HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200400188 Correspondence Road Plan and Comps. 2007-09-21 12/27/2005 08:01 4349793759 VDOT PAGE 02/03 ?) L\ '$1L VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INTRA-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM December 15,2005 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr.J.S.Utterback ATTENTION: Mr.C.T.Baber FROM: Roger C.River SUBJECT: CBR Tests&Pavement Design Fray's Ridge Crossing,Bluegate Court,Five Oaks Court, Woodlawn Court&Old Poplar Way Fray's Grant Subdivision(formerly Terra Bella) Albemarle County In response to your 11-28-05 memorandum,I have reviewed the twenty eight(28)CBR tests submitted for the above roadways. The tests appear to have been performed in a satisfactory manner. A significant number of these tests have been previously reviewed[refer to my memorandums of 9-2,9-22, 10-3&10-17-05]. I have also reviewed the pavement design worksheets submitted and note that they contain several errors. Specifically,for Fray's Ridge Crossing the BM-25.0A should have an equivalency value of 2.25 versus the 2.15 value used and for the other roadways the equivalency for the 21A aggregate in the base course should be 1.0 versus the 0.6 value used. I have re-run the design computations with the correct values which results in the following conclusions: For Fray's Ridge Crossing—The proposed pavement design of 1.5"SM-9.5A,4"BM-25.0A.and 6" Aggr.Base,Type I,Size 2IA is much more than structurally adequate and the BM-25.0A asphalt base course could be reduced to 3"with the minimum required thickness index of 12.8 still being exceeded. For all the other roadways—Due to the low anticipated traffic volumes,the minimum required pavement thickness index[D(r)as show on the worksheet]is 6.4. However,the desire to utilize an asphalt concrete surfacing,coupled with minimum course depths,requires that a minimum design of 2" SM-9.5A and 6"Aggr.Base,Type I,Size 21A be used. While this results in a pavement thickness index of 9.34 which exceeds the minimum necessary,practical construction considerations dictate the minimum depths. Please advise if further discussion is desired. Roger C.Riner Assistant District Materials Engineer 11/01/2005 07:39 4349793759 VDOT PAGE 01/04 < r D \?_a Virginia Department of Transportation Charlottesville Residency 701 VDOT Way Charlottesville, VA 22911 Phone (434) 293-0011 FAX(434) 979-3759 Date: i/-4- 0 s From : To : ��/ma Phone: 44..,7K... z 9.�-ea// FAX : 9��- � FAX: e4, r "P•^ �c.oYL-� �P'E^ / /boon C Co/4 '' � Awe---� l a4Jc�7-c• boy CO44' -- -- ell-1 Of cf-5 MAW Number of Pages Z ncluding Cover Sheet) If you have any trouble receiving this information, please call VDOT at (434)293-0011. 11/0112005 07:39 4349793759 VDOT PAGE 04/04 Q.(a)J04' 1-Q0 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INTRA-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM October 17,2005 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr.J. S.Utterback . ,, „ T ATTENTION: Mr. C.T.Baber F� FROM: Roger C.River SUBJECT: CBR Tests&Pavement Design , Five Oaks Court Fray's Grant Subdivision(formerly Terra Bella) Albemarle County In response to your 10-7-05 memorandum,I have reviewed the three(3)CBR tests submitted for the above roadway. The tests appear to have been performed in a satisfactory manner. Since no pavement design worksheet accompanied the tests,I have performed a pavement design analysis on the basis of the tests and an anticipated traffic volume of 70 VPD. This analysis indicates a minimal pavement design is required. The plan design of 2"SM-9.5A over 6"of Aggregate Base Material,Type I, Size 21A well exceeds the structural requirement for the roadway,although it is the minimum design allowed with the use of an asphalt concrete surfacing. Please advise if further discussion is desired. Roger C.Riner Assistant District Materials Engineer 10/25/2005 08: 29 4349793759 VDOT /PAGE 02103 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INTRA-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM October 17, 2005 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr.J. 5, Utterback ATTENTION: Mr.C.T.Baber FROM: Roger C.Rincr "ii SUBJECT: CAR Tests&Pavement Design Five Oaks Court Fray's Grant Subdivision(formerly Terra Bella) Albemarle County In response to your 10-7-05 memorandum,I have reviewed the three(3)CBR tests submitted for the above roadway. The tests appear to have been performed in a satisfactory manner. Since no pavement design worksheet accompanied the tests,I have performed a pavement design analysis on the basis of the tests and an anticipated traffic volume of 70 VPD. This analysis indicates a minimal pavement design is required. The plan design of 2"SM-9.5A over 6"of Aggregate Base Material,Type I, Size 21A well exceeds the structural requirement for the roadway,although it is the minimum design allowed with the use of an asphalt concrete surfacing. Please advise if further discussion is desired. Roger C.Riner Assistant District Materials Engineer 1CliCi:!!LCJCJ:J CJf.Jf 4J`-!JfJJfVYVI ^`"` "y' Virginia Department of Transportation Charlottesville Residency 701 VDOT Way Charlottesville, VA 22911 Phone (434) 293-0011 FAX(434) 979-3759 Date: . a s From ; To : GAA? Cod I r7 Phone: 4(v—ix 4*.1 -_f .//iL FAX : 97‘4/D3g1" FAX: C /Iic h ,,. C f ,f rz -% �•�d �l�flpl dNur mit cst 6 1 .►rte 3 ,c 4` at(� ler #1E-7404' 1 .1/4a ) /4. 001,sitrzv,s a Number of Pages (Including Cover Sheet) If you have any trouble receiving this information,please call VDOT at(434) 293-0011. 10/05/2005 07:37 4349793759 VDOT PAGE 02104 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INTRA.-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM October 3,2005 MEMORANDUM TO: Mr..1.S.Utterback ATTENTION. Mr.C,T. saber FROM: Roger C.River SUBJECT: CBR Tests fit Pavement Design '^ ti. I Fray's Ridge Crossing,sta.33+50 to 40+00 �` �? Fray's Grant Subdivision(formerly Terra Bella) " Albemarle County In response to your 9-264105 memorandum,I have reviewed the two(2)additional CBR tests submi above roadway. The tests appear to have been performed in a satisfactory manner, +ted for the Since no pavement design worksheet accompanied the tests,I have performed a pavement design analysis.For this analysis I have combined the soil test data with that previously submitted for this roadway to establish a design CBR of 11.3 and a soil resiliency factor of 1.0. These parameters in conjunction with an anticipated traffic volume of 730 produces produce a required Pavement Thickness Index of 12.1. This index value can be achieved with the following pavement structure. For Surface— 1.5"SM-9.5A For Intermediate•—2"IM-19.0A For Base—6.5"Aggregate Base Material,Type 1,Size 21A 1 note that the pavement design previously proposed for the area between stations 10+00 and 33+50 is much more than adequate for the area of the roadway covered by these additional tests. Please advise if further discussion is desired. Roger C.Riner Assistant District Materials Engineer • Page 1of1 -.4. • Greg Cooley From: Greg Cooley Sent: Friday, September 21, 2007 10:45 AM To: Tim Miller Cc: Warner Wilkerson; 'Charlie Armstrong' Subject: Frays Grant Phase I & II Draft As-built plan Tim Thank you for the draft as-built plan for Frays Grant Phases I & II, dated September 2, 2007. Below are the comments concerning the drainage easements: 1. Road ditches and release ditches constructed beyond the rights-of-way or drainage easement must be either reconstructed within the original limits or contained within new drainage easements. Areas of concern are as follows: a. Sta. 36+00 Frays Ridge Crossing on Lot 33 b. Sta. 41+75 Frays Ridge Crossing on Lot 32 c. Sta. 45+00 Frays Ridge Crossing on Lot 32 d. Sta. 51+00 Frays Ridge Crossing on Lot 31 e. Sta. 58+75 Frays Ridge Crossing on Lot 24 f. Sta. 17+00 Mossy Brook Court on Lot 3 g. Sta. 17+00 Five Oaks Court on Lot 35 h. Cul-de-sac of Caddice Court on Lot 20 For the next submission, it will be important to submit two copies of the plan along with copies of the recorded easements and receipts of recordation. Let me know if you have any questions. greg Sincerely, Gregory J. Cooley Jr., P.E. Road Engineer Community Development Department Albemarle County, VA gcooley(c�albemarle.orq (434)296-5832 ext. 3336 9/21/2007 cft.. ps ; Dominion . .OI"' 172 South Pantops Drive 4 4. l Development Charlottesville, VA 22911 w i h Resources, LLC g 434.979.8121 (p) ''.1% N J 01 434.979.1681 (f) DDRVA.com ,1�4t ct s s Transmittal Cover Sheet To: Greg Cooley Date: 9/4/2007 County of Albemarle Address: 401 McIntire Road Transmitted: J By Mail Charlottesville, VA 22903 By Hand From: Tim Miller EJ By Email Project: Fray's Grant Phase I & II Project#: 4009 Quantity Item Description 1 Copy of As-Built Road Plans and Profiles 1 Comment Response Letter Comments: t, . ,; Note: An additional $25.00 will be added to your Delivered by: 0 DDR invoice if delivered by DDR. = Client Received By: ED Other cc: Charlie Armstrong Nig/ Noe 172 South Pantops Drive Dominion Development 434.979.8121 Charlottesville, VA 22911 Resources, LLC (F)434.979.1681 Memorandum To: Greg Cooley From: Tim Miller CC: Charlie Armstrong Date: September 2,2007 Re: Frays Grant Road As-Builts Greg, Attached is one copy of the revised road as-built plans for Frays Grant. The ditches have been revised and Deed Book information for most of the drainage easements are noted. There are some drainage easements that still need to be recorded. Please contact me if you have any questions. •Page 1 lop *iv *oft* *so *sr we tow lar tor tie tor to Ad Arts.- oel r-wder -e (sclofree, C fek."-iik 4' / aint feort- 0 orrec-4- ,0„,9544 _ _ _ , s ce�oCs �ominion 172 South Pantops Drive 40.4° Charlottesville, VA 22911 �� a , Development 434.979.8121 (p) Resources, LLC 434.979.1681 (f) °.',.% DDRVA.corn Ill Alt e`ee ts s July 30, 2007 Greg Cooley County of Albemarle Department of Engineering 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 RE: Frays Grant—Engineer's Certificate Dear Greg: Five(5)copies of the as-built public road plans for Frays Grant subdivision have been submitted for your review. Engineer's Certificate: The following items have been constructed as shown on the approved road plans: 1. All roads have been installed within the recorded right of way. 2. Horizontal and vertical alignments of all roads comply with the road plans,with the exception of Five Oaks Court from station 10+00 through 17+00. A revision to the vertical alignment for Frays Ridge Crossing from 85+00 through 89+00 was approved with an amendment. 3. Pavement cross-section for all roads comply with the road plans. 4. Inverts, slopes, lengths and materials for storm sewers comply with the road plans. It was determined during construction that the guardrails were not required. Please let me know when the bond reduction has been determined. Sincerely, • .,,,i v}s.LTH•04,0Not, _Ad4,41/ .,...,,, . t... ari(), 4.5, ), ,,„, c,,i,s,,, Timothy Miller, P.E., L.S. .� i U TIM HY RAY MILLER 1. CC: Charlie Armstrong o Lic.No.3054246 KU ` *10 .7 70-D7 IF mss -A� ION AL, Page 1 of 1 From: (dreg Cooley Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 10:13 AM To: 'Charlie Armstrong' Cc: Warner Wilkerson Subject: Fray's Grant Charlie We received the proposed Drainage Easement Plats for Fray's Grant Subdivision. Has DDR revised the as-builts to show the correct locations of the ditch-lines? If so, could we take a look at it before commenting? I'm sure you're aware, but these plats will need to be submitted for the normal easement plat review. When you get a chance, give me a call at 296-5832 ext 3336 to discuss. Talk to you soon. greg Sincerely, Gregory J. Cooley Jr., P.E. Road Engineer Community Development Department Albemarle County, VA gcooleyalbemarle.orq (434)296-5832 ext. 3336 file://I:\DEPT\Community Development\Inspections Division\Cooley\Road Projects\Fray's Grant\easeme... 6/29/2007 SOUTHERN DEVELOPMENT May 18, 2007 Greg Cooley Albemarle County Community Development 401 McIntire Rd Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: Fray's Grant As-builts and Drainage Easements Greg, As requested in our last meeting with VDOT,I am enclosing a proposed plat for additional drainage easement dedication on lots 36, 37, 38, & 40 at Fray's Grant. I hope that these easements are satisfactory to solve the issue of the edge of pavement being to close to the ROWline insome areas. If they are, the only remaining item on the punch list for road acceptance is the Mossy Brook cul-de-sac reconstruction, which we will begin in June. Please let me know if you have any questi .or comments. Thanks, Charlie Armst!ong /11-111 22 2907 d jam; '!'11.!'"A4';'1 F i 4'; a g}v 170 South Pantops Drive • Charlottesville,Virginia 22911 Phone:434.245.0894 • Fax:434.245.0895 www.southern-development.com W N --' ^ .1 1 O O O O 77 ' Srrl -+ = N -< O = 0 (D W W W to We art0 CD = til m m n QO _, CD o- Sla D D o )--� r- N (n (n < z CD w Z o 0 0_tn � K K 7 O ---I rt 3' o c F�y 0 111101..".- C) ~~ Z• ZN 3 CD I coO 0 7 CD a > n •• 0 • � � = r---i CD 0_ N O rl DD —ml C� . DD 00_ cn Cn (J O N rrl IlV ii I (n O 00_ co -.- CD CD (..i) Q °-1C) CT S �. CD O V GJ c_ 0 rr 0) a y v N N 01 Z7 O J w < wCD 0 CO 7 _ 0 CD P 0 . 0 o o co 3 c o c CP co 0 =. 0_ 5 < CD D Lo v CL z * n CD m .--. c S 0 0 1.1111111i r`A 1- co F N O 0 r = s 0) D co 0) o 7 D -A - o c co C N co. 0 co ▪ (-) -0 O W co c 0 = -rW ,--,- c.,4 _ .G A3 CDo O °' s o = N 0_ co '0 0 N 0 = co ,• C) Cn—. CD _ _ O rt On D cr 0 O 0 S 0 • o C.Q a0>e so O Q Z 3 or O O m * c v-`—) z • o_ 0.!►JJ4� ._.._...4�•DeOB Q '-'3 rri cn trnil co O o rn D s O0 �. ySlikkO� ►..0 o• o < � co o ii CD up < o o v coo r (D0 rilz MI r 3 ; R. z) " 7 0_ Q 'TJ XI< o oCD C � 2q Oir) CD m 2No o ' 3 r..I = � � 3 em.it)i? F, 3 0 D� 0 r CD r`�., is io=La co y = a. (n < 89)ta<4 w rt C7 0 0o 0rt YO C 3 -. cD 0_ N D 0 CD "O I �G ,-. CD Cp 0 O S C/) C CD Q to 4-1- Q 0_ -., S CD = CS CXp D 0 3 d CD CD 0_ = _ CDCDO CD CD N CO ,-'. CD OCD S t• CD = cCD 0 o = co -,y ttJ `�) 7 0_ 0S D ti 6;2 co o `n r' rl7 o rn 5x.3COb O 4=. I N C 0 CD• 0 ti C:D coO_ CD CD .-1- -• CAD 0 rr r".3 Co +� O 0 = o 0CD La D � I r-l. � 0Ca—R . o� I c CO� 5.t1 Ci) I 0 CD CD 0_ O Q .-r <. 7r � � � W I o) co O O -0 — o• 0 13 No CJ Q� 1� CD A y (1 F� w 43 CD -• CD 0 y WO .--1- (/) -., cz, 0- J fs� o o Cl) rn � o w � ti o — _ CL I U) ■ I— a■■ 0 ■ ■ � ■ II ■ 0 •O 0 • • • o • P. o• b y` y O c• p P O 44. CO P QD . porno z ty � a: * • • c CD O 7 CD Q- a2 a * c'' 0 3 0 CA R. • C crtD o v'- O r� p • cn a rt �' ti CD ti • 0 0 b P N O CD a • CDD c s") b p o '; rn c � 0 7 rn . • • en r aAu ( ��• . f • \ . . %. • .„ „ ,' \ �� sO AOq�s \� \ .. ,, ,• • • • / I •''''''.*• \ • • • P. o o ITI / ; / _ \ tZ • z co -, x r , 'gyp CO—• ; / ; / _ - � � / , b �` bQ I ' ;r � � ; ' / ' `wNc� b • 'p Col f '�"' •• 4> Ca p a co • /� coo co • '�,/ '> Ca �� Cr3Pte" R. Cn •• . o) p y • ti • • • • • • • . • • ti y 44. Wp �2 • co •-•-• Oy b o\ lit � �'' �ab O„ �`;- pt � =cU b C� o y CAD cn • I ♦ m� � rn 0 - O� Gz 1Ip mN, o � n �Ca N � 5° '-'• tx, CM N y coo �`R V Iv` iv y o c„, 0 99l Od 11 �LO� 80 co N3,9 cm 1-11-10N ,O, }odd I, 1 0 •o ai 3) SOUTHERN DEVELOPMENT March 12, 2007 Greg Cooley Albemarle County Community Development 401 McIntire Rd, 1st Floor Charlottesville, VA 22902 Re: Fray's Grant Corrected As-builts Dear Greg, Enclosed are the corrected as-builts for Fray's Grant, submitted for your comment and/or approval. As w erected, the aerial as-built drawings accidentally picked up some of the driveway entrances and showed them as pavement. Field verification of the data produced the enclosed drawings, which show all of the pavement within the VDOT right- of-way. I hope this is satisfactor would be happy to meet to go over these if you like. Please let us know if you have any questions. Best regards, Charlie Armng Copy: Vince Porcello 170 South Pantops Drive • Charlottesville,Virginia 22911 Phone:434.245.0894 • Fax:434.245.0895 www.southern-development.com Page 1 of" Greg Cooley From: Greg Cooley Sent: Thursday,August 03, 2006 9:53 AM To: tim@rivannaengineering.com; 'Yadira Amarante' Cc: Warner Wilkerson; 'Katurah Roell' Subject: Fray's Grant Phase I & II -im and Yadira -hank you for the draft as-built plan. There are a number of issues that need to be addressed before a complete review can be lone on the as-builts. 1. Please display the constructed location of all ditch lines. Include the typical section, the direction of flow, and the applied lining protection. Road ditches and release ditches constructed beyond the rights of way or drainage easement boundaries must be either reconstructed within the original limits or contained within new drainage easements. 2. Please submit a proposal for fixing all of the areas of road built outside or on the edge of the rights of way. 3. Display the constructed vertical alignment. sincerely, 3regory J. Cooley Jr. toads Engineer ;ommunity Development Department JIbemarle County,VA icooley@albemarle.orq 434)296-5832 ext. 3336 3/3/2006 , • 1 Dominion Development Resources, L.L.C. 172 SOUTH PANrOPS DRIVE CHARLOTTESVILLE,VIRGINIA 22911 June 20, 2006 TELEPHONE 434-979-8121 FAx 434-979-1681 Greg Cooley County of Albemarle Department of Engineering 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902 RE: Frays Grant—Engineer's Certificate Dear Greg: Five (5) copies of the as-built public road plans for Frays Grant subdivision have been submitted for your review. Engineer's Certificate: The following items have been constructed as shown on the approved road plans: 1. All roads have been installed within the recorded right of way. 2. Horizontal and vertical alignments of all roads comply with the road plans, with the exception of Five Oaks Court from station 10+00 through 17+00. A revision to the vertical alignment for Frays Ridge Crossing from 85+00 through 89+00 was approved with an amendment. 3. Pavement cross-section for all roads comply with the road plans. 4. Inverts, slopes, lengths and materials for storm sewers comply with the road plans. It was determined during construction that the guardrails were not required. The signage has not been installed. Please let me know when the bond reduction has been determined. Sincerely, Timothy Miller, P.E., L.S. CC: Charlie Armstrong r Page 1 of 1 Greg Cooley From: Proctor, Charles C. [Charles.Proctor@VDOT.Virginia.gov] Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 12:06 PM To: Greg Cooley Cc: Winn, Jr., John W. L.S.; Glenn Brooks; yadira; VLCKSR@aol.com Subject: Changes to Frays Ridge Crossing Plans Greg, Based on my review of the revised sheet R7A of 18 of the Frays Ridge Crossing plans, the changes in the grade and vertical curve are acceptable in order to connect to the Advanced Mill road network. If there are any questions please contact the residency office. Thank you, Chuck Charles C. Proctor III Transportation Planner Culpeper District 540-829-7558 charles.proctorVDOT.virginia.gov 11/28/2005 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road,Room 227 Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 (434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126 TRANSMITTAL TO: Charles Baber DATE: October 31, 2005 Virginia Department of Transportation SUBJECT: Fray's Grant Amendment The following items are being sent ® Attached 0 Via Fax ❑ Copy of Letter 0 Specifications 0 Shop Drawings ❑ Plans 0 Contract ® Other ❑ Plat 0 Change Order COPIES DESCRIPTION 2 Amendment to road plans for Fray's Grant—Phase I and II. ❑ For Approval 0 Approved as Submitted 0 Resubmit Copies for Approval ® For Your Use 0 Approved as Noted 0 Submit Copies for Distribution ® As Requested 0 Returned for Corrections 0 Return Corrected Prints ❑ For Review and Comment 0 For Bids Due ❑ Prints Returned after Loan to Us 0 Remarks: Copy: Signed: If enclosures are not as noted; kindly notify us at once. 1350 Stony Point Rd. Rivanna Engineering 434.984.1599 Charlottesville, VA 22911 & Surveying, PLC (F) 434.984.8863 TRANSMITTAL To: Greg Cooley From: Yadira Amarante CC: S>1h a ni-or• Date: October 27, 2005 Re: Frays Ridge Crossing @ Frays Grant, Phase I & II Hi Greg, Enclosed please find four (4) copies of the amended road plan and profile for the above referenced project. We are now showing a short 200' section at 12% grade. I've spoken to Chuck Proctor and he feels he can approve the change but would like to look at the plans. Would you forward two copies to him and let me know, in writing please, when both the County and VDOT have reviewed and approved the change? As you can imagine we are anxious for that approval so anything you could do for me I would greatly appreciate it. If you have any questions please call at 434-984-1599. Thanks. OCT 2 7 2005 •Page 1