HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800177 Plat - Approved Preliminary Plat 2018-12-21Owner' ,Ipprovfii Statement Of Title The platting or dedication of the following described land, TM 45-59M coutainiag 18 276 acres is with the free consent of and in accordance witb the desire of the undersigned owners, proprietors, and trustees, if any. Bella Signature Homes LLC Date clo Luke Mtelinger NotaryPubPe The forgoing mstrament was acknowledged before me this day of , 2018 My commission expires The land shown was obtained by Bella Signature Homes, LLC in DB 5046-189 & to the best o1 myknowledge meets all the requirements regarding the platting of subdivisions within the CountyolAlhemade, VA. Bryan J. Chambers Date CouvtyApproval Desig. Agent Albemarle County Date PoinityMap - &- Charlottesville r \°� Albemarle �e \ Airport 14 /O 1� \ "warn" \ 743 \ 1 1563 643 � r NON Notes: 1. This boundary is based on a current field survey with lines established La.w. physical evidence and recorded deeds and plats. An inconsistancy found in the research of common boundaries of adjoining tracts is as noted per DPOR Reg's Sect. 18 VAC 10-20-370: - The eastern boundary of this tract was established as a straight line per the plat recorded in DB 587378. The plat recorded in DB 2619 Pgs. 128 & 129 shows a break in that line at the iron found at 62.02' SE of the right front corner of Lot 3. The lines along this boundary to the physical evidence found are hereby agreed to as witnessed by the following signatures: Bells Signature Homes, LLC Date c% Luke KiteAQger Rodney Anicely Date Nancy Anicely Date Not,17M& NotalyPublic NotaryPubSe The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of _ , 2018 this day of , 2018 this day of , 2018 My commission expires. My commission expires. My commission expires. 2. This parcel is in Flood Zone X (outside the 0.2% chance annual flood plain) per Flood Insurance Rate Map Community -Panel 51003CO280D for Albemarle County w/ Effective Date 2/4/2005. 3. Tax Map 45 Parcel 59M was assigned 5 development rights and is being divided into Lots 1 through 5 each of which is assigned 1 development right and may not be further divided. The development rights used are within the limits of the 1980 boundary of their parcel of origin. 4. Corner monumentation is as noted on Sheet 2.. S. These lots are zoned RA. Minimum lot size is 2 acres. Minimum road frontage is 250' on Rte. 743 & 150' on Brooke's Lane. The minimum building setbacks are 75' from the edge of the 50' R/W for Rte. 743, 25' from the edge of the 50' R/W for Brooke's Lane, 25' sides, and 35' rear. Accessory structures can be a minimum of 6' from side and rear lot lines per Sect. 4.11.2 (b) of the Albemarle County Zoning Ord. Lot width can not be less than 250' at the 75' setback from Rte. 743 & 150' in a building area adjoining Brooke's Lane. 6. The septic setback is 100' from all streams & the stream buffers shown hereon will be managed in accordance with the Alb. Co. Water Protection Ordinance. The drainfields shown on Lots 1 th. 4 were located by a current field survey and will be submitted for approval to the Alb. County Environmental Health Dept. by W. Tom Hogge (AOSE #1940001091, Blue Ridge Soil Consulting, hie.). The drainfield shown on Lot 5 is approximate and will be relocated on the north side of the swale before submitting it for approval. The stream buffers shown hereon were taken from Alb. County GIS information. 7. Lots 1 through 5 each contain a building site that complies with Sect. 4.2.1 of the Alb. County Zoning Ordinance. 8. The NW corner of TM 45-59M is within the South Fork Rhmnna Water Supply Watershed (per Alb. County GIS information) and is as delineated on Sheet 2. TM 45-59M does not lie within an agricultural -forestal district. 9. Under current policy public water and sewer will not be available to these lots. 10. TM 45-59M is subject to an easement for overhead electric lines (no width given, along Rte 743, 35' east of its center line and 300' long) to the Virginia Public Service Company as recorded in DB 232-395 (Dominion Energy, 1860 Commerce Road, Richmond VA 23224); and is subject to an easement for a guy stub & anchor on VEPCO Pole A 131X as recorded in DB 272-456 (Dominion Energy, prior address); and is subject to an easement for overhead electric & telephone lines (no width given, at a location to be designated by VEPCO) to VEPCO as recorded in DB 284-298 (Dominion Energy, prior address); and is subject to a 20 ease. for overhead telephone lines (adjoining Rte 743) to Va. Tel. & Tel. as recorded in DB 314-179 (Sprint, 6200 Sprint Parkway, Overland Park KS 66251). Bella Signature Homes, LLC is dedicating 25' fronn the center of Rte 743 (0.327 Ac.) into the property and the 50' R/W for Brooke's Lane to the Commonwealth Of Va. and to the County for public use together with required drainage ditches. The Sight Easements shown on Sheets 2 & 3 are 500' long from the center of the VDOT approved construction entrance for Brooke's Lane at 14.5' off the edge of the pavement for Rte 743 to the center of both lanes of approaching traffic. Clearing is req'd for 5' into the property from those established sight lines. A deed from the Huffs will be acquired to cover the sight easement req'd by VDOT on their property. 11. Brooke's Lane (the proposed public road with a 50' R/W) is of adequate width and horizontal and vertical alignment to accommodate a travelway passable by ordinary passenger vehicles in all but temporary extreme weather conditions, together with area adequate for maintenance of the travelway, as required by section 14.412 of the Alb. County Code. The proposed new public road in this subdivision will meet the standards for acceptance into the secondary system of state highways and will be dedicated to the Commonwealth of VA and the County of Albemarle. 12. Critical slopes exist on Lots 3, 4, & 5.� -PIAtk Preliminary Plat Showing Subdivision Of Tax Map 45 Parcel 59M Property Of Bella 8zinatum Homes, LLC Charlottesville Mag. Dist., .Albemarle Co., Virgrinia Hor&ORtal Scale. I" = 100; Date: December 12, 2018 Chambers - Land SurveybW Located at 112 Crofton Plaza - Suite K, Palmyra Va. Office Phone. (4,74) 589-51.39 Email: ehamberslandsurveyigg,-yaboo. cope Mailing Address. 253 WillowTDr., Keswick Va. 22947 Submittal Type OF Reviewed and Approved by the A1A ^ Comm Drelo`p>/vt Department Brysn J. Chambers No.0403002141 raLUIVG� Sheet 1013 H 1 . R J- Siate Ric . 745 25.10' Rte. 743 Centerline m sion N44°44'4T'E-249.84' ac a Q- „ ° 1 MP 2 ��5 2617 " 25,18' Par. on g 30' Prescriptive Ease. Per 1932 Byrd Road Act -�� -- - M32TAc. >�oad i3ed- - — L=.a3'-'_ 15 CMP �` - 1- enter Of Rte 743. Ref: Centel Overhea_d_Util. Poles_ '10. 'Iron _ : 3 -0040'49" Pr a Fnd �- Ref: Note Fnd.im- N44044'47"E 247.60' Sight Ease. (4�a3°34'34" 1�\� 25' From The Center Of Route @ 1.51' 743 Dedicated To The County SE i 25' From The Center To Be R=15220.20 Ref. Note 10. '- - `L=180.7311 Dedicated To The County R=1454.20' _) a 'W' $lghf Ease, _ - 1, Ref. Note 10, �.� For Public Use. TM 45 - 59L Ref: DB 619-220 Plat er5�ed I For Public Use. Ref: Note 10. I I L=90.76' ca M 3 a ; 0 ; m 1 co , m 120 From The Center -ol ��ya�r 1'a(K at r 9 G t`.% 1y 151 -------------------------------- ------------- �- I- Buildin Setbacks I 9 I----------------------- Drainfield 1 1 ° a0 - ;ml Of Rte 743 Dedicat- I�IOTI = O etl To The County For "' ateC b� �ourty 44 1 Ref. Note 5. 1 Ref. Note 6. a ° o ; O 0 1, ;z! 0,jPublic Use. TM 45 - 59C Pet P I Lot II. - Part Of , _ t _ o N °. I n �. - m z w, � PRef: DB 421-491 Plat � -4G)0 pWN-3 .®-40)014WN� 4 (0 -1(D y OD -L -L (A) 0 O NW010000 � a a 0 0 0 0 0 WW�AWNU1 (')K) �NP ODW4O�lt31-► W00D�000 Z -1 (0 N ZCOZZZzz 0 - - oDO4444-N ��(nacn (0O(o�I(nw(n W 44N4N 0 0 0 0 0 0 a ��(A(nK)-q4 WNO"000 WW440 00 040NOMO OONNNNIV -�(O�I ANON 0000000 MI710117IMITIM Q NN(}1(OWPOD 0 000000" I'm 0000—L Q -SmIV -INWO U?NODCnW.I�N I o _ J ; -� Qq (D11 Tele. Junct. 1 N , O1N TM 46 Par. 69Wr N 1,i111C 3.189 Acres03 Q V 0 ; Prop'd Storm Water - m v d` N wi 1 Management System ; N ;°', �°-� 1 �to v C Ref: Sheet 3 _ N ; �' -n cn t 8; °"---� _ i I -u b rep r 'oI rn '------------------- I "' * I _________________________� _ I l i 3 x •`� N� '� 81 N45.18'41 "E 498.27' Iron To II ^' (p 1 inV 3 �L Be Set 4Q 1KI'�a- t t C------------- • �Q--------------------- 0 O0 ; v m v lb v 1 Q� e � o cf. h CL O � '1 L I N v1 I 1 � C a ; Qj��i° e� iN�ro�Ill;' �Q fn Imo _ N aa� 07 N M 1 1 C-j to d 6� r _ " — _ i 0 m �d y �f Drainfield 2 j p a f D rfi ; 11 ^Op OC �� Ref. Note 6. + I N o �e U1 , N; I t ---- (� _ ` -- r--------- o Tete. N4 ' 18'41 "E 481 .05' " -' Iron To -v -- Junct. t N Be Set Cr O t0 ; n ------------------------------------- N 63'- ° I O C O N Pro p,d m N _ -a ell) _ I NO.BEARING DISTANCE W `� �` ° o -Q al Cl) B it ° I I AA S46008'00"E 50.02' O A�. Y.' ,m+ 1"- � � 1 I Cn I ....� ° -n I AB N45'18'42"E 37.29' � AC 346008'00"E 35.75' Drainfield 3 AD N45018'42"E 50.02' ,, I 1 ® 1 Ref. Note 6. I I N 00T OU f ° W(3)---------- - --- 0 -- - - ---- I------JT01.0 d�7N Q N45`1841"E 464. 5' L+ Iron p { i 1 ., Be Set O co ®��ea° n�*nna� Trust(p U1O ------------------------- 6 I ` c/® D®n2l,A&Pro N Foster p ODeborall e 1914-563 Lot 4 art Of ; _' DDB B6I1` -220 Plat`� _ ; 7I M 46 II���. 69M - -A ; � o 4 � � TM 45 Par. 59L � 2.35 Acmes \- \ W � I I 1 0 - \ Drainfield 4 1 Ref. Note 6. b 00 W--------------- \ - 1----------- - -- North is based on NAD '83 c o N45 18'41 "E 434.06' \� -- - - - - -, - i I US State Plane 397.43' D ons To ----------------- VA South D ' Set pD ��yT>Hl 4F �1 o A B, ® ri I > 1' (p J Bryan J. Chambers o ; IIII n ! e�ie a�i aErrre �omes LLB' A [D- ;, Pro p'd Storm Water O Management System - No. 0403002141 ----� Lake M&Ii roger I 1 Ref: Sheet 3 DB f d'Isi 1 I Drainage r,e4 ��®7'14� i 4�ur�P el4141t T b V 3 .,, 8 1T li I8 276 Acres To� , � , � - 0 3727 Ac. Rafe 74.7 Ded -1.266 A v. Bxwoke s'L = 16.693Aicres ACM'4G pax. plat DB 6-19-220 ��;4 1 1 1` l Preliminary Plat Showing Subdivision Of Tax Map 45 Parcel 59M Proper-6- ®Bella gignaj(ure Homes, LLC Charlottesville Mag Dist, Albemarle Co., Virginia Hadizontal.Seale: 1 "=100; Date: December 12, 201s Chambers - Land Surveying Located at 112 Crofton Plaza - Suite K. Palmyra V Office Phone: (434) 589-5139 Email: ehamberslandsurveymge)whco.com Mailing Address: 253 Willow Dr., Kesmok Va. 22947 OD Loth - Part Of TM 45 Par. 59M 6.181 Acres I � I I 1 Drainfield 5 t ' y Ref. Note 6. ` N37°53'02'E 6 Irons Found lL ..k Stone Corp., DB 5012-285 TM 45 Par. 69IFII[ iron Fnd• 532 100' 50' 0 100' Sheet 2 Of3 &&P&§mlle Road - 3&&- R&.. 745 Centel Overhea_d_Util. Poles_ _ " Ref: Note 10. Iron Fnd S@ I mealy °rK R�v�1 tev's.10 th F \y G'Xs) s°u c sups ��,ty North is based Ni She Pub . G° m� on NAD '83 wet -o US State Plane 001 VA South /01 (580) m c.l GIII m/ (570) Pole w/ Tral Tele. Junct. Topography along Rte 743 @ Base/ and the 50' private street / and within ®rainflelds 1-4 was field run by this office. Topography for lot interiors was taken from Albemarle GIS information and is not certified by this office. It has been adjusted to connect to field ran topography. Foster Living Trust c/o Donald & Deborah Foster DB 619-220 Plat GPM 45 Par. 69L TH OF WN 1 F Bryan J. Chant # ben A No.0403002141 UVLd �rConc. Headyya( _ nen marK o Of Iron . 3' P TT 45 P � I T24 45 ". 59P Preliminary Plat Showing Subdivision Of Tax Map 45 Parcel 59M Property Of Della Signature Homes, LLC Charlottesville Mag. Dist, Albemarle Co., Virginia Scale.• 1' 1002 Coat Iat =1' (Me 743) 2'(Iaterior), Data.- Dec.12, 201E Chambers - Land Surveying Located at 112 Crofton Plaza - Suite K, Palmyra Va. Office Phone. (434) 589-5139 Email: ehawberslandsurveyrng6ywboo.eom Mailing Address: 253 Wi1lowDr., Kesu irk Va. 22947 Iron Limits (Tf S� ase _ ote O y Cr Bench Mark, Top Of Iron = 54.04g' S84) t ai m �^ Sight Ease, Ref. Note t0, Tele. Junct. a — ... u m (Dw l x. (S cv I' ,i :3 Proposed60JCA 15" CMP O tf it ' � u a III�r I r� Pr osed 75 CFo o * ; ,II o 42" CMP Det tion Prn l V \ 1[e 12 arx T 4 slap 9 o \ S70 'Nu es kImi(s ov. I {540 _ I / /Graldirlg i "� -' (578) {� V / r of 1 2 11 :l ll ill p/ R of 6/ W �r t Tele. \ \ \ . j e\, I I n �1 Junct. �I (530 o a001 ra N I D in iel 3 I N I Re. of 6.1 \ y c5 -4a b re Id o \• I I I m O CF)� fr in �� �'o I D ain iel 4 �\ I R f. of 6. 1 I I a, Sf pl - - - = - N'J- '--- ng ��, , � o "�(540) ° Io n- I Propbse�i CD P COpOSeU 4�.. e on C'zgo 15'`(:IVIP Outfall . � �\ o •folin _ _ ;111 ainage �5 ' r DI R, fin. 8 A C es )Id 5 �I )te 6. 1 sf 1 in TBD 1 3 �LL t4 N- °53'02'E 49. 8' ---- - - 12-285 o 100,