HomeMy WebLinkAboutWPO201800079 VSMP - SWPPP WPO VSMP 2019-01-25U a y 0 LD TRAI L Vi LLAG E U m N CVC �j Z O � � OLD TRAIL DRIVE ENT FEATU 2 C'3 U� 0@) �z 2 ov >Q rca.? w w O o� �w "e P E PLA UTION R V NTION NQ 2 i N Q? 529 7-(D �co�) COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE, VIRGINIAtt�O X� SITE DATA SHEET INDEX `�+ y ayz. W LO ....... ......................................... OWNER /DEVELOPER: MARCH MOUNTAIN PROPERTIES LLC CONTACT- DAVE BROCKMAN `y SHEET 1 ---------- COVER SHEET ., Q _ N o 0 1005 HEA THERCROFT CIRCLE, SUITE 100 CELL: (702)-985-9088 SHEET 2 ---------- POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN W 22932 do CROZET, VA ve0oldtrailvilloge.com PLAN PREPARER: ROUDABUSH, GALE, & ASSOCIATES SHEET 3 ---------- SWPPP NOTES & DETAILS 172 SOUTH PANTOPS DR/VE ! co �' z CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. 22902 (434)-977-0205 O O TAX MAP PARCEL No: A PORTION OF 055E -01-A3 and A PORTION OF 55E -01'--A4 a 4 Jar — ans ZONING: NEIGHBORHOOD MODEL DISTRICT IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROFFERS OF ZMA-04-024 a n J APPROVED ON SEPTEMBER 14, 2005 j MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHI TF HALL MAGIS7ER/AL DISTRICT j 3 STORMWA7FR MANAGEMENT AS DEFINED BY 7HE OVERALL STORMWA7ER MASTER PLAIN (WPO201600009), APPROVED 4/25/2016. THIS PROPOSED ENTRY FEATURE DEVELOPMENT ON BLOCKS 34 AND 19 REQUIRE APPROX/MA TEL Y A TOTAL OF 0.03 LB/YR OF PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL. THERE IS CURREN7L Y a O SURPLUS OF TREATMENT ACREAGE /N 7HE SWM MASTER PLAN, WHICH IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE SUFFICIENT COVERAGE FOR WATER QUALITY REQUIREMEM7S UN77L THE FINAL WPO PLAN FOR THESE BLOCKS ARE APPROVED BY ALBEMARLE COUNTY ENGINEERING. _..._ ___.--___._ . _ WATERSHED: LICK/NGHOLE CREEK o - TOPOGRAPHY LOUISA AERIAL SURVEYS, AUGUST 2012 EXISTING INTERMEDIATE GNT�iR-32 __,_.___�� T� '' ROUDABUSH GALE & ASSOC. TOPOGRAPHIC FIELD SURVEY, OCTOBER 2018 G W EXISTING INDEX CONTOUR ----30 EXISTING ING WATERLINE ` TEE - BENCHMARK. WEST TRAFFIC POLE GONG BASE = 708.2 PROPOSED CONTOUR 20 PROPOSED WATERLINE W/ TEE DA 7 JM: VERTICAL - NA VD 88, HORIZONTAL - NAD 83 EXISTING EDGE OF PAVE 1i T I EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTEP W CRI77CAL SLOPES: NO CRI71CAL SLOPES EXIST WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS PROPOSED EDGE OF PAVEMENT PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT -} 0' � o EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER �. EXISTING WATER VALVE � FLOODPLAIN: HIS PROJECT IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN FLOODPLAIN. LIMITS AS 'SHOWN ON FLOOD � z INSURANCE RA TF MAP. COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 510003 0237 D. EFFEC77VE DA 7E. �� C'G- r PROPOSED CURB AND GIS I7TER PROPOSED WATER VALVE o FEBRUARY 4. 2005. a CG.. RULL.- I �c ®� TRANSITION FROM ROLL-TOP PROPOSED DATER METER i EX. 95°` RCP EXISTING REDUCER � ¢ �i o LANDSCAPING.- TO BE SUBMlT7E'D UNDER SEPARATE COVER O �� O EXISTING STORK SEWER 15°° RCPPROPOSED REDUCER PROPOSED STORM SEWER LIGHTING: TO BE SUBMITTED UNDER SEPARATE COVER HANDICAP RAMP (CG -12)o a :... EXISTING SANITARY SEWER ✓ - I3EN(3TES L�aC�Tlc�r� c�=STS. vr��T �� _ r;c�-12,a�aJOe� auRisDic;TIc�r�s�L NO EVIDENCE OF A BURIAL SI7E' WAS FOUND ON THIS POR77ON OF PARCELS. - OTAraARrRA�PC�NrCTIaN PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER z _.._ THERE ARE NO STREAM BUFFERS Wl7HIN OR DIRECTLY ADJACENT TO 7HE PROJECT SII1E: - ARING INDICATOR BUFFER(S) j` PROPERTY T� LINE INDICATES THE NUMBER OF TYPICAL PARKINGSPACES ACES T H pF 7HE PROJECT SITEC /S NOT LOCA7FD WHIN AN AGR/CULTURAL-FORESTAL DIS7RlCT. EASEMENT LINE - BENCHMARK �Aj I r F A PUBLIC WA SUPPLY l4'ESERVO/R. _ O O_ � T RLI° CRITICAL LORD SLOPES TO BE ULCHED & iAGI<E� 7HE PROJECT Sl TF IS LOCA 7FD WI THIN THE WA TERSHED 0 -SEEDED,1 SI E� r. Rte 250 LIMITS OF CLEARING AND/OR GRADING C� L EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIO +12.0 Ji: my L. Taggart ...__ VEHICLES PER DAY COUNT PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION 12.0 � L22841 v� —: -I it i LIMITS OF DEMOLITION PROPOSED STREET NAME SIGN - �'0 11-30-18 ��ss jONAL j' EXISTING FLOODPLAIN EXISTING SIGN —a— STREAM BUFFER .n,... .. . � .,r,....,: PROPOSED SIGH! ---- EXISTING TREE DRIP LINE A SANITARY MANHOLE IDENTIFIER L_ VICINITY MAP MAP EXISTING TREE s STORM DRAIN STRUCTURE IDENTIFIER SCALE: 1 "=1000 FEET z W Q z0Wz Ir W > Q Q x ,.: , ,,; 3 ��I.,E��� .={.�r�r W J LW w z��LL O ,�ozz W 0 �0 U J O I I _j_ DATE: 10-19-2018 SCALE: NA JOB: 8053 CONTOUR INTERVALl NA SHEET: OF 03 PURPOSE 4VAC50-60-54 of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Permit Regulations requires that Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) be developed n e limited include, but at b SWPPP must G for all regulated land disturbing activities. The S , to, an approved erosion and sediment control plan, an approved d starmw t er management plan, and this Pollution Prevention Plan (PPP) for regulated lated land disturbing activities, and a description of any additional control measures necessary to address a TMDL as applicable. The plan for implementing pollution prevention measures during construction activities developed on this sheet must be implemented and updated as necessary. Any PPP requirements not included on this sheet must be incorporated into the SWPPP required by 4VAC50-60-54 that must be developed before land disturbance commences. This PPP identifies potential sources of pollutants that may reasonable be expected to affect the quality stormwater discharges from the construction site (both on- and off-site activities) and describes control measures that will be used to minimize pollutants in stormwater discharges from the construction site: OTHER REFERENCED PLANS SWPPP requirements may be fulfilled by incorporating, by reference, other plans. All plans incorporated by reference become enforceable under the VSMP Permit Regulations and General Permit VAR10 for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities. If a pian incorporated by reference does not contain all of the required elements of the PPP, the operator must develop the missing elements and include them in the SWPPP. POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES The following sources of potential pollutants must be addressed in the Pollution Prevention Plan. Various controls and/or measures designed to prevent and/or minimize pollutants in stormwater discharges from the project site must be applied to the sources found on the site. Additional information concerning the following controls and/or measures may be found in the SWPPP. Deviations from the location criteria may be approved by the Albemarle County Inspector. LEAKS, SPILLS, AND OTHER RELEASES ✓ The operator(s) shall ensure procedures are in place to prevent and respond to all leaks, spills and other releases of pollutants. ✓ The operator(s) shall ensure all leaks, spills and other releases of pollutant are contained and cleaned immediately upon discovery. Any contaminated materials are to be disposed in accordance with federal, state, and/or local requirements. ✓ The operator(s) shall ensure spill containment kits containing appropriate materials (e.g., absorbent material and pads, brooms, gloves, sand, etc.) are available at appropriate locations, including, but not limited to: designated areas for vehicle and equipment maintenance; vehicle and equipment fueling; storage. and disposal of construction materials, products, and waste; and storage and disposal of hazardous and toxic materials; and sanitary waste facilities. ✓ The locations of the spill containment kits are identified as described below: ✓ The operator(s) shall notify the Department of Environmental Quality of leaks, spills, and other releases that discharge to or have the potential to discharge to surface waters immediately upon discovery of the discharge but in no case later than 24 after the discovery. ✓ The operator(s) shall notify the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) of leaks, spills, and other releases that discharge to or have the potential to discharge to surface waters immediately upon discovery of the discharge but in no case later than 24 after the discovery. Written notice of the discharge must be sent to DEQ and Henrico County Department of Public Works within five (5) days of the discovery. Virginia Department of Environmental Albemarle County Quality Community Development NEED ADDRESS Engineering Department (804) 786-3998 (phone) 401 McIntire Road (804) 786-1798 (fax) Charlottesville, VA 22901 (800) 468-8892 (outside normal working (434) 296-5832 hours) EQUIPMENT /VEHICLE WASHING ✓ Washing must be conducted in a dedicated area that is located to maximize the distance from storm drain inlets, ditches, waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. ✓ All wash water used in vehicle wheel washing must be directed to a sediment basin/trap. ✓ All vehicle washing activities other than wheel washing must have secondary containment. ✓ Each facility must have appropriate signage to inform users where the dedicated area(s) are located. VEHICLE FUELING AND MAINTENANCE ✓ Conduct regular maintenance in a dedicated area that is located to maximize the distance from storm drain inlets, ditches, waterbodies or wetlands but no less than '"`BAL s UATIt; IIhIfJt ' -It h ! 50 feet from those features. 'r t,^�.TLV��. �.L. (CPT.) �r„ -i:�:^ k METAL / ✓ If fueling is conducted at a dedicated area, the location must be located to E, �;.E. ` , I ;IN_ ,'fI:E maximize the distance from storm drain inlets, ditches, waterbodies or wetlands but ul- M.ry_ r:_:: _eatures. -------- -those f - r; - 0 ee from _ - .. - - - n5 f tss tha _.::...._:.._.: -_ ......._ ._ ....no le �. .n I. L n.I :--11 - dl::..1 I :r.... of spilled and n r, - ✓ The dedicated areas must be designed to eliminate the discharge p _ leaked fuels and chemicals from vehicle fueling and maintenance activities by °' a`` seconds containment (spill berms decks spill containment pallets, 1,o, f,aI . I faVldln p {p providing secondary sT ;rr rrr.' providing cover where appropriate, and having spill kits readily available).:........:...-........................._.......__._.,................._......._.,.............. _._g_., 1 . ... iV FI, .:. :, \, Plan Sheet products and materials N. `. ( #11 Is _ _ : a- ,. Plan )..... __ ____— -__ _____..__ -1--1 . .-.- -i - rl . _. E'_ 11 ", fJD 6LAl>'GIfJv DISCHARGES OF SOAPS, DETERGENTS, SOLVENTS, AND r,E:: A DP.s WASH WATER FROM CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SUCH AS CLEANUP OF STUCCO, PAINT, FORM RELEASE OILS, AND CURING COMPOUNDS c than vehicle and Washing activities associated with constructiona t ivi activities other th equipment washing, such as clean up of stucco, paint, form release oils, and curing compounds are to be conducted in a dedicated area. t>"..iJDeA(3 `t P. ✓ The dedicated area must be located to maximize the distance from storm drain inlets ditches waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. Ill Separations of less than 50 feet may be approved by the Environmental Inspector. L .._T,=: ,E -;:,, ti/ designed prevent the discharge of soaps, ✓ Each facility must have appropriate signage to inform users where the dedicated _._ _......... L......._.._.. ___._....._w_....__...__....._, -. -- g ed to p e g p , y m The dedicated areas must be des I _ A �' „ detergents, solvents, and wash water. area(s) are located. _._ - v ✓ If mobile fueling will be used, the fueling must be done in an area that located to maximize the distance from storm drain inlets, ditches, waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. ✓ Spill kits must be readily available at all mobile fueling locations. ✓ On-site storage tanks must have a means of secondary containment (spill berms, decks, spill containment pallets, etc.) and must be covered where appropriate. ✓ All vehicles on site must be monitored for leaks and receive regular preventive maintenance to reduce the chance of leakage. E: m 3 fir. I ! i - , .: Im 1 I 1 m m a q a .......I .i. x / �. C E, + \ c urn:)_ ` -c-;S„i U'•\ = iT_"I'i MIL L\Ii, I' "OT i;i ;7. ,ER'.i T.Af l NO J. M Snlr,%l E PLA ",UT 1G SCALE AREA CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA CONCRETE WASHOUT ABOVE -GRADE CONTAINMENT AREA W/ STRAW BALES BELOW -GRADE CONTAINMENT AREA " f 'iE. Ef. SwF,l,E %C J N�Uf L.'r! IFC N ItC `.;^bA” ,X 1 .. R 6tAlt! N ;IA: _, - _"' — FROM Pi HE ¢ - RA(,>< :'� � t is `�,� K o -I /�'� ,,1. z , ", , ­.- L �H T �,I ren .f{^v:-E. /., l _ ,�/ i � �% I'll, ....... L;„,!< REDUCE A_r-k.. AND ....-N+'ICE. r � �i "^ H� F � � J tIIJ LS -il ,P.-�LE )�� •IJ ,=CC Ei tva F.� ,TIIrr,=:-k ✓- ;E:HO M. LE Ul _�_L. i O"iE SE, fml d R i.L;,)0C'_D CCifJUPEI"t %. l...- o I D?. Ar AN EDIM �i r'<c 'Ti'J NII SLOP` t Y /`. ' F O _ E kS, � -12C`:i T L_1 •:JL4 f. STEL` h'S7 —19 'K •,{ S ,`;n°1 t,{: -�k? C',�`r: 1Y of s,:a.'yg 11 ral."'%,' 11, L T. KLN 12i,C r L, :C,N 4 �' 'tl 11 :I a �-%a . 1 % L.. �f `�� < 'F J S"-u,� a - - i , HANDLING AND DISPOSAL ", I.a ,., i ,0:- d � x x� t � i�Fa x � s DISCHARGE FROM STORAGE,t11 L_T.� xr £ _ .;: , 0►F CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS, MATERIALS, AND WASTE yk J rc r1 R, - 4 E`,T ..In E L .r1. r ;` v l WASH RACK<',._ J Storage of construction products, materials, and waste is to be conducted in SEDIMENT CONTAINMENT AREA 11 `.'IL' T dedicated areas. ✓r The dedicated area must be located to maximize the distance from storm drain inlets, ditches, waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. Separations of less than 50 feet may be approved by the Environmental Inspector. SOLID WASTE COLLECTION CONTAINMENT AREA ✓ The dedicated areas must be designed to minimize the discharge of pollutants fromE. FENCE.- 0 SCALE storage, handling, and disposal of construction products, materials and wastes nr rlEli;°i oc- including (i) building products such as asphalt sealants, copper flashing, roofing 1D = Rrl materials adhesives concrete admixtures; (ii) pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, �_ _ fertilizers, and landscape materials; and {iii) Gonstruction and domestic wastes such14��ZJ 's-', -; '.�, p_ It ,, yt w, , c7 i s , ,< ) c , <� c ct0 E ,;I E lC . K.ri C: rymaterials,mason roducts timber 3 _ _ ,�4E r K L as packaging materials; sera} construction masonry p ✓ P J :J pv^ P"`.,)4 i. ``:`moi,, ?'J j..�....�.. i, , %_N,A%%: _ 4 ,:e-NiF1J OR ,I t ��! .' , pipe and electrical cuttings, plastics, Styrofoam, concrete and other trash or building �-��,'a _ vlE,tE. STABLE _ . _ , products.. � ,Tl:...,ll INC< Y , �+ ✓ Each facility must have appropriate signage to inform users where the dedicated � � �q areas are located. . '-"` ` - , -- , 4 , area(s) r� d ✓ J u`:/ �y :� . .}./ k+ ^ ,3./� l3 ✓ .y am i^v'. 6 d` . --'( 9".. Y"r. .,^'9.-.N _.Y'.""77"J'"_.Y'"-A ,i',1_ ✓ Follow all federal, state, and local requirements that apply to the use, handling and disposal of pesticides, herbicides„ and fertilizers. ✓" Keep chemicals on-site in small quantities and in closed, well marked containers. ✓” Clean up solid waste, including building materials, garbage, and debris on a daily basis and deposit into covered dumpsters that are periodically emptied. ✓ Schedule waste collection to prevent exceeding the capacity of onsite containers. Additional containers may be necessary depending on the phase of construction (e.g., demolition, etc.) ✓' Dispose of all solid waste at an authorized disposal site. ✓' Ensure that containers have lids or are otherwise protected from exposure to precipitation. DISCHARGES FROM OTHER POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES ✓ Discharges from other pollutant sources (e.g., water line flushing, storm sewer flushing, above ground storage tanks, etc.) not mentioned elsewhere must be addressed. ✓" Above ground oil storage tanks with a storage capacity exceeding 1,320 gallons and have a reasonable expectation of a discharge into or upon Waters of the United States are required to have a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan. ✓" The discharge of contaminated flush water and material removed during flushing operations must be collected and disposed of in accordance with appropriate federal, state, and local requirements. FUELING AREA BELOW -GRADE CONTAINMENT AREA r - t C f '>'; T," sC iZ" Imo:-: C!i'••.''E.,S..;rd C-"Riv1,t M y� _ ..... :_� 1. I 1, , E..` I . F ._ EuriAREA, RI i ' �__--, , i;= I= ..:.. _ . �v.....a .., . r, M i...:... Tf ; :_IN rlG-, ,� Trcr.� OF BERM ,-Tc1 of BRM DISCHARGES FROM CONCRETE RELATED WASH ACTIVITIES ✓ Concrete trucks are not allowed to wash out or discharge surplus concrete or drum wash water on site except in a dedicated area(s) that is located to prevent discharge to storm drain inlets, ditches, waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. ✓ Each facility must have a stabilized access to prevent mud tracking into the street. ✓ Each facility must have appropriate signage to inform users where the dedicated area(s) are located. ✓ Facilities must be cleaned, or Inew facilities constructed, once the washout area is two-thirds (2/3) full. ✓ The dedicated area must be covered (e.g., plastic sheeting, temporary roof, etc.) to prevent contact with stormwater. ✓ The contaminated wastewater from the dedicated area must be collected for disposal by a waste hauler or discharged to the sanitary sewer. ✓ In situations where these pollutants are or could be generated at locations other than at the designated area (e.g., concrete pours, building washing, etc.), cover (e.g., plastic sheeting, temporary roof, etc.) must be provided to prevent contact with stormwater and the contaminated wastewater from the activity must be collected for disposal by a waste hauler or discharged to the sanitary sewer. DISCHARGES OF HAZARDOUS, TOXIC, AND SANITARY WASTE ✓^ Storage and disposal of hazardous, toxic and sanitary wastes are to be conducted in dedicated areas. ✓ The dedicated areas must be located to maximize the distance from storm drain inlets, ditches, waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. Separations of less than 50 feet may be approved by the Environmental Inspector. v" The dedicated areas must be designed to prevent the discharge of hazardous, toxic and sanitary waste by avoiding contact with precipitation ✓l Each facility must have appropriate signage to inform users where the dedicated areas) are located. Shown on Location(s) of Dedicated Areal's) for storage of construction Date Plan Sheet products and materials __ . ( #11 Is _ _ Approved a- 1. Plan _ __ ____— -__ _____..__ -1--1 . .-.- -i zN O w REVISIONS TO LOCATIONS V1 Shown on Location(s) of Dedicated Area(s) for storage Operator(s) 1 Date Plan Sheet o€ construction products and materials Initials i F- #s.lx�. W 2 11 I — .,_ :., -� I U ✓ Follow all federal, state, and local requirements that apply to the use, handling and disposal of pesticides, herbicides„ and fertilizers. ✓" Keep chemicals on-site in small quantities and in closed, well marked containers. ✓” Clean up solid waste, including building materials, garbage, and debris on a daily basis and deposit into covered dumpsters that are periodically emptied. ✓ Schedule waste collection to prevent exceeding the capacity of onsite containers. Additional containers may be necessary depending on the phase of construction (e.g., demolition, etc.) ✓' Dispose of all solid waste at an authorized disposal site. ✓' Ensure that containers have lids or are otherwise protected from exposure to precipitation. DISCHARGES FROM OTHER POTENTIAL POLLUTANT SOURCES ✓ Discharges from other pollutant sources (e.g., water line flushing, storm sewer flushing, above ground storage tanks, etc.) not mentioned elsewhere must be addressed. ✓" Above ground oil storage tanks with a storage capacity exceeding 1,320 gallons and have a reasonable expectation of a discharge into or upon Waters of the United States are required to have a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan. ✓" The discharge of contaminated flush water and material removed during flushing operations must be collected and disposed of in accordance with appropriate federal, state, and local requirements. FUELING AREA BELOW -GRADE CONTAINMENT AREA r - t C f '>'; T," sC iZ" Imo:-: C!i'••.''E.,S..;rd C-"Riv1,t M y� _ ..... :_� 1. I 1, , E..` I . F ._ EuriAREA, RI i ' �__--, , i;= I= ..:.. _ . �v.....a .., . r, M i...:... Tf ; :_IN rlG-, ,� Trcr.� OF BERM ,-Tc1 of BRM DISCHARGES FROM CONCRETE RELATED WASH ACTIVITIES ✓ Concrete trucks are not allowed to wash out or discharge surplus concrete or drum wash water on site except in a dedicated area(s) that is located to prevent discharge to storm drain inlets, ditches, waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. ✓ Each facility must have a stabilized access to prevent mud tracking into the street. ✓ Each facility must have appropriate signage to inform users where the dedicated area(s) are located. ✓ Facilities must be cleaned, or Inew facilities constructed, once the washout area is two-thirds (2/3) full. ✓ The dedicated area must be covered (e.g., plastic sheeting, temporary roof, etc.) to prevent contact with stormwater. ✓ The contaminated wastewater from the dedicated area must be collected for disposal by a waste hauler or discharged to the sanitary sewer. ✓ In situations where these pollutants are or could be generated at locations other than at the designated area (e.g., concrete pours, building washing, etc.), cover (e.g., plastic sheeting, temporary roof, etc.) must be provided to prevent contact with stormwater and the contaminated wastewater from the activity must be collected for disposal by a waste hauler or discharged to the sanitary sewer. DISCHARGES OF HAZARDOUS, TOXIC, AND SANITARY WASTE ✓^ Storage and disposal of hazardous, toxic and sanitary wastes are to be conducted in dedicated areas. ✓ The dedicated areas must be located to maximize the distance from storm drain inlets, ditches, waterbodies or wetlands but no less than 50 feet from those features. Separations of less than 50 feet may be approved by the Environmental Inspector. v" The dedicated areas must be designed to prevent the discharge of hazardous, toxic and sanitary waste by avoiding contact with precipitation ✓l Each facility must have appropriate signage to inform users where the dedicated areas) are located. v1 Consult with local waste management authorities or private firms about the requirements for disposing of hazardous materials and/or solils that may be contaminated with hazardous materials. Y/ Never remove the original product label from the container. Follow the manufacturer's recommended method of disposal. ✓ Schedule periodic pumping of portable toilets and dispose of waste V' Dispose of all solid waste at an authorized disposal site. SWPPP MODIFICATIONS AND REVISIOiNS The operator(s) shall ensure the SWPPP is modified and/or revised to reflect: ✓ Changes in qualified personnel; delegated authorities or other personnel required as a condition of the General Construction Permit; ✓ Changes in site conditions; ✓ Changes in the design, construction, operation, or maintenance of the construction site that affect the potential for discharges of pollutants that are not addressed in the normal implementation of the plan; and ✓ Ineffective control measures identified during inspections or investigations conducted by the operator's qualified personnel or local, state or federal officials. Modifications/revisions to the SWPPP shall include additional or modified control measures to address the identified deficiencies. If the necessary modifications/revisions require approval by the Administrator or DEQ, the modifications/revisions must be implemented no later than seven (7) calendar days fallowing approval. If the necessary modifications/revisions do not require approval by the Administrator, the modifications/revisions must be implemented prior to the next anticipated storm event or as soon as practicable. SWPPP UPDATES The operator(s) shall update the SWPPP to include: ✓ A record of dates when 1) major grading activities occur, 2) construction activities r permanently cease on portion of the site and 3 stabilization temporarily a m a y p } p y p r re measures ainitiated; n P Documentation of modificationsand revise o s to the SWPPP; ✓ Areas that have reached final stabilization where no further SWPPP or inspection requirements apply; ✓ All properties that are no longer under the legal control of the operator and the dates on which the operator no longer had legal control over each property; and ✓ The date, volume, and corrective/preventative actions implemented for any prohibited discharge. The operator(s) shall update the SWPPP no later than seven (7) days following any of the situations identified above. OPERATOR INSPECTIONS The operator(s) identified below shall provide for inspections of the permitted land - disturbing activities by the qualified personnel identified below. The inspections will be conducted (select one the following options): Q at least once every four (4)bu1. siness days; o,rI '--- E ;❑ at least once every five (5) business days and no laterI1 than ',:4 ,- ,,I 8 hours following ' ;. any ;measurable storm event. r Where areas are in a stabilized condition or runoff is unlikely due to winter conditions, the inspection frequency may be reduced to once every 30 days while these conditions exist. Otherwise, the operator(s) shall resume the regular inspection frequency identified above. The operator(s) shall provide for inspections of the permitted land -disturbing activity to ensure implementation and continued maintenance of all requirements of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Stormwater Management Plan, Pollution Prevention Plan, TMDL requirements, etc.). Records of the required inspections must be maintained and included in the SWPPP binder. The qualified personnel are encouraged to use the Operator Inspection form provided in the SWPPP binder to document the required inspections. If inspections are conducted once every five (5) business days and no later than 48 hours following any measureable storm event, the location of the rain gauge used to determine the amount of rain must be included in the SWPPP and documented in the inspection report. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I certify under penalty of law that the qualified personnel identified below: a. has been designated by the Operator to conduct inspections of the permitted site; b. is knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control and stormwater management; t the C. possesses the skills to assess conditionsa h permitted site for the Operator(s) that could impact stormwater quality and quantity; d. will assess the effectiveness of any erosion and sediment control measures or stormwater management facilities selected to control the stormwater discharges from the permitted site; and e. will conduct inspections in accordance with the frequency noted above in the OPERATOR INSPECTIONS section of this sheet. As the Operator(s) or Delegated Authority, I/we understand that prior to initiating land disturbance, the potential pollutant sources, appropriate control measures, and all responsible parties (operator, qualified inspection personnel, contractors, etc.) required as a condition of the General Construction Permit (GCP) and the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be identified. I also understand this information must be updated as necessary throughout all phases of construction until the GCP is terminated. Furthermore, /we certify under penalty of law that I/we have read and understand all requirements of the SWPPP (erosion and sediment control plan, stormwater management plan, pollution prevention plan, TMDL provisions, administrative requirements, etc.) and GCP and that the information herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine or imprisonment for knowing violations. I/we understand that I/we are ultimately responsible for compliance with all conditions and requirements of the SWPPP and GCP and for ensuring all contractors and subcontractors on the permitted site are aware of the conditions and requirements of the SWPPP and GCP. I/we shall comply with all conditions and requirements of the SWPPP and shall at all times properly operate and maintain all measures and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used to achieve compliance with the conditions of the GCP. Proper opration and maintenance also includes adequate funding and adequate staffing. /we shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of the SWPPP and/or GCP. I/we understand that if it determined by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in consultation with the State Water Control Board at any time that stormwater discharges are causing, have reasonable potential to cause, or contribute to and excursion above any applicable water quality standard, the DEQ may, in consultation with the Administrator, take appropriate enforcement action and require: a. Modification of control measures to adequately address water quality concerns; b. Submission of valid and verifiable data and information that are representative of ambient conditions and indicate that the receiving water is attaining water quality standards; or C. Cessation of discharges of pollutants from construction activity and submit an individual permit application according to 4VAC25-870-410. OPERATOR(S) / DELEGATED AUTHORITY Name (print) Signature Date Additional contact information can be found in the SWPPP Binder. rM 11 s 4 a y U .% _ (• 0) Co [� cc N Q Q7) Z O Z Z F3 M O `O cc @� U g to O o) > w Da Ir. -Z W) I ac LU JJ Z OV -- aZ U) � CC-� w w Q CO O 32 U'K OJ N Q -JzccCN W ZOUrnrcOft� ° ` I> 0 y ra QmOW011- ti.? cr-� Cc 0::-- O u_ Z5 cc cc J ° V) cokW wLO w v Z cc W 29) W "t d cY) R O-)It B Z VV w Z 004 %O a Shown on . Location(s) of Dedicated Area(s) for storage and disposal of Date Plan hazardous and toxic wastes CONTOUR ,Sheet #(s) , ._...._ ... ........ ...... ......... Approved a- I'll 1. Plan � i zN O w REVISIONS TO LOCATIONS V1 Shown on Location(s) of Dedicated Areas) for storage Operator(s) Date Plan and disposal of hazardous and toxic wastes Initials F- Sheet #(s) W 2 11 I — .,_ :., U v1 Consult with local waste management authorities or private firms about the requirements for disposing of hazardous materials and/or solils that may be contaminated with hazardous materials. Y/ Never remove the original product label from the container. Follow the manufacturer's recommended method of disposal. ✓ Schedule periodic pumping of portable toilets and dispose of waste V' Dispose of all solid waste at an authorized disposal site. SWPPP MODIFICATIONS AND REVISIOiNS The operator(s) shall ensure the SWPPP is modified and/or revised to reflect: ✓ Changes in qualified personnel; delegated authorities or other personnel required as a condition of the General Construction Permit; ✓ Changes in site conditions; ✓ Changes in the design, construction, operation, or maintenance of the construction site that affect the potential for discharges of pollutants that are not addressed in the normal implementation of the plan; and ✓ Ineffective control measures identified during inspections or investigations conducted by the operator's qualified personnel or local, state or federal officials. Modifications/revisions to the SWPPP shall include additional or modified control measures to address the identified deficiencies. If the necessary modifications/revisions require approval by the Administrator or DEQ, the modifications/revisions must be implemented no later than seven (7) calendar days fallowing approval. If the necessary modifications/revisions do not require approval by the Administrator, the modifications/revisions must be implemented prior to the next anticipated storm event or as soon as practicable. SWPPP UPDATES The operator(s) shall update the SWPPP to include: ✓ A record of dates when 1) major grading activities occur, 2) construction activities r permanently cease on portion of the site and 3 stabilization temporarily a m a y p } p y p r re measures ainitiated; n P Documentation of modificationsand revise o s to the SWPPP; ✓ Areas that have reached final stabilization where no further SWPPP or inspection requirements apply; ✓ All properties that are no longer under the legal control of the operator and the dates on which the operator no longer had legal control over each property; and ✓ The date, volume, and corrective/preventative actions implemented for any prohibited discharge. The operator(s) shall update the SWPPP no later than seven (7) days following any of the situations identified above. OPERATOR INSPECTIONS The operator(s) identified below shall provide for inspections of the permitted land - disturbing activities by the qualified personnel identified below. The inspections will be conducted (select one the following options): Q at least once every four (4)bu1. siness days; o,rI '--- E ;❑ at least once every five (5) business days and no laterI1 than ',:4 ,- ,,I 8 hours following ' ;. any ;measurable storm event. r Where areas are in a stabilized condition or runoff is unlikely due to winter conditions, the inspection frequency may be reduced to once every 30 days while these conditions exist. Otherwise, the operator(s) shall resume the regular inspection frequency identified above. The operator(s) shall provide for inspections of the permitted land -disturbing activity to ensure implementation and continued maintenance of all requirements of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, Stormwater Management Plan, Pollution Prevention Plan, TMDL requirements, etc.). Records of the required inspections must be maintained and included in the SWPPP binder. The qualified personnel are encouraged to use the Operator Inspection form provided in the SWPPP binder to document the required inspections. If inspections are conducted once every five (5) business days and no later than 48 hours following any measureable storm event, the location of the rain gauge used to determine the amount of rain must be included in the SWPPP and documented in the inspection report. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I certify under penalty of law that the qualified personnel identified below: a. has been designated by the Operator to conduct inspections of the permitted site; b. is knowledgeable in the principles and practices of erosion and sediment control and stormwater management; t the C. possesses the skills to assess conditionsa h permitted site for the Operator(s) that could impact stormwater quality and quantity; d. will assess the effectiveness of any erosion and sediment control measures or stormwater management facilities selected to control the stormwater discharges from the permitted site; and e. will conduct inspections in accordance with the frequency noted above in the OPERATOR INSPECTIONS section of this sheet. As the Operator(s) or Delegated Authority, I/we understand that prior to initiating land disturbance, the potential pollutant sources, appropriate control measures, and all responsible parties (operator, qualified inspection personnel, contractors, etc.) required as a condition of the General Construction Permit (GCP) and the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be identified. I also understand this information must be updated as necessary throughout all phases of construction until the GCP is terminated. Furthermore, /we certify under penalty of law that I/we have read and understand all requirements of the SWPPP (erosion and sediment control plan, stormwater management plan, pollution prevention plan, TMDL provisions, administrative requirements, etc.) and GCP and that the information herein is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine or imprisonment for knowing violations. I/we understand that I/we are ultimately responsible for compliance with all conditions and requirements of the SWPPP and GCP and for ensuring all contractors and subcontractors on the permitted site are aware of the conditions and requirements of the SWPPP and GCP. I/we shall comply with all conditions and requirements of the SWPPP and shall at all times properly operate and maintain all measures and control (and related appurtenances) which are installed or used to achieve compliance with the conditions of the GCP. Proper opration and maintenance also includes adequate funding and adequate staffing. /we shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of the SWPPP and/or GCP. I/we understand that if it determined by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in consultation with the State Water Control Board at any time that stormwater discharges are causing, have reasonable potential to cause, or contribute to and excursion above any applicable water quality standard, the DEQ may, in consultation with the Administrator, take appropriate enforcement action and require: a. Modification of control measures to adequately address water quality concerns; b. Submission of valid and verifiable data and information that are representative of ambient conditions and indicate that the receiving water is attaining water quality standards; or C. Cessation of discharges of pollutants from construction activity and submit an individual permit application according to 4VAC25-870-410. OPERATOR(S) / DELEGATED AUTHORITY Name (print) Signature Date Additional contact information can be found in the SWPPP Binder. rM 11 s 4 a y U .% _ (• 0) Co [� cc N Q Q7) Z O Z Z F3 M O `O cc @� U g to O o) > w Da Ir. -Z W) I ac LU JJ Z OV -- aZ U) � CC-� w w Q CO O 32 U'K OJ N Q -JzccCN W ZOUrnrcOft� ° ` I> 0 y ra QmOW011- ti.? cr-� Cc 0::-- O u_ Z5 cc cc J ° V) cokW wLO w v Z cc W 29) W "t d cY) R O-)It B Z VV w Z 004 %O a I�A,TH OF D I -11 fI_l/�dA Jimmy L. Taggart Lic. No. 16 `i'o 11 2304118 4` ' ��ssI0NAL E0-� Z W W Q zO WIr ZM �0�> E,�w Qz-J W > Q Q C;d W J LL w w m E-+ M Q z Z CE Er LL 0 �-- � a F- OzZ pw D—IW0 J p J 0 CL DATE: 1 10-19-2018 SCALE: I NA JOB: 1 8053 CONTOUR Z E I . . . . : 3 OF 03 a- � i zN O w V1 1 F- W 2 0 U Z 0i. no .. .: . LU 0 N 0 01 �l 71; 0 Z I�A,TH OF D I -11 fI_l/�dA Jimmy L. Taggart Lic. No. 16 `i'o 11 2304118 4` ' ��ssI0NAL E0-� Z W W Q zO WIr ZM �0�> E,�w Qz-J W > Q Q C;d W J LL w w m E-+ M Q z Z CE Er LL 0 �-- � a F- OzZ pw D—IW0 J p J 0 CL DATE: 1 10-19-2018 SCALE: I NA JOB: 1 8053 CONTOUR INTERVAL: I NA SHEET: 3 OF 03