HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800080 Correspondence Minor Amendment 2018-11-02 .0 COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE ',01 Department Community Development -;:r _) Planning Services Division v6,00,46:110- 1697.►. 401 McIntire Road North Wing• Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone: (434)296-5823 •Fax: (434)972-4035 Transmittal From: Cameron Langille Date: 11/2/2018 To: OFrank Pohl-Eng 0 ORichard Nelson-ACSA 0 Michael Dellinger- Inspections 0 0 0 0 0 JOB#/FILE NAME:SDP-2018-80 Rio East Medical Offices Minor Amendment We are sending you the following items: ® Attached or ❑ Under separate cover ❑ Copy of Letter n Prints ® Plans ❑ Plats ❑ Specifications ❑ Other # of Date Description Copies 1 Copy of minor site plan drawings These are transmitted as checked below: ® For review and comments ® For approval ❑ Other Remarks: This is a minor site plan amendment to SDP200100088 Rio East Medical Office Final Site plan. This is a proposed 2,105 sq. ft. addition to the existing building on site. Engineering and Inspections- please be aware that the minor amendment is proposing to relocate an existing propane tank on the property. Let me know if there are any relevant comments from your division that need to be addressed in order to move the tank. Comments are due in City View or email by: 11/26/18 Signature: Cameron Langille COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE \o"'l °Fr. Department Community Development ?M4._: Planning Services Division x,a+� 401 McIntire Road North Wing• Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596 Phone: (434)296-5823 •Fax: (434)972-4035 Transmittal F o• : Cameron Langille Date: 11/2/2018 To: OFr. - I -- -_ 0 ORichard Nelson-ACSA 0 OMichael Dellinger- Inspections 0 0 0 0 0 JOB#/FILE NAME:SDP-2018-80 Rio East Medical Offices Minor Amendment We are sending you the following items: ® Attached or Under separate cover ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Prints ® Plans ❑ Plats (1 Specifications ❑ Other # of Date Description Copies 1 Copy of minor site plan drawings These are transmitted as checked below: ® For review and comments ® For approval ❑ Other Remarks: This is a minor site plan amendment to SDP200100088 Rio East Medical Office Final Site plan. This is a proposed 2,105 sq. ft. addition to the existing building on site. Engineering and Inspections - please be aware that the minor amendment is proposing to relocate an existing propane tank on the property. Let me know if there are any relevant comments from your division that need to be addressed in order to move the tank. Comments are due in City View or email by: 11/26/18 Signature: Cameron Langille 11/4/1K .4. Viim( // Engineering • Srrrveyrrag • Plavrnisrg December. 14, 201.8 Cameron La g.iIle Senior Planner Albemarle Countv 1'r X\NING GROUP, LLC: 440 Premier CourC, Silite Soo CharlOttetville., VA 22901 Phone: 434.882.0121 wwrv.me.ridiam6e. coni RE: SDP201800080 — Rio East Medical Offices — Minor Site Plan Amendment #2 Dear Cameron. Enclosed is a copy of the revised plans for the Minor Site Plan Amendment #2. Below are responses to the comments in your fetter dated .November 30, 2018. A set of plays has been submitted to each of the reviewers listed below. PLANNING — CAMERON LANGILLE l . [General Cominentl Please renumber the sheets accurately. See Engineering comments and Planning comment below. • Refer to C-101. Sheet number has been revised. 2. (32.5.2 (s)] Please revise the project narrative on the Cover Sheet so that it explains all changes to the site proposed by this Minor site plan amendment. State the specific square footage of the building addition, and clarify whether new parking is proposed. • Refer to 6-001. Narrative has been revised. 3_ 132.5.2 (a)l Please provide the parcel boundary- dimensions. • Refer to C-001. Parcel boundary information was provided on first submittal. 4. [32.5.2 (a)l Please state all applicable overlay zoning districts on the Cover Sheet Site Data table. This includes the AIA Airport Impact Area overlay Zoning District; and the EC Entrance Corridor Overlay Zoning District. e • Refer to C-001. Zoning districts have been added.r [32.5,2 (a)l Please state that this is Minor Amendment #2 to SDP200100088 on the Cover Sheet. • Refer to C-001. Project title has been revised a. Amend the final site plan number tender Site Data on Sheet C-001. State the previous minor site plan number SDP200200065. • Refer to C-007. Previous minor site plan number has been added. b. State which sheets from SDP200.100088 are proposed to be revised per this/m,inor alnendi-nent anal which sheets will be unaffected. • Refer to C-001. Sheet index from SDP200L00088 with notes has been added Page 1 [32.5.2 (a)] Please list all zoning map arnendrnent and special. use perrttit conditions and proffers that apply to the property. The property is subject. to the protTers of.' ZMA.199600004. Show the proffers as an exhibit on the p1mis. • Refer to C-001. Rezoning number has been added. • Refer to C-301. Proffers have been added 7. [32.5.2 (a)] .Please revise the setback data on Sheet C-001.. 'It should state: a. Front Minimum Setback: 10 feet from the right-of-way or the exterior edge oPL is sidewalk if the sidewalk is outside of the right-of-way; for off-street parkins; otttI ing spaces, I0 feet from any public street ril;htof-way b. Side artd Rear Minimum setback: If the abutting lot is zoned residential, rural areas, or the Monticello Historic district: (i) no portion of any structure, excludinE; signs, sh ll be located closerthan 50 feet from the district boundary; and (ii) no off-street parking or loading space shall be located closer that 20 feet to the district boundary, .1f the abutting lot is zoned cor►unnercial or industrial, any pruunary structure shall be constructed and separated in accordance with the current edition of the Buildins; Code. c. Butler zone adjacent to residential and rural areas districts. For the purpose of this subsection, a buffer shall not be required when a commercial zoite is across a street from a residential or rural arca district. No construction activity i:ncl.uding grading or clearing of vegetation shrill occur closer than twenty (20) feet to any residential or rural areas district. Screening shall he provided as required in section 32,7,9. '1'the board of supervisors may -waive by special exception the prohibition of construction activity, grading Or th Lleari.ng, of vegetation in the buffer in a particular case upon consideration of. wltetl 'the developer or subdivider demonstrates that grading or clearing is necessary or would result in an it:uproved site desijW- (ii) miniinunt screenim) requirements will be satisfied; and (iii) existing landscaping in excess of minimum requircurtents is substatitially restored. • Refer to C-001. ,Setback Data has been revised. K. [32.5.2 (a)] Per the previous comment, ,please slow and label the 20' undisturbed buffer on #ic"site plans. • Refer to C-101 & C-201. Buffer label has been added. 9. [32.5.2 (a)] Please state the stepback requirements per Section 4.20 (a) of the Zoning Ordinance in 'L Site Uatatable on Sheet C-001.. • Refer to C-001. Stepbark requirements have been added. V° 10. (b)] Please add a note to The Site Data table on Sheet C-001. statins; the maximunt building h.eig,lit permitted, and the proposed building height in accordance with Section 21.4 of the Zoning Ordinance. a. Maximum building height: permitted: sixty --live (65) feet. 'Uie rninimurn stepback requirerents for any stony that begins above fou-ty (40) feet in height orfor each story/ above the third story, whichever is less, int lteisrlit. shall be as provided in section 4.20. ' • Refer to C-001. Building height requirements have been added. 1/ Page 2 11. 132.5.2 (b)] Please clari.fiy the parking requirements on Sheet C-001. Per SDP200.10008R; the 'sting building sq. ft. measures 16,000 sq. ft. which required 90 parking spaces. 1.12 parking spaces (including 4 handicap spaces) were installed. a. Revise the required parking calculation based on the building addition. State the minimum required parking spaces per the addition, and the amount of existing parking spaces on site. If no additional spaces are required, then state that no additiotual parking will be in stalled as part of the minor site plan amendment. b. The parking standard which applies to this development is as follows: Offices, business administrative and professional (including medical. offices but not dental clinics): One , space per two hundred (200) square feet of net office floor area. The terns "net office or area" shall be deemed to be: (1) eighty (80) percent of the gross floor area; or (2) ; jF the request of the applicant, the actual net office floor area as shown on floor plans subyiitted by the applicant. delineating the actual net office floor area, which plans shall -be inding as to the maximum net floor area used, Refer to C-001. Parking requirement calculations have been revised. 12. [32.5.2 (j)] Please show all existing easements and water, sewer, and drainage systems on the pal ns� No easements are shown. .Please clearly delineate, dimension, and label all.publ is and privatp.ea§ements around existing sewer, water, and drainage facilities. Show easement lines`bn the landscape drawings to demonstrate that proposed vegetation locations do not conflict with eascmen, • Refer to C-001, C-101 & C-201. All easement are shown. -� 13 132.6.2 (c)] Please delineate the limits of disturbance and proposed grading (up to twenty [20] percegt" slope, maximum. two [2] foot contours- over twenty [20] percent slope, maximum. five [5�.-Moot contours). • Refer to C-101 and C-201. Limits of disturbance and proposed grading were shown on first submittal. h .14. [32.7.9.] The demolition plan shows removal of trees on the side property Iine. Staff cannot verify whether the minor amendment will comply with the minimum landscaping requirements of 32.7.9. Please provide the following: ��...s a. Show all existing landscaping on site as approved with SDP200100088 and SDP200200065. State the type of landscaping (tree or shrub species) and label each type. G Provide the calculations of minimum required parking trees, minimum parking lot canopy, buffer screening calculation, and overall tree canopy for the site. Refer to C-300. A copy of SDPZ0010088 Landscape Plan has been added with notes �. b, [] An area of at least .five (5) percent of the paved parking and vehicular circulation area shall be landscaped with trees or shrubs with one (1) large or medium shade tree per ten (10) parking spaces or portion thereof. t� Refer to C-300. Landscape Area was not required for S.DP2001.0088. Landscape Area Calculations have been added. �R ^� c, [ (a)(1)] Please include a calculation for the overall tree canopy required and V provided on Sheet C8. The minimum canopy for this site is 10%. The tree canopy required by subsection (a) shall be composed of all areas of the site that would be covered by trees and other plant materials exceeding .five (5) feet in height at a maturity of ten (10) years after planting. The trees and plant materials composing the tree canopy are those required to be planted under sections 32,7.9,5, and Page 3 • Refer to C-300. Notes provided revised Total Canopy Calculations. 15. (a)(1)] .Per Section 21.7 (c), additional screening landscaping must be installed at the rear of the property behind the building; addition adjacent to the prat}erty zoned R-15. Please provide a landscaping plan that extends the screening tree buffer fartlier west in compliance with Section : I'Ire new screening must be located outside of the iuinitntant "2,0' undistiabed buffer at the rear of the property. • Refer to C-201.. The Seven T-11 trees that are to be removed shall be replace with 7 new 1 trees for screening behind new addition. 16. (32.7.9] On the landscaping plan, please provide a landscape schedule stating the types of lauadscaping proposed, the mi.n.imurrr height and caliper at tune of installation, the quantity of each species proposed. • Refer to C-:300. Copy of SUP2001.0088 I..andscape Plan has been added with notes. ,/ 17. [ (c)] Please and a note to the landscape plan that states "All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or property owners' association and replaced where iiecessartr. 'Replace.rrte.nt .material shall cotiaply Witt► tl:i.e approved landscapeplan`' . • Refer to C-:300. Landscape Note 4. ENGINEERING - DAVID JAMES • Cover - the SDP## should be SDP200100088. • Refer to C-001. SDP 4 has been revised. Cover - update/correct the disturbed area. • Refer to C-001. The disturbed are has been revised. The linuts of disturbance should include the existing UGE Eine and propane tank, and the proposed relocation area. • Refer to C-101 & C-201. The limits of disturbance has been revised. • Sheet 2, - sheet no. should be c-101. • Refer to C,-101. The sheet number has been revised. ACSA-._.JUCTIARD _NELSON ■ Refer to C-001. The existing 2" water meter has been added. • Refer to C-201. Plumbing Fixture Count has been added. Let rr►e know if you need miy additional information. Sincerely, Timothy Miller, P.E,., L.S. Principal Page 4