HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800038 Correspondence WPO VSMP 2018-07-06 John Anderson
From: Frank Pohl
Sent: Thursday,January 18, 2018 10:53 AM
To: John Anderson; 'Staley, Nathan'
Cc: Stavros Calos
Subject: RE: Chapel Hills Stream Restoration, ESC Plan
I has been determined that impacts are allowed on these slopes for this project.
From:John Anderson
Sent:Thursday,January 18, 2018 10:16 AM
To: 'Staley, Nathan' <NStaley@wetlands.com>
Cc: Frank Pohl<fpohl@albemarle.org>; Stavros Calos<scalos@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Chapel Hills Stream Restoration, ESC Plan
Good morning,Nathan
A thoughtful question.
No, other sheets do not need to show critical slopes.
Once Engineering reviews and approves the ESC Plan, the Contractor should receive a Grading Permit after contract
award authorizing activity within limits of construction(LOD). This project should protect preserved slopes from further
stream erosion, and ESC Plan notes may make mention of this. These slopes are of interest to reviewers, and provided the
contractor adheres to the approved ESC Plan,there should not be an issue with preserved slopes. This stream restoration
project is evaluated a by-right public use. I copy the County Engineer, and invite comments. Engineering reviews critical
slope impacts.
Thanks Nathan
From: Staley, Nathan [mailto:NStaley@wetlands.com]
Sent:Thursday,January 18, 2018 10:03 AM
To:John Anderson <janderson2@albemarle.org>
Subject: RE: Chapel Hills Stream Restoration, ESC Plan
Good Morning John,
Are there others sheets (besides the E&S plan)where preserved slopes should be shown?
Nathan A.Staley,Senior Associate Engineer
Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc.
office:540.795.6180, mobile:571.283.9208
From:John Anderson [mailto:ianderson2@albemarle.org]
Sent:Wednesday,January 17, 2018 3:57 PM
To:Staley, Nathan <NStaley@wetlands.com>
Cc: Stavros Calos<scalos@albemarle.org>
Subject: Chapel Hills Stream Restoration, ESC Plan
Are ESC Plan sheets(Plan,Narrative,Typ.details, Sequence)available? We want to send an ESC Plan to County
Engineering for review as soon as possible. I've attached an example ESCP for an unrelated project that includes critical
slopes(>25%). We request this project's ESC Plan show critical slopes,in this case,called iveserved slopes. In this
instance,these slopes are eligible for grading(by right, since stream restoration is public use),but with emphasis on
preserving/mitigating impacts to preserved slopes,wherever possible. Please let us know if you have any questions
relating to preserved slopes. Are you waiting on anything from the county? Thanks
-hope all is well
County GIS—Preserved slopes; GREEN, Image, below
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John E.Anderson,PE
Senior Project Manager
Facilities&Environmental Services
Project Management Division
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
(434)872-4501 office;ext 3069,or press 4
(434)906-1506 mobile
(434)293-0294 fax
i ,Tanderson2Oalbemarle.org
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