which the site is located contains 10.31 acres. 1"', 17 A surveyor has estimated the tallest tree within 25' of the proposed facility to be 78 feet. We are requesting an 88-foot pole to enable the signal from the antenna to extend over and beyond these taller trees. The heights, locations and base elevations of other trees within close proximity of the proposed pole are shown on the enclosed plans, We have conducted a visual impact analysis with a balloon to demonstrate that the facility will only be minimally visible from the Entrance Corridor and surrounding properties, The facility was designed to strictly comply with the County's wireless design manuaL The antenna panels will be flush-mounted to the pole and will not extend above the top of the pole. The pole will retain its natural wood color (dark brown) and the antenna panels, equipment cabinet and cables will all be painted to match the color of the pole, In addition, the concrete pad will be tinted earth tone to blend in with the surrounding wooded area. The design and the siting of the facility will minimize its visibility from surrounding properties, as it will blend in with the existing trees in the area. Once constructed, the facility will be visited approximately one time per month for routine maintenance checks, The facility will not impact the provision of services by Albemarle County, As a telecommunications facility, this proposal will serve the community by fostering increased communications, especially emergency communications. Most importantly, due to its design and precise location, the facility will be only minimally visible from nearby roads and residences. i/~.' Triton. oJso rey LLeSfs Q lAXLtVer rrory\J~.e (9LUf~htat ~ pole be CSet b1C-lc.f(UfV\ -tll pY~n..) I\~s oJ-a. d{<)~ \\REA\41972.1-c.4LlCLL to fu ~5~+ Dt {he pole. me {JDle.. wilt .bG l D eo+e d eJ. DS C--r +0 t\\t r f ~ ~ l i I'1e- tv\fu1 ~"6 f e e.t. Ty, fuv"\ a..~ c:,o req ~e sts a..l}Jilve.('" of h\.t Y'e.q~e.-YV\U,-t -to h\.e C{ s\ te P lLlV). " f'"'"'\ 18 McGuireWoods UP Court Square Building 310 Fourth Street N,E., Suite 300 P.O, Box 1288 Charlottesville, VA 22902-1288 Phone: 804,977.2500 Fax: 804.980.2222 ~. www.mcguirewoods.com Valerie W. Long t... A ~UIREWCDDS Direct: 804.977.2545 I Y leU' . ATTACHMENT B vlong@mcguirewoods.com Direct Fax: 804,980.2265 November 30, 2000 E I~ ED VIA FACSIMILE AND MAIL Ms. Joan McDowell Albemarle County Department of Planning & Community Development 401 Mcintire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville 1 VA 22902-4596 U L i.,c. ".', .'. 'j'./:L.'". . Re: SP 00-64 Weber (Triton PCS - CVR 3470) Dear Joan: Pursuant to your request, I am writing to clarify some changes to our application for SP 00-64 Weber (Triton PCS - CVR 3470), The changes ,are reflected in the plans that were hand delivered to you on November 28, 2000, which are the most current. ~i As you know, the property owner requested that we relocate the lease area to the location shown on the current plans. When we relocated the pole to the new lease area we adjusted the height of the pole to account for the difference in the heights of the trees within the 25-foot radius, As you can see on the current plans, the tallest tree within 25 feet of the centerline of the proposed pole is 84 feet tall. With that in mind, we now request a pole height that is 10 feet above the tallest tree, which corresponds to a 94-foot pole. In addition, we have also amended our application to request a pole made of steel rather than wood, The steel pole would be painted a flat, dark brown color that would match that used for the equipment cabinet and panel antennas, Steel poles are much easier to obtain, transport and construct than a wooden pole, as steel poles can be transported and assembled in multiple pieces, It is my understanding that when painted dark brown, the steel poles are nearly identical in appearance to the wooden ones. Now that the plans have been revised I would appreciate the opportunity to schedule a balloon test at this property with you, Perhaps we could conduct a test here on Thursday, December 14th, just after the test we already have scheduled for that morning at the Howell property. If this date does not work with your schedule I am happy to meet you another day. Please contact me to confirm the date you would prefer. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 977-2545 should have any questions regarding the application or require any additional information to conduct your review. I appreciate your assistance. f'l Very truly yours, U~W,~~ ValerieW. Long u., (5 VWUhll 19 TritonPCS ATTACHMENT C CANDIDA Tt:NAME: :.',. " .u IJIlAIilNGs AHO WRII1Dl 1IAitw.L. COIlAINm HERE>>lAR[ THEI!ROPERlY Of' EHllINEIR AHO Il.IY NOT lIE 1ll.fIr,Vm,. USQ)O!IlIISCIllSQ) MlHOUT lit( WllI'fTEII. CON5OO' Of' ~ PROPERTY WEBER I ~YIf~'IS~I~~~~! 1086~K; ROAD. Sl)rrrn!i1. , . . APEX,NC27502 Phone: (919) 3$7-2210 Fax: (919) 367-2220 ~ BEFOIlE. YOU DIG I CALl UTIUTY (()CAnON SERVICES. irS THE lAW I t,l1SS lmLnY 1-800-552-7001 SITE NAME: GILLUMS MOUNTAIN SITE #: CVR- 3470 INTERSECTION OF 1- 64 AND S.R.708 CHARLOTTESVILLE; VA 22903 ALBEMARLE COUNTY Triton AiCS lJNMANN3>WFU ESS COMMlNCA TION.' SITE 94' STEElMONI :J()LE PAMEDBROWN 1O'x12'CONCRE1 'DAD .WI . E;QlIPMENT .. ~RAD -9Z ZONHG DRAWl SCCS-S ) ~ ~. .., /1 ~ ~ t .:s ~ II ~I r <> ~, DRA'MIBY: .., . ,CHS CHECKED iM '. bf'S CNlIlIDATE IW/[/SIlE NAllt WEBER PRQPERTY GILLUMS MOUNTAIN SIlt NUU8[R CVR-347D SITE ADDRESS INTERSECTION OF I-t4 AND S. R.708 . CHARLOTTESVII.~. VA 22903 '~':": _r7- ,.- SHm NlJURFR DESCRrPTiON T-l PROJECT INFORIIATIOtl. IilClNl1YtoW>. SHEET ./HIl[X C-l GENERAL. NOTES '" SPEClFlCAllONS C-2 SITE SURVEY .",.. 0 ~(.~ " . l;j-::-~ ~,,". .S!1E. .~ srrrWAI!, PINI GIWlINO>~ SIn; OO'AlLS. SlIi: DETAI.LS' ."" ~~ ~ CMl .~W1Np . C-3 C-4 C-5 C-8 C-7 .:o~ PROJECT orSCRtPT10N THE PROJECT INCLUDES: INSTAUAlION Of A 10'.12' CONCRETE PAD wI EQUIPMENT INSTAUAllON or A 94'-0" HIGH STEEL MONOPOlE WITH TWO PANEL ANTENNAS (ONE 'PER SECTOR) AND ONE FlJT\)RE ANlEHNNA (ONE PER 'SECTOR) TOTAl HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE NOT TO EXCEro 96'-0" A NEW TElEPIfONE SER'o1CE RUN TO SITE A NEW ElECTRICAl. SElMeE RUN TO SITE NO WATER SUPPlY OR, SEWAGE RUN TO SITE ~vP VICNTY MAP f.CUlll. .EM.1lll. ~ FlOOD ZONE C .eH:W...ill', COMMUtmy PANEL#: 510006 0195 B EFFECT"~ DATE: DECEMOER 16, 1980 .sauw.u: GILWlIS lIOUNTAlN SITE NUMR~1l CVR-347D SITE ADDRESS INTERSECTlON Of' 1-64 AND S.R, 708 CIWllOTTESVlu.E, VA 22903 ~ DAVID WEBER 271 lIAlVERN FARM ROAD CHARLOTTESVlUE. VA 22903 (804) 971-9668 lEI.EfI:IgIJt SPRINT 2211 HYDRAULIC ROAD CHARlOTTESVlUE. VA 22901 t~\ ~~NOOEPT, .fQWEB VIRGINIA ElECTRIC POWER co. (VEPCO) 1719 HYORAUUC ROAD CHARlOlTESVlUE. VA 22901 AlTN: KAREN ROOGERS (804) 072-8794 GENFRAI INFORMATION LATI1UDE - 38"01 '52.838' LONGIlUDE - 78'38'08.984" El.EVATION - 695,6' ~ lRlTON PCS 9Ul AR80RElUM PARKWAY RICHIIOND, VA 23236 (804) 323-9500 (804) 323-4058 FIoX ;':--l (\H: ~ ~OMl\hUN SITE DIRECTIONS' FROIot COUNTY OFFICE. TAKE 29 SOUTH TO INTERSTATE 84. TIoXE INTERSTATE 64. WEST TO EXIT 114, ~CH IS SR 637, TURN lEFT ONTO S.R, 637 WHICH IS DICK WOODS ROAD. FOllOW FOR APPROXIMATElY 2 MIlES TO S.R. 708. TURN RIGHT ONTO S.R. 708. CRY BRIlGE ROAD. SiTE IS ON THE RIGHT ON AElD JUST BEFORE INTERSTATE 64 BYPASS. 310 ZONING ClA<;SJnl'.ATION RA ZONING JURISIllCTlON AlBElIARLE COUNTY PARC[l NtJ~Af'R TIoX lI.IP 73, PARCEl. DEED BOOK '" PAGE . I PRO.JECr _ CONSIRUC:I1ON _ - Ol'[RATlllNS _ _ DIREC10R _ I APPROIIFD ft( MTE lNOlWNEIl: lNIllOWNER N>PRCNN. MTE '--. ---.. J ~ o2wirMss $oIuUons 1015 AVIATION PKWY. STE 700 MORRISVlUE. NC 27560 (919) 489-9426 FIoX (919) 489-9967 .slIIM:tOII lIAlZER ASSOCIATES 1208 CORPORATE CIRCLE ROANOKE. VA 24018 JOHN IolcCAOEN (540) 772-9580 floX (540) 7n-8050 ~ o2wireleaa Solutions 1015 AVIATION PKWY, STE 700 lIOIlRlSVIUE. NC 27560 (919) 489-9428 FIoX (919) 469-9967 GEQTfCWNIC'.A.I FROEHUNG '" ROBERTSON, INC. 1734 SEIREI. ORI'IE. N.r. ROANOKE. VA 24012 (540) 3#-7939 fAX (540) 344-3657 CONSUl. T ANT TEAM j I j ( I PROPE Y UI.. AT NUlIBER . rllon ....\.I~ 1RITOH PCS 8211 ARIlORETUt.I P_Y 1llClillOND, VA 23230 lllO4l 323-8llOO llO4 323-4058 FAX 13. PR<MDE SlED. REINFORCING AT HINGES IN HOI.LOW WETAI. lHTS TO BE 7 GAGE x 10 1/2" x Wllllli REQUIR[J). 14. PR<MDE HllUOW lolETA!. llOORS Of' lIiE TYPfS HllCATED ON lHE DRAWINGS ANO ~\1NC WIllI SOl-I00 -... IIATERlALS AIm CONSl1lUCTlON REQUIREIIENTS. 15, PRO\IlOE HOllOW 1olETAI. F1lAIlES Of' tHE TYPfS AND S1)'US NlICATED OH THE DRAWINGS AIm ~\1NC WIllI SOl 100, PROWl[ 11 GAGE f1IAMES AT INmlIOR lOCATlONS. NOTE: DOOfl SIW.l. BE llPERAIllE FOR EXITING FROW lHE INSIlE WI1HOUT lIiE USE Of' A KEY OR Nff 01HER SPECW.. OEVICE. ) AU. DfWlIHGS NIl llIIl1EH ll\lEllIII. COHr.\ID HEREIN ARE THE I'ROPERIY Of' ENGINEER /HI w.y NOT BE lU'UOOED. USfD CIII 0ISaDSIlI WIlHOOT nt: _ OONSENT. Of' ENGlNEEJl Owl..l... SolutiO" 1088 ClASSIC ROAD SUm; 101 APEX. NC 27502 Phone: (911l) 367-2210 Fax: (919) 367-2220 RElEASE DolT[ &/2/00 ISSUED FOR _ 10/11/00 ISSUED filii _ 11/18/00 /SSW) filii _ 11/22/00 CllOllN tOIIlENlS CIWlCE TO srm lIl>><<lPtU , ) ~ IllS llRAlIING IS ClFIRICHml NIl IS 1l€ sou: PROPERlY Of' .THE 0WNIlI. IT IS I'ROIJU(;[D. SUflY RlR USE BY IIEQIIIII/HIIIS_ltli. AfI'ROOUCTIOII CIII USE IF !ItS ~ NIl~ lIE 1Nf0Rll011VN CONI'MG IN illS fliIlBIIIOOl lIIIIIJUIlIE lRI'1DI !'[IIISSION IF lIE _ 0IlAWN Erf: CHS CHECKED Erf: DfS' -T[H.ilIr,tsIIE- I WEBER PROPERTY GILLUMS MOUNTAIN SlIt IAAl8EJl I CVR-347D SITE ADDRESS r INTERSECTION OF 1-64 AND S.H. 708 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 SHEET mu: GENERAL NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS 1. CONCflETE BLOCKS: A. STANDNlD BLOCK SHAlL BE lHE SIZE INDICATED ON lIiE DIWIINGS, UGIfT GRAY OR NfUTIlAI. COlOR. AND SlW..I. CONFORI.t TO THE REQUREIlENTS OF ASTIl C 110, lYPE 1. GRADE N, UGHIWEICHT lYPE WI1H ElCPAND SlAG AGGREGATE. 2. IlORTAR: A All IlORTAR FOR CONCRETE BlOCKS SHAll. CONFORI.t TO ASTlI C 270, lYPE S AND SIW.l. HA'JE A COIIPRESSl'JE STRENGTH Of 3000 PSI IN 28 DAYS. 3. WIRE REINFORCING IN BED JOINTS: A. TRUSS lVPE RElNfORCD.lEllT SHAlL BE OUR-o-WAlL. OR EQUAL FABRICATED WIllI A SINGlE PAIR Of' SlOE AND CONTINUOUS IlWlONAL CROSS-RODS SPACED NOT IIORE THAN II' ON CENTER. WIRE IN FABRICATION SIW.l. BE GALVANIZED ACCORDING TO ASTIl 118, ClASS 3, SIDE RODS SHAll. BE 9 GAGE 3/16" IMNIWUII LENGTH SHALl. BE 10'-0' WIllI lIATCHING CORNER AND T[E UNITS. B. SPoICING: 1YPICAl. IN BED JOINTS, AT 11' IIERTICAl. 1H1fllVAL. CT OPENINGS: IBCNE NIlJ C, AT OPENINGS: AB/i:NE AND BElOW EACH OPENING PlACE REINFORCING IN ONE AOllI11OHAI. JOINT TO EXTEND 3'-0' PAST lHE OPENING EACH WAY. SPUCE I.ENGIHS FOR HORIZONTAl. JOINT REINfORCEt,lENT SHALl. BE AT LfAST B' fOR TRUSS NIlJ 1IS' FOR SI1lAIGHT TIPE .. INSTAll. STEEL UN1!lS N1IJVE EACH OPENING. AU CORES WITH GROUT 3 COlJRS[S BElOW UNTIl BEARING. DIVISION 5: STRUCTURAL STEEL-05120 7. wAKkANlr A. IN AOOITION TO THE WNlfW<N ON All. CONSTRUCTION COVERED IN lHE CONTRACT IXlC\JUENTS lHE COHTJW:TOR SHAll. REPAIR All. DAIlAGE ANll REPAIR AREA IW:K AS CLOSE TO 0RlGINAL CONOITlON AS POSSIBLE TO LfAS[ NlEA PftOPfIITY OR SURROUNDING c.wsm BY CONSIRUCTION. B, SOlI. S1EllIUVTKlN N'P\J('.ATION WIll GUNWITEE 'JEGETATION fREE fl(W) AND SITE NlEAS FOR ONE Yt'Nl FROW DATE Of fiNAl. INSPECTION, C.llIST\JRIlED NlEAS WILl REflECT GROWTH Of NEW GRASS COVER PRIOR TO fiNAL INSPECTION. D.l.ANOSCAPlNG, If' INClUDED _ TK: SCOPE Of' lHE CONTRACT, WIll BE IltlARAHTEED FOR ON( Yt'Nl FROW DATE OF fINAL INSPECTION, OUAUIY ASSURANCE: COIIPI. Y WIllI PROVISIONS OF lHE fOLlOWING COllES, SPECIf1CATIONS AND STANDARDS. EXCEPT WHERE WORE STRING€NT REOOI/lEIlENTS ARE SHOWN OR SPECIFIED: A AISC "COOE Of STANIlARll PRACTICE", B. AISC "SPECIfICATION fOR STRUCTlJRAL STEEL BUIlDINGS - All.OW~ STRESS DESIGN AND PlASTlC DESIGN', INClUDING THE "COIII.IENTARY" NIlJ SUPPlfIlENTS. C. AllERICAN WELDING SOCIETY (AWS) 01.1-92. 'S'l1lU<:TURAl. WEI.JlING COIlE - STEEl..' ~TERtALS: A. STRUCTURAL STEEL PlATES, SHAPES AND IlNlS: ASTlI A 38. e. HIGH STRENGTH THREADED fASTENERS: ASTlI A 32S. C. EllCTRODES fOR WELDING: E70XX, D, All. STRUCTlJRAl. STEfl. SHAll. BE GALVANIZED IN ACCORlWlCE WIllI ASTlI A H13, E. COlENT GROUT: EIIBECO Erf lIASTEA BUILDERS Of AN N>PR<MD EQUAl. F. NON-IlETALUC, SHRIHKAGE-RESISTNlT, ..000 PSI ~ STllENGTH GIlOUT, PRlMDE ONE Of lHE fOl.1.OWlNG OR AN N'PROVED EQIIAL: 1. EUCO N.S, BY EUCUO CHEIIICAL CO. 2. WSTERf'LOW 713 BY lIASTEA BUILDERS 1, 2, SEALANTS AND CAULKING-07900 PROVIDE JOINT SEALERS, JOINT FllllRS AND OTHER RElATED IIATERtALS THAT ARE COIIPATIBLE WIlH ONE ~\'CTHER AND WIllI JOINT SIJBSlRATES UNDER CONDIllOIlS OF SER\IlCE AND APPLICATIONS. I'RO'IIDE COLORS TO IIATCH AllJ.ICENT SURfACES. PR<MIlE BLACK OR OlliER NEUTRAl. COLOR WHEN NO OTHER COLOR IS AVAlWILE. ONE-cDIIPONENT POLYSULflDE BASED, ONE PART EUSTOIIERIC srAlNIT, COIIPI.'nNG WIllI F'S TT-S-0023O,ClA$S A TYPE . (NON-SAG), FOR JOINTS AT PENETRATIONS THROUGH EXTERIOR WAI.l.S. PROViDE COIIPOUND IlENlING THE THIOCOI. CHEII~ CORPORATION SEAl. Of' APPROVAL. PR1MIlE ONE OF THE FOLlOWING OR AN APPROVED EQIIAL: A flEXlSEAI. 900 SERIES i3Y tw'. INC, B. HORNfLEX ONE - COIIPONENT BY W,R. GRACE oil CO. ONE-cDlIPONENT ACRYUC SEAlNIT: ACRYLIC TERPOLYIIER. SOlVENT IIASEll ONE-PART lHERlAOPlASTIC srAlNIT COIIPOUND, SOLIDS NOT LESS THAN 95% ACRYUC, COIIPL'nNG WIllI F'S TT -S-0023O, ClASS B lYPE D. fOR PERIIIETER Of' lolETA!. AND DOOR fRAIIES, lHRESHOLOS AT EXTERIOR DOORS. AND PIPE SUEVES THROUGH EXTERIOR WAlLS NIlJ fUlOR SWlS. PROVIIlE ONE OF lHE fOlLOWING Of' AN N'PRO\IED EQUAl.; A. tw' ACR\1.1C Erf lllP. INC. B. GACO AS-3 Erf GATES ENGlNEERING/SllC OLEO-RESINS CAULKING COIIPOUND: 0lI. IIASEll RESINOUS CAUlKING, COI.IPI.YIHG WIllI F'S TT-C-598, NON-6tEEllING. PAlNT~, fOR ONE Of' lHE FOLlOWING OR AN N'PROVED EQIIAL: A VUlCATEX Erf W.R, GRI\CE '" CO. .. 8 METAL DOORS & 1. PROVIDE DOORS AND fRAlAES COllPL'nNG WIllI STEEL DOOR INSTI11JTE "RECOWNENIlED SPEClFICATIOHS FOR .ST'NIlAROS STEEl DOOR AND fRAlAES' (SIll 100), AND AS HEREIN SPECFlED. 2. SUIllMT SHOP DRAWlNOS FOR THE FABRICATION AND ERECTION Of HOLlOW 1olETAI. DOORS AND fRAWES. INClUDE DETAILS Of EACH fRAWE TYPE, ElEVATIONS Of' DOOR DESIGN TYPES. CONDITIONS AT OPENINI.'S, DETAILS Of CONSTRUCTlON, LOCATION AND INSTAUATlON REQUIREIoIENTS Of' fiNISH HAROWARE AND RflNFllRCaIENT, AND DETAILS Of JOINT COHNECTlONS. SHOW ANCHORAGE ANO ACCESSORY 1TEIolS, 3. WHERE fiRE-RATED DOOR ASSEWBUES ARE INDlCAltD OR REOVtRED, PROIIlDE fiRE-RATED DOOR AND fRAWE ASSOlBUES THAT COIIPl.Y WIllI NfPA 80 "STANIIARO fOR fIRE DOORS AND WINDOWS", AND HA'JE BEEN TESTED, USTED ANO lABELED IN ACCORlWlCE WITH ASTlI E 152 "STANDNlD IIETHODS Of fiRE TESTS Of DOOR ASSEIABUES' Erf A N.\T1ONAI.J.Y RECOGNIZED JNllEPENDENT TESTING AND INSPECTION AGENCY ACCEPTAIIlE TO A1JTHORmES HAIlING JURISDICTION. .. HOT -ROLLEO STEEL SHEETS AND STRIP: COMIIERCIAI. QUALITY CNlIlON STEEL. PICKLED AND OILEO, COMPLYING WITH ASTM A 569 AND ASTlI A 568. 5. COlD-ROLLED STEEL SHEETS: COIIIIERClAl. 0UAI.I1Y CARBON STEEL. COIIPLYlNG WITH ASTW A 368 AND ASTlI A 56B. 6. SUPPORTS ANO ANCHORS: fABRICATE Of NOT LESS THAN 18 GAGE SHEET STEEL., 7. INSERTS, BOlTS AND FASTENERS: IAANUFACTURE'S STANDNlD UNITS COIIPI.YIHG WIllI ASTlI A 153, ClASS CORD AS APPlJCAIll.E. . 8. SHOP-APPPLIED PAINT: fOR STEEL SURFACES USE RUST -INHlIllTlVE ENN.IEl. OR PAINT, EITHER AIR-DRYING OR BAKING, SUITAllU: I>S A BASE FOR SPECIfiED f1NtSH PAINTS. 9, fABRICATE HOLlOW urT>.L UNITS TO BE RIGID, NfAT IN APPEARANCE ANll fREE FROW DEFECTS, WARP OR BUCKLE. WHEREVER PRACT1CAL m ANll ASSEIABU: UNITS IN lHE IlANUf'ACTURER'S PLANT, WELD EXPOSED JOINTS CONTINUOUSLY, GRJNll AND IlAKE SIIOOlIi, FlUSH AND 11MSIBl.E. WETAl..UC fILLER TO CONCEIL IlANUf'ACTURING DEFErn IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. 10.COIIPLY WITH SDI-100 REQUlREWENTS I>S FOlLOWS: INTERIOR DOORS SHAlL BE SIlI-l00, GRADE . , HEAVY OOTY, 1IOOEl. I, MINIWUW 18 GAGE FACES. ~~ -.----- -.-.-- -- --------- FRAMES-08110 DIVISION PART 2 IlOlOl.lTlON IlEIIOI1TION SIW..L BE CONTROLLED TO PREVENT THE SPREAD Of OUST TO OCCUPIED PORTIONS OR TK: BUILDING. EXIST1HG WORK TO REIIAIN SHAll. BE PROTECTED fROII DAIlAGE. WORK DAllAGED Erf CONTRACTOR SHAlL BE REPAIRED TO IIATCH EXISTING WORK. AT lHE END Of' EACH WORK DAY AND DURING INClEIIENT WEATHER, CLOSE All. EXTERIOR OPENN:S WIllI WEATHERPROOF COVER. ROlOVE DEBRtS AND RUBBISH fROII lHE SITE ONLY, 00 NOT ALLOW DEBRIS AND RUBIIISH TO ACCUIIIA.ATE IN BUILDING OR ON SITE. fOR fUlOR AND WALL PENETRATIONS: A. COIITIlACTOR IlUST &..OCATE REINfORcING lIARS IN ElUSTING fUlOR SlABS USING A RWABLE NON-1lEST1IIJCT1VE TESTING WETHOD N'PROVED Erf THE OWNER. CORE ORU AS NECESSAIl'! TO All.OW CABLE PENETRATION WITHOUT Cl1T11NG EXISTING REINfORC1NG lIARS. B. fill OPENING AFTER CABLE INSTAUATION WITH INSTA-FOAIoI'S INSTA-FlRE SEAl. SllACOHE .RTV FOAII. PART 3 PRODUCTS lIATERIAI.S ~. SOl. STERlUZERS TOTAl. KILL PROllUCT 910 - EPA 10292-7 AMBUSH HERBICIDE - EPA REGISTERED _ CORPORATION FRAIIAR INOUSTRIAI. PROIlUCTS P.O. BOX 5123 1-435 t./ORRlS A'JE, llEARllORN, III 018128 m 313 583-8000 UNION, NJ 07083 m 800 521-~2' B. fl(W) AND SITE ~TERIALS SHALL CONfORII TO VA DOT fl(W) NIl) SPEClflCATIONS JAN. 1994 WHEN REnRENCED TO FU. lIATERIAI. - ACCEPT~ SElECT AU SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH VA DOT IlEPARTIIENT OF PUBLIC TlWlSPORTAT1ON STANDNlD SPECIfiCATION. C, SOl. STERIUZEll SHAll. BE EPA REGISTERED Of' UQUID COIIPIlSITION AND Of' PRE E\IEIlGENCE DESIGN, 0, SOlI. STAlllUZER fAllRlC SHAll. BE lIIRAf1 - SOOX EQUIPI.IENT A. COIIPACTlON SHALl. BE ACCOIIPI.JSHEO Erf IlECHAN~ IAfNlS. 1. lAAGER NlEAS SIW.l. BE COIIPACTED Erf SHEIPS FOOT _TOR OR RUBBER 11REO ROllERS WEIGHING AT LEAST I'M: TONS, 2. SMAU.fR AREAS SHAlL BE COIIPACTED Erf POWER-OllMJl. HAND HElD TAMPERS, PART . EXECUTION INSPECIlONS LOCAl. BUILOING INSPECTORS SHALL BE NOTIfiED NO LESS THAN 48 HOURS IN N:NANCE Of' CONCRETE POuIlS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIfiED Erf OWNER OR LOCAl JURISOICT1ON. PREPARATION A. CLENl TREES, BRUSH AND DEBRIS .fROll SITE AREAS ANll ACCESS ROAD RIGHT Of WAY AS DIRECTED Erf PROJECT IIANAGER. a,PRlOR TO OTHER EXCAVATION AND CONSTR\JCIION E/TORTS GRUB ORGANIC lIATERIAL TO A lAlNllllAI Of' SIX (I) INCHES BELOW ORIGINAL GIlOUND LEVEl.. C. UNLESS OlHERWlSE INSTRUCTED Erf PROJECT IolANAGER lTWlSPORT ALl REWOVED TREE. BRUSH AND DEBRtS FROII lHE PROPERTY TO AN AlITHORIZED lANllf1Ll.. D,PRIOR 10 PlACEIIENT Of fill OR BASE lIATERtALS, ROll. THE SOIL. E, WHERE UNSTAllLE SIlIL CONDITIONS ARE ENCOUNTERED, UNE Of' lHE GRUBBED AREAS WIllI STAllIUZER ~T PRIOR 10 PlACEIIENT Of FlLl OR BASE IIATERIAI.. INSTAUATION A lHE SITE AND TURNAROUND AREAS SHALl. BE AT lIiE SUB-BASE COURSE EU.VATION PRIOR TO FORI.tING FOUNDATIONS. GRADE OR fill lHE SITE AND ACCESS fl(W) REQUIRED IN ORDER THAT UPON E\'EH DISlRIIlUI10N Of SPOILS RESUlTING FROII fOUNDATION EXCAVATIONS. THE RESULTtlG GRADE WIll CORRESPOIIl WITH SAID SUB-BASE COURSE, EUVATIONS ARE TO BE CAI..ClI.ATED fROII fiNISHED GRADES OR SlOPES INDlCAT[D, B,If' /lH'f, EXCESS SPOILS WIll BE CLEARED FROIot JOB SITE AND NOT SPREAD BE'fOND lHE UlllTS OF lEASE PROPERTY UNlESS AUTHORIZE Erf PROJECT IIANAGER / AS AGREEMENT Erf WlOOWNER. C, lHE ACCESS fl(W) SHALL BE BROUGtIT 10 BASE COURSE EUVATlON PRIOR TO f'OUNllATlON CONSTRucr1ON TO PERIIIT USE. COMPIICTION AND OBSERVATION DURING COHSTRUCllOH Of' lHE SITE. D. AYOIO CREATING DEPRESSIONS WHERE WATER ~Y POND. E. lHE CONTRACT SHALL BE ASSUllED TO INCLUDE GRADING BANKING, DITCHING NIlJ UNLESS OTHERwISE INOJCATED, CO'VERING TWO INCHES Of' SURFACE COURSE. All. RO.ODS OR ROlIIES UTllIZED fOR ACCESS TO lHE SITE COIIIIENCING AT lHE POINT Of' IHTERSEcnoN WITH lHE NEAREST PUBLJC lHOROUGHFARE. F, WHEN I\IPRO\IING AN EXISI1NG ACCESS R<Wl, GRADE THE EXISTING fl(W) TO REII<M: Nff ORGANIC ~TTER AND SIIOOTH lIiE SURfACE BEfORE PlACING FU. OR STONE. G, PlACE FILL OR STONE IN SIX INCH lIAXlWIJII AND COMPACT BEFORE PlACING. NEXT UfT. H. THE fiNISH GRAOE, INCLUDING TOP SURfACE COURSE, SHAI..1. EXT<ND A IIINI_ Of ONE FOOT IlE'tONO lHE SITE fENCE AND SHALL CCNER lHE AREA AS INDICATED. I, RlPRAP SHALl. BE APPLIED TO lHE SIDE SLOPES Of' All. f'ENCEIl SITE NlEAS, PARKING AREAS, NIl) TO All. OlHER SLOPES GREATER THAN 2:1. J. RlPRAP SHALl. BE APPUED TO THE SlOES Of DITCHES OR IlRAINAGE SWALES. K. RIPRAP ENTIRE DITCH fOR SIX fEET IN All. DIRECTIONS AT CUlVERT OPENINGS, L SEED fERTlUZER AND STRAW COlIER SHALl. BE APPUED TO All. OlliER DISTURBED AREAS. ANO DITCHES. DRAINAGE. SWAlES, NOT OlHERWISE RlPRAPPED. . 101, UNDER NO ClRCUWSTANCES WIll DITCHES, SWAlES, NOR CUL"fRTS BE PlACEO SO THEY DIRECT WATER TOWARDS, OR PERIIIT STANOING WATER IIMlEDIAmy AllJ.ICENT TO RAILROAD 1lALl.AST. IF DESIGNS OR ElEVATIONS CONfUCT WIllI THIS GlJIllANCE Al.VAR SHOULO BE AlMSED _EDlAmy. N. IN DITCH LIES WIllI SlOPES GREATER THAN TEN PERCENT, llOUNO OM:RSIOtWIY HfADWAUS IN lHE DITCH AT CUL'JERT ENTRANCES. lHE HEADWAU. SHAlL BE POSITIONED AT AN ANGLE NO GREATER THAN 80 DEGREES OFF lHE DITCH LINE, R1PRAP THE lJPSTREAIA SlOE Of' lHE HEADWAll. AS WEll AS lHE DITCH fOR SIX fEET _ lHE CUL'JERT ENTRANcE. 1. 2- 3. 4. S. 1. 2. 1. 2. DIVISION 7 1. 2, 3. 3, GENERAL NOTES 1. DIlAWlNGS ARE NOT TO BE SClUD. THESE PlANS ARE. INTI iI1C ONLY. lHE WORK INDlCAlEO ON lHE DRAMNGS SHAll. INCl 1lS, EQUIP\IEHT AND APPlJRTENANCES. AND lABOR NEC[SSAR'( 'IERI'Y All. EQUIPMENT lOCATIONS WITH PROJECT _ 2. PRIOR TO SUBWITT1NG A BID, TK: CONTRACTOR SHAll. VISIT OWE fAlolIUAR WIlH All. CONDITIONS AFFECTING lHE PROPOSED F OUTION, IlECIWlICAI. AND EllCTRICAI. INSTALlATIONS AND SHAll. N)J 3, CONTRACTOR SHAll. 'JERlfY All. fIElll CONDlTlONS NIlJ 0lI0II IE AND CONfIRu THAT WORK AS INDICATED ON lIiE CONSTRUC KNOWN I>S CONSTRUcTION PlANS) eN! BE ACCOIIPUSHED AS SHCWI .- NOTIfY PROJECT IlANAGER Of' N('( lIAJOR DlSCREPANCV REe DOCUIIENTS, EXIST1NG CONDlTlONS. NIlJ OR DESIGN INIENT. . BE RESPONSIBlE FOR OBTAINING THIS Cl.NlIf1CATION PRIOR TO WORK OR RflATED WORt< IN 0UESTl0N. 5.INSTAll. All. EQUlAjEHT NlO lIATERlALS PER 1&ANUf'ACTURER'S RECOIIIIENDATIONS UNlESS SPEC/fICAU.Y OTHERWISE INDICATED, OR WHERE LOCAl. COOES OR REGUlATIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALl. VISIT JOB SITE TO REVIEW SCOPE Of WORJ( AND EXlST1HG SITE CONDITIONS INCLUDING, BVl' NOT UUITEO TO, IIECHANICAI. SERVICE. ELECTRICAl.. SEIMCE ANO O\IERAL.L COORllCHATION. 7. All. TREPHONE/RADIO EOUtPIlEHT lAYOUT, SPECIf1CATIONS. PERRlAlolANCE. INSTALlATION ANO lHEIR f1NAI. LOCATION ARE TO BE N'PRO\IED 'BY PROJEC1' IIA/WlER. THE CONTRACTOI SHAll. BE RESPONSIBLE fOR COORIlINATING HIS _ WI1If THE \IIORK AND Cl..EARANCE REQUIRED Erf 01HDlS RElATED 10 SAID EOUtPIlEHT, 8. All. WORK PEIIF'ORuED NIlJ ~TERW.S SHAll. MEET THE HIGHEST TRADE STANllAROS. AS A IIIN1l11J\1 STANDARD, CONf'ORW WI1H AU. N'P1.JCAIIU: CODES. REGUlATIONS NlO 0RIlIIWICE HAVING JURISOICI1ON. CONTRACTOR SHALl GIVE All. NOTICES AND COIIPlY WI1H All. lAWS, ORDINANCES, RULES, REGUlATIONS AND lAWFUl. ORDERs 01' Nff PUIIUC AIIlHORIIY BEARING ON lHE PERFORIIANCE Of' THE WORK. 8. ElECTRlCAl. ST'STEUS SHAlL BE INSTAUED PER H,E.C. NIl) IN ACCORtW<<:( WITH All. N'P1.JCAIIU: UTIJTY COIIPNff SPECIf1CATIONS. AND LOCAl. NIlJ STATE JlJIIlSl)(C'Il( CODES, OROlNANCES NIlJ N'I'lJCA8lE REGULATIONS. 10.CONlRACTOR SHALl. PROIIlDE CONllNUOUS SUl'ERVISlON ~ /lH'f SUBCONlRACTllRS OR WORKIIEN ARE ON lHE JOB SITE ANO SHALl. SUPERIIISE NIlJ llIRECT All. WORK. CONTRACTOR SHALl. BE SOUJ.Y RESPOHSIBLE fOR All. CONSTRuCT1ON IIENlS. IIETHOOS, TECHNIQUES, SEGlJENCES NlO PROCEDURES AND COORIlINATING AU. PORIlONS OF THE WORK UNDER lHE CONTRACT. 11, PROVIDE A PORTAllU: FIRE EXT1NGUISHER WITH A RATING Of NOT USS THAN 2-10. OR 2-A'OlIC WllHlN 75 fEET TRA\IEl DISTANCE TO ALl PORIlONS Of' TK: PROJECT AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION, 12. ALL CONSTRUcnoN SHALl. BE IN ACCORDANCE WIllI UNlf'0RII IIUIl.DING COIlE (UllC) lIIi6 EDITION, ALONG WIllI 1 Q9B UPC, UIIC. AND lHE 1_ NEe. 13. CONTRACTOR SHALl. PROTECT All. EXISTING FlNISHES THAT ARE TO REIIAIN, CONTRACTOR SHALl. REPAIR Nff DAIIAGE THAT IIAY OCCUR DURING CONSllI\JCTlON. H. SEAl. All. PENETRATIONS lHROUGH fIRE RATED AREAS WIllI UJ.. LISTED OR F.IL N'PROVED lIATERIAI.S. 15. DETAILS AND SCHElIATJCS ARE TO PROPOSE TO SHOW END RESULT Of lHE DESIGN. IllNOR \ IIODlflCATIONS IIAY IlEEII TO BE NECESSARY TO SUIT JOB CONDITIONS AND IlII1ENSIONS. SUCH loKlOIflCATIONS SHALl. BE INCl..UOEI) AS PART Of' lHE WORK. 18, VERIfY All. FINAL EQUIPllENT &..OCATIONS WITH OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. 17. DlWENSIONS ARE TO FINISH SURfACES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 18, CLEANUP NlO SAfElY: I<EEP PROJECT AREA CLEAN, HAZARD fTlEE. AND DISPOSE Of' All. DIRT. DEBRIS, RUBBISH NlO. EOUIPIoIENT REJ.lO\IED AND NOT SPECIFIED AS REllNHING TK: PROPERTY Of' THE OWNER. ETC. LEAlIE PRDlISES IN A VACOOIl AND IlROOIo1 CLEAN CONDITION: fREE FROW PAINT SPOTS, OUST. OR SIIUllGES Of' Nff NATURE. TK: CONTRACTOR SHALl. BE RESPIlHSIIlU: fOR IlAlNTAINING All. SYSTEJ.tS EOUIPIIENT IN A CLEAN WORI<ING ORDER UNTIl ACCEPTANCE Of' lHE PROJECT Erf PROJECT IIANAGER. 19. lHE GENERAL CONlRACTOR IS RESPOIlSIIILE FOR REIlUNING lHE CONSTRUCTION PlANS TO illUSTRATE THE AS-BUllT CONDITION Of' THE SITE, THIS WILl BE DONE AfTER lHE SITE HAS BEEN AWARIlEO lIiE FINAl. INSPECTION. TWO (2) COPIES Of REOUtlED DRAWINGS WILl BE PRO\/lDED TO PROJECT IIANAGER AND THE ENGINEER, (1 EACH) - DIVISION 2: SITE WORK-02100 CONCRETE WORKS-03310 1. OUAUIY ASSURANCE: COIIPLY WIlH PROVISIONS Of THE fOLLOWING CODES, SPECIf1CATIONS AND STANDAROS, EXCEPT WHERE WORE STRINGENT REQUIREIIENTS ARE SHOWN OR SPECIfiED: A ACI 301-llll "SPECIfICATION fOR STRUCTURAl. CONCRETE FOR IlUILOINGS'. B. Atl 318 "BUILOlNG CODE REQUIREMENTS fOR REINfORCED CONCRETE' (REVISED Ig92' ANll ACl318-llll 'COMIAENTARY" (REVISED 1992l ' C. CONCRETE REINfORCING SlED. INSTITUTE (CRSI ,'llANUAL Of STANDNlD PRACTlCE". 2, REINFORCING lIAT[RIAI.S: A. RIENf'ORClNG:ASTII A 615,GRADE 60 0Ef0RllED. B. WEl.OING WIRE fABRIC:ASTII A 185 WELOED STEEL WIRE fABRIC, C. SUPPORTS FOR RElNfORCEIolENT:BOLSTERS, CHAIRS, SPACERS NIl) OlHER DEVICES fOR SPACING. SUPPORTING AND REINfORCING lIARS IN PlACE, USE WIRE BAR TYPE SUPPORTS COIIPI.'nNG WIllI CRSI SPEClflCATlONS. 3. CONCRETE ~TERW.S: A PORTlAND CElIENT: ASTW C ,:50, lYPE I. B, UGHTWE1GHT AGGREGATES: ASTlI C 330 C. NR-ENTlWNlNG ADIIIXTURE: ASTM C 260 CERT1f1ED Erf lHE liANUFACTURER TO BE COUPATIBlE WITH 0THm RrOUlRrn AnUtVTI JA1:"C:: DIVISION 3 EARTHWORK AND DRAINAGE PART I GENERAL 1, YIORK INCLUOED ,;.. REfER TO lHE lAND OEVEulPWENT PlAN AND SITE PLAN fOR WORK INCLUDED. -2, RllATED WORK A CONSTRUC11OH Of' BUILIlING fOUNDATION B, INSTAllATION Of UT1UTY '" GIlOUHIlING SYSTOl C, ERECTION Of' fENCE 3, DESCRIPTIONS A. ACCESS fl(W), TURNAROuND AREAS, AND SITES ARE CONSTRUCTED TO PROVIOE A WEll ORAINED, EASILY IIAINTAlNED, E'tEN SURfACE fOR IIATERlAI. ANO EQUlPWENT IlElJ\iERIES AND l/AINTENANCE PERSONNEL ACCESS. ., 0UAU1Y ASSURANCE A. APPLY SOlI. STERlUZEll IN ACCORDAHCE WITH IAANUFAClIJRER'S RECOIIIIENDATION (USE AS NEEDED), B. GRASS SEEDs SHALL BE APPUED AND lIAlNTAlNED AS RECOIIIlENDED Erf TK: SEED PROOUCER (If' REQUIRED). C, VEGETATION lANDSCAPING, If' INCLUDED WITHIN lHE CONTRACT, WIll BE PlACED ANO lIAlNTAlNED AS RECOIIIIENDEO Erf HIJRSERY INDUSTRY STNlDAROS (If' REQUIRED). 5. SEQUENCING A CONflRIA SURVEY STAKES AND SET ElEVATIONS PRIOR TO Nff CONSTRUCTION B. lHE COWPLETE R<Wl AND SITE AREA WIll BE GRUBBED PRIOR TO FOUNDATION CONSTRVcTION Of PlACEII(HT Of' IIACK fiLL OR SUB-BASE 1IATERlAL. C. CONSTRVcT TDlPORARY CONSTRUCTION ZONE ACCESS ORIIIE D. lHE SITE AREA WIll BE BROUGHT TO SUB-BASE COURSE EUVATION AND THE ACCESS fl(W) TO BASE COURSE EUVATlON PRIOR TO FORIoIING fOUNDATION. E. APPLY SOL STERlUZER PRIOR TO PlACING BASE IIATERIALS. F. GRADE, SEED FERTIUZER AND IIULCH DtSTURIlED AREAS I&lEDIATELY AfTER BRtNGING SITE AND ACCESS fl(W) TO BASE COURSE ElEVATION, WATER TO ENSURE GROWTH. G. REII<M: GRAVEL FROW TEIlPORNlY CONSTRUCTION ZONE TO AN AI.ITHORIZE AREA OR AS DIRECTED Erf PROJECT IIA/WlER. H. AFTER COIIPLET1ON Of CONSTRlJC11ON BVl' PRIOR TO lHE FINAl. PUNCH LIST INSPECTION, APPLY THREE (3) INCHES Of 1/' INCH STONE TO All. GRAVELED AREAS (REf'ER TO GRA\IEl PAVEllENT DETAIL), I. NlER APPlICATIONS OF fiNAl. SURfACES, APPLY SDIL STERIlJZER TO lHE STONE SURfACES, I. SUIlIoIITTAl.S A. BEfORE CONSTRUCTION 1. IF lAHOSCAPING IS APPUCAllLE TO THE CONTRACT, TWO COPIES Of' lHE lANOSCAPE PlAN UNI'>f:R NURSFRV II=TJ'I:"RNI:"~ ~... I AW~t'.Dr At I ^"'..........,.. tu..... "",lA" ......... .... .._ U:GM. ll€5ClIIPTION PM(HT TllIlCf IIE~ AT A _ UClNIAoOcT ~ (P.O." '1) ON TH[ EASIVIN _ OF ....Y OF STATE IlOUIt 708; lH(NC( WITH lH( _ OF MY OF STAIt ROuTt 708 1Q7"~'J6"1r 1lO,7t FttT TO A _ UClNIAoOcT I'OUNO: TICNC( 1Q...r>>"Ir 1J4.I~ FttT TO A _ IIONUIIENT I'OUNO: lH(NC( Illr.r'2"1r ~ Ft:tT TO A POINT _ A lItSTERN ~. OF _ OR ~Y IICllIERT fINU:Y PIlOPOI1V, ll€EO 800K IllIO. PllGt 585; lH(NC( ~ $All) _ OF MY AND WITH lH( lINES OF $All) fINU:Y PIlOPOI1V N78'UI'~"t 2tO.00 FttT TO A POINT; lHOICf; S2S'1I'23"t 1114.71 Ft:tT TO A POINT; TICNC( 1II1'>>'28"t 81.21 FttT TO A POINT: TICNC( S3Cl'02'>>"t 321.30 Fttr TO A POINT IIEING THIE SClUIHII[5T ~ OF $All) fINU:Y PIlOPOI1V, $All) POINT Al.SO LOCATED ON TH[ IlOIllICAIl lJN( OF _ OR ~Y - Ilo\VOIPllRT PIlOPOI1V. DEED 800K 1543, PllGt ..t: TICNC( !LII._ $All) fINU:Y PAlIPERIY AND _ lH( lJN( OF $All) 0iW0lI'llRr 514'40' .."Ir J6J.~ Ft:tT TO A POINT _ THIE ~ COllN(R OF $All) OIWENPORr PAlIPERIY, $All) POIllT Al.SO LOCATED ON lH( lIt:STERN _ OF MY OF $All) STATE ROuTt 708; THENC( l.EI\IIIIr. _ 0IWE1lPORT PIlOPOI1V AND - lH( _ OF ....Y OF STATE ROuTt 708 ~'>>'5:I'" 310,07 FttT TO A POINT: TICNC( ~'5:I"Ir 'n,OJ FttT TO A POIIlT; TH[NC( N2I' 1I'>>"Ir 1'2,18 Ft:tT TO A POINT: 1'HOlCE 1IJI"~'04"1r 12$.7. Ft:ET TO A POINT: TH(NCE N28'JJ'Je"lr 278.32 FttT TO A POIIT; THf;NC( 1112'>>'54"t Po\SSIIlG A _ IIONUIlENT f'OUNO IJ Ia.. Ft:tT FOR A TOT..... QlSTANC( OF 40.00 FttT TO lH( POINT OF IIEClHHING. CONT_ 1Cl..)1 M:IlU OF UlNO ..- Rf;CORO AND IIEING SIIIIo\TED IN to/'( UIlCISTE_ 1lISTIlICT, AI.-..: COUNTY. Y1-' u:GM. ll€5ClIIPTION lEA5f: PNICXI. COMIIENCING AT Nt _Y WOICU1IEHT F'CIUNO ON lH( F.\5TEAlY _-OF-....Y OF ORY _ _, ROuTt 7OlI; TICNC( >>...7'32"t 111.oo' oOl.OHG _ _-OF-WAY TO A POINT(P.0,"'3); THf;NC( THROUCH THE LANDS OF _ C. lIt:lIER. DEED llOOIC 82', PllGt 37 5I4'311'5e"t ~ FEET TO Nt _ PIle SET AT THIE TIlUf: POINT OF IIECHlINC(P08 '2): TICNC( - lH( ll(W LINES OF TH[ lEA5f: PNICXI. AND CONTIMlIIlC THROUCH lH( LANDS OF $All) OOMO C. lIt:8ER NIYSII'~I"Ir JO.OO FttT TO "" _ PIN SET: TICNC( N74'01'OlI"t JO.OO FttT TO Nt _ PIN SET: TICNC( SIYSII~I"t JO.OO FttT TO Nt ,_ PIN SET: TH(NC( S74'01'OlI"Ir JO,OO FttT TO THE POINT OF IIEClNMNG CONT-ING too SllIWIf; Ft:ET OF UlNO AND IIEING SITUAItO IN ",., lWlISTERW. 0ISTlIICT. AI.-..: COUNTY. _ ) U:CAl. ll€SCIlIPTION OF _0 2Cr ACaSS\1ITIJ1Y EAS€UENT COUIIENCING AT Nt _Y IoIClNUWENT FOUNO ON lH( F.\5TERlY _-OF-MY OF ORY _ _. ROuTt 7OlI; THENC( S2...r>>"t 11.00' .....ONG $All) _-OF -WAY TO A POINT IJ lH( TRU( POIIlT OF IIECHlINC(P08 '3); THENa: THROUCH TH( LANDS OF 0lM0 C. lIt:lIEll, ll€EO llOOIC 82'. PllGt 37, AND CONTINUIIC - THE CENTElIUlE OF lH( _0 20' ..cas5\UI1UIY tASEllENT N74'01'OI"t >>.51 Ft:tT TO A POIIlT: TICNC( SI~"'~I"t 40.00 FttT TO A POINT: lH(NC( NIS'!llI'~I"Ir 40.00 Ft:tT TO A POIIlT; TH(NC( N74'01'OI"t 40.00 Ft:tT TO A POINT IIEI'IG THE EIIO OF lH( 20' ACCESS\unuN !'ASEIlENT _ A TOTAl. u:NGTH OF 11:U FEET. TI Pr _ .... f'OUNO PS _ .... SET y.o.... ~ 0EPMnIEHT OF~ - - - - IlOCATES lINES THAT ME ..- AECORl)S AND NOT SUR\I[Y[\l ON TH[ ClIOIoWO, IlOCATES SUllVE'lro ~ PNlCEL NOTES: I. OWNER OF AECOAl): OA\IIO C. lIt:lIER 2. U:CAl. AEF'[R[NC(: ll€Eo 800K 82' PllGt OJ7, J. TAX _ 1IUIlIIEA: 73-310 .. PAlIPERIY 1$ ZOHED: RA ~ VERIICAl. llolTUII 1$ NAIIO-ea. a. IIt'NIINCS ME A[F[AEHCEO TO YIIICIlM STAIt c;llIO, 7. COllADlNATES 8ASEO ON ~ STAIt GRID. SCVTIf ZONE. I. AU.!'ASEIIENTS OF Rf;CORO IIHICH lIt:AE PRCNIlll:o TO SURvE'lOR ME SHOWN _ON. 110 mu: REJlOlT WAS FURNISHED TO SUIIVEYOR AND THlEAE IMY lIE ~S ON SUR\I[Y[\l PAlIPERTY NOT SHOWN H[ll[ON. I. I.OCAl. POlIER COIIPANY: VII POIIER co. PHONE 1IIlI-8e7-JOOO. 10. LOCAl. TEI.EPHONE COIIP.wt: $PRINT fIttON[ 540-228-8101. 11. CALl. YISS IITIJ1Y AT l-lIOO-~-7001 BEFORE COUIIENCING CONSTRuCTION. 12. PIlOPOI1V 1$ LOCATED IN F.LII..... n.ooo ZONE "eo AS PER FlOllll _ _ A COIIIIUNI1Y-PNtEL NU_R. or ~I_ OllIS 8 - Nt [l'l'[CTIV[ llollt OF ll€CEUlER II. 1-' $UR\I[Y SHOwING _ ..- AECORl)S IE PMTW. $UR\I[Y f'OR ~ NIUo NIO ACCESS _ s:.l C'JR 347 "D" sm: 0 WE8ER PROPERIT Sll\.WEo ON THIE __.-I ,../ \ \ \ \ ,\ \,~",\ ~'l>. ~~ , y~~ .ct' ROOC:(';,NLEY D.O. 1890 PG. 585 TAX / 7J-JIC ZONCO: RA ~ ~l\ '::.~ 'fl., \ \ \ ~\ ~- \ , POLE , _8e'~"t~ \ "1~.. ",,1.. .~. ~,,2~:~'. "~~, j .':<"?~~::'\:~;'; , "",..,?X-. \~1~\7' \~?~~}\1{{ijrtt-~ \ ~.tJ""".'" '-. .,",' ....~1ITIJ1Y POLE ~ ~:~i~.. - ~ - \{;.u!!\:,.......-._" \ ~~~~\ \ "'~\ \ l' ~ ~'1 ~. . D.8. 124. PG. 37 ~. ... &. 1D.31 ACRES ~ , ;~\.,;;; 7H1D 'X~~ . . \ L~ " ~~ ~ ~~\"'. ~~ t ~~~ \ \~ I." _'Sao ) UN( TA8U: IlUII8tRI/lIAECTION '"']!lI$TAIltt \ ) TritonPCS 1RITOH I'CS 8211 AR8ORE'IUII p_y RICHIIOHO. w. 2.323S (8041 32.l--8500 (804 32J--4Ol5a fAX All. llRAIll<<:S .IN) MllTmt IMIDlIIL CClHlMO HEREIN ARE THE PllOPEflT'( Of EHGII&R /If) lMY NlJI' lIE .0lfll00tD.. usm IIllllSa.lll5lD 'MlHOUT !HE WRITTEN CONSelT. Of. 0lGIUIt o"eleSS SolutiO.' 108Cl CUiSSlC ~ SOlTE10f APeX. NO 27502' . Phone: (919) 367.2210 Fax: (919)367-2220 ISSUED fOR RI.W.W ISSUED fOR ZONIlG ISSIE) fOIi RI.W.W CROWN coiIuoos ClWlGE TO SIEB. 1lONQf'W;.1 ) 1IIS DRAWlG IS COf'YRlGlt1[I) NIl IS IHE sou: PROPERlY OF !HE OWNER. If IS PllOOUC(D SWl. Y fOR USE ",. IHE UllNDl/lf).1IS IIFI.M:$.. RmlOlllJClitW OR USE OF 1IIS DlloWNl/lf)/lIl IHE 1Nf0RllA1IOII CONI~ IN II IS FOR8IlIlOI WIIltOUl IHE WIIII1DI PaIIlISSIllH OF IHE 0IIIIll CHS' DFS RElEASE MlE ej2/00 10/11/00 ~ 11/22/00 DRAWN f1(; CHECKED f1(: CAIIlIlo\1t tw.E/SIIE IlIiL WEBER PROPERTY GILLUMS MOUNTAIN SlJ[ NUllIlER CVR-347D SITE ADDRESS INTERSEcnONOF J.64 AND S.R. 708 CHARLOTTESVlLl.E, VA 22903 SHEET I1TLE SITE PLAN /~..", ././., ../"~" /' #../'" N/F ARTHUR DAVCNPOKT D.s. 1tuJ PG. tu9 1;4X , 7J-J1A ZONED: Ro4 lAND USE: VAOWT N/F ROBE1fT F1NtEY 0.8. 1890 PG. $85 TAX , 7J-,11C ZONED: Ro4 lAND USE: VAOWT \ \ \ PROPOSED IO'x12' CONCRETE PAD WITH EQUIP\lENT FAlL ZONE PLAN - SITE - M'-:!";j; TO EQUIPMENT l FRONT: 75' SIDES: 25' REAR: 35' ~. I; Ii! ~ ~ I '# ~ TritonPCS lRlTON PCS 0211 NlBORElUII P_V R1CHlIONO, VA 23230 (llO41 323-9500 (llO4 323--405lI fAX GENERAL NOTES; EXCEPT lIS IIAY BE EXPRESS!. Y N01[O TO 1}jE CONTRARY HEREIN, NO TREES OR SIGNIFICANT VEGETATION IS TO BE REIolOVEO WITHIN 200' OF 1}jE CEHmlUNE OF 1}jE PROPOSEo POlL, 0\IERAl.l TOWER HEIGHT INCLUDING lIGHTNING ROO _ 96' I, 2, OlreleSS SoLutions 1086 CLASSIC ROAD SUITE 101 APEX, NC 27502 Phone: (919) 367-2210 Fax; (919)367-2220 INTERSECTION OF 1-64 AND S,R. 708 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 AU. _S AHO WRmtN WA1DlW. CONTAIN[!) HEREIN ARE THE PROPERTY or ENGINEER N<<J IMT HOT lIE IIU'lJCATEP, USll) 011 DISCl.OSEll wnHOUT THE WRITTEN lXlHSENT Of' ENGINEER. CHANGE TO STEEL lIOHOI'(U CHS DFS ~lE HMIE/9TE _ WEBER PROPERTY GILLUMS MOUNTAIN SITE NWIlER CVR-347D SITE ADDRESS THIS OIlAWINC IS COP\'RIC/fT(IJ N/O IS TIC SOlE PROPERTY Of' THE OWI<ER, IT IS PIlOOUClJ) SOUlT fOR USf fit TIC OlI),(R AAll lIS AffUIl[5. RlPROOUCTIlIN OR USE Of THIS _ IWJ/OR 1H{ "'ORIIA.TION CONTNHW fj IT IS fOflBIOOEJl WITHOUT THE lIRl1TEH P!RIOSSION Of THE OIHR. DRAWN fJI': CHECKED fJI': ISS\JEO fOR ft[Vl(W ISS\JEO fOR 10HHl lSSIJ(D fOR REVoEW CROWl< COlIlIOITS REVISIONS ~ ~6/DO & & & & SHEET TITlE REILIS[ DAlE 6/6/DO 10/11/DO 11/16/00 11/22/00 at \$- D R.O, 76' TAU BASE ElEV - 694' TOP [lEV, - 770' IJTURE ANTENNA CLUSTER MOUNT (TYP, SECTOR 2 SECTOR 1 ANTENNA ANTENNA AZlIIUTH 270" AZIMUTH 75' IW) CENTER 54' RAD CENTER 84' CENTER Of PROPOSED 94' IIONOPOLE IISL Ilo'SE ElEV - 696.5' IISL TOP ELEV - 790,5' \ , \ I '~! TRITON PCS (10'.12') > I <oomm OO~ NO ~) ~- --~- __ '7 PROPOSED TRITON PCS _ - ~ lEASE MEA (30'.30') ---- 27' R,O, 78' TAU ASL BASE ELEV - 697' IISL TOP ELEV, - 775' ~ ~ 36' ASL ASL \ RADIUS 25' PROPOSED TEIlPORARY TREE PROTECTION FENCE (TYPICAL) W '0J 24" ASL IISL r R.O, 80' TAU BASE ELEV - 699' TOP ELEV, - 779' S,R.O, 86' TALL BASE ELEV - 695' TOP ELEV. - 781' \ L EXISTING :1 \ GRAVEL DRIVE ! \ 27' S.R.O, 80' TALL IISL BASE ELEV - 695' IISL TOP ElEV, - 775' w\ -- -- -,- -- --- -- - W 25' R.O, 88' TALL ASL BASE ELEV - 698' IISL TOP ELEV. - 786' 23" S.R.O, 75' TAlL IISL BASE ELEV - 695' ASL TOP ELEV. - 770' N.R.O. 74' TALL BASE ElEV - 698' TOP ELEV. - 772' NOT[; TREE OlAIIETERS IolEASURED AT BREAST HEIGHT (06H) S.R,O, - SOUTHERN REO OAK N.R.O. - NORTHERN REO OAK R.O. - UNOETERIIINEO SPECIES IN THE RED OAK CROUP. \ \ , ) -) ) ) TritonPCS TRITON PCS 9211 NlIlOMlUlI PNO<WAV RlCHlIOHD,VA2323l1 (lIlU) 32.3-9SOO (lIlU) 323-4058 fAX OCJ'04'&e. ~ " " "~6' S.R.O. 86' TAll. ASL BASE ElEV - 695' ~ ASC'!~~"ElEV. - 781' ", ENTIRE I.Lt&: AREA SlOPE. " NOTE: I. lIiE GRADE Of niE IS lESS THAN 25" "," .. " " ALL IIRAIIIINGS NIO IiRII1EH ~1IRIAL ~D HEREIH ARE THE PROPEIm' or ENGINEER NID lIAr IIOT lIE lllJI'UCAlI:D, usm 011 PSClD5(I) WITHOUT THE Ml/ITEH CONSEHT OF ENGlIlfEJl ) GwireleSS SoLodons 1086 CLASSIC R(W) SUITE 101 APEX, NC 27502 Phone: (919) 367-2210 Fa><: (919) 367.2220 . INTERSECTION OF ~ AND S.R. 708 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22903 SHEET TITlE GRADING PLAN CIw.GI: TO srm IlONOPOIL CAN_IE _/SlTE _ WEBER PROPERTY GlllUMS MOUNTAIN TlilS DR<WINC IS COPrRIGI/IED NIO IS !HE sou: PROPERlY Of THE OWNER. IT IS PllOOOCED SOULY rOIl US[ Irr !HE 0IlNf.R N(J lIS IflUIES. REPROllUCllON 011 US[ or TIIS _ NIO/OIl 1IlC H'OlllIATlOH COIfl'AHO .. IT IS rl>8lOOl wmtOUT !HE lIlllI1[H PIlUSSION or 1lf: _ lSSum roll Ill'I1EW ISSUED IllR 1(HlG ISSUED IllR RE\lEW CROWN 00lIlIEHTS CHS DfS SITE "UWIER CVR.347D DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: RfVISlONS NO:lOOE ~6/oo & & .& & IoOORESS RIl.EASE MIE 6/6/00 10/11/00 11/16/00 11 /12/00 SlTE (DBH) THE RED OAK GROUP, ~ '!Ov HEIGHT \ ! \ 109 \ ~), \, J\ ''.. / \ ", () \ '..;:~b' / _ "- \\ " /- \ __ - - ~ PROPOSED lRlTON PCS \\ '. lEASE AREA (30'x30') \ - ~ "', \ .---- \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '!O"" , , , , \ , , , , , , , " \ NOTE: TREE OIAI.1ETERS ~URED AT BRfAST S,R.O, - SOUTHERN RED OAK N,R,O, - NORTHERN REO OAK R.O. - UNDETERMINED SPECIE$. .I~, ""~ 36' R.O. 76' TAlL " ASL BASE [lEV - 694' """~"~ .,." ~ no- \ -- '~ ... -- -- " \ -- -- ~ '''',\ ---- ' __ __ -- - ____ - \" r 25' RAOaJs - -- \' -- ~ " --- ' -- ~ ~ ~ --- ~ ....... ' ---- \ <" \ ", \ '\. \ 27" S,RO. 80' TALL ASL BASE ELEV - 695' ASL TOP ElEV. - 775' ~ 23' ASL ASL , , CENTER OF PROPOSED 94'\ STEEL MONOPOlE . ASl. BASE ElEV - 696.5' ~ TOP ElEV - 790,5' , . , , TRITON PCS (IO'.'2') \ CONCRETE EOUIPMENT PAD' u:Y:U ~ , , , - = ~DH-f'RAlIE \' PROPOSED TEUPORARY TREE PROTECTION FENCE (1YPICAL) L!::::I '8' ", ~ 24' RO. 80' TAll. " ASL BASE [lEV - 699' ""'" ASL TOP ElEV, - 779' --1__- --I ----------- -- --, / ' / ' / , / , / , / ' / ' / ' / / " / / / " / / / / / /~ 19" N,R' ASl BASI ASl TOP \ \L EXISTING ::I GRAVEL DRIVE ! R,O, 78' TAlL BASE ELEv - 697' TOP ElEV. - 7?~~__, ~ 20' R.O. 88' TAlL ASL BASE [lEV - 69B' ASL TOP ElEV. - 786' \ \ \ \ 14' R'~'6!-- ---..-.\ -.-------________ A~r~E E~W : 76::'- \ / \ N.R,Q, 74' TAll. BASE ELEV - 698' TOP ElEV, - 772' / 27' ASL ASL ~ I \ \ \ , , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ , \ , \ \ \ \ , , ... , , , ... , , "- ... , , , , , , , , \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '\ \ \ \ \ ., \ \ , . , , " ' \~ , , " \ \ , , , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '" '" '" , . . , , $ I . -- 'i g J ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ G ~ i' --I ~ ~ --[ ;;. '" , , , , . , , , \ , . , . . \ . . . , , . . " . , , , , , " , , ': , , , . , . \ , . \ , '. .. .. , , \ '" '" '" , ~ '" TritonPCS 1RIT0Il PCS 8211 AIl9OllE'lUol P_Y R1CHIlONO, VA 232Jll f804l 323-8_ 804 323-~ fAll AlL 0llAlIlHGS N<O 'MlfIT[H 1lAJENi. COHT-'lH[l) HEREIN ARE THE PROPERlY 01' ENGINEER Nil) IIAY HOT 8[ 1llI'lJ:AItD, usm OR DISCl.OS[O WITHOUT !HE llRfITEH CONSOlI' ar DIGINEDl. OwlreleSS Solutio.. 1086 ClASSIC ROAD SUITE 101 APEX, NC 27502 Phone: (919) 367-2210 Fax: (919) 367-2220 RElEASE I ll\TE J 6/6/00 ISSUED rOR RE'.lEW 10/11/00 ISSUED rOR ZONIoG 11/16/00 ISSUW roo RE'wtEW . 11/22/00 CROWN 00IIllEICTS RE\'lSlONS I NO, ll\T[ I .& 10/16/00 CIWlGE TO STEn. llONOP<ll.E & & .4. &. 1HIS _ IS COPm1GHlEO N<O IS TIE SOlE PROPERTY Of THE OWNER. IT IS I'ROOVCED SOlEI. y FOR US[ BI' TlI' lMIIl Nfl lIS Nl1.1mS. REPROllUCIDI OR USE (If TIE _ Nfl/OR THE N'ORIlATION COHTAlHED II IT IS f'OflllIOOIlt WITHOUl' TlI' 'MlfI1tII PERlISSIlJI (Jf lIE .-0. DRAWN BY: CHS CHECkED BY: OFS CNOIlIJ[ IWIE/SITE ~ I WEBER PROPERTY GILLUMS MOUNTAIN S1TEMJIIlER I CVR-347D SITE ADDRESS I INTERSECTION OF ~ AND S.R. 708 CHARLOTTESVIllE, VA 22903 SHEET mu: ,. 2'- L I ... I i-- o _, ~I t~ BRIDGE 3-1/2" DIA. t.tETAl POSTS Et.tBEDDED IN CONCRETE INSYAlLED PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS .lIQIE; 1. PIPE COWMNS, WAVEGUIDE CHANNEL, AND PIPE. H~ BY NNAHCfD UGHTNING TECHNOLOGY, 2, CONNECT EACH SUPPORT LEG TO GROUND RING J, CABLE SUPPORT SPACING EVERY .'-0' .. COORDINATE CABLE ROUTE AND INSY~TION WITH CABINET. p, 1111111111111111111111[' :111_111=111-'" 1:--" . o I ;" o I N '" ~ il- ICE BRIDGE POSTS (TYP, PCS CABINET PAINTED (EARTHTONE) TIlITON BROWN CABINET. PAINTED BROWN '" , ;., ~ 'i I ~ ~ oC. ) ~ ~ ~ il il ~. ~I EDGE OF CONCRETE W/rJYE SUBGRAIJE BROWN PloD, TINTED CONCRETE 1 SCALE NONE mIE; CONTRACTOR SHAlL VERIFY SIZE OF TRI-BRACKET REQUIRED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 2. PANEl ANTENNAS TO BE FLUSH MOUNTED TO t.tONOPOLE, J. ANTEtlNA DIMENSIONS HxWxD - ...7"x 6.3"x 2,7" IAICROFLECT PIPE MOUNT IIICROf'LECT TRI-BRACKET PART I 81882 OR EQUAL PART I 81828 OR EOVAl NOTE: UGHTNlNG ROD SHAlL BE NO TAlLER THAN 2' HIGH WITH A BASE OIAlAETER OF ,', TAPERING TO A POINT AT TOP ~ 2 I WAVE GUIDE BRIDGE DETAIL SCALE NONE 10'-0. CONCRETE EQUIPMENT PAD LAYOUT 3 SCALE NONE (10'x12') ----...!! -0" @ EQUIPMENT SUPPORT PAD DETAIL o I o l:\ !J \. -0' IIARR1ER @~ 6- 6. CRUSHED STONE 20 lIll PvC VAPOR :1:1/4'. LEVEL BE ~ StAB TO 1. GRADE TritonPCS TRITON PCS 9211 NlllORETUIol PNlKWAY RlCHIIONll, VA 23236 (!IQ.4l 323-9500 (!1Q.4 323-4OSII FAX N.l. DRAWlIIGS NIl llftII10l 1IAT!:RW. OOHINNED HEREIN ARE THE PROPERlY OF ENGINEER NIl lIAY NOT BE IIll'II:ATtD, US(]) OR DISClOS(D WIIHOlIT lItE 1I!llI1UI COHSENT OF EHGlNIIJl. OwlreleSS Solutions 1086 ClASSIC ROAD SUITE 101 APEX, HC 27502 Phone: (919) 367-2210 Fax: (919) 367-2220 1 SCALE NONE PINE tlllIES; PROTECllON 'OF EXISTING VEGETAl1ON: AT THE START or GRADING INVOLVING THE LOWERING or EXIST1NG GRADE AROUND A TREE OR STRIPPING 01' TOPSOIl. A ClEAN, SHARP. VERT1CAI. CUT SHAll BE IWlE AT THE EDGE OF THE TREE SAVE AREA AT THE SAUE TIME AS OTHER EROSION CONTROL llEASURES ARE INSTAllED. THE TREE PROTECTION FEIfClNG ~L BE INSTAlLED ON THE SlOE or THE CUT FARTHEST AWAY FROII THE TREE TRUNK AND SHALl REMAIN IN PlACE UNTIL All CONSTRIJCl1ON IN THE VICINITY OF THE TREES IS COUPLETE. NO STORAGE or lIATERIAlS, AU. OR EQUIP\IENT AND NO TRESPASSING SHAlL BE AllOWED wrTHlN THE BOUNDARY OF THE PROTECTED AREA. CONTRACTOR TO INSTAll AT A RADIUS EQUAl. TO l' RADlUS/I"OIAlIElER OF TREE TO RElIAlN. " 2. TREE PROTECTION FENCE DETAIL '# l'l RE~E.ASE - DATE 6/6/00 ISSUED fOR R(\1EW 10/11 /00 ISSUED fOR ZONING 11/16/00 ISSWJ FOR __ 11/22/00 CROWN COIlMENTS RFo'ISlONS NO. IlIi,t: i ")-1 & 10/16/00 CHANGE TO SlED. 110 '- ) .&. & & &, TItS DRAM<<: IS 00PtRIGHJID ANO IS lItE sa.r PllOP(RIY OF lItE OWNER, IT IS I'ROOUCfD SOIfiY FOR USE fir TIE 0llf0 NlD 11$ A'fll\TI>. RlJ'ROOUCTXlN OR USE OF TItS _ 1IfJ/OR THE H"ORlIATDI OONTAINEIl IN IT IS FORlIIlllEH _ !If: IIRIIlEN PEllUlSSlON OF !II( <*0. DRAWN BY: CHS CHECI<El) BY: DFS CN<llICAlE ~/SlTE _ I WEBER PROPERTY GILLUMS MOUNTAIN SITE IUHR I CVR-347D SITE AOORI:SS I INTERSECTION OF 1-64 AND S,R. 708 CHARlOTTESVll."e. VA 22903 SHEET mu: SITE DETAILS ALBEMARLE COUNTY ATTACHMENT D f'1 , :'>'E \ ~ ~'{ ~ --- -:;;Cc'. / 72 o J-.- -.- ':;. . " . ---- ,. ~ . \\, 23 / / / / , \ 24 67 SCALE IN FEET SAMUEL MILLER AND WHITE HALL DISTRICTS SECTION 73 ... HARDWARC AGRICULTURAL a FORESTAL OISTRICT ~ 28 / ATTACHMENT F ~ 30 Q ,~ !~ 31 ~ 3 r) i,-: 33 ~ ATTACHMENTS: A Special Use Permit Application (SP 00-64) B Applicant Revision Letter, dated November 30,2000 C Application Plans titled Weber Property, dated November 22,2000 D Location Map E Site Topography F Photos n r') SP 00-64 Weber 01/03/01 11 34 '{ ,. ~ AlLlTElL BALLOON TEST PHOTO PHOTO TAKEN APPROX. AT TRITON SITE 35 SP 00-64 Weber (Triton PCS CVR 347D) Photo taken by County Planning Staff View of balloon within and behind the trees The top of the balloon is at 94 feet ". SP 00-64 Weber (Triton PCS CVR 347D) View of balloon from west-bound lanes of Interstate 64 Photograph taken by County ARB Design Planner during balloon test of December 5,2000 Balloon is several feet lower than 94 feet due to wind, but this photograph should provide an idea of the distance to the property and the level of screening. The proposed Triton pole will blend in with the existing bare trees due to its design, color and materials, as does the existing CFW pole .... ..-1 I ..:~ _c-~ ""r ".~, , .. .. 't' ....' ..... ~~ _ ,'_ .. - '+-' JO! I.-,~, t"~ ~\-~~:I":' ,,:. t ~... ...~J._(. ~...' ~ ,. ~.. 1: ,. \ " ..... ~"' SP 00-64 Weber (Triton PCS CVR 347D) Photo of lease area looking through fence along Western property line Photo taken by County Planner during balloon test December 21, 2000 from Route 708 Under Triton's landscaping proposal cedar trees would be planted inside the fence to screen this view from Route 708 SP 00-64 Weber (Triton PCS CVR 347D) View of Weber property through and over fence along Western property line, adjacent to State Route 708 Triton's landscaping plan provides for cedars inside the fence line to provide screening. They will be six feet tall at planting. The white vehicle is parked just inside the gate, which we will replace with an opaque wooden gate ~-, ,..;; l-.~. I' " \,t ~ .... ~ ,J'{l ~.._ ..l,,~, "',-:~ 'Q' ~..,....,~. _~ ",~:.rl ._ ....'\",.. ." ....~_. ~, 'r' .-. ", ~:"". ,.__' -~ "";:- .. L...... ;J,~.. '., .---..r',.,_ .) SP 00-64 Weber (Triton PCS CVR 347D) Photo taken by County Planning Staff on December 21, 2000 View looking north toward the east-bound lanes of Interstate 64, from the Weber property Note the existence of numerous trees along the northern edge of the property and the Right-of-way SP 00-64 Weber (Triton PCS - CVR 347D) Photograph taken by County Planning Staff at balloon test on December 21, 2000 The top of the balloon is at 94 feet Existing CFW pole visible through trees demonstrates that Triton pole will be as minimally visible as existing pole View is from the Interstate 64 east-bound lane sp 00-64 Weber (Triton pes - eVR 347D) Photosimulation of proposed Triton PCS pole next to existing CFW pole This demonstrates that the proposed Triton pole will be as minimally visible as the existing pole Photosimulation based on photograph taken by County Planning Staff at Balloon Test on December 21, 2000 View is from the Interstate 64 east-bound lane --- I I \ SP 00-64 Weber (Triton PCS - CVR 347D) Photograph taken by County Planning Staff View of balloon within the trees, taken from Route 708 The top of the balloon is at 94 feet , SP 00-64 Weber (Triton PCS - CVR 347D) Photosimulation of proposed Triton PCS pole located within existing trees Photosimulation based on photograph taken by County Planning Staff at Balloon Test on December 21, 2000 View is from Route 708 ". .. ,I -It''# .~...I~~ ';, It'" SP 00-64 Weber (Triton pes - eVR 347D) Photograph taken by County Planning Staff View of balloon within the trees, taken from Route 708 The top of the balloon is at 94 feet TritonPCS TRlrON PCS 11211 Nl1IOIlET\JU p_. -=--. VA 23236 (-I J23-a5OQ (- J23-4O!llI fA:< 111$ _ 6 lXlPYIlICIllDl NIl IS 1HE SCU PllOf'(RIT Of 1K 0IlKR. fi IS I'flOOUCED SCllLY rOIl IS: If K 0IIl0 NCl ns NnlOItS. ll[PllOOUC1DI OR l& Of 1JIS _ MJ/OR 1HE _TION CXlI/TMIED .. fi IS _ lIfllWI M _ _ lit M __ _...- 36- R,O. 76' TAU ASL BAS( (LEV - 694' ASL TOP (LEV, - 770' ~ S,R,O, 86' TALL BASE ELEV - 695' TOP ELEV. - 781' 36' *~ --------\ ---- ---- ---- ---- -- -- ...--- --- ---------- / /,-- .-/ ---- /~ -------- -- ."'0' ',\.,-. ~l.?~' -".'\ .;:- /J \~ ~ ~ 27- S.R,O, ~~ T~95' ASL BASE EL _ 775' ASL ToP (LEV. W \" (5) PROPOSED WHITE ~ PINES - SEE "f>I.NmNG UST Of loIATER1Al.S- .I< 1\ 'TREE PI.AHl1NG .I< STAKING '" DETAIL" (TYP) ~ \\ ~ \ 23- S.R,O, 75' TAU ASL 8AS( ELEV - 695' ASL TOP (LEV, - 770' W ~ ~ \ \ \ GFNFRAl NOTFS' 1. EXCEPT AS ......y eE EXPRESSlY NOTEO TO THE CDNTTlAI!Y HEREIN, NO TTlEES OR SICNIflCANT \/(C(1ATION IS TO BE REllOllED WITHIN 200' Of THE CEHTERUHE or THE PIlOPDS(l) POLL EXISTlNG TREE NOTATION t FGFNO' NOTE: TREE OlAllrrERS llEASlJRED AT BRtAST HEIGHT (DaH) S.R.O. - SOUTHERN RED ()AK N.R.O. - NOI!THERN RED OAK R.O. . UNDETERlllNED SPECIES IN THE RED OAK GROUP. IU llO,llONCSN<<l_"'TOlIo.lXlIIfM(]j HOlt.. All. THE PtlOPtRTY or EHclHCLJI MJ ..y OCT II: llUPLC:AlIIl, USED (Ill IlI5CUISlP 'MTHOUf nt[ ..TtI)l CON:S(HT (Y EHCINQJt Owtrmss Solutions 1086 ClASSIC R(W) SUITE 101 N'fX. He 27502 PIlone: (919) 387-2210 Fax: (919) 387-2220 5IlEIM<<Jl CVR-347D SIT( Al)()RESS INTERsecnON OF ~ AND S.R. 70a CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA 22903 ~n Tml' Ilt\OSIOIIS owa to SlUL """""'llU .lIlOtD_ CHS DfS CN<OIOOE _ISlE - WEBER PROPERTY GILLUMS MOUNTAIN ISSl.EIl fllR IlE\ID' ISSl.EIl fllR ZOIfNC ISSl.EIlfllR_. CJiCMf ~H1S DRAWN Il'f: CHECXED !If: IlELEASE non: 6/6/00 10/11/00 11/'6/00 llflUOO CENTER Of PROPOSED 94' 1l0N0P0l.E ASL BASE fllV - 696.5' ASL TOP fllV - 79005' / /' RADIUS \ '~I TIlJTON PCS (10'.12') CONCRETE EOUIP1oIENT PAll > ,I /~/ ~- - ~ ____ - - ;7" PROPOSED TRITON PCS _ ,./"" I.EASE AAfA (30'>30') -- 27- R.O. 78' TAU. ASL 8AS( ELEV - 697' ASL TOP fllV. - 775' PROPOSED TEWPORARY TIlEE PROTECTION FD<CE (TYPICAL) W 24' R.O. 80' TAU ASL BASE fllV - 699' ASL TOP ELEV. - 779' 25' \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ L EXISTING ::"\ GRAVEl. DRIVE 1 ~ @ 25' R.D, 88' TAU A5L !lASE ELEV - 69B' ASl TOP ElEV, - 7B6' (10) PROPOSED KA."'Pf'ERl 1>VUAS - SEE 'Pl.ANTlNC usr OF' ......TERIAI.S. at "SHRUB PwlTlNC DETAIL" / (TYP) ~ < \ IiV-. :::- ,~ \' 14" ASL ASL \~ \\ ~ - , \. ~L ~~' E~ T~9B' \ A5L TOP ElEV, - 772' lOOSl:N OIl REll' BURLAP OIl CON AS SPECIfIED 75m", llULCH LA'rtR~ " PlANTING BED ONLY _" ~ --.-.: SLOPE TO FOIlll DISH ~ : '\ -1"'. .., *' \ PROPOSED 20' WIDE \= ACCESS/lITlUlY ) _. EASEllENT 't'f\' (5) PROPOSED EASTERN REO CEIlNlS - SEE "PWffiNG UST OF ......ltRIAI.S" AND 'TREE PlANTlNG .I< STAKING DETAIL" (TYP) * (5) PROPOSED (ASTERN RED CEDARS - SEE -PwlTlNG UST OF ......TERIAlS AND iREE Pl>>ffiNG .I< STAKING DETAIL" (TYP) FUlL HEIGHT I ~ 4()' -50' 6' HIGH - - 4'-6' J GAllON - - BO' - 100' 6' HIGH WIDTH LIST OF MATERIALS BOTANiCAl IWlF ~ Juniperus VltgNltono SO_20. 11 ,\ W,,\\ 11-/ "'//.'/"'''' it" ,,\ '. 1/0'''' /////// 2 STRANDS 112 WIRE FOIl 4--6' CAl. 2 STRANDS "2 WIRE fOR 4- CAl. ---. II i -<- II ! I II : HT, OF TIE APPROX '''_ r 1/2 HT. OF TIlEE ""-II I !I!IJ~~i ~- '11 "-0' SAUCER 1\ I j ~ 4'-6' 30' -40' LL!.!.J.. """" /11111 ""....,,- I ''',' AzOleo koempferi Pinl.l8 Strobus PLANTING ~.Q!r Cow."ON ......, ~ 10 (ASTERN RED CEeW/' ~~ 10 KAEllPFERI AZALEA ...::~if" ~ 5 WHITE PINE WIRE THROUGH RuBBER HOSE TO PROTECT TREE FINAl. CROUNDUNE SAllE AS AT NuRSERY SAuCER 6' ""-7 c c C N ...- c ! ~ ~ ~ .... i u ~ € ~ .. ~ ;; ~ {: 1 . ! 1 ': ~ ? ., ~ , ;: i ( :. ~' . i- I> , ~ , , ~ ~ !, .: " >, 5 { ;; :r a ! ; ~ l February 1, 2001 .. Steven W, Blaine LeClair Ryan, PC 123 East Main Street, 8th Floor Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: SP-2000-66 Phillip Marshall (Charlottesville Cellular) Tax Map 36, Parcel 19 Dear Mr, Blaine: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on January 30, 2001, unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors, Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: 1, Approval of this special use permit amends condition 4(a) of SP 97-051 which states, "The antennas shall be limited to 3 flush-mounted panel antennae not to exceed 6 feet in height and 1 foot in width," with the following condition: The antennas shall be limited to three (3) flush-mounted antennae not to exceed 6 feet in height and one (1) foot in width, and one whip antenna not to exceed 3 inches in diameter. extendina no more than six (6) feet from the face. and no hiaher than the top of the existina monopole structure. 2, The remaining portion of the original 120-foot tall tower shall be removed upon attachment of the whip antenna to the monopole. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the metal monopole shall be painted a natural wood color in compliance with condition 2a of SP 97-51 Goodlow Mountain, and verified through zoning inspection. 4, The monopole shall be constructed and maintained to comply with all other conditions for the approval of SOP 97-51 Goodlow Mountain, 5, The bracket that holds the whip antenna shall not be taller than 69' above the base of the monopole. Page 2 February 1, 2001 .' Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on February 14,2001. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me, Sincerely, ~ Stephen Waller Planner SW/jcf Cc: ~a Carey Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Steve Allshouse Bob Ball ~ STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OFStJPEiivisORS: STEPHEN WALLER ~~!Z&~X32, 220! FEBRUARYT4,2001 SP 00-066 PHILIP MARSHALL (CHARLOTTESVILLE CELLULAR) Applicant's Proposal: The applicant is proposing to attach a twenty-one (21) foot whip antenna to an existing 89-foot tall metal monopole structure allowed by a previously approved special use permit (SP 97-51). All ground equipment would be contained in an existing building that is currently located within the lease site for the existing wireless facility. According to the applicant's request, approval of this facility would enable Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation to monitor a natural gas pipeline which passes over Goodlow Mountain. (Attachment A). The property, described as Tax Map 36/ParceI19, contains approximately 121 acres zoned RA, Rural Areas (Attachment B). This site lies within the Rivanna Magisterial District and is designated as Rural Areas 3 by the Comprehensive Plan. Plannin2 and Zonin~ History ~t SP 97-051 Goodlow Mountain (U.S Cellular) - At its October 13, 1999 meeting, the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a special use permit allowing the construction of the existing personal wireless communications facility and 89-foot tall metal monopole structure at a height of not more than seven feet above the tallest tree within 25-foot ofthe monopole. The conditions of approval for SP 97-51 currently limit the types of external antennas allowed on the monopole to panel antennas measuring no more than 6 feet in height and one foot in width (Attachment C). The applicant originally requested approval of a 120-foot tall tower for the purpose of replacing the original 123-foot tall Columbia Gas tower which was accidentally damaged and reduced to a height to 60 feet in 1996. That request included a proposal to equip the new facility with panel antennas for personal wireless communications, as well as a whip antenna to replace the antenna that was damaged when the 123-foot tower was toppled. Petition: This request is for a special u~e permit to allow the addition of a radio antenna in accordance with Section ofthe Zoning Ordinance which allows for radio wave transmission and relay towers. The applicant, Charlottesville Cellular Partnership, maintains the existing monopole and wireless facility, Because the types of equipment that can be attached externally to the monopole is restricted to flush mounted panel antennas, the applicant has submitted this request for the purpose of amending the special use permit conditions to allow the attachment of a whip antenna to the monopole. The conditions of approval also require removal ofthe remaining 60-foot portion of the original tower which currently serves as a mounting structure for a whip antenna that Columbia Gas currently utilizes as part of their monitoring and communications systems, In order to replace the antenna on the old damaged tower, the r, " 1 applicant seeks approval to amend the conditions of the special use permit in order to allow attachment ofthe proposed whip antenna to the monopole approved with SP 97-51. If this special use permit is approved the applicant would then be able remove that structure without disrupting the monitoring system. ~ Character of the Area: This site is located on a ridgeline, near the peak of Goodlow Mountain where the facility is set within the tree line along the southern side ofthe Columbia Gas pipeline easement. The elevation of the facility is approximately 1,380 feet Above Sea Level (ASL) and the peak of the mountain is at an elevation of 1,504 feet ASL. The property is in an area identified as the Southwest Mountains Rural Historic District, and property to the south is within an Agricultural/F orestal District. There are no dwellings within 2000 feet of the facility and the nearest public road is more than one mile away from the facility site. Currently, the 89-foot tall monopole and the remaining 60 feet of the original tower, which has a whip antenna extending to a height of89 feet attached, exist present inside the lease area (Attachment D). RECOMMENDATION Staffhas reviewed this request for compliance with the provisions of Section of the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval with conditions. ~ Comprehensive Plan: This special use permit application has been reviewed for consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. Staff notes that this proposal does not necessitate any additional clearing because the antenna would be attached to an existing monopole that has existing electrical utilities, and vehicular access is already provided to the site is from the existing gravel road which begins at State Route 777 and extends southeast to the facility site. Therefore, staff has only reviewed the possible impacts of the antenna itself for compliance with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance. The Open Space Plan and the Natural Resources and Cultural Assets chapter provide staffwith guidance for the protection of the County's natural, scenic and historic resources, and preservation and management of those resources in order to protect the environment and conservation for future use. The Open Space Concept Map provides an inventory of critical resources and identifies the areas where those resources are present throughout the entire County. Identified Open Space resources that are present on the subject parcel and could be potentially affected by this application are a Mountain Resource Area and a Historic District. The Comprehensive Plan identifies these types of resources as valuable economic and aesthetic assets that help define the overall character ofthe County. Staff analysis focuses mainly on the visual impact of the proposed antenna from surrounding properties and roadways. ~ "'." -\ 2 ~ /*" r1 The existing facility is situated within the nationally registered Southwest Mountains Historic District. At the time when this area was added to the national registry the original tower was present on the site at the height of 123-feet. However, when the monopole structure was approved as SP 97-051, staff s recommendation included a determination that a monopole structure at tree top height would have substantially less impact on the historic district than the 120-foot tower which was proposed at the time. The Board concurred with staffs opinion and approved the monopole at no more than 7 feet above the height of the tallest tree within 25 feet. This action resulted in the existing 89 feet tall monopole to which the proposed antenna would be attached. Although the Southwest Mountains are visible from Routes 20 and 231, both of which are designated as Virginia Byways and Entrance Corridor's, staff notes that neither the 89- foot tall monopole or the 60-foot section of the original tower, are visible from those two distant roads. Staff notes that the properties just south of the subject parcel also lie within an Agricultural/Forestal District (Blue Run). The Personal Wireless Service Facilities Policy was adopted by the Board of Supervisors in December, 2000 in order to provide the guidelines for siting and review of wireless facility proposals. The services to be provided by the proposed whip antenna are within scope of the definition of personal wireless facilities, as provided in the recently approved Personal Wireless Policy Manual. With consideration for the wireless policy, the County has generally favored and approved cellular and PCS systems that are capable of utilizing two or three panel antennas, mounted so as to protrude no more than 12 inches from the face of monopole structures. However, the applicant has provided additional information indicating that technological constraints will not allow the whip antenna to function properly if it were "flush-mounted" to the monopole (Attachment E). Therefore, the proposal includes a request to allow the whip antenna to be attached to the mast with an arm that would extend 6 feet out from the mas(in order to allow it to transmit an omni-directional signal. The recommendations of the Wireless Policy state that visibility is the most important principle for siting personal wireless service facilities. Furthermore, except when strategically sited and designed so as to minimize visibility and mitigate their impacts upon the natural landscape, these facilities should not be located within "Avoidance Areas" such as mountains. The Comprehensive Plan designates mountains as major open space systems that provide scenic views, naturally forested areas and wildlife habitat, and are recommended for protection in the Rural Areas, This includes building structures that are no taller than the natural tree canopy, and locating structures so that they are not "skylighted" against the horizon, and do not alter the ridge line. Staff has determined that the existing monopole, at treetop height, is only slightly visible from Route 777 through the clearing for the gas pipeline. The limited visibility ofthe monopole and other equipment within the facility is consistent with the goals that are set forth in the wireless policy. Therefore, a whip antenna that is 2-3/4 inches in diameter and extends no higher than the top of the monopole would not increase the visual impact of the monopole. In fact, due to its rather small diameter, it is unlikely that the antenna itself would even be visible from outside of the facility's lease site. Therefore, staff has determined that approval ofthis application would not be inconsistent with the policies and guidelines set forth in the Comprehensive Plan for siting wireless facilities and protecting the important resources of Albemarle County. 3 STAFF COMMENT: ,~ Staffwill address the issues ofthis request in four sections: 1. Section of the Zoning Ordinance; 2. Section 704 (a)(7)(b)(I)(II) ofthe Telecommunications Act of 1996; and, 1. Staff will address each provision of Section of the Zoning Ordinance. The Board of Supervisors hereby reserves unto itself the right to issue all special use permits permitted hereunder. Special use permits for uses as provided in this ordinance may be issued upon a finding by the Board of Supervisors that such use will not be of substantial detriment to adiacent property. Due to the existing tree cover, visibility of all structures within the site is obscured from areas lying directly north and south of Goodlow Mountain. Even in knowing the exact location of the facility site, staffhas observed that the existing monopole is nearly invisible from Route 777 when facing eastward along the Columbia Gas pipeline. Because the proposed whip antenna is only inches in diameter and would extend no higher than the monopole, staffhas determined that there would be no increase in the visibility of the facility. Furthermore, no additional disturbance would be necessary within the lease area, the pipeline easement, or the service road access easement. Therefore, staff is of the opinion that the addition of the antenna would not impose any physical disturbance upon the natural state of the forests surrounding the site, or visual impact on the adjacent properties and public roads. ~, With the recognition that the proposed antenna is intended to replace an existing, operational whip antenna currently attached to the remaining portion of the original 120-foot tower, staffhas also determined that there would not be an increase in the current amount of vehicular traffic in the area. Based on the above-cited factors, staff finds that the proposed facility would not impose any substantial detriment to adjacent properties, that the character of the district will not be changed thereby. The purposes of the Rural Areas zoning district include preservation ofthe agricultural and forestal lands and activities, and conservation of the natural, scenic and historic resources. Uses allowed by right are either residential, or those related to agriculture and forestal activities. Uses allowed by special use permit in the Rural Areas district are most often services related to those activities, Staff recognizes that that presence of various types of utilities in the Rural Areas is not uncommon and a whip antenna was attached to the original 123-foot tower that had been present at this site for more than 30 years. Other examples of utilities within the district include the presence of several wooden utility poles and overhead power lines that provide services to the properties surrounding this site. 4 1""'\. The adjacent property located directly south of the subject parcel is designated as the Blue Run Agricultural Forestal District. The vegetation on either side of the gas pipeline easement helps to restrict the visibility of the monopole from properties located south and north of the site. Therefore, it is the opinion of staff that approval of the proposed antenna would not negatively impact the agricultural and forestal activities within the Rural Areas, nor the Blue Run Agricultural Forestal District. and that such use will be in harmony with the purpose and intent of this ordinance. Staffhas reviewed this request with consideration for the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as stated Sections 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6, with particular reference to Sections 10, 1.4, 1.4.4, and 1.5. All of these provisions address, in one form or another, the provision of public services, In Section 10.1 of the Zoning Ordinance the limited delivery of services is listed as one of the intents for the Rural Areas District. The Columbia Gas pipeline is an established utility which clearly provides services throughout the area, and the monitoring system is necessary in order to provide support for the pipeline during routine maintenance, and in the event of an emergency. n Section 1.4.3 states as an intent of the Ordinance, "To facilitate the creation of a convenient, attractive and harmonious community". Because collocation proposed with this request would result in the presence of fewer utility structures within the facility, it is staffs opinion that this proposal would result in facilitating a !llore convenient and attractive community. Furthermore, the whip antenna promotes the capacity to help preserve the remaining forested areas by allowing the monitoring of the pipeline if emergencies were to occur. Therefore, staff opinion is that this request complies with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance. with the uses permitted by right in the district. The proposed facility will not restrict the current uses on the subject parcel, or by-right uses on any other property within the district. with additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of this ordinance. and with the public health. safety and general welfare. Section 5.1.12 ofthe Ordinance contains regulations for locating public utility structures, provided that the proposed utility "will not endanger the health and safety of workers and/or residents in the community and will not impair or prove detrimental to neighboring properties or the development of the same," It is the opinion of staff that the Columbia Gas pipeline is an existing public utility and that the act of attaching the antenna to the monopole would not be detrimental to the surrounding properties or the community. In contrast, the provision of increased communication facilities, in the event of emergencies, is considered to be consistent with the public health and safety and general welfare. Therefore, by providing the support needed to facilitate maintenance of the utilities within the pipeline, the monitoring system contributes to the overall health and safety of the nearby residents their properties. 2. Section 704(a)(7)(b)(I)(II) of The Telecommunications Act of 1996: r"\ 5 The regulation of the placement construction and modification of personal wireless facilities by any state or local government or instrumentality thereof shall not prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless services. ,~ The Telecommunications Act addresses issues of environmental effects with the following language, "No state or local government or instrumentality thereofmay regulate the placement construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commissions' regulations concerning such emissions". In order to operate this facility, the applicant is required to meet the FCC guidelines for radio frequency emissions. This requirement will adequately protect the public health and safety. The applicant has acknowledged that the support to be provided by the proposed antenna is currently available through the antenna that is attached to the remainder of the original 123-foot tall tower. Neither the Comprehensive Plan nor the Zoning Ordinance prohibits the provision of personal wireless service. However, the conditions of approval for the monopole (SP 97-051) require the remaining portion of the original structure to be removed, while restricting the types of antennas that can be attached to the monopole to flush-mounted panel antennas measuring no more than 6 feet in height. For this reason, staffis of the opinion that denial of this application would have the effect of prohibiting the provision of personal wireless monitoring services for this section of the Columbia Gas pipeline. SUMMARY: ~ Staffhas identified the following factors, which are favorable to this request: 1 . The proposed whip antenna is considered to be a collocation opportunity. 2. The antenna will not restrict any permitted uses or impose any additional impacts on adjacent properties. 3, The antenna would not extend any higher than the to top of the existing monopole. 4. The antenna will not be visible from areas outside of the facility site and the Columbia Gas pipeline easement. 5. No clearing or other disturbance is necessary for the placement of the antenna. Staff has identified no unfavorable factors that would result from the approval of this request. The following factors are relevant to this consideration: 1. The proposal for the monopole was originally intended to allow attachment of the whip antenna for Columbia Gas. Approval of this request would allow a reduction in the number of structures at the site by facilitating the removal of the remaining portion of the original 120-foot tower. Approval of this request would require the need to amend the existing conditions of Special Use Permit SP 97-051. ,.----... 2. 3. 6 4. I"'"' The metal monopole has not yet been painted the natural wood color as required by conditions of approval for SP 97-051. RECOMMENDED ACTION: It is stafP s opinion that the existing approved facility complies with the provisions of the Ordinance and is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan, and that this request generally complies with the goals set forth in the Wireless Policy Manual. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the requested special use permit subject to the with conditions, including a condition to amend condition number 4(a) of the approved special use permit (SP 97-051). The original approval letter is provided as Attachment C. (In the event that the Board chooses to deny this application staff offers the following comment: In order to comply with the provisions of the Telecommunication Act, staff requests consensus direction from the Board regarding the basis for denial of the application and instruction to staff to return to the Board with a written decision for the Board's consideration and action.) Recommended conditions of approval: ~ tf" . <~., 2. 4. 1. Approval of this special use permit amends condition 4(a) ofSP 97-051 which states, "The antennas shall be limited to 3 flush-mounted panel antennae not to exceed 6 feet in height and 1 foot in width, " with the following condition: The antennas shall be limited to three (3) flush-mounted antennae not to exceed 6 feet in height and one (1) foot in width, and one whip antenna not to exceed 3 inches in diameter. extendin~ no more than six (6) feet from the face. and no hi~her than the top of the existin~ monopole structure. The remaining portion of the original 120-foot tall tower shall be removed upon attachment of the whip antenna to the monopole. I 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the metal monopole shall be painted a natural wood color in compliance with condition 2a ofSP 97-51 Goodlow Mountain, and verified through zoning inspection. The monopole shall be constructed and maintained to comply with all other conditions for the approval ofSDP 97-51 Goodlow Mountain. ATTACHMENTS: r"'\ A- B- C- D- E- Application and Request for Special Use Permit Tax Map Approval Letter for SP 97-051 (Dated October 22, 1999) Site Information and Construction Drawings for Existing Facility Applicant's Additional Information 7 ~ .~ 8 ~. ".:~C1-y.9!YWf~~M?~r~laq~;;~.tl:i:+.:.:, ;,,:,,:~'1Je .P~!,*H;l~I!h,,-~.,!;;P UUQ.Hlg ",~O_u,~:;~ 'PFF1CE,P~NfjrtiJ"Y5rl6"':""s.:.~ ':t3;;~rt2:fl;":;' ATTACHMENT A , c :~~~, ';~a~~;Jr~ ~y '~." "', ~~;~. ;~:~: J. 1~f('f1Xp~!i~~!iQti,!~:f(~~~~~ii~i!~~~!t}~;'."\;~l;'~~:"" ..:;' "'. ,..,.......c.;~;E PAGE 1 ProJ~cfN~~.~(~~.~~~.;~:~;;:;o ~i.< .PPli~;,..;;:'. "Goodlow :Moun tain , ~.. ,;r ~ ,-:,,,~':""':"','.:':,:.'.'~.~;.:.. ". ....,:-~...:.: ~. ". .:~:~~~.',~~.~;.~'~~~~':" ~".,", -. .". ~ .",: *E~sti~gbs~Wireless TelecommunicationsPr~posed Use ',. . ,,;:,:=:>~::-':c,_' Collocation Tower Facility . ':"" *Z~rii~~ Di~trict" RA *ioni~g O~diii~nce Sectio:ii iiiimber req~eSted (*staff will assist you with these items) '. Number of acres to be covered by Special Use Permit (irll portionllmusl be dcIinC:Olod on pial) ," '7' Same 10':"2':"2-'"6 121, .;tllo Q~ Is this an amendment to an existing Special Use Permit? Are you submitting a site development plan witb !his application? :l:9 YesO No o YeSl:9 No ,. Contact Person (Whom should we call/write concerning this project?): !=; r PVPTI W R1 .:::l; n p f, teClair Ryan PC Address 123 East Main Street. 8th Floor City Charlottesville State VA Zip 22902 . Daytime Phone ( ~) 971. 77 71 Fax # 804.296.0905 E-mail sblaine(aleclairEZ; I Owner of land (As listed in the County's records): Philip S. Marshall.. (see attached correspondence) Address 1300 Skvline'DRive City Fairbanks State AX Zip 99712 r'l Fax # E-maillokken@mosquitonet.col I Applicant (Who is the contact person represenling? Who is requesting thc special use?): ~har~ottesv~~~e ~e~~u~ar ~artner d/b/9.U. S. Cellular Address 288 Route 101~ 2nd Floor City Bedford State NH Zip 03110 . Daytime Phone ( 6b3~) 533.2201 Fax # 603.533.2277 E-mail mark;?;artley@uscellul, COl 'Tax map and parcel Tax Map 36, Parcel 19 Physical Address Cifassigned) See attached survey for complete dascrip~on of area in question Location of property (1andmarks.intersccti~ns.orolher) NE side of Goodlow Mountain along the . existing gas line easement in the Rivanna Does the owner of this property own (or have any ownership interest in) any abutting property? If yes, please lis' those tax map and parcel numbers No ~ OFFICE USE ONLY .Jl;"'l I r f\/ 1,_'- "7/1 Fee amount $ 9~' {Jl) Date Paid f (Q Od lJl) Check # ~ go Receipt # ~B y: History: 0 Special Use Permits;- qi--b'r 0 ZMAs and Proffers: 6$ o Variances: Concurrent review of Site Development Plan? ~51ler of Authorization lkr1es 0 No L\f5 C~ t$ iD\lcVV .:. Voice: 296-5832 .:. Fax: 972-4126 401 McIntire Road .:. CharlottesvilJ~ ~lA 22902 8 :tto"..:~... '~. I.' ./. ~, ". ..:" J.. ~i~~~i~~3f:;: ,:~t~f1lff/ ,. ATTACHMENT A '..:t', "..,':,~:;~Secti(in" 1~ .,.. :;;0; e," . emar'eCouniY onmg:.Orw' . ., tateli'that,'<'Th -:,';.~"'A"~i6b~~~tfJif$~~hr:toli~~s~"~i~iiI~~~mllri~; PAGE 2 ~lS ." .@,.,. rovi~ilili~~~~~_~)jJi.,c~~~"o-~rc... ", :~;'~'i~that~rr~se'will'n'o(l1e .'of~ii1iI"detrlfu~ttt'~a~tpr6~~trth1~c:har~cte~~o{the'.(ii's!rict .:, ~;.'r:., ,_"'.~3~~J'iii -~?t~;~~~!ri~~~~~~l~~!:~4._~fh~!'~~~li;ti~~~~tC~?:f€'~~.~iiy.f~~f#~~~;tiJr?se..-~nd'inte~t'.of !hi ^ ,:, ~~.L::;f;tc~i~~~'(':9rdinance~\vi~ 'the tfs.e~jJeIl11itted by right in the distiict,~w.ith additi6rialregulcitlonsprovided in ~ection ""'~.:--"":"'.:~'" "~'~(.~'.Q".:,:''r:~i~'~'''}~-: .... ::..7:........:... ~. ':,"<:~' ;'.' '.':.~"'~_":''':''~~~''''':''i''''''';':_.....~:--f1 .;"'~._\,'...,\f'-~"" .....~ "";:-'. :.;;....~;...,:...i:".;k..- ,'~. . . '<>".' 5.0 of this ,ordiriance;ai1d with the public health, :safetj":'and general welfare. . , ':,~::~" - '....'". ,:.:,."~:,::~:~:.~~2'<.~ . "...., ::.,,~:,~... ')=:,<;~L,;;i~:L.;.}:,~.-..: ,::: ., .~:_ . "~', ':' '_;, . The items which follow'.will be 'reviewed by tlles'ciiff in their analysis of your requesLPlease complete. ..~. ;'.~-'-:..,\::~.' ....~.... '-,';'," ....... .~.. ,-' ..,.'\ ..' ''-'-',:,':';-::-'' ',', . ...' this form"and provide additional inforIl1ation.:"v.hich wiu assist the County in. its review of your request: If you need assistance filling c;mt these items, staff is available. . . What is the Comprehensive Plan designation for this property? Please see attached How will the proposed special use affect adjacent property? Please see attached ., How will the proposed special use affect the character of the district surrounding the property? Please see attached . . ,..~..~. ... How is the use in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance? Please see attached ",..-"" How is the use in harmony with the uses permitted by right in the district? Please see attached '" What additional regulations provided in Section 5,0 of the Zoning Ordinance apply to this use? Please see attached How will this use promote the public health. safety, and general welfare of the community? Please see attached ~%i\; 9 ") 1"""\ ~ 't._.",\"::"'" .-.;;-,... ...., ATTA.CHMENT A ~ Describe your request in detail and include all pertinent information such as the fit involved in the use, operating hours, and any unique features of the use: PAGE 3 ATTACHMENTS REQUIRED - provide two(2) copies of each: [d Recorded plat or boundary survey of the property requested for the rezoning. If there is no recorded plat or boundary survey, please' provide legal description of the property and the Deed Book and page number or Plat Book and page number. 1. 0' Note:' If you are requesting a special use permit only for' a portion ?f the property, it needs to be described or delineated on a copy of th~ plat or surveyed drawing. Ownership information - If ownership of the property is in the name of any type oflegal entity or organization including, but not limited to, the name of a corporation, partnership or association, or in the name of a trust, or in a fictitious mime, a document acceptable to ' the County must be submitted certifying that the person, signing below has the authority . to do so: ' .' . .--'~:;:". '.. 2. If the applicant is a contract purchaser, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted containing the owner's written consent to the application. If the applicant is the agent of the owner, a document acceptable to the County must be submitted that is evidence of the existence and scope of the agency. ,.. OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS: L lL _ \c..cl ~k,J.." P \<<. ~..c.. rCo ~ ,.... 0... ~ E:1 .B 3. .4. Drawings or conceptual plans, if any. Additional Information, if any. . .... .". . ;-~. ...~.'...' '\'~ "'." ~... ".... .;..-. .... ..:. 4' Application for amendment to SP 95.17 Goodlow Mountain What is the Comprehensive Plan designation for this property? ATTACHMENT A PAGE 4 Rural Areas/Mountain Resource Area, ~. How will the proposed special use affect adjacent property? The proposed use will not affect adjacent property. Attachment of the antenna will not require significant construction work and therefore will not disturb soil or require removal of trees. Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation ("TCO") intends to use the existing building on the Site so new construction will not be required. The attachment of an additional antenna will cause' no interference with the activities of adjoining properties, How will the proposed special use affect he character of the district surrounding the property? , The proposed antenna will not extend above the height of the existing tower. The Applicant proposes to paint the mounting hardware, antenna and coax cable to match the tower. This will minimize any potential effect on the surrounding district that may be caused by any visibility of the antenna on the tower. A tower with an attached extending 12' "whip" style antenna has been present on the Goodlow Mountain site for over 30 years. SP 97-51 permitted the construction of a new radio communication tower at this Site and up to three exterior-mounted panel antennas may be attached to the new tower. Accordingly, the proposed use is consistent with the present and permitted uses in the area. .~ How is the use in harmony with the purpose and intent of th,e Zoning Ordinance? The intent of Section 1.4 of the Zoning Ordinance is to improve public health, safety, convenience and the welfare of the citizens of Albemarle County, Sections 1,5 and 1,6 concern the need for adequate public services. The proposed antenna will serve an essential public service by enabling TCO to monitor its natural gas pipeline operations in the area. Section 1.4,3 of the Zoning Ordinance seeks to create an "attractive and harmonious community", Traditionally. opponents of radio communication towers contend that such towers have a negative visual impact and diminish the attractiveness of the surrounding area. TCO proposes to place its antenna on the existing tower; this tower was constructed by and will be owned by the Applicant who will place its own antennas upon the tower in accordance with SP 97-51. Such collocation of antennas by different owners on an existing tower in Albemarle County decreases the need for additional tower sites. This in turn preserves other agricultural and forest lands in the community (Section 1.4,8) and allays concerns about the possible negative visual impact on the community, r-) 11 Application for amendment to SP 95-17 Goodlow Mountain ATTACHMENT A How is the use in harmony with the uses permitted by right in the district? PAGE 5 ~ The proposed antenna will not restrict or interfere in any way with the uses permitted by right in the district. What additional regulations provided in Section 5.0 of the Zoning Ordinance apply to this use? Section 5,1,12 provides certain regulations governing tower facilities, SP 95-17 requires the Applicant to comply with Section 5,1.12 and the Applicant has and will continue to comply with this requirement. How will this use promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community? '" This proposal will promote the health, safety and general welfare of the community by enabling TeO to monitor its natural gas pipeline operations, Such monitoring may prove to be invaluable in the event of emergencies, Describe your request in detail and include all pertinent information such as the numbers of persons involved in the use, operating hours, and any unique features of the use: ,,-..} \ ' The Applicant requests a minor amendment to Paragraph 4(a) of the conditions to SP 97 -5l. Paragraph 4(a) permits antennas to be attached to the tower but stipulates that such antennas shall be limited to three flush-mounted panel antennae that must not exceed 6' in height and 12" in width, The Applicant proposes to externally mount on the existing tower a 21' omni stick antenna on a 6' stand-off extension arm, The Applicant intends to utilize a vertical extension member to raise the height of the antenna, although its total height will not exceed the overall height of the tower. The Applicant will run a W' coax cable that will be secured to the outside face of the tower and bridged into the existing shelter via a pole bridge. The cable and antenna will be tied into the existing tower ground, Please refer to the attached diagram of the antenna, In addition, the Applicant requests a waiver of the site plan requirement for this Amendment. On October 13, 1997, the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request for a waiver of the site plan for SP 97-51 subject to: (1) approval of an erosion and sediment control plan prior to the issuance of a building permit, and (2) provision for one parking space. In light of this waiver and the limited nature of this proposed amendment, the Applicant contends that submission of a site plan would not serve the public interest; equally, it will not forward the purpose of the Ordinance, F:\Clients\1..'SCC\Goodlow Mountam\Applicallon for Special1..~se Permil.doc 10/4/00 10:19 AM ~ 12 f &-0'* (_I T/~ _*<AGI.) ATTACHMENT A PAGE 6 i 30'. X J-O" TAlL COHa:4El<T CTl.Nl~ ~ I 1 I ~"" I I I I I I I I I ~'.o" o-n..; 5~") cal .zo ~~N. JD' 1oCI~ flA'IS C\'UNDOI ... , ! i ~ 6,'0" t {l1oc ,J.' ~"'j ." o I 11> .. .. b I " .. ~ ;( '>oJ d .1 .~.;, ~ .. 1 1:. "ONOP<U ~ I '$ 24'dr SHE!.. TER PIftlPOS[!l ~ roueA 1KlN (M III! ~ Ill' 0_) ,,~ @ELEVATlON C-2 SCALE: NT; 13 ~, r- I I I /-"',.- I' ,/,':',...~..~' \. ',- / /" ^ '':( . , ~ I\H" I f / a;' J\ v~ , : '" ,.~(, \~Q,'" I ( l 1-'.:1) '<)1' ~~~.; /;~,... ~j' t:~ ~: . 'It '\"'. j;;:' ~~., I \'<'1'> I' T >'- ~.;\~'-:(r ~ '--.....----<: " ~t>~ "'N "'0; "", "", ~o .. '!'..':' ,-;;' ~:;,;n ,~~~/ ~~~~,~ : ~~\~, \,\"~O f'". k ~ ~!f'C' &~;; I~~ ~~ ~~ 1" _ I ~o 'a~ I;::: "'m ,,:e _ I' II;:; ~oi ;::!!:' ..... ~~ ~~Q ~.., / ~o 2~ ~ ~ Ii I I ~"1..;~ :; .; l.. I ;;;2 "'.. /' '" /~ :;1. ___, j ""'. ~oi ~~ ~ !1 ~" "'I-~ "', ~o ~~ ~ " ., ;:!" i;) I::! ~ "', c I '" ! Q' ~_ I 5 J ::: ",'" ~ ~ ~ ~e", _. ~~U ~~~ / 0: e o u /~ ~.J ,,-' . ~S ,.;; ",e:: >" ,,:0 ~!1 ., = ~~ <; . ~ ~ e;:: ~ ~ SS c:s ~ ;0;' "; f~' ~ R ~ " (J) w a:: u <:( to f\! N N m on ::!o.: .... .,,, Q" :om ~o ,.- 4,c'i- c-.Q;'- // J ~.. ~r ;~ o/~ ~: , "'~. "z :?~ ,::" :t:' ~~ 00: ~:: ~'" .),a- /~ & 1-9t dI1' /' .6"0 Ie "I . r , 1. 'i 't 1'4 '. '. ,', ' t .. 'I. - '. I '.' t. . . I :" I I · I I' . ~ "';. , : ,I '.' '.' It' , .J .0," ~.~c IV ~1:I":Jg 1 ':is';' ~L.';.rz u. '" ~6~ 'g'O Ol-gt "'''1 - r"\. 14 '" ~ ~~ 'l'm .:1:) ,on ~.'l:i ;:., ~ (...(-, ....\.,1 ~l~ ~ '\' ~ ... .. N . ~ 0- ~ ...0: :0 ON \.,s:: Q" :om ....ri '" '" a s " Ol~' z=: t5~ ~,.....; ATTACHMENT A I~ , I ~ ,l~ " 1 ~ ~ Ir~l ~ ~!::. ~4~;'; \.., ~...,a ;:; '(''\.-o j ,; .....~J, i lL. o >- w > a: wI- ~ :l~~ >- ii;t;;G ~~!55~ Cl 0-' s~~~>= i1l1i!~5~g) C)~a:t;;5C'1 ~<D~au-: ~j""Z:~W"" ra..o ...Ja: Vl<tW<{~~ 1-:l:1-~:l::l: <{x~<t~W ...J<to>...J~ a..1-...Ja:<to " ~ o o .. " g g " PAGE 7 o o .. 2 ... " ~ '" '" '" .. '" ," " " " u :z; -a 0 c.i~ ::: ~.t;; n'i~~ ~.l::~ O;i;.... _OJ:.~ ... -..:.j ~!!IS: &3~ iJl3 :Z;~2l: ~....9 us. ~ Col ,. S ... ~ ATTACHMENT A PAGE 8 ,~ November 11, 1998 County of Albemarle, Virginia 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 and Charlottesville Cellular Partnership c/o United State Cellular Wireless Communications 841 0 West Bryn Mawr Avenue Suite 700 Chicago, IL 60631 A TTN: Real Estate Radio Communications Tower Licence at Goodloe Mountain: Charlottesville. Virginia ~' Dear Sirs: This is to advise that the undersigned has a License Agreement with Charlottesville Cellular Partnership for the use of an existing radio communications tower and related improvements on property in Albemarle County, Virginia. The property is more particularly described in that certain License Agreement, dated June 15, 1998. As the landowner of property on which the tower is located, I support Charlottesville Cellular Partnership in their efforts to obtain permits and/or zoning approvals (including, but not limited to an Application for Special Use Permit - SP- 97-51, as amended) for the construction, and use on the property for a radio communications tower, and related improvements, Very truly yours, V:~ S. /y~ Philip S. Marshall ~ 15 -- ATTACHMENT A PAGE 9 """" COUNlY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Building Code and Zoning Services 401 Mcintire Road, Room 227 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 fP0((804) 972-4126 TELEPHONE (804) 296-5832 T11)(804)972~12 November 11, 1999 Steven W. Blaine Attorney at Law LeClair Ryan Post Office Box 2017 108 Second Street, S.E. Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-2017' FAX 296-0905 Re: S.P. 97-51 Goodlow Mountain (TM 36, Parcel 16) Official Determination Dear Mr. Blaine: "....,., The purpose of this letter is to provide determinations for three questions relating to this special use permit for a telecommunications facility. Two of the three questions involve an interpretation of the conditions of the current approval. The third question relates to the procedure for amendment to the application. The questions of interpretation are in response to your letter of November 8th. The process question is whether the current owner's approval will also authorize amendment to this special use permit. It is my opinion that the November 11, 1998 letter from owner Philip S. Marsha!! provides sufficiently broad authorization to include the submittal of a request to amend the conditions of approval for this use. The owner states in this letter "I support Charlottesville Cellular Partnership in their efforts to obtain permits and/or zoning approvals (including, but not limited to an Application for Special Use Permit - SP-97 -51, as amended) for the construction, and use on the property for a radio communications tower, and related improvements." My opinion is based on the following: . The owner remains the same; . The proposed use has not / will not change and does not differ from that which is described in the letter; . The language is broad in terms of approvals "permits and/or zoning approvals" and while the specific special use permit i~ listed it is with the language "including, but not limited to" ~' 16 Determination Letter to Steven Blaine Re: S.P. 97-51 Goodlow Mountain November 11, 1999 ATTACHMENT A PAGE 10 , The other determinations you requested relate to an interpretation of conditions of the October 13, 1999 approval by the Board of Supervisors. Condition #1 states: The height of the tower shall not exceed 7 feet above the height of the tallest tree within 25 feet of the tower. The applicant shall provide a certified statement on the height of the tallest tree. Antenna may extend 3 feet above the height of the tower. It is my opinion that the 25 foot distance from which to determine tree height, is measured from the closest tree within a grouP. It is evident that this was the intent because this tower site is located within a clearing. .~-\ You have submitted a plan dated October 26, 1999 which is certified by David Blankenbaker, surveyor. This plan reflects the fact that the tallest tree in that area is located 52 feet from the tower. It is a 24" poplar tree which is 82 feet in height. Therefore, the tower may not exce~d 89 feet in height and the antenna may not extend to a height of more than 92 feet. ' The final decision you requested relates to an interpretation of condition #2. The relevant portions of this condition are as follows: a. The tower shall be of wood or constr!Jction similar to the design and dimensions (other than height) of the existing tower; . d. The tower shall be natural wood color. It is my opinion that this condition would permit the use of a monopole structure made of c, steel, so long as it is painted a natural wood color. This type and design of tower structure will meet the intent of these conditions. If you are aggrieved by this determination, you have a right to appeal it within thirty (30) days of the date notice of this determination is given, in accordance with Section 15.2- 2311 of the Code of Virginia. If you do not file a timely appeal, this determination shall be final and unappealable. An appeal shall be taken only by filing with the Zoning Administrator and the Board of Zoning Appeals a notice of appeal which specifies the grounds for the appeal. An appeal application must be completed and filed along with the fee of $95. The date notice of this determination was given is specified above. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sincerely, ~ ~4 ~t Amelia G.llilcCulley ~ Zoning Administrator Cc: Larry Davis Wayne Cilimberg '" ,.... ~. 17 . rI...~,. f*'\ ~\. f) ATTACHMENT A PAGE 11 RECEIVED NAR 2 9 2000 March 8, 2000 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296 - 5823 Fax (804) 972 - 4035 Steve Blaine LeClair Ryan POBox 2017 108 SE Second Street Charlottesville, VA 22902-2017 RE: SP-97-51 Goodlow Mountain, Tax Map 36, Par.cel16 Dear Mr. Blaine: ........ '--I __ The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on October 13, 1999, unanimously approved the request for a waiver of the site plan subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of an erosion and sediment control plan prior to the issuance of a building permit; and 2. Provision of one (1) parking space. If you have any questions or comments regarding the above action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, tJ. ... V. Wayne llimberg Director of Planning & C VWC/jcf Cc: Jack Kelsey Amelia McCulley 18 COLUMB L.. GAS L~vAL .....v-:: -'-- ~/<:. Columora Gas 1tanSmlSS10niM ATTACHMENT A PAGE 12 1700 MacCol1de Ave SE Charleston wV 15314 PO Box 1173 Charleston V'N 25315-1273 ! J~ 304 357 2000 October 16, 2000 County of Albennarle, Virginia 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, V A 22902 and Charlottesville Cellular Partnership , c/o United States Cellular Wireless Communication 8410 West Bryn Mawr Avenue Suite 7000 Chicago,IL 60631 A TIN: Real Estate Re: A.p.plication to Amend Special Use Pp.nnit (SP 95-17) To Whom It May Concern: Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation ("TCO") supports Charlottesville Cellular Partnership, doing business as United States Cellular Wireless Communication, in its application to amend Special Use Permit 95-17 to anoW the attachment of an antenna owned by TCO upon the newly constructed radio communications tower. If the consent of Tea is necessary to consider any part of the Application to amend Special Use Permit 95-17, this letter may be treated as providing such consent. This consent does not limit or modify in any way the permission granted to Charlottesville Cellular Partnership by Mr. Philip R. Aldridge dated September 8, 1997. Any questions regarding the authority granted herein should be directed to me at (304) 357-3806. Sincerely, ~~"- Reed D. Robinson Vice President cc: Bruce Cavender Ken Tawney I --, ;\ A Columbia Energy Group Company 19 ATTACHMENT A PAGE 13 SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY r""\ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Russell F. Arsaga, Vice-President of Engineering of Charlottesville Cellular Partnership, doing business as U.S. Cellular ("USCC") at 8410 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, Suite 700, Chicago, Illinois 60631, being duly authorized by and with full authority of USCC have made, constituted, and appointed and by these presents do hereby make, constitute, and appoint Steven W. Blaine, as the tlVe ,and lawful attorney-in-fact for USCC (hereinafter referred to as "our attorney"), who is hereby authorized for USCC and in the name of USCC to do the following acts: 1. To act for and on behalf of usec with respect to all matters relating to an application to the County of Albemarle (Virginia) Department of Building Code and Zoning Services to amend Special Use Permit 97-51, as amended, currently governing the construction and conditions of use, of a radio communications tower on the real estate known as the Goodlow Mounta~ Site (Tax Map 36, Parcel 16). 2. To execute, acknowledge, and deliver any application, permit, plat, deed of trust, affidavit, statement, or any other document that may, in the opinion of our attorney, be necessary or des~able in connection with the above- described application. ~ 3. To execute and perform any other act or thing that is necessary or, in the opinion of our attorney, ought to be done in connection with the above-described application. This Power of Attorney shall not terminate in the event of my disability. I hereby confIrm all lawful actions that may be taken by our attorney pursuant to this Power of Attorney. An affidavit executed by my attorney, setting forth that he has not, or had not, at the time of doing any act pursuant to this Power of Attorney, had actual knowledge or had received actual notice of the revocation or termination of this Power of Attorney by death, disability, or otherwise, or notice of any facts indicating the same, shall, in the absence of fraud, be conclusive proof of the nonrevocation or nontermination of this Power of Attorney at such time, except as specifIcally set forth below. I further declare that, as against usec or persons claiming under usce, everything that our attorney shall do pursuant to this Power of Attorney shall be valid and binding in favor of any person or entity claiming the benefit hereof until there has been recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, a written notice of revocation executed by me. This Power of Attorney shall terminate on the JSI day of October, 2001. r 20 ATTACHMENT A PAGE 14 WITNESS my 'signature and se (SEAL) .~ STATE OF .I II it! t7is . . CITY/COUNTY OF C OiJk ' to wit: , ,: f1{)(l')P 11,- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by f.J.,,~e this i3 day of October, 2000. My commission expires: lJ / -, 10" () ") I '7 f / t/ y;~~ Notary Public " "O,~-E 1 ~J A l SEA L II A~W J. LOZICH NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF ILLINOIS MY Ca"AMISSION EXPIRES 8/3 2003 ,r--., /' 21 "'" " ,.....", ""1 ",r, ATTACHMENT B ALBEMARLE COUNTY " 50 .SCALE ,.. FEE"!' ..~..' .0:> lIce "0 ... e..'JE AU'ol aqRIClJL TURAI.. 8 to..c:STA.... OISTRICT SECTION 36 RIVANNA DISTRICT 22 ATTACHMENT C PAGE 1 /- COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Dept. of Planning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-45% (804) 2%-5823 October 22, 1999 Steve Blaine LeClair Ryan POBox 2017 108 SE Second Street Charlottesville, VA 22902-2017 RE: SP-97-51 Goodlow MouDtain, Tax Map 36, Parcel 16 Dear Mr. Blaine: The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, at its meeting on October 13, 1999, unanimously approved the above-noted request to remove and reconstruct an existing tower on Goodlow Mountain. Please note that this approval is subject to the following conditions: ~ I. The height of the tower shall not exceed 7 feet above the height of the tallest tree within 25 feet of the tower. The applicant shall provide a certified statement on the height of the tallest tree, Antenna may extend 3 feet above the height of the tower, 2. The tower shall be designed, constructed and maintained as follows: a. The tower shall be of wood or construction similar to the design and dimensions (other than height) of the existing tower; b. Guy wires shall not be pennitted; c, The tower shall have no lighting; and, d. The tower shall be natural wood color. 3. The tower and the secured yard shall be located, and the mechanical building shall be located and sized, as shown on Attached plan titled "Proposed Cellular Antenna Site" and initialed WDF November 7, 1997 and on Untitled topographic map initialed WDF November 7, 1997. 4. Antennas may be attached to the tower only as follows: a, The antennas shall be limited to 3 flush-mounted panel antennae not to exceed 6 feet in height and 1 foot in width; and b, Satellite and microwave dish antennas are prohibited, ~ } 23 ATTACHMENT C Page 2 October 22, 1999 PAGE 2 ,....." 5. The tower shall be used, or have the potential to be used, for the collocation of other wireless telecommunications providers, as follows: a. The permittee shall allow other wireless telecommunications providers to locate antennas on the tower and equipment on the site, subject to these conditions: (1) Prior to approval of a final site plan for the site or the waiver of the site plan requirement, the permittee shall execute a letter of intent stating that it will make a good faith effort to allow such location and will negotiate in good faith with such other provider requesting locate on the tower or the site; and, (2) The permittee shall provide to the County, upon request, verifiable evidence that it has made a good faith effort to allow such location. Verifiable evidence of a good faith effort includes, but is not limited to, evidence that the permittee has offered to allow other providers to locate on the tower and site in exchange for reciprocal rights on a tower and site owned or controlled by another provider within Albemarle County. ~. The use ot this facility by additional telecommunication providers will require amendment of this special use permit. The presence of this condition in no way implies approval of additional uses for this facility or this property. 6. Each outdoor luminaire shall be fully shielded such that all light emitted is projected below a horizontal plane running though the lowest part of the shield or shielding part of the luminaire. For purposes of this condition, a luminaire is a complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps together with the parts designed to distribute the light, to position and protect the lamps, and to connect the lamps to the power supply. Outdoor lighting shall be limited to periods of maintenance only. 7. Prior to beginning construction or installation of the tower or the equipment building, or installation of access for vehicles or utilities, the permittee shall obtain authorization from the Director of Planning to remove existing trees on the site. The Director of Planning shall identify which trees may be removed for such construction or installation. Except for the tree removal expressly authorized by the Director of Planning, the permittee shall not remove existing trees within two hundred (200) feet of the tower, the equipment building, or the vehicular or utility access. 8, The permittee shall comply with section 5,1.12 of the Zoning Ordinance. Fencing of the lease area shall not be required. 9. The tower shall be disassembled and removed from the site within ninety (90) days of the date its use for wireless telecommunications purposes is discontinued. (l 24 Page 3 October 22, 1999 ATTACHMENT C PAGE 3 10. The permittee shall submit a report to the Zoning Administrator once per year, by not later than July 1 of that year. The report shall identify each user of the tower and shall identify each user that is a wireless telecommunications service provider. 11. Access road improvements shall be limited to drainage improvements and minimal grading necessary to improve travel surface and the application of gravel. In the event that the use, structure or activity for which this special use permit is issued shall not be commenced within eighteen (18) months after the issuance of such permit, the same shall be deemed abandoned and the authority granted thereunder shall thereupon terminate. For purposes of this section, the term "commenced" shall be construed to include the commencement of construction of any structure necessary to the use of such permit within two (2) years from the date of the issuance thereof which is thereafter completed within one (1) year. Before beginning this use, you must obtain a zoning clearance from the Zoning Department. Before the Zoning Department will issue a clearance, you must comply with the conditions in this letter. For further information, please call Jan Sprinkle at 296-5875. If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above-noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ,...-..., ~:e-~ David B. Benish Chief of Planning & Community Development DBB/jcf Cc: Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey T ex Weaver Steve Allshouse .r-"\ 25 ATTACHMENT UNfTED STJ. CELLLJ WIREL.E$S CXJM""" PAGE 1 - TECTONIC=~,c. UI4~~ -... ..... (8OC~72OJ rM (tOc)SJO.-nu . ~7WD .~ --- ~ IN!t:t ~ lNQ.1 ~ lUSIll; _ R/, _ -- -- -..a:r IIQ, IlllAWII I'f oca I'f IlCla04 I ~ EJ I SUBMnTALS 110. lIAlt ISSU( o S-II-Gl IFal_ I S-lO-OQ l'lI:'GD Fal CIJI$1RUCTQC 2 J I ~ 5 . 7 . , ClW'l<<: SCAl.( 7 l IN INCHES """"'-- I'WllJ€Cf GOODLOW MOUNTAIN BARBOURSVlllE. VA ALBEMARLE COUNTY SHaT mu: SITE DETAIL I ~ SIZE LEGEND ---- ___-1 - - - 122 -..:. -12:J___ - - -crm--, --UID- -- ---------- ---------- "" -OHW- -c_c_ -e_e_ ---------- ~ ~I GENERAL NOTES 1. AU. Uf'riIOEA'C:MUo U1'lJTY NlRIA1lOfII SttCNIf HOI[OC 0E1'tRYNE0 rRCN SlH'Aa: E\4OEHCE. HJ. ~ U11UnEl SHOl.l.D 8E l0C4ftD IN tH( ruo Pfkft to CXlt.l~T CE AU. SITE WIRe. CA.U. "S5 U11UlY 1-~~-1ODI 4 ........ Cf' n HAS PRICIt TO P\..N<<O ACn\U'IES. a. .4U. ttIrlITRAC'TO'S SHALL K $(ULy ~ Fat WCJIK PROCI:tl:lWC .. ... SN't Nfl) ClADOtI. Y MNftlt &H ACCiCR)NrtCE _fH JI1[ ~ CCXlf.S ANa R(QUlRO.lOt~ OF THE CCQ,JpAnONAI,. SNtTY AIfD HtA&.'h4 AOWNS11tA11ON. ALL CQ(11tAC1'tRS INJ/Ot J1.IEIA DlP\.O't[[S WUST ~ATD..T HOTFY l1ol( CClNSTRuCnot WAHACEJt CI MY UH$Nt COIOlllONl D.RNC lI<E CCUAS: OF ...... 3. T'OWEJt a.....(T[JI SiONt IS roR N'OfWATJOI ao..y. AC'lUAl rACE. 1IOl'H (7 fo.et "AT 0iNf(( DUE TO DE9Qll OF f01IDI rat Ol3ST1tG SOt.. COOOTtOfS. 1.0A0Ht; CXlN5IODtAno.s. ETC. .........". UN( AO.OfrO fIIItOPOtTY u.€ DIS11HC __ [lllS1lNC: lNIl€X CQNlOJIlS PltCP<J:Sm ,0 CCIfit TQJRS PRCPOS(J) 1~ <X>>tTCl.llS [lllS1lNC: tDCE OF PA~T a.s_ StCRN .....,. D<IS1lNC unuN p<u DIS11HC -.... -. [lIl$f __ ro.a: 0._ fOlCE su fOlCE ~ U11UntS D<IS1lNC TlIQ; .... .LNT CI' CUNINc: ANTENNA AND COAXI AL CABLE SCHEDULE SECTOR AHltNNA AZI"UTH AlGAl COAlGAl CABlE I "ARK FEED LOCA nON CENTt:R CAlII..E LENCTH CONRCURA nON DOllNnLT A-I I oea~V700T4 (8"'2 CEHTt:R 2elS" ~" tO~' 1 1/2" 20" G TX/RX 0 8-1 I 088~V700T4 (8"12 CEHTt:R 275' ~rr 10~' AHOA(w TX/RX 1 1/2' 20' 8 0 TOTAl lENGTH 21D rr I ''-,- ", " " " " '................ " " " " " "- " , , ''\, e ' - , , , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ '\ '\ '\ '\. '\ \ \ \ '\ '\ '\ '\... '\ .....~ '\ '\. '\ CDr€RAlQt PAO CDSITE DETAIL PLAN ",. )-..,.-. . . CCttntA.C1'Qt SHAlL WIWY .. IN[ no.n 1"fIU( ftOItTM aT U('ANS OF SQ.N11 OEISfJNAlIOH MOA to 'I8eCATtOItI ItSTAU..Anarc OF AH1[NU NOI.>>lTS. 1. CClN1'RAC1OR &fAlL H011P'Y 0ICi1HUIt OF Nt" Dt$CR[P'AHCY ~ TO STA", CI COtS1RuCnOtc. N ! u I" ~ -< '" ) ) ATTACHMENTD PAGE 2 ) -) UNITED STJ CELLL WIRELESS COMMI TECTONIC =::::'s ~,c. el14 WIllCIIII;nDJJ """Y ............. uza CelM)UO-72a 'M (IilM)~?t'3 II AnMITIC 1"Dln!II CCNIflOUnwf -.,...- --- ~IM:= lIAllIIC RI._ 20lIC - PiiiiCf'iii'. __ IT CH[C1C IT 1-- I E:J E=:J I SUSllmALS IlQ, IIo\Tt ISSU( o $-IHlllrOll_ I $-JIK1O I Jl(lIlI]) rat_ I 1 . 4 ! . 7 . . _ SCAU > I 1M INCHES . 1 ~ ~ OfIIClNAl. 51%1; -.m:r GOODLOW MOUNTAIN BARBOURSVlLLE. VA ALBEMARLE COUNTY IHUT TrIll ELEVATION AND ANTENNA !,NTENNA NOTES 1 ISTRUCTURAL STEEL NOTES t. AU. NUtNNAS TO BE' f1..IAI'I5H(D .IM oo.1'U 8ftA()((TS. CONtJtACTOR TO 1. COHntACTCIt SHAlL VUIfIFT H.L 0IWEJd0td NG CCIOlQIS If ~ COCAOlHAtt A(o..Am 1I(Q4AHtCAL ~"lT '01 EACH 1tHl[Nit4 .nt "" EHQN(Dl f1(tD ..... TO FAlRCA1ICIN ~ EJl(CTlO't t;S" N4Y.....T'DUL. MT l. ANTENNA (tNtt'JUlI( HOOIl IS MCM: CROJND lttU (AQ.). UNUSu.... CONDITKIG SIW.L II( MJI<WtTED TO n4( AT1UInoN OF 1H[ 0._ J. Ot[OC _YM ", [NQN[[JIt FOIl l..AT[Sf NtYDtNA TlfI'f III': ADAID4. 2. DtSIQt MD aJrtSTRuCTiCJ'II OF S1'IIUC1UIW. S1tU StWJ. CXW'CRI ro nc AMOICNf ..snNT[ t:F $1Ul. CCNSnIJCnCIC -SPl:CflCAlIOJII <t, cattTRACTCJt SHAlL 'tlEJW'T NtfOlU T"tP( AHa AZUJDI _tlt CCIHS1'RUeTICtI UAHAC(R rOR M CEStCN. FAlRCAnoN MO E*CtKJrI f6 $1RUCIUUrL STED. PRtDR TO CQHS1RUc:1JOt. ""'~. S;. CClHlRACTOR SHAU. NOT ICSTN.L ca..o .... 'IlIlFtAP UNtI.. NTtR Ua.n HA'tE BEOI J. $1IIJC1UIIAI. AND "SCD.I...NEOUS stUt.. StW.L ~DAM TO AS1V .....T, oUt .$1IIUClURM. Slm:. Uf<<.($S OTKJllWSt: lOCATED. .. ntE US( OF H,lI:JWCAlt CRO.H)Nt; ytAfilS (SU04 AS l'l1<OlL )liT) SHIrU. f:CMIly 4. SltD. .-.r[ SHAU. CQtIf'ORII 10 AS1II MOO '"aI.O-I'0fWEI) tIQD[D _1M a.e.tJ. Q;lCSTAUCTICJI SPE:CFlCATI(1N.S _ 8Ull.DHC PAACna.s. NfO K.MU:SS CMBCJoI S1tEI. SntuC1\lfUL ~. OU<< " OR ..1M ... --. mn. ~ .... _-_ aoe-<:aA1lIl _ .... ~SS". nPl[ tat.. CIWK . _ s.za IOCAtm NIlE. frICINIfiIN- ACNH. OU...-x: 0IAU[1Ul IS f..NIIICI:K. ~ S'RJCT\MIAL CONEC'nONS u1lUZINC S;rt' DlA Qt ..:ATDt 'AS1tNERS 1M..... lit ..... $1IlOIC1N ....1$ (IItAMoC not) _ Cl:lNF_ TO ASN A325 :ttOt S1RENCtM BCLTS Fat 5TAUC1\.IUi. .IONts. frtQ.UOIC 9.JUa..E NUtS NfO PLMI IUIIIX:NED WASHDtS"'. AU. llOllS lty 0tA _ SIUoU.tII SHJU. CllNFlIlII TO ASTU un. .. AU. STEEl. IlfATEJII....S SHMJ. 8E CALWMlED N1Dt FASIlICAnat " AC:COIIIOAHCE _1M ASl\I AI2J' '"lINe (HOT-QIP ~V.wztl)) COAlW'ICS C>>t IRQlI NIl S1Dl. PRCOJCTS"'. UNlDS OtHDnlS. N01m. 'f. AU. 8C",'I'I. MOtCRS. MD MtSCIlJ..NI(OUS HNIDWMI[ StAU. I[ CALVNIll[D It ACClDRDNCI: W1M.ASN Al~ -aee-cxJAlJrtG. (IoOT-OOO) ... ..... .... S1tD. ..-", UIU$S 01IClMSE HOlD), & DAMAiCtD CALVNlZ[D ....ACU SWJ. . It[JtMlO) IY CCllD r-'r.7'~1>l( f:ALVNlZINC 1ft AC'.lCCRDNIC[ _nt ASW A78Q. lARCES1' NtT'(NHA t. c::aMlRACTOR SHAlL CCM'l't 'MlH AtIS CODE FOI ~ @ ~'" NlPE:AAAMC[ ANO CUAUTY fS flODS. ANI) fot WE1tta)S USED " COllAte"'e 1WlItC. ..... 'IQDtIIS _ Wl.Ill>IC PlIOCnStS SHJU. IJE 0J.t.l.6I[0 1M ACCXIAOMCI: W1M AWl '"sTNII:W'D Q.I.IrtI'ICA1'Oe PROCEDtJR[S-. AU. 1IIlEI.DIHC StW.L . DCIC USIfC (7Ua DLClRCJ)[S AHa 'M1DlNG SULL CCNlIIII 1'0 "'SC NG ClJ. .... n.1..r:t m.D $ZES AR( NOT SHOWt. PIIOWX TIC ........ Sl[ PER TASLl 44 It TIC. ~sc "'WAMwrI. 01 S1UL ~ 11M ED11CN. ,Q. lHCCAA(Cft.y,A8AICAT'ED. DAMACED CM 011"lER'M![ ~ (It NQlICQlIIOMfINC WA1'fJtN..S OR COOncNS SfW.L IE ~ 10 1HE (HQft(Dt PRlOlt 1'0 ADlECUt. (WI c:ow:cnw: AC:1'OI. Nf'f SUOt ACnON "AU. Ato..ur: ENCN::[ft ~N... 'I. \NSTRUTS SKAU. IE rGRWm S1ttl (HMIrrG, S1RUT IlUMMC AS YMUf'AC1l.IRtO BY UNISTRUT COIP.. 'f!A'ttI[, .. CR [w... SRJT Y[W8EJtS S1#r1.l.. BE I !II""" S/I'".,2 CA. l..IUSS OTHOnl!lE HOTIlJ" TOP MO SHAU. BE HOT-otI' CAlVNlZ!D Af'1I:R 'HRCA11CIJt. 12. EPOXY' NeOf(JI ASSDIL y SH....... ~SST (7 1~ OI..-mt STM<<.($S S1ttI. Moot ReD .1M MolTS . WI&SH(JtS, N4 lNrtRMAl.1.y ~ INSI;RT, A SCRlEN lUBE NCI AN t:POIY' ADHES'L nc: NtOtCIIHG S"tS1'EM 5tHJ.. II(: tHE ...n-+tT HY-20 OR HT-I50 S'T!1'DIS (AS SflEonED M Q1fIC.) OR UtClP<<DtS ~ [OJH. WlH 4-1/4- ... ~T 0EJI1K. . 13, OPAHSIOH 9C1TS SH.tU. CO'If"OAM TO F'[I)[JUl. RancAncIN "'-S-J2~ CROJP '. TlP( 4. Q.ASS I. HlLlI ICWlC leu I OR APPRO\"EO EOJAL INSTAUATlQN SHN.l. Br .. AOeCJIONIC( .1M n.( MMUfAC:'J1.ll[ft"S "l'ClQIAIEHOA1l(IIIS. VNWUM OlIEDYDtT SHAU. B( J 1/2. UNtLSS 01HERWSE NOTm. 14. CAPAQN OF OI'ST TO'4lOt 1'0 SUPPORT ACOnDfItAt. MlIHtA lOAD >>G COArIH. c:A8l.(S wu$T BE C[R1RD BY A A(.OS1[R[D SlJI.JC1\JIUl (NQNE[R PRtOR 1'0 "STAU..AnoN "2 1'" CONIRACTOR TO \UIFT N..L PMrs ...,., "000. ......eotS .1H 1IC CONS-..cnoN IlIMACDt PRIOft TO ~ ANO ..STAI.L,.A.TIClN.. - - f- c: :> ~ ~ ~ - I- c: P. 1! ISOMETRIC ~ANTENNA MOUNT ELEVATION e-> SCALE: "71 TiDlST <:IWlt 0.... .'47J,.0Itt: (.a.IlIS.) ~ .. ~ il 3d" ACROSS flAB ~ .. \, ~ 11-0.' (AQ.) T_.~ ~o.T CrUNotJI 0-- A ~ ~ !: ~. x 4a' -0. TAlL CXlNCVUl(HT C1\JIClElt S1[H.lH fIICIIQPQ.[ T01IOl ATTACHMENT E ALEXANDRlA LECLAIR RYAN BLACKSBURG A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW PAGE 1 NORFOLK POST OFFICE Box 2017 123 WEST MAIN STREET, 8TIi FLOOR CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGlNIA 22902-2017 E-mail:pasplin@leclairryan.com DIRECT DIAL: (804) 245-3426 ~l INNSBROOK A1Alm'l:O.lUTllF. ""'R (IF EN',,,^~[; M;t- W,Il.f., RICHMOND TELEPHONE: (804) 971-7771 FACSnvrrLE: (804)296-0905 December 22,2000 Mr, Stephen B. Waller Department of Planning County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Re: SP-2000-066 Goodlow Mountain Dear Steve: .~ Enclosed please find a sketch prepared on behalf of CNS Microwave, Inc. that illustrates the proposed attachment of the new antenna on the monopole tower. As we discussed, this antenna can be attached on either face of the tower, The antenna will be 21' in height; the base of the antenna will measure approximately 2 %, and taper to approximately I y, at the top. This sketch proposes a mounting elevation on the tower at 47'; the antenna would therefore extend to a total elevation of68.' As this antenna will be used by Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation ("TCa") to monitor its gas pipeline, it isesselltial that the antenna be omni-directional; in other words, it must be able to transmit in a 3600 pattern, Accordingly, the antenna cannot be flush-mounted, but must be mounted on a standoff bracket approximately 6' from the tower. In light of the impending deadline for your report to the Planning Commission, I have submitted this plan as you have requested to assist you with your report. Unfortunately, the technician assigned to this project by TCa has not granted his final approval of this sketch. It is necessary that the technician confirm that the dimensions of the antenna and its proposed position on the tower will enable TCa to effectively monitor its gas pipeline, Accordingly, until such time, I must emphasize that this should be considered only a preliminary sketch, and Tea reserves the right to amend this sketch in any respect prior to final approval by the Board of Supervisors, I anticipate being able to speak to the technician on Wednesday, December 27,2000. and. I will inform you immediately of any changes to this sketch, Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need anything further. With warm regards for the holidays, I remain, Very truly yours, /~I C~ U Patrick C. Asplin cc: Ms, Julie Somerville Mr. Mark Gartley ~ Steven W. Blaine, Esquire 28 ATTACHMENT E LECLAIR RYAN PAGE 2 ALEXANDRIA A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATIORNEYS AT LAW E_rnail:pasplin@leclairryan,corn DIRECT DIAL: (804) 245-3426 ~ BLACKSBURG NORFOLK PoST OFFICE Box 2017 123 WEST MAIN STREET, 8TH FLoOR CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22902-2017 AOMITTEDTOTHE BAR OF ENGl..o'.ND ,"ND \",^L.E~ INNSBROOK RICHMOND TELEPHONE: (804) 971-7771 FACSIMILE: (804) 296-0905 [} January 19, 200 I ,,: L-,j\ ., i... Mr. Stephen B. Waller Department of Planning County of Albemarle 40 I McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Re: SP-2000-066 Goodlow Mountain Dear Steve: Further to our telephone conversation last week, I enclose herewith a letter from Mr. Todd Adams, an engineer with NiSource, the parent company of Columbia Gas Transmission Corporation. As you will see, Mr. Adams explains that it is critical that the antenna be mounted on the tower via a 6 ft, extension arm to ensure safe and effective monitoring of the gas pipeline. Our client requested in the original application that it be allowed to mount the antenna on a 6 ft, extension arm, but I understand that it is now the policy of your Department to, whenever possible, stipulate that antennas must be mounted within 12" of the tower. However, the present application raises issues that affect the safety of the residents of Albemarle County and, in light of such concerns, we ask again that you allow this request as an exception to the current policy, ".-.,... Mr. Adams also addresses the issue of the appropriate mounting elevation of the antenna on the tower, I previously submitted to you, under cover of letter dated December 22, 2000, a sketch of the tower showing the antenna attached at an elevation of 47 ft, As I stated in that letter, this sketch was expressly conditional upon a technician reviewing the plans on behalf of Columbia Gas. Indeed, as you will see, Mr. Adams points out the advantages to all parties of mounting the antenna at the highest possible elevation, Accordingly, as we discussed last week, we ask that you ignore the previous sketch showing a mounting elevation of 47ft" and permit the antenna to be mounted on the tower at an elevation of no greater than 68 ft, While I hope to be able to provide you with a revised sketch plan early next week, it will be identical to the pian that I previously submitted, except, of course, it will show the antenna mounted at a height of 68 ft. instead of 47ft, Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need any further information. Very truly yours, ~C/~~4~ 1>~ck C. Asplin cc: Ms, Julie Somerville Mr. Bruce Cavender Mr. Mark Gartley Steven W. Blaine, Esquire /"\ 29 FROM eOL GAS SYS EMC DEPT (FRI) 1. 11' 02 17: 44/8T. 17: 40/NO. 4 ATTACHMENT E f"'\ NiSource Mr. Todd Adams 1 GOO Dublin Road Columbus, OH 43215 Office: (614) 481-1224 Email: taadamsqceg.com PAGE 3 January 11, 2001 Mr. Stephen B, Waller County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 Mcrntire Road Charfottesville, Virginia 22902 Re: SP-2000-066. Antenna Mounting Requirements Dear Mr. Waller: 1 am senior network engineer at NiSource, the parent company of Columbia Gas Transmission Company r'TeO") and J am responsible for advising TCa with respect to technical issues relating to Application SP-2000- 066, My qualifications are 9 years of professional telecom experience and a BSEE degree. This letter is being submitted on behalf of TCO to request a modification to the installation design for the GOOdlow Mtn site. n As you are aware, TCO seeks permission to mount an antenna capable of effectlvely monitoring its gas pipeline upon the newly constructed monopole tower. They have had an opportunity to inspect the sketch plan that was previously submitted to you in December 2000. While the antenna dimensions proposed in this sketch are approved. it would be benefici<)1 to all parties and the residents of Albemarle County if the antenna were mounted on the tower at a higher elevation than 47ft. TCO would receive better coverage at a higher elevation I and I therefore request that you consider permitting the base of the antenna to be mounted on the tower at an elevation of up to 68ft, The tower is 89ft. and the proposed antenna will be 21 ft. in length; acoordingly this would give TCa the best possible coverage without exceeding the overall height of the tower. TCa will wor1< with US Cellular to resolve any issues that may arise with a proposed mounting elevation of greater than 47ft. Of even greater importance. the antenna must be mounted on a 6ft extension arm to ensure that the radiating properties of the antenna are not significantly altered by the tower. This is standard practice on side mounted antennas because mounting inside of a wavelenth @ 153 Mhz would cause distortion of the omni-directional antenna pattern and decrease the resulting coverage area, A decrease in coverage area would limit communications with our workforce. which could impact the enUre community if t/'lere was an emergency related to the pipeline, Our radio system is a crucial resource during any emergency situation. Please C"..ontact me if you should need any further information. Sincerely, j.d -k.-- Todd Adams cc: Joseph Curley Julie Sommerville Bruce Cavender Mark Gartley ~ Bill Tucker 30 LECLAIR RYAN ATTACHMENT E ALEXANDRIA A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION A TrORNEYS AT LAW PAGE 4 BLACKSBURG NORFOLK POST OFFICE Box 2017 123 WEST MAIN STREET, 8niFLOOR CHARLOTrESVll...LE, VIRGINlA 22902-2017 c,"Uli:1II.l-'~plllll.~IC"':l(:111 J yall.~um DIRECT DIAL: (804) 245-3426 INNSBROOK .-u:>IoIITTtOTOnlEIlA1l.uFE.....'-"..O~I'>O.....^Lh ~ RICHMOND TELEPHONE: (804) 971-7771 FACSI1'vfiLE: (804) 296-0905 January 23, 2001 Mr. Stephen B. Waller Department of Planning County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 Re: SP-2000-066 Goodlow Mountain Dear Steve: Further to my letter dated January 19,2001, please find enclosed two copies of a sketch plan showing the antenna mounted at a height of 67 ft, on the monopole tower. This sketch indicates the presence of a ball at the top of the tower that does not in fact exist at this time. As you can see from the sketch, without such ball the tower stands at 88 ft. We asked previously that you allow a mounting elevation of up to 68 ft. but, in the absence of the ball, our client modifies this request and asks that you allow a mounting elevation of up to 67 ft. This modification is requested simply to ensure that there is no concern that the antenna will extend above the overall height ofthe tower. /.--...,., Please do not hesitate to contact me should you need any further information. I remain Very truly yours, p~~ Patrick C. Asplin cc: Ms, Julie Somerville Mr. Bruce Cavender Mr. Mark Gartley Steven W. Blaine, Esquire ,""""""" 31 ....,-u::t;: \A"'-) TI TOYlVI 1IlI-0"z (AIlL) ~ 30.' X 40'-0" TAU. COIICEAUIOlT CYUNDEIl ~,'. On 0...,,: i.l'id.& c.-.,,,, ~O iJl.~ .A,,~. ,'.0. I\o......-h~ A,.,.,. JIJ" A610SS F1.A 15 ~ AIJlOlT CYUNDEA r'\. ~. I -- ..J ~ -< ....., ~\ '. C) , ' ~ Slt:ol.ltH IIONOPDIL TOYO (*') 24'.12' StiEL 1tJI 34.'" ACIlOSS nA 11; QELEVATION C-2 SCALE: HTS i1 ~ ~ o I ! l? ~ ... ::, I 'f PROPO$I1l TOIlDI fOUHDAlIOII (TO lIE DESIGNEO BY OtHERS) 32 ~ ... ::, t ill ATTACHMENT E PAGE 5 T /ElOST GRADE a- +1413,OO'Z (AMSl) '72..-eC?eMtL 2-/I'-I-/ClI '" " Original Proffer ZMA-2000-08 Amended Proffer (Amendment # _3-> PROFFER FORM Date: February 14. 2001 ZMA # 2000-08 Tax Map and Parcel Number(s) 62. Parcel 12 5.279 Acres to be rezoned from RA to R4 Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the owner, or its duly authorized agent, hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shall be applied to the property, if rezoned. These conditions are proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and it is agreed that: (1) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the conditions; and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning request. 1. A final plat of development for the lots on Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 shall reserve land for dedication upon demand of the County to make a public road connection from Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 to Free State Road(State Route 651). 2. The owner shall construct a public road, in accordance with public road standards in place at the time from TMP 62-12 to the point where state maintenance begins on Free State Road. The cost and responsibility for constructing this road shall not be transferred to a homeowner's association. 3. This road shall be constructed within 12 months following the commencement of construction for the upgrading of Free State Bridge or the commencement of construction of the Connector Road from Rio to Free State Road, as determined by the Albemarle County Department of Engineering and Public Works. 4. At the time of commencement of construction of either the upgraded bridge or the Rio-Free State Connector road, the owner shall post a bond for the construction of the road described above. If commencement of the upgrading of Free State Bridge or the Connector Road has not begun within ten (10) years of the acceptance of these proffers by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, then the owner shall be relieved of the obligation to construct a public road in this location, but the resrvation for dedication of the right-of-way shall remain in place. 5. Until such time as the road connection to Free State Road is built and accepted into the public system, emergency access to Free State Road shall be provided in the area shown on the plat for a public road. The emergency access road shall meet Department of Engineering and Public Works specifications for emergency access road construction. It shall be constructed with public improvements shown on the engineering plans accompanying the final plat for development. A barrier consisting of a breakaway fence, chain with a lock, or similar type of barrier shall be installed to ensure that the connection is used for emergency access only. The type of barrier to be used shall be approved by the Albemarle County Fire and Rescue Division. 6. The barrier shall be placed at the time of commencement of road construction for the development for Tax Map 62, Parcel 12. .. ~ 7, A conceptual overlot grading plan, reviewed and approved by the Department of Engineering and Public Works, is required prior to issuance of any permits for the site. All lots shall be graded in general accordance with the approved plan or the latest revision to the plan approved by the Department of Engineering and Public Works. The overlot grading plan shall show: 1. building pads which minimize grades steeper than 10% within 10 feet of the house; 2. driveways with no grades steeper than 16% and 20 foot sections graded, where feasible, no steeper than 5% in front of garages or on parking spaces; 3. drainage patterns with sufficient detail that the Department of Engineering and Public Works can verify concentrated flows are not directed across adjoining lots except in storm sewers and all flows are adequately conveyed from lots to a storm drainage system approved by the County. 8. Prior to initiating any grading, the developer shall conduct a Phase I archaeological survey on Tax map 62 Parcel 12 and Parcel 7 and report findings, if any, to the Albemarle County Planning Department. Signature of Owner: ~ctioot~~~~ Robert M. Hauser, Trustee 2 ~ February 1, 2001 ~ L'- ,; Frank Stoner POBox 5487 Charlottesville, VA 22905 RE: ZMA-2000-008 Dunlora Phase 48 Rivercreek (Sign #50); Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 Dear Mr. Stoner: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on January 30, 2001 ,unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the proffers as revised at the meeting, Changes made to the proffers were: #4 - At the time of commencement of construction of either the upgraded bridge or the Rio-Free State Connector road, the owners agrees to post a bond for the construction of the road described above. If commencement of the upgrading of Free State Bridge or the connector Road has not begun within ten (10) years of the acceptance of these proffers by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, then the owner shall be relieved of the obligation to construct a public road in this location, #7 - A conceptual overlot grading plan, reviewed and approved by Engineering, is required prior to issuing of any permits for this site, All lots shall be graded as shown on the approved plan or as shown on the latest revision to the approved plan approved by Engineering, The overlot grading plan shall show: 1) building pads which minimize grades steeper than 10% within 10' of the house; 2) driveways with no grades steeper than 16% and 20' sections graded no steeper than 5% in front of garages or on parking spaces; and 3) drainage patterns with sufficient detail that Engineering can verify concentrated flows are not directed across adjoining lots except in storm sewers and all flows are adequately conveyed from lots to a storm drainage system approved by the County." #8 - Prior to initiating any'grading, the developer will have a Phase 1 archaeological survey done on Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 and report findings, if any, to the Albemarle County Planning Department. The Commission also took the following actions: Critical Slopes Waiver Request - Approved, by a vote of 6-0, the critical slopes waiver request, contingent upon a successful rezoning. Page 2 February 1, 2001 Preliminary Plat Request - - Approved, by a vote of 6-0, subject to the following conditions: 1. Diversion of stormwater at the rear of lots 39 - 41 should be avoided in order to better preserve the open space. Instead, it is recommended that diversion take place in the ditches along the Road A and be piped under the cul-de-sac. Pipes should be used between lots 35 and 36 and between lots 38 and 39 to take flow directly down to stormwater facility. 2. An access road must be provided to the detention facility, Along with the stormwater facility, this access road should be in open space rather than on any individual lots, 3, Site grading for Lot 36 should be modified to spread out the fill more evenly on the surrounding lots rather than create 2:1 slopes at the rear of Lot 36. 4, Approval of a critical slopes waiver for lots 40 and 41, Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on February 14, 2001. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date, If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~t~ Elaine K. Echols, AICP Principal Planner EKE/jcf Cc: ~lIa Carey Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Steve Allshouse Bob Ball ,...", COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department ofP1anning & Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296 - 5823 Fax (804) 972 - 4035 ,",i...,---~.J --j VD MEMORANDUM TO: Albemarle County Board of Supervisors FROM: Elaine K. Echols, AICP, Principal Planner tj.t. SUBJECT: Additional Information for ZMA 2000-008 Dunlora 4B DATE: February 7, 2001 ***** This memo contains three additional pieces of information for the Board of Supervisors. Two pieces of information were provided at the Planning Commission meeting held on January 30, 2001. The third set of information contains proffers. ~ Letter from Arcl1eologists - Attachment A is a letter from two local archeologists who have asked that their previous letter, sent on Monticello stationery, be replaced with the attached letter. The historic information is the same. Critical Slopes Waiver - A request for action on a critical slopes waiver and the preliminary plat was made at the Planning Commission meeting. Attachment B provides the applicant's request which was approved along with the Preliminary Plat at the Commission's meeting, contingent on the approval of the rezoning. Revised Proffers - Attachment C contains the applicant's written proffers provided on the day of the Planning Commission meeting, which were reviewed by the Commission at their meeting. Attachment D is the current set of proffers that reflects the changes verbally offered at the Planning Commission meeting. Staff believes that the proffers in Attachment Dare ready for acceptance if the Board chooses to approve the rezoning. ~ 1. -,.:........ ........... ""T............ r . '-..~. v..... Elaine Echols Principal Planner County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 40 I McIntire Road Charlotte~e, VA 22902-4596 ATTACHMENT A /~ January 26, 2001 Dear Ms. Echols: On 24 January we faxed you a letter concerning a rezoning request related to Dunlora. We are writing no",,- to alert you that this letter was inappropriately sent on Monticello letterhead. The sentiments expressed in the letter were ours, as private citizens. They do not reflect the views of Monticello and the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Inc. We are pro"Viding herevvith a second copy of Our letter. We would greatly appreciate it if you would see to it that this copy replaces all copies of OUI letter on Monticello letterhead in your files. Thank. you very much. Sincerely yours, ... ,~ raser D. Neiman 630 Park Street Charlottesville VA 22902 ~. '.,)} ~o, Do~ ~\ P- 0(. at illian E. Galle 702A Grave Street Charlottesville VA 22902 ~ 2 LO :J.4 4;":::\..' i.l,;':;'/UO I""'"". Elaine Echols Principal Planner County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902-4596 January 24, 2001 Dear Ms. Echols: We are writing to strongly urge that the Planning Commission require a Phase I archaeological survey be conducted prior to the fezoning of property described as Tax Map #62 Parcels 7, 12, and 13. These parcels axe located in the Rivanna Magisterial District between Dunlora Drive aod Free State Road. The parcels are owned by Donna Havens and StoneHaus Development is requesting the rezoning prior to the purchase of this land. 1"""\ We oppose the rezoning application prior to full documentation of the historic resources on Tax Map 62, parcels 7, 12, and 13. This preljrnin~1J' plat is a portion of a historically significant plantation that played anjmpQrtant role in the political, social, and economic history of Albemarle County. Its value bas been overlooked during the previous phases of Stonehaus Development in the Dunlora area. We would like to provide you with a brief history of the Dunlora and Free State areas. The following information is derived from primary sources (deeds and wills locm-ed ill Albemarle COWlty Court House), as well as secondary sources, memoirs, and oral histories. Weare certain that continued research would provide a fuller picture of the expanse and influence ofDunlora and Free State in shaping the County. Dunlora was originally.part of a 5..000-acre plat acquired by Major Thomas Carr between 1730 and 1737. He built his main residence at Dunlora in 1735. During the mid-18th century, the Dunlora Estate moved from Thomas Carr to his son John Carr. John Carr died in 1769 and John's son, Colonel Samuel Carr, inherited the property. Colonel Samuel em did not have any children and the Dunlora estate was passed to his nephew, also named Samuel Can. There is some confusion as to when the Dunlora estate passed to his nephew as Samuel Carr (nephew) was also a Colonel in the War of 1812. County records call both men "Colonel Samuel Carr" and they do not always specify which Samuel Carr was involved in land transactions. It is believed that Samuel Carr (neph~) owned the Dunlora Estate by the late 18205. Samuel Carr (nephew) was the son of Dabney Carr and Martha Jefferson., Thomas Jefferson's sister. Dabney Can died when Martha Jefferson Carr was still in her 20s and 1"""'\ 3 ....... _.....' ;,;"... ....,...... i. ,:..,;........ v..,; his body was event,ually interred at Monticello. Martha Jefferson Carr moved her family, including Samuel, to Monticello. Samuel Cm (nephew) spent much ofms childhood at Monticello. There are also oral traditions regarding Thomas Jefferson's visits to DunIora. I~ Until recent DNA tests proved otbervvise, it was also thought that Samuel Carr was the father of Sally Hemings' chilchen. It appears that Sam Cm built the standing 1828 brick mansion, which is currently occupied by Angela Horan, a Dabncy/MoonlCarr descendent. Because Carr was Thomas Jefferson's nephew it is highly probable that some of Jefferson's slaves may have worked at, and eventually been moved to, Dunlora upon Jefferson's death in 1826. We are cw::rently working to substantiate this theory. Upon Samuel Can's (nephew) death in the late 1840s, the property 'WaS owned briefly by his son George Carr who then sold Dunlora to Williatn S. Dabney in 1846. Oral tradition is that Dunlora was invaded by Union troops sometime during the Civil Wax. Shortly after the War, DunIora passed into the hands of the Moons, a wellMknown ScottviIle family that William Dabney's daughter married into. The Dabney's continued to own parcels ofland surrounding the Dunlora estate. Walter S. Dabney ovvned portions of the original Dunlora estate as well as parcels in Free State and he inherited Belvedere Estate located between Prospect I-IiIl and Dunlora. Today, the core plantation landscape around the 1 828 Dunlora mansion is still intact. Oral tradition suggests that slave houses" as well as 18th and 19th century dependencies such as a smoke house, remain standing in this area. The original 1735 house was standing as of 1960. The attached 1930 Basil Moon map of Dunlora suggests that other outlying components of the plantation. such as a slave burial grotmd and tobacco bams were probably destroyed by the Dunlora Development in the late 1980s. The Dunlora Development should be considered a threat to this property and the Planning Commission should be aware that this property would be jeopordized if it eVer comes up for sale. ,/'",,\ Free State is a component of the original 17305 Dunlora Estate and it contributes greatly to the historic significance of this area. Free State is located on marginal land nonhwest ofDunlora (see attached map) and is bisected today by Free State Road. John aammond Moore in his 1976 book on Albemarle County history suggests that Free State may have been a free black community as early as the Revolutionary Wat. While we have not been able to trace the origins of Free State back to the last quarter of the 18th century, as we have only conducted limited documentary research at this time, we are certain the much more information will come to light once a concerted research effort is made with the deeds and wills of the Carr family. We do know, however, that the name Free State was used to identifY the area northwest of Dunlora as early as 1845. It appears on deeds of sale for property from, and connected to, the Dunlora Estate. The use of the name Free State is a strong indicator that free blacks inhabited this area by at least the 1840s. It is important to note that the area south of Cabell Hall at the 'University of Virginia was a free black community as early as 1828. This area was known as "Canada," a clever and common reference to freedom, and it 4 4Q~4 ...;.::.: t.U~/vO While the core of the Dunlora Estate remains intact, the historic architectural and archaeological components of Free State are harder to see. Walking the landscape of Free State, it is difficult to identify the 18th -century landscape. This is why a Phase I archaeological survey is critical. , There are some remnants of a 19th-century landscape, though many more will be revealed through a Phase I survey. For example~ one feature of the 19th ~century Free State landscape is a cemetery that contains both marked and unmarked graves. Oral tradition indicates that it contains the bodies of those enslaved at Dunlora and later free blacks that lived in the area. The one Free State family descended from Dunlora slaves currently O\mS the cemetery. Other features of the historic landscape are a substantial stone.lined cellar hole as well as several. other cellar-like depressions scattered throughout Free State. More evident are a few standi",.e: stone chimneystacks as well as mrn-of-the-nmeteenth-century houses. A r""\, brother and sister who were born in Free State, and who have lived there off and on for over 60 years, remember that slave dwelling were being used as housing well into the 1940s. There are some intriguing landscape features as well, such as terracing and a large oak tree that is at least 200 years old that suggest the presence of house sites. Even more evidence lies in the archaeological reSOurces of Free State. The archaeological and architectural significance of the Surviving Dunlora Estate can't be underestimated. The Dunlora Estate is directly connected with the ColUlty~ s founding fathers: the Jeffersons, Cans, Dabncys, and Moons. Free State is perhaps even more significant as it tells the story of an enslaved community turned into an early free black conununity in Albemarle. In addition to most likely being a free community as early as the 1840s, it was certainly one of the larger post-emancipation black communities in Albemarle and Charlottesville. All too often these areas are dest1'Oyed before being properly recorded and researched, thereby losing crucial information about an overlooked conununity that helped build the County. The rezoning of the property known as Tax Map 62 parcels 7, 12 and 13 should not take place without a comprehensive Phase I archaeological survey_ An architectural survey of historic structures as well as documentary research should also accompany this survey. In addition, we strongly recommend that this Phase r survey be implemented on the entire ~ 5 .I..It.:..........~ ~... ...,.....- r . VQi UC Belvedere Land Trust property and all Free State l,and extending to the Railroad tracts, especially those parcels owned by Stonchaus DeveJopment. All of these areas contain. significant historic resources that can't necessarily be seen when one walks the modem IC'\ landscape. Any road projects involving state and federal monies, such as the pending VDOT proposal for a new road into Free State. will be subject to Section 106. The expedient implementation of a Phase I survey across all these areas that once belonged to Dunlora and Free State will only prevent costly and time consuming delays iri the future. Thank you for your attention. Please feel free to contact US if you have any questiol1S. Sincerely Yours, eI~'~ 702A Grave Street Charlottesville VA 22902 ,~ ~ 6 ~ f"""'1 1""', ti STONEHAUS D EVE L. b P . M. . E ,.. N T A TT ACHMENT B January 30, 2001 Ms. Elaine K. Echols, AICP Senior Planner County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 Mcintire Road, Room 218 Charlottesville VA 22902-4596 RE: ZMA 2000-008: Dunlora Phase 4B River Creek and SUB 2000-162: Dunlora Phase 4B Preliminary Plat; Critical Slope Waiver Request Dear Ms. Echols: We have addressed all SPIN comments from the county regarding the above mentioned plan, and have submitted a revised Preliminary Plat. Having addressed other conditions for preliminary approval, we would like to respectfully request a critical slope waiver for Lot 40 of the revised Preliminary Plat dated January 17, 2001 . The site proposed for development contains critical slopes (Le. slopes 25 percent or greater). The critical slope areas are delineated on the Preliminary Plat. All but one of the lots contain a building site exclusive of critical slopes that meets the requirements of Section 4.2,1 of the Zoning Ordinance. The critical slope provision of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 4.2) was "created to implement the comprehensive plan by protecting and conserving steep hillsides together with public drinking water supplies and flood plain areas and in recognition of increased potential for soil erosion, sedimentation, water pollution and septic disposal problems associated with the development of . . . critical slopes." River Creek at Dunlora Phase 4B contains, essentia.lly, two large areas of contiguous critical slopes, most of which are in proposed Open Space. The amount of critical slopes proposed to be altered is limited to lot areas and the required Stormwater Management facility; consequently, the majority of the steep hillsides will be protected and conserved. This project is not in a public drinking water watershed; nor is it in a flood plain. Soil erosion, sedimentation and water pollution will be addressed during final plan submittal in accordance with County and State regulations and requirements, Septic disposal problems will not be an issue, as public sewer is proposed for this project. This development is proposed with a stormwater management basin to address runoff issues. Other issues addressed in Section 4.2 include "rapid and/or large-scale movement of soil and rock; excessive stormwater run-off; siltation of natural and man-made bodies of water; loss of aesthetic resource; and in the event of septic system failure. . . " As noted above, we do not expect the total disturbance of the critical slopes to be large in relation to the total amount of critical slopes on the site; we are proposing a stormwater management basin just downstream of the project, which will address runoff and siltation issues (and the runoff issues on this project will be largely the result of the addition of impervious area rather than the earth-moving activities); this project is not visible to the general public, thus minimizing the aesthetic issues; and again, public sewer is proposed. 1 P.O, BOX 6786. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22906. 804.974.7588. FAX 804,975,3542. EMAIL: frank527@cfw.co Should the rezoning application be approved, the total gross density of this subdivision will be approximately 1.5 dwelling units per acre, far short of the maximum of 4 units per acre allowed under the R-4 zoning. A significant amount of open space is thus preserved, mitigating the effect of any disturbed areas of critical slopes. ("" We therefore believe it to be reasonable and desirable to obtain a variance for grading these areas due to the expected minor disturbance of the existing critical slopes. The alternative to a critical slope waiver is the elimination of one subdivision lot and restricted development on several other lots. We respectfully ask for your consideration of the critical slope waivers for this development. We appreciate your time thus far in helping us to move the River Creek at Dunlora Phase 4B project forward. We believe that this development will be an asset to the co unity of C rlottesville and Albemarle County, /"'\ ,~ 8 t"'TlAL, , \ --,- ~ ... ... 9 . '''''"1 'C-~ -:: ' , '1\10\'W!(Y" l.:~'1'::;:F~d . :~,: .:.~>...; '\'''-''' 1'41 \'1, .\--. ~',' " .,., ;..,...; ATTACHMENT C '/ '.' .' "f f' Original Proffer ZMA-2000-08 Amended Proffer (Amendment # _1~ 1"\ n U:"~ / l ..........~. ...-..1'C~ ~ ~..." -~'-. 1 ':...' ~ ~:~.-, ~~~J PROFFER FORM Date: January 30.2001 ZMA # 2000-08 Tax Map and Parcel Number(s) 62. Parcels 07 and 12 5.279 Acres to be rezoned from RA to R4 Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the owner, or its duly authorized agent, hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shall be applied to the property, if rezoned. These conditions are proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and it is agreed that: (1) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the conditions; and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning request. 1. A final plat of development for the lots on Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 shall reserve land for dedication upon demand of the County to make a publiC road connection from Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 to Free State Road. 2. The owner will construct a public road, in accordance with publiC road standards in place at the time from TMP 62-12 to the point where state maintenance begins on Free State Road. The cost and responsibility for constructing this road may not be transferred to the Dunlora Community Association. 3. This road will be constructed within 12 months following the commencement of construction for the upgrading of Free State Bridge or the commencement of construction of the Connector Road from Rio to Free State Road, as determined by the Albemarle County Department of Engineering and Public Works. 4. At the time of commencement of construction of either the upgraded bridge or the Rio-Free State Connector road, the owner agrees to post a bond for the construction of the road described above. If commencement of the upgrading of Free state Bridge or the Connector Road has not begun within eight (8) years of the acceptance of these proffers by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, then the owner shall be relieved of the obligation to construct a public road in this location. r--, 5. Until such time as the road connection to Free State Road is built and accepted into the public system, emergency access to Free State Road shall be provided in the area shown on the plat for a pUblic road. The emergency access road shall meet Department of Engineering and Public Works specifications for emergency access road construction. It shall be constructed with public improvements shown on the engineering plans accompanying the final plat for development. A barrier consisting of a breakaway fence, chain with a lock, or similar type of barrier shall be installed to ensure that the connection is used for emergency access only. The type of barrier to be used shall be approved by the Albemarle County Fire and Rescue Division. 6. The barrier shall be placed at the time of commencement of road construction for the development for Tax Map 62, Parcel 12. 7, Developer agrees to submit a conceptual overlot grading plan with the final plat. The plan shall indicate general building pad and driveway locations, grading and drainage patterns. Lot clearing and grading will be done at the time homes are built. 8. Prior to initiating any grading, the developer will have a Phase I archaeological study done on Tax map 62 Parcel 12 and Parcel 7 and report findings, if any, to the Albemarle County Planning Department. Signature of Owner: /'1 ~ ~ Donna Havens, Owner /AtJft/ . Date Signature OfCO~:~Ch~ ~:"t~'4-_ Robert M. Hauser, President I ~''"'":\ "-. j -, ,i~: ~~:.-'~ -"1 ',~_ 1/30 !o { I Dite ~'.;,,' ~ i '",..j~ '- ' ; >'~'~-'\i;:'~ ' 10 ~ .././ V , - A r< i~ V February 1, 2001 Frank Stoner POBox 5487 Charlottesville, VA 22905 RE: ZMA-2000-008 Dunlora Phase 48 Rivercreek (Sign #50); Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 Dear Mr. Stoner: The Albemarle County Planning Commission, at its meeting on January 30, 2001 ,unanimously recommended approval of the above-noted petition to the Board of Supervisors. Please note that this approval is subject to the proffers as revised at the meeting. Changes made to the proffers were: ~ #4 - At the time of commencement of construction of either the upgraded bridge or the Rio-Free State Connector road, the owners agrees to post a bond for the construction of the road described above, If commencement of the upgrading of Free State Bridge or the connector Road has not begun within ten (10) years of the acceptance of these proffers by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, then the owner shall be relieved of the obligation to construct a public road in this location. #7 - A conceptual overlot grading plan, reviewed and approved by Engineering, is required prior to issuing of any permits for this site. All lots shall be graded as shown on the approved plan or as shown on the latest revision to the approved plan approved by Engineering, The overlot grading plan shall show: 1) building pads which minimize grades steeper than 10% within 10' of the house; 2) driveways with no grades steeper than 16% and 20' sections graded no steeper than 5% in front of garages or on parking spaces; and 3) drainage patterns with sufficient detail that Engineering can verify concentrated flows are not directed across adjoining lots except in storm sewers and all flows are adequately conveyed from lots to a storm drainage system approved by the County." #8 - Prior to initiating any grading, the developer will have a Phase 1 archaeological survey done on Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 and report findings, if any, to the Albemarle County Planning Department. The Commission also took the following actions: Critical Slopes Waiver Request - Approved, by a vote of 6-0, the critical slopes waiver request, contingent upon a successful rezoning. n \, ' :1 Page 2 February 1, 2001 ("') Preliminary Plat Request - - Approved, by a vote of 6-0, subject to the following conditi.ons: 1. Diversion of stormwater at the rear of lots 39 - 41 should be avoided in order to better preserve the open space, Instead, it is recommended that diversion take place in the ditches along the Road A and be piped under the cul-de-sac, Pipes should be used between lots 35 and 36 and between lots 38 and 39 to take flow directly down to stormwater facility, 2. An access road must be provided to the detention facility. Along with the stormwater facility, this access road should be in open space rather than on any individual lots, 3. Site grading for Lot 36 should be modified to spread out the fill more evenly on the surrounding lots rather than create 2: 1 slopes at the rear of Lot 36. 4. Approval of a critical slopes waiver for lots 40 and 41, Please be advised that the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors will review this petition and receive public comment at their meeting on February 14,2001. Any new or additional information regarding your application must be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors at least seven days prior to your scheduled hearing date, If you should have any questions or comments regarding the above noted action, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~l ~l~ ElaineK Echols, AICP Principal Planner EKE/jcf Cc: Ella Carey Amelia McCulley Jack Kelsey Steve Allshouse Bob Ball ~ (") COVNTYOF' A..LBEMARLE Department o(J51amiing & Community Development 40] McIntire Road, Room 2] 8 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296 - 5823 Fax (804) 972 - 4035 "'''A'I'.'',',,;,'' MEMORANDUM FROM: Planning Commission Elaine K. Echols, AICP, Principal Planner ttf, TO: SUBJECT: Additional Info111111tion .forZl\1~ 20~Q-~0~J:)~l!!.HF~,~~.. 'Wd SUB 2000-162 River Creek at Dunlora Phase 4Band. . . Request for Critical Slopes Waiver DATE: January 24,2001 ***** ~i At the Planning Commission meeting held January 9, 2001, several outstanding issues prevented the Planning Commission from taking action on the rezoning, preliminary plat and critical slopes waiver. Included in these issues were the need forarevis~cl subdivision plat of development to mirror the proffers and revision of wording on the proffers. Revised Preh.'minary Plat - A revised preliminary plat dated January 17,2001 is I attached to this staffreport, It shows 15 lots to be created in the area shown previously for 13 lots. Proposed density has increased from 1.54 units per acre to 1.78 units per acre. A full-size copy of this report is Attachment C. The plat also shows a road connection to Free?tate Road. According to the proffers, this road would connect to Free State Road when the Rio-Free State Interconnector road is built or the Free State bridge is upgraded to support two-way traffic from this area. The stormwater facility shown on the plat is removed from the open space. The open space is part of a system of drainage swales and steep slopes that are shown on the County's Open Space Plan, The moving of the stormwater facility to this area is considered advantageous to the preservation of the wooded ravine shown on the Open Space plan. Recommendations for approval of the preliminary plat are at the end of this report. 1"""'\. Revised Proffers - The proffers have been revised to better reflect the applicant's commitment to the upgrade of Free State Road, . These proffers are contained in Attachment B. The proffers contain a commitment for individual site plans for grading 1 3 of lots that will be reviewed by the Engineering Department. The new proffer is a suitable alternative to an over lot grading plan recommended by the Engineering Department. /----..., Critical Slopes Waiver - Engineering has noted the following information: The previous preliminary plat included conceptual grading for lots 39 and 40, These lots are now numbered 40 and 41. There also appear to be some unshaded critical slope areas on lot 37. Please indicate these critical slopes and include the conceptual grading for lots 37, 40, and 41 on the plat. [14-302T] We will complete our critical slopes review once this information is submitted, Archeological Findings A letter from Fraser Neiman, Director of MO[lticello Archeology is provided as Attachment A. This letter describes the historical significance of the Dunlora Plantation, the Free State area, and the Belvedere plantation, In this letter is a recommendation for a Phase 1 Archeological Survey on the property. Staff concurs that such a survey should be done although, at this juncture, staff does not know what the next step would be if remains are uncovered. Staff will offer guidance on this issue at the Planning Commission meeting. Recommendation Staff believes that with the proffers made and with a proffer for a Phase 1 Archeological Survey, the rezoning can be approved. ,~ Staff recommends that, with the follOWing changes, the preliminary plat can be approved: 1, Diversion of storm water at the rear of lots 39 - 41 should be avoided in order to better preserve the open space. Instead, it is recommended that diversion take place in the ditches along the Road A and be piped under the cul-de-sac, Pipes should be used between lots 35 and 36 and between lots 38 and 39 to take flow directly down to storm water facility, 2, An access road must be provided to the detention facility. Along with the storm water facility, this access road should be in open space rather than on any individual lots, 3, Site gradingfor Lot 36 should be modified to spread out theftll more evenly on the surrounding lots rather than create 2: 1 slopes at the rear of Lot 36, 4, Approval of a critical slopes waiver for lots 37, 40 and 41, Engineering needs more information for the critical slopes waiver but, with the proffer relating to individual site plans, believes that most issues can be dealt with. Staff recommends that the preliminary plat approval take place after Engineering has reviewed the critical slopes information and can make a recommendation for approval to the Planning Commission. ~ 4 2 24 '92 3:00 ATTACHMENT A --- . .... -~ ..... ."~. . .~~)1; -. , , ""'1"11[;, ", )' . '~ '==f.....'.....:.....:..._...., , f J -1'\JJ ~I' ""\'!" - T"" LL -""- '\ I If ,~ Ii (f '" Ii '1 _\~JLU 1 JL\~~' V 1"""\ Elaine Echols Principal Planner County of Albemarle Department of Planning and Community Development 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, V A 22902-4596 January 24, 2001 Dear Ms. Echols: We are writing to strongly urge that the Planning Commission require a Phase I archaeological surVey be conducted prior to the rezoning of property described as Tax Map #62 Parcels 7, 12, and 13. These parcels are located in the Rivanna Magisterial District between Dunlora Drive and Free State Road. The parcels are owned by Donna Havens and StoneHaus Development is requesting the rezoning prior to the purchase of this land. !""". We oppose the rezoning application prior to full documentation of the historic resources on Tax Map 62, parcels 7, 12, and 13. This preliminary plat is a portion of a historically significant plantation that played an important role in the political, social, and economic history of Albemarle County. Its value has been overlooked during the previous phases of Stonehaus Development in the Dunlora area. We would lik~ to provide you v.ith a brief history of the Dunlora and Free State areas. The following information is derived from primary sources (deeds and wil.ls located in Albemarle County Court House), as well as secondary sources, memoirs, and oral histories. Weare certain that continued research would provide a fuller picture of the expanse and influence of Dunlora and Free State in shaping the County. Dunlora was originally part of a 5,OOO-acre plat acquired by Major Thomas Cm between 1730 and 1737. He built his main residence at Dunlora in 1735. During the mid-18th century, the Dunlora Estate moved from n10mas Carr to his sonJohn Carr. John Carr died in 1769 and John's son, Colonel Samuel Carr, inherited the property. Colonel Samuel Carr did not bave any children and the Dunlora estate was passed to his nephew, also named Smnuel Carr. There is some confusion as to when the Dunloraestate passed to his nephew as Samuel Carr (nephew) was also a Colonel in the War of 1812. County records call both men "Colonel Samuel Carr" &ld they do not always specify which Samuel Carr was involved in land transactions. It is believed that Samuel Carr (n,ephew) o'\\<ned the Dunlora Estate by the late 1820s. Samuel Carr (nephew) was the son of Dabncy Carr and Martha Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson~s sister. Dabney Carr died when Martha Jefferson Carr was still in her20s and ~ rHO~lAS JEFFERSON Ml':.MOltIAt. FOtIND.ATION, INC. "On Ol'I'IC!. aox ';16 CHi\nLOTTESV!L~e, YlllGINTh ~;:90: pnONE SC4 9'O~'98oS FAY. 804977.775; wWVI'.:ntmticclJo,org 5 3 Dee 24 '92 3:01 P.03/05 his body was eventually interred at Monticello. Martha Jefferson Carr moved her family, including Samuel, to Monticello. Samuel Cm (nephew) spent much ofms childhood at Monticello. There are also oral traditions regarding Thomas Jefferson's visits to Dunlora. Until recent DNA tests proved otherwise, it was also thought that Samuel Carr was the father of Sally Hemings' children. It appears that Sam Carr built the standing 1828 brick mansion, which is currently occupied by Angela Horan, a DabneylMoon/Carr descendent. Because Can was Thomas Jefferson's nephe-w it is highly probable that some of Jefferson's slaves may have worked at, and eventually been moved to? Dunlora upon Jefferson's death in 1826. We are currently work;i.ng to substantiate this theory. Upon Samuel Carr's (nephew) death in the late 1840s, the property was owned briefly by his son George Carr who then sold Dunlora to William S. Dabney in 1846. Oral tradition is that Dunlora was invaded by Union troops sometime during the Civil War. Shortly after the Wax, Dunlorapassed into the hands of the Moons, a well-known. Scottville family that William Dabney's daughter married into. The Dabney's continued to own parcels of land surrounding the Dunlora estate. Walter S. Dabney oV\lned portions of the original Dunlora estate as welt as parcels in Free State and he inherited Belvedere Estate located between Prospect Hill and Dunlora. Today, the core plantation landscape around the 1828 Dunlora mansion is still intact. Oral tradition suggests that slave houses, as well as 18th and 19th century dependencies such as a smoke house, remain standing in this area. The original 1735 house was standing as of 1960. The attached 1930 Basil Moon map ofDunlora suggests that other outlying components of the plantation, such as a slave burial ground and tobacco bams were probably destroyed by the Dunlora Development in the late 1980s. The Dunlora Development should be considered a threat to this property and the Planning Commission should be a-ware that this property would be jeopordized if it ever comes up for sale. Free State is a component of the origina11730s Dunlora Estate and it contributes greatly to the historic significance of this area. Free State is located on marginal land northwest ofDunlora (see attached map) and is bisected today by Free State Road. John Hammond Moore in his 1976 book on Albemarle County history suggests that Free State may have been a free black community as early as the Revolutionary War. While we have not been able to trace the origins of Free State back to the last quarter of the 18th century, as we have only conducted limited documentary research at this time, we are certain the much more information will come to light once a concerted research effort is made with the deeds and "Wills of the Can- family. We do know, however, that the name Free State was used to identify the area northwest of Dunlora as early as 1845. It appears on deeds of sale for property from, and connected to, the Dunlora Estate. The use of the name Free State is a strong indicator that free blacks inhabited this area by at least the 1840s. It is important to note that the area south of Cabell Hall at the University of Virginia was a free black community as early as 1828. This area was known as "Canada/' a clever and common reference to freedom, and it 4 ~ ,.,..--.. ,~ 6 Dee 24 '92 3:02 P.04l05 ~ provides evidence that free black co~u:qiti~~i:n~~!.!:-,~glplty were employing these naming themes. Currently one family still resides in Free State that is descended ~f()~c:rJ?1.1nlg~~yc:s~tl3.ey have expressed interest in giving an oral history on their family. ", ' The presence ofaroad named "CrittaLanen i~"an itltriguing piece of information in Free State that suggests a possible link b,etweert F'['E:e ~ta.teif.l!'~lJi~<~cM9~t~~~J..1()~ Jefferson owned an enslaved woman named Critta who appears to have worked for Jefferson fa.n:1ily members that lived off of Monticello. Mountain., ,.It is highly probable that Samuel Carr purchased or received some of Jefferson's slavesupon Jefferson's death. It may be the case that Critta ended up at Dunlora and in the Free State area., We are currently looking into this possibility. While the core of the DunlOta Estate remains intact, the historic architectural and archaeological components of Free State are harder to see. Walking the landscape of Free State, it is difficult to identify the lS1i1-century landscape. This is why a Phase I archaeological survey is critiCal. There are some remnants of a 19th -century landscape. though many more will be revealed through a Phase I survey. For example~ one feature of the 19th-century Free State landscape is a cemetery that contains both marked and unmarked graves. Oral tradition indicates that it contains the bO,dies of those enslaved at Dunlora and later free blacks that lived in the area. The one Free State,:fatnily descended from Dunlora slaves currently owns the cemetery. . r"'I Other features of the historic landscape are a substantial stone-lined cellar hole as well as several other cellar-like depressions scattered throughout Free State. More evident are a few standing stone chimneystacks as well as tum-of-the-nineteenth-centmy houses. A brother and sister who were born in Free State, and who have lived there off and on for over 60 years, remember that slave dwelling were being used as housing well into the I 940s. There are some intriguing landscape features as well, such as terracing and a large oak tree that is at least 200 years old that suggest the presence of house sites. Even more evidence lies in the archaeological resources of Free State. The archaeological and architectural significance of the surviving Dunlora Estate can't be underestimated. The Dunlora Estate is directly connected with the County's founding fathers: the Jeffersons, Carrs, Dabneys, and Moons. Free State is perhaps even more significant as it tells the story of an enslaved community turned into an early free black community in Albemarle. In addition to most likely being a free community as early as the 1840s, it was certainly one of the lmger post-emancipation black communities in Albemarle and Charlottc5'iille. All too often these areas are destroyed before being properly recorded and researched, thereby losing crucial information about an overlooked community that helped build the County. TIle rezoning of the property known as Tax Map 62 parcels 7, 12 and 13 should not take place without a comprehensive Phase I archaeological survey. An architectural survey of historic structures as well as documentary research should also accompany this survey. In addition, we strongly recommend that this Phase I survey be implemented on the entire ~ 5 7 Dee 24 '92 3:02 P.GS/05 Belvedere Land Trust property and all Free State land extending to the Railroad tracts, especially those parcels owned by Stonehaus Development. All of these areas contain ~, significant historic resources that can't necessarily be seen when one walks the modem landscape. Any road projects involving state and federal monies. such as the pending VDOT proposal for a new road into Free State, will be subject to Section 106. The expedient implementation of a Phase I survey across all these areas that once belonged to Dunlora and Free State will only prevent costly and time consuming delays in the future. Thank you for your attention. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Sincerely Yours, ~AA.-t ~ Mlian G~: - Project Manager, Digi Archaeologic Archive of Chesapeake Slavery ~ Fraser Neiman Director, Monticello Archaeology ,~ ~ 6 8 ATTACHMENT B ~ Reworked Dunlora 4B Proffers - January 24,2001 -- These are the proffers'we expected to receive this morning January 25, 2001 signed with a minor change to #6 to clarify who was to have responsibility for owning and maintaining the emergency access. #4 was to have further clarification on the time period for construction of the road. A follow-up set of proffers will be provided as soon as we receive them. 1""\ 1, A final plat of development for the lots on Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 shall reserve land for dedication upon demand of the County to make a public road connection from Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 to Free State Road. 2. The owner will construct a public road, in accordance with public road standards in place at the time from TMP 62-12 to the point where state maintenance begins on Free State Road. 3, This road will be constructed within 12 months following the commencement of construction for the upgrading of Free State Bridge or the commencement of construction of the Connector Road from Rio to Free State Road, as determined by the Albemarle County Department of Engineering and Public Works. 4. At the time of commencement of construction of either the upgraded bridge or the Rio-Free State Connector road, the owner agrees to post a bond for the construction of the road described above, If commencement of the upgrading of Free State Bridge or the Connector Road has not begun within ten (10) years of the acceptance of these proffers by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, then the owner shall be relieved of the obligation to construct a public road in this location. 5. Until such time as the road connection to Free State Road is built and accepted into the public system, emergency access to Free State Road shall be provided in the area shown on the plat for a public road. The emergency access road shall meet Department of Engineering and Public Works and specifications for emergency access road construction. It shall be constructed with public improvements shown on the engineering plans accompanying the final plat for development. A barrier consisting of a breakaway fence, chain with a lock, or similar type of barrier shall be installed to ensure that the connection is used for emergency access only. The type of barrier to be used shall be approved by the Albemarle County Fire and Rescue Division. 6, The land containing the emergency access connection shall be owned and maintained by the owner of Tax Map 62, Parcel 12. In the event that the Rio- Free State Connector is not built or the Free State Bridge is not upgraded in accordance with Proffer 1 by February 14, 2007, then, the land containing the emergency access connection may be conveyed by the owner to a Homeowner's Association for ownership and maintenance. 7. Individual site plans will be provided for each lot in this subdivision with requests for building permits rather than "agreements in lieu of plans". These site plans shall demonstrate consistency with Albemarle County Erosion and Sediment Control policies, driveways at less than 20% grade with 5% grade at landings and garage, and provisions for adequate drainage, 1'*"'1 7 9 RIVER CREEK AT DUNLORA PHASE 4B Albemarle County, Virginia PRELIMINARY PLAT Land Use Su~ 1Z." IRfSOJEI ........ A. IPARCElS 7 AJC) 13) RA IPAACEl1V A. te'l' ZW..2'OOO.ootl 14UnJ 13U'~ Itt6'~ IUI'')LI 1100_0070) " 0.'0 ACRfS 01'1 ACRES 0.30 ACRES UI DulAC BElVfDERE STATIOM LANO TRUST &Ox S.17 CHARLOTlESnu: VA Ut05 "'ARCELS 1 AND 131 DOtMA HAVENS n17 FREE StA'tE ROAD CHARlOTTfSV\.LE vA 2290','6. tpARCEL 12t ROBERT HAlJS(A HOtlES PO BOX SlIer CHARlOTTE$vuE. VA n9O$ % SLOf'fS Notes 1 TIC P\AIl IS PREl~V NO CONSTRUCTION SHAlL COtlUi:NCE UWTt. floE ()WtrER HAS 081 AHED ALL AE()lIfft;O Pl.A T IPl"1<I APPm>VALS. PEA"TS. lOtIOS. nc. ell ACCORDANCE lltnTH THE APPliCABlE STANOAADS OF AL8EWAALE tout.lh'. VOOT. tHE COMMON*EAlTH or: VIROMA AN) tHE uS GOVEFNEIrt, 2' iii') tnlE RePORT HAS BEEN F~D OR USED ... THE PREPARA lION ()j: lHESl P\.AIIS 3 NO SOLS OR GEOlOGIC IlVESTIGATONS HAVE alE'" F~D Oft USED.. THE PJit(PAAATIOH OF THESE PlANS 4 THIS J.RW DOES NOT CfRTFY THE LOCATIONS lr.lOA THE ExISTENCE OF f.ln A8CWE ~ OA IN>ERGAOUtoO UTILITIES ON TKS SJTE S OM..' ONE D*tuNG UNT NR LOT _l BE ALLOWED AND NO fLlffTHEIl 0M$IClt\l W1.L Be AlLOWED WtTHOUT PAtOA pt,ANNNG cotMSSK* APPROVAl. , AU lOTS M.l IJE SERVED B'" PUBUC WATER ANO SfWEA All UT..IT'I' LIES AS $I-OWlriI ARt: SCHEWATIC AND Sl.eJECT TO MOOFICATJON ~ UriW. ENGlNEe-.. P\.8uC WArER SHAll 6E lOCATED WIT'" VOOT RtGHT.(lF.WA'I' r BLllDNl SfT8A(:JC LIES. fC)CA TED BY DASHED It.ES. ARE AS FOllOWS FROtilT , 15 FEET. REAR. 20 FEET ItMlESS NOTED OTtEAWlSl. SIDE I to FEET ~JE"CT TO TtfE PROVISIONS Of SECTION 4:ru OF THE Al8E.....AlE CCX*Ty CODEI I PtnSlCAl SlAVE'I' _ORM" TION FROlIf Atr.I AERIAL SURVEy PAOVOED BY JAMES BflL LS. YlrEAAl. VA. 8OUM)AAV. PHySICAl AN> TOPOGRAPHIC $UAYfTS PROvUO 8'1' B AlJBRfy MJFFWAN & A$SOC. CHAAlOTJESVI..lE. VA , OAf'I!WAY c;AAOES NOT TO UCEEO ""'. GRADES OYEA 1% SHAll BE PAYED. 10 AW EAO$I)N CONTROl.. PEfMT -'l BE AE~O Pflt()A TO CONS TRuCTIOIf t\ AlllOT$ ENTER ONTO HTERkAl Pu8l.1C ROADS Ok'l'. Q All CIA-tle.SAC PAvElENT "0\01 SHALL BE 30'. ALL CtA,-Of.SAC RIGHT Of WAY AADI SHAll BE 40" 13 All ROADS SMAlL t1AVl SO' A.O.W. AND AM "TfICl(D TO BE DEDlCAlfO TO ......., USE 'WI Au QPfN SPACE StW.l BE RfSfRVfO FOR THe COWIION USE OF PROPfIUY OWNEAS .. THE SleDfVISIOtt e NO 1OO-TEAA FLOOD PlAIN OR WETlMOS AREAS ON S.TE . TtE SULECT PfIOl'fATY IS WIT... TtE JLAISOICTlONAl AREA Of' THE FOll~ UnlTY/SEAYeE PROvlOEAS .AlfR ~ SEWER. AlBfMAAlf CO\.IlITY SERteE AUTHCNtlTY lEASEMENTS HELD . AOJACflrfT PROPEItT'I') CC*fACT. PfTE GORHAM ,".0. BOX 1009 CHAAlOTJESVUE, VA 2lt02 ElfCTItIC . ~ POWER GAS - cm' Of' CHARlOTTESV..lE GAS DM$IOtil TfLEP'MOHf.~T CAIIlE T... _ AOElflloM CABlE u. FHAI. M.~ CONF~"TK* TO BE DETER1MED AT "'IE TIME OF CONST~TIOH AliI) FIf.LO AON$fEO AS NECESSARY BASED ON FElD.LOCATED CRITICAl SlOPfS BLllo-G $lTES $HOwN HEAtON AItE FOIt THE SOLE PURf'OSE OF DEMONSTAA TI<<> T""T A lAWFIA. IIkM.OlNG SITE EltlSTS ON EACH lOT THAT A9PEAAS TO COIlTAIN CRITICAl. SLDPt:S wn... ITS snBAClCS . ~ IIlOAD STMOAADS olAf PROPOSED FOR All ROADS. BEST ~1ilE.,T PflACTICES AI<<) OTHER WEA~S Wl.L Sf USED TO "TlGAfE THE POTIEI(lIAl EFFIECTS OF t<<;AlE.ASEtI' Al.IK)FF WIT... TtE SU8[)1VlSlOfi1 AS ..QUAED . WttfM TCN'OGAAPHIC AM) PtfYSlCAl CONSTRAINTS ALLOW. ADDITIONAl Of'F_STJI('fT I'ARlCI<<> WU Sf ACCOMODATfD OW LOTS 10 lOMlG ...,.. IS DE$lGfED TO ACCo....ooATIE uP TO 1000 ADr Pnpaed lor Robert Hauser Homes PO Box 5487 Charlottesville, VA 22905 " 391 V8 ... 009 8.4' DENOTES TAX MoUo at. PARCELS 1 DEED IOOtl: ~. PAOf' PARCEL 1: .3I~" PARCEL 12: 1126/211 '"ARCEL 13: 1136/'" YAGlSTEAIA.L [)ISTAC;T ExlSTlrllGl~ I"AOPOSfD ZOtoWG: ACRES at LOTS' 0flEk SPACE A.O,W. Af"'" TOTAL AREA ~ OF LOTS IlIAJlIlotUW LOT SIZE ....... LOT SIZE AYERAGE LOT SIZE. GROSS DENSITY - DE~lOPEA rM NF' P ZlO M4CDOt(io4l. DANIEL A OR ""RON P' . RE$lDEltllAl. ,-", ~\ '. '.-' \ a~, \ .~~,.--- " ~\.\. ';.;"",,,,, \ ii:~~"N.."'!!!!1.."l9J'I.... ,.E.-ws~ ~ .II. OR \ 2fL~0r--~...& LOt S5.0"Ci.'- ~ REs/JI.,riAc- ., . \, 10 "'" /~ '(', ., " , ", '., ~ ',/ . '-, >.~, rll~'''ZZZ '.... ~ rM.J()HAI;IE$HMtf) ........ " ,;;4~;:: ,//~,~ 4a., ~"",' ~,-"~..-.: ~~'. .)<, "'_!pm /'-.., ~O"'4. .' "~.'/ ~~OI'~U$l.EA.j ...-...... ,.~....._ '_', ,'"'r'-' _"" / ',,-: ~ . . / ...., C 11 '-.'. /~\ \ \" I "".."., p>>~ M1T'01( ROBERT M OR CYNTHIA HtfX#CER-FATTQII .. IlESClENTIAI. ". '. to..< l C'- ""'f: ~" I~' ...:1;. .," ,1/ Ii J . " i'" ,', "\: 'TIII II P:J lAS1 srA/ID LAND R~RUS r RESlDEltll/4l lllUPS BEl tlEOVIE STATION lAM> TRllSr "' RfSIDENTW. I ., , , , . , \ '\ ~.--:- \'.', \ \ \ :J)" m,: o " m / - r' / < --'-'. " -- - -.. - - - /'.,!- rn':_~:-;....-> o o s: s: Cv "Tl ~ S;:' ", :< z o::l o z :::> mZ ....:l c:::G) m> N r-Z = ~O ~ ~ STAFF PERSON: PLANNING COMMISSION: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ELAINE K. ECHOLS, AICP JANUARY 9, 2001 FEBRUARY 14,2001 ZMA 2000-008 Dunlora 4 B SUB 2000-162 Rtver Creek at Dunlora Phase4B with Critical Slopes Waiver Applicant's Proposal: The applicant is proposing to rezone a parcel ofland adjacent to the Dunlora Subdivision from RA to R-4. A preliminary plat was submitted for this property at the beginning of the process that the applicant has indicated will not proffered as part of the rezoning. A proffer is made concerning connectivity to Free State Road. A reduced copy of the subdivision plat is provided as Attachment A. The proffers are provided in Attachment B. These proffers are under review by the County Attorney's office at this time. They represent the applicant's attempt to assure the County that future access will be provided to Free State Road, ~ Petition for Rezollin2: Request to rezone 5.279 acres from RA to R-4. The property described as Tax Map 62 Parcel 12 is located in the Rivanna Magisterial District between Dunlora Drive and Free State Road approximately 1/2 mile from the intersection ofthe railroad tracks and Free State Road. The Comprehensive Plan designates this property as Neighborhood Density Residential for 3 - 6 dwelling units per acre in Neighborhood 2. The tax parcel map and vicinity map is provided as Attachments C & D, respectively. The Preliminary Plat shows 13 lots on 8.44 acres, 'Additio~al parcels included are Tax Map 62 Parcel 7 and part of Parcel 13. These parcels are alre~dy zoned R-4, A critical slopes waiver is requested for 2 lots, Character of the Area: The area surrounding the property is a residential subdivision and very low-density residential development. The land is very hilly with wooded areas and streams. Zonin2 and Subdivision History: The property, Tax Map 62 Parcel 12, was downzoned from R-4 to RA in 1981 to allow a mobile home to be located by special use permit on the lot. At that time staff noted that although the general area had been zoned for medium- density residential development since 1968 no urban development had occurred. There were several mobile homes in the area and there had been two other rezonings to permit nearby mobile homes. Specifics on the Proposal: The Preliminary Plat would extend the Dunlora Development northward from Dunlora Phase 4A. The applicant has provided a Master Plan for information on how single family development could take place in this ~ea. It is provided as Attachment E. It sh,ould be noted that this Master Plan is for information only, Because the land is not all owned by the applicant, it is not a commitment to abide by this particular plan; rather, it is offered to show the likely way in which the overall property would be developed if all tracts are ever owned by the applicant. ,....., lift- .cj Applicant's Justification for the Request: The applicant has stated, "the rezoning of the 1 parcel would make it consistent with the zoning of the surrounding parcels. Currently, the zoning ofRA does not allow for development as a part of the comprehensive plan." i~ By-ri2ht Use of the Property: If developed by right, the RA -zoned property could theoretically yield 2 dwelling units. RECOMMENDATION: Staffhas reviewed the proposal for conformity with the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning Ordinance and recommends approval subject to modification of proffers. Comprehensive Plan: The Comprehensive Plan shows this area to be neighborhood density of 3 - 6 dwelling units per acre in Neighborhood 2. Steep slopes and stream valleys are shown on the County's Open Space Plan. Staffhas analyzed this proposal for conformity with other sections of the Comprehensive Plan, For informational purposes, and at the request of the Board of Supervisors, staff is also assessing development proposals for relationships with the 12 principles of the Neighborhood Model that were endorsed at the Board of Supervisors meeting on May 3, 2000, These principles are identified below and highlighted within this section for context within the Land Use Plan. The 12 principles of the Neighborhood Model are as follows: . Pedestrian Orientation . Neighborhood Friendly Streets and Paths . Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks . Parks and Open Space . Neighborhood Centers . Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale . Relegated Parking . Mixture of Uses . Mixture of Housing Types and Affordability . Redevelopment Rather than Abandonment . Site Planning that Respects Terrain . Clear Edges ,~. Land Use Standards for Designated Development Areas (General Land Use Standards pp. 20 - 22) Development should be concentrated and clustered to protect environmental features. (Parks and Open Space; Site Planning that Respects Terrain) Environmental features on the property include locally important stream valleys and adjacent critical slopes as shown on the County's Open Space Plan. A critical slopes waiver has been requested for this area for two building lots, Open space is shown on the preliminary plat; however, as with other sections in Dunlora, this open space is in the rear of the lots and along the stream. Concern has been raised by some of the homeowners in the Dunlora development relative to wooded areas and slope reconstruction. Attachment I was received on December 12, 2000 and is included for Planning Commission information and consideration. 2 /~ r"\ Limiting acce.sspoints should minimize the impact of development on major roads, The property does not abut any major roads. It does, however, abut residential streets in the Dunlora Subdivision. The Preliminary Plat shows that access points are minimized in this development by providing for a single road connection and an emergency access connection to Free State Road at this time. A sense of community should be maximized by providing connections between developments; such connections may provide for additional recreational facilities, increased open space area, bicyclelpedestrian links, improved public transit, emergency access, and access to schools, parks, and other public facilities. (Pedestrian Access and Interconnected Streets and Transportation Networks) The property is accessed from Loring Run, which is in Dunlora Phase 4A. An existing emergency access road through the property allows access to Free State Road. Free State Road is limited for principal access because of weight limitations on a one-lane bridge, For all practical purposes, there is a single entrance into the site, At such time that the Rio-Free State Road Connector is built, Free State Road should be able to handle additional traffic, Two alternatives would then exist for the development to be connected to Free State Road. One way would be from this section of Dunlora into an adjoining section of Dunlora that would be connected to Free State Road. The other would be for the applicant to commit to upgrading the emergency access easement to a public road and improve Free State Road to that point. The applicant has made provision for this connectio;n through the accompanying proffers. Pedestrian access is shown on the preliminary plat as an asphalt path running parallel to Loring Run and the proposed cul-de- sac. ~ Underground utilities should be provided in new developments. Underground utilities are required, Features to prevent impact from impervious surfaces on water quality should be provided, BMP's and stormwater facilities are shown on the preliminary plat. They are located in areas shown on the County's Open Space Plan as important stream valleys to the Rivanna River. The applicant has indicated that this is the only place to put stormwater facilities with the design of the development. Trees will have to be removed in this area and a basin will need to be constructed. These changes will be in keeping with the County's stormwater regulations even though they impact the area shown as significant on the County's Open Space Plan. The applicant has said that ifhe can rework the Dunlora 4A sediment basin, he would prefer to use that facility rather than build a new one. He would have to ensure that he can enlarge the existing facility since he does not know at this time if the surrounding property is owned by the developer or is in the ownership of someone else. Building orientation should be to public streets; parking areas do not need to be located exclusively in front of buildings. (Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale; Relegated Parking) The preliminary plat indicates that buildings will be oriented to the public street. Existing houses in the Dunlora subdivisions use a conventional form with garages and parking located in the front of the houses. ~ 3 Where site illumination is proposed, down-directed and shielded lights should be used. No information on lighting is provided; no lighting is generally provided with single-family residential development. /~ Historic buildings should be adaptively reused. No historic buildings exist on the property, The phasing of developments should match service and infrastructure availability and capacity. Water and sewer service is available to serve this development. Qverall development density should be as high a level as is practical. Proposed ranges in the Land Use Plan are 3 - 6 dwellings per acre, If the land is developed as shown on the preliminary plat, the density will be 1,5 dwelling units per acre. Density proposed is not within the recommended range of development. The pattern of development, however, would be consistent with the previously approved by-right development in Dunlora. The integrity of adjacent residential areas should be maintained through use of buffering, screening, and separation of adjacent non-residential uses. No information on uses is proposed; however, the R-4 zoning district supports primarily single-family detached structures. No screening would be needed between single-family uses. Developments should be designed with an internal orientation to foster a sense of place and avoid the image of continuous suburban sprawl. (Buildings and spaces of Human Scale) The Preliminary Plat provided with this development continues a low-density residential development form, similar to that approved by-right for previous phases of Dunlora. Although not proffered, it is anticipated that the property will be developed as shown on the preliminary plat. ~, Provisions should be made for innovative design that reduces housing costs, (Affordability with Dignity) No information is provided regarding design of the development in a way that reduces housing costs. The applicant has indicated that the houses would not qualify as "affordable housing", in a way that meets the County's definition. Lot design and residential layout should be based on a rational use of land that reflects topographic and other physical features rather than massive grading to eliminate or counteract those features. (Site Planning that Respects Terrain) The lot design shown on the preliminary plat continues a pattern of low-density single family homes on cul-de-sacs in the area. Road grading, grading for sewer lines, and potential grading of building sites in critical slopes areas affect the way in which the development impacts the topography, At this time, the preliminary plat reflects road grading and grading for the two lots with critical slopes, Staff believes that it would be appropriate to have an overlot grading plan submitted with the final plan and erosion and sediment control plan to promote consistency of grades on lots rather than have individual grading plans submitted for each lot. Specific Standards for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Land Uses (Residential Densities and Relationships to Other Land Uses; Residential Development Design, pp. 22- 23) ------, 4 r"\ In rezoning deliberations, the county should be mindful of the intent to encourage infill development, contain most future growth within the designated Development Areas, and avoid rural development pressure. Unless contrary to matters of public health and safety, residential rezoning to the upper end of the Comprehensive Plan recommended land use density ranges should be favored even if the density exceeds that of surrounding developments. This development proposes low-density housing. Maintenance of the integrity of residential areas should be accomplished using buffering, screening, and physical separation of adjacent nonresidential uses. (Mixture of Uses) If developed as shown on the preliminary plat, the uses will be single family residential. As such, no buffering needs are identified. For larger developments, layout and design should provide for varying building orientation and setback, dwelling unit type, fQ(;ade treatment, and lot size to avoid repetitiveness. Open space should be employed as a design feature to establish and define smaller neighborhood areas within the larger developments. The PRDIPUD approach is particularly applicable for larger developments. (Buildings and Spaces of Human Scale; Parks and Open Space) The Dunlora development has been, to date, a conventional suburban development. The proposed area for rezoning, if developed as shown on the preliminary plat, would be similar to Dunlora already developed. Open space is left in the rears of the lots. Where not modified by slope reconstruction, sewer installation, or stormwater facilities, open space is left wooded at the rear of lots. r"\ STAFF COMMENT Relationship between the application and the purpose and intent of the requested zonin~ district The proposed district is R-4 Residential. The intent of the R:4 Zoning District is to provide for compact, medium density single family development; to permit a variety of housing types, and to provide incentives for clustering of development and provision of locational, environmental, and development amenities. The preliminary plat shows low-density single family development, which could be single-family attached or detached units. Clustering is not proposed, The development, as proposed on the plat, is in keeping with the purpose and intent of the requested zoning district. Public need and justification for the chan~e -- The rezoning would not provide for additional density that meets the density recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. Good zoning practice would suggest that similarly situated properties be zoned similarly. Staff believes that R-4 zoning may be the most appropriate zoning for this property since the surrounding properties are also zoned R-4 and are so similar. Anticipated impact on public facilities and services ~ Transportation - Impacts on transportation networks relate to the future use of Free State Road and the Rio-Free State Connector Road, At present, principal access is provided via Loring Drive and Dunlora Drive and emergency access is available to Free 5 State Road. The additional lots shown on the Preliminary Plat should not, on their own, overburden the existing system and the system being constructed. An adequate long-term transportation system will have to rely on interconnections to the Rio-Free State Connector and, ultimately, the Meadowcreek Parkway. The applicant has pmffered that he will provide for the connection, per the illustration in Attachment F, or build a road connection to the adjoining parcel, which would then be required at a future date to connect to Free State. Staff believes that these assurances are appropriate to make the ultimate connections to adjoining properties or continue improvement ofthe transportation network in this area. Water and Sewer - Water and sewer are available to serve the site. Schools - Children from this development would attend Agnor Hurt Elementary School, Burley Middle School, and Albemarle High School. A total of 3 children would be added to the schools. Stormwater Management - Stormwater management is shown on the preliminary plat and is required with all developments. It would be better for County water quality if the facilities were located outside ofthe area shown on the preliminary plat; however, at this time, there is no alternate location provided by the applicant. The applicant has indicated verbally, however, that he would prefer to use an existing facility in Dunlora 4A, rather than create a new facility in Dunlora 4B because of the expense involved in earth moving and tree removal. He has said that he will be working toward this end. Fiscal impact to public facilities - A fiscal impact analysis is provided as Attachment G. As with all residential rezonings, the fiscal impact is greater than the revenue generated to pay for services. ,~ Anticipated impact on natural, cultural, and historic resources - No impacts are anticipated on any County cultural or historic resources. Impacts to natural resources have been identified above. The applicant has verbally committed to try and mitigate those impacts by modifying an existing facility, The County's Engineering staffhas said that, with the development proposed, no alternatives other than the use of the Dunlora 4A facility appear feasible, Critical Slopes Waiver - Attachment H contains the Engineering Department's analysis of critical slopes. Engineering can recommend approval of the critical slopes waiver, Planning staff has reviewed the request for conformity with the Open Space Plan and loss of aesthetic resource. Planning staff believes that there will be minimal impact to the wooded area and slopes with the proposed grading in this area. The area is at the upper reaches of the system shown on the Open Space Plan and minor grading and tree removal should not affect the remainder of the system, Of more impact is the placement of utilities and stormwater facilities in the area shown on the County's Open Space Plan. No critical slopes waiver is required for utilities and stormwater facilities. As stated earlier, the applicant has indicated that he would like to avoid disturbing the area for stormwater facilities. 6 I~ r'1 Preliminary Plat Issues - With the critical slopes waiver and approval of the rezoning, the preliminary plat meets the County's standards for preliminary plat approval with minor changes, These minor changes include the provision of road names on the preliminary plat and better describing the role of the emergency access easement to Free State Road. Ifthe applicant chooses to provide the alternate road connection shown in Attachment F, a new preliminary plat will need to be reviewed, primarily for utility and stormwater issues, SUMMARY 11"""\, The proposed rezoning of 5.2 acres is a small portion of a larger development known as Dunlora. Ifthis development were a standalone development, staff would recommend a more urban design. The development, however, is proposed to have the same name as the previous Dunlora subdivisions, take access off of existing subdivision streets in Dunlora, and connect through to Free State Road per previous Dunlora commitments for emergency access. Staff has made numerous suggestions throughout this rezoning process for pedestrian access, an urban street design, better grading, and more useable open space. As a result, the applicant has provided pedestrian paths and explained that an extension of an existing rural road pattern makes more sense than adding an urban street pattern in this location. The applicant has been asked to proffer an overlot grading plan and said he would attempt to remove stormwater facilities from the open space to make it a passive recreation area. At this time, the applicant is not convinced that an overlot grading plan is necessary and he is not willing to proffer it. Planning staff anticipates that between the time this staff report is distributed and the Planning Commission meeting, additional conversation will be held between the applicant and Engineering to work through this item. Staff has identified the following factors, which are favorable to this request: 1, The rezoning would increase the density of the development over the existing zoning from 2 lots to 13 lots, 2, Provision is made for interconn~ctioI1s to Free State Road at which time that the bridge is improved or the Free State-Rio Connector is built. 3. Pedestrian access is provided along public roads. 4. The applicant is motivated to modify an existing siltation pond for a stormwater basin in order to prevent building of an additional facility in open space, Staff has identified the following factors, which are unfavorable to this request: 1. The development pattern continues a fairly conventional suburban development pattern. 2. An overlot grading plan should be provided to help provide continuity of grading between lots. 3, Density is not in keeping with the recommended density range shown in the Comprehensive Plan. ~ 7 RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approval of the rezoning if an additional proffer is offered that an overlot ,~ grading plan will be provided with a final plat. Staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat with minor changes and approval of the critical slopes waiver, ATTACHMENTS: A - Reduced copy of Preliminary Plat dated December 8, 2000 B - Proffers dated December 12, 2000 C -- Tax Parcel Map D - Location Map E - Master Plan F - Alternate Road Connection G - Fiscal Impact Study H - Engineering Comments I - Homeowner Comments 8 /---..... A IT ACHMENT A tow ..~ UJ :? Q () ..,/ UJ Lil f.',; ~':, >2 :::> .~ ~. ,2 ,j ,-..< :.::> f.....) \...1.J :.-:-::l RIVER CREEK Al DUNLORA PHASE 4B Albemarle County, Virginia PRELIMINARY PLAT Land Use Sum..!!ill!:L- 12. 13 mESOUEI RlVANf'tA R. lPARCelS 7 AHO UI RA IPARCEl111 R. ISY ZMA.2000.0081 1'810""1 13$10'"' 11131%' "12VoI UOOGO"'I " o.e ACRES O)ll ACRES 0.31 ACAES lU OU/AC SElYEOERe $T.UlOfllANO TROST sox Il.a, CHAFaOTfeSVIUE VA Utos. lP"ACElS 7 Aft) 131 OONtIA HAvE"S 1111 FREE ST"TE ROAD CHARLOttESVIllE VA 2UGt...tI !PARCEL 121 RoeERT HAUseR HONES PO 80X 5.,7 CHAALOTTE5vuE. VA 22105 Notes 1 THIS PlAN 1$ PAEL"'ARY ftO COHSTRYCTIOff SHAll COlllME~E lI'lTl. TH! OWfER HAS 08TAlEO AU AEOlIRED PLATlPl."" APMOVAlS. PEAMrs, 8Of<<)S, ETC. IN ACCOAOANCE WIT" 'HE APPllCA8l.E STIJtOAAOS OF AlBEMARlE C~lY. YOOT. TIE COtAIClfIfWEAlTH Of mGINIA ANO TIE US GOVEFlfWENr 2 NO fine REPORT HAS BEE" I=URft$tEO OR USED IN THE PflEPAAAfIOl't OF THESf PLANS 3 ~ so..S CIA GEOlOGIC f(VfSTIGATIOHS HAVE BEE" F~SHeO OR UseD IN THE PAEPARAf~ OF THlESE PlANS . ftlS FIIW DOfS NOT CEATf:Y TIE LOCATIONS NOR THE EKtSTENCE OF NO' ABOVE GAOU<<J Of! ltOERGAQUW;) UTI,.,TES ON THS SITE & Oft.. 't 0fE DWEllffO WT PEA lOT WIll BE AllOWED AHO fitO F\ATHEA DlYlStOff ....l 8E AllOWED WITHOUT PAlOR PlAttftftG CQlMSSfON APPROVAL. e All lOTS WU BE SERVED 8Y PU81.1C WATER AfoIO SEwtA ALL UTI.IT't l~S AS 5HOWff ARE SCfEUATIC AtCl sue'-:CT TO MOOFlCAT~ UPCItt FINAL EhGfEERINQ P09UC WATER StfALL BE lOCATED WITHIN VOOT RIGHT .OF-WAY r. BUl.OIHG SETBACK LIfES. INOlCATED BY QAStEO lIES. ARE AS FOl.lOW$: fRONT. 25 FEET. REAR . lO FEE' MUSS frtOTED OHER*'SE. SlOE . 10 fEET tsuBJECT TO THE PAOVJSK)NS OF SECT~ 4.11.3 OF THE AlBEMAFlLE CQUttTY cooe. .. PH'tSlCAl SUAvEY 1NF0000ATIOf'f FROM Nt AERIAL SUAvE't PAOVOEO By JAMES BEll. L-S.. IIIftERAI.. vA. BOl.H)ARr. PHYSICAl AND tOPOGRAPHIC StRVErS f'ftOVQ;O 8Y B. A\J8REY HlFfMM & ASSOC. CHAJl.OTTESVIllE. VA . OAlVEWAY GRADES ..oT TO EXCEED 11% GRACES OveR 7% StfAll BE PAVED 10 Nt EAOSlOfl CONTROL PERMIT -'l BE MQ\JRED PRIOR TO CQffSTRuCTIOfIl 1t "'U lOTS ENTER ONTO INTERN"'L PlIEkIC ROAOS ONly 11 AlL CUL.DE.SAC P"'VEMENT RAOI SHAll BE 30' All o..t.DE.S"'C Al'GHT OF WAY RAOI StfAll BE 40' 13 All ROADS SHAll HAve 50' ItO.W Ar.o ARE INTENDED TO BE OEOlCATEO TO _IC US< U. "'U OPEN SP"'CE SHAll BE RESERveD fOf! THE COIIIIIIOft use OF PROPERTY OWHEAS ... TtE SUBOi'll$lOtt It NO lOO.YEAR FLOOO PlAlfl CIA MTVJ<<JS AREAS ON SITE II THE SUBJECT PAOPEAfY IS WIT'" THE JUAlSOfCT~ AREA OF nif FOLLOWftG UTUTYlSEAvtCe PROVIOE:RS WAtEA I SEMA . AlBEMARlE COUNTy SEFlICE AUTHORITY IEASEMENTS HELD - ADJACENT PAOPEATYJ .., CONTACT, PETE GORHAM ,,",,~of P.O BOX IOQi .~~' CHAm.OHESYlLlE. VA 21110' ,'.'. ELECTRIC . ~G'U POWER :; GAS. CITY OF CHARlOTTESVIlLE GAS DlVlSlOfll d;;~tl . TELEPHOM: . SPAlNT ~ .;; CABlE TV . ADELPHlA CABLE h~'1.. . ~"f ' 17. FIHAL BUllOlNC CONFlGUAATIOfW TO 9E OETEIWfED AT THE TINE OF CONST~~ IliJ . ".1 N<<J FELD ADJUSTED AS NECESSAA't BASED ON FIELD.LOCATED Cl'lICAl. Sl~.:'iii 2 c ',"t 8Ul.OING SITES SHOWN HEREOJI ARE FOR TIoE SOlE PUfWOSE OF OEMONSTRAT".::~ t;/ ct:x THAT A LAWFll. BUIlDftG SlfE EXISTS 011 EACH LOT THAT APPEARS TO CO'UAf1, . .>^ . CRITICAl. SlOPES WlTt<<w ITS SET8ACKS. _~,;~ . ,",.;. <~, ,,_ RURAL ROAD STANDARDS ME PROPO$EO FOR ALL ROADS. aeST ,,~c:;j,.,.. ~..-, ._, ",,"AGENENT PRACTICES AND OTHER "U$Lf:IES Will BE USED TO MITIGATE '''''.':~.I':!I I' ..' ... Y THE poTEttTlAL EFFECTS OF f'fCREASED RuNOFF WIl~ THE SUl3OlYISo. AS . ,<'~ ReOUlRED "1 t9- WHERE TOPOGR...PtfC AflIO PHySICAl CONSTRAINtS ALLOW. AOOITIQNAL f OFF.STREET PARKIftG WIlL aE ACCCWOOAlED Oft lOTS !"'OJ' .", r.-' :: ~,,/ 20. ROAD A IS DESlGftED TO ACCOWOOATE UP TO 1000 ADT.'~~ . C'i Pr""...JiM II *./ Robert Hauser HoniW!,,1l ~' ro~~~ .' Charlottesville, V A 22~ U% SLOf'ES ... 3.3 ... .39 ... DENOTES TAK .....P 62 PARCELS 7. DEED 8001<'1 PAGE PARCEL 7, tSJe/l.<4 PARCEL 12 122e121& PARCEL 13, t83IVte. MAGISTERIAL DlSTRtCT. EXISTING ZONING PROPOSED ZOtIHG ACRES 1ft lOTS, OPEN $PACE ROW AES<l<E TOTAL AREA foII..IWER OF LOTS MAXMIM LOT SIZE """"""lOT SIZE AVERAGE LOT SIZE GROSS OE"SllY 0""'11$ DEVELOPER \\ L~'1i~~'" /'\ / "- / . \ .~~. ......' \ ) ) ~ ;~ .~ PROFFER FORM Date: December 12, 2000 ZMA# 2000-08 Tax Map and Parcel Number(s) TM 62. Parcels 07 and 12 5.279 Acres to be rezoned from RA to R4 A TT ACHMENT B Original Proffer: ZMA - 2000-08 Amended Proffer: None (Amendment # ----> Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the owner, or its duly authorized agent, hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shan be applied to the property, if rezoned. These conditions are proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and it is agreed that: (I) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the conditions; and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning request. 1. The owner of the property will extend a public road (Loring Run) from TM 62, parcel 7 or 12 to Free State Road within 12 months following the removal of access restrictions on Free State Road either by the upgrading of the Free State Bridge or construction of a connector road from Rio Road to Free State Road. A final plat of development for the lots on Tax Map 62, parcels 7 & 12 shall reserve land for dedication upon demand of the County to make this connection. At the time commencement of construction of either the upgraded bridge or the Rio-Free State Connector road, the owner agrees to bond the construction of the road extension. Until such time as the access limitations are lifted, the extension will be graveled and shall be used for emergency access only. Signature of Owner: ~:l=~>. Robert M. Hauser, President \2. LIt.. loa ate I 10 IN 61A ,I't PARK \l1910N A TT ACHMENT C r-L ~ ~, T.l / I / ....-- , .. 23 DARDEf'I TOwE MEMORIAL PARK 81STr?!CT SCALf IN F'fET RIO a RIVANNA DISTRICTS SECTION 62 ,'" ... --- 11 A TT ACHMENT D ,~_.~~-~~ Original Proffer ZMA..2000-08 Amended Proffer _ (Amendment # _2---1 r'J PROFFER-FORM Date: Februarv 7.2001 ZMA # 2000-08 Tax Map and Parcel Number(s) 62. Parcel 12 5.279 Acres to be rezoned from. RA to R4 Pursuant to Section 33.3 of the Albemarle County Zoning Ordinance, the owner, or its duly authorized agent, hereby voluntarily proffers the conditions listed below which shalli:>e applied to the property, if rezoned. These conditions are proffered as a part of the requested rezoning and it is agreed that: (1) the rezoning itself gives rise to the need for the conditions; and (2) such conditions have a reasonable relation to the rezoning request. 1. A final plat of development for the lots on Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 shall reserve land for dedication upon demand of the County to make a public road connection from Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 to Free State Road(State Route 651), 2. The owner shall construct a public road, in accordance with public road standards in place at the time from TMP 62-12 to the point where state maintenance begins on Free State Road. The cost and responsibility for constructing this road shall not be transferred to a homeowner's association. 3. This road shall be constructed within 12 months following the commencement of construction for the upgrading of Free State Bridge or the commencement of construction of the Connector Road from Rio to n Free State Road, as determined by the Albemarle County Department of Engineering and Public Works. 4. At the time of commencement of construction of either the upgraded bridge or the Rio-Free State Connector road, the owner shall post a bond for the construction of the road described above. If commencement of the upgrading of Free State Bridge or the Connector Road has not begun within ten (10) years of the acceptance of these proffers by the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors, then the owner shall be relieved of the obligation to construct a public road in this location, but the resrvation for dedication of the right-of-way shall remain in place. 5. Until such time as the road connection to Free State Road is built and accepted into the public system, emergency access to Free State Road shall be provided in the area shown on the plat for a public road. The emergency access road shall meet Department of Engineering and Public Works specifications for emergency access road construction. It shall be constructed with public improvements shown on the engineering plans accompanying the final plat for development. A barrier consisting of a breakaway fence, chain with a lock, or similar type of barrier shall be installed to ensure that the connection is used for emergency access only. The type of barrier to be used shall be approved by the Albemarle County Fire and Rescue Division. 6. The barrier shall be placed at the time of commencement of road construction for the development for Tax Map 62, Parcel 12. 7. A conceptual overJot grading plan, reviewed and approved by the Department of Engineering and Public Works, is required prior to issuance of any permits for the site. All lots shall be graded in general accordance with the approved plan or the latest revision to the plan approved by the Department of Engineering and Public Works. The overJot grading plan shall show: 1. building pads which minimize grades steeper than 10% within 10 feet of the house; r", 2.' driveways with no grades steeper than 16% and 20 foot sections graded, where feasible, no steeper than 5% in front of garages or on parking spaces; 3. drainage patterns with sufficient detail that the Department of Engineering and Public Works can verify concentrated flows are not directed across adjoining lots except in storm sewers and all flows are adequately conveyed from lots to a storm drainage system approved by the County. 8. Prior to initiating any grading, the developer shall a Phase I archaeological survey done on Tax map 62 Parcel 12 and Parcel 7 and report findings, if any, to the Albemarle County Planning Department., :~, by~ ,\~k R u.sn=..a. 2-- 7- 0 t Date "" ~ , 2 ATTACHMENT D .... .... . . <==:;:i ~ E:j' p'@ ~ , Office of Mapping Graphics and Infonnation Resources .. .* '. .;' ., /# .. .* V . ". \ '. 4B N A \, ", ...\ , I \. .- ''''-.--.... ~ '') '. / J,. \~ ,'"^, f.:;,~..,O f ) ""'~ /% ~~ ~, ~ " i, ,.-~ .,., ///~';'-......,_,,,/ !P~~L I' ~(~- ,.' ~....~... '.. - I ~ \ I.... \ i ,~" \ '.... J '(" \ , \ \ -..) \ l........:.:>/ '~4 VICINI DUNLO'RA PHASE 1 1000 FEET 800 600 Prepared by the Department of Planning And Community Development 400 200 o 7200 ) 'j /r' I II ATTACHMENT E o Ti. It ~"'~ \i ~"''' , "",,:1!IiS' ~.~ ~ ~, E REe ". " / I / ,/ /' ././" e If' \ \ Z C)c(Q za:!!2 -0> ti)...JQ _ZlD x:::>:::> uJOcn \ ~ '"'~". -- ~ - ~~sJ V\ ~~ ~ ~.- <::. ...... c"- ~ e.c>-\;,~ ~ ~,-o,-- d:..~ I\' ",", '-.'. -4- <L IV v s:' ~ '" :~ <: Q ~ ~c:s t""\ \b ~ ~ ~ ~~ v C) P- ~ ~ :z w VI ~ C\- ru ra j 3 2 o ~ tW -=> ~ o r-J uj ~ u V) 0J lL\ \b ~ ) '\ / ATTACHMENTF RIVER CREEK AT DUNLORA PHASE 4B Albemarle County, Virginia FREE STATE ROAD CONNECTION CONCEPTUAL ALTERNATIVE VED Ii L (' " L C. J q ?UI,N\'~n\iG I\ND GUMMUNrr-l DEVELOPMEN'r ')f1 t. THIS PlAl'l tS PAEl...ARY. NO COHSTAuCTM)rol SHAll COUMENCe tifT.. THE OWf'lEA HAS OBTAINED AU AEOUAEo PlAT/PlAtt APPROVALS. PERIlITS. BONlS. ETC. f4 ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPliCABlE STAAOAAOS OF ALBEMARlE COUNTY, YOOT. HE COWIIONWEALTH OF VlRGlMA AfC) THI: us GOVERNNEtlIT 2 NO lITlE REPORT HAS BEEN FUflf'tStEO OR USED IN THE PAEPAAA'1Oft OF THESE Pt.A~ 3 NO SOI.S OR GEOlOGIC fWESTlGATJQffS HAVE BEEN FlJIWSHED OR usee If THE PRfP,\RAYIOft OF THESE PlANS . THIS FlAM DOES HOT CERTIFY THE LOCATtONS HOA THE EXISTEftCE Of- MIl' ASOVE QAOlH) OR 1.fIlEAGROUttO UTl.ITle5 ON THIS SITE , 0fC. y orE DWELLING tHy PER lOT Wl.l 8E AlLOWED AHO NO FLATHER OlvtSlQH Wl.L BE ALlOWEO WITHOuT PAIOR PlAftNtfG COMlllSSKlN APPROVAl.. .. ALL lOTS Wl.l BE SERVED By PUBlIC WAfER ANO SEWER. All UTI.ITr" liES AS SHOWN ARE SCtEM,t,JIC AM) Sl.8.ECT TO IlIODFICATIQN UP<lf\I FIfAL EI'tGNEAlftG PUBlIC WATER SHAll BE LOCATED ...,... VOOl RlGHT.OF.WAY 7. BUUJlHG SETBACK LftfS. IfOCATEO By QAStED l~S. ARE AS FOllOWS: FRONT. 26 FEET. AfAR , .10 FEU IUPUSS NOTED OTHERWISE. SlOE . 10 FEEl lSUB.EC' '0 'HE PAOVlSlONS OF seCTION ".fU OF THE AlBEMARlE CQUfrtTY COOEI. e. PHYSICAL SURVEY INfORMATION FADM M AEA'AL MvEY PROVOED BY JAMES BELL. L.S.. MlHERAl. VA. QOlH)AFl't. PHySICAl Aft) TOPOGRAPNC SUM:YS PROvIDED BY e. A\MEY Ht,IFfMM I ASSOC.. CttAAlOTTESVl.lE, VA I OAtVEWAY GRADES hor fO EXCfEO "" ORADES OveR 1" SHAll 8E PAYfO to AN EAOSlOft C~TAOl PERMIT Wlll BE REQUlREO PAlOA to COftSTAuCtlOH tI All lOTS ENTER ONTO lflTEANAl PU8l.lC AOADS 0Nl Y 11. ALl CUt.DE.SAC PAvE-=NT RAQIl SHAlL BE 30'. All CUt.DE.SAC FlIGHT OF WAY RADII SHAll BE .0' t3. AU AOAOS SHAll HAVE SO' RO"'. IJIO ARE ''lfEfIOEO TO BE DEDICATED TO pus"" USE AlL OPEN SPACE SHAll BE AfSEAvEO FOR THE COMMON USE OF PAOPEAT'I' OWNERS" THE Sl8OIVISIOH NO tOO. YEAR FLOOD Pl.Aff OR WElLNtDS AReAS ON SITE THE SU5JECT PROPERTY IS WITHfc THE A.IAlSOICT~ AREA OF THE FOllOWING utl-ttY/SERVlCE PROVIDERS WATER I SEMA . AUIEUARLE COUNTY SEAlCE AUTHORITy EASEIWENtS tELD . ADJAceNt PROPERT'I'I CONTACT, PETE GORHAM PO 80x lOot CHAAlOTTESVl.LE. VA 12101 ElECTRIC. VIRGIl" POWER GAS . CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE GAS DIVISION TELEPHONE . sPRfrtT CABLE TV . AOE1PHtA CABLE FIfIAl BlADING C<:lt*IGUAATION TO BE OETEAWlNEO AT THE TM: OF COffSTRUCTIOft AND FElO AD.AlSTED AS "ECESSARY BASEO ON FELD.LOCATEO CRlllCAL SlOPU. BUUlIf.G SITES SHOWN HEREON ARE FOR THE SOlE PuRPOSE OF DEMONSTRATING THAT A lAWFUl. BUlLOffG SITE EXISTS ON EACH LOT THAT AP9EAAS TO CONtI." CAtTICAl. SLOPES WIT.... ITS SETBACKS RlJA"L ROAD STANQAAOS ME PROPOSED FOR ALL ROAOS_ BESt MAHAGEMENT PRACTICES NIl) OTHER MEA5L1RES WIlL BE USED TO II'IGATE THE POTENTIAL EFFECTS OF INCREASED AUHOFF WITHIN THE SuBOlv/SJON AS AE~O_ \/rHEA( TOPOQRAPNC AfII) PHYSICAl CONSTRAINTS ALLOW. AOOlTIQNAL OFF.STREET PARlCIfIG WILL Be ACCOIIIODATEO ON LOTS LORING RUN IS DE$lGfEO TO ACCOWOO"TE uP TO 1000 ADT Prepaml for Robert Hauser Homes PO Box 5487 Charlottesville, VA 22905 C?-"':".t'"1}.1 ~.'~~"". ii I~.;,.~II REC; ... ... ,. .'~/; ".~! :'~/~' ~, ~/. 'l/ ~I ~, , \ \ Location Ma Scale: 1"=21 / \ ) ) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE ATTACHMENT G ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Elaine Echols, Senior Planner FROM: Steven A. Allshouse, Fiscal Impact Planner ~ DATE: November 21,2000 RE: ZMA 00-008 (Dunlora) [Revised]. I used the Cost Revenue Impact Model (CRIM) to run four different scenarios involving this property. As per your corrected statement, a maximum total of two units could be constructed, under current zoning, while, under the proposal before the County, a total of 8 single family attached or 8 single family detached residential units would be built. ~, The first two scenarios. assume that single family attached residences get built, all in year one. In the first scenario, involving two units, CRIM estimates that, after build-out, this type and level of development would result in the following net annual fiscal impact: Fiscal Impact -- Current Zoning (2 SFA's) Property Taxes $ 2,000 Other Revenues 2,000 Total Revenues $4,000 School Expendrtures ($3,000) County Govt. Expenditures (1,000) Total Expenditures ($4,000) Net Annual Fiscal Impact ($0) At first glance, this information seems to suggest that, under current zoning, development of the property would render a revenue-neutral result. This conclusion is wrong, however, because of CRIM's rounding errors, and the small number of units involved in this analysis. The actual net fiscal I!""'"\ impact would be negative, but under $1,000. 15 ZMA 00-008 November 21,2000 Page Two In terms of the annual impact that the development of two SFA's would have on the County's capital costs, CRIM estimates the following result: CIP Impact -- Current Zoning (2 SFA's) Schools CF Pay-As- You-Go Schools CF Debt Service Total Schools CIP Impact County ~F Pay-As- You-Go County CF Debt Service Total Cty. Govt. CIP Impact Net Anpual CIP Impact ($0) ($1,000) ($1,000) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($1,000) Note that these CIP figures are included in the fiscal impact numbers listed on the previous page. (The $1,000 in capital costs is part of the $4,000 in the estimated total annual expenditures resulting ,~ from the development of two SF A's). These CIP numbers are presented separately to highlight the magnitude of the capital costs that would be associated with such development. The second scenario that I ran involved the construction of eight SFA units on the property. I assumed the development would be completed in a one year build-out. CRIM estimates that, after completion, this project would have the following net annual fiscal impact: Fiscal I~pact -- Proposed Development (8 SFA's) Property Taxes $ 5,000 Other Revenues 10,000 Total R~venues $ 15,000 School Expenditures ($17,000) County Govt. Expenditures ($4,000) Total Expenditures ($21,000) Net Annual Fiscal Impact ($6,000) ~ 16 ZMA 00-008 November 21,2000 Page Three r'\ As for the impact of eight SF A's on the County of Albemarle's capital costs, CRIM estimated the following outcome: CIP Impact -- Proposed Development (8 SFA's) Schools CF Pay-As-You-Go Schools CF Debt Service Total ScJtools CIP Impact County CF Pay-As-You-Go County CF Debt Service Total Cty. Govt. CIP Impact Net Annual CIP Impact ($0) ($6,000) ($6,000) ($0) ($0) ($0) ($6,000) Note that, as was the case with the first scenario, these CIP numbers are included in the total annual expenditures of $21,000 shown on the previous page, and are presented separately to illustrate the relative magnitude of capital costs. The numbers generated by the first two scenarios that I ran indicate that, if the County approves the development of Dunlor;l as single family attached residences, the differential net annual fiscal impact would be $6,00~ - $0 = $6,000. This number means that, annually, the County would be $6,000 worse off approving the development of Dunlora than denying the proposal. This statement assumes that, in the event of denial, the proposed development's growth would not take place somepl;lce else in Albemarle County. r"'\ The third and fourth scenarios that I rap. assume that 2 and 8 single family detached residences get built respectively. The results of the CRIM analyses appear on the following pages. In the case of two units, the net annual fiscal impact would be $0 (This number includes $1,000 in CIP costs. Once again, because of rounding errors in CRIM, the net fiscal impact figure is misleading. The actual net fiscal impact would be negative, but under $1,000). In the case of eight units, the net annual fiscal impact would be negative $18,000 (including $16,000 in CIP costs). In summary, CRIM estimates, that, if the County approves the development of Dunlora as single family detached residences, the differential net annu;ll fiscal impact would be $18,000 - $0 = $18,000. This number means that, annually, the County would be $18,000 worse off approving the development of Dunlora than denying the proposal. This statement assumes that, in the event of denial, the proposed development's growth would not take place someplace else in Albemarle County. r""\ 17 ZMA 00-008 November 21,2000 Page Four ,~ Fiscal Impact -- Current Zoning (2 SFD's) Property Taxes $ 2,000 Other Revenues 4,000 Total Revenues $6,000 School Expenditures ($4,000) County Govt. Expenditures (2,000) Total Expenditures ($6,000) Net Anqual Fiscal Impact ($0) CIP Impact -- Current Zoning (2 SFD's) Schools rF Pay-As-You-Go ($0) ~ Schools CF Debt Service ($1,000) Total Scpools CIP Impact ($1,000) County rF Pay-As-You-Go ($0) County CF Debt Service ($0) Total Cty. Govt. CIP Impact ($0) Net Anqual CIP Impact ($1,000) /---.." 18 ZMA 00-008 November 21,2000 Page Five 1""". Fiscal Impact -- Proposed Development(8 SFD's)' . Property Taxes Other Revenues $ 7,000 15,000 Total Revenues $ 22,000 Total E~enditures ($35,000) ($5,000) ($40,000) ($18,000) School Expenditures County Govt, Expenditures Net Anq.ual Fiscal Impact CIP Impact -- Proposed Development (8 8FD's) Schools CF Pay-As-You-Go ($0) Schools CF Debt Service ($16,000) r': Total Scltools CIP Impact ($16,000) ,,,.. CountyCF Pay-As-You-Go ($0) County ~F Debt Service ($0) Total Cty. Govt. CIP Impact ($0) Net Anq.ual CIP Impact ($16,000) Note: (1) Although my analysis sugge~ts that approval of the proposed development would result in a greater net annual fiscal drain to the County than would denying the proposed development, this fact alone. does not necessarily mean that the proposal should be denied, since the total mix of development taking place in Albemarle County in any given year might generate a revenue..;neutral outcome; (2) If Albemarle does not approve the proposal, the growth that is assumed to be associated with this development would likely take place somewhere else in the County; and (3) When deciding whether or not to approve a proposed eJevelopment, Albemarle might wish to take into consideration a number of issues other than just the project's fiscal impact. These issues would include, but would not necessarily be limited to, affordable housing, transportation impacts, and environmental well- being. ~ SAA/saa 19 ATTACHMENT H Albemarle County Development Departments ZMA-2000-008 SPIN Submission and Comments Dunlora Phase 4-B Rivercreek /--'\ Engineering ZMA, prel. plat. C.S, revision 3 reviewer Jeff Thomas received 12/11/00 reviewed 12/11/00 decision approved The ZMA plan received today has been reviewed. All of our previous required comments have been satisfactorily addressed. The Engineering Department recommends approval of the ZMA, but we leave the following comment as a recommendation. 1. We strongly recommend an over-lot grading plan for this phase, We feel this is necessary to assess impacts of the proposed grading on the existing critical slopes and better depict the finished grades in this phase. At the applicant's request, we have also reviewed the ZMA plan as a preliminary plat. A revised preliminary plat including road grading and conceptual grading for lots 39 and 40 was received today. The Engineering Department recommends approval of the preliminary plat. A critical slopes waiver is necessary as well. Please see our critical slope waiver comments below. ,.. The critical slope waiver request received on October 30,2000 has been reviewed. Based on the preliminary plat received December 11, 2000, the proposed subdivision has a total area of 8.44 acres. This includes an approximate critical slope area of 1.7 acres, which is about 20% of the site. Approximately 5.8% (0.49 acres) of critical slope area on the subject property is located on proposed lots and will be disturbed during construction, The largest area of disturbed critical slopes is located on lots 39 and 40. As stated in Section 18-4.2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the following concerns must be addressed before any critical slope waiver is granted, ,~ 1. "movement of soil and rock" Proper slope construction, control of drainage, and vegetative stabilization will prevent any movement of soil. The preliminary plat indicates proposed slopes of approximately 5% along lots 32-35. This grading appears to be associated with the road construction. Conceptual grading information is also shown for lots 39 and 40. This grading is conceptual because the applicant has stated that he does not know what size and type of homes will be built on these lots. 2, "excessive storm water runoff' A stormwater management plan must be submitted with the final plans for approval. The preliminary plat shows a stormwater retention pond along the creek. This pond will provide for both detention and water quality. Preliminary routing computations have been submitted for the pond. From these computations and Engineering's preliminary analysis, it appears the pond will detain runoff from both the 2-year and 10- year storms. The pond must also pass the 100-year storm safely. The proposed pond will affect about 0.24 acre of critical slopes. The pond is located downstream of much of the proposed impervious areas. Based on the preliminary sizing shown on the plat and the number and size of the lots proposed, the Engineering Department believes that the pond has no reasonable alternative location or alignment in this proposed subdivision that will substantially reduce the amount of disturbed critical slopes. [18-4.2.2] 3. "siltation" Inspection and bonding by the County will ensure siltation control during construction that meets state erosion control standards, Proposed stabilization and maintenance will ensure long term stability. 4. "loss of aesthetic resource" Some aesthetic loss is expected from tree removal. This area is located to the rear of both the existing ~ 12/12/0009:26 AM Page 1 of 2 20 ~, ~ ,-...., Albemarle County Developm~nt Departments ZMA-2000-008 SPIN Submission and Comments Dunlora Phase 4-B Rivercreek Engineering ZMA, pre!. plat. C.S, revision 3 reviewer Jeff Thomas received 12/11/00 reviewed 12/11/00 decision approved and proposed lots, 5. "septic effluent" This is not a concern, as this site will be served by public water and sewer. Based on the review above, the Engineering Department recommends approval of the critical slopes waiver, Please call me if you have any questions or comments. The following items must be submitted with the final plat for review by the Engineering Department. A. An erosion control plan, narrative and computations. [14-311, 17-203] B. A completed application and fee for erosion control and stormwater management. [17-203, 17-303] C. A stormwater managementlBMP plan and computations. Computations must include water quality, and detention routings for the 2yr and 10yr storms, [17-304] D. A completed stormwater management facilities maintenance agreement and fee, [17-323] E, Road plans, pavement design sheets, and drainage computations. [14-512,14-304, Policy] All improvements must be built or bonded prior to Engineering Department recommending approval of final plats. VDOT approval will be required for public road plans and any other right-of-way improvements. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments 12/12/0009:26 AM Page 2 of 2 21 A IT ACHMENT I December 8, 2000 M~ ~,""'" Ii ~~ ~ --------- L Ii t '\ j,b'~,~.- Ms, Elaine K. Echols Senior Planner Department of Planning and Community Development County of Albemarle 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville VA 22902-4579 DE C ~... ?r"i"n :,): <' r,'~.;..~!:.' Subject: ZMA 00-008 Dunlora Phase 4B (Rivercreek) - Tax Map 62, Parcel 12 Dear Ms, Echols, The Planning Commission will shortly consider the further expansion of the Dunlora subdivision by StoneHaus Development Corporation, LLC, and Robert Hauser Homes, Inc. As six-year residents of Dun lor a we are becoming increasingly concerned with the developer's lack to deliver what he promised when he appeared before your commission. Case-in-point is the Dunlora Phase 3A (Rivercrest) development. Even to the most casual observer, it is obvious that significant changes were made to the plats as initially proposed to the Planning Commission in 1998 (Rev, Sept 21, 1998 attached) and as actually developed (September 1999 attached), Moreover, the developer made extensive promises to the community in 1998 in a Natural Areas & Tree Preservation program (copy attached) which have not been met. Instead, the Rivercrest area was "clear cut," with the exception of steep slopes, which apparently were not economic to cut. Further, we are concerned that the many steep slopes (25 percent or greater), when disturbed by grading, contribute to erosion, The developer seeds these slopes with rye grasses, which soon die, leaving unsightly barren areas, These slopes are difficult, if not impossible, and costly to landscape by the new homeowners and more often than not fall into neglect. ,..--. As you consider further development requests in the Dunlora area, at least hold the developer to what he has promised, Even though Virginia's antiquated 'by right' land use statutes may indeed allow the developer excessive liberties with how he chooses to develop his land, keep in mind that those of us who are homeowners in this subdivision have to live with a developer's inconsiderate - sometimes reckless - development long after he has sold his houses and moved on, Thank you for giving our concerns your thoughtful consideration, (S-t~erelY, \' ' ~~~~L \ \ \ Joc\nne & GUIlnar Sedleniek, homeowners at 1147 River Oaks Lane ~ 22 ,......, f)l ~ Natura'l Areas & Tree Preservation Nature is an important part of the character and appeal of Dunlora. Devel- opment efforts for RiverCrest, the newest neighborhood at Dunlora, will set new standards for the preservation of open space and significant trees. In the first phase of Rivercrest, almost 38 percent of the land will be pre- served in perpetuity as open space. This far exceeds Albemarle County's requirements for open space preservation in a cluster development. Land, trees and stream valleys within the natural areas will not be disturbed dur- ing the construction process except as needed to provide effective erosion and storm water control. Tree preservation efforts will be extensive in Rivercrest. In addition to saving trees within the natural areas, StoneHaus development has focused tree saving efforts in three development areas: ~ First is along Dunlora Drive where the developer plans to maintain a wooded buffer on all lots and on the common area between Dunlora Drive and Dabney Lane. Within the buffer areas, efforts will be made to preserve all significant trees which contribute to the buffer. ~ The second area is on lots 36 and 37 where there are towering oaks and beech trees which are among the largest and most beautiful that we have seen anywhere in Albemare County. The roadway was moved in the final plan to help keep it outside of the canopy of these trees. ~ The third area which will receive special attention is a pocket park which is being created to the left of Road "A" just past the current en- trance to the Rivercrest property. Existing specimen trees will be pre- served and mature fruit trees will be transplanted from adjacent devel- oped areas to the park. The association will hopefully maintain the fruit trees and park area for the benefit of all the residents of Dunlora. Within individual lots, every effort will be made to save mature trees where possible. In areas which must be cut, replanting will occur after construc- tion. Attention to preservation of trees and natural areas will help make Rivercrest a beautiful addition to the Dunlora community. For more infor- mation about Rivercrest, contact Rick Spigone at 973-8333. -- -- -- RIVER CREST at Dunlora 23 ... ~ ,.~ <( <Co: "0 ~~ Cl d~ LOCATION MAP SHEET FOR PHASE 3A RIVERCREST 9) "lL m, .f, 0 fR, (t ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA /......... B. AUBREY HUFFMAN AND ASSOCIATES, . L TO. CIVIl. ENGINEERING l.ANO SURVEYING l.AND Pl.ANNING CHARLOTTESVIl.I.E. VIRGINIA SEPTEMBEf 24 "- Il. o "- ~ l{J 'U ~ n ~\) (\6\ "6\ ..., , ,~' '\JI\) ~0 ~J ~~ ~. ~. ~~ ~ Q ~ 5 ~ V1' ~ IJ.J \J ~ ~ r~ V ~ ~ o 'J ~ t'l I '" f)~~ '{~~ (l'(,v ~~'\i ,.~~ ~o~ f f'\ 'V ~ ~ ~ I{ <{ () ,Y\J J V ~ {~~ }..~v IIJ'V ~ ~ ()~ J Ijj '{\j . " ~ ~ v ~ 4' (\ , , ,,~ \J J '\ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 , 't Q~ ~~o ~ ' 0 'v" ~~ " ~ 0 ~ 2 " ' \J>- 1;~o ~J~ <[0 ~ \J ~ 0 ~ to ~ -J " ~ ~ ' ~ ~ !U () I ic:>.L? - ~~ coMrEIS l.:.'E;Ob. ~ '\ , 'r) ! o '<J ~ V' V1 ~ ~ { { <( ~ '\J 0 '\ ~ '\J ~ ~ ) ~ J J ,~ Q ~~ , '-.1 ...... 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'I.. - It. ~ . ~ \.:. ',;,,~ , I . .'-.:. ...:....~" ." , ,- , , \ \ ,-~ ~ " ) ) ~. I (II" ..~ '"H.\~ ", ,,~.. " ....41.... -,,' U ,--' . .- <: " \" I " " \ " - \ "I .:.. '.1 ' , , \ /) I \, . - - ... ~._~'---- -- --- --- " (\ \%--- ~ ~ ' '. -'.. '. \ , , \ \ - I '" \ \ , ..... , -' ,......... t< " , , , ~ , v _____ ----- ~ ( .~ ' .'--""" " " - ..,:\ \ ~ .. . . ~ c - , , , . ; 11 ) ) David P. Bowerman RIo Undsay G. Dorrier, Jr. Scotlsvllle Charlotte Y. Humphris Jack Jouett COUNlY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 296-5800 Charles S, Martin Rivanna Walter F. Perkins Whlte Hall Sally H. Thomas Samuel MlIler February 15,2001 Mr. Jim Bryan Resident Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation 701 VDOTWay Charlottesville, VA 22911 Dear Mr, Bryan: At its meeting on February 14, 200 I, the Board of Supervisors discussed VDOT's recommendations for a signal at the intersection of Route 250 and Broomley Road (Route 677) and install;:ttion of a wildlife warning highway reflector system. The Board expressed support for the installation of a traffic signal as recommended. It was the consensus of the Board that VDOT wait until after some data has been collected before installing a wildlife warning highway reflector system. The Board also adopted the attached resolution which provides comments and/or recommendations regarding the Route 29 South Corridor Study. /EWC Sincerely, @ .~ .'. ~/ (Y ..I Ella ~ Carey, Clerk, CMC~ ,.-- Attachmen t cc: Robert W. Tucker. Jr. V, Wayne Cilimberg Juan Wade <1) Printed on recycled paper FE'B:--14'1H(WED) 13:31 VDOT GVILL TEL:804 979 3759 P. 002 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Transportation Culpeper Distrfct Traffic Engineering/Operations Program Re; Acci.dent Dau Summa~ LOCiItiQ!!: Route 250 @ Route 677 (Easterly Intersect) Albemarte County Date of ComDilati9n: IJrnefr8me: Traffic VOlum,: T~I ~Jdents: Accident R8te: February 2001 01.01.1990-12.31.2000 12093 dev 33 Ace. 0.68 AccJmev Annual Breakdown: YIIr 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1998 1997 1988 1999 2000 Total Note: 1. There is no traffic volume informiltion available for calendar years 1990 throv9h 1994. For comparative purposes. the Dally Entering Vehicular volumes for 1995 was used for these years '" order to develop a comparable acddent rtt.. As the traffic volumes for 1990 through 1994 would generally be lower. on. would note that the accident rates would be higher than shown. 2. The Di$trictwide Average Accident Rate refers to the acddent rate within the Disbict for similer types of intersections. In this case. Primary/Secondary T-Type Intersection with simil,r approach geometrfcs and surrOUnding charact.... Similar as the traffic volume information, district-wiele average accident rates were not avaifable for calendar Y8llrs 1990 through 1994, 1987. Ind 2000. Abbreviation Leaen5l: ~: VPO OVMT OEV ACClMVM ACC/MEV Total Acddeatl ~ Aecidsnt Rate Oistrictwide Average SAcco See Note 1 1.19 Ace/mev N/A (Use 0.24 Aa;Jmev) 3Acc. See Note 1 0.72 AaJlmfN NJA (UH 0.24 AccJmfN) 3 Ace. see Note 1 0.72 AccImev NJA (Use 0.24 Ace/me\/) 1 Ao;. see Note 1 0.24 Ace/mev NJA (Use 0.24 ArrJmfN) 4 Acc. See Note 1 0.96 AccImev NJA (Use 0.24 AccImev) 2 Ace. 11437 dev 0.48 Aeclmev NJA (Use 0,24 AccImev) 5Acc. '1437 cfev 1.20 AocImev 0.24 AaJrnev 2 Ace. 13400 dev 0.41 AocJmfN NlA (Use 0.24 AcC'Imev) 3 Ace. 13536 dev 0.81 AccJmfN 0.26 AceJmw 1 Ace. 13016 dev 0.21 Acclmev 0.26 A/;tC/mev 4A~. 13018 d.av 0.84 AccJmev N1A CU.. 0.26 Acc/mev'l 33 Ace 12093 dev 0.88 AccImev ... 0.2$ AccJmev Vehicles Per Da~ Daily Vehicle Miles Travelled Dally Entering Vehicles Aa:idents per MDlion Vehicle Miles Travelled Accidents per Million Entering Vehicles FE'B7' -14' '0"1 (WED) 13: 31 VDOT CV ILL TEL:804 979 3759 P. 003 Warrants far TratIic Sign_' 1115I3Ilation Traffic control signals should not be Installed unless one or more of the signal wanants beJow is met The satisfaction of a warrant or warranls 1$ not in Itself jLl:Sl:ific:l!lt fbr a signal. Infonnation should be obtained by means of engineering sbJdles and c:ompa,., With the l1Iquirements set forth in the warrants. 1. Wamant 1, Minimum Vehlcu'ar Volume. This wamtnt is applied when the prtndpal factor fat CXJnSidering signalizaticn is the intersection tratnc voI\.me. The warrant Is satisfted when ttamc voILIITIEIS on major streets and on hJgher-voh.me minor sb1leI:s fer each of any 8 hours r# an average day are . least equal fJ:) spedfted voIL1T1eS. When the 85-peru:n:r'e 5p8Id of major-street traflk: ~ 040 mph In either an U"ban or a rural area, the MlrimlMn VehiaJlar Volume warrant Is 70 pen:rant of the volume n!lQUiremel1ts. 2. wamlnt 2, InIIInuption of Continuous TndIIc. This warrant should be CDnsidered when tnlfflc on a minor sb8et suffers ~ delay due to the h8aw volume of traffic on a major street. Heavy major sInet tramc may also make it hazardous for miner st1est baffle to enter or ooss the major stn!et This warrant is satfsfied when the b'afftc voIt.IM on the major street and on the higher-voll.rne minor SI1eet: for each of any 8 haws of an avenJge clay Is at least <<!qUll to spedfted lJaIl.I11eS. When the 851:lerartf1e speed of major street b'amc exaeecii 40 mph in either an urban or rural area, the InterTUption or Oxltinuous Traffic wanant is 70 peroent; of the volune r&quirements. 3. Warrant 3, Min'lnum .......L iiln Volu...... This warrant ;s based on a <Xmbination of pedestrian and vehlde wlt.rneS. It is satisfied when the t:rafflc 'JOIume on the major street and the pedestrian tJOIlrne on the highest wlume aosswaIk aossIng the major sb8et fix' each d any 8 hours of an average dIy are at least equal to Spedfled voIL.meS. WhIn the dedslon to Install a signal is based an this wanant, the signal shol.dd be equipped with push buttons for pedestrians aossIng the major sbeet 4. Wanent 4, SChool Cl"OIIIIing. A tnJfflc control signal may be warranted at an established sc:hcxJI O'OSSing When a tramc qlneertng study shows that the hquenty and length of gaps in the vehiCular tJaftk strea'n are lnadequatB for safe aosslng of the street by schoaI children. 5. Wall'llnt 5, PraereuIw Monment. This warrant may Justify the Installation of traffic lights at an intersed:ion where lights woufd not atherwIse have been instlllled. It Justifies the Installation of tJitfftc lights when such an lnallation Will help maintain a proper grouping of vehicles and etfectively reguJate group speed. 6. W.ft'IInt ., AccIdent ExperIence. This warrant: JUStifies signaliZation of an intersection when acrident frequency has not I:leen reduced by adequate trial of less restJ ktive measures. ,. Wamlnt 7, s,.t.ems WIIIT8nt. This wa~nt JustIftes the installation of signals at some intersec.tions when such an installation Will help to enmurage mnc:entnItfon and organization rI tramc nebNorks. The wanant can be applied 1Nhen the total intllrsed:ion '4hide voILrne Is at least 800 durfng the peak haLl' Of a typical weekday or each of any 5 hoUIs d a SatuniJy or Sunday. 8. W.mlnt I, Combination of Warrants. In exmptional cases, signals ocrasionalty may be justined When! no single warrant is satisned but where Warrants 1 and 2 are satisfied to the extent a 80 p8'(Snt or more of the stated values. 9. Wllrrant I, Pou....Hour Vof...... ThIs warrant is based on the CXJmparison of standard graphs given in the MLmD. 11lis wanant: Is satJsIIed when EIId1 d any fo&.r hcIn of an average day, the vehides per tmur on the major street (toCaI 01 both approaches) and the <XImSpOncling vehfdes per hour on the higher volume minor street approach (one diAlid:lon only) all fall above the graph fer the existing combination or approach lanes. 10. Warrent 10, Peak Hour DeI.y. This wanant is used to JustIfY the Installation of traffic signals at interseclions where trafftc oonditlons during 1 hour of the day result In undue delay to tratnc: on the minor street. 11. Wamlnt 11, ....k Hour Volume. ll1e peak hour vol&.lme warrant is also Intended for application when traffic CDndItIons iIA) such that for 1 hour or the clay, minor stnaet traffic sutrers undue traffic delay in entering or aossing the major street, using standard graphs given In the MUTCD. PE'E-, -H'-a1 (WED) 13:31 VDOT CVILL TEL:804 979 3759 p, 004 Traffic Engineering Study: Traffic Signalization: Conversion from OH Flasher to FuU Operation TllII'f'ic Signal. Rte 259 .. Ate 677 (Eastartv Intersecticml Albemarta Co. Accident Data SummarY: Although the total number of accidents does not appear intimidating, the accident rate in B of the last 10 years has been above the Districtwide average for that type of intersection. Such is the reason the Oistrict has been attemr:Jting to secure Improvement funding (See Accident Data Summary breakdown - Attachment). Traffic Siana. .want Analvsis: On October 4. 2000. a 12-hour directional turning movement count was conducted and the results of that tnlffic count wwe applied to the Traffic Signal Wanant Evaluation program. The nlSUfts of that evalUlltion concluded that; Warrant: 2 - Intenuation of Continuous Traffit.: - Satisfied (11 hoUr'Iij <- Warrant 2 - On marlor streets VJlth high volume. it may be necessary to use traffic signal control to provide an adequate number of gaps in traffic to allow vehicles to enter from a side street. The application of this wanant is identical to that of Warrant 1. The number of hours required tratric was present = 11 W.nant e.... Four~Hour Satisfied (9 haurs\ + Warrant 9 - This warrant is similar to Warrant 1. except that the required traffic volumes must be pntSent for at least 4 hours of an average .....,eday. The trame volumes required Bre based on Curves shown within the MUTeO. The nurnber of hours required tnlrfic was present = 9 W.".m 11- Peak Hour Warrant M Satisfiecl, .. Warrant 11 - This Wlrrant applies to traffic entering from the minor street which encounters undue delay crossing the main street. This warrant is satisfted When the main street and side street volumes Sltisry the curves shown within the MUTeD. The total intersection volume ~ on October 4. 2000 (Wednesday) was 13.944 vehlclu. The posted speed limit is 4S MPH. ConclU8lon: based an the followina faGJli :> funding for improvements are not in the foreseeable future, ). The iICCident history over the past 10 years, ). The latest traffic data coJlection with associated traffic signal warrants, :> Previous altemative traffic control measures taken to date; reduce speed. pavement mar1cings and signs. and the Installation of an OVerhead intersection flashing signal ). The interaectlon is programmed through the traffic signal fUnding source for primary roadways within the Culpeper District. ). ConstrUction can Pf'OC8ed Within 0,. week or there will be a delay of -10 months due to changes in the Si-Annual Regional Signal ContnIct. Based upon alf factors considenld in this study, this office concludes that the conversion from an Overhead Flashing Installation to . Fully Operational Traffic Signal is the most appropriate traffic aJntroI for this intersecclon. " COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE ,;,J2- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA TITLE: Rt. 250 West Task Force Recommendations AGENDA DATE: February 14, 2001 ACTION: ITEM NUMBER: INFORMATION: SUBJECT/PROPOSAL/REQUEST: Rt. 250 West Task Force recommendations on two road improvements proposed by VDOT for a signal at the intersection of Route 250 and Broomley Road (Rt. 677) and the installation of the wildlife warning highway reflector system CONSENT AGENDA: ACTION: INFORMATION: X ATTACHMENTS: STAFF CONTACTlS): Messrs. Tucker, Foley, Cilimberg, Benish, Wade REVIEWED BY: r BACKGROUND: The Board of Supervisors appointed the Route 250 West Task Force to make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors with regard to all improvements (including additional traffic signals) on the Route 250 West Corridor. The Task Force has met several times since the Fall 2000 to review improvements along the Route 250 West Corridor. DISCUSSION: VDOT recently informed the Task Force concerning two improvements proposed along the corridor. The Task Force has prepared their recommendation/comments for a signal at the intersection of Route 250 and Broomley Road (Rt. 677) and the installation of the wildlife warning highway reflector system. Traffic Signal at Rt. 250 and Broomlev (Flordon) VDOT is proposing to install a traffic signal at the intersection of Rt. 250 and Broomley Road. VDOT has stated that this intersection meets the warrants for the installation of traffic signal. They initially informed the County of this traffic signal in December 2000, but agreed to postpone the installation of it until the Task Force had an opportunity to review it. The Task Force met on January 30, 2001. VDOT had scheduled to start the installation beginning February 12, 2001, but agreed to consider delaying installation until the Board of Supervisor has acted on the Task Force recommendations. The Task Force does not support the installation of a traffic signal at this time. The Task Force believes VDOT should explore other options such as reducing speed. The Task Force came to this conclusion based on the following reasons: · According to VDOT information, this traffic signal only meets four of eleven traffic signal warrants. The traffic signal manual states that "satisfaction of a warrant or warrants is not in itself justification for a signal." The Task Force thinks more justification is needed for this traffic signal. · The Task Force is very familiar with this corridor and feels that this traffic signal will "seriously disrupt progressive traffic flow" on Route 250 West (quote from VDOT's Traffic Signal Warrant information), · The Task Force will talk with the residents of Flordon to get their views on the 250/677 intersection and the need for this traffic signal. - "."....."'-"....".'~:y AGENDA TITLE: Route 250 West Task Force Recommendations DATE: February 14, 2001 Page 2 of 2 · The Task Force requests that VDOT give them more time (3-6 months) to review future traffic signal requests along the corridor. · The Task Force recommends that the Board of Supervisors request VDOT to delay installation of this traffic signals until the concerns above have been addressed. Wildlife Warning Highwav Reflector Svstem The wildlife reflector system is a system of staggered reflective devices mounted on posts at average headlight height along each side of the road, directing low intensity reflected light from vehicle headlights across the road and into the roadside areas where deer cross. The unnatural and apparently moving reflected light patterns are designed to deter deer from crossing. VDOT recommended that this system be installed on Rt. 250 between Morgantown Road and Rt. 240. The Task Force does not support the installation the wildlife warning highway reflector system on Route 250 west at this time. · The Task Force requests information on the effectiveness of this system from VDOT based on use at other locations throughout the state, RECOMMENDATION: The Task Force recommendations are provided to the Board of Supervisors as the Board has requested. 01.026 '- David P. Bowerman Rio Unclsay G. Dorrier, Jr, Scottsville Charlotte Y. Humphris Jack Jouett COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 296-5800 Charles S, Martin Rivanna Walter F. Perkins White Hall Sally H. Thomas Samuel Miller February 15, 2001 Mr. Jorg Lippuner, General Manager BOar's Head Inn P,O. Box 5307 Charlottesville, VA 22905 Dear Mr, Lippuner: At the Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 14, 2001, the Board appointed you to complete Mr, Eddie Lynch's term on the Workforce Investment Board, with the balance of said term to run from January 4, 2001 through June 3, 2002, I have enclosed an updated roster for your convenience, On behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to express the Board's appreciation for your willingness to serve the County in this capacity, Sincerely, Adf#~ Sally H, Thomas Chairman SHT/lab Enclosure cc: James Camblos Billie Campbell * Printed on recycled paper David P. Bowerman Rio Undsay G, Dorrier, Jr. Scottsville Charlotte Y. Humphris Jack Jouett COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Office of Board of Supervisors 401 Mcintire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596 (804) 296-5843 FAX (804) 296-5800 Charles S, Martin Rivanna Walter E Perkins White Hall Sally H. Thomas Samuel MiDer February 20, 2001 Mr, Ross L. Stevens P.O. Box 41 Greenwood, VA 22943 Dear Mr, Stevens; At the Board of Supervisors meeting held on February 7, 2001, the Board appointed you to the Acquisition of Conservation Easements (ACE) Appraisal Review Committee, with said term to run from February 7,2001 through December 31,2001. I have enclosed a roster for your convenience, On behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity to express the Board's appreciation for your willingness to serve the County in this capacity, Sincerely, .r)/44 # /7~ Sally H. Thomas Chairman SHT/lab Enclosure cc: James Camblos Wayne Cilimberg (i) Printed on recycled paper J To: From: Subject: Date: Vl~~ Members, Board of SupeNisors ,d\ .., .- Ella Washington Carey, CMC, C1~~0' Reading List for February 14, 200 I February 8, 200' MEMORANDUM October 18, 2000 pages 1-17 (end Item #7) Mr. Dorrier pages 17 (Item #7) - end Mr. Martin November I, 2000 pages 1-15 (end Item # I 0) Mr, Bowerman pages 15 (Item # I 0) - end Ms. Humphris November 8 (A), 2000 Mr, Dorrier December 6, 2000 pages 1.20 (end Item # 15) Mr. Perkins pages 20 (Item # 15) - end Ms. Thomas December 14, 2000 Ms. Thomas January 3, 200 I pages' -25 (Item #21) Ms. Humphris pages 25 (Item #21) - end Mr. Perkins January 10,2001 Mr. Martin January 17, 200 I Mr. Bowerman /ewc .