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SUB201600021 Correspondence Road Plan and Comps. 2018-07-02
SUi )t ( C0o,. Albemarle County Public Road Acceptance Procedure The processing and inspection of public roads is administered by VDOT. The County is not involved in this process until the road is ready for acceptance. When the road is ready for acceptance,provide the following"� items to the County. 1r. Inspection Request and fee A form and fee are required for each project as indicated on plans or bonds,or as requested for board resolution if / smaller phases or individual roads are recommended for acceptance. 2! As-built plan approved by VDOT, and copies of all recorded drainage easements, sight easements, and right-of-way plats. Plats should be copies of the actual recorded documents from the Clerk's office. An as-built plan prepared in accordance with the County's As-Built Road Plan Policy is required. VDOT does not always follow this paperwork or policy,but for bond releases,especially where VDOT has not yet accepted the road, the minimum requirements of this policy must be met,if only to ensure that all improvements are in right-of-way and easements. 3.. Written documentation of acceptance from VDOT for the entire roadway or for completed items. Formally,this is sent directly to the county on an AM-4.3 from VDOT,when VDOT requests that the Board of Supervisors pass a resolution of acceptance. After the resolution of acceptance is sent to VDOT,it is usually about six weeks before actual acceptance takes place,and VDOT issues a formal memo to the county with the road additions and new route numbers. This final notification is needed for bond release. For partial bond releases prior to this,some correspondence from VDOT for items inspected and approved is necessary. This is usually in the form of letters approving compaction reports,CBR's,pavement cores,pipe video,or other items where partial release is sought. A final punchlist inspection report from VDOT can be used for a partial bond release,but only if outstanding items are not too broad. If the punchlist is not official,and only a courtesy review,it carries much less weight. In any case,if there are problems meeting the eligibility or occupancy minimums,and it is not known how long improvements may sit,or need replacement,partial releases may not be possible. Even if a bond release is not requested, an inspection from the County is required for any County items, such as the street name signs, and any sidewalks or amenities that the County required but VDOT will not maintain. This final inspection by the County must be performed before the road can be recommended to the Board of Supervisors for a resolution of public acceptance. County bond releases(or partial releases) will be considered on public roads for all portions approved by VDOT. In addition to 1-3 above, the following items are required to be submitted for bond releases to be considered: 04 Signed and sealed letter from a professional engineer listing and certifying that completed improvements are built according to plan. Please do not e-mail or fax copies of this letter. An original signature and certifying seal are required. Please do not use qualifying statements such as"it appeared",or"to the best of my knowledge",or"generally in accord". Improvements were either built to plan,or they were not. As-built measurements,construction inspections,and other field verifications should be cited and included. Tolerances should be noted. The items not built according to plan must be listed,with explanations. Deviation in pavement materials and thicknesses must be listed. If street trees or sidewalks,or other items were moved,or added,this should be noted. If drainage changed,by addition or deletion of culverts,inlets,or re-alignments of pipes or grades,this should be verified by revised computations and attached to the letter. If there are outstanding items or omissions,these should be listed. Graphics are helpful. In short,please provide more than a statement of opinion or assurance. Please demonstrate that the improvements and construction have been inspected,investigated and documented,and are certified in detail,and county staff will not be in the position of discovering discrepancies and deficiencies in the field. Certificate of Completion This form must be received for release of a bond. It is available on the county website.In the case of reductions,a letter listing the outstanding items that need to be completed before signing the certification is acceptable. It must be signed by the owner. This form says all subdivision improvements have been completed. It also says that all construction conforms to approved plans and any discrepancies have been approved by the County. This means the as- built plans have been approved by VDOT,and they have agreed to any discrepancies,which should be documented in acceptance correspondence or punchlists. Revised 7/26/2012 huts 0 coeS 1npk' 03 01- 0( 6 0000- 1 Albemarle County Private Road Acceptance Procedure This is the procedure developed by the Albemarle County Community Development Department for the completion of private roads. The items in this list must be completed in the order given. 1. Tests and Inspections: Have all necessary tests and inspections performed by a professional engineer 7 geotech, or VDOT certified inspector. This should include, at a minimum, alifornia Bearing Ratio(CBR) tests, bC stone depth inspections, including installation of under-drains and cross-drains, © fill compaction tests, $: pipe and drainage structure video inspections or equivalent, Vbase and surface pavement inspections,documenting materials, thickness and compaction concrete tests ® structural and related inspections for any bridges and foundations Compile a report of these tests, certified by a professional engineer, and submit this report with the as-built plans. As-built plans and plats: Provide drawings of the constructed improvements according to the Albemarle County As-built Road Plan Policy. Provide copies of all recorded drainage easements, sight easements, and right-of-way plats. Plats should be copies of the actual recorded documents from the Clerk's office. Before completing as-built drawings, make any corrections necessary to ensure all improvements are within right-of-ways and easements. 3. Bond inspection: Request a bond reduction or release inspection from the County, which will reduce or release your bond, indicating completion or partial completion,or generate a letter indicating items in need of documentation or completion. The following documents will be needed with your bond inspection request; Completed Bond Inspection Request form and fee V/ A form and fee are required for each bond,such as for a project with multiple phases and bonds. i As-built documents per items 1 and 2 above. An as-built plan prepared in accordance with the County's As-Built Road Plan Policy is required. For any releases or reductions,the minimum requirements of this policy must be met,if only to ensure that all improvements are in right-of-way and easements. Signed and sealed letter from a professional engineer listed and certifying that completed improvements are built according to plan. Please do not e-mail or fax copies of this letter. An original signature and certifying seal are required. Please do not use qualifying statements such as"it appeared",or"to the best of my knowledge",or "generally in accord". Improvements were either built to plan,or they were not. As-built measurements, construction inspections,and other field verifications should be cited and included. Tolerances should be noted. The items not built according to plan must be listed,with explanations. Deviation in pavement materials and thicknesses must be listed. If street trees or sidewalks,or other items were moved,or added, this should be noted. If drainage changed,by addition or deletion of culverts,inlets,or re-alignments of pipes or grades,this should be verified by revised computations and attached to the letter. If there are outstanding items or omissions,these should be listed. Graphics are helpful. In short,please provide more than a statement of opinion or assurance. Please demonstrate that the improvements and construction have been inspected,investigated and documented,and are certified in detail,and county staff will not be in the position of discovering discrepancies and deficiencies in the field. Completed Certificate of Completion This form must be received for release of a bond. It is available on the county website.In the case of reductions,a letter listing the outstanding items that need to be completed before signing the certification is acceptable. It must be signed by the owner. This form says all subdivision improvements have been completed. It also says that all construction conforms to approved plans and any discrepancies have been approved by the County. i:-110($ d = cues 00t 0(0, f VO -- re (JRA,o o. s reAlts sof d ‘i6t,(-7),__) (014&' 6 dc.le_j2j:C boi R( 11 21e - ickdr deAr\-6')-1- „ft e( A 4_ pACY • 7( '14C(X -fe,5-f ? . s?1A7 IY\•7 Ce/1166( _ . 41,C1 4cpAAV 014 fiv-e-ls lied OZ (61 6L.0 D8t- PC DA 62.6e f'SS(Mn-i- S loci cid (, Rau ==-4-> ac-P � 01-1/Lea� o or e (` p- rap --)SAN-e c6c,ntullv _ —>3/ n I . 1 Iss '\, _ _ ._______. __________._. ______ Mo. 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(1-17-vsrikr) s151212 of +nD + c S J arr a-5 - — & lam+` l o )dl Jo \ )(i)pyrn4 ktit?-d°J) --,40ck'\ 1/R) — 019 01 imCk °dA �S'O`D \°"';11 � 1',541-�5 v r) s-) 17) 5-e n a. 64 1-711 qc, °61\4 1-)Jv.0)-_) c „,21 5fi „Si ')0170 ,&7 64 0/ 7,7Z/s, ! d-do/3 1,i4,74 , • S) c15 --�Od/1 p.-2A44 r ,n)p4n1 D'J� 1✓ vu yin 0'2-� S ) 1:T27d Q 0 I915/s-67� -}91 R� ROUDABUSH, GALE &ASSOCIATES, INC. A A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION e P LAND SURVEYING Serving Virginia Since 1956 ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SURVEY DEPARTMENT 172 SOUTH PANTOPS DRIVE,STE.A 914 MONTICELLO ROAD JIM L.TAGGART,RE CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 2291 i CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA 22902 WILLIAM J.LEDBETTER,L.S. DON FRANCO,P.E. PHONE(434)979-8121 PHONE(434)977-0205 BRIAN D.JAMISON.L.S. DAVID M.ROBINSON,P.E. FAX(434)979-1631 FAX(434)2964220 DAVID A.JORDAN,L.S. AMMY M.GEORGE,L.A. INFO@ROUDABUSH.COM KRISTOPHER C.WINTERS,L.S. TO: Albemarle County Community Development DATE: July 2,2018 JOB#: 8053 ATTN: Ana Kilmer,Management Analyst County of Albemarle Department of Community Development 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville,VA 22902 X Attached _under separate cover via the following items: #of Copies Date Job# Description I 07/02/18 8053 BIR for SUB20160002I w/$269 fee 1 07/02/18 8053 As-Built Inspection Book for East Village(Old Trail) These are transmitted as checked below: _For Approval/Signature _For your use _Please return X Bond Reduction _Resubmitted w/revisions _Review/Comment _For Bids due Other REMARKS: This is for an 80%bond reduction on East Village.This book was also submitted to VDOT. SIGNED: Jeremy L.Fox If enclosures are not as noted,kindly notify us at once. EUBA01 00O)- 1 of A ell' COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE etv . ` Department of Community Development Construction Record Drawings (As-built) for Streets The following is a list of information required on as-built road drawings. It is preferable that the construction record drawing be prepared by someone other than the designer. Please do not provide design drawings as construction record drawings. signed and dated professional seal of the preparing engineer or surveyor. V The name and address of the firm and individual preparing the drawings on the title sheet. C. The constructed location of all items associated with the road construction must be shown. The items include, but are not limited to the following: le Horizontal Alignment—Show and label measurement points, and an interpreted line between measurements. Show the as-built centerline over the design centerline. Distinguish between the design and as-built by labels and line type. Measurements shall be at frequent enough intervals to accurately portray the as-built centerline, and the position of the roadway within the right-of-way or ieasement. Any portions outside the right-of-way or easement must be corrected by plat or construction. Vertical Alignment—Show and label measurement points, and an interpreted line between measurements. Show the as-built centerline over the design centerline. Distinguish between them by labels and line type. Write the constructed vertical elevations and compare to the design elevations where necessary. Measurements shall be at frequent enough intervals to accurately portray the as- built centerline. For alignments which deviate significantly from the design, provide curvature and / sight-distances. Corrections may be required for alterations from the design alignment. Edge of Pavement- Display the constructed edges of pavement and width measurements at every station, or more frequently if necessary to accurately portray the as-built edges. Show the as-built edges over the design edges for comparison. Show and label constructed edge of pavement radii for all intersections and cul-de-sacs. Edges for sidewalk, as well as ramps and curb cuts must be iincluded. Culverts, Pipes and Drainage Structures - Display the installed type of drainage structure, culvert/pipe size, material, inlets or end treatment(s), inlet and outlet protection, alignment and invert elevations compared to design. Computations: For slopes flatter than design, or inverts shallower than design,provide computations verifying design standards. ODitch Lines- Display the constructed location of all ditch lines, including typical section, direction of flow, and linings. 4. 6. Drainage Easements - Show all platted easements with dead book references labeled. Drainage must be within platted right-of-way or drainage easements. Provide copies of recorded documents. V Guardrail - Display the constructed location of guardrail, including the guardrail type, length and 4applied end treatments, compared to design. 8. Right of way and associated easements—Label deed book and page numbers for all dedicated right-of-ways, sight easements, slope easements, etc., and provide copies of recorded documents. VPavement Designs—Label the as-built pavement and base layers. Indicate the measured pavement thicknesses based on inspections or cores as referenced and included. Inspection reports are required for fill compaction, CBR's, and pavement applications. Ti .treet Trees—Provide design and as-built locations and species. Compare to design. . Signs—Show all installed signs and pavement markings. Include any pedestals or other features. r/= I1CkS 6 = j0es I10 4 4= h,e-vJs 6f, re.vi.e,wed