HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200400188 Calculations Road Plan and Comps. 2009-02-13 IP
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Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902
20 Feb 2009
Mr. Charlie Armstrong
Vice President
Southern Development
170 South Pantops Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22911
Re: Fray's Grant Subdivision Bond
I received your letter addressed to the County Executive requesting release of the subdivision bond for
Fray's Grant Subdivision. I have reviewed our file and considered your request.
We cannot release your bond until we receive notice from the VDOT Transportation Board that these
roads have been added to the state secondary system. We do not have this notice for any of the roads in
this subdivision. We have an e-mail from the local residency office that a portion of the main road,
Fray's Ridge Crossing, is ready for acceptance, and we have processed this through the Board of
Supervisors for a resolution of acceptance. This resolution has been sent to the Richmond VDOT
office, and we await acceptance of this road portion.
You have been given a partial release of the bond, in recognition of the fact that the majority of Fray's
Ridge Crossing is ready for acceptance. If you can provide us with further documentation from VDOT
regarding acceptance, or partial acceptance, of the work done for other roads in the subdivision, further
bond reductions can be considered.
Please contact me or Ray Lilley if you have questions.
Sincerely, e
Glenn Brooks, P.E.
County Engineer
Copy: file
Glenn Brooks
From: Pam Shifflett
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2009 2:59 PM
To: Glenn Brooks
Cc: Mark Graham
Subject: Frays Grant- letter to Bob Tucker dated 2/13/09
Attachments: Frays Grant- letter to B. Tucker.pdf
Frays Grant-letter
to B.Tuc...
Attached is a letter Charlie Armstrong sent Bob Tucker regarding the $1, 177, 120 road bond
at Fray's Grant. I'm sure this letter is generated in accordance with our ordinance
section 14-436 (C) which states:
C. If the senior director of the department of community development fails to take action
within the thirty (30) day period, the request of the subdivider shall be deemed approved
and a partial release shall be granted to the subdivider. No final release shall be
granted until after expiration of the thirty (30) day period and there is an additional
request in writing sent by certified mail by the subdivider to the county executive. The
senior director shall act within fourteen (14) days of receipt of this request by the
county executive. If the senior director fails to take action on the request within ten
(10) working days of receipt of the request, it shall be deemed approved and final release
shall be granted to the subdivider.
I read this to say if we do not act within 10 days, we must release the bond.
I sent out the letter today reducing the bond from $1, 177, 120 to $577, 680 (this recognizes
one of the roads is close to acceptance) .
Please let me know how you want to handle.
February 13,2009
Robert W. Tucker,Jr.
County Executive
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,VA 22902
Re: Fray's Grant Subdivi"siori.Bond $1,177,120
Dear Mr. Tucker
As the developer of Fray's Grant Subdivision,we posted a$1,177,120 performance bond
in May of 2005'for public improvements related to the subdivision. All public
improvements have been installed according to the approved plans. On January 6th we
submitted a request'for bond reduction/release and a package including all'\information
required by the County for evaluation of such a request.
Please consider this an additional request for release of the$1,177;120 subdivision bond
at Fray's Grant.
If you have any questions you may contact me at(434)245-0894 x108.
Best regards,
Charlie Armstrong
Vice President
F , < ?009
County of Albemarle
County Executive's Office
170 South Pantops Drive • Charlottesville,Virginia 22911
Phone:434.245.0894 • Fax:434.245.0895
Fray's Grant TOTAL ROAD BOND=$1,177,120
ROAD Construction Bond Estimate(roads,site work,storm sewer)
Item Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost
Number Jinstalled)
Frays Ridge Crossing 10+00 to 87+77 road length 7777.0 ft
1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 7777.0 ft L 20.0 ft W 2880.4 cy $35.91 $103,434.10
2 blotted or prime&double seal 7777.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 sy $6.30 $0.00
3 asphalt base 4.0 in d 7777.0 ft L 20.0 ft W 2903.4 tons $73.50 $213,400.88
4 asphalt surface 1.5 in d 7777.0 ft L 20.0 ft W 1088.8 tons $81.90 $89,171.08
11 street name sign 1 $65.00 $65.00
12 traffic control sign 5 $49.35 $246.75
13 guardrail (or rebuild wall in right-of-w. 4 ES @$3700 3300.0 ft $16.80 $70,240.00
14 manhole or drop inlet 0 $1,365.00 $0.00
16 pipe,rcp(15 to 48") 42.0 in d 1 ES-1,2$250 1 EC-1$200 100.0 ft $108.15 $11,265.00
17 pipe,rcp(54 to 72") 60.0 in d 1 ES-1,2$250 1 EC-1$200 34.0 ft $210.00 $7,590.00
18 pipe,rcp(15 to 48") 30.0 in d 1 ES-1,2$250 1 EC-1$200 93.0 ft $63.00 $6,309.00
19 pipe,rcp(15 to 48") 24.0 in d 1 ES-1,2$250 1 EC-1$200 52.0 ft $39.90 $2,524.80
20 pipe,cmp(54 to 72") 0.0 in d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0.0 ft $0.00 $0.00
23 clear and grub(for wooded sites) 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 acre $10,500.00 $0.00
24 grading (per cy for cut or import only; 1.0 cy fill 1.0 cy cut 0.0 cy bal $3.15 $3.15
24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi.per road) 7777.0 ft L 15.55 inc of 500' 17 $157.50 $2,614.50
25 as-built drawings(1k+price per 0.1 i 7777.0 ft L 1.473 mi. 15 $1,050.00 $16,750.00
26 survey and layout(price per 0.1 mi.) 7777.0 ft L 1.473 mi. 15 $525.00 $8,875.00
27 mobilization 1 $525.00 $525.00
28 VDOT surety(1 lane) 7777.0 ft L 1.473 mi. 2 Lanes $2,000.00 $58,916.67
29 VDOT maintenance fee(1 In rd,1 yr) 7777.0 ft L 1.473 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $4,418.75
30 VDOT admin.Cost recovery fee(1 tar 7777.0 ft L 1.473 mi. 2 Lanes $100.00 $3,195.83
• cost sum $599,545.51 0 909,i0
contigency 25% $149,886.38' ,j,q f q31 .2-1
Total $749,140 11119 jsg6 3-7 IC°1° C
Bluegate Court 10+10 to 23+33 road length 1323.0 ft
1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 1323.0 ft L 18.0 ft W 441.0 cy $35.91 $15,836.31
2 blotted or prime&double seal 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 sy $6.30 $0.00
3 asphalt base 0.0 in d 1323.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 tons $73.50 $0.00
4 asphalt surface 2.0 in d 1323.0 ft L 18.0 ft W 222.3 tons $81.90 $18,203.42
11 street name sign 1 $65.00 $65.00
12 traffic control sign 4 $49.35 $197.40
13 guardrail(or rebuild wall in right-of-w, 0 ES @$3700 0.0 ft $16.80 $0.00
14 manhole or drop inlet 0 $1,365.00 $0.00
16 pipe,rcp(15 to 48") 15.0 in d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0.0 ft $23.10 $0.00
21 rip-rap,placed 0.0 ton $31.50 $0.00
22 E&S fabric,EC-2,3 0 ft L 0 ft W 0.0 sy $10.50 $0.00
23 clear and grub(for wooded sites) 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 acre $10,500.00 $0.00
24 grading(per cy for cut or import only; 1.0 cy fill 1.0 cy cut 0.0 cy bal $3.15 $3.15
- 24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi.per road) 1323.0 ft L 2.646 inc of 500' _ 4 $157.50 $582.75
25 as-built drawings(1k+price per 0.11 1323.0 ft L 0.251 mi. 3 $1,050.00 $4,150.00
26 survey and layout(price per 0.1 mi.) 1323.0 ft L 0.251 mi. 3 $525.00 $2,575.00
27 mobilization 1 $525.00 $525.00
28 VDOT surety(1 lane) 1323.0 ft L 0.251 mi. 2 Lanes $2,000.00 $10,022.73
29 VDOT maintenance fee(1 In rd,1 yr) 1323.0 ft L 0.251 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $751.70
30 VDOT admin.Cost recovery fee(1 lar 1323.0 ft L 0.251 mi. 2 Lanes $100.00 $751.14
cost sum $53,663.60'•
contigency 25% $13,415.90
Total $67,080 i
Five Oaks Court 10+10 to 20+15 road length 1105.0 ft
1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 1105.0 ft L 18.0 ft W 368.3 cy $35.91 $13,226.85
2 blotted or prime&double seal 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 sy $6.30 $0.00
3 asphalt base 0.0 in d 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 tons $73.50 $0.00
4 asphalt surface 2.0 in d 1105.0 ft L 18.0 ft W 185.6 tons $81.90 $15,203.92
11 street name sign 1 $65.00 $65.00
12 traffic control sign 4 $49.35 $197.40
13 guardrail(or rebuild wall in right-of-w 0 ES @$3700 0.0 ft $16.80 $0.00 •
14 manhole or drop inlet 0 $1,365.00 $0.00
16 pipe,rcp(15 to 48") 18.0 in d 1 ES-1,2$250 1 EC-1$200 75.0 ft $27.30 $2,497.50
21 rip-rap,placed 0.0 ton $31.50 $0.00
22 E&S fabric,EC-2,3 0 ft L 0 ft W 0.0 sy $10.50 $0.00
23 clear and grub(for wooded sites) 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 acre $10,500.00 $0.00
24 grading(per cy for cut or import only; 1.0 cy fill 1.0 cy cut 0.0 cy bal $3.15 $3.15
24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi.per road) 1105.0 ft L 2.21 inc of 500' 3 $157.50 $519.75
Fray's Grant TOTAL ROAD BOND=$1,177,120
ROAD Construction Bond Estimate(roads,site work,storm sewer)
Item Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost
Number (installed)
25 as-built drawings(1k+price per 0.1 i 1105.0 ftL 0.209 mi. 3 $1,050.00 $4,150.00
26 survey and layout(price per 0.1 mi.) 1105.0 ft L 0.209 mi. 3 $525.00 $2,575.00
27 mobilization 1 $525.00 $525.00
28 VDOT surety(1 lane) 1105.0 ftL 0.209 mi. 2 Lanes $2,000.00 $8,371.21
29 VDOT maintenance fee(1 In rd,1 yr) 1105.0 ft L 0.209 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $627.84
30 VDOT admin:Cost recovery fee(1 tar 1105.0 ft L 0.209 mi. 2 Lanes $100.00 $668.56
• cost sum $48,631.18
contigency 25% $12,157.79
Total $60,790
Old Poplar Way 10+10 to 35+74 road length 2564.0 ft
1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 2564.0 ftL 18.0 ft W 854.7 cy $35.91 $30,691.08
2 blotted or prime&double seal 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 sy $6.30 $0.00
3 asphalt base 0.0 in d 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 tons $73.50 $0.00
4 asphalt surface 2.0 in d 2564.0 ft L 3.0 ft W 71.8 tons $81.90 $5,879.76
11 street name sign 1 $65.00 $65.00
12 traffic control sign 4 $49.35 $197.40
13 guardrail (or rebuild wall in right-of-w, 0 ES @$3700 0.0 ft $16.80 $0.00
14 manhole or drop inlet 0 $1,365.00 $0.00
16 pipe,rcp(15 to 48") 15.0 in d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0.0 ft $23.10 $0.00
21 rip-rap,placed 0.0 ton $31.50 $0.00
22 E&S fabdc,EC-2,3 0 ftL 0 ft W 0.0 sy $10.50 $0.00
23 clear and grub(for wooded sites) 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 acre $10,500.00 $0.00
24 grading(per cy for cut or import only; 1.0 cy fill 1.0 cy cut 0.0 cy bal $3.15 $3.15
24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi.per road) 2564.0 ft L 5.128 inc of 500' 6 $157.50 $976.50
25 as-built drawings(1k+price per 0.1 1 2564.0 ft L 0.486 mi. 5 $1,050.00 $6,250.00
26 survey and layout(price per 0.1 mi.) 2564.0 ft L 0.486 mi. 5 $525.00 $3,625.00
27 mobilization 1 $525.00 $525.00
28 VDOT surety(1 lane) 2564.0 ft L 0.486 mi, 2 Lanes $2,000.00 $19,424.24
29 VDOT maintenance fee(1 In rd,1 yr) 2564.0 ft L 0.486 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $1,456.82
30 VDOT admin.Cost recovery fee(1 lar 2564.0 ft L 0.486 mi. 2 Lanes $100.00 $1,221.21
• cost sum $71,015.17
contigency 25% $17,753.791
Total $88,770
Redbank Way 10+09 to 27+11 road length 1702.0 8
1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 1702.0 ft L 18.0 ft W 567.3 cy $35.91 $20,372.94
2 blotted or prime&double seal 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 sy $6.30 $0.00
3 asphalt base 0.0 in d 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 tons $73.50 $0.00
4 asphalt surface 2.0 in d 1702.0 ftL 18.0 ft W 285.9 tons $81.90 $23,418.16
11 street name sign 1 $65.00 $65.00
12 traffic control sign 4 $49.35 $197.40
13 guardrail (or rebuild wall in right-of-w: 0 ES @$3700 0.0 ft $16.80 $0.00
14 manhole or drop inlet 0 $1,365.00 $0.00
16 pipe,rcp(15 to 48") 18.0 in d 1 ES-1,2$250 1 EC-1$200 40.0 ft $27.30 $1,542.00
21 rip-rap,placed 0.0 ton $31.50 $0.00
22 E&S fabnc,EC-2,3 0 ftL 0 ft W 0.0 sy $10.50 $0.00
23 clear and grub(for wooded sites) 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 acre $10,500.00 $0.00
24 grading (per cy for cut or import only; 1.0 cy fill 1.0 cy cut 0.0 cy bal $3.15 $3.15
24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi.per road) 1702.0 ft L 3.404 inc of 500' 5 $157.50 $708.75
25 as-built drawings(1k+price per 0.1 1 1702.0 ft L 0.322 mi. 4 $1,050.00 $5,200.00
26 survey and layout(price per 0.1 mi.) 1702.0 ft L 0.322 mi. 4 $525.00 $3,100.00
'27 mobilization 1 $525.00 $525.00
28 VDOT surety(1 lane) 1702.0 ft L 0.322 mi. 2 Lanes $2,000.00 $12,893.94
29 VDOT maintenance fee(1 In rd,1 yr) 1702.0 ft L 0.322 mi. 2 Lanes• $150.00 $967.05
30 VDOT admin.Cost recovery fee(1 lar 1702.0 ft L 0.322 mi. 2 Lanes $100.00 $894.70
• cost sum $69,888.08:
contigency 25% $17,472.02
Total $87,370
Redbank Court 10+09 to 24+53 road length 1444.0 ft
1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 1444.0 ftL 18.0 ft W - 481.3 cy $35.91 $17,284.68
2 blotted or prime&double seal 0,0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 sy $6.30 $0.00
3 asphalt base 0.0 in d 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 tons $73.50 $0.00
Fray's Grant TOTAL ROAD BOND=$1,177,120
ROAD Construction Bond Estimate(roads,site work,storm sewer)
Item Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost
Number 'installed)
4 asphalt surface 2.0 in d 1444.0 ft L 3.0 ft W 40.4 tons $81.90 $3,311.38
10 ramp CG-12 0 $315.00 $0.00
11 street name sign 1 $65.00 $65.00
12 traffic control sign 4 $49.35 $197.40
13 guardrail (or rebuild wall in right-of-w. 0 ES @$3700 0.0 ft $16.80 $0.00
14 manhole or drop inlet 0 $1,365.00 $0.00
16 pipe,rcp(15 to 48") 15.0 in d 1 ES-1,2$250 1 EC-1$200 42.0 ft $23.10 $1,420.20
17 pipe,rcp(54 to 72") 54.0 in d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0.0 ft $157.50 $0.00
18 pipe,pvc(4 to 10") 8.0 in d 0.0 ft $6.30 $0.00
19 pipe,cmp(15 to 48") 15.0 in d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0.0 ft $23.10 $0.00
20 pipe,cmp(54 to 72") 60.0 in d 0 ES-1,2$250 0 EC-1$200 0.0 ft $146.00 $0.00
21 rip-rap,placed 0.0 ton $31.50 $0.00
22 E&S fabric,EC-2,3 0 ft L 0 ft W 0.0 sy $10.50 $0.00
23 clear and grub(for wooded sites) 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 acre $10,500.00 $0.00
24 grading (per cy for cut or import only; 1.0 cy fill 1.0 cy cut 0.0 cy bal $3.15 $3.15
24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi.per road) 1444.0 ft L 2.888 inc of 500' 4 $157.50 $614.25
25 as-built drawings(1k+price per 0.11 1444.0 ft 0.273 mi. 3 $1,050.00 $4,150.00
26 survey and layout(price per 0.1 mi.) 1444.0 ft L 0.273 mi. 3 $525.00 $2,575.00
27 mobilization 1 $525.00 $525.00
28 VDOT surety(1 lane) 1444.0 ft L 0.273 mi. 2 Lanes $2,000.00 $10,939.39
29 VDOT maintenance fee(1 In rd,1 yr) 1444.0 ft L 0.273 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $820.45
30 VDOT admin.Cost recovery fee(1 lar 1444.0 ft L 0.273 mi. 2 Lanes $100.00 $796.97
cost sum $42,702.88
contigency 25% $10,675.72
Total $53,380
Woodlawn Court 10+09 to 29+22 road length 1913.0 ft
1 aggregate base 6.0 in d 1913.0 ft L 18.0 ft W 637.7 cy $35.91 $22,898.61
2 blotted or prime&double seal 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 sy $6.30 $0.00
3 asphalt base 0.0 in d 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 tons $73.50 $0.00
4 asphalt surface 2.0 in d 1913.0 ft L 3.0 ft W 53.6 tons $81.90 $4,386.89
11 street name sign 1 $65.00 $65.00
12 traffic control sign 4 $49.35 $197.40
13 guardrail (or rebuild wall in right-of-w. 0 ES @$3700 - 0.0 ft $16.80 $0.00
14 manhole or drop inlet 0 $1,365.00 $0.00
16 pipe,rcp(15 to 48") 24.0 in d 1 ES-1,2$250 1 EC-1$200 52.0 ft $39.90 $2,524.80
21 rip-rap,placed 0.0 ton $31.50 $0.00
22 E&S fabric,EC-2,3 0 ft L 0 ft W 0.0 sy $10.50 $0.00
23 clear and grub(for wooded sites) 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 acre $10,500.00 $0.00
24 grading (per cy for cut or import only; 1.0 cy fill 1.0 cy cut 0.0 cy bal $3.15 $3.15
24 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi.per road) 1913.0 ft L 3.826 inc of 500' 5 $157.50 $771.75
25 as-built drawings(1k+price per 0.1 1 1913.0 ft L 0.362 mi. 4 $1,050.00 $5,200.00
26 survey and layout(price per 0.1 mi.) 1913.0 ft L 0.362 mi. 4 $525.00 $3,100.00
27 mobilization 1 $525.00 $525.00
28 VDOT surety(1 lane) 1913.0 ft L 0.362 mi. 2 Lanes $2,000.00 $14,492.42
29 VDOT maintenance fee(1 In rd,1 yr) 1913.0 ft L 0.362 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $1,086.93
30 VDOT admin.Cost recovery fee(1 lar 1913.0 ft L 0.362 mi. 2 Lanes $100.00 $974.62
cost sum $56,226.58 i
contigency 25% $14,056.641
Total $70,290
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
TO: Jim Fretwell DATE: 2/13/09
SUBJECT: Board of Supervisors Resolution
The following items are being sent ® Attached 0 Via Fax
❑ Copy of Letter 0 Specifications 0 Shop Drawings
O Plans 0 Contract ® Other Resolutions
❑ Plat 0 Change Order
1 Original Board of Supervisors resolution dated 2/11/09 requesting Frays Ridge Crossing in
mom Subdivision be added to the secondary system of state highways
1 Original Board of Supervisors resolution dated 2/11/09 requesting Town Center Drive in
Hollymead Town Center be added to the secondary system of state highways
1 Original Board of Supervisors resolution dated 2/11/09 requesting Mountain Harvest Lane in
Mountain Harvest Subdivision be added to the secondary system of state highways
O For Approval 0 Approved as Submitted 0 Resubmit Copies for Approval
O For Your Use 0 Approved as Noted 0 Submit Copies for Distribution
® As Requested 0 Returned for Corrections 0 Return Corrected Prints
❑ For Review and Comment 0 For Bids Due
O Prints Returned after Loan to Us 0
Let me know if you need anything further from the County on this project.
Pam Shifflett, M n gement Analyst
If enclosures are not as noted; kindly notify us at once.
The Board of County Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, in regular meeting on the
11th day of February 2009, adopted the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the street(s) in Frays Grant Subdivision, as described on the attached
Additions Form AM-4.3 dated February 11, 2009, fully incorporated herein by reference, is shown
on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia; and
WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has
advised the Board that the street(s) meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street
Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Albemarle Board of County Supervisors
requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the street(s) in Frays Grant
Subdivision, as described on the attached Additions Form AM-4.3 dated February 11, 2009, to
the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the
Department's Subdivision Street Requirements; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-
way, as described, exclusive of any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage as described
on the recorded plats; and
FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident
Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation.
* * * * *
Recorded vote:
Moved by: Mr. Rooker.
Seconded by: Ms. Thomas.
Yeas: Mr. Boyd, Mr. Dorrier, Mr. Mallek, Mr. Rooker and Ms. Thomas.
Nays: None.
Absent: Mr. Slutzky.
A Copy Teste:
Ila . Jordan,\ lerk, CMC
Board of County'Supervisors
In the County of Albemarle
By resolution of the governing body adopted February 11, 2009
The following VDOT Form AM-4.3 is hereby attached and incorporated as part of the governing body's
resolution for changes in the secondary system of state highways.
/I �)� �
A Copy Testee Signed(County Official)j A__ ' -1k ("IVv I —
Report of Changes in the Secondary System of State Highways
Project/Subdivision Frays Grant
Type Change to the Secondary System of State Highways: Addition
The following additions to the Secondary System of State Highways,pursuant to the statutory provision or
provisions cited, are hereby requested;the right of way for which,including additional easements for cuts, fills
and drainage, as required, is hereby guaranteed:
Reason for Change: New Subdivision Street
Pursuant to Code of Virginia Statute: §33.1-229
Street Name and/or Route Number
I. Frays Ridge Crossing, State Route Number 1880
Old Route Number: 0
• From: Intersection of Route 664
To: End State Maintenance,a distance of: 1.44 miles.
Recordation Reference: Deed Book: 3074 Pages: 166-182
Right of Way width(feet)= 50
VDOT Form AM-4.3(4/20/2007),Asset Management Division
Page 1 of 1
0F A
County of Albemarle
Department of Community Development
To: Ella Jordan, Clerk,Board of Supervisors
From: Glenn Brooks, County Engineer CiefE
Date: January 30, 2009
Subject: Board Agenda—February 11, 2009
Road Resolutions
Attached are the originals of VDOT Form AM-4.3 for the following subdivision roads:
• Frays Ridge Crossing(State Route 1880)
2. Hollymead Town Center
• Town Center Drive(State Route 1719)
We would like to have these included on the Board's February 11th agenda so that a resolution can be
adopted requesting VDOT add these roads to the secondary system of state highways.
If additional information is needed,please do not hesitate to contact me.
In the County of Albemarle
By resolution of the governing body adopted February 11, 2009
The following VDOT Form AM-4.3 is hereby attached and incorporated as part of the governing body's
resolution for changes in the secondary system of state highways.
A Copy Testee Signed(County Official):
Report of Changes in the Secondary System of State Highways
Project/Subdivision Frays Grant
Type Change to the Secondary System of State Highways: Addition
The following additions to the Secondary System of State Highways, pursuant to the statutory provision or
provisions cited, are hereby requested; the right of way for which,including additional easements for cuts,fills
and drainage, as required, is hereby guaranteed:
Reason for Change: New Subdivision Street
Pursuant to Code of Virginia Statute: §33.1-229
Street Name and/or Route Number
► Frays Ridge Crossing, State Route Number 1880
Old Route Number: 0
• From: Intersection of Route 664
To: End State Maintenance, a distance of: 1.44 miles.
Recordation Reference: Deed Book: 3074 Pages: 166-182
Right of Way width(feet)= 50
VDOT Form AM-4.3(4/20/2007),Asset Management Division
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