HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-03-22 adjMarch 22, 1995 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 1) An adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors Virginia, was held on March 22, 1995, at 5:00 P.M., Roe Building, McIntire Road, Charlottesville, Virginia. Tk from March 20, 1995. PRESENT: Mr. David P. Bowerman, Mrs. Charlotte S. Martin, Mr. Walter F. Perkins and Mrs. Sally H. Tho~ ABSENT: Mr. Forrest R. Marshall, Jr. OFFICERS PRESENT: County Executive, Robert W. T% Attorney, Larry W. Davis. Agenda Item No. 1. The meeting was called to ore Chairman, Mr. Perkins. Agenda Item No. 2. Public Hearing to receive co] expansion of the Albemarle-Charlottesville Joint Secur~ (Advertised in the Daily Progress on March 11 and Marct Mr. Mitchell Neuman, Chairman of the Jail Board, Supervisors are taking the time to hear, not only his comments from the public. He would first encapsulate has been in getting to this point. Approximately thre Jail Board began to discuss an Intake Center at the Se( Df Albemarle County, m 241, County Office e meeting was adjourned Humphris, Mr. Charles .as. cker, Jr.; and County .er at 5:00 P.M., by the [ments on the proposed ty Complex (Jail). 15, 1995.) said he was happy the ~omments, but also ~hat the thought process or four years ago the ~urity Complex, and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) requests were submitt~ed several times to the County and the City. The requests were always decline~ by one entity or the other, and sufficient funding never received for the p~oject. Approximately two years ago, the need to renovate the jail was recognized, as far as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance was cCncerned. A study that was conducted of the jail facility identified renovation and climate control as areas that needed to be examined. The Intake Cente]~ was first on the list, primarily at the Sheriffs' request, because it was tho~ght such a center would allow for improved police efficiency. A center would ~Lllow for the Magis- trate's office to be located at the jail, easier publi¢~ access to that office and a savings to the localities (City and County) by c~mbining this office and the jail. When adequate CIP funding was not granted from t]le localities, other avenues were considered, along with the idea of a jail authority. A needs assessment was then submitted to the state. State off~.cials responded that in looking at these projects, additional bed space needed to be considered and the overall capacity of the jail should be expanded. ~ second needs assess- ment was initiated which came back in establishing an ~pproximate 240 bed increase in the expansion of the jail. This expansion would take the jail into the 21st Century sometime around the years 2010 a~d 2013. After the needs assessment was completed, a planning study was u]ldertaken. The cost was established at $15.4 million over a five phase build-o~t. This made the issue of an authority more pertinent to the Jail Board becau:~e of the authority's ability to raise money through bond issues for the loc~lities' share of the expense. An authority also became more attractive fro1 the state's stand- point, because the localities are reimbursed 50 percen' of the expansion costs. It is easier for the state to fund such an ex nsion over the pay-out of the bonds as opposed to two lump sum payments, whic[~ is now required, if done independently. The Jail Board then notified the localities of its wish to form an authority. Recent populations at the jail ~re down, but most of that is due to the two new state prisons located in Greenville and Culpeper which have come on line. It is felt that the decline )f local population at the jail will be relatively short term. The Jail Board also looked at privatization of t e jail from the standpoint of trying to reduce costs and save money. { couple of different areas at the jail have been explored for privatizationl, with one currently being done, and one which has already ended. The first area related to medical services. This seems to be working very well,land it relieves the jail of the responsibility of hiring a doctor and staf[. This allows the jail to control the costs that were escalating at one time, and it allows the Jail Administrator to oversee that portion of the operation Food service was the second area where privatization was tried, but was not very successful. The company which contracted with the jail seemed to have ~nderestimated the costs, and in trying to protect itself, reduced the quantity and quality of food served. This was an ongoing problem during the cDntract period, which ran from September 1, 1994 until it was terminated on ~arch 3, 1995. The Jail Board members feel that privatizing the entire jail wo~ld result in a signifi- cant rise in costs to the localities. Currently the tDtal cost is approxi- mately $35 per inmate per day, with state dollars paying basically all the salaries at the Complex. This is the biggest single line item expense in the budget, and the money which is generated by the retention of federal prisoners offsets that $35 at approximately $31, so there is a $~ cost per inmate per day to the localities. It is his feeling that if a contract was considered, it would probably be in the range of $35 per day, because there are only two ways to reduce costs in operation of the jail; one is food service and the second is staffing. At $35 per day, the jail is basically a nonprofit organization in anticipating net income or losses. He reiterated that unless food service costs or staffing costs can be reduced, the per diem rate would be approximately $35 per day. The costs to retire the debt based on current projections, if bonds are issued, would be in the rance of $15 to $20 per March 22, 1995 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 2) inmate per day. This number may b~ ~du~ed by an inc~ federal prisoners and the ability to increase outside Mr. Neuman said Jail Board members are present, specific questions. He also pointed out that Mr. Roge who represents the Complex, is present. Mrs. Thomas asked if the state officials are say: the only thing they will consider. Mr. Neuman answere( said that the situation with the authority is a lot mol officials. He is basically saying that the state woul¢ $3.5 million, which would be one-half of its share, in one at 50 percent of construction and one at 100 perce~ has been difficult with previous jail projects to get He pointed out that the localities would have to fund whether or not it is an authority or a Jail Board oper an authorityr $15.5 million would be borrowed, and the up to 50 percent in reducing those bond payments. The its money through an authority, because it can use its projects around the state. Mrs. Thomas asked what is the effect to the Count to find the idea of an authority more appealing, as fa~ project. She asked if the County is less likely to get payment, and she wondered if the state is obligated to matter how the project is done. Mr. Neuman replied th~ there is any firm obligation by the state. It is his 1 is a contract between an authority and the Treasury De] states that funding will be forthcoming. From a Board contract does not exist. It is also his understanding carry full weight in a court of law, but he is not 100 explaining that situation. Mrs. Humphris asked if she is correct that the 1~ indicates the state may reimburse the localities and i' part of state officials, at the time the request for fl whether or not they choose to participate. Mr. Neuman Mrs. Thomas asked what would be the effect, if ti through Industrial Development Authority bonds, which pay back. Mr. Neuman said he could not speak to that it would mean the elimination of an authority to opera jail could still be operated under a Board, as it is c Mrs. Thomas next asked about the time period rel. per inmate per day, as far as the retirement of debt i. answered that the bond issues being considered were expense would not be fully met until the bonds begin request for $15.4 million was approved, a limit was pl. constructed after December 31, 1998 would not take par Instead of a five-phase, nine year project, it has beel shorter time period, only from the point that the stat. in any cost overruns. The bonds would not be retired completed, and then based on the financial projections diem would come into effect and last until the debt is Mr. Martin asked if the locality would be expect basis. Mr. Neuman answered, "yes". Mr. Martin then a to happen now, would the per diem cost be $35. Mr. Ne' currently the cost to operate the jail. Mrs. Thomas n going to increase to approximately $55. Mr. Neuman di would still be participating in paying for salaries, e at the jail is under the Department of Corrections or funding levels. The increase in the per diem cost to to be through debt service. Mrs. Thomas asked what is the per day inmate payment w retire. Mr. Neuman replied that it will be approximat opposed to the current $4. Mr. Tucker explained that i figure out the total per diem cost with the debt servi how she is getting the $50 to $55 cost. Mr. Neuman ag He had misunderstood Mrs. Thomas' question. Mr. Bowerman asked how much the state would be r as the localities' per diem costs. Mr. Neuman answere be responsible for 50 percent of the bond amount, incl Mr. Bowerman next mentioned that the Complex currently state. He asked if an authority would receive money f well as the state. Mr. Neuman answered affirmatively asked how much of the per diem cost does the state rep this amount is approximately $30 to $31 of the total c per day, the amount as of today. Mr. Martin asked if Mr. Neuman is saying that to cost is approximately $55, but the cost to the localit Neuman responded that the estimate to the localities i it costs the localities approximately $4 per inmate pe $35. He said that $31 comes from other means, and the cost comes from the state. It is not anticipated that ooo o ase in the holding of ~evenues. .f the Board has Wiley, the attorney ng that an authority is ~, "no." He should have 'e. appealing to state ~ have to make available two lump sum payments, it of construction. It ~hat money forthcoming. ~he entire amount, ~ted entity. If it was state would participate state can get more for money to do other ~y since the state seems as funding the the 50 percent ~ake this funding, no ~t he does not know if mderstanding when there )artment, it basically s standpoint, that a contract does not percent versed in ~nguage of the law is a decision on the ~nds is made, as to agreed. ~e money was received ~ould have a long term ~atter. He does believe ze the jail, but the ~rrently. ~ting to the $15 to $20 concerned. Mr. Neuman 15 to 20 years. This be retired. When the ced that anything in any cost overruns. condensed into a will not participate ntil construction is the $15 to $20 per retired. ~d to pay on a per diem ~ked if the project was ~man replied that is )ted that this cost is ~agreed. The state zc. Everybody who works zhe Compensation Board zhe localities is going ~en the debt begins to ~ly $15 to $20 as ~rs. Thomas is trying to ~e included, and that is ~eed with Mr. Tucker. ~sponsible for, as far ~ that the state would ~ding interest expense. receives money from the mom the localities as Mr. Bowerman then resent. Mr. Neuman said Dst of $35 per inmate ~ay's actual per diem ~ is around $30. Mr. s $15 to $20. Currently r day out of the total vast majority of the the overall per diem March 22, 1995 (Adjourned Meetihg) (Page 3) will increase, although it will increase some due to i~ $55 is high, as far as the total cost per inmate, per ( then explained that of the $15 the localities are estir currently being paid per inmate, per day, and $11 woul( service. Mr. Martin asked what the County pays to detenti( replied that this total cost is around $29 to $30 per Mrs. Thomas commented that she is searching for between an authority and the state. It has been point does not have an obligation to pay one-half of the deb1 is something that it may do, and the state prefers pay: of time. It seems to her that this could be done eith~ bonds or a jail authority. She wondered if there is al jail authority and paying the debt through the IDA in will participate. Mr. Wiley replied that state offici ly authorized reimbursement to the IDA, although they T At this point reimbursement to a jail authority to iss] been approved. He is not an expert in the bond market that having the operating authority to issue the bonds produces a slightly better interest rate than if they ~ IDA. There is one group of localities in the state wh~ with IDA bonds. This basically injects a third body i~ The IDA holds title to the property, but leases it to t which would operate the facility. The dollars would p: significantly, but it would complicate the paper work add a third accounting procedure. Mrs. Humphris noted that the Jail Board nor the were included in the discussions about the financing t took place with administrators and attorneys from the Mr. Wiley said the draft agreement of the compos jail authority shows the existing Jail Board as becomi] the authority until such time as the governing bodies those people. However, replacements would not have to the existing members could stay in place. Mr. Martin asked if the Jail Board currently has Wiley said the sheriffs are mandatory members. Mrs. Thomas said she thinks authorities are alwa they remove a function of government a step further cials. The reason she is asking these questions is be. should take something very compelling for this Board t, ty. Mr. Wiley said he understands that, but from a pr. Board will not notice any difference in the operation Mrs. Thomas commented that Albemarle County does authorities as a lot of the big cities, but there is a She went on to say that it was indicated when the Rival Authority was formed, authorities were not necessary, the County Executive and City Manager. However, when ness is considered, as well as long range planning, it bring water and sewer into discussions because they ar authority. It is not as if there has been any scandal each time an authority is formed, one area of governmel case it is worse, because the per diem costs will cons is not similar to the water and sewer rate which is be She went on to say that it would seem the County is go paying the per diem costs and, yet, the authority is a Mr. Wiley agreed that, as a practical matter, th this payment, but the County is not legally obligated every year. The County is going to have to spend the prisoners in jail and the authority will have to be pa also be true if the IDA is used as the financing vehic be sent around one more corner before it gets to where Thomas asked if this would be done only to pay the ind the operation of the jail. Mr. Wiley answered that th paying the per diem costs the same way, if the IDA met diem costs would be paid to the Jail Board, and the Ja money to the IDA to pay off the bonds. Mrs. Thomas re would not have anything to do with operating the jail, be there for years and have the title to the property Mr. Bowerman said it appears that there are no s ences to Charlottesville and Albemarle with the differ Wiley agreed that is basically correct. He went on to minor differences in the interest rate depending on wh Mro Bowerman then asked if the major reason that an au be proposed was to facilitate the state financing of t replied that it is to facilitate both the state and lo County cannot issue bonds directly for this purpose wi Also, City officials did not seem anxious to issue gen for this purpose. It would take one or the other of t ties as a way to go forward with the project. 000259. flation. He thinks the [ay, is concerned. He ~ated to pay, $4 is be going to debt n homes. Mr. Tucker [ay. ;he legal difference id out that the state : service, although it .ng back over a period ~r with through IDA ~y difference between a ;erms of how the state Lls have not specifical- %ight agree to do it. le its own bonds has but it is his guess directly probably ;ere issued through the .ch has built a jail lto the transaction. ~he existing Jail Board ~obably not change that [or the transaction and ;ail Board's attorney ~rough IDA bonds. This ~ity and the County. [tion of the proposed ~g the initial Board of ~ppoint replacements for be appointed, because mandatory members. Mr. ;s a bad idea, because ~m the elected offi- ~ause she feels it ) establish an authori- ~ctical standpoint, the )f the jail. not have as many history in this County. Ina Water and Sewer )ecause of the role of zhe County's indebted- is very difficult to ~ included in an about authorities, but ~t is isolated. In this zantly be paid, and it lng paid by the users. lng to always be tied to separate body. ~ County will be tied to zo appropriate money uoney to house the id for that. This would ke. The money will just it is going. Mrs. ebtedness and not for e County would still be nod is used. The per il Board would pass the sponded that the IDA but an authority would ignificant cost differ- ent variations. Mr. say there might be some ich authority is used. thority or an IDA would his project. Mr. Wiley cal plans, because the thout voter approval. eral obligation bonds hese financing authori- March 22, 1995 (Adjourned Meetihg) (Page 4) Mr. Bowerman said if things continue the way the] City and County officials would have to come up with s: the state match. Mr. Wiley agreed. He added that bec~ pay on a reimbursable basis, the whole $16.0 million we able in the beginning by the two localities. Mr. Tuck( will not match it, even if the cash was available. Mr the state will not put up cash money. The state will ( over the 15 year period, and he strongly suspects ther( million appropriation in the state budget. There woul( appropriations on the schedule that the County and Cit~ payments, had they borrowed the money. Mr. Bowerman pointed out that on a smaller scale money, and the state matches it. Mr. Wiley concurred. case for projects under $1.0 million. Mrs. Thomas inquired about the possibility of ha build and operate the addition and charge the County a asked if the state would reimburse this type of projecl this is a possibility since the project is for a jail new jail. Mr. Wiley replied that he cannot imagine an] company could operate a portion of a jail. Mrs. Thoma: company could operate the whole jail. Mr. Wiley respo] legislation on the books which would enable an authorit private firm to operate the jail. As far as he knows, actively seeking to run local jails in Virginia. Ther~ looking at larger state correctional institutions, but privatization has not gotten active at the local level Mr. Bowerman wondered if a private investor or a could build the facility and lease it to an authority. investor could take advantage of the depreciation whic] Mr. Wiley answered that an investor could possibly tak, tion but he could not take advantage of a tax 'exempt b, Davis mentioned that the investor would not get the 50 from the state. Mrs. Thomas asked if the County could if it was dealing with a private entity. Mr. Wiley st~ attempted to do that, so he is not sure that anybody c~ answer to that question. However, he thinks it would make such a situation work. Mr. Martin remarked that the Jail Board was not to build the jail using IDA funds. He wondered, howev why an authority would be a better choice for expandin! to allowing the IDA to issue the bonds. Mr. Neuman re' knowing exactly how the IDA funding would work, he woul discussing this situation, because of the simple fact ~ edge. On the surface he can see no benefit one way or knowing the total discussion that took place, he would discussing the matter. Mr. Martin asked why an authority would be neede money were not the issue. Mr. Neuman responded that a~ needed, if a vehicle was not needed to fund the projec wondered if there was no benefit for having an authori of bonds. Mr. Wiley said this Jail Board already has needed to operate the jail. Mr. Tucker explained that in the beginning the s not think there was any other entity to borrow the mon went through an authority. He noted that cities can b counties cannot, without a referendum. A referendum i Supervisors would like to go that route. An authority a financial structure and a government structure, and governance would not change, whether the Jail Board re formed. The same language for an authority could be d membership as it is today. He emphasized that the rea related to how the jail could be expanded, and it was that an authority was the only way the County could fi was only after the discussions began with the City on realized there was a possibility that the IDA could ac then found there were other localities which were doin has actually used IDA funds to finance a jail expansio Mr. Martin asked Mr. Tucker to speak to Mrs. Tho to the authority being more removed from local governm Jail Board arrangement. Mr. Tucker answered that it i matter. With an Authority, a separate entity is creat authority would be a little different, because the jai have to be tied to the localities, unlike the Rivanna ty, the Rivanna Solid Waste Authority or the Airport A self-sufficient entities, and they generate their own County provide no revenues for these authorities. The way of raising revenue, other than with federal prison enough to cover the debt service. He agreed with Mrs. the planning portion of the authority is somewhat remc still a part of the City and County operation. Board whether or not this is enough of a removal that they ~ are currently, the gnificant CIP funds for Luse the state will only >uld have to be avail- ~r noted that the state Wiley concurred that >nly fund the project would not be an $8.0 be an agreement for would have had to make the County puts up its He thinks this is the lng a private firm per diem rate. She :. She also wondered if ~xpansion, rather than a way that a private asked if a private ~ed that there is :y to contract with a there is no firm ~ are a couple of firms at this point the group of investors He explained that an governments cannot do. advantage of deprecia- rrowing rate. Mr. percent reimbursement back the reimbursement ~ted that nobody has ~n give a definitive :ake some negotiation to part of the discussion ~r, if there are reasons the jail, as opposed )lied that without id not feel comfortable )f his lack of knowl- the other, but without feel uncomfortable if the bonds and authority would not be Mr. Martin then y, other than the issue ~11 of the other powers :aff and Jail Board did ~y unless the County prrow money, but ~ another issue, if the has to be considered as ~e pointed out that the nains or an authority is ~afted relating to basic 1 question that arose thought in the beginning 5ance an expansion. It the project, that it was tually fund it. It was 3 this. Henrico County nas' comments relating ent than the current s a philosophical ed. The proposed 1 authority would still ~ater and Sewer Authori- uthority. These are revenues. The City and jail authority has no ers, and that is not Thomas' comments that red because it is not members should consider ould lose the ability to March 22, 1995 (Adjourned Mee~hg) (Page 5) do long range planning. The Rivanna Authorities parti( long range planning, and they do a lot of that kind of they do not work for the County or the City. Mr. Martin remarked that there are three issues : governance appears to remain the same, so it is really second issue pertains to whether or not the jail needs thinks everybody realizes the jail is going to have to agrees to the need for expansion, and the governance it Supervisors need to direct those people who know more ~ they do to figure out the best financial arrangement al whether it is with funds from the IDA or an authority. Mr. Davis mentioned that, as far as governance it draft agreement has been structured prevents a runaway plained that any capital expansions require both the a] the County, and the annual budget is subject to the ap] and County. This would directly affect the per diem d~ authority could make. The land use controls would sti[ nothing different that the authority could do, from a ] the Jail Board. In fact, there might be somewhat more with better controls than the Jail Board has currently annual budget the Supervisors will have to approve, wh~ by March 1 of each year, and there will be an annual rt this Board by January 1 of each year. He went on to s~ done a good job in pulling together a bunch of loose e] the jail, and they have been put into one document. TI simplify the governance issues. Mr· Wiley noted that he has actually written int~ County will continue to serve as the authority's fiscal that all three parties agree to move that responsibili~ then said to Mrs. Thomas that if the County was to ope~ with the Sheriff running it, and it needed to expand ol be built, he thinks that using the IDA as a vehicle to lot of sense. However, because this entity is already deal of independence, he does not think that turning tl can issue bonds directly would materially change the al Board would have. Mr. Martin said it sounds to him as though Mr. 'W~ direction of an authority. He asked Mr. Wiley why he ~ Wiley replied that as a lawyer, he thinks an authority simpler and more direct transaction than the three way is passing from the City and County through the Jail B, thinks the cost of issuing bonds is going to increase, interest rate, but because there are more people invol' Everybody will require a lawyer, and he sees it as a m~ expensive operation. It would not be a lot more expen double the cost, but the cost is enough that he would ~ unless there was a significant benefit. He frankly do significant benefit would be. (Mr. Bowerman left at 5:42 p.m.) Mr. Tucker wondered if Mr. Wiley had any idea as used the IDA to fund its jail. Mr. Wiley answered tha groups that his firm represents, but it is his underst jail that is still going to be operated by the sheriff said if this is the case, then it is not a regional ja that New Kent County is participating in it in some wa on a contractual basis. Mr. Davis stated that New Ken land for the new facility, and that is its participati officials are borrowing the money and constructing the tion which describes the bond issue and some detailed to be the arrangement. Henrico County is entirely res indebtedness for constructing the jail. Mr. Martin wondered if the state, through the Co paying all of the personnel costs for the Henrico jail is found that is willing to privatize a local jail, wo reimburse the personnel, or would the private company wondered about this, since personnel costs are one of costs. Mr. Wiley replied that there are provisions in some mechanism for trying to equalize that type of fin done this yet, so he cannot say for sure exactly how i Department of Corrections has not figured out what it reimbursing a locality which went that route· There i creation of this authority that would stop privatizati the only way it can happen because the privatization s confers that authority on regional jail authorities. is a comparable law that would allow existing jail boa (Mr. Bowerman returned at 5:46 p.m.) Mr. Perkins then opened the public hearing. 000 53 ~ipate in the County's work themselves, but .nvolved. He said not an issue. The to expand, and he expand. If everybody ~ the same, then the Lbout these things than td get the project done, I concerned, the way the authority. He ex- ~proval of the City and ~ropriations of the City ~cisions that the jail .1 apply, so there is )ower perspective, than specific provisions There will be an .ch has to be submitted ~porting requirement to ~y that Mr. Wiley has zds in the management of ~is document appears to the agreement that the agent until such time ~ somewhere else. He ~ate its own jail now, ~ a new jail needed to do that would make a operating with a great ~is entity into one that ~ount of control this hley is moving in the ~eels this way. Mr. is a lot cleaner, situation, if the money )ard to the IDA. He not just on the ;ed in the transactions. )re complicated and more ~ive, and it would not ~ot do it that way ~s not see what that to why Henrico County this is not one of the ~nding this may be a in Henrico. Mr. Tucker ~1. Mr. Wiley responded f, but he thinks it is County provided the on. Henrico County jail. He has informa- 5istory, and that seems oonsible for the ~ensation Board, is · He asked if a company uld the state still have to handle this. He the larger operating the statute which have ancing, but nobody has t would work. The would do in terms of s nothing about the on. In fact, it may be tatute specifically He is not sure if there rds to do that. March 22, 1995 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 6) Mr. John Carter said he had thought the discussi¢ proposed expansion of the Albemarle/Charlottesville Joi and he has not heard anybody talk about that, yet. A j discussed and that is all anybody has mentioned. It se decision has been made that the jail authority is the is not getting any information from anybody on other ty is being created for the sole purpose of avoiding a County. He asked the supervisors to stop and think of the Board members want to avoid a referendum, then it that is what they want to happen. He pointed out that not given the people an opportunity to make a decision County in the 20 years he has lived here. There has bE bonds, and he referred to the long term debt that the which was approved by the people. It was all approved Richmond for the school projects. He is practical in County citizens were asked to spend money for a jail, want to do it. If this is done, the Supervisors will people why jail authorities are better than the County a period of time or why it is better than IDA bonds or emphasized that nothing has been said about privatizatJ He finds it astounding that someone has said fror authority operation is no different than a jail board. then it is a sham, and the Supervisors are deliberatel~ avoid the Constitution of this state. The Supervisors reasons than that. He asked the Supervisors not to fo] authority will pay a high interest rate on bonds, alth( high it will be. A jail authority will create another pointed out the Solid Waste Authority, as an example. going to cost more money, and the only problem is not it known what can be done with a private corporation. that it has been said, without knowing the facts whats service are the only way to reduce costs. He asked if believe that government operation is the most efficienl government can operate more efficiently than anybody e~ private companies are making their money. They are ef~ operations all over the country, and there are operatic expansion that is being discussed. It is simple to done and how much it costs, as well as what sort of co] will be necessary. Someone can just call and ask a co~ If the Supervisors want to know how satisfied the govel contracted with these companies, then these officials ~ with an inquiry. If the Supervisors want him to get these people, then he will do it, and it will be no pr, No one has bothered to do this, and he emphasized that has been presented is for a jail authority. He reiterated that he is quite disturbed about because he thought it was going to be a discussion of ~ discussion of options at all, and he pointed out, agail discussion of the jail authority. He has never hired. hires them to tell him the facts, and if they do not say so. There are a couple of things about an authori in mind as it is discussed. First, the whole financia authority rests on its monopoly power. In other words option, such as with the airport or water and sewer au no competition, then those authorities are fairly good are created when there is conflicting government juris authority and there is no other way of accomplishing plished. In this case, this proposed authority is not purpose. He next pointed out that the Solid Waste Aut increased to the public about 30 percent over the last has not heard anybody mention this fact, and he asked really think that a jail authority is going to be any simply analyzed, because the benefits of an authority privatization can be put down on two sheets of paper. then be held again and the options discussed. The Sup talking about thoughts, ideas, estimates and statement by any facts whatsoever, and he is amazed they would e something that does not tell them any facts. He is no any facts, but neither is he telling them they should tion. He suggested that the Supervisors get the facts Mr. Carter then recalled that it was mentioned t local jail decreased when the Culpeper jail opened. T he wondered what is going to happen when other prisons do not have a monopoly on this, nor do they have a mon When the price gets high enough, he will guarantee tha authorities will get together and hire a big trailer a somewhere that is cheaper. He asked what the Supervis how will the bond holders be protected. He suggested careful about the bonds, and they should find out the that the Supervisors have not gotten any answers yet. "maybes" and "et ceteras". All he wants the Supervisc facts. He is going to take the same position that he Department versus the Sheriff's Department years ago. way the Supervisors go, whether there is privatization mix of the two, or whether the County tax rate is rais 00025,4 n would relate to the nt Security Complex, ail authority is being ems to him that a ay to go. This Board tions. A jail authori- bond referendum in this what has been said. If hould be made known the Supervisors have for anything in this en no referendum on any !ounty has, none of by an authority in he sense that if the hey probably would not .ave to explain to the operating the jail over privatization. He .on. a practical matter, an If it is no different, doing something to must have better ~get that a jail ~ugh it is not known how bureaucracy, and he A jail authority is :nowing how much, nor is He finds it troubling ~ever, that food and the Supervisors really way to go, or that se. This is where the [icient, they have )ns smaller than this id out how this is being ltractual obligation ~any representative. :nments are that have :an also be contacted le names and numbers of )blem for him to do so. the only option which )night's development, )ptions. There is no l, that it is only a ~ lawyer to think. 'He low, then they should zy that should be kept viability of any if there is no other horities, and there is · Usually authorities ~ictions, such as a port · at needs to be accom- being formed for that 5ority's costs have couple of years. He if the Supervisors different. It can be ~nd the benefits of A public hearing could ~rvisors are currently ~ which are not backed ven bother hearing giving the Supervisors o to a private opera- and see what happens. he population of the his is interesting and open. The supervisors opoly on the waste. t a couple of the waste nd haul the waste ors will do then, and the Supervisors be answers. He reiterated They only have "ideas", rs to do is get the took with the Police He does not care which , a jail authority, a ed five cents for a few March 22, 1995 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 7) years and to pay for the jail expansion that way. He t the Supervisors are entitled to the facts. He is simpZ Supervisors get the facts before they move forward on No one else came forward to speak, so at 6:50 p. the public hearing. Mrs. Humphris commented that, as a member of the the Board of Supervisors, she certainly wants to make ~ much has been said about privatization, she will just r She emphasized that the Jail Board has discussed prival the knowledge of the people who have visited jails pri~ country, it was their unanimous decision that this was which they wanted to go. These jails do not seem to bE benefit of everybody concerned. She remarked that comr that this is likely to be so because the jail has to o] budget. With privatization the jail has to operate on a profit has to be put on top of that, which is the puz enterprize. It is difficult to cut the salaries of em] medical service, etc., and still do what is required u~ humane conditions for the inmates. The privatization ~ much as it was thought necessary, and it was decided ti investigated any further. It has been pointed out that the whole reason foz jail authority was to find a vehicle that would make it the expansion of the jail. According to the studies wi the City, County and the Jail Board, there is no questl jail needs to be expanded. It is believed that the re( inmates has been small and temporary. She pointed thai expected by the year 2003, which is just eight years a~ projected by the year 2013. Under state law there is housing in a jail facility in an appropriate manner as the Jail Board has been able to determine in about tions, the planned expansion needs to move forward in outlined in the planning study. This expansion needs economical way possible for the City and the County. received a lot of information by a lot of authorities, the firm which is representing the Jail Board is very area of jail authorities. She believes this is the di project needs to go to provide for the expansion and economical and efficient way. Mr. Martin asked what time-frames are involved w HumphriS~replied that there is a time element involved that need to be done in Richmond. She suggested that] enlighten the Board as to the timetable that needs ensure funding. Mr. Martin said he is aware of the time-frame th. the last joint meeting between the County and City off lng, however, at what point will a decision have to be sors, as well as the City officials, and how long will the answers to the questions which have been mentioned Carter that the Supervisors have heard a lot of unsurel questions which have been asked at this meeting. He i because he knows that there could be some new legislat Mrs. Humphris emphasized that the reason for the body's part is because the legislation has not been pa considered for implementation. It seems to her that s does not exist, and given the need for this expansion, local officials can wait to see if and when there will will change anything. Mr. Wiley pointed out that the Board of Correcti narily approved this expansion project for funding dur He went on to say that because of the way the state's this project is going to move forward, it will have to by July 1. He recalled that when the joint meeting wa the Board of Supervisors and the City Council, the fin present, and they presented a timetable, which Mr. Wil bring with him. He said, however, that there are a nu timetable, and this project has already fallen behind timetable was purposely developed to have some leeway, takes public bodies longer to make a decision. He can commitment as to when the City officials are planning problem. The City officials have not indicated that t forward with this project, but he thinks their hesitat formation of the authority than it is with the nature sion. This matter was discussed at the Jail Board mee Vandever, City Council's representative, basically ind case. Mrs. Humphris pointed out that it is clearly und that this is a phased project, and it does not have tc The project can be done in the necessary stages which planning study. 000 55 ~hinks the people and .y asking that the ~his project. ., Mr. Perkins closed Jail Board delegated by lome remarks. Since so lention that briefly. ~ization, and based on ~atized around the not a direction in ~ as well run to the Ion sense will tell you )erate on a very tight a tight budget and then ~pose of private )loyees, food service, lder the law to maintain .ssue was discussed as lat it would not be the discussion of the possible to finance ich have been done for _on in her mind that the ~ction of the County's ~ 367 to 440 inmates are cay, and 527 inmates are requirement to provide the inmates. As far wo years of delibera- zhe phases which are ~o be funded in the most ?he Jail Board has and she emphasized that ~nowledgeable in the ~ection in which this ~s financing in the most [th this project. Mrs. because of the things 4r. Wiley or Mr. Davis )e met in order to ~t was mentioned during [cials. He is wonder- reached by the Supervi- it take to get some of · He agreed with Mr. less relating to the ~ not blaming anyone [on approved. unsureness on every- ~sed that is being Lnce the legislation there is no way that be new legislation that Dna has already prelimi- lng the next biennium. ~udget process works, if be fairly well settled ~ held in January with ancial advisors were ey indicated he did not nber of steps in that some of them. The because it sometimes ~ot say there is any to act, which is a hey are prepared to move ion is less with the and size of the expan- ting last week, and Mr. icated that this was the erstood by both entities be done all at once. are established in the March 22, 1995 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 8) Mr. Martin asked Mrs. Humphris when she would lik made. Mrs. Humphris replied that she would like for th decision now, because everything that can be known at t known. Regarding the bonds, nobody knows what the inte the cost of preparing all of the legal work pertaining Wiley noted that there is a year and a half of design w Mrs. Thomas asked if a decision has to be made wi weeks as to whether or not an authority will be formed. thinks it would be helpful to make this decision. He e the first step in the decision making process, and poss might be prepared to go along with that much of the dec Mrs. Humphris said state officials need to know k they are helping with, will be financed. Mr. Wiley agz when state officials have to know about this financing. answered that this information has to be sent to the st Martin said it seems to him the decision this Board has whether or not to expand. Mrs. Humphris concurred that the decision has to or not to expand. She emphasized that her question to where the inmates will be kept, if this expansion projE The decision has to be made whether to expand and then reached pertaining to how the expansion will be finance decided whether the money will come from a jail author] to the public. Mr. Martin asked if the second decision pertainii mechanism has to be made by July. Mr. Wiley replied ti to be borrowed on a short term basis just to get the pi designed. He said the issue of short term financing it authority will play. It is possible that the City and be able to use cash, and it is also possible to issue However, issuing a short term loan through the IDA wil accomplish. Mr. Perkins asked if the City could issue bonds since it has an authority. Mr. Wiley said the total would have to be issued would be a lot for the City to said City officials do not want to add on this additio] that an agreement can be made with the County. This that the County officials took to the City representatl Mrs. Thomas inquired if anyone has found out if willing to assume a short term debt. Mr. Tucker repli Mr. Martin commented that he thinks the best way take a vote on whether or not all of the Supervisors a is needed. Apparently City officials are not even at unsure as to what this does to all of the plans, if th expand the jail. He went on to say that at least this decision, and it might help the City along with its de. now and the next Supervisors' day meeting, some answer the situation is considered logically, then either the governance or there is not. If there is a difference, collected as to what that difference would be. He rec comments about how the contract is developed, and he s need to see this contract's pertinent points. The iss' governance can be considered, but based on what has be biggest issue is to figure out the best way to finance people have not looked at the option of financing the i He thinks this option should at least be considered an on the better way, unless someone can say that the aut keeps asking this question, but he does not get an ans saying that an authority is no different than what is the only difference relates to financing. He keeps he for setting up an authority is to figure out a way for Now it is known that there are two ways for financing, answers as to which one is better. Mrs. Humphris said the Supervisors have the advi specialize in this field, and they are indicating that much cleaner vehicle for financing the jail expansion Supervisors need to base their decision on the best in from the attorney. The supervisors already have such asked what more can be learned. Mr. Wiley said if there is a specific question t answered, then he can do that. It is his feeling that call. He understands Mrs. Thomas' philosophical probl which is that an authority structurally removes the ma away from the County. This is true, but he continues practically, not much difference will be seen. Mrs. ~ same people will be involved with the authority. Mrs. also said about the Rivanna Water and Sewer Authority. out that there is a major difference in that there wil a City Council member sitting on the jail authority's 000256 for a decision to be Supervisors to make a .is time is already rest rates will be or to the bond issue. Mr. ,rk involved. .bin the next couple of Mr. Wiley said he ~hasized that this is ibly City officials lsion. ow the expansion, that eed. Mr. Martin asked Mrs Humphris ate bQ July 1. Mr. to make quickly is be made as to whether this Board relates to ct is not approved. a decision has to be :d. It has to be .ty or a bond referendum Lg to the financing Let some money will have ~oject started and another role that the County officials might ~his through the IDA. be trickier to or the jail expansion, ~ount of bonds which handle. Mr. Tucker lal debt when they know is an initial proposal .ves. ~ity officials would be ~d, "no." to proceed would be to )ree that an expansion zhat point. He is ~ City is not willing to Board can make that ~ision. Perhaps between $ could be received. If fe is a difference in then some facts can be ~lled Mr. Davis' lid maybe some people ~e of the difference in ~n said tonight, the the project. A lot of project through the IDA. ~ a decision ~made based ~ority is better. He ~er. Everybody keeps ~urrently in place and aring the only reason financing the project. so there should be some ~e of the attorneys who a jail authority is a than the IDA. The formation they can get information, and she he Supervisors want this is a judgment em with this situation tter one step further to believe that, umphris agreed. The Thomas said this was Mrs. Humphris pointed 1 be a Board member and board, and not just March 22, 1995 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 9) staff members. Mr. Perkins commented that this might ~ authority is formed, as far as Board members serving or Mr. Wiley explained that most of the authorities which have a combination of elected officials and administrat sents seven different regional jails. Mrs. Thomas ask~ are operated by authorities. Mr. Wiley answered that t only one at this point that is not run by an authority. Mr. Bowerman asked if a jail authority could iss~ IDA, with approval of the municipalities. Mr. Wiley ar the jail authority's bonds, then the jail authority is~ the IDA's bonds, then the IDA issues them. The jail a~ with the IDA, but that seems to him to be the worst of Mrs. Thomas referred to a comment that Mr. Carte~ difference in how a private entity would be funding th~ Bowerman explained that depreciation seems to be an att funding. The County would lose participation by the st phase of the project which seems to negate the depreci~ ization, although he is not sure that this is equal. funding source is concerned, the County would have to of the capital. Mr. Wiley said when privatization is has to be examined as to whether the jail can be opera the private entity. Mrs. Thomas remarked that there are ways that arc efficient. She mentioned there could be one-fourth of trator involved with the jail operation, and she empha~ an entity that has lots and lots of administrators. S! salaries of the employees, said she certainly does not employee salaries any lower than they are. There are medical and food services that could be contracted out Mr. Wiley noted that the Jail Board has attempted to p services with mixed success. Mrs. Thomas said she thinks this leaves only the is anything in the plans in favor of a private operatic she has heard the final answer. She is sure this is w people who have sat on the Jail Board and already had 1 answered. However, this project will increase the Cou] costs four or five times. This is not a small move, e~ question is not considered. Mr. Wiley remarked that t] goes into the design and the construction process is vt is working hard with three or four regional authoritie: process now, and the success is mixed. Some of the pr~ fairly good prices, as far as per bed costs are concer] have been outrageous. There is the temptation to try' to somebody else. He thinks this is too complicated f, this where there is an existing facility that needs to be decided if this facility is going to be bought from own it, or will the costs be built into the per diem r~ Council and the Board of Supervisors create this body out a way to privatize the project, he will try to do At this time, Mr. Martin offered motion to suppc of the jail and recommend that the City take similar Mrs. Humphris asked if Mr. Martin would like to his motion, because of this Board's difficult time con said he assumed Mrs. Humphris would make a motion, fol approve the creation of an authority. He was just try upon which all of the supervisors could agree. Mrs. Humphris then seconded the motion. Mr. Bowerman recalled that the consultant's repo population on a population which would come from Charl marle, and the type of population that would be confin have been some assumptions made at this meeting relati building program would affect the local jail populatio jail has a responsibility for state prisoners for as m years. Mr. Bowerman emphasized that the report specif issues, and determined that the need was there for exp Mrs. Thomas asked if she is correct in believing prisoners more than pay their per diem costs. She won significant amount of overage involved with federal pr jail is built too large, unless there is some totally at the federal level, it would simply mean that some m federal prisoners. Mr. Wiley said money is made on fe as prisoners from other localities. Mrs. Thomas comme situation, and it is not similar to over-building a sc is over-built, then it puts everyone involved in a bet Mr. Wiley then informed the Supervisors about th remove the prisoners from the jails, for which the sta ble. Last August, before the General Assembly had the abolition of paroles, there were approximately 1,300 p 00025'7 ~ve to change after an the authority's board. his firm represents ors. His firm repre- d if all of these jails his local jail is the .e bonds through the .swered that if they are ues them. If they are .thority could contract both worlds. mentioned about the whole project. Mr. raction for private .ate in the capital .tion aspect of privat- ms far as a private ~ay the private firm all ~onsidered, the issue ;ed more efficiently by ~ considered to be more the time of an adminis- :ized that this is not te then referred to the want to see jail few things such as and that is about all. ivatize both of these issue of whether there )n, and she is not sure ~.ry frustrating to the ~hese questions ~ty' s daily per diem ~en if the governance ~e cost control which .~ry important. His firm that are in this )jects have come in at ~ed, and some of them ~o turn everything over )r a situation such as be expanded. It has to the City and County who ~te. If the City lnd ask him to figure it. zt the phased expansion ~tion. include time-frames in ~traints. Mr. Martin [owing his motion, to lng to make a motion ~t based the jail Dttesville and Albe- ~d for a year. There 5g to how the state's t. He said the local ~ch as a year or two .cally spoke to these ~nsion. that the federal ~ered if there is a isoners, so that if the ~nperceived development oney could be made on ~eral prisoners, as well sted that this is a rare hool. If this project ter position. e state's efforts to te is legally responsi- special session on risoners being held in March 22, 1995 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 10) local jails who were supposed to be in the state system represented felons sentenced to more than two years, 000255 These prisoners these are the people that the state is supposed to take away from the local acilities. By December, after the abolition of paroles session, that ~igure had increased to 2,100. He just this week saw the February figure, and largely on account of opening the new state facility, the figure is back down to approximately 1,700 on a statewide basis. This shows that the state has st lost ground from where it was in August, and he thinks the next new stat facility is not scheduled to open until December. His best judgment fates that by the middle of the summer the state will be back where it in December. He emphasized that the problem of jail overcrowding on a ~ewide basis is not going to go away. If the County is able to hold down local crime rate, and the facility does not fill up quickly, he thinks at Mrs. Thomas is correct. He concurred that it is not the same as over- a school. Roll was then called and the motion carried by following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Martin, Mr. Perkins, Mrs. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Humphris. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Marshall. At this time, Mrs. Humphris made a motion that Board of Supervisors approve the establishment of a Jail Authority, nt upon an agreement between the County and City legally creating the ity. Mr. Bowerman seconded the motion. Mr. Bowerman dded that it is his understanding the issue of privatization can still be even if this motion relating to the authority is approved. Mr. Wil responded that this is correct. Mr. Martin said if there was some reason a vote to be taken today, then he would vote for the authority. He has some ~erns that neither the Jail Board nor the two attorneys seem to know very muct about the possibili- ties of IDA funding. He perhaps misunderstood what wag being said, but he heard a lot of uncertainties in discussing the issue. It seems to him that the Supervisors need to make a decision soon on this p~Lrticular issue. He has not heard why there has to be a decision made before ti Supervisors' day meeting when more information can be presented. He Lld like to have additional information, even if it is just to advise t! the issue has been examined, but the attorneys and Jail Board still do nol~ have the answers. At this point, the Jail Board has not even looked at the :.ssue, because they were not privy to the discussions that were held relating t(~ financing, etc. He thinks the Jail Board needs to take Part in these disc~ssions, and the lawyers need to be able to say concretely whether or not there are answers at this point. Mrs. Humphris asked if Mr. Wiley could have anyt]ling else which would provide the Supervisors with information on IDA bonds ~ a jail authority by April 5, 1995. Mr. Wiley said he does not think it is impossible to get this financing done through the IDA; he knows it can a~ has been done. However, after having 20 plus years of experience with public financing transactions, he knows it will be a lot more complicat,~d. He emphasized that complication usually translates to expense. Mr. Martin said he wants to see what those compllLcations are. Mr. Wiley remarked that more papers and people are involved, as ~11 as more meetings for approval, more lawyers to be hired and paid and ?e of everything in the transactions. This will give the Supervisors some inclzemental costs, in his judgment. Nobody can tell the Supervisors how much ~t will be, but he knows enough about having done these things that it will be i and more expen- sive. If the Supervisors feel there is a major benefi to using IDA funds, it would certainly offset the incremental costs because tl incremental costs in the overall scheme of a $16.0 million project is not g.)ing to be that great. He does not see what that major benefit is, and that i~ why he recommends an authority. The jail expansion can be financed through IDA funding, if the Supervisors so choose. Mr. Davis informed Board members that, of Mr. Wiley, he has investigated this matter and discussed it with Ms. White, the County's bond counsel. The answer is the same. The bond couns feels it is possible to finance the jail expansion through the IDA. Henric County has done so, and he (Mr. Davis) has researched how this was done. counsel believes it would cost more in points when the rate is determined, depending upon the bond rating of the IDA as compared to an authority, and bond percentage could be slightly higher. It is bond counsels opinion that bond market is probably more comfortable with a jail authority becaus a recent jail authori- ty issue has been proposed and marketed. This is not a convincing argument because Henrico County has built a jail the last two years with an IDA loan, and it might not make a great deal f difference. He does not believe there is any way, without going through bond issue, to determine how much difference in cost there would be. Mr. Wiley is right that it will probably cost more using IDA funds because of the lease agreement that will have to be prepared, as well as another service reement relating to financing which will have to be prepared. There will more legal work and there will be another step in the repayment structure. This probably would not increase the cost, but it would just be another There may not be a significant cost involved, but there would so be an additional cost March 22, 1995 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 11) 000259 with issuing the bonds. He agreed with Mr. Wiley, he does not have any great opinion on it, that if there is not a ing reason against creating an authority, and the governance issue is the same, it is less complicated and more efficient to go with a jail ity rather than with IDA funding. Mr. Tucker commented that if IDA funding is used, it would be more efficient to use the City's IDA or the CoUnty's IDA and. not split the cost between two IDAS. Mr. Davis concurred. He also noted that there would be two costs involved with issuing bonds which would be subst~ There would have to be an agreement between the County and the Cit' as to which IDA would be used. Mrs. Thomas asked if the interest rate and point would be similar. She realizes that this will not be a definitive answer at this time, but she asked if that is what the counsel has suggested, s© far. Mr. Davis answered that he does not believe the interest rate and points would be substantially differ- ent, but they could be slightly different and slightly higher if IDA funding is used. However, what this would translate into, as !ar as dollars and cents are concerned, will never be known. Mr. Bowerman asked if a jail authority was creat ~d, would this preclude the Supervisors from going to a public referendum, if t Tucker replied, "no." There would obviously be a delay does not know if a referendum could be put together qu~ June 30 deadline. Mr. Davis said the only reason ther~ would be if the Supervisors choose to have a general o! finance the County's share of the authority's debt. M) no need to have a referendum. Mrs. Thomas commented that it is not known if thc market would be better or worse, because it has been a County has gone to a bond market. Mr. Davis remarked substantial amount of work that would need to be done standpoint to get the County ready to go to a general The County may very well be in great financial shape t would be a cost and expense of getting rated and getti~ fashioned in a way to be acceptable. Mr. Tucker said consuming. Mrs. Thomas said she likes what she has heard ab authority in terms of the annual report, but this coul~ board and commission. This is something the County ha: it is not just because of the authority these benefits :hey so choose. Mr. in this process. He .ckly enough to meet the ~ would be a referendum ~ligation bond to Tucker said there is rate on the bond long time since the ~hat there would be a !rom a financial ~bligation bond market. ) do that, but there lg the County's records .t is also very time )ut the shaping of the be done with the local not done before, and would be gained. Mr. Davis remarked that a revised draft agreemen' it has been shared only between law-lets at this point. would like to review it, it is available. It has not ] City attorney. The next step would be for this agreem, Supervisors and explained in detail. This would be ne,~essary before the authority could be created. It would also have to be ~atisfactory to City cOuncil in the same terms before the authority could b, created. has been prepared, but He said if anyone ~een reviewed by the ~nt to come before the Mrs. Thomas said she would rather see the nt before she votes to go to an authority. She needs very strong evidence ~t it is better to go the way of an authority than to go the alternative way and she has not found to her total satisfaction that this is the situation. She was hoping there would be some overwhelming reason to go to an authorit", but each of the questions that she or others have asked have not recei' that type of answer, except that the IDA route is slightly more complicated and there is another step in the payment structure. In some ways this only shows how difficult it is working through an authority. If working through tl IDA is more compli- cated because it is an authority, then it would not be desirable to form yet another authority to make life more complicated. She ~till does not feel there is an overriding conclusion that there should be an authority. Mr. Bowerman remarked that he does not think the Supervisors should vote on this issue, until there is a chance of having a una vote. He thinks the issue is significant enough that it would not be to have a split decision. If there are questions which remain unanswe they need to be answered so that the Supervisors can articulate their 'reement or disagree- ment with the authority issue. Mrs. Thomas said she would like to see the developed in draft stage at this point. It might suff concerns about governance issues. which has been y answer her Mr. Martin said he has listened to Mr. Davis, definitive on the financial aspect of the matter. He about the governance issue, so he had intended to motion. He agreed, however, with Mr. Bowerman that Supervisors to have a unanimous vote, it would be information. He feels this way especially since City far along, and some of the Councilors are even having actual expansion. he has been fairly not have a concern Mrs. Humphris' it is possible for the waiting for additional are not this problem with the Mrs. Humphris said she would be happy to the motion, because she thinks it is important for the Board members to e the newly drafted 000260 March 22, 1995 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 12) agreement. She did not know there was one available. ~he thinks this is the best way to go so that all of the Supervisors can feel :omfortable with the agreement, or they can make suggestions for changes to Mr. Bowerman then withdrew his second to the motion. Mr. Martin commented that if it is not a lot of he would like to see where the complications are as far as the picture is concerned. He has listened to what has been said, but he would to see it all put together. Mr. Perkins remarked that he would like to also ee some information on privatization. If the lawyers, etc., have examined s issue, he would like to have some of this information on construction and rvices as far as the private sector is concerned. He asked that phone to these other places, which have had such experiences, be made. He would e to know if the experiences have been good or bad. Mr. Bowerman suggested that perhaps a work n might be held on the issue. Mrs. Humphris said she had hoped that Sheriff ins could have been present at this meeting, because he has spoken to the Board in detail about his knowledge and experience with jails that been privatized. Sheriff Hawkins most definitely would not recommend it to the Jail Board. The Jail Board does not feel it is in the best interest of economics for the taxpayers or for the treatment of the prisoners, according to what Sheriff Hawkins has seen. Mr. Martin said it would be a lot easier for him to make a decision if something is included in the Supervisors' next packet .hat can be discussed in the meeting as opposed to verbal comments. Mrs. Humphris asked if anybody knows how informa .ion can be received on privatization. The issues the Jail Board was discussiI were not just economics, but they included prisoner treatment and fo(~d, etc. Mrs. Thomas mentioned that Mr. Carter asked his ~tockbroker what company runs private jails, and got a very long list with name~ and addresses of both the people running the jails and the local governing b(dies. Mr. Carter suggested that people call around to these localities. Mr. Wiley commented that calling some of these p].aces might be useful, but the only company that he is personally familiar wil~h, which has been active in Virginia, is the Corrections Corporation of . He mentioned a bill in the General Assembly this year which would ~ required regional jail boards and jail authorities to take privatization prop()sals. During the debate on that bill, the patron of the bill asked why ~he private operators who wanted this bill were not present. At the local l~vel, there is not a great deal of interest, yet. Mr. Tucker said it is his understanding that the medium security prisons of 1,500 or more are the ones which are being targeted by private corpora- tions. Mr. Wiley concurred. Mr. Bowerman remarked that it appears this is type of information that Supervisors would like for someone to tell the irs when they make their calls. It will probably be found that there are no local jails which are managed privately, and that will be a good indication. Mr. Wiley said his firm will do whatever it can to try to find some ~ion about this matter. There may be some in other states, but he that there are none being managed privately in Virginia. Agenda Item No. 3. Other Matters Not Listed on zhe Agenda from the BOARD. At 6:42 p.m., Mr. Bowerman offered motion, secon that the Board go into Executive Session pursuant to S Code of Virginia under Subsection (3) to consider ac( a school facility; under Subsection (7) to consult wit staff regarding a specific legal matter regarding an i Subsection (7) to discuss a matter of pending litigati issue. by Mrs. Humphris, ~ion 2.1-344(A) of the ition of property for legal counsel and )ection issue; and regarding a taxation Roll was called and the motion carried by the recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Martin, Mr. Perkins, Mrs. Thomas, Mr. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Marshall. and Mrs. Humphris. At 7:20 p.m., the Board reconvened into open by Mr. Bowerman, to move that the Board certify by a best of each Board member's knowledge only public exempted from the open meeting requirements of the Information Act and identified in the motion were heard, discussed or considered in the executive seconded the motion. sion. Motion was made ecorded vote that to the matters lawfully inia Freedom of the executive session ession. Mrs. Thomas March 22, 1995 (Adjourned Meeting) (Page 13) Roll was called and the motion carried by the fo] AYES: Mr. Martin, Mr. Perkins, Mrs. Thomas, Mr. Boweru NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mr. Marshall. Agenda Item No. 4. Adjourn. With no further bug immediately adjourned. 00026:1. Lowing recorded vote: ~an and Mrs. Humphris. ~iness, the meeting was