HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201800221 Correspondence 2019-01-17 (6)M
Engi».eeriirg • Srrr°ueyiug • plarrrriug
7anuany 17, 2019
Cameron Langille
Senior Planner
Countv of Albemarle
RE:. SUI320180022.1 - Woolen Mills Light Industrial Park Easement Plat
Dear Cameron;
+10 Prenlii.r Circle, Smite ?C10
C".harl4we-sville, VA, 22901
PIL(A ! 434.882.0121
w'ww. I i 1Cridiall ybv. min
Attached are 5 sets of the revised plats. The responses below are to the comments. in your letter dated
lanua.n. 15, 2019.
1. [14-302 (A)(1)] On Sheet P 1. please provide a Sheet Index that explains what each sheets shows. Please
revise the title bar so that it explains what types of existing easements are being vacated.
a. Please title each sheet so that it accurately explains what is being shown. For example. Sheet P2
appears to be a sheet showing vacation of existing SWN1 Forest & Open Space Easements. It
should be tilled something such as "VBcatioll of Existing Forest & Open Space Public Easements
a.nd Private Storm Se"yer Easements."
✓ A sheet index has been added.
✓ A title block has been added to each sheet stating; what is shorn on each sheet,
2. [.14-302 (A.)(3)] Please state the %vidlh the Moore's Crech Lane street rightof way- and the recorded
instrument that created flit access easenfrcill in the labels on Shects P2-P5. Show the dimensions of the
easement on all sheets.
✓ The access easement and instrument are shown on P2-P5. The easement is rioted as Variable ridth.
The instrument recording the eascmeut sloes not provide dimensions so it is not possible to show
dimensions on this plat.
3. [1.4-302 (A)(3)1 Please show the Broadway Street right of Avay with dimensions oar Sheets P2-P5. Label the
street with a width rrlusurement, slate whether it is public or prii7ate. and provide [lie recorded instrument
number [hat platted the street.
✓ The access easement and instrument are shown on P2-P5. The easement is noted 51s (iw rubl'
4. [14-302 (A)(5)] Please revise the labels of all existing public easements on Sheets P2-P5.
I rc
a. For example, on Sheet P2, please state "Public" in the labels for all the existing easements that are
proposed [o be vacated.
✓ The easements that are public are labeled public. The easements that are private are labeled private.
b. On Sheet P5, plcase state "hcreby dedicated to public use" in the labels'for all new public
easements being created with this plat.
✓ The label has been added to all new public easements,
Page J
5. [14-302 (A)(11)] Chi Sheet Ill, please add a Statement of Title stating all previously recorded instruments
and plats which apply to T.MP 77-40.B.
The statement of title has been added.
5. [14-302 (A)(15)] Ott Sheet .Pl, please add a note slating the name, address, and owner of record for T.M.P.
✓ The Owner's address has been added to the signature line.
1. [14-302 (.B)(1)] Please add a date of last.revision to each drawing.
✓ A revision date has been added to title block&
8. [.14-302 (B)(5)] Please revise Note 2 on Sheet P1 so that itstales the primary zoning; district., all applicable
overlay districts, and arty special use permits or proffers 0-tat apply to the parcel.
a. The prinuin, zoning district is Ll Light Industry.
b. Property is Nvithin the Managed and Preserved Steep Slopes Overlay District, and tlrc F.H. Flood
Hazard Overlay District.
✓ Note 3 has been revised. Note 4 has been added.
9. ]14-302 (B)(7)] On Sheet 111, add a notation as to whether the land is within an Albemarle County and/or
City of Charlottesville water supple watershed or an aggicultural-forestal district.
a. Revise .Mote 9. The property lies within. the Moore's Creek Watershed, Fvhich is not: a City or
County water supply watershed.
✓ See Note It.
10. [.1.4-302 (B)(.10)] Please add a note to Sheet P.1 stit.ing "The stream buffer(s) slrowit hereon shall be
managed in accordance with the Albemarle County Water Pralection Ordinance."
✓ See Note 13.
1.1. [14-303 (A)] Please revise the owner certification so it states "Statement to Consent of Division."
a. Add a descripti.ort of the easements being vacated (Including the recorded instrurn.ent: number for
the plats and easement deeds); and the types of new easements being platted. See Engineering
Comments for additional information.
✓ The label has been revised. A statement of consent for TNMP 07700-00-00-038BO has been added.
12. [1.4-303 (D)] Please state the acreage of the properly as a note on Sheet. P.L
✓ See Note. 2.
13. ]14-303 (C) and (E)] Curve lines Cl, C2, and C'3 are not labeled on the plats. Please provide a curve line
table wi th the curvilinear data i.ncludi.ng .radi.us, renlrat angle, arc length, and tangent distance.
✓ ,See Sheet P7.
14. ] 14-303 (C)] On Sheet SP1, please revise the titles of the line tables for the new Public Forest & Open
Space Easements, It should state ".Forest & Open Space Easement Line Table" and ".Forest and Open Space
Easement n t Curve Table."
✓ See Sheet P7.
1.5. [14-303 (1)] Provide a definite bearing and distance tie between not Less dean two (2.) permanent monuments
on the exterior boundary of the property and iitrther tie to existing Street intersection where possible and
reasonable converrient.
Pale 2
✓ Permanent monuments and ties are shown on P2-P6.
16. [14-303 (L)l Please see Engineering comments regarding which proposed drainage Casements sliould be
public and which should be private. Revise the plat. as necessary so the labels reflect Engineering;
✓ Easements are labeled correctly.
17. [1 4-303 (L)l Once all other plat comments have been addressed, please submit a deed of dedication for the
new Public Forest & Open Space Easements. and the new Public Drainage Eascnierit. Engineering will
provide t:cmplates for both deeds once all other comments are addressed. You will then fill in the necessary
information on the draft deeds of dedication.. and submit those with a copy of the plat. The County
Attorney will review and approve the deeds of dedication.
a. Once the County Attorney has approved the draft deeds of dedication for the new public
casements, you will obtain notarized owner Sig nalures.for the deeds of clecicalion and re -submit
them to the County for signatures by t.lie Coun.t.y Att.oiney and County Excct.Lt.i.ve.
b. Once the plat has been signed and approved and the deeds of dedication have been signed and
approved, you willthen execute the plat and deeds at tlic same time with the County Cleric.
✓ Comment Noted.
1. Cover
a. Include New Forest Open Space easement .in title in addition to the other easements
✓ Title has been revised.
b. Provide the source DBIPU references for this plat
✓ The statement of title has been added.
C. List the date of the .field survey.
✓ The date of the survey has been. added.
2. Sheet S
a. Drainage easements off of Franklin St, is correctly labeled as public. Remove 'Public'
form the other drainage casements: not needed.
✓ The storm will connect to existing storm sewer, on adjacent parcel TM.P 07700-00-00-038B0,
therefore, drainage easements will be public.
b. Fix 'easen.ent' misspelling for the Forest Open Space Label.
✓ The label has been corrected.
3. Sheet 6
a. ACSA Sanitary easernent extends that RWSA property, and Nvil.1 need to provide
evidence of agreement.
✓ Evidence will be provided under separate cover.
✓ The existing SWM. facility easement is shown on P2 and P5.
Page 3,
✓ Revised Plat for review.
✓ Deed .Reference for RWSA easement has been corrected.
✓ ACSA has been added to the private access easement.
Please let jape know if You need additional .information,
Timottiv Mi11cE7, P.E., L.S.
JAN z 3 ?n99
Pagc 4