HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP199500089 Approval - County 2019-03-01G �RC:IN1*
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902-4596
Phone (434) 296-5832 Fax (434) 972 4126
March 1, 2019
Norman Brinkman
Jefferson Realty Partners, LLC.
2125 Ivy Rd. Ste. 1-21
Charlottesville, VA 22903
RE: LOR # 1 for SDP199500089; Riverside Center 2325 Seminole Lane Renovation
Tax Map/Parcel Number 045B1-06-00-001BO
Dear Mr. Brinkman,
This letter is in response to the attached Letter of Revision Request dated February 21, 2019. The
Department of Community Development hereby grants approval of this LOR for the following
modifications to SDP 1995-89, depicted on the modified site plan and described below. It shall be noted
that though the applicant has referenced Site Plan 1989-03 on their submitted documentation, the
Department of Community Development is tying this LOR to application SDP 1995-89.
1. Extension of north wall V 10" to the west
2. New concrete pad at new entrance door and relocation of HVAC equipment to east side of
3. Relocation of four ADA parking spaces from north side to area in front of building
4. Cantilevered canopies over both front entrances
5. Installation of 2ea. 4" bollards at both ends of canopies
6. ADA ramp between both entrances
7. Replace sidewalks on west elevation with new to match prior existing
8. Addition of 4' x 4' concrete pad at new electrical room in front of building
These changes are noted in the attached request and plan. This is the first Letter of Revision for this site.
A total of three LORs may be requested after which any further changes to the plan will require
submission in the form of a site plan amendment application.
Jeff P. Baker
Senior Planner
Attachments: Letter of Request & Application
Revised Site Plan
Application for
Letter of Revision
OX Letter of Revision = $108
This application may require additional review by the Fire Marshal. Fees in addition to those shown on this
application may be required as required by the Fire Prevention Code Fee Schedule. A copy of the schedule is
available from the Fire Marshal.
Final Site Plan Name and Number: 2335 Seminole Lane SDPa9-0U3, ARB-2018-96
Contact (who should we contact about this project) Norman T Brinkman, Managing Member, Jefferson Realty Partners, LLC
Street Address 2125 Ivy Road, Suite 1-21
City Charlottesville
Phone Number 434.242 1401
Owner of Record Jefferson Realty Partners, LLC
Street Address 2125 Ivy Road, Suite 1-21
City Charlottesville State VA _ Zio Code 22903
Phone Number 4342421401 Email normb@ntbdnkmanco.com
Applicant Jefferson Realty Partners, LLC
Street Address 2125 Ivy Road, Suite B21
City, Charlottesville State VA
Phone Number 434.242,1401
normb@ ntbri nkma nco. com
0 The appropriate fee,
0 The site plan number that the change applies to,
® A request letter describing the proposed changes from the owner or authorized agent,
0 4 copies of the plan that shows the proposed changes,
Changes must be shown on the sheet or sheets from the approved final site plan, or on an 11"XIT' copy of that portion of the approved
final site plan.
Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign
I hereby certify that the information provided on this application and accompanying information is accurate, true and correct to the best
of my wledge and b
` 2/21/19
i ature of Own Date
Norman T Brinkman, Managing Member, Jefferson Realty Partners, LLC 434.242.1401
Fee Amount $ icy*_ Date Paid(- y who?
Depart;rient of Community Development
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: (434) 296-5832 Fax: (434) 972-4126
REVISED 4/23/201 S Page 1 of i
Partners, LLC
21 February 2019
Jeff Baker
Department of Community Development
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Re: SDP89-003; ARB-2018-96
Riverside Center 2325 Seminole Lane Renovation - LOR
Dear Jeff,
Attached please find an application for a Letter of Revision for our approved Site Plan SDP89-
003. That site plan only affected Building 2335 and the main parking/driveway area, but did
not touch Building 2325, the subject of our current Building Permit application, and our
approved ARB request ARB-2018-96. I've attached Sheet C2 from the approved site plan as it
was the only one that showed Building 2325.
I've tried to contain all our work to the building and make no changes to the parking areas,
utilities, or other site infrastructure, and I've tried to do all work to the building "skin" and within
the existing building footprint, to try to avoid needing an LOR, if I property understood what
changes would trigger it. Once I've described the work, you'll need to tell me if I succeeded or
not. If I did, you won't need these materials and application. If I didn't, hopefully you will have
all you need to approve and release my building permit.
Overall our scope does not add any square footage to the building, but rather just replaces the
building skin with materials that match or compliment those on Building 2335. The existing
long covered walkways, which extended 5' from the building on the west elevation have been
removed and will be replaced with sunshades to match those on Building 2335. They will only
extend 3'-6" from the west elevation. The sidewalks that ran down the west elevation and were
in bad repair were removed and will be replaced with new sidewalks in exactly the same
locations. The two existing gabled entrances have been removed and will be replaced with
metal framework entrances at exactly the same location. Their structure will be built entirely
within the existing entrance footprint. The one thing that is different about these entrances is
that they each have a cantilevered metal and glass canopy that is kept high enough (almost 16'
off of the paved surface) to avoid issues with trucks or ambulances. No part of their support
structure touches the ground outside of the existing entrance footprint.
Jefferson Realty Partners, LLC
2125 Ivy Road, Suite 1-21, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
434.284,8184 (0) 434.234,9815 (F)
Jeff Baker - LOR Submittal - Riverside 2325
21 February 2019
Page 2 of 2
We have also added a door on the north elevation of the building so that surgeons can more
easily go from Building 2325 to the surgery center and back. That door has a small concrete
stoop and an equally -sized rain protection canopy which is hung off the building and has no
structure that touches the ground. If this feature (the stoop or the canopy) triggers an LOR, I
can ask the University to remove it - I've already preemptively raised that idea with them today,
in case it would be necessary.
Well, I hope that I have adequately explained what we are doing. If not, or if you have
questions, please let me know as soon as possible as we are really under pressure from the
For Jefferson Realty Partners, LLC
Norman T. Brinkman
NTB: ct
CC: Jeff Baker
Partners, LLC
15 August 2018
Margaret Maliszewski
Chief of Planning/Resource Management
County of Albemarle
401 McIntire Road, North Wing
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Re: ARB-2018-96
Riverside Center 2325 Seminole Lane Renovation
Dear Margaret,
We have received your comments and request for revisions to our most recent ARB submittal
referenced above. Attached please find documents, as requested, reflecting revisions to be
incorporated in response to your requests, specifically:
The lighting / photometric plan has been revised to reflect an LLF of 1.0. The attached
revised fixture cut sheets support that calculation. All these documents have been
prepared and assembled by Moore's Electrical.
2. All fixtures have either been revised or clarified, and fixture schedule and cut sheets
updated, to show that all fixtures selected are 3,000 lumens or less.
3. We have eliminated the strip LED lighting on the north elevation, although I think that
there was some misunderstanding as to what we proposed. I completely understand
and agree with the County's position on "outlining of buildings" (and windows). One
only has to view one striking restaurant example of that on the east side of the 29N to
know why. We had proposed a strip of hidden LED lights (notvisible but indirect) in
lieu of multiple "pin can" downlights washing a portion of the north wall. Feeling that
recessed cans would create a vertical "striping" effect that would not be as nice as a
subtle and even lighting within a concealed overhang. We have withdrawn this
request. Once the two overlapping planes of that north elevation are constructed, and
our initial intent can be more clearly demonstrated, I may request reconsideration,
through the proper ARB process.
One other revision, reflected in the attached documents, is worthy of note. As the entire east
elevation of the building is NOT visible from the entrance corridor, BRW Architects felt, and I
Jefferson Realty Partners, LLC
2123 Ivy Road, Suite 821, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
434.284,8184 (0) 434.234,9815 (F)
Margaret Maliszewski
20 August 2018
Page 2 of 2
agree, that it would be better to make that entire elevation consistent - as the vertical board -
and -batten style metal siding previously proposed for the majority of that elevation, rather than
introducing another material on that side. Therefore, the revised architectural elevations,
attached hereto, now show the same vertical metal siding on the entire east elevation.
I trust that these submittals meet your intent and fully satisfy your request. If not, or if
something remains unclear, please let me know immediately.
For Jefferson Realty Partners, LLC
Norman T. Brinkman
cc: BRW Architects
e c1 9 32'20' 139-00_23_14 11.601 23.11 N68.27.16•E SERVICE AUTHORITY (ACSA) GENERAL WATER Bit SANITARY SEWER NOTES
j f p II C2 d2.17'34 d85.00 133.60 70.Ofi 130.59 N53'34'48'E GENERAL WATER 8 SEWER CONDITIONS �+ v C31 90'Ol'S5" 85-00 133.57 85.05' 320.24 N32'41'25'N 1. All materials and methods of oonshuctiM shall amnply with the latest tro;. of the
j _ General Vote and Sever Con3buctan Speuf.=ions as adopted by the Albemarle r`
C4 30'49'52'1 45.00 24.21 12,41 23.92 N42-13.32'N 1, Work shall be subject to inspection by Albemarle County Service Ca illy 5 uice Aufkority a, Jm; y 15, 1998, except os mod/ed below a mocified in
1 f _ 1 Authority (ACSA) inspectors. The contractor will be respone.ble for Spend kotes.
natifying Lae proper ACSA officials a: the start of the Nark. 2 R'WSA short aMase or,. Carstructim materials and methods of constructfcn- A ��^i �y w
-a PARENTHESIS CURVE DATA 2 ;he loco :on of existing utilities ecross the line of the proposed work --- a "-dd with RWSA prior to tre s:.j of any wc:R r o
LINE DELTA RADIUS LL_ ARC TANGENT CHORD CNORO BEARING: are not necessarily shown on the pIcAS and where shown are only 1)• O
;recensUsel�m cankr ,-• ellci b
3, The contractor s,Cl b. responsible for notifying Afgs Utility (t-1a0-552-
1 - 7 4. RWSA (ng", (Vic x:e Fort at (434) 977-2970 oxL 205) $her bt nMirrd lace
C1 9-30.44- 139.00 23.OB 11,56 23.051 N69.49'33-E approximately correct. The contractor shall, on his own Initiative, locate
r • - business days pry to the start ai wnstrucJtn.
C2 42'15'00' S81.00 133. 41 69.93 130.47 N53.27'25'E all underground lines and struct.res, as necessary. S A! .ark Is s b;cd to ' spectian by RWSA start No 6-is la tha ndstng sr±rn Ly
- ( L'3 T90'00'00' 85.00 133.52 85.00 120.2f Nf2'40'05'N 3. All materials and construction shell comply with the current edition of - 1 b mach with arse -alien with and the preen..1 RWSA stuff. No work
i 1 i tit 30'44' 16' 45.001 24. 14 42.371 221151 the general water and Sewer construction s ec4ications, as eel :ed b aT l> c -.cted oa RWSA foaaities on wtdmnds or hdlrays without spee�: written
g P aP y ►�� 1
the ACSA Per•rrssan ham RWSA- ;
6 Far sanitary sewer lint crosln cuon: RWSA may require bypass pumpirq for u¢ kis
4. Datum for ail e.evc6ons shown in National Geodetic Survey. the eA t".9 system. NI doghouse manholes rnus! be press ra-tested Calxe a 1
5. The contractor shall be reruns le for nalifyng Miss Utility cannetcon is mode 1. the 30tan
I I 1 "t i - - Sgy JA T.N. 4581-6-1A i-800-552-7001 . 7. The I-Illn o' esa:ing uH'fies as shown an the plans a hen data aailabla et the
�. r �� h S. FEISCHMAN TRUST ( )
( j I $tr, - S41 • SS_ D 6 cA02-109 6. All water and sewer - ! - time o! design and c ,at neceswady complet occurs±e low Conhoctor shelf be
o - - "4er 3�•S M D 8 '162-309 FLAT p�pes shall have a minimum of three and c half respa,salla far me rerificafia: of the aosfm el od death of elf e,Astirg ut1jf-,M ` p
I y �D 8 via q_s (3.5) feet of cover measured from the top of pipe, over the centedine bath srfare and oubou"ace, The Ccnuaotcr shd: imms!:altiy cou'y the Engineer at ? w
a'6 • 8 1 • USE. RE510ENCE s any disaepmces between the Plans and Fdd condition. it.. Ca,hadtx shoo use due ~ z i o i aiB 30, 65 of pine. This includes oil fire hydrant lines, service IOtetaiS and Waver daiga:ce to tratact c1 ulditt,es and struduras from domagc at as tuts, whether
• y 7 lines,
clot r d p a4 I Shawn an the sans r nal Damage to any ex s' ng uta lks s.oa be rtpcire.-' by the
1 oN water cod sower appurtenances are to be located outside of cantroctar to 1ha ag d c�dtan a no addta d cast to the 0rx.
I t o 1 _ `+ "� - 9. .�� roadside ditches. & Emstrs and sedllend control I -fit:. e..1 not be perm ltee a the RWSA easement
`'• I sF - 6. Valves an deadend Imes shall be redded to provide adequate rest rvnt w.I specialwr.Fermis hen RASA, No grad'irg ."I be permitted b the
if, R'NSA easenmt Nan udss eerml 'led dR_, ` by RASA in .1 9 .t •r 4 \ for the vCive during a future extension 0, the line, 9 No basting shall be permuted wittm 100 feet of RWSA Imellnts without written '-
1 p. Trees are not permitted in the ACSA easement. pamnmsicn aid R1IF,�1 approxi of the $los:ing plan. Gni.nc coos:@rr'ng during blasting
10. The contractor shcl be responsible to comply with the no -lead .d a pre -blast wney may be requ'red. Fa• b+cst.g ;the too fee, of am, cpactrv.
1 _ - regulation regarding bass fittings effective January 4. 2014 (senate bill RVSA wwsr`! s, byaass Pumping and/x Pro and past-CC-V may be foua d. RASA
( our ti - - y dsolied req r will .Id aces a licensed ptilit , nit cop •talrg that s, the
i 1n1 } 3874 xhiah amends- the sane drinkn water act), !' - 9 ) proposed N,a[ g w11 cot dareage any RASA lacaities. 0ama^.re to any utq.tis do Fa 32
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I' to ¢ ..a� o tiW Pres.rml - _ °°o,. o30.
P W F q &�4ar - NOTES FOR LOR 03 a
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1 EA r
W.B._ 4 Note 7 � ° General Note: Accessible Parking and access aisles
tj "' f �. '• ,
`- T.M.A581-5 c-
1-1 ° r shall not have a surface slope greater than 1:48.
'-( a - °c. ? Access aisles shall be at the same level as the O 1�
a. Note4 ¢ svE•q a r-s;•rF tN
o B s 7-3»
1 1 / r - - _- 770Raac�-Ar Parking they Serve. W
Preserved Us
E n SIOENC_ r'`
n Note 1 - Existing travel lane 22' to edge of sidewalk W d
f5' NAT�'1 LSNE EASEM°NT l or - } / ♦ a'.'hTSiEi•S i" 2gNEa. dC'"., - curbing, both entrances. 4
I /l ID. B. ,505-332) : 1 ` - _
(0.5. 4)-.1 fe6 AS SiU'nN _ NIT
ON FLAT EN 0.8, f0A5-33,3 - L _ -
i I 1 / _ _ f (0. B. 1505-332) - + 0- Note 2 - Replace all existing sidewalks on west elev. I
I }I l:-m2 of Flood ►. Note 2 - {
_ f�U `I' i / Note 6 �.. "o.r with concrete sidewalks inexactly the same �i 1
\L location.
4 Qm2
y \ Portion or Ex�' �;i - •g St 9
• w. .;6 1EC 1 : Note 3-4'-0"x4'-O" concrete pad added.
i4nila of RMd-1t'F
crs3CKFTT PaRAi IaN S SI `` hhNote
C.-. 56 PLar 1 Ton. Ai aw To ri r- � o m^ r„�ac. ❑J
0.6 62 t 1 r BdlianoWed (/Gin rem coo 4 - Projected glass canopy at both entrances -
ZENED.. r•aa- I - .-. V'RGINIA
USE: vACANi7^OREST l - - - .- „• 1 .1 _ AND PGA'ER CONPANv ri• 1 a a -p t - ry Y extends 5'-6" past edge of curb, 16' above
l.~ "i ! .. i { EASEMENT \i `V Note 3 �,� r m d o o pavement.
D3 f 084 PG 194
-_1 ONE STORY KNote1 IC` ;; ,�' •• 4,iIts Notes - Handica ram i Q V
t / . / 1,5"RANAGE ASENE. T I p p going in both directions to
( F: BRIC7t D 8LOCK I T N 4 aS^5 t,�\J
I c J WISASENENT �_, - ` - D° �G 3n p,; : HERM" s, LE 2 new entrances from a central entry point.
r. I -/r�r F
-1 1 o rrr/e gt Fz Parking ♦ / / �✓ 1 . j UZCyaFFict n ` \
Spaces To `. • Note 6 - See attached detail for location of new W
_ bollards -4 at each entrance, centered 12" from C
.MW � - �_1 Be RnMped � ( -• ,.. f `� t :�� - ----
edge ofsidewalk curb.
r O
i 1 i i Ex lrvac w to I f Po t ape at Es: , x 1,a r 9en3� }-. Z Z
t o ` :j (To Bw R4ocoted..as - ` m+menL back:': 4r1,g. l' Note 7-Relocate 4 handicap spaces to slope less ��y►�y;
-'{ Ta Roof} that 1:48. See additional detail and general note W • 1
LOR Request for SDP89-003
Showing proposed changes to
site contiguous to
Building 2325
Riverside Center
See attached sheet for more
detail on bollards at entrances
fir. .2C
Er Deckaz above. G l
/ Q O
r ` i / , r o� ^ to eN S ' a Note 8 - 3'-6"x5'-O" concrete pad at new entrance Z !
I Sopca r 1 ?, (To Be RmiasW) / r` � �%i �` / yY a `s'T'
ji ii _ r J •ua CECN / 9t + •y /� b� a'
.i i • 1 f t -_- ® / q 4- eg 7 L` _ _-•___ ! door. 3'-6"x5'-O" suspended canopy over. HVAC W 1 i 1 •{7 r2,'4 J - ,
1 1 + - "� r '� j , Z,'l AE - �. equipment relocated to east side of the building, Q J
behind existing bollards. F
( / on.
'1 t - _ t . irto_SctbocN.
i Note 9 - Extend wall 1'-10" to east. Q
i _ v 1'03' 5• 'ti 1. t � 1 � fl}
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