HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201500111 Calculations Road Plan and Comps. 2015-06-19 PROJECT MANAGEMENT
June 19, 2015
Mr. Jeremy Lynn, P.E.
Senior Civil Engineer
Albemarle County Service Authority
168 Spotnap Road
Charlottesville, VA 22911
Regarding: SUB 2015-00066—Chesterfield Landing
(Previously Wayland's Ridge)
Road Plans
Dear Mr. Lynn,
Please find 2 copies of the water and sewer data sheets attached. Per Albemarle County, Road Plans must be
submitted only to the County, to be distributed to the ACSA. If any additional copies are necessary for your review,
please let me know so I can submit through the proper channels.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest opportunity at lauren@shimp-
engineering.com or Justin Shimp, P.E. may be reached at:justin@shimp-engineering.com or by phone at 434-953-
Best Regards,
Lauren Gilroy
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
Date 06/16/2015
(1) Project Name Chesterfield Landing
(2) Project Location 5700 Jarman Ridge
(3) Consultants Shimp Engineering, PC
(4) Waste Treatment Facility
(5) Design Population (Number)
(6) Connections 25 (Number)
(7) Industrial Waste no
(8) Pipe Material SDR-35
(9) Pipe Diameter (Inches) Length (Feet)
8" 2620
(10) Manholes: (A) Standard 14 (Number)
(B) Drop 0 (Number)
(11) (A) Siphons & Pump Stations (Number)
(B) Force Main (Size-Length) (Feet)
Authority Provide:
Drainage Basin
Sub Drainage Basin
Date 06/01/2015
(1) Project Name Chesterfield Landing
(2) Project Location 5700 Jarman Ridge
(3) Consultants Shimp Engineering, P.C.
(4) Sources ACSA
(5) Design Population
(6) Hydraulic Capacity
(7) Pipe Material DIP
(8) Pipe Diameter (Inches) Length (Feet)
6" 107
8" 1523
(9) Fire Hydrant Assemblies 4 (Number)
(10) Valves: (A) Gate 7 (Number)
(B) Air Relief (Number)
(11) Fittings: (A) Cross (Number)
(B) Tee 1 (Number)
(C) 90° Ell (Number)
(D) 45° Bend (Number)
(E) 221/2° Bend (Number)
(F) Reducer (Number)
(G) Blow-off
Assemblies 2 (Number)
(12) Minimum pressure at critical water meter (20 psi required)
Authority Provide:
Booster Station
Storage Reservoir
Date 06/16/2015
(1) Project Name Chesterfield Landing
(2) Project Location 5700 Jarman Ridge
(3) Consultants Shimp Engineering, PC
(4) Waste Treatment Facility
(5) Design Population (Number)
(6) Connections 25 (Number)
(7) Industrial Waste no
(8) Pipe Material SDR-35
(9) Pipe Diameter(Inches) Length (Feet)
8" 2620
(10) Manholes: (A) Standard 14 (Number)
(B) Drop 0 (Number)
(11) (A) Siphons & Pump Stations (Number)
(B) Force Main (Size-Length) (Feet)
Authority Provide:
Drainage Basin
Sub Drainage Basin
Date 06/01/2015
(1) Project Name Chesterfield Landing
(2) Project Location 5700 Jarman Ridge
(3) Consultants Shimp Engineering, P.C.
(4) Sources ACSA
(5) Design Population
(6) Hydraulic Capacity
(7) Pipe Material DIP
(8) Pipe Diameter (Inches) Length (Feet)
6" 107
8" 1523
(9) Fire Hydrant Assemblies 4 (Number)
(10) Valves: (A) Gate 7 (Number)
(B) Air Relief (Number)
(11) Fittings: (A) Cross (Number)
(B) Tee 1 (Number)
(C) 90° Ell (Number)
(D) 45° Bend (Number)
(E) 221/z Bend (Number)
(F) Reducer (Number)
(G) Blow-off
Assemblies 2 (Number)
(12) Minimum pressure at critical water meter (20 psi required)
Authority Provide:
Booster Station
Storage Reservoir
June 19, 2015
Ms. Megan Yaniglos
Regarding: SUB 2015.00066—Chesterfield Landing
(Previously Wayland's Ridge)
Road Plan and WPO Plans
Dear Ms. Yaniglos,
I have attached 8 copies of the Road Plans and 2 copies of the VSMP Plans addressing your comments dated May
29, 2015. The specific changes are outlined below.
Planning Comments:
1. A subdivision plat meeting the requirements of 14-226.
So noted.
2. [Section 2.2.3 Open Space; 4.7 Open Space Requirements] Cluster developments (Lots less than
30,000sf) require a minimum of 25% open space. Not more than eighty percent of the open space
can be located within the flood plain. If open space is not provided, lots must be a minimum of
30,000sf and have a minimum frontage of 100 feet.
Detailed open space computations have been added to the cover sheet, referencing areas labelled in the
3. [Density Bonus] For the maintenance of wooded areas: Show where the areas are and provide a
conservation plan. The wooded areas must meet the definition in order to qualify(see below).
Also, state the calculations in the Area Summary table.
The wooded areas must be outside of the dedicated land to the County, as well as,not within the
proposed lots in order to assure maintenance.
A density bonus for the maintenance of wooded areas is not being claimed in this submittal.
4. [Density Bonus] For the street trees: no easement is shown along the proposed roads, provide the
easement. Show the trees and provide the required information per 32.7.9.
An easement is now shown along proposed roads "Watervale Drive" and "Oxbow Drive". The trees and
required information are shown in the landscaping plan.
5. [Density Bonus] The park land to be dedicated must be approved by the Board of Supervisors. It
was advised that the applicant take the proposal to the CCAC, did this occur?What was the
feedback from that meeting? If this has not been to the CCAC, coordinate with me so that I can
The applicant took the proposal to the CCAC in the April 15th meeting and the feedback was positive.We
are working with Greg Kamptner on the dedication.
6. [14-302(A)(3)] It appears that the right of way for Road 'B' will be extended to the property lines,
will this be dedicated to public use? If so, state "dedicated to public use"and state the width. Also,
the proposed cul-de-sacs are outside of the right of way. They should be within the right of way.
Road "B" now states "36' Public ROW". The proposed cul de sacs are temporary,and it is anticipated that
they will be vacated in the near future.We believe it is more desirable to place the cul de sacs in an
easement,to make the land easier for VDOT to vacate when the road is extended.
7. [14-422] Sidewalks must extend all around the proposed cul-de-sacs. Also, it appears that the cul-
de-sac is not within the right of way. Revise to have the cul-de-sac within the right of way.
Placement of the cul de sacs within the right-of-way is discussed above. In the same spirit,we believe that
constructing permanent concrete sidewalks around temporary cul de sacs will lead to issues in the future
when the cul de sacs are vacated.All four lots that have frontage on the cul de sacs also have frontage on
sidewalk, and three lots have connections from driveway directly to the sidewalk.
8. [14-422] It appears that the proposed property lines are within the proposed sidewalks and
landscape strips. The landscape strips and sidewalks need to be within the right of way.
This submittal of the plan includes a permanent easement around the proposed sidewalks.
9. [14-302(A)(7)] Show the existing property lines. This proposal is made up of two separate parcels
which must be shown, and if combining show the boundary line adjustment land hooks.
The property line between the two separate parcels is shown on the existing conditions sheet with
boundary line adjustment land hooks.
10. [14-302(A)(12)] The entrance is located within the preserved slopes, however the entrance may
need to be moved to provide less impacts to these slopes. Provide the information required by
VDOT to determine if the entrance is located in the best possible location and cannot be moved to
the south to lessen the impact.
The sight distance profile for the entrance is provided with this plan set.A supplementary report showing
the sight distance limitations is attached to this submittal.
11. [14-302(A)(14)] On the front cover it states that 4.56 acres dedicated to Albemarle County. Does
this include the park dedication and the right of way? If so, separate out the two. If it is only
intended to be the park area, then clarify if the dedication is 4.56 acres as stated on the front cover,
or 1.6 as stated on sheet 2.
The cover sheet and plan sheet have been updated and reconciled to accurately show the proposed land
12. [14-302(B)(7)] State that the property is within the Lickinghole Creek water supply watershed.
The note on the cover sheet regarding the water supply watershed has been updated accordingly.
Engineering Comments(Michelle Robert's):
1. Entrance is crossing preserved slopes. This is okay without a rezoning if we find there is no
reasonable alternative. Confirm with VDOT.
VDOT representative Dennis Seale has identified the planned entrance as the best location for the site.As
shown in the attached report,sight distance is inadequate at the existing driveway.
2. Verify the ditch line is running north adjacent to Crozet Ave. I recommend this resolved now so
you are not proposing a grass swale next to another ditch. This will impact design of the channel to
the biofilter. Also,clarify how the pipe outlet at entrance will be conveyed into the grass channel.
It appears to be uphill.
The pipe outlet at the entrance was indeed running uphill.The water collected by the inlets near the
entrance is now routed north through the existing swale and into the creek.
3. Provide more backyard for lots 4-6. Cut slope back.
The slope behind lots 4-6 has been cut back to provide more backyard.
4. Clarify grading and drainage for lots 10-15 and 17-19. It appears runoff will flow towards homes
and into the garage. Are you providing trench drains at end of driveway before the garage?
Driveway grading should be away from garage and pitched to one side. This is typical
construction. For example lot 10 and lot 20 with a crown does not work well. Revise.
The driveways for these lots have been re-designed to run at 2%toward the street.
5. Clarify type of dwelling. This may help resolve comment#4.
This development will contain a mixture of single-family homes. The footprint shown in the plans is a
60'x55'rectangle showing typical dimensions on the larger end of the anticipated product mix. Lots whose
dimensions restrict the dwelling size are dimensioned with approximate footprints.
6. Grass channel is a BMP facility. This should be off lots. Create a special lot or show in open space
for grass channel. Another option is to provide a normal swale just to convey runoff with inlets at
every 3 lots. This will not be counted for quality.
The grass channel has been removed from the plan.
7. Label road as public.
The road is now labelled as public.
8. Show conceptual pre-treatment area. This is to verify you have enough room for BMP.
No BMP's are proposed in this submittal, refer to the notes on the cover sheet for details.
9. Location of biofilters will work better on the other side of the road. I recommend to relocate. I also
recommend resolving this at the preliminary stage to verify there is enough room for the BMPs
with the proposed number of lots.
The biofilters have been removed from the plan,we will purchase nutrient credits for this project.
10. Otherwise, address concerns listed below prior to the approval of the preliminary plat:
a)Verify there is enough room for the embankment.
b) The standards states no more than 1' ponding for biofilters. In cases of larger storm events
verify that it can bypass biofilter. Runoff should not overtop embankment and spill into road B.
c)Avoid short circuiting. See location of pipes into biofilter.
The biofilters have been removed from the plan. Computations are provided to confirm that the stormwater
conveyance system has sufficient capacity to carry large storm events to the limits of analysis.
11. Both future extensions will need to be verified by planning to clarify how the R/W should be
shown around the cul-de-sac.
So noted.
Address for Final Subdivision Plat:
1. Lot 10-16 driveways should not exceed 16%
No driveways are designed to exceed 16%.
2. Proposed contours should be 2' contours.
2' contours are shown in the plan.
3. Show CG-6 around cul-de-sac to avoid runoff towards retaining wall.
The grading design has been modified to eliminate the retaining wall.
4. Show retaining wall design. Any walls supporting roads require engineered plans (not generic
manufacturer's details) and computations.
See above.
5. Verify classification of trail and provide a detail that meets Albemarle County Design Standards.
Trails should be in common areas, and maintained through neighborhood covenants or private
agreements. When not in common areas, all trails are required to have easements, which must be
a minimum of 10' wide. Concentrated runoff must not run across the trail and where a nonpaved Ai'
surface is used, trail breaks and erosion prevention measures must be used on grades above 7%
to prevent repeated washout of the surface.
A standard detail has been added to the plan for a primitive trail, and it is now entirely within open space t
be dedicated to public park use. No concentrated runoff will run across the trail.Additional details will be
provided if required.
6. Provide outlet protection at the end of culverts from biofilter.
Outlet protection is now specified at the end of the culverts.
ACSA Comments(Alex Morrison):
1. Final Water and Sewer plans are required for review and approval by the ACSA. Please submit 3
copies of the plan, a water data sheet and a sewer data sheet to the attention of Jeremy Lynn, PE.
So noted.
2. RWSA Capacity Certification will be required.
So noted.
3. RWSA review and approval of the sewer connection will be required.
So noted.
Fire&Rescue Comments(Robbie Gilmer):
1. Cul-de-sac's shall be 96 ft FC/FC.
The developer currently has a contract with the owner of the parcel bordering Chesterfield Landing to the
south, and is in negotiations with the owner of the parcel to the north.As additional development is
anticipated in the immediate future, it is impractical to construct and dedicate 96'cul de sacs for such a
short duration, as they will prompt many changes to the layout and setbacks.We are currently proposing
35'temporary cul de sacs at approximately 300'from the road intersection. Please advise regarding the
process for applying for any necessary waivers and regarding any modifications to the plan to improve
2. Radii shall have a minimum radii of 25 ft.
All curb radii are now labelled on the plan, and all are greater than 25 ft.
3. Road's A& B shall be marked No Parking on one side.
Roads A&B now have "No Parking"signs on one side.
4. Fire hydrants shall be located on a spacing of 500 ft per travelway.
Fire hydrants are now specified for 500 ft spacing per travelway.
5. Fire Flow test required before final approval.
So noted.
RWSA Comments(Victoria Fort):
1. A sewer Flow Capacity Certification will be required prior to final site plan approval.
So noted.
2. The existing RWSA 15"VCP sanitary sewer line is shown incorrectly. See GIS map for
approximate manhole locations.
The existing RWSA sanitary sewer line has been field-surveyed and is now shown accordingly in the plan.
3. Show the existing RWSA permanent sanitary sewer easement(30' wide, D.B. 829 P. 041)
The existing RWSA permanent sanitary sewer easement is now shown on the plans. The deed book and
page will be added in advance of the next submittal.
VDOT Comments(Shelly Plaster):
1. A line of sight profile should be provided at the intersection of Road "A"and Crozet Ave. to
ensure adequate sight distance.
A line of sight profile is provided for the intersection of Watervale Drive (formerly Road "A")and Crozet
Ave. It is labelled "Crozet Avenue Sight Distance Profile".
2. Right and left turn lane warrants should be provided.
Right and left turn lane warrants are attached to this submittal.
3. The entrance onto Crozet Ave. should be designed to meet Appendix B (1) of the Road Design
Manual. A 12' offset and 4:1 taper should be provided, similar to the "Commercial Entrance
Designs Along Highways with Shoulders", figure 4-9, in Appendix F of the Road Design Manual
The entrance onto Crozet Ave. is designed accordingly.
4. Entrance radii should be labeled.
Entrance radii are labelled.
5. The curb and gutter should be graphically shown on the plan view on sheet 2.
The curb and gutter are shown graphically on the plan sheets. --
6. A minimum 45' radius should be used if a school bus is expected to use the c de-sac. We 4--
recommend coordinating with Emergency Services and Albemarle Enginee 'ng Staff.
The developer currently has a contract with the owner of the parcel bordering Che- erfield Landing to the
south, and is in negotiations with the owner of the parcel to the north • di • development is
anticipated in the immediate future, it is impractical to construct and : •- '6' cyyrri de sacs for such a
short duration, as they will prompt many changes to the layout and setbac' ylle-are currently proposing
35'temporary cul de sacs at approximately 300'from the road intersection. Emergency Services and
Albemarle Engineering Staff are coordinating regarding the design to determine the best layout for this
Address in Road Plan Submittal:
1. A line of sight profile should also be provided at the intersection of Road "A"and Road "B"to
ensure a clear line of sight.
A line of sight profile is provided for the intersection of Watervale Drive and Oxbow Drive,formerly Road
"A" and Road "B". It is labelled "Road B Sight Distance Profile".
2. Road/waterline profiles, storm profiles, storm computations and sanitary sewer profiles should be
provided for review.
Road/waterline profiles, storm profiles,storm computations and sanitary sewer profiles are provided for
review with this submittal.
3. The waterline will need to be located outside of the wheel path.
The waterline is located outside of the wheel path.
4. The stormwater management plan and the erosion and sediment control plan should be submitted
for review. This may be submitted separately.
The stormwater management plan and the erosion and sediment control plan are included with this
5. A permit will be required for the street connection as well as the waterline connection under
Crozet Avenue. Where pavement exists, the permittee shall bore,push, or jack and maintain
minimum cover of 36 inches.
So noted.
6. A Maintenance of Traffic Plan(MOT) will be required with the road plan submittal.
A Maintenance of Traffic Plan will be submitted with the next set of revisions.
7. Additional comments may be generated during the Final Site Plan review.
So noted.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest opportunity at lauren@shimp-
engineering.com or Justin Shimp, P.E. may be reached at:justin@shimp-engineering.com or by phone at 434-953-
Best Regards,
V0441Pirt fr(friV
auren Gilroy
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
June 19, 2015
Ms. Megan Yaniglos
Regarding: SUB 2015-00066- Chesterfield Landing
(Previously Wayland's Ridge)
Road Plans
Dear Ms. Yaniglos,
Please find attached 2 copies of the computations and exhibits relating to the Road Plans for Chesterfield Landing,
as listed below:
• Existing Jarman Ridge Sight Distance Plan and Profile
• Right- and Left-Turn Warrant Analysis (addressed to Ms. Shelly Plaster)
• Pavement Design Worksheets
• Storm Structure Drainage Map
• Post-Development Time of Concentration Calculations
• LD-204
• LD-229
• LD-268
• LD-347
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest opportunity at lauren@shimp-
engineering.com or Justin Shimp, P.E. may be reached at:justin@shimp-engineering.com or by phone at 434-953-
Best Regards,
Xau en Gilroy
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
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June 15, 2015
Ms. Shelly Plaster
Regarding: SUB 2015-00066—Chesterfield Landing
(Previously Wayland's Ridge)
Right-and Left-Turn Warrant Analysis.
Dear Ms. Plaster,
Per your comments dated May 11, 2015, I have completed a warrant analysis for the site. Please find the relevant
charts attached to this letter, and the variables and sources are tabulated below.
Chesterfield Landing Trip Generation
(1) Single-Family Dwellings 25 From Plan
(2) Trips per dwelling 10 ITE Code 210
(3) AADT. Road "A" 250 (1)x(2)
(4) Route 240 6900 VDOT2014
(5) K Factor: Road "A" 0.1 Estimate
(6) Route 240 0.0983 VDOT 2014
(7) Direction Road "A" 0.90 Estimate
(8) Factor: Route 240 0.5277 VDOT 2014
(9) Peak Hour Road "A" 23 (3)x(5)x(7)
(10) Volume: Route 240 SB 358 (4)x(6)x(8)
(11) Route 240 NB 320 (4)x(6)-(10)
(12) % Left onto Road A 60% Estimate
(13) Peak Left Volume 14 (9)x(12)
(14) Left Turn Percentage 3.77% (13)1(10)
(15) Right Turn Volume 9 (9)- (13)
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest opportunity at lauren@shimp-
engineering.com or Justin Shimp, P.E. may be reached at:justin@shimp-engineering.com or by phone at 434-953-
Best Regards,
au en Gilroy
Shimp Engineering, P.C.
800 1 \ 11 II1I11IIIII1III ,
At-Grade,Unsignalized Intersections
I =%I BII Turns in Vn
I 700 S= oLgetl
1:1_ f V=40Stmphrage(Designenth RequirSpeed)
600Route 240 NB
Lu r•- Peak Hour
J 500 --.--- Volume
- S=100'
> 400 °':
300 ,
11 No Left-Turn Lane Required
0 200
o Route 240 SB
100 1 Volume
0 0 200 400 600 800 1000
HF3 �3�a $ t g x �K , � a sFsEr120 �
a 80
cs a0 Right Turn `£
E Volume
i -
a. •
_ - PeakRoute Hour SB
1 1 1 1 1 I
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Appendix II
Nomograph for Determining Required Pavement Thickness Index
(Note: An enlarged vasion of this nomograph isprovided on the last page of this reference.)
Final pavement design must be based on the results of appropriate soil tests.
Preliminary designs may be based on values established in Appendix I.
(Nomograph omitted to save space.)
To determine DR, project a line from the value for SSV through the value for the Design AADT.
The nomograph depicted correlates the soil support value of the subgrade(SSV=Design CBR x RF),
the traffic volume (Design AADT), and the minimum required pavement design thickness index(DR)
for subdivision streets and secondary road pavement, based on AASHO design equations. The equation
on which the nomograph is based is: DR= 3.48Ln(AADT) -1.48Ln(SSV) - 7.23,where Ln is the
natural logarithm. This nomograph assumes the following:
1. Use of Design AADT for two way traffic, equally distributed,thereby deriving the
thickness index (DR)required for any portion of the pavement to support one-half of the
design AADT.
2. For DR greater than 20, staged consttuction providing an initial stage DR value of 20 may
be permitted or the road can be designed using primary pavement methodology.
3. The District Materials Engineer may consider reducing the minimnm DR value of 6.4 for
secondary system facilities having a Design AADT<50.
Computation from equation
Watervale Oxbow
Drive Drive
AADT 250 80
CBR 6 6
RF 1 1
SSV 5 5
DR 9.6 5.6
HCV 3% 3%
Appendix IV
Flexible Pavement Design Worksheet for New Subdivision Streets
This sheet is intended for use and submission in conjunction with VDOT's Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements
County Albemarle Date: 6/1/2015
Subdivision Chesterfield Landing
Street Name Watervale Drive
Design Engineer Justin Shimp Phone: 434.227.5140
AADT Projected traffic for the street segment considered,as defined in the Subdivision Street Requirements.
CBRD Design CBR=Average of CBRT x 2/3 and modified only as discussed in the Pavement Design Guide.
CBRT CBR value of the subgrade sample,taken and tested as specified in the Pavement Design Guide
DME VDOT District Materials Engineer
EPT Equivalent projected traffic
HCV Number of Heavy Commercial Vehicles(e.g.trucks,buses,etc.,with 2 or more axles and 6 or more tires).
%HCV Percentage of the total traffic volume composed of Heavy Commercial Vehicles.
RF Resiliency Factor=Relative value of the subgrade soil's ability to withstand repeated loading.
SSV Soil support value of subgrade(SSV=CBRD x RF)
Dp Thickness index of proposed pavement design computed by the Conventional Pavement Design Method
DR Thickness index required,based on Design AADT and SSV,determined by Appendix II.
Step 1• Determine Design AADT Step 2: Determine Design Values
CBR, RF, and SSV
AADT 250 Sample No. CBRT Resiliency Factor (RF)
%HCV= 100(HCV/ AADT) 1 6 Source Valuc
or 3.0% 2 6 Table 1 1.5
EPT=20 x HCV Note:For 3 6 Appendix I 1.0
Note:For%HCV<5%,use AADT %HCV>5%, DME approved RF
EPT>AADT For preliminary designs,use the
lowest RF value in the equation
Design AADT 250 CBRD x RF = SSV
Use greater of AADT or EPT
(6.0) x ( 1.0) = 6.0
Step 3: Pavement Design (Check appropriate box and show proposed pavement design below.)
❑ (A) Limited to Design AADT<_400-Show pavement material notations and thickness from Appendix IV Tables A and B. 1
0 (B)Show pavement section as developed inthe Pavement Design Guide. DR= 9.6
(See Appendix III for material notations and thickness equivalency values(a)). from Appendix II
Description of Proposed Pavement Section
Material Notation Thickness,h a (a x h)
Surface SM-9.5A 1.5 1.67 2.505
Intermediate BM-25.0 2.5 1.67 4.175
Base VDOT#21A 6 0.6 3.6
Dp must equal or exceed the value of DR. Dp=E(a x h)= 10.3
Appendix IV
Flexible Pavement Design Worksheet for New Subdivision Streets
This sheet is intended for use and submission in conjunction with VDOT's Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements
County Albemarle Date: 6/1/2015
Subdivision Chesterfield Landing
Street Name Oxbow Drive
Design Engineer Justin Shimp Phone: 434.227.5140
AADT Projected traffic for the street segment considered,as defined in the Subdivision Street Requirements.
CBRD Design CBR=Average of CBRT x 2/3 and modified only as discussed in the Pavement Design Guide.
CBRT CBR value of the subgrade sample,taken and tested as specified in the Pavement Design Guide
DME VDOT District Materials Engineer
EPT Equivalent projected traffic
HCV Number of Heavy Commercial Vehicles(e.g.trucks,buses,etc.,with 2 or more axles and 6 or more tires).
%HCV Percentage of the total traffic volume composed of Heavy Commercial Vehicles.
RF Resiliency Factor=Relative value of the subgrade soil's ability to withstand repeated loading.
SSV Soil support value of subgrade(SSV=CBRD x RF)
Dp Thickness index of proposed pavement design computed by the Conventional Pavement Design Method
DR Thickness index required,based on Design AADT and SSV,determined by Appendix II.
Step 1• Determine Design AADT Step 2: Determine Design Values
• CBR, RF, and SSV
AADT 80 Sample No. CBR, Resiliency Factor (RF)
%HCV= 100(HCV/ AADT) I 6 Source Value
or 3.0% 2 6 Table 1 1.5
EPT=20 x HCV Note:For 3 6 Appendix I I.0
Note:For%HCV<5%,use AADT %HCV>5%, DME approved RF
EPT>AADT For preliminary designs,use the
lowest RF value in the equation
Design AADT 80 CBRD x RF = SSV
Use greater of AADT or EPT
(6.0) x ( 1.0) = 6.0
Step 3: Pavement Design (Check appropriate box and show proposed pavement design below.)
❑ (A) Limited to Design AADT<_400-Show pavement material notations and thickness from Appendix IV Tables A and B. 1
2 (B)Show pavement section as developed inthe Pavement Design Guide. DR— 5.6
(See Appendix III for material notations and thickness equivalency values(a)). from Appendix 11
Description of Proposed Pavement Section
Material Notation Thickness,h a (a x h) _
Surface SM-9.5A 1.5 1.67 2.505
Intermediate BM-25.0 2.5 1.67 4.175
Base VDOT#21A 6 0.6 3.6
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Chesterfield Landing
Post-Development Time of Concentration Calculations
137 ft overland flow 15.0% slope 0.35 C-value 10.1 min Seelye Chart
189 ft paved swale 7.0 ft height 0.5 min. Kirpich Chart
10.6 min.
200 ft overland flow 6.0% slope 0.35 C-value 13.8 min Seelye Chart
81 ft s. c.flow-field 17.3% slope 2.9 fps velocity 0.5 min. NEH Figure 15-4
232 ft paved swale 10 ft height 0.3 min. Kirpich Chart
14.6 min.
200 ft overland flow 11.8% slope 0.35 C-value 12.0 min Seelye Chart
166 ft s. c.flow-field 7.8% slope 1.9 fps velocity 1.5 min. NEH Figure 15-4
101 ft swale 2.0 ft height 1.2 min. Kirpich Chart
14.7 min.
200 ft overland flow 12.8% slope 0.35 C-value 10.8 min Seelye Chart
44 ft s. c.flow-field 17.0% slope 2.8 fps velocity 0.3 min. NEH Figure 15-4
122 ft swale 3.5 ft height 1.1 min. Kirpich Chart
12.2 min.
200 ft overland flow 9.0% slope 0.35 C-value 12.7 min Seelye Chart
353 ft swale 22 ft height 2.1 min. Kirpich Chart
14.8 min.
200 ft overland flow 11.0% slope 0.35 C-value 10.3 min Seelye Chart
70 ft s.c.flow-field 26.4% slope 3.5 fps velocity 0.3 min. NEH Figure 15-4
248 ft paved swale 8.0 ft height 0.4 min. Kirpich Chart
11.1 min.
200 ft overland flow 9.8% slope 0.35 C-value 12.5 min Seelye Chart
61 ft s. c.flow-field 11.5% slope 2.3 fps velocity 0.4 min. NEH Figure 15-4
35 ft swale 5.5 ft height 0.1 min. Kirpich Chart
13.0 min.
108 ft overland flow 22.2% slope 0.35 C-value 8.2 min Seelye Chart
8.2 min.
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Cn O A CO — CO CO 6) A -1 CO N O cn N (0 Co A cn 6 — CO
CO O CO N CO A O CO O O -A cn cn N -> CO — O W A CO CO —
co -A CP O N CP 6) 6) CO O -A -A A 6) -,l CO (0 C0 cn -A N W
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O O O --> O O - -A -• O O O O O — N N Co Co -> O O O ^ 2
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-A -A W _
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CO A Cb O 6) 01 • • O CO — "' _ O ' O C
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-> CO O N cn cn 6) 6) O -A A 6) �l CO CO CO N
(31 10) 1 CO -1 CO co Co (n -1 (n O CP W Co W W 6)
(n CO -A v v A Cn CP CO CO -,I CO O O (0 CO -A A ->
C) O Cn Co -A v co cn O v W O CO J CO — N O CO CO
_a 0 co CD QD
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O �I CO OO Cb 6 A O CO CO -> 6 N Co 6) A Co N 4h. Go GO N A N G
O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O (C)
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6) O W 00 O -A -A -A CO -I (n N) 00 i
(Ti CO (n 00 -I N O A N ->
N - O (n O v CO CO Co A QD
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0) A O) 6) N 6) 6) 0) 6) 01 0) 0) 6) O) 6) 6) 6) 6) 0) (n 6) 6) 6)
A A A 1 QD W N N N 2
(n (n CO N W W W A N co N V N O N N W CO O W 00 •
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CO N -A N O O cn A CO O N 6) O O O O CO CO O O O N CO CD
Appendix II
Nomograph for Determining Required Pavement Thickness Index
(Note: An enlarged vasion of this nomograph isprovided on the last page of this reference.)
Final pavement design must be based on the results of appropriate soil tests.
Preliminary designs may be based on values established in Appendix I.
(Nomograph omitted to save space.)
To determine DR, project a line from the value for SSV through the value for the Design AADT.
The nomograph depicted correlates the soil support value of the subgrade (SSV =Design CBR x RF),
the traffic volume (Design AADT), and the minimum required pavement design thickness index (DR)
for subdivision streets and secondary road pavement, based on AASHO design equations. The equation
on which the nomograph is based is: DR = 3.48Ln (AADT)-1.48Ln (SSV) - 7.23, where Ln is the
natural logarithm. This nomograph assumes the following:
1. Use of Design AADT for two way traffic, equally distributed, thereby deriving the
thickness index (DR) required for any portion of the pavement to support one-half of the
design AADT.
2. For DR greater than 20, staged consttuction providing an initial stage DR value of 20 may
be permitted or the road can be designed using primary pavement methodology.
The District Materials Engineer may consider reducing the minimum DR value of 6.4 for
secondary system facilities having a Design AADT <50.
Computation from equation
Appendix IV
Flexible Pavement Design Worksheet for New Subdivision Streets
This sheet is intended for use and submission in conjunction with VDOT s Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements
Date: 9/6/2018
Chesterfield Landing - ASBUILT
Street Name
Watervale Drive
Design Engineer
Justin Shimp
Phone: 434.227.5140
AADT Projected traffic for the street segment considered, as defined in the Subdivision Street Requirements.
CBRD Design CBR = Average of CBRT x 2/3 and modified only as discussed in the Pavement Design Guide.
CBRT CBR value of the subgrade sample, taken and tested as specified in the Pavement Design Guide
DME VDOT District Materials Engineer
EPT Equivalent projected traffic
HCV Number of Heavy Commercial Vehicles (e.g. trucks, buses, etc., with 2 or more axles and 6 or more tires).
%HCV Percentage of the total traffic volume composed of Heavy Commercial Vehicles.
RF Resiliency Factor = Relative value of the subgrade soil's ability to withstand repeated loading.
SSV Soil support value of subgrade (SSV = CBRD x RF)
Dp Thickness index of proposed pavement design computed by the Conventional Pavement Design Method
DR Thickness index required, based on Design AADT and SSV, determined by Appendix II.
Step 2: Determine Design Values
Step 1: Determine Design AADT
CBR, RF, and SSV
Sample No. CBRT Resiliency Factor (RF)
1 45.7 Source Value
%HCV = 100 ( HCV / AADT)
2 54.1 Table 1 1.5
EPT = 20 x HCV
Note: For
Appendix I 1.0
Note: For %HCV < 5%, use AADT
DME approved RF
For preliminary designs, use the
lowest RF value in the equation
Design AADT
Use greater of AADT or EPT
(33.3) x (1.0) = 33.3
Step 3: Pavement Design (Check appropriate box and show proposed pavement design below.)
❑ (A) Limited to Design AADT <_ 400 - Show pavement material notations and thickness }Folli Appendix IV Tables A and B.
0 (B) Show pavement section as developed inthe Pavement Design Guide. DR = 13.4
(See Appendix III for material notations and thickness equivalency values (a)). from Appendix II
Description of Proposed Pavement Section
Material Notation Thickness, h a (a x h)
Surface SM -9.5A 1.5 2.25 3.375
Intermediate IM -19.0 3 2.25 6.75
Base VDOT #21A 6 0.6 3.6
DP = E(a x h)
Dp must equal or exceed the value of DR. = 13.7
Appendix IV
Flexible Pavement Design Worksheet for New Subdivision Streets
This sheet is intended for use and submission in conjunction with VDOT' s Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements
Date: 9/6/2018
Chesterfield Landing - ASBUILT
Street Name
Oxbow Drive
Design Engineer
Justin Shimp
Phone: 434.227.5140
AADT Projected traffic for the street segment considered, as defined in the Subdivision Street Requirements.
CBRD Design CBR = Average of CBRT x 2/3 and modified only as discussed in the Pavement Design Guide.
CBRT CBR value of the subgrade sample, taken and tested as specified in the Pavement Design Guide
DME VDOT District Materials Engineer
EPT Equivalent projected traffic
HCV Number of Heavy Commercial Vehicles (e.g. trucks, buses, etc., with 2 or more axles and 6 or more tires).
%HCV Percentage of the total traffic volume composed of Heavy Commercial Vehicles.
RF Resiliency Factor = Relative value of the subgrade soil's ability to withstand repeated loading.
SSV Soil support value of subgrade (SSV = CBRD x RF)
Dp Thickness index of proposed pavement design computed by the Conventional Pavement Design Method
DR Thickness index required, based on Design AADT and SSV, determined by Appendix II.
Step 2: Determine Design Values
Step 1: Determine Design AADT
CBR, RF, and SSV
Sample No. CBRT Resiliency Factor (RF)
1 3.6 Source Value
%HCV = 100 ( HCV / AADT)
2 7.2 Table 1 1.5
EPT = 20 x HCV
Note: For
Appendix I 1.0
Note: For %HCV < 5%, use AADT
DME approved RF
For preliminary designs, use the
lowest RF value in the equation
Design AADT
Use greater of AADT or EPT
(3.6) x (1.0) = 3.6
Step 3: Pavement Design (Check appropriate box and show proposed pavement design below.)
❑ (A) Limited to Design AADT <_ 400 - Show pavement material notations and thickness }Folli Appendix IV Tables A and B.
0 (B) Show pavement section as developed inthe Pavement Design Guide. DR = 12.5
(See Appendix III for material notations and thickness equivalency values (a)). from Appendix II
Description of Proposed Pavement Section
Material Notation Thickness, h a (a x h)
Surface SM -9.5A 1.5 2.25 3.375
Intermediate IM -19.0 3 2.25 6.75
Base VDOT #21A 6 0.6 3.6
DP = E(a x h)
Dp must equal or exceed the value of DR. = 13.7