HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP201800065 Correspondence 2019-01-17 (3)MFRIDIA Engiuee'ring • Surveyiiig • Planning 440 i'mmier Circle, Suite 2(K) Charlottesville, VA 2290f Phone: 434, 882,0121 January 17, 2019 MVIV.eEiLri(iiamtbk.c)m Cameron Langille Senior Planner Count• of Albemarle RE: SDP201800065 — Woolen Mills Light Industrial Park— Major Amendment Dear Cameron, Attached are 5 sets of the revised plans. The responses below are to the comments in your letter dated January 3, 2019. PLANNING — CA.MERON LANGILLE 4. 5. 132,5.2 (a).] Add a note to Sheet C-100 stating the minimum and maximum building and parking setback lines. Ward, and building separation requirements as specified in Section 4.20 (b) of the Zoning Ordinance. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. a. b. C. d. Side and rear minimum (building): primary structure shall be constructed and separated in accordance with the current edition of the Building Code. Rev. 1.: Comment not fully addressed. A comment was missed in error on first review. In the LI district, "if the abutting lot is zoned residential rural areas, or the Monticello Historic district: (i) no portion of any structure, excluding signs, shall be located closer than 50 feet from the district boundary; and ii no portion of any off-street parking space shall be located closer than 30 feet from the district boundary." Please add this lansuaze to the setback note on Sheet C-1.00. See Section 26,5 of the Zoning, Ordinance for additional information. Page 1 ✓ R ,FI x .TO C-.100, ,SP,'? BA('K ND`I'F :S HAVF. I I,.I,-N R 'YI,SF:1). &. a. b. 7 b. 8. [32.5.2 (r)] Provide a Legend on each drawing showing all symbols and abbreviations visible. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. The symbology used for Managed and Preserved Steep Slopes is very similar in annearance and it is difficult to differentiate between the two slope types on several drawings..Please use a. different symbology or line type for these two features and update the drawings as necessa . This is particularly important on Sheets C-200, C-201, C-202 and C-203. ✓ REFER TO PLANSHF.F.:I;S HATCHING HAS 1.3.E'EW REVI4STY) AS REQIJ '.STED) [32.5.1 (c)] Please show all existing utility casements on the drawings, Include a label or call out for each easement stating ww.,hether the easement is public or private, the owner of record and the recorded instrument number, and easement width wvhere existing easements are visible on the plans. Rev. I.: Comment not fully addressed. An easement plat, SUB201800221 is currentiv under review for the new easements progosed asnart of this site plan_ amendment. The easement plat must be approved and recorded prior to approval of the major amendment Once the easement plat is recorded, please revise Sheet C-400 to state the deed book and instrument number of all the new easements created by SUB201800221. ✓ COMMENT NOTED. DL'L'T) BOOK WILL BE" ADDED ONC E' PLAT IS RECORI E1). 10. [32.5.2 (a)] Please show and label all minimum and nia-ximum building and parking setback lines on Sheet C200. The setbacks should be shown in accordance with Section 4.20 of the Zoning Ordinance. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Per Comment #5d above, the required setback along Franklin Street is 50' minimum building setback measured from the centerline of the Franklin Street right-of-w,11 into the property,with a 30' undisturbed. Please amend Sheet C-200 so that the 50' minimum building side setback is shown within the Property boundary.— ✓ REFER TO C-200. BUILDING SETBACK AND BI JFFF,R. IIAVIs BE},N Rl VISET). 1.L [32.5.2 (b)] .Please state what the proposed use is within each building. Rev. 1: Continent not fully addressed. Sheet C'400 states that "each building shall become part of a condominium and uses shall be by -right I,I." Does this mean residential uses are proposed? The original submittal stated that the buildings were to be offices. Industrial offices are a by -right use. in U. The parkin2 schedule on Sheet C-100 states that each building will be a warehouse use, Page 2 which is also by -right in U. Please clarify, if the uses will be industrial offices and/or warehousing, remove reference to condominiums since the County does not regulate ownership types, just use types. ✓ RE1,7-'R TO C-100. PIZOPO),S 'D USI' NO TB'HAS BF_Ii1V RI'L'1.5:1'1J. 12. 13. [4.12.4 (a)] Please revise the parking calculation table on Sheet 1. It should state the exact standard from the Zoning Ordinance being applied. One (1) space per employee on the largest shift plus one (1) space per five hundred (500) square feet open to the public for customer parking but in all cases a minimum of two (2) customer parking spaces." Rev. 1: The standard listed on the site Wan RVIDlieS to stora elwarehousin . Per response to comment #1.1 above, if the proposes uses have chanLyed for any of the buildings from warehousing to something else lease revise the parking requirements on Sheet C-100 accordingly. ✓ REFER TO C-100. A NOTE HAS BEENADDEDTO THE PARKING REQUIREMENTS S.7A7-ING -HA T PARKING REQUIREMENTS' WILL 13E REVIEWED WITH EACH 13 UII. DING PERMIT APPLICA77ON. 14. [32.5.2 (d)] Please show the locations of all Managed and Preserved steep slopes across all applicable drawings. a. Add a legend to each drawing where these features are visible and label each features. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Per comment #8 above, please revise the symbology for the Mana ed and Preserved Steep Slopes. ✓ RE1, R TO PLAN .SHEETS HATCHING HAS BEII N RF. VISIs'1) AS REQ UF.S:I P.D. 15. [32.5.2 (h)] Please shoe' the boundaries of the FH Flood Hazard Overlav District on the parcel on all applicable drawings. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed, Please add, the FH Flood Hazard overlay line type to the Legend across all applicable drawings The FH boundary should also be shown on Sheet C-200 and it is not currently included on that drawin . ✓ 1?E1TER .TO PLAN SHEETS---I,HOD-- TLOOD HAZARD OVERLAYDISTRICIT LINE. TYPE' HAS BF,FN A.I:)1 '1) TO.I:F.GI 'ND. 16. 17. 18. [4.12.19 and (a)(3)[ Please provide a profile view detail with dimensions and materials of the dunipster pad enclosure to verify compliance with the screening requirements contained in the Zoning Ordinance. Please note that fences or other constructed screening measures must be a minimum of six feet (6') in height, as specified in (e). Rev. 1: Comment not addressed The three dumiasters provided in Phase 1 should be screened because they may have negative visual impacts on Monticello, which is a property listed on the Virginia Historic Landmarks Register, As was done with the original final site plan, all dumpsters should be screened with materials complying with Section Staff suimests providing a constructed screen such Page 3 as an opaque fence in compliance with Section (e). „ Please_ label the screening materials on Sheet C-200, C-201, C_202, and C-203 and yrrovide_a profile view detail with dimensions and materials of the dum ster vad enclosure on the construction details drawings. ✓ REVl,.R TO C-200. WOOD SCREENING hENC A HAS BE'E ADM) TO THE PLANS. RE'hER TO C-:301 FOR WOOD FENCE DEMIf--. 19. 1 ." , , I .. .. , 20. [32.5.2 (k)] Please label all existing and proposed sewer and drainage casements by type and include a size/width measurement, a. An easement plat application must be submitted, reviewed, approved and recorded prior to major amendment approval for all proposed easements. Revd: Comment not fully addressed. An easement plat, SUB201.800221., has been submitted for review. Once this plat is approved and recorded lease amend Sheet C-400 so that the new easement labels contain the recorded deed book and pane number. ✓ COMMENT NOTED. DEED BOOK WILL BE ADDED TO THE 11LANS AT+TER PLAT HAS I.3EEN RECORDED. b. Once the easement plat is recorded_ the major amendment must be revised to show the recorded instrument number for the easement plat (deed book and page number)" The newly created casements will need to be labeled with a dimensional width, easement type, and state whether it is public or private. Rev..1: Comment not fully addressed. An easement plat, SUB201800221, has been submitted for review. Once this Mat is approved and recorded, please amend Sheet_C-400 so that the new easement labels contain the recorded deed book and Vage number. ✓ COA4MENT NCT 'D. DEED BOOK WILL BE ADD D TO THE PLANS AF I TR PLA I HAS BEEN RE, CORDED. 21. 22. [32.5.2 (n)J Please stale the height of all proposed fences and retaining walls in the labels used on the drawings. Profile view details of all proposed fences, retaining walls, and constructed screening measures will be required with the final site plan. Each will need to show the types of materials used and dimensions. Rev. 1.: See comment #30 below and Engineering comments. It appears that this major amendment is utilizin the approved construction drawings from the original improved final site plan SDP201600076. Please include a narrative on the Cover Sheet statin which drawings from SDP201600076 still apoly to this major amendment. The retaininE wall fence and other constructed screeninz measures from SllP201600076 are on drawings that are not included as part of S.10201.800065. REFER TO C-100. PORPOSE OF AMENDMENT NOTE 4 IIAS BEEN ADDED. 23. [32.5.2 (e)J Please provide more details about the existing landscape features as described in Section l3- Page 4 32.7,9.4(c). Rev. 1: Comment not full addressed. .Please identif the locations sizes and ttypes of existing landscUing materials that are ro 1osed to be Preserved within the areas designated "Existing Canopy Area A" and "Existing Canopy Area B." See Sheet SP6 of the approved final site elan for an example of how these items should be identified on the major amendment i.e. "8"-12" tali er deciduous trees at 5'15" spacing and 30'-40' hei ht along Franklin St." Ensure that this labeling and information is included on Sheet C-203 for Existin Tree Canopy Area A and on Sheet C-300 for Existing Tree Cana Area B. ✓ Rl--'PT R TO C-203 Note 7 AND C-300 No 'lT' 1. a. The bm rle (�Onntv C'o��serjatia�a Plyt. C`h,cl�l:st and Chapter 3,38 of the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control handbook. The Conservation Plan Checklist will need to be signed by the owners and provided as all exhibit on major amendment prior to approval. Rev. 1: Per applicant yes once the conservation checklist will be si Ygned by the owner once the signature set is submitted fora royal. ("UMMI:NT NOTLD. (HE(WLI.ST WILL BE SIGNED BY OWNI�R ONSIGNA7°URE SET. b. Per Note 4 on Sheet C-203, the grading drawings and landscape plan should shoe: the tree and vegetation protection measures that will be installed in order to protect existing vegetation from disturbance. The Iimits of disturbance should be labeled on both drawings and symbology should be added for the fences or other protection measures that will be installed. Rev. 1: Across all drawiIIIIIIII I Dlease add the tree protection fence symbology to the le end. ✓ RFFEk TO PI.RN,' HEEY, '. ---TP- 7'WEE.PR07ECIYONF1m'N(."TNG H.4S.H :'I:1V ADDED 7O THE LEGEND. 24. a. 25. 26. .Please add a note to the Landscape plans stating "All landscaping and screening shall be maintained in a healthy condition by the current owner or a propertj, owners' association, and replaced when necessary. Replacement material shall comply with the final site plan approved landscape plan." Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. Please -- move move Note 3 from Sheet C- Rf�7`11 :CO ('-300. NO:CE 3 N,4,S'f31'I7V R1+'MOYFD. 27. 132.7.8 and 4.171 The major amendment does not include a lighting plan in accordance with the requirements of Section 4.17 of the Zoning Ordinance, Please include a lighting plan on the next submittal and address the following: Page 5 a. b. (a)] Please provide documentattan from the manufacturer that all proposed outdoor lunjiilaries exceeding :3,000 lumens are full -cutoff fixtures. Rev. 1: C'omment not addressed. The manufacturing insets provided on Sheet C-403 do not demonstrate that the 9 proposed wall lights are full cutoff luminaires. please provide information from the manufacturer that these li hts are full cutoff fixtures and no light spills out past 90 degrees. ✓ REFER TO C-40.3. FULL CZjTOFFSYI?(;IFICA7IONSHA1fEBEENAL)DED. C. d. I , e. I,S 28. 132.6.2 (d) and Chapter 141 Please submit an easement plat and application to the County, that shows all new easements proposed by the site plan. This includes all new drainage, stornrwater, public access easements, etc. '.lhe easement plat must be reviewed, approved, and recorded prior to approval of the final site plan. Rev. 1: Comment not fully addressed. An easementplat, SUB201800221 has been submitted for review. Once this plat is ApIgoved and recorded, lease amend Sheet C-400 so that the new easement labels contain the recorded deed book and a e number. ✓ CO MM1,NT NO7I D. DEEDBOOK WILL BE .4D17f 1) TO.IIfE` Y1:ANS AF IER PC,�I:T HAS BEEN RECORDED. 29 [General Comment] Prier to final site plan approval, a WPO plan must be submitted, reviewed, and approved by the Engineering Division. Please see Engineering comments below for additional information. Rev. I. -Comment not fully addressed, please see Engineering comments for further details. ✓ COMMENTNOTED. 30. [General Comment] It appears thattlic major amendment will utilize some of thL approved sheets from SDP201600076. Please provide a list of the approved final site plan sheets on the Cover Sheet, and cross out which sheets will not be amended with this major amendment. Thais is critical Page 6 for items such as the construction details, as well as certain sheets necessary for Engineering review (sight distance profiles and traffic management plan), f REFER TO C-100. THE SHEET INDEX TOR SDP20160076 HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE PI„ 4NSS' SHEETS THAT ARE NOT' UTILIZED FOR SID02018000.17 HAVE BEEN CROSSED OUT a. [30.7.4 (b)] Provide a narrative of the disturbances to areas of Preserved Steep Slopes on the Cover Sheet. There are some areas of Preserved Slopes adjacent to Moores Creek Lane that will be disturbed to allow installation of utility lines. See the project narrative on Sheet SP I of the approved final site plan for an example of how this information should be conveyed (where Preserved Steep Slopes will be disturbed, and Zoning Ordinance section that allows the disturbance by -right). ✓ REFER To C-100. STEEP SLOPES NARRATIVE HAS BEEN ADDED. b. Please reference the approved final site plan in Note I on Sheet C-100 (SDP201600076). f REFER TO C-100. PURPOSE UFAMFNDENDMENTNoTE I HAS BEEN REVISED. 31. [30.71 The revised major site plan amendment layout proposes to disturb areas of Preserved Steep Slopes behind buildings 2, 3, and 4. There is a zoning map amendment application under review (ZMA201 K000.17) to rezone those Preserved Steep Slopes to Managed Steep Slopes in order to allow disturbance of these areas as currently shown. The major site plan amendment cannot be approved until the ZMA is approved and these slopes have been re -designated as Managed Steep Slopes. Should the ZMA be disapproved by the Board of Supervisors, the project will need to be re -designed so that those northern Preserved Steep Slopes remain undisturbed. ✓ THE DISTURBANCE OF THE PRESERVED SLOPES IS TO INSTALL PUBLIC STORM SEWER AS DESCRIBED IN THE STEEP SLOPE NARRATIVE. 32. [General Comment] Please move the crosswalk in the travel way between buildings 4 and 5 so that it connects to where the sidewalks terminate. ✓ THE CONNECTION AS SHOWN MEETS ADA REQUIREMENTS AND DOES NOT HAVE TO BE LOCATED AS REQUESTED. Page 7 FIRE RESCUE — SHAWN MADDOX 1. The emergency apparatus tarn -around shall be marked as afire lane to ensure nothing is placed in those areas. ✓ REFER TO C-200. PAINTED CURB, No PARKIN(; -FIRE LANE .SIGNS, AND 'VT IPPED PAVT_MENT IIAVF BE,ANADDED TO HIT PLANS" 2. FDC's must be shown on the plan and located within 100' of a hydrant for those buildings that. will be spriuklered. ✓ NONI: OF' ITII B£III.DINGS WII..I .B]-.' SPRINKI Is'Rl,' D A I' I HISS' 77MF.. 3. Building heights that exceed 30' require; the travel way lobe increased to 16' unobsInicted width. ✓ RLr,.1 R'I'O C-200. ADJUSTMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE; AS R.EOUESTI'sL TO COMPLY WI'ITI'1TIE RI-QUIRFD UNONSTRUCTED TRAVEL, WAY_ 4. A fire flow test shall be required before final acceptance. ✓ COMMENTNOTED Knox boxes will. be required for the struchure, location to be coordinated with the fire marshal's office. ✓ REFER TO C-201.. SI'm1 , ,i),I,AN NOTE 4 WAS SHOWN ON PREVIOUS S1113M1.'1-FAI,. Page 8 ENGINEERING -- .DAVID JAMES I. Submit a VSMP plan & application. Not addressed — VSMP plan approval required prior to FSP approval. ✓ CO.IlA,iEsr T _.--V07FD 2. WPO plan approval required prior to site plan approval. Not addressed. ✓ CO_'111 ILVI' NOTED 3. Cover: The SDP# is SDP201800065. Addressed. 4. Existing Conditions sheet: Show all existing easements with deed references (i.e. forest/open space, public drainage, etc.). Review plat... 5. Provide engineered plans and computations for the retaining wall design for all the walls that are next to parking or travelways. Specify all structural components and dimensions of wall. The following items will be required [DSM]: a. A typical detail. (VDOT standard walls are acceptable) b. Specific details as required for unusual or possibly conflicting areas. An example is where utilities are expected to go through walls or footings (Show accurate wall features/dimensions where they cross on the profiles). c. Certified computations to support the design (for wall over 4' high). All soil and bearing assumptions, as well as reinforcement materials and assumed loadings must be included. Addressed, building permit required. If the drainage easement is intended to be public and meets the criteria, than provide a cut-off sleeve for the pipe through retaining wall D. ✓ REFER TO C-201. CUY OFF,5'LEE1,E'HAS'BEENFRO�7DFD. 6. Wall design should include at a minimum: a. Typical sections for all configurations. b. Details for any pipes, utilities, structures through geogrid. c. Structural computations with original seal. d. Accurate surcharges and loading assumed. e. Materials & dimensions match plans. f. Appropriate safety factors used. g. Safety provision(s) for vehicles and pedestrians for walls over 30" high (Typ. guardrail, wall, or fencing). h. Show accurate depiction of horizontal depth (batter) on site plans. i. Structural reinforcement layout shown and dimensioned (steel, geogrids, etc.). Addressed, building permit required. if the drainage easement is intended to be public and meets the criteria, than provide a cut-off sleeve for the pipe through retaining wall D. Page 9 ✓ REFER TO C•201, GUT OTT'SI.EETT HAS BI;F-VADI)ED TO THF. PL4A`.. 7. Provide Fie show guardrail over any slope steeper than 3:1, wall, or drop-off greater than 4', with start and end sections labeled, and with VDOT designations (GR-2, GR-. 2a, etc.). Show exactly where the guardrail is being placed. ✓ RETTR TO C- 200. N07E II I S BEEN 2DDED `I'O RET [+.41:L C. 8. Sheet 4 —Show trading elevations on proposed contours adjacent to proposed walls. ✓ REFFR'I`O ('-201: EI FVAT'IONS WF-�RE SI=IOVIWN ON PRF'VIO(15 SIJ13MI1'I'AL, 9. Add notes: a. All walls over 30" height to have safety provisions in place. b. All wall construction will not impact the preserved slopes. Show safety railing for 3.5' wall. ✓ RI:YER TO C-200. SAFETY RAIL, HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE PI.,AN. 10. Include ALL. notes on previously approved FSP making corrections to them where not accurate. Addressed. 11. Water runoff going over 24' max height wall may erode soils behind wall and cause scour issues. Addressed. 1.2. Water runoff coming down 2:1 slope may likely concentrate and channelize eroding slope. Concentrated water at bottom may cause localized flooding issues if Str. 5A becomes clogged. Drainage should not run across, thru, or backwater in durripster areas. 118- Addressed. 13. For grass stabilization on constructed slopes, the maximum steepness is 3:1. Slopes steeper than 3:1 must be permanently stabilized with landscaping vegetation hardier than grass, which will not require mowing. Monkey grass alone is not an approvable; See VADEQ ESC HB, Spec. 3.32 & 3,37 for what's recommended. A mix of shrubs, non -turf grasses, and other vegetation would be best. Low maintenance is the key. Whatever is planted should have a mix of quick germination and slower growing ground cover to get the best results. ✓ REFER TO G103. L liVDSC41'E_�;'0TE 8 lL4SB1;E_.N'ADDED TO THL'plA.NS. 14. Show bumper block detail. Show bumper blocks for parking spaces that are adjacent to 5' wide sidewalks. Alternatively, increase sidewalk width to 6. {18- e} Addressed. 15. Show future drainage connection upstream of Str. 5A & 7 showing proposed public easement. What's shown is not acceptable. Drainage must: be coming through site to those structures in order to rut through preserved slope areas. Alternatively, Page .1.0 provide detention onsite and drainage easement will not cross through preserved slope and will be private. Acknowledged. 16. Provide anchor at joints where pipes are over 16% slope. Addressed. 17. Provide drainage area map, drainage summary table, drainage calculations and ditch cross sections. Acknowledged —to be addressed on VSMP plan. 18. Show sight distance profiles. Acknowledged. 19. Provide Maintenance of Traffic plan. Acknowledged. 20. Sidewalk location and widths, minimum T width, 4" concrete surface with wire/rebar reinforcement, 4" 21-A stone base, with underdrains (UD-4, etc) per VDOT standards where applicable. Addressed. 21. The pavements section has changed from approved FSP, and l don't think this should be allowed, provide justification. Addressed. 22. Private road standards must be met [DSM] and where standards not specified in ordinance road shall meet VDOT standards. Addressed. 23. Provide concrete inlet shaping (IS-1) specified on any structure with a 4' or greater drop. ✓ REFER TO C-300. STORM SEWER PROFILE 1 HAS BETN RE, VISED. 24. Provide safety slabs (SL-1) in any structure taller than 12'. ✓ REFER TO G300. ST()RA4.SEWF...R PROFILE] HAS BEEN REVI.STO. 25. Remove public label for proposed drainage easements. Drainage pipes don't appear to cross site from offsite or come from a public road. ✓ REFER TO C-201. A NOTE HAS BEEN ADDED TO S'TR-SA STATING FUTURE CONNECTION TO EX-101 ON TMP77-4OM Page 11 RWSA -- VICTORIA FORT Sheet C:-101: 1. Include a note this sheet that temporary fericirig will be required for security while the fence is removed for the sanitary sewer installation ✓ TEMPOR4RY FECNINGAND.NOTF, MAVIs BPENADDlo. 2. Label and call out the deed book and page number for the RWSA sanitary sewer easement this sheet ✓ LABEL AND CALL OUT HAVE BEEN ADDED. Sheet C 201: 1. Show the RWSA sewer line this sheet (manholes are shown and labeled, but not the sewer alignment) ✓ SEWER IS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. SheetC-202: 1. Label and tail out the deed book and page number for the RWSA sanitary sewer easement this sheet ✓ LABEL AND CALL OUT HAVE BEEN ADDED. 2. Call out, the proposed water connection location and refer to utility plan notes, this sheet ✓ CALL OUT AND REFER) NCE 'TO NOTES MIS BEEN ADDED. 3. Call out the proposed 20' ACSA sanitary sewer easement across RWSA property (TMP /7.38R) ✓ CALL OUT .HAS BEEN ADDED. 4. Call out the proposed sanitary sewer drop connection location and refer to utility plan notes, this sheet ✓ CALL, 01rr ANll R)E:FFRENCE TO NOTES AHS BEF,.N ADDED. S. Utility Plan Notes —revise note #5 as follows: "A flaw acceptance request will he required if the end vendors will produce greater, than 40,000 gpd of sewage flows" ✓ NOTE S HAS BEEN REVILSED. 6. Add the fallowing note to the Utility flan Notes: a. Actual sanitary sewer invert elevations to be determined in the field and at RWSA's sole discretion ✓ NOTE HAS BEEN ADDED. Sheet C-300: 1. On Sanitary Sewer Profile 1, include the following note: a. See utility plan notes on sheet C-202 ✓ NOTF HAS BEEN ADDED. Page 12 2. On Sanitary Sewer Profile 1, label manhole Ex-3 at Sta. 0+00 as "RWSA Manhole MCI- MH-03" 3. On Water Main Profile 1, include the following note: a. See utility plan notes on sheet C-202 ✓ NOTE HAS BEEN ADDED. 4. On Storm Sewer Profile 1, call out a minimum vertical separation of 18" between the existing 30" clay sanitary sewer and the proposed 24" HDPE Storm sewer with ✓ CALL OUT HAS BEEN ADDED. 5. On Storm Sewer Profile 1, label the RWSA sanitary sewer as "RWSA 30" Clay Sanitary Sewer" ✓ LABEL HAS BEEN ADDED. Page 1 ACSA - J REMY LYNN Sheet C-100 1, COMMENT NOTED, 2. WATER AND SEWER DATA S1IF,1"fS ARF: ATTACHED. 3. THE UPPER SEC'i'i0N .IS NOT PARTOF THIS AMENDMENT- AN SECO.NI) AMENDMENT FOR THE UPPER SECTION WILL BE SUBMI'I"I'ED AF" I`ER THIS AMENDMENT IS APPROVED. Sheet C-101 1. SHEET ELIMINATED Sheet C-200 - 1. SHI'F..T E'LIMINA..TED Sheet C-202 I. S7-'W1 R LA 1'FRA.L S:MF:S HAVE BEEN ADDED 7O 7711i' PLAN: ?. (,I PANO[IT' IIASBI}.' NMOVI,.]-) TO :I`H}' {S:IDF.WAIX. 3. SEWER LATERAL FOR BUILDING 1 HAS BEE NMOYED TO MII-A. -I. IT WASAGRE.T.D 711AT SINCE, .1 I E BIASTING } ()ll TfIF CURRENI'A.I,ICaNMIN7' ILAS BEEW COMPL EITD THE WA TM MAIN WHJ' NC)T HA VJ- 0 Bl-,' SHIFTED. 5. FIXTURE+ COUNTS ART' NO7' AVAILABLE AT TILLS TIME- 1 " SETTERS ARE SH(: WN TO ALLOW F'OR aO GPM. IP' "I'Ill ' AC7'11A.LL USI'Rx5 Nl,PI) ADDI7""ZONAL FI:OWS 7I7I N A LARGER WATER SERVCIE AND SETTER WILL HAVE BE. APPVOED AND PROVIDED, 6 SINGLE TAPS FOR BUILDING 2 AND 3 HAVE BEENADDED TO THE.PLAMS Sheet C-300 T SL)R-26HAS BEIINADDED T'O THE PROFILES. 1. 0. 2 ' I;4I.J.."I. 'HRO UGH ALL MA.NHOLE�S HAVE' .t31,'fs'1V PROVII V7). 3. SEWER PROFILE FOR MH's DI TO D IIAS BEENADDED TO THE PLAN. 4. THEl. 'MINIMUM C.,'OVF.R0L'ERWA'I'F.RMAINS HAS BE'INADDF'l 10THE PLAN, Sheet C-302 -- 1.- SHEE7 ELIMINATED Sheet C-401 '1TIRU C-403 Please let me know if you need additio►W information. Sincerely, Timothy° Miller, P.E., L.S. Principal RECENEY JAN 18 2019 Page 14 r)EVELOPMENT