HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800040 Review Comments Appeal to BOS 2019-02-15COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
(434) 296-5832
February 15, 2019
Justin Shimp
Shimp Engineering
201 E. Main Street, Suite M
Charlottesville VA 22902
RE: SDP201800040 Hunters Way — Major Site Plan Amendment
Mr. Shimp:
Your Major Amendment application has been reviewed. In order for the amended site plan to be approved the
following revisions and items are required:
[32.5.2(b) & 16-1001 Well and Septic. The plan proposes more than 2 connections to the well and the septic
system. More than two connections to the well and the septic system require Board of Supervisor approval
of a central water supply and/or central sewerage system. Board of Supervisors approval of the central
systems shall be received prior to site plan approval. Additionally, prior to site plan approval the Planning
Commission shall approve the central systems in a Compliance of the Comprehensive Plan (CCP) review.
Rev 1: The applicant requests the Board of Supervisors review this request; however, an application
for the request has not been submitted. LINK to application. Notably, since this original review
comment was made the ordinance was amended with regard to uses not served by public water in the
HC zoning district. The adopted ZTA requires a special use permit for the coffee drive through
(eating establishment) as proposed because the use is not served by either public water or an
approved central water supply [Section 24.2.2(18)1.
Prior to site plan approval one of the above application types shall be applied for/acted on/and
approved by the Board of Supervisors. Please request a deferral of the site plan and submit the
appropriate application request.
2. [30.6.3(a)(2)] Special Use Permit. Outdoor storage uses located in an Entrance Corridor (EC) require a
Special Use Permit. The previous approved plan for the auto repair shop did not require a SUP because the
"vehicles awaiting repair" where previously central to the site and were adequetly screened from the EC.
The changes in the level of screening along the EC combined with the relocation of the parking spaces for
"vehicles awaiting repair" require a SUP for outdoor storage and display prior to site plan approval.
Rev 1: Comment not adequetly addressed. Pending ARB review and determination. ARB is awaiting
an ARB submittal from M. Kessener.
3. [5.1.31(b)] Automobile Repair. No vehicle awaiting repair shall be located on any portion of the site so as
to be visible from any public street. The previous approved plan for the auto repair shop adequetly sited the
"vehicles awaiting repair" not to be visible from Hunters Way. The proposed relocation of 4 of these spaces
is not approvable without adequate screening. Staff suggests you relocate the spaces to their previous
location within the site. Revise. Rev 1: comment addressed.
4. [18-4.2] Critical Slopes. The proposal disturbs areas containing critical slopes, which requires approval of a
critical slopes waiver. Please submit a critical slopes wiaver request, application, applicable justification,
and review fee. Approval of the waiver by the Board of Supervisors is required prior to site plan approval.
Rev 1: Comment not adequetly addressed. It does not appear that the site plan accurately depicts the
critical slopes along the Rte 250 frontage; rather, the slopes have been modified from the existing
critical slopes depicted on the approved site plan, SDP2016-12. Please address this inconsistency and
submit a critical slopes waiver request. Revise.
5. [5.1.60(f)] Drive -Through Windows. A pedestrian travelway crosses a drive -through lane. As such provide
either a five (5) foot wide raised pedestrian travelway or a five (5) foot wide pedestrian travelway
containing a change in texture and visual markings. Depict and label the above required improvements on
the plan. Rev 1: comment addressed.
6. [4.12.8] Safe Pedestrian Movement. Staff is not supportive of the walk-up order window because it requires
all walk up orders to cross the drive thru lane. It is recommended the walk-up feature be removed, or
relocated to the other side of the building, or if it is to remain in it's current location that a sidewalk be
provided from the 9 parking spaces flanking Hunter's Way behind the building. Rev 1: comment
7. 15.1.600)] Drive -Through Windows. Each drive -through lane shall be a minimum of one hundred (100) feet
in length measured from the center of the first window or service point. This length may be reduced if a
study is submitted and approved by the director of community development or his designee demonstrating
that a shorter length will be sufficient for a particular use. Either revise the length of the drive -through lane
to meet the above requirement, or provide the study for review. Rev 1: comment addressed.
8. 15.1.60] Drive -Through Windows. Label the drive through window overhang and provide it's clearance
height. Rev 1: comment addressed.
9. [4.12.6] Minimum Parking Requirement. The drive thru coffe shop use is not provided a parking standard
in the ordinance; rather, the closest standard applies to "over the counter sales", which requires one space
per two hundred square feet of gross floor area. Revise the parking schedule to utilize the above formula.
Rev 1: Comment addressed.
10. 14.12.16] Bumper Blocks. Provide bumper blocks for the 16 parking spaces, which are centrally located in
the site. Also, please label the use of the proposed area between the two rows of parking. Rev 1: Comment
11. [32.7.8] Outdoor Lighting Associated with the Sign. Provide cutsheets for the two lights associated with the
outdoor monument sign on the front of the property. Rev 1: Comment not adequetly addressed. The
existing prev approved sign and lighting are being relocated, as such the lighting must go through
appropriate review. If ARB deems the request excessive and not necessary, then Planning will drop it
as well. However, if they do not, the comment remains.
12. [] Landscaping Within a Parking Area. Revise parking lot landscape calculations on sheet C5 to
accurately reflect the increase in paved parking and vehicle circulation areas. 15,908 SF appears to be a
carryover error that was not updated with the current proposal. Revise. Rev 1: Comment addressed.
13. [32.5.2(b)] Parking. Number the bays within the auto repair shop. Rev 1: Comment deemed completed.
14. [4.19] Setbacks. Revise the front setback to correctly mention why the front maximum setback along Rte
250 is not applicable. Namely because Rte 250 is a principle arterial. Rev 1: Comment addressed.
15. [Chapter 17] Water Protection. A WPO application is required to be submitted and approved prior to site
plan approval. Rev 1. Comment still relavent.
16. [Comment] This amendment cannot be approved until all comments from the site review committee (SRC)
have been addressed. If you have any questions about the comments please feel free to contact me.
Attached I have provided comments from the various SRC reviewers. Rev 1. Comment still relavent.
17. [32.6.2(J&K)] ARB approval of the site plan is required. Rev 1. An ARB application and approval for a
Final Site Plan review is required. ARB is awaiting an ARB submittal from M. Kessener.
18. [Comment] Virginia Department of Health (VDH) approval is required prior to site plan approval. Rev 1.
VDH has requirements that must be fulfilled prior to site plan approval. See attached VDH letter.
19. [4.12.6] Minimum Parking Requirement. There is a math error with regard to the minimum required
parking spaces. Staff calculates 40 required spaces, the applicant lists 39. Revise.
20. [32.7.8] Outdoor Lighting. Provide the cutsheets associated with the site lighting. SDP2016-12 (sheet C7
contains these cutsheets, please include them in this Major Amendment as well.
21. [24.2.2(18)] The adopted ZTA requires a special use permit for the coffee drive through (eating
establishment) as proposed because the use is not served by either public water or an approved central
water supply [Section 24.2.2(18)]. Please setup a preapplication meeting with staff at your earliest
convenience to discuss the special use permit requirements.
Zoning - Rebecca Ragsdale
1. The zoning text amendment that was recently adopted requires a special use permit for the coffee drive through
(eating establishment) proposed. Please setup a preapplication meeting with staff at your earliest convenience to
discuss the special use permit requirements.
Building Inspections - Michael Dellinger
Add the following to the general notes page:
All roof drains shall discharge in a manner not to cause a public nuisance and not over sidewalks.
Add the following note to the general notes page:
Building or structures built before January 1, 1985 must have an asbestos survey performed in order to apply for a
demolition permit. Asbestos removal permits are required if positive for such. Contact VDOLI for additional
requirements and permits for demolition projects.
Add required accessible signage at accessible parking space.
Add the following note to the general notes page:
ALL water lines, sewer lines, and fire lines from the main to the structure MUST have a visual inspection performed
by the buildng department.
Fire and Rescue - Shawn Maddox
Thank you for addressing the previous comments. Fire Rescue will waive the flow test requirements due to a
conversation with ACSA personnel. SNM
Engineering — David James
1. WPO plan/amendment must be approved before site plan amendment is approved. WP02016-52
amendment under review (not approved yet).
2. VDOT entrance permit required. Addressed.
3. VDH permitting required. Not addressed. Still required.
4. Provide date of boundary and topo survey. Addressed.
5. Provide curb and gutter in parking areas and along travelways [18-4.12.15]. Not addressed. Still required.
6. Show sight distance lines. Addressed.
7. Adjust the drive aisle from 24' to 12' before the parking spaces, and relocate curbing & "DO NOT
ENTER" sign accordingly. Not addressed. Still required.
8. Provide stormwater profiles & details. Addressed.
9. Provide engineered plans and computations for the retaining wall design for all the walls that are next to
parking or travelways. Specify all structural components and dimensions of wall.
The following items will be required [DSM]:
a. A typical detail. (VDOT standard walls are acceptable)
b. Specific details as required for unusual or possibly conflicting areas. An example is where utilities are
expected to go through walls or footings.
C. Certified computations to support the design (for wall over 5' high). All soil and bearing assumptions, as
well as reinforcement materials and assumed loadings must be included.
10. Provide safety provision(s) for vehicles and pedestrians for walls over 30" high. This is typically a
guardrail, wall, or fencing [DSM]. Provide guardrail around curve of drivethru travelway and extend a little
beyond end of retaining wall.
it. Label location of wall maximum height and TW/BW elevations. Addressed.
12. A vehicle stopped at `MENU SIGN' will cue onto the drive aisle and my warrant further review.
13. The vehicle parking spots near the drive through my warrant further review. Addressed.
14. Private well & septic system may warrant further review and inspection (DSM, Sect.2).
15. Three (3) sanitary line connections to buildings may be required.
16. Sheet 2 — Addressed.
a. Show existing easements, DB/PG. Addressed.
b. Show demo area for parking island extensions. Addressed.
17. Concrete inlet shaping (IS-1) shall be provided in any drainage structure with a 4' or greater drop (i.e. Ex MH
18. Label proposed SWF easement over the UD system and size width dimensions according to the pg. 15, DSM
19. Locate MH access next to the weir plate location of the UD system.
20. Provide minimum 3" orifice.
21. The retaining wall and any utilities shall be located outside of the SWF easement. Provide a new design for UD
system that shows this.
*(See attached Centeral System information)
Virginia Department of Health - Alan Mazurowski
VDH has requirements that must be fulfilled prior to site plan approval. See attached VDH letter.
Virginia Department of Transportation — Adam Moore
No objection— see attached letter.
ARB - Heather McMahon
An ARB application and approval for a Final Site Plan review is required. ARB is awaiting an ARB submittal from
M. Kessener.
Staff has provided references to provisions of Chapter 18 of the Code of the County of Albemarle. The Code is kept
up to date by the County Attorney's office. The Code may found on the County Attorney's website which may be
found under "Departments and Services" at Albemarle.org.
In accord with the provisions of Section of Chapter 18 of the Code if the developer fails to submit a revised
final site plan to address all of the requirements within six (6) months after the date of this letter the application shall
be deemed to have been voluntarily withdrawn by the developer. If you have any questions about the comments
please feel free to contact me.
Christopher P. Perez
Senior Planner
Planning Division
Christopher Perez
From: John Anderson
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 10:51 AM
To: Christopher Perez
Cc: Frank Pohl
Subject: central well study --Application + sample
I am unaware of an Application form to request county review of a central water supply. You were kind to point out
design requirements listed at ACDSM, Sec. 2. Information printed on pg. 4 and 5 of Alb. Co. Design Standards Manual
should guide Applicant. If there is a specific form /fee required, Frank will let me know. For now, let's share ACDSM
guidance with Applicant. Also, below, I:\ drive location (not a link) and CV link to a 93MB Timmons Group report titled
Water and Wastewater Facilities Plan, 2017 Update for Keswick Hall and Golf Club (SP201800001), that may prove
helpful to Applicant when considering contents of a central water system study (requirements listed at Ch. 16 -county
ordinance). Wish I could be more helpful, but just don't know if there is an application, or fee, required to submit a
central well system application.
ACDSM, link (pg. 4):
httD://www.albemarle.orL/uDload/imaees/forms center/departments/communitv development/forms/desiLyn standards m
anual/Albemarle County Design Standards _Manual _2015-04-25 draft.pdf
Timmons report, I:\—1:\DEPT\Community Development\Engineering Division\5-Resources
Timmons report, CV (to provide public access to study: FILENAME: SP201800001 Study Water #2):
http://www.albemarle.or /weblink/search.aspx?dbid=3&searchcommand=%7b%5bCDD-
Plannina%5 d: %5bApplicationNumber%5 d=%22 SP201800001 %22%7d
A SP201800001 Study Water #1 2018-01-23
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® sP2U3800007 Study Water #2 2018-03-19
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Thanks Christopher
John Anderson, PE, Civil Engineer II • (434) 296-5832 -x3069
Community Development Dept. I Engineering Division
County of Albemarle 1 401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
In Cooperation with the Thomas Jefferson Health District ALBEMARLE- CHARLOTTESVILLE
State Department of Health FLUVANNA COUNTY (PALMYRA)
Phone (434) 972-6219 P. O. Box 7546 NELSON COUNTY (LOVINGSTON)
Fax (434)972-4310
Charlottesville. Virginia 22946
January 22, 2019
Christopher Perez, Senior Planner
Albemarle County Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
RE: 2300 Hunters Way
Major Site Plan Amendment
Mr. Perez:
As requested, I've reviewed the Site Plan, dated 12/21/18, for the proposed construction
to the property referenced above, and offer the following comments:
Septic: Prior to Health Department approval of the site plan, a septic system
construction permit must be approved and issued for the system serving the proposed
new facilities. An application for the septic system construction permit must be
submitted along with plans prepared by a professional engineer.
Well: It appears with the proposed additional commercial units the water use
will exceed the minimum criteria to require permitting by the Office of Drinking Water
as a public waterworks. The owner will need to contact their office for permitting as
Recommendation: Approval
• Owner acquire permit for septic system serving new structures
• Approval of well by ODW as a public waterworks
If there are any questions or concerns, please give me a call, 434-972-4306.
Alan Mazurowski
Environmental Health Supervisor
Thomas Jefferson Health District
alan.mazurowski(&,vdh.vir ig nia.gov
Stephen C. Brich, P.E.
1601 Orange Road
Culpeper, Virginia 22701
January 15, 2019
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Attn: Christopher Perez
Re: 2300 Hunters Way — Major Site Plan Amendment
Review #2
Dear Mr. Perez:
The Department of Transportation, Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section, has reviewed the above referenced plan as submitted by Shimp Engineering, most dated
21 December 2018, and finds it to be generally acceptable. If further information is desired
please contact Justin Dee] at (434) 422-9894.
A VDOT Land Use Permit will be required prior to any work within the right-of-way. The
owner/developer must contact the Charlottesville Residency Transportation and Land Use
Section at (434) 422-9399 for information pertaining to this process.
Adam J. Moore, P.E.
Area Land Use Engineer
Charlottesville Residency