HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB200400244 Application 2004-08-02 4Ov;1
s ,
Department of Community Development
401 McIntire Road
Charlottesville,Virginia 22902-4596
Phone(434)296-5832 Fax(434)972-4126
TO: File Archive
FROM: Records Management
RE: Withdrawn Subdivisions
Per County Code(Chapter 14,Subdivision of Land),this application has been WITHDRAWN.
Sec. 14-221 Deferral of review of preliminary plat;when application deemed withdrawn.The review of,and
action on,a preliminary plat may be deferred,and an application for a preliminary plat may be deemed
withdrawn,as follows:
A. Request to defer by subdivider.A subdivider may request that review or action on its
application for a preliminary plat be deferred for a specified period up to six(6)months.If
during the deferral period the subdivider does not request the agent to take action on the
preliminary plat as provided in section 14-222 within six(6)months after the date the deferral
was requested,the application shall be deemed to have been voluntarily withdrawn.
B. Failure to submit revised plat.If a subdivider fails to submit a revised preliminary plat to
address all of the requirements within six(6)months after the date of the letter from the agent
as provided in section 14-220,the application shall be deemed to have been voluntarily
withdrawn by the subdivider.
Sec. 14-229 Deferral of review of final plat;when application deemed withdrawn.The review of,and action
on,a final plat may be deferred,and an application for a final plat may be deemed withdrawn,as follows:
A. Request to defer by subdivider.A subdivider may request that review or action on its
application for a final plat be deferred for a specified period up to six(6)months. If during
the deferral period the subdivider does not request the agent to take action on the final plat as
provided in section 14-230 within six(6)months after the date the deferral was requested,
the application shall be deemed to have been voluntarily withdrawn.
B. Failure to submit revised plat. If a subdivider fails to submit a revised final plat to address all
of the requirements within six(6)months after the date of the letter from the agent as
provided in section 14-228,the application shall be deemed to have been voluntarily
withdrawn by the subdivider.
Community Development Department,Planning&
ip , County of Albemarle Community Development Division
401 McIntire Road Charlottesville,VA 22902-4596
Planning Application 1 Voice:(434)296-5823 Fax.(434)972-4012
TMP 05800 00 00 065A1 House # Street Name Apt/Suite
Legal Description ACREAGE
Magisterial Dist,Samuel Miller Land Use Primary Residential--Single-family(incl. modular
Current AFD Not in A/F District Current Zoning Primary Rural Areas
House# Street Name Apt/Suite City State Zip
Street Address 1191 TILMAN RD CHARLOTTESVILLE 22901-
Entered By:Esther Grace on 08/02/2004 Application #
Application Type Subdivision Plat SUB200400244
Project 2,170.0C Rinehart-Divisions
Engineering File # 0
Received Date 08/02/2004 Received Date Final Total Fees $95.00 J
Submittal Date 08/09/2004 Submittal Date Final Total Paid $95.00
Closing File Date Revision Number
❑ Proffering Plan? ❑ Spec. Use Permit Amend.? ❑ Preliminary Site Plan?
❑ Site Plan Waiver? ❑ Preliminary Subdivision Plat? ❑ Planned District Amend.?
❑ Proffers Amendment? ❑ Special Conditions?
2-lot subdivision-Additional Applications being submitted for TMP 58-65A3
Legal Description ACREAGE
Type Sub Application Date Date Entered: 08/02/2004
Final Plat 08/03/2004 Comments
Final Plat 08/03/2004 Tract A&Tract B
Status Status Date Entered By:Esther Grace on 08/02/2004
Under Review 08/02/2004 Comments
Under Review 08/02/2004
Contact Type Primary Contact
Contractor Contact#
RAY, ANITA (ROGER W RAY&ASSOCIATI Zip Code 22903-0000 Phone# (434) 293-3195
Fax # (434) 293-4202 Cellular# ( ) -
E-mail rwrinc@earthlink.net
174.01-k 0___
Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date
SUB# TMP - - -
Application For Review of a Subdivision Plat
, rr
❑ Preliminary Plat 11 1 inal Plat
h1 Two-lot subdivision as described in section 14-239(B)(1)or if all lots fronton an existing public street=$95
❑ Resubdivision(section 14-239)_$75
❑ Condominium Plat=$100
❑ Vacation(section 14-240)=$170
5 copies of Plat are required for above
❑ 1 to 9 lots=$360 ❑ If subject to Planning Commission Review=$720
❑ 10 to 19 lots=$550 ❑ If subject to Planning Commission Review=$1,100
❑ 20 or more lots=$670 ❑ If subject to Planning Commission Review=$1,330
16 copies of Plat are required for first submittal of above -7 copies required for a revision
Other matters subject to Planning Commission review
❑ Waiver,variation or substitution of subdivision requirements($180):Attach written justification
❑ Relief of conditions of prior approval($180):Prior File Name/Number
Other matters subject to Administrative review
❑ Reinstatement of review($65)
❑ Extension of plat approval($45)-NIust be submitted at least Five(5)days prior to expiration of plat.
❑ Request to defer action on plat to an indefinite date($75)
❑ Bonding inspection for plate ($60)
Other matters subject to Board of Supervisors review
❑ Appeal to Board of Supervisors($240):Prior File Name/Number
Project Name: ' v CICt A t Y act f
Tax map and parcel: 5b-(Q Stk I
Contact Person(Who should we c/ lallnvrue concerning this project')
Firm ' o ex V\I • 1 ASsdc. Inc
Address till- 115 A I II t pl S4-r e e.'1 Cit\ Char IO I 1 eJ vl I It State vA Zip 2.2903
Daytime Phone( T34 ) I(12.Cb—3195 Fax# 2 1 J-`T 20 2— E-mail r W r i Yl C ea�`f Iir1 1�•l�e�
Owner of Record E- t,ck9.e ' �12 . ( 11I IQ pQx qt'}'
Address ?•0• —0rc1W, er 520 Ctt, ,Ni State VA-
Daytime Zip Oa� lc
Phone( ) 2GIS \' ' '` Fax tt E-mail
Applicant(Who is the Contact person representing?) few lti
Address City State Zip
Daytime Phone( ) Fax# E-mail
Fee amount 5 Date Paid Check k B.Who' Receipt F By _
County of Albemarle Department of Planning & Community Development
401 McIntire Road ti• Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: 296-5823 Fax: 972-4035
Property Information:
Does the owner of this property own(or have any ownership interest in)any abutting property" If yes,please list
those tax map and parcel numbers
Physical Street Address(if assigned)
Location of property(landmarks,intersections,or other)
Magisterial District: SawItAtt1 1l 1L,' A
Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation.
Proposed use(s)of property
Acreage Information:
Total parcel acreage 2v •UO ACrU Acreage in new lots S.00
#of new lots
Acreage in open space
Acreage in roads.
Chef IC —for
Owner/Applicant Must Read and Sign
The Subdivision Plat application process process includes providing the Planning Commission with all the information
required in Chapter 14 Subdivision of Land of the Albemarle County Code.
The foregoing information is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. 1 have read and understand the provisions
of Chapter 14 Subdivision of Land of the Albemarle County Code.
()//:j /2. A
Signature of Owner, Contract Purchaser 9. " 2bb4
£avJ , Agent DatePrinted Name I�
Daytime phone number of Signatory
7/3 I/O? Pas-Ye of
Fina_ Subc ;vision CkecklisiL
,T -
3 Final ❑ Resubdivision (Sec. 14-239) ❑ Vacation of plat/Relocation of Boundary Lines (Sec. 14-240)
Project Name: \ v O CI A `n-Tra4 E
Firm: 0 Y (� • } ti,. ! M S Ot? k C .
This Checklist must be completed, signed and submitted with the application. The information contained in this checklist
reflects the contents of the Subdivision Ordinance as of August 5, 1998. The applicant is responsible for insuring that no
revisions to the Ordinance have occurred since preparation of this document.
In addition to the items on this list, the applicant is reminded that all conditions identified in the preliminary plat review
process must also be satisfied.
Office Use Only
LY .1'6 folded prints of final plat. ❑
❑ Written request for waivers(attach to application): ❑
Please list:
Tentative approvals obtained (attach copy of correspondence with approval):
❑ Albemarle County Department of Engineering and Public Works ❑
(includes VDOT approval)
❑ Albemarle County Department of Building Codes and Zoning Services ❑
❑ Albemarle County Building Official ❑
❑ Albemarle County Fire/Rescue Division ❑
❑ Albemarle County Service Authority(ACSA) ❑
❑ Albemarle County E911 Addressing Coordinator ❑
❑ Thomas Jefferson Health District ❑
Subdivision Ordinance Section 14-303 - Contents of final plat
In addition to containing all of the information required by the Contents of Preliminary Plat(section 14-302)
except for the information required by Existing and Departing Lot Lines (section 14-3021) and Topography
(section 14-302t)a final plat shall contain the following
L7 A. Statement of consent to division. A statement that. "The division of the land described ❑
herein is with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the undersigned owners,propri-
etors and trustees. Any reference to future potential development is to be deemed as theoretical
only.All statements affixed to this plat are true and correct to the best of my knowledge."
�B. Section name or number. The name or number of the section if the property is a part of a ❑
larger piece of land.
County of Albemarle Department of Planning & Community Development
401 McIntire Road •:• Charlottesville, VA 22902 Voice: 296-5823 •: Fax: 972-4035
9/14/98 Page 1 of 3
/ Office Use Only
U C.Boundary lines.The exterior boundary lines of the property with bearings in degrees,min- ❑
utes and seconds. Curvilinear data shall include radius, central angle, arc length, and tangent dis-
tance. All dimensions shall conform to the standards set forth in this chapter
❑ D. Acreage of lots. The total acreage of each existing lot and each proposed lot. ❑
LI/E.Dimension standards of lots,streets,alleys and easements.All linear,angular,and curvi- ❑
linear dimensions of lots, streets, alleys, public easements and private easements shall conform to
the requirements set forth in 18 VAC 10-10-370(C), a copy of which shall be on file in the depart-
ment of engineering and public works. Curvilinear data shall include radius, central angle, arc
length, and tangent distances and may be shown either directly on the corresponding boundary or
surveyed line or in table form.
❑ F.Lot numbers. The lot numbers, in numerical order, and block identification. ❑
G. Setback lines. The location of all minimum building setback lines specified in this chapter 0
the zoning ordinance, with the area in square feet.
El H. Monuments. The location and material of all permanent reference monuments. Monu- ❑
ments found or installed prior to plat recordation may be referred to if permanent and undisturbed.
If any monument required by this chapter will be installed after recordation of the final plat, the
certification of the professional engineer or land surveyor shall so note.
23/I. Bearing and distance ties. A definite bearing and distance tie between not less than two(2) ❑
permanent monuments on the exterior boundary of the property and further tie to existing street
intersection where possible and reasonably convenient.
i ❑ J. Restrictions. Restrictions imposed in conjunction with the approval of the preliminary plat ❑
and their period of existence. If the length of a restriction makes its inclusion on the final plat
impractical, and does not necessitate the preparation of a separate instrument, reference shall be
made to the restriction on the final plat.
❑ K.Temporary cul-de-sacs.The location of temporary cul-de-sacs, if needed,with the follow- ❑
ing accompanying note: "The area on this plat designated as a temporary cul-de-sac will be con-
structed and used as other streets in the subdivision until (street name) is/are extended to (street
name), at which time the land in the temporary cul-de-sac area will be abandoned for street pur-
poses and will revert to adjoining property owners in accordance with specific provisions in their
respective deeds."
C7L. Public utility and drainage easements.The location of all public utility and drainage ease- ❑
ments outside the right-of-way of public streets and private roads.
Len M. Street and road names. The name of each public street and private road, which names ❑
shall be reviewed and approved by the agent
Et N. Statement pertaining to private roads. If the subdivision will contain one or more private ❑
roads, the following statement. "The streets in this subdivision may not meet the standards for
acceptance into the secondary system of state highways and will not be maintained by the Virginia
Department of Transportation or the County of Albemarle"
I/O.Signature panels. Signature panels for the owner and for the agent The signature panel for ❑
the o ner shall be located immediately below the statement required b-y paragraph (A).
yC7 P.Notary panels.Notary panels for the notary to acknowledge the signature of the owner ❑
Private Road Requirements (if any proposed lot fronts on a private road)
CV Plat Note: "This private road will provide reasonable access by motor vehicle as required by ❑
Section 14-514 of the Albemarle County Code"
Piet NntP• "(lnl one[1V el1]�unit�r ar Pl " ❑
Water Protection Ordinance
)Jk❑ Stream buffer(s).Any stream buffers required under Section 17-317 of the Albemarle County ❑
Code shall be shown on the plat along with the following note: "The stream buffer(s)shown hereon
shall be managed in accordance with the Water Protection Ordinance of Albemarle County."
9/14/98 Page 2 of 3
Office Use Only
Documents to be Submitted with Final Plat
❑ Soil evaluations. [Sec. 14-309]
❑ Preliminary opinion of health director. [Sec. 14-310]
❑ Approved erosion and sediment control plan or other evidence. [Sec. 14-311]
❑ Previously approved plans and existing features and improvements. [Sec. 14-312] ❑
❑ Instrument evidencing maintenance of certain improvement. [Sec. 14-313] ❑
❑ Identification of all interests of the County in property. [Sec. 14-314] ❑
❑ Revised master phasing plan. [Sec. 14-315] ❑
Planning and Zoning Department Requirements
❑ Restrictions imposed by the Board of Supervisors and their period of existence.
❑ References to previous ZMA or SP approvals. ❑
Read and Sign
In representing the above referenced firm submitting this plat for final approval, I hereby state that, to the best
of my knowledge, the attached plat and application package contains all information required by this checklist.
I understand that in accordance with Section 14-221, any plat deemed to be incomplete shall be denied. An
application for reinstatement accompanied by a complete plat and the required fee may be filed within 15 days
of such denial. If the plat is not resubmitted within 15 days, a new application for final plat approval with fee
shall be required for submittal of the plat.
2n6 2 264
Signature of person completing checklist Date
1, Z /�, LI2/3-319C
PrintedNam Daytime phone number of Signatory
9/14/98 Page 3 of 3